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MAY12, 2014

A Regular Meeting of the Exeter Township Board of Supervisors was called to order on Monday, May 12, 2014, at 7:00 RM. in the Township Building by Chairman Jeff Bukowski.

Jeff Bukowski, Chairman J Dona L. Starr, Vice Chair j Kenneth A. Smith Gary E. Lloyd Barry K. Ziegler

I Troy S. Bingaman, Township Manager/Secretary/Treasurer Andrew J. Bellwoar, Esquire, Solicitor Christopher L. Neidert, Chief of Police Clarence D. Hamm, Highway Superintendent

Joseph P. Rogosky, P.E., Great Valley Consultants, Township Engineer

The Meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag.

Public Comment

Jill Skaist, 30 Devon Drive addressed the proposed sewage management plan. She stated the residents of Glen pley understood Mr. Madeira was recommending a township-wide ordinance. Ms. Skaist stated no one ever iold them it was going to be just for them. She stated there are less than 70 homes in their community and felt this would be discriminatory and would have zero justification. Ms. Skaist reminded the board they agreed with ! their attorney, David Beane, when he stated the Glen Oley septic issues are no different from any others in the township. She questioned why the Board would single out Glen Oley when Glen Oley is only a fraction of the j systems within the Township. She understood the ordinance to be for the health, safety and well being of the residents to protect our land and water and she felt it should apply to all systems in the Township. Mr. Bukowski asked Ms. Skaist i f she was in favor or against the ordinance. Ms. Skaist stated she has not reviewed it in depth; however, conceptually she felt it was a good idea. She urged the Board to seriously | consider a township-wide ordinance. Luana Goldstan, 11 Gladwyn Drive, thanked the Board for considering adoption of the proposed sewage management plan ordinance. She felt the plan would help keep septic systems working properly to prevent health and safety issues. She stated it would compel homeowners with malfunctioning systems to take corrective action and implementing the plan would show the Township is being pro-active. Mrs. Goldstan felt the plan was needed township-wide due to the lack of responsibility on the part of some residents. She felt the PA DEP would recommend, i f not require, a township-wide plan and asked the Board to reconsider the current thought process by not making it an issue of exclusivity.

Louise Swartley, 31 Troxel Road, thanked the Board for seeing the need and implementing for the public, the input meetings for the Fiscal & Operations Management Plan. She stated it was very informative and it will be helpful for the Township in making decisions in the future. Mrs. Swartley stated the vision of looking ahead for

! die health of the Township is commendable. She also thanked the Board for providing information from the Steering Committee on the website. Mrs. Swartley stated the new process being used for the meeting videos is working out well. She stated she was very excited about the things being done for the betterment of the community. Mrs. Swartley presented a study she received from Sheila Miller titled "Fiscal Impacts of Different Land Uses".

Supervisors Present:

Others in Attendance:

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She felt, since this will be discussed through the planning effort she wanted to share this with the Supervisors. She also asked i f there were any requirements for doing wording for zoning and how are people chosen. Mr. Bukowski stated he would make sure the Steering Committee receives a copy of the study. Mr. Bukowski stated drafting ordinances would typically be tasked to the Solicitor. Mrs. Starr stated there are two ways, the Planning Commission can also write language for presentation to the Board in accordance with the MPC. However, she stated the Supervisors can draft language as well; which, must go before the Planning Commission for consideration prior to adoption. Mrs. Starr clarified non-land use ordinances do not need to go before the Planning Commission. Mr. Bukowski stated in the event there will be an ordinance drafted he would like to make sure there is sufficient time for public input. Mrs. Swartley stated she felt the Supervisors are now looking for the betterment of the Township as far as the programs being offered - she thanked the Board.

