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2019年咸阳高考英语押题卷【含答案】注意事项:1. 本试卷共 10 页,全卷满分 150 分,答题时间为 120 分钟;2. 答卷前,考生须准确填写自己的姓名、准考证号 ,并认真核准条形码上的姓名、准考证号;3. 选择题必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂,非选择题必须使用 0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔书写,涂写要工 整、清晰;4. 考试结束,监考员将试题卷、答题卡一并收回。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完 每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What time is it now?

A. 2:20. B.2:30 C.2:40

2. Where is the nearest hospital?

A. Next to a hotel. B. Opposite a school. C Beside a post office

3. What do we know about the man?

. A. He hurt his feet while playing football.

B.He can’t run for two weeks.

C.He hasn’t seen a doctor.

4. Where does the woman live now?

A. In New York. B. In Boston, C. In Washington

5・ What's the number did the man dial?

A. 321-9987. B. 321-9877. C .321-9887

第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选 "出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给 出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6. How does the woman feel that Rita will work for the man?

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A. Doubtful. B Nervonus. C. Exciled.

7. What is the man worried aboul?

A. Rita won't treat her work seriously.

B. The woman will fire Kila.

C. Hila won't work for long.

听第 7 段材料,冋答第 8、9 题。8. What kind of music does the man like best?

A. Classical music. B. Rock music. C. Jazz music

9. Who can play the violin?

A. The woman. B. The man. C. The man's wife

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10. What's the possible relationship between the speakers?

A. Customer and clerk.

B. Doctor and patient.

C. Shop assistant and manager.

11. What does that lady think of the man?

A. Impolite. B. Mean.

12. What was that tall lady probably looking at?

A. A skirt. B, A bag. C. Careless

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. Why does the man come to New York?

A. To be on holiday. B. To see the woman. C.To attend a meeting

14. When did the man arrive?

A. Last night. B. This morning. C.This afternoon

15. What will the woman do tonight?

A. Meet a customer. B. Pick up her boss. C. Go to a party

16. Who is Henry probably?

A. The womarfs husband.

B. The womarfs doctor.

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C. The marfs colleague

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. When did Robert Frost have his first poem published?

A. When he was in college.

B. When he was in high school.

C. When he was in middle school.

18. Which of the following novels is called the Great American Novel" ?

A. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,

B. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

C. The Count of Monte Cristo.

19. Who died in 1870?

A. Robert frost. B・ Mark Twain. C. Alexandre; Durnas.

20.Whal do we know about Alexandre Dumas from the talk?

A.He lived an expensive lifestyle.

B. He was a huinorisl and historical novelist.

C・ He didn't like working with the royal household.

第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,

并在答題卡上 将该选项涂黑。A

Some best music and opera holidays for 2019.

Tangle wood Festival

The villages of Lenox and Stockbridge in western Massachusetts have been the summer

home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra for more than 80 years, and its annual Tanglewood

festival is East Coast Americ's most distinguished music event, Andris Nelsons, BSO music

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director, conducts 14 of the concerts and star performers include Emanuel Ax, Paul Lewis and

Anne-Sophie Mutter, Tickets on sale Feb 10.

June 15—Aug 25 (tanglewood, org)

Aspen Festival

This year is the 70th anniversary of the Aspen Music Festival, one of the longest-running

and most f)rcstigious festivals in the United States. The 2019 program has yet to be

announced, but a typical eight- week summer season includes more than 400 classical

musicevents—including concerts by five orchestras,solo(独奏)and classical music

performances,fully staged opera productions,music lessons, lectures,and children’s

programming. Tickets and details available in February.

June 27——Aug 18 ( aspenmusiefestival com)

Grand Teton Music Festival

Aspen's great classical music competitor in the Rocky Mountains is the Grand

Teton,which has been held in Jackson Hole since 1962 and at its heart is a timber concert

hall,the Walk Festival Hall,famous for its friendly atmosphere and excellent natural sound.

Despite its relatively modest size, the hall attracts the greats—current music director is the

Scottish conductor Donald Runnicles. The program for 2019 is yet k) be announced but

subscriptions are on sale from Feb 1, single tickets from March 1.

July 2—Aug 17 (glmf, org)

Salzburg Festival

The excitement is building in Salzburg both for this summer and for its 100th

anniversary year in 2020. Bar the Proms,it is the world's oldest music festival and this year it

will pack in an unbelievable 199 performances in 43 days at 16 venues. This year's theme is

'Myths' and includes first public

Performances of Mozart's Idomeneo and George Enescu's opera dipe.

July 20—Aug 31 (salzburgfeslival. al)

21.Which of the festivals has (lie sliorteslt history?

