  • 1. EE Supervisor Resources and Training Why in the world do we do this? And how do we do it right?
  • 2. The way the EE process feelsPublished by Bill Watterson on 5/21-22/1992
  • 3. Topics to Consider What is the real What should EE point of the EE? supervisors focus on in How can order to best students help their perform at their mentees? best?
  • 4. You remember Background on EE at our schoolIndependent Student ProjectEmbedded in IB English 12Embedded in IB TOK These methods didnt offer enough guidance for the student or the
  • 5. EE 11 Moodle Course Started with the question: How do we help the students see the benefit of the EE and perform at their best? To begin to help students see the process necessary to write a really good EE, Brad and Melissa created and implemented an EE 11 course last year: As part of the end of IB English 11course
  • 6. What we learned from the pilot Slow down! Process over Product Focus on entire core Show clear connections between EE and TOK and how they both relate to CAS And how all of this is connected to what we all do every day in all courses
  • 7. TOK 11 Moodle CourseFor access, go to ourse/view.php?id=13 The guest password is ******** Please stay on this site for a few minutes. Well come
  • 8. What does this mean forsupervisors? For one semester, things are going to get a bit hairy (Sorry) Currently, we still have mostly the same schedule as last year for the senior class:EE Timeline for 2012-13 (about 30 students) But heres the problem We now have TWO classes working on the EE process. The juniors are beginning their EE process right now also. This is for the benefit of the students and to be in compliance with IBs points to be addressed so we get to buc up and engage in this learning initiative
  • 9. What does this mean forsupervisors? (cont.) Guiding the junior class through their EE process Heres the good news: Its a much slower process, and more of the meetings can take place online via Moodle forums (you will be non-editing teachers) 2014 EE timeline (about 50 students) For all juniors, this will be an extra course. For some, it will be a 9th class. So how will we get them there? EE/TOK 11, so lets take a close look:
  • 10. Final Thoughts Process, Process, Process The product is important, but its secondary The EE should be focused on analysis and critical thinking, not on reporting of information You are the content expert, but you dont have to know all facts students use you can emphasize the appropriate process Deadlines are essential both for the student and the supervisor Emphasize the EE rubric
  • 11. Final Thoughts (cont.) Connections to the Core (not just the IB Coordinators job) The EE isnt just an additional IB assignment; its at the center of what IB stands for how does your course fit in? How do you see your mentees paper fitting in his/her overall IB experience? IB Expo EE student showcase
  • 12. Dont worry We hear the cry from supervisors HELP!What other info do you need to make your job easier?
  • 13. One more final thoughtHow can we help IB students become IB Learners?
  • 14. EE Supervisor Resources Page ?id=56 Guest access to the page is ************ I will update the page throughout the semester As the students progress through the EE deadlinesAnd as you become aware of ways we can help you, school code: **** If you forgot username or pass, contact Brad

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