Lisa VanderLaan, 5560 Boyertown Pike, asked about the limited amount of data that has been uploaded for the g Plarrning effort and questioned who was making the determination as to what would get posted. To date, she ->j stated, the only thing on the website were minutes, agendas and videos. Mrs. VanderLaan felt this was °^ important to get the community as involved as possible. The Manager stated some of the documents being referred to, were provided by individual committee members; and, they were not discussed by the committee. He stated they have not been uploaded because he felt they would give the community the perception this is what the committee is discussing; however, it is not. Mr. Bukowski stated one of the committee members submitted their notes today and they may or may not be reviewed at the meeting. Mrs. VanderLaan stated anything being discussed should be included. She stated the minutes are another issue she will be raising Wednesday night. She stated they are not minutes. The Manager stated they are notes from the meeting of an informal committee. Mrs. VanderLaan stated i f you read them, you are not able to follow the discussion as you can at any other meeting. Mr. Bukowski stated anyone interested in more detail could view the videos online. Mrs. VanderLaan stated there seems to be some concern about Ordinance drafting. Other than the recent SMP j Ordinance, the last Zoning changes had been reviewed by the Planning Commission for about a year as the MPC states all zoning related Ordinances are required to be reviewed by them regardless of their origination. She stated the Planning Commission has spent a lot of time on the Restricted Office Commercial (Feb-Sept 2013); Historical (17 months) and the Agricultural Preservation (10 months). Mrs. VanderLaan stated none of these things were being done behind closed doors and there has certainly been opportunity for the community to be involved. In regards to Glen Oley and the SMP, she stated the reason this has come about is because of the situation in Glen Oley. She stated the Board was not talking about doing an SMP for the entire Township. Mrs. VanderLaan stated at the special meeting, the residents of Glen Oley were concerned about their property values and the potential for public sewers to be forced upon them. In her view, the purpose of the SMP was to placate the DEP to not force Glen Oley into public sewers. Mrs. VanderLaan stated she does not feel it is fair for all septic system owners to incur an expense because of this. Mr. Bukowski stated he understood Mrs. VanderLaan to be opposed to an SMP altogether. He stated the Manager heard from Attorney Beane today and in keeping with his promise, we are putting this out for public comment before we get to the point of legal review and advertising. Mrs. VanderLaan felt it was unfair for the Board to consider adding an unnecessary fee on the residents when, based on the PEL report, there may well need to be a tax increase for the fiscal health of the Township.

Mike Burkhart, 6133 Pond View Drive, was present to inform the Board about the Relay for Life of Exeter event being held in Don Thomas Stadium at Exeter High School from June 14th at 10:00 A.M. to June 15th at 10:00 A.M. Mr. Burkhart stated this was the number one fundraiser in support of the American Cancer Society. He was trying to get the word out to have the Community become involved. Mr. Burkhart stated the group has ' raised in excess of $50,000 so far and their campaign runs through August. He asked i f the K-9 Unit could ; attend the event and he would like to get information in the newsletter in the future. Sergeant Bailey stated he 1

would bring this to the attention of Chief Neidert.

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Minutes of April 2b*h Regular Meeting MOTIONby Mr. Ziegler, seconded by Mr. Smith to approve the minutes of the April 28 t h regular meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Disbursement MOTIONby Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Lloyd, to approve for payment the bills presented on the Disbursements Lists dated May 9 t h in the amounts of $375,469.82 in the General Fund; $58,895.55 in the Fire Services Fund; $46,309.19 in the Capital Expense Fund; $75,256.21 in the Sewer Fund; $539.48 in the Park Fund; and $6,669.54 in the State Liquid Fuels Fund. Motion carried unanimously.

Department Reports The Engineering, Police, Wastewater (including Gannett Fleming), Highway and Parks & Recreation Monthly Reports for February were submitted for the Board's review.

Treasurer's Reports —April MOTIONby Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Starr to accept the Treasurer's Reports for April 2014 subject to audit. Motion carried unanimously.

Communications A list of Incoming and Outgoing Communications was presented for the Board's review; and, is available for public inspection in the Township Office.


Internship: Albright College: Anne Ofili

The Manager stated he and the Finance Manager met with Ms. Ofili last week. She would be mterning in the accounting field starting on June 2 n d. As previously discussed the 1099 stipend would be $3,000 for 10 weeks at 35 hours per week. He stated she is engaged, ready and willing to learn and assist with anything we may need. The Manager stated at this point he has not heard from the other intern. MOTIONby Mr. Lloyd, seconded by Mrs. Starr to approve the stipend of $3,000 for Anne Ofili as an intern from Albright College. Motion carried unanimously.

