
“ I hereby declared that I have read through this report entitled “The Effect of High Voltage

Stress on Different Types of Engine Oils” and found that it has comply the partial fulfillment

for awarding the degree of Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (Industrial Power)”

Signature : ………………………………

Supervisor’s Name : En. Azhan Bin Ab. Rahman

Date : …………………………….




A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor

in Electrical Engineering (Industrial Power)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering


MAY 2010

I declare that this report entitle “The Effect of High Voltage Stress on Different Types of

Engine Oils” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The report has

not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other


Signature: ...........................................................


Date : 22 April 2010


In the name of Allah S.W.T, the most gracious and merciful, praise to Allah the lord of

universe and may blessing and peace of Allah be upon his messenger Muhammad S.A.W.

First and foremost thanks to Allah for giving me wellness and ideas to complete this project

report. Without any of it, I surely cannot complete this project in the time given.

During the process of preparing this report, I was in contact with many people who

give a lot of contributions towards my understanding and thoughts. In particular, I wish to

express my sincere appreciation to my project supervisor, En. Azhan Bin Ab. Rahman, for the

encouragement, advice, suggestion and guidance upon completing this project. I am glad to

have him as my supervisor for this project.

Also lots of thanks to En. Aminudin Bin Aman for sharing the experience and

knowledge. Without his continued support and motivation. This project would not have been

the same as presented here. A special thanks for my panels En. Farhan Bin Hanaffi and Cik

Aziah Binti Khamis. I am also thankful to En. Mohd Yusri Bin Jamil the technician of high

voltage laboratory for the help on supplying the technical manual of the equipment used in this


My sincere appreciation also extends to all my colleagues and others who have

provided assistance at various occasions. Their views and supports are useful indeed. My

appreciation also goes to my family for all the supports and prayers.


There are 4 types of insulator which are solid, liquid, gas and high vacuum. This

project was focusing on liquid insulator. The project was carried out to determine the

breakdown voltage of 3 different types of PETRONAS engine oil which are MACH 5,

SYNTIUM 800 and SYNTIUM 5000. Generally, the data from this project were an indicator

for the suitability of the engine oil to replace the transformer oil as an insulator. The expensive

price of the transformer oil is the main reasons to replace it. In this project, each type of engine

oil were tested with the nature of high voltage that consists of high voltage alternate current

HVAC and high voltage direct current HVDC generated by the HAEFELY High Voltage

Construction KIT. Each oil was divided by three conditions such as new oil from bottle,

heated oil and contaminated oil. Test results show the different breakdown voltage of each

type and condition of the oil. The analysis from the breakdown voltage of each type of the

engine oil determined the most optimum engine oil performance according to high voltage.


Terdapat 4 jenis penebat iaitu pepejal, cecair, gas dan vacuum tinggi. Projek ini

memfokuskan kepada penebatan cecair. Projek ini dilaksanakan untuk mendapatkan voltan

pecah tebat terhadap 3 jenis minyak enjin PETRONAS iaitu minyak MACH 5, SYNTIUM

800 dan SYNTIUM 5000. Secara umumnya data yang diperolehi daripada projek ini akan

dapat menentukan kesesuaian minyak enjin untuk menggantikan minyak pengubah sebagai

penebat. Penggantian minyak pengubah ini adalah kerana harga nya yang mahal. Di dalam

projek ini, setiap jenis minyak enjin diuji dengan voltan tinggi arus ulang alik HVAC dan

voltan tinggi arus terus HVDC yang telah dijana menggunakan kelengkapan Voltan Tinggi

HAEFELY. Setiap jenis minyak dibahagikan kepada tiga keadaan seperti minyak yang baru

keluar dari botol, minyak yang dipanaskan dan minyak yang tercemar. Keputusan ujian

menunjukkan perbezaan voltan pecah tebat mengikut setiap jenis minyak dan keadaan minyak

tersebut. Analisa daripada voltan pecah tebat setiap jenis minyak enjin menghasilkan prestasi

minyak enjin yang paling optimum terhadap voltan tinggi.










