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(1.~~ No.

/'V:A..~. /. I • ••••• ·• • •••• • •• ,.

UN I 0 N 0 F S 0 U T H A }1"' R. I C:<\ .

202 6C




Prtsentffl. to both Hqusrs 1•/ 1 flrliammt by collallfWti of Iii• E.twl/mr!l

the (}lm t'lltii'·Gmnal.



1916. [U.G. 19-'16.]



Report of the Commi••ion . . 1-40

Minute of dissent by the Chairman in regard to the delimitation of Natal and Zululand •1-42

Appendix I, being copy of the Commi•-ion:i.;sued by.H. E. the Governor-General r ..

Appendix II, being a lht of matter>< referred to the Commi,•ion by the Minister of Native Atlail'!l I-3

Appendix III, being Statistkal Heturns ~:~howing the approximate ureas of various classes of land occupied by Natives in :-

(a) Province of the Cape of Good Hope 2-4 (b) Province of N11tal 5-6 (c) Province of the 'I'mnHvnal 7 (d) Province of th!' Omnge l?ree State 8 (e) Union of South M~ica 9

Appendix lY, being Stati,tic•nl RNurn~ sho11;ng the approximate number of Xati;es occupying verious cla••c~ of land in :-

(a) Province of the Capt• of Good Hope 2-4 (b) Province of Natal 5-6 (c) Province of the Tmn~vaal 7 (d) Province of the Orange Free State 8 (e) Union of South .\fric•a 9

Appendix V, being a chart Hlwwing graphically the approximate extent.l! of various cla•scR of lnnd in the four Provinces and th<' Union .

Appendix VI, being a cht\l't howing graphically the approximate number of Natives occupying vnnou" clasHes of land in the four Province~ and the Union

Appendix VII, being a k<'y mnp indicating the areas recommended by the Commis.•ion ..

Appendix VIII, Report~ of A. ·<·--ors, namely :-(a) Report by Sir W. H. Bt·numont, and Mr. A. H . Stanford 1-4 (b) Report by C'ol. \\'. E. ~I. Stanford 5-6 (c) Report by :\Ir. W. H. C'ollins 7 (d) Report by Mr. A. E. Gilfillan 7-11

VOLUME II. Appendix IX, being :-;-

' I (a) An alphabetical index of witne:;ses examined (b) An index of district" referred to in the Evidence (c) :\linutes of the Evid<'n<'e

Appendix X, being documentary evidence placed before the Commi--ion, namely:-

(a) Statement by the Burolong deputation (b) Petition by tlw Ea-tcrn Xati;e Yigilance .Meeting,


fU.G. 19-'16.]


1-17 18-20 1-641



(c) C'opy of P<·tition prc>ented to Parlianwnt hy tlw Griquas (d) Htatt•mrnt by Mr. J. W . de Kock, !'onr!'min!( the N'atin•

RcF<'I'\'<'< in Mafcking Di~trict (e) Stal<•m<>nt (nccompanied by thr'<'E' <'ndo>urcR) by the

'J'm\ll ('Jerk of l\lafcking, rPlntivl' to th<' rxtrn~ion of the Town C'ommonage by the indu~ion of a Jll>rtion of the Molopo N'ntive Reserve

(/) C'f'rtnin l'l'<'ommendations suhmitt<'d by Ex-II!'ndman l\Inkholi-o

(g) Statement by )lr. J. C. Sweene~·. 'la~ri-trntl', Kinp: William's Town, rrp:nrding 1\ll)('m's l.<><'ntion

(h) Pl'tititln hy <'Crtain European fann<'l"'' , rl'latin• to the l\lount C't•ke Out-pan. King William's Town.

(i) Stntt•ml'nt by Headman )lblamhi-o, n•lative to thl' boun-daril'• of hi• Loration .

(;) Stntl'm!'nt by the XatiYe landown!'rs of Rabula, Wol' R iver and Ll'ny<', in the District of King William'• Town

(k) Letter· from thl' Berlin Yillagc l\Ianag!'m!'nt Hoard urging that )~crlin should be a Europcnn ArCil

(I) Stntenwnt by Elifa~ Sibiya and four ot her" praying for r<'li!'f from the Act, and for th() ext()nsion of Native Rcsrrvr•

(m) Stal<'llll'nt concerning the Xunn fnmily (n) Rtnt<'nwnt hy the Rc'\". H. K. Ll'i-cgan~~: containing •iews

ns to tlu• rxt!'nt of land which should ll<' r!'s!'rred for N'ativ<'• in X~tal and aJ,o c!'rtain otlwr vic"" in connec­tion with th<' Act

(o) :U.tter from th<' Bishop of Zululand amplifying the verbal e,•id<>n('(' W'' en by !tim

Appendix XI. ))('ing extra('t~ from the Report< of :Mnf:(i•trat<>S and other official• (with index)

Appendix XTT, l)('ing ll li•t of the place's visited hy the C'ommi•sion

Appendix XTI I, ht'inl( Minutes of th€' Proc<'e<ling~ of tho Commission

~-.. -1 I. .

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RECISTR. ~G \l.9 C.,.,,..!::\









12-16 16





H. Tl~ P 0 RT OF TilE


To Jfls ExCELLENCY Tm: RJC;nr llo~orn.\DT.E \r~conr Br·xro,., )halDER OF lhs )fUESTY's HoxorRAnu: Pntvv Cot:xCtL, KxiGHT Gn "D Cnoss OF THE \(usr DISTIXGt:I'-IIED On tall m S T )[lC'li.\FI • . no s- ( ;tUII(H ' 1111 II (\m­\IISSIOXER FOR SoVTII .\.Fitl< '·\L .\'<D ("Q)I\1.\~UF.ll·I:S·CnrEF I' .\:\DOVER Tnt; l',ro:-. 01' ~01 Til .\FitlC\.

w~. the und~>rsigncd ('onnni--ioners, haYing been nppointrcl under n Com­mission i~sued by the Hight llmwurahlt> Yiscount Gladslmu•, 1'.('., K.('.)£.0., tl:dt•tl the 27th August, 1!)1:1, huw flw huuour to submit nut Ht'(Mlli iu l••rms nf that Commission.


2. (i) Your E.x(·~llPll('~··.., Commi,,iout'r~ Wt•re .lppoitatN in t••rnu o£ s<·c·tinn Ap~ointrn•·nt. ltro .. r the Nrotin•s Laud .\d, l!ll:l , In "'"In ire inln :nul l't'JUII-t :-

(11 What areas within tht• l ' uinn nf South .\fri•·n slwultl I•• ~rt npnrt :1.> areas with whic·h X a tins sl:. II not ht> pPrmiltl'cl In :u·cptirt' or hiJ<• land or intNt>sb in lund;

(b) What areas within thr ITninn of Routh .\frirn shnul.l ht• ,p( apart ,,. areas ,-,.ithin whic·h p•·•~ons ofht•r tlwn Xativ('s shall not hP pt>rmittecl to acquire or hirl' l:nul m· inlt•rrsts in land;

nnd thl' terms of ref<'l'<'ll<'l' inrhulc•cl the following nddilionnl duty: "nncl further to Plli(Uin• intn unci report upon uny mnltrr~ inridl'ntul to

''the setting a pad of suP It nreqs which may he phwl'cl ]lt'fore them by "the ?.finister of Nntiv(l Affairs."

(ii) Rection tw, of the Art clir<>ds that the "Commission shu II submit with uny such report:-

(a) description of thl' hounclnril's of nnv area which it propo•l'• should b<' set apart. and • ·

(b) a map or mnps showin~ l'nry surh area." :J. The.Commi"iou )l(•l•l it,; llt81 IIIPt•tinl!' at l'retnrin •>II tlu• Sth ~ptr·mhrr. Fin-' ll.-tin~t.

1!11:1. It was mPt and WC'lc-onH•cl lo~ till' :\! inisler tlwu in •·harg•• of Xntiq• .\ffairs, till' linn. F. R . .\Ialan. whn iurnlln<••l the• Cnmmi"i'""'r' thnt ht• luul uo spPI'ial i11stru..tic·ns to gin• thl'm. nncl tlwt tl ... y ,...,,.r to t,.. g-uicl .. ,I suh·h· hy ih t• t.•tniS or the• .\C't nnd thl'ir C'ommisoion. •

4. (i) Some drlny \\liS c·a Ust•cl h,v t hi' cl iflirulty of S('l'lll'iUg n ... st'l'\'i!'rs of " Scaff. ~uitahle Secrt>lan·. familinr with hoth En.,.lish :mel llukh. hut t'\l'llhwlh· ~lr. C'. R \ 'iljoen, form<'rly 1'rh·:dc• Sc•<·rl'fuly ~to th~ Inti' the llun. ?>lr . 1-lnuri·, was tlppointP<I n~ &>trt'ltn\'; \lr. ('. \1, ITull••. nf thP Tl••parfmrnt c•f .I u •t;,., •• \\:Is ap· poin ted aA .hsi~tant Sr<'n•tncv; nncl 'lr. II . .T. BnrkPr a• Rhnrth.1ucl \\'ritc•t· unci Typist. ·

(ii) It subsequently lwr:unr nP<·I's<nry to nppoiot n •killt•d lhaul!'hlsmnn ;ro pn>(l:lfP thf> maps fl'quiri'C( Jw tl11• ('<>lllllli"ion. )fr .. \ .. ). \'t•n(nnru \\'liS sl'll'f'i('c] for this purpo•e. nncl nttnd11••1 to the offir., of the Rurn•vnr-nent•t'ol uf thP Trans-'-nnl. at Pretoria. •

5. Owing to tht> un•!'!IINI ~tuft• or thr ··ountry I'OIIS('fJUent 11('011 u ... lleb..llio>~ l'•lay. nnd tht> European w~r. tltc• OJII'r tl inn• nf the C'ommis-ion h:!tl to ,.,. SIIS["'IIclt•cl t•arly in R~ptember. l!lll . Tl ... S.·rnncl :\at:1l Itinernn-. whid1 wns tn h1"·•· c·om­rnt>nrc>cl nt Pic>tennarit?.hnr~r 1111 fltl' '~th SrptPmher. Hll4. ancl wltic·h would hav~ c·nmpletecl thl' field work of the• C'mumission, was postponP<I incl..tinitl'lv nncl nch rt>•IPnNl until th<' l !lth )f:o~·· l!ll!i. •

ru.G. 19- '16.] • . \pp~·nclix 1


Ez.ten~ion of thnt to report.


G. Thi• long <ll'lay IIN'~''~itntl.'d an nppliealion to Parliamtnt for nn I.'XII.'nsion nf tim~ in 1~...,,, nf -uh-so•l'tinn 1:?) uf 'el'tion ttro of the .\o·t. This \\M gronll'el h~· Ho•snlntion uelnptl'ol hy the llnn'O' of A~stmbly on the l:ltlr April, 1915, on•: e·mwUII<'el Ill uy tlw Senah• on thl' 16th idem n' follows:

"Thnl tho• pPriocl within which thP C'ommi-sion appointee! in to•rm' ·•I "s .. dion lrr" of tht> Xatiws Laud .\d, l!lla, i- ll'<(ltil<'d In t·muph•l<' '"it .. t:•turnir.\· anrl pr('-;l"'nt its r('port and reeomuwntlntiou~, 1•t" t"'~·.Jt•Jult•tl "{wan tho• :!Oth .1'""'· l!ll5. to thP 19th .hurt'. l!l!G."

7. (i) Th~> st·nil'<'' of lht '-'hoath;lnd-writer auol tlu• \[ <S«'ug••r "Pr<' oli~)><'ll'~ ,) ,dth iu ~cpto•mht'r, 1914, wheu the work of th" l'onunisswn "lS into•nuplo•el, hut tho• ,...,t of thP 1-lalf ,.-erP kept ou, as tht'!'P "'" n11u·h to l>t• ellliH' in o·lln!n•dinu with thl' printinft of the cvideno•e a111l the prt'J"''"tinu nf •lati.t•e·s '""! 111·'1"·

(ii) Furtlwr dl.'plrtiou of tlw C'ommis-ion's 'tall toni. p)ae·p '" th .. lt.en•le•r· nf .\Jr. llofl'f.l tnlht> Dl.'pnrtmPnt o:f Railways f10111 the• l•t llo·e·cnliH·r. 1!111. :11111 \Jr. Viljol'n to thl' DPpadm~nt of .]u•tic·p from thf' l~th Fo•lu·uary, 1°llli.

(iii) ~lo·. H. S. )[~dfortl, of tlw Dl'parlnwnt nl \.lliw .\flair,, """ nppnint"l Src·r~lnry on \lr. Yiljo~n's lransl'o•r, ancl ~Irs .. J. T \LtllPllsf uin "·'" nppuinlt•el 'J'ypi~h· nnd Shorthand-writer. '

(iv) 'l'hc ('ommission dPsircs lwrP to •·•·c·onl ib high appn•c·iatinn of thl' N•••·· ''ii'I'H n•ndl'ro•d hv the Hf'\'eml mt•nlhPr- of its stall. ,,11 of whom h•"·o· [lt'l'lm•nH•cl thPir clutio•s willi o·ommendahiP zo•:rl and ability. )[r. ~t ... Jtmcl has hnd n pnrli­c·ulnrly diflio•ult lnsk, inasmuch'" la· took m·e•r his elutw< "I"''' the• ('nmn11ssi•11o had a lmost O'lllllP'lo•l<•cl its prdiminar~· work, anol was e·uu-.•o1ne nt ly plo<•o•d at a

gn•at disadvnnhtgt•.

H. (i) ('onsiol••l'ing tlw rxtt'nf of thP T'nion, tlw li111ilt•el tunc :~t tl11• disposal of llw ('mnmiosicne , :1111! tllP man~ impvrhnt matt~h :tffo .. tilt~ lnrJ!l' 1 • "'' nl the populntion, "hic·h Ita<! nPe·o•>Saril~· to stand oq·• l"'"olinl! tic<• Ho'J"''t of tlu• ('om­mi"ion and ol'(iun tlwri'CIIl hy Parliam('nt. the ('onnui-•iou die! not utit•mpt In ill\'l''ti~r.•to• minulc·l~· t\11• t!etails of PVPI)' <listrif't. To huH• elolll' so '""'ld haw llllllul\' plOlllllj.rt'd thP work of thl.' ('otnmis,inlt without ~olllltlf'l -urote gnin. 'l'h" Comrni.sion hos, thrrt>fnrt'. hP('IJ latjl'<'ly gnidt'ol "~ the e•\·iole•ll((' 'IIIII n ... nch ll'll of Clnn•rnml'nt nflirial- anol of thnsP who. lw lo11g r•·-iolo•nc·f' , hucl n cln•c• a111! 111limnlt> knowll'd~e· nf tho• dt>tnils of e:wh olistric·t.

(ti) Till' Commis-ton fi1-t o·allt•el for r>'ptrrt-. IIIRj, .nul -tnti-ttc,rl wfnllnutinll hum tl1P )lugistr.•h·- nf O'\'l'r~· distrid of tho• Inion .• nul 1 hen \ isitNI pp}pe·le'<l o·c•nll·o·s for tho• purp<l"' nf laking I hi' p\·jo!Pno·t• of offie·iol•. nf ill\ ite<l wihrt•ssc­(EnrnpNHl anol :iatin) ancl uf tho>~• of thP ~?•'IIPWI puhlic· "hn olr•sir>'el tn ~orivo• II><' Commi-. ... iun tht' lwuetit of thE"ir vit•w ... o.11ul t'Xpe• i('Hf'f', or tu suhmit fnr its f'Oh·

... iclc·ratiun tUI\' nwth•r afff."'clinJ,! thE"ir pt>r ... onai ''I lo('atl inh•~t•:-.t.... Exrursious wc•rc• ,.!sCI mn;lc• tn ,-.,riou' pari- whPI'<' it si'P:nt'el <II'• r chiP In c ht llll first-hn1:ol knom lo•clgt• of nny particular IC1<'~1lity

(iii} .\ Jist of thr plnrl'< visited hy th•• ('nl•tmi~-inll is ~i'"" tn \ppo•Ju)i,

'\II. (i •·) 'l'u <'X]Wtlito• tlw work of tbl' Conunissiom it hN·attw no'<'O''""'Y to tnko

uehanla~-to• nl tl11• provisit~us of ~ub-•edion (~) nl sc•t·twu tluo of tl"' \d hy olo·lo•· j:Uiing indi,·iclual nwmbt'rs of th• Commission to rPprcso•nt and l'nl'l'y out th·• wnrk nf l11t• Commi"'ion in ('t'rlnin arPns. '!'hi• wns dmw 11u tlw following

tlt·c·n~i(JJI!-l, viz. :-(11) 'l'hl' ('hnirmnn of tho C'onunission, tog•fhPr with '!r. ,\. II. Stnnforol.

('hit'£ )[a~istrat<' of tlw 'Iranske-ian Tc•tTifori(ls, a~ Asst\~soa·, wn~ q ... pointo•cl a stth-commissiou to ~nrr~· out tliC' o''"l''ilJ uf tlw ('umlllis~iun in th~ 'l'rnn<kei, th<' other member< of tlw ( 'ummi"iun taking o•vidt•l,c·c•

ut <'apr 'l'own. ( /1) ('nlntll'l Stunford was c\p)eg:.lfNI to visit tlw Kny"'"· llnmnusclm·p ntul

1'111'1 Elizall<'ih Di•trirts; Gt'nPral R<·lwlk Bmgc•r tucl \h. ('ullin• Wl'l'O' do•lo•g;e!Nl tu ,·isit )lidd<'lhur~r ('fr;~n"'"al); atul \Jr. <'olliu• tn \'i•it till' H:nhPr\ou nnd Lydenbur~ Dish·io·ts lor tlw ]'IIIJKISI' oi m:•king ,.,., ..

tain ill\'t'sligation•. (v) 'fhP pro,·ision in •uh-s('('tion (2) ot "<•dion tl.rr• of thP Ad. r"l'gatoliul!

tht• ~·ppointm<-nl of p('lrson~ to as.sist tb~ Cuunot ....... icm ur to Uf't ns .. \stit<-~snr~. \\il"'

tt~kt'n aolvnntage of on two occ:~sions, 'riz.: -(1) The appointment of Mr . .A. H . Stanford n' .\''"''"r fur the Tt,on-­

keian Territories as already mentioned;

RF.N>RT. 3

(::'1 The nppoinhn~nt of ~lr .\. B. Gilfillan • .\"islant ltngi~trate, King Willwm', Tn\\11 , ·" an .hs<•"cn· for th~ purpose of making rert.nm enquiries on hc•ltalf nf t],.. Commi••ion in the Cnthrurt., 1-;tut.trrheim and Komghu Dis I ric• Is.

'!'he thanks of the ('ommi"inn urc• spc•cially due to these two gentlemen. " Jo n, hy the ir intimal<' '"''lunint.n<l'<' with tll<' '.\'aliv~>s and th<> counh·y. wcrr nblr In rNHler ,.,.,,. valuahl.• ""i,tanc·c· in tlw d~limitation of th<> 'l'runskc1inn nnd t '1s-Keinn Dish·irts.