A.Tanglewood Feslival. B.Aspen Festival.C.Salzburg Festival. D. Grand Teton Music Festival.

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22. What can we leani about Tanglewoocl Festival?

A.It is held from June 27 to Aug. 18.

B.Its tickets can be available from March 1. ■

C.It is best known in the east coast of America.

D.Its more information can be got from gtmf. org.

23.What is the similarity of Aspen Festival and Salzburg Festival?

A.Their tickets can be got in February

B.They will be held in the same months.

C.They both have music and opera performances.

D.Their audience can be both adults and children.

B :

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was bom on May the 14th, 1984. He is the creator of the social

media site Facebook. He was a star student at school, winning prizes in astronomy, maths and

physics. He was also good at Classical studies. He studied Psychology and Computer Science

at Harvard University, which is where he created Facebook. His invention led to his

becoming Time magazine,s Person Of The Year for 2010.

Zuckerberg Excelled in everything he did in his youth. He was captain of the school

fencing team, spoke many languages and was a highly skilled computer programmer. While

other kids played computer games, he designed them. He created his first network while in

high school to connect all of the computers - in his fathers dental surgery. He also built a

media player which attracted the interest of Microsoft and AOL.

Zuckerberg started at Harvard in September 2002. In his first year,he created Facemash,a

Facebook predecessor(前身),which let students select the college's best looking people from

a selection of photos. He launched Facebook from his Harvard room in February 2004. It was

the start of a rollercoaster ride that would connect half a billion people worldwide and make

him the world's youngest billionaire.

Mark Zuckerberg is now one of the most influential people on the planet. He has dined

with the president of the USA and regularly attends global economic summits and technology

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conferences. He stated:"The thing I really care about is the mission,making the world open.

" In 2010,Zuckerberg signed a promise, in which he promised to donate at least half of his life

wealth to charity.

24.The underlined word " excelled in" can be replaced by .

A.was addicted to B, did well in

C. was absorbed in D. looked forward to

25.The 2nd paragraph is mainly about young Zuckerberg's

A.advantage's in sports

B. computer prograramming abilityC.brilliant performance in many fields

D.great attraction to Microsoft and AOL

26.When did Zuckerkerberg invent Facebook?

A.In 1984. B. In 2010. C.In 2002. D In 200427.What can we infer from the text?

.A, Zuckerberg built his social media after graduating from university.

B.Zuckerberg's Facebook predecessor helped him become world famous.

C. Zuckerberg's donation rnade im Time rnagazine's Person Of The Year for 2010.

D.Zuckerberg is not is not only an intelligent com puter gianl but also a kind billionaire.


China has become the first country to successfully land a spacecraft on the far side of thc

moon. The Chang'e-4 probe(探 测器)has also made the first lunar landing since 1972. It has

the task of exploring the side of the moon that never faces the earth. The dark side of the

moon is older and has a thicker surface than the visible side. It takes the moon as long to go

around on its own axis(轴)as it does for one complete orbit around the Earth.

The Chinese probe landed in a huge crater 2500 km in diameter and 13 km deep. The

crater is one of the oldest parts of the moon and our solar system.

Scientists hope to learn more about the geology of the far side of the moon. The craft has

two cameras on board which will send images back to earth. It will also attempt to send

signals to distant regions of space,something that cannot happen on earth because of too much

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radio noise.

Chamg'e-4 also has instruments on board to examine minerals as well as a container with

seeds which will try to create a miniature (微型的)biosphere (生物圈).

Communication with the spacecraft is not easy. Images and other data must be transmitted

to a separate satellite because no direct communication with the earth is possible.

For China the Chang'e-4 mission is an important achievement, because the country has

successfully done something no other nation on earth has. It wants to become a leading power

in space exploration and has announced plans to send astronauts to the moon and set up its

own space station.

28. Where did the Chang'e-4 probe land?

A. On the lunar side facing the earth. B. On the invisible side of the moon.

C. In a younger crater on the moon. D. In a previous space station.

29. Why is the craft equipped with a container?

A. To see what seeds can come out on the moon.

B. To collect some important mailer on the moon.

C. To find whether the seeds can grow on the moon.

D.To check whether some minerals exist on the moon

30. What can we leam from the text?

A. The dark side of the moon is as cold as the other side.

B. The bright side is younger and thinner than the other side.

C. Other places in space may hardly receive signals from the craft.

D. The two cameras on the craft can send pictures to the earth easily.

31. According to the text, what will China do in the future?

A. China will land manned space craft on the moon.

B. China will built another space station on the moon.

C・ China will launch more space probes to the moon.

