Page 1: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa



(A Classroom Action Research in the first year of SMP N 245, Jakarta)



NIM: 106014000328





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Page 3: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa
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Abdul Aziz Mansur (NIM: 106014000328). Improving Students’ Understanding

of Narrative Text Through Story Mapping; A Classroom Action Research in the

Second Year of VIII-6 Class of SMP N 245 Jakarta. Skripsi of English Education of

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013.

One of the problems which are still faced by the students in learning English is in

understanding of narrative text. The students still got difficulties in identifying the

main idea, the schematic structures, and plot of the story of narrative text. Thus, the

students did not understand the text that they have read. Based on those facts, the

writer tried a strategy in teaching narrative text which could help the students easy to

understand narrative text, stimulate the students to be active, it was Story Mapping.

This study was carried out to know whether story mapping can improve the students

in the second year of VIII-6 class of SMP N 245 Jakarta in understanding narrative

text. The object of this study was consisted of 32 students ‘VIII-6 class.

The method used in this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The

classroom action research design applied in this study was a collaborative classroom

action research. It meant that the writer collaborated with the English teacher of SMP

N 245 Jakarta as an observer and collaborator.

The result of this study showed that there was improvement of the students’ ability in

reading narrative text through story mapping. In the last result or in posttest 2 showed

that the student’s mean score was 77.50, and 81.25% or 26 (Twenty Six) students got

score above the target of achievement of Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of English lesson, it was 71(Seventy One). Besides,

those data showed that students achieved the target of Minimum Mastery Criterion-

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of English lesson, it was 75 %. Based on the

data, it could be concluded that using story mapping in teaching narrative text can

improve the students’ understanding of narrative text.

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Abdul Aziz Mansur (NIM: 106014000328). Improving Students’ Understanding

of Narrative Text Through Story Mapping; A Classroom Action Research in the

Second Year of VIII-6 Class of SMP N 245 Jakarta. Skripsi of English Education of

Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training of State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013.

Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris

adalah dalam memahami teks naratif. Masalah tersebut antara lain siswa masih

menghadapi kesulitan dalam menentukan gagasan utama, menentukan skema, dan

memahami alur cerita dari teks naratif yang diajarkan oleh guru didalam kelas. Oleh

karen itu, penulis mecoba menerapkan strategi pengajaran teks naratif yang membuat

siswa mudah memahami teks naratif, berperan aktif didalam proses belajar mengajar

didalam kelas yakni dengan menggunakan story mapping.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah siswa kelas VIII-6 SMP

Negeri 245 Jakarta dapat memahami bacaan teks naratif dengan menggunakan story

mapping. Disamping itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan

tentang penggunaan atau penerapan story mapping dalam meningkatkan kemampuan

membaca siswa memahami teks naratif.

Penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penilitian

ini merupakan penelitian kolaborasi, dimana penulis dan guru bahasa Inggris SMP

Negeri 245 berperan sebagai peneliti dan pengajar atau instruktur dengan penekanan

penyempurnaan atau peningkatan proses pembelajaran teks naratif.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan adanya peningkatan kemampuan membaca

siswa setelah menggunakan story mapping dalam memahami teks naratif. Hal itu

terlihat dari adanya peningkatan kemampuan siswa dari hasil pretest sampai dengan

posttest 2. Berdasarkan ketetapan SMP Negeri 245 jakarta, Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM) siswa untuk mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris adalah 71 (Tujuh puluh

Satu). Data terakhir yakni dari posttest 2 menunjukan nilai rata-rata siswa adalah

77.50, dan 26 (Dua Puluh Enam) atau 81.25% siswa melampaui KKM. Data terakhir

tersebut menunjukan siswa sudah memenuhi atau melampaui target pencapaian KKM

yakni 75%. Berdasarkan data tersebut menunjukan bahwasanya penerapan story

mapping dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami teks naratif.

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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise be to Allah for

all the blessing, so the writer can finish this paper. Peace and blessing be upon

Prophet Muhammad SAW, his families, his relatives, and his followers.

This paper is presented to the Department of English Education, the Faculty of

Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Strata 1 in English

Language Education.

The great expression of his gratitude is addressed to his beloved mother Jaiyah

and his beloved father the late To’at Muhammad Yatin, who always help, support,

and prays for him to finish this paper.

Next, the writer would like to express his gratitude to his honorable advisor;

Nida Husna, M.Pd, MA TESOL who always gives advices and guidance for the

writer to finish this paper. The writer wishes may Allah bless her and her family.

Besides, the writer would also special thanks to:

1. Dra. Nurlena Rifa’i, MA, Ph.D, as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s


2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum, as Head and Secretary of the

English Department.

3. All lecturers in the English Department, for teaching precious knowledge, sharing

Philosophy of like and for giving wonderful study experience.

4. Dra. Hj. Farisa, M.Pd, the headmaster of SMP N 245, Jakarta.

5. Dra. Rita Herawati as the English teacher of SMP N 245, Jakarta.

6. All of the teachers of SMP N 245, Jakarta.

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7. All of the students in the second year of SMP N 245, Jakarta.

8. My lovely brothers and sister

9. All friends in English Department 2006 academic year

Finally, the writer realizes that this paper is far from being perfect. It is a

pleasure for him to receive criticism and suggestion for improving this paper.