Fire Advisory Board Resolution #2014-14 The Manager stated the amended Resolution was prepared in accordance with the discussion on April 28 th, for consideration by the Board. The only difference is we have removed the Chief as a member and replaced him with a representative of the Dept. MOTIONby Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Lloyd, to approve the amended Fire Advisory Board Resolution 2014-14. Motion carried unanimously.

Appointment of Fire Advisory Board Members MOTIONby Mrs. Starr, seconded by Mr. Lloyd, to appoint Richard Boyer (FD Rep.), Troy S. Bingaman (Manager), Barry K. Ziegler (Supervisor), Kenneth A. Smith, alternate; and, residents, David Engle, John Miravich, Lisa Ciotti, Jeff Koch and Jim Bucciaglia. Motion carried unanimously.


902 Recycling Grant The Manager stated the Township submitted a grant application in 2013. The PA DEP has approved the Township's application for funding in the amount of $99,004.

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The application requested funding for 2 Leaf Loaders, Tub Grinder repair parts, Environmental Education, Recycling Containers, Trout Run Expenses and signage. The Township's total match is $11,000 achieved ! through the environmental education we conduct through the quarterly newsletter. Mr. Lloyd asked what commitments the Township had in accepting the grant. It was explained the Township must remain in compliance with Act 101, purchase the requested items, duly noting the item(s) were purchase through PA DEP grant funds and file periodic reports. Mr. Bukowski also noted a project officer was required to be appointed. MOTION hy Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ziegler to accept the PA DEP 902 Recycling Grant in the amount of $99,004 for leaf loaders, tub grinder parts, environmental education, recycling bins and trout run expenses and signage; approve the Grant Agreement; and, appoint Clarence D. Hamm as the Project Officer. Motion carried unanimously.

Purchase of Leaf Loaders ^ The Highway Superintendent requested approval to purchase the two (2) leaf loaders included in the grant —j above. The State Contract (#4400011389) price is $75,702 for both machines. He indicated 90% would come § from the grant and the other 10% would come from the Liquid Fuels fund. MOTION hy Mrs. Starr, seconded by Mr. Lloyd, to approve the purchase of two (2) Leaf Loaders from The ODB Company at a cost of $75,702. Motion carried unanimously.


Harvey Avenue Bridge Mr. Rogosky stated he and the Manager received an email from Alan Piper indicating the Harvey Avenue Bridge was being considered for funding through the 2015-2018 TIP. He noted they are initially looking at a deck replacement only; however, there would still be opportxinity for more extensive actions i f necessary. Mr. Rogosky stated i f the TIP is approved, this would mean Federal and State dollars would be available after I October 1 s t with the Township having a 5% local match. The Manager asked Mr. Rogosky i f there was an estimate for the project to which Mr. Rogosky stated the deck replacement at the time was $500,000 and a complete replacement was estimated at $ 1.75m. Mr. Hamm asked i f we could look at redoing the entire intersection to address the old Butter Lane bridge a few feet away. Mr. Rogosky suggested discussing this with Alan Piper. Mr. Bukowski stated he is planning to attend the Transportation Conrrnittee of the Chamber on Friday and he would be happy to raise it at that time.

Multi-Modal Transportation Funding Opportunity Mr. Rogosky referred to a grant opportunity forwarded to Mm by the Manager. He stated the deadline is June 30th and he will work with staff to determine i f there are any qualifying projects for consideration.

Memorial Day Parade The Manager reminder everyone the Memorial Day parade will take place Monday, May 26 th therefore the next regular Board meeting will be held Tuesday, May 27th.