(vi) The f'ommi"ion also c(,.,;in•s to C'xpr~ss its apprrci:otion nf thc• vnluahl~ 111fc rmatioto and n"istmoec• it .. ..,,., i,·c•cl from the Sl'('l'l'tary for :'intiv~ .\fF;Iirs, lit«' ~<'netnn· fc.r Lane!-. the• Sur,enot·s· lic•ll<'ncl ot lhl' sl'\'ernl l'rnvinns, lhl' Chief :\utive Connnis<iunPr of :'i:•tul. • nncl from many of the )!agistmlc•s and '.\'ntivl' ('ommi<sioner,; throu~huut till' l"uiou, "hn have shn\\ n great inlt>rt'sl iu the ,;ork nf tlw Commi--ion oll<l hn\C• oparecl 110 J'Oins in collecting- th(' information :wd •tali'lirs rc><Juired.

(vii) Extracts from "'m" nf tl,.. R~ports have> hrc•n printt'd, and rc• :oppendrd (n). The c•xh:IC'fs ,,.,. c•itloc..- lypi~al of C'sis!ing c·onditiuns or refer

In ~ome particular matter whic·h tt•cpritc>s special notice.


0. (i) In Yil'w of thc• fa..t that lhc> Commission would ll!' informed and iufluc•nrc>d as mul'h hy what it "'" ancl ('Oll\'<'rs:tlionally lc•anwd cluring its lrnv~ls n~ hy the foruwl f'Yitlfl'Jif ·f• P( witnt'' •Ps. it was <·on:-oid .. ~rNl unllN't'':o~nrv tn r€'<'Orti llw ;.,,.a rocr t>Yiclc>Jlc·e in fhc• usual m:lltnc>r of quc>stioll :uul '"'"'·rr, 'hut thnt it nnulcl ()(' snffi~ieJtt tu rPronl it i11 ,, tt:lllati,·p fonu. tim- saving mtu-h limt' and o•xpc>nsc•. TIH• c>Yiclc•nc·t• has nnl hi'Cn arrnng<•d t·hronologirally. hut, ns fnr n' po•sihlc, :~ccording to Pro\ 1oc•c • • oncl "hc>•·c pr:ortirn hit• ll C't·onlin~ to l>istric·b.

(ii) The> list of wittu•ssc , c·x nmllll'cl (1.) ancl n copy of the• ~~·iclc•nc·e hoken i> nttnrltc>d herl'to (r·) , ns al<o un c•opt r ' ol ull documents put iu by witt"'"t's which urc• not t'lllhodied iu iJIC' t'\'ic)c•llC'I' (tf) . •

10. (i) The St:~tistic·al Hc•lurn• ·oll:ll'hc>d lo this Ut'pol'l (r) "''"' pat·tly prc>­p:on•d hy tiH' .\"isfanl '-c'c'tl'l. r-y. \lr. l lof(c•, hom the> H•funos wcd "' h) ) l ag-is I mf<'s nod other offirials :111cl f mm the C'rnsus Returns of 1911, nncl l hry wC'r~ c·nmpleted by the pre~c>nt, Hrcr«'l:ny.

(ii) Gt·cat difficulty h:" ()(•c•n C'Xp«'rirnct>d in obtaining sonu• col' thr rrturns askc•cl lor; thosC' appendPcl :~n• us HC'C'lll';t(C' ns thP availahlc> clat:o pc•r·mif.

(tii) 'l'he rNurns purpotl In ''""'' tlw ownership aucl oc·<·up:otinn o£ lanrb lhrcoughout the t"nion under· lht• following heads: -

b) )1 is-ion Rl.'•erws :111cl ;\[ ission Lands. !a ) Xotiw Uesenf's ,

r) '.\'ati,·e-ownPcl land- (inc·luclin~r land ~anb In hiht•s nncl iuchviclunls). d) C'roW'n Lands.

(e) European-nwnecl btuls (inrlucling Grown Lands held under lea~c>). (iv) Frnm tlw,t' return• it will hc• >l.'rtl that the tnt;~} arl.'as undPr Native

uc·c·upation (indudin~ IH11linA' 'h1i•m · nnd mi"ion gkht's) nrc> us follows:-

('ape X a tnt Transvaal Ornngc Free State


(a) Native R eserves.

(Including ind ivid ual allotments.)

Provineo. Extent in 'lor~rn .

7,115,561 2,897,1:?0 l,Oi7,513



PM('t'ntn~-tn nf Area of Prnvinc4'.

R ·ti :!:? ·!i3

:1·:?2 . l'l

(a ) .\pJ~·ndox XI.; (b) Appendix IX ; (c) ,\ppl'nclix IX.; (d) Appendox X.: (<) ApJH•nchrc•• Ill. and IV· [U.U. 1!J '16.]


(b) • 11 issio11 Reserves and JfiH.•ion L~~tvl.• .

Pro,·ince. l·:xtont. m :\Jorg('n. Peroon tage of Are"

of Province.

Cape .. .. .. . . . . . . 2:18,074 ·28 Natal .. . . .. .. . . .. 15:.!,507 1 ·42 Transvaal .. .. .. .. 110,:1:11 ·34 Orange Froo Stato .. .. . . .. 31,431 ·20

Union .. .. .. . . .. . . !I:J~.:J.l:l ·36

(c) Natit<e-ozrned lAnda.

(Including in ~orne cases land owned by <'nloun'(l Jll'l'>'ons.)

I Pr<>vinco. Exwnt. in Morgor1.

I Poroontage of Area of Provinoo.

Cape .. .. .. .. . . .. I 307,073 It ·47 Natal .. . . .. .. .. . . I 176,8:!4 'I 1·66 Transvaal .. .. .. .. . . 208,731 · ' ·80 Orange Frl'C Stato .. .. .. 12!1,501 .il ·84

Union .. .. .. .. . . .. 1,00:!,030 ·70

(d) Crown lAnds.

(Xot nwluding land leas(.'d to Europeans.}

JlroViJW('I, Bxtf'nt in 'lorgou. I Pcrcont.nge of Area

of Provinoo.

Cape .. .. .. .. .. . . 58,008 ·07 Natal .. .. .. .. . . 340,802 3 ·20 Transvaal .. .. .. . . .. 54:!,480 1·62 Orange .Fret• Stat<· .. .. . . .. .. . .

Union .. .. .. .. .. .. Ot:!,:!bO ·65

(<'} Europ«m·Olrlltll lAnd.

( lnrludmg Crown Land lea,e<l to Europeans.)

ArttAII an l\lorgon.

Prti\'IIH'''· Occupied by Occupiou by Buropc.nns or NntivOH. Total. t:noccupiod.

- I Cape .. .. .. 65,306,5:Hl 98,4:!7 65,494,063 X a tal .. .. .. . . 5,144,696 l,o1:!,1:lo 6,156,835 Trnn"·aal .. .. ~o.:ls3,:l41 :!,0·15,76:1 23,429,104 Orange! Frl'C: Stat<' .. .. 14,'ib7,765 .. 14,787,765

tinion .. .. .. .. I 105, i 12,338 1,156,:):!0 109,868,66i

lliatribution of 11. .\nut lu••· kl't of n·turn:-o irulinl!t> thP tlistrihution of Xnhves throughout ~atiHI"~• thE' (Tnion, llllll tltt• uutliup, uf such distribution m<~y IJp given OS follows:-


~ I


(a) .'\umber of .Valll'f.< on Vario!l>< Cla88es of Lmul.

~utn't'-European Farms.

Province. Retscrvce. Ml~ton Landt.

UWJU'(I Crown Unoccu· , 'l'ot.t\1 Hurnl

l,opul" tion.

TotAl! Urbnn

Popula· taon.

Lnndt. J#andH. piod by Occupk•d Euro. by pean". European&. --------·--- -------- -------

Capo );otal Trnns\'aal Orang(' Free

1,149,438 24,:J:J5 4 79,8:!2 4 l,5:J.') 283,1H24,0:!4

:19,:!7:! 12,1)24 7,592 240,:H:;; 1,47:1,518 127,990 :l!l,:!:iO :li,071l !>5,505 357,9tH I,OH,J:!S 37,054 IU, t:ln 71,51 I 2:1:?,082 40S 63~ 1,050,S:!O :!:!2,456

I' tate 17,200 1,768 4,6!16 27!1.375 :103,039 48,751 --------------------- ----~----lnion 1,929,60494,662 J:!:J ,UIH 121.10.5 3:?5,179

11,286,316:J,S!;U,51l 537,151

{h) .\'umber of .Yatives JU ~fJtUlrc .11 ile 011 Variou~ Clfl81Jt.~ of Lmul.


Capt' 48·8 '\'1 tal 50·0~

.\l aK ~ion Lund~t.

:w ·90 s!l·:ln I

Nativo. owned Lands.

:?9·83 Hi ·11

Crown UnoccupiOO Occupiod Lando. by by

,l:;uro(l'l'Un!l. l~uropoona.

64 ·18 :!:J·:I:? 1 ·11 :1:?·89 25 ·51 21 ·03

Transvaal 70·45 6:!·H 40·9:? :l9·li6 :!:J ·04 6·06 Orange Free State 70·00 17 ·110 I 11 ·05 6·71

Union 5:!·:!6 5:J ·Ji I 37·31 38·86 23·66 3·69

(c) Jlor(Jen per Unit occupiul by Nativc.s on Variou.s Cla118t8 of Land.

:\II~St>ion Native- Cruwu r.;uropcan l'armo Province. itW.l1 rVOtl. 1.1\lldH. ownod Londs. Unocoup1('d by Land•. Europ(\ane.

Cnpo 6 ·I ll ·1 10 · 1 4·7 1:! ·0 Nntnl 6 ·() 3·4 4·5 9 ·1 11 ·8 TraoMvaal :J·Il 4·8 7·3 7·5 13 ·1 Orange J<'ree State 4·3 17·7 27·5 I Union 5·1 5·6 8 ·1 7·7 -, 12·7

12. The :llaps furni,hed with this U<•port :ore as follows: -( I ) )!.<ps of th•· fouo p...,, lll<·t·s in.J i~atiug b,· ,·ario\o- colour• tlw iollo\\-

ing classes of land; (a) Native Reservl's; (b) i\Iissiou ltcM•tws .md Mission lands; (c) Native-owned lands; (d) Cwwn lands t~c<•upiNI by Natives; (e) Crown lands oc<•upied by Europeans; (/) Crown landM not inC'Iudccl in (d) and (e); (.q) European lands sol••ly tiCCupit:'d by Natives; (h ) Europ!'<lfl lands o!'cupied hy Europeans and Natives or <'D­

t,>rl'ly UllOI'CIIpiNI, and :-;howtug th<' arr.-!'\ tt'<:utiU llt•nlif"d .

(:!) _\ map• nf tht> l"uinn o•onhodyiog- thl' details comprist•d in til(' Pro-,·in!'ial maps.

(!I I .-\.key m:~p <>f the rtoinn iml11.1tiug the areas recomnu•nde<l. (4) _\ di:o~r.<m illustmtiu;: tho• o•xfo·nts of the \'ariotos cla's~< of laud. (;, . \ '<li:•~I<•m iJiu,fr.ltiHI{ tl11• Xat1w population occupying- \hr ''··rious

,.]''""' uf land.

LU.U. I!J '16.] • Xn1 printOO.


)f.\"IIUt' ltiH HIUII 10 IIU ('u~D.II"'ICI:'\ B\ I lit \II~ I'"' I 'COl \\"II\ .... 4\H· \lU'.

13. St•wral mattc•rs wt•re rl'l~11ed by th<• )liuiskr of \ath·e .\ffa;r" for tl11• t·onsidemtiou of tlw !'ommi>Sion, and these haw hN•u M'Jillla!cly u•porlt>cl upou. The mntt .. )t~ so t·•\tPrn•c1 .nP ~ht>u .11 A.p]wncll:x 11.

14. :Ut•fmt• p101'<'C'cling to lh<' special slat :um·y Jt•c·ommc•ndalion-; I'NJIIii'Ni from tlwm. tlw ('nmmi•sinnNs de,in• to reconl tlwi1 un:ll•imo\h l't•t·omuH•ndations ou llw £ollowiu~ rualtt•rs. which are of impu1llt11C't' in any clclimitntion which mny he ,aoctiollt'<l h~· l'arlinment: -

Sntur~I.EII :\"n1n .• \ut.\' FALLnt; wtTIIl' EntOI't'\-.- .AREAs.

15. lt will lrt• '''''II l:~tPJ' on 111 this lll'porl th.1t tl11• " ·o• llll'ml:ttions of the Commission \\ill IHI\'1' ,, ... Pltt•cl or )ilacing Cl'l lain isoluh·cl \ ti\~ an•as whid• :Ill' ><·hedulcd umler the .\t'l within l""f~ European ntt•n TJ ... , arPas arc for the most pnrt communnll~· o<·•·upiNI, ;rncl the Commission lt'C'OIIIIIIt'IHI-: -

.. That tht• c•c·t·upants ol .Illy area :!lready schNlulNI unde1· the .Act which "falls 1\ ithin a defined Europe:\0 al·t•a shonlcl he prot~ctcd in their ·• c•xisting 1 ights so tu;d no exprop1iation of that arc•a or removal of ''its ucc·upnnts he eartwd out except with thc• <·ousc•nl of Pnrliamrut

\/ " conveyed by an Act.''

.Mrssro' ST.\TIO:>~ II< EuRot•t:A~ AllllA~.

16. )[i"innary l'flol'l h:rs :11

privalely-onm•.J l,;ucl tlrnru~-:hout withiu <U"Pit' H'C'OIHIIlt'IHh•d

many lMrb t•sl.lhhshf'd mil'sion !O.tation~ on tl11' l"uimr In m,rnY e·:o6t•s thrsc• st:rtinus £:111

l:urnpt•:•tt ort•~•'· nu'cl llu• l Oflllllis ... ion rC"CCtm·

mPnds: .. '\'hen• .111~ 1111"1011 fil,1!1011 PXI'III)'It>•l UIJ<It'l •I'CIICII! flf/hf ell (/• ~~~ t)u• ,\c•t

" Cull, •dtbin el .. finrd Eun•l•<'·'n ~1'1'.1 th11 :--nc•teh· ~>r ( 'hurc•h e:rrrvillJ.: "on mission "urk .1t such station he .llle"'f'cl In i1•e• th~ land atta~lwcl ·· tu ~RUeh 1nissioh station tor ~,JtiH' uc·c·upatiun ..,o lung as mi~ .. ion

\/ .. wn~·k is IJmuJ fidf· (•arJ·i~<l on: thi~ pt•t·mi .. sion, howevPr, :;.hould nHt "JIC'I'lllil tl11• rliPh;lli••u uf thc· laucl to Xutiws r'"'""JI! with the consent ·· nf tht· (iu\·t•tm•t·-(if'neral.''

EunoPt:A\·OW\t;u 1 •. \\ll F.\1.1.1"1· \\'tTHtX \\Ill •: .\n•:.\S ·"n \ '1n. \'.:u:-.L

17. In :111y <l••linllt:tlinn ol thr l"nion into se•JHiratc· :ll'C':Is tht•re• mu't inrvitabl~· be cnst's of Enl'ttfH'.In-owiH'll la11d.~ fa1lil1g within Xuti\'P an•as nnc1 Natin•-ownl•tl lands falling wllh11r Errl'tlpr•;rrr areas. 1t clnc•s nut appr•ar to tht• Commis~ion to hi' practirahlt• tlrnl a J,:e'lll'r:rl ••xpropriation nf tlrt•st• parlie·ulnr l:rucls as conlem· plntPd by sp,.lion f'our uf \e·t :'\n. '21 nf 1'11:1. c•,ur !1e c .rn ie•tl out.

Taking this into e·onsiclrration, the Commi--iu11 rl'c·omnl<'llCl-: (i) (a) Th:lt "lrl'rl' Europe.w-ownt•d l.rnd ralls \1 itlriu R x .• un· ;1)'('<1. (''oisl­

inA" lights .ht>ulcl not he interfen•d with until tlu• Gnwrnnwnt clet•iclt•s to I.'Xe•r<·is<• 11- rights nf l'X}ll'"}lfintiun nY the• m•ner clesires to <ell.

(b) ln th" t'H ut nf tlw c.wner clesirin~-: to ,,.11 Iris lau•l, nne! not lwin~ ahlc· \.1~ to ohhrin ,1 :\",l(j\C' pnrc·baseJ', then t)Jl' (ini'C'I"Illlle•n( shall rither

(i) Explnpliatt• the• snnrt', or (ii) (;rant pt•l'mi»ion ior its 'alr In au BIPXIJI<'an.

(ii) That ,inrilnr c·unclitions t•ic·e •·c·r.<a should atltiC'h to Native-owned lnucl• fulling within an European arl'n .


. lll. The '!uc•stinll nf thl' lrl'•dml'nl nf min~ral, righ!< .in the 1'\"Pnt of expropria· hon was S)Je<'llllly lnnu~-:ht to lhl' noll"e of th~ (omm1o.1on bv the rcpre<entaliw• o£ th.- Trnn~,·.aal Larul ( lwn£-r,' ... \~'''(·i~·tion. ..

The Commissinn cle~>•s nut fe..,J c·:~lled upon In cll'al \1 ith the J""neral question nf mineral ri~hts, l'llrlinmcnt b:n·iog 'l'''"ially tl'ft'l-rl'cl to sul'11 rights in !ii.'Ctioo l'lght (/), hut it rt'C.>IIIIlll'lltls: 1 ··That in the• c•\t•nt of thl' t>xpropriatinn for Xutive Jlllrpose~ of European-

.. ownt•<l land situate in a ::\ati,·e an•u, tht• OowJ·nmc>nt shall not be "ohligt•d tn pun·hn"' the mint•ral rights o£ th" owul'r, ancl the owner "shull ht• pt•rmittc>d to retain hi; mim•rul righh if he so desire."

RFPOR'l. 7

NATn•F. 'l'cm ,;sun•s.

W . • \ number of small towu~hips, whi<'h are practically Native townships, art• situntc•d within tnopo"•d Eumtll'an arl'as, and the niclt•nc•t• hrough~ before thl' Commission tends to ''""' that s1H'h townships DI':IJ' ltl\\IIS ancl ill(lu~trinl ,.,\1d rt1s ,s('r\~C' a very ust'ful purpoHP.

'l'h<' ('ommi>SiOn is m•"·h impn'"~'" with the desimhility of providing for tl11• t•stablishm<'nt of sut·h to\\ll'<hip·< "it!Jin tlenne.l Europt·;n• an•as in 1111' inlt•rests nut unly of tlu.• Europe:n• <'OillllltJnity hut also of till' Xatiws lh<'m"'hl's.

'l'Ju- (~nnmi .. ..;iun. tlwrflfmt•. J"t•(•cnnm~nd~ :-.. That the GowruJ•Il'lll •IJOulol ht• ~iven statntor: nuthmih '" f·slnhli•h

"Ot fo ('Ull"'llf to the o'Siah)j,)Jin('llf W!J('Of'n•r rlo••irnh!l' of ~ fi\'e "town•hips "ithiu Europeau lfl'as at sud• plaet'S D!Hl uuoler uc·h con­.. ditioos :t< may !!<'«>n• fit. ·•

:.!0 !loth in I hi' nr«>as so ho•dniNI nnd«>r the .\<'1 anol in the ar<':" n•c·ommt'ndc-d '" 'lath•p art'as a c·onsido•r.LhiP 1111111ht•r uf trading- stations c•,;i•t 011 land held hy EuropP;lnS undc•• nJ·i''"' fuJ·111s of l«>nm·e rau1:6ng hom lllalrighl g-runt~ Ill lt•:ts~s IPrminnhle at short nnlir~.

