Page 1: I Col · 2019-10-23 · the present condition of the bhor mar ·et, t 1an fitly j•OI>ll'ls 't~llmg m nddit10n to the lowed to t;se to its n,\tUlal level in the llline when the owners


' We shall w~lllngly le.uvc that put of the F=-======-~~-~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~--

(1 ing wh, the1 any of the pa.s~nser., by the 'tV J1es, South Austwlt,t, ,iJH.I Van !Jwmen's • l' ea••lry, nnrt by them <lelcg~te<l to the roton ial ~.dd Ehip are lunatic, id·..,trc, ae,lf, dumb, Laud, on thP day of Government, subJeCt to such dc.luct•ons and cond1•

bhnd, or 11lfit m, mHl if so, whether in the m ti•C, ear of our Lord, One thous:tnd eio·ht t•ons as ·•re lnlposed by Law, or recommended tn contest to the untiring zeal and wn.tcl.ful

eye of the bon. member for I(.lmore,

who (tf we mistake not) some yea1 s aho

excited tbe wonder flnd ndmu atiun of tile

literary and scient:fic world, by the pro­

ductlO'l of an abstruse cbsertutron on this

• o the Rep01tofthePtiVY Counc•l. Oj'lllltHl 'j tit<• >aid of:ictrtiteyot any oftltem hunched cltlcl fifLy ; in all that ORDER OF 'IHF Dlo.Y. '''• lrk<'lv to becomu JlCtlt tancutly .1 <'harg<' ttgards "h P' R•rtvmg ftom the East Coast of 1. Bank of New 8out't \\ ule< Act Amendment upo .. t 1t<' pu •.!·~ 01 up )H <Illy ( h.\J tt.tblc lll'tl- .\ftLC t (tn<:ludtng the C.tpe vi nood Hope), Btll, to be conmiC!Ccl!U Comn.lltce t'ltron. 'tH.l. ohall ietu,u the list so ~11tlor~cd the 'Vc<t Co t•i. of Anrc11ca, Asra (except NOTJCF. or 'I01JuN to the :\bHtct. Ports on the :Meclttcrt.Utean Sea), :1LHl allm- I ~rr ~noct~:~nss-To mo\e That tlm Council ilo

\-lr TJ t' tl e ]' t f ' ' tct•nccJ't.te counh•,l" art·'lslart<1s on tlte resolve•tselt mto~tComn Itteeofthcwhole. for the c P 1. 1 r• o p"ssengcts en~otsen . • ., u - purpo•e of cou'Jdcllng the Ueport ot the Sel•ct 'lo aforosai 1 s't~ll h:t,·e b.•en 1 e, mncd to the da0 of IU the year of out L ur d One t:onarattee, on the oUIJectof pollee. presented to this

very subject.

Whrle thus eRchewing the scicnti.f.c part

of the question, we do not flmch fro,n

grar,pling with the pra<'tical consideration

of some of the evrls of wlmh the Bul be-

rnn~tet. no pns~cnger sh.t!l uc allowed to tn usnnd eit;ht !Jundt sd and fitly Counc•l on the lith September la~t. lc<tvc the :;•,ip. ,rnd m all that H'gatds shrps .lniving fton~ !--------------.-~-

VHI. It ~u.v master slrnll neglect to mn,n- olhet pl.1ces ou llle clay of t .tin anv p"l"cnget ns herc•m ptuvHktl 1ot in the y'<'rt of om Lord, One thousand eight forty-e1ght bou.~ aftet lrt> a.rt\al: '1! •mn.itt••l nnd filtv . Provided al­\\ithin st.clt tmte t.tke do;\n anv berth, occu- \1',1\S that thiR A"ct shall not cxt<>n•l to emi­piNl bv p.1sscnge1s dming the voyage, 01 gt.;nts brought to the Colony at the publtc ~hallrefusc_to ofiotd tu the emtgratw·, ofri~et, expense.

fore us contemplates the removal.

It will rt once be admitted by all ex-perienced men -

I. 'I !rat scab is infectious.

2. That" hen it gets among clean sheep

it is most rapid and desolating in 1ts pro·


3. That a large antl constant supply of

labour is indispensable for ev~n attempting

a cu1 e of infe, ted flocb.

eve. v fact! tt\ fot sudt H~>pPt·tton .Is h het Clll XIX. 'fbe wm c] " mastet ," whPI ever used tc•qunc·d: or "ha,]~tfu~c or ncgl<Jctto exltilltt i, th1> Act. shall bcll'·ld toapplvto,.,nvperson nhl'll!ed npon, the Jt,t Ot p,lr;.sengl'JS' 01 1rt command ot :1 <htp; the \\Ot<l' sh.p" shctll ,h.ll! '"lfulll' <'xlnuit a fntsc !:tit: 01 shall pet- include all Briti,Jt or fore~gn vessels ot :m; m.tall\ p1sscngcr to te,wc the 8hrpwnt,louch klll<l Clltty1ug pas•cngers, exc<.>pt het 111 \· h't duty end01scd sh,dl ha'e IJcen lcturned JCsty',~lllps of war 01 nanspottsw theservtce to him. ·the!) for such otl\·ncc the satt.! master ol tr!c En•t India Company, and ships in the shall be J,.tble to a penalty not ex, ced,ng sc1 ~tee of the Comnnssionets for e:>eccutmg tw•nty JWUuds nor leso than fi1 c pound, the offi c of lligh Admi1a]; the worch sect ling. "sta utC' adu't." shall include eve1y pcr;:on

IX. \Vrthin twenty-four homs after the flbo1 e the ngc of fourteen yeats nnd evet,v :'niv.1l of a •Y •hip ~" lf'oteo,nd, the mu,te, t11o cln[drcn each being under the age of 'hall deli\ ei tu the cmigt•1tton ngent at the r<,mtcen ycms, nnd not under the age nf port, or to ~uch c,ffi:.m :.ts the L.cutcn,1Tlt one vent; n.nd the 1\0td ' tonnage" •hall Go' ctno• sh.l!l ~ppoint, the Ji,t ofpasol'ngers signify tonn.tge calc ulatcd accordmg to the cndoaed J,y the ~rmgrat1<•n offiecJ, oncl ehall n w mcamtenH•nt.