D. China will become the first country in exploring space.

DAs the weather gets colder, we start wearing jackets, and most of us stop thinking about

the sun. But the sun's rays can be just as harmful when it's cold and cloudy outside. "Any

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exposed area of your body can still get sunburned, " Dr. Apple Bodemer, an associate

professor at the University of Wisconsin- Madison ,told Live Science.

Whether you spend a day on the slopes, skating on a pond or clearing snow out of your

driveway, your face is still getting exposed to the sun's radiation in the form of ultraviolet (紫

外线)(UV) light, which can go deep into your skin cells causing DNA damage, according to


The sun's long ultraviolet A (UVA) waves can cause earlier aging, sunspots and

wrinkles,while its short ultraviolet B ( UVB) rays are known for causing skin reddening and


Skin damage caused by UV exposure increases over time. More exposure to radiation

contributes to more severe damage, even skin cancer. In addition, snow and ice can also make

sun damage worse. They reflect up to 80 percent of UV rays reaching the ground. That means

you get hit from both the sky and the ground. And skiers and snowboarders increase their risk

of getting sunburned even more because UV expo sure increases at higher altitudes.

"Generally,the biggest factor for sun-sensitivity is how pale your skin is," he said.

"But,the reality is that even the darkest individual can get sun damage.

Luckily, the solution for protecting your skin is simple: Wear sunscreen every day.

Rigel recommended using sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30, and

going higher at high altitudes. As a rule of thumb, SPF 30 will block 97 p ercent of UVB rays,

SPF 50 blocking 98 percent ,and SPF 100 blocking 99 percent. Whatever kind of sunscreen

you use, if s important to apply SPF about once every 2 hours.

Rigel also suggested sunscreens with "broad spectrum (光谱)"一 t o protect against both

UVB and UVA rays—as well as sunscreens that are water resistant for up to 80 minutes. That

way, you can go about your day without it wearing off too quickly.

32. Which of the statements best describes UV lights?

A. UVB lights cause much less damage to skin than UVA lights.

B. Skin damage from UV lights can he totally prevented by sunscreen.

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C. Snow and ice make people suffer much mon; from UV light darmag.

D. People outdoors needn't worry about gelling sunburned on a cold day.

33. Which is the most vital factor as for sun damage?

A. Your skin color. B. The clothes you wear.

C. The altitude of your place. D. The weather when you arc outside.

34. What do we know about sunscreen?

A. The lower sunscreen SPF is,the belter effect it will have.

B. People working in high mountains need sunscreen SPF30.

C, Applying sunscreen once when outside is necessary.

D, Waler resistant sunscreen can be applied once every 80 minutes.

35. What may be the best title for the text?

A. Being Exposed to Sun Rays B. Ultraviolet A & Ultraviolet B

C, Getting Less Sunburn in Winter D. Different Kinds Of Sunscreens

第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选

岀能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Are you trying to find ways to be more efficient at your job? If so,please follow these

habits of naturally productive people.

They lake breaks. 36 Studies show that prolonged tasks that require high levels of focus,

energy, and attention can cause you to become less preductive and focused over lime. Take

brief mental breaks. Setting aside a little time here and there to release your focus can

significantly help maintain it for longer periods of time.

37 Settle down, super men and women. While ifs fine to pride yourself on your abilities

to multitask, it's in your best interest (and your employees) if you stick to one to-do at a time.

Somewhere along the lines ,.our culture has embraced and promoted this idea that the more

we can do at once, the better. 38 In fact,the more we multi-task,the less efficient and

productive we become in all the tasks we are trying to accomplish.

They have a full night's sleep. In school, you may have found that too many students stay

up late to finish a paper or study for an exam, but, despite your best efforts, research shows

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this is not the way to do business. 39 Actually, studies have linked insufficient sleep to

decreased levels of produclivily, unsatisfactory work performance, and poorer safety


40 You know the countless benefits of exercise. It also seriously imp roves your mood by

releasing something to relieve stress and increase your brain's productivity. Even 30-minule

bursts of moderate-to-high physical activity just three to four times a day can go a long way in

helping you accomplish your personal and professional goals.

A.They value fitnessf

B. Pressing pause is important.

C. They prefer to do more every day

D. However, research shows the opposite.

F. They don't try to do everything at once.

E. Enough sleep makes great contribution to efficient work.

G. Poor sleep or lack of sleep carries some pretty negative rewards.

第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1 . 5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选岀适合填入对应空

白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。These working for the poor and the physically-challenged might be inspired by a 72-year-

old British famous woman doctor Rachel Pinniger. She has devoted 40 years to 41 primary

doctors and treating patients in 42 areas of Bhutan,Nepal and Tibet of China.

