  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas






    GROUP 8

    Submitted toProf. SashikalaBRM faculty


    11, January, 2010


  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas




    REVIEW7a) ConceptualFramework.9

    b) Attributes identified in theliterature.14

    c) Store Image and Consumer Shopping Habits: IndianContext..17

    d) Traditional Retailers Perceptions About OrganizedRetail.19





    a) Perceived importance of store attributes27b) Exploratory

    research.28c) Experience

    survey.29i) Diagnosing a situation29ii) Depth Review.30

    d) Secondary Data Analysis32i) Qualitative Fact Finding...32ii) Problem Definition..34iii) Questionnaire Formation.35iv) Questionnaire..36


    43a) Sample planning43b) Sampling Generation....44c) Scales.4

    6d) Survery Method.47


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    a) Factor Analysis49

    b) Regression....53






    As economic figures suggest that consumers are slowing returning to the

    high street and big flagship stores such as M& S report an increase in sales,

    is the high street back in business?

    The world of retail has the customary high and lows of a theme park roller

    coaster and as one big high street name makes an attempt at a comeback

    another sinks into despair and is deserted by its previously loyal following.

    Marks and Spencers seems to have made inroads on its rather disastrous

    past couple of years but in a high street saturated with stores, consumers

    are presented with an increasing amount of choice and competition, we

    wanted to discover how retail behavior changed in 2005 and the implications

    and consumer trends for 2006.

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    Consumers, who are as news aware as marketers, were conscious of the

    much-reported down turn in consumer spending. News shows and

    newspapers were not shy in telling us about the slump in high street

    spending and the drop in profits at major retailers across Britain. And it did

    not go unnoticed, either through personal experience or the media, that

    Britain is a nation in a growing amount of debt, factors that have unarguably

    shaped retail spending in 2005. While the boom might not be back, there is

    increase in consumer spending this quarter. Why is this and how are

    consumers behaving in the light of increased technological usage and more

    sophisticated in store media and trendy environments?

    The shift from one designated retail location, to the popularisation of out of

    town retail centres and the move by supermarkets into non- food markets

    has significantly altered our ideas of retail experiences. Time poor young

    professionals and those working traditional working hours are able to

    purchase many items at the supermarket rather than visiting the high street

    at weekends. The internet has also led to a collapse in static shopping hours

    and predictable times for certain sales.

    Consumers wants are no longer restricted by opening hours or store location

    and as such we are becoming much more fussy about where we spend our

    money, making marketing increasing difficult as consumer spending patterns

    become more erratic and are less dependent on whats on offer and instead

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    becoming increasingly customer led. The range and number of sales of

    random products on Ebay is testament to this. So while marketers might

    seem to know what consumers want, it seems that want we want needs no

    marketing at all. What consumers want is, in large numbers, items that just

    arent available on the high street at bargain prices.

    Ebay offers consumers the convenience to browse and compare a large

    number of products from the comfort of their own homes and the ability to

    determine or influence the selling price themselves, an experience that they

    do not have on the high street and one which perhaps explains the

    popularity of going to markets for the over 50s we interviewed as part of our

    research. So taking part and feeling like they have some sway in the

    purchasing process is one of the key elements we picked up on in our study

    and something that is clearly lacking in the monotonous retail experiences

    we are now presented with on the high street.

    Online shopping of course offers considerable savings, which has played a

    big part in its success and price deflation and the exponential growth of

    discount stores are other factors that have shaped retail spending and

    behaviour in 2005.

    Though we may have become wealthier, we have also become more

    watchful of the purse strings as the ability to shop around for a bargain

    becomes easier. Price runner and 99p stores offer an avenue for acquiring

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    goods at the best value and brand loyalty has been eroded by the saturation

    of similar goods for less money. Why pay more indeed. Purchasing an item

    for considerably less than someone else became a new form of pulling social

    rank, inverting the traditional Keeping up with the Jones spending agenda;

    Primark is enjoying its heyday, as consumers rush to snap up the latest

    fashion bargains for next to nothing.

    Brands themselves are becoming less important and more diluted by the

    international competition and the increased volume of competition meaning

    mediocre brands are finding it increasing difficult to stay afloat. We would

    rather buy on brand at a cheaper price than a half decent branded version

    that costs more.

    In order to compete with financial savings stores have turned to making their

    in store environment an superior experience, with interiors that are more

    exciting and inviting with the increased use of in-store media and

    technology. Deploying the latest gadgetry has been successful in luring back

    customers, especially when it echoes internet capabilities. Consumers told us

    that in store entertainment and machines no only makes a shop seem more

    trendy, it can make they stay longer too. This is because they can act as a

    source of distraction for bored boyfriends and partners and also because

    they allow consumers to view more of the stores products without having to

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    trawl the store. Product finders are popular because they ease the customer


    In store media must never impose on store design though and layout is the

    single biggest determining factor after price for high street store

    preferences. Consumers want bright open spaces that are easy to navigate

    and have products that are well-presented, especially older consumers that

    find over stocked stores particularly annoying. Consumers are prepared to

    sacrifice space and order, but only for significant reductions and value.

    Improving in store environment seems essential for continual success and

    our respondents demand air conditioning, better seating and displays and

    more access to refreshments, suggesting an attraction towards stores that

    provide food and drink dispensing.

    Staffing is also an area that can make or break consumers retail

    experiences. Obtaining the right balance between being overbearing and

    non-existent staff is difficult but vital to creating a good store image and

    something that consumers believe is still not being got right. Personal

    service and not being held in a queue is something that we have gotten used

    to on the internet. Self-service options, which are becoming standard in

    many of the major supermarkets, go somewhere towards achieving this.