Jakarta, January 2014

The Writer

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ENDORSEMENT SHEET .............................................................................. i

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ iii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................... iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. vi

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... x

LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ xi


A. Background of the Study .................................................. 1

B. Limitation of the Study ..................................................... 4

C. Formulation of the Study ................................................... 4

D. Objective of the Study ........................................................ 4

E. Significance of the Study .................................................. 4


A. Reading ............................................................................. 5

1. Definition of Reading ................................................. 5

2. Purpose of Reading ..................................................... 6

3. Reading Skills and Strategies ..................................... 7

B. Narrative Text ................................................................... 9

1. Definition of Narrative Text ....................................... 9

2. Purpose of Narrative Text.......................................... 10

3. Schematic Structures of Narrative Text .................... 10

4. Grammatical Features of Narrative Text .................. 12

C. Story Mapping .................................................................. 14

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1. Definition of Story Mapping ...................................... 14

2. Purpose of Story Mapping ......................................... 15

3. Technique of Using Story Mapping ........................... 16

4. Advantage and Disadvantages of Story Mapping ...... 18

D. Teaching Narrative Text by Using Story Mapping .......... 19


A. Time and Place of the Study ............................................ 20

B. Subject and Object of the Study ....................................... 20

1. Subject of the Study………………………………… 20

2. Object of the Study…………………………………. 20

C. Method of the Study……………………………………. 21

D. The Writer’s Role on the Study…………………………. 21

E. Research Design………………………………………... 22

F. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedure ......... 24

1. Planning Phase ........................................................... 24

2. Acting Phase .............................................................. 24

3. Observing Phase ........................................................ 25

4. Reflecting Phase ........................................................ 25

D. The Technique of Collecting Data .................................. 26

1. Interview……………………………………………. 26

2. Observation…………………………………………. 26

3. Field Notes………………………………………….. 26

4. Test………………………………………………….. 27

E. The Technique of Data analysis ...................................... 27

F. The Criteria of the Action Success ................................. 29


A. Before Implementing the Action ..................................... 30

1. The Result of Pre Interview ...................................... 30

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2. The Result of Pre Questionnaire ................................ 31

3. The Result of Pre Test ............................................... 36

B. The Implementing of Classroom Action Research……... 37

1. Findings of the First Cycle ....................................... 37

b. Planning ............................................................... 37

c. Acting ................................................................. 37

d. Observing ............................................................ 39

e. Reflecting ............................................................ 41

2. Findings of the second Cycle .................................... 42

a. Planning ............................................................... 42

b. Acting ................................................................. 42

c. Observing ............................................................ 44

d. Reflecting ............................................................ 48

C. Discussion of the Data after Implementing CAR ............ 49

a. The Result of Post Questionnaire ........................ 49

b. The Result of Post Interview ............................... 53

B. The Interpretation of the Data .......................................... 54

1. Data of Observation ................................................... 54

2. Data of Questionnaire ................................................ 55

3. Data of Interview ....................................................... 55


A. Conclusion ...................................................................... 56

B. Suggestion ........................................................................ 57

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 58

APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 60

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Table 3.1 The Schedule of the Classroom Action Research ........................... 32

Table 3.2 Analytic Scoring Rubric of Narrative Writing .............................. 36

Table 4.1 The Result of Pre Questionnaire ................................................... 40

Table 4.2 Students’ Participation Result on the Teaching and

Learning in the 1st Cycle ............................................................... 44

Table 4.3 Students’ Participation Result on the Teaching and

Learning in the 2nd

Cycle ............................................................... 49

Table 4.4 Students’ Reading Score of Pretest, Posttest 1, and Posttest 2 .... 52

Table 4.5 The Result of Post Questionnaire .................................................. 54

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Figure 2.1 The Example of Schematic Structure of Narrative Text ............ 11

Figure 2.2 The Example of Grammatical Feature of Narrative Text ........... 13

Figure 2.3 The Graphic of Story Map ......................................................... 17

Figure 3.1 Classroom Action Research Design of Kurt Lewin

………………………………………………………………… 22

Figure 3.2 The Description of Implementation of Classroom Action Research

………………………………………………………………… 24

Figure 3.3 The Schedule of Action of Classroom Action Research………. 25

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Appendix 1a Interview for the English Teacher in the Preliminary Study ......... 60

Appendix 1b The Result of Interview in the Preliminary Study ......................... 61

Appendix 2a Interview for the English after Classroom Action Research…….63

Appendix 2b The result of Interview after Classroom Action Research ........... 64

Appendix 3a Questionnaire for Students in the Preliminary Study .................... 67

Appendix 3b The Result of Questionnaire in the Preliminary Study ................. 69

Appendix 4a Questionnaire for Students after Classroom

Action Research ............................................................................ 72

Appendix 4b The Result of Questionnaire before Classroom

Action Research ........................................................................... 73

Appendix 5a The Sample of Students’ Reading Narrative Text in Preliminary..74

Appendix 5b Students’ Reading Narrative Text Scores

in the Preliminary Study ................................................................ 79

Appendix 6a The Sample of Students’ Reading Narrative Text

in the Cycle 1 ............................................................................... 81

Appendix 6b Students’ Reading Narrative Text Score in the Cycle 1............... 97

Appendix 7a The Sample of Students’ Reading Narrative Text

in the Cycle 2 ............................................................................... 94

Appendix 7b The Students’ Reading Narrative Text Score

in the Cycle 2 ............................................................................... 94

Appendix 8 The Students’ Field Notes in Pre-Observation .............................. 96

Appendix 9 The Students’ Field Notes in the First Action of First Cycle ........ 97

Appendix 10 The Students’ Field Notes in the Second Action of First Cycle ... 98

Appendix 11 The Students’ Field Notes in the First Action of Second Cycle ... 99

Appendix 12 The Students’ Field Notes in the Second Action of Second Cycle.

.................................................................................................... 100

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Appendix 13 Lesson Plan in the First Cycle .................................................... 101

Appendix 14 Lesson Plan in the Second Cycle ............................................... 108

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This Chapter presents the general account of the present study. It

covers background of the study, formulation of the problem, aim of the

research, and contribution to the research.

