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I see my reflection in the mirror. Without eyelids, but big and clear eyes. The pupils are pretty dark, the rest is white so.. they seem like cat eyes. The cheeks are a pink shade because it seems like I'm always blushing.Taking care of myself.. I never really did but I want to try it sometime....Long hair with a soft feeling, down to the waist, can also be seen. But all these are hidden.A pair of black glasses with ridiculously thick rims cover my cat eyes,The pink shaded cheeks which stand out even more with white skin..are covered by fake freckles drawn with brown pencil-eyeliner.Flowing black hair which any guy falls foris always tied so it is impossible to tell if the hair is pretty or not.This hiding and covering business started since 7 years ago. I had a sister who was 1 year older, but she died of a car accident 8 years ago because of me.The thought I don't want to remember comes up in my head again.Her last, warm look...My parents' tears, who expected more out of my sister than me.I was a small 10-year-old who felt only mad than sad that my sister wouldn't play with me anymore.Now that my sister has died.. Until now I've come to live as a replacement of my sister to my parents.For almost 7 years I've hidden my true self, pretending to be my sister.My current fake look which is impersonating my sister.....Good at studying, likes studying, quiet, kind but ugly.But my real self which I am hiding...Don't prefer studying, light-headed, violent girl, and a pretty face but dirty personality.I'm always tired of these two looks.I try to live in my sister's look with my parents or at school..I desperately try to hide or cover my look when it is about to show..The people aroud me know only my fake existence.These days, there are many times when I even forget how I really am.I might even have to forget my real look, permanently.I can't breathe.I want to run away.This reality is so suffocating I think I might go insane. I just hope.If someone will find my real self...But.. does that person even exist?If the person does exist, when will he come to me?When I am in a different look, how will he find me?

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Hwang Sung HyeGender:FemaleAge:18Height:168cm Education:Mugeum High Personality:Split(Sometimes quiet,other times aggressive) Hobbies:Studying and getting guys at nightclubsHabits:Studying, reading fanfictions

Specialty:Gets rid of stress by going to nightclubs every month

Walking home from work..

As usual, rather than the big road, I headed for the narrow alley where nobody really went.Because of how I am ugly, and how I look like a nerd, nobody would touch me but....

Because I am good at fighting, there was nothing to be afraid of.ㅡ,.ㅡ"We oppas are saying we'll play with you... but why are you resisti∼∼" "Who says I want to play? Let go of me!!! You pig!!!" There are voices that can be heard from anywhere; a disgusting voice, as gross as swallowing three spoons of oil, and a desperate voice of a woman.

Rather than being scared, I.....

I was going to ignore what was happening and pass, since anyone seeing my appearance would be disgusted, but... the desperate voice which seems to be asking for help is grabbing onto my ankle and isn't letting go. 'Ah! Whatever!! I'll help, just this one time!!'I spit once and went the opposite direction.... went....


.....and just stared...ㅡ,.ㅡ

Not that I'm scared, but I should first observe the situation.Just as I had thought: 3 people who look like pigs, being like gangsters.. All wearing leather pants and nonmatching gold rings, gold bracelets.... Their looks were burdensome to look at.

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And the girl surrounded by the 3 pig brothers.was pretty.. Although she was small and looked weak, the gleam in her eyes was similar to a lioness'.

(Starting now, I'll call the 3 pig brothers in order from the fattest: 1,2,3)

Pig 3:Your age? 15? 16? Lioness:You fatass!!!! Take your hand off my shoulder!!!You pigs! When my brother comes, it means death. Just now I sent a text message. I bet he'll come soon.Scary, isn't it? So hurry up and run away~~ Heh~ Pig 2:And just when did you text him?Pig 3:Oh~Baby~ Lying isn't good∼∼ If you lie! You'll receive a punishment from your oppas!Lioness:I noticed you following me after you finished flirting with the b!tch from before.Did you honestly think it is the first time this has happened?She's not a normal kid.=_= Any normal person's reaction in this situation would be... EEK!!!! Help me!! I'll give you everything I own!!!!or something like that.Pig 3:What!! B!tch?I was going to soften up for you... but now I don't feel like it!!Right when Pig3 is about to slap lioness' cheek, I call them.

"Hey∼ Pig brothers!" "What!?""Pig?" "Who are you calling a pig!!" The pig brothers reply together like Dumb and Dumber.I lean even further on the streetlight....and coolly lift my head to see the 3 pig brothers... I sleek my hair back..(although there isn't much hair to sleek with my hair tied and pinned upㅡ,.ㅡ)I posed as if I was in a movie.Their eyes were all focused to where I was standing...As I scan the 3 pig brothers with a hand in my skirt pocket.... Pig 2:Is this your oppa? The 3 pig brothers' attitudes change after seeing my nerd-like look."I'm not her oppa, just a hunter who catches pigs." The pigs laugh as I finish speaking. Heh,laughing at me? I start to fight. First I thought I should get rid of the stupidest pig, so my fist flies towards his stomach...

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The attack was stronger than it seemed, which resulted in sniffling and panting..Weird noises are made by Pig1.""W-w... AACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Th,that ugly..!!!"I flash a grin to his messed up face...While Pigs 2,3 go up to Pig 1, I let the Lioness go behind meand I regain my fighting pose.Pig 2:Hyung! Are you hurt???Pig 3:Even if it hurts... fix your expression!! Hyung..!!Pig 2:You got hit by a girl..even making embarassing noises.Pig 1:Are you guys ignoring me right now? The 3 pig brothers seem to be fuming....Not leaving them to relax.....Twisting Pig 2's arm, I headbutt, aiming for his back.Seeing this, Pig 3 runs towards me with a slightly scared look in his eyes.Seeing him lift his fist, I think he's going to hit meHolding Pig 2's arm, with my long I kick away Pig 3's fist....Pig 3 glares at me while blowing at his swollen fist.Lastly, I kick Pig 2 where it hurts most with my knee, andwhen I'm about to step on him while he's on the floor... "Hey∼Behind you! Behind!" Right when I turn around, I feel someone's fist landing on my cheek.It hurts............

Although I've stopped...I could't show a weak face.


there was even a small chance...

otherwise, Lioness and me would be their toys..

The pig brothers, while showing pain, stare at me with expressions of wanting to kill.....

All of a sudden they run towards me..

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While feeling my numb cheeks, I blocked the pig brothers' attacks.

My skills own....muahaha~

"Ahhhh∼∼Who are you!!"

While I let my guard down, Pig 2 grabs my hair..

I threw punches and kicks to my back, but because my hair was being pulled....

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I screamed and began to lose my balance..

Pigs 1,3 realize this is the perfect time and I eventually faint after being hit by punches and kicks.

Was I this weak......

"Ignorant b@stards."

Although there isn't a lot of swearing, a scary voice can be heard.


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What I can see with my faint if protecting me, Lioness and 3 guys beside her.

After, I am lost in the darkness...... -----------2------------

Kang San Ha




Education:Mugeum High

Personality:Like fire, stubborn


Habits:Taking revenge,being scary

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Specialty:Fights well, but others cannot tell as it doesn't match his appearance


It's loud.

Who's next to me?

"Why did you come so late!!!! Look at what happened to this unni and me because of you!"

"And who told you to go to dangerous places?"

"Are you going to talk to your one and only sister like that?"

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"What! Like that? Do you think you can get whatever you want...."

"Eh? Unni woke up."

Seen through my eyes are Lioness' blinking eyes and a guy showing no emotion..

In a new environment, I quickly opened my eyes and got up.

"Wh...Where are we?


"I see you've woken up..^ ^

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This is our house and..before you fainted so..we brought you to our house.

My name is Kang Shin Hee and..thank you for before, unni.

If it wasn't for you, I would have been in big trouble..^-^"

I replied, laughing and....

as I turn my attention to the guy who was looking at me since before...

I get the feeling that I've seen him before.

Who....who is he......

Noticing my curiosity,, Shin Hee, introduces the guy.

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"He's my brother, Kang San Ha.

Seeing your uniform....aren't you from Mugeum High?

My brother goes to Mugeum High..! Do you know him by any chance? My brother's quite well-known...."

He's well-known??


That's right.

Now I remember...

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Kang San Ha.

A boy from our class...

One of our Mugeum High's MP3∼Kang San Ha..

The MP3 I'm talking about..

isn't the one you use to listen to music.

Milk Power 3.

To say it as simple as possible,

it stands for 3 people with milk-like, soft looks and power..

which means they are Mugeum High's best-looking and strongest.

Although I'm in the same class as Kang San Ha, his face is difficult to see since he doesn't usually come to class.

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Right now, of the well-known MP3

I am looking at the one who is the strongest,and best-looking, Kang San Ha.

"Unni, you really don't know our oppa? I guess not, seeing as you're not talking at all.."


of course it's the age to study hard in school, but....

how can I not know him?-0-

"Oppa, you don't know her? She looks so pretty and cute...

you've never seen her once?"

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Hey, Shin Hee......

Your brother who doesn't show any interest towards girls definitely wouldn't know me....=_=



Just now, Shin Hee, looking at me..

Pretty what I think she said...........

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Was she talking about me?


Right now..I'm......!!

As I feel my I feel my hair....

My glasses have been taken off.....

the drawn-on freckles have probably been erased while I was fighting before.....

my hair has even been undone since it's been pulled on.

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Right away, I look for the glasses to cover my face, but.

Unni..what are you looking for? Are you looking for this?

It looked uncomfortable while you were sleeping, so I took them off."

Shin Hee points next to the bed, where my glasses are.

"Unni. Don't wear your glasses.

Your vision doesn't seem to be bad...

if you wear your glasses, nobody can see your pretty face.

At first, seeing you with your glasses on, I thought you were really ugly.

But seeing you now, you look so∼o pretty..^ㅡ^"

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Then... he just saw me with and without my glasses?

Hwang Sung Hye..

Let's stay calm. Stay calm...

it's not possible for him to recognize me...

And right away, I felt regret..

It was a miscalculation, thinking it wasn't possible for him to know someone like me.

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"You don't know me?"

His first words to me.

First, let's just say I don't know, and leave this place.

"Eh? Yeah..I don't know you....."

"I know you, but you really don't know me?"

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Kang San Ha knows me~~~!!

"Oppa, you know this unni? How do you know her?"

"You're our class nerd, you have tons of freckles, and huge glasses."

A bit harsh.-_-

Even if I do look like that....

you speak the truth without hesistation.

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"But right now you don't have freckles, or glasses.

you're really good at fighting.."


I don't know how I'm supposed to respond.

"What are you? What is your identity?"

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Shin Hee looks at me with curious eyes, and with no expression is the accusing Kang San Ha.

Picking up my glasses and bag...

I pass the two and run for it.


my school-life which I attempted to spend quietly eventually...becomes like this..

That guy's definitely going to question me at school?

Then my classmates would look at me...

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my identity will be revealed.



Hwang Sung Hye......

you pledged to live your life as your sister.

If my true-self is known at school....

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This is something that can't happen.

Although I thought and wondered while sleeping...

that kind of answer never came,

and in the morning, without any problems, I went to school. --------------3----------------

Na Han Uhl



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Education:Mugeum High

Personalities:Even when annoyed or angry..he forgives and forgets quickly.

Hobbies:Assembling lego, playing with soap bubbles.

Habits:Alluring girls with a childish smile.

Specialty:Acts cute, even though he is a boy. Seeing him like that, he seems like a kid.

Han Yoo Seung




Education:Mugeum High

Personality:Fits in easily, rational in any situation

Hobbies:Studying expressions which girls fall for instantly

Habits:Makes any girl fall for him in 5 minutes

Specialty:Thinks he can do anything with a girl in one look.

Yoo Gwang Pal


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Education:Mugeum High

Personality:Unmatching with his looks

Habits:Eating corn chips off fingers

Hobbies:Working out to turn stomach fat to abs

Specialty:Eating is the most important thing in his life

Right when I got into the classroom, after checking that Kang San Ha wasn't here, I sat..

after slamming my head onto the desk, I turned emo.....

Without sound....

After....I catch up on the sleep I lost.=_=

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"San Ha!!San Ha~~!!!!"

To a voice as loud as a dinosaur roaring, my eyes open and...

"Yesterday, you guys fought again??"

Speaking even when out of breath, that fatty. I looked at Yoo Gwang Pal...

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A guy who comes into our class anytime to talk with Kang San Ha, Yoo Gwang Pal.

Although Yoo Gwang Pal goes around with the MP3, he lacks looks and a body, so it's hard to imagine him with them.

It seems he accepts the fact, since he asks his friends to call him CDP, than MP3.-__-

He's a funny fatty..



Right when I secretly laugh while looking down..

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"Hey! Talk quietly..My ear hurts~"

After Yoo Gwang Pal...

What I see is...people surround Kang San Ha: Na Han Uhl and Han Yoo Seung.

Picking at his ears while displaying a hateful expression: Na Han Uhl..

To very white, almost radiant skin.....

Whether he had a perm..or whether his hair is just like that..he has an uneven, awkward hairstyle.

It seems to add to Han Uhl's child-like image.

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Because of his big and bright eyes, his image is very much like a kid.

"Did you hear from Shin Hee?"

With that romantic and soft, cappuccino-reminding voice, asks Han Yoo Seung.

Reflecting off the sunlight..his brown hair seems even lighter and.

each time he blinks, the inner eyelids which show slightly is an art.

And the roughly worn tie..adds to the perfect guy Han Yoo Seung's attractiveness.

With the brains and good looks..although he isn't as smart as me, he's still good at studying...

"The perfect guy with the brains and good looks" can be said about Han Yoo Seung..

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The MP3 has all gathered.

Kang San Ha....Han Yoo Seung....Na Han Uhl..

Are the three boys I saw yesterday the MP3... ?

I try to bring up the memory....but I can't remember..


This isn't the time to think of things like this..

Kang San Ha was here...Kang San Ha....-_+

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Lowering my head to be unseen by Kang San Ha, I turn only my eyes to where the MP3 are standing...

I try to understand the situation.

"What fight? Do you know how easily we beat them?"

Han Uhl, was it so easy after seeing my fainted self?

Then again...My real appearance was pretty attractive. Huhuhu~

"Although we went, the fight was almot over.

Some nerdy-looking girl already half-killed them..

The b@stards couldn't even hit and just slightly....touched us..."

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Then..the three guys I saw yesterday..were..the MP3, indeed..

And... the reason it was so easy.....

not beacuse of my looks....

but because I had already half-killed those 3 pig brothers. Oh myy.....-__+

"I heard there were three of them? And that they were as big as me?

so you're saying one girl had beaten them until they were half-dead?"

A bit...overreacting, aren't you.

How come the fact that I also got hit by them and fainted...

how come only the fact that they were hit is being spread around!!

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Kang San Ha,Han Yoo Seung.

At least you two, hurry!! Please!! Say the truth!!!!!!!-0-

"Yeah. Unlike how she looked...she was really good at fighting, like a gangster."

Even you, who I trusted.......

Han Yoo Seung......

I see that you're more of a b@stard than Na Han Uhl.

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Surprisingly, Kang San Ha....

didn't look at me, or talk about me.

" was a familiar face. Where did I see it.."



Every time our school had an award ceremony for the top 3 students, I would receive an award....

Every time, Han Yoo Seung and I always went up.

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Perhaps he remembers from the award ceremonies, but....

I better be careful from now on.

Little by little, I begin to shake.....

Has there ever been a time like this....

As if I'm in a shock...whether it be my fingers or my toes, everything is shaking.

The thing that makes me shake more and more...a Kang San Ha without a reaction.

Continuously...he shows an unreadable expression.

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Suddenly he stand up and...

To a feeling that he seems to be looking at me......

I tightly close my eyes

will he talk about me....

my mind is thinking of endless posibilities.

His nearing footsteps..

And his voice, which calls me..

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"Hey. You." ----------4-----------

I pretended to sleep.

To seem realistic, Pyoo~ Hoo~~ Poo oo~~ even making sleeping noises...


Someone is poking my back..-_-


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I'm trying to ignore it but.....

Now from Poke. Poke. it's gone to Pak! Pak!

The poking is more violent now...

Quickly standing, Why do you keep poking me!! is what I wanted to say, but..

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to continue the sleeping act.....

I purposely move around~~and rub my eyes, pretending I just woke up.

"Why are you poking me~~?"

"Stop faking.

I saw you awake."

I thought he was playing with his friends...

How did he see me...-_-


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Suddenly, Kang San Ha comes closer to my face.

I can smell his cologne..

I see Kang San Ha's eyes..

without shaking, his eyes look to me.

They seem to know everything, those eyes.

His skin is so clear and white, I want to touch it to see if it really is.

With the back of my hand, I want to feel it.(Am I a pervert? ㅡ,.ㅡ)

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Kang San Ha, he....

for a while now, he's been staring at me.

I turned my head slightly to avoid his eyes, but.....

I can't just look at the classmates' creepy eyes either......=_=

As I look at Kang San Ha again.....


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Kang San Ha's thumb is coming towards my face. .


he's going to poke my eyes....


I'm wearing my glasses right now.



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is he going to take my glasses off to show my real identity!!!!!!!!!!!!

The thought of him taking my glasses off disappears, and....

he's rubbing my cheek with his thumb, Kang San Ha.

The girls' whispering gets louder.

Looking at this situation, insterested, are Han Yoo Seung and Na Han Uhl..

There are kids here but..

why is he embarassing me like this...=,.=

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Is he doing this because he wants to see if my skin is good??..=_= Puaha~

But more than touching, it feels more like rubbing..-_-

"Your freckles are disappearing."

Kang San Ha was erasing my freckles..

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Thank God, my classmates were more interested in the fact that Kang San Ha was touching my face, than seeing my freckles being erased..

Breathing a sigh of relief, I continue to stare at him...

After removing his finger from my face..

he wipes his thumb on my clothes.-__-

Hey, San Ha....

what are you doing? ㅡ_ㅡ

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"What are you doing..? "

"I have to clean it, since I've touched oily skin."


So you're saying I have oily skin?-_-

I barely hold in the exploding personality that's about to show....

Holding it in...

Holding it in....

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In my head I stick on a picture of Kang San Ha, and I shoot at it with an arrow..


To the atmosphere which feels like Kang San Ha's going to ask me the question from yesterday......

I don't know where I got the courage, but..

I quickly take him out to the back of the school building.

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Thinking I should first scare him..

Cornering him....

I quickly undo my hair..

After shaking my smooth hair several times....

I glare at him with deathly eyes.

For some reason, I felt that with the glasses on...

my scary look would be comical, so...

with one hand, I quickly removed the glasses that I've never taken off in school, and...

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In the tense atmosphere, we were both silent.



I guess..

I should talk first..

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"Remember I asked you to back off? Do you really want to know about me that bad?"

"If you do-"

Before Kang San Ha could finish...

I pursed my lips and raised my eyes...

"Don't. try. to get to know me. Just stop.."

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I talked threateningly.


here is Kang San Ha, making fun of me...-_-

"I already know about you."--------5---------

What!!! ㅇ_ㅇ!!!!!


he's been...!!

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ignoring me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he knows me!!!!!!!!!! ㅇ__ㅇ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How does he know me!!!!!!!!

I was carefully hiding in school..

Just in case the freckles would come off, I wouldn't wash my face in the hot summers,

I even went to the washroom and re-applied my freckles, just incase so that they wouldn't come off from the sweat....

To seem like I had fat legs in the winter,

I would wear two pairs of sweatpants.....

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Even when I heard people making fun of me,

I'd hold back my shaking fists....

Even when I could speak well and clearly,

I'd act as if I was shaking, and mumble......

I tried so hard to show my fake self, but.

what does he mean by how he knows me, after seeing only my face without glasses?

If he really does know me...

If I am exposed.....

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What's going to happen to me..?

The effort I've put into hiding, disappearing......

were those efforts pointless.....



"You're Sailor Moon, right?"

.....=_=.... S....Sailor Moon..?

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Kang San Ha.

Is he an idiot...?

In this situation, how come Sailor Moon comes out of his mouth~~

"What I mean is, are you some kind of person

who punishes the bad guys who keep appearing?"

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Heh, unlike how you seem, you've watched lots of cartoons, haven't you.

Especially Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, or Angelic Girl Neti....

the cartoons with girls who punish bad guys.

How should I reply.

This kind of situation....

I failed to visualize this kind of question....

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Let's just lie...

I am a fake, anyway..

But to him, my real self keeps coming out...

Whether it's somebody who has an interest to me, or...

someone who has questions about me...

I hate those kinds of people....

My friends, teachers....

to everyone who knows me, I want them to see my fake self.

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Of course, Kang San Ha is not an exception.

If he was, I'd have to go back to the past.

I should talk coldly.

"I don't know what you saw yesterday, but.

while I was walking...

I heard a girl screaming, so I just went.

And coincidentially, I hit the gangsters in the stomach..

They didn't even faint after getting hit.

And the important part: I. got. hit. too."

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Without showing any expression or speaking, Kang San Ha only...

looks at me.

Without avoiding his eyes, I speak again.

"So don't be mistaken.

If you keep doing this, it's hard for me."

While saying this, I had a bad feeling.

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It's my first time.

this kind of feeling......

this feeling, which feels like my complex thoughts have all been cleaned up.


Although I'm supposed to like this feeling...

Rather, I have a bad feeling.

After, I'm about to go, since I feel this situation has been cleaned

but Kang San Ha grabs onto my arm, tightly. ----------6------------

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Suddenly, my face felt hot...

and my hand that Kang San Ha was holding felt as if the nerves in it froze.

Right away, I return to normal,

turn around as if it nothing happened, and look at him....

then, this interesting guy begins to talk without moving his lips...-__-

"I can't forgive you

What's he talking about?

I can't forgive you....

Who told you to forgive me..ㅡ,ㅡ

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"Your face without glasses..."


Have you fallen in love with my face without glasses? >_<)//

"is like Gwang Pal's."


G....G-Gwang Pal's.....

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His messy hair....

the fact that you can't tell if he has eyelashes or not...

his non-existent eyes....

his nostrils which expand like pigs' nostrils whenever he overreacts...

That idiot....


I look like him.. -_-

I know I haven't heard wrong.....

Hah... I can't believe what I'm hearing.

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Even if I look ugly.

Gwang pal.....

I can't be as ugly as him....

He should go die.

Calming my boiling anger, I go up to him.....

I couldn't possibly hit him....



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I'm stuttering.=_=

"You.. what."

"Don't you think you're being a bit.. harsh?"

"So don't take off your glasses.

Seeing it before..your skin's really bad, so if you're going to cover it

draw more freckles."

Until now...

I've never seen a guy like Kang San Ha.

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Weird guy.

Interesting guy.

He didn't reply or ask about what I said coldly..

Just wear my glasses....

and draw on more freckles...

Is my appearance without glasses really that bad.


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Me wearing glasses with freckles drawnon is..

like a person from the country, out of her mind.

But me without wearing my glasses and without freckles draw on....

is so attractive that I can get normal guys to fall for me in 1 minute.=,.= (1 minute is a bit overreacting, right?)


I think he's a bit harsh, telling me that I look like Gwang Pal.

I felt hurt, and.....

began to develop interest towards Kang San Ha.

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Wouldn't he be even a bit curious, seeing me go around like this....?

Then people like me....

well....he wouldn't be curious, or even care.....


More than this, I should be thinking about what happened before~~!!!

Right when I go into the classroom...

the girls in my class would surround me and talk like this..?

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Why did San Ha touch your face?

What did you talk about with San Ha?

Why did you take San Ha outside?

If I were to act like my usual self...

You're being loud! Don't make me annoyed!

With these two sentences, all this would be solved, but...

right now, this is school, and to the people around me...

I must always show only my fake self.

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I think to my parents, unni...

this will be like asking for forgiveness.

I go into the washroom and draw my freckles again....

and practise responding to the girls.

Why did San Ha touch your face?

My response:My skin is bad, right? I think San Ha was tempted to touch it, since my skin is so different from his skin..

What did you talk about with San Ha?

My response:He told me to wash my face I told him that I'd remember to wash my face more often.

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Why did you take San Ha outside?

My response:Seeing his face, he looked like he was going to I thought I'd hit his back to relieve him....

Ready to respond, I'm about to go into the classroom, but........

these two guys block me from the classroom door..

then they grab onto both of my arms, and drag me away.

What is this!! Who are these two..?

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Looking closely...

I turn my head bothways to find that the two guys are....

none other than Yoo Gwang Pal and Na Han Uhl.----------7----------

Because of Na Han Uhl and Yoo Gwang Pal, I am forced to go back to where I was before...

Seeing the two guys' odd expressions

they seem to know that I was the nerd who fought with the gangsters.

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"Answer truthfully."

To see Yoo Gwang Pal was... too burdensome, so...

looking down at the floor...

I had to summarize what happened yesterday.

Today, I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast..

if I see his face, I don't think I'll have an appetite to eat lunch, either.

I feel like I'm eating grease-covered rice. Barf.=0=

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"I think y-you guys are misunderstanding...."

"Mistunderstanding? Even when we saw with our own eyes, you're calling it misunderstanding??"


"A person like you will need some brute strength.. hahaha"

Brute strength? -_-

Are they saying I'm weak, or something..


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they are.

Do they think I'd just leave them to think that I'm weak!!!!!!!!

Every night, I'll wear a black garbage back over my head, and

I will prowl your house like a death God!!!

Yoo Gwang Pal takes a fistful of hair from my tied hair.

This guy..

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after he pokes around my hair as if to catch lice, he finds something.

What is this guy doing....=_=

"I found it..! The thickest one!!!!"

After Yoo Gwang Pal's happy voice...


follows my weak(?) scream.

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The thick thing this guy had found was....

the thickest strand of hair from my head.

Yoo Gwang Pal. This pig-like bastard...

had harshly pulled out this one strand of hair.ㅠ 0ㅠ



This is already the 3rd one.....

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It hurts... It stings.....

"Does it hurt? It hurts, right? So tell us, already.

What subject is it?"

What subject is what.....

what are you talking about....? -0-

Na Han Uhl, who had looked at me with a pained look in his eyes, stops Yoo Gwang Pal.

"No matter how ugly she is, she's a can't be insensitive like that, forcing her to tell you by pulling her hair out.. Stop it..

I can almost feel her pain..ㅜ_ㅜ "

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I'm thankful to him for stopping Gwang Pal, but..

how come...I'm still feeling pissed off...-_-

No matter how ugly she is....Now matter how ugly she is...

This fragment of a sentence circles my head.

If you guys were to see my real self...

I bet you guys would fall for me in 10 minutes..

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"^ㅇ^ Tell me truthfully~ Is it english? Or math?"

What is he saying....

this is exactly what Gwang Pal had asked before, and.. he's not asking me to reveal my identity..

English..? Math?

I really have no idea what they're talking about.*_*

"Then, is it literature?"


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"Just as I thought. It was literature.

I thought he said he wouldn't go crazy over stupid things like his marks...

he was trying to attack his weakest subject, literature.."

"What are you saying?

Literature, attacking..?

I really don't get it.ㅇ_ㅇ"

Yoo Gwang Pal yells at me, as if he can't stand it anymore.

"Are you going to keep acting as if you don't know what's going on?

San Ha asked you to teach him a subject, didn't he..!

Did he really ask you to teach him literature?"

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If I knew what you were talking about.. then I'd be able to answer whether it was literature or english, wouldn't I.


Gwang Pal! Let's learn from her too..!"

"Should we??

It would be best to learn from the smartest person in school..!"

Appearing out of nowhere...

Yoo Gwang Pal continues to shove his double-chin infront of my face..

"O smart one~~~ tech us....

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For the exam coming up, we have to get a score over 50 points~~"

Yoo Gwang Pal, that b@stard....

your attitude has changed.-__-

"About before.. I'm really, really sorry about pulling out your hair~ Hehehe~

I'm apologizing like this, so..please help..

If we don't get over 50 points...we have to attend summer school during the break..Wahh.."

Grabbing onto my arms, and shaking them are: Gwang Pal and Han Uhl..

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I like han Uhl grabbing onto one arm, but...

I want Gwang Pal to let go of my other arm.

Gwang Pal, weighing an amazing amount, continues to shake my arm.....

I don't like this..I really don't like this...-_=

"You don't want to? don't like teaching us..?"

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Na Han Uhl's sad voice...

the ends of Han Uhl's eyes have gone down, and they seem to be puppy-eyes

"'s not that I don't want to....

But....but.... "

"I'm glad that you want to teach us~~!

Thanks.. O smart one.^ㅇ^"

"Me too, I'm very~ very~ thankful~ Muheehee~"

After throwing those words at me, Na Han Uhl and Yoo Gwang Pal quickly disappeared.

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"Okay~~ I'll spare 30 minutes of my time.."


I think those two have misunderstood.

Kang San Ha never asked me to teach him..

I think I should relieve them of their misunderstanding....

It's not like something bad would happen if I told them.......? -------------8--------------

Oh Ha Ra

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Education:Mugeum High

Personality:Things are always hated, or liked. If something has been started, it must be finished.

Hobbies:Writing down allowance needing to be owed, cleaning up books

Habits:Gold,jewels,brands,etc.. must be real, fakes are discriminated

Specialty:Exists to Mugeum High students as a viscious money lender.

Finally, I went into the classroom, and

as if they had been waiting for me to come, the kids run to me.

Of the kids, the Gossip Three and Oh Ha Ra with a bitter expression are most noticeable..

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How do I describe how the Gossip Three and Oh Ha Ra look right now, running towards me....?

They're just like my mom, running whenever she hears that there are huge and limited sales at the clearance stores.=_=

As I expected, the kids surrounded me, and....

through me questions that I had been expecting.....

because I had already thought up of responses to those questions.. I could've responded easilly, but.....

there was one question that I never thought I would hear, from Oh Ha Ra, that made me panic.

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"How did it feel when San Ha touched your face? Was it rough? Was it soft?"


"Why can't you answer?"

As if understanding why I couldn't respond, the Gossip Three gossip amongst each other.

Gossiper1: Hey, how do you think you can put that feeling into words?

Gossiper2: If it were me, I would be so~ ecstatic in that situation, that

I wouldn't be able to put it into words either..

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I can put it into words...-_-

It was like....a towel rubbing on my skin.

But if I say this, it wouldn't be like the normal me.

"R...right. The feeling..can't be described into words..."

The normal me...

stutters like this...and I act like I'm a quiet kid..

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Gossiper1: I feel so uncomfortable talking with Sung Hye.

I don't like the whole fact that I'm speaking with you guys.!

so why don't you just get out of my sight...?

Gossiper3: Anyways, Sung Hye must be happy...

I wonder when I'll get to be close to San Ha?

Gossiper1: Be close to??

Hey. Aren't you letting your imagination go a bit wild?

I'd be happy to even talk with San Ha..

Gossiper2: But.....San Ha looks at girls like they're like dirt...

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How... did he talk to and be near Sung Hye??

They gossip and whisper.

I heard absolutely~~everything..-_-

Gossiper1: Do you think he sees Sung Hye as a girl? She's such a nerd..and that face that can't be described in words...

Gossiper3: Then...Sung Hye's worst than dirt!?

Thos gossiping b!tches.

I want to bury you guys in the dirt...-_+

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Today was a faculty meeting, so..

all the students were to study until lunchtime.

I wonder how long I have to receive the Gossip Three and Oh Ha Ra's bitter eyes...


I'm annoyed.

I want to be alone..

Has Oh Ha Ra noticed how I feel right now?

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Oh Ha Ra gets rid of the Gossip Three and other kids as if cleaning up garbage.

"Do you also think that you're worst than dirt??" this.....-_-

For getting rid of the Gossip Three

although it was only for a short moment, I felt thankful, but......

hearing Oh Ha Ra's words, I couldn't hold in my dirty temper.


The reason why I didn't do anything about it before!! is because I was feeling lazy.

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Do I have to respond to and get mad at their stupid comments?"


All the kids.....

turned to us, because of Oh Ha Ra's maniacal laughter.

At this time, Kang San Ha came in...made a heated expression to Oh Ha Ra's laughing, and..

as usual, fell asleep at his spot.=_=

"As usual, my eyes are sharp..

let's be friends..!"

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I don't understand.

All of a sudden, from dirt to friend...ㅇ_ㅇ....

I can't believe she thought the way I was being was funny...

Oh Ha Ra goes up to Kang San Ha, who is sleeping bent on his desk.

I don't know what he heard from Oh Ha Ra while he was sleeping, but

Kang San Ha suddenly stood up.... with a surprised face, and yelled at Oh Ha Ra.

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"Hey!!!!! Oh, Oh Ro Ra!!!!!!"

I heard that once he fell asleep, even a teacher couldn't wake him.....

it's my first time seeing Kang San Ha like this..

It seems even the kids in this class are quite surprised....


Oh Ha Ra seems to be calm, as if she had imagined Kang San Ha's reaction to be this way.

"I'm not Oh Ro Ra, I'm Oh Ha Ra.

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Don't you even know your own classmate's name?"

I wonder what Oh Ha Ra had said to Kang San Ha...?

What was it she said, that made....

the Kang San Ha, who's always emotionless and doesn't talk, panic like that? -----------9----------

As soon as the school bell rings and the core teacher comes in.....

the kids in the class obviously sit....

even Kang San Ha, with a mad and angry face, sits down.

"Now, everyone be quiet.."

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Our core teacher is.....quite good-looking.

He likes taking steam baths so much that he recommended it even to us...

Even though it's summer, wearing 2 pairs of socks....

Mr. Yoo Gong Goo, our teacher∼∼whose name is even cool.

Although he's in his 40's...

With a sharp Adam's Apple....

Wrinkles...or aging can't be seen on his skin.

Especially Caw~ Caw~

knowing when to making seagull noises....he has an amazing sense of humour.

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Although he reminds me of someone, I'm not sure who it is...

"The mock exam report cards have come out..

come in order, by your numbers"


After hearing that the mock exam report cards had come out, the atmosphere became quiet and creepy..

Normal, plain classes would be like...

Whew~ sighing in relief or Aww~ showing dislike, but.....

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Out class is a bit different..

Up until now, let it be the mock exam,environmental exam,anything.. our class would always have the lowest score..

Whenever we received report cards for our mock exams like this, we would be silent.

"Again...our class is last."

Our core teacher's philosophical voice.

He seems disapopinted...


once again, the person with the highest grade in our school is in our class. Hwang Sung Hye.."

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To my core teacher's praise

I wasn't happy or surprised..

Rather...I knew I would have the highest grade in our school, so I was still.(Am I being conceited?)

The kids in my class....

would be looking at me with expressions saying Again? This is getting tiring.

The Gossip Three are talking away again..

In loud whispers that I can hear.....-_-

Gossiper1: How is she always first?

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Gossiper2: My thoughts exactly...I don't think Hwang Sung Hye's human...

Gossiper3: If she isn't a human?

Gossiper2: She'd be a bug, or a machine.

A studybug..a machine that only studies...

Those three morons...always insulting me in loud voices...

"Hwang Sung Hye..

stand up and talk about your experiences.."

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As usual, Mr. Im tells me to say a short speech..

Every time...I wouldn't say anything, I would mumbe...

but this time, I want to act out a kind and polite me..

"To these unexpected results....I'm very surprised and happy.

Being the person with the highest grades in school...

my core teacher, who is always dragging and pushing me to the right way of education, and...

the 2nd grade, 4th class classmates; I think these are my strengths.

I want to say thank you to all of you.."

My core teacher....

as if he was impressed, he bit his bottom lip and bowed his head..and kept clapping for me...

Surprised by my polite classmates can't speak, and just stare at my face.

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Hu hu hu...

This feeling...isn't so bad...

"Now you guys can't dwell upon your mock exam grades, but instead...

cling onto..your mid-terms, which are in less than 3 weeks."


exams that are first taken in the 2nd grade...

In this exam..I will show my firm and stiffened location.

Nobody will pass, look over my spot: first in the class,first in the school.

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"Especially to those people, whose 1st grade averages didn't exceed 50 points...

if your score in this test doesn't exceed 50 points, then..

during summer will take supplementary classes, also known as summer school..

so.. try even harder...!"

Summer school.....

it's jut as Yoo Gwang Pal and Na Han Uhl had said....

Of the MP3 members...

except for Han Yoo Seung, including CDP member: Yoo Gwang Pal, they all receive low marks...

So whether it's breaktime,or freetime, as promised I was going to teach Na Han Uhl and Yoo Gwang Pal, but...

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Na Han Uhl and Yoo Gwang Pal's shadows don't even go into our classroom.-_-

Were they kidding around....?

Lunchtime passed....

Dinnertime passed...

Yoo Gwang Pal and Na Han Uhl never came to our classroom...

Until the night-time studies began.. I was daydreaming.

I was always like this, but... I'd have to say today, I was really out of it......

Even when I was trying hard to study, I couldn't concentrate....and I would pointlessly blame it on my complicated mind.......

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Maybe it's because I went through too many things today?

Kang San Ha realizing my real self....

having to teach Na Han Uhl and Yoo Gwang Pal....

Oh Ha Ra asking me to be her friend.....

It was too different from the usual quiet and plain day.

Always nervous...panicking a lot...

it was that kind of

"Ding Dong~Ding Dong~"

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The bell rang, meaning my favourite night-time studies had begun....

However today may have been...

because I had to study, I sat down in my spot....and poured out my concentration on textbooks...

I was going to finish studying what I didn't get to study today in night-time studies, but...

Today's night-time studies....

became quite......something∼∼something I would never forget. ---------10-------------

"Puha puhaha puhahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Puhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!"

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In the quiet night-time studies...

Oh Ha Ra's weird laughter was disturbing the classroom.

Although I want to tell her to be quiet...

thinking about my position in the class....

I decided not to.=_=

I can hear it coming closer...

Now it's coming from next to me.

"Puhahahaha!!!! Hey, Sung Hye!!! Wasn't it funny before?

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He said Oh Ro Ra!!! Oh Ro Ra..!!! Puhahahaha"

I think your laughing is funnier...-__-

Oh...Ro Ra?

I remember......what happened before.....

I want to ask Oh Ha Ra..

What did you say to Kang San Ha before?....


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I'm not that close to Oh Ha Ra...

If I talk to her first, I thought she might come to the wrong conclusion, so I decided not to..

"Aren't you curious? What I said to Kang San Ha..."


"Sorry,'s a secret.

If I tell you already, it's boring..."

Then why did you start talking about it...? -_-

"I'll introduce myself formally.

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I'm Oh Ha Ra..

As you probably know..I'm an existence that must exist to the kids in our school.."


Lending money...Very..very needed existence..

You'll need me too....

Of course, I need you too...

Well...not saying that I'm asking to be friends because I need you...

I like you.

Although our outer appearances seem different, if we go around together, I bet we'll fit well."

Even if I want to make a friend....

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I want to make a nerdy friend who matches with my fake self.....

"So we're friends from now on..^-^"

"I don't have anyone close to me.."

"Who said I wanted you to make me close to you? I'm just saying let's be friends...

If you don't want to, then I'll just be friends with you, then..

You don't be friends with me.."

Do you think that's possible, Ha Ra?

"Bang..!!! Tak!!!!!!!!"

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Since night-time studies had begun before...some people had been outside...the MP3 and CDP come in.

As expected, Kang San Ha comes in first..

As expected, as soon as he sits down, he falls asleep.-__-

Even when he's sleeping, he's handsome..ㅡ,.ㅡ

With broad shoulders,

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a small face....

even his dark, black hair matches with his black eyes...

Beacause of his slightly raised eyebrows

Kang San Ha's image seems even colder.

In the past, I wouldn't care about this...and I would just pass Kang San Ha, but..

Now, his existence, the way he talks, makes my eyes and ears focus on him.

Why am I like this?

That's right...

because he's the only one who knows about me.....

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This is only because I'm worried that he might reveal my true identity.

There is no other reason...


"Oh my!! So cute!!! Is he really a boy??"

Suddenly, Oh Ha Ra fusses....

Just who is she calling cute...

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Is it Han Uhl..?

"Look at the guy who's eating! I want to bite him~~"

The guy who's eating...?

Na Han Uhl only has his arms crossed...


Is it Han Yoo Seung?

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Hm....Han Yoo Seung only has his hand in his pocket...

Is it.......Is it........

Yoo...Gwang Pal......?

There's Yoo Gwang Pal, eating corn chips off five of his fingers.-_-

Oh my.....

I didn't know Oh Ha Ra's standards were this low...

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Because Oh Ha Ra is the prettiest in our class...

I thought she would have very high standards....

I'm disappointed...

Pu, her taste is quite unique.

At the moment that I'm making fun of Oh Ha Ra....

Na Han Uhl and Yoo Gwang Pal walk to me...

"Smart one..! Let's go!!!"


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"What are you doing...? Did you forget about how you said you'd teach us?"

I......don't remember saying I'd teach during night-time studies..-_-

"The way you're forgetful fits the way you look..."

Hey, Gwang Pal...

at least I'm better than you, who does't fit the way you look by eating corn chips off your fingers.


it isn't the time to be thinking about things like this right now...

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"I never said I'd teach during night-time stud...."

Before I could even finish speaking...

Na Han Uhl and Yoo Gwang Pal are dragging me away.

Right when Gwang Pal and Han Uhl are dragging me out of the classroom.

"Where are you going"-----------11-----------------

I don't know when Kang San Ha saw us while sleeping, but he speaks to us.

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"Where are you going"

Yoo Gwang Pal and Na Han Uhl pause, while holding onto my hands.

"Just like you, we're going to secretly study and do well on the exam~~! Why?"

To the tense atmosphere...

the kids in the class only look.

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"Hah, like me...?

Did you even see me study?"

"Without telling were learning Literature from First Place....!!!"

I want to say that it's wrong, but......

for some reason, I feel that I shouldn't get involved in this.

I'm going to just stay still and if they ask, tell the two that they were misunderstanding that time.

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"First place_? Are you talking about the girl who you're holding onto right now?"


"If it isn't necessary, why don't you let go of the nerd's hand_?"

That's right...

just let go now. It hurts...

But Kang San Ha.

Why are you saying something like this?

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"It's dirty."

Hearing Kang San Ha calling me dirty

as if my hands are really dirty, the b@stards Gwang Pal and Han Uhl let go right away. (Suddenly changed to b@stards)

Kang San Ha, are you really wanting to be my rival. -__-


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my fists are mourning!

Calm down....

Calm down......!

Let's just swear in my head, and hit that b@stard in my dreams!!!!!

"Did you see me studying with her?"


"Then what?"

"You and first place....were going somehere, just the two of you......

So...I just......"

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Gwang Pal's weak reply...

Han Uhl and Gwang Pal have a quiet conversation, while looking at me.

Seeing their gestures saying what Kang San Ha is saying is right...

The stiffness from before disappears...

poor Han Uhl, who's now like a puppy that's stopped wagging its tail...

poor Gwang Pal, who I don't feel as sorry for.

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"Can you guys call yourselves my friends?'

"What's going on!"

The core teacher unexpectedly appears.


Including the kids in other classes: Kang San Ha, Oh Ha Ra, Hwang Sung Hye, the remaining three follow me..."

Even Oh Ha Ra.......?

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I feel bad for her too.

For just standing, she's getting in trouble with us.

Who told you to stay standing.

But Ha Ra's expression isn't one about to be punished

but instead, she's smiling, as if she's going on vacation.


Toxic fool.-_-

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Anyway...finding an excuse will be hard..

For the first time, I realized how difficult it is to live quietly.


"Explain to me why you guys were standing and chatting during night-time studies, Hwang Sung Hye."

How come he's asking me to explain

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Right when I'm about to barely open my mouth to explain..

Oh Ha Ra speaks to the core teacher, with a fixed smile.

"That is...

You're misunderstanding the situation."



Of all the kids here, except for Han Yoo Seung and Hwang Sung Hye..

they all~ had an average lower than 50 points in 1st grade..."

"Now that I see...I think what you're saying is true."

"So Sung Hye and Yoo Seung were going to be teachers and mak study groups, but....

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we were having troubles, that's all..."

Ohhhh my...

Look at that facial expression not changing, even when lying.

You're scary..Oh Ha Ra..-_-

"Trouble? What trouble..?"

"Well...finding the right place and time to do it, that's all.."

"Then I'll decide it for you..

The times are Saturday,Sunday after eating lunch, the place is our classroom."

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"No way!!"

"I don't like this"

"How can you just.!!"

"Don't like it? Do you want to go to summer school that bad??"

At the same time, Han Uhl and Gwang Pal respond...


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"If your averages are over 50 points...

After finishing exams, I'll..

let all of you miss night-time classes for one week..

But if your mid-terms don't exceed 50 points...

or you ignore your study groups...

there will be consultation with me, alone, for one week...."

I haven't done anything wrong... wah...ㅠ 0ㅠ

But taking a whole week off night-time classes is really good..

But I really don't like individual consulting.

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Han Yoo Seung's and my eyes met

and we probably had the same thought.. ------------12--------------

"If understood, everyone may leave, except for Sung Hye.."

Why am I the only one who has to stay...!!!I don't want to....!!!No!!!

Guys~~ don't leave without me....!!!ㅠ 0ㅠ

The kids leave without even looking at me.

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How could they....-__-

"Hey Sung Hye~"

Why is he calling my name with that nerve-tickling voice....

I'm scared.

"I'll believe in you only.

I'm asking you to take good care of those troublemakers.."

"How come only I...there's Han Yoo Seung too...."

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"You see, I picked you."

Picked? ㅇ_ㅇ!

I don't get what you're saying...


The teacher sends me a wink.=_=

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I couldn't say anything after that...

so I just ignored it..

"I picked you to be my daughter-in-law.."

Then, up until now, the reason he had interest in me have a spare daughter-in-law?

I think there's going to be rumours going around soon...

that our core teacher has a son who's our age....

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"No matter which part of you I see, I think you'll suit my son quite well...."

My core teacher keeps looking at me in different angles, as if taking a picture of me.

I want to leave this place..


"Don't worry!!!

I'll use my flaming passion and fighting spirit on my friends this time.

I'll try to make a miracle-like thing happen. Just leave it to me..!!

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I quickly said goodbye..and quickly came out of the classroom.....

Except for Kang San Ha, the kids were all chatting.

Especially Na Han Uhl and Oh Ha Ra.....

"Look what happened because of you!"

"What~~? Isn't this what you guys wanted?"

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"No! Absolutely~ absolutely not~"

"Liar. You don't want to go to summer school, right?"

Han Uhl nods..

He's already fallen for Oh Ha Ra....=_=

"I don't want to either.

So I just had this one that really wrong?"

"No~~ it's not wrong.."

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Now, I think even Gwang Pal has fallen for her..

"Aww~~ our cute Gwang Pal."

Ha Ra strokes Gwang Pal's hair, who isn't cute at all.

As if Han Uhl wants to have his hair stroked too...he keeps moving his head towards her.

But.....Ha Ra.....

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"What's with the disgusting way this kid's acting...

Looking like a blowfish.. go away."

Pushing Han Uhl's head away with her index finger.

Poor Han Uhl.

He looks hurt....

Han Yoo Seung has been still, watching over this entire scene....

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"That's right~~

Oh Ha Ra,Yoo Gwang Pal,Na Han Uhl,you guys must be happy.

But what about first place and me?

Beacuse of you guys, my precious weekends,breaks have all blown away..

So.......nothing's in it for me, but why do I have to teach you guys?

Give me a good reason."


Oh Ha Ra looks at me..

Is she telling me to help her....

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"Han Yoo Seung....

I don't think you have to think that way.

Rather, because of the study group..

it can be of use to us, and..we even promised to the core teacher, haven't we...?"

Han Yoo Seung doesn't speak..

Ha Ra...

I've tried my best..

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"So you're doing it?"


Oh Ha Ra.Yoo Gwang Pal.Even Na Han Uhl....

all look at me..

They look at me, questioningly.


I'm thinking of doing it...ㅜ 0ㅜ"

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Kang San Ha, who had said nothing until now, opens his mouth....

"I'll do it too, if Sung Gye does it."

Sung Gye?

.....who's Sung Gye....

Sung Hye..Sung Gye..Sung Hye....Sung Gye....=_+

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Even if my name is confusing...

how can he call me such an ugly name.. Sung Gye.....

"Then I'll do it too...

Kang San Ha says he'll do it, so I can't say that I won't.."

Han Yoo Seung...

saying that he'll do it if Kang San Ha does.

Did you guys plan this?-__-

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"Na Han Uhl,Yoo Gwang Pal.

I haven't forgotten what happened before."

To what Kang San Ha said..

"We were misunderstanding..ㅠ_ㅠ Sorry...

Eeeee~~~ Forgive meeee~~~~"

Trying to apologize for what what happened before.....

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Yoo Gwang Pal shakes his body, as if salsa-dancing.


I was going to just watch it...if it wasn't too bad, but..... moutch is twitching to swear.-_-

But..Oh Ha Ra's expression looks like she's looking at a baby..

Trying not to lose to Gwang Pal, Han Uhl comes forward.

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"If you forgive, San Ha is the best!^ㅇ^

If you don't forgive......I'm gum on the asphalt...ㅠ_ㅠ

If you forgive, San Ha is a prince!^ㅇ^

If you don't forgive.....I'm a cuckoo until San Ha forgives..ㅠ_ㅠ..

Cuckoo cuckoo.....cuckoo cuckoo..."

So cute...ㅡ,.ㅡ

It's amazing, how different he is from Gwang Pal.....

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But...Han Uhl.

you're a little desperate...struggling just for forgiveness.

If it isn't necessary, Kang San Ha should forgive him....

"Do you have anything but the cuckoo_?

I like woodpeckers."

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So, Kang San Ha, you liked woodpeckers....-_-

Han Uhl puts on an embarassed expression.

"I don't know what sound a woodpecker makes....ㅠ_ㅠ."

We eventually formed a studygroup like this...

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We're all going to our own classrooms,

but Kang San Ha grabs onto my arm and talks.

"Come with me." ---------------13---------------

Come with me....?-_-

I'm not the type of person who will go if someone tells them to..

Who does he think he is, saying that...

I only think like this..

without saying anything, I'm actually following him.ㅡ,.ㅡ

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The scariest person in the world to me is Kang San Ha.

Until now...scary, frightening things didn't exist...

but now, Kang San Ha scares and frightens me.

And when I'm with Kang San Ha, I'm always nervous.

What he's going to say.....

or what he's going to do to make me embarassed....

I can't predict any of these things with him.

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Going up...and up....

Kang San Ha and I are going to the roof of our school.

'God... I'm dying.

I'm going to die of exhaustion...'

I'm following him up the stairs to the entrance door of the roof without showing any sign that it's exhausting..

He doesn't open the entrance door of the roof....

he goes down the stairs, until he's three steps below me...

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In this dark and dusty place

Kang San Ha stands still and just looks at me, without saying anything.

What's he trying to do to me in this sh!tty place.

"Han Yoo Seung has good eyes."

Good eyes?

Then, what he's saying is....

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"You're saying that he could tell that I was the one who was fighting the gangsters. Is that it?"


Kang San Ha, though knowing that it's right, doesn't respond, or nod.

Although he's the kind of guy who doesn't talk a lot...

It's really frustrating at times like this.

Anyways, if what Kang San Ha had said is true...

that's like saying that Han Yoo Seung can figure things out about me....

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I better be careful....

But how.....?

From now on, I'm going to see him a lot... How do I be careful...?

"Don't laugh infront of Han Yoo Seung,

don't be alone with him,

no matter what happens, don't remove your glasses."

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Don't laugh..?

If I laugh, Han Yoo Seung will figure out who I really am..?

No way.

I wouldn't remove my glasses anyway, and besides....

Han Yoo Seung has never seen my face without glasses.

What Kang San Ha's saying is a bit confusing.

But seeing him talk like this......

it feels like Kang San Ha cares for me, even a little bit.

Turning my head slightly from the floor and looking where Kang San Ha is...

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Our eyes meet..

I think my heart is crazy..

I can't tell whether it's beating or not..

It's hard to even move my finger, or to blink..

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What's wrong...with me...

It feels like this isn't me..

I do I look through Kang San Ha's eyes..?

"Didn't you come first place in our school? Why are you standing so still like a rock ?"

Kang San Ha's insulting me again...

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I thought you were a little strange.

But calling me a rock was a bit harsh.

Although it may not seem like it, my IQ's pretty high..

"Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Right now, I'm not paying attention what Kang San Ha's saying.

The sunlight coming out slightly from the roof door reflects onto Kang San Ha's face...

So I can only see Kang San Ha's bottom lashes.=,.=

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"Are you deaf or something_?

You're so annoying."


Hearing these words brings me back to reality...

Hm..... from being a rock, to being annoying.

I was going to be patient, but being patient in front of this guy is pretty difficult.

And hearing these words from him makes me angry.

"I think you're mistaking something. Did you think I'd like you or something?

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You annoy me, and I don't like you either."

Am I being a little harsh...??

But...even hearing me say this seems like it hasn't affected Kang San Ha at all.

Seeing him like this, I get even more angry...

"I get it, you've found out my secret.

Why do I have to be patient with you when you're ignoring and making fun of me?

If you want to tell everyone, then go ahead..! I'm not going to stop you!!"

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Even though I've said this.. he wouldn't....tell everyone...?

He wouldn't be troublesome, and tell everyone?

How come infront of him

my true self always comes out?

In front of Kang San Ha, no matter how hard I try to hide it

my real self eventually comes out,

I feel like I'm captured by Kang San Ha, and I can't escape.

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Kang San Ha.

What are you?

What are you that...makes me so confused like this.

Only knowing the self that I show, and telling me that you know about me..

Why are you pretending to know me?

To support myself from all these troubles from him, I show him an angry expression

and I'm about to go down the stairs as slowly as I can, but...

Surprised from seeing Kang San Ha grinning, I trip.

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In the short time when I tripped, in the few seconds, I thought

I'd roll down the stairs..or fall..

I closed my eyes, tightly.

The only thing I can do right now

is close my eyes, and hope that I don't fall too hard....


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But for some reason, it doesn't hurt.

Quickly opening my eyes that I was closing tightly...


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The situation that I'm seeing and feeling right now.....

Kang San Ha's arm is supporting my leaning body and

it looks like he's holding me.

(Like tango, when a guy supports a girl)

Moreover, Kang San Ha's face is so close to mine, that...

Kang San Ha's breath..

is tickling my face and

Kang San Ha's bangs..

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touch my forehead. ------------14-----------------

It's really quiet.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.. Ba-dump...

Nothing can be heard but my pounding heart..

It's really dark.

Lightly. Very lightly....

the light from the roof doorway reflects onto Kang San Ha and me....

In this quiet and dark place, I'm being held by Kang San Ha.

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Unlike Kang San Ha's cold image..

Kang San Ha's hand that was supporting my back was warm.....

It felt like the warmth was spreading from my back throughout my entire body.


this warmth lasts only a few seconds

"You're heavy. Hey rock_

get off of me."

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To what Kang San Ha said

I felt embarassed..

I uncomfortably got up and..

acted as if it was nothing, and yelled at him.ㅡ,.ㅡ

"Wh-who told you to catch me!!

And I'm not a rock."


what happened just now keeps coming up in my mind like a scene from a movie..

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I'm ashamed.

I'm embarassed..

I want to leave this place...

Or else....

Kang San Ha might hear my heart beating..

It was because I was scared of what Kang San Ha was going to say..

Not even thanking him..

One step.. two steps.. I pass Kang San Ha down the stairs,

and afraid of Kang San Ha possibly following me, I run towards the classroom.

It doesn't feel like I ran a lot..

but my heart continues to beat irregularly.

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And after this...

when I arrived at the classroom, nobody was there, and the lights were off too..

In case I meet Kang San Ha..

I'm packing my bag in an incredible speed..

Suddenly the classroom becomes brighter...

What's Kang San Ha?

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I slowly hold my bag and turn around to see....

Oh Ha Ra, playing with the lights by flicking the switch on and off repeatedly.

With a forced laugh

I'm thankful to Ha Ra for waiting for me..


thank you, I'm sorry, I'm happy, I couldn't express these kinds of things...

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"The electricity's going to go out.."

I spit out.

Although this is just how I think like now

unlike how it seems, Ha Ra seems to be nice and caring.

She's pretty, and caring...

This is the kind of girl a guy would like..?

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As soon as I arrived at my house, I fell sleep and had a nightmare..

falling down the stairs as a rock, making Kang San Ha fall with my weight......-_-

Waking up in the morning is scary...

because of the fact that I have to go to school.....

Truthfully speaking, I didn't do anything wrong

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or accidentally do something, but....

my body wanted to avoid Kang San Ha, and not meet him.


I have to go to school.

Arriving in front of the classroom..

I check my surroundings and go into the classroom...

to see a sleeping Kang San Ha.


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Kang San Ha.. please stay sleeping like that for the entire day..

Don't wake up....


I yawn

and begin to read.

Sitting in front of me, drinking orange juice is Han Yoo Seung.

He keeps sending me a sneaky grin....=_=

What's wrong with this kid?

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Is he drunk from drinking orange juice.

What Kang San Ha said yesterday keeps coming up.

that Han Yoo Seung has good eyes...

Gossiper2: Kya!! Yoo Seung! Do you like orange juice?

Gossiper1: Hey Yoo Seung~~ Your hair's so silky today.

Gossiper3: Yoo Seung..

I have a lot of money, do you want me to buy you orange juice?

If you say that you want some, I'd buy you a whole litre of it!

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The girls of our class

and of those, the noisiest and most annoying, the Gossip Three surround Han Yoo Seung.

It's noisy.

I have to read...

Han Yoo Seung,

only laughing while looking at me...

hands me the orange juice that he was drinking.


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"Drink it.

You're really out of it today.

If you drink it, everything will be clearer.."

You've been drinking it..-__-

I don't eat things that others have ate before....

"You're not drinking it..?"

I don't think I can tell him that I can't drink it because it's dirty......

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"Eh? You can finsih it.


"You can't even have one sip?....Even one sip?"

....this is embarassing...

If I don't drink it..

I think I'll become the bad guy...

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Then, my image is damaged..

Gossiper1: Do you want me to drink it for you? Yoo Seung..

Gossiper2: I can drink it for you with my cherry-like lips, than that nerdy hippo....

Gossiper3:Cherry? Don't make me laugh..

Gossiper2:What! Do you want me to bite you??


it's a shame, that we're the same gender.

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Not giving up

Han Yoo Seung keeps telling me to drink his orange juice.

I had an idea.

I'll just pretend to drink it..


then, I'm drinking only one sip.."

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I receive the orange juice from Han Yoo Seung...

but suddenly, someone snatches the orange juice..

Is it the Gossip Three?

To see who it is, I turn around..

to see Kang San Ha, drinking orange juice..-_-

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"Ah~~ Thanks to you I'm not thirsty anymore. Thanks, Han Yoo Seung."

Han Yoo Seung's expression is blank.

Then again, I'm pretty shocked too...

Kang San Ha throws the orange juice bottle into the garbage can like shooting a basketball...

Then he glares at me.

No, he's smiling...

His eyes are glaring at me, and his mouth is smiling.

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I'm scared.

"Hey, Hwang Sung Gye. Why don't we go out for a bit, we need to talk about the study group?"

I was going to refuse and stay straight on my chair but....

Kang San Ha easily takes me

no, a more precise terminology is dragging.

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He drags me out of the classroom.. --------------15----------------

"Hey~~~~~ where are you going....!"


This is a convenienece store.ㅇ_ㅇ

Is he going to buy something...?

"Ahjumma, I'll have a bottle of orange juice."

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Orange juice?=_=

"Hey, take it."

Kang San Ha throws the orange juice to me.

Why is he giving me this?

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Maybe he felt sorry for me because I didn't get to have any orange juice...

I didn't even want to drink it though...-_-

"Why are you giving me this?"

"You, you...."

Kang San Ha stops talking and turns his head.

Why doesn't he finish the sentence..?

Why isn't he looking at me?

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This feels pretty [email protected]_-

"As a girl, do you really want to drink something a guy's been drinking?"

That guy's talking to me like I'm a hobo.

"Have you been starved that much?"

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To see how he talks so b!tchy

I want to research him..

he's b!tchy enough to research.

"From now on, if you want to eat something, you buy it.


Or what?

"I'm willing to save someone like you

so you can ask me to buy you something.."

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Am I a hobo?



I forgot about what happened yesterday...

Why am I so lame when it comes to these kinds of situations?

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The feeling from yesterday still seems to remain.

The feeling when Kang San Ha's bangs touched my forhead...

his breathing...warmth...

Kang San Ha probably forgot about the thing that happened yesterday..?.

Then again, why would yesterday be important for him.

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Walking on the streets and stopping to give food to a wild dog..

and holding me when I was falling...

he'll think they're the same.

I'm going to forget about it too..

If I keep thinking for a long time about that kind of thing..I'll be the only one taking what happened weirdly.

"I'm going to say no to your offer.

And didn't you say you wanted to talk about the study group?"

"That was an excuse for bringing you here, there's other things to say.."

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Do you make up excuses all the time..?

If you want to take someone, you take the person...

if you don't like something, your fist goes first.

"From now on, you'll have a lot of things to be careful for.

Watch out for stairs,

watch out for Han Yoo Seung,

and above all, what you have to be most careful for is......"

To not get caught showing my real self...

because it's always been what I had to be most careful for.

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"you have to watch out for me." ------------16-----------------

Why do I have to watch out for you..?



Y...Yeah.....I out.

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Hwang Sung're so low.

Do I have to live on like this....

Yeah! I have to live like this to have a quiet school-life..!!!

Let's be careful...


I'm scared of you, because you're our school kingka..

I'm not supposed to watch out for you because there's something between us....

Just that you know a bit about me.....

Because of that....

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He's simply doing it to protect me

because he wants to hide my real self...that's why.

After taking a sip of orange juice....

I was trying to tell him to stop caring for me

but I lose the timing..

because this guy interrupts again.

"How come you haven't finished it yet?

You were itching to have some before.."

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This is stupid...

Listening to what he says.

seeing his behaviour towards me..

he treats me like a someone of lower class.

Kang San Ha.

I'm not starving, or poor enough to need your sympathy.

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How come you're always judging me as you want...

"I don't like orange juice."

"Really? Then I'll have all of it."

Stealing the orange juice from my hand

Kang San Ha drinks from exactly where I had, and doesn't leave a single drop.

Can it be....

that he drank from the part where I had on purpose..?

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But....Kang San Ha doesn't flirt...

I also heard he really doesn't like contact with girls....'s making me a bit curious...

If the Gossip Three find out what happened just now, I bet they're going to have me shipped to another country..

"Aren't you going to ask me why you have to watch out for me?"

I don't want to respond to Kang San Ha's question..

Even if I ask, nothing's going to change..

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I'm going to ignore his question this time.

"Before, whenever I saw you I'd get annoyed and uncomfortable...

But since yesterday..."

Since yesterday.. what~~~?

Is it..that you're starting to like me??


have you fallen for me after seeing my face up close...?=,.=

"Seeing you laugh makes me hella annoyed,

and the way you act hurts my eyes."

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I don't like you either.

Whenever I see you, I want to run away,

even facing you pisses me off..

most importantly, I don't want our lives to intertwine anymore.

"Are you telling me to watch out for you

because you don't like me..?"


"Fine, I'll watch out for you.

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But you know what...

from now on, you have to keep to 3 things.."


"First: to not interfere with my life.

Second: to not bring me up in front of the kids.

Third and last: to pretend that you don't know me, despite my actions. OK?" ------------17-------------





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Why isn't this guy responding...

overreacting one more time..



I've heard of other words that sound like that one, but I've never heard of an okeng."


is my pronounciation really that bad....

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"Hearing your pronounciation knowig you came first place, it's really sad? "

That b@stard...

he's triggering my anger.


What do you mean NO?

Then are you saying that you won't do the 3 things..!

"What do you mean NO? Give me a good reason"

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"Because I want to interrupt whatever you're doing.

Because I want to piss you off.

Because I want to pick a fight with you for every little thing you do."


Daring to look down on me...

whatever I say, you ignore...

Then I don't have to watch out for you either..

or stairs, or Han Yoo Seung.. I'm not going to be careful...!

is what I'm about to say, but Kang San Ha is already leaving.

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I always feel that I'm losing to him.

I wonder when I'll ever feel that I'm winning.

Ah!! Right!!!!!!!!!!

There's the study group....


being smart is a good thing~~~

When we study together, I'm going to destroy that b@stard's ego!

The only thing I can beat him in..studying..

Kang San Ha.. look out~~~!

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Time passes...

and passes......

Finally, it's the Saturday that I've been waiting for..

Even during class, I laughed to myself thinking of how I'm going to beat San Ha.

After buying three chicken wings and Dduk bok gi with Oh Ha Ra, I go back to our classroom where the study group's supposed to be....

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I thought the kids would all be late...

but unlike what I expected, they all came earlier, waiting for me Oh Ha Ra and me.

"Why are you girls so late~"

Han Uhl's smile is killer

as usual..ㅡ,.ㅡ

"Sniff....sniff sniff sniff....

Ah! This is.. chicken! Eh~? Even dduk bok gi...!!"

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Yoo Gwang Pal.

You look like a don't have to sniff like one too...

"Did you guys eat chicken?

I really like chicken..ㅠ 0ㅠ"

Hey, Han Uhl....

we got it..=_=

"Oh.. I feel bad now~~"

Why is Ha Ra apologizing to Han Uhl??

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"You're like a chicken species too."

-_- Ha Ra, why don't you raise your standards....

"What! Species? So I'm like a chicken....."

"Just your hair..goes into that species..."

"So you're saying that my head's like a chicken?"

"Let's hurry and study!"

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Our first meeting began like this.-_-

"Today we're going to study English. All of you please take out your books..."

20 minutes later.....

Because it was so quiet.......

I thought they were listening very carefully to the words and stories I were reading them but...

they're either doing something else or falling asleep.

Kang San Ha's boredly looking out the window...

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Na Han Uhl has his head on his desk...

Oh Ha Ra's hitting the buttons on her calculator, and organizing money owed to her...

Gwang Pal's just turning his ppe ppe ro (pocky) and sucking on it...

Yoo Seung's studying by himself..

I'm...I'm....talking to myself..=_=

I couldn't hold in the boiling anger

so I closed the English book loudly

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The kids all look at me, surprised.

At this time, should I show my status..?

Kang San Ha, watch carefully...hehehe.ㅡ,.ㅡ

"What is this.

Weren't we supposed to study together? Why are you guys playing seperately?

If this continues....

I don't think I can study anymore with you all."

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the kids don't show the reaction I was looking for...

"Want some ppe ppe ro?

You can't eat the ppe ppe ro in one bite...

you have to lick the chocolate-covered parts like this, and bite off the rest afterwards to fully experience it.."

Gwang Pal.

What do you mean fully experience it...

"They say that the first time is when you play.."

Hey Yoo Seung.. who told you that?

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"Ah~~so we're not supposed to! Clap clap clap!!!"

Na Han Uhl...

stands up and even claps, hearing that nobody studies the first time...

"Good thinking Sung Hye!

Who studies the fisr time~ it would be so boring like that."

Oh Ha Ra.. even you.......

"Let's go out."

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Kang San Ha.

You've been staring out the window since before....

did you want to go outside that bad?


it's the first time, studying is kinda.. yeah. Let's go.."

Yoo Seung. You're in the same level as me...

You're supposed to stop the kids and get them to study...

What do you mean go out...where are you going to go....-_+

"Where are you going?"

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"What do you mean.

find a good spot..and spread the news, of course."

Spread the news.....

As if it was obvious...Han Yoo Seung said.

Hey, Ha Ra.. I only have you...

Help me~~-0-

"Spread the news...?

Wow~ good idea..

Okay!!! Sung Hye, what are you doing? You should hurry and get ready.."

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Holding the bag that Ha Ra packed for me....

I had no choice but to follow these kids. -----------18------------

"Where are we going now~~~

Why are we coming to this fancy place when we were going to have a party??"


Just going to a fast-food restaurant and cheering

'For our study group!'

with coke would be like a party.....

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What kind of a party are we having that made us come to this kind of place.

"So many complaints.

We're here, we're here."

?!?! ○_○ ?!?!

This is.....!!!

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"Isn't Shin"

"She went to Jeju Island for Mathematics trip."

This is Kang San Ha's house..

"Jeju Island??

Wow~~ then I'm going to ask her to bring me an orange chocolate bar..

No. Should I ask her to buy me a box..?

Ah~~~ I'm so frustrated.."

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Anyways, it's surprising that I came to this place again...

The feel is different...

We all went into Kang San Ha's house...

"This is Kang San Ha's house? So why are we having a party in a place like this..?"

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Ha Ra asks exactly what I was wondering.

"Because it's most comfortable....

Nobody's here and there's a lot of liquor."


So what they mean by there's a lot of liquor is that we're going to drink liquor?

So what the party actually is.. is drinkig liquor..

Oh my....ㅡ_ㅡ...

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"You guys haven't tried liquor even once, right?"

Hey, Han Uhl...

I've tried it lots of times~

But I don't drink more than one cup because I'm vulnerable to liquor....


Why wouldn't I have tried liquor!!!

When I go on a Mathematics trip,or camping, the first things I pack are liquor and squid!!! Believe me~~"

Han Uhl has a shocked expression on his face to what Ha Ra said.

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"Then I guess I'm like Sung Hye..."

"Whether it's a Mathematics trip, or camping, they check really carefully...

I don't believe you."

"Hah, did you think I was stupid..?

If you put liquor into a Pringles container and put a few chips on top

it would be so hidden that I wouldn't be caught even if I went through security..

You have to use your head like me~"

"H-how can you fool your teacher like that!!"

"It's better than you pretending to be sick

and putting Lego pieces together in the infirmary."

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While Han Uhl and Ha Ra are fighting..

Gwang Pal comes in from the front door, panting...

It was impossible to not be surprised.

In Gwang Pal's hand was a box of American beer.

There was something like that in Kang San Ha's house...

Is Kang San Ha's house a liquor factory or something....=_ =


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We ended up drinking liquor, instead of having a party..

Without any choice, I took the liquor, and wondered.

To drink.

or not to drink.....

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Especially in a place like this..I could be drunk and make a mistake..

like revealing my identity.....

I can't even imagine what would happe.

I better focus...


....3 hours later..

Everyone was lying on the floor, probably because they were drunk.

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In 3 hours, these kids amazingly drank the American beer, and even more liquor...

But if I drink just a little bit of liquor, my throat burns and I get headaches...

"Bam! Boom!!! Badadadada!!!!!!!"

What is this...?

This incredible noise....

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I could spot Gwang Pal, making this noise behind the table..

He dips his chopstick into mayonnaise, and is rollling on the floor....

He'd get up, dip his chopstick into the mayonnaise, start rolling again

dip and roll

eat and roll.

He looks retarded.=_=

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If mayonnaise tastes that good, you should scoop it with a spoon...

instead of dipping with a chopstick...

Is he trying to save some for later..?


Is he trying to savor the taste..?

As time passed, I found out Gwang Pal's unique way of eating.-__-

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I wonder how the other kids are like....

Kang San Ha...

Kang San Ha didn't do anything weird from being drunk

he looked the exact same as when he would sleep in the classroom, like usual.

Oh Ha Ra just glares at a spoon she's holding, and mutters something.

"Hand it over... Give me my money.... Hurry up and pay me back..!

If you don't!! You owe me...double the amount!

No, no. If you don't pay soon, it'll be double of the double of the double of the double of the double amount..!!!!!!"

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Whether she's drunk or not..

she'll always try to collect money owed to her..-__-

Yoo Seung, the perfect guy, from being drunk.....

I was wondering where Yoo Seung went off to..

He was having a conversation with a stuffed teddy bear next to the TV.

"You're just like a jewel.....

Your eyes are clear diamonds.

Your lips are red rubies.

Your skin is a white and pure pearl.

Even your voice is like sapphire rolling on a gold plate.

And I can't believe this right now..

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Why, do you ask?

Because it's my first time seeing someone as beautiful as you in the world..

I want to have someone as beautiful as you..

Can I do that?"


How could he say something cheesy like that so easily....

even worse, looking at the stuffed bear...

When Yoo Seung is drunk

I'm guessing he flirts with things that aren't alive, like that.=_=


the Gossip Three heard something like this about Han Yoo Seung..

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Gossiper 1:Have me. No, buy all of me!!

Gossiper 2:What do you mean "buy"....You don't need to buy me!!!! Take me for free!!!!!!!

Gossiper 3:Just pick me up from the floor!!! Think of me poorly, and just take me!!!!!!

These are the things they'd say.



I think there's someone missing....

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Who is it....

Am I drunk too..?

I just pretended to drink....

Even when I was drinking, I mixed it with Sprite...

I can't leave myself like this.

I'm going to wash my face to wake myself up...

I look around, and find the washroom..

As soon as I open the door, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

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The person who I couldn't think of was han Uhl...

He spread himself out on wide washrom floor like a snow angel....

and wherever it may be that he got his pillow from, he was lying on it comfortably.

But Han Uhl's body was all wet..

Then again, this is a washroom..-_-

If somebody lays on the floor....then the person would obviously get wet...

If he continues sleeping like this, he might catch a cold...

"Hey~!!! Everyone~~ come here..!"

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By myself...

I couldn't move Han Uhl, who was sleeping...

I called to the kids to ask for help

but the kids didn't come..

Thinking I should get the kids myself..

I try to go by Han Uhl to get to the living room but.....

Whether it's because Na Han Uhl moves in his sleep..

or he's moving deliberately..

he grabs my ankle and shakes it.-_-

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It's slippery..

this b@stard..

"Hey! Na Han Uhl!! Let go of me!!!-0-"

"I'm a hunter...!!! I'm going to take the bear down!!!"

"Eh..! Eh..!!! Eh!!!!!! ACK!!!"

Because the floor was slippery...

I couldn't balance myself, and fell because of Na Han Uhl..

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Thankfully, I didn't get hurt because I landed on top of Han Uhl..

Na Han Uhl moves around wildly because of me being on top of him, and keeps imagining me as a bear...=_=

"The bear's attacking me!!!!"

Hearing this..

I was worried that Han Uhl would suffocate from my weight...

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I look up, to see the kids ..

What if the kids misunderstand this situation..this makes me worry even more.

They didn't come when I was yelling before....

They just had to come at a bad time like this......

Their timing's great. ------------19------------

I was suprised to see Ha Ra up..

The thought that these kids, who were all drunk just before....

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could think properly like this...

"Han Uhl~ Are you okay? Hey!! Get yourself together!!"

Yoo Seung slaps Han Uhl's face to wake him up, but Han Uhl just wiggles like a squid.

Was I that heavy....

I feel a little guilt coming up.

"Na Han Uhl. You're putting on a show for us, aren't you?"

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With suspicious eyes

Ha Ra spits out those words to Han Uhl.

"Show? What do you mean "show"?

Oh Ha Ra, aren't you worried for Han Uhl at all?

He was squished by that very very, so, huge, heavy first place..ㅠ 0ㅠ"

Very very...?



Gwang Pal.

If....I was squished by you, how would I express it...?

If that kind of expression

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was used for my weight..

how would your weight be expressed..?

Would it be right to express it

as if a truck squished Hwang Sung Hye to death?

"Do you know how light Sung Hye is~~

it's because of his weak body.."

Oh Ha Ra.

Just as I thought, you were my friend.

"Hwang Sung Gye's heavy.

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Na Han Uhl fainting is perfectly normal.."

Kang San Ha.

If I just see him, I want to sharpen a knife.

Kkkkkk (The sound of teeth grinding)..

Since I don't have a knife, I'll just grind my teeth.=_=

"How would you know if Sung Hye was heavy or light?"

Kang San Ha smiles as he looks at me..

I wanted to show an eased expression to match that smile but...

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my face doesn't fool anyone, and stiffens.

It's as if that b@stard is having a good time seeing my tense and stiffened face.-_-

He wouldn't possibly... tell everyone about how he cought me when I fell down the stairs...

"Because I had contact with Hwang Sung Gye for a short moment.."

You b@stard...=_+


The way Oh Ha Ra stresses the word..

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makes it sound a bit weird..~_~

Yoo Gwang Pal slowly goes up to Ha Ra and whispers in her ear.

"Contact to San Ha.. means he hit her.."

Do you think nobody would be able to hear you whisper with a voice that loud...

I hear everything. I can hear everything...!


Kang San Ha. You hit our Sung Hye?

Hoo~ blowing to see if she'll fly away.

Bam! hitting to see if she'll blow up.

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To see if she'll fall when you brush past her.

You hit this weak Sung Hye like that!!"

Hey Ha Ra.

You're overreacting a bit.=,.=

"Help us move Han Uhl, instead of fighting."

Hearing Yoo Seung, Gwang Pal sticks to Han Uhl......

As if a pig was being rotated on a stick above the fire

they move Han Uhl tot he sofa....

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Han Uhl, who is on the couch, seems more like he's sleeping than he had fainted.


The bear turned into Oh Ha Ra!!!!!!!! AACK!!! Granny Ha Ra!!! Help!!!!!!"

He's sleeptalking now..+_+

I'm positive..

Na Han Uhl is sleeping right now..

"G....Granny...? Does that chickenhead want to die...!"

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"Oh Ha Ra. Calm yourself.

Han Uhl fainted..."

"Na Han Uhl

is pretending to have fainted.

Look...he's insulting me!!"

Whether he's pretending to sleep as Ha Ra says or not...Han Uhl really is insulting Ha Ra.

"Witch!! I'll prove that you're pretending!!!!!"


Arg!!! I can't stand it anymore!!!!!!!!"

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Ha Ra grabs the choking and yelling Han Uhl's neck, and crazily shakes.

"What!!! Granny!! Witch!!!!

Na Han Uhl..!! Wake up!! I said wake up!!!!"

If anyone was to se Ha Ra right now, there would be a high chance of them mistaking her as a murderer.

"Oh Ha Ra, pull yourself together..!!!

If Han Uhl wakes up...then you can choose to choke him or not...!"

"Ha Ra's scary..

Y-you're really scary....."

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Ignoring Yoo Seung...even when I'm pleading for her to stop

Ha Ra continues to hold and shake Han Uhl's neck...

but she stops immediately when Gwang Pal says that he's scared.

"I'm... scary?

Hey Gwang Pal.......

do you want to eat mayonnaise together?"

"Mayonnaise? I don't want to! I'm sick of it..."


do you want to go and eat corn chips together?"

"Yeah!!! Chips~ Corn chips~ I want to go eat corn chips!!"

"Then let's hurry and go out together!

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Guys~~ Thanks for cleaning up for us~"

Ha Ra and Gwang Pal leave....

Yoo Seung.San Ha,Han Uhl, this, just us four are left.

I hate you, Oh Ha Ra...-_-

"Then let's just clean up, since we're the....."

"Whoosh!!!! Dadadadadadada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Whether Ha Ra was right and he was putting on a show or not...

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Han Uhl, who was laying down, suddenly wakes up and runs out the door.-__-

Now it's just Han Yoo Seung, Kang San Ha, and me; just us three.

As the only people left....

the three of us have to clean the liquor bottles that are rolling around,the squid parts that are spread out all over the table,snack bags,tissue,etc etc.

To be a good role model, I star to collect the garbage and put it into the garbage can...

"Hey, don't do it."

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Sitting insolently on the couch...

and biting down on a cigarette....

Kang San Ha speaks as if I'm getting in the way by cleaning.-_-

Why? Are you afraid that I'll ask you to clean as well?

"We can just call the ahjumma."



I forgot for a second that you guys are rich..ㅡ,.ㅡ

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"Okay, got it...

I'll stop after I finish cleaning this."

"Just stop, and follow me"

Follow you again......=_=?

Not knowing whether I'll follow him or not..

Kang San Ha is already going up the stairs..

"Aren't you going to follow him?"

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"Hey Yoo Seung, can't we go together?"

"Hurry up, go and follow him.^ ^"

Since before, Kang San Ha didn't look too happy...

What am I thinking...! It's not like he'd hit me or anything upstairs!!

As I run up the stairs

I saw Kang San Ha standing right in front of me, and I thought I'd fall down the stairs, surprised. 0_0!!

Is it that

this b@stard was purposely trying to surprise me...?

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"Why did you tell me to follow you?"

"Go into this room."

Telling me to go into the room with a sign that says that I'm going to die if I don't knock

Kang San Ha goes into the room with a pink doll hanging from the door.

I stand there, thinking....

and eventually go into the room that Kang San Ha pointed out....

I turn on the light...

and right when I'm about to check this room to see what room it is...

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something is thrown at me..and because of the thing thrown at me, I lose my sight. -------------20--------------

The thing that covered my face fell to the floor and

I check to find that the thing is actually women's clothes.

Why did Kang San Ha throw this at me?-_-

"Wear it."

"Why do I have to wear it....?"

"Do you know how you look right now?"

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How I look??

What's wrong

Did I.. jump into a pool or something..

Why am I like this...-_-

I thought I felt wet..

maybe it's from falling in the washroom before.

Especially since my shirt has wet spots on it...

I look like I'm wearing patterned clothes..=_=

Kang San Ha closes the door and leaves me.....

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Before I change, I look around the room.

There isn't a single book on the desk,

and it seems like Kang San Ha's room, since there's only Kang San Ha's picture hung up on the wall..

For some reason, it's embarassing..

even though Kang San Ha isn't here or anything...

It's embarassing to just change in Kang San Ha's room.

After worrying for a while....

I eventually take the clothes and change in the washroom

I look in the mirror


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nothing but laughter comes out.

Before wearing these clothes, I imagined for them to look girly...

but it's very different, to just see the clothes and seeing the clothes being worn.

The blouse has a cute flower-pattern..

the skirt is pastel-pink, with white lace going around it.

These girly clothes to a nerdy appearance...

what will the kids say when they come back and see me....

Although I wanted to change back into my uniform...

I had a feeling Kang San Ha would do something unexpected again, so I gain courage and go into the living room..

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What I see is Han Yoo Seung, rolling a liquor bottle while watching TV.

as he turns, hearing my footsteps...

with rabbit eyes, he quickly runs to me..

"First place!! Since when did you wear clothes like these?"

Why, do people like me have to wear baggy shirts and sweat pants?-_-

"Where did Hwang Sung Gye go!!!!!"

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Kang San Ha yells while going down the stairs..

Hey.. I'm here.

"Kang San Ha...! First Place is over here!!"

Kang San Ha.

Doesn't say a single word and just looks at me.

"Seeing first place in these clothes..

it looks unexpectedly good, doesn't it?"

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Han Yoo Seung...

it's probably because of the way I dressed before, that he finds this unexpected..(Suddenly turns arrogantㅡ,.ㅡ)

"...I can't picture it."

If you can't picture me...why don't you write about me?-_-

"It really doesn't match her, it's just like an African woman wearing white angelic clothes."

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Hey San Ha..

How do you analyze things so uniquely?

In this generation, where fashion and mimicing is taking over...

if I have you as a teacher and learn how to speak like you

I think I'd have a lot to say about fashion.

"It's not like I told you to give me these clothes!!"

"Kang Shin Hee doesn't own a single pair of pants.

And the clothes you're wearing are the plainest ones she has."

These clothes are plain...??

Then Shin Hee must be wearing fancy skirts and dresses all the time..=_=

Seeing Kang San Ha and I argue like this, Han Yoo Seung, who was watching us with an

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amused expression on his face, comes up to us.

"First place. Try taking off your glasses." -------------21-------------


....take off my glasses!!!!!!

I step back as Han Yoo Seung walks towards me.

I have to try and stop this as fast as I can.

Should I run away? Should I resist?

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"I'm just telling you to take off your glasses...

your glasses don't match these clothes."

"Eh? Uh.. n-no..

I bet you'll be shocked when you see me without my glasses..!!!

You see, my face without glassees is like....."

"I'll be the one to judge"

<You're like Gwang Pal>

What Kang San Ha said to me before comes up..

Sorry Gwang Pal, I'm going to have to use you for a bit//

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"If I take off my glasses, I'm just like Gwang Pal!!!"

I went this far...

he wouldn't...wouldn't......

keep trying to take them off..?

The possibility of it happening kept coming up..-__-

Ignoring my words, Han Yoo Seung continues to come closer to me.

"Han Yoo Seung!!! You!! You!!!!"

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Has Kang San Ha received my germs...

why is he..stuttering.

"Kang San Ha. Why are you overreacting like that?