Many patients there made a 43 by making traditional products. They could 44 pay those

for medical fees, but for Rachel that was enough. In 2012 Rachel 45 from cancer. But whether

it would be cured 46 or not, she decided to help the patients 47 being poor and live better.

To furlher her 48 in China,Rachel,in 2013, 49 her Blue Sheep Shop in Chengdu.

"I named the shop Blue Sheep 50 a blue sheep. The first time I was going to Tibet, a

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beautiful sheep juniped down from a hill and 51 me and my friends with its horns(角).

Seeing this,I happily

52 to him! It turned out that the sheep wanted us to stay. "She said.

The shop offers a wide range of handmade ethnic(民族的)53 ・ Although small,it

has 54

600 or more poor families living in rural areas. All the goods in the shop were made by the

hands of those healthy and 55 However, other people thought it was much too 56 , Thus

she never asked anybody else to 57 money in it. "I'm well aware of the fact that my money

may 58 but I'm happy to 59 at least, "said Rachel.

As is always her 60 "one person may not change the world,but we all can change the

world for one person.

41. A. saving B. watching C. searching D. training

42. A. rich B. urban C. undeveloped D. deserted

43. A. difference B. living C. wish D. deal

44. A. merely B. ever C. never D. seldom

45. A, resulted B. suffered C. recovered D. died

46. A. completely B. partly C. mainly D. mostly

47. A. delay B. consider C. escape D. enjoy

48. A・ fame B. efforts C. reputation D. benefits

49. A. shared B.opened C. closed D. helped

50. A. in hope of B. in defence of C. in need of D・ in memory of

51. A. welcomed B. frightened C. greeted D. stopped

52. A. pointed B. turned C. chatted D. objected

53.A. goods B. groups C. possessions D. gifts

54. A. held B. provided C. surprised D・ benefited

55. A. relaxed B. satisfied C. disabled D. pleased

56. A. small B. risky C. meaningless D. strange

57. A. find B. borrow C. draw D. put

58. A. win B. fail C. increase D. earn

59. A. try B. gain C.succeed D. lose

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60. A. friend B. enemy C. motto D. warning

第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Every year around Valentine's Day, men begin to worry about what 61 ( present) to buy

andwomen 62 (fill) with hope and expectation. Or the other way around. In China,more

couples get married on that very day, 63 ( add) romance to their promises. But for many

Jove is neither thematter-of-course choice 64 the preferred one. More young, working urban

residents are delayingor even choosing not to 65 ( active) seek their partners despite the

social pressure from the oldergenerations to do so.

Over the years, China's divorce rate has exceeded(超过)that of marriage. According to

the statistics from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, 10 million couples registered for marriage in

2017 fell by 7% 66 ( com pare) with the same p eriod last year, while 43.7 million cou

pies divorced, 5.2% more than the same period last year.

There is also a growing trend towards people marrying later: since 2013 ,the number of

couples aged 25 to 29 has been greater than 67 of younger couples. In the 68 (late) survey

on professional attitudes towards love and marriage, more than half of the investigated in

Yangzhou, 69 second-level city on the East coast,were satisfied 70 their marriage after 35.

第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。

文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的


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增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(︿),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1 .每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。It was 9 a. m.. The sun has shone brillianlly. 1 stood by the lake, wailed for my turn to

boat. Just then,a little dog lie nt rny feet quietly. "Am I supposed to touch them?” With little

experience of dealing with animals hesitated. After while,it seemed to be disappointing and

disappeared from my sight. Later I got a chance to row a boat in the lake. Seeing some

pigeon flying the while wings in the sky and others feeding themselves on lhe bank, I merrily

rowed the boat, a gentle wind passing me pleasant.

It is not until you experience in person when you can get the real meaning from nature.

第二节书面表达(满分 25 分)假如你是李华,你的美国朋友 Henry 非常喜欢中国,来信询问你校中国国学经典

(Chinese classics)的上课情况。请你依照下列要点写一封回信:1. 表达问候;2. 介绍国学上课情况;3. 表达祝愿.

注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 标题和落款已给岀,词数不计算在内。

Dear Henry,

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Sincerely yours.

Li Hua


Page 15:  · Web view2019年咸阳高考英语押题卷【含答案】 注意事项: 1.本试卷共10页,全卷满分150分,答题时间为120分钟;
Page 16:  · Web view2019年咸阳高考英语押题卷【含答案】 注意事项: 1.本试卷共10页,全卷满分150分,答题时间为120分钟;
Page 17:  · Web view2019年咸阳高考英语押题卷【含答案】 注意事项: 1.本试卷共10页,全卷满分150分,答题时间为120分钟;

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