A. Background of the Study

Every language has its own rules and skill. When students learn

English they will learn the four language skills, such as listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. As one of the language skills, reading has

an important role to increase our knowledge. For instance, by reading

newspaper, magazine, academic books and the others we can get a lot of

information, knowledge, and the new thing certainly. Therefore, the ability

to read the text in any form will give great advantage in our life.

There are many kind of reading texts that should be learned by

High School in Indonesia. One of reading text types that second year of

Junior High School students learn and should be mastered is narrative text.

Narrative text is one of text type which tells about story or events to

entertain or to inform the reader or listener.1

Based on the writer’s experience during in teaching second year

class at SMPN 245 Jakarta, most of the students still faced the difficulties

in learning narrative text. Consequently they are still difficult to achieve

the minimal mastery level criterion (KKM) considering English Subject

gains score 71 (seventy One).

Based on the interview result with the teacher on 3rd

May 2013

about students’ reading test, there are some problems faced by students

while they are reading the material. First, most of them just are able to

pronounce the word without comprehending the meaning of the text.

Second, many students are difficult to understand in longer reading

1 Mark and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, (South Yarra: Macmillan, 2003), p.



Page 16: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


material which contains a story. Third, they cannot recognize rhetorical

structures which are consist of orientation, complication or problem and

resolution. The effect is they do not understand plot of the story.

Based on the interview some students which is started from 7th



May 2013, the writer found that the students got bored during reading

activities because their teacher often asks them to read then asks them to

translate the text. After that, the teacher usually gives the students

exercises about the story. Besides, the students’ physical condition, their

interest to the material, and the difficulty of the text selections made

students seldom to participate in reading activities. It usually causes they

become bored then did not pay attention to the teacher’s explanation.

According to some causes above, the writer considers that it should

be solved by creating suitable and interesting techniques which suitable

with the condition in the class and give a chance for students to participate

during reading activities. It is similar with Soemardi which stated that

techniques depend on the teacher. The teacher can use his or her creativity

to solve the various problems in the class.2

Based on the description above, the writer wants to propose one of

the teaching techniques in improving reading comprehension especially in

narrative text that is by using story mapping. Story mapping is a visual

representation of a story which provide an overview what story talk about

through a graphic or semantic map visualization which consist of

characters, setting, problem, goal, events and resolution.3 Therefore, the

writer assumes that students need to learn how to organize ideas to create

stories, or to summarize the contents of a story after reading a story to

improve their reading comprehension.

2 Mulyanto Soemardi, Pengajaran Bahasa Asing: Sebuah Tinjauan dari Segi Metodologi,

(Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1975), p.14 3 Pamela J. Farris, Carol J. Fuhler, Maria P. Walter, Teaching Reading: A Balanced

Approach for Today’s Classrooms, (New York: Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2004), p. 345

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Finally, in this research the writer will try to apply Story Mapping

Technique as a strategy in teaching reading especially in narrative text. In

this case, the writer will do an action research entitled “Improving

Students’ Understanding of Narrative Text through Story Mapping

(Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade of SMP N 245,


B. Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study focuses on story mapping to improve

students’ reading comprehension in narrative text at SMP N 245, Jakarta.

The writer limits the study only by applying story mapping in teaching

narrative text to the second grade students at SMP N 245, Jakarta.

C. Formulation of the Study

To make the study easy to understand, the writer formulates the

problem as follow: “Can story mapping improve students’ understanding

of narrative text at SMP N 245, Jakarta?.

D. Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation above, the objective of this study is to

know whether story mapping can improve students’ understanding of

narrative text at SMP N 245, Jakarta.

E. Significance of the study

The results of this study are expected to the English teacher,

students, and writer. To English teachers, the result of this study could

help them applying to appropriate method in learning narrative text by

using story mapping.

To students, the result of this study is expected to create interactive

and enjoyable learning so the understanding of the students will be


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And to writer, this research is expected to widen his knowledge

about teaching reading strategy, especially knowledge about story

mapping technique in teaching narrative text.

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This chapter covers some theories related to the study. The discussion

focuses on the reading, narrative text, and story mapping

A. Reading

1. The Definition of Reading

Generally, when people read a text, they are not only saying or pronounce

the words but also they need to understand the message from the text. In this

sense, Arthur W. Heilman stated that reading is more than mechanical process

such as pronouncing word correctly although mechanics are an essential part of

the process but also the recognition of meaning.1 It means that reading is not only

to get the information from the text passively but also a thinking process to

understand the meaning. That statement is in line with Jeremy Harmer who stated

that reading is a practice which is dominated by the eyes and the brain.2

From the definitions above, it shows that reading is a thinking process and

more than producing the words. That is why we call that reading is a complex

process. It similar with Arthur W. Heilman who stated that reading is a

complicated process because reading need mechanical and comprehension skills,

and those skills are influenced by the reader’s attitudes, knowledge, and past


Thus, the readers should do that if they want to get the information

or the idea from the text. If they do not do that, they will get nothing. It is similar

with Jeremy Harmer that states:

Reading is an incredible active occupation. To do it successfully, we

have to understand what the words mean, see the pictures the words

are painting, understand the arguments, and work out if we agree

with them. If we do not do these things – and if students do not do

1 Arthur W. Heilman, Principles and Practices of Teahing Reading, (Boston: Charles E.

Merrill Publishing Company 1967) p. 8 2 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English language Teaching, (New York: Longman,

1983), p. 153-154.

3 Arthur, op. cit., p.3

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these things – then we only just scratch the surface of the text and we

quickly forget it. 4

The definition above shows that reader needs skills and strategies to read

the text or to comprehend the messages. Thus, comprehension becomes the main

purpose of the reading process.

