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Inez Marrs tostate office

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opportl\nit~· to df.'dicatl· : I,hospital to til!' citizPll:O; pI": I,.county. ":WP wnnt to th;lJ:k.thp pPflpif' ,It 1.1Ilc,dll C"'III" \

for thpil' \I.'(lfldprflll ;Ja~t : d1)l'('Rent -:Upp'>l-t alld for I h 11"pntierwe dunll>: t hi' ("nn~t 11,(­

tion ," Ill' s,wlIn addition to tOlln: (lftlw

fncilit~" tlw"p attpnding t11l­

open hong!? wdl ht· tr£'alt-d tolight l'pfi,"eoshlTH'ntE>_

Corrien.te CowBel1(fmember Ihez Marrs was.elected state' secrotnry forNew Mexico ·Co,wBelJes atthe state annual meeting inA'lbuquerque rrecently•.

Comente members wJn,Jattended the mee'til1l}' wereJaniC'a Hem; Ruth S'Hnntlon,Shirley Goodlo~':md'1MbWS,Anne Fet>gu.scmf'ront tbtltCany.o:n ,gQ\~Bbll~s a:tt~n~~dlthO' m~etlfig ~lsl)•. \ '.. , ..)


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to a pl'l'SOll at tht'II' d~'

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plan hnd tH'f'n !il.';j ! ,.

aircr-aft',\,'pathl'r w:1:'; a (;)('tpr,

\VIT1g'i'rt qald Thpl1r{-ratlwaq r,',nductlng- ;\n in"tr'lmpnt Rpprol\ch to ~RRA

Y{orri" saHi h,~ W;l'1 dl';

turhf'rl hv r,~pOl·t" wh,rh iJ'-'l

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LC Medical Center toshow off new faciHty

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that airport. "That v.a" tholast WP heard fron~ him."Morris said,

At 2:JO pm Floy d If,LL~

in the Linaoln arl'i1 calJpd tht,Lincoln ('ounty Shl·l·ltf,.;Department and n~portt'd h('hl'ard a crash and "aw th.,smoke from a fire £,<l,.;t (,IBaca Campground on thi'south side of the Capl~a;l

mountains near FOrf~st R"ad497.

State police, forest St'I'­.... ice and, fire unit;; WI'f('called to the scene. :\1<·;1lcalexaminer Dave Pfef{'r JOIIll'dstnte polin' at thl' S('I'IW anddeterminl'd no sun'i\'or,;were In or around theaircraft.

Thp impact ofUll' ainT:lftwas so intense it caused trwplane to burst Inlll tl:lm.-­One l>ody wa,.; rt·!11n\ ..d :'\;1,day morning <.lnd the oth~'I'

body ,vag l'en1t1\'pd ;,\fond:n­bv 'Pederal AVIation Arlml:nl"tratlon Oni(,I~I]" whl) C:IP'"

trt H''';I..;t With 11-, ,;-,,"·~', ... I

tl'tTl All (,fT'l' I Ii f,'.'l:

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S-uthwest Mier.pu~11sh1~gWno~

2e2' Eo Ya~del1 IrsEl p~sop TX 799~J



.. It appears the RuidosoDowns landfill application inthe ErD's Santa Fe office isgetting closer to beingnpproved, Beauvais snidstate representnt ive Bpnflnll disclosed to him HlPRuido!lo Downs Inndfill I"'rmit ruling might bp modi' j.l')

Mny, 1990'f)IJwns Mnyor .Inkl H,lr

ri::; and that villnge'" n'rMn P y Ric h a r d Haw t h I' r n ew~rp at tbp mepting- Thur,; ,dilY night. at. 'Pi1f,pa,:;'<:

rl'ljup::;t Harris had wn'U'n a11·!tpr tn thp countv ,tr,r,'lt ar 1'(' en t m Pf' tift go d II rt r, go '" h I (' hthe permitting prr,('(·s, wa,;dis C us,; po. I. (j w h I 'I h (dl;;agreeo

Hawthornp rn:l Tltalnpdthf> county ha::; nn nght torpg-ulatf> privfltf> prop('rty atthiS time, not until th,.. 19RRzoning- orrlJrlancp IS fullycompletf'd Hf' <:aid thp vil­lage intf'nd::; to comply withthe 1985 regulations on how"olid waste ig to be handlf'd

'''To an extAnt, it is aJllf'gal garbage," Hawthorne sald_

Hawthorne said the vil­lage does not want to getadversarial with the county,but he thinks the zoningauthority is,,only for privateproperty. The village willoperate a landfill at theNosker site if it ig EIDpermitted,

Two diecrash

Two Calif~rnia residentson their way to .... isit thl'il'vacation home in f{uidIJ'-,uwere killed whf'n their twinengine Beechcraft alqJlanl'crashed into the flJothilJ:-;near Lincoln, 10 miles northeast ofSierra Blanca Rpgion·al Airport (SBRA

According to SBRA man­ager Tim ~10rris, th,· cIJuplt·,Robert W. Fish, 51, and hISwife, Fay Fish, both of Fall·brook, CA, left the CarlsbadCA airport destined f'JI­SBRA on Dec. 2.

The pilot was in contactwith SBRA radio tower whenhe was about 30 miles W('st of

...... ~Lmcoln Count\' :'.1 "die;JI

('Pfltpr w1)1 holrl ;lll ,'pl'l1hou::;p Sunrlny, J)('(, Ill, WIth[\ receptIon and tOUI' lIt' thl'n>r1lOdelen fllcili ty,

The public is invited toattend betwe(!n 2 and .5 p,m.

Aceol-ding to Steye Kell,el" LCMC administrator, thprenC'vation not only im prov­ed the hospital's looks hutprovided a great deal of ~paeefor expansion of patlPnt <:('l"

'''There may come a time vices. "\Ve alae pnrtirulndywhen the county and Nosker pl-oud of the new Inb spacf.',will have -to litigate, but l radiology department :lnddon't think the village will be expanded emergency roomin it," Hawthorne added.' area. The new look,, The FAA opinion on the I~rly in the lobby, makes for n

proposeq site .for the county more comfortable appear;:landfill has put the county ance, while the expansionback to its starling point. greatly improves our em­Pappas said the countYciency and patient service,"might have to consider com· Keller said. "paction and u-ansferstntions In conjunction with the

i if Ruidoso· does not.partici- remodeling project, the hos.pate in a county landfill. He pita) has been activelywas scheduled to attend the recruiting new physicians t~RUidoso City Council meet-- pl'ovide· more services. toing to discuss the landfl1~ patients. In the past foursituation. Frank Pottel', months, six newdoctors have'Ruidoso manager.. indicated been added to the medicalto Fappastbe viUttgo will go staff with specialties inalong with the county. ' opthalmaology, cardiology,

"Tb b.e feasible-~ Ruidbso family practice, surgery,haatobe~ part ofit,~PapP;ls in'ternal-1Itedici~-'·ttnq'said~ . , 1 I",ec()logv.

IJatrJa ,s~l,d lie has ~~t The opCtlhousc winmndb- t\. dCC)$10,n to. part'~l .. , incluQ;tfettribb\1fidu.tting,~ei'~..

<Cnntt•. OJt,p~ 3) '. mony" Wl.d:dedi~ntrQt) uf:~(J. '. "'1',' ',. ,

; v4tr+* "1""")< ! ••

permitting procedure. Theprocedure was mail/"d to theEnvironmental rmprove­ment Division for comrnpnlor npprovnl nnd tllP prpJimin­flry rp::;lwnsp wa::; thp countyrlCH'S ha\'P thp authority tor(·quirp pl·nnits provid(·d tllprr'guilltiolls arp as stringl'lJ!flS thl' Ef f)'s

ThP prIJcpdurp rpquirp::;an application for n pl'rm it.puhlicntion I)f puhlic heari n gsa n d s II C h h (. a rJ n /.-: S

before final approval P&Zalso considerpd, at BI·auvais'suggestion, thp nddition r,fmore strIngent cIJunt_yrpquireme,lts in addit il,n «,the Ern's, Hnd approvPd thr.county manngpr to advprtisf'for publiC hparings to takf""input on other requ irpmentsfor thp landfill applicationprocess_

P&Z wa::; only partIallycomplete, with membersModesto Chavez, LaMoyneCarpenter, James Sanchf'zand chairman Patsy Sanchezin attendance. ChairmanSanchez said landfills are themost pressing thing facingthe county now.

of the Week

:·'''1\)~tt_-=* t tt'- q "¥

bon to P&Z for a special use­permit for the proposed sitelJPfore he hpard from theFAA Howpvpr, Thundny hesaid, "WE' lin' ot a stnndstill"

"/t's 0 big question mHrkrJ/.-:ht now" he ndded Thp((IlJJlty ('fllllrnissiOIH'rs will hI'fa('pd' With deciding whatr1i,pdlOIl to tak!' at thplr Df'('11 mpptlllg

Thp purpose of thE' P&Zfnpdillg was to lH'glrl the zoning PrliC!'S::; and to considerlandfill application permit­tirlg procf'oure. County attor­lIf'y Buh Bpnuvais, pre::;ent ntth~· mpl'( ing, dlscw;sed thejl'gal s!f'ps rnvIJlved with a('()unt y perm itting pr6ce­dure. Jfe rf'('ommpnded P&Zestablish a procedure usingthe Solid V/aste OrdinancekG3 in connection with thespecial use permit section ofthe 1988 zoning ordinance,which P&Z approved

Beauvais stood firm onhis interpretation ofthe 1988zoning ordinance beingunenforceable on its own, butincorporation of the 1985-3ordinance gave the countyregulatory authority and a


________F 4 -----....IIIIfIIIIII-------..s~......&.2.a..2.C..2••t.1.'.••2_

VOL, 84, NUMBER 47 .. THURS., DECEMBER 7, 1989

- - --...- ,

By Doris Cherry

QN,e OF·CAaaJZQZQ·$mQdestmanSjQn~-QIl·tb~~a$.~$,I<tft4ttQWO;mij$lpe~thlJltt~in~lt$no.f~.~J' $i'tQW);t QrdlnanCtl tpat makcu~ suCb stru'ct~rft$ iU«g~t. ,. . ..

