Page 1:€¦ · I Commnrriai Kiattrrs. MEMPHlg DA1LT lITItL OPFICB I rilUT. June M 1885. Cjttoh. The toettoa Mi tkc Mamai awado a attention yesterday, lb it nothing


Commnrriai Kiattrrs.MEMPHlg DA1LT lITItL OPFICB I

rilUT. June M 1885.

Cjttoh. The toettoa Mi tkc Mamai awado a

attention yesterday, lb it nothing, IJMIHf barrel; Brtod,

.IaK.Marik.: MMto Baad Low.tSkgiic.: Kratacfcy Power aaakkm llattlle.

.wane. "--- Km, 1 Htmi Fanrv

..Couafry, MjtlL. V fci Gohn,IIlacxibo Sad km, t$Si Large in,i.i,

1084 SO V crm."&1TTU. .M ONM, 4tK. Mt

. ..W,tra lhi i ) , (ttaad. ) Dairy, !:.---HWH....IH, attrauiaid to Ufcatia; MM

tiitm ; tarn, lagaaMa. V ft8Bc bull!; aatcU,10:.irMfl.

Oom riL....7pJe. 9 inM.0acx. . ..Wattex, 4 ; ktla, ftt M; Bed,, 9

Bewar.Aa at; Soto, (t soft, pox.

tnLB...JUr,atMc V Hf ttoaan- -r r flima. mam a ft.ConnAOX Meat! la fttt Mj Cotton,

niH....jatr.l, half bbli No. 1 ftl 60; kb:. aOI7 88 ; mt H. IBM; half bHa Mo. I ft M.

nn...JWftft4 83; Extra, ft: T.

'ftS V Mi. Maura Bait Ttimm ftTft7 7"V boa ef M ft ) ftml tMn, 9x10.aft; lx!t, 83 HftHi Fttfctbergk.SxIO

w; 1 nftaS3 M;xn Kentucky aUfte, ft tftT) V keg;

at. ...ft too. Eruii. i s.Hires. ...Dry Frta, 10 a oil 1 e. ftl ft; Dry Salted

c; Srooa Balled. 4 emu.HO.M....OB toetftMc; crew. ftS.

e. (Oaattaertaad Mr) Btj. ft.,(tntlaanrh Wr)4K.; OUftn, fhol

attic...OoaajBoa, ftl lOtSftl st bati Bt. aarairrr

LABB....U kecvltatMt ft; U barrels, lttlcll&theb aaiei at aasaaaat far farm Bat. M as

BOc; trassi.attonc ; Oak Botr, fo. 1, tit ; Beai-- toStr.; W ft BraHoa, ftst to ft st W saa-a- o;

Upper Lasther, ft37 to fttt doasa.LCMlta, rr fttt St; Orpreaa, 816 ! Tenow

m. rosrt, ftlti not ntatWaJ, BBS; Oaaar Wattrtae, fttt; tat OaaBsaaa Pane, ftftt; sad do. fttt.

Lf erosa... .Old Boorsoa WfttskT. ftl 60 taDoaWMftra. tl)t; Old ftseerre. ftlCtftl tt; ImttaUonBe; Irian, $3; Dean's, Weliky. Etta

: ; Pikea. ac, psact HiBal. ftl,ftl )ftl

Lead ft, Tfta. 9 .

OL.AaaEa...AdTaaoad ai rrtkasc u atta;

laoa Tie. ...sue ft


Kails. . ..ftl fttnVI kc .

OariOBS....ftI ttaftftl ft w fcaaftal. toiOTL....I,laiilfl, TitkSac ; Lard Oil Mttjttftj OaataTI St. -Parrs... .Wrnpptnt ttr.sttl w ressa. 'POBJI....Hot rottnd, Ttte. ft ftl Balk, lltftM bkl;

Batna.SaftMCacPoCBTBES....Iilsb. ftl J!l to Lbl.

Kicz...kdsc. ft.Kope ...Hasatapaa, TatftSftc; tiashlB, tlc.Saxt ra lao, Ooarss, ftl BfMlfti Mj Prae ftl toetas, ftl ttl to far Coarse, sad ftl T51 80 for

Btaa.Soap.. ..Bar ttMkc ft ft.8TABC....Stltc. ft ftPHvT .Brap, ftl tt; Back, as 60t toSaetpetbx Itsftaoc. w b.BTOB-- WABX....lB01Slt.VSpsab... Oftoare, t ta; Prta-- '

tj t ; Iftsraftsl. lltftta ; t' ' rlt, P d led, ltaftlSc ; vwahad,

Spices. . Paasar, ie :

toafese : ainaer, S ; 5; awaiaaaa. attftlt ; Clorsa.STEEi Sonar. ..

BtaxnsB BUatar, 1 - l,"")V . ft; SerasB, Ite.;r Aaavrtcan Blister, Baaa) Cast 16c.

heT - tlael;r,TtBar

tat faam , ftat)t; tttetBS at,rp.ftt aatfti; Hartacrssa. ataftftt It; ataskeet,Mt ; Orchard, ftl 7tBftl.

V box, . c, ftl! 26; X tit;TEA. leap 11 lei, 76c 4ft- -I I Ssnnwarawr,

'ata. Hyson, Ttc $J tt; Biaci, 16c iTobacco. ...Mtaaoan. Kiafsity and

Sc. ft; Ttrnila, tacthftl. he

.I7a)18c. ft ft.

...Para White Wine, 76c ft (alias j Pars. ftltft hftl ; OLcKtca;, tt Without amTail. W- - aarr so saaaaaaaa

im. new and o d waa'dl

Joy to the AdmirersOF


Talk at it taaaec Tut witaoat a Bar head ofhair: thaa tsaat ths faUsarxaft, sad If yws aak more, seeaanaiar aronrici escn bott e, and ao aae aProf Wood's Hair Restorative.Wl can the arurntlaB of all. ord and ysang. u this

waaaterral ptaapa ratios, which lnu back to Haartttaal color, jray kali toTm the head of ths taMsnth a Irrrnriant frownb recaom th danirnff, Itchim Oaad all rstanooai emp toaa cstvaea a coatlaasl t;w of

rtrtbe estara' tarda and Braes, If ossd aa a rear ar dreaa-i- nt

far the hair, win preacras iu color aad keep it freetanahf to extra o d ate, is all Ite natural beast' Wecall then anon tbe bald, the rsy. tr di rawed in ecalp, toawe It, aad anrely tk toobi will not, aa tha aalae thaflowmi loaka or tbe erttcbtaf earl, erer he wl I best ItIte praise la apon tbe toefa- - of thoBfaada. a.

The Aff--nt for Prjf Wood'a Hair ftestorstiTe In MewsTwa. rsretaed the foil rw at letter la retard to the Re.

stotatias, s few weeks unc-- :

Deep Rites, Con , Jalr 71 last.Mr. t sarecawwrib Sir I haae beea troubled with dan.

atraaT er ecerf ao my bead for more t an a year ray hair QkafsTsatocaaaeoat. aenrf and hair ta get h r 1 aaw id a rMew Haaaas paper aboat w od'i Hair Rertoraurj " aaa oaee I ta led at aaorr store on tbe lit of April laat

s lorry It, aad I foaad ta mai li wae tbe thine: tt removed tbe acorf and

new hair it la n- w two or three lnchei Inl wtaere It waa all off. 1 hare (rest fslth tn it Iwashy two bott lea morr br Mr Poa: theroflhla. I don't know as ana of the kind u need

in this place, yoa may hare a ma-a- for iba.t bottleaafter it to known her. O

Tars with respect. BrPTJS PRATT.

PHu.ASEi.rar a, Sept t, ISM.Prof . Wood Desr Sir : Toor Hair BeatoraiiT. u proa ,

tac ttsslf saraeacial to The front an ' alao it- - rkpart of say bead ileal el east It eoeerinf tn fact, uuI base seed bat two half rJ- -a bed lea u ynr ftea J rtT,and bow the tip of my bead la well .tolled wTdk'nleiof crop af yontw hair, aad tbe frost u -nIts aaraett . I bare tried otherassaaatarhstsiu. I think erjS V - i tpj 7?

Taart reepect.c .y. D. M. TH OM ASM. D 50Mo fttt Viae a treat,

ViaacEXOTEs Ia., Jatratl, 19M 50Trst Q a Weal Aa yoa are ao-a-t to aasaafactarsaa a it rear rscenuy asaai ai t Harr Baau sua I

art', run. far worn may oncera, that I haws asad It,aaoam athrra ti nse it t bat, I Pass, f r serersl years,saaa as tbe habit f Bitot othr Hair BeitorstlTsa, aadthat I lad i oars really sr per or t say other I knowIt saaraty ejaaaaoa the bead or dsndrasT, sat with or eaaantk'i prjpar ase will reator say person's hair to thaatlstaal yoatkfal eatar sad textnre. eitIoe it a hesithy,saaf. aad f en sppearano. ; aad el' thla w itboat diacaar-asra-

ft asad- - that arpy it, er the I real an which Idrape. I woo d t erefo'e recucomend tta sat to taaa--sone tsslissa of asrint a tr a oaaar sad trxtnr to hslr.

Sssiaatrtfal a toots WILSOM KIMO.O.J WOOD BOO Proprietors 112 Broadway BT. T.,

ths the areat M T. Wits ftatltag P.stsblieLmnt.) sad littsrkaat at est, Bt Loaua, Mo. isCTAiad a4T all eood drwssrlBU.


THIS incompsrsble I IT in sat, upon which tbe greatof tbe aei-.ta- u of si. lands sow rely for relief

rdalwwaf ttw smass-.t-al earsa (dftctH by tt during thea . Oartifioalaaa fa i. Uae aaarfjeaa neaaaadare tn the sf the proprietors, but Iheir length

abeaeaaUraslaa of sll bat s fewOMK B TRirMPHAMT. cost

rs. MrSBt , M) ttt srarao rtre-t- , St. Loala baaing andthree year, with Rheumatism, sad trtod

r preps rattiass wrtaoet effa-c-t, ws. cured by oa Bfty

Fill THM LITTLB CHTLDRPSftsasthter of Mrs Lee. residing on Lake a treat,res SCaatdad sll orer by tbe cpaa tuns of s kettle

caf Bstllag water Ths Arctic Unlm-- ni waa acpll'd ao.ordlnx to tbe dtrratioai and'the are waa In.tsntlyep.racted, sad la s few day. the utt'eenff-re- r waa well.

KBSTORCD TO K Taylor, rs rial atrest, M. 0 had long

asMlilt frsss a paiafsj sad diarurine eraptLa aa thsrace sad by tbe ase of oae bott of tbe Ltnlraent wasCTred. ard restored to her arattaal bean y.

A RORRIBLR TUMOR. Casaai sUItory, Mstcbsa, wae throe years t be rlcUas

aafahsnthae laaan aa taw sweat, which ralatod sS raaase--triel the Arcic I nlawal Ttttwa botftss

i tn a few week awowrafCBPTri, ctrr .

ftaaSapjs. was cssaftaed ta bar eoaacb farthree ua with noma palsy, sad after beteg In despairfrsss ths fail are sf sll otte- - asa cared by theArctte Laataaoat, ta a little orer a tnoctb


I has sftf issllfi. that hsrtngsea dad ay a anrawesaoa Mdaocd ass to try Brss-g'- s Arctic Unlssent

eitrsssss from tbe scans, aad ka ai was asa from th.

la two weeks I was watt, aad aU- - to isaasa ray bast.ess. HBMRT MtTKBSKILL.

Bast till .! Jsctsoa street.THS BLIMD SBII

WEBSTER CITT. laws, Korergrber t, 187. lakeTIB ftft.SS P art'" Par aore than three yean 1

kant baaa eaLotee with I

fni aad trtsd varasaa pkysld.ns. aad sersnti ami to assatart : I was Irdassd by Dr. Baam to trytke Arctic Liniment, and la twa monthe waa nearlyreel. rllttle dauxhler wa' afltcted tn ths Sarawar for tke aaaa tisas. and dnrlag s portion of tbe timewaa entirety blind la aae eye 1 applied your saleable i

- ' - - " Taras 'r I, with one t wstt bottle, eared my daaghter'a cea

awr. trea taoa canag xae rawoas na nw II wsmtd aat be without yaax laiHaahte l.madr is my i

Btwase. Tsars troly, WM BlrBBHLL.WebstebCitt. Iowa. aToaarmber Btft, MSI.

1 ksaabi eerttfy that I asa sasfl aeoaatatsd wuh Wil- -, aaaa wttb tsat asaaaaranig carwsaw

' bra itatsaaeat to be strict ly treeJ. J. WADSWORTH. P. M-- , WSBSteT Olty.

GOOD FOR AVTMALS.I aaaaawasato Ualaaeot li aiao equally efBoetiowa in

Chad saaass of aatsaals aa wltaesa the f aMi wlagtailkliali eases J. ft t A root, aad LyacattOo .,aaap the two larsrit llrery atabies la ths west, sad areasaiiiBikain ikiiajkul Tt i rnnrfli'- -

St. Lone. Piiaws n tBa, aftay.We, tbe aaatsialaa'd, hanogaaed ftl lag's Arctic Lint- -

r or aasarsi. mas, i any sasaarr aa nasuperior fflrsr- - in cartag the disease, ofare we a.u.fledo! tbe Arctic bring tbe beet Linimentasad., that we would are no other We keep aad hareswat far a anrarber of yra, meaalTT nrery aub'ss tathla c'ty. aad coaaeuaenUy oar riper roes sb-- boraassad Uaatl ii great, sad we aabtsltstisgly aay,

as as xaa wary oa we Base ewerWeVordlally y'tasataasid rt to all

keepers aad others baring the csr of1. a, ARKOT,LTMCH, ARMOT a. 00

Iwaannart itreet.

aaa taaas ta yoa aa tha beat. ban dsyeapaa--rraraaeto painftaai tbasa. Aak for BBAGG'a

ABA7TIC LUnailrfT." sad take ao other.UBBBAL PftOPOBITIOM.