,\1 many of llw Inulin!! ;lalinns t•nnsirl~mhle illl)ll't>'·t•nwnls huv~ he~n ,.Jr,•'fl. \':Jiunhll' huilcling> pJ·t·c•lt•tl :~nd larg«> storks c·at ril'cl. ancl llw JH't'S!'Jot •·mulition n£ the Xnti,·c•s '"a hncl~ •how• lit!IP probability of tnuling llC'ill){ tak~n up hv them fur sonw tinw to <•nJIIl'.


'rlu~ ('onuni~-:ion. th~r.-fon•. n•c·ut1tmf'nds:-"That exislin!! l•.uliug •lali<•n• ·••••1 lnuling ril!'hls "ilhin nny clc•fin~cl v

·• XatiYe ar..:1 1,.. nul iut~dt't1'd \\ilh, .uul th I J>ru,·i•inn hc• tlla<IP ff'r "the transfc•r In Euwpo•,tfl• .. r -uc·h hacli•Jg shtinn• f"'ncling tlwir ··. ("flUi,.itiou hy XratiH•s ''

21. In dPiimiting the I nion into two spPcinc <'ln~<es of land lhl' ('ommission kl'pl the fnllowing points spc•c·ially in viPw :-

(a) 'l'h~ disturhanrc· of <•:-dsling lin~s o{ oC'cupation as liltlf' nR possible; (b) 'l'he dPlimitatinn, wht•J't' j'''a<'lic·ahlc•. of large Natin• n•·c•us in pr~fer­

Nt~~ In i•olated and """ I arc•as.

2:.!. 1\N!ping lwloJ·p tlwrn till' nhJL't't.s in<lic·,lte•l al>O,·e. vour l'mumi••ic>nt•rs 1

JHl\\ rN·ommend : - ·

(11) That th<' tll'l'<b •<•t fntlh 111 the tlc·,~riptioos ~PJ>I':lring 111 !'eho~lult•s 1. :.!, :l tllld l. shnll I~· unons "it loin which p('•·-on• otht•r than Xatives shall not lw pNmJII•••I In DNplin• .. r ldt·" laud nr inl«>resls iu lnncl;

(h) Tlwt thc• arl'as 11nl fnlliltJ!' "itbiu til<' hnundnries of lht> n•<'n' cl~><'rihl'tl iu the afL•re·JOll'llhuut• I :-.. h dult>, h.•'l h~ · 1"'. i!hnt "hi..t, :\nti,·r, shall nnl l•e Jl(••·•niflt·cl in IH'<tllirt• or hirt> laud OJ' inll'rt'sls in land.

:!;I, .\ H•·tum t is :tppt•lltlt•tl ''""'"'A'· tm· t'adl PrnvlllC'l', tlw t•,lt•J!I of llll' a11•as "'IJC•clul<•d undPr Ill<' .\<"{ :.uti ul tl11• :ulclitionnl urc•as propClst•d hy th~ (.'om­mi~~iou.

It s )fF.DFORD, Secrel:try.

('a1•e Ton·n, 2nd March. 1916.

'ttit Chairml\n·• ~Hnute, rn~:t· 41.

(U.G. 19-'16.)

W. H. BE.\ F.\10N'l', Chuirman.






AREA No. 1.

DISTRIM'S OF VRYBt'RO .\'\D :\J \H:NI-.;(:,

I. ExtPnt nf st·h~luiC'<I nrl'a :!. E:~.t<·nt of addihon .. J nrl'a :1. Total t•xtt-nt of .\rca X<>


:!:1~.!14;; morgl'n. l'G.!,)II -21.t1!l."i

From tht\ nut·th·\\t·~t.·l·h J,t•ac·tln ot tlw L1rul !'\luol•nu·..,~. J)istrict \n-hur~. gent'rally 'outh-t•a,tw:u·tls ant! ''"''"·ards up tlo.· nucltllt• n! IIH· \lnlnpn nf,.,.l In the north-P.•sl<•t·n Lo•:t<·nn nl 1111· .\lalopo );,,tin• Ht''"'''"· J)istrirt .\lafl'kin~. thrnce grnrrally snulh ·t•astwanls and snuth-\ws\wanls a lung llu• looundarie• uf and lllPiucling \lnlnpn \ati'r U(·s~rw, tlw iarm J) .. ,·un:lull•, :n th!' snutloPI'I> lH'a(·Oil of ~JnJnpn '\:din• l{l"l'l'YI', tllt'lll'l' g"I'III'I'IIJ1,\· llnt\1:-WI'slwanls :olnng lhP ... ouUwan hourulnrit• ... nt "nlopo ~aiin~ Rt•s£'1'\"t' .nul Fi1· ... t H tih\,1~· (naut d't'H\ H

lauds) In tlu• ""'th.,•aslt·rn lwaNll of thP farm Jlnh·'s l'a11, J)ish·id .\[afekinf!. thenct' snnth-wl•stwar•l• along lht' hnlln<Lorir- u{ atilt' itwhuling tlo~ farms Daly'> P,m and Ximrml'"''i In tl11• "'ulh-wPslt"l'll lto•trnu nf ll11• 1.1'1 mt•utinned farm, th~n~t' snnth-'"'''"''"" inn strai~ht lint' II• thl' sro\ltlr-t',"l<'lll hNtrtlll of the farm n~n·('s, Di ... tric·t \·rvlnu~. tluoru··; j.rPllt"I.Ilh· \\"t~st\\,lt'cl;.:. suuth-t• ..... twarcl~. "'011th­

wt~~h\iln1 .... north·\\~~twnuJ.., 11111 llotth~Pa-.iwnrd .... nlong thf' h()uud.,ri~ ... of :nul in1·huliro~ tit" r •llmd•t!; fnrn:s a111l H"'''T\'1·· iu llislri•·t \'rvhurg: llayl'•. )I ~­slml. Ko•k"""'ll!' .• \sl'fOt, l!Jtwnut. l:hn1ll's. Oons•h.onk, \lillhauk. \hippPnha11. \fnrok'\\·t"n '\',It\'<' l!P<I'f\'t', l·:c:ham. II1•W<I1'll. (' llll"lo'll, lln\Dill, \fotokwt'n X:t lin• Rl''t"t\'1'. So•lalw11 ('r"" n Ht••PI\'(', ('o•nst·l•ll•, ~lir·o•, t'ullill', Santldlat, ('m·­luw. Kii1Lln•, 1-:o·lnu•:o, II dllltJ'st. Drtl1io·k, Sl~t•o•tllt' g In ll11• plao·t• of ht"ginning-.

ARF..\ No. 2.

DisTRICT or '\1 ,q;Kt-.;o .

I. Exlt'nl nf s('h('dnll'<l arl'll ' F.xtt·nl nf ndrlitional or•·n

3. Totnl t•xtt·nt of .\n·n Xo. 2.

~:?.;;:l:l mor~en. l:!.~~f)

!11,'\ 1 !l

nf~~·r· lir

Thl' arm (•ompri~ing tht· !'l'tlajloli '\ C1own R<•..;(•Jvt·. tlu• farrn L dJodn and th s,

t' l:1 <'tve. tlu• \\'nlllll'hon•l'l<raal • g li ( 'nm 11 HP•I'f\'1' .

.\Rl'\ Xn. "

DISTI!KT m· \'HYill IW .

1. Ex\('nt of "<'h!'dnlt'd uren :l. lO:xlt'nt of ndditoonal nrcn :l. 'l'olnl t'Xlt•nl of Area Xo. :l ..


211,7:10 morg<'Tt.


The nr<'ll t·ompri•inll thf' Hl'tmingdl'y Xatin• Ht•<('f\'('.

AREA Xo. 1.


I. Extent of P<'h<'duled area 2. Extent of additional area :1. Total extent of Area No. 4 ..

2G.960 morgen.


RrronT. 9

[), rri plion .

The area comprising the :'\Ia~~:onat Native R~erve, the Gapitia Xe.tivo Roserve 1nd the Linopen Native Ro:,t·rw.

AnNA No. 5.


l. E xtent of scheduled arl'll 2. Extent of addi tiona! a r<·u 3. Total extent of Area Nn li ..

[), .•cri].tion.

75,623 morgen. 9,050


Th(' area compr1~mg the <:ene 1 Xath·e Re;.erve, the Jaekal•dmai Xative Ro•ervc, the Kgokgolc Xativc Ht..,t·r\'1' 111' Alj'i('N C'rown R~en·e tlnd the :'llatlaben Crown H(',<crve.

ARE,\ No. 6.


1. E xtent of scheduled arcn, 210,146 morgen 5(18 Hq. rds. 2. E xtent of additional nrCI\ 477,310 ~77

3. Total extent of Area No. U .• 687,457 245

Dt1cription. From the north-western be.u·on of the farm Ventersrust, District Kuruman,

generall,r eastwards, south-Pa~twards und north-westwards along lh<' houndnrie~ of and mcluding the following farms and ReseiTeS: \ entersru,t, Pt>nryn, Ruth· HD, l'ad•tow, D.twlish, Chickl'll\1'0(111, :\Iorpeth, Shipton, Ilendell, Kuhlllt<l (Dis· !rid Kuruman). Gamarona Xativl' Hl''t'rn•, Detseping Native Rf',rn·l'. :\lotition Nntive ResPrve in District Yryburg, WitnP,hum, White Ladies, Ts:tmnros, Daily­brilh, Lekhulachu, Tlaring, :\lahuramuthla, Chester, liartehe~•thult, Durham, Ma•udifontein, Grootvlakfonl~in Naliw lll'sl'rve, Mal'yhiJI, };sso•x. ('nrnwnll. 'l'hir01ni. Huzeroth, Aoud, )[nuy~diul{ Native Reserve, Han·ard, Yul••. Kuruma11 C'rown R~serve (excluding the township of Kuruman and commnnugt' of R.OOO u>or~~n, approximatt•ly, :~ttnc-IH'd llwrt•lo), l.ower Kuruman Nntivt• ltt'Ht'l''''· l<:x· I~IISIOU of T.owl'r Kuruman Nati,·~ ReHt•rve, Gnmolilio nnd YeniNRru<t ( l)i,ltic·t Kurum,111), to thP place of begmning .

• \n•:., "\o. 7.

DlsTRlC'T OF KURU:li.\S.

I . Extent of scheduled nrca 2. Extent of additional nrl.'a 3. Total extent of Aw~ No. 7 ..


72,189 morgN·. 3,850


'£be area compnsmg the <1nthlose Native Reserve, the l\faromane Native Reserve and the farm Legoko.

Ant:A No. 8.


I. Extent of scheduled nri.'R 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area. Xo. ll ..


222,118 morgen. 109,577 331,695

:From the south-western bt>"<·on of lht• farm Dwanh·lnktl'. Di<trirt Yryburg, gt'nrrally north-eastwards, ~out h-e "t";ml< and >outh-wl'stwnrds ulc'n~ thP boun-11nrie~ of and including tho folln" ing H··~··•vc nnd farms: Tnungs Nahve Ueserve,

[tr.G. 19 '16.] r


Highlands, )Iodimo, Taungs Xntiw Reserve, Tlapeng, Tw«"elingpan, Panmure, Koku;ning, Tuungs :1\ative n~,tn·t- aud Witpuu ( Distnd \n·burgj, to the south­t-astern bl':wou uf the lust-meutionl'd farm, tht-nce gE>nt-rnlly southwnrds down the middle of thP llart• J!i,·rr to the south-enstrrn l>Pnr•on of ~lamoetle Location (District Bnrkly 'VP~t), thence generally north-westwnrds along the boundaries of and iu<·ludiu~r ! ht• fo1lowiug Locntiou, and 1':11 rn': \l,.mnr•Hr• Location, J,ikat­long Location, llw fnrms Kookfoutein, 17 N.O., 16 N.O., 15 N.O., 15 O.P., 16 P.Q., 14 P.Q., to th<' western beacon of tht' fnrm 11 P.Q. (District Darkly West), thenc!' north-t>astwards along the Darkly 1!"<'•.t Di8h·i<'t boundary to the south-westPrn bl'aron of Tnungs Native Reservt• (lJtstrtd \t·yhur~l. thence gener­ally north-ea•twnrd• along the boundary of and inrlu.ding 'faungs ~ative Reserve to the place of beginning.

AB:u. No. 9.


1. Extent of scheduled area J:l,R40 morgen 251 sq. rds. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 9 .. 13,840 251

Deacription. The area comprising tho Grocnwater Native Location (namely Farms A. 18,

A. 19, A. 20).

AB:u. No. 10.


l. Extent of scheduled area 16,111 morgen 385 sq. rds. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. lO •. 15,111 385


T he area comprising the Skeynfontein Native Location (namely, M. 40, M. 60, M. 61, and M. 62).

AREA No. 1 1.


l. Extent of scheduled area 3:?,732 morgen 93 sq. rds. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 11 .. 3:?,73:! 9:l


The area compriRing theBaviaamln-antz Lo<'ation (Farm X.W. 71), the Boom­plaats Location (.l<'armR N.W. I, N.W. 2 ancl N.W. :J), th<' Schmidtsdrift Location (Farm R. 27, exclusive of outspan), Plaatdrift Location (Farms R. 26 and R. 29) and tho Sivonel Location (Farms R. 30, R. 31 and R. 26).

AREA No. 12.


1. Extt·nt or 01ehcdulcd art'a :!. Extt·nt of additional area 3. Total extent of Area Xo. 12.


:?06, 1.16 morgen.

:!Ofl, 15(;

The whole district (including Lundean'~> Neek Poli<'" Reserve), except Herschel Towru<hip and Commonage Reserve,


ARE.\ ~0. 13.


I. Extent of scheduled area 6,r>OO morl(en. ~. Extent of additional ar<•n 3. Total extent of area. No. 13 6,500


The area. compri~in~ the Umhlan2n Loc<~.tion IFarm~ Uitkijk Vh~ktcfonte'n and Rictspruit).

AREA No. 14.


l. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional art>a .. 3. Total extent of Art>a No. 14


33,000 morgen 33,000

From the north-westt>rn beacon of Farm No. 12, Block 3, District Wodehouse. westwards along the boundaries of and including the following farm~: No. 12 Block 3; No. 18, Block 3; No. 4, Block 3: No. 3, Block 3; to the north-eastern beacon < f the last mentioned farm, thence generally south-eORtward~. south westwards and northwards along the Wodehouse district boundary to the plac~ of beginning.

AREA No. 16.


l. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 16


268,319 morgen.


The whole district, except the Lady Frere Municipal Area.

AREA No. 16.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 16


5,555 morgen. 4 761


Lesse:y-ton Mission Station and tho three farms Xama. 'J'a.b11.ta nnd Bomhani.

AREA No. 17.


I. Extent of sehedu1ro area 2. Extent of additional an-a :1. Total extent of Arm X•· I i


59,41S morgen. 13,2:!1 72 ,n:Hl

Oxkraal and Kamastone Locations (including the Katberg Outspan). The farm High ll:teadows, Shiloh l\lisqion Station (including tho portion !p'anted to the Moravian Mission Soctety)

[U.G. 19- '16.)



AREA No. 18.


I. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of A.lea No. 18


I,SIS9 morgen. 1,8b9

The Ooehen Mission Station (including the portion granted to the l\f(ravian Mission Society).


1. Extent of scheduled area lii.101 11\Clfll('ll.

2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. I (l 15,·101

DeJJr. iption. The aroo. comprising the Heald town Fingo Location and t h!' Gl!ga and

Fingo Locations.

AREA No. 20.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. !!0


U,76G mor·gen. 2,43.1


From th~ nnrth·""'lt•rn beaco1• of Auckland Exten,ion ( \•ulu , una~::•'• Jli,tri<"l Yictorin East, genernlly eastwards along the bonndarie' ui and including the .\111·kb ud E:den•ion C'ommonagt', uwl .\uckland <·ommoua~-:• 111 t l t• Dt• th-c·u•ll'lll bt•ncon of the Auckland commons~ (on the Chumie RiVP.r) · thPnMI ~o1·neralh· t'Mt­"nr<ls up the mid<lle of the Chumie River to where it <'!"""' the distric(boun­da~· of Yictorin East; thenre !!'enPrally south-westwnrds alon)! the Yictoriu East district houudary to the junction of the Gnekka or Xcl'rn Ri,·rr "ith th~ Chumic Uivcr; thtnco north-westwards up the middlt> of the Chutai~ Ri"rr to tl .. • south­\l"f 'tern bt>ocon of lot Xo. 2: thence generollr northw-nrals nlon:: thP. bounclnric•• of 11ncl iurlucling Lot No. 2 and ::llabanclla'• Location to the 'outh·westl'rn ben­con of ~{nb"ndln's Location (on tht> Chumie Riwr); tht>ncP.•ully north-t>nst­warcl~ up tht> middle of the Chumie Rivrr to thP ROuth-rn,trrn he.,ron of Auck lon<l c<•mmounge; thence generally north-wt>stw:nds nlon~: tht• hounclnrie• of nne! itu·huliua: the• .\ua·kluncl commonage an<l the Aucklunal Ext<'lt,intt ('un•monoge to the plure of be~:inning.


I. Extent of Rcheduled area 2. Extent of arldnional area :1. Total extent of Area. No. 21

D•.scriJJlion. Th" nr!'a C'Ompri•ing th!' Vict<>ria Fingo Location.

ARF.A Xo. 22.

6,636 morgen.