1.1 Project Background 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2

1.3 Objective 2

1.4 Scopes of the Research 3

1.5 Report Outline 3


2.1 Introduction 5

2.2 Liquid Insulation 6

2.3 Previous Research 6

2.4 Current Research 7

2.4.1 Main Component of HVAC 8 Transformer 8

2.4.2 Main Component of HVDC 9 Transformer 9 HV Diode 9

2.4.3 Type of Engine Oil 10

2.4.4 Typical of the Engine Oil 10 Viscosity 11 Density 11 Pour Point 11 Flash Point 11 Sulphated Ash 11

2.4.5 Transformer Oil 12

2.4.6 The Price of Transformer Oil and engine Oil 12

2.4.7 Condition of Engine Oil 13 New Oil 14 Heated Oil 14 Contaminated Oil 14


3.1 Introduction 15

3.2 Nature High Voltage (HVAC and HVDC) 17

3.3 Different Type of Engine Oil. 18

3.4 Different Condition of Engine Oil 19

3.5 Collect Data 22

3.6 Analysis 23

3.7 Conclusion 23



4.1 Introduction 24

4.2 Condition of New Oil 24

4.3 Condition of Heated Oil 31

4.4 Condition of Contaminated Oil 37

4.5 HVAC and HVDC Average Result 44


5.1 Conclusion 45

5.2 Recommendation 46




2.1 The Product typical of the engine oil 10

2.2 The product typical of transformer oil 12

2.3 The price of engine oil and the transformer oil 13

4.1 The HVAC Result for the Condition of New Oil 28

4.2 The HVDC Breakdown Voltage for the Condition of

New Oil 30

4.3 The HVAC Result for the Condition of Heated Oil 34

4.4 The HVDC Result for the Condition of Heated Oil 36

4.5 The HVAC Result for the Condition of Contaminated Oil 40

4.6 The HVDC Result for the Condition of Contaminated Oil 42

4.7 The HVAC Average Breakdown Voltage of the Oil Sample 44

4.8 The HVDC Average Breakdown Voltage of the Oil Sample 44



2.1 The cross section of the transformer 5

2.2 The circuit Diagram to generate the nature high voltage of

HVAC and HVDC with the point of test object 7

2.3 The Construction of HAEFELY High Voltage Construction KIT

to Generate HVAC in UTeM’s High.Voltage Laboratory 8

2.4 The Construction of HAEFELY High Voltage Construction KIT

to Generate HVDC in UTeM’s High.Voltage Laboratory. 9

3.1 Flowchart for the development of the project 16

3.2 The construction of the HAEFELY High Voltage Construction KIT

for HVAC testing 17

3.3 The construction of the HAEFELY High Voltage Construction KIT

for HVDC testing 18

3.4 Each type of engine oil involves in this project 19

3.5 The example of new oil condition in the container. 19

3.6 The heat chamber for the process of heating the oil 20

3.7 The process of adding the water into the sample of engine oil 21

3.8 The condition of the contaminated oil 21

3.9 The oscilloscope and the measurement unit DMI551 22

4.1 The waveform of the breakdown voltage PETRONAS MACH5 Oil 25

4.2 The value of breakdown voltage for PETRONAS MACH5 Oil

from DMI551 25

4.3 The waveform of the breakdown voltage for the


4.4 The value of breakdown voltage for PETRONAS SYNTIUM 800

Oil from DMI551 27

4.5 The waveform of the breakdown voltage for the


4.6 The value of breakdown voltage for PETRONAS SYNTIUM 5000

Oil from DMI551 28

4.7 The waveform of HVDC breakdown. 29

4.8 The value of breakdown voltage for HVDC from DMI551. 29

4.9 The average breakdown voltage of each type of engine oil in the

new oil condition. 30

4.10 The waveform of the breakdown voltage for the


4.11 The waveform of the breakdown voltage for


4.12 The waveform of the breakdown voltage for


4.13 The waveform of HVDC breakdown. 35

4.14 The value of breakdown voltage for HVDC from DMI551 35

4.15 The average breakdown voltage of each type of engine oil in the

heated oil condition. 36

4.16 The waveform of the breakdown voltage for the


4.17 The waveform of the breakdown voltage for PETRONAS

SYNTIUM 800 Oil 38

4.18 The waveform of the breakdown voltage for PETRONAS

SYNTIUM 5000 Oil. 39

4.19 The waveform of HVDC breakdown 41

4.20 The value of breakdown voltage for HVDC from DMI551 41

4.21 The average breakdown voltage of each type of engine oil in

the contaminated oil condition. 43



1.1 Project Background

The title of this project is “The Effect of High Voltage Stress on Different Types of