Do you really want to see first place without glasses too?"

"Hey. Your eyes will rot.

Do you think Sung Gye will turn beautiful when she takes off her glasses? The way she looks won't change."

That b@stard...

how could he say that in front of me...-__-

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Realizing that going close to me isn't going to help, Han Yoo Seung tries to take my glasses off directly....

'This isn't going to work. Resisting has failed.'

As I'm thinking that I should run away

"Han Yoo Seung!!"

"What now?

I'm busy right now..."

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"There's a flea on your head, the size of your fist."

"What!!! Flea!!!!!!!"

Being dragged away by Kang San Ha....The distance between Han Yoo Seung and me is becoming further......


Thank God.I guess I don't have to run away anymore.

But..where are those guys going?ㅇ_ㅇ

Left all alone in the living room....

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I hear Han Yoo Seung's voice and Kang San Ha's voice coming from somewhere.

"What are you talking about.! Where's the flea!!!"

" was there before."

"I took a lot of my time, making my hair look like this

it's all ruined because ofyou..

You know the kind of days I hate the most, don't you?

Windy days, and cleaning days,,,

When it's windy, my spiky hair falls..

When I'm cleaning, dirty things like dust go onto my clean hair.

Even though today isn't one of those days.. my hair's ruined.

Because of you, Kang San Ha...."

"Rather than your waxed hair..

I think your hair after I touched it looks way better.."

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"Waxed hair!!! How was it waxed!!!"

Wondering when these two will stop argruing...-_-

I check the clock....

◑◑ ----> The big hand of the clock is going past 9.

Although I never had a curfew

I always went home by 8 when I didn't have night-time classes.

But right now, it's 9:20.


I'm dead.

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If I arrive home even 1 second faster, I can live..

While the two were arguing...

I secretly..leave Kang San Ha's room and run like a mad woman..until I arrive in front of my house.

I unlock the door with a key...

Thump thump...

I go in, praying that umma wouldn't be home...

"Finally home?"

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Umma seems to have been waiting on the couch until I came home.

How do I explain this situation...

I'm scared.

Starting from my feet, my entire body begins to shake...

there's a reason for shaking like this. -----------22------------

"Umma....I'm sorry."

Unlike the reaction that I expected, umma continues to look at me without saying anything.

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To the way I'm dressed...

she doesn't show any reaction.

Thank God I didn't get in trouble, but this is weird..

Umma's current expression is scarier than being punished.

Avoiding umma's eyes...

I immediately go into my room, change, and begin studying.

During this kind of day..

I have to show my studying self only..


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A book is thrown in front of me....

The title: Let's pass being first place in school, become first place in the country..

What is this...?

I'm not liking the title.-_-

"Read this book, bring a report written to me by tomorrow morning."

Umma coldly says with her arms crossed.

"Until tomorrow morning is a bit harsh..."

"It's due tomorrow morning."

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"Then I'll read another book"

"No, read this book."


"Your behaviour today. Be thankful that I'm ending it with this."

"Umma..Aren't I enough..

Studying to this degree.. I've put enough effort into it, didn't I."

"You're far from it...

When I would talk, your unni..didn't talk back like you.

When I told your sister to read a book, your unni.. didn't say anything and read..

Whenever she succeeded in doing something, your sister..was a child who would make an effort to the next thing"


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To umma's words, I couldn't respond or refute..

"Then it's until tomorrow.

The kind of person who I hate the most is someone who doesn't keep promises. You know that, right?"

Umma left.....

Until when, how much more do I have to do...

Whenever, I thought I was enough

how come umma thinks I'm lacking?

This self took so much effort to make but...

how come umma still thinks I'm lacking?

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Whenever I'd think that I'm done...

something new comes up again..

No matter how much I do, there's no end.

Every single day is the same...

I want to ask umma just once.

Am I going to be unni forever?

Am I going to be unni until I die?


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-The next day-

"Cheep cheep cheep"

I hear the birds singing to notify me that it's morning.

Normally, I'd sleep late but..

because I had to finish the report by morning, I had to wake up earlier than normal.

Let's pass first place in school and become first place in the country.

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I couldn't concentrate while reading this book, and I kept thinking of other things.

For some reason, I had a feeling that if I made a mistake the next time....

I'd have to read a book called: Let's pass Korea and become first place of the world....

Today, I even had the study group so...

I have to quickly finish writing this report.

Scribble scribble......

Scratch scratch......

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Since it was a report....

after reading the book, I didn't write how I felt about it.

I wrote the kind of material my mom would accept.

If I write the truth...

I'm scared that I'll hear hurtful words again, like yesterday....

Although I hear this whenever I'm not like the way umma wants...

or whenever I don't go the way umma thinks I should....

Each time I hear it, I feel hurt, and on the days I hear her say such things..

all day, my eyes are swollen from crying..

I watch comedies while crying..

Even though I got hurt a little bit, I feel a pain like my skin being ripped apart.

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So in front of umma, I always try to show unni's perfect image.


I don't think this image is enough for my umma...

She'll be happy with me someday.....

There will come a day when umma will see how hard I've tried...

As promised, on umma's vanity....

I leave my finished report and go to school.

Today is the second day of the study group....

The kids have to start following along starting today..

Today, don't let the kids' temptations, don't pass the line, study hard.

Right when I get into the classroom, I see everyone but Ha Ra..

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Ha Ra doesn't come, even after us waiting 10 minutes..

so we start studying without her.

"Today is History.

First, I'll give you a question that only requires common sense. Guess what it is..

Yoo Seung, even if you know, just don't answer."

I'm looking forward to seeing if these kids have common sense.ㅡ,.ㅡ

"In the year 1950, as soon as a 6�25 war broke out, this person became a UN supreme commander, and was in command for the Incheon Landing

He reversed the charters and got rid of the enemies, making them go even over the borderline. Guess this successful person's name."

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There's concentrating, serious expressions on the kids' faces...

Was the question I gave them too difficult....?

"Is it Lee..Sun Shin?"

"Hey! Na Han Uhl!! Lee Sun Shin isn't from that generation. Do you think he'd be alive at 6.25?

You're showing how illiterate you really are."

Then do you know, Gwang Pal?ㅇ_ㅇ

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"I got this question right. The answer is....."

Okay. What's the answer?? ㅇ__ㅇ

"Mek Ah Dang!"

"-__- Wrong.

Now, only Kang San Ha has the opportunity"

"....Kim Doo Han."

"Pu...Puhahaha. Ki,Kim Doo Han??

Hey, Kang San Ha. Have you seen too much of the Yain era?"

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Han Yoo Seung covers his mouth, and can't resist from laughing.

"Shut up."

"The answer is General McArthur.=_=

The next question is from a textbook.

I'll give you a really easy all of you try and guess it..

In the year 1909 of October, which independence activist shot Ha Uhl Bin and Hirobumi Ito?"


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Wind is heard, passing by these kids.

Does nobody know.

Am I giving these kids difficult questions.

"Me! I know!!!"


This guy wouldn't get it wrong..

Han Uhl, go ahead and say that it's Ahn Joong Geun.

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"Bin La Den!"

What.. La Den?-__-

......Bin......La Den..?

"Do you think Bin La Den is Korean?

Now that was showing how illiterate you are.."

"Then do you know, Yoo Gwang Pal?-0-"

"I'm thinking right now.."

"...hurry up"

"Kang San Ha..

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What? I can't hear you very well."

"Shin Chang Won."

Seeing Kang San Ha saying Shing Chang Won with such hope, Han Yoo Seung once again bursts out laughing..

"What!! Sh-Shin Chang Won?

Puha, why don't you just give up?"

"Get lost."

So nobody knows?=_=

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"Oh!! I remember now..!!"

Gwang Pal. You're the only one left..

Go ahead, please say that it's Ahn Joong Geun..

Don't disappoint me..


Yes!! The last name's right!!!!

Now add the rest!!!!!

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"Ahn Chang Ho!!"

......words won't come out of my mouth..-___-

"I'm right, right? ^0^"

"You wish you were right...

He's not Ahn Chang Ho, he's Ahn Joong Geun..Ahn Joong Geun.

Don't you even know the person who risked his life for our country?"

"What~are you calling me illiterate?"

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To these kids' ignorance and stupidity, I had nothing to say.


The classroom door opened..

I thought it would be Oh Ha Ra, so I turned..

but instead, I turned to see a girl with a hippo-like body, and three hideous girls (all with side bangs), looking at me. -----------23------------

"Eh? Why are you here, nuna??"

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Have these people come for Yoo Seung.

Followers: Hi everyone! Of course, all of you were here.

"Do you nunas have something to see us for??"

Leader:No. You guys get back to what you were doing..

Just tell the girl who looks like a sweet potato to come.

I look like a sweet potato...? -_-

Does that fatty want to die...

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"First place? Why?"

Leader:CDP, you don't need to know.

Hey! Sweet potato!! Stop wasting time, and get over here fast.

Followers:She said come~~~


These flies are all over me, when I'm not doing anthing wrong...ㅡ_ㅡ^

Fine, I'll go.

As I'm standing up, Kang San Ha, who was looking out the window the whole time, speaks..

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"Just stay here."

And if I don't go? Will you go out for me??

"If I don't go out, it'll be noisy.."

Although it would be fun if it got noisy, I have to be quiet in this image..

"Want me to go with you?"

Han Uhl talks so seriously, as if I'm being dragged to a slaughterhouse.

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"I'll be back soon.

You guys study with Han Yoo Seung."

Going out of the classroom..

I thought, 'Why did these girls ask me to go with them, when I haven't even met them before?'...

and since I've spent my school-life quietly, I really can't find the answer, even after thinking about it.

"Hey Sung Hye~~~~~"

Ha Ra's loud voice can be heard from the other end of the hallway.

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"Eh? Unni!

Unni, what are you doing all the way over here?"

Leader:I just have something to do.

"Oh wow! The rumour going on about you going on a diet must be true?

You look already thinner than me, and you have such a thin face.^ ^"

Ha Ra.

Even if she did lose a bit of weight, you shouldn't be telling lies..

Look at her stomach, and her neck-line.

She's a cross between a toad and a pig... A.. t.i.g..-_-

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Maybe it's because I've reduced my eating habits during dinner?

Anyways, I wanted to talk to you too...both of you follow me..

Followers:She says she wants you guys to follow her~~~



Although it isn't hot yet, the bright sun is reflecting onto us.

I just had to wear a long-sleeve...

and why did we come to the gym in this hot weather..

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The leader and followers are quietly talking to us.

'Aah~~ I'm tired~~~~'

"Sung Hye. Did you do something wrong to the Yuh Sa unni?"

"That tig's name is Yuh Sa?"


You don't know Kim Yuh Sa? She's our school's jjang!!"

Kim Yuh Sa.....

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Yuh Sa.....Kim Yuh Sa.......


her name's Kim Yuh Sa?

I want to see that tig's parents sometime.

I bet they'll be people who do things like the cabaret.

"You're such a nerd..

How do you not know Kim Yuh Sa, even though you attend Mugeum High?"

"Is Kim Yuh Sa good at fighting?"

"Do you think she'd be bad at fighting if she's the girl jjang?

That unni's famous for being able to chew on razors.

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Before she fights, they say that she chews on razors.. and not only one, but two..."

How do you bite razors?ㅇ_ㅇ

I want to try that sometime..

I wonder if she really chews on razors...or if she pretends to, and really chews on gum..

Kim Yuh Sa and the followers who were talking come towards me.

Kim Yuh Sa:Sweet potato. Say the truth to what I ask.

The kind of people who I hate the most are liars.

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Just like my mom.

Hating liars...

Kim Yuh Sa:What were you doing with the MP3?

"W-we were s-studying"

I stutter on purpose, pretending that I'm scared.

Follower1:See! Yuh Sa!! Just as I said??

Kim Yuh Sa:Sweet potato.

Did you ask our San Ha to study with you?

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Did you just ask if I..asked San Ha to study?-_-

Hah... this is pathetic. Really....

Follower1:To like our San Ha with that face..

You're crazy..just crazy...Don't you ever look in the mirror?

Why don't you?

Follower2:How dare you look at San Ha, who's already liked by our Yuh Sa, with that sweet potato-like face!

If you're a sweet potato, then just like a sweet potato, live below ground..!

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Instead, take care of your breath, it smells like fish.

Follower3:A sweet potato like you should go play with potato-like kids.

Why are you playing with our San Ha?

Do you want to stop after being beaten up..?

Play with potatoes?

Then why don't you just go play with kids who have blowfish-like bodies, like yours?

Kim Yuh Sa:She hasn't even answered the question yet.

Don't be like that..

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Watching over the situation..

Ha Ra, showing an expression that it's time to leave, speaks to Kim Yuh Sa.

"Unni? What do you mean?

Just who did you hear that from?"

Follower2:Why?? Do you know.. something about it?

"O-our Sung Hye.. asking way......."

Ha Ra, as if she's about to cry, covers her face with her hands.

What is she trying to say like that..=_=

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"Our Sung Hye was hit by Kang San Ha, only..!!

And even, hit on the face

Th-this beautiful face of Sung Hye's was so bad afterwards!ㅠ 0ㅠ"

Why did you hesistate on the beautiful party..?

And what? So bad?-_-

Did you see it?

Whether I was hit..or not..

Sneaking a look at Ha Ra, she winks and grins back at me.

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If you go for acting, you'll be successful, for sure..

Follower2:So.. this thing didn't show that she liked San Ha..

but she was actually beaten up by San Ha?

Follower1:It's already interesting how she doesn't cover that face with a mask...showing a slight hint of liking someone..Hah..

Follower3:Why were you beaten up?

"That's obvious..

because she wasn't right to San Ha's eyes."

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If it was winter right now...

The heat coming from the top of my head would probably be visible..

The rising heat. anger...

Do I have to resist...

or explode.

I am currently debating over which road to choose, of these two. -----------24-------------

"Your name is Sung Hye...

Hey Sung Hye? How sick were you?"

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I forget about what Kim Yuh Sa said..

She has a different way of talking, and expression unlike before.


"So why did you get on Kang San Ha's words?"

From now on, pay close attention to yourself when you appear in Kang San Ha's eyes."

Followers:Then why were you studying with Kang San Ha before?

As soon as I hear this..

Kim Yuh Sa's expression changes again.

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"I really hate liars.

Tell the truth..

Why were you and the MP3, and Gwang Pal studying together?

"The core teacher made me.. telling me to teach the kids..."

"Oh~~ because the core teacher made you...

then you were forced to as well.

Then teach the kids well, and I'd like it if I didn't hear any more weird things...

Followers:She says she doesn't want to hear any more weird things~~~

"I'll try to do that"

Showing an expression that she didn't like my answer...

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Kim Yuh Sa speaks to Ha Ra.

"Ha Ra.

This month, I don't have much time....

Can I push you up for a week?"

Hearing that Kim Yuh Sa doesn't have time on her hands

Ha Ra mutters something, and shows a scary expression.

"Fat b!tch."

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and she turns around towards Kim Yuh Sa..changing her smile 180�.

"Unni! You don't have to ask me about that kind of thing..

Do you think I can't trust you, unni? Eh~~unni~~"

Oh Ha Ra has two faces.

So Kim Yuh Sa and the followers left like this....

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"Why did you.. just leave yesterday?"

"I was late for my curfew..."

"Ah~~ curfew... you know how much I suffered yesterday?

I tried to buy Gwang Pal some corn I went out.. but Na Han Uhl..was following us..

We're going into the store. and he's following us, right..?

So..I had to buy 2 bags of corn chips....

As expected..he was pretending to have fainted yesterday..

Whenever I see him, it makes me mad..His the kind that I hate the most in the world!!

I think Han way better than Gwang Pal....

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But then again..

Oh Ha Ra...who would have known that you had such weird taste..?

I went into the classroom..

and I continued to study, even though I was constantly getting questions from Gwang Pal and Han Uhl..

During the middle..the tig kept interrupting...

Today...I somehow...was able to finish my studies.

Everyone goes on buses to go home..

But since Kang San Ha and I are the only ones...who live close..we ended up having to walk together.

I thought that me hearing those words from Kim Yuh Sa and her followers..

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was because of Kang San I made a decision.

Starting now..I would try my hide my real self in front of Kang San Ha..

To stay matter what Kang San Ha does..


if that [email protected] fun of me by calling me sweet potato

Oh..really? is the only thing I'll say, and remain still.

Finally, the streetlight changed..

As I..waited, hoping for the light to change to green..

I yelled goodbye..bye...see you tomorrow..bye~ to Kang San Ha, over and over.

But..Kang San Ha, who was behind me..with his hands in his pockets..just stood there..

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"Don't be like front of me..."

Although I couldn't hear too well..because of the cars passing by..

what Kang San Ha said, looking at me.. was heard.. clearly.

The streetlight turned green.......

I didn't cross when the light turned green, when I'd been waiting so intently..

I just Kang San Ha from behind, walking slowly.

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What's that supposed to mean?

Don't be like that....

-At home-

Not ringing the doorbell..I opened the door with a key, and went in.

As expected, there was nobody home.. the second Sunday of the month...

The second Sundays...are when mom and dad..come home after 12am.

My mom and dad are university professors...

On this day..they always..have to attend a countryside seminar, so they come late.

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So on the second Sundays, for my freedom... I go to a nightclub...

a night club in my neighbourhood..a far one, called Silla's Nightclub..

I've never gone anywhere else..

It's not that..I like this place most.. or anything...

but I always went to Silla's Nightclub

Because of the tig and her follower..

I was pissed off...I should go to the nightclub..and get rid of my stress completely...

I opened my secret box that I kept deep within my closet..

In this secret box are many different clothes, make-up..heels..hats..accessories..etc..

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These are clothes and items....that all don't match my fake self......


I wear these clothes, wear these heels, put on this make-up, and go to the nightclub. [/font] ------------25-------------

Undoing my hair which would usually be up...

my hair freely moves, with knotted curls.

there's still a mark on my nose from my glasses...

my cheeks looked dirty from the freckles drawn on, which had been rubbed.

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Today, I become Cinderella.

Like Cinderella, transforming into a beautiful and elegant lady from a maid..

I'm also transforming into a pretty and skinny sexy girl, from an ugly nerd.

And just like Cinderella, I have to be home by 12am.

If I were to point out a difference between Cinderella and me...

Ciderella goes to the ball to meet the prince,

but I go to the nightclub

and meet only sneaky players.

But you never know.

Maybe I can meet a handsome prince like Cinderella...

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Right now, it's 7pm..

Although I didn't really do anything, it's already 7pm..

I better hurry and get ready, and enjoy myself to the fullest outside..

First, the hair...

I washed it cleanly, and with the kind of straighteners used at hair salons, I straightened my hair for 30 minutes.

My hair is now long and flowing, with slight wind to it.

Next, the face..

I put on eyeliner and mascara as thick as I can onto my eyes..

I use a bright-tinted lip gloss on my lips...

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I put on pink blush which gives me a slight glowing feel.

Overall, I put on make-up to make my skin clear,white.

Now, there's only the wardrobe left...

Today, I want to wear noticeable clothes..

So my eyes keep wandering off to my short leather skirt.


Today's concept is noticeable+leather.

A black tank with an english logo

a short skirt which goes way above the knees..

silver earrings and a necklace with both give a heavy feel.

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gray sunglasses which give off a majestic feel...

whether it be my bag or shoes,everything, like my clothes, were black.

And as soon as I look at the mirror..

I see myself, laughing as if I'm happy with my transformed look.... itself, my lips formed a grin...



Lastly, I slightly wink to my reflection in the mirror with sunglasses on...

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I leave the house, and now I'm going to Shin Ra's Night Club in a taxi

As soon as I get out of the taxi...

just like before, I receive a lot of attention from others.

Both men and women look at me.

The men..

sneaky, adoring looks as if they'd found something rare..

the women...obviously...with jealous glares.. look at me dislikingly.

but I don't mind..

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Rather, I take off my sunglasses, tossing my hair glamorously..

and I'm sending smiles to the people who are looking at me..

I'm stepping towards..the nightclub entrance when...

a man who always comes whenever I appear....

with the name Moon Uh Bal comes to me...

He takes me into the nightclub...

"I was wondering..why you were so late...I thought you would come late but..I see now that you had a reason..

Nuna!! You look even better than usual..kyaa~~"

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What do you mean 'nuna'....

I'm only eighteen...

No matter how much I look at look like you can't be any younger than twenty-four....

As soon as I arrive inside the club...

I can hear loud music...

and I can see bright reds..yellows..blues..mixtures of colours.....

There are 3 hours until 12..

I have 3 hours to be free from my fake image.

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"As I thought, nuna's beauty is amazing..

Please look..

those male guests' eyes... all seem to be looking only at nuna."

"Please find me...a seat instead..."

"Ah~~of course.....why don't you sit here."

I sit on the seat which has been reserved for me by Moon Uh Bal..I first pick out the people who I will be spending time with today.

The guy in the white suit. His face doesn't look too bad...

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but I don't like his hairstyle.

Oh! that tall guy. His face is small, but his way too big..

I like that silver-haired guy's style but...the way he's chewing gum and shaking his leg impatiently looks rude..

What's up with the guys here today~~

I'm supposed to be enjoying this but...I feel like I'm being contaminated...


What Kang San Ha had said to me comes to mind..

<My eyes are rotting>


Why am I... having to think about that b@stard here..

In this precious time...wasting it...

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"The man at that table over there..says he's nuna..what should I do?"


a guy has his legs spread far apart, rudely..and is gesturing for me to go over there..

Who are you ordering around...

Isn't there anyone who has Kang San Ha's looks....?

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Ordering around...?

<Follow me>

What Kang San Ha had said to me before comes up again..

I think I really am insane..

whatever I hear..that guy keeps coming up into my head..

whoever I look..I end up comparing with Kang San Ha.

I'm going to dance at least... in this happy moment.. I'm going to erase that guy completely....

I go up to the the my dancing skill.

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As if they've all been waiting for me.the people who were on stage surround me...and clapped

And..they all cheer while looking at me, as if they have interest in me...

Is it because I've always received interest..?

The peoples' interest to me......whether they like me..or hate me...I don't feel special at all..

The interest I get from being first in the school.

The interest I get from when I take off my glasses...because I look prettier than most celebrities..

Oh!! And one more.

the interest I get.... from associating...with the mp3....

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Of all these interests...I hate the 3rd one the most.

The reason being..because it impacts my school life which was supposed to be spent quietly.

Anyways..of all these interests.I never feel special thinking about them.

............10 minutes later..........

I'm dizzy......

............30 minutes later...........

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It's getting difficult..

I can't drink anymore...

I get off the stage...and I'm unable to walk straight...

"Are you a relative of the owner here? Or do you work while being paid?"

I'm already dizzy.

What's with this guy....

"I'm not a relative. And I don't get paid. If you're done listening to my answer, why don't you go away?"

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Whether it's because this guy is trying to lure me... or want to meet me..

he puts his hand on my shoulder, ignoring my annoyed expression.

"How come you...only dance at this night club?"

I'm about to just ignore this annoying guy and go..but this [email protected] business.

Arabian Nightclub......

My name's Dal Sik. You can have booking, 100%. You can marry me too..

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This [email protected]_-

Dal suits his suits him ve~ry well.)

This Dal Sik guy.. moves his hand from my shoulder to my waist.

I would usually resist from hitting...but this time my fist goes to his big stomach.


before my fist reaches Dal Sik's stomach, Dal Sik falls backwards onto the table beside him.

He gets hit by someone else than me......

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What is this!!"

Dal Sik is overreacting..and was flailing around and screaming..

he looked low, and he couldn't even get the beer off his face..

"What am I...

I'm the person who just punched you"

Without turning around, I was able to identify the person.

The person who hit Dal Sik for me....

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the person who makes me nervous likes this...

The owner of that voice, which makes my heart pound.... ----------26------------

"Y-you dare punch my face?

D-do you know h-how precious my face is?

I'm the kind of person who makes money with just this one face~~

How dare you just come up to me and punch my face?"



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Kang San Ha hits Dal Sik again, guessing by the sound.....

"If you make all the money you need with that face, then I bet Moon Uh Bal over there would be extremely rich?"

Very Kang San Ha-like.

Spitting out the truth..The way he speaks, which can't be told whether it's bad or good...

I still haven't turned around yet, and I'm just listening to what's going on, trying to identify the situation.

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Has Kang San Ha seen me? If he did?

How did he come to Shin Ra's Moon Nightclub?

All this just can't be put together.....

Let's get out of here first, and then think.

If he did see me..He'll find me tomorrow right away...

'I didn't go to a nightclub...

Are you sure you haven't mistaken me for that person because she looked like me?'

I'm good, if I reply as if I don't know what happened like this.Hohoho

Covering my face with my purse, I walk as fast as I can to the nightclub exit....

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Finally, I can see the stairs...

As I'm about to go up the stairs, I hear someone's voice calling me.

"Hey beautiful~~ Where are you going?"

A familliar voice.

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It's Yoo Gwang Pal.ㅇ_ㅇ

Kang San Ha, and even Yoo Gwang Pal....

Then Na Han Uhl, and Han Yoo Seung must have come as well.

Should I turn around...?

Those guys don't know me...So it doesn't matter...

No!! Even though those guys don't know me, Kang San Ha does.

Nobody knows if Kang San Ha is going to tell them that it's me, or not.

"Hey~~~ You, standing in front of the stairs in the leather skirt!

Your butt is uneven~~"

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Yoo Gwang Pal your butt's huge....

"You should go after you take care of what you've started...

Who..are you leaving the chore with, and just going?"

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That intellectual voice...

Han Yoo Seung..ㅡ,.ㅡ

"I don't know what happened."

After throwing those words...

I'm about to go up the stairs again....

Are you saying that you don't know me right now...?"

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Kang San Ha's words became chains and held onto my ankles.

As I thought, you saw me.

Kang San Ha.

What do I do.ㅠ 0ㅠ

I can't think of a way to solve this.

How do I escape from this crisis..

If I try running away, I'll be caught for sure...


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Dal Sik...!!!! Dal Sik is still here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll take care of it, since I started what happened.."

I quickly pass the MP3 and Gwang Pal, and go up to Dal Sik.

Going up to Dal Sik, who is about to become my saviour.

He must've been beat up a lot, seeing Dal Sik's usually tanned face turned swollen.-_-

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Let's pretend to clear this situation, like Han Yoo Seung said.

Then they'll just go without thinking about me even more..

Kang San Ha wouldn't stay if the kids all go.

Rather, if I run away, it would be even worse.

"Hey Dal sik~~ Where did you say you worked again?"

"Why??? You want to come to our nightclub??"

"I'll think about it...."

"Think about it!! If you come, settling will be with the full set... And the booking...."

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Dal Sik checks my body and face out...

"100% guaranteed.

Just tell me what you want.

I'll book you with your type!!!"


I checked behind me....

Nobody's there.

Kang San Ha....and the other kids...

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Thank God...

It's weird that Kang San Ha just went, but anyways, at least they're gone?

Now, only to take care of this b@stard Dal Sik.


Heh, Dal Sik.

I'm not going to book types, and I'm not going to your nightclub!!! Got it??"

I turn from Dal Sik's stunned face

and came out of the nightclub with light footsteps.

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From the luck of being able to solve the situation easier than I thought

being the center of attention of these people, I'm whistling and walking...

"Hey, Hwang Sung Gye."

This voice!?!?!?

Has he been waiting for me to come out....

Kang San Ha, who was standing at the building across from this one, is walking to me.

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Rather than worrying about what's to happen....

I'm enjoying Kang San Ha's different look...

He's hot.=,.=

Kang San Ha is wearing a black suit.

Without a tie, and with two or three buttons undone...

On his chest I can slightly see a cross necklace.

Of course men have to be like Kang San Ha, with broad shoulders to be able to wear clothes and have a feel like him. do I say this?

Wearing a suit, he looks more like an adult than usual..

and I see Kang San Ha as a man.

He looks so different from how he looks in his uniform.

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My heart's pouding from seeing Kang San Ha like this...

What's Kang San Ha thinking, seeing me like this?

Kang San Ha stand in front of me....

It's not like I'm short....

but if I have to look up like this, Kang San Ha really is tall.

Without a word..

and with no expression...

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he continues to look at me.

In front of other people, in these clothes, I felt confident, proud..

but how come in front of this guy, I keep wanting to hide, and feel embarassed...

my face is turning red, and blushing.

"Were you always called Cat Eyes?" --------------27--------------

Cat Eyes?

What's he talking about-_-??

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Sure, my eyes look like cats' eyes,

but my nickname was never Cat Eyes.....

"Do you always go to a nightclub like that?"

"What do you mean, 'like that'?

What are you saying?"

"Are you dressing like that to show off your body?

And why's your face like that?

Your eyes look like they've been bruised. And it's not like you just ate a mouse.. so why are they so red?"

"It's none of your business.

Why are you ordering me around."

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"Your look right now would be perfect as the main character of a horror movie."


I've resisted and resisted, but this

What was that! Main character of a horror movie......-__-

"Seeing you close-up, you really do look ugly."

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I look ugly....

Seeing my appearance right now..

other men would drool an entire puddle....

Well...people judge I can't say anything back to him...

but I'm definitely not ugly.

"What's your prescription?

Have you ever heard someone telling you that you have bad eyes?

Do you see the opposite to everyone else...or have really bad eyesight..anything like that?"

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2.0, eh...

Your..2.0 prescription tells you that I look very ugly to you...

"Coming outside like this, you should be ashamed, very ashamed."

"Why do you keep doing that?

Why do you keep disapproving of everything I do!!

Do you hate me? Or.... are you interested in me?"

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"Becuase whenever I see you, I want to bother you.

Just like my monster teddy bear that's always in my room, if you're gone I'm curious,

leaving you alone is too boring,

and throwing you out is a waste...

to me, you're an existance like my monster teddy bear."

Did he just mean that I'm a monster teddy bear....?=_+

"Don't you hate talking to girls?

So why are you.."

"Yeah. I hate it..

But....I'm curious too.

The reason as to why you, Hwang Sung Hye....why I can talk to you..."

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That's like saying he doesn't see me as a girl..=_=

"Tie your hair.

What are you, a virgin ghost?"

"I don't want to.

Tying my hair won't look good with my outfit right now."

"Really? Then I'll make it look good."

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Stupid Kang San Ha is dragging me, while I'm trying to resist....

Kang San Ha brought me to a store which only sells casual clothes.

"Can I have some clothes that aren't too revealing."



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Eventually, even though I kept saying I didn't want to...

I was forced to wear these clothes.

A white and brown striped shirt.

Beige, straight-leg pants.

There's piles and piles of this style of clothing in my closet..

as if he's satisfied with my look right now, he says....

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"You've gone up a stage, from main character of a horror movie to a comedy.

I admit, you look prettier than before."

That guy is saying that my look right now is pretty.

And that my look before was ugly...

How come at times when I'm prettiest....

I look ugly to that guy?

"I'll pay here."

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Does he have a lot of money...

the clothes here are expensive.

......I don't like being a burden......

"No, forget about it.

I'll buy it. I have money too.. "

Ignoring me being like this, and not taking the change....

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he could have just gone, but once again, Kang San Ha pokes at my pride.

"Give the change to her."

Does he think of me as a hobo....

what does he think I am!!-_-

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But I still shove the change into my pocket,=_=

and as soon as I go outside

"What do you see me as?

Am I amusing to you?"

"The way you look is amusing."

-_- What's wrong with the way I look....

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This time, Kang San Ha takes me to an optical store....

"Why did we come here?"

"To cover your bruised eyes"

"This isn't bruising, it's blue eyeshadow.."

Once again, he ignores me....

Kang San Ha forcefully puts a pair of glasses over my eyes.

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Eventually I....came back to my old look.=_=

I was going to enjoy my freedom and play for just today...

but it's ruined now, beacuse of that guy, Kang San Ha.

"Aren't you late?"

Checking my watch after hearing those words......

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Because I had no time...

I took a taxi and left with Kang San Ha.

Because I live in the same neighbourhood as that guy.......

without a choice.....

I got off the taxi......

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and I'm walking quickly to my house....

with Kang San Ha following me.

He doesn't live in this direction...

"Hey you, why are you following me?"

"To take back the clothes I bought.."

Didn't you buy these clothes for me=_=??

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What a....

mean b@stard.

I mumble, swearing about Kang San Ha while walking home....

with Kang San Ha following me.

It's a quiet night...

only my high heels and Kang San Ha's footsteps can be heard.

That guy must be looking at me from behind..

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I wonder how I look....

from the back....

From the way I look when I walk, to even a single sound of my footsteps..

I worry, thinking of how Kang San Ha is watching me from behind.

Finally, I arrive in front of my house....

"We're here..

This is my house.

I'll bring the clothes. Wait.."

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Showing an angry expression and saying only those words to Kang San Ha, I go into my house.

Thankfully, I came before 12am, so it seems that I'm not late....

I change right when I enter my room..

I put the clothes Kang San Ha bought me today into a shopping bag...and also the clothes I borrowed from Shin Hee.

Wondering what the guy would say next...

with incredible speed, I go outside again......

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Nobody's here.

Where Kang San Ha was, now only has light shining down from the streetlight......

Did he go already?

What is this....

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I thought he said he'd take the clothes...

Maybe he forgot, so he just went back?

then again, there's a high possibility of that happening with that guy.-___-

-Next day, morning-

Whether it's from dancing too much at the nightclub or not......

my entire body felt heavy.....

But I couldn't be late, or miss school beacuse of something like this, so I went to school.

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"Yah!! You saw yesterday, right!"

What's Gwang Pal disturbing me this early in the morning.


It really was a good enough reason for rumours to spread..."

"Hey San Ha, what I'm saying is right, right?

The rumour of the legendary Cat Eyes didn't spread for no reason.... seemed like you knew the Cat Eyes..."

The Cat Eyes was that well-known....

Page 385: If a Nerd Removes Her Glasses.....COMPLETED I that well-known??

How is Kang San Ha going to answer?


He wouldn't possibly tell the truth. -----------28-----------

"Why would I know a weird kid like that."

Weird kid.......

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What am I, an alien?-_-

Why am I weird?

That fox-like b@stard.

Knowing that it's really me, you're saying you'll bother me in an indirect way like this.

Do you I only resist all the time?

I'd resist for other kids, but not to you.

"But yesterday

'Are you saying that you don't know me right now...?'

is what you said to Cat Eyes.."

Han Yoo Seung...has great memory.

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As I thought, he's worthy of being in the top 3 of the school.

"Did I say that?"

"What is this.

Did you already forget what you said yesterday??"

Han Uhl's disappointed expression.

"If you know her, introduce me.

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Gwang Pal wants to talk with Cat Eyes, even for a little bit~"

It isn't like me...

Is it because the well-known and pretty Cat Eyes is so different from my look right now?

Anyways, I feel good.

Oh!! So that must be why Dal Sik wanted to take me to his nightclub.

" You said to Cat Eyes that she had an uneven butt.

Probably...Cat Eyes thinks you're a total b@stard..."

Han Yoo Seung.

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How do you know me so well.

Right right.

Yesterday, that Yoo Gwang Pal was being a total b@stard.

"But, at that time, Cat Eyes kept trying to run away...."

Just looking at your appearance, I would have ran away.

"At times like that. You have to be like this.

'I've been looking at only you for a while now...

I don't think I can stand just looking at you...

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Is it okay for us to talk for a bit?"

"That kind of thing is only for people like you, who have good looks, Han Yoo Seung....

not me."

Ha Ra, who was standing still...

comes up to us, with a curious expression.

"Who's Cat Eyes?"

"A girl who's way prettier, and nicer than you."

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Hey, Han Uhl.

How would you know that I'm nice?

My attitude is actually really dirty...

I'm a devious kid who won't let go of something once I bite onto it, even if it stretches as far as it can go...

"Hah, are you guys talking about her knowing what Cat Eyes means?"

"Do you think we wouldn't?"

"Han Yoo Seung, stay out of this."

"I know well enough....

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Hey, Han Uhl.

At least you knew what eye means.

"So.. what about the word?"

"Do you think they're 'Bunny Eyes'?"

"Yoo Gwang Pal, don't guess so randomly like that."

Han Uhl and Gwang Pal's expressions look like they're about to cry.

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"Don't know, eh?

It means 'Cat Eyes'...

And besides, even if they're pretty, just how pretty do you think Cat Eyes would be?"

"No! They were pretty!!!

And her voice was so pretty that...

her very voice is stuck in my head.."

I didn't change my voice then, so it's the exact same as now...

Should I let them hear my voice once?

Is it really..stuck in Gwang Pal's head....

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"Hey Gwang Pal~~ I'm hungry."

"Why don't you lick on your fingers then."

Yoo Gwang b@stard!!!!!!!!1

I'm the Cat Eyes, who just said that I was hungry!!

I thought you said my voice was pretty...and that it was stuck in your head... don't you recognize it, after hearing it again?

"It's most likely that she had cakes of make-up on...

That kind of girl should be called an artificial beauty...

Whether her name is Cat Eyes.... or Dog Eyes...

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I bet if you erased her make-up...she'd be hideous..

Her eyelashes would be invisible, her lips would be uneven. Her skin, like an orange peel, I can imagine it..well."

Dog Eyes??-_-

Oh Ha Ra...Even if you didn't like me, still..

About someone you've never can you say that...

"No!! She was really pretty!!

She was a natural beauty..

The Cat Eyes...If I had even a single strand of her hair....

I would eat left-over food that Cat Eyes was eating... Even squid... I could eat all of it....."

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A strand of my hair.

And...Gwang Pal, there's nothing you can't eat...

You even eat candy that you dropped....."

"That Cat Eyes...

If I got to see her even once up close, I wouldn't have another wish."

!! My stomach feels weird seeing you even from this far away..

If I saw you up close...I'd... probably..faint..

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I better be careful....of Gwang Pal.

Otherwise my hair, or my left over squid,

will be dangered..

"I'm going to search."

Hey Yoo Seung... Searching... for what??

"I'm going to find Cat Eyes."

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"How are you going to find her?"

"Apparently, she only appears at the nightclub once every month..

how will you find her?"

"I can find her easily..

since Kang San Ha knows her.

Right? Kang San Ha. You know her, right?" -----------29------------

"Why do you think that I would know?"

"It's already been 5 years since I first became your friend.

You're not the kind of guy to help a girl who you don't even know."

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What does he mean help.....

When did Kang San Ha help me....?

"I didn't help her....

it's just that that Dal Sik b@stard was a disgusting sight, so I just took care of it."

"So you're saying that you won't tell me?

Then I'll find her myself."

"Do what you want."

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Kang San Ha.

he's more loyal than I thought.....

If I see myself at times like this, I can see the stupid parts of me..

My head goes well to studying, but.......

how come I couldn't think about how Kang San Ha helped me yesterday?

Definitely, as soon as that Dal Sik guy began to play with me..

Kang San ha hit Dal Sik...and that was helping me....

I am finally aware of the fact that I received help.

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'Thanks for yesterday.'

I should say at least that?

But how come it feels like it'll be heard to say that one sentence....

I'm not the kind of person who can't say a small thing like this..

I better do it when the chance comes..

And I better give him the clothes today.

These days, there are too many dangerous things going on...

Even Han Yoo Seung will look for me....

from now on, I better move to another place, not Shin Ra's Nightclub.

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Today is already Tuesday.

Time really does go by quickly....

Now, there's 2 weeks left until the exam day.

I wonder if I can teach those kids well during 2 weeks.

I see it as something that can't be done even by expensive tutoring, when they receive an average of 50%..

Seeing Kang San Ha, Yoo Gwang Pal, Na Han Uhl, Oh Ha Ra...

they seem like kids who gave up on studying.

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Still, taking responsibility for something that I've already started...

I go searching for the kids, with review papers that I've made to get their marks up.

"Ha Ra~"

"Eh! Sug Hye? Wait..."

Ha Ra is looking at a wallet with a magnifying glass.

I have a feeling that she's doing that to lend money, in exchange for receiving an item.....

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"What do ou think? It's something that costs a lot, right?

As you can tell, this wallet is from Louis Vuitton..Louis Vuitton!!"

"That's right..

it is Louis Vuitton...but it's been handled poorly..

A brand's soft...

but this, whether it's because it hasn't been taken care or poorly or not....the surface is rough and the colour is faded.

I'd say it's worth 5 bills."

"P-poorly taken care of?? you know how well I took care of this, and treasured it?

I sprayed perfume on it every week..and when I would clean my bag..I didn't use a regular cloth, I used silk.."

"5 bills."

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"Only....5 bills??? Can't you give me a bit more?"

"If you don't like it, then go somewhere else..

I put a lot of thought into deciding too.."

Eventually, the kid who's borrowing money receives 4 green bills, and leaves..

If Ha Ra's obsession over money....was poured over studying, she'd pass me, and succeed even more..


I went to Gwang Pal and Han Uhl's class.

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Gwang Pal was peeling and eating his boiled egg, in this hot weather..

He appears as if he's in a sauna, sweating....

I don't want to go up to Gwang Pal..

I don't want to see him sweating like that, or his sweat.

Where's Han Uhl.....?


Only a sigh comes out..

Han Uhl is assembling Lego pieces, as if playing in a toy room.

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Does he really want to be like that at the age of eighteen?

"Na Han Uhl."

"Wah!!!! A pirate has appeared.

Surroun him! attack!"

With a completed Lego ship..

Han Uhl hits my head, which makes me feel bad.


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"Seeing First Place funny.

Hehe~ So what are you doing here?"

"This page is review, so have it memorized.

Next time we study, I'm going to check to see if you memorized,or not..

Tell Gwang Pal this too."

Now, there's only Kang San Ha, and Han Yoo Seung left.

Arriving at Han Yoo Seung's classroom and looking inside...

Unlike Han Uhl...or Gwang seems that I won't have to look for him.

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Because definitely, the guy who's being surrounded by the girls....

would be Han Yoo Seung.

I won't dare go through all those girls to get to Han Yoo Seung..

I'll just ask for anyone to just give this page to Han Yoo Seung.

"First Place!! Why are you here? Is it to see me?"

Han Yoo Seung spots me, and comes up to me..

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The closer he comes, it seems that the girls' whispering and glaring strength becomes stronger..

"This is a review that I go through it.."

"Weren't we rivals?

As I thought..First Place, you're too nice.."

"I'll go now"

I better get out of this place quickly.


those girls might run up to me like hyenas who've just found food..=_=

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"Thinking about how you'll have to teach those kids..

is hard, right?"

Han Yoo Seung is pretending to care... since when did you worry like me?

"Then were you having the same thought as me?"

"Of course!

So about that...After school is over, let's talk"

"Do we have to meet? Can't you talk now?"

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This is important, I have to tell you after school."

"Fine. I got it..

Then I'll go to your classroom after a bit.."

"Yeah. See you in a bit!! Bye~~!"

What's he trying to tell me, that's so important?

Is it possibly something to do with how to raise the kids' averages to above 50%?

Going into my classroom...

I went to Kang San Ha's spot, to give him the last page left.

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But even when I arrive, Kang San Ha only stares out the window.

"Eh hem....

Hey, Kang San Ha! This page...."

"Shin Hee told me to bring you home today.

Let's skip school and go." -------------30-------------

........What do I do?

If I go to Shin Hee, then I won't be meeting Han Yoo Seung......?

Should I just tell Kang San Ha that I can't go...

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"You don't have to think about it so much. You just have to go."

"And if I.....don't go....?"

Kang San Ha stares, scaring me....

" know...just if...? ^ ^;;"

"Then I don't know what will happen..."

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That expression of Kang San Ha is the scariest.

His eyes are glaring....while his lips are smiling....

That forced expression..

Somehow, I think going to Shin Hee would be better.

I won't be late to meet Han Yoo Seung after...

"What are you two talking about together....

you're just Kang San Ha a review sheet?"

It seems that her time playing with money has ended..

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seeing Oh Ha Ra around Kang San Ha and me.

"Yeah. You're right...

But Oh Ha Ra, I gave it to you too...."

"To me? When???"

"I put it on your desk before...because you looked so busy...."

"Ahh~~that...was a review sheet..

My bad~my bad~

These days there's too many kids looking for me, needing me.."

Not you..

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they would be looking for.. and needing your money.

"Ah!! I almost forgot!!

Yah! Kang San Ha. Is Cat Eyes really that pretty?

How pretty is she...if words like that..came our of our Gwang Pal's mouth.."

She's right in front of you..

the Cat Eyes..

But Ha Ra...

I didn't feel happy hearing from Gwang Pal that I was pretty.

Rather, it's creepy.

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"I don't want to become well-known through that stupid Cat Eyes..

What the hell are Cat Eyes? How low...

If that girl has cat eyes, then the entire world must have cat eyes??

Girls like her...who flirt with guys.."

Do you think I became Cat Eyes because I wanted to?

"If I saw that b!tch, I'd be saying more harsh things...


Sung Hye, you're curious too, right?"

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"Eh?? Yeah..I'm curious...."

"Sung Hye says she's curious too...Kang San Ha.

Tell us how that Cat Eyes looks~~"

Kang San Ha looks directly at me while speaking.

"Cat Eyes..

I wish I never saw her again.."

-Shin Hee's house-

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"Unni!! It seems you're finally here.

Eh? You wore glasses again?

I told you that you look way prettier when you remove your glasses.."

"If I remove my glasses..I'm totally blind....

But.. why did you tell me to come here..?"

"The reason I called you, unni, today.....

please come here.."

Shin Hee takes me to her room.

This midget has more strength than Kang San Ha...

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I came here once before.....

Shine Hee's room is way different from my room. her room..making it look like a princess's room.

Eh?? What's that picture..

Just like celebrities on ads...Shin Hee's close-up picture....

is put up right in the middle of a wall..

There's words written underneath too...

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"-Dwarves who love our Snow White...?"

"Oh... that? The kids from my fanclub gave it to me."


"I'm known as Snow my school.. fans made these kinds of nicknames."


These siblings play with..

Pigs, toads....dwarves...


This. I bought it...while I was at the mathematics trip.

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I got help from you...and I wanted to become closer to I bought it

Can you undo your hair please.."

When I carefully unwrap the present, I see a pretty clip.

A small and cute pink ribbon clip.....

She said that it was from Jeju Island....

so I was expecting something like orange chocolate..

"Isn't it pretty?

I'll put it on for you..."

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Will this look good with my face right now.....

"'re so pretty!!>_<

Um... I have a request...can I ask you?"


...why is she so's weird...

"What is it?"

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"Please wear this clip, at least just for today.."

Wear this clip for just today?'s not something too difficult to do....

"You have to do it.."

I nodded..

and gave the clothes I borrowed...and the clothes Kang San Ha bought Shin Hee.

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"I already heard from oppa...that you borrowed my clothes...

But what are these?"

"They're clothes your oppa bought me before..he told me to give it back to him so..."

"Our oppa bought you clothes?? oppa never gave me a birthday present, even once...

but how did unni clothes?"

"You're right that he bought it..but he told me to give it back, eh...?"

"My oppa must really like you, unni..."

I said that he wanted them back!!!!-0-

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"Anyways, give this to Kang San Ha"



Not noticing the time passing by....

Shin Hee and I had a long conversation.

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Then...checking the time, it was already....9:50.

Because the night classes in our school finish at 10....

I had to hurry.

As soon as I'm about to run to the school..

Kang San Ha calls, stopping me.

"Yah. I'll follow you, if you want."

Do you mean taking me...instead of following me=_=?

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I guess I should be thankful anyway.

"No, it's okay...

I just have to stop by somewhere"




"Um!!! Church!!

At this time...I always go to church and pray..."

"Right. You went to church?"

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This b@stard....


I have to go quickly.. farewell....bye~~~"

I wonder why I lied?

It's not like meeting Han Yoo Seung... is wrong or anything....

But all of a sudden...instead of school...the word church came out..

Even though I want to phone him on my cellphone...

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I don't know Han Yoo Seung's phone number..but it's not like he would have waited?

In my head..question marks popped up....

Running to school....

Of course..after night classes were finished...nobody was at school....

As soon as I went into Han Yoo Seung's classroom..where we planned to meet.....

it was dark...maybe it's because the curtains are drawn..there isn't a single source of light.

"Han Yoo Seung~~

Yah..Han Yoo Seung..."


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I was thinking of just going home...

but as soon as I reach the doorway...I hear footsteps nearing me.

Who can it be??

The noise becomes louder.

"Who is it!!"

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The noise stops....and when I pause for a second..

somehow..right away..somebody removes my glasses.


] How can this...?! Who can this be....??

The footsteps..fade..

And I can hear someone going over to the light switches. prevent that person from turning on the lights, I block the switches..

but I feel something..on my hand..

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Another person's hand....

And slowly, the lights switch on...

Now, my only option is.......

running away..


this person won't let go of my wrist, and holds on.

I can now see this peron's face, and hear this person's voice.

"I found you." ------------31------------

Tick. Tock.

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Because it is silent, quiet, nothing can be heard inside this classroom except for the clock.

Underneath the bright fluorescent light.

Han Yoo Seung's face, while holding tightly onto my wrist and not letting me go, makes me feel scared.

Especially the grin on his face makes me go crazy.

He said that he would find the Cat Eyes.

Has he already realized that I'm the Cat Eyes..?

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In the hand that Han Yoo Seung is holding, sweat is forming and my throat is turning dry....

I feel like I've become a stuffed animal, unable to speak.


Han Yoo Seung lets go of my hand that he was holding tightly....

"Are you shaking?"

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This is a part of Han Yoo Seung's plan.

Let's stay calm.

Put all the thoughts together....

Hyoo~~~~ letting go of my breath...

"Who's shaking? Me!?"

Han Yoo Seung rubs my hand onto his uniform blazer.

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What is he doing?

"Look at this."

The area where my hand touched Han Yoo Seung's blazer is moist.

because of my sweat......=_=

When it becomes like this, I have to act even more realistic.

If I'm revealed here so simply like this, I'm done for.

Let's try hard...Hwang Sung Hye...!

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Until now, you've survived with just this acting ability.

Today is the day to show my best abilities as an actress!!!

"Look at this?

Hey Yoo Seung, what's that supposed to mean?

Since when did we play hide and seek?

So you were saying that you found me?

Then this time, I'll try to find you. Now it's your turn to hide~~~"

I went closer to the wall, and I'm closing my eyes tightly while yelling.

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"Hide carefully..I might see a strand of hair...hide carefully..

Are you done hiding?"

Seeing my actions, Han Yoo Seung laughs

and undoes the clip from Shin Hee, and shows me.

On the back of the clip, Han Yoo Seung shows me where it says HSH on it.

What does that mean...?

And why is that kind of thing on the back?

"HSH are your initials..."

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"How do you..

that clip is.....from Shin Hee...."

"Because this clip was ordered by me, specially made."

I don't understand a single word that Han Yoo Seung is saying.

Somebody translate~

"Aren't you the one who fought with the gangsters because of Shin Hee?

You're the Cat Eyes, right_?"

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"Don't make me a fool based on what you hear."

"First, I was curious."


"Shin Hee said the girl who saved her removed her glasses..

she was really pretty, and her eyes were like cat eyes..

Because the girl was really good at fighting... I thought she was a weightlifting champion or something..

But on the very next day....

Kang San Ha acted as he had never before only to you.

Seeing you far away, your face was half-covered by your freckles, and you were a nerd with glasses, so you looked ugly..

so I never noticed that you were the girl that Shin Hee was talking about.."

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Then how did he notice...?

"But.....I saw.

Kang San Ha and Cat Eyes, together..

I was going to ask something, then I saw a surprising scene..

Cat Eyes turning into you...."


"The girl that Shin Hee was talking about, who turns pretty with cat eyes, when she removes her glasses.

And you, turning into Cat Eyes when you remove your glasses..

Don't you see something in common there?"

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Han Yoo Seung.

already knows everything...

Maybe it's because I took Han Yoo Seung too lightly..

"So to Shin Hee..."

"That's right.

To Shin hee today, I told her to meet the girl who saved her

and to give her this clip as a gift, requesting for the girl to wear the clip for at least today."


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"Until now, to find things more in common I've waited for you."

Han Yoo Seung is..

one of the most difficult people that I've ever met.

Although he seems to be lacking in many parts, he's just faking..

and he's good at calculating situations, this scary b@stard.

"Eventually, since you've come here with this clip.

Now, you can't run away, or lie.."


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"Because I've figured all of it out.."

"Now what are you going to do? Reveal me?"

"Don't worry... I won't tell.

I won't tell anyone.

I also hope your real identity isn't discovered.

More than the Cat Eyes, or the girl who fought with the gangsters.

I like the first place, ugly Hwang Sung Hye, standing in front of me."

Liking me more for what I am now...


Only confused laughter comes out.

Right now my look is me wearing my uniform neatly,and with ugly looks as anybody would say..

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An existence which only lives within, not saying anything to anybody else..

"But there is a condition."

A condition.....

what if it's the kind of condition that I can't do?

"To give me your cell phone number."

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How did he know that I had a cell phone?

Just as Kang San Ha had said, Han Yoo Seung has good eyes..

If I knew this were to happen....

I would've been careful, as Kang San Ha had said..

Han Yoo Seung's condition isn't hard or anything...

but how do I say it...?

It's a bit odd..


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Han Yoo Seung's existence continues to become scarier....

-The next day, lunch time-

"Ah~~ I'm full... As I thought, bread from our store is the best~~

Eh? The 1st class is lucky. They're really close to the washroom..

For us, since the washrooms are far away, it takes a third of our break time to use the washroom.."

Oh Ha Ra.

You use all your time on counting money and pressing on the calculator buttons.-_-

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1st class? 1st class!!!!!!!!!!1"

In front of the 1st class, stopping

Ha Ra takes out a small notebook from her pocket, titled 'People who have debts to pay for at least 2 months.

And Ha Ra's hands, going through the notebook..

"As I thought, my memory-skills should be noted.

Kil Kyung, who's owed me four 4 months, in the 1st class!!"

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"Who's Kil Kyung..?

"There's also Kam Hyo Jin, who was also lent money, but hasn't paid!!!

Hey Sung Hye, stay here for a sec."

What is she trying to do?

Ha Ra's expression seems to show that she has made a resolution.

I stick my head into the 1st class' classroom, where Ha Ra had gone into.

"Where's Jil Kyung~~

Jil Kyung, who also asked to borrow my bodybuilding contest video!!

Eating peanuts..and having then in his nostrils, Jil Kyung!!

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Jil Kyung, who has had a bloody nose from picking his nose!!

Jil Kyung!!"

Ha Ra's other face...

how evil.

Because she has that kind of personality in her, she's quite respecftful, that Oh Ha Ra..

"Who's Jil Kyung?"

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Don Yoo Jeong licks off all the toppings off his hot dog, then sucks on his sausage.

His last name and first name match well..

This kid is famous in our school for eating at least three burnt things everyday..

For some reason, I think he'll be perfect for being friends wth Gwang Pal.

"None of your business...why don't you eat the rest of that sausage."

"No!!! You can't eat it all at once.

You have to suck it like this, and when the sausage's flavour reaches your tongue, that's when you have to take small bites.

Do you want to try?"

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"Are you telling me to suck on this disgusting thing? "

" tastes good..

"Yah!! Jil Kyung. I'm going to explode..!!!!!!

If you don't come out now, I'm going to scream..!"

I know where Jil Kyung is..

says a girl, who drags Ha Ra away...

As soon as I see Ha Ra and the girl, I turn myself and pretend to memorize english words.

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"Do you want to pay me what you owe?"

"Don't you think you're a bit too harsh?"

"I don't need to hear that. Why don't you hand over the money?"

"Ha Ra~~~

Can't you give me another week? I'm begging you~~ I'll really pay back next week! Pay back..!!"


If it was the usual Ha Ra....she would obviously say no...why is she acting like that?

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Have you gained compassion from seeing Jil Kyung's misshaped double eyelids?


"Really? Really? Are you sure? Ha Ra~~thank you...!"



"Take that sausage that Don Yoo Jeong is sucking on."

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"That gross thing?"

"Why? You don't want to?"

"!! Wait..."

Jil Kyung went back into his classroom.

Wondering how Ha Ra was going to handle this, I looked at her.

Were you that hungry after eating your bread...?


Yah~~~ Kam Hyo Jin!! Give it back~~!!! Hand over the sausage!!!!!!!1 Wahh~~~~"

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Don Yoo Jeong is now on the floor, crying.

I feel bad for him.

He's being robbed of his sausage, when he wasn't doing anything...

Walking to class, I asked Ha Ra.

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"You should have just bought a sausage.

Did you have to take away something that was being eaten so well?"

"Why would I eat this disgusting sausage that Don Yoo Jeong was sucking on?"

"Then...why did you take it away from him?"

"You'll see."

What is she thinking...

As soon as Ha Ra enters the classroom...

she looks around the classroom, then goes up to Han Uhl, who is by Kang San Ha.

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"Han Uhl~~ can you eat this for me??"


"Eh? It's a sausage!!!!!

Give it to me! Give it to me!! Gwang Pal loves sausages!!!"

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Ha Ra.

Instead, just give the sausage to Gwang Pal, who says he likes it.

"More than Gwang Pal, I want to give this to you, Han Uhl."

"Let's give it to the pretty guy. Is that how it is?"

Han Uhl isn't a pretty guy, he's mean...=_=

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"Yeah! I'm giving it to Han Uhl, because he's good-looking."

Poor Han Uhl..

Hearing that compliment, with a smile on his face, he eats the sausage.ㅠ 0ㅠ

Does Ha Ra hate Han Uhl that much?

I want to ask her one time..

Hey Ha Ra.

Why do you hate Han Uhl so much?

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Gwang Pal, Han Uhl, Ha Ra...

Those three have completely opposite expressions.

Gwang Pal seems upset..

Han Uhl is smiling like a little kid..

Watching Han Uhl, Ha Ra has a slight grin on her face...


The truth is...the..that wasn't something that I was eating."

Eventually Oh Ha Ra.

spills out the truth,-_-


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I understand that Han Uhl is surprised..


But why is Kang San Ha so surprised? ----------32--------------

"Th-then...this sausage was what First Place was eating?

"It was the one that Hwang Sung Gye was eating!?"

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Are you afraid that I was eating it?=_+

"That sausage was first eaten by Don..."

Ha RA quickly covers my mouth while I have my eyes open wide.

It wasn't what I was eating~ It wasn't~!!!!!

But these kids won't believe me...-__-

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"Who is it~Whaat~"

"I'll tell you.

But your mid-term averages have to be over 50%...."

"And if it doesn't?"

"'ll live the rest of your lives curious, and it will always remain a mystery.

So get over 50%! That's the only solution...

And also, if your averages are over 50%..I'll pay for all~ the food you eat one time.."

Ha Ra-yah...

Was that it..?

For our study group....

I thought it was only because you didn't like Han Uhl..

Oh Ha Ra..

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I admit now that you're my true friend...

Now I'm going to have a best friend too..

"First Place. You left this yesterday, didn't you.."

Han Yoo Seung puts the clip with the initials HSH engraved into my hand.

"Han Yoo Seung. Did you go to church yesterday too?"

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Kang San Ha asks Han Yoo Seung.


No. Except for Christmas, I don't go.."

He stares right at me. Kang San Ha..

How can my lie be revealed so easily like this...ㅜ 0ㅜ

"We met on the way to church, it was quite~ a coincidence how we met.^ ^;;"

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I lie with an unusual expression, sweating...

But Han Yoo Seung, this [email protected]_-

"That was meeting on the way?

Didn't we plan on meeting before we met?

You're supposed to do whatever your common sense tells you to do in this kind of situation.

That b@stard doesn't notice this....

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"I'm sleepy. I want to go sleep...."

Han Yoo Seung, after causing a huge problem, leaves without taking responsibility.

"I noticed that you didn't go to night classes..

Did you skip with Han Yoo Seung?"

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Oh Ha Ra...If you're not going to help, don't say anything either...

"Y-You see....."

"You said you went to church yesterday.."

"Eh? I w-was going to go..."

"You were..but?"


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Brrrrrr brrrrrr~~~

At this time, my lovely cellphone begins to vibrate.

Without hesistating, in this nerve-wracking situation, I answer.

"Hello!!" this time, the person who just had to phone me

was Han Yoo Seung, the guy who left without taking responsibility.

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Whether he is an enemy, or a friend is unknown, Han Yoo Seung.

I'm quite far from knowing Han Yoo Seung well.


someone's telling me to meet...."

Alarmed, I leave the classroom quickly..and go to the music room, where Han Yoo Seung asked me to go.

Before even going into the music room, the piano can be heard...

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It's a sad song...but I don't feel sad..

I think I've heard it a lot before...but I don't remember..

Although I came here running...

charmed from hearing the piano..I carefully open the music room door and

I quietly go to Han Yoo Seung, not wanting to bother him when he's playing the piano..

I couldn't say anything.

Even though i was really angry..

even though I wanted to ask why he got me into a complicated situation...

after hearing Han Yoo Seung play the piano, all these thoughts disappeared a while ago.

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Right when I wanted to hear more..

Han Yoo Seung stood up.

"You came..."


"Aren't you thankful that I called you? ^ㅡ^"

To that bright, smiling face...I don't think I can get angry....

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"I don't want to get into a complicated mess anymore....because of you.."

"Do you know how to play the piano? Try playing it."

"I can play, but I don't want to.."

"You don't want to? I don't want to either..

Later..Later when I want to hear it, I will."

Will I let you hear me play when you want to hear me?

I'm not that kind of idle person..

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On the way home..after night classes..

With much difficulty..I thanked Ha Ra..

"Ha Ra-yah. Thanks..."

"For what?"

"Before...the sausage...."

"Oh? That...

But why are you thankful about that?

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It was for me, because if it weren't for taking night classes, my business wouldn't be expanding.."


For you, business is playing with bonds...=_=

Then it was for that?

Did i overeract to myself again....

Then what was Ha Ra saying about before, about how she'd buy them all food..

"From before..were you serious about buying them all food?"

"Yeah..I'll buy them $0.15 popsicles each.."

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Whether it's because of Oh Ha Ra or not.. the study group is changing.

Han Uhl seemed to study to reveal the mystery of the sausage..

Whenever Gwang Pal would memorize something, Ha Ra would give him a candy...

and when he memorized an english word, he would be given 2 pieces of candy..

Even though Kang San Ha wasn't involved in the sausage incident at all, he would walk

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around with a text book, muttering to himself.

Of course, Oh Ha Ra would study..for her business expansion.

And Han Yoo Seung..

Like usual, he would study and read, and teach the kids...

But when he seemed to be looking somewhere else..and when his eyes met with mine..

he sent a look which would make my heart stop..

Time passed like this and

a week before the exams, the core teacher contacted me.

He said he would buy me food for having to deal with the kids..

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and he told me to come out dressed nice even though I didn't want to go

but I had no choice, because I had a feeling it would make things bad if I didn't

so when I went to the meeting place where my core teacher would be....

Even though I wasn't expecting anything, it was a fancy restaurant.

The core teacher is going to be spending quite a bit today....ㅡ,.ㅡ

I looked around for the core teacher, but I couldn't find him..

instead, a guy's backside, a stranger who I thought I saw before, came to view.

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That it.......can it be........... -------------33---------------

There's no mistaking it.

That head, the size of a watermelon.....

A lot of hair falls from his head, like dog hair.


But wy is Gwang Pal here?

Is Gwang Pal here to meet someone too?

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"Eh?? First Place? @_@"


I'm barely holding in my laughter..

Gwang Pal was wearing a suit.

His sleeves, which seem like they're about to explode..

fat dangling out of his shirt...

Each time Gwang Pal lifts his head..

I can see dirt and dust stuck between his folded fat.=_=

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"First Place, what are you doing here?"

"The core teacher said he'd buy me food...."

Hearing me say core teacher, Gwang Pal suddenly stiffens.

Does he hate our core teacher that much..?

"Then the girl who my dad said he would introduce me to..... was you?"

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Then our core teacher is Gwang Pal's dad??

How can this be.....!! How can this be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I always thought that someone looked a lot like my core teacher..

That was Gwang Pal...

What the core teacher said before comes to mind.

<I think you'll suit my son quite well..>

<I picked you to be my daughter-in-law..>

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How do we match well....

When we're together, it looks like King Kong and a rabbit....-_-

And daughter-in-law??

Who's deciding that.

Marrying Gwang Pal, and becoming the core teacher's daughter-in-law...

I'd rather live squished in an underground cave, eating only onions and waiting to become a bear.

Gwang Pal didn't have a pleasant expression either.

Then again, he even wore a suit like that..

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It's not like a girl with a nice body came to meet him..

It's not like an innocent parent-approved girl came either..

Since a super-timid, freckle-full, ugly-looking me came...

it makes sense that he's disappointed..

"Keep it a secret"

What does he want kept a secret?

Us meeting?

Or your dad being the core teacher?

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"that our your core teacher"

As for me, I want to keep that a secret too...

but evil things keep popping up in my head. ehehe

Gwang Pal, I want to become closer to you

to spend my high school life comfortably.....

-The next day-

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The core teacher called me to his classroom....

I wondered what to say, wanting not to be paired with Gwang Pal.

Your son doesn't suit me as a husband..

.....should I say it like this?

No. No... This is too rude...

What about....

I lack a lot as your daughter-in-law..

Especially when I wear leopard-patterned skirts, leather skirts and go to nightclubs; can you

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accept me as a daughter-in-law?

......should I say it like this?

No. N....

This is me practically revealing my real identity...

Then should I just say it truthfully...?

Mr. Yoo, I can't take Gwang Pal as my husband.

Gwang Pal's huge body, his huge appetite.....

especially when he acts cute, when I get goosebumps..

Aish!!! I don't know~~!!!!

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I'll take it, head-on!!

Shaking, I stand in front of the core teacher...

"Mr. Yoo..."

I call....

and my eyes zoom in on Na Han Uhl and Kang San Ha, receiving punishments..

Did they do something wrong..? Why are they like that??

"Eh~~ our daughter-in-law! I heard that you didn't meet my son yesterday.."

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I see that Gwang Pal lied.

"Yes. I..never met him..."

"Too bad....

when you see my son's wide face...then you would be calling me father...."

Seeing Mr. Yoo's son who's far from wide, to King Kong..

I think I'd be saying quite the opposite..

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"Next time...I'll find a day again, to let you meet our son.."

Oh~~No~~ I need details~~!!

I barely make it out of the core teacher's view, lying.. when I see that Kang San Ha and Han Uhl have left.

Why were they receiving punishments?

I better ask Kang San Ha later...

Were you fighting~~♬ Were you arguing~~♬ or Were you sleeping in class again~~♬

Should I try practising once??

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"Kang San Ha~Kang San Ha~

Were you fighting~~♬ Were you arguing~~♬ or Were you sleeping in class again~~♬"

"I was arguing.Why?"


I was outisde of the classroom, already practising to tease Kang San Ha, when somebody answers to the song..

I don't move my body, and just my eyes..turn slightly..

to see Kang San Ha, with his hands in his pockets, looking, no, glaring at me.

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Forcing myself to stop laughing, I greet Kang San Ha...


"Seeing you like this, I'm so happy to see you.."

Even when I think about it, this greeting is awkward...

Why am I acting like this..

It's probably because I feel bad about lying to Kang San Ha yesterday?

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"Since when were you the core teacher's daughter-in-law?"

Core teacher....

Did he...address the core teacher in a bad manner?

Then again, he's Gwang Pal's dad...if Gwang Pal heard this, he would be hurt..

"Are you ignoring me,?"

"I'm not ignoring you...but I want to ignore you.."

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Kang San Ha glare turns scarier..

"I'm kidding..-,.-"

"Are you close with the core teacher's son?"

"No. I know him a little bit..."

"Then are you close with Han Yoo Seung?"

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"Yeah. A bit close..."

That much would count as being close, doesn't it..?

"Then are you close with me?"

Why are you asking me that kind of thing...

You're making me feel weird...

What am I supposed to that that b@stard won't argue?

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"Were we close?"

Kang San Ha is still glaring at me..

"We had our close times, and seperate times, didn't we?"

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"We're close!! Very close...!!!!!!"

"Don't pretend to be close. It's annoying."

What does he want me to do?

Kang San Ha, do you like fooling around?

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we're not close. Happy?"

"We are close. You're not close with the other kids."

So that was what he meant by pretending to be close..

But who is tell me that kind of thing.

It's my freedom to choose whether I pretend to be close or not..

Would that guy like me being a loner?


From now on, Kang San Ha, I'm going to annoy you by pretending to be close with other kids even more. ----------34-------------

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Right when I entered the classroom, I saw Han Yoo Seung and Na Han Uhl standing by Kang San Ha's desk.

Knowing that Kang San Ha was coming behind me....

I go up to Han Uhl, who seems the easiest to deal with, and begin to flirt.

"Han Uhl-ah~"

Han Uhl begins to panic from hearing my voice.

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“What, First Place....?ㅇ_ㅇ"

“Today you're... ve~ry cute...

Your hair smells good.. what brand of shampoo do you use?”

“I...didn't wash my hair today.”

“Oh. Alright..ㅡ,.ㅡ”

“First Place, are you feeling sick? Or did you drink?”

Ignoring what Han Uhl said...I continue to talk to him, with a soft look in my eyes.

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“First Place, your eyes look weird.. they look like rotten fish eyes >_<”

Fish eyes......?

And even rotten......

That f* matter how many times I flirt, that Han Uhl b@stard won't move.

“It's because my eyes are clear...

Can't you tell the difference between clear and faded things..? If you don't believe me, do you want to check?”

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I put my face right in front of Han Uhl's face and..

“What do you think?? They're like a clear, clean lake right?

Don't you want to fall for my lake-like eyes?”

I wonder what kind of expression Kang San Ha has on right now??

I want to check...

“Yeah. I want to check!

Whether they're really lake-like or not..

But beacuse of your glasses....I can't really see First Place's eyes...”

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Is it because I was overreacting...

I launched Han Uhl's curiosity.

Han Uhl, saying that he had to check...... kept trying to take off my glasses....

Thinking that I had to put a stop to this situation...I tried to break free from Han Uhl's hand, to run out of the classroom but...

Han Yoo Seung..pulled on Han Uhl's right shoulder...letting me break free...

So I didn't have to do anything...

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On the other side of Han Yoo Seung's hand, I can see another guy's hand on Han Uhl's left shoulder...

Similaryly to Han Yoo Seung...

Kang San Ha didn't hold onto Han Uhl's seems like he pushed him.

Han Uhl, with huge and bright eyes, looks back and forth between Han Yoo Seung and Kang San Ha.

Kang San Ha and Han Yoo Seung both have stiff expressions, between Han Uhl.

It seems....

that both of them were trying to stop Han Uhl from taking off my glasses...

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"What is this? Kang San ha..Han Yoo Seung...

Both of you.....why are you doing that~?"

Kang San Ha ignored Han Uhl's words, and continues to look at Han Yoo Seung.

Not knowing that Han Yoo Seung knew that I was Cat Eyes..

and that I was caught seen without my glasses..

it makes sense for him to look at Han Yoo Seung, not understanding his actions...

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"Na Han Uhl. I thought you..were going to eat First Place's face alive.

I feel sorry enough for First Place's face but..

if even much lower would First Place's confidence go about her own face??"

I saw the tactics Han Yoo Seung was trying to use to solve the problem in this situation... come had had to...insult me that much..

Han Yoo Seung's mind i making me feel suspicious..-_-^

"Kang San Ha. Why did you push Han Uhl?"

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Why was Kang San Ha doing that..

He always appears and helps me when I'm in a dangerous spot..

It's not like he gets anything out of it, so... Why....?

Merely sympathy..... there another reason?

"Han Yoo's the same reason as you.

Hwang Sung Gye.. I have something to say to you.. follow me."

“Right now......?”

Again, Kang San Ha leaves first.

Who does he think he is, telling me to follow him every day..-_-

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I leave the classroom, following Kang San Ha..

I see Han Yoo Seung, putting on a dark expression..

I don't want to leave him, with this face like that.

Following Kang San Ha, I arrive behind the school building.


We're moving into next period. We have to go in fast...”

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“I told you before. To watch out for me..”

I wonder if he's even listening to me....

Again, just pushing out your words, you dictator...

....But...this entire day, Kang San Ha..seems too serious...

. It doesn't suit him..stop going into the serious-mode~~~

Kang San Ha, when you shouted out Shin Chang Won and Kim Doo Han.. that kind of time is when I like you most......

“You ignored my warning...”

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saying just to watch out for you....

That was...a warning?

“How and what did I ignore?”

“Being a's annoying to see..seeing you... pretending to be close with other kids...”

Kang San Ha.

Do you want me to be stubborn in front of other kids like you?

Or, as you say, do you want me to be a loner, who plays by myself, not playing with other kids?

If you wanted that..what do I do??

I don't want to do that at all..

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Until now, in front of you...

I was like a dog, doing everything you said....

And even now, I was going to resist but......

my patience goes until here.

“Kang San Ha...listen carefully.”

With great difficulty, I met eyes with Kang San Ha, from looking at the ground.

Kang San Ha's eyes are fixed on me.

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I have to tell him, while looking at those eyes.

But my heart goes crazy by itself...

ba-bump, ba-bump..

Why is it running like this...?

Anyways, it's correct that my heart is beating, enough to shake my entire body


At times like this, I wish my heart gave out....


If my heart gave out, I would die.

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Then I wish that even for a little while, at least while being with Kang San Ha...that it would give out...

Still, Kang San Ha's eyes are fixed on mine..

and I try my hardest, to not avoid those eyes.. -------------35---------------

Kang San Ha, you poor b@stard.

You probably feel like millions of misquitos are sucking on your blood.

I'm going to be that harsh on you today.

The things I've been wanting to say until now..

that I've held in, and resisted..

all of it...!!!!!!

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“Other kids are probably afraid of you because you're part of the MP3 or whatever...

but I'm different.

I'm not scared of you at all..

Rather, I think you're an existance like a dark cloud over my high school life..”

A little....

Just a little...

Like the size of a toe nail, I'm actually scared of you...=,.=

Kang San Ha, as if he's looking at me and not at the same time....

ignores me, and just looks at me.

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I don't care whether you hear me or not.

If it's not now, I won't have another opportunity to say these things to you..

“Whenever we go on a trip or a festival, you only exist as a disturbance...

Right now, you're an existance just like a dark cloud to me.

Whether I do something with someone, or pretend to be close to them, you only distract me like a dark cloud..“


Kang San Ha continues to say nothing...

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It's not like I was expecting an answer or anything but....

since it's a bit different than other days, that part of Kang San Ha is unfamilliar...

At other times, he would at least express himself but..

why is he like that now..?

Is it that me being like this is scary..?

Heh, alright.


I'm going to add to that.

“I was always the studyworm Hwang Sung Hye..

Nice, gentle, quiet, and timid Hwang Sung Hye.

But who do you think you are, disturbing this happy life of mine...

because of you know what it's like for me these days?

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My personality and face is always about to be revealed!!

My real self is about to be revealed!!

Do you get it!! Kang San Ha!!“

“No, I don't get it...”

Finally...I say everything that's been locked inside of me but...

What?? You don't get it?

Kang San Ha..

This is a very serious situation.

Can you please focus a bit more....?

but since before, I wonder what Kang San Ha's been bothered about....

With a sharp face...and full of complaint, Kang San Ha looks at my eyes and speaks.

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“Right now, I keep wondering why you pretend to know other b@stards...

when you're nothing but Hwang Sung Gye....and my monster teddy bear....

Why you keep pretending to be close with other b@stards...

I only see that kind of sh!t..

and want to know only that kind of sh!t...

and want to ask about only that kind of sh!t...”


What's he talking about....?

Not other kids, but..other b@stards??

Then it's not that he wants to make me a loner, and that seems to be a kind of jealousy....

but it's not like we're in a relationship or anything....

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Isn't jealousy....

created only when the a girlfriend or boyfriend acts close to other people??

I've never even once liked someone before...

and I've never dated before, so I don't even understand half of this situation..

But still, this [email protected] me a monster teddy bear...and Sung Gye...both which I heard very clearly.

I can't just stand here doing nothing, when he just insulted me...

"Don't call me a monster teddy bear...or Sung Gye...

I have a name called Sung Hye though.

I don't know why you're being like this to me....

but I definitely warned you...

to not bother me...or to tick me off... ignored me.....

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This is my last warning....

I won't resist from your words and actions anymore."

“Don't resist.

Just in front of me, don't resist and don't pretend to be First Place. ”

Pretending to be First Place.....?

Then you're saying that I've been bragging about being in first place in front of you?

Because there's classes going on right's very quiet..

Because nothing can be heard, and no one can be seen around us...

it feels like there's just Kang San Ha and me at school...

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The time when Kang San Ha and I are alone together...

To describe it simply, it's when I feel happy.

But until now, I've had a lot of things against you piled up..

I'm going to let it all out on you today..

Because it's unfair, for me to accept everything you've piled up.....right??

“What are you?

Just whod o you think you are, saying that I show off?

Do you think you know everything, from seeing my real face?

Don't be mistaken.

You don't know me. I'm....“

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“That's right.

I don't know everything..

but I do know one thing...


I don't know what he's saying.

I can't hear very well......

“You what?”


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Kang San Ha..that b@stard...ㅡ,.ㅡ

I still can't hear anything

but I should still answer...


“Babo-yah!!!! I said that I like you!!!!” -------------36------------

Tap tap.

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After yelling at my ears to the point that they're hurting, Kang San Ha walks ahead.

Ignoring me when I'm standing still.....

frozen like a statue...

Kang San Ha just called me a babo and........

after that...after....what did he say again..

Did he say to me that he liked me..?

That can't be it....

I must've heard wrong....

How can Kang San Ha like me....

That senseless, expessionless, uncaring Kang San Ha...

whose jerk-meter goes past the Earth, being an MP3, the dictator-like Kang San Ha liking me...

There's no way....

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Being cousins would be better.

Kang San Ha,

stop liking me, and just be my cousin..

I can't even handle myself.

But how can you, when you're not a normal, plain guy, an MP3 member...

No way....

Kang San Ha.....

I'm sorry, liking someone....

and someone liking me...

I don't have that kind of confidence....

Rather, that kind of a burden to me...

For my look right now, it's just huge luggage.

So I'm telling you....

I.....will pretend that I don't know you liking me, feelings, thoughts, everything..

and I'll pretend that I've never heard anything you've ever said up until now...

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I have to quickly tell Kang San Ha this but....

not listening to my answer, leaving me alone and going, is Kang San Ha.

Coming into the classroom during a lesson, I looked for Kang San Ha but he wasn't there.

And because of him, I was in so much trouble, by the teacher...-__-

That piece of sh!t!!Kang San Ha, that b@stard..!!!!!!!

Try appearing in front of me..-_+

I'm going to repay you, as much as that bright squid-hair(bald teacher) punished me...

but until night classes finished, Kang San Ha didn't appear.

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Where did he go...?

Although there were many times like this before...

there's a weird feeling today.

This definitely isn't me worrying, but....


It's because I have to meet Kang San Ha and reject him...

but because Kang San Ha isn't appearing, I can't reject him's a bit sour...

Gwang Pal's dad.

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No, the core teacher comes in, and repeats what he always says.

“My puppies~~ you guys worked hard.

Seeing my puppies, trying so hard to escape from being last place...

I'm quite thankful, and happy.

This time, we're going to succeed!! Okay??“


The kids' polite replies..

sound more desperate, as they're all spitting out their replies, to get home quickly.

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“Yes, let's finish now...

Oh!! Tomorrow a transfer student is coming to our class tomorrow.

Because he's foreign, it'll be strange, and confusing so..

you kids have to treat him well, and teach him lots of things.

Then, president..the greeting..“

The kids already seem to be looking forward to it..

Especially the Gossip Three...

Gossiper1:Alright!! Transfer student!!!!!

Gossiper2:I wonder who's transferring? It's probably a boy, right?

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Gossiper3:I had a dream today..

that can be implied to the handsome male transfer student coming..

Gossiper2:What kind of dream did you have?

Gossiper3:I turned as small as an ant...

and I'm desperately moving around, after following into a river.....

when a black dragon, releasing golden light comes up to me...

and he saved me..

Gossiper1:A black dragon releasing golden light?

Can it be that it was actually an eel?


If you became as small as an ant, it makes sense that you would see an eel as a dragon..

and although eels don't release golden light, don't they release electricity?

Gossiper3:No!!!! It was definitely a black dragon...

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It was a very beautiful black dragon, releasing golden light.

How devastating..ㅡ_ㅡ

Trying to relate that kind of dream with a transfer student, who has nothing to do with it..


that transfer student happens to be a girl, what will they do....

The Gossip Three are foolish...

"Sung Hye-yah, what are you doing?

Aren't you on duty today.

The other person on duty left early, so you have to do it instead."

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Until just before, her sleeping presence was gone

with her back pack, even with her shoes, that Ha Ra.

"But, Sung Hye-yah what do I do...

I don't think I can go home with you today."

"It's okay.

I used to go alone anyway.

But why??"

"Isn't a transfer student coming tomorrow?

I have to go get a massage, and have my hair taken care of earlier..."

Even Ha Ra seems to think that the transfer student is a male..

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How can everyone do this?

Is it because all the girls in our class want boyfriends..

Then again, the guys in our class

....except for Kang San Ha, they're all poktans...

And it's not like Kang San Ha is nice to the girls and..

not even looking at the girls...

Even when they meet eyes once, he'll glare at them and swear so..

Dreaming that it will be a boy...might actually be normal..

Right now, the way that the girls in my class think the transfer student will be male..

sounds like to my ears, that they're praying for it to be real....

My classmates went, an Ha Ra went...

Left all alone.....

I'm closing the window, swallowing my loneliness.......

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when Kang San Ha, who didn't appear the whole day comes into the classroom.

I was wondering if he came to see me, but Kang San Ha picks up his bag and leaves....=_=

So he came to get his bag..-_-

I just imagined something unnecessary...

To the classroom door, that did nothing wrong...

I'm about to slam it, from being angry for imagining unnecessary things when....

I spot Kang San Ha, with his bag slung over his shoulder, when I thought he had just left..

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It's the right time.

Hwang Sung Hye. You have to say it now.

I'm going to pretend to not know how you feel..

that I didn't hear anything before...

I have to express how I feel, truthfully.

Like this, I'm beating the conflicts in my mind, when..

"It's a week."

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my words pass by, because of Kang San Ha.


It's a week...what's he saying...ㅇ_ㅇ

When a week has passed, that's when exams are over..

For now, I should forget about what I was going to say, and hear what Kang San Ha has to say first.

"I'll give you a week. Tell me in that week."

"Tell you...? what?"

"Do I have to be humilliated, and tell you?"

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"So what are you saying that I have to tell you?"

All of a sudden, that b@stard's face turned red.

Is it hot?

His face changed like he had blush applied, like a girl.

"That you....

like me too.."


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Who likes who!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

That b@stard has eventually gone insane.

Kang San Ha, you're crazy!!

I can't lie about things like that.

No matter how many times I think about it, it doesn't make sense.

He's telling me to confess to him??=_=

Why would I?

I don't like you..!

But confessing....

No way! That's nonsense!!!!

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"Kang San Ha. You see...I'm."

"Forget about it.

Don't tell me today."

Don't tell him today....

It'll be the same, whether you hear it today or tomorrow...

Is it're thinking that I'd obviously like you?


There's no reason for that....

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Do you think that everything, even a person's heart, will go the way you think it?

If that's what it is, I'm sorry.

Because, you see, I don't like you..

You're going to be rejected by me...

Poor b@stard.

No..! Hwang Sung Hye!!!!!!!!

Let's get it together..

You can't be sympathetic towards that b@stard..

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Let's tell him, firmly.

"Sorry, but I think today..."

Before I even get to finish...

Kang San Ha holds onto my wrist, and goes somewhere..

"Yah! Let go!!!!!!!

I understand how unpleasant it must be for you, since you don't want to hear these kinds of words but..

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I have to go home!! I have to go!!!!"

Eventually, the place we arrive at is a clothing store.

Why did he bring me to a clothing store?

Not letting go of my wrist, he picks out clothes with one hand.

Not even 20 seconds since he came into the store, he throws a knit and pants over my head.-_-

Because of the clothes that were thrown on my head covering my eyes, I can't see anything in front of me...

San Ha-yah....?

Clothes are supposed to be worn..

not thrown on my head.