Traffic Signal Modifications - Rte. 422 /Sunset Manor Place /Pineland Road The Manager stated the traffic signals at Rte. 422 / Sunset Manor / Pineland Road are not presently in compliance with the approved traffic signal permit. He noted back in 2007 the Township requested consideration for accommodating pedestrian crossing at this intersection; which, was approved May 24, 2007. He stated Penn DOT contacted Telco and informed them the signal is supposed to have four (4) Hand/Man signals along with painted crosswalks from Pineland to Sunset Manor (Sunset Diner corner) and across Sunset | Manor to Sheetz. Telco has submitted a quote to get this intersection operating in accordance with the permit. The cost for providing and installing hand/man signals, push buttons and signage is $4,741. In addition the Township will need to have crosswalks painted on the road. Mrs. Franckowiak and Mr. Rogosky recommended looking back at the minutes to determine the reasons for the request.

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The Solicitor asked i f Penn DOT would consider revising the permit. Mr. Rogosky felt this would be unlikely due to the fact that Penn DOT completed a study to justify the modification to the signal. The matter was deferred to obtain additional information.

Election Day

Mr. Smith reminded everyone Election Day is Tuesday, May 20th. He encouraged everyone to vote.

Happy Memorial Day

Mrs. Starr wished all in attendance a happy and safe Memorial Day!

Countywide LERTA Mr. Bukowski stated he attended a Chamber of Commerce & Industry Government Affairs Committee meeting last Friday. He stated Berks County Commissioner, Christian Leinbach informed the group the County is looking into adopting a countywide LERTA (Local Economic Redevelopment Tax Abatement). He stated he wants it to be a simple ten (10) year LERTA to allow development of properties with no hit to the current tax base, positive cash flow to the municipality within one year and no strings attached for the developer. Mr. Bukowski stated they are hoping to roll this out this fall; and, he feels it is a great idea. He recommends the Township stay in touch with the County so we can be one of the first to adopt a similar LERTA. Mr. Bukowski stated he would send an email to the Steering Committee. In addition, attending this meeting were designees of Senators Argall and Fullmer, who are proposing school property tax reform. There will be several Q&A sessions coming up, sponsored by GREP and others. He noted this was SB76 which proposes elimination of nearly all school real estate tax and shifts it to income and sales & use tax. Memorial Day - Veteran Recognition vlr. Bukowski thanked Mr. Howell for sharing materials on John Owen Davies, a local Veteran who was a Prisoner of War in North Vietnam and his always appropriate message for Memorial Day. He joined Mrs. Starr in wishing all a Happy Memorial Day and thanked all of our Veterans! ADJOURNMENT MOTIONby Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Lloyd, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried imanimously. The Meeting adjourned at 7:53 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

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Date: 05/09/2014 Time: 9:33:35AM

Selective Check Register User: Page:


Exeter Township Including all check statuses

For Bank Id VC and Check Number from 001305 to 001325

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VC 001305 O 0000001422 SEEDWAY 04/28/2014 474.00

VC 001306 O 0000001641 ADVANCED DISPOSAL SERVICES 05/12/2014 831.61

VC 001307 O 0000009647 ALLIED WASTE SERVICE #318 05/12/2014 16,318.00

VC 001308 O 0000009752 BERNVILLE QUALITY FUELS INC 05/12/2014 41.00

VC 001309 O 0000008244 CODY COMPUTER SERVICES INC 05/12/2014 4,093.75

VC 001310 O 0000002550 EASTERN INDUSTRIES INC 05/12/2014 117.72

VC 001311 O 0000003100 EXETER SUPPLY CO INC 05/12/2014 2,596.24

VC 001312 O 0000000089 GRANTURK EQUIPMENT CO INC 05/12/2014 2,941.40

VC 001313 O 0000005100 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC 05/12/2014 161.78