Engine Oils”. This is a study case project base on experimental work approach that studied

and analyzed the effect of high voltage stress on different types of engine oil. The main reason

of the study was to replace the transformer oil in the transformer. The transformer needs oil

for the insulation of its winding. The oil must have high breakdown strength to rely on the

rating of the transformer. By studying the effect of high voltage stress on the engine oil will

gain the knowledge of the electrical characteristic of the engine oil. High voltage has a range

of exceeding 1000v for HVAC and exceeding 1200v for HVDC were been used in huge

applications such as in the power systems, industry and research laboratories. Both HVAC and

HVDC need to have a good medium of insulation during the operational for safety precaution.

This project was developed to focus on the PETRONAS engine oil as the medium of

liquid insulation. Three types of oil that involve in this project were PETRONAS MACH5

(mineral oil), PETRONAS SYNTIUM 800 (half synthetic oil) and PETRONAS SYNTIUM

5000 (full synthetic oil). Each type of oil was divided by three conditions which are new oil

from bottle, heated oil and contaminated oil. The experiment was focusing to determine the

electrical characteristic which is the breakdown voltage of each type of engine oil.

The different types of engine oil will be tested with two types of nature high voltage

which are the high voltage alternating current (HVAC) and the high voltage direct current

(HVDC). Both types of nature high voltage were generated using the HAEFELY High

Voltage Construction KIT.

The analysis from the breakdown voltage of each type of the engine oil stress on the

different kind of nature high voltage will determined the most optimum engine oil


1.2 Problem Statement

Transformer oil was usually applied in the transformers for the purpose of electrical

protection. It plays an important role to protect and prevent the explosion in electrical circuits.

The fluctuations of the world economy have influenced the cost of transformer oils and

became more expensive. Hence, this project was implemented to replace the transformer oils

with the engine oil that are cheaper than the cost of transformer oil. The quality of transformer

oils, as the insulated liquid, is one of the most important factors to be focused. Regarding to

that reason, this project analyzed the quality of the engine oil within 3 different conditions test

which are new oil, heated oil and contaminated oil. Besides that, most of the transformer oils

were imported from overseas, causing a long purchase period and affected the plan of projects

construct and change oil during overhaul. The research of PETRONAS engine oil will be a

platform to rid of the foreign oil supplier’s monopolization and saving money to reduce

operation costs.

1.3 Objective

The objectives of this research are:

i. To replace the imported transformer oil which have high cost.

ii. To identify the electrical characteristics focusing in breakdown voltage of the

engine oil.

iii. To analyze the result among each type of engine oil and their condition from

the breakdown voltage.

1.4 Scopes of the research

This project has a limitation in term of tools, method and approach. The project

focuses on:

i. Using three types of PETRONAS lubrication oil product only. Which are

MACH 5, SYNTIUM 800 and SYNTIUM 5000

ii. Each type of oil was divided in three conditions which are the new oil from

bottle, heated oil and contaminated oil.

iii. Generating the nature high voltage using the HAEFELY high voltage test kit.

iv. Doing the high voltage test of HVAC and HVDC test on each type of engine


v. Analyzing the suitability of engine oil to replace the transformer oil in the step

down transformer rating of 33kV to 11kV

1.5 Report Outline

This report was divided into 5 chapters where is consisting:

Chapter 1 : Introduction

Chapter 1 is about introduction of the project that has been conducted, problem

statements, objective and scope of the project. The project was done according to the

objective and scope of this project that state at earlier.

Chapter 2 : Literature Review

Show the overview of this project based on literature review and theory background. In

this chapter the explanation was about the liquid insulation and the standard to test and

how to generate High voltage using several methods such as AC and DC using the

HAEFELY High Voltage Construction KIT. Studies on literature review helps in

understanding about methods and their circuit diagram of the high voltage circuit.

Chapter 3 : Methodology

Shows the flow chart of the methodology in the entire project that being conduct for

this testing and with some brief explanation about the flow chart.

Chapter 4 : Result and Discussion

Show the table of the results, and the discussion including the analysis from the result.

Chapter 5 : Conclusion and recommendation

Conclude all the experimental work and testing that conducted in this project. Some

suggestion was given to help another student for their project reference.