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Why is it that I'm currently here. Why is it that I have clothes thrown on my head!!!!!!

Paranoid, as soon as I pull on the clothes thrown over my head..

"Eh? Wh-what is this.

Where are you shoving me into?"

While I'm in a situation where I can't see anything, someone pushes me into an enclosed space.

Is it that Kang San Ha knows that I'll reject him, and so...

he's trying to secretly kill me??

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No, that can't be it.

If he was going to kill me, he'd take me to a deserted alleyway, or to a mountain...

He wouldn't kill me in a clothing store like this.

Anyways, where is the place that I'm standing in..?

Throwing the clothes that were covering my eyes, and looking around..

There were clothes hangers spread out all over the floor, and a full-length mirror, so it seemed to be a changeroom.

What is this....-_-

Why was I shoved into a place like this..

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"If you're done changing, come out.

If you don't change, you're not coming out."

You're telling me to wear these clothes?

The clothes scattered on the floor was a very plain brown t-shirt, and gray slacks.

With my arms, toned from lifting dumbells, I tried to open the door, but it seems that there's no chance of it happening..-_-


First, let's try it on..

Quickly changing and getting out of this changeroom.. then I can analyze the situation..

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"I finished changing the door"


"I really did change!! Hurry and open the door!!!!!"


I lightly pushed the door.

Annoyingly, the door just opens..ㅡ_ㅡ^

I don't sense Kang San Ha's presence in the store, but I only see a girl, who's the owner of the store.

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That [email protected] dares to run away??

"The man already paid for the clothes so...

you don't need to worry about it~"

"I have to change back"


Sorry, but the man who just left..

asked me to keep you from changing back, so I'm sorry to say that you can't use our changeroom anymore."

Kang San Ha...

To think, even you can use your brain too..


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Until now, I thought you were just a pretty face.

Without a choice, I'm about to leave like this, but the owner of the store urges me to take a paper bag.

"This isn't mine."

"The man from before asked me to give this to you..."

Looking inside the paper bag, I saw the clothes that Kang San Ha bought me before..

Why is he giving me these clothes?

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He was the one who said he wanted these back...

While wondering to myself, I come outside...and see Kang San Ha, just standing there.

"Yah. What was that?? Do you think I'm eep!! Eep~~!!!!"

Covering my mouth...

unlike his normal self, Kang San Ha whispers in my ear.

"It's boring for you to confess already.

If you can, just try to resist."

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Oh my... ○_○!!

Kang San Ha. You're totally mistaken...

Poor b@stard.

Alright. I won't say it today...

since I'm so generous..

I'll say it's the same thing as helping a poor person walking by..

They say that dead people's wishes can be granted so,

it's not like I can't grant your one wish..(It's not really a wish)

But after a week, from me..

you'll hear not that I like you, but that I don't like you.


It'll probably become the worst day of your life...hohohohoho~~~~

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why don't you stop covering my mouth now..

I have a cold, so I can't breathe to my nose.

Because you're even covering my lips, I feel like I'm going to die from being unable to breathe.

"Cough cough~cough cough cough..Heh hem..."

Hearing me mourning, and seeing me struggle..

Kang San Ha lets go, and looks at his hand that he used to cover my mouth, and says...

"It's wet. How disgusting."

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Unable to stop myself, while I'm tearing up with anger boiling, I think of the ground as Kang San Ha

and walk home, stomping, with Kang San Ha continuing to follow me.

"Yah. Why do you keep following me?"

"Do you think I'm a dog?

I'm doing this to take back the clothes that I bought!!!!"

Is there something wrong with him..

Why does he keep saying such confusing things...

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Giving me the clothes that you bought me before, and taking these clothes...

what's up with that?

If you're going to take it back like this, why are you buying them for me in the first place.....

You buy them for me, then take them back, then buy them for me again...

"Since I'm wearing these clothes right now, when I arrive at my house, I'll give it to you so..

take these clothes."

I gave Kang San Ha the paper bag, but he rejected it.

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"I don't like it, because it smells like you.."

Seeing that attitude, I wonder if Kang San Ha really does like me.=_=

Not wanting to hold onto the smell of the girl he likes..

I really don't understand him.

If, and a very unlikely if

I end up dating that b@stard..

I have a feeling that the couple shirt, the 100th day rose, and other presents will be taken back by that b@stard after a few minutes from me receiving them.

"I don't like them either.

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Take them and get rid of them.."

"Then give them to me with the other clothes a bit later.."

Eventually we arrived in front of my house..

And feeling that the b@stard would go home first like before, I don't go into the house, and watch Kang San Ha..

"You.. If you go like last time, I'm not going to give these clothes to you."

Now he won't go..

This time, being eased, I change slowly, and go outside.

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But....ㅡ_ㅡ... Kang San Ha is once again, gone..


What the...

I'm really not going to give him the clothes...

I wouldn't wear these unfashionable clothes anyway, but I'm not going to give them to him...

Since you've caused for this to happen, I'm going to believe that you won't complain.

I'm beliving...

I'll believe... it okay to believe?

After a...a month..

No..I'll give them to you after a week..ㅡ,.ㅡ

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When I come home, the phone suddenly rings.

"Sung Hye-yah~~pick up the phone."


Who's calling at this time?

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"Is it you, Sung Hye? Thank God..I was worrying that your parents would pick up.."

How did Oh Ha Ra know my phone number?

"How did you know my phone.."

"How did I know? Anyways, listen carefully."


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I don't hear anything....

"What do you think?

Can you hear my heart racing?

Do you know why it's racing?"

When your heart races, it's

when you find money..

or when you receive money from people who owe you..

or when you receive brand I correct?

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"I can't hear your heart beating.

It's not like the phone is a stethoscope, how do you think I could hear it..

So did you call me to let me hear your heart beating?"


The sound of my heart beating quickly...

I just fell asleep, so..what kind of dream did you think I had?~~"

"A dream of the leaves falling from the trees..turning into bills."

"No!!!I dreamed of the transfer student coming tomorrow.

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The transfer student....was my type of guy.

A sharp nose..

and bright eyes, that can't be infected by anything in this world.

And lips that look as soft as silk."

"Ha Ra-yah......"

I don't think I can say that she's pathetic..

"Sung Hye-yah~~ I'm so~ ecstatic right now~~"

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If the transfer student coming tomorrow is a girl, what's Ha Ra going to do? -----------38----------------

-the next day-

The transfer student who the core teacher and kids were dreaming of comes in and..

"Ooh~~ She's pretty."

"She's cute. I think she'll be nice~"

"Welcome!! You're very welcome here!!"

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As anyone could tell from the guys' reactions, the transfer student was a girl.

Even, she was very gentle,

and she was the kind of girl who looked weak, like she would fall after being hit once.

The guys....

unable to shut their mouths..

looked at the transfer student with sneaky looks.

The girls..

looked disappointed, as well as ready to go to war.

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Especially the Gossip Three's expressions should be noted.

Just like drag queens, they had their lips pursed....

They can't do anything but let out exasperated sighs.

With their lacking physical appearances..

making those expressions...ㅡ,.ㅡ...I feel for them.

There would be terrible happenings if they ran out into the streets with those faces.

"Now, now~ everyone shut your mouths..

and let's see what the transfer student has to say.."

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"Hello everyone, it's good to see you all.

Although you wouldn't know this anyway....

I come from Espa�a, Madrid, and my name is Sofia.

Oh, right!! Sofia is my name in Madrid, and my Korean name is Sa Ri.."

She seems kind of b!tchy....but it's a cute greeting...ㅡ_ㅡ

"Yah... Mofia."

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I forgot about Ha Ra..

For the transfer student, she had her hair done, and even a massage..

She really did have nice skin today.

But is it that I've heard wrong..

Ha Ra just called that transfer student, Ha Ri, not Sofia but Mofia.

Then again...

even now, she had the nickname 'Female Scrooge'

even when Ha Ra's known as the prettiest in the class...

It makes sense that she would think of that Sa Ri girl as an enemy......

And also she could hate her just because she wasn't the perfect guy who she dreamt of before...

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Whether it be the eel of Gossiper2 or...

Ha Ra's perfect guy..

they disappeared right away...=_=

"Hey you, is your last name Sa and your first name Ri?"

Sa Ri's face stiffens showing that she's panicking to Ha Ra's question...

Why is she like that....

Did the shock not go away from being called Mofia?

"I asked if your last name was Sa, and your first name was Ri?"

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"Ha Ra-yah.

If you talk like that, don't you think the transfer student would be surprised?"

"Then Mr. Yoo, please ask her for me...

Is Mofia's name really Sa Ri..?"

The core teacher doesn't say anything to Ha Ra's question.

He just continues to pretend to cough..

Is he not speaking because her name is unique..?

It must be pretty unique for him to be like that..0_0

"What are you, a drunk cat..

why can't you reply?"

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Ha Ra-yah.....-_-

"'s Sa Ri."

Eventually, Sa Ri replies to Ha Ra's question.

"What? Kkob Sa Ri?"

"I said that my name is Koh Sa Ri.. "

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For a second, our class became silent.


all at once, the girls' laughter is heard.

"She said Koh Sa Ri!!! Koh Sa Ri!!!!!! Pft!! Puhahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!" (Kohsari is a vegetable)

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The boys in the class resist from laughing, with their hands covering their mouths..

It's probably because they think that Sa Ri would be hurt if they did...

"Then is your younger sibling's name Chui Na Mul?" (Chui namul is a herb)

Ha Ra-yah, this time it was too much.

Look at Sa Ri's expression, she's about to cry..

Don't you feel sorry for her at all?

"Everyone stop!!!!Stop!!!!

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Sa Ri-yah. Our class is usually..a bit...playful like this...

So please understand them, and I hope you'll adapt to this kind of environment quickly.."

As soon as the period finished...

The guys crowded Sa Ri and..

"D@mn it!! What a waste of money...!!!!

When I had a massage yesterday, I used 2 eggs..

it's all beacuse of that b!tch."

It's not like Sa Ri did anything to you call her a b!tch.=_=

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Whether it's because she heard what Ha Ra said or not..

Sa Ri comes to where we are..

Male Classmate1:Sa Ri-yah. Where are you going? Are you going to fight with Ha Ra?

Male Classmate2:No.No! If you go to Ha Ra, she'll beat you up!!

Male Classmate3:That kid, Oh Ha Ra, there was a rumour going around that she's really mean..

If you fight with that kind of person, you're going to be the only one who gets hurt..

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But unlike what everyone imagines, Sa Ri....


You doing that before..

was because you wanted to be friends with me, right..?

I read your mind."

ㅇ_ㅇ....Sa Ri.....Koh Sa Ri is....

Is of the disabled kids? she really nice?

"Do you know what I hate the most in this world?

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It's kosari.

So can you just disappear, with those idiots behind you? You vegetable."

The guys standing behind Sa Ri don't dare say something back to Ha Ra

and try to take Sa Ri away.

Male Classmate1:What's with the air here?

Sa Ri-yah. Let's go breathe where there's fresh air.

Male Classmate2:We'll show you around the school~

Male Classmate3:Yeah~ Let's go.

The air here is too bland, and I can smell salt. It's too salty.

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I might be wrong, but it seems like the three guys borrowed money from Ha Ra.

That must be why they're nervous, just seeing Ha Ra's eyes.

"That was too much."

With a disappointed expression, Sa Ri speaks to Ha Ra just too truthfully.

That's right, Ha Ra.

You were too much to the transfer student today..

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"I don't want to be too much. I want to be a carrot."

Since when did people say that they wanted to be carrots.

Oh Ha Ra, this intense atmosphere you made was already creepy enough, but...

now it's turning lame....-_-

But it seems that Sa Ri didn't understand the joke.

Sa Ri has a confused look on her face..

Rolling those huge eyes, she seems to be thinking about what Ha Ra said....

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"Carrot....? What's that?"

How does she not know what a carrot is...

Do carrots not exist in Madrid..??

Rabbits like them, horses like them...

They can be made into juice, they're good for the eyes...

They can be eaten raw.

They can be eaten cooked.

How does she not know what this popular vegetable is.....=_=

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"Are you acting like that on purpose?"

Ha Ra asks Sa Ri, looking pissed off.

"I don't know what a carrot is."


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That sound...

Always coming through the front door..

and slamming it, making a loud noise, Kang San Ha appears.

Whether it's because of Kang San Ha's confession or not, seeing his face isn't too pleasant.

I was wondering if he could last a few days not being late, but it seems that he can't last a week....

And...I wonder how Kang San Ha could be like that...

After making our class go louder from the noise, he sleeps....

The word 'sorry' probably doesn't exist in that b@stard's vocabulary.

"He's hot.

That face and the way he acts seems like he's nice to girls...

From now on, I'm going to be closer with Ha Ra and that hot guy." -------------39--------------

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That face and the way he acts seems like he's nice to girls, eh....ㅡ_ㅡ^

I wonder what part of Kang San Ha makes Sa Ri say things like that?

And how she says that she'll be closer with Kang San Ha....

I bet that won't happen.

I'm telling you, Kang San Ha doesn't like girls....

The only exception being me..ㅡ,.ㅡ (slightly enjoying this)

Even now, after glancing quickly at me...

Kang San Ha goes back to sleep on his desk...

Heh. That cute b@stard....

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Eh hem.

I'm saying that he's simply cute..

Not that I have any feelings put into what I said... that definitely can't be it.

"Sung Hye-yah. If you drink water in Europe and come here, do you become mad like that?" (mad=silsung in Korean)

"I'm not sure...

don't they have different intelligence levels as us?"

"Silsung? There must be castles made out of thread in Korea?" (sil=string, sung=castle)

I think I can grow my patience level around Sa Ri..

I can't believe she understood 'to be mad' like that.

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"You don't know what silsung (madness) is? Crazy. You!! You crazy!!"

Ha Ra, using english which she sucks at, uses her index finger and rotates it around her ear

to show Sa Ri what silsung (madness) is.

"I'm not going to hang around with you anymore!!"

"Excellent choice."

"I'm not going to play with you..I'm going to play with her.."

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Sa Ri pulls on my arm.....

"She's my friend!! Get off!!! You b!tch.."

Trying not to lose, Ha Ra also pulls on my other arm.



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These kids, whose arms are they trying to pull out...


Ha Ra releases my arm...and pushes Sa Ri's shoulders.

Sa Ri stumbles, and falls to the floor..

I want to go and help her get up..

but Ha Ra's burning eyes are holding onto me..

As soon as the guys in the Sa Ri get up..

Sa Ri raises her head to Sa Ra, and runs to her, just as an angry bull would run towards a red cloth.

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She headbutts straight to Ha Ra's stomach.


It doesn't seem like she hit her that hard but....

Ha Ra screams, and falls to the ground.

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Sa Ri's expression seems to be more panicking than Ha Ra's.

It seems that she doesn't know what to do. She only moves her feet around..

It might be just me, but it seems that when Sa Ri hit Ha Ra, she was out of balance for a second..

but then pretended to be pushed far away, and fell.

"Heuk heuk heuk...heuk heuk..." (excuse me for my extremely sad translation)

Ha Ra is crying...

She seems to be so good at crying that...

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her tears are dropping like goat poop..

And then...

"Who is it. Who's the f*cker who made Ha Ra cry.

Han Uhl, who was standing by the chalkboard...

comes towards Ha Ra, who is on the floor mourning and crying.

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"Eh? Ha..Han Uhl-ah.....ㅠ 0ㅠ"

Han Uhl, standing still with his hands in his pockets, looks down at Ha Ra..

"Whoever it is....come out right now.."

It's the first time seeing Han Uhl like that..

..I'm scared.

To think Han Uhl, who would always act cute and laugh...'s unfamilliar.

That expression, which says that if someone says something wrong, he'll make sure that they go to the hospital after.

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"Han Uhl-ah~~Wah~~Wahhh~~"

Oh Ha Ra spills more tears on Han Uhl's back..

It must be hard for her, having to squeeze out her tears.....

I feel bad for Sa Ri...

"Not coming out...? Whoever the f*cker is...that person's dead."

Grabbing onto the collars of the guys by Ha Ra, Han Uhl asks.

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"It's you, isn't it?"

Collar-grabbed guy:N-no! I was just w-watching..!!!

"Then is it you?"

Collar-grabbed guy2:I-I just came back from the washroom.

Oh's about to come out again~~

Each time Han Uhl takes a step, the guys step back...

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Scared girl:It's Koh Sa Ri. Koh Sa Ri did it.

"Koh Sa Ri? Koh Sa Ri, come out."

Finally, Sa Ri comes out, unable to look at Han Uhl.

"Are you Koh Sa Ri?"

Sa Ri slowly nods..

It seems like she'll cry if you bother her even a little bit.

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Apologize to Ha Ra..."

Yeah.. Sa Ri-ah.

That's the only way to get out of this situation...

Just apologize..

"...I don't want to. I didn't do anything wrong...

I saw it.-_-

Behing Han Uhl, she was grinning then

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as soon as she heard that Sa Ri didn't want to apologize..Ha Ra's smile turns upside down.

"I don't hit girls..

But I don't have to hit you, I can make you hurt in other ways..


As soon as she hears this, Sa Ri begins to cry..

Without a sound, her shoulders shake.

"You, have you ever heard of the story called 'Kosari becomes a year old'?

If you don't apologize now, you can become the main character of that story.

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"That pig..was the one who hit me first!!"

"Pig?? Han Uhl-ah~ Look at her~~

She keeps calling me a pig...ㅠ 0ㅠ

Make sure that Koh Sa Ri never calls me a pig again...ever again!!"

Ha Ra's voice is heard....

She would usually ignore and make Han Uhl look stupid but...

at times like this, she uses him very well.

But...Han Uhl is strange too.

Why is he so upset about what happens to Ha Ra?

Is it that..he likes Ha Ra...?

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"I get it!!!

Han Uhl likes Ha Ra!!

That's why..seeing the girl he likes crying...

it hurts him...that's why he's so angry like that."

As I thought, I'm quick with things.

Wherever I go, I think I can use this skill wisely.

Han Uhl goes up to Koh Sa Ri.

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I wonder what he's going to do?..

Is it...that he'll hit Sa Ri....


Han Uhl said that he doesn't hit girls...

Then what's he thinking of doing, going up to Sa Ri..

And even, with a cold expression like that....

When Han Uhl reaches to the point where he's in front of Sa Ri....

"Na Han Uhl. Stop it.."

Kang San Ha, who would usually continue to sleep even when being disturbed...

nobody would know when he got up and came here, but anyways, he stops Na Han Uhl. ------------40---------------

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Did Kang San Ha just help Koh Sa Ri...?

This kind of thing......

which that b@stard wouldn't care about, or look at; why did he do that.

It's not like he's close with Koh Sa Ri or anything...

Kang San Ha wasn't there when Sa Ri was introducing herself before....

It should be his first time seeing her...+_+

Is it that before, when he was laughing while looking at me......

that I was mistaken....and he was laughing at Oh Ha Ra.....=_=


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Has Kang San Ha, like the other guys, fallen for Koh Sa Ri....

Kang San Ha is a guy too, he must like skinny and weak girls like Koh Sa Ri....

I feel...strange..

This feeling... which I can't put into words...

Just like...I thought that if I didn't eat something, nobody else would eat the thing too but..

another person quickly snatches the food away and eats it...

It feels just like that.

"Kang San Ha.

You stay out of this.

Punishing that b!tchy Koh Sa Ri.. would make everyone here happy.."

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After Oh Ha Ra finishes talking.

Kang San Ha goes back to his seat.

What is this..o_o..

Did Kang San Ha just listen to Oh Ha Ra?

Kang San Ha.

your attitude is a lot better now...

"Na Han Uhl. Come here."

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Han Uhl's expressiong, which was just cold, disappears right away...

and goes back to his cute and laughing face, while Han Uhl pulls out a chair in front of Kang San Ha's desk..

I wonder what Kang San Ha will say to Han Uhl...

They're friends....

he wouldn't hit or swear at him?

All the kids' attentions go to Kang San Ha and Han Uhl.


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Kang San Ha and Han Uhl sleep on the desk.=_=

Not bothered about the squished desk, they sleep well...

Are those kids really normal?

Na Han Uhl....

Sho just said that he'd punish, hurt...he scared Sa Ri.....

Even though it hasn't been even 5 minutes since he's said those words....

with Kang San Ha's one word, he's sleeping peacefully.

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"Wh-what is this!?

Are those guys..sleeping right now?"

Oh Ha Ra.

Then do you think that they fainted??

I can even see Han Uhl's back moving up and down, it's so obvious that he's fallen into a deep sleep.

"I'm not forgiving...

I'm never going to forgive..."

"Don't~ don't~ you vegetable!!

I'm not scared of a kosari at all.

Rather, you should be careful...

because I can dig you up from the ground..hehehe"

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I don't know if it's just me but..

when Kang San Ha took Han Uhl away when Han Uhl was going to punish Sa Ri...

it was definitely to help Sa Ri.


Kang San Ha, you're not too different from other guys..

you fall for pretty girls right when you see them, you want to help and protect them...

You like me?

That's not the truth..

It's just because I don't follow his thoughts, and stand up to him.

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It's obvious that he said that kind of thing just to make fun of me, and joke around...

Even when I was mistaken for a bit...

I feel more pathetic and stupid than Man Deuk, or Sa Oh Jung. (Sa Oh Jung=a character from a popular cartoon, Son Oh Gong. Not too sure about Man Deuk.)

After finishing night classes today...

I'm alone in the bookstore..

because from today until next week, Ha Ra said she'd go ahead to help her dad's work..

I'm looking at books in the bookstore, to buy some textbooks and novels but...

already, the familiar b@stard comes into view.(She's already identified him)

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It's Kang San Ha...

"Kang San Ha.

Why...are you here?"

"To buy a book."

"You read books?"

His face turns into a panicking colour....

and not looking at the title, Kang San Ha picks up the books positioned next to him, and shows me.

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"This. I came to buy it.

You didn't think that I came here because I was following you, right?"

That's right..

I'll believe you but...

the book that you're showing me...

you should've read the title before you picked it up..=_=

The book tha Kang San Ha is holding up...

has a picture of a pregnant woman with her legs crossed..

The title of the book was, "A 30 Minute Yoga to Help My Child be Smarter".

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At the bookstore, I bought two textbooks and a fanfiction, and Kang San Ha bought the yoga book...

Until the unni by the counter puts the book into a plastic bag..

until we've come out of the bookstore, Kang San Ha doesn't look at the book he's bought, and just takes it..

"Did you buy that book, knowing what it says?"

"If it's thick and has lots of words, it's a book..

What would I know about books."

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Finally, Kang San Ha takes the book out of the bag..

I wonder what his reaction will be....

"Why..why is this book in here?"

"Because you bought it."

"I bought a book..

I didn't buy this."

"That's a book..a book that pregnant women read."

"This isn't a book."

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He's arguing.

How troublesome..

...I thought I'd seperate with Kang San Ha like this but..

Kang San Ha, like yesterday, with a similar feeling, forces me to try on clothes and buys them for me.

"I have lots of clothes.."


"I said that I didn't like them, so why do you keep buying them for me? You're going to take them back anyway...."

"Because it's my hobby, buying clothes for poor and ugly people like you."

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As I thought...even today.....

he followed me to my house, saying he'd take the clothes back..

Then I'd go into the house, change, and bring the clothes outside...Kang San Ha went, and was gone.


the strange thing is, the next day, the day after, and until the last day of the exams...

This behaviour of Kang San Ha....continued.

Even when I took the clothes to school, Kang San Ha said the clothes smelled like he wanted me to take them..ㅡ,.ㅡ.

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Right now in my closet, there's piles of clothes that Kang San Ha bought me.

I can't throw them out...

since it's a waste to throw them out, I can't do anything but neglect them.... the last day of exams.

More than myself, I'm worried about..the kids in the study group...

Already..seeing my knowledge right now..I already know that I'll get first place in the entire school so it won't matter...

After the last exam course..English finishes, the kids show various faces...

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There's cheering, happy kids...

There's kids sighing, saying that they're screwed...

There's a kid who ripped up the exam paper and through it in the air..and then after looking aroud, the kid would pick the ripped pieces up..

I'm..sitting on my desk..not moving around...

I'm watching the kids..

Should I see how Ha Ra's doing...?

"Okay!! Alright!!

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I told youthat it was number 2 on question 19, remember??

Hand it over.

It's two azaleas...

If you give me even one fake one, I'm going to switch it from an azalea to a cabbage leaf.."

In Ha Ra's hands are...two 1000won bills......

How can she refer to..1000won bills as....azaleas...

Oh Ha Ra..

You're already materialistic, and I see that you've fallen into the earthly world..

You've already tasted money, at the flower-like and innocent age of eighteen, when you should be raising your dreams....

"Yah. Let's go before the core teacher comes in."

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Kang San Ha, with his bag around his shoulder says to me.

"What do you mean, go? Where?"

"Did you forget? Today's the day I hear your answer to my confession."

I forgot..

.........It was days ago....

Is it possible.......Is it possible.....

I would think like buried with my other past memories....

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"Brrr~ brrr~"

My phone's vibrating...

looking at Kang San Ha quickly, I pick up the phone...

I thought it would definitely be umma, since the exams just finished but...

it wasn't umma...

"You didn't forget our promise, right?"

It was Han Yoo Seung.

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Did I make a promise with Han Yoo Seung....?

............I don't think so..ㅡ,.ㅡ

"I don't remember making a promise..."

"How could you..."

"I don't remember....

I'm hanging up."

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Even though I didn't have any thoughts of continuing to talk with Han Yoo Seung over the phone...

to prevent Kang San Ha's right eye.....from raising, I had to hang up.=_=

"If you hang up, it'll be hard for me...."


"to keep the secret, the one that only I know about, the real you...

Ah. Right.. Kang San Ha knows too.."

What a...mean [email protected]_-

You said that you had no thoughts of telling the other kids...

are you already changing your mind?

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"Eh! My name!!!!!!!

My name just came out of your cellphone!!"

His ears are good...

Kang San Ha.

In this loud place, he can hear his name so clearly..

"Bring your cellphone."

"I'm...talking with my a-appa!!!!!

What do you mean your name..^ ^;;

Page 623: If a Nerd Removes Her Glasses.....COMPLETED do you think my appa would know you? You heard wrong."

"So you're not going to bring it to me, eh.."

"First Place..."

"Yes!!! APPA!!!"

"I'm at the music room right now.

I'll wait until you come...

If you don't come...It'll really be hard for me..."

Fine, I'll go for him.... won't have to wait too long....

I'll run faster to you than...

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a cheetah, chasing after its food.

Fine, I'll go...before I can reply like that...

Kang San Ha takes my cellphone.

"Who are you? Do you know me?"


Kang San Ha seems to have realized..that the person I'm talking to is Han Yoo Seung..

That would be why....he's glaring at me like a shark.

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Closing my cellphone, still with his shark-like glare..

Kang San Ha smiles and speaks to me.

"Your father's voice sounds pretty young, eh?"

" does? Our appa is quite..."

"When did Han Yoo Seung become your appa?"


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"Sang Choo-yah.... (sangchoo=cabbage)

Whether it's a confession...or not.....

Let' that next time!!!"

To the sound of him being called Sang Choo...

the ends of Kang San Ha's mouth began to curl up but...

before I could see his complete reaction...I ran away as fast as I could...

I arrived quickly to the music room and...

as soon as I spot Han Yoo Seung from the window outside.

The door opens..

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Not my hand, but another person's hand opens the door in front of me.

As soon as I'm about to turn around to see who it is......

I failed the owner of the hand pulled me into the music room...


at this time, when people seek freedom after exams at school..

I realize who the person is in the music room.

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"I knew you'd come..."

"Han Yoo Seung.

You know that you're being too unfair right now?"

"If you can come to me when I'm being unfair....

I'm willing to do even more than that."

Han Yoo Seung's eyes looking at me are too serious...


I don't like this atmosphere..-0-

I better change the topic.

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"Don't you think the piano here is just too pretty?

It's just like the main guy character playing the piano, from that drama called.. Elevator to Heaven..."

"You're prettier."

ㅡ_ㅡ...The feeling is getting even more serious....

Why did I bring up the piano...

"Try playing the piano...First Place.

You said before that I can hear it whenever I want to hear it.

I want to hear it right now.."


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"I want to hear it."

I said I don't want why do you keep ordering me to. is what I want to say but......

hearing Han Yoo Seung's words before, when he said that it's hard for him to resist...I think this will make a huge impact on me..

"I'll play a short piece...that I like."

"~~♪ ~~♬ ~~♩"

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Even I became addicted to the sound of the piano, and kept playing it.

After around 10 minutes passed...

I took my hands off the piano keys, faking a cough and got up..

"I hear this neat feeling from this song.

Just like First Place....

What's the title?"

"Ave Maria....ah....."

Why did I play this kind of song...ㅡ,.ㅡ

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I made the feeling like this again....

I used to like this song but...

I'm starting to not like the title.

"Mm.....Ave Maria..

It seems you like that kind of song?"

What's that supposed to mean?

And why are Han Yoo Seung's that again...

"Hwang Sung Hye...."

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Han Yoo Seung isn't calling me First Place, but my actual name...

Is it that...he wants something from me...

His attitude towards me became quite polite.

"I think....I....."

"Prince..Pick up the phone~♪

The Princess..wants you~♪

Prince, pick up the phone~♪

The Princess wants you~♪"

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Han Yoo Seung's cellphone rings.

The ringtone matches Han Yoo Seung very well...

But hearing it is getting annoying.

Why don't you pick it up?

"Yah.. you're not going to pick up the phone..?"

Looking at the Caller ID and waiting for a while, eventually Han Yoo Seung picks up..

"Yeah. it's me..."

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Who is he talking with....why is his expression frozen like that...

"I'm in the music room right now."

After hanging up....

Han Yoo Seung, while looking at me....speaks.

"Do you know who composed the piece you played just now?"

"Of course.

It's composed by Franz Peter Schubert."

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" you know the message of the piece?"


Do I really have to know that kind of thing..

Isn't it good enough that I know how to play the piece....?=_=

"A man loves the daughter of a farmer but..

the woman loves another guy, not him so...

eventually...the man suicides by falling into the water."

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......I should've known that earlier...ㅡ,.ㅡ...

I'm known for being first place out of this's a bit embarassing.

Han Yoo Seung, that guy knows such random things....

At first...he pretended to not know the title of this song....

"The story's....quite sad."

"Yeah, it's sad.

But, for some reason... I think I'll have that kind of love." ----------42---------------

You think that you'll have that kind of love??

Then...what Han Yoo Seung means is.....

he has a girl he likes, but the girl likes another person so he's going to suicide by falling into the water...? ㅇ_ㅇ

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With the thought that I have to stop him, I look around to see that.....

Han Yoo Seung is gone..

Because I was thinking too hard...I wasn't paying attention to whether Han Yoo Seung left or not..

From now on...I better watch our for Han Yoo Seung...

If I leave him as he is, Han Yoo Seung will appear as a water ghost. (A water ghost is a popular legend? in Korea, the story being of a girl who drowned in the water... it's really scary!)

"Hwang Sung Gye. what are you doing there?"



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This voice is...

I don't want to turn around..

Because I'm positive that Kang San Ha will be glaring at me..

"Hwang Sung Gye. are you ignoring me?"

I'm deaf right now...

I can't hear anything~~

Kang San Ha steps in front of me..

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I'm blind right now..

I can't see anything~~

"So, you're going to ignore me, is that right_?"

"I'm mute right now~

I can't say anything~"

Quietly singing to myself, I try to escape from the music room.

But Kang San Ha is in front of the music room door, stopping me....

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"Why, you want to run away again?"

"Wh-what do you mean, run away...

Why would I run away?

It's not like I did anything wrong.."

"Then is leaving me to see another b@stard doing nothing wrong?"

Am I your girlfriend or something?

I definitely told you already that I don't like you....

You should pretend to understand even a little bit...

Why do you keep misunderstanding me.....

Is it that...Kang San Ha is stupid..?

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"Are you a babo?"


I d-didn't hear wrong just now right?...

I wasn't being serious when I said it but...

Kang San Ha just admitted that he's a babo......

"because I don't know anything but you.."

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If I saw my reflection through the mirror right now, I bet it's as red as a ripe apple...

Uahh~~why's it so hot.

Kang San Ha telling me that he's a babo who knows nothin but me....

I can't imagine it~ I don't understand~

Wait, doesn't know anything but me.....?


Before..he fell for Koh Sa Ri after seeing her once...

That time, when your mouth was open wide from seeing Koh Sa Ri(no proof)

I wanted to sew your mouth up!!

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But what..?

You don't like girls?

You like me?

You don't know anything but me...?

"You said before that you had no interest toward girls, right?

I'm a girl, so...why do you like me?"

"Because you're Sung Gye."


he thinks of me as a mollusk, not a girl. That's what he means...=_=

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"I think the kids really don't know anything about you.

They think you really don't like girls.. like girls...

especially PRETTY GIRLS.."

Kang San Ha squints, not understanding what I'm saying.

"What? You don't get it?

You like Koh Sa Ri, don't you...

Before, when you were helping Koh Sa Ri, you seemed like some prince on a white horse, saving her..

Why~~~ Why didn't you send her a wink after you saved Koh Sa Ri?

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Koh Sa Ri even likes you too...

Who konws, maybe then she'll think you're even more hot, and she'll hang from your neck?"

"I didn't do that because of her.."

"So what? Then who did you do it for?"

"Na Han Uhl.."

"What about..Han Uhl?"

"It's not something I can tell you."


when you really like pretty girls....

Saying that you don't know anything but me is unfair.."

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Kang San Ha's hand is going up..

Is that b@stard going to hit me....?

Then again, I did make him quite mad.

But still...hitting a girl..


I see it..

In Kang San Ha's raised object I've seen a lot before....

That' cellphone.

Running away before, I forgot about my cellphone...

"Hand it over. My cellphone."

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As soon as I stick out my hand...

Kang San Ha uses his height as an advantage, not letting me take it back.

ㅡ_ㅡ....I still have my strength....

I'll definitely take it back with my strength..

When I stick out my right hand, Kang San Ha dodges to the left.

When I stick out my left hand, Kang San Ha dodges to the right..

When I jump, trying to take the cellphone back, Kang San Ha lifts his arm even higher..

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I'm getting pissed off...

My anger's boiling...

Now I'm getting tired, to the point that I'm about to sweat..

Let's give up..

Glaring at Kang San Ha with all the strength left in my eyes, I'm about to open the music room door.

Kang San Ha is so annoying..

I really don't want to see him..

If it were me, after making fun of a person for that much I would give it back, but that vegetable won't give it back. (his nickname is Sang Choo to her, and that's cabbage in Korean, which is a vegetable)

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"Yah. I'll give it to you...take it."

I was going to just leave the music room..

but after hearing what he said, my ears perked and I'm going to Kang San Ha..

Kang San Ha, smiling happily, sticks out his hand with my cellphone in it

You must be so happy...

making fun of me that much..

I'm about to grab the cellphone in Kang San Ha's hand but..

Kang San Ha..ㅡ_ㅡ^..lifts his hand again...

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I can't take it anymore...

Let's settle this...

I'm no longer going to be a weakling to you.

Tiptoeing as high as I can...

I lifted my left hand as high as it could go, to where my poor cellphone was, in Kang San Ha's right hand....

But Kang San Ha..pulls hard on my raised wrist....

To what Kang San Ha did, that I never thought he'd do, I open my eyes wide..

and as soon as something comes into contact with my lips..


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I open my eyes wider. ------------43-------------

The first kiss

people think of their first kiss to being very important.

And they treasure it, remembering it forever.

Later in life, when my first kiss.... comes up...

this moment will probably come to mind?

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As soon as my lips touched Kang San Ha's lips...

I become so nervous and shocked that my entire face freezes up, except for my eyes blinking.

And as soon as I go back to my normal self, I push Kang San Ha.


Am I words won't even come out properly..

H-how dare he do that to me...

Rather than saying something, I decide to show him with my actions..

I slap Kang San Ha, hard.

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It seems like it would hurt but..

whether he's not showing that it's hurting, or that it really isn't hurting...

Kang San Ha is smirking.

I found it so ridiculous and senseless that I just shook my head and..

I tried to leave the music room but...

Kang San Ha grabbed my wrist and spun me around in front of him.

"Sung Gye, you've been caught in my net."

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Caught in a net... me....?

Fine. If I really am a Sung Gye as you say...

are you a fisherman?

Kang San Ha wearing a khaki apron, yellow rubber boots, riding a boat and throwing in a net....

I can't imagine it....

"Why am I stuck in your net?"

"Because no matter how much you resist or scream...

you can't escape me."

I suddenly feel the chills.

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"Let's date.

I can't say the sweetest things.

But when you're in danger, even if I get hurt, I'll definitely protect you and..

when you're going through hard times, I'll always be beside you and

when you're laughing, I'll make sure you'll never lose your laughter.."

"I've never done anything for you...

and I never told you that I liked you but...

why are you...."

"Love isn't done through words..

it's done through your eyes..."

Kang San Ha's eyes are looking at me.

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and Kang San Ha's ears are waiting for my answer.

And Kang San Ha's hand holding onto my wrist, it feels as if it'll come loose from sweat.

Is Kang San Ha of the MP3, who's said to not be afraid of anything, nervous right now..

I....should reject him.....

....should say I hate him....

...should say I'm sorry....

But my mouth won't move..

This is what I'm thinking that I should say in my head

but my mouth won't speak.

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Without me realizing it...

have I come to like Kang San Ha?

Or have my feelings for Kang San Ha suddenly grown, from being small at first?


I knew..

of my feelings growing for Kang San Ha as time passed...

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Just strong....

thinking only about himself....

not knowing anything...

pretending to know me, even though he doesn't..

while even sleeping, he's watch what I was doing..

even though it doesn't concern him, he concern himself with my problems..

when I look pretty, he says that I'm ugly..

when I look ugly, he says that I'm pretty...

even when he's shy, he swears....even when he's embarassed, he swears....

I already knew that I liked Kang San Ha, even though he did things that I'd hate and get angry about..

But because I thought I'd be caught...

that I'd come to like Kang San Ha even more...

I purposely would say that I don't like him, avoid him, yell at him, glare at him, and pretend to not know him...

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I was just hesistant for a bit..

to Kang San Ha's confession...

to Kang San Ha's eyes, not moving at all...

I was even close to saying...I think I like you too.

If I told him...

I would definitely be caught.

Even now, my real self would be shown in front of Kang San Ha...if I dated him, I would be revealed.

I don't like that. That kind of thing...

Like before, I want to live quietly.

Complicated things...difficult things....things I'm too lazy to deal with....I just want to live

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pretending to not know those things..

I bite my lips and focus, hardening my eyes...

even if it's hard, I have to say it..

Hwang Sung Hye, you just have to get over this...

then....this kind of thing......will never happen again..

"I'm sorry... it's hard for me to date you.."


"I still don't know much about you...

........I'm sorry...."

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"That's a reason?"


"I'm asking you if that's the reason to why you don't want to date me!!!!"

"I'm sorry...."

As if there's big stones attached to my legs....

one step... two step... each time I walk, my legs feel so heavy.

Barely making it out of the music room...

I see through the music room window

Kang San Ha's back, without any movement, to be in deep thought..

Even on my way home, when I arrive at my house and sleep..

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Kang San Ha's back stabs at my heart...

I feel pain.

This is what it feels like, when your heart aches..

It's my first time feeling this...

A feeling this painful and sad...

To my heart, which was white and blank, it feels like black shards of glass are being pressed...

I thought it would become better the next day but...

even when it became the next day in the morning...

even when it became the next day in the morning, it was the same. ------------44-------------

As soon as I arrived to school and went into the classroom...

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I could see the faces of the kids, being more louder and bothersome to feel the freedom after exams.


I couldn't see Kang San Ha.

Is he already trying to be late, starting the first week on monday...

pathetic Kang San Ha.

Starting today...spending time with Kang San Ha like before would be hard..?

Now we don't do study there wouldn't be anything to see each other or talk....

"Sung Hye-yah!! How come you went ahead on Saturday?

Since exams were over..I wanted to go see a movie with you..."

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Ha Ra looks nice.

Seeing how her hair's been done nice today, she probably got a good mark on her exams...


...I had something to take care of.."

I listen to Ha Ra's endless gossip, and I'm going to my seat...

to see a huge basket left on my desk.

What is this?

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It looks like a flower basket...

but there's no flowers in it, completely empty..

"Ha Ra-yah. This basket....."

With a surprised face, Ha Ra is staring at the front door.

Let me guess, did someone drop money?

"Sung Hye-yah.. look over there...."

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Ha Ra's finger....

was pointing at a guy walking into the classroom with a single rose.

I wonder which girl will get that pretty rose?


The guy walks toward me.

The classmates' whispers... they're gossiping.

The guy, standing in front of me, leaves the rose in the basket and speaks in a loud voice.

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"Kang San Ha sunbae!!! He's really good at fencing!!!!!!!"


What is this.....ㅇ_ㅇ?

Why does Kang San Ha's name suddenly pop out?

After the first guy, another male student holding a rose stands in front of me ...

just like the first student, he leaves a rose in the basket and says..

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"San Ha sunbae!!!! He has a scar on his shoulder from when he was younger, when he hurt himself!!!"

He talks about Kang San Ha.

Even after, tons of male students come in a line..

leave a rose in the basket...and each say a sentence....

"San Ha sunbae!!! Out of all animals, he likes bears the most!!!"

"San Ha sunbae!!!!! Being hungry,being bothered; he hates those two things the most!!!!!"

"San Ha sunbae!!! Except for liver and ginger, there's nothing he can't eat!!!"

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"San Ha sunbae!!! His favourite colour is the colour of the sea!!!"

....they each said something about Kang San Ha.

The basket is now filled with roses...

and as soon as the male students stop coming...

the female students surround me and my rose basket, an each say something in envy..

"Oh my much did that person spend on roses.."

"Sung Hye-yah. Who are the guys who gave you roses?"

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"I hear that nothing is impossible....

Sung Hye has an admirer, it seems.."

"But why did those kids each say something about Kang San Ha?"

If you guys don't know...ㅡ,.ㅡ... how should I know?

"Yah!!! Everyone move!!!!!

Han Uhl pushes and yells at the girls surrounding the rose basket..

...I'm guessing he stayed up for a whole night, seeing his red eyes..

and he looks different from usual..

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"You guys, stop touching the flowers!! You don't even know how nice they are!!"

Does Han Uhl know something about this..?

Right when I was about to ask him about the basket and the guys who left roses

I couldn't say anything, because Kang San Ha's name came out of Han Uhl's mouth.

"San Ha-yah~! Hurry and come in!!

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These ugly kids are ruining your flowers!!!!"

Han Uhl yells toward the classroom door, which is wide open.

Your flowers..?

Then these roses are from Kang San Ha...ㅇ_ㅇ!!

With a rose in one hand...

Kang San Ha walks in..

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"Who touched the flowers.."

The female students feel horror...

and slowly begin to avoid Kang San Ha..

"San Ha-yah. Stop and say what you were practising yesterday!!!!"

Kang San Ha, scratching his head, leaves a rose in the basket....

In my eyes, I see the basket full of roses and

the classmates' eyes and Oh Ha Ra's smile...

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and Kang San Ha's reddened face.

"Hwang Sung Hye!! Now you know everything about me!!!"

Then, the boys from before were talking about you because you ordered them to..=_=

Kang San Ha speaks, looking at me, while I'm frozen like a statue.

"Now there's no obstacles left between us!! Be my girlfriend!!!!" [/font] -----------45---------------


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Without realizing it, I begin to laugh....

No matter how hard I try to think of other thoughts, I can't stop laughing..

Kang San Ha.....

I can't reject you anymore...

I can't hide my feelings for you anymore.....

because now, I've completely fallen for you.

"You do know that I'm plain...

so I want to live plainly, right....?"

"...No....I don't know....."

"You do know that I'm dating would get in the way of studying, right?"

"...No....I don't know....."

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"...You do know..that I'm a lot...different from you, right..?"

"...No....I don't know.."

No matter what kind of question I'd ask

No..I don't know...would be Kang San Ha's answer..

It seems like he's getting mad from these questions of mine.

" do know that I like you, right...?"

"...No..I don't know...."

Momentarilly, Kang San Ha's eyes widen...

I see him pretending to cough, pretending that it's not a big deal.

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Kang San Ha.

I know everything..

When you're shy or embarassed...

You just scratch your head....or look somewhere else...

Even now, you're looking at the clock....and smiling..

That's right..Kang San Ha...

I like you....

Now, I can't pretend that I don't know it....and it's difficult for me to even hide it...

Yesterday was my limit too...

Maybe I really have been caught in your net...

When I try to hate you, I end up liking you more

and when I try to run away from you, I always see you when I turn around...

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"Then now...I've caught you, right.."


That representation for dating is pretty scary.

WIthout responding, I only slightly nod.

"No!!!! San Ha-yah!!! You're the MP3's leader~~"

"San Ha-yah...please.

Don't date that kind of girl~~~"

"You're our man!!!"

"Let's take her offshore, the b!tch, who tied Kang San Ha down!!"

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Hearing this situation from somewhere...

the female students from the far window roar at Kang San Ha crazily..

Around Kang San Ha and me, I see kids from other classes, and 1st year guys.

And everyone, as one body, have shocked expressions on their faces..

I totally understand all of you thinking it's unpleasant that Kang San Ha confessed to me, that he wanted to date me...


Isn't it a bit harsh, calling me al those names?

Seeing all your cheek-fat jiggling, flat noses, and bags underneath your eyes...

you guys aren't ones to talk....

Kang San Ha glares at the girls by the window....

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and the female students..bow their heads and avoid Kang San Ha's eyes..

The female students around me, are even in front of Kang San Ha...

so they're not talking to explain their feelings..but they glare at me with poisonous glares..

A girl next to me, who looks like a Smurf, goes up to Kang San Ha...

"What's prettier? Okddulmae or Hwang Sung Gye?"

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Not looking straight at Kang San Ha, and just biting her nails

"Hwang Sung Gye..Hwang Sung Gye is..prettier".

Not stopping here, Kang San Ha asks the person whose hair is like Atom, next to Smurf.

"What smells more? Meju or Hwang Sung Hye?" (Meju=alcohol that smells bad)

Twirling her hair...."Hwang Sung Hye smells more.."replies Atom..

That hobo(changed from Atom) must be out of her mind..

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I smell more than meju?

If you went to the Seoul Subway and just laid down, you'd look like a homeless person.

Kang San Ha, looking at Hobo without saying a word....

speaks to the 1st grade guys...

"Who wants to do it..."

"I'll do it.."

A 1st year guy who looks like a sparrow quickly steps forward...

Do it...?

What's he doing..

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Sparrow takes something out of his pocket, approaching Hobo.

With a screeching noise...the knife rises higher...

It's the kind of knife, an exact-o-knife, that we would use to sharpen our pencils, or cut paper.

.....He wouldn't...murder...?


You can't murder anyone with that kind of knife...

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Then what's he trying to do??

Sparrow raises Hobo's hand high in the air...

"What smells more? Meju or our hyungsoonim? " (Hyungsoonim=hyung's wife)

Asking the same thing as Kang San Ha, the knife goes by Hobo's hand..

'No!! Someone has to stop him!!'

A Mad Boyfriend Cuts Off a Person's Finger, Angered from Hearing...

His Girlfriend Smells More than Meju...

I can't let the headlines come out like this!!!

with this thought, I try to stop Sparrow's actions....ㅡ,.ㅡ

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But Sparrow was only sharpening Hobo's nails...

"With just one sentence from you, there's a possibility that your nail can be sliced in half..."

After, Kang San Ha adds to this.

"If she says that Sung Gye smells again...

instead of slicing it, just break it."

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He's scary...

and embarassing...

I wonder why this feeling keeps coming up, that there'll be lots of days like this while dating Kang San Ha?

"M-m-meju smells more!!!! Before..I couldn't talk properly!!

I always smell the smell of violet lilacs, which bring back memories of the fall when I'm around Sung Hye...

I think Sung Hye's loneliness and your cold image work perfectly together..."


seems to have chosen the way to live life peacefully..

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"Kang San Ha."

Han Yoo Seung enters the classroom with Gwang Pal...

"Have you succeeded eventually?"

Han Yoo Seung's usual soft voice...

sounds small and weak today.

His usual neat uniform necktie is undone today.

His smile, which makes anyone comfortable and feel god is gone...

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Did things go bad with the girl he likes? [/font] ------------46------------

"I can see right away that First Place is feeling cornered...

why don't you stop doing that kind of thing, scaring her?"

I want to comfort Yoo Seung, for having things not go well with that girl but

at this moment, I feel so thankful to Yoo Seung, and I want to give him a pat on the back.

As I thought, nobody understands me but Han Yoo Seung..

Right now, I feel cornered....and really embarassed....ㅠ 0ㅠ

"Your part was until Saturday."

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Kang San Ha....

Since when were we doing a play....?

What do you mean by part?

What was until Saturday...?

Han Yoo Seung smirks....

"I just heard from a hoobae and I came here..

This is what it is? What you've been preparing all night..?"

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Pointing at the flower basket.....

Yoo Seung smiles, talking more than he usually would.

Han Yoo Seung's smiling face feels so far away...

Did Han Yoo Seung...always smile darkly like that..

Were Han Yoo Seung's eyes always faded like that...?

And....preparing all night...

What's he talking about...+_+

Before, Han Uhl seemed to have said something about practising yesterday......

I can't take it anymore....

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They say that if you resist from asking something that's making you curious, you'll get a disease..(There's no proof)

Han Uhl-ah, where are you....?

Behind me, Han Uhl is fighting with Ha Ra....

"Tell me who was eating the sausage from before...

My average really did pass 50%~~"

"Oh no!

Even if that was true, I have to be positive...

How do I believe whether your average is 5%, or 50%..?

I'd know after seeing your report card..."

"You!! You!! You!!! Liar!!!!!!!!!"

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Han Uhl seems to be uncapable of swearing when angered..

"Liar" coming from Han Uhl would probably be the scariest word coming from him..

There won't be an end to their arguing...

I grab onto Han Uhl, come out of the classroom, and take him with me to the back of the school building.

On the way there, I heard girls' voices swearing and spreading rumours about me but..

I couldn't do anything but frownn..

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If I was to go up to them for swearing and spreading rumours about me...

then the civilized, quiet side of me could be seen differently...

"Han Uhl-ah, I'm sorry that I had to drag you out suddenly but....

what's the thing that San Ha practised staying up all night???"

"Didn't you see it? You're...."

"......I didn't see anything...."

"Before, the 1st grade guys were telling you about San Ha..

That was all....planned by me and San Ha, we gathered the kids and made them do it..

You said this...and that...

Because of you...I didn't get a wink of sleep...ㅜ_ㅜ..

Look at my eyes...

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They're red...they've become scary eyes...

Look at my hair....

Kang San Ha found it so hard to ask you out that he took it out on my hair..ㅠ 0ㅠ"

That's what it was...?


Kang San Ha...

getting to know you, it feels like I'm seeing many different sides of you...

First, he was just a guy from the same class...

then, he was only hot, yet scary....

after that, he was a bit annoying and cute...'ve found the reason why I can't help but to like you..

Something that no other girl would know.....

A charm that only I know, that you only show me.

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I would like it...if it continued to be that way...

I know that it makes me become a greedy person, but I still wish that I would be the only one to know of his charm.

Walking back to the classroom with Han Uhl.....

"First Place....."


"What kind of guy...would Ha Ra like...?"

"That's obvious....

A guy who can buy her lobster once a week...

A guy who can take her on a vacation to Bermuda, or Bali once a month..

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A guy who can take her shopping at a famous mall to buy brand items when she's feeling down..."

"Does she really...only like that kind of guy..?"

"Ah!!! There's more..."

"What!! What else?"

"These days, Ha Ra has a new hobby.....

While watching male bodybuilding's deciding which guy developed the most muscles...

Seeing her watch that...I think she likes built guys..."


I'm definitely not....ㅠ_ㅠ"

That's right..

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You're not built..since you're a bit thin....

Now, I'm positive that Han Uhl likes Ha Ra.

He asked me what Ha Ra's type was..

and seeing that expression, when he found out that he wasn't her type..

Ha Ra has a pretty face, but she's too earthly...

and she only cares about money....

Han Uhl is nice and cute...and often, he's a babo.

Ha Ra and Han Uhl....don't look good together at all.

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And it looks like Ha Ra doesn't like Han Uhl...

Rather, it looks like she's more interested in Gwang Pal...

Arriving in front of the classroom....

As I'm about to enter the classroom....Han Uhl grabs onto the end of my uniform, and shakes it...

"First Place...."


"Are these...muscles...?"

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Han Uhl bends his arm and puts all his strength into it....

I feel bad for Han Uhl, seeing his gorgeous lady-like arms...

"Hek hek...I'm tired. Hurry, touch and check it..."

Even without touching...I can tell that those aren't muscles....

Without a choice, forced by Han Uhl's desperate eyes, I poke at Han Uhl's arm.

"Are you two shooting a movie or something?" ----------------47----------------

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To Kang San Ha's words..

I quickly take my hand away from Han Uhl, and put on a forced smile.

"Movie?? Haha;; I was checking something for him..

Right? Han Uhl....ah..."

Han Uhl is gone.

I predict that the boy I see running far from Han Uhl...=_=

That disloyal b@stard..

Running away, to survive alone?

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How does he expect me to deal with this situation alone..-0-

"San Ha-yah. We were fighting...

didn't you see me pinching Han Uhl??""

"Why~~~? You were shooting a movie...

My wifey Sung Gye is cheating on me..."


"Why would you think that I'm cheating on you with Han Uhl....."

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Han Uhl likes Ha Ra..

"Na Han Uhl ate what you were eating....."

What?? ㅇ_ㅇ?


Is it that he thinks that the sausage Ha Ra gave Han Uhl....

was being eaten by me before..?

When the sausage was actually being eaten by Don Yoo Jeong before...-___-

And let's say that Han Uhl ate the sausage that I was eating...

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Does that prove that I cheated on him?

"The sausage tha Han Uhl was eating.

It wasn't something I was eating before him.."


Is it okay for me to tell him...

Isn't this only to be known if his average is over 50....

I'll get in trouble from Ha Ra if I tell him....

But I don't want the rumour to spread that I was the one who was eating it...

"It was what Don Yoo Jeong was eating before."

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"Who's Don Yoo Jeong..?"

If I tell him, Kang San Ha would..tell Han Uhl...

Han Uhl's shocked face, when he hears that it was being eaten by Don Yoo Jeong before...

I kept my mouth closed and ignored..Kang San Ha's questions..

Eventually, the veggie becomes silent..ㅡ.ㅡ

The silent Kang San Ha was scary..

His eyebrows have gone up scarily..

and he goes to a boy who's flirting with the girls...

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"Did you just glare at me?"

Like this, he disputes..

And, as if one isn't enough....

he grabs onto a bunch of other people..

and make a horrifying feel in the class, without a good reason..

Even in this horrifying feel, I see Oh Ha Ra doing her work as normal....

She has a squished up face, biting on something....

Even though she's probably checking if a gold ring or gold necklace is fake or real...

I go to Ha Ra's spot, to tell her something.

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Ha Ra:This. How many years did you wear it around?

Money-borrowing Kid:3 years.

Ha Ra:I'm giving you money for being!!

The money-borrowing kid leaves, and Ha Ra and I go to a store..

"Sung Hye-yah!! Congrats!!

I can't do anything because I'm busy today...but next time..I'll definitely buy you something..^0^"

"Is it okay for even be congratulated?

Don't you find it Kang San Ha likes me..."

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"What's so weird about that? Isn't Kang San Ha a boy..?

Is there a law...that states that Kang San Ha can't like girls??"

"Not that... It's just that Kang San Ha and I are total opposites....."

"You both have eyes,a nose,a're both people..what's so different?"

"Just...I can't believe it.

That Kang San Ha likes me...."

"I knew it....before you...."


"That Kang San Ha likes you..."


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"Do you remember when I whispered something to Kang San Ha before...?

That was the time when Kang San Ha called me Aurora....."

Mm.. I remember...

I still can't forget Kang San Ha's face, when it turned bright red\...

"Since the beginning of the semester, I was interested in Kang San Ha..

Well..not the interest of liking him..

Can I call it curiosity?

Truthfully, Kang San Ha's quite peculiar..

he wasn't interested in girls...and he never dated a single girl.."

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I'm the exact same....

I'm not interested in guys....

and I haven't dated even once......=_=

"Kang San Ha was the kid who would look out the window...or sleep during classes..

But suddenly, he began to look somewhere else...

Where do you think he looked?"

"Mm.....the chalkboard? The teacher's face?"

With an annoyed face, Ha Ra glares at me...

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"You're. wrong.

The girl...

She liked being alone... . She's smart......

She looks smart.....but if you look closely, she makes tons of mistakes...

Kang San Ha began to look at that girl..."

I wonder...who the girl is.....?

I like being alone but....

I don't make a lot of mistakes...+_+

"If the girl wasn't at her spot...Kang San Ha would continue to stare at just that spot..

When the girl would come in right after, he would turn around and secretly smile..

When the girl talked with any guy, or was with any guy..

After a few minutes, the guy who was talking with the girl or was with the girl...

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had a bruised or beaten face, from being hit by Kang San Ha....."

It feels like...

...a thick.....and a fog that's impossible to pass......

is slowly coming into my heart.

...Coincidentally, it matches...

Whenever I talked with the male class-president..

the next day, he would always have a bruised eye...

And the stick-skinny guy who I went to the math competition with..

came to school with a bruised eye like a panda the next day...

And all of them would be busy avoiding me whenever they saw me....

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"Sung Hye-yah.

Do you still not know who the girl is?" -----------48------------

I'm usually noticing other peoples' lives fast.....(or at least, that's what she thinks)

but how come I'm so lame and slow with my own.......

I wonder what part of me Kang San Ha likes...?

Truthfully, I thought Kang San Ha liked me only when I took off my glasses, and erased my freckles...

I thought he liked me just for my face but...

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I was mistaken

Why did Kang San Ha......

why did he like me...

No matter how much I think about it, I don't get it..

Truthfully I'm ugly, not hyper..

my look, when I'm only quiet and know nothing but studying....why.......why...

"Ha Ra-yah!! Thanks for telling me!!

I just realized I have something to do, I'll go ahead!!"

".....You finally get it....^ ^

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Sung Hye-yah...just listen to this, then go....

I.. whispered this to Kang San Ha..

You like Hwang Sung Hye, right? Did you know that there's a saying, that when you keep looking at a girl too much you'll melt?

That's what I said...

....I want you and Kang San Ha to turn out well.."

It's impossible to know how fast I ran to the classroom.

Thinking of only what I'm to ask Kang San Ha....

my eyes look around for Kang San Ha..

Where is he...

I don't know when I'll get the chance to ask you this if it's not now...

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"Who are you looking for?"

I turn around..

Kang San Ha has a game in his hands, and he looks at me, panting from being out of breath, as if I'm some weird kid.

I better ask him quickly....

I have to....

And when I see his words come out...-_-

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"....You. You know....why....why......."

"Why am I so hot_?"


no wait, not that.....-__- Why do you like must have a reason?"

"Because it's you."

To describe how I feel.....

It's like I'm looking for an oasis in the middle of the desert.....

and receiving a question like 'Why are you looking for an oasis..?' It feels like this..

Obviously, I'd be looking for an oasis because I'm thirsty..

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...I'm asking for him to give me a reason to why he likes me..

but Kang San Ha says..'Because it's you'...

Kang San Ha's serious eyes...

Seeing that even this b@stard has times when he's serious.....

I admire him.

But his reason for liking me...

Is he just saying that....because he doesn't have a reason as to why he likes me??

Kang San Ha, that b@stard is weak to only pretty girls..

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Before, when Koh Sa Ri and Ha Ra were fighting..

and when you came between them, it was a big shock to me....

Koh Sa Ra has a pretty face....

You only came between them because you couldn't just watch a girl with a pretty face falling in danger....

"Then...when there's someone who has the same name as me,

but is prettier...

and smarter than me, and she says that she likes you...would you still like me then??"

"Yeah. I still would.

Even if it was the prettiest girl in the world...

or even if the girl had the same name as you....

I don't need anyone else but you...

because there's only one of you in this world.."


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"Eh hem.

D-did you do well on the exams??"

Once again, to this b@stard's face....and this b@stard's sweet words...

I feel like I'm going to lose I change the topic.ㅡ,.ㅡ

But...I can't lie to myself...

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I just expected for him to tell me what part of me he liked..

But he made me feel....

so surprised, so happy, that I didn't know what to say, and had to actually think about it....

When I'm with you..I can't think of anything but you..

Because I don't have the time to think about other thoughts, but also because you make me like that..


"Eh? I did well..."

"Not that.."

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"I'm asking if you like me back..."

This is a school...

but in this place, in this calssroom where all the kids are watching...

do I have to tell him.....

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"Of course...that's what it is.

You hate me...

but because I keep saying that I like were forced to date me, right?"


I'm trying to say it again....

but it's embarassing.

Is it this hard to say that I like him....

"Forget about it."

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Kang San Ha walks out of the classroom....

I want to hold onto him...

I want to tell him to stay for just a bit but....

my feet won't even move from the floor..

Just..watching Kang San Ha's backside...

I'm feeling pathetic for not being able to even say that I like him..

Koh Sa Ri, who was watching me be like this from the beginning, runs over prettily... ------------49-------------

"Sung Hye-yah!! Hurry and go talk to him truthfully!!"

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To Sa Ri's amazing power when she pushes my back

I was pushed to the where Kang San Ha was going...

Now realizing that there was nothing holding me back, I yell to Kang San Ha.

"Yah! Kang San Ha!! Stop!!!!"

Kang San Ha stops walking,

Thinking that this would be the only chance..

I quickly run towards him....

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"I like you...."

With difficulty...with difficulty, I confess.

"Who's 'you'?"


I'm already...embarassed enough but....


Who's 'you'.....


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"The peson in front of me."

Right when I think that he finally gets what I"m saying..

Kang San Ha goes behind me...


"There's nothing in front of you...

is it that you don't like anyone?"

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You're doing this to make me laugh, aren't you..

How can you be like that, in this important time...

If I went to a fancy restaurant and ate a steak....

you're the kind of b@stard who'll eat with chopsticks, instead of a fork...

And do you think it'll be just that...

If I say that my heart is shaking, and beating because of you...

you're the kind of b@stard who'll tell me to go get it checked at a hospital...

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When I put make-up on to look pretty for you..

you'd be like.... 'Did you get bruises on your eyes?'

Like this...

I don't even want to imagine it..

You've become a man,

so why are you so stiff and moodless like this...

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It's our first time liking each other...

and first time dating...

What I just said was a bit harsh..

I really tried to be brave and told him that I liked him..

but you, [email protected] made fun of me..-__+

"Kang San Ha!!! What are you doing here!! The sunbaes are all waiting for you.."

Han Yoo Seung...

looks at me while I have pouted lips, staring at Kang San Ha....

As if it's funny seeing me like this, he looks back and forth from Kang San Ha and me..and says...

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"I was going to go just now.

.......Hwang Sung Hye. I know everything from just looking at your eyes.."

Didn't Kang San Ha...

say love is done through eyes..

What does he mean by 'love'...

We're now eighteen years old....

I see it as being too young to love already..

Whether he knows what I;m thinking or not..Kang San Ha is already going..

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"You look happy...."

Han Yoo Seung's voice...

No matter when I hear it, it makes me think of cappuccinos, soft and sweet...

Han Yoo Seung, who said...that I would love in a certain way when we were in the music room...

If what I'm guessing is correct...

Han Yoo Seung has a girl who he likes...but the girl likes another guy..

I wonder what part of Han Yoo Seung she didn't like...

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to be liking another guy....-_-

...I want to see that girl's face.

"You don't look too good since before...

Are you sick?"

"..I was a bit hurt from yesterday..

but now I'm okay..."

Yoo Seung-ah....I know everything...

Why you're hurting....

But I know that you have pride, so you can't just let it out...

and can't do anything but keep it locked up inside...

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"Congratulations for becoming a couple with Kang San Ha....

San Ha likes you a lot...."

"Thank you.....

you have to hurry and flirt with girls like before....

the girls were complaining how you've become boring these days..."

So...hurry and forget about the girl who lieks another guy, and find a new girl...

that's the way to going back to your old self..

"Starting today, I think I'll become a clock with a battery, running out of life...."

A clock with a battery, running out of life?

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What's so hard to say....

enough to express it that way...?

"A clock with a battery, running out of life....

from now on, its hands won't be going anywhere, and will stay in its spot..

Like that, I'm also...going to sit and just watch over the girl I like..."

Poor Han Yoo Seung.

You're Mugeum High's...female poacher.....

Without realizing it, even without mice and birds realizing got the nickname, from being able to get girls to fall in love with you.

I wonder what happened, to get him to be held back by the girl....

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this isn't something I should be getting into but...

I'm a kid who can do anything well without anyone's advice or help...

But love...

it is said that anyone can knock it over...

"First Place...

if something difficult happens and you can't tell San Ha, come to me....

I'll help you..^ ^"

I was just going to tell him that I'll help him..

you're really cool....

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"Same to you, when something happens with the girl you like, come to me...

I'll help you...."

Han Yoo Seung stares at my face, and smiles, looking lonely.

-during class-

It's my favourite time, Literature..

I like it because we're working on poems.

Because I'm good at writing poems...

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"Everyone..we'll write a poem and present it today....

I'll give you 15 minutes, so go ahead and write......"



15 minute later..

"We'll begin 22...?"

Number 22...a girl stands up and presents..

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"The title is...Summer is Coming..

When summer comes.

The results are sweat and dirt...

Why..why aren't the results my looks?

When summer comes.

What I run into are musquitos an flies...

Why..why aren't I running into guys?

When summer comes.

The things that blow by are hot air from the fan and the smell from the fan..

Why..why aren't the air conditioner winds blowing by?


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"You wrote it well!!!"


The kids have fallen into a wave of laughter....

"You wrote it well.

Then this time....what number should I pick.."

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The kids bow their heads and avoid the teacher's eyes..

..they probably didn't get their poems finished..

I'm done writing...hehe...

I have a pitying expression on, looking at the kids with their heads bowed, when..

Chul Eung pokes at me from behind...

"Hwang Sung Hye..

I have a feeling that she'll pick me this time..

The Literature teacher always picks me..."

"'re asking to see what I wrote....?"

"Yeah! Hurry up and bring it~~!!!!"

Although I really didn't want to...

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but to match my nice image...

I pass by notebook behind...when Kang San Ha suddenly stands up..

What's..wrong with him??

"I just thought of a poem!"

"You thought of it..not wrote it..?

Hurry and present it then..."

I'm looking forward to this..

The b@stard usually wouldn't participate in this kind of thing, but saying that he'll present a poem...

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"No Title.

Someone is poking at my teddy bear..

I'm about to swear.

I want to beat the kid up.

I want to handle this.

If you talk to my teddy bear, you're dead.

If you touch my teddy bear, you're dead.

If you look at my teddy bear, you're dead"--------------50--------------

I can see my future after hearing that poem of Kang San Ha's.

I have a feeling that even if it was my appa who gave me a kiss on the cheek..that b@stard would be jealous..

Even if I had a male puppy in my arms, Kang San Ha

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would take the male puppy away, and give me a female puppy.

The whispering kids.

The reason why they are whispering is...

because they're wondering who the teddy bear is...

The teacher, panicking, has the class to settle down and....

to Kang San Ha, who is still standing and glaring at Chul Eung and me, says..

"San Ha-yah.

That...seems more of a threat, than a poem."

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"The b@stard behind Hwang Sung Gye...the teacher says that this isn't a poem, but a threat."

To those words of Kang San Ha..

Chul Eung finally recognizes the relationship going on with Kang San Ha and me...

"Kang San Ha, please sit down now...

Let's stop presenting the poems, and start reading the textbooks..

Mm, number 18, please read the poem in page 82"

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Oh Ha Ra, who's number 18, stands and reads the poem in the textbook she's holding..

1 single photo falls from the textbook....'s a nude photo, the backside of a man...

Was Ha Ra that kind of kid...

Even if she did like guys with muscles.

Does she have to see it even during class...

But Ha Ra, doesn't have a guilty and scared expression from being caught....

but an angry expression..

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Why is she like that...@_@

Ha Ra isn't the kind of person to act during that kind of situation..

-break time-

As soon as class ends, Ha Ra runs to me and says

"That's Koh Sa Ri's doing..

Before, this is what she said to me on the day of exams..

'Let's see what happens after exams...'"

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"You were a bit harsh on Koh Sa Ri before"

"Aish~ whatever!!

I was just ignoring her but..Koh Sa Ri, that b!tch...I didn't think she'd..

Alright. I'm not the type to do nothing about this..."

Ha Ra's revenge on Koh Sa Ri began.....

Ha Ra gave Sa Ri a lollipop, as a way of apologizing for what she's done until now..

Sa Ri ate the candy and they forgave each other..until Sa Ri was humilliated in class..

because her tongue..had changed to an extremely blue colour....

Because the candy made Sa Ri's tongue blue..

whenever Ha Ra went to the washroom...

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they would both come back drenched, as if they'd just gone swimming.

I'm worried for how long this battle will continue..

After night classes...

I was going to go home with Ha Ra, but...

"Oh my God!! Look at the kid!! Whenever I go with you, Kang San Ha..hates me.

From now on, you have to go home with Kang San Ha."

Do I have to walk hom with him..because we're dating..

And if I go with him, I'll have to go to a clothing store again...

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"Why? You don't like going with Kang San Ha?"

"It's not that, but...whenever I go with Kang San Ha, he always buys me clothes.."

"Clothes..? Be a bit more specific?"

After I told Ha Ra that until now, Kang San Ha had been buying clothes...

Ha Ra, as if she was a rhino that hit its head on a tree...rubbed her head on a brick wall, and laughed hysterically..

"Puhahaha...Yah!! Kang San Ha's too cute!!"

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Who? Kang San Ha?

Or.... the fact that Kang San Ha bought me clothes....?

"Ha Ra-yah..If you like freebies this's not good for you?"

"It's not that I like freebies.....

it's the fact that Kang San Ha bought you clothes~~

he was embarassed.. so he just used clothes as an excuse to take you home.."

ㅡ,.ㅡ......That's what it was??

Until now, when he would buy me clothes then say that he would take them back...

And how he would be gone when I bring the clothes out, after following me all the way home..

Page 752: If a Nerd Removes Her Glasses.....COMPLETED as well, is he going to use clothes as an excuse to take me home..?

Just as I had predicted, Kang San Ha takes me to a clothing store..

Is it that hard to say that he'll take me home..?

How does he think he can date, if he can't even say that.

I wonder what the other kids will think, if they knew about you being like this....

Kang San Ha came with me again, saying that he would take the clothes back....

I pretend to go into the house...and watch Kang San Ha..

Kang San Ha, thinking that I had gone inside, turns around...

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"Yah!! Stop being so shy!!"

San Ha turns his head quickly, with his eyes showing that he's surprised...

Seeing Kang San Ha's expression like this...I couldn't not be touched..

"Stop be so shy.. what?"

"You're really shy.

Do the words 'I'll take you home' really not come out?"

"Wh-who said!! that!!! I took you home!!"

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"Just specially today, I'll take you home...

It's not fair that you're only taking me home all the time...."

"That kind of thing is okay if it's unfair...."

"Then you're admitting it..

that you've been taking me home until now?"

Saying that I'll take him for a bit...I walk together with Kang San Ha..

I want to walk, holding hands like other couples, but..

Kang San Ha....doesn't show any sign of doing so..

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Not saying a word...we're just walking, when..

I see an ahjumma, selling dolls..

Not saying a word to Kang San Ha, I went to buy a male teddy bear..

Realizing that I'd disappeared, Kang San Ha looks around..

"Yah!! I'm over here!!!"

"You just went off to eat something alone, didn't you?"

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....=_=..Kang Sang Choo, this b@stard.. (sangchoo=cabbage)

What does he see me as...

to say that kind of thing....

Putting all my emotions into my hand, I throw the teddy bear at Kang San Ha....

"What is this."

"I'm giving it to you, just in case the lonely teddy bear..locked in your room, in the corner, gets bored..."

"...Even though it'll be embarssing, you're asking me to take this furry thing home_?"

When I nod..

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Kang San Ha, not saying anything..make an expression as if he's chewing on something..

and takes the teddy bear, holding onto its one leg..

"Yah. If you hold it like that, the teddy's leg is going to hurt.."

Hearing my words..

this time, looking as if he's being bothered, he holds onto the teddy's ear..

"I bought that teddy bear..thinking of it as being you!!!"

"You're saying that this is me_?"

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He checks the teddy bear out briefly.....then Kang San Ha sticks it between his side and arm....

"Yah. Go home now..."


Because it was a bit late

worrying mostly that I'll get in trouble by umma, I run......

Ah!! I forgot to say something important..

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"Yah! Kang San Ha!!!!"

Seeing Kang San Ha's backside..and the teddy bear stuck between his side and arm...

I yelled even louder..

Not caring about what other people would think...

"Let's...go home together, instead of stopping by at clothing stores!!"

I arrived

and when I was about to carefully tiptoe into my room...

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"Sung Hye-yah..come see umma, just for a second"

I hear umma's cold voice, making me nervous. [/font] -----------51-------------

I stop by the living room table, then go sit across from umma.....

there's something on the table....which keeps triggering my curiosity..

"This is pencil-eyeliner..that won't come off easily...."


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"use it while you're at the class trip this friday...."


Even if she didn't prepare this kind of thing...

I can make sure that the freckles won't erase myself..

my real self...won't be revealed....

I can keep acting as my unni...

To this kind of behaviour from my umma...

as if tightening the screws and bolts...something tightens my heart and makes it impossible to breathe...

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And the words 'class trip' makes me feel uneasy.

The facts that for even a bit, I'll be sleeping away from home, and not being with umma...

It's not that I don't like my home...or umma..

It's just that whenever I come to my house, it feels like I'm locked away, and I'll never leave for the rest of my life..

....And.....umma is......umma is......

knowing that I'm going through troubles....and being hurt.........

Whenever I feel even the slightest wanting to leave the house..

she'll make the thought disappear, and watch me..

But I love umma...

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...and I love unni, who I'm living for..

So I think I have to live as my unni, as umma wishes without complaining..

Without thinking that I want to live as I usually would...

but being happy with going to the nightclub once a month..

-the next day, school-

I'm reading, when Sa Ri gives me a banana.

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When I see Sa Ri's eyes, they remind me of my unni's kind eyes..

would that be the reason...?

Ha Ra hates Sa Ri..but I don't hate Sa Ri..

Ah!! I remember now..

How I got Sa Ri's help, when I couldn't go to tell San Ha that I liked him...

"Thanks for yesterday..."

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"No problem, I like Sung Hye...

And...I like th-that Han Uhl guy too...>_<"



But Han Uhl likes Ha Ra....

And...why does Sa Ri like Han Uhl...?

Shouldn't she be hating him??

Before..he treated her bad and was scaring her...

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"Treating me badly...Han Uhl was the first to do that.

Now I'm going to like Han Uhl, lots and lots.."

Then until now...has every guy been treating you good..?

Then again, I hear that in Europe, they do the whole 'ladies first' thing, treating the girls like royalty..

"Yah!!! Food Festival!!! Why are you so close to Sung Hye!!" (Koh Sa Ri = a vegetable, Ha Ra gave her the nickname "Food Festival")

With books in her hands and a pen put behind her ear, Ha Ra glares at Sa Ri...

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"Because I'm Sung Hye's friend too."

"Whaat~~? F-friend..?

Look at this~~ now you're thinking of bothering even Sung Hye, eh.."

"Oh Ha Ra, I think you should go back to your seat yourself."

The core teacher, holding a bunch of papers of blue and green, stands at the front stand..

and unlike Ha Ra, the kids were all in their own seats.

"I will announce the results of the exams...."

"What~~~ why did they come out so fast!!"

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"Ack!!! Noo~~~"

"I'm screwed!!!"

The teacher just laughs, looking at the complaining kids, due to the exam results which had come too quickly....

Has our class escaped the position of being last....?

I wonder why he has a smile on his face, when he's usually expressionless when giving out report cards??

"Come in order by your numbers, and check.."

Whether it be when report cards are handed out, or our results are noted....I never really cared but...I'm shaking now, probably for the study group..

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I definitely don't have to worry about Han Yoo Seung....

Ha Ra has to watch herself achieve goals assured..

Han Uhl and Gwang Pal also..they should be checking their exam results...

I'm most worried for Kang San Ha.......

I saw him walking around with a textbook during exams..

but I can't trust that b@stard....

Of course, Kang San Ha, number 1, came out first......

to watch Kang San Ha's expression while reading his exam results, I became a giraffe (as in, extended my neck as far as I could).

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I barely saw Kang San Ha's expression...

which was expressionless.

What is this?

I can't tell whether he did good, or not....ㅡ_ㅡ

I can't wait until break...

I passed Kang San Ha a note, which said 'Is your average higher than 50%?'...I'm waiting for a reply when.....

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"Ha Ra has escaped from the fate of going to summer school!! Yay~~congratulate me"

Seeing her go wild in front of the core teacher, yelling about escaping from summer school, it seems that her average is over 50%.

The core teacher...

He should've picked Ha Ra, than me as a daughter-in-law..

Then he'd have a rich, optimistic daughter-in-law..

"In the hard subjects like Math, or English, you got 20%...

In easy subjects like Morals and Computers, you got 70%..

Oh Ha Ra. Are you not trying?"

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But still, Ha Ra's average is higher than 50%...

Kang San Ha...

What about Kang San Ha.............

Finally, a reply comes..

With a shaking heart, I read it to see...

"Have I ever not gone past?"

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Hah. I know it's his first time passing 50%..


Anyways, the fact that Kang San Ha's average is higher than 50, this is...this is....a miracle!!!!

Now there's Han Uhl and Gwang Pal left...

since Kang San ha passed 50...I don't think I have to worry about these kids..

My turn came eventually.

As suspected, I came highest in the class, and highest in the school.

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"Then has everyone checked?

For the kids who think there's a mistake, come to the classroom...

Does everyone know that the class trip is this friday??

I'll explain what to wear, and the schedule.."

Hearing the words 'class trip'...

the kids' faces which read that they'd present their exam results disappeared

and the kids were now whistling, and full of joy.

The morning lookup ended.....

and right after, I tried to go to Han Uhl and Gwang Pal, but the two came to our classroom first.

"Oh Ha Ra!!! My average is 50.2.

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Gwang Pal's is 50 too..

So..hurry, tell us."

^0^ Then we won't be having the study group during night classes this week!!!! Ah, right, I almost forgot!!!!!!


Oh Ha Ra.

You don't need to pretend to know what they're talking about.....=_=

"Who was eating the sausage..."

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"If I tell you..promise me that you won't be too shocked...."

"Who ate it?"

"Don Yoo Jeong..."


Are you talking about the kid with the hair that never matches her face???"

".. Why?

Yoo Jeong. She's cute..

always wearing a headband with a bear's face on it...keke"

Unlike Ha Ra's amused face...

Han Uhl's expression is serious.

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Han Uhl looks at Ha Ra continuously with an expresionless face, then leaves the classroom without a word..

"Oh Ha Ra, I don't like you!!!

Because of you, Han Uhl's mad!!"

Yoo Gwang Pal.

With a pig-like voice

after yelling at Ha Ra

follows after Han Uhl....then trips on a desk leg.

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A gigantic sound echoed throughout the school when he fell..

and when the kids looked at Gwang Pal...

he looked around, rubbed his hands on the bricks, then Gwang Pal ran again..

..I wonder how he makes himself so comical and like a babo like that..

"Sung Hye-yah. Why is Han Uhl like that??

Why's he so serious?

Just because of Na Han Uhl, Gwang Pal doesn't like me.."

You're just like me..-_-

noticing other peoples' problems quickly, but to your own problems, you're very lame and

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You..babo!! Han Uhl likes you..

He ate it because the girl he likes was eating it.....

it was like you kicking him from behind....wouldn't you be hurt if you were him!!

is what I want to say...

but it's not something I should become involved in..

The only thing I can do is watch from afar........











Ha Ra, like she would

Han Uhl, like he would...

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both feeling horrible, they ignore each other and don't say anything when they bump into each other.


Ha Ra...doesn't know why Han Uhl's mad, and doesn't worry about Han Uhl..

Poor Han Uhl...

Why did he have to like Ha Ra....

He should've liked Sa Ri instead..

Then...they would comfortably like each other.....

-night classes-

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Instead of the teacher, the president was all blah blah, writing on the chalkboard with chalk...

he is telling us about the class trip.

"We're going to go on an airplane on the way there and back..

You can wear whatever you want, but don't wear something that grabs too much attention, or leaves a certain impression..

And the number of people per room is 3~4 people..

I requested specially for close friends to share rooms, and the teacher has said it's fine..

Everything you need to know is listed in the print. So look at the page for details"

More motivated than any other time, Ha Ra asks a question.

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"President!!! Who am I sharing a room with?"

"That's written on the page I'm handing out right now.."

Receiving the page...

I check to see who I'm in a room with....

I check...

Room number 209..

It is printed: Oh Ha Ra,Hwang Sung Hye,Koh Sa Ri.

This class trip will be a bit loud, it seems...

but I wonder what the reason is, to my beating heart??

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I wish Friday came faster........ ---------------52-----------------

It feels like it was yesterday when I wished for it to be friday but...

already, today is friday.

Right now, I'm on the airplane..

Listening to Ha Ra's endless gossiping...

But Ha Ra's gossiping doesn't come into my ears.

This is because I want to see the view outside the airplane window....

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I want to see the clouds, and the sky......

but my spot is in the middle, so the only things I see are the kids' backs....

Should I ask the kid by the window....

to switch seats, just for a bit..?

"Ha Ra-yah, wait....."

"Yah.. are you going somewhere?"

"To look at the clouds.."

I go up to the kid sitting by the window, and let out a fake cough.

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The girl with straight bangs, as if I'm some girl disrupting her sleep says...

"Hey...can we switch seats, just for a second?"


"Becuase I want to see the clouds..

And I want to see how Korea looks from the airplane..."

"I don't wa-"

Of don't want to......

I wouldn't have wanted to switch ei-

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What's this noise....?

Sitting behind Straight Bangs was Kang San Ha..

But Kang San Ha is peacefully sleeping...

Where was the noise coming from....ㅇ_ㅇ


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Kang San Ha kicks at the seat where Straight Bangs is sitting in.

He was watching, pretending to sleep...=_=


Seeing Kang San Ha....Straight Bangs slowly leaves to my spot...

I don't want to steal somebody's seat like this...ㅡ,,ㅡ

I'll go back to my seat after sitting here for a bit...

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But 'for a bit' became 1 hour, and we already arrived at Jeju Island...ㅡ.ㅡ

Sorry~~Straight Bangs~~

"Sung Hye-yah..where were you???

This mole-like girl...was sitting in your seat..."

"I switched seats to see the clouds.."

I got to see them lots, thanks to Kang San Ha.keke

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"How can you guys go ahead of me~~"

Sa Ri, with a white dress and straw hat looking like she's come to shoot for an ad, links arms with me...

"Of course we'd go ahead..

would we go with you.?"

Ha Ra seperates Sa Ri and me...

probably curled with her curling iron... Ha Ra's wavy hairstyle looks mature, like a student of a university...

The two, Ha Ra and Sa Ri, were constantly fighting....

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and I barely took them around while we were going with today's schedule and until we arrived at the hotel.-__-+

It can't be like this again tomorrow....

if I have to stay between these two during the entire class trip, I'll become soup, or mushed rice..

As soon as we reach the hotel..

Ha Ra calls sleeping on the bed, where there's pretty-looking flowere-patterned pillows and a blanket.

But Sa Ri isn't the one to back down..

Sa Ri holds onto the blanket that Ha Ra is holding onto, like a monkey hanging from a tree..

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Although they both fight and yell at each other like this.....

these two had something in common.

...When a hot white person would pass by...

Ha Ra and Sa Ri, pretending to know the person, would continue to scream 'Hi! Hi!!!'...

Then, when they meet each other's eyes, they'd pretend to do something else....

Even when going to eat lunch, they would complain about the food...

"I can't eat big anchovies..."