TheirrooTletoTT agree ta f milk eaoh sal tun at a Thdaaaar twain, with anew irakaasstptasa to the D. a. Jowr- -

aae ear wear This kf aaa of ths bast M T illaa- -A oantflrjass, aatlllla iki killn li Ikiasiiiaallir. a. aastessd as the wrrsraar

lasttka. The Arctic Liwlaaeiit u patLalaVoBBt BOcaaAaadftlbrtttaa. Tke ao cat and $1

tJlUia i Ilia IT a1 'T par osat. mora taaaesaat Bta.

ftftAOO It BCRROa.

Areata La 'meat to warranted taXIU.TBBW.arr .uu.

ilbaataaaift of TIB BLOW PLT ta atatftt.k CO.. S. BiksruiLliaw-,a.-

fc 00 , . a. LAA FHIMA, Ageau, Mam- -

o. o Ajr j ww,ieHTco .G k mor- -

BBJ I B. TBMMJOCl fc CO .Asteais. bow

Bottftanr ani) Jftnanrial.Memphis ntiLT appeal officeriiAy. jnm 16, iiss

Xr.w loll From DM Mm,' Jene 18 TUaBenl In moor; I ex'Trm-i- y I There to a 4cmaud for lion caul of U. There 11 mrtaruMymiUwni of boaltaa. page- - Is la urtfl IBs rates tor

I aa aerd Amut ar. I U I ornt, lostdated pmr. fknml rate for loan, li It, ft crn.Wail atreet aii never a dail aa at the pr. rent aom--

d aaaamt to Or r'owluf nore ao In exohn ae .rerllr.ebtllarr'her ; lea a, (BIOS la h fi- - bani- -kora blli, and lOftatlM for oaamartal Prance 111 a,Cat 16 Bambnrab KakB,a. im.vMiir.luaiii.aod Bremen TftfSTtIt We leaia from Hambora hat tbera'e otdi.ioast baa falias to aula 1 y crnt V aassmw arauea or ossssaji


1TITVTIOII.Ooad tmd Sitmrr Ofino far Sfaatatarat.

I o- - M.: ank of Com. .IN trlitapar Bk of Ibe Untoa I M 10 S ft fiaUaor Bank. tat Back! Bank...! at Iotaaa of Wet (Tens... pr irchanti' Bk to 1 s dRaKaaxaiBalKtatM turTraaVn' Bank . 1 a) I s..m tokli dn Bk Cbattonooc. 1 a tot a sha Im tatw tii rarnteri" Bank, Knoxalakn,

t .1 as tot a dir 1 a aasa ncoakla utiitii nk r stMdi..IK toJK dta I II to t a t

o; tojertcs 1 k lot V "II CUT Rank Haikallla I u a.inaHinaiiuTiata II disaBank of Parte 1 a tola B"ks) 1 a totalo aaa Btsta.l a totajacbanca Bk Brksta, aoastt

oaneaa. .. a a a s aVmemrmtati Fontfn Kttm hrltm Butalla fSnaA

ItaVlijCeainrka Banki a tol prstaa oi. nia-- ai or lnl a to pren- -

IBdlS atSte Bk OfOhla a 'r nrmISdu LoslaaaBaka1tol a prase

swat ' BaahaUle....lttahniBuUs:d Waaaauln d.BanL t 60 du AUbirr.a Bsnki . dieBank of Oialrbora.. M aorta BBBBI nsB'ss lajBank of Trenton.. Parseer1 B'k H c ..if.dliBask of Jf fir lot , or kern Bark BUss. eO dtoBk of Pa loo Q1....1, dli

rartaksaaiAr Caareairae-StaH- ao JUe.KeaaTork I s prtn ClQrtnBatl........l ft aiPbllatoipliu 1 a pratniBt Lnu...'. 1 -Boat. 1 w Br-- B ftaitjaw ,

KrOilaia .A prann Arorrhran Oold .1 naLoatrrttle I imi li'tn... ... - ,..

are, and t- ttchterlaa

Iroffssional fiarts.....0BBE WEST.

Lsts r Holly Sprinsa, v.

WILLMMS 6t WEST,Oifral Ldiatl u ColltctiB)? ifeits,


flEl f.1lTtr' ln ' "" Pr'M ! ; red- - mi- -i, a for laaaaa : l.iu. - .scrip ; ike aa jaetaaeat ot uuo,, ad theesaatlcaiioa andaa or a"

" " "o"""" r debts.

Holly P frltf., BJIaa. tfempbu,"fit CftArr.TtLS.

WAX WW Ja CRAFTK V --ZZ J "eaapaia. 0Vc lonlbi.isaat sjssaaat unn a -

Win prae. team tke rt, of .ea,.Tear...so1 aka to tb ninnicorntlnof Kartft "Ji" '

oc M lad twVT.J r11" "a-- fale of Mla!lT2m- J? "a t1K ,rr"'' ad

V sacar-- a c: eclUnsntt-datwl- ai

LABIU.TTOwA,', HIIaBa.A VX? T Law, Sjurt.o-- i i and

to tk-- paal aa an idx to tLa raira.

aia.E,TrJrrir "ART.EB8BIPW r ." aa tad Smith P Bankhead. hir- -.

artneritlp, will Baaaaanaa aaw. the clta of WeanriMi aarl.- -

a;. rLOtrnjaoT. ,.j p. rAJUttixvFLOl'ROV A. r tRRELLY,AT LAW. Tenceaaee OfflceArrORNATS Kythe FnilcBat, Hortacait corn- -r of

Osaataawawa. joft-d- ly

BARI V 5tOTT t w. piloitSCOTT at DIXOF

ATTOBKBTR AT L4W AMD ftOLTCITOft5IMTears., their profaa-ao- o

in all tkeCotfU Mlt in theclrrof Meaaohb. .nd ,K.

tins W aa aireo lo al' c'aiaai for collation m.n.i a.w. uraw id new nana aatfaint comer of Main andMadleon atreets, satr Miesr baak. Matiaxe on Martlaon

lant-t- f

JrST r lead Mackerel ln bbla. and kiu ; taftanca la bb'.i.. for aale tott low ft.

M --oaaimnient a lent- - lot of Planta! - itr an . atercsants1 aVrSnrry Malaaaea. which will beacid -- ery low to dose 1 G PljirBMoT

t PIKB atock of old Rye, Bourbon and ftc ited W atA ky, for aele by O. PLOI RNOT

I.VSTORR A 8 e laaortnaent of ftlr, arttse. chrlcr,crnabel ani ps Teri,ed Sncara. which aril'

aatd eery low to th- - trarrs J, a PLOFRMOT.

COaTBR-w-M bai prime Rio tor aale be


CIS ' R6 Ai. qnsUU-- aid pricea, will be soM aeryJ. g FLOniNOT

TTTf reoeired from St. boors s lot sf fresh baked BeatsOackere aod Cractarll Biacalta. Atol J ft. FLOI7RVOT






No. 7 aowttrct'e Rovu,xsyas-ar- a MBMPttlS

M flM "w rPtrltrT per cent shoreaJ pr wf , fsr sals byrMVftw HPBACB P. QLDt ft OO.

25 BftLS Ward ft, Carr'i Premium Bcee WH1SKT 4ferula by

mBS-l-w HORACE D. OLD. ft 00.OS, BBL. Chenoweth fc 0.l Klcrlibr BISKT,

a for asle byBsaftMw HORACBD OLDS CO ar

25 MM' 01,1 Mon'ngl"1 WHiaaT, for sale aad--aw HORACB t. OLDS It 00. t

realHALF Stale. Baltlm-- r. OOLDBN STBrF. fcrO sle by HOKACBD OLDS at CO.


)X B aSKETS Hetdalck'i WIME, for sale by" a,m 19 BOBACB D OLDS It CO

30 BBLS Sue old EOBIMSOM CO IT NTT WHIKT.for aale ky Bul .CI D OLDS k. CO. Sara


f, aPL. d BO CM BOH WHISKT for rale by5tfW ta HORACB D. OLDS ft. CO.

IP. BftLS niA,"S WHISKT. tor salaryMiStf HORACB D OLBS h OO.

SUGARSA gDod s.ioruaeat of Mew Or ream Sagsri

Brandies, Wines and Llqo .run band at allFor aae be HORACB D OLDS k CO.

thatSALT In Sack. Fine and Ooarar. for tale by fjr

Jw HOaACR D OI.DS ft mBBLS Horace D. Olds' extra TEN" la RSSkB WE1S-KT- .

for sale by HORACBD OLDS k OO

BBLS Harare D Olds' sopertsr " BLCFF CITTWHISKT," for aale by

otJ-l- r HOR Ark D OLDS fc CO

25 BBLS OLDKAIMTOCK WHISKT, for sale bymytrJ-t- HOBA B D. OLDS fc OO.

RJS.WO tBIt.BOYD tV MILLERHAVE laiButw--J from ibfilroH sUDd. 170 Mktn treet,

fttore icezt.v tKcapit-- d by J. C. Seict,

!o. Front ttuw.Mext f tore to Mr Chss. Potter, where tbor will be eleo

hare aa oppsrtaaily to supply their old caatasa-i- g aformerly, and sa many new ones as wlr b to rurchaae g

at tbe lowsat msrket price for sash.Meaaabls, Jaas IS. 1 BBS -- Baa

"$7 5,00 01st


Dry Goods at Cost, a

For tash Onlv. lag

t MONET, anl b..Ia!' tbla to be tierbeap..t way of retlsag it. we will, durlnr the

ra-- flilyaaye, offer our entire atock of DRT GOODS, attar sash Castoaieri can rely oa bl being is. tailexamine tbe aloes. POPE k BRirTHBBB,

jaoa-lm- o Sat Mala atreet lar

.Jur Received,100 OABMa Ginger Waae, jest rccised sod tor sal

bp H H. POTTER.Mo. 171 Msn .treat.

1ffl B UBS csperlor gasllty Lo triads Tooscoo,lost recalled aad for sals by

H POTTFR.171 Main niret.

Of If a CASKS aaperiir Ale and Porter, in pints aada.U V tasrta, jest rccrired and for aale br

H. H POTTER,aill 171 Hats itreet

i CASKS eu t Syrup. Jait reclred endJU forsalaly H POTTER,myil 171 Mala atreart.

BtKKETt af th Red Seal cabiast50 Ohaaipatni, last italiud aad far rale byH H POTTBM.

bit11 -l Vara atrest.BARRMLS aSAaartar Claaapsfire Cider, warraatai50 to keep iweet, Jnat recelred and for sale bi

m. u. rtiTTaa.aarlt 171 Main itreet



Havana Lottery !aa

next Ordinary Drawing of the Royal BaraksTHM rwsaractsd by tk Baaaaeh 8i iiaaiaal, sra--4t

the BaperrValoa of tbe Captain General of Cab, willplace at H arena SB

TCESDATy JULY 6th, 1S,8300,000!!aeftTBO MCMMRO ttl OBDIMABIO

CAPITAL PRIZE tlM.fMM.rrrsssf t of. ftl too" af 60.001 6 of 1000

or at tos t of" af I,ao I iu off aaaa andt aappraxtauitsa o tk. $ioo, j of B each; t of

Btofteo.taa; of fttno to tao.o 4 af Stox u ofaia.aati tsf adaatoatLaea.

s WSwtoTtokota rio; Hslreaftlt; Quarters ftl.Prank, oae bed at rtgbi at t per cent discountilia oa all eel rent Banks taken st bar.

A drawing wMl a forwarded as aoos ss the result be lo

ta DOW RODRlGrBZ, B. C.l aatu the Bib at

lunlT-tw- tl





J. J.O'FALLOM fc OO., Proprtotors,la

as. 17. It aad M ftlddls at 8t. Last", Mo.

at. 1. O'FALLOM, C0L1,


Wear the a tar saapats aad will sell ths Mats

aad Wasberi erne!! sdrsoca so St. Louis pr e

prattle are reoaettei to giri as a sail.A. eJTaai aa veae..

myTI-l- oa Poplar strret, U't Main and Second

For Kent.laaaaaeos the late Or oa B FrarerTwS be rented to a yard toast. sa laaa-n- a-

- t BBW

. kc Tber at alsorbaartas. Cliiratrt.fkoaac. App'y to

B. F. STEWARTAire, fwrasre, tbe Hoaeeh Id aat Kltckea FurnitureJ unit tf

ai 17 8 T BECEITED,A T

MO. 7 FRONT SOW.'. GaVOBB) IBflPtW Teas-- . Pjwdara, far asMwrbaaa.

1 U aale aad rout , by

latest HfmsbyCficgraplj ftial lotiffs.TO ASAOCIATKB PREMOr aWPHTt)

Wsakla(isa HawsWaikiksto, Jon- - It The at rxicas Mtbtatrr

tka it ilratari tfta a larfs portion si toasts feat

ftaaa ao4d or d 1 by all aoemiaaipt.Borarnx Oi mn:lt srai tnasc tc dii sa'e tbaafs"- -

mooa from taist u ton ira.

Rlaar Ittwa.It Locia, Jud- - t Tno rtatr bad fallen oas fast

yratrrdar. A:i opoer itre m rac'dlat.LoriTitxx, an 4 ftlrer ralittf taiidir srtU

t fast in the canal.

Trleiraphlc Marketa

lis Ton. aa tt Moon. Plonr ftl H0i tWheat adfitMUBB. c .n. 711874c for sum ; 7tfi)77caanlte ; istftSIc (or raUsw. Men Pork, ftlt tt. Lardsad Wbliky da

CtnciEBATi, Jane 11, noon P onr tsaat and dollWalkrltMc. ProTtaloni nolkl-- 1 dot-f- t,

Sniibinj glatfrials.0 ft MOOMB. 1. HA I.STKAD. ft. bsvsWasV


IiTJMBBH. TAHD.Doo Sash, blimbs, maktlbs Moci.mKfft.

and WIKDOW PftaJIftS sad OASIKtM.(XftllCB, BRACK ETA, MftWBL PUBVrB, BALLIBTftftS.Tt'BS'IMO and BCftatLL WO BE, of erary aarteiy.FTjOOHINO,WKATHBft ftOABD (PUIS.. LATTlCft 8HftLTTM6

XjUMBXR.' all ktaas, roorh 0r dreaaed

Btuloera afli tad It to ih ir bttpat u rlre ai a csi)MOOftft, HALSTBADftOO ,

atTtBHttsararty Barood 1 treat anth of ITsaaa.