According to William Grabe and Fredricka K. Stoller, reading is the

reader’s ability in taking information from the text and combine it with theirs

knowledge or information that they already has. It means that the readers’ ability

to understand the author’s message is influenced by their background knowledge

with the topic in the text. The readers have to be able to use their prior knowledge

in order to help them to understand the texts that they read. If they do not have

background knowledge or information about the materials that they read, they will

face some difficulties in understanding the texts or they have to work hard to

understand it.

In addition, Pamela states that reading comprehension is the process of

making meaning from the text. 5

In sum up, the writer take a conclusion that reading is a process of

thinking in getting meaning from the text through some skills and connecting the

information from the text with the reader’s prior knowledge.

2. The Purposes of Reading

The reader reads the reading material is influenced by their purpose in

reading. In this sense Asher Cashdan stated that the reader reads the text depends

on his or her own purpose. The students may read the text to prepare the

examination, to find out the information, or just to spent their time.”6

4 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Edinburgh: Addison Wesley Longman

Limited, 1998), p. 70 5 Pamela J. Farris, Carol J. Fuhler, Maria P. Walter, Teaching Reading: A Balanced

Approach for Today’s Classrooms, (New York: Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2004)p. 321. 6 Asher Cashdan, Language, Reading, and Learning, (Boston: University Park Press,

1979), p. 75.

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In a line with the description above, Rivers and Temperly stated that there

are some reasons that students may need or want to read. The list as follows:

a) To obtain information for some purpose or because curious about some


b) To obtain instruction on how to perform some task for our work or daily


c) To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or to understand business


d) To know when or where something will take place or what is available

e) To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in newspapers,

magazines, reports)

f) For enjoyment or excitement.7

From the explanation above, the writer concludes that there are purposes

for reading which are to get the information and to have fun. In other words, one

wants to read texts because he or she wants to get information and he or she wants

to read because the texts are interesting for them.

3. Reading Skill and Strategies

a. Reading Skill

The way to become a good reader is through practice.8 The readers need

operate their eyes and mind to get the message from the text that they have read.

They will forget the text if they just scratch the text.9 Thus, the readers need some

skills to become a fluent reader. According to Harmer there are some reading

skills, they are:

a). Scanning

In this skill the readers do not need to read every word to get

information from the text that they read, but they need to concentrate with

the information they are looking for. For the example, the readers need to

7 Rivers and Temperly in Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw (ed), Materials and

Methods in ELT, (Malden:Blackwell Publishing, 2003), p. 90 8 Nida Husna, Step by Step to Reading Skill, (Jakarta: Faculty of Tarbiya and Tachers

Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University,) p. 12 9 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (Edinburgh: Addison Wesley Longman

Limited, 1998), p. 70

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be able to scan the text when they are looking for a name, a number, and

other details from the text.

b). Skimming

In skimming the readers need to read every word because the target

is to get a general idea of what the text talk about.

c). Reading for detailed comprehension

The students often have to be able to access the text for detailed

information. The information required can be of many kinds. Thus, the

teacher need to teach reading with emphasize on scanning and skimming

and the teacher should do the best to give a mixture of materials and

activities so that the student can practice using scanning and skimming

with English text.10

b. Reading Strategies

According to Rubin in Anderson’s book states that there are strategies in

reading, they are:

a) Keep the meaning of a passage in mind while reading and use it to

predict meaning

b) Skip unfamiliar words and guess their meaning from remaining

words in a sentence or later sentences

c) Circle back in the text to bring to mind previous context to decode

an unfamiliar words

d) Identify the grammatical function of an unfamiliar word before

guessing its meaning

e) Examine the illustration and use information contained in it


f) Read the title and draw inferences from it

g) Recognize cognates

h) Use knowledge of the world to decode an unfamiliar word

i) Skip words that may add relatively little to total meaning.11


Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (New York:Pearson Education Limited, 2007),

p. 101 11

J. Charles Anderson, Assessing Reading, (New York: Cambridge University Press,

2000), p. 310

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B. Narrative Text

1. Definition of Narrative Text

Generally, there are two main categories of texts, they are literary and


Narrative is one kind of literary text beside poetic, dramatic, and

response which tells a story with the purpose to entertain the reader or audience.13

Meanwhile, according to Greasser narrative shows the events which are organized

in schematic structure, and the reader could predict it.14

From the statements above, it shows that narrative is one of reading text

which tells about story or events and has main purpose to entertain the reader.

In addition, narrative text requires a content background for understanding.

According to Pamela J. Farris reading a narrative text in a historical period or

related to a scientific finding usually necessitates having some related knowledge

in that specific area.15

On the other word, the reader who reads narrative text needs

to become familiar with the previously reviewed literary elements of character,

setting, problem and solution, theme, and writing style.

There are many types of narratives. Narrative can be imaginary or factual.

Mark and Kathy Anderson classified types of narratives; they are humor, romance,

crime, real-life fiction, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, diary-novels, and


Meanwhile, there can be a combination of narratives from those

different types such as; a crime novel could also include romance and mystery, an

adventure narrative could include humor and romance.17


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, (South Yarra:

MACMILLAN, 2003), p.ii 13

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 2, (South Yarra:

MACMILLAN, 2003), p.6 14

Greasser in Thom Hudson (ed), Teaching Second Language Reading, (New York:

Oxford University Press, 2007), p.179 15

Pamela, op. cit., p. 496. 16

Anderson. loc. cit. 17

Anderson. loc. cit.