VC 001314 0 0000000454 OFFICE SERVICE CO 05/12/2014 215.78

VC 001315 0 0000000677 P A U L W E S S I G INC 05/12/2014 757.00

VC 001316 0 0000002165 PIONEER CROSSING LANDFILL 05/12/2014 646.81

VC 001317 o 0000000192 PLASTERER EQUIP CO INC 05/12/2014 587.81

VC 001318 0 0000000071 QUILL CORP 05/12/2014 177.94

VC 001319 0 0000004150 RADIO MAINTENANCE INC 05/12/2014 173.30

VC 001320 0 0000006700 READING FOUNDRY & SUPPLY CO LLC 05/12/2014 3.80

VC 001321 0 0000000353 RIDGEWOOD SOILS 05/12/2014 233.20

VC 001322 0 0000000257 S & S WORLDWIDE 05/12/2014 112.08

VC 001323 0 0000000626 SUBURBAN TESTING LABS 05/12/2014 5,052.68

VC 001324 0 0000001916 VERIZON WIRELESS 05/12/2014 2,497.21

VC 001325 0 0000008550 ZEP MANUFACTURING CO 05/12/2014 1,982.03 Bank ID: VC Name: VISA Clearing Checking Account #: 539001776 Bank ID Totals:

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Time: «n-=*-niAM E "ownship

Including all check statuses For Bank Id GC and Check Number from 083594 to 083689

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GC 083594 0 0000002068 DAVID BEHM 05/01/2014 3,975.48

GC 083595 0 0000002317 KAREN GRYCON 05/01/2014 2,164.43

GC 083596 0 0000008351 CRAIG E DOWNS 05/01/2014 3,822.48

GC 083597 0 0000001791 A & H EQUIPMENT COMPANY 05/12/2014 172.44 GC 083598 0 0000002318 A B MARTIN ROOFING SUPPLY LLC 05/12/2014 34.50

GC 083599 0 0000008151 ADVANTAGE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 05/12/2014 192.20

GC 083600 V 0000002105 AMERICAN UNITED LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 05/12/2014 0.00

GC 083601 0 0000002105 AMERICAN UNITED LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 05/12/2014 1,155.43

GC 083602 0 0000004300 ANDREW HESS INC 05/12/2014 408.00

GC 083603 0 0000000174 ANDREW J WALBERT 05/12/2014 15.00

GC 083604 0 0000000402 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 05/12/2014 22.02

GC 083605 V 0000000096 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE INC 05/12/2014 0.00

GC 083606 0 0000000096 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE INC 05/12/2014 40,931.93

GC 083607 0 0000000804 BEILER HYDRAULICS 05/12/2014 1,334.50

GC 083608 0 0000000158 BERKS COUNTY ASSOCIATION 05/12/2014 60.00

GC 083609 0 0000001100 BERKS ENVIROTECH INC 05/12/2014 843.61

GC 083610 0 0000008305 BERKSHIRE SYSTEMS GROUP INC 05/12/2014 248.00

GC 083611 0 0000000781 BERMAN FREIGHTLINER 05/12/2014 118.82

GC 083612 0 0000001349 BIRDSBORO AUTO PARTS 05/12/2014 718.81

GC 083613 0 0000009553 BRIAN BOLLINGER 05/12/2014 15.00

GC 083614 0 0000008261 BRIAN SANDS 05/12/2014 680.00

GC 083615 0 0000008127 BROWNELLS INC 05/12/2014 156.09

GC 083616 0 0000001158 CAROL LEINBACH 05/12/2014 254.03

GC 083617 0 0000001940 CENTRAL PA TEAMSTERS 05/12/2014 53,664.12

GC 083618 0 0000001941 CENTRAL PA TEAMSTERS 05/12/2014 14,350.00

GC 083619 0 0000001808 CENTRAL PENN OIL 05/12/2014 45.00

GC 083620 0 0000001549 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES 05/12/2014 785.27

GC 083621 0 0000000414 CITY OF READING 05/12/2014 1,514.70

GC 083622 0 0000001460 CLARKE MOSQUITO CONTROL PRODUCTS INC 05/12/2014 1,502.00

GC 083623 0 0000008290 COLONIAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO INC 05/12/2014 11.81