4 T'·at it is impossible to clean sheep

unl(•Ss tl,. y are placell on clean rune af~er

tjle necessary remedies have been ap,1ierl

5. Tlrat under the most favourable p l} to the snid emtg-ratt"ll agent a 1 tte of fh c ,h !ln.g-' for CVCI}' statute adult .nt ivcd

SOU1'H AUti'l'HALT A, circumstances it is a tedioue, troublesome, iP fU h slup, and ,h,lll taL( a 1 ecerpt fot and expens1ve process to get 1id of scab. such pnylllcut "md shall dcll\et· suc!t rcoc1pt The Obsc1ver of the 2::lrd m>tant contai1,s

6 . That diseased flocks never yield to the Coll,ctot 01 othCI 11opet offi<·pr ot the 1 a1n11.e sheet ,Jn(] rcp•nt~ of the Dur<a cll',torns at th~ pott hc!01c mnl.lllg cutty of Dutta Coppl'r Mtuing Compllny, ftom which

the same pro pot tionate returns (either in ,uch shtp, :lllO no rntt} shJ!l be. ecm<·cl to 1t Hppe \li that the•· harl raised onlv 260r' quanlity or quality) of Jambs and of wool h nc heen leg, II} mu!lc otto h:tve any leg~! tons in trw pa•t hulf ye~tt, but they had ill

effect \lhatevct, until •uch receipt shull hnlld n~.trly £90,000 of undivt rled profi,s as clean flocks. bc('n so deli\ cred; and 1f .1ny master uegJrort A m1gmfi·cnt ne1~ lode had been opened at

On these premises then we can h ave top~\' such tate withm the ttme af<>,eSal<l, the 50 f•tthotn Jcy-eJ. hut on aeeount of th0 bnt !title hcsita!ron in asserting that in lw shallb<' !table to tlw P~\·nen•of a penalty w.tut ot Jnl.ot tltry had stopped t;1e g1eat

k not ex~ec<lmg one lrun<lred poun , , 1101 less '' atct engon<', ami the watct hMI been al-the present condition of the bhor mar ·et, t 1an fitly j•OI>ll'ls 't~llmg m nddit10n to the lowed to t;se to its n,\tUlal leve l in the llline when the owners of sheep find it in many amount of such rate. (!1.:; fathoms). 'lhe op~Jt.tions w1!1 l e con-instances impossible to get men to keep X. If the Ellligratton Ofiker or t 'sistant fined to the pot twn ~hove the w"tcr level

Emi~rat.on Oft1cct .!tn.ll ceJtJiy tll't flllV pas- untrl lahm can be procur~rl. the it sheep together, a mHe system of senger ,h .tll h·"e collie 011 bo.u <I ally vt•ssel '1 he dir ectcns aml 8hareltolder~ in Enj£1anrl brandrng as proposed by the Bill before ,o .ttore"md, IJcmg erthcr lunutie, rdrotic. of the t;r.,uth .Au"il" Bankmg ComfJany us, will not practtci.dlyj.Jrne tbe effect of dPaf. r:umh, lllincl, oiiDfitn:•, and likely m hi. h:td pn~.ed & rc~olntior> of cordi .! thanks to

opin'on to bec•·me :\ chntge up.,n the publtc the m:.uag•t, anrl !\j ptov,t] of hr~ conduct in staying the spread of the disease; wh.le it or upou ally thnt•f.tll!e lllstttutto•, the emt- 1cfereuceto thr~ Gold A,s.:-· Act. w ill entail on unnu al expent1 tture for gration Ag<'Jtt slt.dl t<.'qn.rc the ma·,t~J ofJ-------------------brands, mntertal, aml Llbor of £12,000 at such shtp,\\tthin sevt•n li.Jy" ,,ftct her ,lllt•al ,

to <'XC<ntc JOllltly anrl ,c,etnlh· ''tth t\\o lectst on the ~et lets of Victm ia, and th:s •ufn i• ut >Uletre•, a h0nd to Her l\L•j s•y in expense be it reme•nbered. is ptoposed to the >nm of s ·v,•nt} -fh <' ponn 's f,,t everY <tH J,

pl<, n ;t·r conclttt.,u•ll) to lit. CIIlnily and holo ne incurred in preference to the a ].,p- ,\,1llnl< ~s to thl• f'ul 11\ ol clllY p.lli'h 01 tion of a sweepin:; u•td effectual h.u .t,lh!C w<t'lul.on w,thin tl1e ~ame, ftom ml!nsure alteady urged on the attentton 'lnY<'XJen<t• "htdtsh.J!i m ut•ty be •nLnrte<.