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"These anchovioes. Why are their heads so big."

Are they looking at if telling me to do something about it..-_-

"Then just remove the head and eat the body.."

Even when washing their faces...

"I only use milk-soap.."

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"This soap.. why isn't it bubbly!!?"

Again, they look at me..

what am I, a universal solver?

"Wash your face with just water then."

Both don't like the same things..

Ha Ra and Sa Ri.

The two might have been twins in their past life......

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"Ding dong~~"

Who can it be......? Is it the teacher??

Before I can open the door, Ha Ra pushes past me and leaves...

I couldn't see too well, but she was talking with a girl with long hair.....

when the door closes, she brings a big bag..

When I ask "What is that?".

Ha Ra just smiles.

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I was curious...

I wonder if there's a bomb in this bag...

I get ready to sleep without thinking, when Ha Ra starts to shake me like crazy...

"You're going to sleep? Already??



The teachers are going to check...5 minutes later to see if we're sleeping or not..."

".....Stay awake for just 20 minutes then.."

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20 minutes?? What do you mean...?

"What do we do during 20 minutes....

Ah!! Let' the Truth Game!!"

How immature, playing the Truth Game....

is what I think....then I kick away the blanket and look for candles.=,.=

"Truth Game??

What's that??"

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Koh Sa Ri...

As I thought, you don't know what it is.

"It's when you answer very truthfully to what the other person asks.."

"Wow!! I think it'll be fun..Let's do it!Let's do it!"

The candles are lit...

With faces looking very closely at the others, us three begin playing the Truth Game.

"Then..I'll start asking....


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Sung Hye-yah. You have to answer truthfully..."

Oh Ha Ra..

I wonder what kind of question she's going to ask, telling me that...I'm getting nervous.....

"Did you ever...kiss..with Kang San Ha.......?"


This little....getting into my personal life....what's so interesting about that..

That.....that kind of question.....

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But..since I did....I should tell her...

I did kiss...but he was the one who kissed me...Kang San Ha......



"Sung Hye..there's a lot of progress in your relationship!!"

Sa Ri and Ha Ra, hugging each other and overreacting

They'll only get along at times like this...-__-

"Eh?? Koh Sa Ri, didn't you say that you liked Kang San Ha??"

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"...I changed my mind....

I like someone else now..."

The teacher's voice...and the sound of the door opening is heard

and with extreme speed, we blow out the candles and really..pretended to sleep, as if we were dead..

After the teacher left the room....the Truth Game begins again....

"Now I'll ask....

Ha you hate me?"

Truthfully, wearing a pair of winged pajamas, Ha Ra asks Sa Ri.

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"Up until yesterday, I hated you but..

today...I don't hate you...

I think we match well together..."

Oh Ha must have slightly liked Koh Sa Ri as well.

Ha Ra and me. Sa Ri....

For some reason..I think we'll be able to become good friends..

I feel good...

More than being first of the entire school....more than being complimented by a teacher..

More than these things..

"Sung Hye-yah..It's your turn.."

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..Since before...I wanted to ask Ha Ra....something..

To would be the perfect time...

She wouldn't be feeling awkward..about this question, hopefully..?

"I really wanted to ask you this.....

uh...Ha you like Gwang Pal?" -----------53-------------

"Yeah! Of course I like him. Then do you hate Gwang Pal?"

"Not like that.. I mean, more than like."

"Hwang Sung Hye!!!!!

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Do you think I have no taste in guys..!!!

I like Gwang Pal as if he was my dongseng!!"

Outraged, Ha Ra throws the pillow she was hugging.

"Didn't I tell you....? I have a younger sister.

Her names Yoo Ra....she's 6 years old....

But Yoo Ra is a lot like Gwang Pal, you see."

Is a lot like Gwang Pal..

And a 6 years old girl...ㅡ,.ㅡ....?

I can't imagine it.

Gwang Pal's face on a 6 year old girl is very difficult to imagine.

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"Not their looks....

I mean how much they eat, or their personality..ㅡ_ㅡ

So I like Gwang Pal, because he's like my dongseng."

That's what it was....

Until now, I was mistaken..

Then again..Ha Ra wouldn't like Gwang Pal..she's not that desperate.

But I'm not saying that Gwang Pal is a bad guy.

It's just that if Gwang Pal and Ha Ra were standing side by side

they'd look like Shrek and Thumbelina...

It would be like King Kong, about to kidnap a young chihuahua.

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"Don't you know my type of guy?

A sharp, long nose..

eyes, like fresh grass, full of life..

clear skin, so clear that you can see his veins....

and lastly, whenever I'm depressed, or feeling sad...

a guy who can romantically comfort me... . That's my type of guy!!"

" you like H-Han......"

"Han, what?"

Would I be going too far, if I ask about Han Uhl.

Yeah. Han Uhl will do things well hiself...I guess.

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"Eh!! It's past 20 minutes!!!!!

Yah.Koh Sa Ri. You can't sleep so early like this. Hurry and wake up...!!!"

Suddenly, Sa Ri is on the floor, rolled up in her blanket like kimbap.. (kimbap=sushi)

"Now we should sleep too.

Why are you waking up a sleeping kid?

Ha Ra...aren't you sleepy?"

"What is this, being so boring!! Hurry and wake up!!

We have to leave memories here today!! Memories!!"


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What kind of memories?"

"Today's the first day of the class trip, isn't it?

Then to fit that, we should make awesome memories.

What kind of memories?? Aren't you curious??

First, cover Sa Ri's mouth.

Really squeeze!!!! Squeeze her mouth shut!!!!!"

Ha Ra's eyes look sneaky.

The corners of her lips go up as she goes up to Sa Ri...

Her first and second toes...ㅡ_ㅡ....go up Ha Ra's small nostrils.

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Ha Ra's smile shows that she's enjoying herself

while Sa Ri's expression looks terrible, contrasting Ha Ra's, because she can't breathe.

I try to move my hand fron Sa Ri's mouth, worried that Sa Ri can't breathe but..

Ha Ra yells..."Don't move your hand!!!" so I couldn't do anything but watch Sa Ri looking terrible.

"You're still not going to open your eyes when we do this?

Are you going to keep sleeping if we do this?"

Sa Ri, struggling and with now eyes as big as if they'd pop out..

"Eup! Eupeupeup~~~!" made mourning noises.

Finally, Ha Ra moves around her toes, and removes them from Sa Ri's nostrils.

I feel so bad for Sa Ri, enough to cry, looking at her expression seeming as if she'd just died and woken up again, or had escaped from hell.

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"Oh Ha Ra!!! You! What are you!! Are you trying to kill me!!!!!

I was suffocating from the stench coming from your toes, I thought I was going to die!!!!!!!"

Ha Ra, hearing Sa Ri's words....smiles, as if making fun of her...

She's a scary kid...a very scary kid.

Everything has to go her way...

Seeing her, having to accomplish everything she does, I think she'll be successful..

She wouldn't pretend not to know me if I went up to her later on in life, right..?ㅡ,,ㅡ

"Now~~ everyone's awak~~

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Starting now, I'll present the plan for how we'll make memories.

Today, we're going to wear noticeable! pretty! and slightly revealing clothes, and go to a nightclub!!

What do you think, good idea, right???

Like this...after you straighten your back....."

As if she's become some kind of supermodel, Ha Ra catwalks around the room, then shows various expressions.

"You walk bravely like this..

and if someone looks at you..and you want to show them that you're looking at the person too...slightly make your eyes smile..

got it? more noticeable than any other girl!!"

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We're going to a nightclub..

We're here on a class trip..and we're going to a nightclub...?

It's true that I like going to nightclubs but...

isn't it a bit too much, going to that kind of place here in Jeju Island?

Oh Ha Ra.

Not concentrating on Sa Ri and me...

goes to her big bag from before, and takes out a pair of clothes for each of us..then throw them to us..

She begins to apply fake eyelashes on her right eye.

First I receive the clothes and lay them out, noticing that they're leather..

very hot, hot short leather pants...

And for the top, a pink spaghetti-strap halter..

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isn't it a too much, wearing short pants and halters when summer has just started?

Shall I go see how Sa Ri's clothes are like?

Sa Ri's clothes are all red...-_-

Except for her miniskirt made of jean....her tank...and the cardigan that's supposed to be worn over the tank....

"Why are you kids being so slow, like turtles!!!

We don't have time..!!! Hurry and get changed!!!!!!!

You two have to wear those, apply make-up, and work on your hair!"

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"This is too dangerous.

If we do happen to get caught my the teacher, we're really....."

"The teachers sleep at around 12..

Then...we leave the hotel, and we go to a nightclub..

And we come in at 3~4am..

Then we won't get caught! Trust me!!

This is a class trip, one opportunity...but do you two want to spend it so boringly like this?"

That's how the other kids spend it...-_-

and how did you find out what time the teachers sleep??

Oh Ha Ra.

You're really incredible...=_=...I really respect you.

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'But this isn't right..'is what I'm about to say..

when I see Sa Ri starting to change into the clothes Ha Ra gave her.

Is Sa Ri going to a nightclub too?

If I say 'You can't go!' in this situation alone....I'd probably be stoned?

Am I supposed to just do as Ha Ra orders....?


I like nightclubs anyway....

and if I don't get caught by the teacher...

I can have an exciting, fun first day of the class trip...

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As I'm about to change into the leather pants, I remember last time's nightmare...

the day when I went to Shilla's Nightclub..

when Kang San Ha saw my true self..

when Han Yoo Seung saw my true self....

Will I be..caught being my true self, wearing these leather pants today too?

I can't....

I can't let that happen....I really can't.....

"Can I wear something else, other than these leather pants?"

"No! There's this tacky atmosphere from you so..

you have to wear them, having a refined, citygirl image!"

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ㅡ,.ㅡ.. tacky?

Jeju Island is the definition of tacky...

If I'm called tacky here, what am I to be called in any other place?


Let's just wear this and go out......

it's not like I'll meet anyone I know at the nightclub....

It's noe like kids from our school...would come to the nightclub..

I won't have to worry about showing my true self when I'm going with Sa Ri and Ha Ra.Yep

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"I'm...done changing!!^0^"

Sa Ri finished changing..

She turned 360 degrees to show her transformed self..

Sa Ri's innocent look is gone....

and now there's only a lively, cute look...

To Sa Ri's quick actions...

not wanting to lose, I wore the leather pants...

and without Ha Ra's help, I put the make-up on and did my hair..

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Seeing me looking used to putting on make-up, Ha Ra and Sa Ri look amazed..

Heh, I'm confident with this kind of thing.

But me knowing how to put on make-up doesn't go with my nerdy image..

I'll have to give an explanation...

"I think it's because I'm good at art...^ ^;

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It's even easier putting on make-up than drawing~~"

"Sung Hye, you have many talents..

then we're all ready now, right...

Grab the bags, and the heels, and let's leave quickly."

I was curious to what was in the big bag before....

There's make-up, heels, clothes, etc all in this bag...

Like this, we finished getting ready.....and carefully left the hotel....

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As soon as we come out of the hotel..

almost everyone's attention goes to us...

Ha Ra, Sa Ri, and I try to look as naturally confident as possible.

We stopped a passing taxi....

and we went to the closest nightclub from this place.. ----------54--------------

In front of us, a nightclub sign can be seen.


the ocean smell is even here....

The truth was that this wasn't the ocean smell.....

but the seaweed and kelp being sold by an ahjushi across the road from us..-__-

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"Sung Hye-yah. Why are you wandering around so much? Let's hurry and go in..."

Fine.Fine. Let's hurry and go in.

And let's really make awesome memories to remember for a long, long time..

As soon as we enter the nightclub, everyone's eyes head to us..

Of course, it made sense that the three of us were receiving so much attention..

I looked ugly with my glasses, and my freckles but..

because I was wearing leather shorts and a halter, my sexy body was revealed.

Ha Ra was wearing very noticeable, sl*tty clothing so she stood out..

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Lastly, Sa Ri looked cute and pretty like the girl from Red Hat.

"Everyone do as I ordered!"

To Ha Ra's words

Sa Ri and I straightened our backs, and did our sexy walks with cool expressions...

"Those ugly b@stards are looking at us. Smile with your eyes!"

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I didn't want to do this kind of thing but....

the scene from before came into mind..when Ha Ra had her toes stuck up Sa Ri's nostrils..

I just barely make out the smile with my eyes.

The three brothers fall from seeing our eyes..-_-

We are lead by a waiter to our seats, and we order liquor, settling down....

I wasn't going to drink, but the waiter gave us free liquor..

and I wanted to know how free liquor tasted, so I kept swallowing down liquor.

As if the liquor was water....Sa Ri drinks, not cringing even the slightest bit.

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"Ooh~~~ Food Festival. You're pretty good..."

After drinking until our faces were slightlyt red...

the three of us went up onto the stage with different coloured lights, not even thinking about who should go first.

And the three of us begin to dance in our own different ways.

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Ha the extent that anyone would say 'Should we stop her?'...

She used her neck and hips a lot, dancing with great strength..

Sa Ri....ㅡ,.ㅡ.......not going with the loud and exciting music...

went right with the beat, not dancing in a specific way..

I of course, wanted to dance leaving my body to the rhythm but..

..but I just clapped and stepped.

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Guys surround us and dance...

there's less guys here than in Seoul nightclubs...

But the three guys who fell from looking at our eyes before..

keep sending us disgusting looks..

Those b@stards.

My eyes hurt from seeing them..

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Around..30 minutes later..

I thought that I should rest from dancing like crazy...and I begin to go to my seat, stepping down from the stage when..

"I have to use the washroom..."

That's right..

Ha Ra, sadly, was a kid who couldn't go to the washroom alone..

"I'll stay in my seat.."

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Sa Ri went to the table first.

While Ha Ra went into the washroom stall....

I begin to re-draw the freckles, which have faded from sweat.

Just as umma had said, it doesn't seem to come off as easily as the pencil-eyeliner from before..

This amazing eyeliner....

I better keep using it from now on...

Ha Ra comes out, saying that her back feels a bit better...but she still looks pained.

As I thought....turning her back quickly didn't look too right.....

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Oh Ha Ra..really did overdo herself today..

Right when I'm about to leave the washroom..

My cellphone rings and makes a noise in this squished washroom.

Whoever this person who called may be, I'm really lucky..

If the call was made even a bit later, I wouldn't have been able to hear it due to the loud music..

But I've never seen thsi number before...who can it be..ㅇ_ㅇ


"Where are you?"

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"Who is this?"

"I asked, 'where are you'."

The way this person speaks, arrogantly and thinking only about himself.

This really deep voice.-_-

It's Kang San Ha.

I wonder how he knows my phone number...

What an interesting b@stard...

Did Han Yoo Seung give it to him...

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And even if this is the washroom..I can still hear the loud music from outside..

Where do I say this is...

I think I'd get in trouble if I told the truth....

"H-here? The h-hotel..the hotel."

"But why is there music playing_?"


I'm listening to music right now! So why did you phone..?"

"Before some [email protected] they thought they saw you leaving the hotel, so.."


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"Puhahaha.....leave? Me? No wayy~!!

I've been playing a game with Ha Ra and Sa Ri until now!!

"Don't be too loud..other people can't sleep.."

And Kang San Ha hangs up right away..

-__-....Anyways, it's a relief that I've passed an obstacle.

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"Lets stop thining about our boyfriends..when we're all the way here right now!

We're here to make memories for our class trip!! Hik!"

You seem to be quite drunk...How do I take that back...ㅡ,.ㅡ

I'm not completely focused either...

I come out of the washroom, going to our table.....and my eyes land on....

the three ugly brothers, surrounding Sa Ri.

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I try to get help from the people around us, but Oh Ha Ra goes past me

and with big steps, walks shakily towards the three ugly brothers.

Knowing Ha Ra's personality...I think she'll start up a fight with those ugly guys....

"You guys!! What the h*ll!!

Who said tat you anteater-like things can play with our Sa Ri!

And if you're going to play with people, why don't you check how you look first...?"

The three ugly brothers look pissed...

and the tallest of them goes up to Ha Ra..

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(They'll be called in order from their height: Ugly1,2,3..)

Ugly1:You're my type, the way you talk and look...

do you want to play with this oppa tonight?

Ugly3:That's right. Hey, Beautiful~~ Don't fool around and try to look your best in front of this oppa...

Do you know what kind of person this oppa is?

He's the nightclub owner's son!Son!

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If he's the owner's son, even if I ask for help from the waiters..

they won't move.

"Ha Ra-yah~~I'm scared~~~

I'm just being still....when these ahjushis try to do something..."

"Koh Sa Ri, don't worry..

I'll handle this."

Trustworthy Ha Ra.

It seems Ha Ra is useful at many times..

When we talked during night class and we were to get in trouble by the teacher..we ended up doing the Study Group but...

we didn't get into too much trouble..

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We were able to escape from our horrible fate with Ha Ra's help..

This time too, I'm not doubting her.

Ugly1:This oppa will give you a ride! Come here~~

Ugly1, who looks like a donkey, grabs onto Ha Ra's shoulders..and touches her face..

Ugly1. You're in for it now.-__+

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Ha Ra's a really scary kid...

How dare you touch Ha Ra's face with those chimpanzee hands?

Ha Ra-yah!! Hurry and show Ugly1 what you're made of!!!!!

'How will Ha Ra react?' is what I'm thinking when...

Ha Ra....Ha Ra.....


Youu~~~You... Touched!! Me!!!!!!

Wahh~~~umma!! This ugly thing..touched me!!

He touched my face~~!!!!! Wahh~~~"

cried like this..

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She cried very depressingly...without hesistating...

She must've been very depressed and sad from Ugly1 touching her face..

I can't believe...

that Ha Ra, who I trusted, became like Sa Ri..

Now am I the only one left..

Am I the one to go up to them now..


Even if I'm good at fighting.....

with me being drunk like this...

I find it to be difficult for me to go against three guys with average stamina....

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But what can I do..

but fight to escape from this situation..

"You f*cking b@stards!!"

The ugly brothers turn to me, from looking at Ha Ra and Sa Ri, interested.


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"Of course. What else are you guys supposed to be called, for bothering weak girls?"

Coming close to me, are Ugly2,3

and Ugly3 tries to grab onto my shoulders....

I bend down right away..and take off my heels

and hit Ugly3's head with the end of the heel.

Feeling great pain..Ugly3 screams, falling onto the floo....

And...follows the peoples' screams....

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Watching his fellow brother roll around..Ugly2 goes into a fighting position..

This time, not with the heel..

but the round front part, I hit Ugly2's cheek with all my strength.


With an incredible noise...

Ugly3 falls next to Ugly2, and rolls...

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Ugly3:I was going to let you go, b!tch you want to see my hot side!!!

"Hot side? Then why don't you try some of this cold side!!"

I raise a glass mixed with ice and liquor,

and towards Ugly3's eyes...I send it flying to him with a lot of strength.......

Ugly3:Ack!!! My eyes! My eyes!!

Ugly3 touches his eyes, and yells.

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While that goes on, I raise the high heel again...

and watching me, with eyes opened slightly...Ugly3, although he has no talent in the field of acting, pretends to faint onto the sofa..

Now there's only Ugly1 left, who's playing with Ha Ra...

Towards Ugly1...

this time, I have both high heels in my hands...and I go up to him..

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But from behind, I hear a bottle shattering..

and when I turn around, I felt it on my forehead..

"EEK! Sung Hye-yah!!! There's blood on your forehead!"

says Koh Sa Ri, and faints onto the floor..-__-

Ugly3, who had pretended to faint onto the sofa...

seems to have thrown a half-broken liquor bottle to my face..

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Truthfully, I'm a girl too..and I began to get a bit scared...

If that thing went by my eyes, not my forehead..euk!

What do I do now...

That's right! Phone for help!!

"Ha Ra-yah!!! Phone!!

Phone Gwang Pal, saying that I'm dying, and to come here quickly!!!"

Ha Ra seems to have heard what I said.

She easily escapes Ugly1, and runs to her cellphone.

But Ugly1 once again runs to Ha Ra.

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That b@stard...ㅡ_ㅡ^

Let's see......

Is there anything to throw..I look around...

I don't think an apple, or an orange would get that b@stard to stop....

'Ohh!!! An ashtray!!!'

A hard ashtray comes into view, made of brown glass.

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"Gwang Pal-ah!!!! It's me, Ha Ra!!!!! Heuk heuk~~

Come here quickly....heuk...

Sung..Sung Hye's dying....heuk~~

Right now, I'm at...eeek!!!!!!!"

Ugly1 grabs onto Ha Ra's waist.

I throw the ashtray at Ugly1, who's bothering Ha Ra while she's calling..

it hits Ugly1 right where I want it to hit, on his back....

and he falls to the floor.

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"Ha Ra-yah..tell only Gwang Pal to come!!

If other kids come, it'll make things worse!"

"Right now, we're in a nightclub closest to the hotel but...

come alone..just do it..

Sung Hye says for you to come only..come quickly....heuk heuk..."

How can you say it like!t....ㅡ_ㅡ

Then's not like Gwang Pal would be with Kang San ha....

Kang San Ha couldn't have heard that..

Anyways, since Gwang Pal's size can win a gangster boss ...

I believe that he'll be of help by just coming here..

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Because of Ugly1 slapping me across the face with his chimpanzee hands

I get pushed onto the floor and fall....

My glasses fell off somewhere...


You guys....handle this b!tch.

While I go have some fun...hehehe

Ugly1 goes to Ha Ra...

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I can't help Ha Ra any longer.

Because I have to fight Ugly2,3 sneaking towards me with despicable smiles...

I have to wait until Gwang Pal comes...

I'll try to survive until then...

Ha Ra-yah.

You try to be safe until then...

And you, who's fainted from seeing blood coming from my forehead, Sa Ri-yah..

hurry and open your eyes, and bring the police or something..

I can't anymore...

My stamina has reached its limit... ------------55---------------

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The ugly guys' bodies..seem to be divided into two.

No matter how many times I shake my head,

or blink repeatedly...

there seem to be not only Ugly2, Ugly3 coming towards me, but 4 people through my eyes..

This must be the impact of liquor..

I ignore my legs shaking, and Ugly2,3 look at my face without glasses

"Oh~~ where are the freckles from before??

WIthout the can you look so different..."

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"Don't let her go because she's pretty!

Do you see my cheek? I'm asking if you see the mark that you made with the high heel!!!"

It looks more like a mark from being burnt by an iron than a mark from a high heel..

The swollen, red mark...

Mm...I really like it.

"Do you want me to do that for your other cheek too?"

"What? This thing is continuing to be arrogant in front of me.

You, know that you're ruined today!"

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Seeing Ugly2 and Ugly3's poses, it looks like they'll make a joint attack..

I still have high heels held tightly in my two hands...

High heels. My trust is all in you...

I raise the high heels and go up to the ugly guys..

The b@stards are dodging...

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I don't think this will work anymore..

Even if these high heels get a bit ruined, if I'm going to deal with those b@stards..

I have to use these as weaspon..

As if using arrows to hit the target, I threw each of the heels at Ugly2,3 with a lot of strengh....

but unfortunately...too unfortunately....

a heel hits Ugly3's head, and flies off...

Ugly3, seeming to have received a lot of shock, falls right when he's hit....

and Ugly2, looking pissed, comes to towards me..

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Thinking that I'll be able to live if I make an attack....

using the last bit of my strength..


I put all my strength into my foot, and kicked at Ugly2's face.

I hoped for the fight to finish here but....

The b@stard, who I was getting sick of...

momentarily wobbled and was pushed back...

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"Yah! This f*cking hurts!! Where are you kicking your foot at!!!"

Like that, he threw his fist, aiming for my face...

I'll fall to the floor...

or will I be able to resist in this drunk state?

The two thoughts were crossing..and I closed my eyes..

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But it doesn't hurt.

Did I get hit?

Is it that I got hit..

but I can't even feel pain because I've had liquor?

I slightly opened my eyes.....


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The situation in front of my eyes now?!

Some person was blocking Ugly3's fist.

Is it Gwang Pal?

Has this b@stard finally come?

But...I couldn't be certain for who whether the person's hand which was blocking Ugly3's fist in front of me was Gwang Pal's hand or not..

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Was Gwang Pal's hand always this thin?

And was it this light and clear?

Ugly3, too weak compared to the person...

was pushed back...

and from behind, I heard a voice, which made me want to crawl into a hole being terrified..

"Playing a game?

Heh, you're dead."

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as I turned around so slowly, as if in slow-motion....

Kang San Ha was standing behind me and

there was Gwang Pal, who was standing beside him with his head bowed and just playing with his hands, and Han Uhl was looking for someone..

I was also able to see Yoo Seung, looking at me with lonely eyes.

Seeing how Kang San Ha's eyes were blurred, I really was drunk.

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Ha Ra's scream....

Han Uhl quickly goes to Ha Ra in big strides.

"Eek!! You mold-like b@stard!!! Go awayy~~ I'm telling you to go away!! Wahh~~ummaa~~"

"Why are you rejecting me, when this oppa is saying that he'll make things fun for you~~"

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Ha Ra saying that she doesn't like him, trying to escape from Ugly1's arms...

Ugly1's hands touch Ha Ra's head..

and Ugly1's nose smells Ha Ra's hair..

Poor Ugly1.

Still not grasping the situation, playing with Ha Ra...

"Move that dirty hand right now."

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Han Uhl's freezing cold voice..

Han Uhl's tightly held fist, which makes a cracking noise.

"What are you?"

Ugly1, with a squished expression, stuck his face in front of Han Uhl's face.

But not even after few seconds passed since he stuck his face out...

Ugly1's face was hit by Han Uhl's fist, and he was left fallen on the floor-__-

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"Han Uhl-ah!"

Ha Ra, who's seen Han Uhl with a tear-stained face..

keeps crying, although I don't understand what's so sad.

Ignoring Ha Ra's cries, continuously yelling at Ugly1 to get up..

Han Uhl keeps hitting Ugly1 each time he gets up, which has him fall to the floor again.

Ugly1, probably lacking strength..

not listening to Han Uhl saying "Get up", just breathes.

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Now Han Uhl should stop too...

he grabs Ugly1's shirt, and keeps hitting his face, when Ugly1 is just laying down and panting.

"Han Uhl-ah...stop....please...stop it....."

Ha Ra shakes her head, holding onto Han Uhl's waist and digging her face into his back.

In my eyes, it looks like she's wiping her tears with Han Uhl's clothes...

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"Let go."


Your hands are hurting...

If you keep...hitting him, your hands will hurt... I don't like that.."

"Move. If I don't kill this b@stard I'll go crazy.

I'll go insane!!!.."

"I don't want you to! I'm not moving!!"

Ha Ra being like that..

it looks like she's worrying about Han Uhl geting hurt but..

even though this would be the perfect time to get those two to date....

...this isn't the situation now.

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Because Kang San Ha is in front of me..

Kang San Ha's eyes still look blurry to me.

Gwang Pal..

You b@stard!!! I'll hit you really hard later..-__+

Looking really angry....

he glances at me, then passes me...

then to Ugly2 who's watching Ugly1 being hit

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Kang San Ha goes up to, with his hands in his pockets, looking like a gangster.

Somehow, Kang San Ha seems to be worried for Ugly2's cheek..

Ugly2's cheek, which has been hit by me as if burnt from an iron..

It wouldn't be possible for anyone to keep looking at Ugly2's face like that without feeling that way..

"Sung Gye's forehead is bleeding, but why is this b@stard's forehead fine?"

As soon as Kang San Ha hits Ugly2's forehead with his fist, making a "Puk!" sound...

Ugly2 fell onto the table, then fell off..

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Ugly2's forehead, which isn't bleeding, but bruised now...

That's what it was..

He was trying to make the guy look like me, after being injured in certain spots.

Kang San hot b@stard....

When this fight ends, I'll give you a hug..

But how come it still looks like there's two of you..

Kang San Ha grabs onto Ugly2's collar, and has him stand up..

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"Sung Gye's lips are swollen, but why are your lips fine?"

With that one sentence, Kang San Ha's fist flew to Ugly2, this time to his lips, with a "Puk!" sound...

Ugly2, was pushed back not to the table, but all the way to the sofa.

Ugly2 closed his eyes, with blood coming from his mouth..

Now, he wasn't moving at all, but Kang San Ha wasn't the kind of b@stard to leave him like that.

Kang San Ha once again lifted Ugly2..

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"Hwang Sung Gye's left cheek is red, but why is your left cheek fine?"

And when he's about to send his fist flying to his left cheek, Ugly2 shows an expression showing that it's not fair.

"I didn't do th-that..The b@stard over there did it."

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It's the truth...

But that b@stard, saying this thing truthfully..looks even worse..

"Oh yeah? Then you can get hit for that b@stard instead."

and Kang San Ha is about to send his fist flying again, when I yell.

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"I'll hit him!

I'm the one who was hit. I want to return the pain I felt.."

"Make him feel more than what you felt."


"Make it a few times more painful."


Whether it's three times or five times more, the time for my revenge has come..

It was the truth that my legs were shaking, and my state wasn't the best but..

I can't...miss this great opportunity..

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Is Ugly2 scared..?

All the hair on his head is raised like a porcupine's fur??


While my fist was aimed to Ugly2's face...

Kang San Ha orders Gwang Pal to bring vinyl gloves.

Vinyl gloves..?

Will we need to have kimchi made here or something?? (kimchi, pickled cabbage, is often made with vinyl gloves)

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Gwang Pal, at the speed of lightning, brings a vinyl glove..

Kang San Ha passes the glove to me..

"Hit him, with this on."

"I don't want to. Why do I have to have this on...."

"Put it on while I'm telling you well, I don't like your hand f*cking touching another b@stard.."

Thus, with a vinyl glove on,

putting on speed, I shoot my fist out, and it sticks onto Ugly2's cheek.

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Taking a step back, two steps back, Ugly2 eventually faints..

I smile at this...

Gwang Pal takes off the vinyl glove on my hand..

"Sung Hye-yah~~~"

Why is this kid acting like this...?

Just like a begging person...

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He's brushing my shoulders for me, and saying my name happily, smiling.

Does he want something from me..

or is it that he feels bad for bringing the MP3...

I look at Gwang Pal, wondering what he's trying to say, when...

"It seems that Cat Eyes is gorgeous, and she's really strong."


o_o!!! Huk!!!!!


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Right now, I don't have my glasses on..

and the freckles were probably gone from fighting with the ugly guys..

Aigo! My glasses!! Where have you gone~~~!!

What do I do~~~~~~~~~~

No matter how much I look around, they're not here~~~~

That gleam of Gwang Pal's..

I can't have my true self revealed to Gwang Pal...

Eventually my true self is revealed like this...

Now my squid legs...and my leftover corn..

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won't be intact..

How's my school life going tobe now..

What am I supposed to do now..

I just can't think of an excuse to explain myself.

"Why are you such a babo?"

I hear Han Uhl's voice..

I turn my eyes to where Ha Ra and Han Uhl are to see..

Ha Ra is suddenly on top of the sofa..sitting crouched..

SIghing deeply, Han Uhl is looking down at Ha Ra, talking to her.

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"You would pretend to be smart alone... why are you such a babo like this?

You would pretend to be strong alone...why are you so weak like this?

You looked like you would solve everything by yourself, why are you being like this!!!!!!!"

Han Uhl yells at Ha Ra...

His voice is so loud that except for San Ha, Yoo Seung, and Gwang Pal look surprised..

Why is Kang San Ha so calm like that?

As if he already knew that Han Uhl would yell like that...

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Han Uhl walks further and further away, leaving Ha Ra with her shaking shoulders, not saying a word.

If it was the usual Ha Ra....

she would've definitely yelled at Han Uhl and started a fight, but she looks a bit different today.

Eh!! Ha Ra is standing up..

Han Uhl-ah! Be careful!!

Oh Ha Ra might be mad...and throw something at you..

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Of course, as I thought........

Ha Ra throws even 2 pieces of sliced apple, left prettily in the bowl at Han Uhl's small head.

Han Uhl stops his footsteps which looked heavy, and look at Ha Ra...

...In my opinion, I think Ha Ra made a mistake..

No matter what he said which made her mad

instead of saying sorry for getting Han Uhl's help, she throws apple slices....

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Oh Ha Ra, who doesn't know thankfulness...

Oh Ha Ra, who doesn't know what's being talked about...

Oh Ha Ra, who doesn't understand what's going on... eyes....are closing...I'm too sleepy..

Before, when I hit Ugly1..

I used all my strength..and I have a sleep after drinking liquor....

And I think I lost strength in my legs from being assured that everything was okay, so I can't stand any longer..

Why did I eat the freaking liquor...

Aish! D@mn it! Aish! Stupid liquor!

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I have to find my glasses and explain my appearance right now...

and I have to look over Ha Ra and Han Uhl longer...

"You're right!! I can't do anything by myself! I'm weak..!....and I only show off.....

so to the person I like....

I only say things that would hurt him...

.....I get mad, and on purpose....treat him bad...

Even now, I want to say that I was really scared....that I'm really thankful for him helping me..but I can't do that..


Because I'm Oh Ha Ra.....Like you said, I'm the babo Oh Ha Ra... know me that well come........."


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"How come you don't know...that I like you...."

What!!!! Ha Ra likes Han Uhl???

She doesn't hate him, but likes Han Uhl!?!?!?! shocking!

I never noticed...

Rather, even until just before..I thought Ha Ra liked Gwang Pal..

the person Ha Ra really liked was Han Uhl then...

Wait..then she's saying that she teased,made fun of,and ignored the person she liked?

As I thought, Oh Ha Ra, even how you express your liking is quite unique...

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Anyway, Ha Ra who has a lot of pride, saying that she likes Han Uhl to him..

For Ha Ra, she's done something very incredible

Ha Ra has fainted...

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Ha Ra-yah!! I'll go...

This friend of yours will go...and help you...up...

I'm trying to go to you..but..why is my body so heavy...

My eyes were beginning to get smaller..but are now closed..

Like this..can I...just...close my eyes....

Like this..can I...jut...sleep...



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Eek~~~it's cold~~~~

Where is this...

I slightly open my eyes to see...

streetlights sparkling, showing that it's still night..

And...I'm not walking....but I'm going forward.. . Even, with my entire body in the air...

Seeing this, it feels like I'm getting a piggyback...

Who's this guy... giving me a piggyback?

Mm...seeing his's Kang San Ha...

Then where are...the other kids.....

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I look around..and closer than I thought..are...

Ha Ra and Sa Ri by me.

At the left, I see Sa Ri getting a piggyback from Yoo Seung..

and at the right, I see Ha Ra getting a piggyback from Han Uhl..

And behind us....

I see Gwang Pal, holding my high heels, Ha Ra's cardigan, and our bags.

But Gwang Pal~~~~

What's that in your mouth??

In thi situation..where did you get that kind of thing?

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Gwang Pal is busily following us, with a squid in his mouth..

He probably got it from a bar...

And in Gwang Pal's hand, as if worrying about who would take...the thing tightly held..

is the vinyl glove that he too off of my hand before...

In it are peanuts, dried squid, chips, etc looking as if it would explode any moment..

You pig..Gwang Pal..

In this busy time...when did you get that kind of thing...I really must respect you...-__-

Whether it's Ha Ra, remembering to collect money anywhere..

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or it's ou, remembering to carry around food anywhere...

You two..must be siblings..ㅡ_ㅡ

Ah!! Han Uhl is here...

If Gwang Pal and Ha Ra are friendly...Han Uhl might feel left out..

because Han Uhl and Ha Ra both like each other..^0^

If I think about it carefully...Ha Ra..really has a cute side to her too..

Confessing her love for how grade 1~2 guys in elementary school would...

Anyway, it's good...

It's really good...

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Next to us, Han Uhl who's giving Ha Ra a piggyback...looks pretty happy.

But he should close his mouth...he looks like a babo....

But..Ha Ra, who's getting a piggyback from Han Uhl...looks comfortable somehow...

It looks like she's saying something....

I slightly move my body to where Ha Ra is and listen...

"'s like my money....if you don't pay back....if you don't pay back.....

you'll die..and I'll live....."

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ㅡ__ㅡ.....Why..don't you die too...?


Make sure you get that money...

Get that money and spend it well on Han Uhl for having heartaches because of you...

Now..your problems have been solved and I feel better and comfortable...

No....I still have something worrying me...

I I eat candy when I wasn't going to, because my friend kept telling me to...

When I did, it tasted horrible and that's how I feel..-__-

"Aish. So heavy."

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I'm heavy....and even 'so'?

.....Kang San Ha....-___-

You, b@stard, must be thinking that I'm sleeping..

Should I..swear at you..pretending to be talking in my sleep..?


"If you had liquor, you should just sleep..why do you have to!t.."

"Kang San Choo [email protected] eaten...."


"Kang San eaten!"

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"Yah, Na Han Uhl. What did Sung Gye just say to me?"

Han Uhl isn't in his right mind right now...

He's a boy fallen in love, with a wide grin spread on his face.

All the worries in the world disappear, everything seems pretty, and the world looks happy to a boy who's fallen in love.. you think your words would go to his ears??


Anyways, this is fun...


I feel so good right now...

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Ah~~I feel the best.Best.

He can't hit me for talking in my sleep..Don't you feel terrible? You b@stard?

Kang San Ha's stopped walked suddenly.

He isn't going to..leave me and go, right..

I was going to stop making fun of him...

Just try leaving me.

I'll become a crazy dog and bite you...

I'll become a crazy cat and scratch you....

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"Yoo Gwang Pal"

Why is he calling Gwang Pal..?

He's not going to pass Gwang Pal...

That's one thing he really can't do~~~!!!!

I don't like that squid smell...

and I don't like his fat jiggling eat time he takes a step..

Definitely if Gwang Pal gives me a piggyback...I'll be able to feel his fat jiggling..

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How creepy!!!!

Kang San's better that you leave me...

Why don't you throw me onto the floor instead...

Then...I'll even crawl on the floor so...

please, just don't pass Gwang Pal~~~~ㅠ 0ㅠ

"You saw, didn't you."

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What did Gwang Pal see....

He's probably just sucking on the squid....

Or chewing on peanuts from the vinyl glove...

and I sneak a peek at Gwang Pal, and I see Gwang Pal's face, panicking..

Did that pig b@stard do something wrong..

Why is his red...

His eyes under all that fat look big...and he's even sweating...

Something smells....fishy....Gwang Pal.

"You go in front."


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If Gwang Pal goes in front, I can see Gwang Pal's backside....=_=

If I see Gwang Pal;'s backside, his butt, taking a third of his body, stands out...

...Gwang Pal's big butt...

"But..I was looking at First Place's shorts because they looked pretty. I would never look at First Place's legs."

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"I'll believe cover Sung Gye's legs up with the clothes you're holding"


-_-..To Gwang Pal.."You saw, didn't you"was over my legs...


Gwang Pal....Gwang Pal.....?

Right!!! Now I remember....!!!

Cat Eyes......!?!?

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....Must've seen everything....

Whether it's Han Uhl, Gwang Pal, or Ha Ra....

San Ha and Yoo Seung.....knew anyway.. . What am I supposed to say..I never thought about that..

You babo...Hwang Sung Hye!!


Nothing but a sigh comes out...

My future looks quite empty and dark..

Gwang Pal is tying Ha Ra's sweater around my waist to cover my legs.

Why is he touching me with his hands when they were touching squid...

It'll smell.....

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He tied it too tightly!!!

I can't breathe!! You b@stard!!!

"Yoo Gwang Pal."

"What San Ha...?"

"What did I tell you to do.

Do as I ordered before."

"Oh! Okay!

When First Place wakes up..and asks what happened to her...last night..I say...

First Place!! You were drinking too excessively yesterday!!! Do you remember fainting, wearing your glasses??"

I have to do it like this."

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"You did well. I'll buy you a bottle of mayonnaise."

"Gwang Pal..feels good~~~Haheehooheho..."

"Na Han Uhl. What did I tell you to do.."


"Na Han Uhl!!!!!!"


"You, what did I tell you to do if Hwang Sung Gye wakes up"

" this!!!

First Place~~~ you should sleep well if you drink..

Barfing with your glasses on..gross..gross...>_<"

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"Good. Good. I'll buy you the Harry Potter Lego that came out this time.."

"Wow!!!! I'm going to have Harry Potter Lego!!!"

"Han Yoo"

"I...don't do that kind of thing..dont' you know my personality?"

Kang San Ha...

for a second..I had a witch's feeling in me..

or there was something...written in my eyes...

Like this, you make me so impressed but...

I...I....instead, I insult you, and gossip about you.....

But you know that I still like you, right?

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I can't express myself well in cases like this...

but...right now, whether it's because there's alcohol in my body or not.....

right now..I really want to tell you...

"I like you..San Ha...."

Kang San Ha seems to have looked over his shoulder..

I even added snoring he probably thinks I'm sleeping...

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Uheehee...Kang San Ha's ears turned red...

San Ha-yah...

Whenever I turn red like this, right...

I'm the only one who can get a piggyback from you, right...

And me, changing like this....

why you're pretending that you don't know this..or why you're not wanting to know about this....

I don't have to ask you, right...?

Because whether it's my real self...or unni's like me...

Because whatever part of me I am, you like me....

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I want to say just one more thing..San Ha....

This thing....when it's tomorrow, I don't think I can say it..

"Thank you..San Ha...."

Hearing my words...Kang San Ha looks at me again....

And.....even though it's a loud street, cars are honking, and people are talking..

Kang San Ha's small voice can be heard very well in my ears,

and his voice was stuck in my head...and I fell into a deep sleep..

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"Sleep well...Hwang Sung Gye.." ------------57--------------

.........Sniff sniff sniff.....ㅡ,,ㅡ

I smell something from somewhere.

I can't tell what this stench is...

To reveal he source of the smell, I open my eyes halfway and look around

Right in front of my eyes.....I see a person's back.

It doesn't look like Ha Ra's back, but a guy's broad and strong back.....

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Guy's back?!?!

This is a girl's room...!!!

ㅇ_ㅇ...!!!! G-guy!!!!

I quickly pull myself together...

and look around....

The owner of the back covering my view was Kang San Ha,

and the person who was giving off the stench was Gwang Pal, with his foot above my head.=_=

And far~~ away Han Yoo Seung is sleeping with a blanket

while Sa Ri and Ha Ra are sleeping, hugging each other.

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What's this sound!!!

I hear it growing seems to be coming from Gwang Pal's side.

Snore~~ Snore~~~...

I look at Gwang Pal, snoring and sleeping peacefully, when..

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Stuck under Gwang Pal, the twitching hand...what is this...?


It's Han Uhl!!!

What in the world....=_=

How can he sleep with Han Uhl lying under him, when Han Uhl's not even half his size\..

Yoo Gwang that thing even human?

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Aigoo...poor Han Uhl.

I wonder how his bones are??

I wonder if Han Uhl....even slept at all...last night??

He must've had a nightmare of being stepped on by an elephant.

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To save Han Uhl. I rolled Gwang Pal off Han Uhl's body..

Like that, Gwang Pal rolled to where San Ha was....

and as soon as Gwang Pal's stomach ran over San Ha's hand,

Kang San Ha shows a squished up expression, looking pained.

Gwang dare you try to...

sleep with San Ha under you like Han Uhl, with that massive body...?


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I'm going to think of today as a day to catch a pig, and I'll catch you...

I can see your legs clearly..with you wearing shorts...

Do you..remember....Gwang Pal-ah...?

Before...when you were pulling out my gave me pain.

The pain I received then..

I want to return it to you right back...that's okay, right?

Hehehehe...Gwang Pal's...leg hair.

Today.I'm going to pull it all out..!!

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I gather Gwang Pal's leg hairs together....and twist it all...

Then, all at once....with force! I pulled them out.

Gwang Pal's five leg hairs held by my nails..seem to be greeting me

Like this, in the same way, I pulled five more times....

but Gwang Pal doesn't even show a slight feeling of pain.

This monster, this [email protected]_-+

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Being exhausted..

I lay on the floor, panting...

when in my eyes, a dark shadow appears..and then..


with my scream...


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the sound of Gwang Pal, over my body.

I barely move my skinny arms because of the weight...and I grab onto Gwang Pal's shoulders, trying to push him away.

But I can't resist..the

I'm scared, thinking that I'll really die from being under Gwang Pal.

I push Gwang Pal with my legs....

but this pig..this monster..doesn't move an inch...-_-

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In my eyes, is Gwang Pal's nose....

and Gwang Pal's breath is stinging my nose..

It seems that he hasn't brushed his teeth after eating squid....

I feel like I'm going to die from the rotting stench.

I can't take it anymore. I have to ask for help.

If I just ask for help..those kids..I don't know when they'll wake up...

Then..this is the only way..

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"San Ha-yah!!!! Gwang Pal's trying to do something inappropriate!!!!!!!!"

To those words, Kang San Ha opens his eyes right away.

He gets right up...removes Gwang Pal from me...

and kicks Gwang Pal's side..with his foot.

But even with this....Gwang Pal...

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"Ang~~~ Just 2 more minutes~~~I want to sleep~~~~"

acts cute.


Probably because of Gwang Pal acting cute....

I run to the washroom....and the liquor I drank..and everything else...I throw it all up.

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See, I can't drink liquor.

I don't remember how I got in this room with those kids, and my head...hurts..

But...I remember Ha Ra confessing to Han Uhl..and Kang San Ha giving me a piggyback here.

Especially the words San Ha said to me, when he was giving me a piggy back are all stuck in my heart..

I rinse out my mouth and stand in front of the sink....O_0!!!

I was shocked this...-_-..?

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There were bandages with strawberry patterns over my forehead and my lips....

freckles were horribly drawn on and smudged...

my hair was a mess, and I'm not even wearing my glasses....

I quickly erase the freckles with soap, and when I leave the washroom to look for my glasses

I see Kang San Ha, smoking, leaning on the washroom door.

"You smoke?"


"They say that if you smoke a lot, your lungs will rot."

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"Before my lungs rot, my eyes will rot from seeing your face right now"

......What's wrong with my face?

Yeah. I understand even a bit though.

How I look right now can't be put into words...

But....I don't see it as being bad enough to make your eyes rot...-__-

Thinking that I'll hear worse words... I try to leave the room...when Kang San Ha grabs onto my arm.


And...I hear Kang San Ha's whispering words.

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"When someone tries to touch you, tell me...

not Gwang Pal.

When you you know how f*cked up I felt?"


"Hearing that you were dying at the nightclub, do you know how surprised I was?"


Without me knowing it, I begin to laugh.

San Ha, with his messy hair..wearing a t-shirt and shorts....

I can much he would've much he would've been worried..hearing that I was dying.

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I try to cover my mouth and stop myself from laughing, but I can't stop....

Kang San Ha comes closer to my face.

"Don't laugh with that face."


"There's someone who becomes sad from you being hurt even a little bit.

There's someone who feels happy from you smiling without a reason.

From now on, don't do that kind of thing...making people anxious.."

This makes me happy.

That when I'm hurt even a little bit, when I'm laughing without a reason, there's someone

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caring about me.. I only tell you lies...

I don't want to lie anymore..

Right now as well,of course my look is a lie..

To only you....I'm embarassed.... heart hurts.

When..will the day come to tell you..?

Even if I hide things like you at least..there will come a day when I tell the truth, right...? But..whenever I tell you..I wish it came..really late.

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If the day will come, for it to be late...really late.....

Kang San Ha comes closer to me, and puts my glasses on for me..

I freeze on the spot...when this San Choo b@stard ruins the mood...

"Before my eyes rot even more, cover your cheeks with freckles.."

Like this..he ruined the mood..

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....I go into the room, after drawing on see the kids waking up...

The first one to wake Han Uhl...

"First Place!"


"I had a nightmare."

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Of course you would have..since you were sleeping under Gwang Pal...

If you didn't have a would be a bit inhumane...

"I became a magic carpet and I was giving this kid a ride..

when the kid turns into Gwang Pal..ㅜ_ㅜ

Then, he was so heavy that I crashed to the ground right away."

Crashing to the ground...

Then that's the same thing as the real thing, being under Gwang Pal...

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"My...throat burns...water...."

I hear Ha Ra's voice.

She has a hand, doesn't she..Why is she overreacting, telling me to get it for her..

Annoyed, I get up...when Han Uhl quickly gets water for Ha Ra..

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" think I can live."

"Ha Ra-yah!"


"Do you want to play Snow White?"

"What is it?"

"You become the princess and sleep, while I become the prince..and I wake you up.>_<"



Since I woke up...I was already annoyed from Gwang Pal acting cute....

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but now I have to watch even that kind of thing......


What is this loud noise!!! Is this King Kong, jumping up and down on the ground??

Of course, Gwagn Pal..

He seems to have just woken up....he sings a strange song that nobody knows..

and runs into the room.

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"Let's hit the betrayer! Boing! Bam!"

I couldn't stand the noise and the vibrations from the floor...

"Gwang're being noisy..stay still."

...I said, as if I was tired..

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But...the b@stard sticks out his mouth...

and with his annoying voice, yells at Han Uhl.

"You! Betrayer! How dare you betray me, when we had a friendship together!!"

And once again..Gwang Pal jumps around the room, singing.

"Let's hit~~the betrayer! Boing! Bam!"

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Not paying attention to Gwang Pal being like this..

Han Uhl keeps talking with Ha Ra..

Gwang Pal-ah...why don't you try waiting for a person to come into your life?


not waiting..but why don't you try looking for someone?

I think there will be kids like Don Yoo Jeong.

with a similar weight and looks as you....

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Gwang Pal has stopped running around.

Is he tired now?

Then again, with that size, it would be hard to run around for even 30 seconds...

Gwang Pal's eyes look sneaky, looking at me.

What [email protected]__-

"Right! I have Cat..."

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like this...Gwang Pal takes the hair that's come off my head, on my shoulders...

As I thought..he's taking my hair, knowing that I'm Cat Eyes..

Has it begun now...

Now my hair..then my corn...then my squid...

"Yoo Gwang Pal. Put the hair back where it was.

If you don't, the mayonnaise can be changed to ketchup."

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With that one sentence from Kang San Ha..Gwang Pal pulls out his hair..shocked..

"No!!!!! I don't like ketchup!!!!!!!!!"

I heard that abusing yourself is a kind of mental disorder...

if I ever get the chance, I'll have to take Gwang Pal to a mental hospital..

Gwang Pal might be sad from feeling that Han Uhl has betrayed him..

but I see it as being good..

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Han Uhl won't have to be feeling hurt anymore,

Ha Ra doesn't have to worry anymore... good...

Now, I'll have to go back to school, feeling regret that the class trip

has finished..

Although a sigh will come out first..

there's a present waiting for our study group.

So I'm looking forward to it, and I can embrace joy and go to school.

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The present...I better spend it well..

And the things I've felt sorry about, thankful about, with Kang San Ha at Jeju Island...and I'll relax a bit......

The present...

is to miss night classes for a week.

Making a study group..

having taught them....

and missing night classes for a week like this, with the kids' averages over 50%..

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It's thrilling.

Although it's only a week..

Nobody knows what will happen..during a week's time.

Whether things will make us glad..angry...or whether something bad will happen....

it's not something we can possibly know right now..

However, we should enjoy what's happening now, the things which won't be here tomorrow.. -------------58--------------

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During our life, we go to class trips three times.

Once in elementary school,once in middle school,once in high school.....

Out of these three class trips...

I think this class trip was the most special.

It wasn't amazing like Ha Ra had said it would be, but I think it'll remain in my memories for a very long time.

Especially what happened at the nightclub, and Ha Ra and Han Uhl's situation...



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San Ha telling the kids to pretend not to know my face without glasses....

I'll probably never forget that.


There's classes going on at school now.

The class trip became so yesterday, as time passed.

The people around us slightly changed after coming back from the class trip.

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Especially Gwang Pal's attitude towards me, shall I say, has changed quite a lot..

Each time he sees me...Gwang Pal's eyes aren't the eyes from before..

Although Gwang Pal's eyes were barely visible due to his fat...

Before, his eyes looked like that of a dog, and unlike then, his eyes now look like they're hungry..

As if he's longing something from me, as if there's something he wants from me....

...I want to avoid those eyes......

And Sa Ri seems to be stuck in a depressed mode.

Since she heard from me...that Han Uhl and Ha Ra liked each other..

...I think she's realized that there's no chance for her to go in between them.

Was Sa Ri's feelings for Han Uhl bigger than I thought?

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Sa Ri-yah....

Because of your face, wherever you go....

if you just try, you can easily find a guy who'll look good with you.

So..don't be so hurt..

Like this.....I wanted to comfort Sa Ri.

But....I remember hearing this somewhere...

that whenever someone is like that, I shouldn't say a word and leave the person alone.

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When she's crying...

an example is me next to her, going don't cry~~don't cry....she'll become even more sad, and even more tears would come out..

When she'd been dumped...

an example is me next to her, going it's's okay.......she'll become even more sad, and think of herself as being even worse off.

So right now..I hope....

that Sa Ri will overcome this...and stand back go back to her old self.

....Of course, the biggest change would be...

Han Uhl and Ha Ra.

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Whenever it's break, Han Uhl comes to our classroom.

He used to always come to our class before as well, whenever it was break....but now, the direction Han Uhl goes is different.

Han Uhl, who would go to Kang San Ha's spot whenever he visited the classroom, now goes to Ha Ra's spot.

This is the situation right now..

Han Uhl runs to Ha Ra....right from the doorway...his smiling face is seen.

"Han Uhl-ah~~Why did you come now~~~? You're 15 minutes late??"

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"I made something for you!!...That's why I was late...heh~~"

Han Uhl puts something into Ha Ra's hands....

Nobody can know what this object really is...

What is tha?

My curiosity has triggered..

Pretending not to be interested, and passing by..I saw it...the gray thing.... was a ring.

It was a ring made of eraser bits, rolled together to make a circle, or a 'ring'.

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How pathetic..

does he really want to do that at his age of eighteen years?




Of course...the Gossip Three won't do nothing from seeing this.

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Gossiper1:What is this? What is this? Since when were those two dating?

Gossiper2:The fact that 2 of the MP3 have girlfriends now..

How can we live enjoying ourselves now...

Gossiper3:Yeah...But still~ Ha Ra and Han Uhl look somewhat good together...

but aren't San Ha and Sung Hye a bit too much?

It's like...Terry and Anne dating.. (Terry=a really hot guy from a manga Candy Candy, Anne=main character of Anne of Green Gables)

Gossiper1:Right? Right?

I think somehow...Sung Hye found a way to blackmail San San Ha has no choice but to date Sung Hye.

If that wasn't would she be able to date our San Ha..with that hideous, freckly face?

Gossiper3:Yeah! Let's at least..keep Yoo Seung single!

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Gossiper1,2:Alright!! Let's go protect Yoo Seung!!


Terry and Anne?

Heh...then do you think you guys will look good with Yoo Seung..

How could you guys talk about my face..with your aging faces.....

We're even!!!!!

And whether I'm ugly or pretty, Kang San Ha likes both sides of me, what are you going to do about it?

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Kang San Ha has almost the leader part of the you guys think you'll be able to tell him not to date me??


Some...b@stard threw a frog-shaped eraser at my head.

"Who is it...the person who threw the eraser at my head?"

I wanted to yell and swear....

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but because the kids are awtching me these days, I have to be careful of my actions.

So that I can show that I'm fit to be Kang San Ha's girlfriend.


What~~ not answering? Fine! I'll go and find you myself!!

I look around to where the eraser had come from...

Through my eyes...I spot...Kang San Ha....

When I touch my head pretending that it hurt, Kang San Ha's face scrunches up..

So you're the one who threw it.

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"Bring it here"

Kang Sang Choo points at the eraser fallen under my feet..

.....what does he see me as..a servant...

Why should I!! Why!! Why do I have to take this to you?

Shouldn't you be the one taking it, since you threw it?

After thinking like that.. without a word, I pick up the eraser and walk up to him.

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"Why did you ask me to bring it to you after you threw it? How annoying...."

"Give me your cellphone"


Not giving me an answer...the Sang Choo b@stard gestures arrogantly for me to give it to him..

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Since I've give Kang San Ha my cellphone........

it's been 1 hour...

now 2 hours.....

My cellphone never came back to me.

Seeing him using my phone even during class....

it looks like he's sending texts...or looking at things...

I really..can't tell what he's doing.

I better take it back during break..

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It becomes break...and as soon as I go to Kang San Ha's spot to retrieve my phone....I see Kang San Ha, sleeping on his desk again.

This is so stupid.

But because I had to take my cellphone back..I look around.......

when I see my phone, next to Kang San Ha's arm, waiting to be taken back by its real owner..

When I carefully move forward for my that Kang San Ha won't wake up.

Kang San Ha grabs onto my wrist, and stops my hand from taking the cellphone.

This ghost, this b@stard.

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I smile prettily...

I have to talk to Kang San Ha, who had just woken up....but...

"Meet me at 6pm in front of Flower Bakery!"

With this one sentence, Kang San Ha leaves the classroom.

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When you leave, you're fine...

but what abou tme....

The b!tchy glares from the girls of the class..

I want to shoot back glares...but there's way more than one or two eyes to look at. I can't do all of them...

If there's..that many...there's nothing I can do but ignore their glares......

But..what does he mean by meeting in front of Flower Bakery...

Did he ask me out..on a date.....??????

Heh...Kang San Ha, nice way to ask me out.

I'll go.

Now I have the cellphone in my hands..should I see.. what my Sang Choo has done?

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..there's nothing wrong but

Did he add his phone number.....?

I check to see....

..from numbers 1 to 100, Kang San Ha's phone number is saved, called Teddy Owner..

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...I wonder how hard it was for him to enter his number in all these numbers...

So this is what she was doing throughout the entire period...

I respect you for being so dedicated..

If it was me, I would be tired and annoyed from entering my number in to number 20....

but I wonder how he managed to spare his time doing this kind of thing..

You really are an incredible b@stard....

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He's the kind of b@stard who would look for the cockroach..if it bit him...and crawled away..

Even if he was with his friends.....

he's the kind of b@stard to look for the cockroach that bit him..'re the kind of b@stard...

who would check to see if peanut snacks containing 20 pieces would be really 20 or 19, when the snack is only 1000won. (1000won=a little over a dollar CAD)

I have to like this, having an incredible guy as my boyfriend, right?

I have to like this, having a unique guy like this as my boyfriend, right...?

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-in front of Flower Bakery-

I think I'm about 5 minutes late.

Will he get mad at me..?

I wanted to come on time...

but....this is our first I can't just go out, right?

I was late..being picky with my clothes....I hope that you'll understand...

"San Ha-yah! I was a bit late, right?"

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"Why are you coming now.."

"Mm...I was paying attention to what I was going to wear.."

"What's so special about it? You're only wearing a t-shirt..and a skirt_?"

That's paying attention to what I was going to wear. B@stard.

...Our first date is already making me feel bad..

I try my hardest, following Kang San Ha...and I'm really focusing on speed-walking when....

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this b@stard suddenly stops.

Is it that he heard me calling him Kang Sang Choo?

Or...did he hear me say that I wanted to go back 15 years on a time machine..

and beat him up when he didn't know anything, and wasn't able to speak properly?

I flinch..and look at Kang San Ha's eyes...the [email protected] into the building in front..

The building the b@stard had gone into was a jjimjilbang. (jjimjilbang=sauna kind of place in Korea)

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What is this..

This is our first date...but he picked this place to have our date?


There was no point of me dressing up...

I should've just come in sweats...

I was thinking more of....

...a cafe with comfortable couches, or a movie theatre.

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But. Instead of a cafe with comfortable couches, we're at a jjimjilbang with wooden floors....

Instead of a movie theare, we're at a jjimjilbang with a 28-inch TV....

I can't believe this...

Kang San Ha, you really make people quite surprised.

I didn't know you would come to such a place like this...

An ahjumma with tightly-curled hair kindly leads us to the men's and women's change rooms,

Kang San Ha holding blue clothes,

and I, with Kang San Ha's threats, telling me to come out in 10 minutes..go into the women's locker room holding pink clothes.

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To wash myself, I take off my clothes and go into the huge tub...

when from the baths, I hear a familiar voice.

Who is this....?

I go closer...

and see a fat girl, and four other girls looking like servants, with her in the baths.

Fat girl:On the count of three, we go in! This is an important test for you all..

so do your best to!!

And a surprising sight was seen.

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Everyone's eyes went to the baths..

because the fat girl and the four servants had gone underwater in the tubs on the three.

That's a test?

Isn't the water dirty in tubs....?

There should be pee from kids..

and dirt and other things from people who had cleaned themselves well...

About 30 seconds have passed...

when Servant1's face is about to come up...

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when Fatty pushes Servant1's head into the water forcefully.

When 40 seconds pass, all four servants' heads come up...

With Fatty's quick speed, to keep the four servants' heads from coming out of the water...

she presses each of the servants' heads each time one comes up..

As if playing whac-a-mole..

The poor servants...

Fatty:Now we're done..everyone stand up..

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To that sound, the four servants cough like crazy, trembling..

Servants:Thank you. Unni!

But that fatty's voice....

I really have heard it a lot...

I check, going up to her....

but I can't see too well, with my glasses fogged up.

So I remove my glasses and check again.....

to see that the fatty is actually....Tig.. (toad and pig combined, references are chapters 23-24) -------------59----------------

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Meeting Tig in a place like this...

I better be careful..

If I'm seen being with Kang San Ha.....

Tig won't leave me alone.

She won't end it with just a few sentences like last time.


Tig looks this way.

.....But since I don't have my glasses on right now...she wouldn't be able to tell that I'm Hwang Sung Hye...

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Avoiding Tig's eyes, I wash my body in a corner and leave the jjimjilbang.....

Kang San Ha said that he would wait for 10 minutes....

so I came out quickly like this, but I don't see the b@stard anywhere..

"Puhapuhahaha! Puhahaha!!!"

This laugh?

It's very similar to Oh Ha Ra's laugh......

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.....No can't be her...? probably isn't her.

Why would Oh Ha Ra be in a place like this...

At this time, she should be with Han Uhl, having cotton candy in her mouth....

holding a balloon in her hand and looking at giraffes in a zoo..

"Puhahaha!! Pupuhahahaha!!"


This annoying laugh....

Wanting to check, I turn my head slightly.........

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They both have mud masks on their faces,

they both have rolled towels on their heads,

they're feeding each other seaweed soup,

and they're also known as Han Uhl and Ha Ra.

"Die!Seriously, die!"

And next to them is Kang San Ha, pressing buttons crazily on his game.

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Were we going on a double-date?

Ha Ra and Han Uhl, Kang San ha and me...?

I can't stand the two at school, because they're so immature....

but having to watch that kind of thing even here...

Ha Ra tells Han Uhl to open his mouth wide, and feeds him..

Han Uhl opens his mouth wider, asking Ha Ra to give him more..

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Like this, we had a double-date in a jjimjilbang..

It can't exactly be called a double-date.....

Kang San Ha and me aren't dating,

but watching Han Uhl and Ha Ra dating instead...

When Han Uhl and Ha Ra would send and receive loving looks..

Kang San Ha would send his looks to the game....

and I would be sending looks to a book....

so how are we supposed to do this 'date'?

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We spend about 2 hours at the jjimjilbang

and Kang San Ha and I have followed Han Uhl and Ha Ra to an ice cream parlour.

Baskin Robbins...

it's been a while since I last came here.

What kind of ice cream should I eat....

Cherry jubilee? Pistachio almond? Almond bon bon?

Ah~~this makes me think so much~~

Obviously...the most enjoyable thinking is choosing what to eat..

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"Nuna!! I'll have a cherry jugilae!" (jugilae=wanna die in Korean)

Cherry jugilae...?

Han Uhl straightforwardly...told the unni that he would have that..

Hearing this...

Ha Ra whispers..cherry jubilee..

I have a feeling that this will be the end to Kang San Ha and my first date.

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-next day-

As soon as I go into the classroom, I see Han Uhl and Ha Ra hugging,

and I become annoyed again.

You two must want to be compared to flowers.

Are you beautiful roses?


Then are you innocent lilies?


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You two are weeds. Weeds!

Am I being jealous of Ha Ra and Han Uhl, for working out better than Kang San Ha and me?


From behind...someone has grabbed onto my shoulder.

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Kang San Ha. Now he's trying all sorts of things, trying to make people surprised..

But why didn't you try covering my eyes and saying 'Guess who~~?' than my shoulder?

Then I would've acted cuted, and responded 'My boyfriend~~~'..

Then we would be able to challenge Han Uhl and Ha Ra for acting immature....

"What the~~ Kang San Ha.. I was surprised~~~"

Wanting to be liked...

I act cute...

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and when I turn around....

it's not Kang San Ha, who grabbed onto my shoulder....

but Tig, with glaring eyes and a scary expression, as if she's about to kill me

and the followers with eyes as if they're saying 'you're dead now'.

-behind the school-

"I heard...that you're dating Kang San Ha....?"

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After this one sentence of Tig's...the followers suround me and each spit out words..

"Look! Yuh Sa-yah. This type is the type who flirts more..."

"This is why I said we should've taken care of it earlier, what is this..!"

"Yuh Sa-ya! At times like this, you have to show your power!"

Hey, followers...

you only know Kim Yuh Sa's power, and not mine, eh?

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Later...I'm talking about....later..

If I'm in my true self and I see you guys...

your bones will of pulled out of their sockets...!!!!!

"When I asked before if you had anything going on with Kang San ha...

I remember you sounding like you had no interest in Kang San Ha..."

Kim Yuh Sa stuffs her hands into her skirt pockets, and puts more strength into her voice..

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"At that time...I didn't like Kang San Ha.."

Even when I think about I just explained myself wasn't helping...

I should've just stayed mouth really doesn't help at all.

At times like this...I want to be like Jerry escaping situations in Tom and Jerry..

or I want to switchw ith Ha Ra's mouth, which shines light whenever she's in trouble.

"What!! Then you're saying that you suddenly started to like him? Hah! You're really funny..."

"You're going to die from Yuh Sa today~~!!!"

"You better start begging, saying that you'll break up."

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The followers are really enjoying themselves, getting involved in things they aren't a part of.

They're telling me to break up with Kang San Ha when it's none of their business..

I'm slowly starting to get pissed.

Boil boil.

But this is school.

I can't do anything but stay still....

but to be attacked....

to be hit....when I'm hit...

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"You guys stay back"

Tig gets the followers to back away from me.

"Hwang Sung were with San Ha at the jjimjilbang yesterday, right?"

When I don't say anything...

Tig's thick hand, like alligator skin, comes flying to my cheek.

It really stings, like pepper powder going up my nose.


I can't believe I have to stand here, being hit like this...

I haven't fully recovered from the three ugly brothers..

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but now I'm being hit again by Tig..

It looks like there's fire burning in Tig's eyes..

is she that mad..?

then why doesn't she tell San Ha that she likes him..?

Why does she just wander around him...and like him, not telling him that she does.

Like a coward.....being timid.....

"I hate people like you the most, who backstab. Did you know that!"

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Her fist comes flying.

Her fist comes flying, not stopping as it stomach, my face, my back.

Endure it...endure it. Endure it.

Without a sound of pain...without screaming..I have my eyes closed, biting down on my lips.

Let's just get hit...

Time, please pass quickly...

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Kim Yuh Sa, seeing me like this...looks more mad....

and hits me for a while, looking excited....

"I won't leave you alone.

I threw all my pride away and asked Kang San Ha to be my boyfriend, and I clung onto him...

it hasn't been even a month since I've done that...and he starts dating this b!tch?"

What's wrong with me...I'm better than you..

And why don't you stop hitting...

It hurts...

but if I keep getting hit, my rationality could crack.

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Tig...seeing my expressionless face, not having shed a single tear...

now pants, tired from hitting me..

"I'll never leave you alone...

see you next time, Hwang Sung Hye."

Leaving these words, she left..

The followers laughed as hard as they wanted, seeing me holding my stomach, full of injuries.

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Those b!tchy followers..

whenever I see you guys, I have this impulse to murder..

Everyone's left, and I'm all alone...and I begin to think.

Tig's last words..I'll see you next time......

What does that mean?

That this isn't the end....

Then there's going to be this kind of thing happening again...

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"Ding dong deng dong..Ding dong deng..."

The school bell rings....

and I was having to make a decision..

To go into the classroom... or to not...

If I go like this into the classroom...

everyone would be shocked.....the teacher, the kids, Kang San ha....

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Especially. Kang San Ha...

He probably won't leave Tig alone..

Even if it's a sunbae, or in front of the teacher's eyes...

he'll go and take revenge on Tig..

I don't want that...

I don't like having people hurt because of me...

I especially don't want Kang San Ha being involved with my troubles....

I'll have to go home like this.

I arrive home...

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and in the empty house

many thoughts cross in my mind.


might not be as easy of an opponent as I though.

Her eyes.

and that expression.

I lay down on my bed and try to sleep, but the expression won't leave my head.....

but I eventually slept.

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I wonder how many hours have passed...?

When I open my eyes, it looks dark outisde my window...

Have I slept all day...

My God, was I a kid who slept this much?

How did I not open my eyes through all that time...

Probably..I didn't want to open my eyes.

Because when I open my eyes, it would be reality....

I would have to go to school tomorrow...

and explain myself.

"Drrrrrr! Drrrrrrrrr!"

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My cellphone vibrates..

and not checking the caller, I pick it up...

It's Kang San Ha.

I shouldn't have picked it up..

Right now....I don't want to say anything..

"Where are you."

"At home. The kids must have talked a lot about school..I didn't go beacuse I was a bit sick."

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It's not that I didn't go...I went to the classroom door..

I saw Han Uhl and Ha Ra hugging...

and I saw the kids fooling around and chatting.

But because of Tig, I couldn't go into the classroom and I had to go home...

"I'm in front of your house..come out for a second."

"Sorry...I can't go out, I'm sick right now...."

".....It can't even be a second?"


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"Alright..then I'll see you tomorrow."

He hangs up....

In my ears....Kang San Ha's voice repeats, and my eyes are brimming with tears...

Tears wouldn't come when I was being hit by Tig..

but with one phone call from Kang San Ha, tears come..

And the injuries from being hit by Tig..begin to hurt..

I feel pain clawing at me..

He said he was in front of my house....

since he said that he would see me tomorrow...he should be going now, right..?

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I want to see him.

I want to see at least Kang San Ha's backside..

I run ou tof the house....and look for Kang San Ha....

but I don't see any bit of Kang San Ha.

.....Has he already left?

Regret comes out of me like smoke rising up....

How can he go so fast like this after I tell him to leave..

How can he go so fast as if he's been waiting for me to tell him to leave....

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Regret turns into disappointment, and spreads all through my heart.

"Who is it."

ㅇ_ㅇ!?!? ---------------60---------------------

"Who is it.."

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Have I heard wrong?

This stiff and cold voice, making me feel frozen, definitely is Kang San Ha's voice....

Then he hasn't gone yet..

and I turn my body, looking for Kang San Ha...

He's right next to me, leaning against the wall, looking at my face...Kang San Ha keeps asking who it is.

But...what do you mean, I'm Hwang Sung Hye...

Your girlfriend Hwang Sung Hye.

You said you have 20/20 vision, but you don't recognize me?

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Kang San Ha gets off the wall and stands in front of me

The surroundings are very quiet, so quiet that even the wind can't be heard.

"Who's the b!tch who made your face like this?"


This is what he meant by asking who it was..

I wonder what I should say....

"I j-just fell."

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"Do you expect me to believe that?"

"'s because I fell."

"Is it Kim Yuh Sa's doing?"

".....Can't you just pretend you didn't notice?"

"You want me to pretend I didn't notice, you being in that way?"


"If you want to cry, just cry..

If you're angry, then be angry, if you're happy, then laugh out loud..

Like now, you're hurting so don't pretend to be fine, and just let it out.."

You're right.

I'm really hurting right now. My body is hurting, and my heart is hurting...

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Right when I see your face, right when I hear your voice...

my body won't move, frozen as if I'm paralyzed..

I can't see you properly...

and I want to tell you that the tears coming out of my eyes continuously while I'm looking at the ground is all because of you.

But nothing will change from me saying that.

I can just be sad and hurting by myself..I can show a smiling face tomorrow...

That's why I'm fooling you..

That's why I'm bending my head as far down as I can, so that you can't see my face...I'm pretending to be not hurting at all..

"Do you know what's most difficult for me in the entire world?"


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You're more difficult than a hard math question...or a complicated english word.....

You're the most difficult.

I want to know more about you, and I have a lot of questions to ask..

but each time you act a certain way, I can't understand why you're trying to hide, why you're trying to run away.."


"Are we playing hide and seek?

Why aren't you there when I'm looking for you...

why can't you just stay, and always lie.

You're hurting right now...

and you're angry..."

Hide and seek...

It must be hard for Kang San Ha to express himself so truthfully like this..

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but....why can't I..

I want to talk to him truthfully...

But feeling like a mute, no words come out....

Not being able to show a slight sign of response to Kang San Ha's words, I feel so foolish about myself.

I just.....look down, not wiping the continuous tears,

and Kang San Ha, after saying those words, did nothing but continue to stand like that.

And the next day, I knew.

That Kang San Ha went to Tig after coming to me, and took revenge by hitting more than what I got hit...

So Tig is now hospitalized...

and Kang San Ha is suspended.

..Kang San Ha......

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I knew that this kind of thing would happen ...

this is why I didn't say anything..

"Sung Hye-yah!!!!! What happened to your eyes?"

"Oh..I just hit myself against something..."

"You should be more careful...a girl's face can't be like this.."

Ha RA pulls on my cheeks..

She just has to pull on the spot that I have an injury on, from Kim Yuh Sa....

Is it that she knows what happened, and she's doing this on purpose?=_+

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"Han Yoo Seung! Sung Hye's hurt!!!Come here for a second."

Ha Ra yells to Han Yoo Seung, who's looking at the bulletin on the bulleting board, where it says that Kang San Ha is suspended..

She probably has to go to Han Uhl..

but she's probably calling Han Yoo Seung because she'd feel bad for leaving me alone.

"Does it hurt?"

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"No! Not at all"

"Kim Yuh Sa should be really strong"

Does Yoo Seung know that I was hit by Kim Yuh Sa? did he know this?

"This 1st grade b@stard, a hoobae, said that...

That Yuh Sa nuna took you and went.."

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Someone saw...

Without me telling him, Kang San Ha already knew...

"Yuh Sa nuna is really strong..

Even though San Ha will protect you, be careful from now on."

I can endure Tig hitting me as much as she wants, like before..

but I don't want San Ha being affected because of me

I better go see Kang San Ha after school..

Anyway, I'm missing night classes for this entire week, which includes today...

I might as well go and buy some fruit.

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After the classes all finish,

I pick fruit to my liking at the fruit store

and holding a bag of fruit in my hands, I go to find Kang San Ha's house. --------------61--------------

After ringing the bell five times, I finally enter Kang San Ha's house.

What I notice right away when I come in....

is Shine Hee, wearing a dress which of course, is white and pink.

She'd become Alice of Alice in Wonderland if she just had a bunny following her around.~_~

"Unni!! It's been too long. You should've came more often~~"

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"I'll come more often now...what about San Ha?"

"He's taking a shower right now.

Ah!!! Unni! Stay in oppa's room for now..I'll get you something to drink.."

Shin Hee, holding my fruit bag, runs to the kitchen

and I carefully go into Kang San Ha's room in the second floor.

I came into the room once before..

I didn't get to look around since I was busy changing....

I'm going to look around the room properly today...

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First, shall I see where the teddy Kang San Ha was talking about, and the teddy bear I bought him are?

Hm...they're not on the bed, desk, or bookshelf, no matter how much I look around.

Did he...throw them out?

If I find that he did..-__+

I'll never come back.

Even when you're bored, or act like you have it bad being on suspension at home...

I'll never come for you..


I've discovered something!!

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I see a big cabinet seperated in six rows next to Kang San Ha's door

and on the third row is a teddy with an expression I don't like, and the doll I bought him.

Cute b@stard...

I came to tell you that you should be ashamed for being suspended..

I cam to yell at you, saying that you've become a burden, getting into other peoples' problems and hitting a sunbae..

but this teddy couple is helping me to let go of those thoughts..


......What's on the row above where the teddy couple is sitting..?

It looks like an orange juice bottle...

but only a single bottle is using up the entier fourth row.

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It's a bit plain, with only two dolls and an orange juice bottle on a cabinet..

Wait, that orange juice bottle.....

It's the same as the one that Kang San Ha bought me from the store before..

Hwang Sung Hye...

What are you thinking right now...

Are you thinking that Kang San ha is treasuring the orange juice bottle?

No way~ No way~!

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But the orange juice bottle in the middle, taking up an entire row, makes me curious.

I hear a click~ of the door opening..

and with a towel around his shoulders, holding a tray with two Coke cans,pineapples,strawberries,and apples

enters Kang San Ha, wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

Right at the moment when I think that he'll compliment me, coming here..

the b@stard puts the tray on top of a table...

and sits on the edge of the bed, drying his hair with a towel, saying.

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"Why did you come?"

Why do you think I came, obviously because I was worried for you, [email protected]_-

I came because I was sorry that you were suspended because of me.

But...I don't think I can say that....

"You're suspended for a week! Did you know that?"


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"Wh-what? Why are you laughing?"

"Are you being like this because you're jealous that I'm not going to school?"

Pathetic Sang Choo b@stard...

Because I felt guilty..... because of me.... you were suspended, which is why I ran here....

but seeing your attitude right now....

I only see it as you having hit Kim Yuh Sa on purpose because you didn't want to go to school...

"How can you hit a girl?"

"Girl....who? Kim Yuh Sa? Girls don't exist to me, except for you."

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I wonder if Kang San Ha knows?

that the words he spit out as if they were nothing makes my heart beat faster...

i wonder if Kang San Ha knows?

that I'm yelling, asking why he did that to Kim Yuh Sa when inside, I actually feel refreshed and much better...

"Heh hem. G-good for you, hitting a sunbae."


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Suddenly, the Sang Choo b@stard gets off the bed and comes up to me.

Each time he comes closer...I step back...

and eventually, my back is against the wall..

Kang San Ha's face is right in front of mine...

any time that Kang San Ha moves, my eyes go to what he's doing....

and I'm beginning to imagine some pretty weird things...

"Seeing your face bruised like look more like a Mung Gae than Sung Gye." (sunggye=sea urchin, mung gae means bruised dog, mung=bruise, gae=dog)

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The b@stard once again disputes.

Hearing me Mung Gye......

I release a big sigh, blowing my bangs up.

That's enough..I better change the topic..

"What's that orange juice bottle on your cabinet?"

"Wh-what! What's wrong with it!!!!!!!"

"No, I'm asking you why you treasure a bottle, putting it on your cabinet."

"What do you mean by 'treasure'!!! That cabinet's my g-garbage can!!"


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Why is this kid stuttering and overreacting like this...

It's a bit suspicious..?

And using a cabinet as a garbage can...

Even if you're rich, that's a bit hard to believe.

I hang out at Kang San Ha's house for over 1 hour...

and even though I said I was fine, Kang San Ha took me home.

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It's okay for him to leave me to go home alone once..

but each time Kang San Ha takes me home, I feel the happiest.

But.... come I'm feeling tense?

I feel happy..

but in a corner of my heart, I feel as tense as if a bomb was going to go off.

Hwang Sung can you be negative even when you're happy..

Don't think like that, and instead, think of my birthday...

and make a plan on how to tell Kang San Ha.

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It's been two days since Kang San Ha's been suspended..

Every time I turn around, I used to see Kang San Ha looking at me....

but now, there's nobody.

Hearing that somebody was watching over me would make me feel happy....

but now, when I turn around, there's nobody looking at me..

So this is how a classroom without Kang San Ha feels like..

Whether it be the math equation, or the cause of the 6.25 war, nothing comes into my head..

and only thoughts like I wonder what Kang San Ha's doing right now?

Should I go to Kang San Ha today?

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What should I buy to take to him today? fill my head..

A person once said.

When the person isn't there, when the empty spot seems to be a huge deal...

that's when you finally realize how much you treasure and love the person...

Like that, the period ended, which I've been waiting for...

Not talking to Ha Ra and Sa Ri,

I bought beverages and milk from a supermarket, and ran to Kang San Ha's house like lightning.

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So this is how it feels, running to someone you want to see..

Each step, as they become quicker, I think that I'll be able to see Kang San Ha that much faster, and I increase my speed faster than when I'm running 100m relay..

Finally I arrive at Kang San Ha's house, and I go into Kang San Ha's room with Shin Hee's guidance....

to see male students, not wearing our school's uniforms but another school's uniforms.

Probably because I opened the door too loudly, the students' eyes all come to look at me..

This is so embarassing..

between the guys, I see Han Yoo Seung smiling and looking at me..

No. There's Gwang Pal too..

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Gwang Pal looks at the fruit baskets and bags of chips all placed on top of a desk, with an awestruck expression...

Seeing me...he quickly stuffs the chips into his shirt..

His bulging looked like there was a mountain on his stomach.

Gwang Pal, that pig..

I won't take some, you're too greedy and dirty..ㅡ_ㅡ

But there's Yoo Seung, Gwang Pal, and all these unfamiliar guys....

What day is it today?

Or have they come because they heard that Kang San ha was suspended?

"Come here. Mung Gye-yah."

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Kang San Ha points at the seat across from him at the table, telling me to sit.

I look at the guys' eyes..when a guy suddenly hugs me tightly.


Is it Kang San Ha?


Kang San Ha has a shocked face

yelling, "You, what are you doing to my Sung Gye!! Let go of her!!!!" and is coming this way.

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Then who is this guy??

In this situation, it being so awkward that no words will come out properly..

I heard the name clearly.......the name from before, when it had disappeared far into my memories..

"Jin Hye-yah."

-----------Hwang Sung Hye's side story---------------

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-Hwang Sung Hye's side story-

Jin Hye.......

It's a quite....familiar name...

Really....long had been in my memories, the name....Hwang Jin Hye....

I heard that name.

I heard the name that I thought would never be called again.

-8 years ago-

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Like water about to spill from a tears were about to come out.

I want to just cry, but it's embarassing.

It's embarassing how I'm 10 years old, and I'm crying in this playground where lots of little kids are playing.

I'm drying up my tears with the wind hitting my face while I'm on the swings, when.....

"Jin Hye-yah~"

I heard Gong Jin's voice.

Gong Jin was my next-door neighbour, so he became a close friend, knowing everything about me.

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So it was obvious that he would ask if I got in trouble by my umma if he saw me right now.

I got off the swings and I looked at Gong Jin, who was standing in front of me.

A kid without sadness and worries...

Always laughing...a babo with hair like a bird's nest, who still believed that Santa exists...

"You got in trouble by your umma again, didn't you?"

I don't want to answer.

Even if I didn't tell him, he would know that I got kicked out of the house for being rude to my

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umma.. what's the point of me having to answer..

"Jin Hye-yah~~~"

"Why do you keep calling me..."

"You're not going home to eat dinner?"

"Yeah, I'm not going"

"Why, what award did Sung Hye-nuna bring this time?"

"I don't like unni....she's better at me in everything..

Taekwondo, studying, english, this entire world, I hate unni the most."


You said you liked Sung Hye nuna yesterday for playing with you..."

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I don't like you too. Umma...unni..even you..wahh~~"

Eventually, tears come out. can he find me so well....

I had to be it all the time because this b@stard always found me when we played hide and seek.

And seeing just my expression, how I felt and why I had that kind of expression on my face..

Gong Jin knew everything, like a ghost...

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And as Gong Jin had said, unni brought an award home today, so I was scolded by umma.

'How come you're so different from Sung Hye?"'

'Try to be at least half of what your unni is!!'

"I'm never satisfied, because there's nothing to be satisfied about.."

Having to hear this all the time....I fought back and was kicked out of hte house.

Why does umma only like unni?

Is it because unni is better than me in everything?

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"Don't cry...Jin Hye-yah...I'll do everything that you tell me to do~Don't cry ㅠ 0ㅠ"

"Run three laps around the playground"


"I thought you said you would do anything I told you to do?"

Ever since I was very young, Gong Jin would do everything I told him to do whenever I cried.

So I would sometimes pretend to cry.

Especially when I wanted a piggyback because my legs were hurting....or when I wanted to eat something, I would cry.-__-

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"Jin Hye-yah!"

Wearing glasses,

and her hair tied back in a ponytail and with freckles all over her face, unni calls my name and runs to me.