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    Further initiatives for improvement suggested by our responses however,

    hint that more interactive devices would be welcomed, including machines

    that display information on stock in clothes and electrical shops. These again

    point towards shopping experience that is almost completely dictated and

    carried out by the customers themselves, not the staff.

    Consumers with increasing amounts of disposable income are the over 50s

    and tweens and we investigated their spending habits. The over 50s are

    family orientated and much of their money is spent on family and friends

    while the tweens spend their money on ensuring and impressing friends. And

    while the two demographics have very different attitudes towards money,

    brand awareness and desirability can be tracked in these age groups. We

    discovered that from the age of eight strong brand associations have been

    formed that can last into adulthood. Many of the over 50s we interviewed

    admitted that the brands they still buy today are a hangover from their

    childhood, the brands they were brought up on. Brands can be trusted

    friends or representations of emotional stages and family ties.

    Top stores for over 50s are Marks & Spencers, John Lewis and Next but

    catalogue shopping is still a popular option of acquiring goods and as afore

    mentioned shopping at markets or car boots sales are still a big part of this

    demographics shopping experience, suggesting that value for money and

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    involvement in the sales process are requirement that are missing from high

    street shopping.

    Our research showed that todays savvy consumers demand increasingly

    creative and more importantly interactive strategies, to entice them into

    stores. Discovering what makes consumers tick and buy from certain stores

    can perhaps be achieved by returning to more traditional retail methods that

    allow the consumer to participate or interactive with the seller on a more

    personal level or implement new technology that streamlines the purchasing

    process as smooth and painless as possible.

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    The Indian market has seen vast changes in political, economical and social

    environment, which has a great impact on consumption. With the Indian as

    well as international corporate entering into the Indian retail scenario the

    market has been divided between the traditional and the organized sector.

    The Indian retail scenario is presently facing the similar situations as the

    mom and pop stores in the developing nations faced at the emergence big

    box retailers. There are various issues that need to be addressed, like what

    would be future patterns of consumption, which formats of retail would be

    preferred by consumers and will the rise of organized retail affect the

    traditional retailers.

    This research was developed to overcome this gap. The first part of the

    paper deals with a historical analysis of the Indian retailing structure followed

    by the review of literature on store image reviewed and finally the last part

    deals with the results of empirical studies in Indian metros is discussed.

    This study contributes to the understanding that consumers and retailers in

    most cases have different perceptions in relation to store image and

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    shopping habits, justifying the need for consumer marketing research, which

    is important in helping retailers, implement in a real marketing orientation.

    The paper examines the choice of format the consumer has when he or she

    decides to buy a particular product. The paper also describes the

    development of organized retail in the future, focusing on aspects with

    potential effect on purchasing behavior among the consumers. The focus is

    on consumer expectations. The questions were formulated to capture the

    overall behavior of the consumers and with the help of the survey

    questionnaire the analyses was done.

    An attempt has been made to explore the way organized retail has

    dramatically changed not only the Indian traditional retailing structure but

    also the consumption behavior. To understand the impact and choice of retail

    format by the consumers a questionnaire was used, and the results show

    that, for consumers, the shopping mall or variant of organized retail format is

    the preferred type of retail store, due to convenience and variety.

    Three questions were formulated in order to capture the overall purpose or

    objective of this section of the research:

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    1.What are the most favored retail attributes by consumers and how will

    they change in future?

    2. How are the conventional and organized retailers perceived?

    3. What external forces influence the choice of consumers and how can


    forces be accounted for in future?

    A) Conceptual Framework:

    This research enquiry begins with a description of a conceptual framework of

    purchasing decision behavior. The framework captures purchasing behavior


    general and was used as a guideline in the research and specific aspects of


    framework were emphasized.

    Product or service requirements refer to the buying motives and their


    purchase criteria. Retailer accessibility is the evoked set of product/supplier

    options available to the consumer to satisfy his product requirements. The

    model indicates that the competitive structure of the retail sector, the

    corporate image of the retailer and marketing activities influence the retailer


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    Based on the consumers requirements and product/retailer accessibility,

    competing offers are evaluated by the consumer. We found that most

    consumers buy many products, and they operate in a pressured work

    environment with little time available to evaluate, in formal way, detailed

    and subtle criteria. They therefore argued that buyers use only a subset of

    product requirements (i.e., evaluative criteria) to decide between different

    products and retailers when making actual purchasing decision.

    The framework, briefly described above provided some guidance in framing


    research and making the questionnaire to study the purchasing behavior of

    Indian buyers while deciding the format to chose to shop from.

    As the economy and society have changed, so retailers have responded and

    shopping as an activity has altered enormously. Retailing is one of the most

    dynamic and rapidly changing sectors of Indian industry bearing little

    comparison with the business that operated 50 years ago. Multiple retail

    companies now dominate the sector, to the threat and decline of small

    independent business. These independent stores face increased pressure

    from the multiple retailers, superstores, small store format (such as high

    street stores), petrol forecourts and many are being squeezed out of

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    existence altogether. Even the wholesale symbol groups have been

    developing their own store portfolio. Independents who enjoyed over 80

    percent of the market share till early 90s have seen this market share halve

    by 1995 to just over 40%.

    The decline in the number of small shops has different implications upon its

    existing customers depending upon locations and alternative options to

    shop. The closure of a local neighborhood shop with a superstore nearby

    would affect the residents of a local neighborhood differently compared to

    the closure of the only shop in a small locality without a superstore nearby.

    Various arguments have been made in support to the only shop in a locality,

    arguing that they play an important vital role in the community and work as

    a support network of the locality. However People may have warm feelings

    towards the ideal of a small shop, but unless that warm feeling converts to

    hard cash, were all going to be in the nostalgia business.