," :~,; "., '<r" r'.-I"_~tLx.J."_.t 1;'.$ i"l1!£!94k< ·:uj~JjjQ.Sltl.u_tl!8.Fn;,fj;t~:.:tJ".U~.Jf;LlU!j..?'_ .1' ':1' ~~~'7?,~,~_1}t4L",,",:tkti~


ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT Division representative John Hoover (left) listens asRuidoso Downs attorney Richard Hawthorne and RUidoso Downs Mayor Jake HarriS diSCUSSthe permitting process with county manager Nick Pappas (far right) for landfills at th~ recentcounty Planning and Zoning Commission meetlng_

\\'Iwre will Lincoln Coun­t y put its tJ'ash?

Thnt question continuesto haunt Lincoln CountyCornrnissionpr::; as they]pnl'nf'd la::;t week that theproposed landfill site nearthe exi::;ting tempornrydumpon FoJ't Stnnton Me!la is notn·commenrled by the FederalAviation Administration

The proposed site wasput on hora after County:\1anagpr Nick Pappasinformed the Lincoln CountyPlanning and Zoning Com­mission (P&Z), at their meet­ing Nov. 30, the FAA cnJledhim about the proximity ofthe proposed site to the Sier­ra Blanca Regional AirportThe county has worked tow­ard the site under theassumption of the FAA10 OOO-foot limit from an air­po'rt. However, Pappa~.explained, the FAA has theright to increase the limithowever much it wants.

Pappas had been pre­pared to submit an applica-

County landfill problems multiply

Entries for the CarrizozoChamber of CommerceChristmas Lighting ContestHI'e due by 2 p.m. Monday,Dec. IR, at United New Mex­ICO Bank.

A traveling trophy will bepresented to the non­n~sidential winner. Residen­tial pl'izes are a $50 gift certi-

ficate to the first place; a $35gift certificate to secondplace and $25 gift certificateto third, The certificates willbe redeemable at merchantswho are members of the Car­rizozo Chamber listed in thead in the Dec. 14 issue of TheNews, The ad will include theentry form ..

Judging will be sometimeDec. 19-20.

Dec. 16 is the deadline forentering the Capitan Cham­ber of Commerce ChristmasLighting Contest.

Entry forms are availableat Capitan merchantsincluding Capitan Mart andC-C Natural Gas Companyoffice_ There is no entry fee,other information is listed onthe form.

Judging will be donesometime between Dec.16-23, for the two categories:residential and commercial.

Smokey Bear Menallionswill he given to the first-placewinners: $25 cash to secondplace and $15 to third.

People neededto help withcensu~ in county

Water DefenseAssn. to meet,elect directors

The us Census Bureau ishaving a hard time hiringpeople to assist in the forth­coming census count.

Taking the census in Lin- ,coIn County will take fromfour to six weeks, accordingto Nora Marrujo, recruitingsupervisor with the Bureauof Census at Las Cruces,

. After 2%\ dayS' oftrainingat minimum wage, applic­ants are then paid $5,,50 anhour for their work, plus~4cents per mile for cihexpense.

Application forms areavailable in CalTizozo at theg'enior Citizens Center,county manager's o.ft'ice. andat the Lincoln County News.ApplicatiQn$l',\~e theT:L mailedto the: Las e~U0e$ Qffice.'l'llosn wh6'. stlbmj~"'QRpHna­tiona win be' given;rtWit~~ntc,st on Dec. 20.9 a.m.,ln1l tl)QUnited New Me~h:o BapwGonr~tt(m(:e·tQ.em:,

MpmIH'I-S of thl' Watl'rJ)pfens(' Association withwater nghts on tl1f> f{io IIOTJ

do, Rio Bonitr), and HiD HUlrioso will rnf'f't on Thll,·~dn\.

Dec, 14The rn,·('lIJJg will ))(. h,jd

at the Hondo ;-';l'hor,] cafl'(('r);1begInning at 7 pm,

Purposf' of the mp('ting I"to elect two mpmhers frorneach ri ver to serve on th pWater Defense As::;ociationBoard of Directors_ ~ew

board member::; will takpoffice effectivp .Jan I, 1990The term of office for thl~

newly elected members willexpire on rh·c 31, 1992

rf there are IIny qupstions, cnll Hubert Quintanain Roswell nt 625-8690_



11 Z7 ' 111' t


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:"< ,.." "



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Sheriff's ··e>ff.icebei:I1g reri1ode1.ed.··

~ ~,. '~'"O"'---'- ~. ~~- _T,"'~'"''"'~._,~__",_,~, , ~.,..__._••, ", , ,.., .., ,., , , .41..,••_u•••••''''''''''''CII.41CIIQlIQl414""".",eI4lQ4.,,,,;,,"ZIll41C41QG14ICAIIIiI,1111'."'!IiOl&lllllIQU.C'QlliQIQlQUlliZ" " - ,~-, ,-'-~'-

--~., --, '.

.' .




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soon pltised by count.Y voters "When we lose' (in tbr funds which are distri. Oft'~dutysherlfrs p8rS0n- At 5:48 p.m. Francis satz, Raneh area near Hon:clo wasto constrdct the facility revenue)SCHSmakes up the buted based on need up to a nel began bBJ' away at reported a burglQ.ry in Capi· reported, $BOQO ~.Or8tc1 ..which now houses the busi- diffin'enCe. If we profll; then certain amount each year, walls and teariDg down old tan. Deputy Lerr,y Bond is reos, VCRs and other elee­ness office wing, The facility the h.....ital gets thet all Keller addad, sheetrock to begin a rem.del· Inve.ligating. tronl. eqlllpmont ...... token.was expailded some years back,,· KeJler said. However, the federal ing of the Lincoln County Carrizozo Mart -reported Ofli~~ investiPting.later and was further SCBS also Bigned an fUnds change depending on Sherift"s office in Carrizozo.' a gas skip of$1o.50. The skip ~ ehUd abuse cases'expanded when the current agreement with the county the hospital's finances. The remodel. &plJroved was 'not cauiht. ~ were rePOJ;'ted '"tltroui'houtremodel began. for$l000amonthtomanage Another service offered by the Lincoln Counf;y Com.. At8p.• the ClOUnty~ ", .

Th e h 0 spi tal board andrun the CarrizozoHealth through SCHS and a private missioners at Sheriff James Capitan "AptU"tuu~nts was At 2:30 p.m. Floyd'Hobbsdecided to remodel and Center. The health center company is recroitment of MoSwane'srequest;,w:lUpro- reported to be disturbinB-,the rej,orted a plane orasn in the,expand in December 1986 by employees are county physicians. LCMC will wel- vide an updated 8tlCure com· • peace. Officers responded. Capitan Mountains' nearusing the annual $490,000 in employees, but LCMC tries come six physicians. . munications center. with the Nov. 26: At 1:38 a.m. Sun Lincoln. .' .mil levy funds passed by the to involve them in all social Dr. Roger Beechie will dispatch officer Ilehind a Country Store's silent, a,lft!ll1 Dec. '3: A possible poach- .voters to help f"manee capital activities. The staff includes assume his private practice bullet-proof teller-type win.. was activated. Officers found. ing of Christmas trees wasimprovements and the oper- physicians assistant Ernie again Dec. 11 in the b.uilding dow, new electronic locks on a bar pried from a window, repor~ed.. Ru~doao Downsations of LCMC and Carriz~ Gonzales, Dr. Dale Goad ~djacentto LCMC, where his metal doors leading to the .when they anived. Officers Police·stopped the suspectedozo Health Center. The levy (dentaD, Kathl,een William, office was before; Dr.· Karl jail and a closed circuit tele- are investigAting. vehicle and trailerand'foundexpires in 1992 when voters (medical assistant). Cherri Evans, a board-certified sur~ vision systen) for the oftiee 0tIicers and Human Ser- the trees were legally taken.

{ will be asked again to sup- Goad, (certified dent.ol Bssis- gaon will be at LCMC Jan. I, and jail. _ vices Division staff inquired Dee. 4:'At 8:08 a.m. Anne• • • ·port. the local medical tent), Veronica 'Whittaker, 1990; Dr. Vickie Williams, In other sherift's office 'into a possible qhild abuse' Boone ofCarrizoz!> reported

(Con't. from P. 1) facilities. (dental assistant), Phyllis OB~GYN. will begin part- activit;ies: case in Carrizozo. 8ODl$Dne l!llashed the:ii.·resnago by FAA and again right More than a year after Schlegel (dental reception. time private practice and Nov. 22:~t7:29a.m. Paul AT 7:44 a.m. Robert. _two cars in her dri •after the accident, M~rris remodeling began and $1.5 ist), Mary Hemandez, (medi. support service at LCMC Chavez of San Patricio StewartinCoronareporteda. Sheriff's officers respo Cledsaid. Everythingw8s in place millions later,thefacilityhas cal office manager)" and sometime in January or reported someone threw a wood skip of three cm:ds. and took the report fur Car­and functioning properly technically completed the housekeepers Barney and February. 1990; Dr. Gary rock through his car window omcerBondstoppedtbe~ rizozo Po.1ice' who areboty times, he added. first ppase orthe project,. said Mabel Zamora. Jackson internal medicine•. at. Carrizozo School. ".,j., son who took the wood and investigating.