My unni Hwang Sung Hye...

My unni, who's one year older than me...

Although we're only one year apart, unni and I are very different.

Unni is really mature, kind, smart, and even though she had an ugly face full of freckles, there wasn't something she couldn't do.

Except for my pretty face and my ability in taekwondo, I was nothing compared to her.

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This is probably why umma and appa liked unni more and paid more attention to her...

because there was such a big difference...

That's why I don't like unni..

Of course, there's times when I like her, but these days there's more times when I don't like her.

And there's times when I wish that unni would disappear from this world.

And my wish became reality.

Not knowing that I was hiding in the closet, crying alone because umma had scorned me again...

unni went outside....

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and was looking for me........for me..................

"Yes. That's right..Our...our..Sung Hye!!!!

N-no way....what hospital is this?"

I call umma..wondering what happened to unni...


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Hearing my voice, umma drops the phone onto the floor,

and holding onto my shoulderes tightly, she yells..

"You! It's your fault!!! All your fault!!!

...O-our Sung Hye, because of you..if it wasn't for you..."

More than feeling hurt from umma shaking me and hitting me...

Seeing umma crying for the first time....

and yelling, at the unfamiliar umma

I cried, saying, "umma~~umma~~I was wrong.. I won't do it again.."..

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And I heard that while I was sleeping in the closet, unni had gotten into a car accident.

"...Sung..Hye...because of you...Sung..Sung Hye...while she went out looking for you, into a car accident....."

Pushing me to the ground suddenly, umma runs outside.

Following umma barefeet.....

"Umma!!! Take me too!! Umma....."

I yelled, but umma didn't turn around, and kept running.

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I'm sitting on the cold ground, crying..

when I remember what umma had said before.

That unni had gotten into a car accident. into a car accident....


I was talking to unni just before..and saw unni's face....

I was going to tell unni to play with me when she came back...

but......unni got into a car accident....?

I think of the last conversation with unni.

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"Jin Hye-yah..

Even though Jin Hye doesn't do good in school, or only causes trouble....

unni likes Jin Hye the best in the entire world..

because Jin Hye's my dongseng...Jin Hye likes unni too, right?"


I don't like unni...

I really hate unni, for always being the only one to be loved and complimented by umma!"

i was telling unni that I hated her because I was angry....

It wasn't the truth....

I better tell unni when she comes home...

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That I like unni too.....

That even though umma and appa only like unni....

and compliment unni, I like unni the best in the world...

But...what if she doesn't come...?

If she doesn't come......

I keep getting a feeling that unni won't be coming home...

I want to see you. Unni...come home quick.....

Forty days later..

leaving me to halmeoni....and having left the house, umma and appa came back.

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Umma in a white hanbok..appa in a black suit...

Looking horrible, and with tear-streaked eyes..

"Umma! Why are you coming now? Appa! What about unni! Why isn't unni here~?

I asked halmeoni, but all she would do is cry..."

To my words..expressionless, umma...passes me and goes into a room..

Appa..bends down to my height..

"Unni isn't coming anymore..she went to a better place...

A place where our Jin Hye can't go..or see.."

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A place where I can't go...or see......

Then I can't see unni anymore?

I have something I have to say to unni...but I can't say it..?

....Even though I'm only 10 years old....I know.

Where it is....

Where the place unni had gone.....

Unni had died.

It's all my fault...

Unni's all my fault....

If I hadn't hid in the closet...

if I hadn't been feeling bad for unni being complimented by umma....

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I like that unni was doing well...but why was I jealous...

making unni go to a place where I can't see her, or talk to her...

I feel sorry, I'm regretting, and I hate myself.........

Hwang Jin Hye, who's killed her unni..I'm becoming scared of myself.

All night, I heard umma and appa arguing...

Umma would go....

"That won't change anything! I've already todl Jin Hye that she died."

These words spun around my ears, and I couldn't reject it...or run away.....

Without a choice, I fell into a deep sleep.

"Sung Hye-yah~~~!! It's morning!! Wake up, you have to eat breakfast."

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Sung Hye?

I'm Jin Hye.....

Have I heard wrong....or did umma make a mistake....?

"Sung Hye-yah! You're not going to wake up?"


"You can't hear umma!! Hwang Sung Hye!!"


why am I Sung Hye? My name's Jin Hye? Sung Hye is unni's name.

"Then who are you?"

"I'm....I'm Jin Hye...."

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"No! Jin Hye died.

Sung Hye didn't die, Jin Hye did. The person who got into a car accident...was Jin Hye."


Umma's eyes and her voice...

are very dry....and scary....

I thought I would get in trouble if I kept I didn't say anything.



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Like a heavy boulder suddenly thrown into the calm water.....

umma's words, saying that I died and Sung Hye unni didn't....

turned into a bigger and bigger scar in my heart.

-monday morning-

"Jin Hye-yah~~let's go to school!!!"

I'm eating breakfast...

when I hear Gong Jin's voice.

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Gong Jin, who would always wait for me at this time of day, to go to school together..

I got my backpack, about to go to school...when umma stands at the front door.

Is she there to tell Gong Jin to come in?

"You can go ahead, Jin Hye isn't here."

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Have I heard wrong. I'm right here...

But umma definitely said that.

"Jin Hye's not going to school today?"

"Jin Hye can't go to school. Gong Jin, you go ahead to school"

Usually, even when I was sick, as long as it wouldn't be a huge thing..

umma would send me to school....but what's this situation?

Umma is weird..

I'm right here...

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but why is she saying that I'm not..

Why did she say that I can't go to school?

Umma came back in.

"Umma, I'm not going to school?"

"You don't have to go to school anymore. Because you're moving to Seoul tomorrow..."


...........Why so suddenly?

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I like this place...

There's a playground.....

there's Gong Jin.....

there's many memories with unni, so I like this place....but we're moving to Seoul...?

"No! I'm not moving!!! I won't be moving!!"

But even if I say that I don't want to, nothing changes.

The next morning even, we ended up moving.


umma tells me that when I go to Seoul, I'm no longer Jin Hye, and I have to live the rest of my life as Sung Hye...

I was scared of the fact that my existance....would become unni's when I move.

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But....I couldn't go against umma's words.

Because Sung Hye unni, who umma loved, cherished, and liked died because of me..

Because my unni, who I didn't hate the most in the world, but liked most in the world, had died beacuse of me..


As the sunset came to view, the entire sky was in an orange colour.

From far away...Gong Jin is running here.

He would do everything I told him to do,

he would get rid of everything I didn't like,

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and he would play everything I liked, my kind Gong Jin..

Now I have to stop meeting Gong Jin.

Becuase I'm moving to Seoul tomorrow...

"Jin Hye-yah!!! Where were you?

You weren't at school, and your ummas said you weren't at home...and I was wondering if still, over Sung Hye nuna.."

I couldn't hear Gong Jin's words any longer.

Because then, the tears I was barely stopping would pour out..

Because I felt so guilty for what happened to unni...and I wanted to see unni each time I heard the name Sung Hye...

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"I just went somewhere...."


"Gong Jin-ah."


"I was sorry....

Until now, for getting mad at you........

But..that...wasn't because I didn't like you.."

"I know..^ㅇ^ Jin Hye likes me.."

" that.

And even if I'm not here...even if we never meet...

don't forget me..

I'd like for at least one person to think of me as Jin Hye....and remember me as Jin Hye...."

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"You are Jin Hye... why?

Did someone else take your spot at Jin Hye? "


although later on..we probably won't meet..

If we do might have to call me as someone else."

Like that...I wished to never meet Gong Jin again after we parted.


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Since coming to Seoul....

umma had switched me completely to Sung Hye unni...

and each time she would do that...appa only showed pitying looks.

Attending piano hakwon, essay hakwon, english hakwon, etc...

I spent each and every day at hakwons

and exactly one year later.....

I went to school, completely in unni's look.

I came in front of the class...

and to the teacher...asking me to introduce myself, I just stutter.


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Becuase of this, I would get in trouble, and cry thinking of unni the most for an entire year...


"Maybe she doesn't know her own name?"

The kids' whispering voices came louder and louder.

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"....I'm....I'm Hwang Sung Hye.

Let' friends."

Like this, Hwang Jin Hye's existance was gone. --------------62------------------

Shim Gong Jin




Education:Udduk Gong go

Personality:Optimistic,smiles a lot

Hobbies:Attacking peoples' weak spots,riding swings


Specialty:Still remembers his first love. Likes to dissect frogs,mice, lizards, etc.

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This guy, calling me Jin Hye and hugging me.

If my feeling is correct...

it's Gong Jin, from hearing him calling my name.

"Yah!!!!!!! Get off!!!"

Because of Kang San Ha, the guy reminding me of Gong Jin releases me...

and as soon as I see the guy's face, still not taking his eyes off of me.

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I was positive that it was Gong Jin.

As usual...his hair, which looks like a bird's nest...

his dimples which appear only on his left cheek when he smiles, and his eyes getting smaller when he smiles....

it's Gong Jin.

I wonder why Gong Jin is in Seoul..

Is he close with Kang San Ha...

The thing I'm wondering most is I wonder how he recognized me....?

I changed.

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I wore glasses, drew freckles on, and tied all my hair tightly into a ponytail.

I should be really different from how I looked 8 years ago....I should have changed a lot...

How can he recognize me this easily....

"Jin Hye-yah!! I'm Gong Jin!!! Shim Gong Jin!! Don't you remember me?"

Gong Jin holds onto my shoulders, and shakes me.

Kang San Ha holds onto Gong Jin's neck and pulls him further from me

"San Ha sunbae!! I found my first love!! But why do you keep getting in the way!"

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I forgot again...

I'm really seventeen years old..

But living as unni, I'm eighteen right now..

But...I was Gong Jin's first love...?

"Have you fallen for Hwang Sung Gye, pretending that she's your first love?"

"I'm right!! Our Jin Hye..

There's nothing I don't know about Jin Hye..I can tell.."

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That's right..

I'm Jin Hye...

But.....I can't show that I know you..

Because the Jin Hye from my memories is gone now....

Because it's been a while since she's disappeared...

Now....I'm only Sung Hye, often wanting to go back to being Jin Hye..

"Was your first love older than you?"


"She's not Jin Hye, she's Sung Hye. My girlfriend, Hwang Sung Hye.."

"What do you mean by Sung Hye? Who?

Our Jin Hye is Sung Hye? And she's sunbae's girl..girlfriend?"

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Gong Jin's shaking eyes..

For sure, Gong Jin knows I'm Hwang Jin Hye, but he's wondering why..

everyone thinks I'm Hwang Sung Hye..

I have to leave this room.

I have to escape from here.

If I don't...

the fact that I'm Jin Hye....that Sung Hye is my unni, will be revealed.

Before Gong jin can say anymore, I open the door wide, and run like crazy.

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Has it been 5 minutes since I began running...

I check my see myself by the hanbok store. (hanbok=traditional Korean clothing worn on New Year's)

I should've stopped running when nobody was following me...

Wasting my energy, running continuously was ridiculous. do I do....

Seeing Gong JIn's uniform..

it looked like the school located next to our school, Oottuk Gong go..

Then I'll bump into him a lot....

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Then again, I should be thankful for not having met him until now......

If I see Gong Jin again........


No matter what kind of way I look for...or try to escape..

there's no way, and my front is blocked.

I'll try to escape this maze..

but there's no way to leave, everything's blocked...

There's nothing I can do.

Will my true self be revealed like this

by me..not doing anything about it?

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From downtown I walk weakly for 30 minutes, arriving in front of my house...

and I'm about to ring the doorbell.....when I see someone standing in fron of my house.


Who is it...

"You're coming now..First Place?"

"Yoo Seung-ah. This did you know..."

"This is my specialty, figuring things out like this..."

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You were an expert.....

in getting girls' phone numbers...

You were also a proficient expert for figuring out girls' addresses..

"Why...did you come all the way here? Possibly....."

Did Gong Jin tell you?

That I'm not Sung Hye, but I'm actually Jin Hye...?

"Do you know the Gong go b@stard from before?"

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Gong go b@stard?

Is he talking about Gong Jin?

"N-no...I...d-don't know him...why..?

Did the guy from before say something about me?"

"No...I saw you running away without saying a word, and I saw Kang San Ha warning him.."

Hyoo....thank God..

After that, I didn't say anything..

I bet that stupid Gong Jin wouldn't remember who Hwang Sung Hye even was...

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"Then that Gong go b@stard was lying...

He kept saying that you were Jin Hye....ha."

"Hahaha;; Y-yeah... Did you come all the way to our house to ask me that?"

"You have to be happy with San Ha, in order for me to be happy...

so I wanted to check if that Gong go b@stard really was telling the truth or not."

"If....that Gong go b@stard was telling the truth, what would you do....?"

"If he goes between you and Kang San Ha....then I'll have to get rid of him."

Han Yoo smiling..

but it's not a real smile.

I can sense the sadness in Han Yoo Seung's smiling face.

is it just me who can sense it..

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or is it just me who thinks this way?

"Go in...I'll go after you get inside..."

"Yeah. But....

why are you helping San Ha and me to be together?"

Han Yoo Seung shows a tired smile without saying a word..

I went into the house and heard Han Yoo Seung saying something..but because I closed the door loudly, I couldn't hear what he said.

"That's my way of loving you.."

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Walking around the living room, I question myself...wondering if I should tell umma or not...

Because I have a feeling that if I do tell her, we'll move again...

Because I know that umma would be willing to do that...

I just let umma know that I came home, and that was all.

I like this place, and I didn't want to leave like when I left Gwang Ju.

And I didn't want to lose a special person to me, like how I lost Gong Jin..

I had a feeling of wanting to call Kang San Ha, when...

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"Curly curly curly curly yummy ramyeon~

nothing tastes as tasty as ramyeon.

I can even eat ten packs in a single day~

Slurp slurp yum~ Slurp slurp yum~ yummy ramyeon."

my cellphone rings...and I check the caller ID to see that it's Kang San Ha.

'That was telepathy.'

Happily, I picked up....and I had to keep my cellphone far from my ear.

"You!!! Where are you!!!!!!!"

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My ear is numb....

Kang San Ha. Do you really want to make me deaf..ㅡ.ㅡ

"I' home.."

"Your mouth was going to rip from being opened so wide before, hmm?"

My mouth is fine...-__-

"You must be really happy, that the Gong go b@stard fell for you, hmm?"

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"No...not really.."

"So why did you smile"

"I never...."

"Not only would your mouth rip, but your chin must get out of place when someone confesses to you, hmm?"

Kang San Ha, why are you so twisted?

Why do you talk with the 'hmm' at the end of each question....

The person hearing feels pretty bad, you know....

"Come to my house tomorrow"

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"I don't want to."

"Say that again."

"I need to consider it a bit.."


"I definitely will go. I'll go.-_-"

-the next day, at school-

Probably because Kang San Ha isn't here...the kids chat like crazy around Kang San Ha's desk.

Especially around me, Ha Ra and Han Uhl show their cheesy couple power.

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"Han Uhl-ah~~ I'm really hurting..."

"My Ha Ra is hurting? Where does it hurt?"

"My head hurts, my eyes hurt, my legs hurt, and....."


"The thing that hurts the most is my heart.."

"Your heart? Do you have a heart disease?"

"My heart doesn't rest and keeps beating quickly beacuse of you..

I'm hurting so much, I think I'm going to die~"

"Me too! My head is weird.."

"You too...why?"

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"I can't think of anything else but you, beacuse my thoughts are full, all about you.."

San Ha-yah. I want to see you...

When this class ends...I shall run to you...

And like Ha Ra, I'm going to try acting cheesy.

We're going to attempt at being a cheesy couple..

To be like Ha Ra, I practise during class.

"San Ha-yah~~ I'm hurting a lot~~~"

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I failed because of Tig last time...but the cheesy coupling will succeed this time.

After class ended I ran, about to get my bag that I'd already packed.


as soon as I left the classroom,

someone took my bag, so I had to stop.

I turn around to seee who had taken my bag..

to see Gong Jin, shaking my bag in his hands next to the classroom, with a wide grin spread over his face. -------------63------------------

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Shim Gong Jin.

Seeing him smile like that, it's really the same as a long time ago....

I changed so much like this, but you haven't changed at all...

Gong Jin keeps smiling, looking at me.

Gong Jin-ah....

It's really good to see you too...and I want to give you a hug, and talk about the past....

but I can't do that anymore...

..because.....I'm not Jin Hye...anymore.....

I'm not the Jin Hye you used to like...or the Jin Hye who acted as the boss of the neighbourhood....

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"Please give me my bag."

I stuck out my hand, asking for my bag back politely...

..but Gong Jin doesn't give it back, hiding the bag behind his back.

I thought words wouldn't work on him, so I threw myself, trying to take it back..

but it was obviously unsucessful, because he was taller than me and stronger as well.

"Yah!!! Give my bag back!!!"

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I'm usually impatient, and because I have a horrible personality, I stick out my hand, pissed off..

but Gong Jin holds onto the hand and speaks seriously.

"Look. You're Jin Hye.... you're not using jon daet mal." (jon daet mal = formal way of speaking)

"You..You' boyfriend's hoobae, aren't you....

I feel that it's unnecessary to use jon daet mal to a hoobae...

And why don't you let go of this hand?"

"I know everything...

No matter how much you've changed, I can still tell...

Your lips, this small and white hand, your voice, the way you speak.."

" you want something from me?

By saying that I look like your first love...."

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"After you moved, I really didn't like you.

You didn't say a word and you left...

If you said anything to me before you moved....if you said goodbye, to be well...

.....I wouldn't have disliked you...and I would be able to forget you easily...."


"Even until now, I still remember everything.

What you liked...what you didn't like....

what I have to do to stop you from crying....what I have to do to keep you happy..."

Gong Jin-ah...I've chnaged a lot....

Before, I used to like beating up stray cats...

but now I don't like people who abuse animals..

Before, I didn't like playing the piano and memorizing the timetables...

but now I like studying.

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"I'm not Jin Hye..."

..Sharp eyes...

Eyes with inner ssangkeopul...not dark, but not light skin.

And his eyes which become smaller whenever he smiles......

Before, he was so cute..that I wanted him as my younger brother....

but now, he's way taller than me, and his hands seem to be bigger too.

This thing called what makes people change...

With time, things are forgotten...and remembered.....

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I thought Jin Hye would be forgotten now...

but Shim Gong Jin, I still exist in your memories.....

"'re not Jin Hye..

Instead...just for a day....just for today, I'll think of you as Jin Hye..."

You're saying that you'll think of me as Jin Hye only for today.......

"I wanted to see Jin Hye..

Hearing just that Jin Hye moved to Seoul..

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I moved to Seoul, trying to find Jin Hye....

To any girl who looked like Jin Hye from behind...even if they had the same name.....

I turned around, and followed people.....checking to see if it really was Hwang Jin Hye or not...

I was like that until yesterday, when I met you..

so I'll forget now...I'll forget Jin Hye.

So....let me think fo you as Jin Hye, just for today.."


I couldn't say that I didn't like it.

Seeing Gong Jin's eyes brimming with tears...

and Gong Jin's hand holding onto mine, shaking slightly..

made me unable to say anything.

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"Then you're allowing it?



Then what should we do first? First, let's go to eat since we're hungry!"

Gong Jin has held my hand, taking me to a pojangmacha. (pojangmacha=a little stand for people to eat food)

"Ahjumma! I'll have cheese tteokbokki for 2 people!

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He still likes tteokbooki, it seems..

Before, he said he would try making his own tteokbokki...

and we would put in tteok and pepper, and boil it....

"What are you thinking about?"

"Huh? Just...this and that.."

"Thoughts of San Ha sunbae?"


"How did you get to know San Ha sunbae?"

"...We're in the same class.."

"Ah...the same class.

.......There's a rumour going on in our school.

That Mugeum High's MP3 leader Kang San Ha was suspended because he hit a sunbae for

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his girlfriend....

So the girlfriend was you, Jin Hye..."

I forgot about Kang San Ha....

I promised that I would go to Kang San Ha's house today.....

I better phone him....

That I can't go to your house, because I'm with Gong Jin right now.....


I won't mention Gong Jin.

I pressed 1 on my cellphone...and when I phone Kang San Ha...

before the ring tone goes off once, he picks up the phone...

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"Why aren't you coming.."

"Um...right now...right now....

Aigo!!! My stomach hurts!! Eek~ my stomach!!"

"What are you doing right now?"

"I came home because my stomach suddenly started hurting.."

".....What part of your stomach hurts?"

Why is he asking so many questions..

He shoud just listen after I tell him that it hurts..

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".......I don't know...

Anyways, I don't think I can go to your house today....sorry!"

Quickly saying sorry, I hang up....

to see Gong Jin, holding his laughter in in front of me.

"You're really good at acting.."

Does he even know that I had to act beacuse of him.....-__-

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As soon as I show an annoyed expression.

he gets three ddeokbokki with a single fork, and tells me to eat it.

It seems that he knows how to live well...

I finish dinner at the pojangmacha..

and it was already dark when we came out.....

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"Let's go to one last place."


Today's the last day with you..

it's not like I wouldn't go with you to one more place..

"Dudududu!!! Taktiktaktik!!!"

The last place Gong Jin and I go together is the arcade

I say no to the first time he asks to play Fists....

but now, I'm playing with Gong Jin, taking revenge.

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"You're the Jin Hye.

She would keep getting hit, and lose...

and when we go on a showdown, she would suddenly attack and would always win...."


..Eighth round...

I press the button, enough that it looked like it was going to break, and I'm playing the game...

when I feel that someone keeps poking at me from behind.

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"Tok. Tok."

This is how someone would be like to tell me to move...

"Go do it somewhere else.

Can't you see that we're playing a gae right now?"

Because I'm really into the game, I don't turn around and speak..

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"I thought your stomach was hurting."



This voice..........

the way this person speaks.........

I'm scared to turn around.

Convulsions begin in my mouth...

and with my body faced to the game, I slowly turn my head to see.......

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"Let's go out."

Kang San Ha says, holding onto my hand tightly and looking at Gong Jin..

Gong Jin-ah, I'm sorry...

I want to play the game more...but I can't win against Kang San Ha.

Anyways, since I've kept the promise, I'll believe that you won't complain.

Bye~ Gong Jin-ah..

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I stop in the middle of the game and stand up, to Kang San Ha's strength in pulling on my wrist...

but Gong Jin holds onto my other wrist, not letting me go.

"Stay with me.."

As soon as he hears this..

Kang San Ha's face stiffens.

"Shim Gong Jin. I told you before...she's not Jin Hye, she's Sung Hye.."

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What are you going to do if she's not Sung Hye, but Jin Hye?"

"What am I going to do...what?"

Gong Jin stands from the chair and talks to Kang San Ha, while looking at me.

"You're Jin Hye...

why are you Sung Hye? Sung Hye died a long time ago."

To this body and heart begin to shake crazily..

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and I had a feeling that I had to leave this spot.

But because my wrists are held by San Ha and Gong Jin...

I can't do anything but have my mouth wide open to Gong JIn's words.

I thought he forgot...

but Gong Jin still remembered that Sung Hye unni had died...

"Die? Hwang Sung Gye?

Shim Gong Jin. Are you retarded?"

"I'm perfectly fine."

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If Hwang Sung Gye was as you said, Jin Hye...there isn't anything that changes...

I still like and love her.

There's nothing that will get in the way of that."

With this, Gong Jin's grip on my wrist loosens...

and I leave the arcade with Kang San Ha.

After leaving the arcade....

Kang San Ha just keeps walking, without a saying a word and not letting go of my wrist.

There's a big difference in the height of our legs....

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why don't you walk a bit slower.



"Yah!!! Kang San Ha!!!!"


I yell to his back..but I don't see a reaction.

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"Yah! Sang Choo head!!!!!!"

I watch, to see if he shows a reaction with this...

Of coruse, the Sang Choo b@stard stops walking, and glares at me hearing me call him sangchoo.-__-

"Let's..go together.."

"You lie really easily."


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If I told you that I would play with Gong Jin for a bit...

you wouldn't let me play...and you would get mad?

I did it for all of us....

"It's already the second time....

I won't forgive you the third time."

"....I won't lie from now on..."

"I'd like for you to look at me only..

and not look around..

that you wouldn't look at what others were doing around us..

I'd just like for you to look at me only...

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As soon as we arrive at my house, Kang San Ha throws a white bag into my arms..

I look in the white bag......

to see all sorts of medicine for stomach pain relief.

I begin to feel sorry...

He worried for me this much..but I was playing games with Gong Jin..

" did he find out that I was at the arcade.."

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Gong JIn replies to my whispering.

"I better be careful next that I won't be caught by Mugeum High kids...

I'm just a 1st grader hoobae b@stard."

Then at the arcade...

The kids attending Mugeum High recognized me and told on us to Kang San Ha..?

Was I this popular...

Then again, since I'm dating Kang San's not possible for me unpopular...

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Wait, how did Gong Jin know this was my house....

In Gong Jin's hands are my bag and diary..

'This b@stard! He looked in my diary..'

I was thinking that after eating tteokbokki and going to the arcade.....

he would stop thinking of me as Jin Hye...

I wonder why he came all the way here?

Did he come to ask me about Sung Hye unni's death?

Then I can't do anything..

but ignore him....

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"I was thinking that there wouldn't be any reason for you to see me anymore..."


I have no reason to see Jin Hye any longer...

But...there's still a lot of reasons left to see Sung Hye from now on." -----------64----------------

He's saying that he won't have any reasons to see Jin Hye, but he will for Sung Hye...?

Hm....what's he saying...

Hey, you brain cells... hurry, move around and try to understand it.

You guys can't understand it? These stupid tofu-like things!!!

Then there's no choice but to ask him...ㅡ.ㅡ

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"What are you saying?"

"That I'll think of you as Sung Hye, not Jin Hye now."

What he just said seemed like he would continue meeting me....

Then again, they say that guys can't forget about their first love?

That's why he would want to meet me that much....(자기착각임)

But.... matter how much you think of me as Sung Hye, I have San Ha..

You're my old can't be anymore or less.

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"Look forward to the"



I'm supposed to be a year older than Gong Jin..

Nuna, eh....the title 'nuna' makes me feel really awkward.

Is it easy for Gong Jin to call me nuna?

To the girl who was the same age as him in his memories....

is it easy for him to do it at once.....calling me nuna..?

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Saying the words 'Look forward to the future', words with a deep meaning...

I look at Gong Jin, who's waving his hands and running....

I'm thinking about what he's telling me to look forward to, when Gong Jin suddenly stops his footsteps.


"Curly curly curly curly~~yummy ramyeon~~~"

My cellphone rings,

and staying still, not taking my eyes off Gong Jin, I picked up the phone..

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"It's me.. Gong Jin."

.....?....How did Gong Jin know my phone number?

Has he seen even my phone number in my diary before...

Gong Jin and I are having a conversation over the phone, two houses away from each other.

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"I'll find her for you.

Now, I'm calling you Sung Hye nuna.....

but someday, so that I can call you Jin Hye...I'll find your real self for you.."

I hear Gong Jin's voice from my cellphone...

and I see Gong Jin in front of me.

"I'll definitely find her!!!"

........Finding for real self......

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Even I'm confused with who the real me is....

so how are you going to?

No one would talk to her...or try to get to know her....

but you're saying you'll find the real me just for me, the one who's lonely, knowing that she's always alone...

There's no need for you to...Gong Jin-ah.

It'll only be hard for you...

I'm already Sung Hye...

Jin Hye is only in the past memories...

The only thing that can happen is for me to recognize that I had been Jin Hye in the past.

Memories only give you something to slightly smile about, when you're sad and depressed...

As the days go by, memories will become forgotten.

No matter how happy.....or glad you were....they'll be forgotten.


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Tomorrow is my birthday.

So I'm wondering how I should let Kang San Ha know that it's my birthday tomorrow....

Should I just call and be truthful, saying "Yah! It's my birthday!"?

No.....this shows too much of what I want..

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Then should I get Ha Ra's help...

If Ha Ra slightly tells San Ha, it would be more comfortable and better for me.....

Yeah! That's it.

Ha Ra-yah~ Ha Ra-yah~

I walked to Ha Ra's spot, light-hearted....

but Ha Ra was looking at a male student's hand, holding a magnifying glass.

....-__- What is it this time...

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"Ha Ra-yah..what are you doing right now?"

"I'm reading palms."

"So you're even predicting the future in school?"

"You have no idea how many mint candies I had to give to the halmeoni next door to learn this...I should at least do it until I get the money I spent back."

The male students and female students line up by Ha Ra's spot, probably because the news has already spread to the kids.

I wonder how much she's getting paid to do this...

"Ha Ra-yah. How much do you get paid for this?"

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"Love, friendship, studies are 2000won (around $2 CAD), thoughts about the future are 1000won (around $1 CAD)."

Thoughts about the future?

I've developed a few worries for the future...

should I ask Ha Ra to read my hand for me.

I'm about to call Ha Ra's name to tell her to read my hand for me too, but Han Uhl's voice comes a slight second first..

"Ha Ra-yah~~~"

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But it seems that Ha Ra hasn't heard Han Uhl, because she's too busy reading hands.

Han Uhl looks at Ha Ra with his eyes wide open, standing next to me.

2 seconds later....

Han Uhl seems to have a poker-face.

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Ha Ra doesn't pay attention to who's come, even if it's Han Uhl...

Probably because she's too into palm reading.....

"Sung Chil.

You have no luck with girls.

Girls come to you....but........"

"But what?"

The guy supposedly named Sung Chil sticks his face in front of Ha Ra's face..

and grabbing Sung Chil's hand, Ha Ra, who'd been reading his palm says.

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"Pay up just 500won more" (500won=around$0.50 CAD)

Han Uhl's eyes go to Ha Ra's hand holding onto Sung Chil's...

"Ha Ra-yah, what are you doing?"

"Eh? Han Uhl, you came..what do you mean, I'm obviously reading palms"

"I don't like it..

I don't like you doing that kind of thing."

"If you don't like it, then go get married"

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Oh Ha Ra...

Do you not know why Han Uhl is saying that he doesn't like it?

Or are you saying that on purpose, when you know why?

Han Uhl frowns, hearing from her to go get married

then creeps up to Ha Ra, steals her magnifying glass, and runs out of the classroom..

"Na Han Uhl!!!!!!!Just wait until you're caught!!!!!You're dead!!!!!!"

It's as if I'm watching Tom and Jerry.

Han Uhl is Jerry..

Ha Ra is Tom..

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.....Then I have no choice but to call him directly to tell him that it's my birthday tomorrow...

I gather courage and phone San Ha with my cellphone....

"Who is it"

Kang San Ha snaps, asking right away who it is..

"It's me~ your strawberry-like girlfriend."

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I, myself, don't even know how this kind of thing came out of my mouth.

I just spit out what cmae up...when he asked who it was....

Kang San Ha..

Seeing as you're not speaking, you must be panicking...hehehe....

"I don't have that kind of girlfriend."

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.....Then what kind of girlfriend do you have?

A Sung Gye-like girlfriend? A Mung Gye-like girlfriend? -__- (Sung Gye=sea urchin, Mung Gye=bruised dog)

"Beep beep beep beep..."

I didn't even finish talking...but he hung up?

D@mn!!!! Kang Sang Choo!!! Sh!t!!!! Kang Bae Choo!!!!!!!!! (baechoo=sangchoo=cabbage)

I'm not going to talk either! You b@stard!!!!

I'm thinking of spending it by myself, because I think it'll be a waste of time spending it with you!


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I have a nightmare of me turning into a strawberry, and being chased by a sangchoo (cabbage) when my cellphone rings noisily.


I pant, because I've just dreamt up a horrible nightmare..

'Who's calling this late at night!' I spaz, as I pick up the phone.....

It's Kang San Ha, who'd harshly hung up before.

"Were you sleeping?"


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Heh, you said that you didn't have that kind of girlfriend when I phoned before.

Let's see how you feel, with this kind of thing happening to you.

"Is it....Chul Eung?

Chul Eung-ah~ Why are you phoning now~~

I was waiting all night for you to call~~~~"

"Chul Eung?"

"You're not Chul Eung? this Duk Chil oppa?"

"Come outside."

Come out...????

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Are you telling me to go outside in the middle of the night?-_-^

And if I go.......

you're asking me to come out so that you can hit me, right?

"I'm in front of your house.."


Our house?!

Why is he all the way at my house at this time...

I throw on a cardigan over my pajamas...

I carefully came out of the house and looked for Kang San Ha....but I couldn't even find a grasshopper.

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...Have....I...been pranked......-_-

Sang Choo [email protected] you come to're dead..

I'm going to take revenge on him 3 times of what's been done to me now...

I put strength into my fist...

and I stomp onto the ground, making loud noises, and I'm going back into the house when..


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It feels like something's hit by foot and bounced off.

Is something there....?..and I looked at the ground...

I see a book called Heung Bu and Nol Bu, with light coming from a streetlamp..

What was more surprising

were the numerous books all laid on the floor starting from where I was.

With a weird feeling, I picked up each book, and there were around 6 books in my hands..

I keep going, picking up books laid on the ground, until I've come to a playground.

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Thinking that Kang San Ha would be here..

"Yah. Kang San Ha..." I call out, but nobody responds.

Thinking that I'll call one last time....

I'm about to call Kang San Ha...when the Sang Choo b@stard comes thi way by the benches in the playground..

"Happy birthday."

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Then were these books left by Kang San Ha?

And why is this b@stard here?

And how did he know when my birthday was..?

Because nothing makes sense..I just keep blinking.

"I wanted to wish you a happy birthday before anyone else."

"How did you know..that it was my birthday?"

"I know everything too..

Shim Gong Jin acted as if he only knew everything about you..

but I know everything too..

When your birthday is....How ugly your face looks when you're angry....

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What kind of books you like...How heavy you are...."

You don't need to know that..-__-

"I also....know everything about you, more than Shim Gong Jin."

I'm coming to like him.

I'm coming to like Kang San Ha so much.

He makes me mad sometimes....

but sometimes, Kang San Ha suddenly makes me feel so happy..

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"I even know what you're thinking right now."


Did I show that I liked Kang San Ha..?

"What am I thinking about right now?

As soon as I finish asking this question....

my body is pulled towards Kang San Ha....

and my face was pulled into Kang San Ha's chest.....

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To this b@stard suddenly doing this....

I first didn't know what to do, being surprised....

but inside Kang San Ha's arms, warm and time passed...

At first, I didn't know where to have my hands put while my eyes were closed, but I held onto Kang San Ha's shirt and like this, I faced my 18th birthday.

I forgot about my real 17th birthday, even if nobody would prepare for it if they remembered...

it was exactly a week after today... --------------65-----------------

I've left the playground with Kang San Ha, and I'm heading home now.

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Coming out for this..

I should've dressed up...

Wearing my Smurf pajamas, stained with kimchi soup..

slippers worn in the washroom..

and anyone can imagine how my hair looks, since I haven't even checked the mirror before coming out...

I couldn't think of this before...but now I'm a bit embarassed...=_=

Well...even if I did dress well...

it would be pretty much the same, with my freckles and my glasses covering half of my face......

Ah! I have a question.

I'm curious of how he found out that today was my birthday...

but I want to know what these traditional fairy tales are supposed to mean.

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Were they just to bring me here?

"Yah.. what are all these books?"

"What do you mean, they're yours."


Heung Bu and Nol Bu, Kong Ji Pat Ji, you're saying that these traditional fairy tales are mine?

I don't remember buying these books before...

"You like these kinds of books, don't you...

I'm giving them to you for your birthday present."

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"When did I say that I liked that kind of thing!

Those are for kids in kindergarten!"

Seeing Kang San Ha's stiff face....and the wind passing by....I think I'll just have to say that I like them.

"The truth is...I like this kind of thing.

Really.really.reaaaally~ like it..."

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"I was right then?"

Of course, of course...fairy tales.

Fairy tales, which some say that even little kids don't read because they're too mature for them....

I really like them...-__-

-at home-

Kang San Ha brought me all the way home, and said he would wait for me in front of the school after school ended tomorrow...

There are 8 fairy tales piled up on top of the desk, in a tall pile.

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Still, because it's my first birthday present from a boyfriend...I feel good..

Even if I know all of them, I should at least flip through them once..

As soon as I flip to the first page of Heung Bu and Nol Bu......

I see something written in messy handwriting.

I wonder what it is..

Seeing how it looks like an elementary student's writing, it looks like Kang San Ha wrote it....

Just like Heung Bu nurses the swallow back to health

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when you're hurt, I'll be by your side, and I'll make sure that you won't be hurting..

That way...I can eat and think of other things too...

because when you're hurt, I can't do anything but think about you.


What is this...

Kang San ha...why are you so romantic....

Is anything written in the other books too?

I open a book, Babo On Dal and Princess Pyung Gang to see....

of course, just like in the first page of Heung Bu and Nol Bu...I see something written in Kang

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San Ha's messy writing.

Even if I become a babo like Babo On Dal, I'll find you and love you like Pyung Gang...

because I don't find it bad to be a babo being in love with you.

Heung Bu and Nol bu.

Babo On Dal and Princess Pyung Gang.

Did he write in all these books too?

Gold Ax Silver Ax.

When the boy was panicking becuase he lost his ax...

the mountain God had spoiled him with the lost ax,silver ax, and gold ax...

Like that, I want to do everything I can for you..

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because when you smile...I become happy.

Returning Magpie.

When the magpie had been caught by the python,

a student appeared and saved the magpie by killing the python....

Like that, when you're hurt because of someone or you're in a crisis, I'll save you and take revenge...

becuase that's everything I can do for you.

Kind Shim Cheong.

Just like when Shim Cheong jumps into the sea to fix her father being blind..

I'm willing to do anything if it's for you.

Because you're my everything...

Because it's the same as losing my everything if I lose you.

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The Python's Bride.

When you're having a hard time and when you're lonely.. while you don't know that it won't be harder for you..

I'll watch over you like the python..and I'll always be by your side.

So you can just keep moving forward, without having to check to see who's around you..

because I'll always be by your side.

Kong Ji Pat Ji.

No matter how much Pat Ji says that the shoe is hers, just like how the shoe owner knows that it's Kong Ji's..

Even if a girl who looks exactly like you says that she's Sung Hye..

I can tell whether it's you or not...

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because I know better than anyone else who the girl I love is.

The Angel and Lumberjack.

Just like how the angel leave the lumberjack and escapes to heaven...when you leave me and go far away...

Just like the lumberjack did..I'll keep waiting for you..

No...this is different....

I'll find matter where you go, I'll find you..

because sometimes, love doesn't happen just by waiting, and there has to be a time when I have to go find it.

After reading everything written in the book..

I felt so bad.

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I've done nothing for Kang San Ha, opposite to Kang San Ha, who's good to me.

When I've received help, I barely thanked him......

To Kang San Ha, who said that he loved me....I've never said once that I love him.

The reason is I like Kang San Ha....

I don't think I'm ready to say that I love Kang San Ha yet.

Kang San Ha, who's cold, yet warm to me...

Although he acts as if he doesn't have any emotions...or any feelings...

when I was in Kang San Ha's arms, I heard Kang San Ha's heart beating.

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Although it seems like he's not caring for me...

Kang San Ha met me at 12am, because he wanted to be the first person to say happy birthday.

And.....Kang San Ha's come into my heart, when I had stuffed and closed it.

Like make me so happy...and you can make me smile......

but I haven't done anything for you..

San Ha-yah..

I'm always thankful....and always sorry......

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Right now, I feel like I'm standing by the ocean in winter..

I slightly dodge the cold waves coming in...

and when the tides go back, I take a step forward again.

Like this, I keep avoiding..... and just like how I keep moving forward.....

my love for you goes to you becomes stronger.....

but when I'm becoming closer with you, I run away again..

But....I think there will come a day when I can say that I love you...

San Ha-yah...

Until then, you're going to stay like you usually would, where I can see you right?

Until can wait for me, right....?

-the next day-

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my eyes are closing.

I slept late from being happy after seeing what Kang San Ha wrote...

It's affecting how I'm doing during class...

Sniff sniff....

What is this...this disgusting smell.....

It's not like Gwang Pal is nearby.......ㅇ_ㅇ?

I turned my head sideways...

Covering her face with one hand using a textbook..

and using the other hand to rip off octopus legs, Oh Ha Ra..-__-

She's eating so quickly that the body is already gone..

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Noticing that I've been looking at her, she sticks out a leg.

Of course, I declined her offer.

If I ate that..I would definitely..have horrible breath...

The class ends...

"Sung Hye-yah! It was really good, you should've tried it."

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"Uh...I was just..full..."

Ha smell.....

I don't want to be near you right now...

"Is Oh Ha Ra here?"

Don Yoo Jeong stands by the doorway, and wearing a headband with a bear on it, she yells loudly.

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"I'm Ha Ra..what are you doing here?"


What's Don Yoo Jeong doing all the way over here..

I heard that she's a kid who'd be too lazy to go to her locker behind her classroom..

"This..Kam Hyo Jin told me to give this to you.."

10 000won and a few 1000won are placed in Ha Ra's hands.

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"She should've brought this earlier.

Then again, I'm hungry, so..I'll be able to buy something to eat."

How can she say that she's hungry..

after eating an octopus alone, the size of Gwang Pal's face...=_=

"Ha Ra-yah? Are you hungry?"

With glittering eyes, Don Yoo Jeong asks Ha Ra, who's saying that she's hungry while she's organizing her black book, if she's hungry..

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"Yeah, I'm hungry..why? Are you going to buy me something?"

"Hehehe...I'll give you something yummy."

Don Yoo Jeong takes the black book from Ha Ra's hands...and she scratches her head on top of it.

What's she doing...-__-

"Yah!!Don Yoo Jeong!!! That's disgusting, what are you doing!"

"Hehe....cheese bits..."

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The little white specks that Don Yoo Jeong is calling cheese bits..

are placed back into Ha Ra's hands, and Ha Ra looks horrified

"Aaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!How is this cheese!

This is your dandruff!!!!!!!Don Yoo Jeong. The dirty b!tch, where did she go!!!!!!"

Don Yoo Jeong is already gone.

"Ha Ra-yah! What's wrong~"

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At this time, Han Uhl comes in with Gwang Pal.

"Get this off for me..get this off..."

The black book with dandruff on it, goes into Han Uhl's hands...

...Han Uhl, looking at the black book for a second....passes it to Gwang Pal.

Has Han Uhl noticed?

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Of course, as if it was nothing, our Gwang Pal easily wipes it off like dust.

I saw it.

The dandruff all stuck in Gwang Pal's fingernails.

Han Uhl tries to comfort Ha Ra, who's grinding her teeth..

After watching that for a second, Gwang Pal's head turns to me.

What the...-_-

I'm already...a bit scared that the b@stard knows that I'm Cat Eyes..

but why is he looking at me with that disgusting face..

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"First Place! I told San Ha!"


"That it's your birthday today.

My appa somehow found out and told me to celebrate with you..

but..I told Kang San Ha! Aren't I nice?"

Kang San Ha...

That's what it was..

I was really to how he found out when my birthday was.....

"First Place! I'm not nice?"

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"'re really n-nice..."

" see...."

Why's he looking so comfortable......

"Where would I have to go to meet my type of girl?"

=_=....Why are you asking me that..

because I'm Cat Eyes...

or because I'm First Place, who knows everything..?

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Hm..I should first give him an answer.....

"Why don't you try going to an obesity centre, or a clinic?

I bet in that kind of place, there will be girls with your bodies like yours.. and food intake levels...."

Gwang Pal's serious expression..

Is he really thinking of going there.....

Then again, there's nothing bad for Gwang Pal.

He'll meet girls, he'll lose weight.

Breaktime ends, and the bell signaling the beginning of class rings....

Gwang Pal gets up with his heavy body and runs back...

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Han Uhl says goodbye to Ha Ra, looking disappointed and waves his hand.

San Ha-yah...when are you coming back to school again..

Come back to school quickly...

I want to hear us be called the cheesy couple....

No! The goosebumps couple.

Ah!! Kang San Ha said that he would be waiting in front of the school today..

I can't believe I forgot about that....

Well, thank God I remembered now....^ ^

My imagination runs wild, thinking of what San Ha and I would do together during the entire class,

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and until class ends, the words Kang San Ha wrote in the books took over my thoughts. ------------66---------------

Today is the last day being able to miss night classes, thanks to the study group.

Starting monday, we have to go to night classes again.

Because the promise was to miss night classes for exactly a week.

"Sung Hye-ya.."

"Yeah.. Ha Ra-yah. What?"

"What are you doing today?"

"I made plans to meet with San Ha..."

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"Hm...I was going to go shopping with you today, but I guess not..."

"Today's the last day to miss night classes, aren't you going to go on a date with Han Uhl?"

Suddenly, Ha Ra's face stiffens like a statue....

Does she not want to go on a date with Han Uhl?

Just before when the bell rang, Ha Ra was sending Han Uhl back as if she was sending him to the army...

"Han Uhl and me, do you know what we did yesterday?"

It's obvious...-__-

You either went to McDonald's and had Happy Meals...or played with Lego pieces together...or you went to to the park and fed the pigeons...

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"Han Uhl said he wanted to go see fish I thought we would go to a place like an aquarium, but..."


"Do you know where I went?"

I'm obviously not talking because I don't know....

Is it went to a river?

To see goldfish in a river...

"We went to a raw fish restaurant!!!! Raw fish restaurant!!!!!!

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We were bending down for two hours, looking in the fishbowl in front of the raw fish restaurant!!!"

I was incorrect.

They didn't go see goldfish in the river..

but with Han Uhl, she went to a raw fish restaurant, looking at things like flatfish, and rockfish...-__-

"Do you know what we did the day before?"

How should I know?

Did you eat a cherry jubilee with Han Uhl at Baskin Robbins?

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"....We made bubbles"

You made bubbles....?

They say that even kids in elementary school find it immature to do that...

Rather than kids in kindergarten, who would try to pop the bubbles,

kids in elementary school would avoid them, worrying that the bubbles would fall onto their clothes.-_-

I can't take it anymore.

I better give Han Uhl a slight hint..

that when he goes on a date with Ha Ra...

that he should go to a place where she could look at money, like a bank, or to a lottery where you could become an instant millionaire..

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Then Ha Ra would like it...

Since Han Uhl doesn't know a lot about Ha Ra yet....I have to tell him.

School ends,

and I'm looking all over for Kang San Ha in front of the school, with the kids being all jealous..

As if I look pathetic, Kang San Ha comes up to me..

Why does it feel so nice to meet him...when I saw him early in the morning...

A bit later...I better make fun of him.... about the traditional fairy tales..

San Ha-yah...Was there a side to you like that?



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"If you can, don't make that kind of expression"


"You'll be mistaken as a leper."



Do I have no eyelashes?

or is my face wrapped in bandages...?

Exactly what part of me seems like a leper in that vegetable b@stard's point of view...-__-

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Since it's my birthday today..let's resist....just let it pass..

"Why don't you hurry up and follow me?"

That vegetable b@stard is going ahead after saying everything..

Where's he going?

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I'm hungry...I want to go eat.

To be exact....

I would like it if we went to a fast-food restaurant..


If a piece of lettuce came out of my burger, it would be awkward..

Then an Italian restaurant?

That won't work either.

It's most likely that I'll make slurping noises while I eat spaghetti...

Then...we can't go anywhere else but a tteokboki place...

Ah...I'll get pepper stuck in my teeth from eating tteokboki..

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Wait!.....why am I acting like this...

Since when did I worry about this kind of thing?

Hwang Sung Hye...

let's just be normal..

"Yah, aren't you coming?"

"Yeah! Yeah..I'm coming..."

The place I've followed Kang San ha a cafe, where there's no chairs or sofas, only swings hanging from the ceiling..

for eating food and talking while we're on swings.

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A long time ago, Gong Jin's dream was to eat a lot of yummy food while riding swings...


someone else made it instead..

"What is this. There's no chairs..?

How come I have to eat on this kind of wobbly wooden swing.."

San Ha-yah...

This place is usually like that.

And...wasn't it you who wanted to come here?

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Seeing that attitude, it looks like it's Kang San ha's first time here as well...

Then how did he know this place to come here....

A waiter comes to take our order....

and I happily wonder what to eat when....

"What I had pre-ordered in the morning."

I didn't have to worry anymore, thanks to Kang San Ha already having ordered.-_-

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I wonder what he ordered in the morning....?

A bit later, the things Kang San Ha orderd comes.....

In front of me is (in a sung gye shape)... (sung gye=sea urchin)

a cake, enough to make me think that it's the ugliest one I've ever seen since the day I was born....

was a cake, crooked and sticking out all over the place.

"This store makes a cake the shape that you want if you order beforehand..."

That's why he came all the way here....

I'm really thankful that he brought me over here and all.....

but the shape of the harmful to my eyes..

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"Congrats for you 18th birthday...

and your 19th..20th...until your 100th, I want to congratulate you.."


When I become 100 years old, I'll be a creepy grandma who plays card games at a retirement home..

Will I be able to hear you congratulate me, even then?

Still...I'll believe that you'll live until you're 100 years old with me.


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Kang San Ha shows me a small box.

....What is this?

Is it a present?

Weren't the fairy tales my birthday present in the morning?

"Open's your birthday present."

"Birthday present...wasn't it the traditional fairy tales?"

"Those were something you wanted, and this is something I want to give you..."

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I never said that I wanted them...-_-

Anyways...let's talk about that later,

I'm curious for what's in this box...I better open it quickly.....

Right when I'm about to open the box...

"Sung Hye nuna! What are you doing at our store?"

With an apron on over his uniform, and holding a menu...Gong Jin is standing in front of our table, awkwardly.

Does he work here?

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I'm pretty sure that Gong Jin said his store...

His store???


"Can it be...are you Jin Hye?"

As I thought, the person who I thought would be nearby, and recognize me was here.....

She would always comfort me....after I was punished by umma....

She would say that she liked me more than Gong Jin...and wanted to have me as her daughter...

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Someone who understood me better than my umma...

Gong Jin's umma.... --------------67--------------

"Jin Hye-yah!!! You're Jin Hye, right?

You changed a lot, wearing glasses and your face has freckles....."

8 years have passed in time

yet Ahjumma still recognizes me.

'Ahjumma! I'm not Jin Hye. You're mistaking me for someone.'

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I want to pretend I don't know Ahjumma like this...

but from a long time ago...

a memory of Ahjumma in the beginning of spring came up into my head, hazily.

She would make yummy things, and she would give more to me than Gong Jin..

When I was crying alone after being punished by Umma, she would comfort e..

Unlike Umma, who expected me to pass onto the next thing, when I had just successfully finished something...

Ahjumma would be happy with me finishing something, and she would compliment me.

Before words came out, tears were forming.....

and my throat was closed up, so words won't come out properly.

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Kang San Ha looked from Ahjumma to me, staying still and was poking at the table with his index finger, then....

"Ahjumma, she's not Jin Hye, she's Sung Hye."

After throwing these words at her, he grabbed my hand, and we passed Ahjumma and Gong Jin, heading outside.

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While eating the ugly, but probably yummy cake....

I wanted to tell San Ha, for coming to my house to wish me a happy birthday....I was happy....

and the fairy tales....were really touching....that I was really thankful for everything....I was going to tell him.....

I don't think I can tell him today.

Rather, I think I should give an explanation about Ahjumma.

What do I say...

Kang San Ha will definitely ask....

If I know that ahjumma...why she's calling me Jin Hye..... he would ask relentlessly....

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I'm scared.

People who know about me keep appearing.....

It's like onion layers, each of my secrets being taken off....

I'm scared that everything about me will be revealed.

If Kang San Ha was to know everything about me, what would he do...?

He would probably hate me, for lying to him?

I glance at Kang San Ha, who's walking next to me, expressionless...

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Has he realized that I'm looking at him....the b@stard looks at me too.....

Is he going to ask now....

I haven't thought of what to say yet.....

San Ha-yah....

Why don't you change your expression a bit....

As if it wouldn't matter if you were to die now....I'm sick of that expression....

If you keep looking at me with a scary face like that...

I can't help but to stiffen...

I can't think of anything...or say anythinggg.....

"Shim Gong Jin...

Now he's sucking his umma into it, trying to change Sung Gye to something else.."

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I look around, walking around downtown with Kang San Ha...

to see many eyes looking at us, like daggers......-_-

Euuu....I understand too!!!

I look like this with Kang San Ha, who's enjoyable to just look at...

so it would make sense for me to be annoying in people's eyes...

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Even more, I'm in my uniform...

and Kang San Ha is wearing regular clothes, so we're even more noticeable...

"I should've worn regular clothes..."


"What do you mean 'why'..?

Then I'd look prettier than now, wouldn't I?"

"Did anyone tell you to dress like that?"

Why is your face wrinkled like a flat tire?-_-

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"Come wearing the clothes I bought you."

How can you say that....

From now on, a striped shirt, a box t-shirt, beige slacks, gray slacks....

You're telling me to wear only those kinds of boring and old clothes? you think I'm crazy?

"I don't want to.

Don't you want to make it so that you hear people saying that your girlfriend looks pretty, to die for?"

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"Any b@stard who says that kind of thing....I'll make him a tomb on the spot."


Then while you hear that you're hot, good-looking, and fashionable....

would you feel good, hearing me being called things like....meju...pumpkin...pig...ugly...?

....You'll be even hotter...

and next to that...I'll be more uglier....

Who do you think will be sworn at..?

You, an MP3?

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Or me, a nerd?

Even if you don't think about can tell right away, can't you?

That's right!! It's me! You Sang Choo b@stard!

What the...-_-...?

You're looking somewhere else, instead of me?

Tch! Are any girls with nice bodies wandering around? Or are there rich girls rolling around?

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and I look at the place where Kang San Ha, looking scary, is staring.......

Ha Ra is in a car, escorted by a guy with a built body.

What's up with that scene..?

In my eyes, I see Ha Ra with another guy than Han Uhl....


Since it looks like that from my should look like that in Kang San Ha's eyes..

but....since I'm not sure yet...

"San're not misunderstanding, are you?"


"It's H-Ha Ra's sibling, her oppa!"

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"I've never seen anyone who can lie so well like you"

How did San Ha know that Oh Ha Ra doesn't have an older oppa?

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"Didn't you hear Oh Ha Ra introducing herself at the beginning of the school year?"


That kind of thing was done during the beginning of the school year...

do you remember things like that?

.....I keep....suspecting...things.

It seems like you're interested in Ha Ra...

"Are you going to keep looking at me with rotting eyes like that?"

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"Anyways, like they're becoming more like your friend.

Leaving your hubby...and cheating on him...."

To those words of Kang San Ha, my suspicious feeling that I had for a bit disappeared, and anger replaced it...

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"When did I cheat on you?"

"Heh...pretending to be innocent now?

When I take care of a b@stard, you would go with another b@stard...

when I take care of that b@stard, you'll be giggling with another [email protected]'t that cheating?"

Until we came to my house, the b@stard and I fought...

the b@stard's ability to talk...was stronger than I thought.-__- I was losing....we stopped fighting....

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"I'll be going in now, rot.ting..."

I give myself a point on the winning side, and I'm about to go in....

when Kang San ha makes me become like frozen pieces of cut-up fish, ready to be put into soup.

"Who's Jin Hye?" --------------68-------------------

It feels like my heart is being burnt by fire.

That's why it doesn't know what to do, and just keeps pouding....

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In this situation, the priority is to think of what to do..

but without even realizing it, I stopped, hearing Kang San Ha asking who Jin Hye is.

Should I just go in now...?


If I was going to go in, I had to pretend I never heard it..

If I don't say a word while I've stopped like this....

the situation could worsen..

"Before, even Shim Gong Jin's umma called you Jin Hye..

it wasn't something Shim Gong Jin made up."


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"Exactly who is Jin Hye?

You're Hwang Sung Hye, aren't you. Are you hiding something from me?"

Kang San Ha is being more serious than ever...

For Kang San Ha....he would be curious as to what Jin Hye's existance is.

But....what can I tell him.....

Jin supposed to be dead....

Jin Hye is supposed to be my dongseng......

Do I have to tell him that Jin Hye is my dead dongseng...?

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..........I don't like that.

I don't want to talk about Jin Hye's existance like that, even in front of Kang San Ha..

Just...that I'm Jin Hye....

that what Gong Jin had said is true...

that Ahjumma calling me Jin Hye is right, should I tell him the truth...

But I can't tell him truthfully either....

I'm afraid that if I tell the truth...

Kang San Ha's attitude towards me, and the way he looks at me will change from before.

I be like this.....

"I just pretend to know you....but there's a lot I don't know about you...

But....Shim Gong Jin knows something I don't...

So...I feel like f*cking sh!t."

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Even though it's dark and it's night, I can clearly see Kang San Ha's eyes...

I'd rather have it that I couldn't see his eyes in this darkness, it would be a bit more comfortable to tell him...

It's as if Kang San Ha's eyes can see right through me..

Hwang Sung Hye.

Let's not become weak to those eyes..

If I tell him everything now...

there could appear an eight-letter word in Kang San Ha's heart called sympathy...

Kang San Ha....would go ahead and avoid me...he would go ahead and call me a liar...

That eight-letter word can bother me even more..

Rather, it will be like medicine for me to lie and hide right now...

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"Are you going to run away again, now that I've said that I want to know more about you?"

"I've told you stop wanting to know more about me...

If you keep being like this, there's no choice but for me to become distant from you..."

"You're running away again....

If you keep running away....I want to hold onto you even more.

I won't ask you who Jin Hye is...

I even won't let curiosity get to the best of me..

just let me ask one last question."


"There's this foolish b@stard....

he says he likes this girl...

The b@stard knows only how to fight....and swear....

but he loves the girl more than anyone else..

Even if a b@stard who knows a lot about the girl asks to have her...

even if a b@stard who's more handsome than him asks to have her...

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even if a b@stard who's richer than him asks to have her....

the b@stard says he won't hand her over....

And....the b@stard says until he dies...he'll love the girl...

Hwang Sung you love the b@stard?"


is what I'm feeling from Kang San Ha called love...?

Like now, feeling if something's poking at the heart....

And times, when I feel this love?

When he's not there or I can't see him, I worry, become curious, miss him, and become angry.....

All of Kang San Ha's actions coming into my this love...?

How when with one smile from Kang San expression follows.....

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how when Kang San Ha beats someone up for me......I don't feel bad.....

how when I'm having a hard time...hurt....or scared.....Kang San Ha comes into mind first.....


I'm unable to say anything...

I do nothing but stand here....and Kang San Ha's eyes move to another spot...

"There's no need for me to wait.

Since I already knew that you wouldn't answer me....

you can't say....that you love me...when you don't...


Like that...Kang San Ha turns around, and is leaving me.

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Kang San Ha's backside...

more than this darkness...falls into my heart, heavier and deeper.

And....I feel pain in my heart..

But saying that the feeling is love's still a bit lacking.

Someday...when I realize that this feeling was love....

even if that time is a long time from now....

even if it's too late...and I regret my actions now...

I don't want to lie anymore.

And I don't want to fool myself.

I weakly move, with heavy footsteps...I come into the house, and not even seeing Umma's face...

I dryly say that I'm home, and right when I come into my room...I lay down on my bed.

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I lose all the strength in my legs..... and the things called tears make my cheeks hot.

What Kang San Ha had said lastly keeps coming into mind...and the hotness on my cheeks won't stop, even if I close my eyes...

It seems like it hasn't been a long time since I've closed my eyes.....but I feel it becoming brighter, and when I check the time

the clock shows it's 7am...

Time...really goes by fast.

People wish for time to go by faster...but when time goes by too fast, they regret it.

Just like how I was yesterday......

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Am I...already...regretting....

Heh.. Hwang Sung Hye. You can regret as much as you want...

because the situation won't come back again anyway...

Kang San Ha...will be coming back to school when it's next week, probably nothing will change between us...

Those kind of thoughts fill up my mind.....

and I'm about to pack my bag for school....

when the box Kang San Ha gave me comes into my eyes, sitting in a corner of my bag...

"Because of Gong Jin...I never got to open it..

I wonder what's inside.."

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Feeling curious...

I open the box right away.. to see a red-jewel heart necklace and a note..

The note says....

'Yours is a ruby

The meaning is love that never changes....'

If he's talking about my's a sapphire...

It should be really expensive......

When it's Kang San Ha's I have to give him this kind of thing?

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Hwang Sung Hye...-__-

Are you becoming more like Oh Ha Ra....

have you turned into an animal?

What matters in a birthday present is not the price, but what kind of heart I have when I get the present...


Oh Ha Ra?

I completely forgot about what happened yesterday....

I'm going to go to school today...

And bite at her, asking...

who the guy who looked like a caveman was...and why she was in a car with him..

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...this sapphire's meaning....

Love that never changes....

Each times this comes to mind, the meaning becomes a deeper part of my heart, and I feel even more sorry about Kang San Ha..

Kang San Ha....I'm sorry......

I like you....

but I can't say yet that the feeling I feel for you is love yet...

But.....I like you.....

This heart....won't change...

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And someday, when I come to love you....

then, I'll tell you without hesistation.....

that I love you....that I'm sorry for hurting you....that I want to have love that never changes with him....

Even if Gong Jin comes to me.....

even if someone comes between you and me....

I won't be hesistant for who I like.

I'll think of my love that never changes, each time I see this necklace...

I finally get my eyes off the necklace and I check my watch to see.....

that the watch was already showing 7am..

I quickly pack my bag and when I was about to leave the house....

I saw that Umma's expression was a bit weird, but because I thought I would be late, I just ran to school....

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I found out the reason why Umma's expression was more stiff than usual days....the reason why she looked colder....

It was because yesterday night, she saw Kang San Ha and me in front of the house. -------------69--------------

As soon as I went into the classroom, I first noticed Kang San Ha's empty seat...and it seems to be enlarged in my eyes.

Kang San Ha... he wouldn't be mad from what happened yesterday, would he..?

"Sung Hye-yah!!! How was the date yesterday?

Was it fun, going on a date with your boyfriend rather than shopping with me?"

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-_-....Look at this b!tch, talking in this way...

She's the one who left Han Uhl...and did other things...

Even, with a caveman who hadn't fully gone through evolution....with a bushy hairstyle....

Riding in a car with a guy like him...

"Did it make you so happy that you can't even speak?"

"Ha Ra-yah....did you know that yesterday was my birthday?"

Ha Ra's eyes widen....her mouth opens wide too....

She's surprised, it seems....=_=

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"Y-yesterday was your birthday??"

"That's right. But....nobody knew about it but my umma, appa, and Kang San Ha."

Ha Ra's face shows that she's feeling sorry..

Where's your confidence, from when you were trying to torment me for not going shopping with you?

Why? Have you suddenly...felt sorry for what you did?

"Sorry...Sung Hye-yah...."

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What do you mean, this is all because I didn't tell you that it was....

Gwang Pal, the b@stard, only telling Kang San Ha about it....

Then again with that head, he wouldn't be able to think about two people....

He's already thought of telling Kang San Ha about my birthday...

When I meet him a bit later....I better hand him a hot dog at least...

"Ha Ra-yah! Ha Ra-yah! Let's go somewhere fun today!"

Even before I come into the classroom..Han Uhl comes in calling Ha Ra's name, with a huge smile on...

completely opposite to him....Ha Ra's expression looks as if she's not too happy to see Han

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Uhl's appearance..

"...Where are we going...this time...."

"This time...this time.....uh......ah!!! Ha Ra-yah!!!! I've got it!!

Ha Ra flinches, hearing Han Uhl's sudden burst...

Why~~~Ha Ra-yah~~~~~??

Hae you fallen out of the seperate world you would be with Han Uhl while you were dating....?

or..are you scared that he's going to take you to a raw fish restaurant...or blow bubbles with

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"I-I just remembered something....!"

"I'm going to make Ha Ra a queen today!!"


Oh Ha Ra shows a wide grin on her face...=_=

Why don't you take care of your facial expressions..?

Her eyes are already glistening, hearing that she'll be made to a queen...

"First Place...!! Did you fight with San Ha yesterday?"

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Gwang Pal came too....behind Gwang Pal....I see Yoo Seung too.....

"What the hell..First Place!

I helped you so that things with you and San Ha would go well....but instead you two fight...."

Was that fighting yesterday...? did this b@stard Gwang Pal know about what happened yesterday..?

"San Ha called us yesterday....

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We went to see....that he was drinking liquor..."

It's easier to understand and better if he talks calmly like Yoo Seung..

That Gwang Pal....

do you think you're all that, yelling at me...!

Liquor, eh....

So he's saying that Kang San Ha drank liquor....

Was I too harsh yesterday...

All I did was be truthful of how I felt..

and because it could've been better for me....I didn't tell him about Jin Hye....

"First Place! San Ha asked me to tell you this."

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Yoo Seung-ah...why don't you tell me, with that soft voice reminding me of morning coffee..

My ears are saying...voices reminding me of pigs like Gwang Pal's...they don't want to hear it....

Whether he knows how I feel right now or not..Gwang Pal continues..

"He says out of Kkot Gye (crab), Mung Gye (sea squirt), Hong Gye (king crab), and Sung Gye (sea urchin)...he likes Sung Gye the best."

....So...he likes Sung Gye...

Why didn't he just... say that he liked me...

How can he say it so immaturely in that kind of way.....

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Then I'll tell him that out of Yang Bae Choo (cabbage), Go Choo (pepper), Boo Choo (leak), and Sang Choo (lettuce)...I like Sang Choo the best...-__-

"First Place. Are things not going well with San Ha these days?"

"Why...does Kang San Ha tell you something, Yoo Seung?"


a feeling..."


"There's not...a problem because of the Gong Go b@stard, right..?"

By Gong Go b@stard, is he talking about Gong Jin.....

Gong Jin...well....there's nothing going wrong because of him....

It's only Kang San Ha's hurried...self-centered...personality that's the problem....

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I don't know if he can live properly in this society with that kind of personality...

It seems like Yoo Seung would do well in the society....and with his love-life.......

Is he doing well with the crush of his...?

"Han Yoo Seung.

You take care of your own love-life...

because we'll take care of the problems between us two...^ ^"


I wish you can laugh like that...

Then....I won't regret giving in..."

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Seeing Han Yoo Seung's sad eyes and smile....

I thought about it......ㅇ_ㅇ.....but I don't understand how Han Yoo Seung gave in...

My brain is well developed in the studying side, but it seems to be lacking in this kind of thing...

...Probably beacuse it's Saturday, time went by quickly.......

and until all classes ended...

Ha Ra, forgetting that yesterday was my birthday, keeps laughing thinking about how Han Uhl said he would make her a queen..

Oh Ha Ra.

How is this possible, that you're my friend?

....How dare you send my birthday flying, hearing a five-letter word "queen"...

I'll watch well you receive your royal treatment.

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On the way home...

I find a rock rolling around....

"Oh Ha Ra! Kang Sang Choo! Roll!! Roll more!!!!"

I roll it all the way home.....

and when I go into the house..

more colder than her usual voice....Umma's cold voice chained onto my ankles..

"Hwang Sung Hye.."

"It seems you came"

"What is this?"

The thing...Umma is point out with her eyes is...

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!! secret box.....

My heart spazzes....

and my eyes land on Umma's expression..

How did she find that..

did she go through my room....

no...why...would she so suddenly....?

"You throw it out yourself.

And if this kind of object is found again...

if your deeds aren't proper....I don't know what I'll do..

..Be aware of what I said..."

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Has she noticed that I got a boyfriend? way.

I was so careful at home....

That's right..I overthought it.

It's just that...I come in later than usual...and I don't study as much these days...

which is why she's saying that kind of thing to me....

I carefully hide the box again....

No matter how much I study....listen to music...or read a book..I still think that Umma knows something...

In my keeps coming up, and it makes me worried.

I'm trying to get rid of the worry, repeating that it won't be true.....

And my cellphone rings...

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"Sung Hye-yah!!! It's me! Ha Ra!!!!! I'm a bar called Ppi ttul ppi ttul Bar..

Come here by 6!"

"Beep beep beep beep beep..."

What is this....-__-

I didn't even say that I can go....but she hangs up like this....

Did she really want to show me how well the date with Han Uhl was...


Let's go well she's being given the royalty treatment!

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I put a hat over my head, take only a purse

and forgetting Umma's words eventually, I leave the house and look for a bar called Ppi ttul ppi ttul Bar. --------------70-----------------

The sign was ppi ttul ppi ttul (messy) as well...

so I easily found the Ppi ttul ppi ttul Bar and went in, where it was overall dark.....

Each table had coloured lights so the atmosphere was good..and the bar smelled less like smoke and more like fruit, satisfying my nose.

I look around wondering where Ha Ra and Han Uhl are......

but I don't see Han Uhl...

Instead, I see Ha Ra and Sa Ri sitting by a table in the middle, dressed as if they're auditioning to be models.

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Them dressing up, and me looking like a country girl, wearing ripped jeans....=_=

"Sung Hye-yah!!!! I'm here!! Over here!!!!"

...Spotting me, Sa Ri waves her hands around...

I stand awkwardly for a moment seeing Sa Ri waving that way, then I go sit next to them.

Being with these two....I feel just like a poktan (literally means bomb, means hideous) who's sadly trying to fit in...ㅡ,.ㅡ

I thought Ha Ra called me to show off how Han Uhl was treating her like royalty...

Why did these two call me...

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Seeing the way they're dressed and how it seems that it must've taken a while, they look like they can play just by themselves....

"Sung Hye-yah.. I know it's late, but happy birthday!!"

"This is an event we've prepared and we're holding as your birthday gift..."

Ha Ra brings a chocolate cake from underneath the table. two called celebrate my birthday?

Since was weird how Ha Ra had her hand underneath....

I see that it was to hide the cake....

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Heh.. these cute girls. As I thought, you're my friends.

"Ha Ra-yah. Sa Ri-yah.. thanks...

Do you know that I'm really touched?"

"You don't have to feel touched.... we're friends! ^0^

Friends have to celebrate birthdays together..!!

I'll even sing for you!"

Sa Ri-yah.

I don't even remember being really nice to you..yet you congratulate me like this....

I'm really thankful...

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"Yah! We didn't even light the candles..why are you singing already!"

Ha Ra-yah....

why are you celebrating my birthday, what happened with the date with Han Uhl..?

"Ha Ra-yah...did you go on a date with Han Uhl?

You know, saying that he'd make you into a queen...."

"Do you want me to tell it felt being treated like royalty...?"

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When Sa Ri and I nod our heads.....Ha Ra sighs, then begins to speak.

"Hearing that I'd be treated like royalty...

I thought he would buy me pretty clothes...and buy me food at an expensive restaurant.....but that wasn't it."

"Then what kind of treatment did you get...?"

"I'll tell you....don't laugh.

Han Uhl took me to the field after school....without saying a word, he would keep looking at the ground..

So I asked what he was doing...and he wouldn't answer...

He sits me on the ground and tells me that I've become a queen, and to lay eggs!

So I look at him as if he's retarded and I loo you know what was around me?

There were ants all over the place...-_-"

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"What's that supposed to mean....?"

"Hwang Sung Hye.

You're even good at studying..but you can't even understand this kind of thing?

He said I was a queen, as in a queen ant!!!!"

Queen ant, huh.....

....=_=.....Just as I would expect from Han Uhl.....

but Ha Ra had expected for so much, which turned out to be that...

Not knowing that Han Uhl meant he would turn Ha Ra into a queen ant, Oh Ha Ra and I were imagining such wild things...

"Until now, I've never played with ants..

or burned them with magnifying glasses on a sunny day...

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It was my first time being near ants like that, sitting by them for two hours!"

"What did you burn...with s-sunglasses.....ㅇ_ㅇ!"


I said I burned ants with sunglasses.."

Oh my...being cruel and vicious.

Couldn't you see how the ants were feeling terrible while then were being burned..?

Couldn't you see the smoke coming from the ant's body..?

How can that kind of thing....-__-

"When burning ant was getting tiring...we played with frogs...."

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"You didn't eat them...but you burned them....?"

"Yeah!! When you stick a straw up a frog and blow into it, the frog becomes a balloon."

.....Frog balloon?-__-

Was it like a balloon, the frog's stomach blowing up?


Why didn't you try sucking it in too...? would've been able to taste the contents of the frog....

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"What was most fun..

were the fireflies. Fireflies!!"

Even fireflies.....

Oh Ha many living organisms...did you bother?-__-

"When you stick a toothpick into the firefly, it's just like a pinwheel...pinwheel!

Sung Hye-yah, you try it sometime too. It's really fun!

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I want to make that another gift for you, while it's still fresh in my head..."

I reject.

Whether it's the ants, the frogs, or the fireflies!

"When you collect tons of firefly pinwheels, they're just like a flowerbed!"

How can she say that it's pretty...!!

How can she think that dead bodies of fireflies are as pretty as flowers...!!!!

Oh Ha should live your life with your mouth shut...

You can then live comfortably, showing only your beautiful image...

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But....whenever you open your mouth, you're horrifying and cruel.

"Stop! Ha Ra-yah..."

"'t do that kind of thing from now on.

Let's congratulate Sung Hye instead..."

"Ah! Right!! We have to congratulate Sung Hye for her birthday....."

Oh Ha Ra.

I better be careful of her....

I didn't know the kid was that vicious before...

I better tell Han Uhl to be careful too..

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"I put the candles on! But...where are the matches..?"

"Right! I forgot to bring the matches!!"

Sa Ri, who had carefully stuck the candles on, glares at Ha Ra..

" there's no candles? Then what about a lighter?"

"When you ask me if I have a lighter, it sounds as if you think that I smoke?"

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If they keep acting like this, it'll turn into a fight.....

I better stop them.....

"Guys. I don't need candles..

I'll just pretend to blow them out....."



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At the same time, Ha Ra and Sa Ri yell "no"....

This is one of the rare moments when you two are the same....

But even if you yell "no", there's no other way..

You wouldn't want me to go out and get some rocks to start a fire, right?

"Guys...I'm really okay...

It's not like we can't celebrate my birthday because there's no candles..

I'm just going to pretend to blow them out~"

It was a bit embarassing to pretend to blow out candles when the candles weren't even lit...

but I was going to do it because I was touched by Sa Ri and Ha Ra preparing for my birthday so I'm about to blow them out...

when someone who had been standing by stiffly comes up and lights the candles with a lighter. --------------71-------------

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The guy who's lit the candles with a lighter.

This guy with an earring on one ear, wearing a 건빵모자를.

It's Gong Jin.

Why is Gong Jin at a place like this...?

"You can't forget the candles on a birthday cake.."

Like that after he lights all the candles, Shim Gong Jin sits across from me...

To Gong Jin's sudden appearance, with not only surprised expressions.....

Ha Ra and Sa Ri's lips begin to form a smile.

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"Today was Nuna's birthday?"

I don't answer, and wanting to pretend not to know Gong Jin, I lower my head..

but Ha Ra and Sa Ri, these people..

"What do you mean by Nuna? Then your age is....?"

"How do you know our Sung Hye?"

They begin to talk to Gong Jin...

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"Currenly eighteen.

With Sung Hye nuna....Nuna is....."

Shim Gong Jin.....

What's with that expression.....-__-

I feel as if you know my weakness...

"I've known Nuna since a very long time ago..Ve~ry long time ago....."

It was for a quick second...

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but without even realizing it, I thought about the past memories, when Gong Jin said he knew me since a long time ago..

Ever since the first day he moved next door to our house, Gong Jin was made fun of that he looked stupid....

with my fighting abilities, I helped him and we became friendly..

I was the king...Gong Jin was the servant.

Although we called it friendship, it was quite similar to slavery.

"Sung Hye-yah!

If you had a dongseng this handsome and this cute, you should've reported it to us earlier~"

"I bet Kang San Ha would feel bad if he knew...^ ^"

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The two are snickering and giggling....and talking as if I hid Gong Jin from them.

"But...what school do you go to? What's your name?"

Oh Ha Ra..

Your eyes right now..and your actions...they're growing weirder and weirder.

It's not that you're interested in Gong Jin, right..?

What about Han Uhl...and that caveman?

"I attend Udduk Gong go...and my name is Shim Gong Jin.."

"Ah~ Udduk Gong go....Shim Gong Jin.

What?! Shim Gong Jin!!!"

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Why is this kid going on a rampage, yelling like this all of a sudden...!

She's going to start an earthquake...

"Are you...Gongjupa's Shim Gong Jin??

Then, you must be familiar with Kang San Ha?"

Gong...jupa... (gongjupa=girly side, gongju=princess, so basically a princessy girly group)

What's that?

Is it an organization of princesses?

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Coincidentally, Sa Ri asks Ha Ra about Gongjupa's meaning.

"What's Gongjupa?"

"Just like our school's Kang San ha, Na Han Uhl, Han Yoo our MP3...

In Udduk Gong go, there's Shim Gong Jin, Pak Ju Il, Yoon Pa Il...

Like this, if you take just the middle letters of their names, it makes Gongjupa..

I told you before about MP3, right?"

Gongjupa...was like the MP3...

Then Shim Gong Jin is well-known too....

That's why when I went to Kang San Ha's house before, Gong Jin was there too..

I was curious how Gong Jin and Kang San Ha knew each other...

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"Being able to see a member of Gongjupa up this close..

you're even hotter than what I've heard!! Did you come here alone?"

"No...over there..."

We look in the direction where Gong Jin directs with his eyes to see two pretty good-looking guys smiling.

As soon as Sa Ri and Ha Ra greet them with just their eyes, they come up to our table as if they were waiting for us.

For some feels like the problem will grow bigger.....

"We were looking at you since before...

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we have 2 cars to take us where we'd like....would you like to come with us?"

Kek...they have good taste...

But oh no....

even if they're Gong Jin's friends...

Ha Ra and I have boyfriends...and Sa Ri has a guy she likes...

Shame, you guys.....


Not shame, but you're very lucky...

unlike how I was thinking, Ha Ra and Sa Ri quickly stand up after hearing Gong Jin's friends inviting them..

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"Sung Hye-yah. We'll go ahead~"

"See you on Monday. Sung Hye-yah~"

After Ha Ra....Sa Ri says something quickly...and left with the two guys.

As I thought, the way they dressed wasn't to celebrate my birthday, but rather to do this kind of thing.....

"Yah! Aren't you guys going to celebrate my...eup! Eup!!"

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I try to get Ha Ra and Sa Ri, who stand up without saying a word to me...and follow the two guys outside...

when Gong Jin covers my mouth wit his hands and sits me down....

Before, when he touched me even slightly...

the b@stard would be thrown off....why is he so strong now...

"Nuna.. my friends are good kids...

They'll play with them and take the nunas home.."

I saw it..

Gong Jin's friends gave Gong Jin a wink while they were heading outside..

this was something Shim Gong Jin planned.

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"What do you want from me.."

"I want to play with youi.."

"Can't you see this cake..? The kids were going to congratulate me for my birthday!!

But it's all ruined now, thanks to you...!"

"It wasn't...your real birthday anyway.."

....-__-.....Then are you thinking that I wanted to be congratulated for my birthday so I lied, saying it was today...?

Does this thing....see me as a person like Oh Ha Ra...

Hmph! He even swore allegiance to me before....

The b@stard, who would at least run three laps around the playground piggy-backing me whenever I ordered him to..

now that he's become a bit taller, and part of the Wangjapa or the Gongjupa or whatever... (wangjapa=prince-like, gongjupa=princessy)

he's treating me like a cabbageworm..

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"My birthday was yesterday! If you don't know, then don't say anything, will you?"

Even to my cold words....

Gong Jin's smile never leaves his face...

"Did you think I wouldn't know your birthday?"


Did you just say your...? (I couldn't translate this but basically, younger people or juniors have to use formal words to their seniors, but he's talking to her as if she's his age, as in not respecting her as he should in

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I can't stand it anymore!!!

Even if I have to use another person to show my power, I'll destroy that b@stard Shim Gong Jin's ego!!

"Your attitude is really arrogant! Do you know that?

I'm Kang San Ha's girlfriend!

Mugeum High's jumeok jjang! (jumeok=fist, jjang=best, basically means strongest) I'm MP3 Kang San Ha's girlfriend!!

But you mess with me? Saying 'you'...?

Kang San Ha did something to you, right? That's why you're approaching me like this, right?

If it's like thought wrong!

Then again, since before, your hobby would be not taking the easy way but taking the long, hard way.." ---------------72----------------

Huk!!! ㅇ_ㅇ!!

What did I say just now...

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Since before...since before.....

The words came out without me even thinking about it...gah!!

I can't shove the words back in my mouth...what am I supposed to do...

It's a situation where I can't change what I meant, because I said it like I knew Gong Jin since before...

"Talk to other people, like you had just now.

Why are you always hiding, and lying?"

Gong Jin's hand reaches out and slightly takes off my glasses, not giving me enough time to avoid him.

And it continues...

Gong Jin's shaking voice, making me unable to leave this spot easily...

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"Do you think everything will be covered...with just these glasses?"

This time, Gong Jin's hand heads to my cheek..

I tried to avoid it...but Gong Jin was already erasing my freckles.

"Do you think I'll believe that you're not Jin Hye because of these fake freckles??"

LIke Gong Jin's shaking voice, is hand is shaking...

I couldn't push his hand away.

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"You're Jin Hye...

You're the Jin Hye I've thought of until now....the one I've wanted to meet...and the one I've liked."

Although I don't know the reason to why you're being like this....

you're not Sung Hye nuna...."

"Right now, I'm Sung Hye.

Even though I was Jin Hye a long time ago, now I'm Sung Hye..

The past isn't important to me.

What's important...for for me to be Sung Hye from now on, without change."

"Then you'll live like this for the rest of your life?

Hiding your real self, suffocating...quietly.....unlike yourself?"

"Who is the real me..? What does she look like...?

I don't understand anything you're telling me...

So...can you help me understand?

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What my real self is, the one you keep talking about..."

"How you look right now."

With that one sentence from Gong Jin...I couldn't say anything no longer...

It felt like I was showing my real self with Gong Jin's face in front of me constantly...

because Gong Jin's shaking eyes were like glue, gluing my lips together.

If I stay seated in this spot any longer, I might let out even more things I don't want out to Gong Jin..

I put on the glasses Gong Jin had taken off, and I stand up.

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"Say that until now, I was Jin Hye to you...

but now, think of me as Sung Hye..

This is a request.."

"Are you running away like that again?

How long will you be able to live as Sung Hye by running away...?

And I can listen to any requests Jin Hye asks of me....

but I can't listen to any requests from Sung Hye..

I'll find the real you for you...

Then, I'll do whatever you say...just wait a little longer."

I run all the way home from the bar....

Each step I take away from the bar..I feel sorry to Gong Jin.

I'm sorry...Gong Jin-ah.

You were a really precious playmate to me....

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but I only hurt you, was angered, and run away..

It would've been better for us to never have met if this is what has to happen....

Then I would've been forgotten from your memories...

and when I thought of you once in a while...

it would only have been Gong Jin, my playmate from a very long time ago...

Now, rather than a playmate, I think of you as a dongseng Kang San Ha knows...

There's no other way to treat you but in this way...

I'm really..sorry...Gong Jin-ah......

To match the atmosphere inside the house, I felt only studying would take away how sorry I felt for Gong Jin..

I clung onto studying all day on Sunday...

Time passed, and Monday morning came.

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Once I go into the classrom, I'll punish Sa Ri and Ha Ra as much as I want to...

Those girls..ditching me yesterday...ㅡ_ㅡ^

But right when I came into the classroom, Ha Ra and Sa Ri came to me when I hadn't even put down my backpack.

I stepped back because the two girls' faces were too scary

but they forcefully took my backpack off and through it onto my desk...

Rather, Ha Ra and Sa Ri drag me to the window, when I try to back away.

"What did you do yesterday with Gong Jin!"

"What's going on with Gong Jin!"

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"Does she want to see someone go insane from curiosity! Let it out now!"

"Tell us quickly!"

Oh Ha Ra..Koh Sa Ri...

The person about to go insane from curiosity is me...

"Oh Ha Ra! Koh Sa Ri! What did you guys do, following the two guys yesterday?"

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Ha Ra covers my mouth, hearing me yell loudly...

Oh Ha Ra's hand reeks of the smell of money.

"Yah! Talk quietly!!! All the other kids can hear..!

We just went to the noraebang (karaoke place) and we parted after..