    If conventional retailers are to survive, it will be vitally important to

    understand what the residents in a particular community want from their

    retailers. Only those stores with a clear understanding of their customers

    wants and the changes that are occurring within the market place can hope

    to survive by identifying and then satisfying some of those needs more

    effectively than their competitors. Independent retailers have increasingly

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    been under threat with the growth of major multiple retailers in the

    organized retail scene, but independent small

    shops operating in local community locations do serve a function whether it

    be a social or a community one, or providing a vital service to certain groups

    of consumers. This might be through the provision of their total shopping

    requirements or via top-up or emergency products. Although independent

    small conventional shops comprise the majority of all retail businesses in

    India, and have always provided a social as well as economic function to the

    communities they serve, their share of retail sales has been eroding in favor

    of the major

    organized retail stores since the mid 1990s.

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    B) Main Attributes Identified in the Literature:

    The concept of store image, considered as the way consumers see the store

    in their minds, based on tangible and intangible attributes, deserved a great

    deal of academic and empirical attention, during the last four decades. The

    importance of studying the image is based on the assumption that the store

    possessing the most congruent attributes with the image desired by

    consumer will have better chance of being selected and patronized.

    Therefore, the store image can be used as a marketing tool (Engel et al.,

    1995), or as a competition tool providing useful indications to managers

    about the most and the least appellative attributes to consumers, and

    therefore, the insights for the marketing mix conception.

    In spite of the importance and the long history of academic research into

    store image the relation between image/attitude and store

    patronage/choice/preference is complex and polemic. In fact, even though

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    the executives relate attitude and patronage, there are few studies that

    support that relationship (Monroe and Guiltinan, 1975). The concept of

    relative attitude reinforces the complexity of that relationship (Dick and

    Basu, 1994). The authors conceptualize consumer loyalty as the relationship

    between the relative attitude towards an entity (brand/service/store/vendor)

    and patronage behavior. Two dimensions, the degree of attitudinal strength

    (weak or strong) and the degree of attitudinal differentiation (existent or not)

    seem to underlie an individuals relative attitude towards an entity.

    Therefore, a weak but positively differentiated attitude may be more likely to

    lead to loyalty than a very positive but undifferentiated one; however, it is

    also important to consider the influence of normative and situational factors.

    Besides being relative, the store patronage behavior is also dynamic, and

    that is more explicit in buying situations of involvement, risk, evaluation of

    alternatives and information search (Monroe and Guiltinan, 1975, Darden

    and Dorsch,1999). This dynamism is crucial in order to understand the

    changes in consumer behavior.

    The literature refers to a great diversity of methodologies, to varying

    temporal and spatial contexts, and to different store types, which make both

    generalizations and typology construction difficult. Contradicting Martineaus

    (1958) emotional and affective perspective of store patronage, empirical

    evidences show a number of functional and objective attributes as the most

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    important, such as price (Doyle and Fenwick, 1974-1975;Bearden, 1977;

    Arnold et al., 1983; Hortman et al., 1990; Finn and Louviere, 1996); product

    quality (Doyle and Fenwick, 1974-1975; Bearden, 1977; Hortman et al.,

    1990); assortment (Stephenson, 1969; Doyle and Fenwick, 1974-1975;

    Schiffman et al., 1977; Bearden, 1977; Finn and Louviere, 1996) and

    location (Stephenson, 1969; Schiffman et al., 1977; Arnold et al., 1983;

    Hortman et al., 1990).

    Concerning intangible and emotional attributes, the most indicated are

    the atmosphere and

    store characteristics (Martineau, 1958; Stephenson, 1969); sales

    personnel (Martineau, 1958; Stephenson, 1969; Schiffman et al., 1977) and

    advertising (Martineau, 1958; Stephenson, 1969).

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    C) Store Image and Consumer Shopping Habits: Indian


    In India, some empirical studies provide important information about


    behavior and its responses to the development of organized retail.


    and social changes are major contributors for a growing fragmentation of

    consumers into multiple segments with different values and buying priorities.

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    Consumers have become more pragmatic, educated and demanding,


    how to manage money and time more efficiently. The focus on low prices


    gradually replaced by a value for money perspective. The study developed


    ETIG (Economic Times Intelligence Group, 2002) confirms these tendencies.

    Concerning food, the most important attribute mentioned was quality,


    by price. Indian consumer has different reasons for preferring different store.

    The formats, either modern or traditional; Sen (2000) confirms this in the


    undertaken in Indian context. He confirms that in the case of hypermarkets,


    main motives for preferences, in decreasing order are low prices, the


    of buying everything in the same place and the general appearance of the

    store. Several investigations emphasize the possible coexistence of different

    store formats (Chandrasekhar, 2001) and others point out the relationship

    between the type of store and the type of products (Sen, 2000; Bhatnagar,

    2002). These studies show that, while specialized and traditional stores are

    preferred for fresh products, hypermarkets are preferred for shopping in

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    general, and also for frozen food, groceries and beverages. The purchase of

    perishables in hypermarkets is reduced.

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    D) Traditional Retailers Perceptions About Organized


    As already mentioned, organized retail has deeply changed the Indian

    commercial structure. However, it is not exclusively responsible, as other

    changes (economical, social and cultural ones) have occurred

    simultaneously. Concerning the more direct effects of organized retail on

    different types of commerce, it is possible to verify that the major impact is

    felt on traditional retail and, in particular, on the food sector. The impact of

    organized retail is also significant on other types of retail, namely toys,

    stationery goods and household appliances; moreover, it is probable that

    competition gets more intense in other sectors, such as clothing and


    A French study shows that the impact of organized malls and supermarkets

    is especially strong over non-specialized stores; stores that use normalized

    sales methods; generalist stores; very small stores operating on their

    survival limits; stores located near hypermarkets and with no alternative

    goods. In India, a study (Radhakrishnan, 2003) verified that, in the food

    sector, the most affected stores are precisely the smaller stores (small areas,

    few employees and low sales

    volume) and the isolated stores (stores that do not develop partnerships with

    other retailers).

