Page 1: I a m sure many of us have read C. S. Lewis’ book, The ...Screwtape Letters? "Screwtape" is a devil, a very Why this advice? Being a devil, Screwtape w There is no storm too great

June 21st Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the desk of the pastor…

I am sure many of us have read C. S. Lewis’ book, The

Screwtape Letters? "Screwtape" is a devil, a very

accomplished devil. Using any trickery he can, Screwtape

turns people away from God.

By his letters, Screwtape gives advice to Wormwood, his

young nephew and apprentice who is just learning the

deceptive ways of devils. In one letter, Screwtape writes to

Wormwood, "Keep them anxious, make certain they are

worried about something." Remind people about their fears.

Why this advice? Being a devil, Screwtape wants to get

people so focused on their fears that they forget God.

At one time the apostles experienced a violent storm in the

sea. The waves came crashing over the boat, so that it was

already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion.

He was there in the center of the storm, sleeping though.

One thing we can take from this is that Jesus awaits our

prayer. He waits for us to turn to Him in the midst of the

storm. Notice that the “prayer” of the Apostles is similar to

how we pray at times.

“Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” God is

often silent as a way of calling us to Himself so that we turn to

Him in trust and confidence. Jesus took their prayer and


This is the weekend that the churches are re-opening. Yet,

many are feeling scared and insecure at what the future holds

for them. Aren’t we taking this rather fast? What guarantee is

there that we will be safe coming to church? “Teacher, do

you not care that we are perishing?” The re-opening of

churches is Jesus’ way of calming the storms of fear and

insecurity in our hearts. He’s asking us to trust Him.

There is no storm too great for Him. Nothing He cannot

handle. All of that stuff on your mind about “Re-opening of

churches”? Replace those fearful thoughts with His words of

truth. And sleep in peace tonight. He knows what concerns

you, He’s got you covered.

“Don’t be afraid,” it is I!

Page 2: I a m sure many of us have read C. S. Lewis’ book, The ...Screwtape Letters? "Screwtape" is a devil, a very Why this advice? Being a devil, Screwtape w There is no storm too great

June 21st Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 3: I a m sure many of us have read C. S. Lewis’ book, The ...Screwtape Letters? "Screwtape" is a devil, a very Why this advice? Being a devil, Screwtape w There is no storm too great

June 21st Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sat. June 20th 4:00 p.m.

Zoom Mass

Holy Mass † Victor Fenech and Mary Francis by Rita Deguara.

Sun. June 21st 9:00 a.m. (BC)

11:00 a.m. (FF)

Holy Mass † Daniel, Florence and Michael Boyle

by Kathy Boyle

For Special Intentions for Kathy Boyle and Family

Wed. June 24th 1:00 p.m. (BC)

Thurs. June 25th 9:00 a.m. (FF)

Fri. June 26th 1:00 p.m. (BC)

Sat. June 27th 4:00 p.m.

Zoom Mass

The Deceased Members of the Deguara Family by Rita Deguara

Sun. June 28th

9:00 a.m. (BC)

11:00 a.m. (FF)

Holy Mass † Joseph & Agnes Fobert by Bernie & Irene Fobert

Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish

CWL Outreach – Having realized that there are desperate people in the community in need of

help but for personal reasons are uncomfortable coming

to the Food Bank, we have extended service to include

our telephone number: 705-928-8204. Please phone

leaving your family status (i.e. single, couple, children

etc.) and telephone number and we will get back to

you. A delivery can then be made with anonymity still

maintained. Only one person answers the phone, so

utmost discretion can be observed.

Church Cleaning – Thank you very much for the kind

generosity of parishioners who have donated to the

church cleaning fund. We have raised the amount

needed and the cleaning is now complete.

In addition to this, we have been able to

repaint the parking lot lines.

Let us remember in our prayers all who are sick

Bobcaygeon – Paul Sirois, Edgar Thompson, Joseph Ehmann, Judith Dann, Jody Kucera, Helen Vozza, Anne Hayes, Cindy Schwarzli, Raymond Tobin, Kathy Tobin, Deacon Bill Steenburg, Deborah Anne Dunbar-Angus, and Mary Anne Dunbar. Fenelon Falls – P. McKeaveney, Anne Stinson, Rita Lenton, Gilmore Brand, Patrick White, Cindy Schwartzli, and Deacon Bill Steenburg.

Page 4: I a m sure many of us have read C. S. Lewis’ book, The ...Screwtape Letters? "Screwtape" is a devil, a very Why this advice? Being a devil, Screwtape w There is no storm too great

June 21st Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for June

We pray that all those who suffer may find their

way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by

the Heart of Jesus.

Most Reverend Bishop Miehm's Message for the

Reopening of Parishes (June 2020)

His Excellency Most Reverend Bishop

Miehm outlines the Diocesan plan

for the reverent and safe reopening of the

parishes during the COVID-19

pandemic. Please see this here:

Our Parish websites are now live!

Thank you Thank you to all of those who called into the

phone line prayer group: participating in


You are encouraged to

either continue praying

privately at home or to

attend the Friday Mass at

1:00 p.m. each week in

Bobcaygeon. No sign-up

will be required for this

Friday Mass as attendance has never been at

30% capacity on Fridays.