But the two guys from yesterday were a part of Gongjupa as well...Gongjupa..."

"I thought they would be scary beacuse they were part of Gongjupa, but they were actually really kind...

I said my name was Koh Sa Ri....

He said he liked kohsari the~ most.."

They seem to have had a lot of fun...

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I just fought under a gloomy atmosphere then came home...

whilte you guys went to the noraeband under an exciting atmosphere then went home...

"Hehehehe...things went very well.."

Oh Ha Ra's...laughter shows the dark parts of her real self....-__-

What did she do be laughing like that....

"Yah! You two...what happened yesterday is a secret...!"

It's that obvious?

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But I wonder how Kang San Ha and Han Uhl feel right now, right across from us...

I don't think I can even look at them, because they keep looking to our direction..

Especially...if Kang San Ha found out about what happened yesterday...

I wonder what would

Even thinking about it makes me scared and worried....


Oh Ha Ra...has she finally gone mental...

Why does she keep laughing..

Your normal laugh is way better..

Your laugh just now sounded like one of those Japanese Shizen from the Japanese colonial era..with a mustache, holding a whip..

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"Oh Ha Ra...don't laugh like that.."

"I never laughed...wasn't it you who just laughed?"

Laughing like that...

I'm not an ass (referring to a donkey) or anything, why would I laugh like that...

To the continuous sound of the queer laughter....

Ha Ra, Sa Ri, and I turn around......

Turn around...ㅇ_ㅇ!...

There was no way anyone wouldn't fall over from being surprised...

This was because Gwang Pal, who had been sleeping on the table behind us while we were

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had woken up like a bear waking from hibernating...and had laughed, "heeheehee..".. --------------73----------------


From behind, he makes an ass's (referring to donkey's) noise, as if he heard our convo.

.....It's interesting how such a sound comes out of a quite wide body.....


The noise, as if scratching one's nails onto a chalkboard....

won't stop...

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"Heehee...Gwan Pal knows everything." probably do know everything..

You were right behind if your ears weren't probably heard everything...

"Yoo Gwang Pal."

On the other side was San Ha, and in his hand was a candy the size of a spatula...he was getting Gwang Pal's attention..

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"Candy!!!!! It's the kind I like!"

No! I can't let this happen...I have to catch Gwang Pal!

But Gwang Pal's eyes are only focused on the candy the size of a spatula...

Because his attention was all to the food....he probably wouldn't hear it even if I screamed..

How do I catch that pig Gwang Pal..

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That's right! Oh Ha Ra's here...!

Ha Ra-yah...

You have a skill for getting out of dangerous situations, don't you...

Why don't you present your skill now...?

As if Oh Ha Ra has heard the cry inside my mind...she runs..

Is she going to catch Gwang Pal....?


Ha Ra is running in the opposite direction of where Gwang Pal is..

She wouldn't be...running away right now, could she....

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"Gwang Pal-ah~~"

Ha Ra takes out a pressed fish the size of a book from her bag, and lures Gwang Pal.

"It's a giant pressed fish.

Isn't this ridiculously huge? I can even roast it using magnifying glasses.."

Gwang Pal is in a conflict...

He looks at Kang San Ha...and Oh Ha Ra..looking back and forth, with a happy expression.

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"Aren't you going to run your ass off over here? Yoo Gwang Pal."

"Gwang Pal-ah~~ Come here~~"

Please...please.....Gwang Pal-ah.

Go to Ha Ra...

From now on...I' good to you.....

Until now, saying that you shaking your waist like a drum rolling around,

not going near you because I didn't want to smell you,

comparing your looks with a pig...

I'm really really sorry...

The truth is your waist..rather than a drum rolling around...was a soda bottle.

The truth is your the scent of a flower...

And....your looks....your looks......-__-....I don't think I can cover how your looks are.. . Your looks are still like a ddong pig from the mountains of Jeju Island....

But....the ddong pigs from Jeju Island are most tasty of all pigs...

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And you have a good looking face..only for certain people....-_-

He bites his thumb...and after thinking about it, Gwang Pal eventually runs to Ha Ra...

Of course...he's our Gwang Pal!!

You've made a very exceptional choice!

But Gwang Pal has a brain too..-__-

He quickly takes the pressed fish in Ha Ra's hand..

shoves it in his mouth...and without even looking back, he runs to Kang San Ha.

Kang San Ha and Han Uhl wait for the info........

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As Yoo Gwang Pal's overreacting increases....

Kang San Ha's eyebrows go up....and he shows an evil grin..

Han Uhl continues to show no expression...

Standing straight...after seeing Kang San Ha and Han Uhl's eyes.....

when Gwang Pal's explaining of what he heard seems to be ending...

without being able to defend ourselves...Ha Ra and I run out of the classroom..

As if..we're prisoners escaping...

without a slight reaction to Kang San Ha's voice, we ran like crazy...

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"Sung Gye!! She's running!!!!!! Yah!! Catch her!!!!"




In the blue sky, a triangular cloud that looks like Kang San Ha's eye when it's angry comes into view.

And the triangular cloud moves slightly...

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Kang San Ha's eyes are probably like that too...

Lying down on the school rooftop and sucking on Chupa Choops, Ha Ra and I are enjoying the view.

"Those clouds... are like cotton candy..

Han Uhl stuck a lot of it on my mouth and called me a harabeoji at the zoo..." (harabeoji=grandpa)

Harabeoji, eh.....

If I ate cotton candy with Kang San Ha..(although that probably won't be happening)

Kang San Ha would stick cotton candy on my mouth...and say I have dust stuck on my mouth and it looks dirty.-__-

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"Sung Hye-yah...class probably started by now, eh?"


"We would probably get in trouble if we went in now.."


When the triangular cloud....almost disappears from sight completely....Oh Ha Ra stands up quickly.

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"Let's skip today!"

..ㅇ_ㅇ You're saying we should skip?

Living for Unni....I haven't once skipped....

No, I can't.

"Even if we go into class now...

There's going to be two angels of death with piercing eyes waiting for us."

Angels of death...

Why does that term seem so scary to me today....

I shudder, when Kang San Ha's eyes come into my mind.

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This is all because of Oh Ha Ra.

Truthfully, I didn't do anything wrong....

Except that somehow, I ended up being with Gong Jin....

What would Kang San Ha do.....knowing this?

He would do all sorts of things.Of course!

He would be stubborn, angry, annoyed...

It makes me think...

If I go into the classroom, Kang San Ha would be there.....

Should I...just skip as Oh Ha Ra suggests today...

But....even if I avoid this situation now, I can't avoid it tomorrow...

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They say receiving your punishment earlier is better....

Wouldn't it be better for me to see him if I'm going to bump into him later anyway...


My cellphone vibrates, alerting that I've received a text, and I check to see....

'It's me, Sa Ri, be careful Sung Hye.

Kang San Ha says he'll release the hoobaes after 1st period to find you guys..'

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Becuase of the text Sa Ri has sent, I think more...

Ha totally determined to skip.

"Alright! Today we'll just go home!"

What do you mean, "we"...

I haven't even said I'm going yet.....

Ha Ra calls someone, not even hearing my answer...

"Oppa! Can you come to the front of our school..?

No....there's nothing really going on, really..

Yes...thank you. Oppa.

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Then, I'll see you in front of the school gates."


Ha Ra had an older oppa.... (sibling)

I only knew about her younger sister who's supposedly a lot like Gwang Pal......

I look at Oh Ha Ra with doubting eyes....

She lifts me up from the ground and drags me away..

We come down from the rooftop....

and stop in front of the school gates....

A black car was waiting for us, one that seemed to be familiar. ------------------74----------------

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A guy came out of the black car which had been waiting for us.....

Looking's none other than the caveman who I had seen in a car with Ha Ra downtown last time.

Before being able to ask Ha Ra about this...

from behind, "Eh! I found her." a boy in his 1st year yells...

I quickly went into the car and escaped this place.

"Sorry for being troublesome, making you come all the way here...oppa.."

"It wasn't troublesome at all....but.....what was the reason for you skipping school with your friend at this tim?"

"Because I thought the angel of death..would get me...."

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I began to doubt the relationship between Caveman and Ha I continued to hear their conversation...


"You're Ha Ra's friend?"


"Ha Ra-yah. Can you introduce me to her...for me? I'm driving.."

"Okay...! He's my respected oppa.^ ^


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"Our Appa works with bonds...

and he works under Appa....and treats me like his own dongseng..."

That's what it was....I was doubting those two for nothing.....

Seeing this guy...again..he's pretty good-looking.

And Oh Ha Ra likes money....and how she's been working with money at school, it's in her family history..

Is she thinking of taking over her Appa's job when she becomes older....?

'Eh??? We're by my house!'

"Ha Ra-yah! I'll get off here.."

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"You're not coming to my house with us?"

"Next time..I want to just rest today.."

The truth is...there's a seperate reason why I'm not going to Ha Ra's house.

Because that day had come.

The second Sunday of the month that I had been anticipating for...

I'm going to relieve all my stress today of course, at the nightclub..

In the one box that I had hidden and Umma had told me to throw out...

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was a miniskirt that was perfect fit, sticking onto my legs...

and I wore a white tee with red stars that stood out.

I was become a whale today and swim in an ocean of liquor,

Of course, I began to head to Silla's Moon Nightclub, where I had always gone..


As soon as I went into the nightclub...

The atmosphere as usual, loud music, different colours of disco balls, and the waiters walking around in red and shiny vests..

The girls sitting, wondering when someone will book their seats,

the guys look around, spying for someone..

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Before, it would be unfamilliar...and it always felt like it was the first time I've come to a nightclub..

but for some strange reason, it's comfortable today.

It feels like the music and even the disco balls are welcoming me..

"Eh! Nuna? You came!

Today, the people here are just fine.Why don't you pick someone?"

Pick what....-__- It's not like I came to look around for items on sale.....

Moon Uh Bal this [email protected]'s so slow...

Being a waiter, he should at least be quick with knowing what's going on..

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I sit where Moon Uh Bal guides me..I don't even check who's here today...

I only looked at the people dancing on the stage.

The people all look happy..

It looks like they're all happy...but I'm the only one full of sadness.

I want to live like that too.

Freely....without troubles...comfortably.....

Only for my happiness, and my enjoyment...


Hwang Sung Hye!!

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You're crazy..crazy...

Why am I like this these days...

I've never regretted...or hated...

or wanted to run away..or leave...

Insects adapt to their environment, and change the colour of their bodies...

A colour changed to make it seem hard to see them...

Like them, I hid myself to make it impossible for others to see my real self, to become like Unni....

It's been 8 years since I've changed to another colour, Unni's look..

As I live....I'm becoming to hate it....

Whether it's a colour...or whatever it is....I want to dispose of it.

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'Who am I...'

'How do I live..'

These kinds of thoughs come to fill mjy hea...and as if I've planned this...I only drink.

Before even settling, I drink out of a cup...

but now, I'm drinking right from the bottle, emptying several bottles of liquor.

With this liquor....if I can become carefree for even a short moment....

Although it was heavy...the colour I couldn't have be me....if I can dispose of this load....

"Nuna..the table over there says they'd like to have liquor with you...what should I do?"

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Where it's from drinking liquor or not...

The situation is that I can't even open my eyes properly, and I can't move my body...

I couldn't see the guy Moon Uh Bal was pointing...but the way he looked....

He... looks older than gat kimchi. I'm starting to lose my tastebuds.-__- (gat kimchi=type of pickled cabbage)

Seeing Gat Kimchi's hand gesture to go..

I laugh at him and was drinking liquor again...but as if it's his first time that he's experienced this kind of thing, Gat Kimchi comes up to me...

Anyone would think that with tha tface, he would have experienced this lots....

"Do I have to come all the way here? No need to reject...

Then again, even more attractive."

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"There's no girl who would reject you with that face.

Rejecting...heh, more liker running away."

Gat Kimchi's face stiffens...

"Guys! Come over here!"

Gat Kimchi's fellow workers...two guys come to me.

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"You still haven't gotten her?"

"I told you not to stick your face in first!

I told you to show your card before showing your face!Your card!"

Hearing this..Gat Kimchi takes out a shiny gold card from his wallet.

What's he trying to do, showing me that thing?.

"Do you know what this is? It's called a gold card! Gold card!

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I don't want to talk..with these people...

I just want to be alone right now....

but why do people like flies around me keep coming to me....

"Do you want to go use this gold card with Oppa?"

With Gat Kimchi's actions...

his workers come to me...

One b@stard pours me liquor into a glass, and another b@stard gives me a massage.

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As a warning...

I slap the hand away that's massaging my shoulders, and I snatched the liquor bottle away...

but not knowing that this is a warning...that I'm just rejecting them again....Gat Kimchi tries to massage my shoulders.

I get a thought that they'll stop trying to take me with them to play...if I show Gat Kimchi and his workers my scary side....

so I get the beer to throw down onto the table....

but unable to win the power of my hand...the beer bottle shatters into pieces.

The pieces of glass from the beer bottle pierce my hand...and blood flows...

I begin to feel pain.

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Seeing me acting like this and thinking that I'm crazy person, Gat Kimchi and his workers avoid me as if they're running away..

'Those b@stards.....! Those monsters....!

Making me like this....and running away....ㅡ_ㅡ^'

The blood flows down into the beer glass....

and the people around me begin to scream "It's blood!" "Ack!"..

Mixed with those screams is Kimchi's panicking voice....

and a familiar voice comes into my ears...and my eyes which were half closed, open wide naturally to the voice.

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"Wh-what is this!"

"You run away, leaving her after making her like this?" ----------------75-----------------

To my eyes which keep closing because I'm weak....

the guy who's yelling at Gat Kimchi and his workers.....

seems to be Gong Jin...

"I-I didn't do it...! She's the one who did it.."

"I saw it all. Don't play with me.

And doesn't it make sense that Nuna would get mad if you looked at her and talked to her with that hideous face of yours?"

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I wonder how Gong Jin came all the way here...

I saw him yesterday..I see him today....

Why do we meet so often....


I don't want to see Gong Jin...especially today....

Skipping school....and even Kang San Ha taking things the wrong's all because of that b@stard.....

There wouldn't be anyone who I'd meet with to cause this kind of thing except Gong Jin....

I wouldn't have made Kang San Ha mad either.....

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These days, everything makes me dizzy.

Should I say.. everything surrounding me feels like they're going backwards....

Is..that...why...... it spinning this.....

Gong Jin...Gat Kimchi...Gat Kimchi's workers.....many other people...they all spin around in my eyes..

"Hideous? D-did you just say that my face is hideous??

You,kid! You're de~ad today!!!!"


"Aack!!!!! My eye!!!"

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I can hear Gat Kimchi's haunting yell with the sound of him being hit...

and I can see Gong Jin coming this way...

"Sung Hye nuna!! Are you okay?"

He takes off the shirt he was wearing...and wipes the blood off my hand..

Gong Jin looks as if he was if he's in even more pain than me.

I haven't done anything good to him.....but why does Gong Jin..treat me so well like this...

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"Why do you keep appearing in front of me? Do you know how much of a burden it is to me?

No matter how well you treat me...

no much you help me, I can't do anything for you..

Finding myself for me...stop now.....just...give up on me.....

I....Even seeing your face...I feel so sorry....and it's so uncomfortable...

Let's pretend not to know each other..from now on....."

Without showing a reaction to my words..he keeps wiping the blood off my hand for me...and Gong Jin gets me off the ground..

"Can't you hear me!! I said I don't doing this...."

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Even when I drink a little amount of liquor...I can't use my strength...Now, my eyes are even closing...and I'm starting to become unconcscious....

"Slurp slurp yum~ Slurp slurp yum~ yummy ramyeon."

From my cellphone rings.....


It seems like Gong Jin picked it up..

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" next to me right now...

Jut for today...I'll..keep Sung Hye nuna with me..I'm sorry..Sunbae..."

I can hear the flipping sound of the cellphone...and I tried to think about who Gong Jin was talking with.....

but I was too attracted to the sweetness of the world of sleep, and I fell into the world....

'Yeah....that's what..I think.

Even if I'm not there...even if you don't get to continue seeing me...don't you forget me..

I would like it if even one person..could think of me as Jin Hye....'

'You're Jin Hye aren't you... Why did you change? '

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If later..although we probably won't meet..

If by any chance we do might have to call me as someone else.'

I had a dream.

8 years ago, the day I left, when I thought I wouldn't be meeting Gong Jin again..

Telling Gong Jin to remember me......

Gong Jin, who had kept his promise....

Gong Jin, who had at least called me Jin Hye....

who still hadn't forgotten about me.....

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I was awake...but my eyes wouldn't open and I can hear Gong Jin's voice from a distance..

"Hwang Jin seems you haven't changed a bit from before....."

I suddenly opened my eyes, hearing Gong Jin call me Jin Hye.


Where am I?

I'm guessing that this is an office....this place...smells like a guy's.....

Gong Jin's right in front of...very close to my face....

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"Where is this!"

"Are you feeling better now?"

"I asked where this is!!"

"My house. Nuna was I brought you to my house...."

That's what happened.....-__-.....I became unconscious from being drunk.....

.....Checking my seems like Gong Jin lives alone here..

Doesn't he live with Ahjumma...

"....Should I get you some water??"

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"Huh? Yeah..."

Gong Jin goes to the fridge...and I'm wondering if this place really is his house.

In his cabinet are frogs,lizards,salamanders,etc that had been cut open....

Right, they call those dissections.....-__-

Still, how can he set those up for people to see...I kick the blankets off the bed I'm on, and I'm about to walk to the cabinet.....


Page 1316: If a Nerd Removes Her Glasses.....COMPLETED I wearing!!!!

It seems like....Gong Jin's pajamas.....

Why am I wearing these......

"Yah!!! What's with these clothes!"

Did he take that as a command to bring my water quickly....

Gong Jin runs quickly and gives me the water....

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"I asked why I'm wearing these clothes!"

"Because there's blood on Nuna's clothes.."


What blood?

Did I get a nosebleed....

No matter how many nights I don't sleep to study....I've never once gotten a nosebleed....

Oddly....something comes to mind........

As soon as I show myself looking bewildered....Gong Jin..gestures my hand wrapped in bandages with his eyes.

....This is why I can't drink liquor.......ㅡ_ㅡ^

I forgot that I hurt my hand....because of Gat Kimchi yesterday.....

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Did Gong Jin wrap it.....

.....Although it's pretty sad how he wrapped it...I'm still thankful.....

"Thank you...."

"Does it hurt?"

Gong Jin holds onto the hand wrapped in bandages...and looks at it in different places....

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This doesn't seem right....I slap Gong Jin's hand away....

but during the process, a photo frame placed prettily on his TV falls with the remote...

'Hwang Sung Hye!!!!You!!!Babo!!!!

You made it really awkward!!!!'

At this time, as if it was pressed on purpose to get rid of the awkwardness, the bell can be heard....

"Huh? Who would be there at this time?"

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I felt so happy as if the Lord had appeared..

At this time.....

What time is it right now...?


I blink many times because I can't believe what I see, but I check again and the clock still shows that it's 1am..

"Gong Jin-ah!!! I have to go home so...."

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Right when I run out to the front door where Gong Jin had gone to open the door....

it was impossible for me to not stop talking...

The guy standing in front of Gong Jin.

glares at Gong Jin and me so scarily....

He checks me out from my head to my feet....and being almost expressionless, the guy has a cold smirk on his face...

The guy is none other than my boyfriend Kang San Ha....... -------------76--------------

Although I can't call it love when I miss you

I'm afraid of love, I don't want to part.

If me liking you is called love

consider the day when I'll be really sad.

Maybe just being friends would be better.

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Although you can say that I'm thinking too much about you

it's because of the fear, from not having experienced the thing called love even once.

How long can you tell me that you love me?

It's correct that I like you

but please understand me being like this, I'm sorry.

Although I can't call it love when I miss you

I'm afraid of love, I don't want to part.

If me liking you is called love

consider the day when I'll be really sad.

Maybe just being friends would be better.

Although I can't call it love when I miss you

if you can love for me forever

wait for me just a little longer, I'm really sorry.

-part of Sorry by Circle-

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What's K-Kang San Ha doing here...

Is it....that he came to get me, knowing that I'm here?

No way!! How did he know?

Is it that...=_=....Shim Gong Jin..that [email protected] him...?

"Just for today.....

I said that I'll keep her with me just for today....

but came.."

Keep her with me...?

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Then he told Kang San ha that he was with me?

No!! That's not important right now...

I have to think about how I explain this situation.....


is the exact situation that someone would misunderstand....

The fact that I'm in Gong Jin's house...would make Kang San Ha angry....

Even more, me wearing Gong Jin's clothes....

Kang San Ha's eyes seem to be burning like fire....

If I sent a piece of paper flying to Kang San Ha's eyes, it would turn to ashes..

His eyes are so scary......but why is he smiling...

His expression...which would at once...send a person falling into a pit of horror.....

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I think what I have to do first is make it so that Kang San Ha doesn't misunderstand anything....

"San...San Ha-yah...What happened is...."

I try to explain with forced laughter...but Kang San Ha walks up to me scarily.

I'm strong....there's no reason for me to be feeling sorry to Kang San Ha so....

Why! Just...why! are my feet working by themselves, moving back..ㅜ 0ㅜ'

No matter how many steps I take back, I can't avoid Kang San Ha..

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I should just give up...

Avoiding Kang San Ha's eyes, I look down.....

when Gong Jin....steps in front of me, preventing Kang San Ha from coming up to me

"Move while I'm saying it quietly..."

"I brought her to my house because she became unconscious from drinking..

Don't do anything to Jin Hye...."

Before Gong Jin can even finish, his fist goes to Gong JIn's face...

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"I told you not to call her Jin Hye!!!!!! She's Hwang Sung Hye!!!!!Hwang Sung Hye!!!!!!!!"

After yelling at Gong Jin, Kang San Ha moves past Gong Jin and speaks without changing his expression.

"Can you do this to me?"

"What did I do?"

"Are you asking because you don't know?"

"Yeah, I don't!!!

You don't even try listening to what I have to say..

You're only believing what you're're thinking of it the way that's most comfortable for you..

So how am I supposed to know?

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Shouldn't you at least listen to what I have to say?"

"Why are you here right now?

Why are you wearing that b@stard's clothes!!!!"

Kang San Ha roughly grabs my wrist and pulls me outside....

It hurts...

As if he's putting all his anger into my wrist, Kang San Ha's grip on my wrist becomes stronger.

I try to escape from Kang San Ha's grasp...

"Let go! I said to let go!!"

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I yelled and resisted many times...but each time I do so, my wrist just hurts more.

No matter how angry you matter hwo jealous you are....

shouldn't you be this happened?

...I'm disappointed.....Kang San Ha.

You only think about the reason why I'm here....

I bet you can only see that I'm wearing Gong Jin's clothes....

How do I stop you from misunderstanding...

I pass Gong Jin, being taken by Kang San Ha weakly when.....

"Hwang Jin Hye, stay here.

You moving before, without telling me that you were going.....

I've finally met you after 8 years....Saying that you're Sung Hye even though you're Jin Hye

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and pretending not to know me....

Pretending that you aren't Jin Hye when you are.......

If you're feeling sorry to me even the slightest bit....

......don't go and stay here."

The slightest bit.....


I'm feeling really sorry to you...

....but....but.....even if I am and I treat you well...or I stay here with you an not go...

then it'll just get you expecting something pointlessly....

Although you'll like it now, later on you'll be the one being hurt and you'll regret it.

Sorry...Gong Jin-ah......

I'm really sorry..... don't treat me well....

Just forget me....

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Whether I'm Jin Hye..or Sung Hye....please..forget me...

Gong Jin doesn't take his eyes off of me....

I ignore Gong Jin being this way and I come out of Gong Jin's house...

....I keep being dragged by Kang San Ha, who isn't saying a word, hurting my desperate wrist and dragging me somewhere..

"Yah, where are we going right now?

It's late right now..! I have to go home....kyak!!!!!!!!!"

Kang San Ha sudddenly...

pulls on my wrist and pushes me onto the wall.

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Wh-what are you doing right now!! You b@stard!!!

Nervously, I open my eyes wide and think about what Kang San Ha will do....

"Are you crying?

Because of Shim Gong Jin?"

I'm crying.....?

At that, a tear falls right on time....

I didn't know......

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that my eyes...were beginning to shed tears.....

Am I crying because of Gong Jin......?

There's no reason for tears to be coming out because of Gong Jin....

No one forced me to....and I followed Kang San Ha outisde on my own free will....

Why is my heart hurting....

why is it that Gong Jin's eyes which I ignored don't come to my mind......

What's this heaviness I'm feeling right now?

It feels like I was carrying a light cotton ball....

but it's now wet, and it's become much heavier.

"Is Shim Gong Jin that much of an important person to you?

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How long did you say you've known each other for?

Is he the kind of guy you like?

Gwang Pal said that you met Shim Gong Jin the day before yesterday too....

Meeting the day before yesterday...meeting must like it a lot...a lot"

"You know exactly why... that what you said isn't the reason."

"Then why are you crying?"


"I'll believe you if you say that you love me...."



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I never knew that...saying I love you....was this hard.

Until now, living as Unni, what was hard for me....

Whether it was studying...or my school life....or any kind of hard homework assignment.....

Was there ever something that made me think like this...and difficult like this?

But now....even if it's hard for me to say it, I have to...

Kang San watching me like that and waiting...

He said he'll believe me...if I say this one sentence.....

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With my eyes looking to the ground.....

and my mouth saying "I love you" with difficulty.....

something touches....

Once I realize that it's Kang San Ha's lips...panicking without even realizing it, I push Kang San Ha away.

"You're! Crazy!!!"

I glare at Kang San Ha, releasing my anger.

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"You expect me to trust you...when you can't even say that you love me....."

You're the one who said that love is done through eyes.....

Kang San fool.

You're really a babo........

If you really want to hear it....

you can just buy a doll that yells I love you~ I love you~ each time you squeeze it....

Why are you being so forceful....

Do you think I'm comfortable, being unable to say it......?

If we keep hurting each other like this, we might as well.......

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"Let's have some time to ourselves.

I think it'll be good for each other...."

"Say that again."

"Let's have some time to ourselves..."


With his fist...Kang San Ha hits the wall.....

"What am I supposed to think about?

That you're dating me because you like me....

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I'm angry because you're with another guy....

Is that what I'm supposed to think about?"

"That's what I don't like about you.

You hurting me....Gong Jin, as if he was the one being hurt...was worried for me....and even tried to treat my injury...'t see this, right?

It's only...Shim Gong Jin.. Shim Gong Jin.

How long are you going to act like a child?"

"Do you think I'm being like this because of Shim Gong Jin?

"Then what else is it?

I'm getting tired of this....really.

Let's have time for ourselves. That's the only way right now..

and go back to how it was before..."

"Okay...I won't get involved with your problems..

Do what you want.."

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Leaving me all alone, Kang San Ha walks away.

The image of Kang San Ha's backside goes into my heart........

Tonight....the moon is brighter than usual....

but my eyes can't see well...whether it's bright...or dark...I can't tell.

Rather, more than usual....this night brings me sadness which I'll keep remembering, and the bright image of Kang San Ha's backside can only be seen...

And....a few days later, seeing Gong Jin's eyes which I felt sad and always sorry to..

I realized, had changed. --------------77-----------------

I lived believing that this kind of thing wouldn't happen to me.

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I ended up stupidly staring blankly at the sky all day.

That's what happened, I believed that you wouldn't let go of me.

As the days went on, I really stupidly thought of you and soaked in the sky.

Really I loathe a part of me, the part which I couldn't say that simple phrase, 'I love you'.

You probably believed that I wouldn't hold onto you.

Did you really? Was it hard for you?

I was really sorry...

Already I can't even walk without you.

Even if I say that I really can do well it'd be too late.

Now I won't be able to say the simple phrase, 'I love you'.

-part of Love, the Simple Phrase by Pak Hyo Shin-

Do you like Kang San Ha....? Yeah

Then do you love Kang San Ha? ....I'm....not exactly sure

Why aren't you sure....?

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The road on which Kang San Ha is going, leaving me all alone......

I was worried that during the time I blinked once, Kang San Ha would disappear.......

I didn't blink once...

and until I couldn't even see Kang San Ha's shadow...

I continued looking from afar, not getting up from the floor..

And.. I questioned myself.

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Whether I like Kang San Ha....or love him....

Also...when Kang San Ha asked me if I loved him...why I said that I didn't know.....

Why don't I know......?

Because I really don't love Kang San Ha..?

Or...because I don't know what love is yet....?

These kinds of thoughts...filled my head.....and I begin to regret.

I should've just said that I loved him....

Even though I wasn't positive about how I felt towards Kang San Ha, I should've just lied....

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Even now I'm full of lies....

Until now, I've fooled people with lies.....

But wouldn't anyone want to lie about love....?

The word love...

you have to be confident in everything, and even I can't do that..

On television...on the the streets...something you often hear..

'I love you....'

Once again, today...

I'm sorry to Kang San Ha for being unable to say those three words.....

and I'm angry to Kang San Ha for not waiting for those three words.....

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-the next day-

I'm looking at Kang San Ha's backview, who's sleeping laid out on his desk....

but Gwang Pal's fat back blocks my view.-__-

"Gwang Pal-ah...why don't you move out of the way a bit?"

To my words, Gwang Pal turns around to look at me....I couldn't be shocked at looking at Gwang Pal..○_○!

Drr~drr~ Gwang Pal is rubbing his vibrating cellphone on his face....

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"...What are you doing right now?"

"Gwang Pal is going to lose weight."

How is losing weight...and rubbing a vibrating cellphone to your face related....? -__-

"This cellphone is my portable treadmill to help me lose the fat on my face~~~"

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Yeah..our Gwang should lose weight...

Already...I remember perfectly how you told Kang San Ha yesterday what happened with Gong Jin......

and to retaliate against you for that...

I was going to wait in front of your house, then beat you up under any circumstances....

I was worrying....for how much your fat would shake each time I hit you.....

There's no worries if you just lose weight.

Gwang Pal-ah! Gwang Goo-yah! Gwang Ship-ah!!!!! Lose weight... (Pal=8, Goo=9, Ship=10; she means that he's going to gain weight, not lose)

Would Gwang Pal, that [email protected] that I'm having these kinds of thoughts in my head? Kehehe....

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I enjoy myself, having these kinds of thoughts in my head....

I can feel my face vibrating too....

"First Place...there's tons of fat on your cheeks too~!!"

-___-...Gwang Pal-ah..can you get your cellphone off my face? was what I was going to say...

but the cellphone that Gwang Pal was rubbing on my face stops vibrating....

"First Place! I'll have it vibrate again?"

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Han Uhl shows me his cellphone...then calls Gwang Pal's cellphone from Ha Ra's seat.

Drr...drr.....I can feel vibration..on my face again...-_-

Although this may be a treadmill for Gwang Pal,,,

this object will be erasing my freckles instead.

I quickly..push the cellphone away...and I see the mirror and touch my cheeks.....

to see a slippery liquid on my face, and I predict that this would be the oil from Gwang Pal's face......-_-


At times like this, I have to relax my anger.....

I breathe my last breath's the time!

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I'm about to go "Yahh!!!!!"....

when the teacher opens the classroom door and comes in......

leaving my mouth hanging there like a fish.

Han Uhl and Gwang Pal quickly run out..

ang Kang San Ha finally wakes up looking annoyed, when his partner timidly pokes his side...

...There's nothing he does at school except sleep.....

I shake my head disapprovingly and look at Kang San Ha...our eyes meet..

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Avoiding his eyes because of what happened yesterday would be awkward...

so I just smile, thinking of the prettiest smile I can make....

when Kang San Ha avoids my eyes.

....It looks like he avoided me on purpose.......

But probably not? Yeah...that probably won't be it....

It probably just seems that way because I'm too jumpy today....

Probably not...probably if I was memorizing an order....I tried to comfort my freaking out...nervous..and lonely heart.....

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Ha Ra enters making a loud noise when opening the door.

Appearing so loudly when she's late.....

Oh Ha Ra....I respect you for that courage of yours...-0-

"Mr. Yoo! I'm sorry!!!

I was trying not to be late today...but...

a halmeoni (grandma) was I took her where she was going..."

How considerate....helping a lost halmeoni?

Then how would you explain the 10 000won in your hands? (10 000won=around $15 CAD)

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It's obvious...she was definitely receiving payments..

"Oh Ha Ra....."

The core teacher's loud voice....

Is he...for being late.....hit Ha Ra...? Or yell at her.....?

The classmates are all tense....nervous for Mr. Yoo's reaction.

"If you're late one more time....if you're late one more time...."

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...What are you going to do to Ha Ra....if she's late again??

"I'll ask you out on a date."


Everyone pretends to cough at Mr. Yoo's words...

or they show forced laughter.

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"Eh hem...

Now now...Oh Ha Ra go sit down at your seat...I have some good news for all of you."

The core teacher panics seeing how there's barely a reaction from the kids, probably because he thought we would all be laughing and smiling excitedly.

"Starting today..our school will not be having night classes.

The board..the the principal...have all decided it...

When all of you finish classes, don't head downtown...go home."

We're not doing night classes....

I should be happy.....

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I'm supposed to be happy for not having finished classes at 10 last night....ha...hahaha..... this feelig right now?

Although it's been a we made the study miss night classes for a week....was pointless, wasn't it?

Since...even if the study group kids...didn't get an average over 50, we would miss night classes anyway.

Then did the teacher...trick us..-_-

Ha Ra has the same expression as me....

Our morning overview ends..

and the way Kang San Ha treats me...being so different from how it normally would be.....

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1st period....5th period....7th period...all subjects.....the things I've learned don't come into my head.

When our eyes meet, he avoids them....

when I go up to him to tell him something....he gestures for anyone around him to come to him and talks with the person....

Even for a second...when there's a chance for me to talk to him....wherever he may have got it from...

Kang San Ha puts his earphones in his ears....and keeps mumbling "Sung Gye is a babo" and "Hwang Sung Gye smells"...-__-

Coming out of the from gates...

I hear Ha Ra's whispering in my ear like a musquito.

"Sung Hye-yah..let's seperate from here."

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"Han Uhl said he'd show me a documentary today...of Leonardo DiCaprio...^ ^"

....Did she already get back together with Han Uhl?

I'm positive Gwang Pal told Han Uhl also about what happened at the bar with Gongjupa....

"Ha Ra-yah.....didn't Han Uhl say anything to you?"

"Hm? What?

Oh~~ playing with Gongjupa? I told Han Uhl..that it was a misunderstanding and I calmed him down with a phonecall...^ ^"

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With that one calmed him down.....

...For me...because of you...I became like this with Kang San Ha......

but it seems that for you, you've become even closer with Han Uhl than before.....-__-

Ha Ra and I seperate...

Do I have to be like this..with Kang San Ha again tomorrow...

Hoo....I sigh..many complicated thoughts cross and I reach home eventually...

Tomorrow...I'll to Kang San Ha..

If he avoids me again like today...I'll even hold onto him...

That what I I said we should have time to ourselves....

this isn't it....

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'That's right! Hwang Sung Hye!! Let's talk to him convincingly at least this time!'

I pledge this in my mind many times....and I'm about to go inside front of the door.........

there's something stuck between the door........

I don't remember when or where I took it....

a picture that I took with Gong Jin, when we were in our 3rd grade in elementary school. -----------------78---------------

In the picture, I'm holding my hand in a V and smiling brightly.

Anyone who sees this would say I'm Jin Hye.

WHen I take off my glasses and erase my freckles, I become the girl in this picture.

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And...Gong Jin in this picture......

He hasn't changed at all from this picture...

He's only grown taller; his looks are the exact same.

If someone we know was to see this picture of Gong Jin and me

the person would ask if we knew each other, and when we took this kind of picture.

My pulse quickens and rings throughout my entire body....

my head seems to become lighter, and my knees lose their strength to stay standing.

At this time, my cellphone rings as if to relieve me of my nervousness...

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"It's me. Gong Jin.."

"....You did this, right? Right? This picture, you did it?"

There's only you....

Only you would have this picture..

and only you'd do this kind of thing...

"Yeah, I did it.."

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"Why? For what reason?

Do you think I'll return to being Jin Hye if you do this kind of thing?"

"What do you think would happen if San Ha sunbae was to see that picture?"


"Don't worry...

I won't say anything...or do San Ha sunbae..



"you have to play with me tomorrow..."

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....It's because of Gong Jin...that my relationship with San Ha isn't doing so good.....

It's all because of Gong Jin...that Kang San Ha's mad at me....

If I was to meet Gong Jin again tomorrow.......Kang San Ha would get really mad...

I can't become further apart from him....

But....if I tell Gong Jin that I don't want to...

Who knows, Gong Jin really might show San Ha the picture.....

He'll definitely have more pictures than this one.

I threw out all my pictures of when I was Jin Hye, but Gong Jin will probably still have all of them....

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"You don't want to? Should I try putting pictures all over San Ha sunbae's front door?"

"Okay..I'll meet you tomorrow.-_-

But...why are you acting like this all of a sudden? What are you planning?

Is it just that you want to play with me? Or...or..."

"I've changed a lot too...

I'm not the babo I was 10 years ago.

It's enough that I've missed Jin Hye who was right in front of me...and how I lost the person I liked."


"I'll see you tomorrow."

He hangs up....

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and I wondered..whether to rip the picture into pieces....or burn it....

but my eyes kept wandering off to me in the picture, and many thoughts came into my head.

If I was to go back to this time...if there's a chance for me to.....what would I choose to do? it not too late yet for me to?

I kept trying and trying not to think like this, but I envy me in the picture...I look so happy that I can fly.

-the next day-

Yesterday, when Gong Jin put a piece of bacon onto a piece of sangchoo (lettuce) and was about to give it to me..

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"Oh.. you're going to eat me? Just try eating me..."

I had a nightmare that the sangchoo was talking with Kang San Ha's voice.

......It's just as if....he's implying something....

No! No!!! This is only a dream!!!!!!

"Sung Hye-yah. Are you sick? Why are you sweating?"

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I keep yelling in my head that it's only a dream, stabbing the desk with a mechanical pencil..

when Ha Ra says something to me with her eyes wide open and talking worriedly.


I was even sweating..?

I drag my hand across my forehead to see some kind of liquid.

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"You're obviously sweating...because there's something troubling you."

I turn around and look at Kang San Ha's spot when.....

"Sung Gye-yah..over here,here.."

I turn my neck back around....and I hear a crack...-__-....

and I was able to see that Kang San Ha was standing in front of me.

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"Do you know what this is?"

Almost looking straight up, I lifted my head to Kang San Ha...

to see that in his hands was something seemed like a piece of paper..or a picture....


It can't be...a picture that Gong Jin and I took together?

At once.....from Kang San Ha's hand.....

I snatch the thing, which looks as if it's dancing to the wind like clothes left out to dry..........

I snatch it away from him....I run and run...until I reach the front of the classroom.

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"Yah! Hwang Sung Gye!!! Where are you going with that!!!!!!!"

Whatever Kang San Ha said...I check the thing in my hands with my two eyes wide open to see...

What a relief...the thing wasn't a picture...but movie tickets.

The movie tickets are reserved for today, to watch Five Kinds of My Love.

"You're really doing all sorts of things...are you even stealing now?"

"What is this?"

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"I don't know"

"What do you mean...didn't you reserve these?"

"Do you think I'm crazy!!!!!"

Each time you yell like that...the dust living in my ears feel an earthquake..-__-

Can't you talk a little more quieter?

"I took it...because some hoobae [email protected] telling me to take it..."

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"If you want to see it...I'll watch it, just for you.."

Kang San Ha plays with a key, and looks off to another direction....

"I..don't have time today..."


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The Sang Choo b@stard stops twirling the key...and glares at me quite scarily...

"Give me a reason."

"Today, I'm Gong......"

This useless mouth of mine!!

It only spits things out at times like this.

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"Gong what?"

If I give my answer late, he'll take it as something else....

And...if I said the truth, that I was meeting Gong Jin, I would be digging my own grave.

"Gong what!!"

"G-gong..I have to do gongbu (study).."

When he doesn't like something....or gets mad....

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not both, but one...and even, Kang San Ha's left eyebrow goes up.

It remains at the spot.

"Study? Alright...."

Kang San Ha smiles.

Is he trying to understand me......?

"I'm asking one last time.

Do you want to watch a movie? Or do you want to study?"

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The smile remained on Kang San Ha's face for exactly 3 seconds..-__-

After the 3 seconds, his eyebrow went down and he now waits for my choice.

"I'm sorry....

I really do have to study today....let's watch the movie... some other time."

When I hand Kang San Ha the movie tickets..

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"There is no next time. I'm watching it alone.

You've lost your chance to go back to how it was before with me."

Kang San Ha leaves to his seat, scrunching the movie tickets into a ball after saying that he'll watch it alone..

Right in the beginning of summer when it's become hot, a gust blows....

I'm so thankful....

Thanks to it, I'll feel crappy playing with Gong Jin.-_-

I look at Kang San Ha's back...he seems to be mumbling to himself..

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"Yah!!! How could your core teacher be like that?"

Whether they put all the strength they had onto the door, or that they knew I was leaning against the door...

opening the door that I was leaning on with so much strength to the point that it would almost collapse,

Han Yoo Seung and Han Uhl make an entrance, and Gwang Pal is about to enter...

The reason why Gwang Pal didn't make an entrance... but is about to.....

I can tell by hearing Gwang Pal's panting.-__-

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"..Eeng...I want to go in...why isn't the door opening!"

Gwang Pal, the b@stard, stuck halfway through the open door...uses all his strength to open the door further..

"Gwang Pal-ah..what are you doing over there, not coming in? ㅇ_ㅇ"

Han Uhl looks as if it's so interesting, that Gwang Pal has himself stuck between the half-

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open door so easily and can't come in.

"First Place!!!!"

Yoo Seung and Han Uhl have gone through the door, and finally....

Han Yoo Seung sees me stuck next to Gwang Pal.. screaming each time Gwang Pal struggles to open the door....

"Yah!!! Yoo Gwang Pal! You stay still!!"

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I, who was unable to move and stuck at the door...

was finally able to come out from between the door and Gwang Pal with Yoo Seung's help.

"First Place..are you okay? Are you hurt at all?"

Becuase I was stuck even more each time Gwang Pal tried to go past the door, all the bones in my body ache..

Han Uhl and Yoo Seung take me to my seat, then they begin to talk heatedly to Kang San Ha.

"Your core teacher!! Is he insane?

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We used up all our weekends and holidays hearing that he'd let us skip night classes for a week, but it was already planned for night classes to stop!!"

"Your core teacher is an impostor! Impostor!"

Yoo Seung and Han Uhl insult our core teacher, surrounding Kang San Ha.

Behind them...Gwang Pal shows no expression...

I know how Gwang Pal feels...

Poor Gwang Pal, he has to just stay still while his appa is insulted, unable to do anything about it...

"Our core teacher is good in that area~ they say that people with bigger heads trick people

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Now even Ha Ra joins in,

"Ha feel so sorry for you..ㅜ_ㅜ Having a core teacher like that..."

"I know, right? Don't you pity me? But what can I do..but be patient...

If I can't be patient, there's nothing I can dobut curse him when I get home.."

"You don't even need to curse him. You have to backstab him and show him what you're made of."

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The three look a bit sad, all gathering together to insult the core teacher.

I felt too bad for Gwang Pal, whispering to himself "No...don't be like that...", so..

"Guys..! Stop it!!

No matter how much you don't like our core teacher, he's an adult.He's our teacher."

Kang San Ha looks mad....

after hearing me say this.

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"Ah~ you were the core teacher's daughter-in-law, right?"

I feel all these eyes coming to me......

"What do you mean by daughter-in-law...that's not what I said.

I said it meaning that even if the core teacher lied to was for our own good.."

"Core teacher.

Pig, huge salt, bacon, homeless, halabeoji"

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Kang San Ha memorizes these insults, as if it's fun to continue on a list of it.-_-

"Pig teacher, huge salt teacher, bacon teacher, gerridae teacher, homeless teacher, halabeoji teacher"

Poor Gwang Pal....

I've never felt sorry for you like today...

I want to help ou but because of Kang San Ha, I can't do anything either but watch it happen....

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During each brea, Han Uhl and Yoo Seung came and with Ha Ra...oh, and with Kang San Ha too, they insulted the core teacher..

The insults kept going around my head...

Like that, all classes were finished and I was walking in the field with Ha Ra....when I got a call from Gong Jin...

"I'm in front of your school....when are you going to come out?"

"What!!! In front of the school!?

I'll go right away... so just stay there...!"

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I told Ha Ra that there was something urgent I had to do and that I would go alone...

and with all my strength, I arrived in front of the school gates...

I was easily able to fint Gong Jin, who stood firmly in front of the gates...wearing a Gonggo uniform.

I already said that I would study today, and that I didn't want to see a movie with Kang San Ha....

If Kang San Ha was to see me with Gong Jin now...aaaaaack!!!!! No!!!!!

I have to quickly get out of here....

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"Gong Jin-ah!!!"

With my hands in my pockets....

I call Gong Jin and I'm about to run to him, while he's kicking around the stones on the ground.

When....I hear from behind.....

"Pig teacher, huge salt teacher, bacon teacher, gerridae teacher, homeless teacher, halabeoji teacher"

the insults made me freeze where I was.

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I can hear Kang San Ha's voice insulting the core teacher coming closer and closer.

If Kang San Ha was to see Gong Jin....and Gong Jin said that he was waiting for me....


Sung Hye-yah.... let's not let your imagination run too wild.

"Beep beep beep"

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I phone Gong Jin at hyperspeed......

"Gong Jin-ah. Listen carefully to what I say.."

"What is it?"

"In a few minutes, Kang San Ha might go past you...

If that happens, you have to do as I say. Got it?"

"I don't want to."


"Then you have to do everything that I ask you to do today."

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Were you always a smart b@stard like this?

I thought you were the same as you were 8 years ago but I was mistaken.

There's one thing about you that's changed, b@stard....

your developed brain.-_-

"You don't have to if you don't want to~"

"Fine. I got it.. so do as I.."

"Hwang Sung Gye. You still haven't gone when you said you were going to study?"

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Kang San Ha begins a conversation standing next to me, and I hide my cellphone behind my back...

"^ ^"

and I carefully laugh.

"What's wrong?"

"What? ^-^"

"Are you retarded?"

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"Then why are you randomly laughing?"

"Becuase I want to go to the washroom."


Kang San Ha makes an expression as if he feels sorry for himself for having heard that, as he passes me and exits the school gates...

As I had predicted, probably having found Gong Jin, stopped his footsteps and glared at Gong Jin.

With a small voice, I held up my cellphone....

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"Repeat what I say.

Man Soon-ah!"

"Man Soon-ah!"

"Louder!! To the point that Kang San Ha standing in front of you can hear!

Man Soon-ah!!! Why aren't you coming out!!!!!"

"Man Soon-ah!! Why aren't you coming out!!!" usual, he listens to what I say well.

Hearing Gong Jin's loud voice looking for Man Soon...

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Kang San Ha continues to go on his way.

My head really works well~ hehehe

Fortunately, Gong Jin and I came out of the school with ease and we're now walking downtown.

I'm starving to death....but Gong Jin continues to walk.-__-

"Yah.. where are we going right now?"

Can't you hear the cannon sound coming from my stomach? This b@stard!!

I'm starving to death! B@starrd!!!

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In my mind, I yelled that I was starving with sorrow..while I glared at Gong Jin's backside when he was only walking...

Whether or not he heard the yelling in my mind....

Gong Jin suddenly stops and doesn't move.ㅇ_ㅇ

"Let's go in."

The place Gong Jin has said to go into.

Is the cafe I went to with Kang San Ha before, when Gong Jin said that it was his place.

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"Don't worry. I told our umma that you weren't Jin Hye.

I told her you were just someone else who looks like her.."

I felt relieved hearing those words, and I followed Gong Jin into the cafe.

"Umma! I'm here. Did you prepare what I asked you for?"

Prepare? What kind of preparation?

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"Of course~

The student who looks like Jin Hye came again...

I was sorry about what happened looked so much like her..

I was mistaken.. so your name is Soon Dol?"

Soo...Soon Dol...? -__-

There's so many pretty names...but how come I'm stuck with that kind of name?

I slowly look see Gong Jin, who avoids my eyes and disappears..

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"Now, quickly sit down please.."

Ahjumma showed me to a table where I can see ouside the best...

and like before, I sit down on a swing and look around the cafe.


Shim Gong Jin's dream has come true..

His dream, being able to eat yummy things while sitting on a swing....

"I ordered this, asking her to make it especially for you..isn't it pretty?"

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The thing Gong Jin has brought is a cake in the shape of a heart...

Even the fruit are in the shape of a heart, and decorate the cake prettily.

My birthday passed...was an order placed for this just because he watned to eat it?ㅇ_ㅇ

"Jin Hye-yah..happy birthdayu."

"My birthday passed."

"No. Jin Hye's birthday is today..

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17 candles were put on the cake..

and each time Gong Jin lit a candle with a match.

The memories from the past come back...

"Last week's was fake. Your real birthday is today...

Hurry and blow the candles out."

It was a birthday even I had forgotten...

It was a day I let pass normally every year.....

Umma and Appa most likely forgot that today was Jin Hye's birthday too...

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But Gong Jin still remembers it like this...

There's no one in the world who remembered Jin Hye's birthday except for Gong Jin....ha....

I feel weird.

Something boils up...a feeling I can't recognize....

"I really missed you...

If I was to eet you later, what would I say?

What should I ask first?

I had many things thought out...

When I saw you for the first time, no thoughts or words came out..

But...I wanted to congratulate you for your birthday like this..."


"It's strange.......

Even though you're in front of me, I miss you.

I miss Jin Hye..."

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I won't hide it anymore.

As you say, I'm Jin Hye... now I'm Sung Hye...

No matter how much you miss Jin Hye, I'm Sung Hye.

I can't go back to being Jin Hye....

Just forget me..Gong Jin.

And it's not even my birthday...I can't blow these candles out...

Let's stop now...."

"Whenever it became this day, I always said it in my mind.

Happy birthday..that I truly congratulate you for your birthday...

But now that you're in front of're telling me not to?"


"I waited 8 years.

Not knowing when I would meet you....

Worrying that you wouldn't recognize me if I changed..I didn't even change my hairstyle.

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I waited so desperately only to meet you like that...

and I'm happy that I've now met you again....

but you're telling me to stop....You're telling me to not even congratulate you for your birthday......"

I missed you too.

But even if I saw you, I thought you wouldn't be able to recognize me..

So it would be better if we didn't even meet...I hoped for us to never see each other again...

Even now, meeting you, seeing you, and talking to might like it, but I feel terrible and I'm hurting...

because I can never do as much as what you do for me..

because I'm no longer the Jin Hye you were so desperately waiting for and wanting to meet.

"You said you'd do everything I asked you to do...

It should be okay to do something even once.."

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Because of Gong Jin's calmed attitude...

and the promise I made to do everything he asked of me, I blew out the candles with difficulty and I accepted Gong Jin's congratulating..

It's definitely different, how I feel now and how I felt on the birthday last week....

I feel like the fragrance I had wanted to know about and wanted to smell was sprayed by someone, and the scent cradled me....

I want to keep falling into the fragrance....

but no matter how strong the scent is, the fragrance disappears as time passes....


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The heart-cake solved me being hungry...

and coming out of the cafe I was dragged by Gong Jin, arriving at none other than the movie theatre -__-

I don't have a good feeling about this.

"Do you want to eat popcorn?"

"No.. more importantly, what movie are we watching?"

"I already reserved seats. For Five Kinds of My Love"

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Huk!! Ttuk!!!!


The movie Kang San Ha reserved seats for before was Five Kinds of My Love too....

"The movie's going to start soon..let's hurry!"

"Wh-why don't we watch this next time? And ask for a refund...^ ^;;"

"I don't want to! You said you'd do everything I asked today..

Were you lying about that?"

"What do you mean by lying? I just..just......"

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Kang San Ha wouldn't possibly come to watch this movie alone?

And in this cinema, there's 2 theatres playing Five Kinds of My Love...

Not only that, but...

you never know when Kang San Ha reserved the seats, there's a chance of him having reserved seats for another time...

And even, the movie Five Kinds of My Love....was a movie I've wanted to watch.....

I'm just going to watch it...!!!

Nervous....with the what if..what my mind...

I go in with Gong Jin and sit down...I wait for the movie to start when....

I spot a very familliar person, the back of his head coming into view sitting in front of me.

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...How come me feeling nervous and not good..fits perfectly now...-_-

The person's familliar backview was Kang San Ha...

and sitting in my spot for me next to Kang San Ha was a teddy bear. ---------------80------------------

The movie begins....

And each time I see a slight movement that Kang San Ha might turn his head....

Just like whack-a-mole, I repeated bending down like the moles going into their holes.-__-

The amount of concentration I would only show when studying was shown to Kang San Ha....

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to the point that I can't tell whether I came here to watch a movie....or to watch Kang San Ha's every move.

What I don't like even Kang San Ha hitting the teddy bear's head from time to time.

And I heard.

Each time a girl who looked even slightly fat or ugly

he would look at the teddy's face and say "Why are you coming out"....-_-

Would he have said that kind of thing if he came to see this with me?-__+

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...It looks like he still hasn't noticed that Gong JIn is here.

Most likely....being the way it is right now, there's a big probability that we won't get caught.

When I see signs that the movie's going to end...I'll take Gong Jin and leave this theatre before Kang San Ha..


"Curly curly curly curly yummy ramyeon~

nothing tastes as tasty as ramyeon.

I can even eat ten packs in a single day~

Slurp slurp yum~ Slurp slurp yum~ yummy ramyeon."

..How come I have no luck.....

Why does God hate me so much...

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Ha.....I really disgustingly lack luck.

It just happens to be when it's a sad scene and people pause, not breathing and sniffling...

My cellphone rings to the point that it'll send this quiet atmosphere out of the theatre.

The people whispered and looked to the loud and odd sound coming from my cellphone...

Of course, Kang San Ha with a prickly voice...."Aish...who is it...!" and looks at me.

With his arm on the clay stiffening, Kang San Ha's expressionstiffens....

He releases a sigh...and blows his bangs from his forehead...

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"Come out."

With these two words, Kang San Ha quickly leaves first.

Gong Jin also seems to be surprised seeing Kang San Ha, when he was just seeinga movie.

Now I'm dead...with this thought..

I drag the running shoes I'm wearing around, and I follow Kang San Ha outsidewhen...

"Don't worry.^ ^ Just trust me"

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Gong Jin uses his words to try and assure me, telling me not to worry.

-outside the theatre-

"Didn't you say you were studying?"

With the teddy bear at his side..

Kang San Ha has his hands in his pockets, looks down at me being extremely tall, and throws a question at me that I've been expecting.

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"Yeah...about that...I..was going to...was going to study..^ ^;;"

"You were going to...

but instead you went to see a movie with Shim Gong Jin?"

What kind of explanation am I supposed to make here...

Everything he's said is the truth....

As Kang San Ha's words increase, my heart feels like it's shrinkinglike...a balloon losing air...

My eyes head from Kang San Ha's face to the floor.

"Heh...why didn't you just say the truth...?

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"Well..about that..."

"I followed her here...

Sung Hye nuna said she was going to go watch a movie with San Ha sunbae, so I followed her here."

He momentarily takes his eyes off me and looks at Shim Gong Jin...

"Is it true, what he's saying?"

Kang San Ha turns his head back to me.

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"Is it true that you came to watch a movie with me, but that b@stard stuck himself to you?"

I wonder whether to lie, or not....but because Gong Jin sends me a wink...

"O-of course!! I was going to study.....

"But it was bothering me how you were going to watch a movie I came to the theatre at the time you reserved the seats..

B-but....he followed me here, so..hahaha;;"

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I said it in a loud voice.

"You look like Muh Tuhl. (frizzy-haired cartoon character)

Why do you keep playing around Sung Gye?

Do you think I'll let it slide because you're a hoobae from middle school?"

He lightly laughs and ignores the comment about his hairo...but Gong Jin's expression slightly changes afterwards.

"It's better to look like this...than have a dirty personality."

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Kang San Ha's eyebrows deepen, and shows an expression as if it doesn't affect him at all.

"Do you remember when you transferred here?

You wore a clothespin on your embarssing it must've been.."

"I remember very clearly...when I transferred here...

Then, San Ha were cleaning the washroom for having a huge fight...

I remember how you were saying that you didn't like the pink rubber you asked them to give you blue ones instead.

Hah, since when were there blue rubber gloves."

Kang San Ha fakes a smile..

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"Yah, Hwang Sung Gye.

This kid, his IQ is 90. Two places..! Two places!! Puhahaha!!!"

"Sunbae, you have two places too."

"How's 90.1 two places!! Idiot!"


"Nuna. San Ha sunbae had to do a cf (commercial) you know what San Ha hyung did?"

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"Yah. Stop it."

"Sunbae started it first"


"He took the role of the polar bear that comes out in the Coca Cola commercial."

Kang San Ha, unable to take it anymore..

"Are you going to keep fooling around?"

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He held onto Gong Jin's collar.

Gong Jin didn't blink once to this....


and he goes looking through San Ha's pockets..

"What are you doing right now?"

"Didn't you ask if I was going to keep fooling around?"

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A silence.

"Yah, f*ck....this is so retarded."

Yeah...Gong Jin-ah.

This time was a bit too much.

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I'm about to tell San Ha to stop when he tightens his grip on Gong Jin's collar when....

"Sesese~Partner partner my partner~

My stupid partner~

Hit her once, why would I~

Hit her twice, why would I~"

right on time...Kang San Ha's cellphone rings..

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"San Ha-yah. Someone's calling..What if it's important..!!"

When I tell him uneasily to get the call...Sang Choo b@stard finally lets go of his collar and flips open his cellphone.

"What! She was released from the hospital? Where is she?

Just in case...get the guys all around Kim Yuh Sa...yeah."

Kim Yuh Sa....she's finally left the hospital.

Since she was beaten by Kang San Ha....she'd been admitted to the hospital....

Will I be seeing her at school again....

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After the conversation...Kang San Ha puts his phone away and puts on a serious expression.

Is it that big of a deal, that Kim Yuh Sa has been released...

"Shim Gong Jin.. Just for today, I'm leaving Sung Gye to you.

Take her home, and don't let her go anywhere else."

With the teddy bear still by his side....Kang San Ha rushes to leave.....

Gong JIn and I come out and without saying a single word, we head home.

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I want to say thank you...for lying to Kang San Ha...because of me....

but my mouth is useless when I need it....

It tends to blurt things out only when it isn't necessary, so even now I can't say anything.

I can only say it in my mind.

"Jin Hye-yah.."

Jin Hye?

This [email protected] does whatever he wants...-___-

He calls me Sung Hye nuna when I'm with San Ha...and he calls me Jin Hye when he's with me....

"What is it?"

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"Let's..stop by there..."

The place Gong Jin points at is a playground..

Because it's become dark, there's no kids and it seems to be really quiet..

"I want to ride swings.. Let's go~let's go~"

"Didn't you hear what Kang San Ha said?

He said not to go anywhere else but home.."

"Didn't you say you'd do everything I asked of you today?

And when you were totally caught by San Ha sunbae...who was it who saved you~"

"....Muh Tuhl"

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I barely stop Gong Jin from phoning Kang San Ha because I called him Muh Tuhl...

Complaining, I come to the playground...and at my current age of nineteen....

like someone of high class...I'm riding the swings. -__-

Whatever it is that makes him so excited...Gong Jin plays by riding the swings as if he was flying in the sky.

"He's the only one excited...this Muh Tuhl b@stard." Gong Jin can't hear...I mutter..has he heard me talking to myself....

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Hearing himself being called Muh Tuhl b@stard, he stops swinging...

and he comes up to me like a starving iguana, ready to eat a fly...

Gong Jin begins to come up to me while I was so calmly riding the swings.

"Yah. Wh-what are you doing?"

"Before, I was happy with just being able to see you....

but as time passes, it changes...."

"Don't say that you're not happy with that....

then I can't see you anymore.."

...I know.....I know everything...too....

I know that the way I see you now...and the way you see me are different.....

and that the way I think of you..and the way you think of me are different too..

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"You'll end up coming to me."


The moment I'm about to ask what he's talking about...

Gong Jin goes behind me and pushes the swing.

After pushing a few times, he stands in front of me....

and as I'm swinging up to Gong Jin..Gong Jin doesn't move an inch.ㅇ_ㅇ

What's he doing?

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"Yah! Move!! Do you want to get hurt or something!"

I yell, but Gong Jin still doesn't move from in front of me...

I close my eyes tightly and I think about which way he's going to be thrown back..

when I can feel the swing stopping...

When I open my closed eyes carefully...I see Gong Jin, who has stopped the swing with his hand.

And Gong Jin carefully pulls the stopped swing back.....

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"See. You came to me...

I waited for 8 years..... and it's getting hard for me to wait....but like come..

I....won't lose you twice.

....I'll do more for you than San Ha sunbae has..

I'll do better for you than I did a long time ago...

I won't do things you don't like....and I'll only do what you like.

Can't you choose me, instead of San Ha sunbae now...?

Can't you look at me too, instead of looking at just San Ha sunbae....?"



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It's different, liking that person and liking you.

It's easy for anyone to say that they like another....

but the meaning of liking someone....the sad and happy things that follow after the meaning....

When I like that person, that person will be happy.

When I like you, you will be sad. ------------81--------------

Gong Jin must be feeling really left out, right?

He remembered me for 8 years without forgeting...

but I pretended not to know him and I didn't even treat him well....

Gong Jin must be really mad, right?

He liked me for 8 years...

but I like Kang San Ha, not Gong Jin...

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Gong Jin must be really hurting, right?

He tells me to choose look at him...

but I say sorry and avoid him....

Stopping the hurtful thoughts....

The swing next to me shakes, while making squeaking noises.....

I say the same thing I say whenever I see Gong Jin

the same thing that spins in my mind.


The only thing I have to say to you is that I'm sorry....

I was sorry before...I'm sorry now...and I'll be sorry from now on...

I'm...really sorry...Gong Jin-ah.."

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He weakly releases the swing he's been holding onto....

"I won't force you to like me, or to go back to Jin Hye anymore...

but...I won't give Jin Hye....

This is what I I'm going to do as I want."

Gong Jin slowly disappears from my eyes, which become redder and tears start to come...

The day is dark......

It's not like Gong Jin wore glow-in-the-dark clothes or anything...

but in this dark playground..only Gong Jin could be seen in my eyes...

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Probably because of me being sorry towards Gong Jin...

or because I'm mad at myself for being unable to accept Gong Jin's feelings...

I couldn't stop crying even when I arrived home..

and I regret not being able to definitely express how I feel to Gong Jin, who said he wouldn't give up.

I don't want to hurt you...because I'm so sorry...and you for remembering me and liking me for 8 years....

I can't describe this clearly, but this is cruel.

To Gong Jin, who I can't do anything for....

calling him for sympathy...or for being my friend....making him expect something is too cruel.

Was I the kind of person to hurt others for myself?

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Was I the kind of person to not figure out what's going on and sympathize?

I was feeling so sorry because I was always unable to say that I loved him....

but feeling sorry for Gong Jin begins to increase as well.

I fell asleep staring at the picture Gong Jin had stuck on my door, the picture I couldn't throw out....

and I had a draem of 8 years ago.

When in truth, I was really existing...

When I didn't know what the meaning of happiness was.....but was happy....

I couldn't be seen well because I was hidden by Unni's shadow....

but it was when as Jin Hye, I told stories....talked...smiled....and cried.....

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When I wake up from my dreams...there's reality.....

But....reality seems fake...and like a lie.

It's not that there isn't a different between a dream and reality.....

It's not difficult......and I want to run away......

I keep getting foolish thoughts...that I want the dream to be reality...

And I realize that lies will always someday be revealed.

-next day at school-

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Looking at the chalkboard without any thoughts...the class ended....

Blankly...looking at the window without any thoughts...I looked around...wondering what the kids were doing..

Ha organizing her books...pressing at the calculator crazily, to the point that her fingers couldn't be seen.

Seeing how she was used to pressing at the calculator..I think she needs to go on a vacation for a few years.

Oh! Oh! Kang San Ha concentrates on the game screen, while pouding at the game.

He looks more serious than usual.

And next to Ha Ra, Han Uhl uses his dumbbells.

Whenever class ends....holding his dumbbells like that...he shows Ha Ra his exercising.

(Even if I call them dumbbells..They're the size of square chocolates worth 300won (around $.30 CAD=_=)

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Behind Kang San ha is Gwang Pal, using an exact-o-knife to peel his chestnut.

Seeing his skills with peeling chestnuts, it seems that he professionally peels them when he has the time....

In front of the chalkboard, showing the girls a magic trick with a 100won (around $.10 CAD)...Han Yoo Seung hears the girls go Kyaa~ Woww~.

Of course...seeing how he doesn't forget to smile like spring sunshine, that smile must be for flirting...

Five guys surround her and looking at her face in each...

Koh Sa Ri tries out different expressions.

It's probably tos ee which angle and expression she looks prettiest with when taking pictures...

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I think I have to do something too...

Right now, question packages and calssic stories won't come into my head.

Hyoo~ I let out a sigh....

Ha Ra comes up to me....after hearing my sigh....

"Sung Hye-yah. What's wrong today?

You don't look cheerful..and your face seems to be full of it....can it be..."

What? ㅡ.ㅡ?

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"Tell me if it's constipation! I have really good medicine!

Even if you eat one pill, you hear a thunder from your stomach...and you just feel like running to the washroom~"

I didn't even eat breakfast....but I don't think I'll be able to touch the lunch to my mouth because of that Oh Ha Ra...

'Aish sh!t! Aish f*ck! Oh Ha Ra!!'

"Should I give you one? If it's really bad, I can give you two.."

"It's not constipation.... Ha Ra."

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"Then what is it? Is it...can it be...."

I'm scared to hear what Ha Ra has to say next.

I wonder what will pop out of Ha Ra's mouth this time...

"Did Kang San Ha and you lose interest in each other?

Not even listening to my reply and imagining and guessing however she would like, Ha Ra runs to Han Uhl.

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"Han Uhl-ah~! What do we do!! Sung Hye and Kang San Ha seem to have lost interest in each other~!!!"

Why would we lose interest, when we haven't even dated for that long...-__-

Anyway, that Oh Ha Ra.. I have to let her know that she's overreacting.

Ha Ra and Han Uhl looked from Kang San Ha to me repeatedly...whispering to each other.

Whatever they're planning...those two have sneaky grins on their faces....and I began to feel fear.

But the fear was only for a second....

After all classes end...I pack my bag to go home, when...

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"Sung Hye-yah..let's hang out today~~"

With a cute expression, Oh Ha Ra tries to get me to play with her.

"Doing what?"

Because the past few days have been depressing....I feel like playing without any worries..

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"It's no fun if I tell you ahead of time~ Dress prettily and come out to Midari Station~"

I don't like riding the subway.....-_-

And dress prettily?

Wherever we're makes me more curious.

I arrive home....would I be comparable to Ha Ra, who had dressed like a model before....

From my secret box, I wear a pink knit and beige cotton skirt..

Because it's not my real look, I look ugly...but I still dress quite prettily..and I went to Midari Station.

Maybe it's because I dressed up....

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I feel more happier than when a tiring subject teacher suddenly leaves and the class president goes 『Today is for studying』...

and more happier than when I pick up a winning lottery ticket.^0^

Playing all day with Ha Ra today..

I'm going to send away the upsetting....sad....and depressing things from until now.


Feeling my back being a bit hotter, it seems like someone is looking at me from behind since way before.


Of course my looks from behind can attract attention enough to stare at~...

Although if they saw me from the front, they would bite their lips and show a disgusted expression....

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Someone hits my shoulder....

What's going on? Is he already going for me?

He must be pretty confident with his looks...

I turn around....

and with a gasp, there was no way I couldn't step back.

"Why are you so surprised? Do I look like a monster?"

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"How did y-you....ㅇ_ㅇ"

"Then where are you going dressed like that?"

"San Ha-yah~~ First Place~~"

Han Uhl comes running to us waving his hands in the air with Ha Ra.

It seems to me that Ha Ra and Han Uhl whispering to each other.....was to arrange a double date.-__-

-Lotte World-

I have a hairband with heart balloons attached to them, bouncing each time I take a step...

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us four have milkshakes in our hands and receiving people's attention, we walk around.

The person who refused the most for wearing the hairband was Kang San Ha..

But...due to Han Uhl's plea, it seems he's forced into doing it like me....

Later....after not even 30 seconds have passed, he eventually takes the hairband off...

"You're not going to....wear it? ㅜ_ㅡ?"

Han Uhl looks like a puppy wanting a bone but...

Selfish b@stard.

It's not like anything would happen if you had it on for a bit...

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"Do you think I came here to do this kind of thing?"

Kang San Ha keeps swearing... and mutters about how embarassing it is....

Eventually he takes off one balloon on the left side...and wear a hairband with only a baloon on the right side.

For some looks more noticable than us.-_-

We walk around all wearing out balloon hairbands, wondering what to ride when....

"Ooh~ alright!! Yah~~ let's ride that one!!"

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Wearing a jean skirt and a white shirt with a letter on it, pink sunglasses, and a pink purse.....

Ha Ra goes hyper seeing the drop zone.

"It looks fun!!! San Ha-yah let's ride that one!"

Drinking the milkshake with a straw, having drank all of it..

wearing sky blue jeans with a big star studded on it and a silver necklace,

Han Uhl agrees to ride the drop zone with Ha Ra.

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"Do I have to ride that childish ride?"

Wearing a hairband with only one balloon attached...and with an expression that clearly shows him wondering why he's come here

wearing a white studded shirt and brown khaki pants and a silver wach

San Ha acts as if the drop zone was a small bug on the ground..


It's scary just looking at it...but you say it's childish?

Fine~ let's see if you can say that after riding it.

"Okay!! Let's ride that!!!! We came all the way we should have all the fun we

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possibly can~!"

I take the milkshakes the kids had in their hands and throw them out when...

whoever didn't finish theirs.....left one with the lid undone, soaking my skirt.-__-

Because it was a chocolate skirt looks like I painted it with crap.

Soaked, I wait in a line to ride the drop zone....

when Sang Choo b@stard takes off the shirt he was wearing.

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Is he giving this to me to cover myself with it?

"You're dirty...."

Kang San Ha.

now wearing a khaki-coloured t-shirt with a small red star studded on it....

he calls me dirty......making me feel bad....

=_=..Because he lent me his shirt, I let it slide.

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Even more, Han Uhl and Ha Ra are next to me...

If I was to get in a fight with him and not image would be ruined.

Finally we got to go on.....

In around 3 minutes, we reached up to the sky and stopped momentarily.....

then the drop zone falls straight~~~~~ down.

Probably because I'm a was more thrilling than scary.

Kekeke...I want to ride it again...

"Oh~ I have goosebumps all over my body~!!! It's really fun!! Let's ride it again!"

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Saying it was fun...and that we should ride it again....I tried to go against....Ha Ra's fussing...

San Ha and Han Uhl, without saying a single word...

with severely frozen expressions...they stayed silent for 5 whole minutes.

Heh...they must've been scared.

But they couldn't say it was scary either.....

Even when riding the swinging ship....

Ha Ra and I shook our hands in the air and enjoyed it...

but Han Uhl didn't move at all with his head lowered....

when the ship went up

Kang San Ha would say "How can you ride this, it's so boring? It's childish~ It's boring~"...

but when the ship went right down, he got into the same pose as Han Uhl.-__-

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It became a very dark night

and following the fireworks and laser show, Han Uhl suddenly looked like he was ready to cry.

As soon as Ha Ra, surprised, asks "What's wrong...Han Uhl-ah? Are you hurt?"..

"I want to show my halmeoni that..!"

Han Uhl points at the grass made with lasers.

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"My halmeoni...

These days she plucks out the fluff from a carpet....and says she'll make stew with it..."

Using make stew.....=_=

Can his halmeoni be...suffering from dementia......

"If I showed that huge vegetable to halmeoni, she'd really like it..."

That's grass...

Anyone who saw this would think it's grass. come in Han Uhl's eyes....that's a vegetable...

I want to look inside of Han Uhl's head.....

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To see what he thinks of...what he remembers...and see what he accepts and recognizes...

"There's something that looks like you."

"Where, where?

Looking around at the beautiful images drawn by the lasers....

excitedly, I look wondering if a pretty girl or a cute animal is drawn to see.....

The thing Kang San Ha points at is a pig with a flower on its ear.-__-

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"Are you saying that's me? =_+"

"Rather than having a flower on its ear....

if it had money in its mouth..there wouldn't be a single difference.."

Sang Choo-yah...

You're saying I look like that pig head?




This d@mn b@stard Sang Choo!!!!!!

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I clench my fist.....

and I gather courage to slap Kang Sang Choo's back..

ㅡ,.ㅡ..when I feel my hand becoming warm..

Not taking his eyes off the flower pig drawn by lasers....

Kang San Ha sadly fakes a cough, then holds my hand.

(Suddenly changes from Sang Choo to San Ha after holding hand)

I of couse hold Kang San Ha's hand...

and hoping for this happiness to continue...I spent the day not knowing the misfortune awaiting tomorrow. -----------83----------------

I arrive home...and after having to hear Umma's lecturing...I was able to go into my room.

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What Umma said today seemed like the lecturing she always did....

but telling me to be careful from now on...and to not change...Umma's expression when saying these things...

for some reason made me anxious and it seemed that she was implying something.

What's she telling me to be careful about from now on..

And telling me to not change.....have I changed a lot these days...?

Or is she being like that because of my clothes today....

Hwang Sung Hye....let's not think too deeply.

You liked today.

You smiled a lot, and you were happy today.

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That's right.

So...let's not become depressed over these kinds of things.

The happenings from Lotte World seemed like a dream.

The proof that it wasn't a dream was the photo on my desk.

We didn't get a makeover turning into a princess and prince like Ha Ra and Han Uhl...

but it's the first photo I've taken with Kang San Ha...

I brought it saying that I'd give it back tomorrow after scanning the photo with a scanner...

but it bothers me how I look so hideous standing next to Kang San Ha in the photo.

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A face full of freckles and and wearing glasses which cover half my face....

and Kang San ha, who has a clean, beautiful complexion and looks amazing in photos.....

There's quite a big contrast.

The me in this photo....

and the me in the photo I took with Gong Jin.....

how can we look so different...

Really, nobody would know.

But...if I took the glasses off and erased the freckles, I would look the same as I look in the photo taken with Gong Jin.

For a while, I compare the photo I took with Kang San Ha today...and the photo I took with Gong Jin 8 years ago..

Whether it's because I went around too much or not....I didn't study and slept..

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The next day....

My eyes open at 7:30,

"Kyeeaa!!!!!!! I'm late!!!!!!!!!"

I quickly wash my face.....and after I finish preparing to go to school, I'm about to leave the room.....

when I remember that I said I'd return the clothes Kang San Ha lent me yesterday and the photo.

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I discover a plastic bag lying around...

and putting the clothes in and the photo flipped down on the desk...

'I wish I could fly!!!! If only time could stop for 2 minutes.....'

Thinking of all sorts of thoughts, I barely make it when there's 1 minute until the bell rings, and I was able to avoid being late.

Class begins....

I put strength into my slowly closing eyelids....and as I continue to keep my eyes open....

I randomly turn my head then my eyes land on Ha Ra falling sleeping.

Like a chicken bending its head to eat its food....

Ha Ra's head shakes....

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I ended up seeing it.

The drool that stretches from Ha Ra's mouth and eventually falls onto the desk.....-__-

Worrying about the other kids seeing this...

trying to wake Ha Ra up...

I squish up and roll around the eraser bits on my desk...and right when I'm about to throw it towards Ha Ra's face...

Ha Ra wakes up from her sleep....and her eyes meet with mine.ㅇ_ㅇ!!!

Hurriedly, I hide the eraser bits...but whether it's because she's not fully awake or not...

with her eyes half-open....she smirks and wipes the drool from her mouth and chin...

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"Yah...don't fall asleep."

and with those words, Oh Ha Ra rubs her hand on her partner's back.-__-

Class ends...and Ha Ra lays her head on her desk....and seems to be sleeping.

"Ha Ra-yah~~~! Ha Ra-yah!!!"

Has 5 minutes passed.....since Ha Ra's begun to sleep.....

From outside the classroom, a voice calling Ha Ra becomes louder....

and Ha Ra who had been sleeping peacefully with no disturbance....hearing herself being called....suddenly stands up and takes out her mirror...

At once she brushes her hair....and stealing the fanfic her partner had been reading, she flips the pages slowly.

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Following this....the owner of the voice that had been calling Ha Ra...Han Uhl comes into the classroom...

and as if they've met their seperated families, Ha Ra and Han Uhl show a teary reunion...

"Ha Ra-yah! What if you become like First Place from only reading books like that.."

"Don't worry~ what are you holding?"

What Ha Ra is pointing at.....

is something wround wrapped in tin foil in Han Uhl's hand.

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Han Uhl happily smiles and removes the tin foil...

I stand around...

while next to Han Uhl...Ha Ra shows interested, bright eyes.

The tin foil is spread out....

and in it are many cookies with white and clear, jewel-like flecks.

...Ha Ra's expression looks slightly disappointed....

but that happens only for a second.... Ha Ra goes

"Wow~ they look delicious...It looks as if there's my favourite diamonds lodged in!"

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Like that, she smiles while taking a cookie, and takes a bite.

But at the same time...

Right when she bites on it....-_-

"Euk! Barf!!!"

Gagging a few times, she forces herself to swallow

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"Yah!!!!! Na Han Uhl!! What did you put in these cookies?"

Do those taste bad?

I wonder how bad it must taste, with her still spitting it out like that....

Han Uhl must've done his best to make those......

She should've just pretended they were delicious even if they tasted bad..

"Just flour...eggs..."

"Then what are these white flecks?"


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Ha Ra-yah. It's good that you spit it out...!

Ha Ra-yah!! Good for you, for asking!!!!

If you didn't, I would have eaten a cookie that Han Uhl made..

I didn't know those white flecks...was thick salt for making pickled cabbages....=_=

"Ohh!!!!! I got you!!! Were you guys thinking of eating it all by yourselves without me?"

WIth his eyes only towards the cookie Han Uhl's holding....

the b@stard Gwang Pal makes slurping noises as he quickly takes the cookie from Han Uhl and stuffs it in his mouth.

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....Ha Ra...and Han Uhl....and I.....all look at Gwang Pal's reaction.

Breaking the imagination of him gagging like Ha Ra..

Gwang Pal shows his yellow teeth with pieces of the dirt we could call a cookie and says

"Gwang Pal won't be sad if you give him one more~"

Circling Han Uhl...he stuck out his hand for one more.

Gwang Pal that b@stard.

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He's not human.

If he was human...he would know taste..and be able to differentiate tastes.....

He would spit it out..or gag like Ha Ra....

Just seeing it with my eyes, in that cookie there seemed to be...around 10 more pieces of thick salt....

but he eats two of those saying they're delicious, and asks for more....

The moment I'm about to step back from Gwang Pal as if seeing a monster....

The thing around Gwang Pal's neck which seems to be a necklace....stimulates my curiosity.

"Gwang Pal-ah, you....what's the thing hanging on your neck?"

"What~? This?"

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That's right...that.

Your necklace that looks a lot like one of those necklaces an Indian chief would wear around....

What is that....

"This~ It's a biscuit~~"


"That really is a biscuit."

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Right when I've lost the ability to speak hearing that it's a biscuit.....Han Yoo Seung comes up in front of me.

"He says it's something he eats whenever he gets hungry..his First Aid kit."

Gwang Pal, who's made a biscuit necklace by making a small hole into the biscuit and put a string through to eat it whenever he's hungry..

as if to show me...he takes bites into his biscuit necklace.-__-

Gwang Pal-ah~~~

Why are you only making a biscuit necklace?

Why don't you make biscuit earrings, biscuit rings, and biscuit bracelets too?-_-

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Hra...who's been watching Gwang Pal's biscuit necklace seriously goes....


If you do well, you'll become rich..

Gwang Pal-ah...I'll try just one of those."

"Okay okay~"

Saying she'll eat just one...Ha Ra keeps eating it....

The empty space of the biscuit necklace grows as Ha Ra eats it.

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Han Uhl, whether it's because he doesn't like how Ha Ra eats the biscuit in front of Gwang Pal or not

smiles questionably holding a pair of scissors in his hand and goes up behind Gwang Pal.

What's he thinking of doing like that?



Watching this behaviour of Han Uhl's....

I came to know that with jealousy he can't even see his friends or whatever he calls them.

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Han Uhl cut Gwang Pal's biscuit necklace with his scissors and right away ran out of the classroom.

With Han Uhl cutting it....

"Tu du du duk"

The biscuit..Gwang Pal's First Aid kit is distributed onto the classroom floor and desk...

Not knowing Han Uhl had done it...

blankly...he only stares at the biscuit pieces and with just the string in his hand, Gwang Pal looks like he's about to cry.

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Are you okay...? I was going to comfort him...

but looking around Gwang Pal...

"Don't come near!! It's mine!!!!!"

Thinking someone will steal the pieces of biscuit that's fallen onto the floor..he watches the surrounding kids' boundaries...

He begins to shove the pieces into his uniform pocket.

"Han Uhl did it, didn't he?"

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Han Yoo Seung asks, whispering in my ear.

I'm about to answer 'Yeah' whispering in his ear when......

"Yah!!! Han Yoo Seung!!!!!"

Kang San Ha, who had been sleeping behind us yells at Han Yoo Seung in a loud voice.


"Come here"

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To Kang San Ha's calling, Han Yoo Seung goes.....

I look over Gwang Pal who's next to Ha Ra, looking like he's dropped chestnuts in the mountain at night when really he's picking after the biscuits.

Because of the biscuit, his pocket seems like it'll explode from being full...but Gwang Pal the foolish b@stard keeps shoving them in-_-

"It's Han Uhl's doing, right?"

Han Yoo Seung after rushing to Kang San Ha has come back sometime, and whispers in my ear again.

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Like before, I'm about to say Yeah. It's Han Uhl's doing. but when I'm right by Han Yoo Seung's ear.....

"Yah!!! Han Yoo Seung!!!!!!"

Again because Kang San Ha called Han Yoo Seung I was unable to answer.

"Again, what!!"

"Come here."

Does Kang San Ha really have that much to say to Yoo Seung....

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"Why go!! Even if I go, you won't say anything and just glare at my face!"

.....Just glare?


Calling Yoo Seung that loudly as if it's urgent...why....would you not say anything and just glare at him? +_+?

"Then Hwang Sung come here."

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Why me all of a sudden?

Feeling annoyed that he's called...I go up to him with an expression like wrinkled paper.....

"You stay here."

There's nothing to do....but he tells me to stay next to him...

What's this supposed to mean....


Has he called me to because he has something to say?

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"Go ahead, talk.."

"You...ah!!! Did you bring my clothes and the photo?"

-__-.....He called me to tell me just that?

Even when I was busy, the plastic bag I had ready I gave to Kang San Ha....

and right when I'm about to go back to watch Gwang Pal, Sang Choo b@stard shows his temper.

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"Do you like it that much being next to Han Yoo Seung!!! Fine, go!"


Is that why he tried to hold me back...=,.=

I really can't do anything about this b@stard.

Like that...I had to talk away next to Kang San Ha...or just stay still next to Kang San Ha.

Even if I barely try to go to another place....

"Are you going? Alright, go...

You said you wanted to think about each you're still going to think?

Alright...go. I'll just be watching you leave.."

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Kang San Ha glares, talking with a feel that seems half threatening.

Until all classes have finished, I spend my precious time next to Kang San Ha.ㅜ_ㅜ

In that time, how many english words and fanfic pages would I have gone through....

Because of Kang San Ha's extreme jealousy I act as if I'm feeling terrible, dying...

and acting as if it isn't fair....but I actually quite enjoy it and I arrive at home from school....

To study, since it's been a while...I spread the question sheets on my desk and the moment I'm about to sit down on my chair

when I see a photo that's fallen underneath the desk.

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This the photo I had taken with Kang San Ha at Lotteria!!!!


Then.....the photo I gave to Kang San Ha today.........!!!!!!!!!

Could it be.........!!!!!!