DI~TRICT OF Kn~G Wnu•,t'q Tow~. I. Extent of •cheduled area 2. f~xtt'nt of additional area 3. Total extent of Area Ko. 22


:?57,45i mc,rgt'n 2,160


Ru'OJtT. 13


The area comprising the lund within the boundaries set forth in paragraph (c•) hereunder, but excludio~~; irom Much lund the areati set forth in paml'ruphs (b), (c), ~d), (e) and Ul herounder:

(a) hom the southern bcncou oi farm No. 29 in District Cathcart common to the districts of Victoria Bast, Cathcart and King William's '!'own, generally westwards and southwards along the King William's To,t'n district boundnry to a point known as Yount Kl•rup; thenoo generally south-we.twm·de along the watershed of the Gwili Uwili mountain range to Dailey's grave, Tt·.gonem••trical Station; thence along th1s runge to a beMon of tlie Pirie Location commonage, which is also beacon of Lots 97 and 96 in the Pirie Location commonage; thence generally north-eastwards aluug the boundaries of and including the Pirie Loca­tion and Quesha Location to the north-western beacon of the llraun~chweig oonuuonage; thenoo generally ~outh-.. twurds and northwards along the boun­daries of but excluding the Braunschweig commonage, Private Location llcron, Braunschweig commonage, '1'. Douovun's Farm K.F.l.22, King 'Yilliam'a Town e'orumonage, Outspan, Lots 4, 14, 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, open !,"l"ound, farm 328, nntl Lot 40, to where the lscnyorka l)trt>um crosses the northern bouutlury of Lot 40, thence up the middle of the [senyorka Stream, to where it croNSc8 the boundary of the Dalasi commonage to the snulhern beacon of the Yellow-woods outspan; thence generally north-eustwords, south-eastwards and south-westwards along thP boundarie~ of but excluding tho following farms and oommonuges: \'t•llow-wood~ outspnn, farm 346, Frankfort and \\'icsbaden commonage, farm :.!!J:I (Mowbray Pork), farm 129, farm 127, farm 126, Hanover commonage, farm 29, form 17, Dreidbnch commonage, to the ~oulhcrn beacon of Hreidbach conunon.•~:c; thence generally eastwards along th~ boundaries of but excluding the following farms ond commonages: farm 117, tarm 118, P. Gleeson and W. F. C. Rose's farm, Berlin and Charlottenburg Cmumonage, to where the Umcotcho Hiver crosses its boundary; thence down tlw micl<llu of the Umcotcho River to its junrtion with the Buffolo River; thenc<' gen••rallv north-westwards up the middle uf tl1o Buffalo Ui\"Pr to the north-western bt•arori of the Mount Coke forest; thence gcnunlly •outhwards along the boundari••s of but excluding the following lurms: )[ount Coke Forest, farm 26, fnnn :n, farm 31, farm 32, fnrm 33, I>unguno outspan. farm 1, farm 2, to the King 'Villiam's Town distr1ct boUlldary; thence gt·ncn•lly south-westwards, nortl1-weshn• niH nud north-eastwards along the J{ing Willinm'• Town district boundary to th<• phu•(• of beginning.

!b) The Township and ('ommonage of .Middledrift. c) The surveyed lots nrouncl Fort White. J) The Township and Commonnt:c of Koiskama Hoek. c) The Debe Neck allotments; nnd

! /) Thl' following an•a. I " '"' n ... Tnhin ])oda nlon~ tlw \\PICI"!IhNl hNWl't'll

the• rmmce•ha and 1hf' Kahuln In th.• -toni' put up by )lr. Snn<·~·or ll rnmt ncnr the head of the Uhlanhlnna Ri'·er, tbPnce down the middle of thn Uhlanhlana River to the north-ea•tern h<'tu~nn of farm 343, thence south-w~st"ar.ts nlon~ the boundaries of and in<'ludin~ thf' farm• No,. 3·13 and 340, thence along the boun­daries of ~ections sun·everl for :\alive•. and from thence along th11 wntel"'lhed of Green River and Debe Nec.-k to the· •rabin Doda, the point of beginning.

AREA No. 22 (a).


1. Extent of scheduled area 7 ,1!00 morgen. 2. Extent of additional area. 3. Total extent of Are11 No. 22 (a) 7,890


From the north·ea~tl'rn he •COl of farm No. 344, District King William's To"11, gencrallv eastwards along the Kin~ William'~ Town <listrit·l boundary to the southern beacon of farm 9 G .. in District Stutterheim, thenc.-o gen~rally south­wards, north-westwards and north-l'a•tward• along the boundaril'$ of hut t>xclud­ing the following commonoges anti farms: Frankfort and Wiesb3dcn commonage, Brnunsrhweig rommona~e. Opt'n ~-:round, Lot 1, Lot 2, farm No. 346, and farm No. 344 to the place of beginning.

[U.G. 19-'16.)


AREA No. 23.


l. Exwnt of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 23


8,000 morgen. 8,000

From the south-western beacon of Lot 10, Distric·t Stutt~rbeim, generally north-ea~lw:mls olon~r tho boundaries of but c-:.cluclin~ th~ following Lots: 10, 20, 30, 60, iO, 90, 14 L., 13 L., 12 L., 10 L., 9 L., 7 L., 6 L., ;; L., to "here the Ingobo Rh·er crosses the bounclary of Stutterheim Commonnt:t>, thenn• 'outh-eastwards along the boundary of Stutterheim Commonage to the northern beacon of Lot No. 26, thence generally liOUth" at·ds along tne boundnrie• .of hut l'xduding Lots 2 G. oncl 1 G., to the south-w~stern beacon of the last mNllwucd Lot. thence westwards along the Stutwrheim District boundary to the south-l'n,tern beacon of the Lot mar keel P. J. Mullin, thence generally north-westwnHh nlong the boundaries of but excluding the following Lot$: P. J. ~I ullin, Arthu•· •roi'lt', 5 D., 4 B., 12 A., 6 D., 7 B., 8 H., 2 13., 3 ll., 4 B., 5 B., to thr nortb-Pnst\'rn beacon of tl1e lust­mentioned Lot, thenec in a straight iine to the south-w('Stl'rn beac•on of Lot 15 N., thence along the w1•stt>rn boundary of Lot 15 N ., to its north-western beacon, thence in a straight line to the south-"estern beneon of Lot 10, the place of beginning.

AREA No. 24.


I. Extent of ~cheduled area 3,000 morgen. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 24 3,000


'fhe area comprising the Wartburg Reserve (incluAive of Wartburg Mission


AREA No. 25.


1. Extent of scheduled area '> Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 25 ..


4,800 morgen. 712 267 sq. rds.

5,572 267

The area comprising the Umgwali Reserve (inclusive of Umgwali Mission

Station) and the farm Hekel.

AREA No. 26.


l. Extcmt of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total t:xtent of Area No. 26


63,725 morgen. 15,982 79,707

From the north-eastern beacon of Zulu'~ or Tyefu's Location (Commissic Drift) generally north-eastwards, south-eastwards and -outh-we~twards, along the boundarv of anti in..Jutliu!!' Zulu's or Tyt>fu', La<·ah<n' tn tht' north-westt>rn beacon of Lot Xo. 13 (.fair.-iew), thence generally 'outh-westwards down the middle of the Uluc or Xoxo River to where the mnin road to Trumpeter's Drift crosses it, tlwnce ~outh-ea•twanls along the said main road to the south-eastern beacon o! outsp:m; thence generally eastwnrcls, northwards and south-eastwards along the boul}(la••ics of nucl including the following ],ocntiou~ uucl Mission, Sin-


R.El'ORT. Hi

tiona: ,Jokweni's Location, Matonll'la 's Location. umthouli', m :\ yaui,u', Lo<·a · lion, D'Urban Mission Station, Jwulrln's T,ocation and Kwcnkw~zi'H Location tn the no•th-ca~tern beacon of \Vooldl'i<lgo Commonage; thence gen~mlly uorth-caet­wards, south-eastwards, south-wo~twn,·ds, nortn-westwards nnd south-west­words along the boundaries of and including the following t·ommonoges, ftn·ms und Locations: \Vooldritlgt• Conunonugc, Lot No. 8, Lot No. 6. Lot No. 4, Lot No. ;J, Lot No. 2, Lot No. 1, Lot No. 21, Lot No. 22, Lot No. 24, Public Outspan, Pato's Kop Fingo Location, Bell Commonage, Ri.,.er Bank R;uulflat, W alsingham, New<~rk, Grnntham. Pato'e Kop Fin,~:o Location. Wooldriclge Commonage, KwE'nkw~zi's I,ocation, Umthouli's or Nyaniso's l .ot'ation, Chfford, Bishopton, Jokweni's l,ocntion . Heaton, Jokweni's Location to thE' oouth-we~tern he.'\con of the lMt-mcntioned IA>cation, thence generally north-wt~twards up the middle of the Great F ish River to the place of beginning.

ABBA No. 27.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 27


1,860 morge~


The area comprising the Mncot~he Location (being that piece of land formerly part of Potsdam Commonage, lying to the north-west of the line laid down in 1907 by the Departmental Commis.•ion on the occupation of land by natives in unreserved areas).

AREA No. 28.


1. Extent of scheduled ar<'a 2. Extent of additional are1~

5,349 morgen 60 sq. rds.

3. Total extent of Area No. 28 5,349 60


The area comprising the Newlands Location and St. Luke's Mission.

AREA No. 29.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area

4,280 morgen.

3. Total extent of Area No. 29 4,280


The area comprising the Kwolera Location (namely, Farms 2 W, 3 W, 4 W, t5 W, 12 W, and 13 W).


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area

3,209 morgen 29(5 sq. rds. 4,267 30(5

3. Total extent of Area. No. 30 7,476


The area comprising the Mooiplnats Location and the following additional area: from the north-western beacon of Lot No. 15, District Komghn, generally north-rn•twards, south-eastwards along the bound~ries of and including the fol-

[IJ.G. 19- '16.]


lowing Lots: Hi, 16, 29, 32, :17, 41, 362 to the •euth-eustern beacon of Lot No. 362; thence generally south-eastwards along tile boundary o£ Mooiplaats Location to the Komgbn Dish·ict boundnx·y, thence generally nortu-wcNtwards along the Komgbn District boundary to where the Kwalagha River crOS!<{'S it, thence up the middle of the Kwnlaghn River to the south-eastern beacon of farm 267, thence northward~ alons the boundaries of but excluding the !arms 267 and 266 to the place of be­gmnmg.

AREA No. 31.


1. Extent of scheduled area. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 21


3,200 morgen. 3,200

'l'he area comprising the Paardekraal J mmigrnnts Location, bounded as fol­lows: From the north-western beacon (on the Jluligha !liver) of farm No. 36 S, District East London, generally north-eastwards ulong the boundaries of and in­cluding the farms No. 36 S and 31 S, to tho north-w('stern beacon (on the Icinsn River), of the fnrm 31 S, thence generally south-ea~twarch down the middle of the Icinsa River to its mouth, then soutb-we;,twarcls along the sea coast to the mouth of the Buligha Ri\'er, thence generally northwards up the middle of the Buligha River to the place of beginning.

AREA No. 32.


I. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent o( Area No. 32


619 morgen. 1,824 2,443

The area compri~ing the New Brighton Location (farms Cradock Place and Deal Party, as dcfint>d by Proclamation No. 126 of 1903}.

AREA No. 33.


l. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total ext<ont of Area No. 33


660 morgen.


Tho area comprising tho Palmiet River Reserve, held under deed of reservation dated 30th October, 1858.

AREA No. 34


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. 'fota.l extent of Area No. 34


3,246 morgen. 4,034 7,280

The area. comprising the Fingo Reserve, tho Doris Kraal Reserve, the Snyklip Reser\'e, the )li~Rion Stations of Clarkson and Charlottenburg and the two pieces of Crown Land known as " Gaps " adjoining.



AREA No. 35.


l. Extent of sohcdulcd area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area. No. :15



1,800 morgen.


The area oomprisinp; the WittekJeiboseh Fingo R~rve, held under deed of re~rvation dated 30th October, 1858.

AREA No. 36.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional atea .. 3. Total extent of Area No. 36


131,233 morgen. 3,872


The area. compriHing tho whole of tho di~trict, with the exception of the Kentani Town Commonage and Plantation and Farm No. 69.

AREA No. 37.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 37


70,760 morgen. 1,1)33


The area oompriRing the who!!' rli•trict, except (a) the Butterworth Municipal Area, (b) the Ibeka Forest Reserve, and (c) the Enthlambo Ward, excluding Lots 76, 14A, 12A, 12, 11, llA, liB, lOA, 10, !JA, 9, 6, 6A, 7, 7A, 24, 2:! and 4A.

AREA No. 38.


1. Extent of scheduled area 126,877 morgen I sq. rd. 590 2. Extent of additional area 394

3. Total extent of Area. No. 38 127,272


The area compnsmg tho whole of the di~trict, with tho exception of the Nqamakwe Town Commonage and tho Blyth Plantation.

ABBA No. 39.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Exttnt of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 39


119,591 morgen.


The area. comprising the who!P clistrict outside the limits of the Tsomo Town Commonage.

[U.G. 1~'16.)

18 REPoRT.

AREA No. 40.


l. Extent of schedul.-d area 2. Extent of additional area

140,002 morgen.

3. Total extent of Area No. 40 140,002

DMcripti<m. The area compri~ing the whole of the district outside the limit" of the St.

Mark's Town Commonage.

AREA No. 41.


1. Extent of schE>duled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 41


10ii,ll31 morgen. 1,876


The area compri~ing (a) the whole of the di~trict of Xnlanga outside the limit~! of the Cala Town Commonage, and (b) the farm Furrow in district Elliot.

AREA No. 42.


I. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area

318,406 morgen.

3. Total extent of Area No. 42 318,406


The area eompri.-ing the whole of the di-trict outside the limit~ o' th Engeobo Town Commonage.

ARu No. 43.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area

132,746 morgen.

3. Total extent of Area No. 43 132,746


The area comprising the whole of the distril't outside the limits of the Idutywa Town Commonage.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 44


161,471 morgen.


The area comprising the whole of the district outside the limit~! of the Willow­vale Town Commonage.

ARu No. 45.


I. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area

89,656 morg£•n,

3. Total extent of Area Ko. 45 89,6.;6

liRl'Oill'. 19

Dtscri1ilion. The area comprising the whole of the district outside the limits of the Elliotdale

Town Commonage.

ABEA No. 46.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area

152,551 morgen.

3. Total extent of Area N<>. 46 15:!,551

Du<:ri7Jlion.. The area comprising the whole of the district outside the limit.; of the )fqanduli

Town Commonage.

AREA No. 47.


l. Exh•nt of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area

171 ,147 morgen.

3. Total extent of Area. No. 47 171,1t7


The area comprising the whole of the district, except tho llrt'a included within the following boundary :-From !hr;north-wc,;tcrn beacon of Lot A, District Umtata, genernlly l!outh-eastward ; along the dit!trict boundary to the south-eastern beacon of the farm Orange Grove, thence generally westwardR and north-eastwarda along the boundariCl! of and including the following farms : Orange Grove, Jumbu, Umtata. Town Commonage, Stoneridge, Prol!pecthill, ~limosa, Springvale, Amalinda, Elliotdale (now Lyndale), Egerton, Somel'l!t>t, Devon, Landl!end, Argenton, Hillside, Klipdrift, Fairfield,, Luchabadrift, Lot A to the plaw of beginning.

AB.ti No. 48.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of adclitional area.

191,407 morgen.

3. Total extent of Area No. 48 191,407


The area comprising tho whol<' of the di•trict outside tho limits of t he Tsolo Town Commonage.

AREA No. 49.


1. Extent of Fcheduled area 2. Extent of adclitional area

157,842 morgen.

3. Total extent of Area No. 49 157,81.2

Ducriplion. The area comprising the whole of the district outside the limit~ of the Libode

Town Commonag .


1. Extt>nt of scheduled area 2. Extt>nt of additional arra 3. Total n:tcnt of Area No. 50

[U.G. 19-'16.]

133,047 morgen.


- - -



Description. The area. comprising the whole of the district out~ide the limita of the Ngqeleni

Town Commonage. , .

AREA No. 51.

DrSTRicr OF Poa ST. JoH~'s.

I. Extent of scheduled area. 9:!.:!:!6 morgen. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 51

Description. The whole district, except the surveyed area specially acquir!'d for guropean


AREA No. 52.


I. ~~xtcnt of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. ' extent of Area No. 52


279,096 morp;en.


Tho area. comprising the whole of the district outside the limit~ of the Lusikisiki Town Commonage.

AREA No. 53.


I. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 53


211,606 morgen.


The area comprising the whole di,trict outside the limits of the Bizana Town Commonage.

AREA No. 54.


l. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 54


127,302 morgen.


The area compnsmg the whole district outside the limitH o tho l~lagataff Town Commonage.

AREA No. 55.


l. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 55


153,911 morgPn.


The area comprising the whole district outside the limit,! of the Tahankulu Town Commonage.



1. Extent of scheduled urea 10f!,SG7 morgen. 2. Extent of additional nrc.'a 3. Total extent of An•a No. 56 108,!!67


The area. comprising tho whol di~trict outside the limits of the )lount Ayliff Town Commonage.

ARE.\ No. 57.

Dt'!TntOT oF :\Ioo~T FRERE.

I. Extent of •chetluiM nrN 2. Extent of additional nn·a 3. Total extent~of Art:"\ No.lai


20-1, 109 morgen.


The area. comprising tho whole dilltrict outside the limit.s of tho Mount 1!'rere Town Commonage.

AnEA No. 58.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area. No 58


165,099 morgen.


The area. comprising tho whole di~triet outside the limits of the Qumbu Town Commonage.

AnRA No. 59.


1. Extent of scheduled ttt'f.'a 2. Extent of ndditionnl nr·ca

279,399 morgen.

3. Total extent of Area No. 5!1 271),:11)9

Dt8rri]•lion. The area. comprising the whole di.-t rict eutside the limit~ of the :IIount Fletcher

Town Commonage.

ARF..\ No. 60.


l. Extent of scheduled area 1,148 morgen. 2. Extent of additional area I ,225 250 Rq. rds. 3. Total extent of Area No. 60 2,373 250

Descripti<m. The area comprising tho Moilcots<> Lo<'ation Reserve and the farm Manning.

AREA No. 61.


1. Extent of scheduled are:~ 2. Extent of additional ar<·a 3. Total extent of Area Xo. 61


160,231 morgen. !6,5:?7


From the north-westl'rn hl'nron (on Basutoland boundary) of George Mo~hesb's Location, genl'rally north-cn.twards along the Dnsutoland boundary to the northern beacon of lllnngwini Location, thence generally south-eastwards,

fU.G. 19-'16.)


22 RF.POJtT.

south-westwBrds nnd north-westwnrds along the boundnries or and including th<• following J.o<·at inn' nod :Farms: -TI!angwini Location, Nnhainkwe, Nkandi, Xogabo, Richmond, Prospect, Zibi's Location, Baputi'R LoNtlion, Rnmhlngwnn.t Lo<'alion, Khuapn's T.oration. Simp•on, .\mahluhi's J,ocntion. Polygon, Khuapn'• Location, Rnmhlagwuna Location, \Vallncl', Chnrles flro\\ niPe, Tiarry Ebd~n. George Herbert, Tsiln :Mosbesh's Location, and George Moshcsb's Location to :l:c place of beginning.

AREA No. 62.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent o( Area No. 62


8,021 morgen. 1,000 9,021

The area compriRing the Kakn Location Reserve and William Ntlokn's Location (Crown Land adjoining Kaka's Location).

AREA No. 63.


1. Extent of Rchedulcd area :?. Extent of ndditional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 63


The area comprising Makoba's Location.

AREA No. 64.


1. Extent of ~;chedulcd area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 64


4,038 morgen.