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    Concerning retailer's perceptions about problems in commerce, studies

    developed in India show that the most mentioned motives for crisis are, in

    the first place, related to political decisions. Retailers agree that their own

    competitive attitude and behavior are among the causes for problems

    associated with commerce. However, in their opinion, these are not the

    major causes. In terms of the most important competitive factors of

    organized retailers, traditional retailers mention lower prices, schedules,

    products assortment and better adaptation to consumer shopping habits.

    Concerning the way they analyze themselves, they identify the attendance

    and the close relation with customers as their main advantages; in terms of

    their main weakness, they mention the small dimension.

    Hypermarkets is considerably superior, going from 8000 to 120,000 square


    one of them is Spencer Plaza amongst the largest in the country. The review

    of literature identified a number of studies focusing on buying behavior of

    Indian consumers from organized retailers. The reviewed studies may

    uncover important dimensions that purchasers use in their purchasing

    process and will be used in our study of purchasing criteria and format


    of consumers.

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    Shopping in the organized retail outlet is generally done on a regular basis

    (around 40% buy once or twice per week), which goes against the decreasing

    tendency and the systemization of visiting malls reported by Retail Biz (Sep

    2003). This might be related to the fact that organized retail stores in Indian

    cities are not far from large resident areas. In terms of period of the day, the

    preferred ones are the morning and the afternoon, that is, the hours chosen

    by the consumers to buy in malls and supermarkets match the schedules

    practiced by the majority of traditional retail stores. This result may be

    justified by the fact that a considerable part of the

    sample is composed of housewives and retired people. Regarding goods

    bought in the different kinds of stores, the results show that detergents,

    household and personal cleaning products, groceries, beverages and dairy

    products are, clearly goods that consumers buy in supermarkets (66, 66, 61,

    63 and 61%, respectively), in detriment of traditional retail stores (21, 19,

    23, 21

    and 22% respectively). Besides these goods, fruit, frozen foods, toys,

    plants/gardening and tools are also purchased with greater regularity in

    malls and supermarkets than from traditional retailers, in spite of the small

    differences. The retailers' and consumers' attitudes match in terms of

    considering that hypermarkets offer more advantages than traditional retail

    regarding prices, promotions, assortment, novelties and schedules.

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    In the current world of globalization a constant adaptation and reinvention of

    marketing strategies is needed to satisfy the local customers in the global

    markets. The retail sector of India is currently witnessing tremendous

    growth, but there has been a growing concern for the future of the traditional

    small scale retail shops because of this all-pervading presence of branded

    retail stores. In a country like India, there are huge differences across the

    consumers in terms of their demographic orientation like culture, economic

    condition, purchase attitude and so on. In this project we intend to find out

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    the impact of the branded retail chains on small traditional retail shops. FICCI

    has projected that the Retail Industry in India is likely to cross Rs. 10,000

    billion by 2010 and the share of the organized sector in it is likely to exceed

    20% which presently is at around 3% mark.

    Branded Retail Chains: Chain stores are retail outlets that share a

    brand and central management, and usually have standardized

    business methods and practices. These characteristics also apply to

    chain restaurants and some service-oriented chain businesses. The

    displacement of independent businesses by chains has generated

    controversy in many countries, and has sparked increased

    collaboration among independent businesses and communities to

    prevent chain proliferation. In India the retail chain sector consists of

    roughly 14 Lifestyle stores, 6 Home Centre stores and 1 babyshop-

    store across Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Delhi, Noida,

    Jaipur,Kolkata,Mumbai and other tier-2 cities. The Retail Industry in

    India has come a long way from the traditional unorganized retail

    sector consisting of petty shop-owners selling a wide variety of articles

    both individually and collectively to the modern organized retail sector

    consisting of Retail Chains and other departmental stores providing

    everything under a single roof.
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    Mall traditional retail stores: this is the smallest unit of retail

    spectrum. Usually owned by family, retail shops are run from

    residential or commercial streets or from shopping centers. Such

    a retailer buys goods or products in moderate quantity from local

    stockist, manufacturers or importers, either directly or through a

    wholesaler, and then sells individual items in small quantities to

    consumers who are general public or end user customers.


    The Indian retailing industry is poised to grow from USD 322 billion in 2006-

    07 to USD 590 billion in 2011-12(Source: According to CII(Confederation of

    Indian Industry) National Committee on retail). It is set to enter a new growth

    trajectory owing to rising household consumption and a host of factors.

    Indian organized retail market has grown by 10% on an average for the past

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    5 years. The fact can be traced from the below Global Retail Development


    From the above facts, it is clear that the unorganized retail sector in India

    is going to face hard times in the coming years due to the advent of more

    number of corporate retail giants. Hence there exists Uncertainty about

    the future of the Indian Kiranawala. Our project focuses on the impact how

    the local retailer faces in terms of sales, his attitude towards his future

    corporate retail competitors(Does he ready to face competition?).

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    Before explaining the methodology, two issues need to be discussed: the

    commercial structure of India and the concepts of traditional retail and

    organized retail to avoid possible ambiguities in terms of terminology.

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    The Commercial structure of India has faced deep changes over the last few

    years, which is greatly related to the development of organized retail.

    Currently India boasts to contain 12 million retail outlets together in

    conventional and organized formats with major aggregation of organized

    formats in the cities like Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad,

    Bhubaneswar and Mumbai. Simultaneously, these cities have a large number

    of grocery stores, a typical format of traditional food retail.

