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Research Data Science and its potential impact in Low and Middle

Income countries

Hugh [email protected]


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Opportunities for LMIC Researchersfrom the Data Deluge

In many research fields, data becoming more open

Public data gradually becoming more open as well

Placement of sites in LMIC - Square Kilometre Array

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Example - Bioinformatics

PBytes of Omic data freely available

Good basic Science can be done just by analysing these data sets

Clear results from test species could be applied to local species

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Square Kilometre Array

Array of Radio Telescopes

Most of these to be South Africa

South Africa wants to own thisnot just be the site

1 PByte of data per day

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Absence/deficit of infrastructureEquipment / Electricity / IT Support; Internet access - though improvingOnline collaboration and communities

Absence/deficit of awareness (leading to funding gap)

Absence/deficit of education and training

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Provide training through Summer School systemto create cohort of Professionals who cognisant in

Research Data Science

Provide access to cloud computing resources that have the data

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OrganisationsCo-chair of Working Group RDA/CODATA Summer Schools

in Data Science and Cloud Computing in the Developing World

RDA - young organisation (<3 years) for Data sharing

CODATA - 40 year old organisation with deep interestin developing world research

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Schools in ResearchData Science

Give attendees an introduction to principles behind Data Science and how it can be applied.

Aim to make this a professional qualification

Focus on standards avoid reinvention of the wheel

sharing data

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Vanilla covers the basics for anyone with BSc/BA

Machine Learning/Statistics

Software Carpentry

Data Carpentry




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Cover topics that represent issues specific to disciplines

Flavoured schools

Examples :- Extreme Data

Life Sciences


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Partners so far

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Cloud Computing

Technical solution to infrastructure problem

Cost for individual LMIC researcher is barrier

Free at the point of use cloud facilities

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Use case - North African Bioinformatics

Potential user community based in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt

Suggestion - Federated clouds to find resources in “the cracks”.

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