-------------Kang San Ha Side Story----------------

-Kang San Ha Side Story-

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There's a girl who looks int he same direction as me.

Whether it's during class..or during break...she always looks at the sky outside the window.

I feel a freedom with no limit.....

and although I can't touch's always right where I can see it....and there's a possibility of it getting me whatever I want.....

I wonder what that girl thinks of when she looks at the sky?

That girl has looks which wouldn't reach up to average, and it seems like the only thing she can do it study.

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And she doesn't care about anything.

When other kids make fun of her, insult her, or gave her an unfair job...

she just listens....smiles....and doesn't show a reaction..

Normal girls would cry, be upset, and be angry over those kinds of things....

but that girl really doesn't seem to take those kinds of things in.

It was like that until when I felt the girl was special, which was during Literacy class.

Everyone presents the poems they've written during vacation..

The girl's poem...the girl's voice...went deeply into my mind.

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"Title:Deserted Island"

I want to go to that kind of place.

A place no one in the world knows

A place no one can find

I want to go to that kind of place.

A place no matter how loud I laugh, or yell

A place people can't hear

I want to go to that kind of place.

A place whether I cry, or show anger

A place people can't see.

If there is such a place...the place is

A world free of dispair and sadness

The place is a world only I know of and I exist

The place is a deserted island only existing in my mind"

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After that....

There was a time when I would once become curious about this girl.

How does she look like when she laughs?

I can never tell whether she's laughing or crying because her face is always covered by her glasses...

Then there were many times when I would become curious about this girl.

It's been a while since I've been in the same class..

but she always loks the same and she uses the same voice and attitude when talking to guys....

Compared to normal girls...she's definitely different..

Is she always like that?

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The curiosity towards the girl changed to interest.

Her name is Hwang Sung Hye.

I've never seen her not get first place of the entire school, and her face with glasses on and her hairstyle always being the same..

She seems to really hate it when people try to get involved in her business.

And after a few days passed..

the unknown feeling I felt towards Hwang Sung Hye....changed to a feeling I've felt for the first time.

With Han Yoo Seung and Na Han Uhl...I'm at the PC bang playing games when.. (PC bang=internet cafe)

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"Snow White has fallen into danger

Left alley"

I get a text from my dongseng Shin Hee....

Wanting to exercise a bit since it's been a while..Han Uhl, Yoo Seung, and I go to that place.

There was no way we couldn't be surprised.

With a movement swifter than a guy's...

a girl with a familiar face takes on three guys with massive bodies alone.

She eventually fainted but she had enough skill to be surprised.

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Before taking care of the three gangsters..

Whether it's because the three gangsters have grown tired from fighting with this girl or not, they ran away like that.

And without any thoughts in my head..I went towards the fainted girl..


Nothing but laughter came out.

And my mind becomes hazy as if fog has gathered up....

It's Hwang Sung Hye.

Our class nerd...

Our class freak...

First place of our entire school....Hwang Sung Hye.

I sent Yoo Seung and Han Uhl first... and picked Hwang Sung Hye up.

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"Oppa what's up with you today?...I thought you didn't like body contact with a girl.."

Yeah...why is this..?

I'm curious too...'s okay with Hwang Sung Hye..

Why only to Hwang Sung Hye I have this weird feeling...

Why only to Hwang Sung Hye my heart beats madly...

Not knowing where Hwang Sung Hye's house is.....because it seemed like she was a bit hurt..I took her to our house.

Starting from this day....I was tied by something.

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A string that cannot be cut....

A string that I wouldn't be able to cut even if I felt like it because I have this feeling I can never connect it again....

I was tied by it.

"Oppa..look at this unni."


As soon as I saw Hwang Sung Hye's face, my face became red as if I was drunk and I couldn't think properly.

I don't think I can ever forget the feeling I felt then.

She was pretty.....

I've never said to a girl that she was pretty...or thought like that.. before...

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But I really thought that Hwang Sung Hye's look without glasses was really pretty.

I thought even the legendary Cat Eyes Gwang Pal talked about who would come once a month to Silla's Night

wouldn't be as pretty as Hwang Sung Hye.

Her hair was all let loose, and the noticeable freckles were gone.

Her face with glasses on, freckles, and her hair all tied back looks really different from now.

It was as sour as when I would eat an unripened plum or persimmon....

My face became stiff and I was unable to smile or squish my face up as I wanted.

'What the! Is she really Hwang Sung Hye?' is what I wanted to say, but my voice wouldn't even come out.

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I just couldn't take my eyes off Hwang Sung Hye's face.

Would this be called falling for someone?

If other b@stards also saw Hwang Sung Hye's face right now without glasses, they'd be the same as me..

Suddenly I had a bad feeling over me and I felt greed.

Hwang Sung Hye's real looks.

I want to know only....and I want to see it only.....

Like that...with the thought of wanting to hide Hwang Sung Hye's real face..

and the thought of Hwang Sung Hye and Han Yoo Seung becoming closer....

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I think I said unbelievable things and acted unbelievably.

I told her to be careful of Yoo Seung....

and told him that Hwang Sung Hye's face without glasses looks like Gwang Pal's........

After that..I went to Silla's Nightclub

and when I found out the legendary Cat Eyes was Hwang Sung Hye....I became angry.

There was no reason.

I was just angry at seeing Hwang Sung Hye's look I've been unable to see before.

Her face with make-up..

Her revealing clothes..

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Wherever she's learned it, her dancing that would catch many peoples' eyes..

Hwang Sung Hye....

The more I look over you, the more I like you....

the more I want to know your new look, and look for it.

Especially when I saw the photo she took with Shim Gong Jin when she was young

I...wanted to know more...and it makes me mad not knowing this part of her.

Even if I want to see it at school....

because of Yoo Gwang Pal wandering around close by....and Na Han Uhl...(embarassed)

I could only see the photo I took with her at Lotte World when I arrived home.

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But the photo I saw wasn't the one I took with Hwang Sung Gye...

but a photo from way before, when Hwang Sung Gye and Shim Gong Jin were young.

It looks at least from when they were in grade 3~4 in elementary school, but.....

why...did Hwang Sung Gye take this photo with Shim Gong Jin....?

Hwang Sung Gye's face in the her not wearing glasses and when she didn't have freckles.

What I see in this photo...

what I think of in my head through this photo..

is how close Shim Gong Jin and Hwang Sung Hye appear to be. Hwang Sung Hye really Shim Gong Jin's first love......

When Hwang Sung Hye is called Jin Hye by Shim Gong Jin.....

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is that also...true....?

Wanting to make sure, I took the photo and went to Shim Gong Jin.

Of course as I thought, he was at the cafe with swings from the ceiling

and Shim Gong Jin went around all over the place with a bunny-pattern apron.

"!! Sunbae. What brings you here....ㅇ_ㅇ"

Getting the photo...and as soon as I put it down on the counter where Shim Gong Jin is standing...he looks panicky.

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"Tell me everything you know.."


"Can't you hear me


"I said can't you hear me!!!!!!"

Everyone inside the cafe looks at me.


"Aren't you going to lower your heads? Anyone who meets eyes with me is dead...!"

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I would be like this....but today I resisted.

"As Sung Hye nuna yourself.

There's nothing for me to tell....Sunbae."

".....Let me ask you a few things."

"I'll answer only what I know of..."

"Have you two known each other since a long time ago?"

"The photo tells you that, doesn't it."

....Then it's true that Hwang Sung Hye is Shim Gong Jin's first love...

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Hah..... Hwang Sung Hye's first love...Shim Gong Jin also.....?

Why does one side of my heart start aching.....

Why do I feel so weak.....

"Are Sung Hye and Jin Hye...the same person?"

"I called her Jin Hye...because she is Jin Hye."

What I don't know...what I can't possibly know...

Shim Gong Jin knows.

But.....why did Hwang Sung Hye....

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pretend to not know...Shim Gong Jin....and not say that they knew each other since a long time ago...

I didn't have my uniform necktie on tightly...but something starts to choke my neck.

When I asked before who Jin Hye was, Hwang Sung Hye didn't answer.

Before I wanted to find Jin Hye for her....

now I'm becoming scared....

In front of I let Hwang Sung Hye become angry, and laugh....

her slowly the part of her I didn't know....

I'm really becoming scared.

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That you'll....start looking at not me, but another b@stard......

that you' and laugh with not me, but other b@stards and that the other b@stards will start to like you.....

In front of you I make fun of you and bother you....

but I'm a coward and a fool.

When I see you, I pretend to dislike...and pretend something isn't..

because when I just see you, I can't do anything.

Even though I'm such a foola and a coward....

if there's something I don't know about you, I want to know everything.

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Even about another name of Hwang Sung Hye's, which is Jin Hye....

The thigns you try to hide from me....your relationship with Shim Gong Jin.....I want to know everything.

If I go to you right now....

will I be able to know everything?

Everything I'm curious about...and want to know.....

will I be able to know everything......?

Hwang Sung Hye...

you wouldn't lie.

You wouldn't try to fool me or hide again.....

Page 1516: If a Nerd Removes Her Glasses.....COMPLETED were to do that......what am I supposed to do....

If there's something Shim Gong Jin knows.....and only I don't......

I'd get angry....

Although you don't love me.....

I love you....the thought that you can't trust me....if you can't....I'll be sad......

.....Hwang Sung Hye......

in my mind, I ask this of you...

Please.....don't make me angry...don't make me sad.....

Just...tell me everything....

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and let everything out....don't lie again....and just tell me everything truthfully.....

Let me help you...

That won't be won't have to won't be won't be angry.

Although these may seem to be small things.....although these may seem easy....

for me, your are a huge gift, and huge punishment....

Hwang Sung Hye......

from now on, you can stop giving me punishments and let me receive gifts, right...? --------------84------------------

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The short moments I met with you

now all seem like a dream.

You say that you haven't done anything for me

but you've actually given me many things.

I was able to know you and watch you

and be happy

Although these were short meetings, they're eternity to me.

I thank you for givine me such a huge amount of happiness

I really loved you

Bye my person, my dream

My sad love...

-part of My Love by Solomon-

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Right away I left the house with the photo from Lotte World in my hand.

If Kang San Ha saw that picture, what am I supposed to do?

What am I supposed to say...?

Like hiding a report card with many 0%....and Umma finding the report card...

like exchanging notes during Math class insulting the Math teacher with a friend...and the teacher finding the notes....

right now, I'm really scared.

.....Should I try calling Kang San Ha first?

There's a chance he hasn't seen the photo yet.

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I try phoning Kang San Ha before leaving the house with the door unlocked.....

"Sesese~Partner partner my partner~

My stupid partner~

Hit her once, why would I~

Hit her twice, why would I~"

I heard Kang San Ha's cellphone ringing outside the front door.

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Can it be that Kang San Ha's in front of my house?!?!

The ringing stops and from the cellphone...and outside the door...I hear Kang San Ha's voice.

"You should talk if you phone."

"Huh? Yeah.. You....wh-where are you?"

"I'm in front of your house. Come out.."

.......Why did he come all the way to my house....?

...Has he already seen the photo.....?

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Then again...there's no way he would've come to my house at this time if he hadn't seen it...

If Kang San Ha saw that photo....he's goign to ask me many things.

I should lie again this time, shouldn't I...?

I timed aroun 2 minutes of time...

then as I opened the front door....

Biting down on a cigarette....Kang San Ha glaring at the front door scarily came into view.

Underneath Kang San Ha's feet....were around.....over 10 cigarette butts...

so it seems he's waited for me quite a lot.....

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As soon as I go by Kang San Ha..

Kang San Ha drops the cigarette he had in his mouth onto the floor and smushing it on the ground, he doesn't say a word and only looks at me.

"What are you doing....all the way here?"

"You know more than I do....why I came all the way here."


If my hand was on top of the table right now...

the table would probably have shaken as much as if an earthquake was passing.

I'm shaking a lot, that much....

and it feels like each word Kang San Ha spits out circles me.

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"What are you talking about?"

Kang San Ha shows me the photo that I took with Gong JIn.

"It wasn't a lie...that Shim Gong Jin's first love was you.

Is your first love Shim Gong Jin too?"

"We were just childhood friends."

"Childhood friends, eh....

Are you telling me to believe that?"

"What did you want me to say?"

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"You should've told me.

That Shim Gong Jin was your childhood friend,.

but you didn't say anything...

Rather, you acted as if you've seen Shim Gong Jin for the first time....."

"That was.."

"You must've wanted to hide it...because you still like Shim Gong Jin..."

The way I like Shim Gong Jin....

is the way of us being playmates long ago........

The person who I really like is.......

"Were you unsure because of that?

Is that why you would go between me and Shim Gong Jin?

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I was curious....

the reason as to why whenever I saw you, you would be with Shim Gong Jin.....

Whether you were really Shim Gong JIn's first love.... I get it....I get it for sure."

Kang San Ha just misunderstood.

He thinks the reason why I didn't talk about Gong Jin and hide it.....

was because I like Shim Gong Jin.

I have to clear this misunderstanding....

That Shim Gong Jin is just a childhood friend...

and that you're the one who I like......

I'm still not sure if this feeling towards you is love or not...I don't know for sure.....

but I have to tell you that there's no one but you who I like right now.....

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I'm afraid.

That Kang San Ha will ask about other things....

That he'll ask me about my past....

"The person you love is Shim Gong Jin.

That's why you couldn't say that you loved me. Is it not?"

In my mind...

'I like you. Shim Gong JIn is just a playmate...'...this thought rings in my mind like an echo....

but my mouth right now can't do anything.

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Hwang Sung Hye.

What is it that scares you that much...?

Why do you only avoid it like this....

It's okay to not avoid and take it head-on at least once.....

It's okay to just take it head-on and not think about how it's going to hurt.

"Will you run away today too?

I know it can be a good idea for you to run away and avoid this....

But running away...for the person watching, it's the exact opposite.

It makes the person feel disgusting, angry, and want to hold onto you even more."

"Wait for me. I can't say anything right now..."

Until I love you.....

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until I tell you my everything.....

wait for me.

It's not now.

There's no one for the person who walks towards the edge knowing it's a cliff.

Only someone who wouldn't know, or would want to die would go towards the edge....

I know it.

That if I tell you everything truthfully now.....

the way I'm going can become a cliff......

That's especially why I can't tell you.

Unni died instead of me...

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and until now, the meaning of living was to live for Unni....

to ask for forgiveness and be forgiven by Unni, and Umma.....

With that one thing I've lived all along....

Although these days I miss living as Jin Hye.....

although I think of wanting to go back to the past.....

that's yearning and only a thought.

The truth is I'm living as Unni.

Even if I was to tell you everything...the truth wouldn't change and only you would.

You'll only feel sympathy towards me, and you'll want to know even more from me.

"Who's Jin Hye....?"

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What Kang San Ha asked me before....

Again...I end up hearing it.

About Jin Hye......

I'm getting a bit tired.

To those questions of Kang San Ha.......

Now hiding....avoiding......lying.......I'm really getting tired of it..

"I told you not be weanting to know about...."

"Who's Jin Hye"

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Kang San Ha keeps asking me about Jin Hye.

He shouldn't know a lot about Jin why is he asking me like this...

with those scary eyes...

"......Just a dongseng I know."

There's a possibility I'm Jin Hye or that I'm not....

so it was hard for me to be straightforward and say "I'm Jin Hye".

If I said I was Jin Hye....

Kang San Ha would want to know a lot... what I've hidden and suffered hiding...

He'll want to know everything.

To me saying she's a dongseng I know....Kang San Ha lets out a difficult laugh..

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"Hah... I'm tired of this too now.

......I'm tired of doubting the relationship between Shim Gong Jin and you....

and I'm tired of seeing when your face stiffens and you shield yourself from me...

Like you said....let's take some time for ourselves....


That would be the best thing to do right now."

He's going....

It was bright just a moment ago....

But suddenly....the sun has begun to go down and the entire sky is orange.

He covers the orange light and showing his back, Kang San Ha goes.....

"If that's it! Then let's break up!!!"

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Kang San Ha's footsteps stop....and turn towards me.

"What did you say just now"

"Let's break up..

I'm really tired of this too.

And even if I was to think about it, there's only one conclusion.

You're going to keep doubting the relationship between Shim Gong Jin and me....and I won't be able to explain myself about that at all..'re going to ask about JIn Hye...and I won't be able to tell you anything..

In the end it'll be hard for both of us. Before it gets even harder for both of us..."

"Look at my eyes properly and say that!!!"

Tears are forming.

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I can't look at San Ha...with tear-stained eyes.

I can't show Kang San Ha that I'm crying....

Putting strength on my eyes which are forming tears, I resist.....

and barely keeping my shaking shoulers in place.......

my eyes which were looking towards the floor...looks up at Kang San Ha....

"Let's break up before it becomes harder for both of us."

Pretending it's nothing...

as if I've memorized lines for a play to break up...I did it like that.

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The truth is, the words I've said, that we should break up....

in my my questions....

Do you really want to break up....? like this......

I don't want to break up.

My heart for Kang San Ha is really big.....

I was so happy while in a relationship with Kang San Ha.....

The truth is...when I'm with Kang San Ha, more than being Sung Hye, as Jin Hye I was happy...I laughed...and it was enjoyable.

But breaking up.......

Breaking up because of love......

would that exist at times like this.

Although I don't know if I love Kang San Ha or not

because I really like Kang San ha...

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because I'm worried...that from now on I'll give Kang San Ha even bigger scars

The truth is I don't want to break up....but I said so anyway....

" really easily decide to break up.

Was our relationship to this degree?

Was our relationship only meaning this much to you!!"

.....It's because I'm scared.

That it'll be harder from now on..

It's okay...when I'm the only one who's having a hard time.

Because it was hard living as Unni until now, and there were many times when I was hurting and cried...

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But now I don't want you to get stuck in that kind of mess.

Breaking up now will help me to keep hiding my real self....

and through that you won't have it hard for youself any longer....

Breaking up is the best way for both of us.

"I'm sorry.....

That's the only thing I can say right now..."

Leaving Kang San ha, I go back inside....

and ignoring Umma's voice calling me....

I go under the blankets...

and with my face in a pillow, I sorrowfully cried.


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It's me who said I wanted to break up...

but why is it that my heart aches and my tears won't stop.

Even while I'm crying, what I keep thinking of.....

Kang San Ha.

Even when we really broke up now......

I keep thinking of him....

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Kang San Ha's smiling face...

Kang San Ha's angry face...

Kang San Ha's annoyed face.....

Like this, I think about him for a moment......

but from now on....what am I supposed to do.....

Even when Umma knocks at the door....and gets mad....

Crying....underneath the blankets.....

Thinking what if....a call from Kang San Ha comes.......with my cellphone tightly held in my hand, I fall asleep..

To Kang San Ha asking who Jin Hye is.....

I lied saying she was a dongseng I knew.....

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but the next day while meeting Gong Jin...

I found out that Gong Jin told Kang San Ha truthfully that I was Jin Hye. -------------85-----------------

Mute Call

Not knowing when the mute call will come

today also I look without a word.

The call has nothing to say and I have nothing to say

like that only time passes by.

I can't even think of other thoughts

and I check many times to see if it's broken.

If another person rings the phone

for no reason I begin to hate the person

afraid I'll be buried in another sound

I spend the entire day sitting next to the phone.

But the call is once again mute today

and I look at the phone.

I end up crying.

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-part of Mute Call by Solomon-

Today is Sunday.

Normally I would wake up early and be studying...

but not wanting to do anything today....right now I'm not moving at all and just laying in my bed.

Still with my cellphone held tightly in my hand.....

I'm the one who said we should break up first....

but foolishly I already want to see Kang San Ha.

Pathetically I already want to hear Kang San Ha's voice.

I'm the one who said we should break up before it becomes even harder....

but right now it's even harder for me and I'm hurting even more than before I broke up.

It's only been a day since we've broken up......

but it feels like around a year has passed.

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Was Kang San Ha's spot in my heart this big....?

Is that why I'm having a harder time than I thought with Kang San Ha's empty spot..?

Last night...

if I knew I liked Kang San Ha this much......

after breaking up...if I knew I would be hurting and have such a hard time to this point.....

still.....would I have said we should break up...?


I'm quite selfish.

Coming to this point and regretting after saying hurtful words to Kang San Ha yesterday.....

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It's already too regret...

To take it back....time has passed a lot....

Coming to this point, what am I saying I'll do.....

Are all lovers like this.....?

Then again...usually when lovers fight...don't work together....they'd break up...

Like me....liking the other.....

they wouldn't be afraid and break up....with the reason it'll be harder from now on.....

Not eating breakfast.....not eating lunch.....

Hoping maybe Kang San Ha will call.....holding my cellphone tightly.....

Hoping maybe Kang San Ha will come by my house.......

not caring about my parents' bewildered stares from in front of the window...I only look out in front of the house.

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I know very well that this behaviour of mine is pointless.

Even in my mind.....

we've broken up......

we're done what I'm thinking...... eyes look towards the window......

and my ears wait for my cellphone to ring.


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All day....

like that, it feels like I've spent the entire time waiting, repeating the process.

Already the clock shows it's night, pointing at 9pm.

I'm about to move my eyes to another spot from the unfocused staring at the window.....

My ears pick up the sound made from the cellphone, which I've been waiting for until now...

Not even checking the caller ID....

Ignoring Umma's prickly stare, I right away run to my room and picked up the phone.


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It was it seemed like I've been waiting for the call.....

but I can't afford having that kind of thought right now.


"It's me."

The sound I hear from my cellphone....

isn't Kang San Ha's voice that I've been longing to hear...

but Shim Gong Jin's voice.


What was I looking forward to....?

Was I really thinking Kang San ha would call...?

Why had I thought this call would be from Kang San Ha.....?

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"Are you disappointed....

that it's not San Ha sunbae, but me?"

"Why did you call?"

"Because I'm curious....and worried.."

"What are you curious about, and what are you worried for?"

"Yesterday....San Ha hyung came to me with the photo I gave you."



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Kang San Ha went to Shim Gong Jin with that photo...?

Is he saying as soon as he saw the photo, before coming to me he went to Shim Gong Jin...?


Yesterday I...

lied to Kang San Ha.......

that Jin Hye is just a dongseng I know....I didn't answer to anything San Ha asked...

What has Kang San Ha heard from Shim Gong Jin..

Even Shim Gong Jin doesn't know a lot about me.....

but he knows everything...

that I'm Jin Hye....and Sung Hye is the name of my unni......

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"Shim Gong Jin!!!!

Where are you right now? I'll go where you are right now!"

"Let's talk tomorrow... right now is a bit....."

"Where are you!! Right now, I have to meet you!!!"


Gong Jin lets me know where he is....and he told a way that I can't come....

but I didn't have time to worry about that.

Not changing, wearing the clothes I wear at home and with my feet not fully in my running shoes...

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saying to Umma that I'll go to the supermarket for a bit, I leave the house....

I don't know how I'm even going to Gong Jin right now.

Not thinking of anything...with only the thought that I have to meet with Gong Jin....

I walk..... I run...... I ride the atxi.......getting off the taxi I run again....

Like that, I came to the bar where Gong Jin said he was.

Whether it's because it's Sunday or not....there's a lot of people....and because it's too dark inside the bar, I look around for Gong Jin when.....

"Jin Hye-yah."

Looking to the side hearing Gong Jin's voice, I see Gong Jin sitting at a table alone.

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Desperately....not even with an invite...and not looking for a waiter...

I sit in front of Gong Jin.

Across from me I see Gong Jin's face...

it's dark.

I can't see Gong Jin's face well because it's also dark in the bar....

but his face which was always bright and fun has disappeared.....

Today I feel the darkness of Gong Jin's face, as dark as the night sky.

"You said you met with Kang San Ha?"

"He came to me yesterday."

".....What did Kang San Ha ask you yesterday?

Did he ask you anything? And what did you say in response?"

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"The relationship that the photo shows between you and me.

And....that you're Jin Hye."

I had a cup in my shaking hand....

but hearing that from Gong Jin...I dropped the cup....

I told Kang San Ha that Jin Hye was just a dongseng I knew.....

but hearing that...

what would he have thought of angry would he have been at me.....

I would never lie to Kang San Ha becuase I couldn't trust him......

"What else?"


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Shim Gong Jin...

....Nothing, you say.......

If it's you, there's more you would've said.

Always saying you'd find the real me, there's no way you would miss this great opportunity.





"You told him everything!!! That I'm Jin Hye..and Sung Hye was my unni, you told him everything.!!!

You told him everything about how I appeared as Sung Hye, not Jin Hye who you knew before I moved!!!

Not only that!

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Showing him how we looked in the photo when long time ago we were a bit close...

You used that to lie to Kang San Ha, didn't you?

You said there was something more between you and me than just playmates? Didn't you?"

Breaking up with Kang San as if it's become Shim Gong Jin's fault....

not even thinking about Gong Jin....exactly what I was mouth spilt everything out.

And.....crying that much yesterday, who knows how I still had tears left to spill.....

crying again....

I looked at Gong Jin, blaming him.....

Truthfully, I know very well that it's not Gong Jin's fault.

Knowing it's my fault for tricking him until now and lying......

I'm simply releasing all my anger out on Gong Jin.

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"Why aren't you saying anything!!!

Say something!!!!!!!"

I have no strength from not eating anything and crying all night....

but using all the energy left..I barely yell at Gong Jin when..


I hear something breaking behind me.

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"I can't even taste the beer.

Yah,Hwang Sung Hye.

Shim Gong Jin didn't say anything to me.

What I heard from that b@stard is as he said."

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The voice I've been wanting to hear so badly enters my ears.

Crying, without any strength and not wanting to believe what's happening....

I turn around to see.....

the face I've been wanting to see so badly...

looks at Gong Jin and me more coldly and dryly than usual. --------------------86---------------------

The Size of Love

I love you.

I don't know it when I do.

How much I love you...

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I love you.

I can tell when I do.

After the sky falls down


its size can be known.

-part of The Size of Love by Won Tae Yeon-

Why is Kang San Ha here.....

....Has he hear everything I've said.....?

Kang San Ha's expression.

As if he has nothing to do with me, and it's his first time seeing me....

with his facial expression looking like a totally different person...

I couldn't tell as to whether he heard everything I said or not.

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"You're the one who lied.

Hah, Jin Hye's just a dongseng you know?

Just how fare are you going with the truth and the lies?


"Jin Hye..Sung Hye.

If You're Hwang Sung Hye right now, why is Hwang Jin Hye your unni?

You don't have an unni, do you?

And saying your name is Hwang Jin Hye right now, then why are you also Hwang Sung Hye?"

My eyes are looking to Kang San Ha's hand.

Because he shattered the cup with his hand.....there's blood coming out of Kang San Ha's hand...and the blood is falling onto the table.

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With just Kang San Ha's face, it doesn't show any sign of him hurting.....

but I'm hurting.

If I was bleeding from a piece of glass, my hand woud've hurt....

but Kang San Ha hurting like that, it pains my heart.

To think that Kang San Ha getting me this much pain.....

I want to clean Kang San Ha's blood with a tissue....

Asking if he's okay....

if it hurts...

I want to ask but....

to Kang San Ha's unfamiliar expression.

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My mouth, my body won't move.

Only as the amount of blood increases as it falls from Kang San Ha's hand.....

the tears coming from my eyes increase.....

"Are you pretending to be mute?

Or are you planning on lying again?"


"Let's put it as you having lied about Shim Gong Jin, because you like Shim Gong Jin.

But that doesn't make sense...

Hwang Sung Hye. Hwang Jin Hye..

What's so complicated....

and why do you have to fool me and lie to hide it...

I still don't know."

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I don't like Shim Gong JIn.

Even if I do...

it's liking him as a playmate from when we were little.

I like you, Kang San Ha.


Hwang Jin Hye....Hwang Sung Hye..

How am I supposed to say this to you...? roughly know since you just heard.....

That's right...

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Hwang Sung Hye is my unni's name.'s not only Unni's name.

Because I'm Hwang Sung Hye right now.

And...Hwang Jin Hye.

My real name.

But...not now.

Because it's put as Hwang Jin Hye who's died.

How am I supposed to say this to you.....?

"There's no need for you to scrunch your face up again.

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Because I already knew you wouldn't answer me..

although I didn't want to hear it anyway.."

Not even listening to what I have to say, Kang San Ha is trying to just leave.

Putting strength in my shaking legs although it isn't even winter, and when I stand in front of Kang San Ha........

Unable to see perfectly what's in front of me because of the tears smudged all over my glasses and looking at Kang San Ha in this condition...

I see him not even looking at me....

and passing me roughly, he left with a few guys who I've never seen before.

With this situation......

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I was able to know a little bit.

I was able to realize a little bit.

That we weren't who we were before.....

That we've really broken up now.....

Kang San Ha left like that....

and Shim Gong Jin with emotion looked at me, saying he would take me home and that we should leave but no matter how much he said this

I didn't move, and Kang San Ha passing my side without any feeling...I looked at the place where he had gone.

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Getting a feeling...that Kang San Ha would come back in.....

my feet didn't move from the spot.....

and I had my eyes fixed on the entrance door to the bar.....being completely still...

It's devastating.

Although it's been only one day...since we've broken up...seeing Kang San Ha looking as if he's broken up with me long ago....

I'm angry.

Although I'm having a hard time from Kang San Ha's unfamiliar expression...seeing Kang San Ha looking like he's already forgotten me...

......And I'm hurt..

The blood flowing from Kang San Ha's hand...still remains clearly in my memories, hurting me.

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Right now with Kang San Ha's unfamiliar face...

and Kang San Ha's face with a slight smirk..

A breakup.....

I didn't know it could change a person this much.

A breakup...

I didn't know it could bring other foolish things like this.


there's many different types of breakups in this world.

For me, a breakup.....I don't think a breakup means to be seperated from the person I love.

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The breakup I had.....the first breakup I've had since I was born.......

let me know who I truly love.

It helped me to realize that the feeling I thought until now as just liking, I was mistaking it.

Right now...I think this is love.

It's different from before.

It's another feeling than when I dated Kang San Ha.

Before we broke up

even if I didn't look at Kang San Ha....

it felt doesn't matter, because Kang San Ha's looking at me......

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Right now, when Kang San Ha isn't looking at me....

I'm more desperate...and I end up looking at him more...

Before we broke up....

Kang San Ha's slight smile..the way he spoke..his actions...I didn't really pay attention to those...

But now I want to see his smile.....I miss the way he spoke....

and my eyes follow every one of Kan gSan Ha's actions.

Taking off my glasses...

the tears that kept flowing....

I wiped them with my hand.....and wiped......

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I left the bar with Gong Jin.

"I said weshould talk tomorrow...I said you couldn't come.

San Ha sunbae said it was odd how the Sanggo kids were moving, so we were to gather today...."'s good I came today.

If I didn't come...then I would've mistaken the feeling I feel for Kang San Ha right now for forever.

I would've mistaken love like a fool....that it was simply liking him. lies were revealed....

although what I've been trying to hide about me were a bit revealed to Kang San Ha.....

although I kept saying it wasn't true to Shim Gong JIn, and I ended up recognizing it....

I don't regret it.

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"I heard....that you broke up with Kang San Ha sunbae."

That's right...we broke up.

We broke up.......

But....why am I being like this.......?

Now that I've finally figured out that I love Kang San Ha.....

what the I supposed to do.

Breaking up to Kang San Ha.....

didn't seem to have any effect on him.....

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It doesn't seem like he loves me anymore.....

It seems like he's already forgotten about a person like me.....

It's not that I hoped for him to feel terrible....or hurt like me.....

Still....seeing Kang San ha totally unaffected......

the way I am right now looks too embarassing...

and I want to hide the word love that I've finally realized.

"The fact you're Sung Hye right now while you're really Jin Hye.....

I now get it for sure....

but the reason....can I ask how this happened?"

Because of that....I came to fight with Kang San Ha and become like this......

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"No...don't ask me anything."

The things I've said to Gong JIn before while I was angered comes into my mind.

"I'm sorry...about before..."

Although it's pretty far from here to home to walk....

I walk stiffly and apologize to Gong Jin.....when....

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"If you're sorry....if you're really sorry to me.....

Can you now....give me a chance too?"

To these words...I had no choice but to stop walking.

".....I won't hurt you.

I'll always make you happy.

I won't make you cry.

I'll always make you smile."

"Even if it isn't you, I'm really having a hard time.

Every day it's so hard...and I'm barely resisting....

Now it's hard to even resist and I'm scared I'll snap....

I'm scared that not knowing it....I'll snap...

but don't you be like that too.

I beg of you....

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.....Please.....I bet of you........"


Of course Umma was waiting for me on the sofa...

and she was surprised seeing my tear-stained face.

"Did something happen? your face like that?"

"It's all your fault.

The reason why I'm hurting right now...

sad...and's all your fault"

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Umma doesn't say a word.

So thinking this is the chance...

Lying to Kang San Ha....

and getting tired of living hiding myself like this.....

I began to release everything on Umma.

"Until when do I have to live as Sung Hye?

Until I I have to live like this?

You wouldn't know...

You only see the good things I do as Sung Hye....not knowing any of the hurt I feel as Jin Hye...

You think I'm smiling while living happily as Sung Hye, right?

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Forgetting Jin think I don't think about it at all right?

That's wrong! I want to live as Jin Hye now!!

Living as Sung really hard...

It's really...really.....hard......

Umma, now....I want as......"

My mind goes eyes close.....and I can't see what's in front of me.

I feel my legs which have been shaking since before...lose their strength...


"Sung Hye-yah!!! "

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I can barely hear Umma's voice calling me....and I completely fainted.





It's dark around me.

I can't even tell who I am.

There were walls surrounding me.

I feel like I'm locked in right now.

I want to get out of here....

but I can't leave and can only circle around in one spot.

If someone could make it bright.....if someone could tell me who I am.....

if someone could get me out of this place.......

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Before, even when someone held their hand out, I would avoid it and run away....

but now I have the courage to hold onto that hand.....

I have the courage to hold onto that one person's hand only......

The one person....

is the person I love.

The person I lied to and hurt, therefore the person I feel sorry to.

The person who I want to treat well from now on, but who doesn't like me because it's too late.

The person who I want to hold onto but is too far from me already. lookbook ♥ [tf]twss ♥ [tf]ianrhg


#3372 simplicity_x3


Page 1581: If a Nerd Removes Her Glasses.....COMPLETED

Group: Members Posts: 954 Joined: 24-August 07

Posted 19 June 2008 - 02:22 PM YAY! I love you, thanks for updating!(:&& I'm 1st!(:

Ahhh, poor couple. San Ha; he must really have had enough.But I'm glad Jin Hye realizes that she really love him.I wonder what she'll do now?I wonder if San Ha will visit her? Ehh, I guess she's at the hospital if she fainted.Please let them realize each other's feelings!<3 0

#3373 weedyasian

mixed asians unite Group: Members Posts: 283 Joined: 27-May 08

Posted 19 June 2008 - 02:47 PM its getting really good. keep posting ! 0

#3374 aznfreak1

Page 1582: If a Nerd Removes Her Glasses.....COMPLETED

Member Group: Members Posts: 300 Joined: 26-November 07

Posted 19 June 2008 - 02:53 PM ah! noo! Sang Ha! i know Jin Hye deserves this cuz she did lie, but dont give up on her! i felt like crying too when he just walked by her...ahhh! pplzz post the next chapter soon! infact, post the rest of the chapters while ur at it lol, cuz i NEEED to know what happens next!! ahh omg! lol i need to calm down...good luck translating!! i shall be checking this story every minute for when the next chapter is up!!! lol 0

#3375 white_destiny18

Member Group: Members Posts: 419 Joined: 27-September 06

Posted 19 June 2008 - 03:07 PM its getting sooo goood (: !finally, she realized that she loves him andd she finally told her mom her suffering i hope her mom is going to be nice latertnx for posting


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#3376 luchianguyen

The lil' girl who lies Group: Members Posts: 725 Joined: 25-February 08

Posted 19 June 2008 - 03:47 PM finally her lies are revealed and she told her momfinally she released itshouldnt her mom just give it up and give her very own daughter her happiness?Jin Hye's mom is really lucky she still have jin hye ~♥Fushigi- Yuugi♥~♥YunGi♥~♥Lovely-Complex♥~~ Yunho Fan ~<3 0

#3377 boa_sarangeh

Member Group: Members Posts: 577 Joined: 21-January 07

Posted 19 June 2008 - 04:52 PM wow she is freakin falling apart!!! but gambatte!!! wow you're translating so fany chapters in one day!!!!!!! kyahhh i wonder how this fic turns out!!!!

this should be a good slap in the face for jin hye's umma!!!! she's always forcing things on jin hye and now jin hye is at her limit!!! grrrr i hate the mom!!! she better let sung hye become jin hye and face reality!!!!!! ^_^monika^_^ 0

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Having done that

having done that once

whoever named me

the person named me well, the name matching the face so well

Just looking at the name

With my writing in my notebook

just looking at the name��

I tried writing it once.

While scribbling something else

knowing this would happen

knowing I would bite m lips like this

I foolishly

��tried writing it once

-part of Name by Won Tae Yeon-

I fainted yesterday, probably from using a lot of strength when I didn't eat.

So right now my head feels heavy, my entire body aches, and I don't want to go to school.

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......I'm going to miss school, pretending to be sick today.

As I finish my thought, I see Umma coming into my room.......

"I'm sick~ I feel dizzy~"

I act, weakly letting those words out.....and I looked at Umma's eyes, searching for any signs.

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I feel Umma's hand over my forehead...

and thinking I have to put on a stronger show....

"Haaa~ Heeyoo~"

Every 3 seconds I pant....and breathe heavily.

Eventually seeing me like this, Appa being in the living room

"Honey! Today Sung Hye's fever is really bad, so she'll have to miss school. Call the school now."

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Umma yells.


I think I said something to you yesterday......


Suddenly I remember telling Umma that I want to live as Jin Hye.

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....Is she not angry...because I'm sick.....?

Then I'll pretend to be sick for a few more days..

I'm actually a bit I can't be feeling too bad...

Finally....Umma and Appa go out......

No longer scrunching my face up....

no longer biting my lip......

I prepared to go back to my regular state from looking like a patient who had to be admitted to a hospital, to feel freedom.

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First jumping out of the bed....and towards the living room sofa.....

My index finger presses the on button with of the television.


The television turns on.....

Because it's a weekday, there were only documentaries or previews, none that held my focus.

Still, there was nothing to do....but watch the television.....

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so I keep pressing on the remote contol with my toes. -_-

Switching to the cartoon channel, Sailor Moon was aired.

Kang San Ha asked if I was Sailor moon the first time he saw me......

Switching to the drama channel, there was a scene in a jjimjilbang. (sauna)

I had my first date with Kang San Ha in a jjimjilbang....

After the drama finished, a Coca Cola CF (CF=commercial) comes on.

Kang San Ha said during a middle school festival, he had to do a Coca Cola CF parody and took the role of the polar bear.....

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Switching onto the home shopping channel, they were selling an MP3.

Kang San Ha's part of the MP3.....

How come each time I switch to another channel, Kang San Ha comes to mind.....

Even for a moment, I want to be comfortable.

Whenever I think of Kang San Ha, I feel a heavy stone in my heart....

it's too heavy and suffocating.

Because it keeps making me think of Kang San Ha..

I turn off the television that doesn't give me any happiness, and I come into my room...

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but I think I was wrong.

Even in my room, there's many things that make me think of Kang San Ha.

The things Kang San Ha has given me for my birthday present.....traditional fairy tales.

I take each book out and read.....

The things I've been impressed these books make me mad at myself.

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Why did I not know this then......

Why did I not know how much I love Kang San Ha.....

Knowing only to receive what Kang San Ha does.....Why did I not know how to give to Kang San Ha......

The more Kang San Ha comes to me....I felt a burden and wanted to avoid him....

Why did I not step at least one more step to Kang San Ha......

Again I get mad at myself for regretting when it's too late.

And....I read the text Kang San Ha has written for me.....

The more volumes I read....

the more I cry and let out sobs....

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.....Thinking I could stop the tears if I wash my face....

I wash my face, when a cold object touches my chin.

It's anothing thing Kang San Ha gave me for my birthday present.....

.....what I always had around my neck....with a meaning of love that never changes....the sapphire necklace.

I put the necklace inside my shirt.....

and to stop the tears that kept coming because of the sapphire necklace

I washed my face many times, over and over again.

....After washing my face for another 30 minutes in the washroom......

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I come back into the room to change because of my wet clothes and open the closet door to see.....


My hand slowly falls from the closet door handle......and I couldn't help but to shed tears again.

They're tears I barely stopped...after washing my face for 30 minutes....

but not even 5 minutes past, I cry again....

'Let's stop crying now. The more I cry, the more foolish I become....' pledge fell apart right there and then.

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All the clothes Kang San Ha bought me inside the closet....

I can't even count the amount.

Because he couldn't say he'd take me home..... an excuse he would buy me clothes each time to take me home.....

Kang San Ha has done this much for me.....

but up until now, I haven't given Kang San Ha a single gift.

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Even for a moment, I want to forget you Kang San Ha....

.....but all the memories you've made me....all the gifts you've given me......

when I try to forget you even for a moment....they get me thinking of you again.'ll....forget me quickly, right......?

Because for you there's no memories....I've made for you.....

It'll be easy for you to forget me, right....?

If I knew this was to happen....I should've said sweet things...pretty things....and treat you better.

Even if it was small and isn't as much as what you've given to me....I should've given you....a gift......

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I...breaking up with you...when I think about it......

I think it's good that I did......

I didn't deserve being your girlfriend...

..compared to you....I was too lacking.......

In my hand I have the photo I took with Kang San Ha at Lotteria tightly held....

and my face buried in the clothes Kang San Ha bought me, sniffling, I fell asleep.


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I wonder how many hours passed since I fell cellphone rings, waking me.

"Curly curly curly curly yummy ramyeon~

nothing tastes as tasty as ramyeon.

I can even eat ten packs in a single day~

Slurp slurp yum~ Slurp slurp yum~ yummy ramyeon."

With my eyes half-opened, I find my celphone with difficulty....

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As soon as I pick it up...

"I heard you're sick!!"

I wonder if her plan is to hurt even my ear...

To the point the dust in my ears are shaking, Oh Ha Ra talks really loudly.

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"The core teacher told us! That you can't come today because you have a flu..."


"Is it really bad?"

"....Just..a little bit..."

"Ah!! Sung Hye-yah! fight with Kang San Ha?

I told Kang San Ha that he should come with me to visit you....

but he wouldn't say anything....and he scrunched up his face, looking like it didn't have anything to do with him..."

Do I have to tell Ha Ra...that I.....broke up with Kang San Ha...?

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"Sung Hye-yah! Answer me...! Did you two fight?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow....

and don't come visit me.

I want to rest today......sorry...Ha Ra."

"Sung Hye.."

Before Ha Ra could even finish.....I flipped my cellphone to close.

....I didn't expect for him to come visit me....but.....

hearing that...Kang San Ha even scrunched his expression.....

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......I'm the one who sent you.....

I'm the one who said we shoul break up first.....

but how come a corner of my heart is cold....and aching....?

Even though I stayed home today, I looked out the window during even noon and dinner....

Even though I drank water, I was thirsty.....

Even though I ate...I couldn't even tell what I was eating....

Even when I tried eating different food....they all tasted the same......

Even when I watched a good movie...or read funny comic books.....the only thing coming to you....

When I decide even for a second to forget you and try to go through question sheets...

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I don't write the answer and....Kang San Ha....I keep writing your name over and over again.....

The three characters Kang San Ha which used to scare me even if I heard it....

makes my tears come out again....

In the empty space on the page....I write your name hundred times.

When one side of the page is filled...even though I didn't solve all the problems....

I flip...and in another empty space I write your name again.....

As time passes by and the pages flip, Kang San Ha, your name is lengthened.

....Breaking up with Kang San Ha.....until now....even though it hasn't even been that long....

Any joke....or happy news....sounds sad.

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I'm as depressed as a cloudy and rainy day.

Kang San Ha your existance was this important to me...

If I don't have can't feel these things.....

But I'll have to forget you.....

that way...we'll both be comfortable....and happy, won't we....?

Until now you were hurting because of me.....

If I forget about you completely too...

you'll smile more meeting a prettier girl, won't you..?

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"Ttuk!Ttuk! Jururuk!!"

I can hear the rain hitting the window..

I open the window and leaning on the windowsill, I look at the rain....

Let's forget.

Let's forget Kang San Ha, just like he's forgotten me.

That's the only thing I can do for Kang San Ha right now...

With that thought....

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the Kang San Ha still taking a part of my heart.....

my foolishness left to Kang San Ha....

I cleansed, just like the rain coming down, quickly and with more force.



I don't know how much time has passed since I've started looking at the rain falling down from outside the window....

but it's not become a pitch black night, while before it was bright enough to see.

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Having calmed my mind even a little bit....

seeing that the rain won't calm, as I close my window.....

I couldn't help but to stop in the midst of closing the window.

I couldn't see a lot of what was outside because I closed the window halfway...

but I saw it clearly..

Under the streetlight....

in the rain....

Kang San Ha looking at my house...


That much more I'll love you.

Now so you can be comfortable around me

I'll warmly hold you.

Now I want to be with you forever.

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I`ll give you my heart

To love you

understand me for only having looked at the exterior.

For an even more beautiful start

I've raised my love.

If you give me a chance

the amount I've hurt you

I'll love you even more.

Now so you can be comfortable around me

I'll warmly hold you.

-part of I'm Sorry...Thank You by Dana-

Feeling that Kang San Ha would leave soon, I didn't bring an umbrella and ran straight outside.

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How long had he been standing htere...

Kang San Ha's face is as white as a geisha's..

His hand that he hurt yesterday is wrapped with bandages and he continues to lookat me with

unfocused eyes.

It's the first time seeing this.

Kang San Ha looking that sad and weak, this is the first time seeing it.

"....You....what is it.

Why are you here?

Why are you in the rain so stupidly!!"

"Don't be overreacting.

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I was just passing by."

Passing by....

You're saying you pass by my house to get to yours.....

But....why is your face so pale?

Like a person's face who's been in the rain for a long time......

With your lips turning it that your shaking body only seems like it in my eyes....?

Is that it?

Because of the rain pouring down, you might not be able to see me well...

but I can see you this clearly....

do you think I'll believe what you say?

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"Catching a summer fever that even dogs don't get...

Don't be even more sick tomorrow and go into your house.

I'll be on my way too."

Suddenly my face and body are soaked from the pouring rain.

From my my chin.....the raindrops....fall......

and on my face...are tears.

The tears I've been trying so hard to stop from falling fall again

The hot tears mixed with the cold rain don't stop...and keep falling down my cheeks.

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"Go inside.

Can't you hear me?"

"......Kang San Ha..."


"........Kang San Ha..."


".....If you don't tell me, I can't tell..wheter you're're sad....or hurt.

Even that kind of have to tell order for me to know.....

Isn't that funny?"


"Isn't it?"

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I want to know.

How you're doing right now.....

If you're hurting as much as I am......

From what I see.....

from what you're showing me....

you seem to be fine....

In fact, in my eyes, you look even better than before we broke up.

Now you won't have to get angry because of me....

you won't have to misunderstand.....

you won't have to get hurt.....

You looking's definitely supposed to look like that, right?

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"Do you want to I am right now?"

I want to know...

....I want to hear.....

but I'm scared......

I'm frightened.

If Kang San Ha says he's really happy.......

I...won't have anything to say.....

I.....can only show a forced smile.....

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If you say that you're happy that you broke up with me....

that you like it better than when you were dating me........

I can't cry........

I...troublingly.....foolishly......can't say I'm having a difficult time..

The moment I'm about to say, 'No. I don't want to hear'......

"I feel like I'm going insane!!! and that I'm going to die now..

You said you wanted to break up....."


"but I....can't...

When I try to think of other things...

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when I keep drinking without rest...

when I get into fights......

you keep coming into my mind."

Didn't you forget me?

Yesterday at the went, leaving me...

Today hearing that I was only scrunched up your expression.....

"Whoever you may meet...I'm supposed to not care.....

But when I see you with Shim Gong Jin, I don't want to see makes me angry....and it makes

me want to break everything...

I have to stop caring when you're sick....

but I feel pain if someone has just stabbed me in the chest.....

Now I'm supposed to not worry..... legs...came here..."

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So yesterday...that's why you shattered the cup.....

That's why.....leaving went....

That's why...hearing that I'm didn't scrunch your expression because you didn't wnat

to hear it...but you were hurting too...?

"Aren't I....hateful?"

I said such harsh thiings to you.....

I've never said up until now that I love you even once......

Not treating you well an lying, I said we should break up.....

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"That's right. You're hateful...

You're really hateful."




"But, even if you're hateful.....

the fact that I love you won't change."

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Kang San Ha loves me....

Still he loves me.

The raindrops hitting my cheeks.....

hit even my mind.

And Kang San Ha's words....

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no long make me a liar.....or a late, regretting babo....

...Now I have to tell him too......

When before my head was heavy.....

now my entire body feels heavy...

and when before, the tears made my cheeks hot....

now my entire body feels hot.

눈물과 비로 인해 흐릿했던 눈이 무겁고..... 뜨거운 몸에 서서히 힘이 빠지고...

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...Am I fainting....

is this happening again.....

What's in front of my eyes....slowly become darker.......and it turns white inside my head.

Still...because I have to say this one sentence.....

before my eyes completely close....before my body completely loses its strength.....

With all my strength in this heavy rain, although I could barely hear myself, I loudly said to Kang San Ha.

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"I love you...." -----------------89----------------

Has he heard?

Has he hear.....?

Has Kang San Ha say that I love him....?

If he heard, what kind of eyes would he have looked at me with......

If he heard, what kind of thoughts did he have of me....

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He would've laughed, hearing that I love him after we broke up...

He would find it ridiculous that I come now to say that I love him...

Again...he would be really angry.....

and again...he would dislike me......

But I don't regret it.


It took too long to realize this thing.....

and I love you.

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It was too hard and painful to say this one sentence.

This is why I won't regret, no matter what Kang San Ha thinks.

Because if I didn't tell him at this time, I really wouldn't have another opportunity to say it.....



As if it's signalling that it's mornining....

the bright sunlight shines onto my eyes.....

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and whether it's because I slept well or not, I easily opened my eyes.

Although my body was heavy and hot and uncomfortable....from lying unconscious for a while......

My heart felt lighter than usual...and it felt as if something that's been sticking onto me let go....

It's refreshing.

It's really refreshing.....

"I see you've woken up."

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Umma looks at me flatly, standing in front of the door.

"That necklace...who gave it to you?"

Even before I can hide the necklace......

she keeps asking, even though I don't exactly know why she wants to know so much.....

"Do you remember...what happened yesterday?"

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What happened to me after I fainted yesterday?

Is Umma being like this after seeing Kang San Ha and me yesterday..?

"Yesterday...while on my way home...

I saw you and a boy the rain and without an umbrella.

You fainted...and when I was going to take you inside.....

I couldn't see clearly...

but it was the boy who was standing in front of our house with you before....."

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Seeing us before.....

Now...I get it.....

Why Umma....told me not to be careful of my actions..........

And....since I was Umma...

I feel afraid....of how Umma will be now....what Umma will do..

"Is he your boyfriend?"


not now.

Becuase we broke up......

But.....even though we broke up.......

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"He's the person I love."

To my reply without hesitation....Umma seemed to be a bit shocked...and she didn't say a word.

I imagined for her to be like..."What!!!! Are you crazy!!!!".....

but without any reaction from Umma...makes me more nervous and afraid.....

Can it be...that something's happening because of this.....?

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I stick my head into the classroom.....

to look for Kang San Ha.....but he's not there.

Has he not come yet..

I dragged myself all the way here...even though I'm sick.....

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"First Place!"

"First Place."

To Han Yoo Seung's and Han Uhl's voices....

I turn around.

"I heard you were really sick yesterday? Are you okay now?"

"Ha Ra was really worried for you~"

"It was just a fever..I'm okay now...^ ^"

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The truth is, maybe it's because I was in the rain yesterday......

I'm even more sick.

The heat from my body........

The pressure from my head...

Even blinking......

is hard....


is hard....

and even breathing

is hard.

This is the first time even looking sick......

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Right now....if someone even slightly touches me....or even a weak wind blows by me.....

it feels like I'll weakly...fall..-__-

"It's a relief that you're okay now~~~ ^ㅇ^

But First Place, what are you doing....

not going into the classroom and bending down like that?"

Bending down....

was my butt sticking out that much....-__-

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"Hm?...Yeah....I have to go in....but...."

"Kang San Ha's not there?"

Han Yoo're really quick to catch on.

"We're also in the middle of waiting for Kang San Ha."

"Hi Sunbaenim!!"

One of the guys who were with Kang San Ha before at the bar greets Han Yoo Seung and

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Na Han Uhl...


is he in his 1st year?

There were a lot of guys who were with Kang San Ha.....but that guy....I can't forget him.

He had so many highlights....that I wanted to fill them in with permanent black marker..

It was so bad that I almost thought he had his hair coloured with a leopard print.-_-


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Han Yoo Seung stops the guy with the leopard prints.

"You came to report to Kang San Ha, right?"

Looking at Han Yoo Seung's eyes..who was the one that said persistent fraud is positive...


and awkwardly....yells Leopard print b@stard.(suddenly changed to b@stard)

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"Kang San Ha may have said to watch your mouth....

but if you keep your mouth you think it will be helping Kang San Ha?"

"I can't....I'll get in trouble if I tell....."

timidly muttering to himself....he eventually lets everything out to Han Yoo Seung.

"The truth is...these days...the movement for Sanggo isn't good.

That's why San Ha sunbae..said surveillance was necessary....I came here to check and report to him...."


To me.."

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I don't know the reason either....the Sanggo kids and Kim Yuh Sa seem to be meeting with Sunbaenim often."

"I knew the Sanggo kids and Yuh Sa nuna were close since a long time ago....

but what do you mean by how the movement isn't too good?

Is it...because Kang San Ha had Yuh Sa nuna admitted to the hospital?"

What they're talking about.....

I don't get any of it.

I feel like I've become Alice in Wonderland...


Because of that...even the 3rd grade sunbaenims...don't have good thoughts about San Ha sunbae..

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So..maybe they'll seek revenge....."

"I got it. Move on."


.....Because of me....Kang San Ha's...reputation was damaged...

Even more, I heard the Sanggo kids aren't good news.....

Hearing that the Sanggo kids and Kim Yuh Sa are close........

Then again, since he hit Kim Yuh Sa...and had her admitted to the hospital....

It's make Sanggo's side that's close with Kim Yuh Sah...and the 3rd graders who are Kim Yuh Sa's age get angry....

It's enough to make them want to take revenge....

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"Kang San Ha, that kid...

That's why he was like that..."

"San Ha...him not playing with us these days was all because of that too?ㅠ 0ㅠ"

I never saw the MP3 getting together these days.....

So I wasn't mistaken....

"Yoo Seung-ah....what the 1st grader Hoobae said before...

and Kang San Ha not playing with you guys these days...what's that supposed to mean?"

"I was always with Kang San Ha...

and there was nothing....I didn't know.....

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but these days...Kang San Ha's being weird.

He's so busy that I don't see his face...and when the classes end he leaves alone....

He doesn't pick up when I phone him...and he doesen't go home often......"

"He only plays with the 1st grade hoobaes...ㅠ 0ㅠ"

"...Kang San unreal."

...What's unreal?

Not playing with you guys....and playing with the 1st grade that unreal?

"With thoughts that the 3rd grade sunbaes..and the Sanggo kids....

don't look at him well...picked him...and he's screwed by himself.......

he thought alone and he decided alone...he was acting alone."

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Kang San Ha....

I want to see you quickly.

What's this nervousness, and tension I feel...

"Kang San ha...when I find out where he is, I'll tell you..

And....First Place it's a good idea for you to be careful too.

Contact me if something happens."

Does Yoo Seung know.....

that we broke up......

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Seeing looks like he doesn't know....

Even if I told you...I would only make you worry......

"Yah!! Hwang Sung Hye!!!!"

As soon as Han Yoo Seung leaves...standing in front of me and glaring at me....

Although I'm already dizzy...and weak...Oh Ha Ra holds onto my shoulders and shakes me.

"You just hang up while you're on the phone with me....what's up with that!

And you've lost half the weight on your face......were you that sick?"

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my heart.....everything was hurting...

For the past few days...I shed the same amount of tears as I would over a course of years....

1st period ends....

Lunch time ends...

Time passes......and although I haven't done became time to go home.

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Whether it's to make my sunken face fat....

Han Uhl and Ha Ra would give me whatever they found edible..

Especially...when they bought me a pack of sausages for 500won...(500won=around $0.50)

because Han Uhl said he would watch me until I fnished eating it all, I almost died from overeating.-_-

This entire day....I waited for Kang San Ha to come, but he didn't come....

and whether it's because I told him I loved him or not....I couldn't call him either.

I would stupidly flip open my cellphone...close it...and open it again....

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but Ha Ra wrapping her arms around my neck....drags me somewhere with Han Uhl..

If I went like usual....

I would show my hidden strength.....break free from her arms, wink and run away.....

but because the flu worsened, I couldn't use my strength properly.

Eventually.....I arrived at the noraebang by Ha Ra dragging me......

and they brought me to the noraebang to be strong....

becuase of the relationship between Kang San Ha.....

but even in my eyes, it seems that they came here because they wanted to sing...

"Wrap well so your hair won't fall out

If your hair falls out you're in big trouble

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Wrap well so your hair won't fall out

If your hair falls out you can't get married

Why did I do that?

I can just plant it.

If I plant it only 3000 times

my bald head will come back to normal like before.

The hairs which came out easily

(I really hate my bald head)

But still my confidence

The hairs which came out easily

I can't give up!

The hairs which came out easily

(Oppa I really pity you)

When I see you I'm embarassed

The hairs which came out easily..."

Where did they hear that kind of song from, even I don't know......=_=

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And.....bald eh.....

If it's free....if it's a sample.....if it's an incentive.....

the song might be an implication for Ha Ra to watch out for her future....


White things falls onto my head....

As soon as I lift my head and check to see what the white things are....

I see Han Uhl ripping his notebook and sprinkling pieces of paper....-_-

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They're really perfect for each other.....

Ha Ra looks like a popular singer in the pieces of paper Han Uhl's thrown in the air for her...

I wanted to break open the noraebang door....and leave.....

but wanting to see Han Uhl sing, I shut my mouth and waited for Han Uhl's turn...

FInally....Ha Ra's song ends.....and Han Uhl holding the mic.....

different from before, with strength put into Han Uhl's eyes....makes me look forward to the song he's singing next.

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The title of the song Han Uhl's reserved appears.....called My Friend Hye Rong.....-__-


Just like me....seeing the song title......Ha Ra looks shocked.

Even when preschool teachers sing recent gayo(pop songs) these days.....

Han Uhl is singing the theme song of a manhwa. (manhwa=kids' cartoon show)

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"Mr. Sun shows the cloudy flowers

Hye Rong shows the happy flowers.

'Round and 'round Hye Rong rides the rainbow and becomes my friend in my head..

The wind sends flower breezes

and Hae Rong speedily runs in the entire neighbourhood.

Hae Rong Hae Rong my cute friend

He always laughs with me hahahoho..

Round Round Hae Rong my cute friend.

Round Round Hae Rong our friend"

Unable to express how I feel.....

I just forcefully smile and clap time to time..

First she didn't like it...

but Ha Ra ends up singing with Han Uhl the Hae Rong song.

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The noraebang time is almost up......

and because I don't want to interrupt those two.....I quietly.....left the noraebang. be truthful....

I also came out because I didn't want to clean up after the pieces of paper Han Uhl sprinkled.=_=

One step....

three steps.....

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ten steps......

.....The way home feels so far away\.

It feels like I'm walking around in a circle in the same place, no matter how much I walk...

It's hard....


It's hard...

being happy....then when I think about Kang San Ha......forgetting what happened in the noraebang..

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It's hard.

The tears coming down my face when I try to laugh...again.....

Should I....try calling....

I think it'll be okay...asking what happened yesterday....

Although I know everything about what happened from hearing from Umma.....

Still I can hear Kang San Ha's voice if I call.

.....In the beginning...Kang San Ha's number......was saved as number 4....

Now it's saved as 0...

My finger the 0.....

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....Putting strength into my nervous face, I press 0 and I hear the beep....

After the beep...stops....

I concentrate my ear on only my cellphone

wondering if Kang San Ha's voice will come out.....or the cream soup-like woman's voice, saying that he's not available....

"...Who is it."

Kang San Ha's voice makes my weak footsteps on the sidewalk stop.

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"....It's me."

"What is it." it.......

....What is it.......

Kang San Ha....

you didn't hear....

when I said that I love you.....

If he heard, he wouldn't be like this......

Yeah...then today's the last.

This call is the last.

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I don't know until when....I'll keep loving you....but......

even though I don't know when...I'll be able to forget you.....

I won't show myself in front of you starting tomorrow

I'll pretend to not see you and be foolish.

What I can think of......what I'm dying to say is what I'll only say.

"....I want to see you."

Whether you heard it or not.....I said to you yesterday that I love you.. no longer...will I regret.....breaking up with you.

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Now...goodbye.....really, goodbye..

When I move the cellphone from my hang up.....

From my eyes....deception.....

From my nose....despicability....

From my mouth, annoyance....

Kim Yuh Sa's face that I can begin to now right in front of my eyes......

Because of the pressure from behind....


I drop my cellphone onto the floor with a noise, and I lose my consciousness. ------------------90---------------------

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I can't open my eyes.

When I barely open my eyes, I can only see the pitch-black darkness.....

I can't speak either.

When I use all my strength to

only muffled sounds can be heard.

Even my hands, I can't move.

The more I move it, the more the pain in my wrists increase.

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Something's covering my eyes..

my mouth...and my wrists....are held together, so no matter how much effort I put into it, the only thing I can do....

is to focus my ears...

and find out.......

where this place is...and why I've been brought here...

"All I have to do is get rid of her?"

A guy's voice I'm hearing for the first time rings and spreads out like a vibration....

This shows me that this place isn't too wide.

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It's Kim Yuh Sa's voice...

Has Kim Yuh Sa....

brought me here...

and made me like this..

It's enough stepping on me that much before....

But doing this kind of thing to me again....

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What Han Yoo Seung said before pops into my mind.

When he said to be careful.

I ignored it, thinking nothing would happen....

but now I'm regretting it...

Kim Yuh Sa's behaviour, being like this..

I really can't stand it.

But...even if I don't resist...what can I do....

I can't move my hands....I can't say anything.....and I can't see anything.....

"While we're at it, why don't we use this kid as bait and kill Kang San Ha too? And never let him do anything again."

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"Don't make things more complicated.

Right now for me it's more important to deal with this b!tch more than Kang San Ha."

Deal with....?

What's she going to do to me......

Horror fills my mind....


Someone pulls on my ponytail....

and as the person shakes my head, the strength used into pulling my hair becomes stronger....

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"My hurt.....I'll let you experience exactly...

I'll pay you back exactly as much as I've been had by Kang San Ha."

How miserable were you?

Being admitted to the hospital only after being hit a few times by Kang San Ha?

Then what about me?

When you beat me up for no reason?

Do you think I was perfectly fine?

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Selfish Kim Yuh Sa.

Only knowing herself and thiking about herself.

I'll keep my anger compressed by swearing in my mind at least.-_-


Although I felt it before, Kim Yuh Sa's hand is as thick as crocodile leather.

This is why although I was hit only on one cheek, it's sore and it hurts like I've been hit on both cheeks...

"Why? Does it hurt? Are you going thinking it hurts after being hit once?"

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Yeah.It hurts! You pig-like b!tch!-__-

"If you're blaming the fact that I was hit, blame how you look.

If you're going to blame for you being like this now, blame your existance.

If you were prettier than me...

if you weren't a nerd who knew nothing but studying...

if you were even a bit better than me....

then I would've given recognition to Kang San Ha and you...

But you're not as good as me.

Seeing something not as good as me sticking to Kang San Ha really looks bad in my eyes and it pisses me off!"

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Feeling the cold liquid on my face which I estimate to be Kim Yuh Sa's spit

it seems Kim Yuh Sa is right in front of me.

Because I had things to say....

because I couldn't just listen like this....

"Eup! Eeeeup....!!!!Eup....!!"

I let it all out, shaking my head and even yelling..

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But...what comes back......


Pain in my other cheek.

"Becuase of you!

Becuase of you!!! Kang San Ha changed!!!

Now....the one I no longer Kang San Ha....

....Because you wouldn't break up with Kang San became like that....

So...don't blame me.

Guys begin..."

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"Tong tong~ my face is tong tong!!

Tung tung~ my stomche is tung tung!!

Ting ting~ my arm is ting ting!!"

Before Kim Yuh Sa's instructions get carried this squished place the cellphone rings loudly.


It must be Kim Yuh Sa's cellphone...

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Ttong tthong would be better than tong tong....

Ttung ttung would be better than tung tung.....

Tting tting would be better than ting ting...

"Hah.. why would you ask me where your girlfriend is."

The person who's phoned Kim Yuh Sa....

It can't...possibly be........

"I don't have a clue...

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Did you phone because of that?

It's the first time...

you phoning me first.

For some reason...I'm getting even angrier....."

"Where is she!!!!!!!!"

I can hear Kang San Ha's voice from the cellphone.

The thing covering my eyes becomes wet from my tears.

"Yahh, what are you doing right now!!

You watch that b!tch!!!!"

"I'm Lee Deuk Gu of Sanggo.

Your girlfriend is here."

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The thing that was tyed around my mouth is undone....

and some b@stard puts the cellphone to my mouth.

Because I feel that Kang San Ha will come to this place if I say even a word...

remembering how Kang San Ha was suspended before because of what happened with Kim Yuh Sa..

stopping myself from sobbing....when I don't say anything...



Pulling my hair back.....I had no choice but to yell..

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and I heard from the cellphone..


Just wait a bit until I get there."


Why are you saying that you'll come knowing this is a trap!!!!!!!

Don't come!!!!

I'm okay, so don't come..."

The cellphone which was put to my mouth is taken away.....

"If you want to take your girlfriend..

Come to the equipment room in the Sanggo gym..

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If you come late, even I dont' know what will happen to your girlfriend."

I hear the cellphone being flipped closed...

Although they're on the same side, Kim Yuh Sa and Lee Deuk Gu are fighting.

"Yah Lee Deuk Gu!! What are you doing right now!!!!

Letting him know this b!tch is here, and where we are right now..

are you crazy?"

"We've been had by Kang San Ha too...we can't miss this opportunity."

Kang San Ha...

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Knowing his personality, Kang San Ha will come here alone.

Hearing the laughter...and movements...there seems to be quite a lot of Sanggo b@stards.....

If he ends up fighting with those b@stards because of me

he'll be hurt a lot.....and this time it won't end with just a suspension....

Because of me again.....

will Kang San Ha be hurt.

Because of me again.....

will Kang San Ha receive damage.

I'm really hopeless.

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Giving him scars...and now as if that wasn't enough....

making it hard for Kang San Ha again...

I'm a human whoh as no use to Kang San Ha and I don't even deserve to say that I love him.

...Loving him....

Making him fall into danger many times like this although I love Kang San Ha.....

Although I haven't done anything for Kang San Ha...I just try to receive help.....?

We've broken up now....

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Kang San Ha...if you come....if you come to save me....

what kind of face do I have to put on for you?

I'm sorry enough to die right now....

I hate myself too, to the point that I'll go crazy.....

What kind of face do I have to put on when I see you?


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I feel cold metal from my face down to my neck.

"What are you doing right now?"

Because of the cold metal...I move my entire body...

but someone holds onto my it's not easy for me to even move...

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The metal is going through my neck between my shirt, and is undoing each button.


I can't move....I can't see......

Hearing the buttons being undone....

I try to break free from the hands holding onto my shoulders.


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I said to stop!!!!!!!!!"

I want to die.

Instead of this with these b@stards...

I'd rather die.

And Kim Yuh Sa.

If I were to die...

I would first get rid of you, bi!tch.

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"Oh~it's a necklace!

It looks pretty expensive...."

The necklace Kang San ha bought me for my birthday present.

Thinking I have to give it back......

I'd always wear the necklace..

"Don't touch me!!!"

Even with the sounds already in the equipment room....

the buttons are undone... my skin is touched.... and now even my necklace they want their hands on.

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Moving back, I try to avoid the hands but my back touches a wall.

Now there's nowhere to go.


"Bring that necklace to me."

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To Kim Yuh Sa's command...

some b@stard tries to take my necklace.

When I bite the hand trying to undo the necklace...

"Are you really wanting to die!!"

With the sound I feel pain at the area around my neck.

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Eventually....all the buttons of my uniform shirt are undone...

and now the cold thing is cutting my tank top straps underneath the shirt.

And now no longer the cold metal...but another horrible hand..

is touching my neck and shoulders.

"Don't touch me!!!I'll kill you!!!!!"

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With my sobs mixed with screaming...

the hands don't stop.

It's horrible.

I'm miserable.

When the strap is about to be cut with the knife.....


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I hear the door opening loudly......

The hands holding onto my shoulders..

the hands touching me....

the cold metal...

all stop.



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"MP3 leader, coming all the way here~What an honour~"

Did you come here knowing I was in danger?

Have you come to save me, when finally..... after breaking up.....I've realized that I love you?

"Like you said, I came alone...

so let her go.

The person you want is me."

"That, I can't do. Haha.."

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What I've heard before...the mocking laughter is heard again....

Like a tsunami coming to a quiet island's town...

I hear things breaking...things shattering...hitting...getting hit.

I try to put my focus on my ears since I can't see....

but I can't tell.

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What's happening to Kang San Ha.....


It was loud before.....

but now there's no sound..

it makes me even more nervous.




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"Heh.. why? Is it embarassing to make noises because it hurts in front of your girlfriend?"

"Deuk Gu-yah...shall we see how long he can resist?"

No longer using just fists....


I heard wood...things like poles...and feet kicking a body.

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It seems like Kang San Ha's being hit....

but I can't hear anything from Kang San Ha.

I'm positive he can't go against them because of me.

I'm positive he's not making a noise so I won't worry...

If I can just move my hands....

I would be able to help..

I wouldn't be a burden..

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Whatever's tying my hands..

can't be undone..rather it aches and hurts becuase it cuts my wrists.

"B@stard... until the end, you keep your mouth shut."

"Unfair b@stards!!!

Can you call yourself men!! Is it fun to go against one person...and step on him!!!!"

When I use all my human strength....and yell......


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the sound was buried under the sound of the door opening...

"Son of a b!tch. Kang San Ha!!! First Place!! Are you okay?"

It's Yoo Seung...

"Sanggo b@stards, they're shooting a movie..

Having hostages is only supposed to come out in movies."

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It's Han Uhl.

Again the loud breaking sounds begin...

People being hit.. hitting.. swearing...

Leaning my body against the wall...

being nervous, unable to see anything.....

I'm curled up in a ball when....

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"Are you okay?"

Someone touches my body.

"Don't touch me!!!! I told you not to hurt me!!!!!!"

Turning my head...

I shed tears and I'm shaking, thinking about the shame being like this when.....

"You said you loved me....

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how could you not know the voice of the peson you love..."



The thing covering my eyes falls to the ground.....

What can be seen through my eyes....

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San Ha came to the rescue! I hope that him and Jin Hye are okay. Nothing better happen to San Ha, Jin Hye finally summoned up the courage to tell him her feelings and he definitely heard it. They should live happily ever after now . Kang San Ha shows such a different side to Jin Hye. He's so kind and caring when it comes to her, even if he seems cold to her. She changed him so much. I just hope that once they're healed from the injuries (especially San Ha), Jin Hye tells San Ha EVERYTHING about her past and why she lied to him and hopefully he understands and they end up happy together. Once again, thank you for posting the chapter, post the next one soon . 0

#3509 kimmiees

Member Group: Members Posts: 21 Joined: 04-April 08

Posted 27 June 2008 - 10:01 AM FIRST! <-- nevermind. second!OMG THIS IS THE BEST CHAPTER.AHHH SO CUTE AT THE END!

YES STUPID PIG-FACED YUH SA!! die die die. teheh jk. anyway...

so he DID hear her. aww thats so freakin cute.he better be okay though!0

#3510 soominie

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Member Group: Members Posts: 2,837 Joined: 17-February 07

Posted 27 June 2008 - 10:05 AM NOTE: ^Thanks, you two for posting.Now I can double-post! Possibly triple-post later, I'm in the middle of translating chapter 92. XDI'm like.. dying from translating.. these chapters are so stinkin long!!!But I'm sure you all would enjoy it. hmphThe next chapter is like.. lmfao x the rest of my life funny. hahahhahaaOMG, 394 readers~ (Probably over 400 and just everyone didn't vote~) heeeeeeeee ;D


If I don't have that person...

I'll smoke like this until I die.

...I won't do anything until I die,

I won't eat, I won't wash myself,

I won't sing, I'll only smoke like this. ...

I'll sit here, and continue to only smoke.

-part of Do As You Wish by the Ambassador-

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Up until a few days ago I thought your love was wrong.


I was a fool.

I was mistaken.

Saying that your love for me was too big and burdensome.........

Because I didn't know then that I love you like this.....

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Then again, even though I did realize I loved you...I couldn't express even half of my feelings for you..

This pride...

the breakup.... I'll say it.

I'll tell you that I love you

I'll show it now.

I'll show my love for you.

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I would ignore my pouding heart,

I would overreacting to a slight touch,

I would avoid your eyes when they met....

Now, I'm not who I was before..

But....what do I do if something happens to you from this....

Now I'm trying to be truthful...

I'm trying not to lie and hide.....

But that kind of thing won't happen.


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If you're hurt....if you're injured.....if something happens to you.....

it's all my fault....

it'll all be because fo me....

If that were to happen, how do I look at you..

San Ha-yah..

San Ha-yah....

You disliked me a lot right?

You were hurt and having a hard time because of me, right..?

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Now I won't let you dislike me, or let you be hurt and be having a hard time.

From now on, while loving you....

I won't be a fool, and pretend everything is fine.

I won't pretend to not know you're hurting, and with an excuse like it being too hard....

I won't break up with you.


you can't be hurt.

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That kind of thing won't happen.....

but you can't go to another place while I'm here.

I'll always be by your side.

You have to stay where I can see you too.

I only received....

but you have to let me repay you twice as much, three times as much.

Once again....I love you.

..As much as you do....I love you.....San Ha....

Blink blink....

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At first because my eyes were was hard to open my eyes....

but after I kept eyes were able to open fully....

First thing I see when I open my eyes are the white people wearing hospital clothes outisde the window....


.....San Ha isn't here.

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I get up and loo around.....

but around me are only an ahjumma.....and a girl, wearing hospital clothes like me and laying down on her bed...

San Ha isn't here.

"It's been two days. Since you've opened your eyes like this...."

So I've been laying down without opening my eyes like this for two days.....

Then what happened to San Ha..

Leaving Umma who tries to give me a bottle of water......

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I run around the hospital looking for Kang San Ha.

To the point that I'm sweating...running out of breath....and can't run anymore.....

But he's not here.

My expression grows worse....and my entire body begins to shake.

Then in front of a hospital room....I see Kang San Ha's name written.....

I was so happy that I almost yelled out 'Kya".

Because my hands were sweaty....

and because the doorknob was slippery, I had to try it a few times to open the door...

and I saw Yoo Seung and Han Uhl..

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And on the bed, there is a person who has a white sheet over his entire body.

.....Suddenly..... all thoughts...left my head.

What am I trying to think...


it's not it....

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This can't be.

Kang San Ha wouldn't go ahead and leave me alone.

Making me the bad person like this....

making me feel sorry like this....he couldn't die.

Under the white sheet....

it can't be that he has his eyes closed....that he's not moving a single finger....that his heart has stopped.

In my head when I try not to think of any thoughts....

the word death unfamiliarly comes....

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and from my eyes when I try not to see anything....


I couldn't see what was in front of me because of my tears....

but because I had to check with my own eyes....

I passed Han Uhl and Yoo Seung with their heads bowed....

and I try to pull down the white sheet to look at Kang San Ha's face when.....

"You won't recognize him....because he's too beaten up.

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Hearing Han Yoo Seung say that, I lose the strength in my legs....

Holding onto a corner of the bed, I sit on the floor....


Not covering my mouth.....I cry....

Even though I'm crying like this...

peacefully next to me....without any movement....laying there...

I hit Kang San Ha's stomache..his chest...with my hands....and I mourned.

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"You're lying, aren't you?

Right? It's a lie, right?"



How can you leave me....

You said you'd always be by my promised me when you confessed to me...

Heuk.....was that a lie?

Were you a liar like me?

No.....that's not it......

You're kidding around right now, aren't you.......?

Stop fooling around and get up.....

Please...get up....heuk....heuheuk..."


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Not matter how much I hit....and yell....

only silence comes back....

"If you die, do you think I'll cry and be sad for the rest of my life!

No! I'm always always going to smiel!!!!!

Not caring about you dying, I'll meet other guys and I'll marry!!

Would you like that?

When I meet other guys...and marry...will you be still like this...and not say anything?"



I was really going to start treating you well....

I wasn't going to hide my love....

The truth...the truth is......I...if you die...if I don't have you by my side....heuheuk...heukheuk...."

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"I'll always cry...

I'm always going to look at the sky where you went....or your pictures.

I won't study....I won't smile....and I'll always always only cry.

Would you like it if I did that?"


"Hurry and open your my name.... You can call my name....and I'd even be happy with Sung me like you did before... Please...Kang San Ha....please....heueuheukheuk...."

"Hwang Sung Gye."


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....This definitely....

Sung Gye.....

Hwang Sung Gye....

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The person who would call me Hwang Sung Gye is.....


I turn my head to where the voice came from

to see one hand in a castr, and the other hand holding a pineapple....

Kang San Ha looks at me, as if he doesn't understand what I'm doing.

"Y-y-you, what are you doing over there!!!!!!!!!"

"Then what are you doing over here?"

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Sung Hye-yah...

let's first calm down....

and check to see who's lying down on that bed right now.

I hold onto the corner of the bed. stand up and with my face full of tears

I slide down the white sheet with my shaking hand to see...

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Gwang Pal, the b@stard, eating the edge of white bread.

That's why I felt fat jiggling when I hit his chest.....

That's why each time I hit his stomache and my hand bounced up, it was like a hippo that drank water....

No wonder, even through my eyes it seemed a bit odd by how much of the bed Kang San Ha's body took....

Yoo Gwang Pal, you b@stard, it was you.

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"As I thought, the crust of white bread..has to be eaten first so you can taste the white part better~"


"'s really fun, fooling First Place."


"Sorry, First Place..

We were just trying to surprise you...

but we didn't know you'd be this surprised and cry like this.."


"You know after hearing you say that you'll meet guys and marry without caring about me

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I felt a mini cooperload of shock_?"


Horrible [email protected] b@stards.

Watching me mourn and cry......

watching me fall exactly for their plan.....

I wonder how funny it was for them.....

I...I......watching him with a white sheet over him...

thinking Kang San Ha really did die....

thinking I'll never see...or be able to talk to him....

I was so scared.....

My heart was running like a mammoth going crazy....I thought I was going to die from a heart attack....

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This....was a play to make fun of me?-__-

Bowing my head....and with my hair covering my face....

to the point that I'd be able to come out in The Legend's Hometown....I went up to Kang San Ha like a ghost.

"First Place is trying to kill San Ha!"

Pretending not to have heard Han Uhl...when I keep going up to Kang San Ha....

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"I have to save at least the pineapple!"

Gwang Pal the b@stard takes the pineapple from Kang San Ha's hand and runs to the window.

Without any reaction to even that and with my long hair covering my face....

dragging the huge hospital clothes, I stand in front of Kang San Ha.

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"Are you crazy? Why are you coming to me, looking like a ghost?"

Kang San Ha tries to avoid me, as if I really am a ghost.=_=

"Was it amusing to make fun of me?"

Asking Kang San Ha...with my eyes opened wide...

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"San Ha didn't know about it.

Seeing First Place running around the hospital halls looking for Kang San Ha

while San Ha went out for a bit...Yoo Seung and I were just joking around..."

Na Han Uhl answers for Kang San Ha to my question....

Na Han Uhl....

You did just fantastic!!

Seeing me looking Kang San Ha crazily like that...

you chose to pull a prank like this....=_+

With how I am right now....

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I want to pour water over your poodle-hair..

and make! 1:9 of a hair part!!! (mullet)

And....Kang San Ha.

"Kang San Ha where did you go?"

He points at the pineapple Gwang Pal is peeling with his teeth, like a mouse.

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My throat closes up.

But...I really want to ask this.

"Do you like pineapples that much?

I was in a coma for two days....

but you like it to the point you'll ignore me to go outside and buy that kind fo thing?

.....I....I......thought died....heueuk...."

"How could you fall for that, when you can just pull down the sheet?"

"Yoo Seung said you were beaten up to the point that I wouldn't be able to recognize your would I be look at it."

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But......but....opposite to what Yoo Seung said.....

and what I thought...

you're not hurt a lot....ㅡ.ㅡ

With a Donald Duck Band-Aid on his face...

one on his forehead...

bandages wrapped carelessly on his head....

lastly his arm in a cast.

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"So? Are you disappointed that I'm normal_?"



I'm scared right now...."


"Even though you call me Sung Gye like before......

even though you look at me as if you've just taken a bite out of a Cheongryang pepper...." (Cheongryang pepper=extremely spicy)

Hearing me say his expression looks like he's just bitten a Cheongryang pepper....

The b@stard's left eye went up almost to the point that it became a square...

but I don't need to worry about that right now.

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".....Still...I'm scared.

I've made you hurt up until now so many times to the point I can't even count....

The things you've done for me, I can't count either....

You laying there like that....

I thought of everything...

everything that I can't count.

The things I've said to you....and breaking up with you....everything...."


"And.....I was scared that forever....I wouldn't be able to say this to you."


"I regretted breaking up with you...

because...I realized that I love you....after I broke up with you.....

like a a fool.....I realized it after I broke up with you...."


"I'm sorry...

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that I hurt you like this....

I'm really sorry...

for telling you so late...that I've realized....and regret.

Really..really....really...really sorry....

You got hurt like this...because of me...."

Before I could even finish....Kang San Ha pulls me into his arms.


comforting me while I cry.

Calming me while I'm still scared...

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"I know....I know everything.."

Rpeating only that he knows everything....he messes my hair and hugs me tightly.

...It's a bit embarassing with Han Uhl...Yoo Seung...and even Gwang Pal.ㅡ,.ㅡ

Yoo Seung and Han Uhl who were looking at us as if watching a mellow movie use their common sense, and leave the room closing the door.

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I saw it.

In the mirror with Kang San Ha hugging me....

he glared at Yoo Seung and Han Uhl to leave.....

Although Han Uhl and Yoo Seung quickly left....

in this kind of atmosphere Gwang Pal the b@stard never ceases to amaze me -__-+

still not having peeled even half of the pineapple...panting....then his eyes meeting Kang San Ha's...

I thought he'd just stand up and leave like a puppy with its tail lowered....

but of course, after grabbing fruit from a fruit basket on top of the fridge, he quickly leaves.-__-

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Finally....everyone leaves...

and in Kang San Ha's heart aches...knowing that Kang San Ha's arm was injured because of me....

Kang San Ha holds onto my shoulders.....and moving back slightly.....

"I also...said I'd protect you...I'm sorry I let you get hurt....."


"Even when you don't love me

even when I'm reborn later

until the word love is gone from this world

until this world is gone...

I love you...Hwang Sung Hye."

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What I've wanted to hear.

He let me hear what I thought I'd never be able to hear again.

And.....Kang San Ha pulls my shoulders closer

and wiping my tears with his hand, his face comes close to mine.

Blinking a few times.....

thinking it's the time...I close my eyes....and when Kang San Ha's lips...are about to touch mine....


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I hear the door opening loudly....

Opposite to Kang San Ha calmly standing still......

as if I've commited a sin....I jump then move back, surprised.

"San Ha-yah!!! The b@stards are here...!!!

Eh? San Ha's ears became really red!"

You must've done naughty things with First Place!>_<"

Han Uhl's has even less common sense than hair on an ant's chest.

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"My ears usually turn red when my blood pressure increases."