94,342 morgen. 63,920


From the> north-western beacon of the farm lTmgnno, llistrict Cmzimkulu, ~nernlly <>astw:mls nlong the- buundaric-• of hut l'xc·luding the following farms: {·mgnno, Hidoi. llrightur•. Langford, Heht-llyu, 'ficlcll<•lon, Ri¥erside, Edgerton to the- north-t>astero hea<·on of th;• farm Ilivebicle. thl'n•·•• jrt·nc·rally t>n•twnrds ,)own I hi' midcllr ol tltt• ;\'hwnn~rwnnn and r mzimkulu n;,.,.r>; In the north~a,tern beacon of the r.trm B<·ZWI'IIi. th~nc·e jr<'IIC'f;tlly snnth-\\e<twnrds arul , .. uth-c-n,tw .. rcls

long lltl' l>~>un<lar ;,., of hut t'Xrhaling lh<' Coli owing farm•: Jlezweni, River Bank (now Mountain Jlome). ~[l'hluana. Illamhamn<of!a, \\'oudsidt•, DriPfontcin. Winte:-hol'k. Jlos-l'nfonlt•in. 'l'hl'l' Kloof, Rondrdr:tni, Yanlkop, Thornybush, Groothol'k, Hl'drord, and UlnurPstc-r. to the north-l'n~t.·rn he,tl'Oll of lh<' ln•t ml'n lioned farm, thcnre geuc·r.olly southwards along th~> Fmzimkulu District boundar~· to the Houlhc-rn hl'n<•on nf thl' farm Hoodc-wnl: thenc•e gen<'rally south-westwards along lhP honncLtril'~ of hut l'xrluding tht> fnllnwing farms: Jlluku, Uitkijk, Strvdomsfontein, Puffncldershork, Commonsvnlll'v, Rusllnnd, to thr south-western bc-n"<-on of Ill<' Ins! llll'lllionl'd rnrm: thencl' •outh-Wl'Riwnrd• alnng the Cmzimkulu district houndnry In llw l'asf<>rn hracon of thr fnrm llusrhhoek; thence genE'rally nnrth-WtJ'stwaul-- :tlhUJ: tlu•II01\11ClariP .. of hut .-x~·lnclin:: tlu~ lnlluwing fAJJU"'\: Bo .. c·h· hoek, Gnyhrnok. llr:ul-cl.tiP. 1\rom<lrnai. Erfpnrht (nnw llulhirnic-), Twrefontein IIIC>\\ E'q•••·l: iiou), llultfutit.•iu, llrirfuut.• itt. l'ila:u,fuutt•ill. \l<• tiplnar-. :-,;,., hr ut ro!lt~in. Srh onltrc.\l•n llc•utam lo lhl' ""'"'rll '"'OI'I•n .. r thr Ins! mrntioned form, t hrurl' l!l'tt<•rul h '"''' h-•w<fwnrci, along tlw l'm?.imkulu clistric·t honndnn­to thr south-~>'itstPtll ' "''"'"" or thr farm Rokl'hV P ark: tlH'ttl'(' g-t•ner:tlh- nortli­Wc>,hrarc), alnrt~ tltP hlllltttlaril'' nr but Pxrluoirig the following fnrms:. Rokebv Pnrk, Killarnr~·· T.ongridg<', Brnw<'ll. <outlt-wr<trrn portion of Uooipoort. !'<ton;­hrn!!P. llatharst. unci llc•Irnst. to fh<' north-ea<t<'rn l••nt·on o£ the last ruentionro fnrm, tltc-nr<' ~l'nrrnlly co•twards down the mi<lcllr o£ t hi' T ndowann Mill Ngwnngwnna RiverR to the place of bE-ginning.



!3('11 EIHTLE IT.


AREA ~0. l.


I. Extent of scheduled urea 2. Extent of additional arc1~ 3. Total extent of Area No. 1 ..

DNcn ptron.

42,333 morgen, 42,333


From the north-western beacon of thr farm Goudrif i\o. U7. District P:~ul­pietersburg, gen~rally south-eastwards down the middle of the Pongola Rh·er to the junction of Pivaan and Pongola !live•" · thence south-westwards up the middle of the Pivnan Riv~r to the nortbrrn he:u-on of the farm Drnnioru No. 709 in Dis trict Ngotshe, thence ~nernlly soulh-wt•stwards along the hountlaries of and in­cluding the farm Dra:uom No. 709, to th~ south-western hen con (on Pivoan River) of the lnst mentioned farm, thenc(' genrrnlly weshvarch up the middle of th11 Pivaan Ri,·l'r to tbt• south-western ht•;won of the farm 'Veltcn~<h•n No. 215, Dis­trict PnulpieterKhurg, thence genc•mllv nor!h-cn•tward~ along tht• boundaries of and including the fullo"·ing farms: Wt•ltevtcden Xo. 215, Reddersdal No. 225, Slangspruit 'in. :!~H. Xunu"klouf. llnr•lr<'drt. Klipoprun 'io :?2S u u<l Goudrif Xu "ni. to the plnrl' of hl'l!'inning.

AREA No. 2.


1. Extent of Rcheduled area 2. Extent of additional area . . . 3. Total extent of Area No. 2 ..



467,744 morgen; 470,616 938,300

From the north-western beacon o£ 'i"nth·e Reserve Xo. 16, Di~trict Ingwn­vuma, generally eastwards along the 7\atal l'rovince houndnry to the sea coast, thence south-wl'~twnrds along the sen cou•t to the south-enstPno henron of Native Reserve No. 14, thrnCI' south-westwnrciM along the soulht'rn hnuntlary of Xativl' Reserve Xo. 14 tn whrrl' the Umh:••wnroa Hiwr l'tosses thr hourulury, thence down tl11' middle of tht• (Tmhuswana Rivrr to tlw junction with tJ ... l'mkuzi River, thence g-enl'rally Wl's~wnrds up thl' mi<l<llt• nf tlw TTmkuzi nod rmkunzana Rivers to the south-<'n;t,•rn henron of thl' £nnn Hloemga:~r~l 58'>. J)i,tri<-t X got•he, then!'e generall~· north-wl'stwanls nlou~ the J~,.nularit·s of and int'ltulin::- the following furws: Dl()('m~ r<l Xo. 5S.5, J.nug,erwn<·ht Xo. 190, Ehlomahloma No. 180, Goe<lj!'etroffen Xo. f>l>i. )Iooiplaats Xo. 6V1, Wl'lverdil'nd Xo. ·,m, Wonderboo111 Xu 500, n~<~<ll'po•>rt X. 119. W~"gsr>rinp- Xo. 398, )Iorgt-nznn No. 559, Verlies Xo. 705. to the north-wr<tem hrnron or tht• lust mentionNl farm, thrnrr ~nerally eastwards down the middle of th~ Pnn~oln River to th~ SO\Ith ·WI', fern beacon or Nntive Reserve No. lG, thence northward~ along the boundnr"l' of lll'scrve No. 16 to the place of lwginning.

AREA No. 3.

DTSTRir.Ts oF XooT:>RE, 'rRYHI'ID. 'hRLAB.\TNI, Nnw.,vnwE Hr.AJWU. UMror.o7.1 .\vn F.vTO'>.T \YF.:SI.

1. Extent or srhed11led nr<'n 2. Extent of additional nr<'il 3. Total extent of Area No. 3 ..

7:17,05 I morgen. liH9,71lO


• N'OTE.-Th~ C'hl\iMnlln tliAI'li''ntA from th('l f'tl"tlmtrHmrll\tion Of the othM Commiuionere in regard to the delimitation of Natal and aubmita 1\ ~parat.o minute on that. point.-IHd• page 41.

('l.G. Hl '16.)


Dnmption. Ftum the north-we•tern beacon of the farm :\Iooiplant•, J)i,tri~t ~got,hc•,

generally south-eastwards along the boundaries of and including tho following farms: \(ooiplaats, :\lagdnlenn, )Iountnin \iew, Ll'jrl'rplnnts, I.anggi'WII<'ht, to thP t>n~tern hcn<'nn nf thP last mentioned farm: thence gt-nl'rnlly north-l'nstwnrds, soutb­enAtward< along tht> boWldnry of Xnti.-e Reser.-e ~o. 12 and rlo'rn tlw mici<IIE' of the £Tmkunznnn nnd Umkuzi Ri.-ers to where the Umku•i ruM into St. I,ucin T,oke. then~<' gcnernlly south-we•hmrd• nlon~t thl' shorl's of St. J,u<'in Lnkl' nml False Bay nud nlong the boundaries of Xative Re•erve Xo. !l nne! Xati\'1' Rc-en•e No. li to tho south-eastern beacon of Lot No. 245 (on the Hlnn~'\za Rtu~ge), Di~trict l ' mfolozi; thence north-westwards nne! south-wpstwnrd~ along the hound­nries of but E"xcludinp; the following Lots: ~o~. 245. 244, 24~. 242. 241, 240, 239, and 2.'l5 to thc south-western beacon of lost mentioned lot; lhenel' gt>nernlly west­wards up tl1e middle of the l!mhlatuzi River to the soutb-easl<•rn l>l'aron of Gocdt'r· h·ouw, District J<;ntonjanl'ni; thence northwards along th<' boundnrie~ of but ex­cluding the following fnrms, District Entonjan~ni: OoNletrouw, Kromdran1. Dirhchenburg, 103B, Berlin, Langgewa~ht, SpringfiPld, 'Vnt~>rvul, :\[org~nr.on, to tho nortb-east('rn beacon of the last mentionPd farm, thence gpn~rnlly north· westwards up tho middle of the White Umfolor,i RivPr to th<' nortli·Pnstcrn b~nron of tht> fnrm WitvolooR, Distrirt Vrijbeid; thencl' genernll.v south-w('RtwnrclR, north­westwards and north-eastwards along the boundaries of nncl including tho follo,v­in~: IurmR: District Y•·vhPid. Witvoloos, O>ervlo~<l. Dor~t£ontein, RchoonAtroom, Welgekozen, IIcelgoe<l, ·randnsgra£, Strangersrest, Springfi<'lcl, Ylnkhowk. W!'lg!l­vondPn, Plnthcrg, District Vrybeid, Grootgeh1k, Vrisrhgewnagd, Rnr<'~!<ll, 'l'weo­font.ein, VuurRt<'C'II, Doornhol'k, Welgevondl'n, Uitkomst, ~ooitgPclMht, W!'lte­vrede, Spitzkop, Wnterval, Tygerskloof, Jsihleng('ni, Magdalena. ){ooiplnnts to the place of beginning.

AREA No. 4.


1. Extent of scheduled area. 2 Extent of additional area. 3. Total extent of Area. No. 4 ..


62,009 morgen 62,009

From the north-westPTn h!'acon of thl' fnnn Su•p«-n<P. Bi•trid X"" ct~~IIE', genernlly !OQutb-ea•twards down the middle of tbP BufTnlo River to the •onth-c:\•to•lll h .. :orc>n of lh<' farm Wl'<tporl: thE'n<'f' gl'nerally Wf'•tward• nml north­WP lw rei• along 1hf' houndnrie• of and inrluding the following fnrm~: We•tport. Clone•. Chester, De.-on, Curragb, )lagdalenn. Mooidoornhock, Knknnini•kranl, T\liprnt<, \\'c•ltcnNI{'n. YerdriPt, Heduld. Hilltop, .\nniP, C'lone•Pn, Runhlagte•, Dlnckwnt«-r, Ylnklna~:tt-, Cnnn, Dlnauboschlaagte, Johnstown, Le~lie. :\fassondale, Suspenso, to tho place of beginnmg.

---AREA No. 5.


1. Extent of scheduled area. 2. Extent of additional area. 3. Total extent of Area No. 5 ..

Descri.pti on.

20,864 morgen. 20,864

From t.he northern beacon of the farm Roodepoort, DiRtrict Rlipriver, g<•nl'rally south-Pnstwarcls, north-westwards, along lhl' hnundnriPM o{ nnd including lh(' following farms: Roodepoort, Doorn hoek. Rooi,·nl. Durford. Kirkintillorh, RivC'rs<lale, llooivnl, Driefontein, Kleinefontein, Roodcpoort, to thc place of beginning.

AREA No. 6.


I. Extent of ~cbeduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 6 ..

127,088 mor,:ten 87.0SG



lh rNiptwn.

The area comprising Native Ucscrvc 'lo. 18 (outer boundaries), Klipriver­lmpofunn Lo<·ation, Crown J.and, J.ub 'ius. :1 uud ~. adjoiningPoml'roy \'illngeand .\fission farm Ell~sm<'r<' und till' gr·uuutl d<'":ribed. as follows :-From the northern h<'acon of tbP farm Klippourt, l>islrid Dund<'e, generally southwards along the huunclorirs of and inPlucling tftt• lullcming farms: Klippoorl, \'unlkop, Holly­wuod, Suu•el, Kolkloof, ('luuht~ll', Sunrsho••k, l'ain·iew, llaviuuoh·np iu DiKtrict II c•l flllHI ka:n. to thl' soul hc•rn lh':IC'CIII ur last m~ntioned fnt·m : thl'll('(' ltl'lll'l'Ully soulh-!'n<twards down lh<' midtlh• uf lhl' Sunday River; thPDC<' generally south­war<!-, north-westwards :nul ncHth-o•astwatols alun~t tit<' bouiidari<•s of nud including tht- following fum3: C'tN'Jl<'. ('hippiug, Loraine. Koornspruit, DoornYlakte, Got'dthoop, Lilyfontem. Go,·c·rnm<'nl Grourul. Cowper. A.lo.'•, Government Ground, \',m der Derg. C't-cilia, Havi:tansknutls, Win!t•rlodgt-, Darkest .Hrica, Aston Lodge, Th• Retreat, Krnntskop, in District WPc>uen, The Ravinr, )hscm~seme. 1fhlu­mnyo. Yicedenburg, ('asper, Govrrntnent Ground, Paard•·,·<,..tpad, Witt~klei­fonteiu, Fitly Park, Zondagsrivi('t·i><>Orl in District Klipriver, .Joh'~ Dall', A•yn· kr~nl. Spendiliron, Vaalkop, in llistrirt Helpmakaar, Omdrnni, in l>istrirt Dun­cl•·•·. tu the place of beginning.

AREA No. 7.


1. Extent of schodulcd nrl'a. 395,457 morgen. 2. Extent of additional nrNt 76,897 3. Total extent of Aroo No. 7 . . 472,354

Dr.•c' izJlton.

The area comvrising ~ati,·e R<'>er\'e Xo. 19 (outer boundaries), ~alive Rtserre '\"o. 17, (outer boundarics1, ~atin• Uescrve Xo. 21, (outer boundaries}, Xotive Rc•erve :So. 9, (outer boundari<'s) , Xati,·e Uc•er,·e 7D, (outer boundaries), and the ground described as follows: From the western beacon of tht furm Tafelkop, Di~lrict Entonjaneni, generally ,outh-e:1slwords along the boundaries of and in­rluding the following farms: 'l'nfrlkop, Diepkloof, Nooitgedocht, Duikerehoek, Kwomagmaza, Spesbona, Wilhelmina, Arcadia, Ekutuleni, Dirkschenburg, lOOB, Dirk~dt('nburg, Kromclrnai, <Joc>drlrouw. to the south-eastern lll'ucon of Goeder­lrouw; thence generally uorth-wrstwards up tire middle of the Umhlotuzi River to tho place of beginning. Also thP ground south of Umhlatuzi Rivrr and north of Reserve No. 17.

AREA No. 8.


l. Extent of scheduled aroo 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No 8 ..

De8cripliot~. The area comprising Reserves Nos. 7A and 8.

ARE.\ No. 9.


1. Extent of scheduled area. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 9 ..

Desc,.iptiot~. The area comprising Reserve No. 10.

AREA No. 10.


1. Extent of scheduled art-n 2. Extent of additional arNt 3. Total extent of Arcn No. 10

Ducription. The area comprising Reserve No. 6.

[U.G. 19- '16.]

17,009 morgen.


12,7117 morgen.


5,670 morgen.





AREA ~0. 11.


I. Extent of <<'ilt'<lult-d area .. 27,450 morgen.

2. Extent of additionnl area .. 3. Total extent of Area Ko. 11 27,450


The area cornpr:!ing Hcscrve No. 4.

AnEA X o. I 2.



l. Extent of ~chcduled area .. 500,094 rnorgt•n.

2. Extent of additional area .. 95,681 .. 3. Total extent of Area No. 12 595,775 .,

Descri plum.

From the junction of th~ Impanza and .\iooi lliv~rs, Distrid rmmli, 1-(C'IIt'l'­.. ny north-Ntstwards, snulh-t'ast\\ards, dnwn tht' middlP of the )fnni Hiv('r and the 'l'ugela RiYer to the souiiH•astt'rn beacon of tht' farm Frarwi-no nu tl11• 'l'ugela lliwr in thl' ])istric·t'r 'l'u~la. then<'~ ;:t<'llPrnll.'· south-wP,Iwarcl' :nul nnrth­worols 1 lnug the hnunclari('s ul ancl inC'luding lht• lollnwiug f.1rms, luc•atinus :md rnissiou stations: }'ranC'isro. liHH, 66, 62, GG, GGA, 4H'. 5-l, 9. 8. :->. li. lluh"•r \"n. I, Hulwt•r No. 2, rmvnti Lr>C'ation, GIPIHlal!', portiou ITianzaut' In tho• .nuth nf IJm,·oti Rin•r, Ding"ull, Lnt F. T.ot E, T.ot lfi, Lot 14, Lot l:l, T.nt 1:!.\, \\'t•ll­vnl<', !)(', !lll, 10, llic•tvnllry, Spitzkop, \Val~rfnll, l~idumh!'ni .MisRiou, [noudto T.ornlinn, luanda :Mission ll~st'rve. luanda l.oC'ntinn, 'l'ahll" )[ountniu }! ission R('s~n-P, luanda T.oration, lTmvoti T.oratiou, l~mtorojt•ni, Jluffelshork, 1\'nndlon<lR. llnl!'j!'<'tl Run, Gm·c•rnmPut Hrouncl, P. X., thP "'"' slnpP< Kmn,kop, 'l i,l. <lrn'­l"rnmt'nt (iround. Soliht<lc•, 'l'uJrrla Yiew, 'l'u~-:-c•la H;nult. 'l'hornclaiP, T.oof,Jwek. Rmnsklonf. 1\iltP~ II l l itkijk. KN•rnm. ~lontallnrrl. 'fuj!'!'ln Lcwnt inn leo IIH• pJarp of l•ej!'inuinj!'.

AREA No J!l.


1. Extent of K<'lwdukd area .. :!. Extent of additional area .. 3. Total t>xtent of Area No. 13


\\' t:t:N m; AND bJPf:N llJIJ,J·:.