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2. The Purpose of Narrative Text

Basically, the purpose of narrative text is to entertain the readers. So, the

readers are expected to be able to enjoy the text which being read. Similar with

that purpose, Andersons states that the purpose of narrative is to entertain the

reader or audience.18

In addition, other than providing an entertainment, narrative

can be to make the audience think about an issue, give them a lesson from the

story that they read or listen.19

3. The Schematic Structure of Narrative Text

Narrative has five main parts which are orientation, complication, and

sequence of events, resolution, and coda.

a. Orientation is the part of the story where tells about who is in the story,

when it is happening, where it is happening and what is going on

b. Complication is the part of the story where the problems in the story


c. Sequence of events is part of the story where the characters react to the

complication. It is about their feelings and what they do.

d. Resolution is part of the story where the problem is solved.

e. Coda is part of the story which is announced by narrator if there is

moral or special message to be learned from the story. If there is no

oral or special message. The narrative ends at the resolution.20

In the following is the example of schematic structure of narrative text which is

taken from (http://www.example of narrative text,com), :

18 Ibid., p.3

19 Ibid., p.6

20 Ibid., p.ii

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The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There

was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word,

except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the

place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.

The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he

could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano.

The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the

bird kept not saying the word.

At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then

he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the

parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will

kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to

teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry

and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill

you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.

One day after he had been trying so any ties to make

the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could

not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken

house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are

as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” said the man

angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut

the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat

you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.

The next day, the man came back to the chicken

house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could

not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were

three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot

was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken;

“Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.21

21 B. Louisa, Teaching Narrative Text, 2009, p.3, (http://www.example of narrative



Telling who and where


The triggers a series

of event

Sequence of events

Where the characters

react to the



In which the

problem from the

complication is


Coda, that gives the

moral to the story

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4. The Grammatical Features of Narrative Text

In a narrative text there are grammatical feature included, they are:

a. Nouns which could help the reader to identify the specific

characters and places in the story that they read

b. Adjective that give descriptions about the characters and setting in

the story

c. Verbs that identify the actions that occur in the story

d. Time words that related with events show the time or when the

events occurred. 22

In the following is the example of language features of narrative text

related to the smartest parrot story below:


Anderson. loc. cit.

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The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot.

There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say

every word, except one word. The parrot would not say

the name of the place where it was born. The name of the

place was Catano.

The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but

he could not understand why the parrot would not say

Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano

however the bird kept not saying the word.

At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but

then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the

man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say

Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although

he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the

man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over;

“Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the

word of Catano.

One day after he had been trying so any ties to make

the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could

not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken

house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are

as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” said the man

angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut

the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat

you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.

The next day, the man came back to the chicken

house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He

could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There

were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the

parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old

chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.23


Louisa, loc. cit., p.3

Specific characters:

The parrot

Adjectives providing

description: …the

smartest parrot…”

Verbs showing



shouted, and kept

not to say

Use of time

words to connect


One day, the next


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From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the grammatical

features are could help the readers to understand the story. Through grammatical

structures the readers are helped to identify the specific characters and places,

actions or events, and time when the events occurred.

C. Story Mapping

1. The Definition of Story Mapping

Generally, the goal of a reading activity is to get understanding of a text.

So, sometimes the students are being taught in a less teacher directed manner. In

this case, once a skill is taught, the students practice it within the current lesson

and then use their skill in the becoming lesson. One skill for digging into a story to

examine its part is story mapping. Before going to the definition of story mapping

it is better to know the short story of story mapping.

The origin of story maps lies within story grammar research. The term

story grammar refers to the hierarchical rules or psychological structures that

people use to create and remember stories the skeleton underlying a story, so to

speak. These psychological models of comprehension and memory are used by

both adults and children to encode and store information in their long term


Based on that definition, story mapping could help the readers recognize

the story in their long-term memories. Through practical way it could help the

readers organize the story content into a coherent whole.

The term story mapping consists of two words, they are story and map.

According to Hornby in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary “Story is a

description of events and people that the writer or speaker has invented in order to

entertain people.”25

It means that story is a fiction selection to entertain a reader or

as a part for pleasure. Meanwhile, map is defined as “A drawing to describe or

give information about something, especially the way it is arranged or


Pamela, op. cit., p. 345. 25

A. S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, (New York:

Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 1333.

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It means mapping could be defined as a sketch or drawing that

shows location or relation between things or place. In other definition, story map

is a graphic or semantic visual representation of a story which illustrates way to

provide an overview of a story that includes brief information about characters,

setting, problem, goal, events and resolution.27

According to explanation above, story mapping can also be referred as

word mapping or idea mapping which designed to show how the concept or key

words of a story are related one another. So, through graphic representation could

help the readers to identify and categorizing the main events in sequential order of

a story.

2. The Purpose of Story Mapping

According to Harvey and Goudvis in Pamela J. Farris, story mapping has

some purposes as follow:

a. Allows readers to create mental images from words in the text

b. Enhances meaning with mental imagery

c. Links past experience to the words and ideas in the text

d. Enables readers to place themselves in the story

e. Strengthens a reader’s relationship to the text

f. Stimulates the imaginative thinking

g. Heightens engagement with text

h. Brings joy to reading28

In short, the purposes of story mapping are expected to facilitate and help

the readers to understand whole parts of story. It is similar to Pamela statement,

she stated that:

A practical teaching activity to strengthen reading comprehension

involves teaching or reviewing the literary elements. Focus on the

basic elements: Setting, plot, characters, major events, the

resolution or solution of a problem, and an exploration of the theme

or author’s message.29


Ibid., p. 815. 27

Pamela. loc. cit. 28

Pamela. op. cit., p. 512. 29

Pamela, op. cit., p. 460.