His ears turn red when his blood pressure increases, eh.....=,.=

Kang San should find a better excuse than that.

Hee, no need to be nervous........

".....San Ha-yah. I brought egg chips and you want them?"

Ripping open egg chips from the black plastic bag Han Uhl offers....

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"Where's the egg?"

Is he joking around...or is he serious...

Kang San Ha really looks for an egg, seriously asking.


"Didn't you say they're egg chips? Where's the egg?"

"San Ha-yah. Why are you....being so scary....ㅠ 0ㅠ"

"Cola..who bought it?"

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What's he trying to do this time....-__-

"Don't you know about when I see curly insides go crazy?

Bring one right away with numbers."

"Numbers? ㅇ_ㅇ?"

"You don't know 815? Bring 815!!!" (818 is a brand of cola, like Pepsi and Coca Cola)

There's no doubt about it, Kang San Ha's pissed.

When we were going to ki.... ss the timing really wasn't right...right then the kids came in.....

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"Kang San Ha, we weren't going to come in....

but I thought those b@stards would want to see you even 1 second faster, so I brought them."

Those b@stards.....?

Just who are they...

enough to bring Yoo Seung who catches on come and interrupt our tense atmosphere~~

"Come in."

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With one short command from Yoo Seung...

Five guys wearing Sanggo uniforms rush in.

They all have 2~3 wounds on their faces and look as if they're about to cry.

As if it's annoying just to see these guys...

not looking at the b@stards and throwing darts onto the dartboard...

"What did you do?"

Kang San Ha asks Yoo Seug,Han Uhl, and Gwang Pal.

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Han Uhl:I laid a bunch of Lego blocks onto the floor and made those b@stards stand on them,

Yoo Seung:Making them hold 30 books each,

Gwang Pal:I mixed my favourite melon-flavoured toothpaste with rice and made them eat five spoons each! >,.<

Just a guess....

Seeing what MP3,CDP have done to those guys.....

that time...the b@stards who were with Kim Yuh Sa seem to be those b@stards.

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"Han Yoo Seung call it out."

"Jang Bal 5 hits,long-necked b@stard 7 hits, yellow teeth 5 hits,slit-eyes b@stard 4 hits, tights 9 hits" (Jang Bal=some cartoon character with long hair)

....Jang Bal....yellow teeth....long-necked b@stard.

Just like Han Yoo Seung has said.....

Between the Sanggo [email protected]'s a b@stard with a long neck...there's a b@stard with yellow teeth...and there's a b@stard

whose hair looks to be long like Jang Bal...

Then.5 hits....9 hits..7 hits...what are they supposed to mean.....?

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Gwang Pal, Yoo Seung, and Han Uhl....are all smiling.

Looking around, the Sanggo b@stards have sweat coming down from their foreheads...

"Nine hits.....?

That kid hit me nine times!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kang San Ha....

You're very unreal.

Remembering the number of times you've been hit....

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At first...I didn't know what they were talking about......

but now I get it.

9 hits..7 hits...and 5 hits....were the number of times you were hit from those b@stards....=_=

"That time in the gym...the kid who had his uniform pants tailored like tights come here."

A b@stard with a body similar to Gwang Pal's...looking a lot like a monkey with glasses....

WIth Kang San Ha's

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"Head to the ground"

one command....he right away puts his head to the ground and stays on his pose.

"Where's Kim Yuh Sa."

"...I don't know!"


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Kicking monkey with glasses' stomach and making him collapse....Kang San Ha asks again.

"Where's Kim Yuh Sa"

"I-I really don't know!!"

Kang San Ha's expression turns tougher....

and the moment he's about to step on monkey with glasses who's collapsed and about to cry...

I put my arms around Kang San Ha's waist, not letting go.

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"Stay back. I'm busy right now."


This is enough...

Kim Yuh Sa...just don't touch her.

It's not only Kim Yuh Sa who's done wrong. getting Kim Yuh Sa admitted to the hospital....

You've done wrong too...

Please don't fight anymore....please....don't fight...."

"Aren't you angry?

Because of Kim Yuh Sa you.."

"I'm angry, but you came to save me.

If it wasn't for Kim Yuh Sa....we might not have been able to meet like this."

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Kang San Ha moves my arms from his waist....

and to monkey with glasses wearing uniform pants which look like they'll explode just from looking at them..

"Stand up"

with those words....

he throws a dart which was held in his hand tightly not onto the dartboard but to the direction where the Sanggo b@stards are standing.

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Going slightly off course...


Making a noise, the dart hits the wall right above the Sanggo b@stards.....

With the same expressions...the Sanggo b@stards relax after checking the dart which has hit right above their heads.

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"When you guys end up standing in front of me due to this kind of thing...

where do you think this dart will go that time?"

....A very concise....and scary threat.

The Sanggo b@stards bow their heads from being suddenly surprised....

"You can leave now."

...With those words of Kang San Ha's....they all say they'll leave first and run away...

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3 people flail around from being stuck at the small hospital room door....

then eventually they all leave.....

From me telling him not to hurt Kim Yuh Sa, whether they're surprised...or touched...Han Uhl and Yoo Seung compliment me.

"First Place is too nice.

This whole thing would be huge if we were to continue because of Kim Yuh Sa..."

"First Place! Aren't you angry?

If you want I can get all the Lego I own and throw it beneath Kim Yuh Sa's feet!"

"It's okay...

If I were to revenge Kim Yuh Sa exactly as I had received from her, I'd become the same kind of person as Kim Yuh Sa.

I think depending on situations, forgiveness is better than revenge.^ ^"

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With the brightest and prettiest smile, I leave Kang San Ha's hospital room.......

and my smile becomes dark...and changes creepily.

I'm nice?

Heh, yeah I'm nice....

people who don't hurt me will think I'm too nice.


the person who's hurt me even twice....

and hurt even Kang San Ha, Kim Yuh Sa.

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Not in front of you.

.....And am I not angry?


I still feel the feeling from Kim Yuh Sa hitting my cheek...

I still remember being unclothed...and the frightening memory in the dark is still clearly embedded in my mind.....

How can I not be mad...!!

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Kim Yuh Sa.

Wherever you are, I'll find you and I'll pay you back 10 times of what I've got from you.

And...I'll even thank you.

Because of you...

my self....

the self, living as Sung Hye not Jin Hye...I've thought about it...

Like you said...if I wasn't a nerd....

if I didn't change myself to make myself ugly....

if I didn't always resist saying what I've wanted, and lived shyly....

Kang San Ha wouldn't be hurt like that....

and....I wouldn't have had such miserable things happen to me.

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Kim Yuh Sa, you just wait.

Although I may seem like plain grass...

like a venus flytrap that turns into a carnivorous plant when it's touched, eating bugs...

I may seem like a shy nerd also...

but when I'm hurt, I'll show you clearly how I change.


Not knowing where my hospital room is, wandering around here and there...

in 30 minutes...I checked and found out my room is exactly one floor beneath Kang San Ha's.

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"...Are you coming back from seeing that boy?"


"I saw him a few times before, with you in front fo the house....

you said...he's the person you love, right...?"


"When you were in a coma....the boy came here often.

As your umma...I don't like the boy.

You being admitted to the hospital like this....and the way your actions and the way you speak have changed...

all seems to be because of this boy...."

"You're mistaken,

He was hurt because of me.."

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Because of me....he was injured like that... must've been hard.

From now on I'm not going to lie...or say things I don't mean.....I won't let him get hurt.

From now on I won't break up..

even when he says we should break up first...I won't let go of him.

You don't know how hard it was to find him.....

You don't know how happy I am right now.....

Breaking up with Kang San Ha...and until now....

although it may have seemed like a short amount of time to other people.....

for me it was the longest and most difficult time.

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From now on, not to waste the time I have with Kang San Ha....

I'm going to really smile a without any hidden spots in my mind...I'm thinking of revealing everything....

....but you're telling me to break up?

No one can steal him...or get in the way.

Even if the person is you, Umma.

And with this....I've realized it.

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That living as Sung Hye, not Jin Hye.....

there isn't anything I'm getting out of it.....

Rather...I almost lost important people....

and to Unni who died because of as her..feeling so sorry...and so sinful...

I was going to wash away the sorrow..and the guilt....

Feeling more sorry to Unni....

even when I try to always do doesn't seem to work....

and trying hard....and receiving praises for doing well...I'm not happy....

As time passes....I'd think.....I'm the perfect Sung Hye...

but as time passes again...

I miss it a lot...smiling as Jin Hye...and crying as Jin Hye.......

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Now I want to live as Jin Hye.

In front of the person I love...

from now on, I don't want to show my self made of lies.

I'm going to return to my past self, bit by bit if I have to.

It'll be really difficult...suddenly living as Jin Hye....

but I'm still going to put in my effort.


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"Do you think I changed...only because of him?

I told you before.

That I want to live as Jin Hye now....

Up until now, the 10 years I've lived as Sung Hye....10 years' time that I can't take back....

although I may have looked happy in your eyes..

it was always a pitch-black darkness to me..."


"When I'd do one thing well..there was no meaning in receiving praise as Sung Hye, not Jin Hye."

"You suddenly being like this....

I really have no other thoughts of it being because anyone but that boy.

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I told you before not to be careful of your actions...I warned you.."

"......I lived as you wished up until now after Unni died.

...Now...can't I live as I want to live?

I'll study hard....

I'll go to the university you wish for me to go to."



before I regret even more in the future....I...I...."

"Don't meet with the boy any longer.

Then you'll be able to carry on your life again like before...

If that doesn't work, you can attend hakwon more....or more extracurricular activities....Umma will help you forget about

the boy."


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"This is your last warning.

Don't meet with the boy any longer."

With a cold glare.....

turning her back to me.....leaving me with news that I'll be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow, Umma




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.....Last warning, huh.....


It was the last for me too.

to receive permission from Umma.

Now it doesn't matter, whether or not I receive permission from Umma.

Becuase now I've decided firmly.

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No matter how much Sung Hye is real, and Jin Hye is a dream....

even if I wake up from a dream...and it disappears.....

The dream, I'll let it come true...

The dream...I won't just dream it, I'll make it into reality.

-the next day-

"Eh? Sung Hye-yah!!!!!! You've finally woken up!!!"

"Ha Ra-yah....I'm a patient, you know."

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I meant for her to leave me alone....

but Ha Ra takes a different meaning, no longer choking me but hitting my stomach with her fists.

"Hwang Sung Hye!! Do you know how worried I was for you!!!

After singing at the were gone...

You wouldn't answer your cellphone......

you wouldn't pick up your house phone...

looking around....finally...I saw your cellphone fallen on the floor.....

Here, take it."

Probably because I've dropped it on the ground....

there isn't a spot on my cellphone that doesn't have a mark.

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I turn it on wondering if it's broken, but there's nothing wrong and it's fully charged.

Just like its owner......ㅡ,.ㅡ


"Ah! Why'd you hit my head!"

"When I'm worrying this much, you're smiling looking at your cellphone!!"


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A few minutes later...


After being hit plenty with Ha Ra's fists of love...Ha Ra left, saying she'd see me atschool....

Han Uhl, Gwang Pal, and Yoo Seung who would check back often.....

rather than my seemed like they came to see the drinks, fruit, and chips on top of the refrigerator.....

Even the food from the hospital...Gwang Pal would show interest in....

Whether it's the beef, or the mussle in some of the soup...or the tuna...I barely got to eat it.-__-

Kang San Ha...came often.......

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but he would sit at the edge of the bed...and play his games, not caring about me...then he would leave.-_-

When it became lunch time....

everyone left...and I became the only person left in my hospital room.

I was now thinking of ways to take revenge on Kim Yuh Sa and her whereabouts when.....

"Knock knock knock"

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Whoever's come again...I hear knocking on the hospital room door.

With a mind hoping that it just isn't Ha Ra and Gwang Pal....

"Come in."

as soon as I say this.....

the person who's carefully opened the door and come in.....


isn't Ha Ra....isn't Gwang Pal....but it's Gong Jin. ----------------94-------------------

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"Gong did you know.."

"Gongjupa came to see San Ha sunbae....

and I heard you were in the hospital too, so.^ ^"



....This awkwardness..

...this static........

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...I want to escape.....


"....Did you and San Ha sunbae get back together?"


".....I see.


I didn't want to hurting....or crying....' a lot...and be better, right....?"

"....Gong Jin-a..."


"I'm sorry."

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"I you feel.....

But I......."

"Don't. I know everything....

Even if you go back to being Jin Hye....

that I don't have a chance...that you only have San Ha sunbae...

but....if....even later on...."


Because I felt too sorry to Gong Jin to meet Gong Jin'e eyes....I look out the window....

when from above a teddy bear falls with a loud noise.

Something is dangling, attached to something else

it's looking at us right from the middle of the window.

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How it it's so familiar....

it looks like the teddy bear I bought the Sang Choo b@stard, telling him to think of it as Kang San Ha.....-__-

Even more...why this teddy bear begins to scare me.....

are the words written messily on a piece of paper, stuck right on the teddy bear's chest...

"I'm watching"


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Can there be anything scarier......

It makes me quite......=_=........afraid...

and my actions become hesitant because it seems like Kang San Ha's in the room.

"...Gong Jin-ah..why don't we talk outside!"

"Why? It's fine here...."

Because that teddy bear seems like Kang San Ha...

although I have things I want to say to you...I have a feeling I won't be able to..=_=

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Pushing Gong Jin from behind....we leave the hospital room....

After looking at the teddy bear staying still in its spot

"Stalker-like b@stard."

=_= I spit out my words....

"San Ha sunbae..!"

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Gong Jin calls....the Ha.

I look to the direction Gong Jin has called San Ha to see....

with a Donald Duck band-aid on his face and quite noticeable...

with one button of his hospital clothes undone and not looking like a patient at all, Kang San Ha comes to me.

"Are you two trying to have a romantic domino?"

"It's not's dopi....." (dopi=getaway)

This mouth of mine again!!-_-!!

Kang San Ha's expression is bad enough already.....

How can I say that kind of make it even worse...!

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"Domino and dopi! Same thing!!! Anyways where are you two going!!!!!!!"


Kang San Ha that [email protected]'s no mistaking it, that he's put hidden cameras around me.

How else......would I have been caught being with Gong Jin so many times by Kang San Ha......-__-

"Where would we go~~ we just...just...."

"Just what?"

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Just...I was trying to have a serious conversation with Gong Jin, avoiding that teddy bear!! Why!!

if I said this, there would be a huge chance next year on this exact day....for people to be having a death anniversary.....

"We were going to go to San Ha sunbae's room."

Probably because he felt sorry for me repeating the word just and stuttering....Gong Jin helps me out.

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Room!! We were going to go to your room~

I like your room better, my hospital room is really stuffy....hahah;;"

With these words.........I....

being with Kang San Ha for a while....finally when the sun began to go down I was able to go back to my cosy room.-__-

...I was going to as Gong Jin before about Kimn Yuh Sa's whereabouts......

but without a choice...I'll have to phone him...

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First lets see after I leave this hospital....

Avoiding the nurses' eyes...

and being careful....not wanting to meet the MP3 or Gwang Pal......

wearing the hospital clothes and slippers....

I yell Success! I've made it! when I get outside.........

Coming outside wearing a patient's clothes....peoples' eyes are really stingy.=_=

It's just as if people are treating me as a mental patient.

Thankfully I had money that Umma left I went home in a taxi...

Checking that my parents aren't home....

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opening my secret box I'd hidden even further after Umma told me to throw it out

with clothes, hair, make-up, and shoes, I changed myself and stand in front of the mirror.


This is better.

I have a disgusting temper, I do whatever I want, I enjoy fighting.....

I hate to lose, I take revenge twice of what I've had done to me.......

With this side of me....

I'll pay Kim Yuh Sa back.

I'll revenge for San Ha too.

First to find out where Kim Yuh Sa is.

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I had to wait at first after I phoned......

but after asking my friend, saying that it's not huge...

Gong Jin lets me know through a text that Kim Yuh Sa is at Drunkard Bar....

I've never heard of the bar before....

but thinking it should be downtown...I look through the bar signs....

After wandering around for an hour....I discover it and go in..

It's full of smoke and the smell of liquor....

and because there's more people than I thought, it takes quite a long time to find Kim Yuh Sa....

Why are there so many fat girls...

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They're all alike....all the fat girls look like Kim Yuh Sa.=_=

A fat girl pouring beer into a bowl and gulping it down,

a fat girl sitting on her boyfried's lap, playing the game ABCD which used to be in trend in elementary school,

a fat girl eating three oranges on one toothpick,

a fat girl drinking juice with five straws.

Exactly where is Kim Yuh Sa.......

To the liquor smell...because it made me too dizzy....

thinking I should at least wash my hands in the washroom...

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I go into the washroom, letting the hair I've straightened with my straightener flounce each time I take a step to see....

We've so luckily met...

one applying bright red lipstick, another sewing her fishnet stockings....

are the two leftovers who're always sticking next to Kim Yuh Sa.

First I wash my hands,

then I talk looking at the two through the mirror.

"Hey, Ugly.

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Where's Kim Yuh Sa?"

Hearing the word Ugly

they each say it's the other.....

"Kim Yuh Sa??? Why are you looking for our Yuh Sa!"

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First I didn't have the thought to do this....

but beacuse those two seem pretty loyal to Kim Yuh Sa.

I steal the lipstick and needle from the leftovers and make the lipstick and the neelde my weapons.

"What are you doing with my lipstick!

That's the newest diamond Chanel number 21!! Do you know how expensive that is!"

"Who does she think she is!!"

Without hesitating to the two shouting, with the lipstick with the needle stuck on it in my hand....

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"I'll put it on for you,

so red.... that it'll bleed."

As I go up to the one who keeps shouting about Chanel number 21...

"If you use that my lips will rip!!"

Chanel b!tch tries to block me coming up to her, as she takes steps backwards.

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"So call it out now.

Tell me where Kim Yuh Sa is!!!!"

When I act as if I'm really about to apply the lipstick with the needle stuck in it onto Chanel b!tch's lips



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"15th table!!! She's at the 15th table!"

After calling out Kim Yuh Sa's location, with the other leftover, Chanel b!tch escapes.


Just see what happens if it isn't.

After getting rid of Kim Yuh Sa, I won't use the lipstick with the needle stuck on it on your lips...

but lipstick with green crayon stuck on it, and make you Pierre's girlfriend. (Pierre=clown character)

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....Making loud high heel noises....

once I reach the 15th table....

looking from the leftovers to me, Kim Yuh Sa laughs.

How dare you laugh?

Let's see how long that laugh lasts.

"Do you want to take this outside?

Or do you want to be disgraced like a dog here?"

"Where did you crawl from, b!tch?"

"Come out if you want to know."

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All three of them, Kim Yuh Sa and the leftovers follow behind.....

and when I find a vacant lot quite a bit away from the bar, I stop walking and stand in front of Kim Yuh Sa to see....

Kim Yuh Sa still smirking, as if looking at me is amusing.

"Looking at you, it's the first time seeing a face like yours.....

Do you know me?"

"I saw your hideous face not too long ago....

Don't you recognize me?"

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....With that slow head of looks like you're trying to remember me but.....

without me wearing my glasses, not having my hair all back, and not having drawn won't be able to recognize me.

"Hah, I don't have to think about that.

It seems like you came to fight with me anyway.....

so I'll be your opponent.

Before...something pissed me off and it was annoying me, so it's actually good that this is happening...."

You don't have to think about that?

There's no need for you to explain after lamely thinking until your face turns red...-_-

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...The two leftovers who were had by me in the washroom before....

have a glint in their eyes that says you're dead. and looks at me poorly.

Now, shall I see how those eyes will change now.

Before the fight starts, to get the feel....

I show my dazzling kicks, even making loud noises like the wind to see...

Kim Yuh Sa and the two leftovers...shocked, taking small steps back.

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The kicking stops at a point...

and now I twist my left and right wrists...and I smirk to see

Kim Yuh Sa, in her fighting stance, with a forced smile on her face...

I heard from Ha Ra that before Kim Yuh Sa fights, she bites down on two razor blades....

When's she going to chew on them?

Suddenly Kim Yuh Sa opens her mouth.

Is she finally...going to chew on it?

When Kim Yuh Sa opens her if they've prepared ahead of time...

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not razors......-_-

but gum is put into her mouth by one of the leftovers.

What is this....-_-

They're not razors....but gum...

It's so ridiculous and pitiful that I can't even laugh.

"Do you know what rule I go by when fighting?

It's to finish the fight before the flavour from the gum is all gone."

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Ah~~~~ really?

Then I'll fight you to the point that the gum you're chewing now will be so worn that it'll become hard.

Sending an eased smile...when I motion her to attack first with my index finger....

like an angry rhino about to stick its horn onto a tree...letting out steam from her nostrils, Kim Yuh Sa runs to me.

When Kim Yuh Sa is a certain distance from me,

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I slightly move and stick out my foot...

she trips over the foot...and with dirt all over her body, she grunts looking pissed off to the point that she'll die.

And following this.....

Kim Yuh Sa's hand which is as thick as crocodile leather that's hit my cheek, once again comes flying to my face...

but with my foot wearing high heels, I kick the hand away.


Kim Yuh Sa's expression looks as if she's resisting from pain.

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This time I throw my fist to Kim Yuh Sa's huge stomach,

and when Kim Yuh Sa holds onto her stomach making a noise....I thrust my elbow onto her back.

Kim Yuh Sa collapses, not having attacked me properly even once.

"I'm not done yet. Get up!!"

I get her up holding onto her collar...

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"This is for me being hit before!"

With all my strength I hit Kim Yuh Sa's cheek with my hand.....


I raise my hand to hit her other cheek for Kang San Ha when........

whether she cut her nails sharply for this kind of situation or not....

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with her fang-like nails Yuh Sa the b!tch leaves a mark on my face.

For a moment my hand stopped midair....

but because I'm even angrier for her using her nails unfairly

I kick Kim Yuh Sa's legs....

Kim Yuh Sa resisting the pain again, I hold onto her collar again and adding speed to Kim Yuh Sa's cheek....

"This is for Kang San Ha!"

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I smacked it down really hard.

Kim Yuh Sa's motuh opens wide, hearing me say Kang San Ha while she holds onto either cheek with her hands while sitting on the floor...

"You scratched my face with your nails.

If you touch me one more time....

if you touch Kang San Ha one more time....

I'll leave a tattoo on your face with pieces of glass.

You made a miserable memory for me that I'll never be able to forget..I can't just stand around doing nothing.

So...if you don't want a tattoo that'll never erase, don't appear in my eyes.

Live quietly as if you're dead, as if you don't exist."

"You,you,you!!! Can it be!"

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"Yea, it's Hwang Sung Hye.

As you said, the Hwang Sung Hye uglier than you, less than you, and the nerd, Hwang Sung Hye."

Even the leftovers have their mouths open wide, their entire bodies shaking, their eyes looking petrified...

"I'm not done yet!! Stop right there! I said stop right there!!!!"

Unable to get up from the ground...

pointlessly trying to throw dirt at me..even to Kim Yuh Sa screaming for me to stop.....

even to the blood from my face from Kim Yuh Sa scratching me...

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until I get to the hospital.....

until I get to Kang San Ha's hospital room arriving at the hospital....

How I look right now...

My real self...

I want to show Kang San Ha the part of me Kang San Ha doesn't know about.....

What I want to go back to.... like a dream....the past...

Living a lie...not myself....the present..

is this because I want to tell him everything truthfully now....

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Not stopping...not washing my face...not changing clothes...

Not caring about and ignoring peoples' eyes heading in my direction, I went into Kang San Ha's hospital room. --------------95---------------

No one.

There's no one here.


...Kang San Ha.

Where are you wandering around with your injured


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Has he gone to buy a pineapple again...

Although I wait for a long time in the hospital room,

Kang San Ha doesn't come ....

I'm about to go back to my room when....

I hear a noise from outside the door....Yoo Seung, not

San Ha, came in.


Looking surprised at how I look....

Han Yoo Seung appears to be thinking for a while to

figure out who I am.

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"F-f-first place?"

Of course...he remembers me.

"Hey...Yoo Seung.....^ ^;;"

"Why are you like that??

And what happened to your face?"

"You might as well get used to how i look ahead of


because I'm going to live like this now..

Not wearing my glasses, not drawing freckles on, not

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clipping my bangs up,

not wearing two pairs of legging underneath to make my

legs seem bigger in the winter, not stuttering..."


"What is it...? Are you surprised from seeing me changed



Unlike the usual, a different face...clothes...they surprised me....

and I was shocked from seeing you head-strong

and confident.

It's really sudden...and I still can't calm down."


He probably was surprised.

Right now....

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I'm not quiet, even when I spoke out in the classroom....

or the shy... Hwang Sung Hye.

"It's not like you're not talking to me...because of this,

are you?

It's not like because of my appearance now....we can't be

comfortable around each other anymore like before,


"However you may look...

I'm still your friend."


Always feeling sorry in my heart to Gong Jin....

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Always feeling love in my heart to San Ha....

To you....

I always feel thankful in my heart...

I haven't done anything special for you, and I couldn't

help you very well when you were having a hard time in

your one-sided love...

Being a understood me...and you would

always be by my side...

"Yoo Seung-ah....thank you...."

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Truthfully, I was scared.

To me being like this.....

except for San Ha.....including you and everyone

else....what all of you would think....

Or whether...because I've changed....I would lose

precious people to me....

But...only from what you said just now...I've gotten a lot

of reassurance....

"No need to say thank you,

if I can't even be a do you think I can stay

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by your side?"


"I'm happy to be friends with you...."


I'm happy to be friends with you too.

Ah!! Have things gone well..with the girl you like?"

These days he doesn't talk about the girl at all...

I was unable to find out...who the girl is....

and because you're much more outstanding in that

field....I don't think I can help....

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"From the start I didn't expect to be with the girl...or

think it...

because up until now...friendship is more important than

love to me.....

and....because the girl I like being by my b@stard

friend's side....looks better than her being by my side...

Right now....I'm satisfied."

The girl he likes....was his friend's girlfriend.

I wonder how Yoo Seung came to like that kind of

girl.....tsk tsk....

Yoo Seung liking his friend's girlfriend, he must've had a really hard time...and found it painful...

Although it's impossible for me to know everything...I

feel bad for Yoo Seung.

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"Don't look at me with those eyes..

I can still....see her from now on as my friend's




it's not always show the person you


The person I love....won't have a hard time....and she'll

be able to smile.....

so I'll be comfortable too....and I can see her close by.....

At times, hiding it like this.....and not expressing it....I

find it one of the right ways to love....

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Hiding one of the right ways to love...?

When you hide your love, the girl you like won't find it

burdensome...and you'll be comfortable too?

When you don't express your love, the girl will be able to

smile and you'll be able to continue seeing the girl?

I can't understand....Han Yoo Seung.

When I wasn't able to express my love to San Ha.....

it was terrible...and I was hurting.....

If Yoo Seung can't express it right now....he might end

up regretting it.

Just like how I was regretting it....after I broke up with

Kang San Ha....

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"Are you confident that you won't be regretting it?"

"Like different ways for people to love...I have my way to

love the girl....

so I won't do anything like regret it."


That's right...

because you're a person....who goes the best way


you won't do anything like regret.

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But why is this.....?

Your eyes always look sad.....

Your eyes looking at me right now.....look sadder than


Your lips form a grin.....but the grin looks like a lie

through my eyes...and only your eyes seem to be the


Is this how it appears only through my eyes?

"Stop looking at me.

Is there something on my face?

And it looks like you came to see San Ha...Kang San Ha

is in your room right now."

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"My room?ㅇ_ㅇ?"


He said he phoned you but you wouldn't pick up the phone....

He said there was no doubt about it that you were with

Shim Gong Jin, so he went to your room....."

Oh my God....!

Kang San Ha...

What were we in our past life

to make things so complicated like this...

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"Yoo Seung-ah, Kang San Ha will get mad.

I'll be going..!!"

"Yeah, hurry on ahead."

"Know this one thing.

I also, being your friend...

I don't like just the title as a friend.

Whenever you're having a hard time, come to me.^-^"

To what I say....right when I see Han Yoo Seung

showing a real grin...

making loud high heel noises in the hospital hallway...

I ran into my hospital room.

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Kang San Ha...looks like he's been waiting for me to

come up until now.

Sitting at the edge of my bed...and looking at only the

hospital room even after I've come in....

"San Ha-yah..."

When I call....

he finally looks at me....

the scarily...

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even scarier...than when he would stare at the

door...Kang San Ha shows an expression that makes it

impossible for me to figure out what he's thinking.

Then I look right now is enough to make

you look with that expression.

My real self.

I tried to hide it so much from you...

but I got caught...

and even though I got caught....I lied and tried to hide


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"Kang San Ha.

This is me.

This is me being my real self."

"What is this."

What do you mean-_-

Its me, you b@stard.

Are you unable to recognize me without my glasses,

wearing revealing clothes and wearing make-up more

than usual?

You really can't tell when you say me before at the night

club too?

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"What happened to your face!!!!"

My face....?


This mark....=_=

This was left by Kim Yuh Sa.

if I were to say that...Kim Yuh Sa would go to the

hospital again.....

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"Kim Yuh Sa did it, didn't she."


"Hurry, call it out."

If Kang San Ha figures out that Kim Yuh Sa did this....

This time...he wouldn't leave her alone.....

Then....Kang San Ha...won't be left with just suspension.

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"Excuses until the end, huh_"

"That's right!!!

Until the end! Until I die!! I'll make excuses!!!"

Wh-what is this.ㅇ_ㅇ!

The ends up Kang San Ha's lips slowly going up....

from Kang San Ha's scary expression, he shows a grin



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Kang San Ha's lips touch mine,

and I tried to break free from Kang San Ha from being

surprised....but Kang San Ha grabs onto my shoulders

even tighter and won't let go.

This!This! This b@@stard!!!!!!!!!!!

.....With my entire body frozen....and my eyes wide


to Kang San Ha's strength I'm in a forced(?) kiss when.....

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At the same time as the door opening


I hear an object falling.....

Kang San Ha's hands which were holding my

shoulders...lose their strength.

.....Can it it possible.....

with these thoughts I turn my head, after seeing Kang

San Ha's stiff expression to see.....

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I drop a packed container of food....

Umma comes into my eyes, looking at Kang San Ha and me with no expression......... ---------------96----------------


"You, r-right now...."

I ignore Umma's facial expression slowly changing from a stiff one to a surprised one....

and holding onto Kang San Ha's hand... I leave the hospital room.....

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Umma's face kept appearing in my mind...her surprised and angry expressions after seeing my changed self....

After shaking my head until she disappeared.... I went up to the rooftop.

I can't see my surroundings too well because it's night...

but because the hospital sign is shining bright, and the moon is shining quite brightly isn't too dark.


Compared to me panting...and having a hard time breathing.....

is Kang San Ha, looking perfectly fine.

Finally realizing that the way I dress and how my face looks is different from usual....

he yells to the point of another earthquake starting in my ears.-__-

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"Yah!!!!!! Why do you look like that!!!!!"

"...You see.."

"Can't you hear me!!!!!

What's up with your face and your appearance!!!!!!!!!!"

Not giving me a chance to talk,

...what do you want me to say.-_-...

Should I...

just spit it out now.

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My plan in the first place....

was to meet Kang San Ha looking like this anyway......

Starting from Jin Hye...should I reveal what I've been trying to hide so desperately....the lies..everything....

Should I tell him the truth......

If I don't tell him now....

there may never be another chance for me to tell him..

"Fine.I'll tell you.

The wound....on my face.

Kim Yuh Sa made it."

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As soon as I finish talking....

Kang San Ha, looking like he's ready to kill someone, passes me and walks away.

I have to stop him. I have to stop him.

If I don't stop him now....

who knows what Kang San Ha will do.

"Kang San Ha!!!!

Kim Yuh Sa made this wound....!

But I...also....Kim Yuh Sa's face,legs ,arms,stomach,

everything!! I made it so she had wounds everywhere!!!!"

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He stops in his steps....

and Sang Choo b@stard looks at me as if he doesn't get it.

"I took revenge on Kim Yuh Sa!

It was a lie, that I would forgive Kim Yuh Sa.....!

The truth is..whenever I thought of Kim Yuh Sa,

the hate in my mind went crazy, and the anger nosedived.

Living as Sung was my first time, being injured to that extent.

Even when I told Han Uhl and Yoo Seung yesterday that I would forgive Kim Yuh Sa....

it was the opposite of what I was thinking of doing to Kim Yuh Sa"

"Say it again, simply."


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I was overreacting for a second, so I forgot your intelligence level..=_=

"When I thought about how I've been hurt by Kim Yuh Sa....

and thought about how she made you this way....

I got mad..pissed lips quivered.

With my words and expressions she was forgiven...

but what I really thought inside was that I would take revenge for sure...that she would be much more hurt than I was.....

So...I'm back from taking revenge on Kim Yuh Sa...

and this wound...was created when I was hurting Kim Yuh Sa.."


"I'm not Sung Hye.

I'm not 18 either.

I'm not kind...I'm not quiet...I'm not sincere...and I don't enjoy studying.

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Up until now, what you've seen of me is all fake....

My name real name is....."

"Hwang Jin Hye..."

You still remember it.....

Because of that name I fought with you a lot...and there were a lot of misunderstandings....

Because of that name...I said we should break up...and we said our goodbyes.....

"If Jin Hye's your name...what's Sung Hye...

Do you have two names?

Were 2 names really important to hide?"

"What I've hidden from you up until now.....

what you want to know, I'll tell you..."

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"I had an unni, who was one year older than me.

She had an ugly face, but she was smart, she enjoyed reading, and there wasn't anything she couldn't do.



"because of me....

who had a lot of jealousy, who was stupid, who wasn't good at anything, who had a horrible personality....

she died in an accident....."


"Not too long after that.....

there were Umma's wishes too

who liked my unni more than me quite a bit more...who had higher expectations from unni...

I wanted to fulfill the dreams...and things Unni wanted to do, for her.

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Because back then, I felt so sorry to Unni that I wanted to die...

because I felt I would go insane if I didn't take responsibility..."


"And now I'm Unni's age.

And now my name is Sung Hye too...""

Kang San Ha slightly shakes, while looking quite surprised.

"How I am in front of you right now, is my real self.

The Jin Hye you were curious about, is me now.

Up until now, in front of you...

I was a liar and an impostor.."

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for tricking you..for hiding things from you....for lying to you....I'm sorry...."


"When you asked...who Jin Hye was...when you asked....

I wanted to say this to you....but I had no courage.

Because I thought you would pity me...

Feeling sympathy first....more than love for me....

because I thought more than your love for me...sympathy would be put first.....

I was scared, afraid to tell you...."

"Was your love for me fake...and a lie too?"


No...that's not it....

My life living for Unni was a lie...and a fraud...

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but my love for you was the truth."

"Then I don't need anything else."

Suddenly Kang San Ha holds me in his arms.


"Why does it matter, whether you're Jin Hye or Sung Hye."

When I hug you as Jin Hye now....or when I held Sung Hye...

My feelings, my thoughts are all the same...

Nothing has changed....

I love you all the same."


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"But...when you stop yourself from crying when you want to.

When you smile even though you're angry.

When you do things you don't want to do

When you act as if everything's fine when you're really hurting...

I don't like that."


"Don't hide it...

What you want to say..what you want to do....

live as Jin Hye from now on.

Even if other people call you Sung Hye...

I...I'll call you Jin Hye.

I didn't understand...why Shim Gong Jin called you Hwang Jin Hye...

but now I know... that you're really Hwang Jin Hye.

The people in this world would all call you thinking you're Hwang Sung Hye...

but I'll at least be there to call you Hwang Jin Hye"

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Since....even if I go back to being my real self...

no matter how much I want to live as Jin Hye...

I can't bring back Jin Hye...

who's supposedly dead...

Since I'm living as Sung Hye...

the people of this world will call me Sung Hye, thinking I'm Sung Hye......

....But because you call me Jin Hye.

The person I love...

because I can hear my real name from you...

I won't be greedy for other things...

I'll be satisfied with that....

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Held by Kang San Ha's arms, continuing to stay here on this rooftop...

because I'm free from the difficult..the hard memories....


My tears won't stop.....

In Kang San Ha's arms, I cry out loud.....

I can hear every word...clearly......coming into my ears from Kang San Ha.

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"Up until now, for taking things the wrong way, for getting mad at you....

I'm sorry."




"Hwang Jin Hye...

I love you."

Hwang Jin Hye....I love you......

Hwang Jin Hye....Hwang Jin Hye..........

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.....It feels really different from the usual days.

I didn't hear from San Ha often that he loves me...

but unlike other days, not that he loves Hwang Sung Hye....that he loves Hwang Jin Hye......

Jin Hye...Sung other would be changing one letter in the middle of the names...

and they would ask what the big difference is...

but to me....

although it's a small thing, it means a lot to me.

From now on...even if it's San Ha only...someone will call me by my real name....

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When everyone calls me Hwang Sung Hye...

even if it's only one person...there will be someone who thinks of me as Jin Hye and calls me by it...

I carefully lift my head to look at Kang San Ha.... if we'd made a promise...



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Even though other people come up to the rooftop...

not caring about whether we were seen in their eyes...or whether we were heard through their ears....ignoring all of it... that....

under the sparkling night sky filled with stars and the moon...

until the moon and stars were the clouds....

in the dark night... even when the bright hospital sign was turned off....

our lips remained locked.

-the next day-

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After leaving Kang San Ha.....

I returned back to my hospital room....but Umma wasn't there.....

Even when it was the morning for me to be dismissed...Umma didn't come.

To notify of my dismissal.....

I went to go find Kang San Ha....but he was gone.-_-

WIthout a choice...I leave the hospital alone and head home.....

....when Umma's face from yesterday...keeps coming into mind.

When I go home...Umma should be there.....

She should be waiting for me...

What am I supposed to say to her....

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Ignoring Umma's warning to stop meeting San Ha...

and even being caught kissing Kang San Ha....

Should I pretend to not have heard what Umma says...and go to school.

To many thoughts....

I finally arrive home......

Wondering if Umma's here..or not here...I look around everywhere when......

"Hwang Sung Hye."

Of course...Umma was at home.

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Let's ignore her.

Think that Umma wasn't home....and quickly get my bag and go to school.

I don't want to lose my feelings of happiness again....because of Umma.

I don't want to feel anything else, from the happiness,feeling refreshed from telling him the whole truth...

I don't want to go back to feeling sad...and suffocating.



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Umma will definitely.... about San Ha.

The words that stab my heart just from hearing them.

She's going to tell me not to meet Kang San Ha again.

I pretend to not hear Umma calling my name....

and I pull my bag around my shoulders....

"I'll be going to school."

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as I get ready to say those words and open the front door.

"You don't have to go to school."

Umma's voice can be quietly heard.

"Don't go to school? Why?"

"I told the school that you would be transferring." ----------------97----------------

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I don't think I misheard what she just said...

For sure..

For sure I think I heard Umma say that I'm transferring....

"Umma, what did you just say?"

"Yesterday I went to your school and told them that you're transferring to another school.

I dicussed this with your appa and we've decided to move next week

so you just prepare for it."

Deciding to transfer by yourself..

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and now you're saying we're even moving....


I can't take it anymore.





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"Are you really my umma?

Am I really your daughter?

For you, Sung Hye unni is your only daughter right?

I'm going to live as Hwang Jin Hye I don't have an Umma right?"


"How could you decide all this without saying anything to me before?

I have my own thoughts, and feelings too.

I'm not a doll that you control, Umma!!!"


After hitting my cheek, Umma glares at me with her teeth biting down on her lower lip.

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How long has it been since she last hit me...

Up until now I've done as Umma commanded,

and because I've always acted to get Umma's approval

I've never been hit by Umma...

I think this is the first time living as Sung Hye unni, being hit by Umma.

"You should've listened to me when i told you to be careful,

when I told you to not change,

when I warned you not to meet that boy any longer.

And Jin Hye is dead. It's been long since I've let go of Jin Hye.

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Even in front of me, the person going against me isn't Jin Hye, but Sung Hye!"


Come back to reality.

You can see through your eyes.. not Sung Hye unni's face, but mine.

You can hear through your ears.. not Sung Hye unni's voice, but mine.

Why do you purposely try to close your eyes and cover your ears."

"You're Sung Hye."

"....8 years are plenty.

That's more than enough

of doing as Umma wishes, as you commanded.

I don't know if those 8 years were full of happiness for you, but for me it was terrible.

Everyday was the same, suffocating, and I felt trapped like a prisoner.

Did you think I was happy living as Sung Hye unni?

At school, at home, wherever I went,

I would hide my real self..

did you think I was happy being like that?

And do you want me to continue suffering until I die, living as Sung Hye unni?

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Give up... Umma.

Please...give up... Umma."


"I'm no longer the kid like I was 8 years ago to be moving because you decided

to be living as Sung Hye unni because you want it."

"If you're not that kid anymore, what are you going to do..."

"I'm going to live as Jin Hye now.

Although people will know me as Sung Hye,and call me Sung Hye

I won't hide my real self at least.

I'll get angry if I'm angry,

I'll say that I don't like it if I don't,

I'll say that I like it if I do,

I'll live with Jin Hye's self like that."

"Jin Hye's self..."

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Jin Hye's self. My real self.

Not having any freckles, leaving my hair undone if I want to, wearing pretty clothes like I want, that's Jin Hye's self.

Even when I read one book

not a book you force me to read,

not a book that'll help me with my studies

a book I want to read....

As Jin Hye, who doesn't have to think over every single action, doing what I want to do."

"It's not like I don't understand you suddenly being like this.

It's possible for you to feel once in a while that you want to go back to the past.

But if you pass this period, this phase well

you can live well like before."


"Go into your room.

This conversation never happened."

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I'm angry.

I understand Umma...

denying Sung Hye unni's death, because she loved her daughter but...

I can't live as Sung Hye unni forever.

Umma has to know the truth now too.

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Up until just now

I thought Jin Hye was just a dream,

but that's a lie.

Jin Hye is reality.

It's just I pretended not to know it.

I was always Jin Hye.

There only existed Jin Hye, trying to be Sung Hye.

When Kang San Ha asked to start dating because it was Jin Hye, without rejecting him we started dating,

each time Gong Jin called me Jin Hye, I put on a fake show and said I wasn't....

when I really wanted in my heart for him to call me Jin Hye again.

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Whatever you may hear coming from the room now, don't be concerned."

My hands tightly making fists...

I go into the room and close the door.


On top of the desk a pencil case,a dictionary,a picture frame,

on the cabinet decorations,a box,a doll,

on the wall pictures,

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whatever I see

whatever comes into my hands

I throw onto the floor, I pick up and break,

Trying to open the door from the outside,

Umma's voice and the knocking, asking what I'm doing, I ignore all these....

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"Aaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!! Aaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I yell.

Until there isn't anythin in sight....

until my voice won't come out..

until my thoughts of Umma disappear....


Evenually I become exhausted...

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Sitting in the glass from picture frames,ripped books,and everything else....

I spent several hours in vain.

Saying I'd live as Jin Hye.

It's not something I would say once in a while...

It's not something that will be okay if I resist a bit...

Like Umma said, if I passed through this period,

I may not have these thoughts again....

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but then I'll have to live as Sung Hye forever.

Later I'll forget the truth of me being Jin Hye,

and think that I've been Sung Hye since the beginning......


It's now or never.

If Umma won't allow it....

If she keeps forcing me to live as Sung Hye unni....


have no choice but to run away.

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The clock shows it's 5am

and to leave home

to run away.

Getting the biggest bag I own

I pack all the things I'll need, clothes,money,cellphone,everything else...

I jumped out the window onto the yard and left home.

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I'm not Sung Hye unni anymore

You only need Sung Hye unni as your daughter

so I, Jin Hye, am leaving home.'

leaving this letter on my desk.....



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Coming out....

I begin to feel lonely.

It feels like I'm alone in this world,

and it feels like this world doesn't know me at all.

.....And it makes me want to go.

The place I've been to always and only in my mind,my dreams,

living as Jin Hye,

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the place where I had happiness and hurt, living as Jin Hye.

But I don't know right now.

How I'm supposed to get there....

Where that place is....

Because it's been buried

in the many years past.....

because I tried hard to quickly forget the place that took Unni away...

I don't know anymore.

The is rising already...

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And opening and closing my cellphone....

With difficulty...with difficulty....

I call Gong Jin, who knows the place I want to go.




"It's me. Gong Jin-ah....."

"Huh? Jin Hye-yah! What is it.."

"If I ask you to go with me now...will you go?

I want to go.

The place I used to play, fight, smile, cry.

The place I lived in before I came to Seoul, the place where I lived as Jin Hye."

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"Where are you.."

"Will you go with me?

I really want to go...."



I don't know where that place is..or how I'm supposed to get there.

It's a place I used to live in....

but foolishly, I don't know anything."

"Let's go together.

Where are you right now?"

"I'm at Green Park."

Hearing him telling me to wait here,

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I get up from the bench...

and I wait for Gong Jin when....

my cellphone vibrates, tickling my hand.


"Hwang Sung Hye!!!

Is it true that you're transferring?"

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Ha Ra's voice.

"Hwang Sung Hye!! Can you hear me!

Where are you right now?

They say you've been dismissed from the hospital, and that you're not at home"


Let's talk later, Ha Ra-yah."

To Ha Ra's question...

I didn't give a full answer,

and I just closed my cellphone.

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How did Ha Ra know I'm transferring...

Has it already spread in the school...

Then again, the person who came in first of the school transferring....

Whether it's between the kids, or the's big news.


I don't want to do it again...

I like how things are right now a lot.

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Ha Ra...Yoo Seung...Han Uhl....Gwang Pal.....

My precious..

my friends who I don't want to seperate from....

My happiness and feelings I've accepted, with Kang San Ha.....

Right now......

I like how things are right now a lot.

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how can I transfer...

how can I move.......

"Jin Hye-yah!"

Gong Jin comes running to me in his uniform.

He must've run a lot..

Gong Jin's face is soaked in sweat.

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Still, whatever he's happy about

Gong Jin's so happy that his smile won't leave his face.

"Let's go,

to find Jin Hye!"

Pulled by Gong Jin's hand I arrive at the subway,

I put on a forced smile...

when I see Gong Jin's expression, shocked from seeing my luggage....

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With the announcement that the train is coming.

My cellphone vibrates in my hand again.

The train comes to a complete stop in front of Gong Jin and me...

Gong Jin, who's already gone into the train, asks why I'm not getting on..

There's an announcement that the doors are now closing.....

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but I can't make even a small movement after seeing

'Don't go'

a text from Kang San Ha.

"Gong Jin-ah, I'm sorry...

I don't think I can go.

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As if he already knew...

"Then I'll go alone.

Even though you're Jin Hye...

Even though you've come back from Sung Hye to Jin Hye...

because you're not the Jin Hye who I liked before, the one who liked me back.

Now you like someone else....

and because you're Jin Hye who thinks of me as only a friend....

I'll still go find Jin Hye from the past.."

Even though the doors are closing...Gong Jin doesn't get off the train....

and the distance between us becomes longer and longer.

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The train completely leaves

and I keep feeling sorry for sending Gong Jin alone......

when the feeling is changed to surprise.

Because on the other side of the subway

wearing a patient's uniform, not caring about people looking.

Is a guy looking at me, his arm in a cast... ---------------98------------------

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......Even the loud noise of the subway announcements......

and the busy sounds from the people.....

nothing can be heard in my ears.

People pass by in front of me,

people pass by in front of Kang San Ha,

and even though the train passes and the wind causes my hair to blow onto my face...

except for Kang San Ha, everyone else I see in black and white.

I think it's because at this moment right now.

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The moment I saw Kang San Ha...

it felt like time had stopped.


even though I didn't order my feet....

they ran to Kang San Ha by themselves...

Even though in my mind I was happy, and glad

with my mouth



How and why did you come here in that condition."

I lie to him].

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Running until I can barely breathe,

and finally standing in front of Kang San Ha....


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bending down, I catch my breath......

then my eyes meet Kang San Ha's.

"I knew you would leave."

It's not like I'm going to run away to another place,

but Kang San Ha hugs me so hard that it's hard for me to breathe.

"I thought you were just going to leave."

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"You're a patient.

Do you even know how dangerous it is running around like this?"

"I couldn't believe it when the kids said you were going to transfer.

I wanted to meet you in person and ask you..

but when I phoned your house they said you weren't home,

when I phoned you you were continually on the phone,

and thinking my "what if's.." I phoned Shim Gong Jin...and he told me he was on his way to see you.

So I ran here, without any thoughts I ran here....

You were standing holding a luggage bag...and Shim Gong Jin standing next to you...

I thought you were going to leave forever.

I thought you were leaving me again."

"I came back here like this though.

I'm standing right in front of you right now."

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Why would I go.

leaving you,

leaving my friends....

I'm not the same Jin Hye from 8 years ago, leaving precious things behind.

Coming out of the subway holding Kang San Ha's hand tightly, the people's eyes staring at us sting.

....This late at night, in the dark

me holding a large luggage bag,

and Kang San Ha with a bandaged arm, wearing patient's clothes.

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There's so many different stories we can make up together looking like this.ㅡ.ㅡ

I'm a bit embarassed...

but Kang San Ha doesn't seem to mind.

If one person looks at us even slightly oddly

Kang San Ha looks at the person looking ready to hit them.=_=

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And at a time like this, whenever he got his wallet..

Kang San Ha went into a clothing store and bought himself some clothes to wear

and going into an optical store, he bought glasses looking similar to the ones I wore before.

"Yah, I don't wear glasses anymore."

"Just put them on."

"My eyes were never bad...

and now....I'm going to go back to beign Jin Hye, so I won't put them on."

"It's not that I don't like you going back to being JIn Hye,

but I wish you'd wear the glasses."

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"Because I don't like your nickname, Cat Eyes."

I remember hearing this even before.

That he doesn't want to see me as Cat Eyes ever again.....

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I wonder what his reason is.

I only get the nickname Cat Eyes in the nightclub..

Does he not like me going to nightclubs?

"Why? Can it be that you don't like me going to nightclubs?"

"You may not know it but.

Cat Eyes......

.....I don't know.

I'm too lazy to say it."

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Like that, the b@stard avoids my question.-__-

Tch, don't answer if you don't want to.

"Yah, where are we going to go?"

"Sung Gye's house."

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Sung Gye's house, meaning our house.-_-

After all the trouble I went through to leave....he tells me that we're going back....

"I don't want to. I'm not going home."

"You have to go."

"I left.

Can't you tell just by looking?

I left the house..with difficulty.

I didn't come out without any thought...I'm completely leaving it."

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There's no reply.

...You don't know, right?

If I go back home like this, I might really end up transfering.

I don't know where I'll be going....from Seoul.

Because my umma is someone who'll do what she has in mind.

....I'm getting curious.

What kind of expression umma has on her face right now.

How she'll look..

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She'll..probably be fine....

She'll only be thinking it's a shame.

Now that I'm gone, when I used to live as Sung Hye unni..

since she won't be able to see Sung Hye unni through me anymore...

Since I already said I'm going to live as Jin Hye now.

Since to Umma there's only one daughter, Sung Hye unni.

Even if i leave the house...

she wouldn't even worry.

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Since the b@stard will drag me there if I say I won't go....

I'll go with him until we arrive right in front of our house,

and that's when I'll run for it.

I don't exchange a single word with Kang San Ha on the train,

but when it's the station for our neighbourhood, Kang San Ha doesn't get off.

"Yah, we're supposed to get off here.

Don't you know where our house is?"

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"This isn't where your house is."

"Are you a babo?

Our houses are both in the same neighbourhood!"

"We have to wait a long time until we get to your house."


"We're going to the sea.

Sea urchins' (Sung Gye's) home is the sea."


So you're saying that we're going to the sea right now....!

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At this time when it's turning almost 7, you're saying that we're going to the sea!!!!!

"Why, you don't like Incheon?

Then should we take the bus to Donghae?"


Just go to Incheon."

I was pulled into this by the b@stard's face.=_=

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"Yah, open your eyes."


what are you telling me to open?"

"We're here, so open your eyes."

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Can't he wake me up properly.-_-

I opened my eyes,

and getting off the train, we got on a taxi and arrived at the sea.


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It's the sea.

When was the last time I came here.Hehehe~

The seawater doesn't look so clean...

but the smell, the waves, the wind all greet me.

Not wanting to get my shoes wet, I carry the shoes with my hands,

and as if I've gone back to being a child, I play around on my bare feet....

when I notice Kang San Ha only watching me play around.

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"Aren't you going to play?

The seawater is cold but it's really fun..^ㅇ^"

I try to get him to come but the b@stard only turns his gaze and ignores me.-_-


I'm not the kind of person to just miss this fine opportunity.

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I scoop a little bit of water from the sea,

and I throw the water on Kang San Ha to see....

the b@stard only slightly smiles for a moment and doesn't show a reaction.

This time I scoop up the most water I could get with my two hands and throw the water at Kang San Ha's face...

Unlike what I had imagined....Kang San Ha looks annoyed.

....I was supposed to stop before, after throwing a bit on him.

I think I made a mistake this time...ㅜ 0ㅜ

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"Sung Gye punk.

No need to be so happy now that you're back home..."



On this dark night,

I start a small fire on the sand by the sea, and we watch the fire rise when...

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"Is it true that you're transferring?"

Kang San Ha seriously asks me this.

"....Yeah, it's true that I'm transferring.

But I don't want to go.

No, I won't go."

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"You left the house because you didn't want to transfer_?"


"Let's take the last car and go."

"I don't want to.

I can't go back home."

"Tell them once you get back home.

What you want to do right now, what you're thinking.

If you can't, if they won't allow it....

keep asking until you can."


"Running away isn't being the real you either.

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If you really want to live as your real self, don't run away."

I know that no matter how much I hate fighting, how much I hate it,get sick of it,and get scared of it...

that running away isn't the right thing,

that it isn't the real me...

......I know all this very well too.


As how I am right now, there's no other way but this.

I can't change the way Umma looks at me as Sung Hye completely,

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and her making me live as Sung Hye from now on.

"At the least, the girl I love

isn't the kind of person to run away or avoid even if it's dangerous, or if she can get hurt.

You're supposed to give up once you really fall into danger, and get hurt.

But right now you're giving up even without trying.

When you're having a hard time...

I f*cking find it pathetic and annoying how I can't be of any help...

but I don't like you giving up so easily and running away."

What you're saying is right.

I'm giving up before I even try.

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It's been only one day since I've bumped into Umma...

but I'm already giving up, saying that it's too hard.

Not even trying until Umma allows it, like you said....

The end is unknown until I reach it.

....Running away because I don't like the reality....

won't turn into what I want

but like a fool...I ran away.

That's right.

Kang San Ha.

I'll try.

No matter what kind of result I get.

Because I won't know the result without having gone through it...

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Because like you said, I'm not the kind of person to just avoid or ignore.

It's my real self, and it's how I"m going to live from now on.

I'll try it once.

I'll try taking it head on.




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I arrive at home at 1am....

and I try to go back into my room on my tiptoes, not wanting for Umma to wake up when...

From the living room with the light still turned on...

Umma is looking at a picture of Unni and me when we were young, while drinking wine.


She looks as me with her eyes half-open....

then whether it's because her hand was slippery, or because she's shocked from seeing me

she drops her wineglass onto the floor.

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Umma's eyes are red.

.....Seeing her tear stained cheeks.....

..Has she been crying.......

"I wasn't trying to lose my one and only daughter as well."

Her steps all wobbly

Umma weakly gets up from the sofa.

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"Jin Hye is my daughter too.

It's not like I picked you up from the street and only painfully gave birth to Sung Hye?

That's right..

at first I felt hatred.

Because Sung Hye, who I had high expectations for and loved, died because of you."


"Even during Sung Hye's funeral...I couldn't believe it.

So up until now, not wanting to believe that Sung Hye had died, that Sung Hye was no longer with me...

I made you live like Sung Hye, making you look like her and making it so it looked like you died instead of Sung Hye.

Because I thought it would make you happy, and that it was good for you too.

Because unlike when you were living as Jin Hye, you didn't cause any accidents,you didn't fight,you were smart,and you listened to me....

But...I didn't know it was so bad that you would leave the house.

What you did to me today...

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I thought I would be fine once a few days have passed."


" hit me after you left the house.

I realized it after my one and only daughter had left my side.....

That you were always Jin Hye, that Sung Hye was never here.

Rather....that there was only Jin Hye who tried hard to become Sung Hye for 8 years.

If Sung Hye had left....

I would've gone to the police station and the neighbours, and show them Sung Hye's picture asking them for help.

But I showed your picture...Jin Hye's picture, and asked them for help.

진혜 성격이 어떻냐고 물어보는 경찰들의 질문에도....

I.....told them Jin Hye's personality.

Hearing that with your personality you won't be coming back home easily....

I cried, asking them to help me find my daughter Jin Hye quickly.

I asked them to find not Sung Hye, but Jin Hye....."

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Umma is crying,

her already red eyes become more teary....and tears are flowing down her cheeks.

I didn't know she would be this sad that I left the house...

To think that she even reported it at the police station....

I might've not even known Umma well.

With just my opinion, with the hatred I felt because she only loved Sung Hye unni

I might've judged her wrongly.

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"There was the reason to see Sung Hye through you....

Although you might blame me and hate me who did this....

I wanted most for you to live as Sung Hye, so that you'd study hard and succeed.

I don't care even fi you call it greed...

it was my hope to have my one and only duaghter succeed.

Umma also wishes for your happiness.

What kind of parent would want their child to be miserable.

You succeeding as a doctor or lawyer is what Umma thinks as happiness.

And you succeeding, what I want, it would make you happy too....

Is Umma asking for too much from you?

Were my expectations too much?

Umma's biggest wish is for my daughter's happiness.

Only...that I thought your happiness would be success.

I still dont' think that it's wrong....but I don't think that way anymore.

From now on I'm still going to call you Sung Hye.

And all the things I expected from Sung Hye..... I'm going to expect from you,"

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I was able to know all of Umma's thoughts, wishes, and feelings.

Especially that she didn't make me live as Sung Hye unni

because she couldn't forget Sung Hye unni.


like Umma's words and wishes, being successful...

is that the way to me becoming happy?

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To me, real happiness isn't success.

It's not being a lawyer, not being a doctor, not being Sung Hye unni,

but my real self....happiness is living as Jin Hye.

"Umma, I understand how you feel.

And I don't hate you.

Umma...I love you a lot."


"But even so, I can't live as Sung Hye unni forever.

But I'll do as Umma had wished.

What Umma wishes, what I wish,

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for Umma to become happy, and for me to become happy, I have a solution."

"What's your solution...."

Even if the solution will give me regrets,

even if the solution gives sadness to the people I like,

even if the solution gives hurt to the person I love.

There's no other solution but that one in this situation.

For my success that Umma wants,

and for my happiness that I want,

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Umma eventually...

accepted the solution.

We said all the things we've been wanting to say, but couldn't for 8 years....

and like a normal mother and daughter in a plain house, we spent the whole night crying and laughing.

-the next day-

I go into San Ha's hospital room without knocking to see...

probably tired from coming back to Seoul late after going to the Incheon Sea, San Ha is

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sound asleep.

...It's the first time...

seeing San Ha's sleeping face up so close.

While I was with San Ha

I did so many things I've done for the first time.

For the first time I showed my real self.

For the first time I kissed,

and for the first time I liked a boy.

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For the first time I went on a date,

for the first time I experienced a break-up,

for the first time I loved,

for the first time I let the fact that I'm Jin Hye known,

and for the first time....I wanted to live as my real self.

For Kang San Ha, I have no choice but to follow the solution.

I put my hand slightly on his cheek...

and Kang San Ha opens his eyes wide, making me all surprised.

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"You... wh-what do you think you're doing right now!

Are you trying to do something perverted!!"

"San Ha-yah...."

"Sung Gye being so serious makes the atmosphere salty.

Act like you usually would.."

"I'm going to transfer." ------------------99------------------

"You're going to transfer...."


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"Did I hear it right?"

"Yeah, you heard it right.

I'm going to transfer to Joongang High, in Chungjoo."

"You said you weren't going to go."

"I wasn't going to go...

but what you said was right. Running away isn't being my true self either."

The things San Ha has said....

makes me footsteps heavier when I have to leave in a few days.

"I said to not run away.

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I never said for you to transfer."

"If I'm not going to run away, there's no other way but to transfer.

........I made a promise with Umma.

For me transfering.

I get to live as my true self.

And that I wouldn't brea up with you.."


"So I decided.

To transfer..."

"Are you still going to go even if I hold onto you and tell you not to go?"

San Ha's voice is shaky.

His shaky voice makes my heart hurt.

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".....If you hold onto me.....I'm going to be hurting.

Because the fact that I'm leaving you is already making me sad, and not wanting to go."



Let's stay apart from each other for just 1 and a half years.

And...let's meet again in 1 and a half years."

"Let's stay apart for just 1 and a half years..

you say it so easily."

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Saying it easily?

I'm saying these words so easily?

Do you know that all my thoughts are of you?

How I feel about having to say these words to you

and how I feel about having to leave you you know these feelings?

Just saying these words makes it feel like I'm already getting further from you.

In one part of my mind, I want to hold onto you and cry...

that I don't want to go.

But....I can't.....cry now.

I have to show you a strong side of me.

That way it'll be easier for you to send me too....

and for me also, until I go to Chungjoo....I can think of you looking happier.

"1 and a half years are short...."

"They're long."

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"Once you look at the calendar a few times, look at the clock a few times and look at my pictures a few times...

1 and a half years will go by just like that."

That's what time is.

Something that goes by without me knowing it...

something that goes by in the blink of an eye.....

Although you say that it goes by slowly...and that it never goes by....

if you look once in a while, it goes by quickly....

"Once you transfer, I'm going to look at the calendar, clock and your pictures

more than a hundred times...

so if I have to wait for you for 1 and a half years... how many times is it that I look at those things for 1 and a half years?"

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".....Then I'll show you another way of letting time go by fast.

Close your eyes."

Kang San Ha naively listens to me.

I close my eyes with him.

"Imagine it.

Us meeting after 1 and a half years have past."

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Then, there won't be any seperations and there won't be anything to worry about.

We can always go around holding hands with happy faces,

you and I won't have to be hurting like we are now...

we won't be sad...

and we can say what we want to each other easily.

We won't have to think about seperation even though we don't want to like we are now.

"Open your eyes and look at the time.

Already 2 minutes have passed."

"Only 2 minutes have passed."

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Then what are you telling me to do...

Do you think I like the fact that we're seperating?

I don't like it either.

At the end of so many twists and turns, we finally understand how we feel about each other...

And we're facing each other like this but...

If I don't see you even for one day, I get curious, I want to know whether you're thinking abou me or not...

I want to do all the things I haven't been able to do with you yet,

and I want to say everything I've kept inside.

Being seperated far away from you for 1 and a half years.

I don't want it either.


If I don't transfer and stay here..

dating you, and living as my real self....Umma won't approve of it.

Umma wishes for me to have a fresh start after transfering..

I also....want to start anew.

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In my real self....whether it's attending school...or dating...

San Ha-yah.

We're not Gyun Woo and Jik Nyuh, and we're not Romeo and Juliet. (lovers who cannot be)

We can meet whenever we want,

and we don't have anyone interrupting our love.'ll be a bit harder to meet.

Staying apart for just 1 and a half years.

That's all.

"Now you close your eyes.

Because I know a way for time to go faster... better than you."

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You know a trick like that?

I thought you didn't pay attention to anything related to time going by...

I close my eyes and wait for him to show me his trick...

when Kang San Ha's lips touch mine.

And completely taken back, I was as stiff as a mannequin and couldn't move.

I open my eyes...

but he covers my eyes with his hand and says,

"It hasn't been 2 minutes yet."

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I think 2 minutes have past....

I think it's gone way past.....

but Kang San Ha doesn't end the kiss.


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I hear the door opening loudly.

And Ha Ra,Yoo Seung,Han Uhl,and Gwang Pal look at us with eyes ready to pop out of their sockets.

Kang San Ha stays still, ignoring the kids...

but I quickly break apart and pretend to cough.

"Kolrokkolrok. Keumkeum!!"


"It's C-Cat Eyes!!!"

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Unable to shut their mouths, they yell so loudly that nothing else can be heard

Gwang Pal and Han Uhl search Kang San Ha's face for an explanation for a moment, then cover their whole faces with their hands.

"I don't know Cat Eyes!!!"

"Me neither!!"

Han Uhl's face can be covered with one of his hands....

but Gwang Pal's face doesn't get completely covered up with both hands.=_=

"Cat Eyes? You're Cat Eyes?"

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Ha Ra look at me like an enemy.

"You should be playing around at a nightclub!

Why are you here?"

"I'm Sung Hye."

Oh Ha Ra gets surprised from hearing my voice, then circling me a few times, she finally recognizes me.

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"Then Cat Eyes is!!!! Hwang Sung Hye!!?!?!?!!"




I get Ha Ra and the kids to calm down to a certain degree,

and I peel some fruit sitting on a hospital chair, and put a piece onto each of their hands.

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"Oh my think that Sung Hye was Cat Eyes..

and that all those freckles were drawn with eyeliner...

and that she's taken off the glasses which coevered half her face....

Your nose being this high, and your cheekbones sunken in...are you really Sung Hye??"

I had to keep looking at the kids' doubtful eyes.

"I'm sorry....

There was something that happened all this time.

I can't tell you everything....

but I'm going to live as my real self now.."

"Alright! It's shocking enough that you've fooled us living this way up until now...

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You should live as this, your real self now.

But finding out that you were Cat Eyes...I was really surprised."

"Is Cat Eyes really that well-known?"

Han Uhl and Gwang Pal who'd been raiding the fridge,

"of course!!!!!"

once again answer in unison.

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Yoo Seung, who hadn't been saying anything since before, looks at me and talks in a serious tone.

"She's really well-known between kids who play around a lot.

She has a pretty face and a great body, she's a great dancer, and even if you want to try and seduce her...she only appears once a month...

She's quite a mystic existence.

And the reason so many guys go to Silla's Night is because of Cat Eyes."

"Hukk!! Hukukuk!!!!!"

"Especially because her eyes look like cat's eyes...

once you see them, they can't be forgotten...

but finding out that those eyes were hidden behind a pair of glasses...heh."

Cat Eyes....

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A total celebrity...celebrity.

Kang San Ha.

Can that possibly be the reason why he told me not to take off my glasses?

So that nobody can see my eyes....but him...


Eh hem....

Pretending to be unaffected by the news, I shove a banana into my mouth....

and I sneak glances at Kang San Ha....when Gwang Pal snatches away the banana I was eating, and stuffs it into his pocket.

......I get a flashback.

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'Cat Eyes...if only I could get even one strand of her hair....

I could eat everything... Cat Eyes' leftover corn on the cob... even squid legs.....'

It can't be....

that Gwang Pal still has those thoughts?

"Yoo Gwang Pal. Show me everything in your pockets."

Kang San Ha who'd been looking out the window, not going into the conversation with the kids, talks to Gwang Pal...

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Hesitating for just a moment...

losing all power to Kang San Ha's glare, he takes out from his pockets

the banana he snatched away just moments ago, the tangerine skin I threw out and the fork I used to eat apples.

How did he get all that...

Yoo Gwang Pal starts to look creepy.

"Throw it out."


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Kang San Ha...

You don't have to go as far as telling him to throw it out.....

"Didn't you hear me telling you to throw it out?

"......I don't want to!! I can't hear you!"

"So you're saying that you won't throw it out?"

Eventually getting scared from seeing Kang San Ha's right eyebrow go up, Gwang Pal throws everything into the garbage can..

with an upset face, he comes up to me.

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Even if you come up to me...I have nothing to say to you...ㅡ.ㅡ


As I had was odd how he was coming up to me.....

Yoo Gwang Pal..

had pulled out a few strands of my hair.....he shakes his ass around then runs out of the hospital room.-_-

"Yoo Gwang Pal you b@stard!!!!!!!

Lets see what happens when I catch you!!!! You're dead!!!!!!"

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Kang San Ha overreacts more than me, the one who lost the strands of hair.

"You have to wear your glasses.

Do you like hearing yourself being called Cat Eyes?"

Seeing those actions of Gwang Pal, I really don't want to hear it again.-_-

"Ah! !Sung Hye-yah!!!!!Is it true that you're transfering???"

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Unable to answer Ha Ra,Han Uhl and Yoo Seung...they all wait for my answer

when my eyes meet Kang San Ha's eyes.....

As soon as I lower my head.....Kang San Ha takes out a canned beer from the fridge and drinks it.

"Yah!! You're a patient!!!

You overdid it yesterday too, but you're trying to have liquor today???"

"Since you said you're going even though I told you not to transfer..

don't pay any attention to me drinking liquor."

.....The kids' expressions stiffen as soon as they hear Kang San Ha's words.

I thought they would ask for the reason....

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but the kids....don't say a single word.

-one hour later-

"Pour more!!! Pour it to the top!!!!!!!

"Let's all drink to the death today!!!"

"Miss Hwang!!!!The liquor,the liquor!!!!!!

Exactly what's happened to the liquor!!!!!!!!"

After buying a shopping bag full of canned beer and locking the door....the kids throw a liquor party.

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I'm currently poking my fork into a can of fruit.-_-

Fortunately, Kang San Ha doesn't have beer after hearing my nagging, and only smokes his cigarette...-_-

I get tired fo digging into the can of fruit...

I grab a canned beer and drink it with one shot...

suddenly feeling good......

I keep drinking.

"Aoh!!! Kang San Ha that veggie b@stard!!!!!!

He calls himself a man, with his stupid pride, and jealousy....

you have to be thankful for me taking you in as my boyfriend!!!!

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You know that?

You sangchoo head!!!"

With a cigarette in his mouth, he turns to look at me...

When he sees me drinking my 4th can of beer.....

"You!!!! Are you crazy!!!!"

He yells right away and takes the canned beer out of my hand.

"That's right! I'm crazy! What're you gonna do about it? Are you challenging me?"

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As soon as I move closer, with my face right in front of Kang San Ha's face....

"Aish...I really don't like how you look"

Sang Choo b@stard has struck a nail against my weak heart.


Have I had too much to drink.....

Kang San Ha.......

looks like a sang choo (cabbage) with arms and legs.

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Delicious sangchoo.

Sangchoo that tastes even better dipped in pepper paste.

I get away from Kang San ha, who's been holding my wobbly body,

and look through the refrigerator, to find pepper paste.


I realized that when a person has some liquor, they really change.

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"Yah,yah, what are you doing right now?

Don't come to me like that, do it while I'm telling you nicely."

I dip my hand into the pepper paste container.

As I approach Kang San Ha, the b@stard avoids me.

Do you think I won't go, because you tell me not to?

"Sangchoos taste better dipped in pepper paste.

Come here. Sang Choo-yah. Come here, baby. Come here, you."

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Did I have strength still left even after having all that liquor...

I throw my body, and I put a thi~ck, lo~ng streak of pepper paste onto Kang San Ha's patient uniform.

When I search Kang San Ha's face for an emotion, after seeing the red streak....

Kang San Ha bites his lips, and unable to hide his expression...his face clearly shows that he's pissed off.

I once again smear pepper paste onto that pissed off face of Kang San Ha's.....

then lose my consciousness right after,


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It feels like it's early in the morning....

I want to check to see who's stroking my hair but...

because I've fallen into a sweet, deep sleep, I'm unable to open my eyes...

Whether it's what I hear in my dream....or in reality....

I was able to hear Kang San Ha's voice.

"I'm not waiting for you..." -------------------100---------------------

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To the light becoming brighter, I open my eyes to see that I'm in Kang San Ha's hospital room.

Did I sleep here?

I check my surroundings, but Kang San Ha and the other kids aren't here.

I check the time to see that it's 12..

The kids would've gone to school...but where has Kang San Ha gone?

I look in the hospital building, the rooftop, the buildings around the hospital.....

but I don't see Kang San Ha.

I go into the hospital again...

.....With hope that he'll return in a bit....I wait.....

but I begin to get a weird feeling from seeing how the place has become so clean.

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Kang San Ha's jacket which had been hung up on a clothes hanger,

his cellphone charger which had been on the shelf,

and the teddy bear I bought him, I don't see any of it.

Wondering if it would be possible....

I open the fridge to see only one bottle of matter how much I look for it, there's nothing belonging to Kang San Ha left.


I run to the front counter of the hospital......

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"Unni!! Where did Kang San Ha of Room 508 go!!"

"That patient left the hospital this morning."

.....Hearing that he left....the inside of my head turns white....and blank.....

After hearing that I'll be transferring....

and that I need him to wait for me for 1 year and a half.....

.....without saying a word to me like this.....he left.

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I keep....getting bad thoughts.

No....there's no way Kang San ha would do that.

Shaking my head

I call Kang San Ha....but his phone is turned off.....

I try calling Ha Ra and Yoo Seung, but the only answer I get is that they don't know.

...A full day passes and....

3 days pass............

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The date has come for me to transfer as I'd promised with Umma...

but no part of Kang San Ha can be found...and there isn't even one phone call.

....The day we had liquor and slept in the hospital room.

The time when Kang San Ha said he wouldn't wait for me...

I thought it was something I heard in a dream.....

.....but I'm getting proof little by little, showing that what I heard was in real life.

I get in Appa's car.......

To Yoo Seung...Han Uhl....Ha Ra...Gwang Pal....and Gong Jin watching from afar

I wave and exchange words, "I'll go visit, I'll miss you..."

....but my eyes are searching for Kang San Ha.

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"Sung Hye-yah. San Ha....understand him."

"It's as hard for San it is for you."

"....We also haven't seen him once after that time in the hospital room."

I tried to say that it was okay and smile, replying to what the kids said.....

but tears begin to form in my eyes....

To the sorrow for Kang San Ha...and the grief, tears keep falling down my cheeks.

Kang San Ha.

....Telling me that you love me and then without a word...sending me...

was this love to you?

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You've gone through hurt, and hardship with me up until now....

but is it that hard to be paitent and wait 1 year and a half?

What I heard in the hospital room.....

I'll hope that those words were nothing but from a dream.

I'll hope that the time span for 1 year and a half...

won't result in us breaking up..and that you're doing this because you're worried.

The things I've done to make you get scars, hurt and hardships....

the things I'm sorry for doing...and thankful for.... repay it with smiles and happiness, I'll really work hard for 1 year and a half.


you being like this right now.....

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I'll just....think that you're being like this because you're sad....

.....I'll think of it as you being childish for just a bit...

For a chest will be heart will be longing....and I'll be a nervous wreck...

but....since up until now, I made you wait.... since you'll have to wait for me for a while from now on...I'll endure it.

But...after matter how many days pass...

no matter how long I wait for news of Kang San Ha...

I don't even get one phone call from Kang San Ha.....

and getting worried.....when I ask for news of him from others, they only say that they don't know.

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No matter how much I look at the clock, the hands seem to be on the same spot the whole time matter how much I look at the calendar, it feels like today is another date,

and each time I see Kang San Ha's picture.....I get upset....and he becomes hateful.

How to let time pass by quickly....

When I close my eyes...and think....nothing but Kang San Ha's face comes to mind,



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I complained that time passed by too slowly...

but the first day of going to the new school came up..

In this place, Chungjoo, the mornings are different from Seoul.

I don't have to tie my hair,

I don't have to wear the thick glasses that cover half my face

and I don't have to draw freckles on.

My real look, with Jin Hye's look..wearing only rimless glasses

I attend not Mugeum High, but Joongang High...

and not having a conversation with the past Gwang Pal's father Mr. Yoo Jong Goo.....but with a plain-looking female core teacher.

I'm on my way to not class 5, but my new class 8....

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It's new.


my heart's pounding, looking forward to living with my real self, not as Unni.

As I go into class 8.....

"Oh!!!!It's the transfer student!!!!! She's exactly my type!!!!"

"She's frighteningly pretty~~~"

"Finally, a rose has come to the pumpkin patch!!"

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Although I'm unfamiliar right now....

the kids cheering, looking at me, are the ones who are to be my friends.

"She's Hwang Sung Hye, a transfer student from Seoul.

To the male students, don't go for her just because her face is pretty,

to the female students, don't just bother her..

and be friendly.

Now I'm ending the transfer student's introduction.

There's no questions for the transfer student, right?""


The tacky guy sitting at the front raises his hand way up and looks at me creepily.

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"She looks like she'd be really pretty without her can you remove your glasses?"

To that one comment of the tacky guy, the girls' glares all head to me....

and the guys' bright eyes all focus...

and as it's the first day.....thinking that I should be polite, I'm about to remove my glasses when.

"Does a SungGye turn into a Ggotgae because it removes its glasses?" (sunggye=sea urchin, ggotgae=crab)

To this voice..

my heart stops.

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The voice I didn't matter how much I called.

To the guys' cheers,

and the girls' words of complaint...

only his voice rings like an echo.

"Then what does she become?"

Even though the tacky guy's voice is as loud as a megaphone, I don't hear a sound in my ears.

"If Hwang Sung Hye removes her glasses, she becomes Hwang Jin Hye."

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This voice...I only hear Kang San Ha's voice.

The morning period ends

.....and to find whether it's a dream or reality, I'm about to run to Kang San Ha.....when a bunch of guys block my path.

The tacky guy from before, with way too much to say.

Looking at him up close, the midget asks me if I have a boyfriend.

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"Yeah. I have one."

"What! You do?.....

Ah.... seeing your expression while you say that you have a boyfriend, I can tell right away.

You started dating him becuase you were threatened, right?"


I feel a scary aura.

"How does your boyfriend look like?

He'll definitely have a hideous face, with messy hair. Isn't that right?

Is your boyfriend in Seoul?"

"He's over here."

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With his tall height, looking at the midget-like tacky guy, Kang San Ha starts talking in a pissed voice.


"Hwang Sung Hye's boyfriend is over here."

"Here? Here, where?"

Kang San Ha holds onto the tacky guy's collar and pulls on it, bringing the guy's face closer to his.

He answers at the same time I do.

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With his collar held on by Kang San Ha....

his eyes turn huge.....

and it seems the tacky guy is frightened of Kang San Ha....

but to Kang San Ha, this kind of expression wouldn't get through to his head.....

"What?? Hideous_? Messy_?

Does my face look hideous to you?

Does my hair look messy to you?"


Page 1978: If a Nerd Removes Her Glasses.....COMPLETED

"Ah f*ck. I feel like sh!t after being insulted by that kind of guy." Kang San Ha in this school.

Right now he should be sleeping on his desk in Mugeum High...

or he's supposed to be skipping school to fight....

Right now in front of my eyes...Kang San Ha is wearing the Joongang High uniform,

and he's exchanging words with the midget.

-under wisteria-

"Wh-why are you here!!!!

Why are you in Chungjoo!!!"

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"Because I transferred here."


"I told you.

I can't wait.

I go crazy if I can't see your face for even a day, so how would I be able to send you?

Whether you're choking while eating.

Whether you're the target of a bunch of creepy b@stards at a nightclub.

Whether you bump into a pole while you're walking.

You always make me worry, and I only think of you, so what would happen to me after you left?"


Because I could you transfer with me...

How could you make me so moved like this...

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Up until now.....I feel like I've wronged so much.....for hating you so much.

Not picking up the phone, until I move....

losing contact from you....I feel sorrow,



I'm happy to see you..and I only want to do this....

I put my arms around Kang San Ha's neck and forgetting that this place is a school, I let tears stream down like waterfalls.

"You...saying that you won't wait for me...

I didn't know that you meant it in this way.....heungung.."

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"I don't like waiting.

Transferring 3 days earlier than you, I thought I was going to die from waiting for you.

Now let's stop waiting and being patient...both of us."


"Lets have a fresh start now.

You as your real self, Hwang Jin Hye.

Me as a model student, Kang San Ha."

Model student???

Not MP3 Kang San Ha, but model student Kang San Ha?

"That way we can go to the same university together."

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-1 year later-

"Flower... girl......"

Wearing glasses, a guy is memorizing words of the english language.

Looking at him, anyone would say that he's a nerd.

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"Kang San Ha!! Stop studying!

Aish! Do you need to go to Harvard of Oxford?-0-

Transferring here, you've completely turned into a nerd."

Chewing gum, a girl is brushing her hair which is currently in style.

Looking at her, anyone would say that she's a carefree student.

"Aren't you going on a date with me today?"

".......I should."

"Then today's date should be at..."

"the library."

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"a nightclub!!!"

.....The two have completely different locations, the carefree student and the nerd.

"Kang nerd~~

I'm going to a nightclub today.

If you don't go with me to the nightclub, I'm booking with another guy like last time."

At those words, the nerd removes his glasses and

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"Jin Hye, you brat. Now you're threatening me."

"Because you don't go with me!!!"

"You know what you have to do if I go with you, don't you?"

He puts his glasses on the carefree student.

"Yah!!! How come every time I go to a nightclub, I have to wear glasses!!!!!

Is there a huge difference, whether I don't wear glasses or wear them?

I'm the same. I'm always the same."

To those words, the nerd only smirks.

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"I know. That there's no difference whether you don't wear glasses or do.

But...I like Hwang Jin Hye, and Hwang Sung Hye."



The days which have always been the same everyday...

living as Unni, forgetting really what laughing and happiness is...

the boy appeared...and I knew love.

I realized that love can be as sweet as candy or as bitter as medicine.

But....the love I've realized like that, for a moment.

I thought I was going to be apart from the boy.

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But....the boy appeared in front of me again.

Now in front of me, wanting to live as my real self, not Unni

the one who helped me know what real laughter is, what real happiness is

the boy appeared in front of me again.

Now I think I know.

That love isn't something that comes after I wait, and wait...

1 year later...

the boy changed.

But I still love the changed boy.

Probably, the boy as well...

whether I remove my glasses, or keep them on...

whether I dress up, or be my plain self....

he would feel the same? he would love me the same?

Because whether the nerd removes her glasses, or the carefree student removes her glasses..

without a difference....even now...and in the future, we would love forever, wouldn't we?

The love I've always only received.

Now I want to give it too.

The boy who helped me find my real self.

Although I know that I can't express it with words...

I want to show my thankfulness by being next to him.

Although I realized love through a breakup.

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Now...always being together, without waiting and being apart

just like how the boy showed me his love. I also want to show the boy my love.

Babo On Dal and Princess Pyung Gang

Even if you become a fool like Babo On Dal, I'll find you like Pyung Gang and love you.

Because to my love for you....

a word like "fool" won't be of any importance.

Gold Ax Silver Ax.

When the boy was panicking because he lost his ax...

just like how the mountain God had given him everything: a silver ax and a gold ax

I want to do everything I can for you.

Because I'm happy with seeing your smile.

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Heung Bu and Nol Bu

Just like how Heung Bu nurses the swallow, if you're hurt, I'll be by your side and make sure that you won't be hurting..

That way...I can also eat, and think of anything else but you...

If you're hurt..I can't do anything..and I can only think of your thoughts.

Returning Magpie.

Just like when the magpie had been caught by the python, and the student appeared and killed the python and rescuing the bird..

if you become vulnerable or you get hurt because of some person, I will rescue you and I will take revenge...

because that's my everything for you.

Kind Shim Cheong.

Just like when Shim Chong jumps into the sea to fix her father's blindness..

I'm willing to do anything, if it's for you.

Becuase you're my everything. Because it's the same as losing everything if I lose you.

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The Python's Bride.

When you're having a hard time and when you're lonely, while you don't know it, so that it won't be harder for you..

I'll watch over you like the python..and I'll always be by your side..

So you can just keep moving forward, without having to check to see who's around you..

because I'll always be by your side.

Kong Ji Pat Ji.

No matter how much Pat Ji says that the shoe is hers, just like how the shoe owner knows that it's Kong Ji's..

Even if a girl who looks exactly like you says that she's Sung Hye..

I can tell whether it's you or not...

because I know better than anyone else who the girl I love is.

The Angel and the Lumberjack.

Just like how the angel leave the lumberjack and escapes to heaven...when you leave me

Page 1991: If a Nerd Removes Her Glasses.....COMPLETED

and go far away...

Just like the lumberjack did..I'll keep waiting for you..

No...this is different....

I'll find matter where you go, I'll find you..

because sometimes, love doesn't happen just by waiting, and there has to be a time when I have to go find it.

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