GC 083624 0 0000000544 COUNTY OF BERKS 05/12/2014 1,062.50

GC 083625 0 0000002170 COUNTY OF BERKS 05/12/2014 274,995.73

GC 083626 0 0000008143 DCED 05/12/2014 548.00

GC 083627 0 0000001936 DXP ENTERPRISES INC 05/12/2014 497.46

GC 083628 0 0000001500 E J BRENEMAN LP 05/12/2014 3,697.50

GC 083629 0 0000001565 EDWARDS LANDSCAPE & NURSERY 05/12/2014 956.00

GC 083630 0 0000001750 EL MOR CHEVROLET 05/12/2014 67.37

GC 083631 0 0000002209 ESTATE OF MARIE ZECHMAN 05/12/2014 76.78

GC 083632 0 0000002274 EXETER VETERINARY HOSPITAL 05/12/2014 73.56

GC 083633 0 0000000361 FRASER ADVANCED 05/12/2014 1 6 4 ^


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Time: 10:53:01AM Exeter Township

Including all check statuses For Bank Id GC and Check Number from 083594 to 083689

rciye. t. ro ro o


GC 083634 0 0000001522 FULTON BANK LEASING 05/12/2014 3,164.57

GC 083635 O 0000000119 GARY P SNYDEMAN 05/12/2014 57.25

GC 083636 V 0000000945 GREAT VALLEY CONSULTANTS 05/12/2014 0.00

GC 083637 0 0000000945 GREAT VALLEY CONSULTANTS 05/12/2014 7,667.54

GC 083638 0 0000000281 HAFER PETROLEUM EQUIP LTD 05/12/2014 59.04

GC 083639 0 0000000741 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS 05/12/2014 453.55

GC 083640 0 0000000254 HESS EMBROIDERY & UNIFORM 05/12/2014 131.00

GC 083641 0 0000001175 HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO 05/12/2014 1,245.84

GC 083642 0 0000002035 IMOW GROUP, LLC 05/12/2014 3,775.00

GC 083643 0 0000000091 KEYSTONE TEES INC 05/12/2014 665.00

GC 083644 V 0000000049 LOWE'S 05/12/2014 0.00

GC 083645 V 0000000049 LOWE'S 05/12/2014 0.00

GC 083646 0 0000000049 LOWE'S 05/12/2014 542.16

GC 083647 O 0000005800 MET-ED 05/12/2014 23,454.33

GC 083648 0 0000001525 MUNICIPAL CAPITAL CORPORATION 05/12/2014 471.00

GC 083649 0 0000000904 OVERHEAD DOOR 05/12/2014 1,100.00

GC 083650 0 0000006163 PA ONE CALL SYSTEM INC 05/12/2014 91.80

GC 083651 0 0000000208 PAUL A HERB 05/12/2014 161.28

GC 083652 0 0000008058 PEN TELE DATA 05/12/2014 209.90

GC 083653 0 0000008133 PENNSYLVANIA-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY 05/12/2014 35.81

GC 083654 0 0000006254 PHILADELPHIA BALL & 05/12/2014 29.00

GC 083655 o 0000001105 PICPA 05/12/2014 320.00

GC 083656 0 0000002206 PPG ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS 05/12/2014 480.92

GC 083657 0 0000002127 QUAKER CITY STAMP DIVISION 05/12/2014 19.65

GC 083658 0 0000000194 QUALITY ROOFING SUPPLY COMPANY 05/12/2014 44.92

GC 083659 0 0000009293 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS 05/12/2014 36.12

GC 083660 0 0000002203 ROBIN SCARPACI 05/12/2014 300.00

GC 083661 0 0000006800 SCOTT REIDER INC 05/12/2014 429.74

GC 083662 0 0000002211 SHANE L SCHLOSBERG 05/12/2014 85.33

GC 083663 0 0000008345 SINGER EQUIPMENT COMPANY 05/12/2014 1,605.00

GC 083664 0 0000001583 SOME'S UNIFORMS INC 05/12/2014 381.00

GC 083665 0 0000002208 SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE 05/12/2014 503.76

GC 083666 0 0000007620 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 05/12/2014 13.55