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From the purposes mentioned above, it can be concluded that story

mapping is aimed to ensure understanding of the review toward literary elements

and to figure out the schematic structure concerning the sequence of action of the


3. The Technique of Using Story Mapping

The general procedure to follow when preparing a basic story map

includes the following steps:

1. Read the story. Write a sequenced summary of the main ideas, key

events, and characters that make up the plot of the story.

2. Place the title, theme, or topic of the story in the center of the

graphic story map in a predominant box or at the top of the

semantic chart.

3. Draw enough ties projecting out symmetrically from the center of

the map to accommodate the major events of the story’s plot.

Attach related pieces or second-level information from the

summary list to these ties in chronological order, moving

clockwise around the center. The semantically organized chart is

simply arranged by story elements, so information is transferred to

it accordingly.

4. Draw additional ties projecting out symmetrically from each

secondary box to accommodate the important details associated

with the key plot event, adding relevant information from the

summary list.

5. Review the final semantic chart or story map for completeness30

Based on the explanation above, the graphic of story mapping could be

described as below:


Pamela, op. cit., p. 346.

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Story Map

Figure 2.3

Graphic Story Map31


J. Garcia, Fun Learning for Kids, 2008, p. 56 (

Main Characters:


Characters: Problem:



Title and


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4. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Story Mapping

Story mapping has advantages and disadvantages. For the advantages story

mapping could help the students and also for the teacher. It is similar with Pamela

who states in her book, “When created as part of the process of preparing a

reading lesson, teachers become more involved in thinking about the structure of

the story they are to teach and how each part of the story relates to the others.” 32


means that completing a story map helps students to focus on the lesson, leads to

more purposeful teaching, and results in a better quality learning experience for

the students

According to Pamela, students get many benefits through story mapping.

The following are some advantages for students:

a. The students are able to visualize the story.

b. The students are easy to understand that story is related, so they can

predict what might happen next in one story after another.

c. The students are able to store information from the text in their


d. The students are easy to remember some information completely

and accurately.

e. The students could increase their awareness that story characters

and events are interrelated.33

Based on the explanation above, through story mapping students achieve

benefits such as to enable them store information in their personal schema more

efficiently, then, to enhance students’ interpretative abilities by enabling them to


Pamela. loc. cit. 33


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visualize story characters, events and setting, and of course to increase students’

comprehension of selection by organizing the sequence of story events.

On the other side, story mapping has also some disadvantages. According

to Pamela” Not to be overused and thus abused, these maps can be applied to

stories in the basal text along with excellent children’s literature, particularly the

shorter text.”34

It means that mapping is only used for narrative text because it

discusses the literary of story.

D. Teaching Narrative Text Through Story Mapping

There are some steps to teach narrative text through story mapping.

According to Pamela, those steps are:35

Step 1. The teacher introduces the story mapping concept to the


Step 2. The teacher writes the title of the story on the board. Then

ask to the students to predict what story is about. This way

is to motivate the students.

Step 3. The teacher asks the students to read the story. Encourage

them to predict about events by using keywords on the text

when the teacher is asking them some questions about the

characters, setting, and theme of the story. Then, ask the

students to write them in the graphic story map.

Step 4. The teacher asks the students reread the story to develop

their fluency.

Step 5. The teacher asks the students to fill out the story map



Ibid. 35

Pamela, op.cit., p.102

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This chapter presents the method of research, subject, and object of the study,

time and place, research design, the Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedures

technique of collecting data, technique of the data analysis, data validity, and criteria

of the action success.

A. The Time and Place of the Study

This research is held for two months started from May up to June 2013. The

place is at VIII class of SMP Negeri 245 Jakarta, and academic year 2012/2013.

B. The Subject and the Object of Study

1. The Subject of Study

The subject of this study is students at grade VIII class of SMP Negeri

245 Jakarta, and academic year 2012/2013. The number of students consists of 32

(thirty two). It is chosen based upon the interview result with the English teacher.

The English teacher informed about the class proving that they have the lowest

score; it was 40 (forty) in reading test among the other second grade classes.

Therefore the students need an appropriate strategy to help them in improving

their scores toward reading.

2. The Object of Study

The objective of this study is to find out the use of story mapping treatment on

the reading comprehension ability in terms of narrative text at VIII class of SMP

Negeri 245 Jakarta.

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C. The Method of Study

The method used in this study is Classroom Action Research (CAR).

According to Arikunto, Suharjono and Supardi, classroom action research is a

research which is conducted by teachers, collaborate with the researcher (or

conducted by the teacher who acts as the researcher) in a class or a school where she

or he teaches, by emphasizing on the improvement of the teaching learning process.1

It is similar with McNiff in Wijaya Kusumah and Dedi Dwitagama’s book stated that

classroom action research is a research that is held by the teacher and the result from

his research could be used as a tool to improve the teaching skill.2

Based on the definition above the implementation of Classroom Action

Research is to overcome the problems found in the classroom and to improve the

quality of teaching and learning process.

D. The Writer’s Role on the Study

The writer is as an observer in the classroom. He monitories the students in

CAR and create a lesson plan and the evaluation or test before CAR (pre-test) and

after CAR (post-test) in each final cycle. Besides, the writer also accumulates and

analyzes the data and then he reports the result of study.