Two' accidents have LCMC administrator Steve Cash flow is 'on the will belitn a fUll-time pul- Hank Lacy of" Capitan ~ detained them in Carrizozo' AlbertZamora,ofLincolnoccurred at SBRA, with the Keller. increase at LeMC, from monary practice i~ July, rep~d two ~addles were until Stewart arrived for repor~d his 1986 gray Old-six passengers involved LCMC is owned by Lin· $196.000 at the end of the 1990: Dr James Fenimore a mlssl~ from his barn; oftic- payment for the wood. smoblletwo.doorcar was sto­walking away with minor coIn County, but day-to-day last fiscal year to more than board-eerlified surgeon ~e.. ers investigated. Nov. 27: AT 8:32 a.m. len from his residence soine­injuries. operations are under the $500.000 expected bythe end tologist, will serve part-time At 10 a.m. the county C\tris ~ora in Lincoln time between 7 p.rn. Dec. 3

The old Ruidoso airport administration ofSouthwest ofthis fiscal year, Kellersaid. inmanycapacities including drug dog. Sonny Crockett reported he found a"box of . and 7'a.m. Dec. 4. Offieerswas considered dangerous Community Health Services, Heattributedtbeincreaseto the emergehcyroo:n, and Dr.'" was taken through Capitan. blasting caps on his private are investigatin&{.· An all·because of its'location in a a part of the Presbyterian better collections and turn Donald Ham. optham~logist,~ High ~chool. l<i[o drugs were propertx and requested the points..bul1etin, w:as s~n~ outbasin with mountains sur- hospital system, a regional over of accounts. The LCMC will visit LeMC monthly for found. The previous day. the dep-m1;ment remove them. and other law enforcementrounding it. At that airport. non-profit organization with business office was reorgan- eye ch8f:ks and surgeries. dog also visited Carrizozo Omcer Hennan MacArthur agen~ies wete notified t,o17 people died in 20 years, a 13 New Mexico hospitals and ized after Bob Rqss with Ribbon cutting at 2 p.m. High School. No drugs were re.covered the box arid t90k it watch for the vehic1e.reason the village sought a nursing homes. 9CHS has a SCHS evaluated business Sunday will formally open found there either. The dog to a secured area in th~ Lin­new airport constructed on 10-year lease with the county procedures. He initiated a the newly expanded and visited the schools at the coIn County Sherift"s office,.Fort Stanton Mesa. to operate LCMC and the new set of procedures and remodeled facility. request of school principals. At 12:19 p.m. officers

The county and village Carrizozo' Health Center. Rose Shorey was hired to "The facility is dedicated At 5:04 p.m. Zelda Pen- inves~ted a r~si~ntialworked together on the air- "We can"t run without the head 'the business depart· to all the people in Lincoln dergrass1'8p~rteetaburglary breoklngandentenngmtheport, and Ruidoso later took cooperation of Lincoln Coon· menl. She has a background County; past. present, at a resideJ;dce in Enchanted Loma Grande area. Theover its control. That vinage ty voters," Keller said. in business and banking with future, artd those who got the Forest. investigation continues.council recently annexed the "Hospitals withoutcity or an emphasis on collections. hospital in, to the people who Nov: 23: .AT 1;55 a.m. Nov. 28: Sue pjt~ar1 ofairport into the vil1age county funding are begin· LCMC also went to a dif· pay the taxes." Keller said. officersmvestigatedarapeof HondovalleyareareportedaI-imits. ningtocloseorcutbackdras- ferent collections agency a juvenile in the Ruidoso larceny at her residence.

tically,"headded.""We';efor- with a firm approach to col- a .. ea. Officers are Officers are investigating.tunate to have the mil levy lections. KeUer added. investigating. Dec. 2: At 11:02 a.m. afunding." But LCMC is not without ·At 7:03 p.m. 'a grass' fire burglary to the Joe Heman·

Keller, who was hired by the financial problems which was reported near the ski run dez nsidence in the· SpringSCHS saidtbealJocationfee are affecting hospitals 12th Judicial District Div. road in AJto area. Bonito Vol·to SCHs is dependent on' the nationwide. Lastyea.. LCMC III court doekst for Judge Per· unteer Fire Departmenthospital occupany under a did not. show the 1-2 percent sons for week of December responded.fannula used by aU member profit as it did fonnerly, Kell- ll·Deeembe.. 16.: At ~:21 a.m. Sue Parker

I h Monday. Dec. 11 . nO. Ca . --dhoBitats. sellS deals with al ... er $laid. ,,~st year was t, e, ,,", .... 1 5 din..".... Pltp,n area rep...& ......

billing, comput"rs, law,' iirst~thefaeilitydidnot~ :~g~'.a~~:::j:~~arlougi:;:· abreakingandentering.'tbeadministration, certification, meet the"profit goal. "It's a Jury trial. situation turned out to bedietary, physician recruit~ national trend in hospitals 10:00 a.m.-Judge Parsons-. domestic related.ment, marketing and now," Keller said. Statevs.~i1ip8mally.Merits. Nov. 24: At t2:37 a.m. thepersonnel. Ruidoso's and Lincoln 2 hrs. Outpost Bar in Canizozo

County's diminished' eco- 3:00p.m.--8tnte\l's.FilbertR. reported two 'W'omen werenomy also affected the hospi- He&::-vs. ClSI"eIIee Gideon. fighting. Carrizozo Policetal by-increasing the ny.mber TueBday~ Dec. 12 responded.of non-payments and chari- Judge Pal"SOns to SoCorro, 2 A home care serviceties absorbed by LCMC. dayS. reported a breaking and

Last year LQMC saw 33 10:00 n.m.-Grand jury. entering ofa residence in the

Percent ofits budget categor- 1:30 p.m.~Mo..tens"n VS" High Mesa Subdivision, aQrt..aa. < kized into charities and dis~ .....- television was ta en.

Wednesday. Deq. 13 A Buddy'count allowances. The categ~ Judge Parsons to Socorro, 2 t 10:22 8.m. sory includes bad debts, indi~ days. Riding Stables on Gavilangent payment-for penons Thursday. Dee. 15 Canyon Road near Ruidosowho cannot afford to pay Judge Parsons reported shots were firedtheir hospital costs and a State VB. Virginia Nell Little, above the .tables. Upon

a/k/a Frances SmethEl'rs.· ti ti ffi • dlarge amount to fees not cov~ lOves ga on. 0 cers lounered by Medicare and Medi- Se~:;;e;~·._FNMA~VB. Leslie juveniles target practicing.caid payments. Even with D. Whitecotton, et 01. MSJ. Officers checked on '6the 33 percent, Keller said 2:30 p.m.-James R Johnson report ofjuveniles ittCapitanLCMC is unde.. what many vs, Maurice Ezel1, Chainnan disturbing the peace.New Mexico hospitals are NM State Board of Public At 5:44 p.m. theMcn:mom , , CHUCK OMINGER"experiencing. Accountancy.Pet. for Writ of Church in Angus area '.,- ~~~-~ I~.'· ' . ", .

"I'here isn. wayto collect Mond'Fd.i':". Dec, 10 reporteb

diad vandell~lon an BRIDGE LO~N TO TnE RE$~UEon the amount above the Rese..ved fo.. hearings in out ui ing. ,~.. ~er:s -'

Medicare and Medicaid lim- chamb,era. re.al1onded., (}{11!S1'ION: I hltt' Just : \ I~'~ .ill'.. .~,~",l.. '.At 10:81 lkinito Vi I fOiln' -Ii -..., ~ 1m bo.,.eito... he said. ,'.&.~ 'F',.. . tOt" .... Ii. dlInal;"OJ;li! ,'Jlte 'Ph.""The federal government un_v JJ'e,ueptlt' roen, ella. 'Ot' Ib'" fiI.tlthlio.Tfi'

recently Tadnced the limit. Firemen ,",,*poadOll to '" TOp!ll't 0( a h.mH.O\l .,.Als•• <faderal funds to rural .• fu..:l IOhlllln~llre.inlb• .Mtoltrea. ••_.... ......,heo1lbfllCJ1itiesarelesstban raise .nulil.'l'be.ll.... wa. l>l<tIl1gllilih,d _.B.lO".' "'.... , ",for·UTban .facilities. eVen .• bet'm:e' fj~t6r. :,a~ fun. m:d.d II.IittboQ\Itbeco.tsllre ...ually for llids NIW.I1~I,AI'!':l!lla.1I\,tbQ: ~'it'1:.='~='.. ' !;!.~:;:hill1tetinth......ral hospital.,' C.."il,o••:V.I~li:Ire Sll!lC.W\lW',~mlllllldll : ..d ilef dil\el,,"I'1ld lIit,..",·' I' Yj)II'1l1lY',81ll'.d1l1l VQII 'c'