1\llllll the 'JHtce ot fi;e) e,n's ft<•t.t tl'e e-;:r­of the Legislatut·e by pet1tior.s fro~ the 'r------~~~~~~~~~-----rl cut.< n ot tlte <aJrl bond, for the mamt•'nan c settlerstlwmse!vcs,inwitich theypropose NEW p,I..S.:)Et\G!\.R BILL. uu.lmppnrtnfsn hpts'""g<'t, ant! the~a1<1 that all scabby sh.ep shall be <lcstt(l\Ctl, A t'· P D'll 1. 1 1 ·nJtttcs sh•ll Jn-tr(l'bcfntc, and to the ;att<-

., s Le new n ... ~cPgcr nt , w 11c 1 was reac. :,1 t 1oll of the ~ •. irl t,rnJgJ,dlun .Ageut en and express at the same time theirwrlhng·~ d 1- d t 1 ,,. 1 c.rh ., om <·t, an•1 shall h1 thdt o3th ut afu-.:sec on nne nn commr, e< ou , et nes-ncss to submit to nny n cces<ury rat.r. of 1 . . . f n•t o·• s •ti<11· lum that t!H'y at•' r e,pc' tnr h

. l l ny contams some pr)'I>IPn~ o II very !','st<l• nb \\Jt!tru t'HJ \ olvnv, a11ot "acll wntlh ns,e"ment on tlwn· ~tuck, to be app .eu to · t t 1 t tl · k h t 11 1 1 lrmpo!' an c 1ara • er, we 1111 1 1 Y.e ltf' • e t 1C amount ot NU<.; 1 pen.• I!\ the incl.cmntfi.;al ion of the owtwts of Ht· h t d l lt tl t t. d t .1 '''"! and ,..1 ()\ o ,til tl•cu· dct.ts anti

~anno o le er w.n prescn 1 m e at scab~' sheep. The be~t inf ,rmed persons 1 to our readets. It 1 ,,J.t:c·•, ]Wl·onal nnclre.rl.

h d h XL Jf ,\11, p.t.,Cll<ftl• f<J• whom any hoad with whom we ave convene , on t e A DILL sh dl hav.- h• t:n gn ln ,tij afotc,ai•l. oltall .rt subject agree in estimatrng the numuer of To Icgulate the Convrv.m~c of PJssrngcr. .•nv tune w;t!trn fi·,.c years frnrn the exP<'U diseasetl sheep m the Colony at 250,000; to tlw Colony of \ t. t.,, :\ t'on then pf hect,ru~ ,·h.trg< .1ble upon th,,

Wherc~c. hy the i>:l"8.n!!Cls' lut, 18+9, <'olott\', or· up•m .my f'.ll>h 01 Clt.uitc\bk if we vnlue these at £!0,0 0, ot· 4s each ·· 1 · · · 1 • 1 · .:n<l ·by an n. 'L p t"'' d in tllll fotll t , ·•t It r"''' n t tn' ton I' 1t 11 1 tnt• 'lllle, t tc p~VPlcJJt .n-does it not then appear um~ isc anti impo!ttic fi t.·. nt't 1 t'Ut:; ,J! hrr J•re:<• r<t C\1. J"•tl', it1t 1 c•Itrrd ~n the .n,w t<'t. mcc .. wl ,n1,pot t ot

tul•"l .\n .\ t tu atwnd the• P. < t't•::•">' Act, • u h pa,-c!J~tr, shIll Ire ptO\lolert to nnt lb!J tl.t.: lt\H !Cictt ng to the C':" 1:a;;c• of nf tit<• lllOilt\' collcctc<l in 01 t11Hlr t p .<-et·~us Ill .,. reha, t vc' e's fr .. rn the 'tc!t l•onr! h th<' ext••nt of' the J•enult~

to impr•se tn p~rp~turt\ so oppressil e ·'•l oa:lay a~ £12,0JO a }'2ft!' on a :mllcnnrr

class to save trcm immediate deotructwn

stock, which "ill k~ep alive a.mong our

flocks a desolating dtsease, and st~ck, ton,

wlll(·lr at an extreme value ts not worfh

LDO e th lll £.30,0)0 ?

Uotlt ~1 K ng• on1 u; l!Pl .:\I j .. t.\ '-.n '"'KP!i"'·,.n... tn 1·~ 1n 1 IIlilttc"~!1P<l, 01 HI h pn1tlVI.l th~ lt'of ~~ .~IJ!PJ1 \\'Cr<:ollllnt\(daJJ<,tO •l]tlUt'l], l,ut ft,\!l lJllt<qUIIt:cl fl!rt.lC llO\ltlent of •UC!t the t.~d·l n ts do uct f":h)n{! t\) aiiY ,hip .1_ f'h 1'~~ 'll l' .. ppn~~t .. • ... ,. nd tt ~h tlll,l the duty liV·ug l:l t 1H~ CnlrJny of Yt"tOill fto n ( I'C 10"11 I. rthc 1;n• ~ralion .. Abel t ll}lUillCpl•.!"'lllt ttlni}

cJtll't'l Cl or Cll' y.t:(~ . ., 1<'"'1 lllltnhY.t f f r) I ~ rl},l 'L' to lllll to:'-;, e t l.ll t}'l\ 11~ It lT tl <'l,iiP :;<.nr:r ... r& t 11 din the p.,.p;.t~on of 011 c JJ:l"'S..!t- 'f ~'1 \. p 1 011, J),rLh , 1 Ch 't.lldt} Jn(;.t:t, p, l to C\ ~ 1) t \\ ( IJ~\ -fh c tfJllS of 1 g -.trn ,! t>>n, to int1cntnit · for tfle Ill i1 t trl\"1 .. e . n 1

lf the tnedsut e co 11L1 be rca,..ona h1y t•1nr1agP f 1 !-.LL ·.1 ~u ,l, o1 c.11 nnng- pa-.c:e.1!" ·r~ sdppol t of: 1n· sn• h p.1-.t.E n;m a J(l to ,-el 01 t lool;:~J on ns :;n elf~~iu,11 one, the o 1 ,, coluni.ll \'oo,a~~. t:tc <lu• t 1, 11 o! ,.! 1~ 11, t'rr· 'ttne tnt te C" :o;u t<lll\', .tnd thtl

c 'lllPH!e, arcor<Lug to tire s.i<I aet,t1o,•s not •1i<lte1>'llt s;,,JJ he ,,,,1 ' 1t" ;e 1,1 t'1e matter, case wou'J then le a!terntl · but no 1 1 II' ·1 1 1 f 1