Page 5: I a m sure many of us have read C. S. Lewis’ book, The ...Screwtape Letters? "Screwtape" is a devil, a very Why this advice? Being a devil, Screwtape w There is no storm too great

June 21st Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass for 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Mass for the 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time

will be celebrated by His Excellency Most Reverend

Bishop Miehm from the Cathedral of St. Peter-in-Chains.

The Concelebrant is Fr. Joshy George. The lector

is Stephen Moore. The cantors are Fr. Paul Massel and

Kelly Robertson who also serves as pianist.


COGECO YourTV Peterborough

Mass airs at 11:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Channels 10 and 700 in HD.

Facebook & Internet

Sunday Mass will be broadcast at 8:30 a.m. on the COGECO YourTV website and on the

Facebook page

YouTube for the Mass of the Ascension of the Lord.

(This YouTube link will be live on Sunday at 7:00 a.m.)

Offertory Received by Mail on June 9th

OLQP - $ 600

St. Aloysius - $ 340

PBF Donation Received June 9th

OLQP - $5

St. Aloysius - $20

Church Cleaning Donations to Date

OLQP - $ 2070

The continued

generosity of all

who give to both

parishes is greatly


Thank you to all of

those who

continue to keep

our parish alive

with their prayers,

time, and


Page 6: I a m sure many of us have read C. S. Lewis’ book, The ...Screwtape Letters? "Screwtape" is a devil, a very Why this advice? Being a devil, Screwtape w There is no storm too great

June 21st Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

To All Parishioners of

Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Aloysius Parishes

My dear Brothers and Sisters, as you know the Province of

Ontario recently announced new guidelines which enable

churches to open up. However, they have placed many

restrictions on how this is to be done to ensure the safety of all

who attend. With God's help, we will make this all work. Outlined

below are the guidelines that we will follow for the foreseeable


After meeting with committees from both parishes, and

reviewing the stringent protocols that we must have in place to

ensure that Mass is conducted safely it has been decided that:

Sunday Masses will be conducted at Our Lady Queen of Peace

at 9:00 AM, and St. Aloysius at 11:00 AM.

A Zoom Mass for both parishes will be offered on Saturday at 4:00

PM, to allow those who cannot attend mass during this time…

those most at risk because of old age or compromised health…”

(Letter of Bp. Daniel Miehm, June 10th, 2020). If you’re not on

the zoom email list please email [email protected])

The province has dictated that no more than thirty percent of

the church capacity can be occupied at any one time.

Parishioners MUST pre-register by 12 noon on the Friday before

the Sunday Mass. This information is required in case we have an

outbreak of COVID-19. Then we can tell the authorities with

certainty who was in attendance. To pre-register you must

contact the church office and leave a message. I don’t

anticipate thirty percent being exceeded at either of our

parishes. However, it is a requirement that after each mass the

church must be thoroughly cleaned, at least 72 hours between

the time the church was last attended.

Social distancing rules must be followed at all times: 6 feet.

We will have ushers who will control the entrance of people and

the seating of people.

Offertory gifts of bread and wine will not be brought to the front

of the church during Mass.

For those who wish to partake in communion, ushers will direct

people when to come up for communion.

On exiting, the church ushers will also direct people as to when

they may exit the church. They will also ensure that parishioners

do not congregate near the doorway once outside thus

preventing others from leaving the church.

No offertory collection will be taken up. Instead, offertory baskets

will be set up at the back (or side) to drop your Sunday

donations as you exit the church.

Page 7: I a m sure many of us have read C. S. Lewis’ book, The ...Screwtape Letters? "Screwtape" is a devil, a very Why this advice? Being a devil, Screwtape w There is no storm too great

June 21st Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

To All Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Peace

and St. Aloysius Parishes – Continued

Other safety precautions that will be in place include:

** If you have a temperature above 37.5 C/98.6 F, please stay home. Catholics who are ill are

not obliged to attend Sunday Mass. Additionally, during these pandemic days, the dispensation

from obligation to attend Sunday Mass continues.

1. Hand sanitizer at the entrance of each church.

2. Just temporary: Votive candles - the

lighters have been removed from the area

where votive candles are lit. Holy Water

fonts remain empty. No altar servers.

3. All in the assembly are strongly

encouraged to wear a face mask.

4. Communion will only be given in the

hand, maintaining physical distance of six

feet or two metres from the priest/

Eucharistic minister. Please understand,

this is only temporary.

5. Washrooms at the church are only

to be used for emergencies and

will not be cleaned between uses. Remember mother always asked if everyone had gone before

we got in the car for mass (time to remember her practical advice).

6. There will be no singing of hymns at mass.

7. For the greeting of Peace, please make a simple nod of the head towards other parishioners

as a sign of peace.

I repeat, it is a requirement that after each of these Masses the church must be thoroughly

cleaned. Regular cleaning can only be conducted if there is at least 72 hours between the time

the church was last attended and cleaned.

I'm sure many of you might feel frustrated and overwhelmed by all these restrictions. However, let

me assure you they are necessary. If we were ever to have an outbreak of COVID-19 among ANY

of our Parishioners who attended a Mass, ALL Masses would be suspended for both Churches. As

well, ALL Parishioners who attended Mass (and their families) would be required to self-isolate for a

minimum of fourteen days.

With God's help and patience on our part, we will get through this together.

God Bless.

Father Luis

Note: Father John Henry will not be offering a 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday as was offered in previous

years. On behalf of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish and St. Aloysius, I wish to express my heartfelt

gratitude for the gift of his priesthood which he so lovingly shared with us. We love you, Father John.

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