Kel~:-1••""n.t pay ~~:'t":ti. ~~ ~~allii~=~,: =J~. ~~~~=:. ::~~:~rJ-:';~;tthelr 1Ii11ll _ ,..CIll.., h11lp v6k. $WlII~ ".76, =,llIDC\II;ll' th." • ~1 . ,'<, '.' ,'.:. :,:."!/IOO!I!!"""',':,,,:-:. I,:'.wll:1!afederalpro~.anad t1iltd Is $50,'3'1\* winning. 1\, ....OlIn.'II Oi ,II 'i'';'''''A', ·,·:";,;,,,,,,! ..-,,,,,.,",.~".""l'!'''''i!!'.!I(iiHilPBurton.'l'heOrigln$l ael, ti~'wil1'blld_iUec;2S wi . ..f'~ , ., .', ' '. "'.::'P'7..n.':;~;~;fI;;;; Ifjhllre.lsIIIIYlhIj'lOI ll8l!t/l)',passed In ttlll ~....~ .1950" .atllplll\\lIIi' :I'a~k, ,,,onllY .~!l.;;".~,_Ii ".,:liiilPlI, .. lCriOlli=.rllllbll'lI!hsr j"toMlp~ul~thelllJlllelr~1II "..allpWil 1l.llJ>illlls to PIl\' 1\ill!II<IJ WlI\:".Pll<ffl;~~. , ....~"""'''''',.,' ".' ,(, ,kriClWit.,..·!J>Jj....l..."iro.: ll$lIltiliPtellll&' ,pholUl., O~"1h&jlll,'jl lint. ilt iatll~'lilIlI4~lIW~ :,' 4/::4/2%'a.\Il. a ~'!"" '.'~.:n>.....01'1. ~lIlIcIillidr<>iHn al''flCl""INQ~lI:' :elto . ,"lj"Ck rl _. Cbildteii£!'Wlnnllriiflt.. ,All#'lli'Ila 1WIlI' tlIksri to b!t~'Ou'liiink·<>.'Ilui".mn;·Rl!'AL eSTATE co.j1100 .

t~ "to n:'.'iWJlrii·lili tn'e~t lii> ,'wlll; .;l;;1I~lIiCW!ll;il\lfdlcle.'lCM· ,1>."" Wlthl......I.lI<!"'Jle....· :t;econdAV<l";jlnCal'tft@), .btl " . _. ~nt; , M/:ta ..... bll' :'JlI>i'ob""8 'tat IIlkt *M AU~ bill' daily. Your 0lI\l!!l',,1D ~'Pbon. 148.119110. Qn. • "ti.lLiKl!Ilirwunot\~1w ~ 1I'l? ~ ~~e~'t,~'~t::~~tf r.."=l:~~.,!":i~;~h·,.bIOCll!,,Eof~llbollS~.. .,<.lIII>lib ~,£1~""",,, ....o ,..,,",,J.,,,""'~ ,'.... . ~" " __ .'.'''_' .._.... ' .. - ... ...... . . ,. .-- ~aJ .uuiu,p8o-....~,y:m.. ' K~!I}!'!~~~ , '"",," ",- ."'" ;', '.::' '" .: ." ,,'.,.' ~,!

I Gert~\~l'lrn~: .....' ." .., . -. . '':B:Ldll\locatl~~~sd";" . ")"Jl'b's'ftlln ca'"s'o".1~e:"fI\ll\Iljt.dl~ted~ tile.. ',' ..,... . ". ,r'.',j<1littJt=t:~:~JtlI~~,::,.. '.' .QII.:lnvll','e'I: .... .,.dtllllj!~ ~ .~~1l\I! ,','( .'.' ." . AltlllQllt OlQlJI'Id doll,. onc:t WlrlCloWt OQrI I'!1Il VO\IlhOm•..i&e~~~'trJ}U''= •...'.."!,, .... ,..Qf~lrl\d~lId l!/l.~u"lIil h1il",'t{I<ln.n_Nl.IlV

Mplj*81ble;'4w>tlllg M'",: ., .n..-of s". .lIlmliuf> ,in lildlgent ClII'e iI,il< . . CcIllffclng and WlIOIiItHlitlPPIngOQlllllllpJ>i~ lhII~.tile bOlllDtal ,,.!,,,,W\llng thlll .' '.' .. , .,': . . •)"e1ll'.'l1tIl;ln...... llf indl.. ',' f/lr 0"" btollh~fhQtwllllhow Vllioll_tot ocit.IIIl and . ..,¥!,nt__ ~llCIIlI.v_",!,eclf,. .. . '. . '. '.. . " . _ . W4Q\IlMIIlp 'tllUf lIOIM. .,

, '..j1'!ll'l101lwi!li>b';llll\,.WJ!illhlk-;"T'·'· -,'" .*,.'~.~., CQlI ClI' vieW VQIIl't_' TNI'lI'bl,ellMIllII1m>lll\ '. offiCllt f«ItlV'l'!J'1I1 bosPltal'. . ". ':.;'.. . .... ~

; l'$'IOlI who ·llllllil;;t· PIIY . . . , ,- ...~' .~~bill*canappl)"IiI.l.CMC/ . L.",...;..._..::::.:;::,:.::.:........- ....-_.....,;,..,;,.---..---.;"",,--~ ....


When the ribbon is cut atths Lincoln Counl;y MedicalCenter open house Sundaythe facility will celebratealmost 40 years of medicalservice.

Opened as Ruidoso­Hondo Vaney General Hospi.talon Oct. 15. 1950, the faci1~

ity has made great stridessince its early days. .

Original1y the land wasdonated by George McCartyand J6e Palmer to the Lin­coln County Commissionersfor a hospital in 1949 and abond" issue of $72,000 was

. r: 'LlnDOln Countr ,... .~_~7. 1.... paGE '2'

Renovated medical center opens

',' "'" ,',

'" ~'- ,-"


,".,'" .





, ,


. .I



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•, .,


.By Mar~aretRench.'

CAPITAN NEWS, ," '-" .

La.ndfill •.'(Continued frcqn P. 1)


his Slst birthday Sunday,De•. a. bylbe gelb.ring and friends.

Happy bll"th~ to JarenBailey Nov. 30, MelindaStricklq,od Dec. 3, BoneyZamora. Dec. 3, Rhonda~ves,Dec.4, Linda WrightDec: 13.. ,

, .. Ga2itan Chamber of Commerce

...·Gronpp~ts.curb!ondonationrequest$.., lIeca""" of an IlIC<88aad . cbamber does :m~~AA.. the !>ylaws to' deerease the decorations a1cmgthe main

number ofrequeots fo>odona- . and pays IlabillllV ,n.U~anCO number ofc>ll'icora and mem- . streets of the 1IID_ TheTemp....tore. la'st ";"Ilk Della Joiner and ·Staey .•.. .' ,..... l;lena. the Capiton Ohamber fo>othe area usea:lI,Y"eOUP,y;. bersOn theboatdotdireetora. cham ber OWn s. Ib 0

were II bolow ~ to ·16 , COj!' oftbe ..lIage in Portales ~ .,c~..,jf.);;. . of C~morce'. inll th. building, l?an w.. Olll..... and boat<! members d.coratlons.d~........ cia>.' ""d ~bt. D~ enJoy.d being bOm. with' . . . .' O!i~nnato on o!qnatlo.. to able to keep an ",suran.. can"ol work th. bingo. Also The group ended the

.w,lb h'llb wmds.;,\ light~ parents, famjJ:y and tomn. Trevor I. aOn oCTOIT)' e.... grouP' unI_the grcup piein;um. ollicora, due to the small m••tlng by .discusslng Waysof dry S"OW a.....1(8d Fri~ friend. last weekcmd. . . and LIJ!~. . pronloto. Ibe 1Il11age. . The .b8DIbe.. membllto membership, may. need to to increase m.mbershlp endnlgbt. . Th. -.eilPI»iove'd$<lOObedonaledt!> ~morethantwo..nsecu· .-ed to Ib~her dis-os a

Angela M_ diod at the· . Johanna .. La..... "bOoted afteredcb

h8DIber members d~2 I).an fo>o the lISe oC th." lii>-eterm.. .". -;;;~;;'b.r.bI;·drive ;i Ihe

The ChrIstmas st1"e!et age or63 in Las Vegas where the' a1lnu~t H~dor.fted··cuss t t~~nyft,~: It: ~cling. bus! . ! ~ Thebingopennitmustbe .JanulU'Y meeting.decoratingat"e 11P in Capitan. she had been a 11l:sident for OmamentaUlbu:iljangeinher -mQney, tnrregu ar ee. Otherbingo "rtessdis- rene~deverythreemonths "W,lve got arg-ood littleThe real meaning of Chris- one year. She was bom Jan. home Witl}. a. t';qvered, dish ing~~ at $Jno~Bear ~8ed wei m~fication of with theN~wMexieoAlcohl;)l chamber, we've done a lot flwmas stbnds out in tht:t Capi-' 29, 1926 in Lincoln. She woe bninch.. E

d8ch person brings RestauntDdt.AdThe4lCh~1_1_ '. and Gaming Commission. Capitan," said. officer Carol

tan M.rt. It is be,utiful and a homema'ker. SUlW'j.von nine han crafted Christmas sp~nsore op..-a_D Q\JA;' 'Morales Maxine Wright will .Qecome Rea 'stands out at night. included her husbani:l of 48 ornaments" trb . be progtam,at"Oapitan Schools game :manager in Jariuary.' my.. ' 'yQars, Gruz, and sons J..4in:y'. exclumged mth eaoh Qther. canbe~omeaptoblemtif~. D~openf01"bingoat6p.m. ."'.!'lIII!!"!!'lII!'lII!'lII1!!!

The Smokey Bear and Eddie all of La's VegaS" The srOul$ started fiye·yeaTs,. dents are reward~"fbrtheir ... d and games start .t 7 p.rn;" '."',, " ,.'. ," ,"MuseuI!' . had , 3,470", regis- daughters: Geneva Llussy, of ago. TheQn:iaments,this year cleanup with 'money, the J.oun every Thursday"in Capitan. "" ~ ,"::-)fUlgO$Q""

[~~::ii:'~:~' ~!~~~i:f:iif:~5:~~~:~~~:~~ria;:: ~~;:t~~~±;1:. 0'1.1ilty. ~::;.~~~~r=,. i,.:i,I.)~I!.:..·i.,.:..42. '. fonlia an-d" Emilio' Zamora were Joyce Cox, Linda CQX, prOject but ne~ded ,more' e ~ gestioo'the chamber inquire -

Jr~ both ofNew Mexico; and Pat Lame, Jan Larue, Pa,t information from Capitan Daniel Morales ofCarriz- with local food stores about"·12:grnndchiJaren.lhiria1 Was' S~1livan, M'arr Lou COJlzens~ High Schol principal Bill 020 Was'foundguiltyofresSst-. price's for-food. All agrelJ4 theIn Palm. Memoriol.....Park. Rl.1by Tros,t, Vleky Hall. Lau- Stowe. • d' b ~•.-...= chamber makes a small pro.