< ~ , cxrt c. tht '0 UU)'; or (rf a 't( a·n \'(' ·I) 1\ll( "1.1 ,e l'\ l ( ll e 0 t lC •• b t H'l'l'Jll pr 1Cl;eal man can look to the future Cclll) l!lJ.': th • toy d m t I<, , 1 1'\ ,;1, uw!e1 ron- "t"tn•J, rtn • the 1''-•l·~'t,• of •u •It l .• uo1 or ,,, .tS re~r,trdo this lllatter but wlth the tr· :rt wttlt tlte g•n cttJPJt'"' nf tl1r. rnm••tY tn tnu h tiler. <•I ,., ,Jta,l he t C'• u r cd to deft 1y

0 . ' ,. lti• h ''te beln,,,.- An 1 ,, h•. '"S it 1• c•x- the cxpen;;l•s of "'"h m,nut" 1 nc •· ~h :ll ':t" deepest apprehcu,.on Day ::.ft~r day 1 pc 1]i1 11t t, mJ!.c"!tu tlwr pw1 1,i011 , 1 ~•pPrt •"!! 111 !crt'~~c! lot .t!J_,utt o• in!"'" ,roll i.t lll·t llo we IC<'eive fresh intelltgen..,e of 1''-'"clsutn\ Hf\\Jthpas en~•'l' nthecnlom', BJ.''J''t'' name m L1e buptc.n~ Coutt of the s Jread of thts f.; II d1sca;;e, vet we ,·e,tr .md t•• P• 0 ' 1' ' to: t'•e t' li t of,,, k .tnd cJe,n- \ 1~,1'' 11 ·1., .

I . . ;. tnle J•:l,,tng•'•> llutl(' l m t'•<' <'nlom· ,'ncl to .,JT. I the mr.fter of an;· .~lup on hortrd that our snprent Le,;>.t•l.ttors Y.lll chatter 1,1e, cnt t't. , tro lu tir n pf , 1 c't J'l'r"on- l~> \\ 1t•• h F<U It pas"enr!ets "l Cllii,Y tcpottul and waste over this vitally important In• ty be ltkPI\' to '"come l''- 1-.11 t11e 11 • ,. n shall hav · bc"n c,l!\.e<1, ,•vt~ nlg-lc:ct or re-

, , · , 1 ! . ·h 't ·, t hug-e upon t 11<' 1 u li · fund, or the chat :t- ltbC to CX<'l'llt~ a bun 1 as ufo• , •• tt<l, \rtt:rm qucs.Ion, r<~t ter t Jan approac 1 ll a l aLI, 111 ,ttt11 t •n• of the l olo·n· Cl'l'n d~ ,., ft I' ::v tl\•al, ht• sh dl he liahlc to resolute and busincss·ltkc spi it. W'c I. J3 • It "'•ldel h Hts E~rclle•t " 11 e fh<' ]' 1\ t '' r t • ~ J'l"talty nut c., 'Cl.'tltne- one em :1atic:dly wa• 11 them that tae esse is a f,tr.ttenant-(}'lv• =•·'ll ot t'"' Colo v ol \·i,tn- h un lr~'1 ~mlt,ot le,s tltan 'fly j•ou ;<ssterl •g

P ., '];,·and'' :th the ,,,h,r.~ aqr] cnn••nt oft he 111 n.rld t10n to the umcmnt of tnc pen .It,· most U' gently rresstng one; a! much -o L<',;t,lut.' e Conn tl th 1 eol. t'J 1t if 'any <lttp I n~mcd m the bond, nnd the soi<l •htp •hall perl.t:tps as a•ry other that can come t, wh;,h t'1~ l'a,,cr.gpr,' Act, 11-1 , rln"s lJn ll'Jt I c dcaterl out untd th" ~a,d I:rmd bhall lJc/ore them j It ir,yohcs the COUSidera- xt 'tl(], Slt<lll 01!.\<.! ll1 at1~· ll• ,t ";tl• r tlJp ha'::e bCt'I~ PXe>uto cJ Ol' J'Ut'litt' S jl t .. l.

C ,i<J" f om 11v pl.l''C not ":tlt:n the Co'onv XIII. If .til) pt~s ·n •l ·, •llJ!lC"0•11J'«lltCd hy tion of an increa~mg or tlecre.1sing supp'y lhcnlllgon t(>,1rd ,tgrca:ct nnm'er"fP t•oti<: nett telattY s of fait .. ~e, sh'nl l have dw.l

I of mcnt for the hordes of p"pulatton , lrln<llll~ the Dl'~tu r.nd new uno in d,n· ng follY \OVtgo ;" U!<JtL'1!<1, thl' m.t>t• r 'l · · • 1 1 jl.l<otn:.r<l>.t;t,!lJinthejlocpottnnofo•trprr- Slltll\\olllln fo.Hte.<•n t!:.y' :•ft t ntr 1val,poy dat J pOUI'lll!l' ll1 upvn U> ; It lJJVOtV..!S t ltl ~ t •j 'f 'j

·-· <<'tr' ,. t:vr•t \' two to;.~ of the t"'nn IP.'" of <r It ovcl o' tc cm.;t. tJOiJ a_:• nt :m" n. ".tCCOt<l tt considiration of !Lc dbappearance or the ,j, p, on' h .t~ve 1 ma•·l 0 tJ1e tonnage of su h ltlt nny mone~·, l'Oo,b, OI elkct. "tliclta mJy steady ar.ll pi osperous inmt>asc of a most •lt.p, w:th a gJ.c, tu l•Hr •!Jt r rot pe's npc~> on' h.'.'e be•• n left 1'Y s t h pn s n~ct · Ull'llf th''