LUMBER W1KO.Great iBdiceBrBt te Biili-r- s


TsLLOW PIS K. Poplar and Qam Bill, Join sad Bind- -

and near white Pine, Cap real and Paatsr. 1 kj aad t laoraaaaa, ysae, waits, Pin. Paaaaar sad Sawii tressed Oemitc Alto s lares ssaa'raMatsi

sclei aad beared aad lawed Oedar. at all atsss. AIra rroaa a dlatanoa. a asaaili il na ta aaak .

iironah mercianii. prataptip ai tended ta.B.tture.soaatiidaCaatrsLandini Waab'itton itreetp m. a. cocmtAM


Sash, Door and BlindSf.--

n Doast BaMfta tapnvlrrnirr. Alao,

rxroas aks wikdow rajLMas,Worked FloorinAa, Cellinea,

aao sal other Baachlae work ta aft Bas wlU becm ehort nsMra.

TOWTB'tCtS OM BmLDIMG TAKBM.en-- : Malisfactory on Adana. nrrl, uearMemph

Kalirr-a- Depot, Mempkla. Teaa.ITll-l- r

fainting ani) glrtterturf.j4SraV


DECORATIVE FAITIGlass Staining. Gilding, tbe

W. H. PASSMORE.retsrmnc tr i (Torre Ihank for ths awry lfhsrs!

bestowed on hiss araee hi. realdence In Memphii, wocid inform tbe dtlseaa that be ia prepared atSH times to make TIMB CONTRACTS for the rsamlstlni 1.of work ia tk' i"oa brsnebei of hla baalassa, ta astyle thst will mats Isla his earlsbl. reratstlon alreadytamed to this dtp.

Store Mo. 1, S ewsit ft Proalne's Block, Main atrest, labelow UnionM. B. I hare ancceeded In enssrlnx ihe aemcoa of

one of ttr beat pramlcal painters la the oonalrr, MrRoserts, late of New Tort, as forrSlan, lo aaalit ma lotatiylat on tbe koaineia In a mtnnrr thtt win tree perfeet aattafactlon to all part Irs.

tnl-d- lr W. H PASSMORB.

B. "ii ten.. .JOS. PIHW.

MEW vim

MILLER & PIMM,On Monroe Btreot,

BETWEEN MAIM AMD SECOND.11-i- LL be found In readiness to do SIGN, sad all theVV finer brencLtsofPainting,


Crainln,. Etc..eacb tlxas sad manner as will lnitrre the caoit perfect

susrac.ioa to srerr taste and circumstances


np-ri- t'fat arr- sttAvtbed to our MtAvbllFlare rarely r foaaal oBbltwd in any one sbop ta the

Soa.x7m or Wrsrrn ot, ntry, and hare been Mcnred attrcineuiit-i- : - rxTM-c- e Our


fqval to any to tbe Dotted Statea.

COMMON SICNS,iall I pi farit-h- d In a frw kotira ot!oa.

PrraoBa attfttion rItpd to tor work, both id al

and Roap Paint ton. apltV-dt-

P H. HAMMER8E0LD & CO ,Architects, ivil Engineers and

SurtctorsOffice on Mali, r street, orer Gayoao Sartnga Bank,

MEMPHISRB now prepared to farnlit designs for, aad a anertn-,- andtend the erection af or priest balloings,

churches, atoree. store flxturea. fcc. They wilt also gtreheir rttenttoo to aay work onralog under tbe head of

Ciril Bocinearlng or Borrwying. sltber ln town or tocountry. Any deecriptk.n of Architectural Engineering,

Mechanics Drawtnga executed with an accuracy sad and

aastneae not lo be in this errantry Deeixnaworhtog drawiare for dwel Inf harass or other

aiMlng in the country ao executed that any Intern,aewro carpenter can follow I been. Desigas for

Tombs. Teatts, fcc .Haring h.dexenatve dea'tags with mannfactura at the

Worth and We-- t tber can furnish aay description of IronFroata, Bslcenies Window Guard., fcc., fcc , at reduced


Hon A B L L D. ; Hon. Charles Scott ;Tate. Baq . Prerldent Memphis sod Cbarteatoa

Railroad ; Col W. M Stockton ; Dr J C Mllltngton ;Cock re 1. Bsq. ; T. J. rinnie, k.q. ; Gen. S. D Calf

Mitchell 1 cKeerer, Man.Ofaoa boara from a a at te 1 p. St , and from 1 r at.

inlr . aplkloi

Staioed Glass !Dr.dfjrelATD take, this m thod of teformta the of

THS iun of Meapa.l aad tb aarToadlaf covntry. thebe now prepared to ail all orde-- s ta the above toe


DESIGNSsPvralihed and sect to any part of tbe covotry.

ENATeTELED OLA 88,Various patterns conratanUy on hand.Ott) Looking Glass and Ffctare Framf s if


asPictures reooTatd and made equal to new.

Ag-n- cy for tbe PATMMT 0 LASS LSTTBRS for ShowWlodvwa W. H. PASSMOBB,

8'orr fn PTwrln fc Stewart's Mock,apl-- tf Bear of the Heaaa, Maaapkia. Ti aa

Grayson Springs,'

Kent if ekif ,anderalgned. hiring undertaken the entire man.THB of Grsyson Spring. SI a watering place,

would announce lo hi. old patroaa that be la alwaysready to entertain eteltors frees ths latst May till tbe

of Oct. b- r, and, feeling grateful 'or former patron-age bestowed oa Graret trnata that be anil merit soBoitanance of the earn. lo

Plrdginx near If that the entire eetabl lib mean at Gray-son abali be ia prrfect order for tbe reception of riritora,

!tb xood atrwarde, arrest and pastry cooks, aad petiteserranla, 1 hop to glr graars sstiBfactioo lo tbe eat.

l toe.And my Bar shall br anpp led with tbe best old y

a well a Foreign Liqu-- Cigars, t c, and aaagreeable bar keeper.

My Stable ahall be wrll a applied with prorrader aadcareful oetiera.

T'!-- wsaerlng.plrce la altaated 16 mllea south of Lea.lie In Grayson county, and 28 miles from Ml sabetb

town, at which places dally Unc of at ages from GraysonSpetrgs con eta with th l"ie sad Ms.hriltcBallroad, aad 4 mltsj from Mammoth Care commnnica-tlo-c and

by stage.BOARDING.

Bv.arcing per day, - - - - - $1I er was. ..... toper month, - .Btaa

ObtVdren aad half price.Baardaig Horsca er week, .... a Bt

ea " par day, - - - - - SO

' p r rasolh, ... - 10 Otronll.lawlws M F. CLAaVKBOM.

Bailey death of Mr. Bailey, these celebrated SpringsSINCl been a company, who bare

tbe entire premt.ra. be lit a large number of aaa.don. naoaaa, beavdea n any ether Improvements aecea.aary for the coaafort of rlattari.

With regard io tbe rural Ire prapertrri of BaileySpringe, their efftcacy hare been ao fairly and aali.facto-rll- y

tcied in tboaaaada of tasuncer as to render itoa the part sf ibe aropi tstora to say a ward

to I hair rinses BofSee It to t ar. however that it la

if aot aalreraallT rounded ibat for th cartbe f lowlag dia-i-e-i. Bailey Sprtaga are unaur

ra.aed by aay la tbe world : White Swelling, tetter, ftScrnfjeia. Dropsey. Dyipersti, Female a, aa wall

all Venereal and Cnlaaeaaa Btaa.ii of erery drwcrip.thaa.

Warm and Cold Baths win be furnished for tk risi. aftora.

Ibe Soriogs are open Summer sad Winter, snd throaaaraoa a them I. o great that there ar aerer lathan flrty rUltors present. They are located In Laeder-aM-

eountr Alabama nine miles rroaa Pioreace. aad areoow moat icmalb-- e t all section., aa a regetar line of

atage. and haika will ran TWICB A DAT from Turcam-M- a

lo th Sprl-g- .. oonDectisax with the car. as they peasTuacnmbla each way.

The localitr f th' Bprlag are craaurpaaaed. being In aptrasaat and healthy ceuntry, with fine f thing aadbcnting trorrads

A large Ucerr Stable ha been erected atta Springserery deacriptlon of rehlclet can arwaya h had.

Ten-p- in Alkryi. BilliirdTabrea. aad arT deacrtpilonamaacmrnt may bafonnd aa tor premlsee. tt

Cattiiionand Daactng Fartle tlrsa retxlsrly dartag

A Band of Mnelcbas beea engaged for the ream.Me laaet win be spared oa ta aart f the propria ionreader suitors comfortable aad agre-ab'-

El. Lin. min ran a m w.

bujyuap1, M m iii Yiaaaj ub ttuiuui

Wear Boltrar.lartleBaiCoiity, Teia.rnderrlgard will the CelebratedTHE f"T tbe aes-o- on MONDAT

lath of May. baring p:acd the Buildinxa sadi asset la as tne cvaditia as any Watering Pisco ta

lb. Booth a eat . The Oroaadi bare beea extended sadbrastifled wuh Shrubbery, the forest c 'earedaat gradd . tbe rocan painted and famished with aewcotter, mat lessees, tbe tui: Room decorated and pat la

eoadiiioa. th I brae Ten Pin Alleys sad Swing, harebran pet la caxd order.

Tha Waters, (then Pel eg are Boring. ,) eons let ofMa

Chalybeate. Sulphur aad Free Btaa aad Bow tn sbun-dan- c.

acBcient for 1 OM persona a day, and the cars-ti- eof ttte waters far all who are Owned

with Jtroraey, Dysrrrpeta ftaanlex Sore, and for tka afvless ec a bjiib.. aiwaaBaaatraaaa aaaaTk Daalap Spring, are aoceaaihle by tbe to

Central aa iibbm.i Kaurraao. nrtag altaated onir niaSalle. BOJtrar, t from Grand junction and 70 IraIbe cars fr.m BoHrir being osly fire boara

ail i ta aaa awrxaga rne trareier ia iex; reitaac isaix... iiriara neiaf w

aTkm fa abas a Baa ran mag i ream and excelieat Bak- -

txag grraaoda. with s cai rlage road to the creek, only aonartrr of a mile from the Barings, aad anaadanos ofwild t towers, dock, aaa agaarr-i- a.

Prof with klsBoBr aad String Bead I.ogsged far tka season aod will eallrea Ibe gaaxell la the

aay aitk Biail gaaair f-- -- ' night with Btnag moaic.J. C MADBLMAM,

roi-- H

MrAWCAStl 8. 0. Boda, tar axis bpH F. FARMBWOrTB fc 00.




SUMMER CLOTHING!OT7M took of CLOTHTMG la mil lar and we as

sorted. Ws are also la receipt of a tern ssssrtnaest of

Trunks,Bonnet Boxes

and Carpet Bati,Wslca wa ay oSbrtnt st s SMALL ADTAMCH spaaCoal Peraoni sbest to trarel, sod la wsftt at say kindof s Trunk, will tad It is their tai-rr- fo exatalaa ear

J0BMSOK It JUST, dim . s Marble ftkok

IT" ASK GEoaaE W. Boileb, Bat . law Sspe.Ti-ao- r,

first Ward, f the apaady oar at hie daothter. ItyearaoM by a alnirte btttla ct Prof Be OBATtt's BlecTir Oil Her acreaxna cosld be seard taVl yarda froma aoaaa, aarh waa b- aerer pats, aa Baadayi to

faOowina Hon lay tbe waa M1 aad walked akaai lows.tjaask B. f HAibes, coal dealer, Ac. Sixth sad

fin ctfrbU, what he koowa ot UUi woodarf nl Oil. AtkTftitssafla was hare bees so a. sickly aa-a- d of Baa

Uux, Gjat, Meiraaria, MM, ntesaorrhate, ftnrae,Woand', ftpfstns, Abscesa.s, sat other palafsj spaa

Plate ta.Pais Great Racsedy caa be had ef tka sawtrt here

tJHAVDLEB ft Co. Price, Msaals totem. Mas 11Jnn llswlw

World Fanaona,TJ a certainty, ta Dr i HoeTETTEB'l OttEaaA- -

TEO Stomach BiTtebs, for IBs ears sf Drepspsis.Parer sad Acne, Plata asm, Cbnsl lost loo, aad all thetrata of dtaessea which srlss from s morbid card Uon oftaoa. frtastlona on the alowaot ftp a the proper actiosof which tha health t antra depeads. Those was S

to he piapared, aot aaly tor tha Dysptpsis, bat farsa'-as- tf the llli thathaaaaaitir la hetr to, abortI proeldethe aiolree wttti that Brest tier lien I tamp and knownas Dr. t. HMTSTTRft'l CsXZBBateb StObiacbBiTTEBt. Tftrts "Birtfi" arc plesssat to ths lasts,sar af cpeistlse, aad d rntlr-l-y sf rrfslshleaabsaces, prspared with ths firateit rsre. If yoawant to be entirely isfi shad both physically sad aaeatally, go and procara this rsinable tonic

For asle by Draft lata, sad sealen senerally, erery.wbsts jsnltltwswlw

Ballroad accidenta.OF lata, rat'rosd aeddsats hsrs baCajsaa fo freqarat,that ao dab iborjld at art ptl a Jonrney without caicnlat-ba- t

the cbsaraa. or sashing pr.rlHoa far brok-- n Umbi,dliloostod Jolnta. sr at the toast, brsiaea sad sjntaatoosA t od preparation would be ss dirt sled by comm n

pi atsau small pack are tt Hot, a tew stitps of lain.Etas i sad a bottle of Bbass'i Abctic Liat m EarFor ths wsat of thh 'titer anrie oa inch aa oocail n.ataay t man has tae for aoatha wl h sa achtnf Unbor Joint, rrwith hla face dl.trnr-- d by saultbtly brnlaaw

itr'l Arctic Llalmest la or rsto Sy sllururei ta ibroaEboattheosntry Jsalat-dswl- w

To una; Ladies" Collegiate Inatlrate at forest Hill.