2.1 Introduction

Transformer is the most important device in electrical field. It is like a heart of

electricity. The price of a transformer can be from RM40, 000 to RM1, 000,000 according to

the rating and the application of the transformer. The transformer rating of 33kV/11kV worth

up to RM 70 000 and above while the transformer rating of 11kV/3.3kV worth above RM40

000. Transformer is a component used in AC circuit to convert the incoming voltage to

another voltage either higher or lower. The function of transformer is to transfer the electrical

energy which involving the changes in magnitudes of voltage and current. It usually used in

consumer electronic products to step down the supply voltage to a suitable level. Within the

operation of the transformer, the cooling and insulating system is the most important factor to

ensure the efficiency performance of the transformer. Because of that reason, the use of oil in

the transformer fulfills the both insulation and cooling system of the transformer. Figure 2.1

shows the cross section of the transformer, where the oil filled in the whole area.

Figure 2.1: The cross section of the transformer.

Cooling fin



The whole

tank to be

filled with


Tank of


2.2 Liquid Insulation

Transformer oil is categories as liquid insulator acts as heat transfer agent [1]. The

transformer oil must have a high breakdown voltage to avoid a transformer failure. The failure

of the transformer will cause an expensive cost to replace the new transformer. Hence the

quality of oil needs to be as higher as possible. The breakdown strength of the oil can reduce

due to the presence of impurities [1]. The important electrical properties of the liquid are

dielectric strength, conductivity, flash point, gas content, viscosity, dielectric constant,

dissipation factor, stability, etc [1]. The factor that affects the electrical strength of insulating

oil is the presence of water in the form of fine droplets suspended in the oil. Dielectric strength

of oil reduces more sharply if it contains fibrous impurities in addition to water [1]. The

breakdown voltage also depends on the liquid viscosity, liquid temperature, the density and

the molecular structure of liquid [1]. The effort to obtain the highest quality of transformer oil

is still going for better performance of transformer in the future. The decision to use better

quality transformer oils is also justified by the costs and reliability influence of a transformer

failure [2].

2.3 Previous Research

From the previous efforts, the research to replace the imported SHELL Diala oil with

the new oil of Kelamayi Oil has been done in Guangzhou China 2009 [2]. The research was

done because the high cost of the imported oil [2]. The result shows that the domestic

Kelamayi Oil is superior to SHELL Diala oil in general properties [2]. The research has

improved the significant independent technology innovation in their country and Domestic

production of transformer oils [2]. Base on others previous research, the engine oil have been

studied to determine the dielectric strength. Three type of engine oil from the manufacturer of

SHELL such as synthetic based oil, mineral oil and motorcycle oil were tested [3]. The

research was focus to determine the breakdown voltage of each type of upon the HVAC,

HVDC and Impulse Voltage [3]. The result shows that the sample of synthetic oil has the

highest breakdown voltage during the testing [3].

2.4 Current Research

After evaluating the previous research, this research is focusing to determine the

breakdown voltage of domestic PETRONAS Engine Oil. The oil is cheaper because it was not

imported from other country. The test is design in two types of nature high voltage such as

High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) and High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC). Figure

2.2 below shows the circuit diagram of HVAC and HVDC construction with the point of test


Figure 2.2: The circuit Diagram to generate the nature high voltage of

HVAC and HVDC with the point of test object [4].

From the figure 2.2 above, the circuit was the most suitable design to generate HVAC

and HVDC applied by UTeM High Voltage Laboratory. The AC voltage was the input from

the supply. The AC input will increased by the step up transformer. The secondary winding of

the transformer will increased the voltage output to above 1000V for HVAC. The test object

which is the engine oil was connected from the transformer to the ground. Probe was used to

connect the oil with the circuit connection. For HVAC generation, the components involved in

completing the test were the transformer and probe connected with the test object.

To generate the HVDC natural high voltage, the component of HV Diode plays an

important role. By plugging in the additional component of HV Diode, the circuit was ready to

generate the HVDC output. HV Diode act like switch to filter the negative output waveform,

producing the pure DC output waveform. The DC voltage was increase before it was filtered

by the diode. The test object was clipped by the probe between the end of the connection of

HV diode and the ground point.