175,53!1 morgrn. 159,657 .. 335, 1!!6 "

l'mru the north-wP,II'rn ht•:u·on (Mouut .\ux Sonr<'r') o£ l"J>J"'r Tu~c·la Loc.l­tion, g~uerally •outh-c•nslwarcls and we>;tnnrcl:. :dnng the hounclariP, uf and in­o·lurliuj!' tlw follcmiug lcll'ntwus ancl farm": l'ppc•r 'L'nJrt>la T.cwtotinu, J.:noou:ous )lis­~iou Tic•srl've, Upprr •ruwln TroC'ation, Crown land' along th~ 'J.. ittlc• lhnkrn>ht'rg, Din,:unu, \Voodstyn. J)i ... llnl, \l;ottsC'happ,,·. l hakc•u•lwrg Loralinn No. :!, ~laritz­clum .. \"<'1-(:tihork, II. (' . ..\lnncli!'s. Drakt>nshrrj!' l,ornlion No. 2, tlw Olill'K, Dawn, llPrgviP", Drakenshrr~t Lnration ~o. l. Lnmmc•rmnor. J)rakenshrr~-: l.cwntiou No. I, ;\lnzwC', Gamt'woncl. lf,uikt'rhoschrancl. .\,lwn~:c•lkrantz. Dart mom·, II ighmonr. ThP C'•nLol!h. 4{c•chqcio :-;tnrmhei~hb, Tilt' UniJ', Jlykr. )[ulunf.!'H!I.o, ltpc•n­

l!r• u ,J. F:-init>w, ~'"'"'" ir·h. Thorpe<. F.P. l:lll. F.I>. 1:19, Impend hit' Location, J:clc o S~>. F.P. 14:!. F 1'. :!!llo. Tilt' Ritl!!t'. '1'1,.. 1\lnCII. F.I'.;;, IY.l!. II. lhagun­holl', F.P. 13, Drag~nholc>, G.ll, 14, Cavern, F.P. 323, F.P. 50, l•'.P. 12, S. 2, Jlndion r. of S. 1, F.P. 114, .\.S. 1, B.S. 1, The> Pc>nk, 'fhe Gor;:te, Rutland, O.R. 19, U.H. !l, Bucklands. O.H. JO, X.E. 2, Crown l.nncls, Magwasana T.oc·ulion, f'rown T.nnds, F.P. 334, Crown T,nncls to the north-c>nsl!lrn beacon of tht' fnrm Good hope, thc>nrc> north-westwnrcls nlong the northern hounclnr.v of l ast mentionNI fnrm, and c>:<INHling samr to th~ 'lata! l1 rovincinl hnunclnry. thenrc> ;:tenernlly north-west­ward• ulong the Xatnl Prcwinc·ial boundary to lh<' plart> of beginning.


ARE.\ ~0. 14.


l. Extent of schedult:'d area 2. Extent of ndditionnl nr<'!t

:!7,!!tlll morgt'IL

3. Total extent of Arcn No. 14 :li,8!!1J


The area comprising the Zwnrtkop Location.

ARb.\ Xo. 1.';.

DISTRICTs OF Pol.t:l. \, 1\u'E'WHLE, IxoPO .\'\H HICII'to'n.

l. Extent or scbedult'<l an·a :l. Extent of additional nrt>n 3. Total extent of Ar!.'n Xo. 15


11:!,5.";7 tllol'gt·n. S6,ii I



Jo'mm tht• north-~ash•rn ht•at·tm of lh~ Farm F.P. 20li, DiNtJ•it·t l'olt'la, !-:''liN alh· soulh-Ntstwards down tlw midcllt• of lht• Fmkomanzi J!iYt•o· to tht• soulh·wl'Slcrn ht•tit•on of the farm Xooitgedat·ht, Dislrid lmp~ndhle, along thr hnundarit•• of and int·ludiug- portion of the farm Xnoitg-rd:\C'hl to its ~outh~rn ht•at·o" "" llmkoman~i UiY~r. tlwnce down the middlt· of tht' llmkomanzi to thr '"'sh•rn lwat·o11 of the farm X. Y., District Richmooul, 1111'111'1' along thr boundari~s of ulltl iu..Juding thr faJuh X. Y. aud A. \\' ., to fht• snutlwrn h!'aron of farm .\. \\' .. tht'lll'e l(l'n~mlh "'nth-~nstwnrds down th~ middlt• of tlw T"mkomnnzi Uiv~r to tht• •cmth-wrst~ri1 IH•ar1111 of the farm SpitzkOJ>, ])i,trid Hic·hmond. thl'u~(' g:t>n~ralh uorlh·t'<l'lwmde aloug th<' bouudariE"s of nnd inl'ludin~ tlw following- fnrms nud l.o.-ation•: Spitz kop, Groothoek, Inkomau, ('ro"n Lands, Inhlazuka, l ' rnla1.i Location, to th~ north-westE>rn hE>acon of Umln1.i l.ot·alion 1111 tb~ Umlazi Hiv('r, thl'nt·<' down the middle of the T:'mla1.i Rivrr to lh<' •oulh-..:tsll'rn beacon o[ l"mla1.i Mis•ion Re­••'HP, then•·~ ~enl'rally soulh·w('slwnnls. westwards nntl nodh-wrslwnrds alon:r thr houndm·ies of and i1wlucling- )hl• following- Locations, Missinu Stations and funns: TTmlazi )lis~inu ll<'sN'''<', llmlnzi Loc·alion, lJmnini l.twntion, Hmlazi l.orntiou. Gra,·escnd No. 2:l, Vountnin llt•ad No. 25, n. Ct·owcl<•r No. 24. W.S. 10, Umahnlang-wa )fission il<'S<'I'V<', Spriugfirld. GIE>nsntnnl<'u, Allingfnn, DE'vil's 11lt•n, OoldE'n \all~~·. )(~•gwann, OJWn I(I'Otlllcl, Headlands. 'l'hl' Hoc•k, opt•n ground, II. 3, r.cwisdall', J;Ot•ation No. 2. ~ri--ion Rr•Pn'~ (St. )li<'llilt'l'H), npt•n ground, <J.D., 7.ondag-,kloof, Gurtr<'l'. portion G . .\., I.oo·ation Xo. H, Sprioq;nalo•. Gro•ta. Rrnmbam llall, Crown J.nnd•. )£imnsa nrn~. "\\al<'rfall. T.•watiuu 'in !i, Rush, F.P !i!l, :llnzoe, B!OI'k XT. Fon•st, F . P. R. Tlig-hov~r. Cnmn I.ao11l S :JR, Crown l.anrls. F.P. !ii. Crown T.muls. F.P. !i!i. ~tohau~. C'r0\\11 Lalli),, I'" .olion ::\n. :.!. 1.\. S. R!l. Crown T.nnd•. Tiu•h. F .l' 2R4. T.o<"alion "\o. 4. F.P. II , 1.\ , T,oralion 'l'o. 2, F.P. 260, to th~ plar<' of hrgiuning.

ARE.\ No. 16.


1. Exten~ of Achcchll<>d arNt 2. Extent of additional 1\l't:'l~ 3. Total extent of Ar!'a No 16


I li,RO!l murg<'n. 4,000


The area compri•ing Lo<'ation No. I, Location No. 3, ancl tlw followin~t; lots: S. 70, F.P. 247, Bush Re~<'r\"t:', S. '1, S. 0. S. 10 and S. II.

AREA :So. 17.


I. Extent of scheduled urea. 2. Extent of additional nr11a. 3. Total extent of Ar<'a. No. 17

[l r .G. 19- '16.]

53,fl6i morgen. 167,886 221,85:1




From the south·wPstPrn beacon of portion of the farm llancock lhnoge, Dis­trict Ixopo, generally eastwards, southwards, south-wPHlwards, und northwards. along the boundaries of nnd including the followinj! fnrms, locations and mission ~lations: Unnccwk Omngc•, C.H., H.H .. A.A .. 1\. ur \\' .W .. J. .. J., 1..11 ... \.J> . , J~. D.Y.,Dhlamini, 10, lJ.U., The Glade, A. of 10, ]).W., Jl.ll., H.G., South slOJles H. ThP Folly. 111. II. .\. \'., J>enMlla. ('. W .. B.l' .. J.cwaticm Xo. i. lllatt>n kun~a :Mission ReservP, JJOC'!tticm ~o. i. in Distri<:t Jxopo. lo'nitviP". ('ruwn Lands, 'fhp Rid_ge, Ellesnwt·c•. l'ruwn Land•. The Rum, Crow~ L:md~. Huli~t"; .w.)S. 9. Crow21 Lanas, Ifafn, GatPs, )(npungwnne, Pulumbane, 1 mstj:\'utt, Olwn, 1. -· T. 3, C. c, Location No.4. In District Alexandra, thP End. Go):', l'jamhili. western portion Bembridge No. 2. 'l'hP Star, Location No. 5, B:waria, WP't,lopPs, Westlnnds. \"'Dongini, Buffalo Dill, :Montana, Location Xo. G. Tn Di•hid Lower Umzim­kuln, Deepdell, The .Junction, Sonny Slopes, Bissc•tt. Xn. 8, \nion. Itemba, In­'IUahPni I. T •. T ... IIR\\lii'CIPn. F.G .. Ome~. Clothier. rmt-hiwa. Thp 'I'histl(', Daisy, Highdale, Umlothown. ~Iount Xebo. Um,jijmi, Dedtorcl. Fml>.~mhulo's Location. to the north-eastern hPn~on of Umhambulo's J.~ntion. Distrid Alfred, thencP generally north-w~~twnrds up tl1P middl~ of thl' l1m1.imkulu River to the place of beginning.

AREA No. 18.


I. Extent Clf scheduled area J 2,0!16 morgen. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area Xo. 18 12,0!16


The area comprising Location No. 3, Alexandra, and the Umtwalumi Mission Reserve.

AREA No. 19.


I. Extent of scheduled area 15,119 morgen. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. I II 15,119


The area comprising Location No. 1, Alfred.

ABEA No. 20.


I. Extent of scheduled area. 58,206 morgen. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 20 58,206


The area comprising Urobono's Location, Alfred ; Location No. 2, Alfred ; Tom Fynn's Location, Alfred ; Location No. 3, Alfred ; Patwa.'s Location, Alfred ; and Location No. 4, Alfred.

ABEA No. 21.


1. Extent of scheduled area 3,8i4 morgen. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 21 3,874


The area comprising Location No. 5, Lower Umzimkulu.


AREA No. 22.


1. Extent of scheduled nrea 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 22


The Ifafa )lis.•ion RP<crvc.

An•:" Xo. 23.


I. Extl'nt of ~chcduled area 2. Ext~>nt of additicmnl nt•ea 3. Total extent of Arelt No. 23


The Umvoti (Charlottedall.•) Jlfi~~ion Reserve.

AREA Xo. 24.


1. Extent of scheduled area. 2. Extent of additional area :l. Total extent of Area. No. 24


The Indaleni i\lission Reserve.

AREA No. 25.


I. Extent of scheduled area. 2. Extent of additional area. 3. Total extent of Area No. 25


2,928 morgen.


4,281i morgen.

4,:!86 "

2,671 morgen.


Nil. 8,104 morgen. 8,104


From the north-western beacon o! the farm Inanda generully eastwards, €outhwards ann north.westwar<ls along 01e boundaries of, nncl including the following farms: Inanda, Duffclsdrn:~i, Groene berg, Piezangrivier, Lots Nos. 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, o! the farm Zeekoevallei, Richmond, Piezang­tivier, Groeneb~>rg, Inanda to the plare of beginning.

[U.G. 19-'16.]





Dn;TRTCT o~· \\'ATF.Rn~:tm.

I. Extent of 11l'lteduled area. 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No.


ti,O lO morgen 5:~,4UO


81 Hq. rd~. :15


From the north-w~,f~rn lw:won of lh4' farm J,ih·, No. 2,31!!, J)istrid \\"aler­l~·rg, gen~rally north-~:"lwards, south-~aslwarcls, • •outh-weslwurcb, ulong th'-' houudnrie• of and int·1udin~ the following farms: J,ily Xo. 2,:318, Rit•lfoutein No. G24, Hob Roy No. !JGi, nl'gistruti~ No. 984, ll nn4'y No. 968, Fri~u<lship No. 966, llugo-dc-Groot No. H81, ,-,,, l.e...uwen Xo. !Ji!l, Kilty or Haakclonrnkuil Xo. 2,:ll9, Wn~:cnerwlei Xo. !125, nisuppoiutmcnt No. iil, Xerknr Xo. 1,025, tu tlw lltnt!h­we•!'-'rn hearon of tho lnsl mention~d farm, then<·t• gt>ncrally north-wt•stwunls down thl' middle of the P:tlnla 11 iY~r to th~ south·t•ast4'rn b{'acou of tht• fnrm Bos•chc JJie•ch Xo. 512. then•·•• ;olemg the houndari~s of and including- tlw saicl f:mn, thence clown till' miclei!C' of the• !'alai" Ri\'Pr to tlw plae·e• nf IM!!(innin!(.

ARE.\ No. :!


1. Extent of Kdwduled area 83,767 morgen IOilKCJ. rd•. 2. Extent of additional area 544,178 480 3. Total extt•nt of Area No. 2 (127 ,945 589

Dcuri pi ion. l'rcnn the nortl -wt•ste·ru hearon of thc> farm Goudmijn :\n. 1,7:!(;, District

l'it•tershm·j!', l'<btwat·cls ; Into~:" tilt' distrie·t honn<lary to thP north-Paslt•ru ht•at·on of tlw f 11'111 de Yreelt•, \'u 1,11/l, thpne·t> j!'~IIC'I'IIIIy snulh-Pastwartb, south-wt•stward> mul wt•slw;nds a lung tlw lmuuclaries of auel iuc·lucliug the following forms: de \'reel•• 'i'o. l,lHl, Lun•l.' \n. 1.11!1, Edwilt-elule• 'in. 1.120, Ul~11frrnr" :\n. 1.1:!1, 'l'ht• Ulnde X o. 1 ,Oifj, I lw I lui lin I X o. I,O!'J!l. l'tc· Xo. 1,052, \\' uppN toe :\ o. I ,0:12, ()I·insteinpPsl ''"· 1,028, llor·kum Xo. I ,01!1, Cumhnw :Xu. I ,020, Horkum .:\o. 1 ,Ol9, l>opl.•r :\n. I,Otlll, Kn~kork :\u. 1.007. Wc>ltnreden Nu. I ,060, Lissa \n. 1,00!3. \\'~sllwim :\n. !lll:l, Yall \\'ijksput Xu. Hll, westl'rn portion l'ulmiet­funtt•iu No. 709, J'anplaals \'n. 1.859. Lnusiana ~n. 968, Fair Lom·i•• Xo. 967. l.riStlnle Xo. 966, l,i,·se·IHngshof So. !165, l'iukit• :\o. 964. Lm·~··• Own Xn. 96;l, .\tul ... t·g.•le Xo. !llil, :\nttnl'llwc>rth Xn. 976. tn the• snutheru lw:won nf the l:1•t men­tion~<! farm, tlwncc> soutlo·t•astwards alou:: the• clistrid boundar·.' In tllC' north~ru l••ae·nu of )latala's !.oc·atinu :'in. 1.9'29. tlwnN• t.tC'IlPnlll\' south-t•asi\Horcls, south­westwards and north-'"''twards along thP hen11o<lariC'' of nn1l iuchulin~: ~Iatala'< I.C)l•ntiou No. 1,929, tlw ltnm Z:miplants Sn. S:;t;, ~lntala's T.ue·ation :\u. 1.!129, to Hot• wrstrrn bearon of ~lntala', Loc·atiun :\o. 1,!)2!1, thence g;•nrrally south-w~st­wnnh, Noulh-eastwarcls anel nm·th-ea~tw:~rels atong tlw houn<llll'ieN of an<l includ­ill!( the following farms in WntHh~r~: Distric·t: l•:lunchfnntPin No. 59·1. Mulokon!!'s· lwp Xo. 1.332. \Vifri,it>r Xu. l.!i!34, Sorel l\r:ohunel Xu. 1,555, %uid Brahund ;io. l.(lC.!I, Rooihokfontrin 'i'o. 2.120 .• \rmOl.'dP Xo. t.:J!IO, Yaalkop Xo. l,·l!l!l. Yalt~-n 'lakupan·, I.O<·:ttion '\o. 2.!1!14. to thP north-,wster·n b~acon of Ya)(~·n \lakapan·, Lcwalion Xo. 2.394. tlll'nre !:!Pn~rall~· northward• clnwn the middle of )fagalakwin

Rin•r to the pine~ nf lwginninj!.

AREA No. :l.


1. Extent of R<'hcdulcd area ii0,039 morgen 427 Aq. rdM. 2. Extent of additional area 2,745 G2 3. Total cxt<'nt of Area No. 3 li2,784 41!9

Rtt'OI!T. 31

nt'uri plion.

'l'he :lll'a rmuprising the folln\\ itt f.: latms in Dish•it·t Pil'lt•JSlmrg: :llalirtsil''s Location No. :J, Upgaaf No. l,lilll. J .. ,_tfonteiu Xo. !Ill, l'.dmi..tlnutein ).o. 1, Eerste Geluk ~o. 644, and Yaalwat•••· \o. tilR .

• -\RF:.\ Xo. 4.

Pt t:TERSBURO. DrsTRl('T nt•

I. gxtcnt of scheduled nn•tt 2. Exl<•nt of additional nn•n

19,:H I morl(t•n :l!l!l ~q. rd~.

:J. 'l'olal t•.xtent of Aren No. 5,41:! l~:l

:N,6:!4 ~:!:!

]), <eripli<JII.

'l'ht> art>a t·tnttprisiug tht> following l;mus in Distrid Pic•f•·••hurg: Lt>euwkra~l Xo. 196, :\latnk '\o. 1,986, :\Iatok', J.,,..atiou Xo. 194. llio•,jo•slunl.dt• Xu. u.;:n. Klipbok ~o. 1,/!:l:!, l"itkijk Xo. ].~:1:1, •It• (jlacldeklipknp .\n. I 14. :\latjP-go<>tl· fontein Xo. :!Ofl, Hamapoetspt·uit '\o. ti. a!Hl Hamagnep', Lo<·atintt Xu. 1,.",:!4.

ARt:.\ Xu. 5.

l>tsTRICTS o~· ZouTl'"'"'nt;rw ;IND Pn:TF.Rsmrtto.

I. l~xtcnt of scheduled area 18i,083 morgt•n ~ 15 sq. nb. :!. J~x tt•nt of additional area :l. Total extent of Area Xu. !i

.. :!,320,836 151\ ..

.. :!,507,9:!0 (npproximate).

Dr .rif'lifl~t. Frnm lht> juno·lion of X'jelelt' auol Limpopo Ui\'ers gt-ut>rall~ '""I wards, 'outh­

castwartls anti southwards along llw '1'11tus\ual 1'roYincial bouuclars to where it is crossed by lht• Olitanls lliYer, tho•ttc•t· wt•stwnrds up tht> middl .. ol tllifants lliwt

to its junctiutt with Hw Groot J ,c(aha Hin•t, tht'nce gencmlly north-westwards up the middle of Ute Ut·oot Letaha 1! iwt· In the south-NISlN'U lwnt·ou of the farm J,etaba Drift No. :!·Ill, D istrict l'i<'lt•J·shurg, thence gener:t!ly ttorthwurds along tlw houndar~<'s of, hut t•xt·luding the fum~> l.o•taha ))rift Xo. 2-lll, .\limgmua :Xo. 242, D istrict Pit>tershurg, to the south-t•a,to•t·u ht•,rcon of the farm \ 'allumlnosa Xo. 2:li,

thence gt-ut>rally "'uth-westwanls, umlh-""'twards and uorth-t•."t"'n<ls aloog tlw l"'undaries of, aucl iuduclin~ tho• fnllcm iug farnh in Di,h it·t l'io•t•·• ,J.urg: YallaJU­hros.'l Xo. 2:li, Xowwa Xo. 2:.!6, Ounwla \o. :?:!;}, Sirulural Xo , :!:1!1, Runn\'lllf'•le

Xo. 2:38, ~lr:ult.m hunk Xn. 24:3, .\lnmitw:l, Lcwatiou ::\o. 2,lii:t, ~lmljaclje';J.>O<·a­tion No. 2.!Wti, l!t•ntl't Xo. 2iifi, :\!o•iclittj:t'll :'\o. :}80, Lc•gat \'n. :!-iii. )!odjadjo•'s Location X o. :!,(Hill. \'lakfon!Pin X n. :!Iii, Kronui,·it>rfon lt>iu \ n. ti~J. Krugersmntl X o. 781, BPllt'\'Ut• :'\ n. 775, Rynrit•h t \' u. i(ill, \'a ltt>lhnl'k X n. 7iti, .Mooigezicht '\'o. 777, (;u('tl It· pas Xo. iiR. HU\'I'I'Illlll'td I('IUlll)(l to lht• suut h-wt•,(t•t•Jl beacon or

Tabnan's T.o .. atiuu \'n. :nr,, Dis!ri..t :l.uutpanslwrg-, tht•ut·(• g-t•twt·ally uorth-w~sl­wnrd<, nm-th\\:ll'<ls aucl r:htwan], alnrtl{ tho• hnuuclari~, of nrtcl irtc·lncling tbt> ful­lcm·ing farms iu llt,(rid Znntpau,lw•rg; Talman', L nl'afion Xu. !llf>, Srhit>l Xo. 309, Knopnt>UZI'n Lot .1tinn '\o. 1.00~1. UoH•tntllt>lll (T!-nuncl, l.ummulu', l.c>t•ation ~o.