TUB Bxsrs Ida taoa sf Ctsaail la thla iastitatloa, willSasssseacs oa tbe tld, aad eoss with a Ooacsrt, oa theatth iasL, st 6 o'clock p m.

tT" For tbe scrommolstlcn of tbe psbllc. scsr wui be pat soon tke road, oa Frtdsr, tbe 16th matfor Forest Hill tearing the Meaxphla sad Char lei toeRailroad depot, st bJfors 7 o. clock A

assy rrtvra lo the dty at I r tt.. by tha mail trslaJar-l-

RaBts's New ice Crt Bialaon.o. 8 Frorlse fc Stewart'. Rock, Corner Mala aad

Gajoeo Btrarta.The Saloons sf this ca'abllacmeut hare baaa atted ap

tn siegant ety'e. and ladlea and geetlewian will be politely

aerred with lee Cream., Boda, Ooa ttiooaij, tie., tnerery variety aad of the Saeat kind. . Fruits sad fancy

article, ln great rartety. mviautm

flats Hats'. Hats!new nxH.ivi.B. PAIBCfllLD .J. L. rtOBBII.

FAIBCHII.D a MORRIS,'tnosesaara In A. O Wbeaioa ;

Awrr ACTuaraa abd wholesale abd detailDEALT a a IB



WE ar ta receipt week'y of all tbe Pari. Ian sadblew Tork stylea of Hats and Cap., as a am as tsgard,

which the attention of tbe public 1. reaaeetfal.yCall sad rxaatlne, and yoa will bay.

A CABD.n A VI KG sold my cut ire t"t'et lathe Hat and Bhoe

bnalaea., to H- - .ra. Psichili fc Morrta, I would take

thla occasion to re; urn to the citiianaof Memphis, andtbe pintle genera It, my moat grateful thanka for

their rery liberal patronage en me. far tbepast rearm years, and would especially recommend my ta

arsQcesrora la erery respect aa worthy of their cjnfl-oaa-

aad liberal eocouragemen t .

Junlt-l- A. G. WHRATOM.

Doctor J White,with his Cincinnati Medical Inatltule, baa

Branch Cfflce and Depot, for hi. InTaluableFamily Medrcinea, ln Mempbia, Teaa , on Union street,between Front and Main, where he may be consulted aad

remedlea dlapenavd and furntibed to phyaletaas,drnggi.te and dea era fa roeJic ne on faroriMe terms

la tbe emptorraent of hi. remedlea, tka a at acted winui cxI y lea-- n that they da aot depre.- - the system or ritalorcesi bat are atBM taatly reno rat lot e cntireorganism

aad bulkttag up aid girtog to tbe conatiiu ion and mind

their youthfal fresbneaa. taratna and strengthSome of Dr. J White'! Remedies planter and

faxatliee, on becoming acquainted with them, can no mirethink of bring without them thaa they can think ef do-

ing without their breed, so aseful aad ready are they larHtenng nearly er ery kind of disease all injarlra, ache

pain whererer located.Being MATVBE'a Sememes, aad acting la aper Sc

harmony with Katnre'i lawa, rarely fall, perserered la,arrest aad permanently cure the most complicated

formidable diaeaaes. chronic and acute I lat-l-ai

Edmondson & Armstrong,,

Wholesale aad Retail Dealers In


Oppoaitt Court Square Sign of tha nw

Q oldon Stir ru r.KKaPconatanlly aa hand a full assortment of articlea lntheir line, cone ia ting in part of Preach aad American

8ktne Hemlock and Sole Leather,tklrtings. Harness, Bridle. Wsx snd Kip Upper Leather, A

Bnameled and Patent Leather of all kinds; Pad, Hog

Ohamot', Deer, Lin lag and Topping Skin Also, a fanassortment of f add era', Sooemskera' aad Tanner.'Toola, fcc. Saddlery Hard ware aad Harness Mountings

erery rartety to wklek we respectfully lentattention of persona buying ln sar lias.


Bands! Baada! Baadft.WM keep coo.tantiy oa hand a fall a.orlm.nt of both

piMachtae-- St retched Leather and


all alee, from two to alxleen Incbea in width, aad aa

r th Agent, of the mannfaaturera, can sell themlow aa they can be found la th market, anal gear an tee

to be of the best quality made.BDMOMDSOM fc ABMBTROVG,

Me. 14ft Mala itiaat.:y of tbeGoldea Btlrrap

Death to all Vermin ir


'OOBTAft'S " BLRCTB1C POWDBB for Ante, la.ects,etc.

(Tbe OWL V INFALLIBLE REMEDIES TBOWB )Bold (Drug gut. red Dealer desiring

term., read for Co.tar'e Prtrate Circular.)rw on receipt af OftE DOLLAR "Caatar" send er.say address In th United Stale, a aufacteat qusniity b

(Postage Paid) to destroy tbe rermm on any Premie.e.s "COtTAR'a-PRIMCIP- DEPOT,

Mo. afS Broadway, Mew Tork.B. MANSPIBLD fc CO., Agents,

aaiBa daw Memphis, Teaa.

Hide: Hide.: Hides:WB are prepared at any tire to pay tea HIGHEST


Shipments solicited, to wkick we prorata cur praaowtspecial attention.


P State ot the Oo!4en Stirrup.

E. F. GOODC a CO.,(sarneeara to Thrall fc Co.)


LIGHTNING RODS.A eery mpertor article, with


Poet etftaa Black, or addrei.K F. OOODB fc CO.,

ma-- It v eraphls, Tenn.

Prof Hask ell's Electric Oil.A aappty of tbla wonderful Medicine for tbe care of

--beumettara, Deaafnaa. Fftaa, Oora aad ail aerroaHaarlickaa aad Pains, has been recelred ky HAR

BIN fcOO , where It can be obtain. 1. The aufTerlng

ill' panfcan a Battie Immediately. Baa aatrcrttse-rae-

ta another cotaain.Prop Haieell. The followtng teattmoay la favorDr. HaakeU't Bloctrtc Oil 1 furnished a for poblica- -

i:Prop. Haakill Dear Sir : I feel It ta be my doty to

aform the pahttc, tkfoagh pea, what your vwaaaai faiOil "baa done for my family. My wife has

slarmlcglr troubled with falling of the waaaft aaapain, lathe neck aad breaet. I boaght oava kaatue ofroar Oil yesterday, and .he la eatlrely free frrea

bar warmest respect for yoaraacceeay. 1 hare hid a rheumatic pain ln nay

and a --mi for a long time, and tn tea annate.from tke time I applied your oil, the pain was all gone

1 truly wonderful mainly far all pataa, lack a we

bare beea suffefiag with, and 1 cheerfully giro thlaof ite aftkcll.

S. T. IWIPT. Merrltt Hooee.Bwora aad lubecrtbed before tac, this day, Ittk of July

1897. LIBBBTT WliTE, Jnatlc of tke Feaee

Such teartlaaony tell, an " o'er true tale,1

amnsof made cert Ilea tea afl ererwae ot.

For sale by S MANSPIBLD fc CO. MT MalB--at

re suffering and articled. oett-daw-ly

DB. CAVANATJQH'8FXTjB SAIiVB.agar the air af erery form of

HEMORRHOIDS, OR PILE8;of leas itaadiag er iwcaaat orkttni Utoraal or tn; whether atteadad with PrraUpeaa, Homer- -

Ikir. " ' aad all by


latere! adluTsat kaatag required in aay case, only to

regulsu tkaawwaaa tt PgBttajllll, or fa Ptarrhcea aad


hkth cttaracter aao inauence. nare roiuntsry attestedIt efflcacr la their own cases, aat af hearsay, aad

who oertttcatss may ha saea by rwf.riaara te th pra- -prlTtere' publication to be had of their afaaats, th rough --


th Called Btatoa. v

Pries, ftl par Ben, i itaftTh FILM RALTB la pat np la flaaa Jan, lactcaed iBpaper box, property laaaBal, and will keep aay .englb

f time.? For sale ta hat ettp bp

Jororaow fc Lob,ward fc Jobus,M ABiriELD fc CO.,B. F. FAJaWgWOBTW,H. a. Hoawaa,W. M



special iRotirfs.


The or Juno,TBS

Annlrsrwrj or Paint Jchn tke Biptist.A "8ER01A IaOBOB, Ra IBs,

will ce.ehTle that day ty s PabJIc Piocaasian, a Publicsf bar oncers, Meet- -

ta esrre for ths setslat tareraeA. and at Oration by Milor.- - i?lul Brotb-- r Btssatl f dft,

Psat Grand Master of the ft ran I Lodge ofSouth Memphis Ledge, Mo. lie. and aU Iks la

ths aai naaesag naatif has beea aetata, aad are axre co kg be

Antsrooa Ledge WL1 meet at their Han. la Odd Pillow.Bor ling, oa the Burning of tbe 14th. at aiLr rnrTBS CfcLOCE PBEcttELT. at which hoar th Ledges

linted. and Lraneltnt breth-ea- . will attarad paaawhen a pirareaataa will be foraaad, aad prucaed ta tkeTteaire BaMtac, accord log to a route laid down by theChief Marshal la pre.rioaarn Bsi eafur lo be pub.iahid.akatpl '.he tmmm on gaftj take p see n.,i Bj

Oral tan be dellrered.A commltte will be at lb Hall sa the morning of ibe

24th, at t .'all a. aad wttt lawaata there, to etassaasaachBrethren ss arc not known to be Masons, who may wtihtijota taaarwaaataa. Mo eaatahaalion can be ataae ai--

tar tbe bear of BesetIng, half past teaHo Brother will br prrtnlUed to lota the proceraloa

after It leasee the Hall, aad I one wall be allowed toleers nnleaa properly dlacbarged; Bar will any Brotherbe admitted li the n who la cot propeily rjarthadaeoordmg to hia Masonic grade, aa tan aw. eta

Bbtebeo Appbebtices White aprons, trimmedwith blar, without rmblemaj on blue rosette oa tbe csi ,

white g'orea; Co aa.bFellow Obapts White aprons, trimmed with bluete table ai twa Mae fault oa the aaaa while gtaewat

ao aaeh.

Master Matosaiae wblte aprona. trimmed wt'b bin, with aac'i the Dear as thewearer way alec ; white

Rotal Aftcat MASoaa. Rotal abo Select Mas-bb- i,

abd Kbiobt Templabi In full dress, according la eaubllakedaeaga.

The la charge of Moat w.vrehipfu!Brother alamaaPaan, Pa.tGrand Matter of Alabama, aa

Chief Mir, Sal, with aaeh Aids sad Asalstaat Merahaua. be may appalat

After the rntrmaataa and oration are oondaJed at theTheatre, a cotara-tio- a anil be taken ap froak sasklla ofthe Order, to th " Mount Vernon LadkaV

sf tbe Union" la paytat far Mount Tiraaa, taaHome and G rare of Washibotob, aad hereafter ta be

tha acca of American Free Masonry for a time toThe i recraaton will tbea be agate formed, and ra

ta ra to Ue Hall where a eollstlon win be prorlaed forth- - Brethren, their wis aad daughter.

Tbe public ar Inert --4 to th Theatre to wltaeaa tbeot th Ota cert aad hear the witkaB tka


toil tend.Th wire aad daughter af Master Maaea win be

dlattngaished bp a Mar rosette, those of Royal Arch Ma-e- m

and Royal aad Select Masters by a scarlet rosette :

aad tboae of Knight. Tempiara by a b act rcwetta an iberight ihoa der. They will form a dtitlngaiahed part aftbe proceailoo, on IU rstsrn from tbe Theatre to theHall


Junlfl-dawt- Ojo of Arrangameato.

Saddlea, ess, Bridies, ttc.WB ar now J fresh and well irtactod

lock of goods in thia line,SADDLES, BRIDLBB




All at wkick wa win aan at the rerr loweet market ratesfc ARMSTRONG.

o. BtT Main .treat,IT SUrri of the GolatTi Httf rap.


,mi" & STHREHLf,TflT? TJ7 A TJriTWn vrRPlTi........ vts.VaW ww 'iaVw. (.1 ft -- r - js. w

No. 6 Front Street, NeT. Orleans,pay atnet attention to aad forward withWILL all good. Ir.tTci'ed to car care.

RgrsR to M' Coleman fc Co . Mea.r. W Cox fcOo., aassr. w. A. Ticlett fc Oo , Men era. Pa lion fcSmith.

a A i rDT'AnIa th agent of the ibe re bouse in Ibis city, and isprepared to make contracts for fore srdlng, sod to at

nd to all settlement and other baalneaa at the firm.mytl-l- y


a Third-Stree- t, be lwee a .Harket aad Jeffe-ae- a


OPPRRS to the public Geld Peaa of hla ownwhalceale aad retail, warranted equal to aay


0-- P. n. .ent by malt accompanied with 60 cent a tnaaaae ar stamp, wlU be repaired and returned by next

IWta-daw- ly

BLUE LICK SPRINGS.Nicholas County, Ky.

JAS. S. HUTCHISON. PROP R.H tVB leased thla celebrated watering place for theenauing a-- aeon, and will open the asm' for the recrp--

ttoa cf rt. I ton on the IBth of thia month.Tbe celebntT of ie Btae Lkk Spring, la each aa to

aaad ao particular deacrlptloa. Situated on the Maye-TiH- end Lextngtoa tnrapik road, twenty ml - f rim

Part, (the laacttoa at the ata.a Heea ar d ta Oorlngtonand Lexington Ballroad.) aad tweety-fo- er mile fromMayariiie. tbe local lea render thla plac eey of oce.Irora ail parts af tha country

Tbe Hc'.rl in all its ad uncle, baa been thoroughly ren- -

orated and put in xood rapalr. The proprietor can an'yr mie that be will endearor to keep a

FIRST t a. ASS HOTEL,erery respect, aad with the aid of polite sad expert

enced attot fee, cuaBdent that, In point of comfort lo gaeata. tbe Blue Lick 8 prima will be accent to

watering place la tbe Weak.A Sa baad of maalc has beea ecgaxed for the aeasoa.A c mp ha 1 Ivrrr Stable ia attached ta tbe premiie.

where tore-- aid busktei caa be had at all tlarca.A Pat Offlce has been established at tbe Springs.Jaaoa-da-ar

pieaaiBB appearaace la the Seat letterat Ion.

EXTRACT OF ELDER FLOVEHS,Far gffttmtnf tht Skin and faapreaiJao ft Complexion.