. ' , raJones, Sha,n Klinger, Sar. "'The chamber is made to mg, eva mg oro sWlUOwnga fit on th, concession if.iteante Ih ·11 t . t peace officer Dec. 1., .House guests of Terry a1tKli~ger,Letti8Larue,and ptOemo eVl a~, no JUS Morales appeared before purchase at reasonable

ami Linda Cox oflfide:-Away· Sunshine .Trost. halld ouhnoney," Beck ~aid. M....,.;strate .J.qdge Gerald pdces. . ', , Another reque,st for ~. The Christmas lightingHills were Linda's parents." do I' d Th Dean with his attorney ,.._....Joe Saobv "is the new no Ions was approve . e n "'-CUJ' tantest is set to b. J'udged

Marie and Ed Overton and minister at the Church of chamber will donate toys left Mitehe. He waS charged. in Dec. 16-23. Deadline forLinda's sisterPat Larue from ' J!..._ ' . b 'th to th conne'etion with assistingChrist, Heandhls wife-Betty u·um.a summer 00 e entries is Dec. 16. Applics-Clovis. 'They came to watch came· from --Albuquerque. 'CapitanGirl Scouts tobe dis- Johnny Mprales get away tions are available .1 B~LTrevor play on the 8th grade t :l. ted fur Ch • from officers. An arrest war- ~j~nior varsity basketba'11 Theywill reside jnthemobile """AUA "dswas. . ,rant was ,issued for Johnny Pizza,. Ruidoso State Bank

home next tO'the church.:.. ' .. bu,er, .)lome dISCU$s2Qslona, ,forassaultingapoliceofficer office and. other. ,Capitanmem ers approve a a bUSinesses.. th h· L b I I in mid-September. His. The Church ofChrist win 111 e Ign BC 00 annua, Th'•. cbamber' Ihankodb II whereabouts are still

be delivering Christmas ecause it wi promote unknown. Otero Electric Coop" forgoody trays. If anyone is in Cap~:~i disCussion at the Judge Dean .ordel'ed a installing and providingneed during the' Christmas pre-sentencing report be' electricity to _the Chrisbnas

pate in a county limd611, as o"ear an old dulOP bythat"vila =,:~. ~leas: let t~e church, ri='~~e;::aJ;r::O~f:: made before he will sentencehehadnotbeenapproacedon lage years ago, Ruidoso the use of the ~ld hardware Danny Morales.the subject. Downs trustee Wilma Webb

HiuTia asked P&Z if the said ata recentvil1agemeet- ", Ra~lCly 'Barone~ .who' is building for iogo. Dean .. "county would grant the vil. iog. No one objected·to that attending NewMexico Tech asked for the fees to hf;!lp, '.~.. '.--' .,lage a permit. Chairman dump then she added. inSocorrot'l:ew~Abi1ene,TX with insurance fl-nd =~. __ oeflftMAASanchez replied i~ wodld Ham.$;aid'thenewland- ' to visit Mike ShlDlks ,at increa,ed ,property tmreii'. _ _ _ . • ..depend on man'v questions. III fill would not belike the old Abilene' Christian. Univers.- The original ~ement _I ••

• .... Ra ".. '11 b L' with Dean was for no fees to Harvard Is th. Unitlid Tel "623-5121Cfati't~ "t this point" one tls'nogarbiigeYiillbe·left .y. nUJ' W1 e tTansl@f'" . states oIdlfSt' GoIIB.B .. 'Hawthomesaidhehadto in ~ight. . , . ring to-the uniV$rsity in' becharge-aCortbeusegfthe . fciundBd In 1838. • 301 \IY'. McGaffey':'- Roswell,

'"hand it to Mayor ,Hanis, James SanchN said the January. . building. In exchange. the "he', gOing out· then;.." Ruid- county nEleds to work ori·the'· ' ' ..;.__--_-- ..:.. ..;..... ..:.., .... -::---_---...;-...;--os~Downstsfurtb~alongon landfill tequiremeQts to.pte· . ', ...

, the permitting process thaD serve the mO$t sacred oC I"'_....'"!'~~~:""~.., , .

. a(adel1YOtlodu~ndty~):laon:d~l;'e:los:e"~s~I"O'" ':=;~::t:b~~U~E::;,;~;.;ri-:-·-v.~;-.•C......&n;L-;:··'",':;:£um:c',.,fJer;::-:;-rp--··.c'·-·~,·~,·~·""";1;au0,·.•.•.....:·$a,OOO·atthe ..unlymldy... '. '.' Meet" &.. SUpp Y Inc. .' ,." .. '", '..' ' .

keep trash out ,ofthe arroyos, ,;.t ,...~ 19 to . I th .your.andmybackyardand re"h·~ueled;·"' ofethJnPoy:, Ro,ne.·.·o B'AR. Ph"ne' ..the Rio Ruidoso'!o Hawthor- tee Dum a Vice e'!'Oun!',)' I;//;I H

d .ngln... Jo. Shain and to . 2-MILES EA<>T ' 378-4488 C'.' . . .. , t·..· .;~I~!~1:::.~t~:~:~~;~$l\a:::.=::~ q=p~iiy~N R:d:OBa:~:~M .'. '.' ..', .0.u....•.. '.D.•" '" '.~.'_'._'."_'__,landfill. 'b 'd invitation -hom the 'Mimici. DRIVE'.fJP PACKAGE WiN,bOW C, L.. 'BONES WRIGt-rr' wi--

"There ~as to e a yah pal League to join a zoning "'_. reason, ~ecause you fot'unf' and discussed the B . .~

don"twantit.lto"IDvalidau;a.. ro-ad& j,n..... the Lakeside " _." 'U'·S··'·n·'e's:·S··landfi.ll.pernut). ~arrl.s sald. Estates at'ea or Alto. The: ' , ' . ,,~," ,As diseus~sion cQntmued~ develoPer of the $Ubdivisfon

Pa~s emotionally express- 'went bankrupt before com" . d.ed~ssupporlottb~county pletingthe-road'$and·relri· S·""'n',;' ,and 1ts search for a landAU, . • . , , ';' .

°1 hear the' countg- is ..dents (l()JIipm1ned by leL~nowhere •.•butw6tooklead- the- eo'Ptlty haS' not pB;ve(l' '. ,Ettship, in addressing the them•. The eout1.o/"~win not- S· .~'. .problem the n.W EID acoept ro.eds until tb:l: are . e'. 'rvIceregulatlonscmne in, w••toy. eomploled by the 01_oper,' ..... .......: ..ed on. top orit,w he smd."We. .Beauvaia said iii :$u".",:,:bave seven sites we looked b....dmlgbt atlIl bell> pln,e G''" iiid'at. We thought w.bad th. wbicb,nlllbtlteUlledtoh.lp'· '" :.· •• 1········ 'e'·'·'i.·PabOl'f.oJ;thOl':te-r b..~w. tOrgot tbeeounty liIIlsll the road$, , . ". '. .. .... . U., .....' . .. ..... . .'

.ut . e p.8"es. ., '. . butbedmibt.ecJitl.etlllva)ld., . , .' ." •, ~O'!ln OoilnllV·!sone6t... ......., ..,. L,.; -:.;.. :.;.. _ :.;.._.J

tbe!(;4ijor' tho. statll/' b. ". ' .. :aoawlil.ujfo .ai.d h"'I•. ·.·~tinj;OcJ; ~."tBMt.lttlng," .. ecmilOl1l!"la~u~tbell~tllr ,onoUl'!>UU.tolets.meonedo, ..«>untytl>!illlgm ll\'t!lll!ta:b.· . ' ","_'Ii,,,,, Jlll.T ",""VVI'I'll'l1l.'f "0",l~'~ir;;';i~~~~ ·.'.n~;'W~d~~t~n~~:,P~:::~i . ,l!!l$(lU~AANM ~11I~~'w:-'3't~~J.' two ••. ~

'. i~.d! ~dl'l1'IOonOi~d mI-, .. ,Eii:ttl/te.rlto.,..I·I!!:"liing.· '" .. , , . FlUltlOISO., \!laW MEllICO' . ' .. ,'.' ··~~iI"'lIil.tilkOn'll.rrf.':'~omllliSslen,.~llIoi>Ii>,·· . ' ',. J>i!;._. !roM Hi>lI_.. ".'! P••tolll....·• " '.','.' .' ,'lmllt 'dkll~i>n.~ .tbii~"rAA~:rl""(.'"!~ttllit~ij'l~i'• ' .• ',' ',>''. Pmiedi P 'm:'.... tilUIlfl Iittht r;llld01'llitl):~ ,. "'" . .' lI'l"''' ,~.,.'QPt.Ile:r$AJ..,.~ $!.,~oll-Ii!'.: '..i't~""'","~~ ·a·I.~~1ton~'~~"WllhulflWm,·...·.0,Bi:A':a:'e""".ck'~i Ol':'-"'_"'l .I!OUtA~, ,

.' : .·";..Il\i··Ol'··..~·~ll·II'M'·~~ .c'.·;,,,,· d'· .... ""...~...•, "......1\'-",,..;•• , .,..~.~,."".""',,,,'ojo'."",'.....'....iii"...'~''''':.....!''''.'ojo''Iii!".......~'."....'","!i!!"""""Ii!'!ii"""'"",',,,,",,"'",,''~"..,'",,"'",''",,"~" ...•'.';' ,J," .•" . '.. •......ilWOVo'o;tn ..••.. ".•'''''. .• y,-•.... ~.~~O.1'.. ~.,,,....... '.",' I i':'I OW" f"""~ l:t¥e' ,':,,- :'" :.~i" ,'.' ",~. ".' . :":"<';!;":

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Ollllltt,y~1~_1lI:,. !Wem." of LlnliOlII OilllJty 'Jio - ~.·r "., · ..:~I·I~~~,~Md,.o..nty B.wll1lllcMa', lll"f"".· ~ ·IIIi···"'·!"."'.' _ ~ '!'.,j,';..'ooi· oil''..' ,.,'. ', ' '" -'irseMo"~>lnt....