-162, T-akoma '\o :11. 1-:ntaheni Xo. !?!11, f.i,l><m Xo. 3H. Snillo• \n, 4:11. f'olrrhro•

Xo. 43-t. ('h~wu' '\u . .j:)i), Gonnllllf'lll t:rouud, :\I'Pc·fu'• l.nt•ntion Xo. -IGi, Baobab Xo. 122, '!upt>la Xo. 420. Srtuuni ~n. -ll!J. St>rnlle ~ ... :mn. J>rylands Xo. 3!)8, )[apani ~"- !l!Ji, l'nrndist> '\'n. :llH, )l'l'~ftt's T.ot>aliuu \'o. llli, to whert' thP

X'.Tt>lt>ll' Ri\'1'1' l'm""t's thP norfht>rn hunutlar~· of )!'PPfu's T.owution, tht>nct> gPner. all~· north-l'nstwat·cl• down thP micldll' of' tlw 1\'Jt>ll'lr Rivt•t· to lht> plal'e of hl'­ginning.

ARE.\ No. 6.


1. Extt>nt or ~cheduled area 2. Extt>nt or additional ar<'a

:!0,128 morgen 3i:! ilq rd9. 5,il9 !l~l

3. Total 01<tent or Area. Xo. G 34,848 9:1


ThP arl'a romprt<mg thP following Xu! i \'!' Locations J,ocntion No. 2.Gi4, .\luonatlJOla's T.twutinu No. 2,5aR

rr.G. 1'1 'Hi.

:mol f:u·m•: )fohlaba's )J ugnhn~·a's Location,


:llaakwe's Location, BNH'Onsfield Xo. 2,0:.!:.!, L~tsitdt• ).o. :?,:JIG, Coombe Dank Xo. 2,345, Craighend :i\o. 2,5.)7, Wt'eneuk Xo. :?,547, York :\o. 2,40i, Kingston So. 2,406, and For~st Rt>";n·~ Xo. 2,559.


1. Extent of scheduled area. :!. Extent of additional area. 3. Total extent of Area Xo. 7


217,601 morgen 273 sq. rds. 6:11,7:l5 32i , !130,3:1i (approximate).

DeJcripiwn. From the eoutb-westl'rn beacon of the farm Stbn.cppl:oats Xo. 736, District

Pietersburg, genernlly eastwards along the Pit-lt•r,bur~ ui,trid boundary to the southern beacon of the farm Randjes So. 1,(;;3.), J>istrict l'ieten;burg, thencl' g-l'nerally c•nshnu·ds, along- thl' boundurit's of aucl iuc·lmliug lilt' following farms iu Pietersburg District: Rtmdjcs Xo. 1,635, Drooll'tt> ::'\o. l,!ll:!, Rooibohlaktl' So. 1,971, Kntferkraul No. 1,9i0, 'fudpau Xo. 1,!JliH, llwaalkop Xo. 5a8, ])oorndt>i No. 612, M'l>hollclt•'~ Location, Xnauwponrt Sn. 1):.!1, Uot>dehoop No. 1,62-l, Kaffirpoort No. ()():?, Muiskraal No. 5-11, Bakt•nknp :'\o. l,i!).j, Katkloof No. [)G;J,

Tigerpoort No. 642, to the eastern bt>aron of the• lust nwntioned farm, thence genemlly uorth-c·a~lwurds along- thl' Pietershur~ llislric·t houndary to thl' ~ooulh· western bc>ncon of )lnf!'fP's J,ocation, th~nc~ ~:encmlly north-eastwards and south­eastwards along tlw houudaril's of and inc·lucling !let• lollcming farm> in Pietc•rs­burg Distrit'l: :\Infcle\ Location. Cork Xo. :!,Iii:!, l>altcnc :\o. :!.H-!G, Kiel ~o. 2,650, Helvetia ::'\o. :.?,Gfl:l, IIound,low Xo. :.?,li;c(i, <:ilualtar :\o. :.?.U58. :lloltke Xo. 185, Dokhnlva Xo. :.?,577. to the !<Qnth~rn h<'aeon of the last mPntionl'd farm, thencl' south-t-:tshnmls along the bouudaric·s of, hul .. xdmliug the following (:nm~: Strnshurg :\n. Hii. Tnrk .. y Xo. 1 iS, Saclcm ,, \ n. Hili. The " "illow, Xu. Iii. to the •onthern hl'MOU of the last mentione•l lutm. thc•nc·r nnrth-t'a,twnrd• alnn~ the Pietcrsburg Distrirt locoundary to thl' norlhc•rn hc•;l!·ou o1 tlw f:lnn Dl'rhy ::'\n. 184, Distrirl l.ydc•nburll'• thencl' ll'l'lll'tally southwarcls, wc•,(wards ancl south-wl'sl· wards along till' houndaric•s of and im·lucling I hi' follcm iug i;unr- in Lyt!l'nhurg District: Dt>rhy '\o. LS4. E"I'X Xu . .l!JO, Snuthnnlplnu Xu. 1 i!J, ~[oriah No. 1,032, ChesiPr No. :11>8, Jhic•hc,..k ~u. 5-18. )Lag-alil'skop 'ln. :1:1. \lultonl Xn. ii. Dic•ntjc• No. 552, J<:lnnclsfonlt•in Xo. lGi, Claremont Xn. iS:!, Slc•rkspncit Xo. J,OUl, ('ali­fornin Xo. 6·1, NnoiiJrt'duc Itt Xo. ),:lii:l. ,\rclwi··h Xu. ft07. 1\liptontl'in No. 4\1. Painshill Nu. f1:JR, Ol.thnm '\o. iilR. Ah~don '\11. RRH, 'lahullmkoppi~• Xo. lii·l. Rooibokhw~tc· No .. ;j;,, Sc·hlic·kman,klonf Xu. 1:!, lit'Clltlhcwk Nu. 111, Dri~kop No. liO, Goratoun :'\11 H;i, llo~pakrautz Xu. 5. lluuthusdt :\u . .J;j-l. Scncpiona Xo. II. Gov~rnm~nt Orouncl. """'ton~ "'\o. ::?:!R. Jlroo~c·hnc•k \n !I.J, 1lriehnl'k Xn. Ri, tu the wl'slrrn lwarun nl till' last nwutiunrcl !:11m. n ... n~e ~··ut•tallY twrth-wo>,twaiCb nlon~ th~ hounclati~, nl :mel indudin)! tJ,c• fn)luwtlll.: lanu' in thl' )licldc•lhurg District: Oc>t•clgt'(IH•·hl :\u. 41!1. TwP~fnnlein \n llll. \lnr~o·nwn Xn. 4:12, )las­leroems Oucl~ Slaclt "\o. :;.)(i, l:"risj:!I'WIIal!•l "\u :17:1, \\'p)feno>•lo•tt Xo. :Iii. EPns­ge,·ondPn '\o. :Ji:!. D~>ugcl\"nlll'\" Xu. :1'>0. Hupc·fio·l•l \'u . :111•. E .. ukantaau '\o. :J;jl. \'ogel<truiskopjl' Xo. :JOi. to thl' south-wl'sl~rn h~a~ou u! tht' last m~nticmNI farm, thence ll't'll<'rally ucttlh-wC'slwarcls nlnll)! tlw h!'llllclaric•s o! '"") itll"hlllin)! tho> fol­lowing farm~ in tlw \\"alc•rlwrg Distril't: \"an cl~r ~lc•rwc•skra,,) Xn. l,!l4!). Doorn­poort Xo. i.HH2, llt•llt•,uc• Xu. l.!liG. ('h:nlutlt•"s l.usl Xn. :!.OfiR. ancl %1'11Pelil'la", T,ocntion Xo. 2,391 to th~ plart' of hej:!inniog.



I. Extcmt of ~chcduled area t:ll\,212 morgen 266 sq. rds. 2. Extent of additional area !1:!.162 !43 3. Total rxtent of Area Xo. !i 22H,:lil) 109

Dr•~ri J>fifJn.

From tht' north-wtosll'rn bc>acon of thP fa1111 Sc·htunscl;.m Xo. 131, District ){:~rico, gent-mlly wt~lw3rcl• alonll' thP 'frau".""l l'rovin~ial boundan· to thl' Jlorth-l'nstern beacon of the• farm Hrakla~IC' Xo. l~1S, lhPtH·P ll'enernllv south­wards, westwnr<l• nncl southwards along th~ hnunclllri<>s of. and inclucling the following furms in )[nriro ])i~trict: Bmkh'''A"tc· Xo. loll. Yinkri,·ier Xo. lr>2.


lltodebecstfontein Xo. 195, Srboonlaagt~ '\o. :.!i.IO, Kaufontcin Xo. :.!ltl, Z"''rtkol>­fontein No. 3:?], Duitenkuil No. :.!II, Witkh•if:·tt No. 27:3, Jhi••hot•k .'in. :.!l, Drie­font~in Xo. ;)6, \\'iHont~iu No. l, Brukpan .'io. 200, lluispoort Xo. :119, \\'eh·~r­dicnd ~o. 201, Dam van :ll••tsu),>o No. 54, )£ntjesvall~i Xo. :.!O!i, to tlw south­"rstern heucou of th<' last mrniionNI Iarm. tht•nce genN·ally south-w••stwurds, nnl'lh-w<'stwarcls and w~stwards alnn~t thl' ISnundar~· o£ :Iloilo's Locniion to its south­wl'qtl'rn bP:\<'on, llwnr<' g<'nl'mlly nnrtl"'"r'h along tl>r 'l'r:tnsvaa] Provincial ht,uudur~ to lhl' place of !><'~inning.

AnE.\ Xo. 9.

DisTRICTs OF :ll.uuco .n;o RusTESB'C'RO.

I. Extent of scheduled or<'<~ 98,862 morgton IMi sq. rtk 2. Extent of additional nrea 4 i3.05i l:l!l

3. Total extent of Arton Nn. 9 5i1.920 :!6

J)r~(ri ption.

From the north-w<'slE'rn lwn<'on ol thr fnnn .'ianuwpoo•t No. 1.">0. lli•hid Rus­lt•nhurg, geuct·ally south-t•aslwarth, nurlh·rastwnrds, south-t•u,t wanls :nul south­"''stward~ along the bowHinrit•s ol', nnd iru·luding lhP following fn t'"'": Nuauw­pHorl :lio. 150, Oli~antshorl; No. 1:!2, 'l'arubnoliehoek No. 40H, Elnndshcwk No. 921. \"og~l.,truisdraai No. 1:1:?, \\'<'lg()\'OI No. 1:1;J. d<.> l1aarl No. 4:li, Hnntlt•hloc•m :lio. 11:!. Welbezorgd No. 441, Distrikt•hoek Xo. 440, 131oemdal Xo. t:l!l, Hbrnoster­kup '\u. 1,04~. Syferkuil :\o. :n~lcrltnnt~in .'i'o. 59:J (portion 1-'aulspoort Loca­tion), Witfontein :Xo. 215, Yo~<'lstruiskraal Xo. :147, Kru;lllt(wk =""· alU, Yark­,·lei No. 903, 'furfbult Xo. !lfl!J, ~pil,kop .'i'o. 298. Xooitg~"•ln•·ht '\o. :.!81. Ynrk­fonteiu Xo. 51. :Koedoe•pruit .So. :>i'.!. z .. ndlont~iu .'i'o. i:!9. lloorupomt ::'>o. :!51, Saulsp{)(>tl Xo. 269 1polliun of Saulspunrt LOI'ation . :Ktor<ln~sfntoll'in Xo. 1118. L<•gkraul .'io. 725, Oli\'enfcrull'tll \.,.ill), ~dwnpkrnnl .'i'o. 12. \\·,·lgt·\'al :\o. 749. Oo,·ernmeut Ground :lio. I51i, \'ngc·J,trui-nrk .'i'o. GO'.?. J>airni~tfouh·iu .'i'o. 567, llakboutrandjr Xo. l.O:}!l, Hultfnutc•iu '\o. il2 (DiNierick ~lognlr's J,ocahon), lllinkldippen No. 6:38.JRic•tlcutlt•llt \o. !J:!il'Tih·al Xo. !JHiJt~h~ldrliu '\o. !JB.'-1. Silwrkruns Xo. 884. urootfnrrlt•in '\n. :101 (~ioloshe 'l'holwr Loc·alion). \'rNir Ncr. 650, TurflaagtE' No. 113, Zantlfonh•in '\o. 390, 1\ortkloof :lio. !i39, to tilt' southern beacon of the last mentioned Corm. tlwnr•• ~~nerally north-weslwurds alon~ dis· tric·t boundary to the sonth-rnslrl'll ht'a<·nu ut thr farm RirkrNI:1111 Nn. 20:3, Dis­trict ~farico, th<'ncc wPstw·artls. unrlh-w•••lw:trd< along tlw homulnrit•s of, and iiJcluding the fnt·ms RiekPt·sd~m 'Xo. :?{l:l. Zanwnkomst Xo. RR. Uishil'l \lar~co, to th~ north-('a•tt>rn benron of 1],,, 1:"1 ml'ntionetl farm. llu•!lt·t• 11mlhwards and wPstwards along thr di•hirt ),.mncl:n·y to lh<' snuth·Paslt•m l>c':II'On nf thc farm Knppieskt·:c:tl Xo. 27'!, lli,lri<'t \ilotu·n. thellt'P w•·-twanls, tullllll'·"d< :111cl w~st­'"'nls alon~ lhE' ooundary ancl itr..luclinA" th .. last mentionrcl lann tn tltP north­t•a•h•rn ht•acon of the said farm , th••nr" ncHthwartls ~long the distrirl boundary to lht• -outh-('asll'rn beat·un of tho• l.nut lliK>ikuppi~-funiPiu Xo. l:.!:J, Dislrirt )farico, th~tU'i' -oulh-weslwards, nnrtl"' .trcls , snuth-wc•slw:ncl-. nort!H•ast\\at·<ls und NISI­

wards along the bocnularir, of :nul itll'lculira~t thr fanus Hunikoi•Pi••sfnnlt•in :lio. 1:.!:1. Stryfontt>in :lio. 124. and Zill<atltskop :Xu. 122. to tht> north-rnsiE'm beacon of thr last mentiqned farm, tlwnct• northwards along tht> distri<'t houndarv to the pl:w~ uf bPginnin~. -

Ant:A No. 10.


I. Extent of scheduled nrt'a 2. Extent of additionnl arpa

5 i .I 20 morg<.'n l HI ''I· r•k 10i.966 1:!~

3. Total extent of ·\r('i\ Xo. 10 lfi5.0R6 !ifll

/Jr rripliqn,

From the north.wcstern i)(oaron of the farm Driefontein ::'>o. flS, District Li<'h­ll'nbur~t, gent>rally <onth-f'aslwnrtl<. ••mthwards and south-wo•stw, rcJ, along the boundaries of, an<! iucludinJ!' the rollowin.:: f••rm<: Dri~fontl'in '\n. x.t~. rit~put Xo. :)00 (portion of )lachabP's L<wntiun], de• Tlnop :\o. 9~. Shit•l:t Ncr. 49, Ycr­dwuol No. 34!3, Stiglingspntl Ncr. :1 II. hupstN•I Xo. :ri5, Ka:clpnn No. 33·1, Hrooksby

[U.G. 19 -'16.]



No. aGO. Lombaarllelnagte No. 290, Yrcde \o .• Ill, )fooipan No. :no. Jluorn­laogt~ Xo. ;)!?:/, to thP ~a •tern be:tcou of Kunnna's L<l<':ttion, thence south-w<•st­wm·ds, north-w~stwunls nloug the southHn boun<lnr~- of Kununn's Location to tlw •outh-wrstorn beacon of lnst named Localwn, th<'ll<'<' g~nerally north-ea>lwnrd~ along tho Trnns,· Provincial boundary to tlw place oi brginning.



I. Extent of scheduled area. 2. Jojxtent of additional area.

10, ~0 I morgen 133 ~q. rds. 7:Ji 4/fj

3. Total extent of Area. N"o. 11 IU,999 8

Deu·ripti.on. The nren romprising the following fnrms, District Lirhh•nhurg: Rooijantjeq­

{ontein No. il. portion of the form Rlwnostenloo111s Xu. li7 nnd pol"fion of tlw farm Koppir•fontein Xo. 98.

AnRA No. 12.

Dr~>TRrCT o~· LH'II1'~"nt'RO.

I. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area.

4,1132 morl(en ;')12 ~q. rds. 8,011:! ,;

3. Total cxt<>nt of ar«.>a No. I 2 13,:!:11 ;iii


The nr«.>a comprising the following farms: Distri<'t Li<'htenburg. Putfontcin Xo. iO, Yogelstruisknop No. 198, Holgat No. IUt and Omt>gn Xo. :!:!i.

AREA Ko. I :l. DisTRICTS Of' .\!ARICO A"'ll RusT~:snuno.

I. gxwnt of xcheduled area 2. l~xlflnL or additiona.l area :l. 'l'otal c•xtent of Area No. 13

De.scri ption.

!!,98:lmorgen 101 ~q. rds. I) 191

~.01!8 292

The area. <'omprising the following farms: Hic•tfonh•in No. 402, District Rusten­burg, eastern portion Brakkuj\ No. 318, including portion Syferfontein ~o. :?99, District )farico, and portion Syferfontein Xo. :!99, Di~trict .'llarico.

ARE.\ No. 14.