1 1 · l holld, ex•hH\C of torn fi Je cal in p'U<$ 11 !Ol P '.""n~et hav.· <ltt•d n.te<t.ttc,ll,e\1 important and valuab e <'xport, an! tt a so 1 a o c t 11 t' gets, than •11 I h' ]'hlpOr t'Oll of OP<' jld''~ll£:( I em I! I l •• g ,n s 11 P•Y 0\ Cl olt' same: to im·olves tbe consJ(leration of the Eolvency for e1 e1 r twc•hc cle 1 •nperfi iol fl.'Pt of the> the CUtJbt o. mte ~nte c·ta.•<~<, :tnd othn­or h.socvency of the Squ.1tters of the 'tl:l.C• oc upte!l ly >uch pa,~enr.rcr s. , nd ap- WI'" tl~~ sJ:d l'tm;ratwn ng-c•nt s~ til I. old tlw

p!t! ttnt d tor the 1 uoc nn ol nnoc upi<'d lN ll1 ttust lot th e h<'trs, cx.•cutoJ,, or Colony as a class. \re have often h,,t]lst•rcs not l.l'mg tlxcit per•onallu;!!!~ge, 01 if ns't ns 0f~~ch p.t-'Cn<cr,, .ml •f the rllastu occos•on to speak bitterly of tbe sellisb 1 n11v pas,enget l e Ill auv c ,,0 ra<J ed on rn n ~-:l~tt lu. \ to p y ove,, and a~cot.nt for anll grasp tug spit i: of the squattet s , but Otlop de k, the m '>li?J (,f '11< h s ip ,h,> 11 l•e su h •w,IH'\' go"''· or <•tr '' t '• he oh til ! e

ltab!P, on sno h co•ni tion as het<:Jn:tftcr ;, l•<t"l" to t. e p ym nt 'fa penalty Pot ex­t we are< qually ready to uphold their le~i- m£ nti ,ned, to the p.'yn1u,t of a p<'no]t,·, nr•t o~ed•n"' c~e hm,tlr, !~ potm?~· not Jess than

timate interesls, and maintain their equi· cxcrl' mg fi"' p unds, nor lt'o' tl1 .n two 11 !I" f.:' 1m<' •tetilll.llll addittc•n to the value

h . 1 l (),tn cb ~L( r 1 ,1!t:!, t:Jr c~trh pcn:::.nn Ol rn~srnJ 1 ot "' ... u I: D10nr \' ).;.Oo,ch til ciL.'{ ~ 0

t.rble rights \\hen e1t er nre mvolvec, tn ~~~ c.nri~d tn, xc ~s, 01 im ropl'tly Xl\ .Ail11 t<'•, <•t•tlc', tH1pcn ]t.c" J, 1ic l the lliscuSo!On of a public que~lion. II. If an) sh p t•Hduch tl1c p "''enget ,• Act uml~~ thto •'<'! sh ll I <' 'lle J lot :lnd r C' OYC! erl

In this Sj.Jirrt, thPn, we earnestly urge 18~ ', r1. "' UJt-xlen 1, hut 'artyi 11 ~ 1 "IC'.t<'l \\t hrost· ouo•thofonccJe<ltblrl\'tllee3nthm nnmt)CI vfpus~eP~er:;thnn 1nth propo~titJ of th"n the PTo..,e<ntot 1n n. sun 1 a1) nt~llttPI

uponourlcg i,Jatotstoadupon what "e onop.s><n,.,cito<ICl,2'5tonsofthctnnn ~'" !~,tote >II)' t\\O JU-tt~~s of the pc.1ce in believe to be the all but un.Hrimous w'sh "t RU!'h ,h p, sh>11l in 'dl\' pmt. \\t•hlll tne < ttv, to\\n. 01 p!.t~t>, ,lt '':lttt b the •lnl'

h d \ · h j ltheColon_,~h'1\iflg o:a ho.u,1 ac "'•ll.'O, at" bv lCds'm \'.h eTC'of ~uih, lHf•ll.Co~ F:-{1 <-l.dh::-,\c, of t e squatters, nn t.tnt Wh c oes on · ., ' 1 1 1 gunprmdl' t, >ttllol. g 1 ,mo, p-r('en hi],.~ llt eccrne jl•l,~<tl> e, ' la\1 "'"" UltlV<'d,

this occasiOn mo:;t fully a'CorJ with what ~"" otlt<'l :nt cl~ hl«•ly to h V<' end.tng-<:,,.<1 Ucfl ,Tuotrc <'S lllHY 'om.urt tli~ ofl~no•e, to we know to be thu int12:rest of the Colony the IH'n!tlt ot ],fc of tlH• pi's n6 <'r•, 01 h 1vi•.t; tf~l' ~nt11t11on g •ol until such 1.1tes, dut "'

· ]I 1 f .mv nf he• , : t;o on de< k. th r:1 the 111 ", 'ttt ,,f p n.tJtt" .. •t<l < o t• I e I' ttd, lltll. thl? s,\H• now, but more esp~cl,L y so 1ere.1 .et. " , r'l 1 1 1 .. urh r.;:Ji1) ~h.dl hn 1nlde nu '-tlC,l Cotl\H t 'on r tu F:, dlllf .. s pPn r~<·~,/111 .c o ... ts, ,, 1ill he a Let them theu provtde prorn1,tly for the 1,_ he:· Ill f< , ,. · "cl to tl.c p~ytt ent "P' cto~l hen Ltj'nn >ll• n ~!up, ,1n<l tnoy lll· de8tJudion of all scaLLy sheep. anu of a pelt. lt.1 t'rlm.,. one hu .d E.d I e 11 : 01 ce 1 ar<<lt,.Jic ctcd \p• 'c.Zllll' and ,,,]L•