E. Research Design

The Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedure used in this research is

Kurt Lewin’s design. It was consisted of two cycles in which each cycle contains

four phases; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting

1 Prof. Suharsimi Arikunto, Prof. Suhardjono, and Prof. Supardi, Penelitian TindakanKelas,

(Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2009), p.57 2 Wijaya Kusumah dan Dedi Dwitagama, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: PT


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Figure 3.1

Kurt Lewin Design of CAR3

Based on the Kurt Lewin’s action research design above, the writer would

like to describe further concerning the implementation of Classroom Action

research (CAR) in the cycle one and cycle two as following:

3 Wijaya Kusumah dan Dedi Dwitagama, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: PT






Acting Planning

Reflecting Observing

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Planning After interviewing the teacher, giving

questionnaire to the students, and holding

the pretest, then the teacher & the writer

collaborated to prepare the instruments

such as: lesson plan, observation and

guidelines, and the posttest

Acting The writer implemented the lesson plan

that had been made; that was teaching

narrative text in term of schematic

structures and linguistic feature by

using story mapping technique

Observing The observer observed the teaching

learning process in the classroom. It

included the teacher’s performance, the

class situation, and the students’

response. At the cycle 1 the students

were given the posttest 1. Then the

writer calculated the students’ reading

score result to find if there were some

students’ improvement scores from the

pretest or not.

Reflecting The teacher and the writer discussed

about the result of the implementation in

the action. Next, they made some

modification strategies to revise the

founded problems that would occur

within carrying out the story mapping

technique in the first cycle.

Planning After finding out what was the students’

reading score result at cycle 1, The teacher

and the writer collaborate to prepare some

instruments such as: the new lesson plan

(with some modifications of jigsaw

technique), observation and guidelines,

and the posttest.

Reflecting The teacher and the writer discussed

about the result of the implementation of

the modified action. If the Classroom

Action Research (CAR) target could not

be achieved yet, the action would be

continued (moved to cycle 3), but if the

students’ test result has completed the

criterion of the action success, the cycle

would be stopped.

Acting The writer implemented the new lesson

plan; where students needed to be

emphasized on doing longer discussion

in analyzing the schematic structures

into story mapping technique and

discussing in expert group. They also be

emphasized to answer oral question

from the teacher

Observing The observer observed the writer’s

performance as a teacher, the class

situation, and the students’ response. In

the end of cycle two, the students were

given the test (posttest 2). Next, the writer

calculated the students’ reading score

result all at once the students’

improvement score from the previous


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Figure 3.2

The Description of implementation CAR

F. The Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedures

The Classroom Action Research using Kurt Lewin’s design consists of

four phases within one cycle. Those are planning, acting, observing, and

reflecting. After accomplishing the first cycle, it will be probably found a new

problem or the previous unfinished problems yet. Therefore, it is necessary to

continue to the second cycle. The explanation of the phases are:

1. Planning Phase

In this phase there are two steps in making plan. First, planning for

the organization at whole aspects referred to Classroom Action Research

(CAR). Second, making the organize plan from cycle-to-cycle. The organized

plan would be formed into lesson plan based on the current used syllabus. The

lesson plan had been prepared to be implemented in VIII grade at SMP Negeri

245 Jakarta. It had been mentioned some instructions regarding procedures of

teaching, media, resources, and evaluation.

2. Acting Phase

In this phase, both the writer and the teacher collaborated to carry out

the planned action. In implementing the action, the writer taught narrative text

through story mapping technique. Meanwhile the English teacher acted as the

observer who observed all the activities that happen in the teaching learning

process. It begins the process of going more deeply into the issue being

researched. The writer and the teacher took the action phase during three

weeks within two cycles in which each cycle consisted of two meetings in

action. The schedule was as follows:

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Day/Date Time Cycle I Cycle II

24 May 2013 09.40-11.00 Meeting 1

28 May 2013 09.40-11.00 Meeting 2

31 May 2013 09.40-11.00 Meeting 1

7 June 2013 09.40-11.00 Meeting 2

Figure 3.3

The schedule of Action

3. Observing Phase

This phase discusses about the process of recording and gathering all

relevant data about any aspect occurred during the implementation of the

action. In doing the observation, the observer observed all the activities that

happen in the class. The observer used the observational sheet and field notes

for gathering the result of observation dealing with the teacher performance,

the students’ participation and the class condition.

4. Reflecting Phase

Reflecting phase is the last phase in every cycle. The purpose of this

phase are to reflect the data from the implementation of the action and to know

whether the action is successful or not by matching the result of the

observational phase with the criteria of success. Reflecting phase was carried

out collaboratively, that was to discuss further some problems occurred in the

class. Thus, the reflection was able to be determined after implementing the

action and observation outcomes. If there still might have found some

problems, it needed to move to the next cycle concerning re-planning, re-

acting, and re-observing. Therefore, next cycle was to solve the unfinished

problems yet or the new problems that had been found in cycle one.

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G. The Technique of Collecting Data

The writer used interview, observation, and field notes dealing with the

qualitative data. On the other side, the writer used the students’ final reading as a

pre-test and post-test to obtain the quantitative data.4 The completely explanation

as follows:

1. Interview

In this case, Interview was applied for the English teacher before the

classroom action research and after classroom action research. It was applied

before classroom action research to know the students difficulties in reading

skill, the students’ participation in reading class, and the teaching strategy in

teaching reading. Meanwhile, it was conducted after classroom action research

to know the teacher’s response about the learning strategy concentrate on

Story Mapping Technique.

2. Observation

The writer did the observation to monitor and record the data of the

students’ performance during the teaching and learning processes. The data

was taken such as the students’ participation, description of classroom

atmosphere, and the setting of class during teaching and learning process. It

was called as the field notes.

3. Test

A test used in this study is pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was

done before implementing Story Mapping technique. It was to measure

students’ reading comprehension at first. Meanwhile, the post-test was

implemented after using Story Mapping technique. In this study, the test was

4 Suharsimi Arikunto, op. cit., P. 127-132

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done in form of multiple choices. The test was held on every second action of

each cycle.