GC 083667 0 0000002210 STEPHEN SOLOTIST AND/OR WENDY EVERETT 05/12/2014 50.02

GC 083668 0 0000001062 STEPHENSON EQUIPMENT INC 05/12/2014 33.10

GC 083669 0 0000000484 STEVE T SCHAEFFER 05/12/2014 50.25

GC 083670 0 0000001191 STRATIX SYSTEMS 05/12/2014 82.60

GC 083671 0 0000001051 STRATIX SYSTEMS INC 05/12/2014 453.41

GC 083672 V 0000001545 SUSQUEHANNA MUNICIPAL TRUST 05/12/2014 0.00

GC 083673 o 0000001545 SUSQUEHANNA MUNICIPAL TRUST 05/12/2014 52,928.00


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Date: 05/09/2014 Time: 10:53:01AM

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Exeter Township Including all check statuses

For Bank Id GC and Check Number from 083594 to 083689


GC 083674 O 0000002180 SYMBOL ARTS 05/12/2014 185.00

GC 083675 O 0000001415 TELCO INC 05/12/2014 123.00

GC 083676 O 0000001719 THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY 05/12/2014 46.00

GC 083677 O 0000002204 THE SODA CLUB 05/12/2014 175.00

GC 083678 O 0000007200 THE WATER GUY 05/12/2014 27.96

GC 083679 O 0000008000 U S POSTMASTER 05/12/2014 6,000.00

GC 083680 O 0000007993 UGI UTILITIES INC 05/12/2014 2,492.48

GC 083681 O 0000000214 USA BLUE BOOK 05/12/2014 151.57

GC 083682 0 0000008074 VEN-MAR SALES INC 05/12/2014 160.03

GC 083683 O 0000001784 VISUAL COMPUTER SOLUTIONS INC 05/12/2014 300.00

GC 083684 O 0000002329 WALMART COMMUNITY BRC 05/12/2014 208.58

GC 083685 O 0000002179 WALTERS ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 05/12/2014 175.00

GC 083686 O 0000001238 WINDSTREAM 05/12/2014 76.46

GC 083687 0 0000009274 YALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY 05/12/2014 149.33

GC 083688 0 0000000155 YEAGER SUPPLY INC 05/12/2014 211.97

GC 083689 0 0000002249 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE CO #52 05/12/2014 176.26

Bank ID: GC Name: General Checking Checking Account*: 536364227 Bank ID Totals:

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E X E T E R TOWNSHIP R E S O L U T I O N #2014- |H

Whereas the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Exeter, Berks County, Pennsylvania recognizes and values the services provided by the volunteer emergency service organizations and personnel; and,

Whereas the Board also recognizes the importance of healthy and functional organizations as emergency service providers; and,

Whereas it is the intent of the Board to assist in providing support and encouragement for the long-term preservation and enhancement of these volunteer emergency service organizations; and,

Whereas in order to provide a method for these volunteer emergency service organizations to assess, set goals and objectives, prioritize those goals and objectives, make recommendations, and provide a mechanism for implementing improvements to the fire and emergency service delivery system, the Board of Supervisors; and,

Whereas on May 8, 2006, the Board created the Emergency Services Task Force, also known as the Fire Advisory Board to make recommendations to the Fire Department and/or Board of Supervisors that will produce improved service delivery, reduce duplication, and promote preservation and enhancement of the volunteer fire services

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Exeter to approve and sanction the continuation of this Emergency Services Task Force (aka Fire Advisory Board). The Board shall be comprised of a predetermined number of representative(s) selected from the fire and/or rescue company, elected official(s) and citizen members at large. The local governments shall appoint elected or appointed officials as representatives on the Board.

The representation for the Board shall be as follows:

Exeter Township Fire Department - One (1) Representative from the Department Exeter Township - two (2) representatives - The Manager, one (1) Supervisor and one (1) alternate St. Lawrence Borough - one (1) representative and one (1) alternate Citizens at-large - five (5) representatives appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

The Board of Supervisors shall officially appoint, by motion, all acceptable candidates to the Board for a period of two (2) years. Appointed members may succeed themselves in these positions upon re­appointment by the Supervisors.

The Board shall have the ability to appoint any and all subcommittees comprised of individuals selected or recruited from the community, but these persons shall not have voting privileges on the Task Force.

RESOLVED AND ENACTED this 12 • day of May 2014 by the Exeter Township Board of Supervisors.


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