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Immune and Integumentary Systems

Assign Yourself: Immune System Practice QuestionsDo Now:Match the correct system with the definition

Immune and Integumentary Systems

What is the largest organ in your body?

What is the largest organ in your body?Skin!

What is the integumentary system?The integumentary system includes:Skin (epidermis)Sweat glandsOil glandsHairNails

What are the functions of the integumentary system?Protection: Skin is a water-proof barrier that protects you from injury and keeps out harmful microorganisms (like bacteria) and chemicals.Temperature control: sweats to cool you off, and raises goose bumps to try to warm you up.

What are the functions of the integumentary system?3. Sensory organ: cells in your skin can sense pressure, temperature, and pain, and they send messages through sensory neurons to the brain.4. Excreting (getting rid of) wastes, like extra salt, by sweating.

What causes different skin colors?A pigment (colored molecule) in skin called melanin protects us from harmful UV radiation from the sun.The more melanin there is, the darker the skin is.

Practice question people whose ancestors came from places near the equator have more melanin. Why might this be an advantage?8

What is the function of the immune system?Protects the body from disease1st line of defense = the skin2nd line of defense = white blood cells

Processing Piece:Draw a picture to illustrate the bodys 2 lines of defense against infection.

What are 2 types of blood cells?Red blood cells: Carry oxygen using a protein called hemoglobinHave no nucleus

What are 2 types of blood cells?2) White blood cells- Part of the immune system- Includes T cells and B cells

What are B cells, and what do they do?They are produced in Bone marrow (B for bone)They produce antibodies: Y-shaped proteins that bind to pathogens (organisms that cause disease)

What do antibodies do?Antibodies stick to bacteria and other pathogens.White blood cells called phagocytes come and eat the pathogen.Eating another cells is called phagocytosis.


Processing Piece:Draw a picture to illustrate the following:A B cell makes antibodiesAntibodies stick to pathogensPhagocytosis is when white blood cells eat pathogens that have antibodies stuck to them.

What are T cells, and what do they do?They mature in the thymus (T for thymus)Killer T cells (called CD8 T cells) kill infected cells and cancer cells with enzymes that make the cell break apartHelper T cells (called CD4 T cells) help the B cells and killer T cells do their job by activating them.

Explain that CD4 and CD8 names come from proteins on the surface17

What are memory T and memory B cells?Memory cells remember pathogens that have made you sick before. Then, if that pathogen ever infects you again, the memory cells immediately attack it.This is how a vaccine works it teaches memory cells to recognize a pathogen.

Processing PieceDraw a picture to illustrate the following:Killer T cells kill infected cells and cancer cellHelper T cells activate other immune cellsMemory cells remember pathogens that have made you sick before

What are lymph nodes?Places in where white blood cells hang out.They become swollen when you have an infection.

How does HIV cause AIDS?The HIV virus infects and kills helper (CD4) T cells

Processing Piece:In the drawing you made before, show which kind of cell HIV targets.Also show which cell a vaccine helps with.

Exit TicketWhat is body system is made of skin, hair, nails, sweat glands, and oil glands?What is the bodys 1st line of defense against against infection?What kinds of immune cells fight infections?How does HIV cause AIDS?

Assign Yourself: Body System ReviewDo Now:Body System Sort

Notes to take out:DigestiveRespiratoryCirculatoryReproductive and EndocrineExcretoryNervousMuscular/Skeletal

Station 1: Circulatory System1. What system is this?2. What is involved?3. What type of gas in veins?4. What type of gas is in arteries?

System 2: Reproductive System5. What is this system involved?6. What organs are involved?7. What is the function of this system?

Station 3: Skeletal System8. What system is this?9. What does it involve?10. What is this systems function?11. What type of cells does it make?12. Where does it make those cells?

Station 4: Digestive System13. What system is this?14. What organs are involved?15. What is the function?

Station 5: Muscular System16. What is this system called?17. What are the three types of muscles?18. How does this system work with the digestive system?

Station 6: Excretory System19. What is this system called?20. What organs are involved?21. What does ADH and aldosterone do?

Station 7: The Nervous System22. What system is this?23. Name 3 functions24. What is involved?25. In the reflex arc, why does the signal go to the spinal cord instead of the brain?

Station 8: Respiratory System26. What system is this?27. What organs are involved?28. In the alveoli, does oxygen diffuse into the blood or out of the blood?29. In the alveoli, does carbon dioxide diffuse into the blood or out of the blood?

Station 9: Endocrine System30. What system is this?31. What glands are involved?32. What is the function of this system?33. What are the chemical secreted from glands called?

The excretory system releases hormones to control the amount of water and urine in the body. What system is the excretory system working with?

A bird ate some poison. What system will the circulatory system work with to get the poison out?

Testes glands secrete testosterone and send it through a males body. What system does the endocrine system work with to carry it through the body?

What is this an example of: a positive or negative feedback look?

The circulatory system carries gases throughout the body. What system brings in these gases?

Give an example of positive feedback.

Name A, B, and C

Which body system is the following picture of?

What chemicals are secreted from glands in the endocrine system?

Female ovaries make estrogen. What two systems are working together here?

Red blood cells are made in bones when a hormone is present. The red blood cells then travel through veins and arteries. What three systems are working together.

The brain is protected by the skull. What two systems are working together?

What system helps food move through the digestive system?

What is a function of the nervous system?

You are heating a tortilla and burn yourself. You move your hand away fast. What in the nervous system caused this?

Make a team nameMake sure it is school-appropriate :D

Assign Yourself: Body System ReviewDo Now:Body System Sort

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To: Whatley From: DeLeon

Assign Yourself: Immune System ReadingDo Now:Body Card Sort to review for test!

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