]Jouws n 1 ]. , , 1 1, ~ 1 >sotrrltt~ oftilc'lrl(l, l!ct tl.1,!e, a,,tl furto,l\11('. nndPr they w11l at least h"ve done one a~t ' 1 - · ' J 1 1 · , h lJl 1fall\ Shl, LU .,Jicli tie p,,,~~lf; rs' 1\,\l,~lltOTtoll'·llSICI'S lltOl(\\Hlmt CS.ltl!e that will entitle them to the united ,o1d, 18-±9, doc~ nof ext n.l 11 nr .,ve m the• j n1:1y n l\ e I.e en 'uc<l tor and ll'< ovc1 cd, ~nd IL----........ _, ..... -~~'!""""';;;;;;------~1-' thanks of thrs ~ommunity. Let rhe1n Col om, H• <1 tt •h II ~ppcar that the n•a•te1 "h.til U(' P' C'f~ttl d to all otlJct, h < th and l\\-I tiH·tcuf ha1c ncglctterl to ;5, 11 c to auv na~- pothc at.on (:'-' t' 1 t Kc".nan, w.lgJ'i hut, neglect our war .1 ing and disregard seng<'t ,1 st•ll11H·. t quant t\ of 1, ate! 'and < xc< ]'~ '•S lH tl'tn pw' l< eel • t .. Ls, dutt\ s, the cntreatieB of these more im,nG liately I \1 ht•l<sou•c pt 'i-iou,, (unl•s" ,uch pa"unrre1 r~n.t]t,es .•ud co, s Rhall be reto\ e• eel m the

d d I d . 1 d l ~b" p h ,~~c ~n w lPng ,ll reca to .;;:nnJll" h h111_ t'lclll1let, a1Hl l )v, tile pet ,;:oih authot 1scd by con..:e1 ne , an t 1e rse.tse a rca y mol'\ n ' 1 I \ t ''4" '

self \\lth ~nr 11 ''"tcJ nl ptovi~iot.~) (n to h a.y L~ ~ ... \(: HS-,tiJ8ei::, J. c '.~ u "· ~ ... to exist in separate and distant localilies, sold 01 permitter. tn be •oll to ,1u 1· p1 •srn,.1,1 ·'-''- A.ll monte- 1(\JC<J Hn'et the autlto-\Yill radiate fnr and witle from these mv<pol.hP. ·t.ot'•~\\ , lcrs ilminrrJ110 ,~y- l't\oftlmJ\•t'lr.lllbcp:tdlytheEmir.,tu­

LEGISLATIVE COUXCIL. Fnday 29th October, 1852.

The House c!Hl not <rt ycster d.ty in con­scqtH' llcc of th<' m 'i,,,ostUun of 1he lut at tl11 <•e o'dod;, the hout of m eet moo tho fono-.Jng rn<'rt•lltt-< \\eJe pteseHt -T.'"~ s AttottH) -Gcn, the S licitor-GencJ .1] the

~-~---------~~=======-'!various ce111rca; o,1e ~t,t!ion n~'ter another

will be ravaged by its vi~itadong ; lo~s will

b~ aggrc·gated to loss, ruin will be piled

on 1 uin, tiil one cotnmon and de<olatincr

!lQC, 611,11 .,. •• tc>r ,J.a' l lre li·,J>Jc fo, e\Cly 1 on 1\gent. ot other nflt. e t •y w: om tt11 v fill h olwn c u d,. p..__ 11 ,lt\· nnt Pxre\t in•r ~l,Jall J1a'c hccn JC'e \<.:d, 1o the Cu!orli"l

( hannt 111 <'f G t'llPl 1! ':\ess.ons • l\I cs-1 s .illlllct, ;lin p'•y, StHlrl6l·LSS, SttM],an, l<'.mkneJ.,rlgl', O'::Shnn ''SV, an:.l'vVc,tgfl rth. 'l'he ~ oulv bu~~nPS::; tlll the p1pe1 wa:, tttee<msirleta- t tton of lite H']'Olt of th e ~~lcct Comn\tttl'e 1 on i'o],ce, \Ill!, h \> ;1\ no\~ ~t•nd c\S OUC of the Nottccs of :llotwn fot thts day.

linD.\ Y. 2<lth OC'l'ORER. -


A CARl~FlJL perusal of fr :J r ur pby's Dill 1

diseuse will de>.tstute our fitllks and o'er: " for prel'cnting tbe exten-ron of lhe spread the land.

di,e3ses eallt d fcab arHI catanh ins' cep," I ~ and which is set rlown for em1sirler.mon hy NOP.'r - ---

. . . , II BOUTIKE ELECTIO~. 1he Le;;t-!at!Ye Counctl at :1'1 e~1 ly tla,, "' . , fi

. . "e e• c now m R J'o-.tton <. < n •. t, h • to st~te has led us ut.wt!lm;tly y.t l!Je5J 0 1•bly to t'w<xa<tt<tro~n of l Oll's l<'UH<lctl . rt tnclt t'•e <on< l u~JOTI tlu,t it is 110~ n, mea~ure p •lltt•;;-pl ~te, a n<• to congt,· Alderman

ca lcular<·d lo ll!<'et the pres>tr•g eAI![t•, s ~~1\l~l<,•nt,tmlt I~n,, hio trliumpl!.tnt . '' _tot ty ''I''' P .1 1 10 gson, 1 'mg {Y(dneu 1e e t•r -

of tlte tlll: es. '\<\ e must houevl'r do D1 , .on b, :1 m ,)"' tv of FIF 1 \ - t-;,utm, otc •. IV c :\Iurpby the justire to sny that, ""'cn , osnf<'llll·'.!~cstt• rti ':V'\h~nwcst.lied ltb,)!' u•er ' I t ar,•rl I ·'',lSOll,"ll' II t\ll' pollr\LUid he <l<l],.,cd d.•y, as we