BCORXB Dl'PTT, tot Broadway. M. T .

Sol ageot tor the trailed Staler..Theeljeetof tbw Circular la to giro pabfeity to tbe

moat ralaaMe aad eaw-le- Remedy that baa yet beeaIn Ibe practice of Medicine, for tke porp a of erery caalght iy appearaace from be Saia, aadlaat. tag te it ta tha late it period at life nearly aU th

tiaaaaaa and treabneaa of yoath Bxteailreasd minute obeerrat oa bare loot aatllfled tbe proprleioi

at It applied as di racted it will remove anyappearance, auch as ran. Fiscklei,

fcc . aad qal kly cure all Pimples, Harora and Bn.p- -lions whlrh may dung a re tbe countenance ; ana win alioimpart to the Skin ibe meat de'tlh'fol nftnei and delicate deeraeai ; tn eho't. to pro-er- r a pleaalci oomplea-io- o

thiongh if, n; thing kt reqilrad b- -t t! e aae of


The .w reteat and really the moot perfect

MEAUTiriE IM HATUME.Tbl. admlrabl- - preparation of Elder F.owera I, rery fragrant a a pel fata, aider Fiowera h are from the cai

ar been esteemed sa a mild and karmles. yeticrfect beantller f taeakia Tka, PTrckkta.

fcc , tt win 'peedl'y and comp etery removeCmildbeb It I. beiiartVIll and perfay-tl-

aoxoaa, eeeo to tbe yoangeat latent.Sravibo It la Taliablebe-aon- d any Mm. annibilal- -

ing every Furaple. aal all reagbneas, raaderlng tha akinoft and Brat areparing it a a mpiereiy toe me rarerFamily Lotiob. GoJ'r y'a Bxtract ef aider Flrw- -

will be found beyoad prat, aod Boot only a u 11 toproTerL

A O E If T t :

Carey, Howard fc larger. Mew Tork.ScblefMlin Bra fc Oo., "P. C. Wall fcCe.. "J. W. Norcrow fc Co., Boston and Mew Tork.



foBpBi.fd gittrcly fr.a !

theb'et Faegative and Liver Medicine bowrioaeof the penile, that acts aa a Cathartic, eaal ler, aad more effectual thaa aay other medicinein. m It Is aot only a Cathartic, bat a Llrer laaaaady,

act I rag a at oa tbe Llrer te eject Its morbid matter, thenon tbe stoTSCb and bowela te carry off thai matter, theaccompli. blac two parpooaa itki laally, with at any ofthe painful fee I inn exp'rteaeed la ibeoperalloa of asoatCatharflc. It rtrenatbeei the at tbe lame timethat It purga It i aad when taken da'ly ia moderatedoeea, will airengtban and build It up withuauaual rap--Jdlty.

Th Lite 1 oae of the .principal rearalatora of tbehuman body; aad when It- -, perform, ita function weU

the power, of th. iritemeHare fully Thetore ark la alaaort eatlrelr depeadeat on lb heelthrnl

action of the Llrer for theinroper performance of Ha

function i ; wh u theitom- - acb li ar fault, ibe bow-

ela are at fault, aad le ays tern auflers inouoaauai pc of oa organ.. ihe

to do Itadnty. For the jdleea of that organ,oae of tbe has made it hi. ataaty, la aBract Ic of more than taraa- - .ty yeara, to aai some re-

medy wherewith to C000-Q- 5 teract tbe many derangemenu to which It ll lie-- hie.

topsTjWetlmtthl.reiaareadr ta at laat formd, anyperaoutrcabled wttb Lit--E- B Complaibt. In anyat iu fo m'. has bat a kotlkj, an cuaria.tlon I. certain

Three Gums remore a'l. .morbid or hat matter fromth . yatem roppiitag la nelr place a beauty flowof bile, irlgeraitng thetatomacli. camlrg food todlgeat well, pratpi ibotme blood, firing toneaad bea'th te tk reraorlng tbecause of tbe die ag a radical ear.

BiLLiotn ATTACtiaare. .cared, aad, what l. bettor.pretested by the m caannal ore at the Lira aIB VI OO BATOR.

Oaadoae altercating laanfflciect to relieve theatomach aad prerent tbrpfood Irora rlrlkg and aoar.tag.

OalpatwdaM taken be rVWo retiring prirrntsNiaRTMA BE.

Oalyeneda taken at night, luiaaat the bowel.gee' lr and cure. Costit BEII

One dose toktn artereacn meal win care rra-pepi- ia

tafta dose of two lea-- , -- ipoonfula will aiwaji reHer Bice Headache.

One battle taken for fe-- male obstruction, remorthe can of tha disease, and make a perfect car

Only oae doe Immedla-C- lj r e e v e Cholic,while

Ooa doe often repealed la a aure cure for Chole-b- a

Moabui. and a pre- - r1 ran tire of Cholera.Orafy eaekoitle U a.oded1- -'to throw oat of thesyatcm

theenactaot medldne a long alcknessOne bot le taken forteal JAtTTDicE, reaaorea all

aalaowaawa or nunatnral color from the rk n.. deae takea a aborts time before eating Elree

rigor to the appetite, and make food dlgeat wen.Oae deae often repeatedcuree C B o a I c Di

were! fnrmi. whlleSc a Mil and Bo-wel complaints yield al-- 7 most to the drat doe

One or two doaa cai" 'attack canard by Wobmichildren ; there la no --giurer. eater, or apeedier

remedr in the world, aa lt?nrer fellaA few bottle careaDaopv,4hp exciting the

Wa 'ah paaarar la iatraaeadla Uwakadictae aaafor Feteb ABD tarjg. CwilA-FETiB-, and

all Paroas of s Billiop Ttpe It operates alih cer-

tainty, ead Ihiaaull are willing to testify to It auaderfal Tirtee.


kfotja TE.Tiatoa r IB it. pator.WATER IB THE MOUTH WITH THE


THE LITER INTIOORATORa eeteatlfic uedlaal stacorery, and I daily working

care almost too great to bet'ere. it ran aa If by magic,eren tbe 0 rat daw glrlng beneflt, and aeldesa more laoiue ia reoBlrcd to car- - any kind of Lgrxa complaint, from th worst Jaaadlee or Pyanriakkk ta a cora-far- aa

twlavcke, il af witch are the rerultof a Dti easedLiteb.

ra-PB-ica okb dollar pba bottlb 43Dfc 8ANFORD, Prwarieto,

Bta Broadway, Mew Twa.BieW) "4aaBatl wJT laft aaFTwawfafJ

8 -W ta If era oh la air 8 UkHtTinUi av CO.,

Wheat BagsTO ARR1TH. for asle by50.00050 Mo. MOW ABO at co.

B. T. FAftMaWOaTH fc 00.

WW aal

Horizontal Progreteive Power

Cotton Press,a? ATE S FED MABCH Sth, 1858.rpBR Inrentar, Ber J Lisrng hgnrg eaen.traeted oaea. aoa aara ia 1 wai rarry BaaSag Cattoa , I.

10 racoaameod tt aa iha paMK aa pwlmal- - g many adntag orer ear Pre, heretofore u. d, aoaaa of which laovre lea lorr a.

run I HE A BESS Tn eeatce la ao rlrople that ItdeaiBoi lagalrea meet aaac to eoca tract it it do, ratrasemny, ia,Q Dai-il- e cnoic fot of lumber and mytree Hat win make gaxl raila will salt aa w,,'l a. thetasetof tunbar.

B8 04 COPTZBIKB(.B : It t all ml at tka laatdoor with th entire length tbi praea-ba- x open andcan therefor, aa I, led for packing mach aooixr thanosaal.

Thir l Speed Th b ,rr havlnr to tram onir aavofeet agal-w- t J tog f at with the Screw Praia

Fourth Dt'B.liLlTT l The Pre, la ru naiitr-i-e-that It ooa be oaerated In a boa aa, wttb Bo part of the

oaeo. air-p- i in- - ead sf ibe Wear a. and tberIBgied and tbua peaa rr4. The deriee oaee.

comes friction al Ibe tkm the bat la sakiag lb greet-er- trealaunce, tberefjre. th wear at auito aanwrreia.

kble.Some Irtel'iiet I gerfeijiee bare ernavd Ihrrrl- -

that it wold laat frost so Is to yeara. wlh balaltxkt. ifany repair.I bare apointed Mr. A. W. LOTTWO aaf aaa rm of

Besaeiyfc iovt,.. - v., -taa, aal saeai. i . ororlded Walk a lall wnrtlae r, A.el of my Pre... and circuiara eixtaaalat th prtacipeaaawa .nca u n c.iracte i. (Mil aad kal for y ur- -

Taa Inweat r live. Are mllea east or ar .1 aa 1 a "the Merapbii aad Cka lea ton BaBroad. who win takeplea-or- in abiwinj and exptalakM hla Freiitoall ten-

Mc w Payette Tan. .April. 1888.m;t-dwt-

Threshing Reaping

MACHINES.Wa bar on band a .upply of rftae raw, approved

Macblnea and wa wae'dmzreet In rm- -that tbe deman f rikew aboal karreat llm e great-- rthan ran be Itaa tl rrfvi eaaAMr. 1. ,a.crira ooe or both Machines, would do well to ead thtfordar at aaea to aa that they may reo-t-re reliablelord Reaper or Threaher present aeaeoaaaaa

awvaaacaau 1. ,w.s a. i.R . .1. A r.

Premium Cotton GinTa attention ot Ooa. ion Planters la fpuLtfalry called

Hi ll aaaaatea Ihaa. a. 11 11 a rw.rer A Co , .! Brllxewaler, Maaa rndcr a reraaatim.

t C.i-r-er Olna are iraxardad ai Lna teat aaw

tr. ar sh agcountry

We hare on head ifty am,1tree and nambera cf Bears.

Aleo 10 and 11 feet lejnarnt rj. waahera, fcc.. cam.akrto, an of wkick we osar to oar map da anoe taa asaai

. GWTNM fc JiaaOM,M0S.I and! atarrbAaaaaalldlaaa"Nor 7 laga-i- T

iMs.i.ters:Look well to Ioar Interfsts aaa oily tbe Best Mac kiaes.


Portable Orlstmn.EVERY PLANTER HIS OWN MILLER,rp HIB U 00 af tk moat tarea ate lam t bang af the BarA puaa'a.lag all iheqnaJltka. to make tfth greatest aernee tn erery planter, ad la deitin --

aaB te aap-rce-de or try other mill and te aapply area:want long Mt in erery aertar tbe country. Itoccnpieaonly 1 feel by 1, are' weigna too noaods

Tbe neat dlatiagmaklng chArarieriattca are, lti ara.plicitT. DreraABiLiT-r- . vtilitt aad small costr quiring no .kill tokeap 11 m order.IT IS THE OBLT MILE, IB TWE trWIOH THAT WILLoaiBDoaa abd cob ih the ear, which haiiiAB IBTALCABLE PEED POB tTOCEIt la adapted to ateam water or horee power, rrlndlnx

to perfaetion wh-a- t, oo-- aa1.. backwaaat, drag, andProes ; grBkdo with two kar-- e power Bra to tight

boahela per boar ot the Bneet eualliy ef meal for familytwe and len ba.bela of prime feed for atock. and raererbeat, tbe meal a valuable featara

It eantataa mr g .id quail tie than all other mill,ccmbtn-- d and aa y ae. da to tee waa in petatloa to

erery inte.lighnt mi-j- of its great - ae andWe chall-nr- e tbe world for a rial before com-

petent Judge., of any other mill ever invented. Hundred.of the mill, are in rare ia different part of tbe HaltedStale, and a1! live entire aatl faction.

A.! orders for Mill and ap?u-at.- a for County RubleIn the State of Mlaaiialpoi must be adireesed to

JOIN BRAIN, Holly Spring, MiaaDAVIS. WILLIAMS fc i'O ,

feb-dl- y Mea bli. Tnn


THB anbacrlber, a practical halocate! htmaalf tn Memnhta. far the nurpoae

f RB TOOTHING ud aTftAIGHTIMING CIRCCLABana Al other SAWS Work Ooa at Cincinnati andEa-- rn price, and ruarantied.

Alao, orders recelred for everr deacrintaoei of SawAll Sawi ald by na are warranted Saw Mill ownei

l.l Mud It lo their adTaatag t,. call an mr before cu,-cka-ln- g -- l.ewhete.

Bbp on Poplar street, cppoalte Tnton Fonn len.Is.aa dawlr SAMHal. p irth c


RES Ti UR.iA T.MAV 2flf 1858.

BATEMAN 4k HERMON,lpp. Coiiuuerciat! Hotel. Jefferson i?tret,

MataTFrnS. T1ITKF55K- -.

TV taa caaaAas af a BSbTAT- -I RAN'T, todrether wi.ha Qic aaiMrtc.r-n- t

of it A.Q-'o-- i pairttT Sc:rhAie, tac . ww org it 15 aAuainT yon an inomr tlfffrminaM n uota but tt'- rbui st and:mo-- l arprxvr' nnaMtltsB f tv, t tltyaeriptno ofeach, br wbtca man wa -- ball, at all lira. t it inar aaaar ta Uunre To oar frn1 and entoaMTi aaea

ar. i t'traf, n;f rlt taetr aaproaattoo aiidob'atn for t coo tr. nance of ihlr favwra

Itls onr taivtti n kwie. to k.p a tTtrplyf Boti'M Wl3aaM, rwnT. Ala aad Oaaer to --fad.n-i,

taefarra-- T 4lrect from tte docka, to inaaro tt beta?(eanino an nap rutl

our tdrrr ani will ao roand fair aad mcpJrtJbel'if ca cnlatt-- d to aflnrd a cnmrtT!. rtmayii I n utb without tbe p3irwajf.i to lapo-l--

Rrc.yins for erccaratenir?nt n ta caifai tratrxtioo ofor Btock, and taa ttrtct atUn-- . n araicb wa abail anl

fonory ale to tbr t!n- - riectit, .it ef ail trrxlrra with wbicb70a may be pi aaed to favor aa. W- - loot forward withcoefl p?nce to reoritnt prriof ef your .prr-batio- by aiwprlltloaof your coBinaBie ; and w r.maia. rfrrj re--.pc:fniry. oaor' itmt banM? iwArvaau,

itj t t. aaw-.- r aA.KiAii a ,r.vH. J. FARNS WORTH & CO.,

Wholesale DragrgistsNo T Front flow

a rery lare and complete aaawrtmeot ofHATE tn the Drug line, to which they call the attention at everybody ln particular. Though aot ae fling aat" AT COST." our price erereaaonable; and the QUALI-TY of oar article

IrtJ OAl.l. tan SBS

fine teas:aaeortmeat, purchased before he lat rtaeALARGft tor aale rery low, at wholesale or retail, bytt W. F AaaH ia U FaTU tX CO ,

yd Mo. T Parent Bow

Pearl starcti.if ADR from Indian Cora a beautiful article. Fifty

.Vi Joxe. for bym. r. FARNSWOBTH fc 00.,

Jy Mo T Pro a I ytnw.