I. Extent of scheduled area. 6:!,764 morgen 380 sq. rds. 2. Extent of additional area. 4,581 505 3. Total extent of Area. No. 14 07,:146 285

Description. (ttl Jo'rout llw north-western beacon of lh~ fnnn Ledig No. i-!4, District

Ru81enburg, gem•rnlly eastwards, south-enslwnrc.h unci nod h-westwnrds along tlw boundnries of, and iuclmling the following farm~: Ll'dig No. iH, Styldrift No. 583, Hntt~becRhpruit :Xo. 6~3, portion Rh~nost~rfoulein No. 887, (South of Elood-rivier), Ilatt<•lw~sl•pruit Xo. 6-t;J, Goetl~tedurht Xo. :j()!l, Klipl(:olkop No. 869. DiPpkuil No. \lS:J. Jliprkr:~al Xo. 49;), 'l'wN•dt'fl<H>l"( Xo. lb:l, :EI:ond'h~uvel Xo. 285, Kliwat :'lo. S:H, Turllontein Xo. :l!li, Khpfonlt>m :Xo. 538, Tufffont~in No. 397, Klipgat Xo. 8!34, Elandsheu,·el Xo. 28:), Rl'inroyal•krnal Xo. 3:l:J, Wilde­beestfontein :\o. 497, llo.schfontein Xo. 489; Gt>~·dg;•d .. ,·ht Xo. 200, Bierfontcin Xo. 432, Turft'ontein No. 297. C'itnlgron<l Xo. 3:1-t, Boschkopj~ Xo. 685, Styldrift :'\o. 583 and Ll'clig No. 74-l, to the piMP o£ h<>~tinning.

(b) 'l'h1• arc••t inc·ludiug the ftH"m> ?:uuddrirt No. H.'IG, Hnnkbosch No. 3-10 and rioningfnnt~in No. 571.


ARF\ No. 15.


I. Extent of scheduled area

RusTt::> BURO.

2. Extent of additional a•·ca 3. Total extent of Area No. Ill

I >r.<t·rtt'l ""'·

25,334 morgen 9,451


40 ~<J. rds. 5l5 f>G5


Frnm tlw north-WI'st~>rn )JP;lC'CIII ur tlw farm \\" elj!"I'\'OIHI~n ); Cl. :!Iii. l)i,ln<"l NoT&.- In th•

l!thh•ub~r!(", gl'u~rally sonth-l'ashlal·<ls,. lll•,twards an.d nOttlJ-W<•sll~aJ<Is ~iloug !h~ ~ ~~c~!':gi''":i IKJtttularw ... of and 1ncludtn~ tlw Ju1lowJJI!.." tann': \\ ~l~votult•n "\'u. :!li•. purhnn taod~ autbori!ted by Zaucltlrift Xo. 920. Geluk Xo. :It;:,, L"'l>''r'fmolt•in Xo. 119, \\'ulwktaal Xu, f>l:!. A<:t Xo. 32 .or J9U

1\un•t•puort Xo. 62:1, porlwu Bu,c·hlunf<•ln "\u. :JSl. Kafferskraal '\o. 59i, LI'I'UW- ~ngla 'd'"'~ o~t kop :\o. f>Ol, portion LOsJ><'rsfonl••in \u. II!!, portion \\' aaikl;\, i 'in .!lhi, andth:peo~le.ft'D:..Jo~ \\"~lg~>vonden :'io. 2GT, to !Itt• plac·c• uf '"'JriuninJC. ~Iogale .and of Ma·

mogale tn es:cba.Dge •hall be a N ati .,.e

An1:.1 No. 16

DISTIUC"I'.o. o~·~ PttF:TORJ.\.

I. Extent of sch<'dult•d nrc•:t 41,140 morgen :!. Ex ten~ of additional 1\I'C'It :!22,04 7

407 "<!· rd". 1:!0

:l. Total extent of An·a No. Hl :!6:3, 187 1):!7

Druri ption. From th!' north-we>ll'l'll Ol'lii'OII nl o ... fatm Buft!'l>pnort Xu. aan. llistrie·l

Prl'toria, gen<'rnlly eastwards nlon~ the• eli,lri..t huundary In t),.. north-t•a't~rll lwac·on uf the farm Zangkuilfollh'tll .'\n ;,Jil. then<'<' ~~:en<'rally snuth·N<>Iwards, st>Uth-wt>,twards. IIOI'Ih-wt•,(\\ard, nlnllf.!' tlw hnundnrit's of nml inducling tlw foi­J,min!(" f:un»; Zaa~kuilfcmt.-in Xo. 51!!, \I~~· Pt,hult :'in. 61:1, \\'noanclsko.utl .'\o. 1!'>4. Jlo,dtplaah :'io. ;;o;, L••••uwkt.•ul \n :mt;, T•wefonl!'in :'in. :!i;>. Slt•rkwult•r Xu. :!t:l. StinkwatPr :'iu. !'til~>. ll~tnulo•nhnut,kraal :'in. ;>li. Krmnkuil Xu. 122. 1\lipgat Xn. ll. Klippan :'in. !'tl, 1-:t•tsh•H•gl \n. 46-1. Klip~at Xo. ;,;,:;, Om<•tument limund '\n. llii. Kanwl'lfonlt•in \n ;,I, Sjamhnkzynkranl Ko. ;,:!, Kall'N•knwl '\n. :!2!1. portion Wilcl<'hi'('HihOC'k \n. :!0. Knll'<••·,haal Xn. :12:1. S,jamhoh.rnkraal 'in. 1\2, llnPkfonl~>in :'in. a9t, S,jamhnhynkranl 'No. 52, S~·ft•rfmoll•in ~n. :110, tlnq•rnnu•nl Ground 'Nn. !Hi, 1\IPinfunt .. in :'in. 7. Klip,:rat Xo. r,;.!r,, Hie•lgnt No. r,:w, \Vat~rntl Nu. 189, to the' snulh-wt•slt•J'n I.NtNHI of tlw last menlinou•cl fnl'ln. I h<•ne·n !{<'lll'rally t~orth -wl'stwarels aln11;.: tlu• clislrirt honnclary to tlw plnc·c• of


,\RH Xo 17.

DISTRICT>< OF PR•:TORI 1, \\' \Tt:HRERQ A"D )floot:t.Rtlll<'.

I. E1.tent of ,;eheduled nn•a :l. Extent of additional nrl'll

~i .5i:! morp:l'n 454 "<I· nk :!H.53i 4:!:!

:l. Total extent of Arc·n '\n I 7 :!7:!.110 ~itl .... /Ju..riptirm.

From the north-w!'st('l·n hc•a~<>n <>f tlw !ann Paukoppt•n ~n. ftll:i, District l'r.•tm in, g<'n<'r:tlly nnrlh-e•a,l ware(, nlnng I h~ boundari!'s of and iu..tueling the fnrms l'ankoppen No. 505, 7-anclrunl<'in Nu. 2ti, Hultfonl~in :'in. -ti:.!, to th1• north­we•s\1'1'11 hNwon of the farm llultfunlt'in Xu. 472, lhenr~ g~H<'rall~ nm·tb-M~lwartls along tht• district boundary to lh<' suuth-wt•sh•rn hl'nron of the furm dl' Pullen No. :.!,liill. ])i,tri..t \\nlerberg, the·n<•t• g'Nit'rally norlh-wl'stwArcls, Jwdh-l'oRtwnrds, sotllh-<'ns!ward• and ~outh-wt'slwnrd• along- lh<> boundnri<'• uf and iue·lucliug the fnlluwinj!' farms: De J>utt~>n :'ia. :!.liiO, llcwdv<>nrall<.'s 'No. l,'iJU. tlpgt•r·uitud 'Xo. I, j;!tl, i11 District Wat~>rhprg: )l:thaau's l,n<•atinn :'io. :12, Distri<'f J'u•tm ia; 01'~>i­ht•ks\ l~i ~·>. :Hi), Di,trid \Yalo•r·lw•·g. )[abaau ·, Ln<·ation Xo. :12. ))i,trid J>re­!ol in, In it> snuth-<'a•tern lll'ac·uu, tht•lw<• !1«'1H' rally north~astward< and southwnrd• alon~or tltt• l'r~>torin Distrid hnmulary to lht• >nulh-t-aslern h<':H·nn nf lh~ ftum Hcuulan·l Xo. !>6, District l 1tt'l<>l'iu: th••11e·t• ge'lll'mlly southw;otd, alnng th~ houto­chlll<'s nl nnd including tlw following lanus: Hmulawl :'in. liU. \Ia dol«> I! nil '\o. :!·II'>, Kleinklipput No. 5!)1;, Yaulfont«>in :'in. 415, Nouilgt•dae·ht Kn. l)f~l. 1\lt•inw.tlc·r Xo. 2T:J, to the south-Pn•lt•rn ht•twnn of the lnst m<'nliout•cl fm·m, Dis­trid l'r~tnriu; thl'nC·P gl'n<'l':dly ••as I wurels. •out hwanls nnd wPslwanl~ along

[U.G. HJ '16.]

area io lieu of that taken away ( ritlt> Ra40lution of ~tb xo,•ember, 1915).

:w RF.t'On·r.

!lw bounuarie< of and inrlucling 11w fnllowiug farms in District :lliudel­hurg: Portion Lt•t•uwkrnul Xo. 248, lllwn11sl~rkop No. 5GG, Hietkloof No . .)09, Eland~plants ~o. 118, Got>dgNhwht :Xo. 194, Kamt>t>ldoorn No. 66, to the wuth-wt>Slt>rn bt>a<•on of last mt>ntinn<.'d farm in District Middelburg; th~nce genHall~· north-wt>stwards along thP boundaries of and including the following farms in District Pretoria: 1lufl~l~fontein :Xo. 2:>9, Kwarriefnagte Xo. :>i>6, KlipfonlPin :Xo. 241, 'C'itzork :Xo. 2.30, Oude l:itud Ylln Maleeuw \'n. !iG-l, El:uuJ,kt•ans :io. ;j21. Kuilsri\iPt Xo. 12, Y.otHiug,fontl'in :io. 258, Kich·orschfontt>in No. 1, Goederde Xo. 318, Zoetmelksfont~in No. 322, Klip­plnatdrift Xo. 395, Pit>tN·skranl Xo. 418, Wnlvrkmnl Xo. 560, Korannbult No. 117, Vanlbank No. 363, Ui~krrtslnngte Xo. 511, \\'~·nruit Xo. 5!)0, llrnng••grond No. ii98, WitlangtP No. 441;, Hultfontein Nn. 472. Zundfontein Xo. 2G, l'nnkoppen No. ;,()5, to t!Je plac<' of h<'ginning.

AREA No. 18.


l. Extent of ~cheduled area '> Extent of additional area. 3. Total extent of Area. No. I K

Dr.•tri Jllion.

20,400 morgen. 20,400

From tlw north-<•nstcrn bearot> of thr farm Ludwichslust No. 107, District llurbet·ton, genrrall~ t•astwards down th<• middlt> of tht> Crorotlih• Hiver to the umth-en~tl'rn hen<·ou of the Komntipoort 'l'uwnlancls Xo. 19!!, them·e gl'nernlly -outh-wt>stwnrcls alon~ the hnundary o£ hut rxrluding the Komotipoort Townlands Xo. 1!l8, to wherl' it cro""S thE' railway line, thence generally wr•twards along tht> northE'rn bomulnrv of tht> railwav liht' to where it eros•e' tlw en•h•rn boundarv of tbl' farm Luclwirh~lust 'io. lOi. ihenre northwards alon~t tlw rnsiPrn boundary• uf last mentionNI farlll to thl' place of hc>ginning. , __

AREA No. 19.


I. Extent of ~Ch<.'duled area 2. Extent of additional area. 213,724 morgen 4G3 ~q. rds. 3. Total cxh·nt of Area Xo. 19 :!13,724 10:1

Docriplion. From the nortb-wrstern bt>acon of th<' farm .Jeppe~reef Xo. 15 (on

Knmshlubana Kop) District Rnrbt>rto11, grtu•mlly north-easlwnrds along the houndaries of oncl inrluding the (ollowing fnt·ms: .Jeppesree£ No. II), Srhoemans­dul No. 1!3, lluftelspruit No. J I. Vygenboom No. 6, RichtershOl'k No. 4, Dadel­spruit No. 3, Tt> Kort No. 10:3, thl'nre north-westwards along th<> !Kiuthern boun­c.lnry of the "Kanp BJork" to beacon 77 .\. of the Komatipoort Townlonds Xo. 198, thence genpra1Jy 'outh-eastwarcls :tlOnj:l: the boundnrie• of but ('lCC)udiog the foUowin& farms: Kmnatipoort Townlands Xo. 198. Coopersdal No. I. and Costilo­polis :Xo. 2, to the eastern beacon of th~ h1~t-mentioned farm, thi'Dl·e generally 'outhwards, and north-we,tward• along the Transvaal Provincial boundary to tlie plnrr of beginning.

---AREA No. 20.


I. Extent of ~l'lt<'duled area 2. Extent of additional art>a 3. Total ~xtt>nt of Area Xo. 20

91,333 morgen 383 Rq. rds. 91,333 :ll!:l

Dn~ri pi ion.

From thP north-western beacon of th~ (nrm Highlands No. 8i, District Piet Uetit>f, generally eastwards and southw·nrds nloo,:r the TransvMI Provinical boun­dar~·. lo the qouthrrn hrncon of the fann Lebombospoort :i'i o. 170, thence up the middle of the Pongoln RiYt>l' to the s<>uth-weAtern beacon of the form Kortnek ~o. 32, thence geMrnlly northwa1·d~ along the boundaries of and including the following farms: 1\ol'lnek Xo. !32, Mognon No. 27 and Highlands Xo. 87 to th~

plare of beginning.

Rt:t'ORl .



AREA No. 1.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. I ..

Dr11rri ptio11.

50,000 morgen. 500



Thl' area comprising the \Vitzie11hock Re,crve and the farm F.el"!<tczcnding Xo. 776.

AnEA No. 2.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional arl'n. 3. Total extent of Area No. :!

5,431 morgen 273 sq. rdR. 5,431 273

Dt8cripl ion. The farm Blesbokfontcin No. 82.

Ant:.\ No. :1.


1. Extent of scheduled arNt 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. :1

873 morgen 436 sq. rds. 873 436

Dc6criplioll. The farm Corneliasdal No. 80.

AREA No. t.


I. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No.

39,101 morgen 329 sq. rd~. 39,101 329


The area compnsmg the farm~ J>oortjesdam No. 125, JakaiRput No. 229, Vogelstruiskooi No. 279, Doornhoek No. 128, Droogleegte No. 121, and Winkelhaak No. 120.

AREA No. 5.


1. Extent of scheduled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 5

Ducriptio11. The farm Friesgewaagd No. 67. [U.G. 19- '16.]

409 morgen 430 sq. rds. 409 430




AREA Xo. 6.

DisTnicr oF EnE"BrRc:.

I. }o}<tt•nt of scheduled area :!. Ext<>nt of additional ar<>a :1. Tot11l extent of .-\n.'a Xo. 6

De-scription. The farm B<>tlumy So. 16.

ARE.\ Xo. 7.

:!l,:;:l!l nwrJ.(en :! 12 sq. nlq. :!1,;):}9 :!1:!

DISTRJ('T OF 'l'l!.\8.\ • s C'IH .

I. l~xtt'nt of Kcheduled nrea :!. l~xtt'nt of additional area :1. Totnl extent of Area No. 7


l i ,660 lllCll'l.(l'll 50:! Rq. rd~.

17,660 :;n:!

'l'hr Srlilnt Hes()l'vc comprising tho farm~ Hoockhull Nn. :1:1, Kgamo No. :11. Bofulo No. :n, ' l'al!t No. 36, Seliha ~o. 35, Kgalala No. 41, ancl .\lorogo No. •JO.

AREA No. s. l>I~'J'Rlt'T OF 'l'II.\BA ':\em .

I. Extc•nt of sc·heduled ar('a :!. Ext('nl of additional area :1. Total <'Xlt'nt of Area Xo. 8


:!,Sl!lmorgc•n :!li:; ''I· rd~. :!,1!49 :!li5

Tht' art'a compriKing the farm~ .\[ogokarc )\o. ~!U, l.Rthokn :No. J!l:l, L<>t"<'I.(O )\n. 49:! . .\la•imo :No. 490, .\Iafekeng :No. 314, Buitc•mc>lo Xu. Hl5, ZAniplaat' "A" Xu. 1111, Zaaiplants Xo. !3S, Koomlandc Xo. :!s:!, T>riftpiMI Xo :!II, :\l~heunyanc Xu !ill, Ylakplnnh Xo. -1~'11 nnd Bultplaats Xo. 159 •

• \RE.\ Xo. 9.

f>I,.,TRICT OF TH.\B.\ 'XCHl".

I. Extent of scheduled area :!. Extent of additional area :1. Total extent of Area Xo. 9


Tho farm \\'ilgeboomspruit No. 121.

Ant<lA No. tO.

9~7 morgen 111:1 ~'I· rd~. 917 193

D t.STRLC'l' o•· ' I'IIAOA 'Nc•nu.

I. Extent of scheduled ar!'a 2. Ext('nt of additional area :1. Total extent of Area No. 10

De<~cri pi ion.

6,1i:l l mm·gcn 2:l,95N 30,5!l0

fill Mq. fOK.

:110 :1!):;

The area. compnsmg the farms :llotsoakanc Xo. 4~9. Hlocm•p•·uit No. 72, Potsnne No. 75, Liboda. No. 59, .\Iakot<~ No. 136, Thaha 'N<'hu No. 404, Erf No. 222, Erf No. 223, Erf No. 224, Victoria No. 127, .\Iiddcl Erf No. 114, Bitervley No. 11(1, Walhoek No. 116, Boikhuco Xo. 50i, ){eloendrift Xo. 1:.!8, :\latlapaneng No. 4155, Somel'liet No. 55, )loroto Xo. 68, Segopocho No. 508, l.RClmfontein No. 1:!9, Paradys No. 358, Groenheuvel No. 69, Tafelkop Xo. 141, Erf Gaelamc No. :!15, Tuinbult No. 403, Rooifontein No. 60 and Fonteinboek :No. M.




I. Extent of 'cheduled area ::!. Extent of additional area :1. Total extent of Area No. 11

Descri plion. The farm Hr!'reton N"o. 180.

AREA N"o. 12,

299 morgen 366 Rq. rds. 299 366


l. Extent of Kdl(~duled area 2. Extent of additional area 3. Totnl cxt!'nt of Area No. 12

6,931 morgen 453 Rq. rds. 6,931 45:1



The are~~ <'OillJH'iRing tho fa1·ms l\looipan No. :124, Diphereng No. 62, Ma11eru No. 61 and Go~chcn No. 101.

ARt:A No. 13.

DisTRICT o•· Tn.IBA 'Ncuu.

I. l~xt<•nt of s<'ll<'duled area :!. ~;xt!'nt of additional ar<'a :1. Total ext<'nt of Area No. l:l

DMcription. The farm Ramahut~hc No. li.

Aat:.l No. 14.

2,117 morgen 210 sq. rdR. 2,ll7 210

DJsTRWr OF TH.IB.I 'Xcut·.

I. Extent of ~<'heduled area :!. Ext!'nt of additional area 3. Total extent of Area No. 14

Description. The farm J>almietfontcin No. 67.

AREA No. 15.

3,033 morgen. 3,033

DISTRIC'I' OF 'l'liABA 'Ncnu.

I. l~x tt•nt of ~ehcduled a rca 2. Jhtcnt of ndditional nren 3. Total oxtont of Area No. 11i

299 morgen 366 sq. rda. 299 366

'l'he faru1 LcHaka No. 207.

AREA No. 16.


1. Extent of scheduled area. 2. Extent of additional area. 1,365 morgen 150 sq. rds. 3. Total extent of Area. No. 16 1,365 150

De&cription. The farm )looiplaatt~ No. llS.

[t·.u. w ·w.]

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