.. M'I1X1iltoewtn.oll'IOel'flP"lyatll0hrlJlllllallPlU1;YSwI' . '.,. ......, ....,. ".. !. '.,' ,

=:~eto~....~.::'~"!~:.t;nl::';':"\.:~ ...• .' GUaranty.. '.' Abstract.'.."& TiUe Company' . _~: (GIlS.i 257-5054 .r i.'.'. Plln",I"'. twl/> ...1....... 'ty'room. 609 p.rn;. I'Il<>_ "Wbetheryw-Il1t..I~ .' . ". ., .' I" . . ~ .., . . ,'. ..·.......UJ.M.theyiotollla!l> ·~;CiIl1_5764tolil'lllP.. ·ti·~o~.G~CI'SOPT1TUll '0 Tm..Jjl INSURANOeioIf&.~.""",,~\ 1110 -erlflI diJli die,*" .. . '. .'. . . .' . . . . . . '. . '.. .... ". . .' ...... . ":"'""3. Pa.rti.oj"n", un abo Q~ BS'rATB C"~·.llISOBOWSlCRVlCIHG'OHALX.o8lllAL·IllI'l'ATBTRANElAC'.l'lOlI18. "lMakMw_,...ue41iO remlnd<lcl. to brillll • l"0llII . ".," . . . . J •

.'.~ .net u -'" \ banUon.llOlllfilleiYdld net . . . . \, . . ,_.a;.j,•.ih:;~ 1\. "'0 .aoatl!!. NovamlHlr' 2904 SuddIftlI ..IlIKlOSO. NM llI345,P.O.lIox 984Jt,ui4oIo.'llo_)~ Ia !l\to!ll.... I __- ...--_..._ ... ... ~......_ ......- __-_.... ....

' 'I ' . '\ \\:, \ ' .... ,,' J.£ . I .

.. ,' V h\~,._..~ ----~~,._,---,..:., ......_,_._,,- -,':!.. ~-,

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, . "'", "

. .


Tree permits'available

'TAKE TWO ...P.ctor: "How did yell get

!lore "'! fast!' » •, Patient:. ,Flue. '. r.

. "-i\ '.BOJtIi:Y JOIm

He: "Whet did .t;be,_ansay .to the be.oM"

!!Ih.: "It didn't saYIIlIYtbing.-it just .WIlved."

, ., '


~W iet1_d by.tho JI)IOdia tb~t we .,··lIm. lIiJfut <it · r ~"QII bileiC rlcbt$ ond lnt<oreots•

Jilth.. 1~~oe_lY ev..",.... ..... _ ..lyh..tll.·'. 'to."y""Ontion ofthe mount\.n#COlllll'i>'aey, thathas" .• O1>trageOIlSIy millllireoted our polici.elond s. _.d, .pr ooPntry, TodaY "'1IlIY peopl. are .....pti... to the

id•• that on<>rganbed eonspiraey Is respoJioiblo lbr .....mallY'.m.. Wbon a TIla"""abltl_lortation is g1""" thot""covers tho trIlth ond _0... the lies. they are ",orerecepti"" to the idea tIiot a eonopit'aey exlsis, .

It Is still very dUftcpJt to ....ate a sitllstlon in which\his ""tremely important infOrmation wUJ trav.lIhrolll[\I til. Poplllation impelled by Its _._­lance to each per~'8 own safety and freedom ft'outoppression that 80 obviously lies ahead. This is in httgepart dll. to' _ i'eluelsnce ,to faeo imP"rtsnt _ •. '

In ... important speech, vihleh was n.t reported bythe national news media, Senator Jesse Helms sud:"ThP purpose d'the current detente oftensive is twofold..First it Is m.ans \0 promote a broad arraY ofAinanclaland ........erclaJ r.lati.... b.tween American blloinessand the Kremlin whioh wi)) keep the SoViet EtnpJreafloat. Our money center banu. andmulti...natioiutJ Cor-

AJOI'llti.ns intend to~ tbeirin\erests through liter­.Ily thousands of projeoto and trsnsaellons. blessed bytheUS Slate P.portmentand Jiy the US PapartmentofCommeree. OfOOllr8O. this bPillling of........unism only .serv.s to bPild th., Soviet military ind\lStrial complexand tomainlaln tho ComM\lllistPartyiepower. second.end this is mOst iinportant aspect. We mllst eonalderwhether en: not this~te Is a mean'; to·prom.te eoF~rsloh_inth. US in ordei'to soa\ter.llrtraditional

'. ",o~lif. that a conv_cia<merginll oQll. Ameri­.an andscWiet SyStems ean .0...... Tite !\It<oretionof_traditional way of lit. eon only proeeed thioopgh 0 pro•.... ie which the preeoption ofthreatpOlJed by ieterna··tiona1 comm.unism is lowered to the point where theAmerican people no lon_ resiSt~ long-ratlge prog­ram for .eollQ,c;tivism .t home." . '

Thoro is planl<Y of.evideneeavilllable ie SIlPPOrt ofSenalor Helms. Woulillike \0 suggest the book "Th.Shad."'s of I'owa" by James P"rJof or the video fibn"Prem.ditated Merger.·' .

[f~#.!.~t~:::,~~: ~~~:::!~~~~~J.Baumr _t thll Sovie~gaIn

'.' ,

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By .Jay Miller

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, ,"

Inside The Capitol

ee>F'ffCHE.,..,,;........, , . ,~ .. , "",.






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. .UnMln ClcIJInIY~ ...~;...;;~.:._.... 7, 111M, ......

, "" 'Ernfilst V. Joiner's ,I"' ..





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he ~ospital Family ,ofCounty Medical, CeQter

CoronaHealth Centers




,Lincoln.. '


,~ :!"'--,0,


" .,


Reception and Tour'Proudly Invites You to\

, ,

"of our




-Newly remodeled Facility

Sunday, December 10, 19892-5 p.m.

Refreshinents will' be,"

served., •.. ..


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Mlk~ShIV~rs!! f'/11


I would like wtakethis opportynity to thankmy friends and customers for the,ir' support andfriendship over the years I have operated A&IAUTO SUPPLY. Naturally. ihe business could nothave surviVed' without your. help. and that help U? .....greatly appreciated. I think you,will find mysticees-

, $or. MIKE SHIVERS,deseniing oUlite same pat..ron;age and goodWill you have given me. You may , .'expect the .. same, .....qualily . service. ,easonable·, ..prlQes. and cus:tmner oonsideration. frol1;llVll".

,,", Shivers. .: .... , ...' .BOB MEANS

The .new {owner,. , ..'

'··I·~~:::::::~~~~~ :"."/. :,-- ~

BOB ME:~ (right) con,gm"" MIn shl..., ntlW ClVmU AI All Auto SUpply-•



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The name NAPA has.......... . ,". .

always stood for quality inthe auto products busi- .ness. The new owner willcontinue to provide a large'stock of ·quality auto·parts 'guaranteed first­class and avaifab~ at'.competitive priqes. This iswhy our cU$fOmers come '.'

· from all over the area· for: ,, "''',, .", '"" , "" -" , '" ""

•our parfS; supplieS,' and_""""$'·tv··j-. . : '.' ',:, .,0 ~ ",--';:"", ',:,.i.,," r-'

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, ....".,' .", 'C..A'RRIZO.20' "'" :,' ., .•"~.. " , " , , ....',.',;~'"';;.,.,,

oUR TELEPHONE NUMBER'REMAn~S THE SAME.. ,' ...,~~~ call" ,~" 'n,'...... ·

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...... ·648-2301-"

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',+, ""';_,_-;--' __'C"';""" ~_··..<_~·""r~..",.",.....:. _"'~. ''''''''- ·,c~~·~;,_",::, -'.'__"'_' _._.~._:~, "'...-~. ", ,

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, .1& IE " ' ; , I I •


Hom,etnade' Cookies .Make, Great Rewards

;".,... ,

,.Ir..·;..d .11l!t••e.g...~ "


, ,.................~........:wn'l;t*...............,,'.....

ADna 1'. Goodwla,.1'........llW,......_" ,4.. ~f~...".w1..

" VUAOtI ~'IIlI n,Alto ,Rttutie, .

c*.,I_ N_ Mol.. 8ll811l..' .. .

J. lW1l£RT 1lEA.UVAls, 1'...Sandra E. Porter, .):'.0. Dox 2408,Ruldo;J4, New Me"co 88845.ATTORNEY FOR P.EBSONAL .RBP1l£S1lNTA'l'lVlI.