    The concept of conventional retail is used as encompassing small-sized

    commerce, i.e., groceries, minimarkets, pure food stores, specialized food

    and non-food stores and bazaars. Regarding specialized stores, clothing

    stores are considered as specialized ones. As for the concept of organized

    retail, there is some confusion, Levy and Weitz define organized retail as a

    multi-format retail stores offering low prices, and combines a discount store

    and super store, while A.C. Nielsen, gives a different definition, considering

    the organized retail as a commercial retailing establishment with a sales

    surface superior to 2500 square meter, explored in free-service system and

    commercializing a great variety of products. As data provided by Nielsen are

    widely used in India and in the rest of the world, it was decided to adopt


    A) Perceived Importance of the Store Attributes:

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    The respondents were asked to rank the attributes listed in the section two

    of the questionnaire. There were no restrictions on the ranking system; the

    respondent was allowed to give any rank from 1 to 7 for a particular

    attribute. There were 23 store attributes listed in the questionnaire, these

    attributes were studied in order to gauge the importance of organized sector

    over the unorganized sector. All the attributes listed here are specific to the

    organized sector and the assumption here is that if the consumers attach

    much importance to these attributes then their preferred format is the

    organized retail stores. In case the respondent felt that a particular attribute

    was not of any importance, its presence or absence, did not

    make any difference then they were asked to put a zero against it, the

    blanks were also considered as zero importance and these cases were taken

    as unanswered response.

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    B) Exploratory Research:

    To clarify the above Uncertainty, we conducted exploratory research to gain

    better understanding of the dimensions of the problem. The purpose of

    exploratory research is intertwined with the need for a clear and precise

    statement of the recognized problem. There are three interrelated purposes

    for exploratory research:

    Diagnosing a situation.

    Screening alternatives.

    Discovering new ideas.

    The methods we used for exploratory research are Secondary Data Analysis,

    Experience Surveys, Case Study.

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    C) Experience Survey:

    I) Diagnosing the Situation:

    To get the broader scope of the problem, we selected a few set of people

    who are knowledgeable and working in the retail sector. As a part of the

    study, we discussed the questions with few constraints to those set of

    people. One of them was an MBA pass out who settled in his ancestral retail

    business from the past 5 years. He was explaining the hindrances he is

    facing because of the advent of theMore (Aditya Birla Group) to the city. He

    Pointed out some reasons such as Target group constraints, Location

    Constraints, increase in the disposal incomes with the people(especially 35%

    hike in salaries with central government employees). He said that, because

    of the salary hike with the central government and state government

    employees, those people prefer Malls to Mom and pop shops. He also shared

    that his revenue mainly comes from those employees. He proudly said that

    before the advent of The More and some hypermarkets in the city, even the

    district collector used to come to his shop to purchase the items. He also

    expressed his idea that, he is ready to tie-up with the Corporate giants such

    as Wal Mart and Reliance Fresh as a franchisee to run the business, if he

    gets the chance.

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    II) Depth Interview:

    We had an depth interview with a women who is running retail business in

    her locality from the past 20 years. She shared lots of intricacies involved in

    the retail sector. We started our interview with a basic question:

    Do you feel the corporate giants of retail sector such as Reliance

    Fresh and More as your competitors?

    She said that she is not feeling them as her competitors. She is not scared of

    them even if a Big Bazar or any hyper market comes and start adjacent to

    her shop. She had given the fact that during the recession times its not Big

    malls resisted to global recession, small pop and shops resisted to the

    recession. Their sales were not at all effected by global recession stating the

    fact from the regional newspaper she read.

    To get more clarity to the situation, I asked a probing question which gave us

    clear understanding of the problem.

    Can you tell more about the above facts by giving an example?

    She has given a nice example how they take the advantage of those malls at

    the time of inflation/recession. At times, when the price of the sugar in the

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    market rises, instead of buying the sugar from the local wholesaler, they buy

    from the big stores as these people have their own suppliers and get large

    discounts on bulk purchases. Hence, we could sell the same product with

    less price during the inflation times, taking the advantage of those stores.

    Can you tell me the advantages you get over the big stores?

    She smiled at me and gave a good example. She told that the countries like

    India faces many Strikes(or bandhs) apart from various conventional

    Holidays(such as holidays, festivals etc.,) because of diversified nature of the

    country. During those times, we can take the advantage of opening the shop

    for a period of 3-4 hours in the evening for the emergency needs of the

    customer. Hence, we can make sales during those times also.

    The facts we could find out from Experience surveys is that any average

    retailer can earn a minimum of Rs.10,000 per month on an average in a year

    in any part of our country even though he faces stiff competition from his

    peer local shops.(N.B: this fact is not a conclusive figure, it is based on our

    estimation of our subjects).

    So far our exploratory research provided only qualitative evidence, which we

    are trying to get conclusive evidence based on our subjective research. To

    get more insight about the qualitative evidence, we have done secondary

    data analysis. We have reviewed several published articles and books

    discussing about this topic.

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    D) Secondary Data Analysis:

    I) Qualitative Fact-Finding:

    One article we found on the Bharti Walmart entering into India. Walmart

    opened its first wholesaler shop in Amritsar.

    An inside view of the Walmart_bharti store on Amritsar-Jalandhar highway

    Ironically, it is the local kirana store-owners who have welcomed the

    international cash-and-carry' chain. Offering low-priced wholesale products,

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    Best Price Modern Wholesale' Bharti Wal-Mart's store has enabled kirana

    store-owners increase their profit margins significantly. the mega store has

    quickly begun to cater to more than 35,000 kirana store owners in Amritsar

    alone. According to the company, the store has seen an average footfall of

    75,000 kirana owners a month.