1PB8 S bar a . num North t'arolina, tor aale byP an ti. F PA BBS WORTH trailPOUNDS Cream Tartar. lur sale by500 BagS H. F. TABMS WORTH fc CO.

BAGS Black Pepper, fer aale by20 xagtl H. F. FARNSWORTH fc CO.

BARBELS Copperas P. fc W for aale by20 annrl H F. FARNSWORTH fc GO.

CARBOT3 Oil Titrlol, for aale by11 f aagS H. F. FARNSWORTH fc CO.

C'tGARS fa'.OOO, approred breads, for aale byH. F FARMS It ORTH fc CO.

A large lot, laid to belong to lbLANTERNS for aale by

east W. V. PARWWWORTW ft no


8,000 yard! of DRESS SILKS,OT every dmriaflon at rrdoced prior

'atOO UKUIKiV. noiiKH.At vary low pricea.

LAWNS. ORGANDIES. BEREGES,By th 3 ant frotu 10 eetrts upwardn.

We coamrz- - to rvdooe the priera oo tha aheva Oeada

On the first of IHay,aal CdoUnae Ja lna tha aaaioa, aa we with to redo or oartack af Oooitw Wa weald pollUly iwcaaat tha LadAea to

ea!l aad buy btnuloa at




RAILROAD CONTRACTORS.Bhoiheer'i orrirE, a. fc O. ft. R I

M m.bu. Jan- - IB I8S8,BALED PROPOSALS will b-- reeetred at Ihla ofBoe

S until July I, for the GRADING. BBIDfelNO AMD

TRBStLING upon eight wllca of Ihla ftoad, lying inOlbaaa oswaty, Teani.a.r, ioobibu muei ira-- armpai.aod aoceeatble by r.liroad to anl JckaAlao until Auguat 16th. foe tke Or' I rery of txo.BBB

CROS'TIBS, of Whiteor Pwrtftak. at tbe ri of J.toeper mile, belwe--o live Makrll" aodObta Ballroad Junction

and the eltynf Farla. Tenneaaee. The ebore work roartatoof .lout ion OOP nuK yarn, oi '

ry la rera.rkablr beallhy3 - - aad rkeap. aad all circ-- .rnvHoeto make ihla a de.lrab e piece , f

Vfteepeetai atteBtkra of Ftsater ks direeted to tatsf.vorabl, cwirtnal.T of "'".'V'J0;;:K'e emrloyaaent for telear Baatt The abore rt ta be raaarpeetrd a or

before th lit day of Aprfl. 'Soft.piaa.. ProBle. aad SpeaHac.iloa o' Ike work eaa be

aaaa at tht oTto aftar June ta aa : any information ob-

tained by applKaitoa In eenoa, er ay letter te the aadT- -

W. D. PICKBTt. Ohkrf Bagipeeraj ft Three hand red KEGBil MBN ar.oled ii hire by

tractor, of th'a ftoal. for whom tha tlxheal price willpaid. Iraq alt at thla office

raaJaVM ar. D

JVotice,A I.t. perraaraa karlaal olaaxaa aa.iaat tk. art af treated

AV usced luffce aaaa ef Joseph L. Cianford or alaryA. Oraafard, aod daatatd oa tbe plat of th city of

aoapkla let Me. BBt, are kerebw notlaed te areathem for paymrat to the rmderatrTed by tbe lath day ofafaa aext. SEKhT GISEOM, Tr:a:e- -,

Worham House.rvawaexwara'xarwooldre ly lafo-- m MA fnea and the trtee'rag peonc. teal he

he at a beery oatlay bwilt and raratauerl thlihoQar ta a aarat taat 1 a 1 .tyie. aad aareera. ... r, i. , . n . . a. . .... . . . , . . ...e tf bt is.iaai a ari reem:gnier-- i r r in rery .ineral patraaag exter.Oed towill endearor to arrrlt - or the aaaa.

at. WOHSHAM, Proprretoe.apUMf WQaeajAM, AiakHaat


.F.W TORSL.pagaMer aod eextral aad well appointedTHIB ooad acted to tke Baroeaa faa,

baring aaeeaafal.y wlkered tae caoaaarrilairerulatsn, l new in n rai --rata 11 In, aad 'fairing tatar withby th Manager thaa -- ear te f 1, tt a ooa tieot tree liberal patroaaga hitherto ir ty aaawai by a

tac. Tae.. aad ftl per day. Doableand Parlor. SI to to as M'ala aa nlerad

Boated bp a aaa. threagrbaait.CHAS H. mm TTH, Pr, pnelor.SAMCBL B at HAD, Maaager

H'l, aad at IS Maaaaa street. twar Fin where beiBTttea profeeatoeal bualBeas, aad 11 aueeaa, for

0IOSO Mi O USE.rf.ilR aaoeiwgakad aa the plaaur-- to aaaaeaace thaiX the new aod igaaliaa Hotel to aaw ready lor tk re

capture of trarelera. Ms wl I be ateaeed to eae h.a oilMead aad can laiara, ballerina that be can Bow eaterteen tfcera la a aty.e eaaal to aay ia the Cnlua.

ros O I " 'KRKI.I.


Pateot Circular Hill!"uta from 10.000 to 12.0UO feet of Ltuobtf per

Day oc i weiv ttoiri!Il- -t ra at eengih enabled ta inf era ear aaatrronrt caat mra that we hare ro perrrcted. by aew in:pertaot Improrrmenta, ths TJniou fltrcaisr Bow Mlh,hat w bar ai heiitattoa la prouoaaoe tt aapertor to

anything yet ofTred the lurnbermsa. Strong sad wallmade, having abrat double the atock of wood andweek ln the aaaa ease cf mill, oar long experieuoebean aa thai ! w- waat a Sr-- t dan mill. It caa anl,

be bad by altlr-r- al outlay of labor aad nteleriai Thetaidee fer car lair are planed and the rolla turned L

rm let that Ibe log ia madi to aaove in a true li' e, easyand allheal relay. Tka aaw kaft I cat ap ia the beatrtyle, aha. g lackee nil loox beariuga ao that we viaratir or Bag IBS of .Baft.

pract cai iBwre-i- . A arxeaarin4 of Uoa witk lacreaaed efBciaair a J a renstk areapaBMaBI tk IBM eaperaorSaw Mill We will aot for fearf appea-in- g eitraaaxaal .a a .och Ichare cat par hoar. If the nrce.aay kxp to hendl

arg-a- x .net of luaakwrat pr-- a- ct ITOO tawt par boar ofpaulAr. ptae, waiaat, fce . can be cat wlf.oat tatflag b-

laeakraa Ihee Improred cir--n ar aalHa t tbetredewada raat expect toooapete la price with other partie. whokotttclrcni.r mi la anuiout reward to oaarrintaao. atrfrrrr aBtrahattiy Still we eftvr thesa ag hrw as cob poeslblyaaitkkrwal.troniiderl g ibe amount of labor and ma-e- -

nai uaaa an aa mThe faihawtDB ar oar kwet cash pn-- e whrch

Bt fe. t cowtape saaf ana belt, wtlh englie aadiileraof IS aad 1 bora power; an an other Sxf.rei

.Bin. eylra-te- ,iara. .tiro, b l.e- - i mbfefl laBBBft. kaag ,ln. I t

re reedy to et ap)atxepewar... l.tIO

H lark mill aad aaaa power. i, aao64 la. mill an I engine, 10 ta eyiladrr, M

In. atroke bolle; doubl --doed. 14 ft. long JJB640 la diameter

Mm mill aod asm newer a.tat68 in mil asd aaaae paaaerOil mlllaadr I BEt- - AUaaail. aaaiaai aaaal taaaVara ewaraafieal a. n- -

praa.afaatpor furtaarr parucularr addraaa

bragg fc araaowBS,Cor. Third aad Market atreete, Bt. Larabl, Me.

cewntTio PtTBXTUpright Steam Saw Mill.Tbl.' MILL li fait riming into as la erary gtwakat of

the country It has reeetred the iBekeseraeat of arseralthoaaand experienced lumber manufacturer., and

by all wha hare examined Ita cawrsrloa to helb mo.t iiapie, eSlcteai snd prsctleal maekiae tor tkparpoee erer produced. The enttre coat rf be Min. wttk

Onl rat ataraaa raglae and beller of aheat IBprwer the ll ill ntlll BBataaMIfor ih.poier.t in St. Loula, 1.ouli i,rse.For twetty-tw- o barae pawer a followBBgiB 10 lark cylinder, 10 lack IBroke,boiler double-toe- 14 Met Icag. 40 iachea IIn riametan ail roaaeartiori oaiH-t- i. la-- B1.3BBeluding tw ismp aod lerpenxe Mill my- -aaaae er catuag laaysa jetl ta anastrfrr. .. j

M aihtille . Tebb., March i iVg.Basoofc BuBkOWES GeMlemea : w bare i t one

of yoar raaak nation patent mil in ope-- z ai ar-w- -l' pleaaeo witn It We can law from 1.000 lo 1.900 feetinch board, in e b'!0-- s ind make'that can be sawed We bare beea ruaalag some threeweek, cnttlng white oak, buck oak and p ola-- . andhare Bert cat a crooked Hoe yel Tnere ha. been atleast oae hundred to aee l a; nee wa atari ed R.aod all I beHereglTa It up to be tbe best r0l ib-- y erer

w. A. G GABkETT' furniah eitber Lecoaaotlre er rbaabl. joad Boiien

aa part re. prefer, without any extra ciargeteam EoeineWe are now maaafacmrtug to order Irat ciaaa

frou' new patterra ef approred conitructton aad aarrlarOur era tae. have beea deetxrerl -- xprtsa

Ir to meet the want. af lawyers miller, and plantar..roTblnlnr .ImpMcltv etreacth acd -.. cr .m- -rlt ia greater perfe-tio- thaa I canal in tbe tradStreoag east Iron bad plate, taraed balaaee wheel, wit a I

icrcking too pump, iron abaft, kc, fcc ,reaent lo all caeca We bare a rartety ..f Kan, and

.team eaginee aaa noilenMUli aad engine rtmnhiag, iharting palley.. geartng.

kc., .applied at abort aot iceOrder, eoltctted.

BBAGG fc BTBRGWBS.xt daW Oar. Third aad Baarftat aU.,8t Lawda.

By tk frr sWtct ef th Tnlted States.

o tn

rl pnr.uance ..f law, I JAMBS BCCHAMAN,of tke raited States of America, d hereby de-

clare aa t make known that pabiic aale wU be be d attk aoocrmentianed baad aaaoaa ka the Territory of

at ike periods fcerciniftrr daralxnakrd. tl :

At tbe lead (.ate at BBOWBSTILLB. cawameaetBE aaMONDAT tbe pixth day of Sapaembxr seat, for th

of th public aad within Ik following nam..:towntbipa, ix

.VoarfA of tie I mtt dar aad ratat of the tilthmeridian.

That part of towaahip oneontalde tf tbe Sac and Fox.anal Ha.f Erred Nemaha reeerwattoa. of range 17.

The parte of towaehap 1, 1, at. and a out-i- of thesac and Fox. aad Half Breed. Nemaha reeerrauoa, andractKi al towaahip S and t of range IS.That part of towaablp one oataide of 1 be lac and Fox

eeoiratlorii tawaabip 1. ih part of township 1, t. andI of the Half fteeed, Nemaha naerratwa ; andfractkiaaltowa-hlpf- , of reus IB

That part of township one mUade of the Sac and FaxaaaM twMkaki tewaabip a t, aad 4; that part of townablpO antakteof tke Half Bfeei, Memabaaad township t of range It.

Towaabipe 1, t. a, a, ft, aad d of ram- - It.Towoiklpa 11.3 a. S. and t, ef range BRTownabiio 1 . 1. 1 t. ' , aad a. af rang-- 11

Township. 1,1 .14 6. aad t. of range 10Tawnaktpa 1, 1. 1. 1, B and t of range I.Atlhe land cffl.-- at HBBRASEA CITT.

n MONDAT tne .lath day of aext, tor thel.apcialof tbe antiic laada aitbl. th fnl lining

'.own-hlp- a, rta:Xortk of tin Oaee iiar caa! rttgf of tk i ixt A art

atafridlia.Fractional towashtp T and S, of rang IS.Torrnah p 7, and fractional townehip. S, a IB, II, aad

It. af range ItT.S. B, IB, 11, aad BE anl fractional towa--

aklplt of ransr igT.wnaoipa 7 s, 9. to, and li, and rractionai townaeip

11 and IB, of range IITowuihtp 7, 8 a, Iu, and 11, acd town.hlp

11. of range 11.Townebtp 7. s, t, and II, aad irscLoaal towaabipe

11 II a : it. of raase IB.Towniblpa 7 s an l U ai: 1 fra Uonal towmblpe It.

it and It, ot range aAt tbe land office at OMAHA fTFT easyejeragakf aa

MONDAT, lb sixth l.ref Bepariiib- - r aexi for Ibe dir- -poeal of the public lands with la tha fallowing aaraedlownihipa, rta i

Xortk of tht iaut ItfM aad! etut of tht tilth prin-cipal meridian.

Fractaraaal townabrp It. 14 la, gad IS. of range 14.Fractioaal townabipe 11 14, 16, IB. aad 17. of range APrac'ianel townabipe 11 ani li. towuehtpa It. 16, ind

IA, aad fractioaal townakipa 17, 18, It. aad 10, of rangeIt.

