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Identify this wonderful moment ?Its happened in 1903 December 17

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Orville Wright (August 19, 1871 Jan 30, 1948)

Wilbur Wright (April 16, 1867 May 30, 1912).

Two American brothers, inventors, and aviation pioneers who are generally credited with inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful airplane

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(1899 - 1902)

To obtained technical knowledge about aerodynamics.

studied the problems which had been encountered by previous flyers

looked for answers to the problems by observing large gliding birds

control of the flying aircraft would be the most crucial and hardest problem to solve and they had some ideas for solving that problem

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Ideas for flight control tested on a series of un powered aircrafts

These aircraft were all flown as kites to obtain aerodynamic performance

Kitty Hawk, North Carolina was chosen for their early flight experiments because its consistent high winds off the ocean are perfect for kite flying

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o In late 1901, the brothers began to doubt the data which they using to design

o Built a wind tunnel and developed model-testing techniques including a balance to more accurately determine the lift and drag of their aircraft.

o Tested over 200 different wings and airfoil models to improve the performance of their gliders.

o very successful in testing 1902 aircraft was based on their new data.

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This required the development of two other pieces of technology; a light weight motor and the propellers to push the aircraft through the air.

(December 17, 1903) - The First Flight

The Wright Brothers were the first to fly a controllable self-propelled, heavier than air machine on December 17, 1903.

Free flying object had to be controlled about all 3 primary axes; roll, pitch, and yaw. Their aircraft were built with movable surfaces on the wing, elevator, and rudder. Control of the surface shape was in the hands of the pilot

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The brothers continually improved and upgraded their engine design, air frame was still same

Between 1903 and 1913 the engine power increased from 12 horsepower to nearly 75 horsepower

(1900 - 1905) - Developed Test Pilot Skills

Besides being airplane designers, and test engineers, the Wright Brothers were the first pilots of a heavier than air, powered aircraft.

They developed their piloting skills by making over 1000 flights on a series of gliders at Kitty Hawk between 1900 and 1902

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(1904 - 1907) - Flight Development

o The brothers continued to perfect their machine with a series of aircraft built between 1903 and 1905.

o They moved their flight testing from Kitty Hawk to their home town of Dayton, Ohio and flew their new aircraft at Huffman's Field on the edge of town.

o With new, more powerful aircraft, they were able to stay aloft for up to a half hour, to fly figure eights, and to even take passengers up for a ride.

o The age of the airplane had arrived.

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(1904 – Beyond)

After the successful development of the first airplane, the Wright Brothers continued to be involved in aerospace technology.

AWARDS AND HONOURS • Congressional Medal of Honor, awarded June 17, 1909• Coupe Michelin d'Aviation, awarded January, 1909.

• Langley Medal, awarded February 10, 1910

• Legion of Honor, awarded June 20, 1909

• Collier Trophy, awarded February 3, 1914.

• Albert Medal of the Royal Society of the Arts (in Great Britain), awarded October 27, 1917

All totaled, there were 15 honorary degrees awarded to one or both of the brothers.

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Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata

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Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata was a French-born Indian aviator and business

tycoon. J. R. D. Tata was born on 29 July 1904 in Paris, France. He became India's first licensed pilot in 1929.  Father – Mr. Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata Mother – Suzanne Sooni Briere (French citizen) Education in France, Japan and England.

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Joined French army after education.

He joined Tata & Sons as an unpaid apprentice in 1925.

He was the Chairman of Tata Sons.

On 10 February 1929, Tata obtained the first pilot license issued in


He founded India's first commercial airline, Tata Airlines in 1932,

which became Air India in 1946, now India's national airline.

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He later came to be known as the father of Indian civil aviation.

He founded India's first commercial airline, Tata Airlines in 1932, which

became Air India in 1946, now India's national airline.

JRD Tata launched Air India International as India's first international airline.

In 1953, the Indian Government appointed JRD Tata as Chairman of Air

India and a director on the Board of Indian Airlines – a position he retained for

25 years.

JRD Tata died in Geneva, Switzerland on 29 November 1993 at the age of 89. 

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• He started with 14 enterprises under his

leadership and half a century later on 26 July

1988, when he left, Tata & Sons was

corporation of 95 enterprises.

• Under his chairmanship, the assets of the Tata

Group grew from US$100 million to over US$5


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• His passion for flying was fulfilled with the formation

of the Tata Aviation Service in 1932.

• Launched “Air India International” as India's first

international airline.

• The Indian Government appointed JRD Tata as

Chairman of Air India and a director on the Board of

Indian Airlines – a position he retained for 25 years.


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• J.R.D. Tata initiated a program of closer "employee

association with management”

• Believed in employee welfare.

• Initiated the principles of an eight-hour working day, free

medical aid, workers' provident scheme,workmen's

accident compensation schemes.

Employee Welfare

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JRD Tata First Pilot Licence Holder of India

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“Legion d’honneur”, in 1954

“Padma Vibhushan” in 1957

“Tony Jannus Award” in 1979

“Bharat Ratna” in 1992

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