    Shop-owners in the Ranjit Avenue area of Amritsar, some 10 km from the

    Bharti Wal-Mart store, said, Our profit keeps increasing if we buy products in

    bulk. The prices offered at the store enable us to sell it at lower prices than

    our competition and still make a profit. For example, after buying products

    from Bharti Wal-Mart for about Rs 10,000, we can easily make a profit of

    about Rs 3,000 and still offer better prices to the customer. A Bharti Wal-

    Mart spokesperson pointed out that the chain caters to the local mom and

    pop stores as well as electronics retailers. In fact, some of our electronics

    items offer retailers amazing profit margins, he said.

    The local people also seem inclined towards the modern wholesale store

    concept. Kirana stores which get their supplies from Wal-Mart offer better

    prices, said by Aman Preet singh a resident from amritsar. The main reason

    for the support of the local kiranas to Wal-Mart is, it offers massive range of

    products under one roof spread over close to 50,000 sq. ft. The store has

    6,000 SKUs(Stock Keeping Units) ranging from raw food to consumer

    electronics. Hence, from the story of Wal-mart, it is being proved that Local

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    Mom-and-Pop shops support Big Stores as they are gaining edge over the

    prices from the bulk discounts.

    But in the nascent stages people are ready to accept them. If the corporate

    giants start their full-fledged operations , does a retailer ready to accept

    him? Hence our paper focused on finding the changes in the behavioral

    component of the retailer(especially in Rural India) to get conclusive


    II) Problem definition:

    Our research objective is to find the how the corporate retailer would

    onslaught traditional retailer and how the behavioral component of the

    retailer effects if he finds him as a near competitor.

    To find out the above objectives, We adopted a survey method. In the survey

    method we are using questionnaire method.

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    III) Questionnaire Design:

    Relevancy and accuracy are two important basic criteria a questionnaire

    must meet. As our subjects are retailers of India, many of them were not

    well educated, we used simple and Conversational language. In phrasing the

    Questions we were as much specific as possible avoiding ambiguity. Even

    though some of the retailers were well educated, they were not comfortable

    with the words like Loyal, Corporate retailers. So we explained them about

    the questions when we were taking survey to avoid ambiguity in responses.

    To eliminate the major source of bias in question wording we tried to avoid

    leading and loading questions which suggest or imply certain answers.

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    IV) Questionnaire for Retailer



    Year of Establishment of shop:


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    1. Are you satisfied with the present system of handling your business?

    a) Strongly agree

    b) Agree

    c) Uncertain

    d) Disagree

    e) Strongly Disagree

    2. Who are your major customers?

    a) Local people staying around the shop

    b) Housewives

    c) People from the other localities if their nearby Kirana shops are closed

    d) Students

    e) if others, specify ---------

    3. How many customers pay a visit to your shop every day?

    a) 400

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    4. How satisfied are you with your present customer base and with your

    current operations and profits?

    a) Very satisfied

    b) Somewhat satisfied

    c) Dont know exactly

    d) Somewhat dissatisfied

    e) Very dissatisfied

    5. Do you feel that your customers are loyal to your store?

    a) Strongly agree

    b) Agree

    c) Uncertain

    d) Disagree

    e) Strongly Disagree

    6. How many hours per day you operate your shop?

    a) 5 7

    b) 8-10

    c) 11-12


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    7. Do you give your current customers goods on credit basis?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    c) Sometimes

    If yes/sometimes, Please specify any of the choices

    (i)Depends on the credit worthiness of the customers

    (ii)Depends on how frequently the customers visit the shop

    8. Would you prefer to home deliver the goods to your customers house, if

    your customer calls you even for items worth small amounts?

    a) Frequently

    b) Occasionally

    c) Not at all

    d) All the time

    9. Can you provide various products and make your shop a one stop shop

    destination for your customers?

    a) Strongly agree

    b) Agree

    c) Uncertain

    d) Disagree

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    e) Strongly Disagree

    10. How often does your shop stay closed on Sundays and on other public

    holidays like the big players?

    a) Always

    b) Almost always

    c) Most of the times

    d) Part of the time

    e) Hardly ever

    11. Will you give discounts on bulk purchases as the big stores are already

    selling below the prevailing market price?

    a) Strongly agree

    b) Agree

    c) Uncertain

    d) Disagree

    e) Strongly Disagree

    12. do you think that the rise in Income levels of the people is a threat to

    your business?

    a) Strongly agree

    b) Agree

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    c) Uncertain

    d) Disagree

    e) Strongly Disagree

    13. Your customers opt for your shop because your shop opens earlier than

    the mall.

    a) Strongly agree

    b) Agree

    c) Uncertain

    d) Disagree

    e) Strongly Disagree

    14. Do you think that the big stores should not be allowed to take up Retail

    business as its a loss to your business?

    a) Strongly agree

    b) Agree

    c) Uncertain

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    d) Disagree

    e) Strongly Disagree

    15. Do you maintain an appropriate level of all the goods especially those

    required by the customers at any time?

    a) All the time

    b) very often

    c) often

    d) Sometimes

    e) Hardly Ever

    16. If I have to change the way your business operates, I would go for the


    a) Strongly agree

    b) Agree

    c) Uncertain

    d) Disagree

    e) Strongly Disagree

    17. There has been an increasing threat to your business in the recent times

    due to the appearance of big retail houses. How are you taking it?

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    a) Very seriously

    b) Somewhat seriously

    c) Not so seriously

    d) Not at all seriously

    e) Dont know

    18. What is the average sales you generate per month?

    A)below 20,000




    19. Did you made changes to your business from the year of establishment?



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    20) If any changes, Please specify the major changes you made:

    Note: The Research done is purely for Academic purpose. The Analysis of the

    research is not used for commercial Purposes.

