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Page 1: Improving poster

Final improvements on ancillary texts

Page 2: Improving poster

I improved my movie trailer after I got feedback, the main problem was mainly based around the layout and organising the page.

I also made the image faded in round the edges so you couldn’t see the edge of the image because it looked unprofessional.I made the 12A logo bigger and also my production company logo to make the stand out at the bottom of the page and moved the actors/actress names to the top so they would be the first thing you see.

Page 3: Improving poster

I improved my media magazine cover by making the font better and making changes to the colours. I changed the WIN FREE tickets to red and underlined to attract the audience to the competition and draw them in.

I used red, yellow and white in my magazine cover because they are bright colours and will appeal to the audience because it will be noticed on the shelves in a shop.

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