" C a,utH .Ul - ·• Jwd llom ,, notice m aneth< t co!,;m!1 the d.c" p, !JtS HH'.r'urc· "onld prove compk•' I) Ct< •nr,r•y \\til uot t ,,J,e pl.<( e untli to-motr ow cff·tfunl in btmging AUOU( the t ]~ u't!c<J,, ut RtdlllllJld, \dt"ll the ltl'· eradu lt~on of~t .l,J t111t1HH.~· O~:i c1 , l'~ .A Ftt'"i .. k, l: ... q, "II'

I. tu till• on< cts ful r •n<lttl.te Stob1omocl In the lCmati,, we sltul! mal<e on tl 1, ,, th e Jltffiu~l of \Otcrl pJiletl m each

t\\cnh· pouml•, uo, !c~, tlun five pound~ l .. e s II< 1 , ncl<l shrll lc ~pplled by <n< II n ctl "'<· orl1 cts and unc:ct <uc It ruJ1 s "~ the L·e~.­

IY. '.~<., 015, pno<cngcr npil.'i!Jg ~ftPl' a Hy- t c•nnnt G J\ t1 01 o( tile (;"!' ll\ Pl .. y !1om "ge C'CCr>rling 111 lt·ngdt f, tllr~en ,)"'o !~!l1e 10 tJtUt ~p].O ott f01 th~t [llll!>OSe, 1n iu ~ll\' p rL ";tlnn th e Colonv, •hall be a e tr.r, ng the co;:l e1 •e. of ntC<ll .ll cn'1tl• <l lot !<t Ic•st f rh-l•rc:ht lwUts next :>ttcnd,on e aqd tclrd o[r],,{ tut•• pa3s~I't;t•J, nit< 1 In> n!lrvo l, to <kep m the •hip, nn\l to nft:t n;:::,.,.J,,un•l u: tcn~.' mg tlu· ~•llOUl t c.f he pro\Hicsl tc' and nrr.:ntamcd on bo~td an~ th "" ',,t,rl rxt> n"s t•ocun~d by th<• t:Jfic(.)f 11' ftc S'1rue 111:\llHC'. :~!-\ <lt•liilg the <olOtJ\~ .. (H r,,y prliJ',l Ol chflttt'ddc m·4l tut:?n lo>"gc, anol l)U bi!Tho oc<nJ·l•'cl by <.nch pa•- thctc.n, ''t l<l.llnt:lntm~ ~n~· p ssrngr" lu• "-! ili-'{C! f,U'Illt{ the •'0l,'!',1_C EhnfJ be t,l1,~n \\htJtrl ~h P f:i,\ d r(lt.l'S }'f\C,bt..:lt1 f~\lJ. ,\.thin rlc,wn unt 1 ~~ .. r, eight. hourR nftu the ~r.t•vat \ fiv ye.';, .·fl~: t,1en 8l••\'1t, ~!ttl an account ('f the.• .::1 ;p, tudc;;:s dl the fnrthe! 1,10"-Ullt't\n of tl;e /~'r.(lp.o n.n•l ~ c;.. 1)C•l

1H.uo ~f Htcb

of h~t voy ge spc'h sh ip sil:cll Qn,t. th e pot! rnou ~R:lll'.t h \C:,O.t ~lt.t!l ~~ .t,cl her'.~ the \\it!ttu tnc ,t[l \C lliCnl<o.v·l pc:.,Hl, Legt<la,"~c .. u.J<I.ofthccuo.n 1\"ftlleln

V •,;,:w <m•g•"t.on ufit cu , or ,.~i;trnf d,l,'R .l(t~t tiLe <olltmcnt·cmet t of the next <'mi"rntlllll cfii ,.,, at ail\' por~ 1\JI'tm th• en,~t,ugS:•,,ton the<'. f. (. 0 1,;111-,Ph"ll ' thtc•uwn .< lic <le•patd: liJ•n XVI ll;•m \•'r-scllge:fot\\!lomtlterate~~ "le ,111 , .d tl.PtC 1t of ,, 11 y 'htp f 11 .n ~In- :tfot c- n:l ~n.lll 'i ,, "IJcen I' .HI, hrt no 1 o·H! pill' 0 11,,~ ~' f lll:J t'le Culouy proc< cd 0 j1 f: 'en, ,,t,t, I ,. tl t.n fh I' 'c us heconw dt." ge­o,1.d c::nrh t}'p a'rll~·fd\C tnfl~".t.( r of'h sh;u :'bll-' l!jlf 'l .flnY 1 c:--ou, p~llJ"'h, 01' <h,,lJt LlC'

-It~ ' l all"• ll to tiJe s tirl offi}:eJ <'YCI \' f.'cl~tt • f, \· •n.,rp'l ' " Jl' I h<' <<.lot '. h\ t e•,,n of lllfllnt>tv ill'1'll' IillO' <u h sh r •nd f, l COl!1'llnT'i<,l ill!' (j cit' 'lt,l!Utlll, •t sh·ll (),) .nwf-ul foi the Lll u­,, th th<> l' •ss.ngcr < nud f<'t nsC<'I tatning ti 't ~~ I_l >nt Go\ <'t no.r, U''Oll a. \"I'" I t t7 <he ct

suij~ct, we shall confine 0ur~clvco to Sthl 'j, lt>ct:­

p:!t ts of Dr l\lurphy', };dl ns relate to

scab, beunt<;e wLtlc scab f'10m being a

cutaneous drsense c.m Le spcGdrly antl

tltreclly COllllllUlliCatctl to l !e,m ohCI'jJ

catarrh, on tl e other hand, we bclie\e lr

be inc i· :er.t d to t!t 1t wluclt not el en 01.1

L"grolatuts c .. n • ttl«! Jl',.; ul .. tc O" eot.<tol

V;Z, ~OllllttrO•t~ of' tlJC at thO'·

plt<?re at partn ul.1c ~~.t>ons uf' the) l.',n·. \\',

th<· ]'lf•Vt- io·.s of th.s ,tct Ita\ (j been' uuly LlllA', pte~( uted to the Co.olll-t! s 'C) eUl!y loy N!Cl!O•,SON, IT0D6BO;;. ePlll]li,Pn 11 th the Em•gtJLon .\gen+, to OldC! the• !Cj>.!) -