    The last open ended question is being asked for the reference of the

    research to get more insights about the business. It is not asked for the

    analysis purpose.

    The Questionnaire also includes Questions about the Demographic

    information such as Name, Age, year of Establishment of the Shop and Place.


    A) Sampling Planning:

    As our objective is to find Are the Mom and Pop shops in Rural India will face

    cutthroat competition from the Corporate retailers, we planned our samples

    to take from the secondary cities and towns. Since most of the traditional

    retailers are not well educated(we found that most of the traditional retailers

    are not comfortable with English), we preferred young retailers as our

    subjects though they lack experience. Rather than selecting subjects from

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    one place, we selected different respondents with different backgrounds

    from different places of Andhra Pradesh and some parts of Punjab.

    B) Sampling Generation:

    There are two sampling techniques:

    Probability Sampling

    Non-Probability Sampling

    Here in our project, we used our judgment and also convenience to select the

    subjects. Hence we used Non-probability sampling technique. The subjects

    we selected are most of them from small towns and some secondary cities Of

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    Andhra Pradesh. The samples we selected are Local Kiranas, Small Retail

    Cloth Showrooms and Wholesalers too(Considering Walmart entering India in

    the wholesale sector).

    Types Of Non-probability sampling we used are:

    i) Convenience, Haphazard or Accidental Sampling:

    Members of the population are selected based on the ease of access. To

    sample friends, Co-workers, or shoppers at a single mall are all the examples

    of Convenience Sampling.

    Convenience sampling is conventionally used in exploratory research where

    the researcher is interested in getting an inexpensive approximation of the

    truth. As the name implies, the sample is selected because they are

    convenient. This nonprobability method is often used during preliminary

    research efforts to get a gross estimate of the results, without incurring the

    cost or time required to select a random sample.

    ii) Judgmental Or Purposive Sampling:

    A purposive sample is one which is selected by the researcher subjectively.

    The researcher attempts to obtain sample that appears to him/her to be

    representative of the population and will usually try to ensure that a range

    from one extreme to the other is included. This is usually and extension of

    convenience sampling. For example, a researcher may decide to draw the

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    entire sample from one "representative" city, even though the population

    includes all cities. When using this method, the researcher must be confident

    that the chosen sample is truly representative of the entire population.

    In the project we used both judgmental and convenience sampling to select a

    sample which represent the whole population. Most of the subjects we are

    selected are from nearby town and most of the samples are our friends who

    had experience and acquaintance with their own kiranas from their

    childhood. We also used our judgement when selecting the specified

    subjects. The subjects we selected also include Experienced retailers who

    has experience of around 15 years. This provided lot of insights and

    intricacies of the Retail Business in India.

    The advantages of Non-probabilty sampling are:



    C) SCALES:

    The scales we are using in the project is Likert scale and simple attitude


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    i) Likert Scale:

    The Likert scale is extremely popular and easy to administer for measuring

    the attitudes. It allows respondents to indicate how strongly they agree or

    disagree with carefully constructed statements that range from very positive

    to very negative toward an attitudinal object. It is Balanced Rating Scale

    which measures fixed alternative scale that has an equal number of positive

    and negative categories; a neutral or indifference point is at the center sacle.

    Most of the Questions in our Questionnaire are based on the Likert Scale.

    ii) Simple attitude Scale:

    We also used simple attitude scale which mainly used are Yes/No type

    Questions. In the Questionnaire, we asked some simple questions such as

    Did you made changes to your business from the year of establishment?

    are based on the simple attitude scale. This measures are the retailers we

    selected are customer-centric.


    The data in the Research comes from two ways.

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    Personal Survey

    Telephonic Survey

    i) Personal Survey:

    Since our subjects are local retailers, instead of giving Questionnaire directly

    to them, we explained each question and options in local language Telugu to

    get the responses from them. This is because most of the retailers we

    selected are not well educated.

    ii)Telephonic Survey:

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    Telephonic survey has been a mainstay of commercial survey research. The

    quality of data obtained by telephone is comparable to the personal data

    collection. When we were conducting a personal survey, we found

    reluctance from many local retailers. Even we found difficulty in explaining

    them about the Research. To overcome this problem, we switched from

    personal survey to Telephonic survey for most of the subjects in the sample.

    To conduct Telephonic survey, the subjects we selected are well educated,

    Experienced and young retailers. This survey helped us to get responses

    from distant places like Nizamabad, Warangal, Medak in Andhra Pradesh and

    even from some parts of Punjab. The advantages we found in the Telephonic

    survey during the Research are:



    Precise Information

    Respondents Cooperation.


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    KMO Bartletts Test:

    KMO and Bartlett's Test

    Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of

    Sampling Adequacy..475

    Bartlett's Test

    of Sphericity

    Approx. Chi-


    df 66Sig. .040

    Eventhough we got Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy as .

    475 which is approximated to 0.5. Hence we are going for factor analysis.

    Our Rotated component matrix is:

    Rotated Component Matrix(a)

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas



    1 2 3 4q1 .027 -.248 .726 .138q4 .112 .141 .829 -.102q5 -.093 -.021 -.054 -.800

    q9 .768 .454 .085 .020q10 -.653 .078 -.408 .164q11 -.108 .908 .037 .018q12 .136 .478 -.450 -.380q13 .732 -.100 -.340 -.020q14 .562 -.141 -.066 .377q15 .675 .161 .372 .267q16 .364 .498 -.404 .199q17 .060 .613 -.103 .642

    Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

    Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

    a Rotation converged in 9 iterations.

    Component Transformation Matrix


    ent 1 2 3 41 .800 .500 -.009 .3312 -.302 .506 -.806 -.0563 -.517 .512 .481 .4904 .036 .482 .345 -.805

    Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

    Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    Factors(1):(Factor loading values>0.6).