2.4.1 Main Component of HVAC

The HVAC circuit is consisting of a step up transformer and the test object. The

construction of the HAEFELY High Voltage Construction KIT to generate HVAC as shown

in Figure 2.3 below:

Figure 2.3: The Construction of HAEFELY High Voltage Construction KIT to

Generate HVAC in UTeM’s High.Voltage Laboratory. Transformer

The transformer that been used is Single Phase Ac Voltage Test Transformer (PZT

100-0.1). Test transformer was used for AC and DC generation [4]. The rated as shows


Rated voltage : 220V / 100kV

Rated power : 5kVA, continuous

10kVA, 1 hour

Rated current : 0.075 mA

The HV Diode was

disconnected from the



The probe was

connected here to the

oil container.



2.4.2 Main Component of HVDC

The HVDC circuit is consisting of a step up transformer and high voltage diode. The

construction of the HAEFELY High Voltage Construction KIT to generate HVAC as shown

in Figure 2.3 below:

Figure 2.4: The Construction of HAEFELY High Voltage Construction KIT

to.Generate HVDC in UTeM’s High Voltage Laboratory. Transformer

Use the same transformer rating as to generate the HVAC. HV Diode

Two diodes are used in generation of HVDC. The specification of the diode is shown

as below [4].

Protective resistor : 100 kΩ

Inverse peak voltage : 140 kV

Rated current : 20mA

Transformer HV Diode



The probe was

connected here to

the oil container.

The frequency for the 2 types of nature high voltage affected the dielectric strength of

the oil. The HVAC tested results obtain lower breakdown voltage comparing with the

breakdown voltage of the HVDC. This is because the heat from the alternating current and

frequency of the waveform in HVAC will lead to the formation of vapour bubbles and

followed by the breakdown [1]. Furthermore the HVDC did not have a frequency of the


2.4.3 Type of Engine Oil

The oils uses in this project are PETRONAS MACH5, PETRONAS SYNTIUM 800

and PETRONAS SYNTIUM 5000. Each type of oils has their own performance to the engine.

The specification of the oil was briefly explained as shows in Table 2.1 below [5]:

Table 2.1: The Product typical of the engine oil.

Types of Oil PETRONAS






Parameter Mineral Oil Half Synthetic Full Synthetic

Viscosity Index 139 146 176

Density @ 15c 0.8810 0.8655 0.8450

Pour Point, c -30 -32 -51

Flash Point, c 212 230 220

Sulphated Ash, %wt 1.06 1.03 0.72

Kinematic Viscosity, cSt

@ 40c








2.4.4 Typical of the Engine Oil

This explains the typical or the term used in the characteristic of engine oil. Viscosity

Viscosity is the measurement of liquid resistance to flow [6]. The different viscosities

indicate different power variation of engine [6]. It must be high enough to provide lubrication

for the engine [6]. Low viscosity will produce problem to restart the engine in hot temperature,

rough idle and white exhaust smoke [6]. Density

Density is a relative mass of material [6]. The higher the density of the oil will produce

more power to the engine than the low density because the thermal energy content is high [6].

10 degree of decreasing density will decrease 3% - 5% thermal energy in the oil [6]. Pour Point

The better quality of engine oil is the lower the cloud point [6]. As ambient

temperature continues to drop the oil reach it pour point, where it solidifies and no longer flow

[7]. Flash Point

Flash point is a temperature at which the vapors on the surface of oil will ignite and

exposed to an open flame [6]. A lower than normal flash point will indicate contamination of

engine oil [6]. Sulphated Ash

Sulphur content is important for the live of engine [6]. Sulphur creates sulphuric acid

during combustion process which can damage engine component [6] Kinematic Viscosity

Automotive oil is needed at both high and low temperature. SI unit for kinematic

viscosity is centistokes, cSt which is equivalent to /s [6]

2.4.5 Transformer Oil

Transformer oil also has their own typical product as an indicator to the quality of the

oil. This typical product of transformer oil is different from the engine oil because of the

different usage of the oil. Table 2.2 below shows the typical product of transformer oil [7].

Table 2.2: The product typical of transformer oil.

Types of Oil SHELL DIALA A

Density @ 15c kg/l 0.885

Pour Point, c -50

Flash Point, c 148

Breakdown Voltage kV 37

Kinematic Viscosity, cSt

@ 40c


2.4.6 The price Transformer Oil and Engine Oil

The research is focus to compare each type of oil in concern of the price of the product.

The price of the product is depending on the global economy. Table 2.3 shows the price of

engine oil and the transformer [5][8][9].

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