Fractional township 11 towuehtpa Ig. It. 16. It. 17,and IS, and fractioaal townanip. II aad ftl. of range 11.

Fractional towaahlpa It. 11. ani It, .and u -

It. It. 17, 18. It and 10, of range 10.Fractlrna' township IA 16, and It, aad towaehtpe IT.

IS. It aad at, of rangeLand, appropriated by law 'or tbe aa of school. .

aad other purpooea, will be eiclude-- 1 from the aale.The offering of land, will be comnaesxaaSoa

the day appointed, and will proceed In the order In whichti.ey are advertised, until the what - aha!' hare beea offer-ed, aad th aale baa closed ; bat no tale .ban be keptopen looter ikaa two week a . nod no private entryof aay at the lead win b: admitted until after the expire von of tbe wo week.

Glean under mr band, at tbe city of Waaaiaertao. tbl.thirtieth d.y of March, as no Domini aae thousand righthaadud aad flf JAMBS BUCHANAN.

y tke j Thos. A. Hebdbicmi,Commits toe er of In jenersl Land Offlce.

Not Iff to ton ( ialnaolsleery person mtttied to the rrgh. of preetrjol loa to

aay af the land wltbla tbe townabrp aad parts oftewnth'p abore enumerated 1 to eetabllsh theame tc 'be lat taf ace ion of tk regl.ter and rv-te- oftht proper lead adtce. aad mak- - payment Urrefaw aaaorn as practicable afr aee lng thla notice, ard beforetbedaypportelfor the comm en cement o' the rnblrcaale ef tbe 'and. emTa-ic- g the tract claimed, ae

aucb claim will be forfeitedTHOS A. HENDRICKS,

nmi.iiniH i ot thaplt-ePrlt- w

THE SOUTHERN CITIZEN,Is pabllabed weekly at KMOXtilXM, TENM , br

Joint Nltchel a Wartv. t.. wbm,At S2 pf anrintn, or $1 for six noDihs. para- -

Dio invariably in arivsnce.KTTCHML having commenced in tie rS'.h aMM. cf the paper, a aertee ol Litter aatatraaa.

the Hit. ALEXABOEB H STErHETI. ofwhich, when injected, will furniah an entire hutary of

The Irish Troubles of 1848,With thetr 0 and c'cjoaCqoaecaa,

Th 8.1I.THEKN CITIZEN will be Ihe In torelng to both American and readrra. Braldea

Beat Mr Mltcbal, ta Socthxab Citi- -

ixeb will coatiaae to kare na aaal aaaa ity of oriaiaa.matter upon political and literary aubjae-- ts prepared byhtm. Thectrcnlation tbowxk large and coo at tatty In.crea'tog. the Pioprletira bare tboogbt will be muchmore extended by an announcement ln tr ia form.

raameannlcatloo. with rrrnl!tBCe may be atdreeeedteMitch EL fc Swab. Knoxriile, Tennmee, ar to aay oftbe foltiwirg Atent. :

8 G. Coertenay fc Oo , Cnart-ato- n. Saeck Carolina.TBoaaa ft IVOoaaor, Savannah. GeorgiaJ. 0. crgaa MewOrreane. Lc olaUaaJane. A. Gentry, Richmond, Tlrglala.Alexander Adameon. Waah'ngtoo City.Tanuag- - fcTurn-- r. Olaet.nail. Ohio.F H.rerty 110 Partem .tre--t, New TorkB. H ftoeti-- l, Al Deathin atreet. Mobile, Alabama.Bee) B Deri Maaoat BlMtl I. Mamtgimiry. Ala.IVara fc Tewcary. rll Maesaa atreet, Mew Tork, araapty

dealers ealr npoo f.roribae termsjam McGlen. Ill Kearney street. Ban Praactae.Oleb at Tea arHl be aopptied with th Paper for ftta.

BS Som- - rery fine.WATCH New styie.BILvbrwarb Cora Ra.SILVER PLATBTJ GOODS Beat gaallty.SPBCTACLE8 To anil erery irjeartllaoe of akthLGUNS Beet aukers.PISTOLS Foil tniiiiHaBBiPOCKET AMD TABIM CCTLMRT.0LOCK8.wAjraa.FAJfCT oeOODS.

Miking by fir tbe belt assortarrat err efTored tk thait. H. CLARK fc CO..

ho. i r...ars-- i wiri - l

OPTtCE OT THE EJtPHIl Gas Uoht Oo., IMrwrBit, May 11, isss.

lb Board of DlrectrifBTareaolBtl'nof Company, it waa ordred thai theatock keck of said Company be tr the natamOf HlliaialBB tka capital atock of said - - rraamakartp rkonaaat to ao hnadrod thoaaand dol'ara Mottcto kaajaay gi.aa that tka boeka at .aid (lomaaay will betaaaados the Mud clay or Jane, issa, .t th ace ofsi t Cerrpanr ln th city of Memphis, aad reraata eaaa

for tea days, for '.he of reoetrlrag lutacrtrettaa tartea tboaaaad oflar f th cap-ta- l loea of .aid Qaaapqny, under the teruu. oond.-ioo- . and raalrlcllon. ofctarter. Theeash will be requi-e- d In bi a table twa It

of .ubecrtttion. The .rock which miy betrad f.i alB aot be entitled to partieipa- to aaTdtn,

deoda which aay be dechtrod In wrest next. ThJob-Je-

of the larrian. ot tk capital Mock. i. to make extra,alona arid rararvprgaaate of tka wnrk ta wart th waatoofta BOPvB A TTRBAGB, Pi laiagl.



A PREMIUM OI 81001I7TIX be awarded to the lady waa rta I prod era thTT bast pertaaaa af work d a by herself oa a JISG-r.-

SRWIkO MACHIMB.All ipadmaaa toaeplaaad oo exhibition at th Mt hl

Agncoltura, Brad M cbaolea Pair la Oatoher nent,aad labrautted to the de:taloa of a e of lAdln

epoiaieai by ta tfftxr ot that iastitatloa tar tka Bar--


li u airAprrrt alaa for tbe eat at

Gurney A Co.'a Celebrated

fltlBIM; 9EWI.W SILK,Which may be had wtilmli aad retail.

SINGER'SHew Family and fnta:on

Sewina Machine :Me ether Machlra for family orpaaatalloa uae

erer equalled thia, ' Itbee a reapecta the keeaty otin- - Macbtoe, er 'be parfeariea aad raiiery ef tk workCall anal examine it at Mcftlaney fc Co 'a FaruituieStore 11 Mala a rret. tkWaftVdtwaw

Semple Broaddus Collegean Biamaatlam cjaxiwiicea IBril JCME ; Bxbibl-taw- a,

ninililaat at O Ittaai Orattoni, Bag no,Freaca, La: In ao i Greek U alogn aad LVrcUaaatiea, of

; eaday nunc, xxd'. en Thirtayli'.k

W. C. D and oeiety.fhar day aaom ng.

A Free Barbae., fcc. A tarled. ae Bt. Jahn 'he Bar- -

Uart'a Way, at the game taa and ptaee.J. B. STAXtl--

Ball alary at Triauea.CmTBE Hill. Miu.. J ineTtk, lbM.

JanB-d- lt w.t

Masonic Regalia,A SSORTE J, aa I lor rata ftp

-- L1n tw F. H. CLARK fc CO.

JYew Firm.I) G CI.4BK. hiving perrhaaad th entire atock ofIV. nircerk C ark Co ksa thf day aawectated

wit, him Mr. Jorn W. Harris, aad will conttaBs tbebnatneaa a. the o i l aid, acder tbe atfia ef Clark fcHarrta, wto reancctful.y solicit ceaiiaaaace ef tke

extended to th ol . baa. load. o l tax iohb wootw haaai.



For Kent.TWO Story Dweluoft H aa. oontstaiBg 7A to.., lituated ca JeaVriea etrart. Pa.

n- - llAtelv Apply toJAM MS MATT1WKLL.

or toGoOBTEax Ivirr fc Co.Me. t Foal Offlce Blcxk.

a oaorEg. T. i last a

e. R. Orore9 Co.,Cotton Factors fiAMD

I iu in i a a i i. ii44 Union street,

jftki-qaara- SEW oaLAAWaO Per C ent. Reduction in Pricea

of earners.M ftaataftTarr A I ... lo '.heal BaaBSB

atock, 64.000 wor'h :t Mew ('arrets new design sod new price Thee carprta barepurer aaed In the mat twe week, at ik rery lewaatprtra. which enable a to mat redact tee of St percent la toe prioaa. Bay yoar (JarpM now, while theyan cheap, anl can petition great "They won't propoa ' to --ll at coet. bat ptopoae aad will aMI allowaay aaaae ta the country Mcgl s SET a CO .

lti Main atreet.Aea anche and Bel etla retry. arrB-l-

The AmericanPlate Glass Company,HAVING recsaatructed aad enlarged Its works, are

d to furnlik ROI7GH PLATB GLASS ifqutllty .nperkar to anythiag that has been offered ia thlarnirket, of ear lixe. IB any ouantiry,notice Also. PRESSED GLASS 'PeTemenre. Troeeie. fcc . fcc. Liberal Discountto the trade. 0O-- Me. MO Braadway New Tork.

ril-s- m





FEVEP AND AGUE.Aad the Tartar, afaertioae oaaeeqoent aaea adtemdeted

STOMACH OR LITER,aa induration. Acidity of the 8toaaaeb, Orarlcky

SUCH Braartbtrras, Loea of Appetite. Deaaoneency,CestlTToees, Bafnd nd Bleedlnx Pile. Ia all Hereon,Rheaoaatlc and Mearalxlc ArTeofioa., it baa ia nnnrarou.laat nce proved highly baneflr lal. iad In other, egecrtad

caa. 10 xaoat of rb Earop-a- a State. It iBtroductloo Intothe rrdtod State waa intended more e pacta, ty for ibeawof oar fatkeriaad aeattried bar nd therejf tb.i mlrbty coantry eetinx wttk gr-- at a ore earamor g tbera, I now offer to tbe Amerteaa peopte. kaow- -in that tta traly tat fat

It t pttc marry mimwia lu to tka. aai lea.caaoatltrrtloei. may hare been Impaired by the cootlnnoaaage of ardent aptrtta, or anker forma of dkaatpatben

aaai nj I aal aal ana, ta agyect, ttlo the eeat af life, thrillfcag aad .,

rretatag ap the drooping .pint, aad. in aaxa rat raaa ratenNotice Whaarr- -r expect to Snl thl bererag will

be disappointed ; bat ta themes, weak and low aplrltrd.It win prove a grateful aruoxaUc carrtiai, Bahtaaaat of BBtalar rrmcdial propertte.

CACTIO!f.The gre'. tkaa antktktral Areata haaln-whlc- h

: le public atould guardagaiaat purchasing. Be not per.aadad te buy anythingekw until yon hare airen Boarrharr'a HolUad Bitterfair 'rial Oo bottle will oae atnee yoa how inflnlte-aapr- vr

it w to all tr eae at ftl nee bottle, or ill kwttlea for BS, by law.

Sole Proprietor.IH.XJ ITIIN PAtSE, JR., afcCO.,


Pharmaceutista and Chemists,PlTTSBfJftGH. FA.

S. MANSFTBLD fc HO , Ageati for Memphis. Soldalas by H F. FARNSWORTrl. WARD k JONB3 andJOHNSON ALONG aad DrnggUti generally.

aavrt-- wawieia

"fresh spring odolirsr

B. WALKER tft. BROS.,79 Front Row, cor. of Atlams Street.


J. WALKER tit CO.,217 Main Street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall,WaBBfactarers aid tt'felrale Dralers

Veart-l;l- e liothlng.hare racrirecl aad are atlll receiving from earWrn In Phllade'phla. tha Arrest aad beet

aelerted stock of rich and faahisoabl Clothing ererka earth I to the Mempbia market.

To the Ladies.We are new opening a plead id i lairimiet at Fsretrr.

and Domes' le Dry G.d. ooaaiauag of rick fancy Dreaiaod; Doable Skirt all ai ripe aad Floaaoad Bob,

in 8Hk Barege, ijrgaadiea aad Lawa. atreetbargain! in Black Silk SPRING MANTILLAS. BilkLace and Silk all Lac- - MantlUaa.

G GOODS, to which we Write Ibeattention of ar caatoaaera

LINBN GOODS.y all klada BJahariaoa'a Barkley'.sad ether brands.

0OITOM GOODS la Mualia. aral I iiaklka ot eeerrgrade and pries. We bar a fail atock of Ft leek Baa--

i err taaaa,tc. Chotcegtyleeplain Ma.Ha de Lain, a foil lna ef

Breaeeta aad S.raw Good.PARASJLS A faU Una of rich Brocade ao Plain

Poult. to Srteand Satin de China Paraaoii and bhadra.Hih)? SKIRTS BxteaslT rar a, twa.Siugfcam.. Calicoes, at.We hare In .tore tke and raoat ceayplel atock



To Planters and Country Merchants.W invite the particular alteoltoo of tke Plantar aad

Country Merctanf and Barer to our immenselearfc before porcbeatogelaewbere. a we are man n fac-

toring our Clolhina KXPRBSSLT FiiR 7 HIS MARKET,and are enabled to aMl oar cco-- at B ASTERN PftlCftS.Oar Block of NEGRO CLOTHTMG la large and ef theaaosl durable qaalllj B. WALK R fc BROS.

Tt Front Maw.1. WALKER fc CO.,

all Mala atreet.rJCltkkB8 Manor artery M us North Third atreet.

atrta-dt- y

- FOR REST.AHOUBM oa ftirial atreet aaar S B. Cartia,

BMTBN ROOMS, all neeeaeeryo i --reonene, all la oso-- l repair, with Cistern andWrll on the arrrraiaee. Apply te

J. M. SHAW fc CO.,or NEW BEAR T GianON.

myli-t- f Mo I Exchange BoiedBaga.