    Factors(2):(Factor loading values>0.6).


    Factors(3):(Factor loading values>0.6).


    Factors(4):(Factor loading values>0.6).



    (1)Predictor Variable:Sales


    Variables Entered/Removed(a)





    Removed Method

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas



    q7a .





    enter = .100).

    a Dependent Variable: q18

    Model Summary


    el R




    d R


    Std. Error

    of the


    Change Statistics





    Change df1 df2

    Sig. F


    1.453(a) .205 .168 .726 .205 5.428 1 21 0.30

    a Predictors: (Constant), q7a

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas




    Sum of

    Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

    1 Regression 2.857 1 2.857 5.428 .030(a)

    Residual 11.056 21 .526

    Total 13.913 22

    a Predictors: (Constant), q7a

    b Dependent Variable: q18


    Preferred choice of shopping format for buying various products for Indian

    Consumer in percentages in most households (84.2%), women are mainly

    responsible for the shopping. The majority of respondents (50.4%) have a

    considerably good educational level (mainly with only 15 years of studies

    (40.7%) over 35 years old. Most respondents are married (80.23%),

    belonging to households of more than four elements (54.3%), with a family

    income in which several members contribute to the household income. Given

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    the fact that it was not possible to directly obtain any data about the income.

    Most part of the respondents (62.3%) frequently make their purchases in

    supermarkets and malls, although it was also found that there is a high

    percentage of consumers that buy in specialized food stores (78.3%), and

    groceries/minimarkets (33.1%). These results emphasize the tendency that

    there is the coexistence of several retailing formats. Malls and Supermarkets,

    in the same way, the kind of commercial space in which, clearly, most people

    enjoy purchasing (62.3%), which leads to the conclusion that buying in this

    type of store has, in a way, an element of pleasure in it.

    On the other hand, most of the respondents prefer to buy

    goldsmith/jewellery (95%), books (84%), footwear (84%), clothing (82%),

    furniture/decoration (93%) and household appliances (78%) in traditional

    retail stores. Some perishable goods as meat, fish and vegetables are also

    purchased more from traditional retailers (60, 58 and 41%, respectively),

    than in supermarkets or malls (28, 26 and 35%, respectively). Nevertheless,

    the difference compared to supermarket, especially regarding vegetables, is

    small. The fact that the perishable goods are, bought from traditional

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    retailers more than they are from organized retailers is an evidence that

    emphasizes the results of other studies done by various research agencies.

    However, this study shows that the purchase of some perishable goods

    (vegetables and mostly

    fruits) in hypermarkets is becoming considerable.

    Another interesting result is that the consumers' responses suggest is their

    almost exclusive preference for traditional retail shops when buying high

    involvement goods (e.g. household appliances). On the contrary, the most

    purchased goods in malls and supermarkets are essentially convenience

    products and, consequently, of low involvement. As it is widely advocated in

    literature, the involvement and risk have strong implications in the buying

    behavior, so it is important for retailers to know how to influence these


    Concerning the motivations that lead people not to buy goods in traditional

    retail or only in traditional retail, the two main motives are: first, it is more

    practical to buy all the goods at the same time in

    hypermarkets/supermarkets and, second, the price in traditional retail shops

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    is higher. That is, convenience and price are factors that determine why

    consumers do not buy in traditional retail; and prefer one kind of store to the


    These results suggest a consumer is more pragmatic in his choices, and

    more concerned with the management of his money and time. Even though

    the answers refer to motivations why people do not buy some given products

    in traditional retail, the results correspond to other studies, Sen (2000) which

    highlights low prices and the possibility of buying everything in the same

    place as main reasons for consumers to buy in hypermarkets, malls or


    The traditional retail offers more advantages than hypermarkets in relation

    with the spent on shopping. Nonetheless, there is also a great difference

    between retailers and consumers, especially, at the level of perception of the

    quality of products, attendance, how easily the consumer can present

    complaints and how they will be attended, and payment terms, in both kinds

    of commerce.

    Concerning these specific aspects, traditional retailers have a much more

    positive opinion about themselves than consumers have about them. These

    differences suggest a certain lack of realism by traditional retailers, which

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas


    can be detrimental for their future viability, and, as such, needs to be


    However, the divergence in the perceptions does not imply that the

    consumers' opinion about traditional retail is negative. The essential matter

    is that, in spite of not having an unfavourable opinion towards traditional

    retail, the opinion towards organized retail is much more favorable, which

    may result in preferring hypermarkets or malls in detriment of traditional


    As literature suggests, in order to understand the consumer behavior in

    terms of store choice, it is essential to understand his relative attitude also.

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas



    The hypermarket/mall/supermarket is the preferred kind of store by

    consumers, even though the consumers buy in several establishments and

    not exclusively in the organized retail outlet, which indicates that there is no

    "single loyalty". While in organized outlets, consumers buy essentially

    convenience goods with low level of risk; in traditional retail, they buy

    essentially products of more involvement, which requires a more complex

    buying behavior. The results also show that consumers evoke price and

    convenience for not buying certain goods in traditional retail, which reveals

    an attempt to optimize their time and money.

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas







    o Would Kiranas in Urban India Survive the Modern Trade

    Onslaught Insight from Efficiency Perspective, A Research Paper

    by Paromita Goswami, Xavier

    Institute of Management Bhubaneswar, India

    o An Introspective Study of Local Diversities in Retail Purchase

    Behaviour to formulate Retail Strategy for the Global Players A

    research Paper by Mrs. Mahua Datta, Lecturer , Institute Of

    Business Management, Jadavpur University

  • 8/7/2019 Impact of branded stores on kiranas



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