V 1 r;. h" ,11 ,tr: <'f cvr• y •h p ns nfotc,~irl. 111l'nt of the ru't n: tt .. l ntrn n,'P. "'ncl ~111 pot t •hall < xhi it to lltr J ~\11 J::t.'tiop Oi!i •·r PI As- of su ch JWI>Oll O~l· of ;\u, llllll!Je;; collcuco •tR!.lllt En1 i~r, 1i n Ofirc·t~ "l•o-'htt'J ronw <>{} tJ.t.~!·~ toe n,ttPOil1 1 ~f th. > t~< t

Rirhmontl l\Icllourne .... . .

!JO 108

\7 ~i )


'" 1+>' ,)

159 71 14 6 7 1 3 !1 l

J,oc•l<l , th<.' 'v~-fc .s L 't l(:rn. l'l'<l hy the Pnsl ""''II .. \11 rcn.ll'cs 1111!'· S('rl undrt t'.i, s~rg( 1, Art, l81J, til .r he. h.l\ c 110 bll< h li,t, A< t •hu ll uc ap1l <'<l to Ow 1 llll '" c~ tn wlti• h rr rt ll•c ,,, ttl n, t clo nnt 'xfPurl to •uch <'1tp the othe mou cs ]c•, e J tl!ldct the ,•nthot lr flHH ~~ JJ , ( l'f t!IP }1:1~~ 11J,•IS ll!'dCillt .. lC! ihl'l((1f ['IC ,l!111Jtl}l~<l{Cd Jll(•\ flc,l :•lw \~ ( Oltl.n;~ to thC' fn1 m con! rl fli d i I I lh <LI,L' J' th::.t Jt ~h:-~ 11 11( 1 .\\ fnl fm tht-' }tiS }I rs: ot t:JP · .. u .. ( ,t, rncl till' f,1t<l Em•;<;. tOil ('f!icc• pC.tCI' \\hO <!tall lllljll .e. nr,y 'll h ])('nalt) lit r.h}ll lt:J\C,\}n1At.'4 ,oJd~'fC! t]p'),lf:"l. n _ Pis tlH·snn,"~llllCtO,llt\ft .h:H ,t plrt ll!tf•xceed-

Fn'day, 2~th October, 1852. !\OJ !CE5 Of' ~10110~.

l\fr JOIINS l'ON. To moye-

lllltbt not, lwwcv~r. ft <11n these 1 t•mar k<

Ire unJer&tood I o thr·ow dowu the g tuntlei

fo Lc f:culnpictlllutHJnaty 1d;o C'tt~rnateo the measure now under cortsiduratioJJ.

;)15 2,~ ltll1 to nsctJt ttl \\hrtlut tJ\,.'•l.<tu,tr J .tol'll~(nr:etJ>dtlt,v lltuvo(. hl':lpp!tcdto com-In h1s 1, t( 1t npt.•l1

1).I 1 Udb llli~·, ",!1 all tt'Kl cct:s t1nc, [lncl "ll ill endnr"t, upon thP pcnsntc an..v • 1 a~scnj:'l~ 1 ft: anv "1onz (l,

Uc,d, •1111 annnttlll e<: tl,.lt Ire lt.L·l Lllllt c 't ffi ,,lit! lt-t a cr, Lfica c oft lto cc ll ectnr~, or in I :;u rnngte \1 h•l< l• ltl~' ~11.1\ It l\ c h\l'l 'JlJ>('(i ~,· h<l M J , It " II tl ' ch ,·.. o' l>tl • u I • . f . ,.lL'fit 01 c. ~tau~.. llllt'Pltt c.f\\'Ill } ~ ~ ·' • ..._,. J 111 • ~ L-l~te(•lnto(Ctl)(i,VC}j,t} ~ ljfJLft_IJ;li\(IIICffll('~S1HH'ot, nur,(l rlll) \tolt~tJU]l!-iOfl 1 I lll }.') t StlC I Jl~ .. l~<llll\)\ounultlt...6t(<.lH1t!a•lrl~lt 1\U('),m•r. fl.

, t tj j ] • \T •l tni~Ol thP nbu,r• I C'< Jted p,\t,;,~nncls ..A~t )J;)tla,t\Sll l:l\•' ((J1ll ll}lh('l. IPoiiP. l.H e,unth(!{, ... tdt\Of~I:J\ '~>~,)) )J~ .. ''- 111 u· ·"~' It\<' ( l·lllJ<'tl. ' l'I'UII •1 . - . :X\'111. Th~ ptll\irrons of this Act sh\11 lll>' .. Ltlw•1l>l"''' l"1lllc l.;cftl<ouncJI,lllln<uty I" ,yJ.,tt d•~ct llfJOU "P, at (;Jttly v~ty "c.l 'r tJ, '' lt•ch lltily Ita\ c !Jccn lCjlOlt<•d to hllu tnl e cfloct fwm I he following date . 1 · II ol the '1 erwor at Hev<nuc Je<hs.d 111 the '"'P«lnc s~ dcvelo}JCU o1gaa m th~; gentlemim'l Cl'I\Dl\llll lly any passcpger~; apd a~o a 1 epo1t ~peci- tJl~t re n d •hiu , . . r '1tJ" • ~~ n1 I D!Strwts, wh•cll lJy Act or l'arll!lment •s placed u

~ " i· f '' ~ f & .. IUYIIli AlQW. ,.., ~lf ,.,out 1 .\ th• lll>'llllilll 111' U19 Lo1d11 CowUJIQI.Ielf o11.llt! - ....

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