Hearing on the PotitiOQ tUod.~..~~I~nderet.mted Personal~..",,,ntativ,,. which. pettt,lonrclquests tho Court entoJ'i~OrtlerofCol;JtpJete Settlementof~By P01'fIonal Representat1~ wiDbe held at the Municipal BuildingandCourtOomplex, Ruidoso, NewMexico 'on Docombar 13, 1$89: at11:30 a.m..

Putwlli'lt to-'45-1401 NMsA1978, notlce,ofthe time lind pl8co'at hearing on 8~d Potitlon ishereby siven you by Publication,on~ each, for: t~ c:onsQCQtiveweeks. .

Witn~ourhandsandsealofthis Qov.rt.

Daw: Nov. 27, 1989..



.....2.198 ~. in SWU NEf4.aDd NW/4 BBT4 SeatiOil I,'TowIishlp 11 South. Raace"15East, NMPM.. LJacoIia~ty,Naw' :MeJdco.





01VIL NO. 89-1117 Jc



olESSE CASAVS,OlwkofCood

'lIy, _ QjtBAU~

. Clerk of Cood

p ...bU....ed In the Uaoo]nCo:untyN~ODNovember.80 aDd December 'I .aDd 14,1_ ..

....40JSM ItCI'e8 .lD Lot 4SW/4 NW/4 SectiOD -4anc1 Lot 1, NW/4 SEf4,SII MEl4- SedioD. 50Tcnnulhlp 11 South,~ IS E_t, NMPM,~~ County, N.....JdCio

.JESSE CASAUSClerk of Coun


Pl1bllahed' In the LlncoJa.County Newe onNovemberU.30 IUld December " .Ild 14,11189.





·01' AMllBlCA,


SUMIlioNS. ANn.~'ciFAiRBST<-"".".,.-&W.. Slll.TPlllNDING

JillolDtUf 11I04_..- Ill<I ......__.""'of.wfl>O<lNIt) WbldlW".IQiIeIlCQlNOY.~I \Q :u._·_""Now .' .I -..__.i<041>.Y.....,;"g) . on .ae&naant " S\lmD),on~~

, WIQ'I'8Ilt'ForArrest. Those ") in,r any right, titlO Or in"Jn.: de,ft,ndantIQ1;Iftfl1etn tbJepctIona

_Iiod <lolll> _ .........1 _boo. dl>yof~.\>It..'lI"of_) notice and an lUUlWer a, the l;OIIl-

_ plaintwithin tw,nt¥cha,ya thoreaf­~ ter. Ircbdmw ana pn8Were are'not) timely flied In the manner pre.) seribod. by law. the c:ourt wiD for..) felt defendant 1D plaintiff.) .Copies ofcbdm& and BD8Wer8) must also be mailed. to United) St8.teB Attomey fOl' the District of) New Mexico. P.o. Box 607. Albu­) querque, New Meltic:o 87lO,S~ 01'

before the date of fiUng.

DA"l'EDI NOVEMBER 8tJa.11181l.





You' are hereby notified tha.tthe dofondant United States ~America has filed a cross:daimagainst you tn the above-entitledCourt and cause. the BODeraiObject thereof'bclng to foreclose ontho property'located tn LiaeoInCounty, State Df Now MeDe'o>moro particularly described in the

, COmplaint in -aaid caus"e.That unlo88 you enter your

appapronee in said. cause on orbeforo January 12, 1990, Judg-.mont by- def'llult will be enteredagainst you.

Name and address of thenttoraDY'cor tho United States orAmorica is Douglas C. HenBODtAssistant United StatesAttorneY.P.O. Box 601, Albuquerque. NewMoxll:.o 81103.

WITNEsS· the HonorableRICBAJU) A. PARSONS, Distri"Judge, Twoll\b .Judicial Court ofthe State of Now·MoX:ieo. and thesoo] of tho Dlstrict Oourt of Un­coIn CoUDty~ this 8th day ofNovembor, 1989..


Lam WON l\'Y TOLSON.Petl,,-....

ALtlN )tAD TOLSON.:e-__.

MARGO E. LINDSAY.Clerk of the

, DfIdriat dourL8Jn'E~,--,

.... y JJili(tiltot·'._. "'~."~,, ' _" .'-0... , _ ...... '

PubU.Jabd In the J:,luoola.COW1tyNewaGD-N~iG.­BS. SOaDtl~ If,~


LEGA.J:.,S .,,.';---,---':_•.-,.;.'..•,._,-..'..,....----.•__.'--';"',--.,.,;._._...,---.-.....'~oIg:=·I»UN'tlI'W1oVICOUi

·lITA'QI 01' .!iOOV MII:IitCoNo.(W-8N18


.rCant,zt;'-4 aDd eDnIaa'

:,"= ~:.:rStol_










l. I,'i




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, ,'--

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," '


•, .

B~Avel"Rge Honor Ron

Insurance 11 p,..lirrpngedFuneral Plans .

230' Fil'lir_ALAMOGORDO. Nf,t'


'I(WlK..J.•, .AUTO' RIfllIIR

• Ml'l'O GIUll$..,., •...••t




6th grade--Elena Cmz~

Amber Herrera, A1iUandi-o·Lambert, Andrea L....r•.

5th grad.e-Rosat"ita,Draw. J.radPeBli.... Rehec, Zinn.

-4th grade-Amanda'Munoz. Federico Mat'que=.Felipe San-ehez. Sanida­Sanchez, Glen White.

3rd grade-Joshull Can..delanav Robert DeBaca' Pa~rick. Michelle ingle.

2nd grade-~i$mael


" ..



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.!0J0lB ,..,.;,;,;.:;..... W . . .. ". ..=~y~ .• I' ~d~Jradl'~~1'lIon CIlP'>' Ta.~n. H-':a.~~<1l'" A,,£'it"'let4 ·vlii......·· '."I. y~ (·~::::;;t!'ft;:z;~"...... .~..fJ '. .."':... "" """" .. " .•.• on •.,..,e ..aldon~.COdl,M to..v .., il..6~.•.i- .A."·..···.··'a..- ·•· •..' ,', '.'I . '. ~~.IU.··II'';'', ':.l'".,~.~"" tml..ene.~.. lIoU MOlItes. . . ' '. Sliririb'; ~•• -" .

. .: _ ~ Ofte .. two bOd'" . _~ . " ~...!"tlIr,y .. ' '.·A'A....ega H.... 1IoIJ . . ',' '. '. lfOllOi' 11011, " •., . . ' rolllll iI\lllttll:Iente, l>al1)"" .'"'~Ql!I;\ "fWilli. AliAs .. '. 6th.ll!'a<Jo..'.,I<ilIl;'lb~ ~ntenaenee .' .". Il1lh llta<f~~n

, lh'alpa., a:;:." ilJfiQieil~.' .. ~~lItIa<IJM<l~.Llsa (lu~...... ". ,'.' .' . .'. '$ ...._~...IlOlI, Pritden<l.. Aql"~..... ",. . .._00' ...........; ! lIJo. ._ ..... on $I'ECIAl. at .6th graa.Ni>ne. 5th -ade-ToIII.....·n. " .~-", _ ,'... nth gr\l'de"'-''.I'lInya

~21l1'~~8 ~•• ". 5tb Brade.Mlcbulto;ya•.ls:;'cs..ncb";;-'" .. ;JJlthgrad'tq; ":,C"""'oh••1. " .1lI'.$Illlll/nlo; lMtoI ......· Be '.. . • Archuleta. CaS....dra Gar' .. 4th grade-Jarr.'rv' 1'lth ..~. ~J'.' . '. 10tb grade-Danen.. · -.,;.,tlIlI!ie.. "_'". -"''''''"1ft'': '''Ulm SSfalon' ratl:, Ca.ey Gom.. n_~' S h J , l\ferQ];l"".' , .lI11.I,i;~~'..;i:ii~;;l;: . ~..~.., . . .Idonado. • ~~.e . "I':rr·B:::.i~~~~~=~ , ... 10~h !/lib grac!•...;Fa".tlnili .' ",

8V~,~II. ..._........ ';';','2'11.--, __ _. .BJow.DlYers-lla.~t~~.~~~-=-~~~...5:~ve· '-J.l-,,~__l)eJm ~~~" u.p;li:.nd. . Ba<a.'............~-et' • H _f~w"'&.,n"illl"a"u.nauul D,'I:'lo..any li,Jancu6Z, U$tI I -- hgr~e.--------·--------~t-h"·-g-I'1I"lfr--efrynr'-~-~----·-'..~ • CUffing Irons, etc.. errera... . . Sisn....s. - 8t grade-Perm l'n Gutierrez. ' '"

{ ,. .' t;Ift _ ..... tOr' 8rcI grad....N Herrera. ~ 'ha.e: 'D'Dn: ' Q".... ""..~ om''''W . . . - on.,. 2nd grade-Alicia Cruz, 7th grade-An.tonio ..!'·and.grade-E,rh.a'.... _NCO U. 4:<4. ~a, iI'1BlWN(l() II, -. _a III Perm 8.........1• ~...j:!ellll,Flnan"" wdb $I9j;' ni"". Finance with $195 _ ••clown. 80 dllY. wa.ranty,- ..i1owlI. 80 -dey warranty, oNLy....~••_ ......$28'OD COll1rTBelle PO'.'ster:R!Iltleso Ford, ldncoln. M"" Ruldeee Ford .LIncoln ill"", _010 _ Ill.. 0... :!ani) YW' ,....,.. 8'1l!-4400.. CUI')'. 878.44Cio. • '. J."'..........:.........,or

tlh..Nov. 8S.. tlh·Nov. 22. "-.- -""" _. .. d"•.;...;..................................--.; ..........-.-._. WInners name' ANNET'l'AJ.TBACEY:FOR~: II be<lrooni. sQFl81STMAS QBEESE. "'48-24,14 Annetta·J. Tr.cey. 55, abath house in oarriZozo On CAKE.S:' Homemade 9 inch . The C8nyon Cow:8eUes~ 5th "" d ., -$1.year resident ofC~II\fB8 lot wltb "nattacbeao1l......celoe•• 'Order now Il>r 11411fAm~ PicklJll & C.m'''''lIlI"il poster conta.t was w':~1ft.o~:::th"=: ~~ee:.: Nov: S.,,,~.S'e. $~Jiing price delivery before Dec. 21. $10, p$er. low mdes. finance With Ju:c1Ied on Nov. 28. by Rene and they were lstplaee Cole ilIne s after a longrs~Jk:: Cell M.r)' -at 648·2948 after 6 p.m. . n::'dewn. 80"!ywarr.nty. B,,_. Roy Harm.n, .nd ~cMabail. 2nd pl.... Joanie sh~ i. surv;vad b ber