Dft. W. T. BAILEY.(Late af Sawth CaraUna,)

Hartxag ll .III parwaxaaatry ta the City ot

Memphis,-- .PTHftS hi rrdce to th Public ia taa rarreaaJ araacaai c at

WkjifHrrcsajid Diseaaea ot Wonen in jwerala. OFPfCM 194 StAIw STKBKT,W Orer th Mara at TTT bra. TatTrrrhlll fc Co


100 Reward.rP" av. win be glreo for he appro- -

a aw

him. f tbe aaou JOHN, if uk-- a witkooi .a'lanwuaa aa aae iuw o: ataata ippi aod ftn tt l.iwitbl aaid llmna John ia akaat IB rear aid, at a

rery likely i can huoelf George, and acmebat he belongs to Mr Tha. T. T lfiif. aad

time claims to be from Ttrglaia. He broke aot of Jaila: Holly Spring., Mis, . where ho waa iaway oa the eight of ihe lath ulL, and I

toil. s it paaaiYiM.r O . Caerrell CO., Mm

The City Dispensary15 OPEN EVE AT MORNING from SA where tk aOBtltcl aick itamedic la and aarficai aaataiancaa.aires or cm irwn vaccinstrd caa hare tt daae by apply

ing qinrau j a love, at . DJauia-t- t R. . Til 1, M. D.

10 a 9. f.', tor aato Ia.

Por Whit-Brr- w and Jactaaaport--rrtHft itsaaiar CO BBT. P. pin1 Master. B L. "wi.-- -. Cfit. will

leave n Sato-f- ay at I P. ITfOS H WILLIAM . fc CO..

hanSI at Aft. at, Me a Barward' Baw

itMatw. lUi. MrfaJIa. W4

For kks.tuT; tni Sew Orleaar.SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.

Tliroagh to NewOrleane in 48 Lours,TIA


The steaaacr toaatel Boone?.a. a. Hancock atr.T EATB8 Merapbl. ev- -y voNDAT atlj t tfa ark. r tt . caaaertiac wttft aaaa

Whit and Arkaaia Mirer Mali Boats,Maaal.oa; wtlh ih aieaarer princr la athe Bail-oa- at Tokabarr fr.i N- w Orleans.

All bararkawaatssxwtad ta MabaatwUI be promptlyto. baplag ky etrkct aiuatloB to merit aad nostra

a ihare of p.- n.naaTkroagb TI kali caa be pr c on d at the Ageol'a cfflce,

where room can be wren redJAMBS P.

jaall-t- f Mo. Front

WBDSK8D.lT Fack.t

For White BiTer at. Jaeksoi portA. B A TBS,. TAM WINKLB

Gee. P Deweea. Clerk.

THB new and .p'endi t itcle wbeei fa,packet, W. A. Bare, wjl

leare a abase aad al nterto'dtale land-ings wiiy W EDM BSD AT, it 8 o'cUckr. m.

Tkls rs tae aaly packet from Mecpbra for BTblre rleerthat grae. through u faceeonpart. Faamai.l. will tadby taa 11 kl. boot they av.,1 allMrnce owsequeat upon chao r a Nat oleck.

For f eight or pa. aag- - app voa board or toJ. H. WlAsV'AMH fc CO .

WW H' ward' Bow.B W. PATMft.

Jwat Ma. 17 Madlaoe atreet

Regular Mempbia ar.rl St. Louia Picket.PTtBB apieTedat tsaMraawr ' aster JAS.A. H. H CAS. D H BtTr r Maater.

Till leara every TBCBBDAT It'dock.P. II , fgatar Tueadap p ket drr--1

Bag tk reason . aod may tc relied npoo to remain v rma-aaa- 'lr

h the trad, toknr rrektkt an a. reader abbslernaa aa anr swat aw th riser.

For freight r pan aaa. aaa lag .raperior aeareaaaaaaaellooa. ai, y ' n'l. or kt

THOS H WILL' AM fc CO . A weeto.Jaal-t- r B. ft Bhrwael a Be w.



Xewr Orleana am! H rmnhi. r. s..Tlail Pacavet I otui .nn.

OIPJ of th folio wing tr-- t daei paerr .ream-- -, will ear S

eararr WBDMBSDAT d SATCBDAT, al o'clock r. h for N- - w oitaaaa

l.e uate Weatne'aya W POWELL, (IB p ace of Jchn Siavooda,) 1.

aaaae. xtaater.BTBraBMOBB, (ia place of Ic. H Kirk,

Leara eewry alter ate SaturdayV. ADAMS, (la place f th B arthail.Mailer

BMW FRANKLIN, J D MasterFor fretght er pasaage. apply ea beard or ta

at J BAWXJMSS, Agent,Mo 11 M by fc Hunt i Adam. Bt, l soi kl rs --1 rewniarly by ihla rt- -.

Icnl.r' g BJ SROr'K Adrratftrg Area.

FOR NASHTILI.K.Regular feaaplti aad Va.hville

PACKET.erwev Tlll'ftSDAT all p. .

J. O. CLIMB.. . M D. MlLIOTT. Mi

rp LB atoamer J r Ir.e N aat BTT I

A o". Heeler, will eare a. iB-j- ev-

ery THCftSDAT, at S clock t at. Ship-per and passenger a an ly oa IbiiHBart boat 'earing at l be ab .re una poattteery.

Tib Dollars -- paaaag' fr.m Memp ta to Mufti IHFwfreight or pea.age apply n beard or ta

THOS H. WILLIAMS, fc CO . Axeata.myis-'- f Mo. I Heward'a Bow.

OLU USE. 01 D LiM. .

Ail tottm e x- - .Coinecta reeralarr at Nana i..b with T 1 Mailate-m- .

era SAM HALM and fer White rarer, raatat na-r. ABB AN8.AS, ft. H. TUCKER aad others fogA' taa li rlrwr.

Lara res erery MONDa T aad FRIDAT


Saw Wood and Labbt II ixxm ad. Atts.ArTMO obtained tb Mail Contract

next four yeara. th law, real'MaiiiiT. with reoaat hrsatwrwhich mak her equal la erer. reaped o aay new r aaa-ae now iare regnia'lr a abere. and N a pae on-- v rv Tl kSUAI and SATCBJlAT.

I will ikawta?' place another read beat ia the tride,to leer each port twice a k. thru giving t. mr

ad the public orreerillr. an aecomrocd.'rar taaaa a week, and aa.'c.i

rroaa them a coatiaaaaeeef tre.r farora Ihl line raftraa for the next four yeara, rBardwacf lieiwaeaitloa JOHN T SH1RI.BT

KJpTkl paeket has the exe'aaia right freak tkaWhite River Mai! Llae to iaa.r tkroogh Bill at I I'Mfor freight or Through Ticket i for Wh :ertrer, aad after the lat af July wfl haw tk mom

privilege of Arkaaaaa River Mali Llae.CpTbrough Tlck-t- a for rre'ejat r pa.eengrra WILL

MtJfftM BBCOGNUBD by aayjajBer haot.Uf Ibe want, of all doing brrktaca witk tbla lip wtD

be or anplly attended ta. m It-- lf

Far l.ou - illc.Laaves at 3 o'clr W, prtriaely,

Refrular Friday Packet.THE SPLBNCID ME- - rSrRB

SOU THE R YE R ,0 BO- - ftp. TRIPLE rT, Maater. ...ABCHBR. Cl'k

T BATES MBMFHia. punctually ereryta phi DAT, at I o clock r st ,

i.'c Mr i i.i a, aa'i aai e'caavipai wayjg .

i make. and.P atorr twa atall boat . Jacob S' ra--

der and Telegraph No. I, tor C acinaati ; ibence with alltk trakaaba Railroad ftoutea k HBW TURK. BOSIOM,PHILADELPHIA, BALTTBOLP. WASHINGTON t ITTPITTSBrRGH. WHBBLING, MrPPALO, I LEVg-LAN-

aad all BeaWrn Tawna and CltteaAt Cairo aad Mour-- City, eennecta with the M-- il

Boatefor St Leaia ; at Pad-ca- b, with Maekri.: andTenr,e.aee nrr Packet.

CP Tbrngb TVcketa laaoad oa heard, er at tbe rent'i.lBce. where ban of Cabin cau be an, aad ftooma lo-ured la adraace. JAS. P. SMITH, Agent,apl tf Me. BS Frat Maw. Memahla.

A Cara.FI aaawar tn a ca'l wade to me i rangh yoar columaa,

number rt tbe ahlpper. I will pat my boa', theCHOCTAW, in the Mempti aad New Or eaa trade aa aregular Saturday Packet, leering Itrmphia erery -'

ate Saturday. ft. SMEELST.

RrcRlar Neapfab acd New OrleaisBATTJHDAY PACliaT.

CHOCTAW D. Smedlev. Matter.THIB Baa nimiajii aaJ kt packet

amre Thuradar. April lar, aadleare a abore on BtTCBHAT April Id.

--arm erery alieraate laday. Bklpnera may r ly upon tha psactraallty ef t

For fretght er Paaaa--- saclr i a boai- -.

rBS--tf A. T LATAI.BTTl fc CO . Aatent.

1ST. laa-J-


ALTI.V ADAMS.a LAMB, Muter HOLLIDAT. Clerk;LBATBB Merapbi arerv t at g

p. m. . aad arrive, at c . ro tntime to coaneet with trata. tor th North,snd Bast.

Leaves Catr. for LoulBrine -- rerr TuesdayLeare Loalarille for Mempbia erery Friday.lenaere Oalre for Mempbia erery Socager.Tata beat raa la ptocoot lb Morthcraer. and la ly

adapled to tkia trade, batu g auperkar i iiaaidatlona for tke errm'ort of paiaengtr. The irarvltngpublic coo tenend upon tb. beat ' artng paac-Ball- attkahgaa., aad aaaktactbe rraia.'ar itmee dre-tis- d.

TH08. H WILLIAMS fc CO Axeat.taW No I Hawhoal'i Bow.


Kentucky City,Ob .Utaday 27tb Da Septeabrr, fhs.anrniL commeeo Ih recoed and nl aal- - of LOTS iaFT tanaitrowlri aad moat inter aline T0CN6 I ITT

TbeTruatera in anacuccicg hliraee feel warranted iaararxas the public that at no mint ka ia.w. ...there be foaad a becter chance for afe and pre a table In--

KEMTBCKT CITT U located on th eeat bank of the?Mleiieeippi rtrer. twenty alieibel w taa mouth of the'ihto river, at the 3r.t eiielbie ki h lead, aad la BaaWat at; act, beiag THE M ' T H -- rty a hieh. healthy aad tertlle rooniry; rapHfr"a aaw iroiru :Si KD. ailil a BalUbrioU . Climate.

eroua. liberal aad enlUhtrneal aoclety Tha re wac ledae farther feature to make thia tk aaaar ioaroaid-waa- rtaatam-Gre- at Path-- r cf Water," thia want

r.lI Mat to Ibe the ratrirkaua

rnal want ha been, and is n w . . iog f illy over bv lbRailroad rommancatlons. eat. on. beet aad to b comaaa-raat-from K'atarky City, wkick la Bred aa 'he ojotra

rroaa wkick Ballroad track are to radlale toward tbeNorm. South. Ba-- t ani West. Til Mobil and Ohioaaaraaad. af which Keatn. ky cit, ,. tbe North, -

by Ita main atun to the Guif bv it connection wiihibe Nashville and Northweetera Ballroad at Cn-o-n l Ity.iwenty-flvoml'- e. from Ken'ecky ( ity. with 'be Memphla aad Ohio Railroad eight n llea aoaU of tteTrewtao), Tama, aad with the new i Mean, and "Tlx ftatlread at Jackaun. Tenn , and wnb the eaphte, ardCharleatoa BaailTTead farauahee ibi. outlet te allth citaeif 'he South. TaeBltaol, Camra Ballroad. withwhiehwe will be ia early commnnica! ...n sy a rrajalar Ita at

Packet Ferry Boata!atrppli lae deaaaada of travel a: 'rade with lbs sheand cltiaa of tk Mortk and Ba-- '; and the Iron MoartalaRai'road. prc iectad to tap ibe Mb.ii.lppi at Brlmoot

eppraaite Kentucky City, will arcrpxamodate altibe neceasliiea o' theoaamtry Cvcncctrd with St. Louie

We beg tbet i he public may lot be led off by aaspiclonathat tku ia a aae a city upon paper We meat aaaualiequeat yoa to examine, tnajain. nay, caa aad aa far

yooraetea.rft aato 1 to b Bade without rrorrre, aad In goad

faith, and there will alwaya be a geaiutaaa onthe graaad. wkeaa peaaaur aad .itiy it will be to gtveaineedful mfor.oatlon. and aniarrali written or oial rate,rogatarkr. Thenlet no one him'e'f to be led mtby rumor . waa I aa facta area a ceotble to all.

tal to comm. nca MONDAT. rj item bee p b. Ive- -

untll tbe leu, Btnifi-riB- upward of

op Sale From 'wentv-aven- cent .

caah in hand, dependent upon th" l mount perchaaed, f.,racredil ..f are. ar wnb intereat

BBN. BDWAKM3 GBJtT iR-- I. BrLI.oi jTrusteeg..W. H. H. TATLOa J

tor fall information.FRANK JAT McLBAN.

Altorarr ia fact.Kentucty City. Ky



Sewing Machines,Aftt raw red dallr at tbe cdBce

hkLSfcV rer J i 'amar,mm. raiw Alain atreet Taa laiflftnri.Jeri laic s of iheaa

gwttaag ' - 1- - ateef aad ro--ajMl ird lurabie maebine inth- - eerrlet, win pieaae coll aadixamina.

braes hire tsxet, - i ma premiums at tkaStale Fairs. aadaliaela.t Btati at Nashror the trst p- -. su urn wttbon' pecial 1if, froen I. .1 dtlxer tn W

Iradtcate tbaauneri .r t tbeGBOVaft iBAKBX MACHINES T. r toed anppiy efbest THRMAD. Spool. 8Uk a' d Hoe for Macoln'iaale at theeffice. mi- -- I T DAT

lust Reci iced--.A BBLS T a Ba.r. PloartV ICaak. lira.

tOOroea Gaeratt-iiu- vapor7IS Dr x Pea.:v -

75 Dei Frr ah SBrand. pa.a rtet P ckl-- -


Baaa riraraaa Ikeaeco

Atta. aaaar. aViaaa, Caeyew,

rw-- v -



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