". . tfn~A""";l 27.. . ItcJ..Dec. 7. c $0 Rord. Llncoln. Mer- Joyce May, Bmgennan, and 3rd place. hUSband, John. ofth,e ~ome;t ~. ur,y, 878-4400. The contest, lUlder the Man,!" Bac~. The'ho~orable Jour daughters-.-F'aith Anne

. ' 84P..tso.4x4,Jowuu1es.low tft1.~Nov. 30. direction of Polly Chavez mentiop winners were aU Hignig~t of Las Cr'aoesFoaMS'AV~ at prj""". Fin"".. with. $1911. w•• open te aU grades. bat from tb~ ard gr.d••nd~ Am.lia Nich.lson or Eapw:.LlncOlnCOUlif;y Ne""': No do""" 80, tleywanal\&,;INDIVIDUAL INCOME .nly K tbreugb 4th g:rtdn.y dMJ"Ynard:. Bhnten ood, Ph.ebe {logdUJ of por.CampiilB Perlaltted P<>sted. Ruidoao Ford, Llnceln,:Mel- '!'ax ""d llaokk••ping. Spe. pel1;\Cip.tad. • • "" anon dro • tales, J.n.tta Stewart ofNo,H~ntjng or_-Tte~p¥$ing.. ~u.~., 3'18-~. , ~"Uzing-in &nell Bl1siness. Theme.olthe~~ cou- Corona; a ste son -... Mike(allO ,n Spanisl!), WlI!'ranty ... t/b-Nov. 80.. l'icklIP "".d deJlvery. Capi. Th.e state contest 'levels. _tast was Wh.n .'. a C<>w _ Tr_oce.Y_ 01' Animas; ••tep-Daed;BIlh>-r8aIe.-QlllI:Ctllfin--- VISl'l'LAPLACllTAlnLln-. ·1:Im.3G4'l1!'11!lOi' Jo. :-.. -- were. 1sl laval __ It More lhen" e1lw. Th..pooto a.ughtar-KOYRantorC..-Dead, l?reofofLab......Min. coIn Il>r that Di.tinetlva 4tp-1lec. 7. 14,'81, "" 28. tbro"gh 2nd grade, 1st pl••e ers .."Id bnomical or sari· r.I.s; a si~ - Marj....b ..

·iog Qfu!"" Sllitament of .C..rist GllI; with. South. _. , •. winner 10 these tbre. grad.. .us, did not l!ave te b. drawn Hefaer of Soci>lTo; .ndn~~an~tlon. AlIlbrms llGo. ·fl Feur Lfncoln IJ? GMQ, iii ton.4x4flltep- was.K student Met.t Otlbtl:, free.banded. grandcbildren.· ,each. iugnS 75i11. _. _. Shops open for your Christ-- SJde pickup, runf/i great. lit grade student- Lisa paste-oos and must project a Funeral services We're

T!'N.M8)' 11. mae shopping pleasu..... nee. . Finan.. with $165 dewa. 80 S""ribaz. was 2nd pl.c. win· po.itive Imege of beef. Th. held on Nov. 10 .t 2 p.m••t ...........__............._........ 1-8. D... 8-10. D.c,J5.17.dayW8l'nlllf;y.R"ldeIOFord. '!er...d8rdpl.cewinaerwas judging orltoria had to b. the Corona Pre.byterian .'~tCh~tmls.h01tda,s Noon. 6 p.m. Free'Lincoln.Mercury,378-4400, K s.tUdent-Andra Harkey. eye-catching, informative Church with Rev. Wayne ,~. m'l'ayou need a $12.00 _sIImente. tlh"Nev.80. ...d promote b••f. BeefhY- Brezil oIIieiiltlng. ~.'""':::

, 3tp.N~. 22, " SO; Dec. 7. three grades was, .t\drian pro~ucts enable us to use 99 Casketbearers· were(IO-LB.) bo~ af'julcy. Goad--K, Stena.., Brewer- percentofeverybeefanimal. Rand Perk,ins, Myro'ncdspRod orCllldgDau- . :FORSAY: By ewner. 1~88_ 1.1:, S.reb Ni~<{o..sta1l'i;..,.lst, . ·'.\'he ilrst pl..e p.stors Yancey. B"tch All......d LeeoioUS APPLIISand . In DODGE RAIDER, 4x4. Cam~ 2llx60. doullla-WJde Gr..b.m-2nd. HollY )Yer. tak.n te the N.w M.x. Mulkey.CIDER. . $i~m:lean30~~~ce with i::'~le boume. fj~eplace, Schlarb-2nd, and ,Deana leo Cattle Growen and Cow-- ., ..cremation' has taken.

SiI'\ wn, -v WIllTa'nQr.' en app ances, hke new, Motrison~2nd. ~el1.e Convention in Albu. place. Harris-Hanlon Mortu-

'. Oy......J>'S ~idoso· Fonl, Lineoln...; ~tllJent condition. Oan Th·· . quer~ueDec, 1·2 forjudging, 8l'y of Mountainair was ;nCABRlZOZO . eury,378-44OO. 6484460. eseco~dlevelincluded bQtdldnotplaceon thes.... te '

. tfn.Nov.9 4.1)ec, 7, 14.21" 28. the 3td grade thl'Ough tbe.leveJ. - charge of funeralORCIlAaJ) ,olTongem.nta.. 17Ih Street

CARRIZOZO. NM aa~SBIP$Nowbl!ing GltEAT·lJEALo. H';;'s.1l>r,~~. $48.2$ll3 . 011 p~f:lon •• skilled ...Ie, 1850 .q.fl boni•• 5

........;;o;:;pe;;;n~...9;,;i:0..iO..1O.;;,. .;5..:0:;:0........... ~.2.~I''!''~~..~- aare. land. new well. n.w ,• ;;"H""!:f'n """',............... I;lxt. .....of,. " lIeiJ>:oon,••.1l,·.< ."" ..r·' . -.....,. • ': --$ Inquire 648-11918•

.BARTEN6:lms,WAN'tII:r:I: . . lllp.n.... ., '" 140 . 4tc-De.. 7., ~4. 111 '" 88.'experlencec!, fol1·llIId. p_ .""":"'...........:.----­

.' t1me.lfl'jllecatlng,ft08.houa- NEED OLD new.papers to "ATTENTION; EARN'. lng p~vi4.d. Club Catrl"". "'.1 y.urr...epl.....? Pick !It 0 N EY REA 0 I N Gpard••",o. Pho'na t.r them up at ldncoln County BOQKSJ $811.000/y••r

..•p.poiiitlilent. 9· to 4. Ne""., No .b••j\O. lilcomepotenf:lal. Details. (1)648-11985. '. ". . t/b"JU!f It: . 4,-N.v, 2. 80ll-l18B·1l885 El<~ Bk 4166..........~~........_.............::;::'::::::::=:::::;:;:::::=::;; 8lp·D.c: 7. 14 & 81.

·XESS~ER SAW SERVICE ~::~:"v~~LWsHOMELf1;IH1l;-..INCH BM.!) " .' $ 99, ~~1t::.~=~$=~~

.Super XLAO.~ 299 Buy..... (lu id ••1-6Oll.831J.8885EXT. A4186.

8tp·D.... '. 14 '" Ill.


. ~" "" , ••••• ~ .~ .':" ..~ ~"'.-,''''''- ._" ,.",."'''''-_., $ 5 -'HIM' i4\~"'N.¥k.4iYi;; kIiilj .• 441414)44\ q 414(4 a k , 41.4.12 ,liltAU' aQJUC4utUt:U4 tU iV: .!lHfiJiIJ J!itt,~" ilimlUikiJUQ£o '.. . . . ".' •.•. ~ , ' , '.. ' "

> .+ .... ,,',. ...-' .,...~" 'I: ~,;p ~. ! ""'"'"•• '. ,~ .._,~. :,,_.- '~·'!"'~·'''''-~'~''''~·~·W·~''''''''·~'->W''·'~''""':." ' ''If \ . ~ , , .,

. ,"', i·





" '


THtEf.J£ PfUCI!e..~ 'TENS"'~T.VE:

Thur••, oec. 7th ",,"uW"'.,I'.)iJc. I1'.""Ii

..-- .,.·..1111 JiiJ _}..----


ST£AI('(2 or More SteakS)


TOPSIRLOXN,S~EAK.(Single Steak)$2' .. ,.,

liB. ··.49




1.aallon ,

$;1···· >;9'"8/" ._', " ~; ".' .•• " . to

~ . "

Sandwich or Home Style• FARi\tPAC'. ·'BREAD·

. t. 1 i/2-Lb. Loaf




'$2.'69''./, , .

. --~ ..', ." -.- ..... '

, "




;f :



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