H. The Technique of Data Analysis

The analysis qualitative data that used in this study is based on the

observation of students’ activities during teaching learning process, and the

interview before and after Classroom Action Research (CAR). In this case, the

writer collected the students’ score from the preliminary up to post test 2. In

analyzing the numerical data, first the writer tried to get the average of students’

reading score per action within one cycle. It was used to know how well students’

score as a whole on reading skill. It uses the formula:5

Mx : mean

∑x : individual score

N : number of students

Second, the writer tried to get the class percentage which pass the minimal

mastery level criterion (KKM) considering English subject gains score 71

(seventy one) which is adapted from the school agreement at SMP Negeri 245

Jakara. It uses the formula:6

5 Sudjana, Metoda Statistika, (Bandung: PT. Tarsito, 2002), p. 67.

6 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistis Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008),

p. 43.


P = ── X 100%



Mx = ──


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P : the class percentage

F : frequency of students’ score above KKM

N : number of students

Third, after getting mean of students’ score per actions, the writer

identified whether or not there might have students’ improvement score on

reading comprehension from pre-test up to posttest score in cycle 1 and cycle 2.

In analyzing that, the writer uses the formula:

P : percentage of students’ improvement

y : pre-test result

y1 : post-test

P : percentage of students’ improvement

y : pre-test result

y2 : post-test 2

The data-gathering through observation will be presented qualitatively

based on the condition of the class (it includes what the observer see, hear, and

feel in the classroom). From the data gathering, the observer made field notes and

analyzed it by presenting the description of the field note.

y1 - y

P = ─── X 100%


y2 - y

P = ─── X 100%


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I. Criteria of the Action Success

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is able to be called successful if it can

exceed the criteria which have been determined, and fail if it is cannot exceed the

criteria which have been detained. In this study, the research will succeed when

the students could achieve or got score above the target score of the minimal

mastery level criterion (KKM), it was 75%.7 The KKM that must be attained

considering reading subject is 71 (seventy one) which is adapted from the school

agreement (SMP Negeri 245 Jakarta). If the criterion of the action success

achieved, it means that the next action of the Classroom Action Research (CAR)

would be stopped, but if this condition has not been reached yet, the alternative

action would be done in the next cycle.

7 Syaiful Bahri Djamarah dan Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar Mengajar, (Jakarta: PT Rineka

Cipta, 2006) p. 108.

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This chapter presents the result of research. In this case, it discusses the

way to develop students’ reading comprehension of narrative text by using story

mapping at VIII Social class of SMP N 245 Jakarta, academic year 20012/2010.

Related to the discussion of the result, it is divided into three parts. Those are

before implementing the action, the implementation of the action, and discussion

of all the data after implementing the action.

A. Before Implementing the Action

In this part there are three parts; those are interview, observation, and pretest.

1. The Result of Interview in preliminary of the study

The interview was held on Tuesday, May 21st

2013 started at 08.00

A.M and finished at 09.00 A.M. At that time, the writer asked to the

teacher some questions. The first questions were about the general

condition in English class primarily on students’ reading achievement and

performance. The second were the difficulties faced by students in reading

comprehension ability. The last questions were the kinds of strategies

implemented by the teacher previously before Classroom Action Research

(CAR) to solve the students’ difficulties in reading comprehension.

The first questions asked about the general condition in English

class primarily on students’ reading achievement of the test and students’

reading activities. The teacher said that the student’s performance in

learning process had different typical. It could be seen from their

participation in learning English. The students who participate in learning

English gave their attention in learning process such as: listened to the

teachers’ explanation, did the task from the teacher, asked about their

problems in understanding the topic, and discussed with their group when

the teacher divided them in a group. Besides, there were some students


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who did not give attention or participation in the class. It could be seen

from their performance such as: talked with their friends during the

teachers’ presentation, did not do the task from the teacher, did not share

or discuss about their difficulties in understanding the topic, and sometime

they slept in teaching learning process.

The second questions discussed about the students’ difficulties in

reading comprehension. The teacher mentioned the difficulties in reading

for some students in VIII grade in understanding kinds of texts. Their

problem began with the vocabulary, and then they found the difficulties to

answer the questions which related with the text that they read. Moreover,

when they found the long texts which consist of some paragraphs and the

teacher asked to read and translate the text into Bahasa Indonesia, they

thought it was a boring activity. Therefore, they did not pay attention in

teaching learning process and did not do the tasks from the teacher.

The last questions were about the teacher’s strategy in teaching

reading previously to solve the students’ difficulties in reading

comprehension. The teacher used the reading materials from students’

handbook and the English text book served by the school. The teacher said

she ever had used group work to create an active learning process in

teaching narrative text but the fact was the class just became noisy and the

students still found the difficulties in understanding the text. At last, the

teacher suggested the writer techniques that could make the students

interest and participate in reading comprehension. Then, the teacher

suggested that story mapping technique could be a solution to solve the

problems that have explained above.

2. The Result of Questionnaire in Preliminary of the Study

Pre Questionnaire was conducted to know the process of

teaching learning and students’ performance in English especially in

reading activity before implementing the action. The questionnaire used

in this study was Likert Scales questionnaire. It was held on Tuesday,

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May 21st 2013 at VIII class of SMP N 245 Jakarta, academic year

2012/2013. This class consisted of 32 students. The table below showed

the result of pre questionnaire.

The Result of Questionnaire before Classroom Action Research

No Questions Percentage

(SS) (S) (A) (TS) (STS)


Saya sering membaca buku,

komik, koran, novel, atau

majalah yang berbahasa


15.62 28.12 31.25 12.5 12.5


Saya selalu bertanya kepada

guru atau teman ketika

menemukan kesulitan dalam

mempelajari pelajaran bahasa


18.75 12.5 46.88 15.62 6.25


Saya selalu memperhatikan

penjelasan guru selama

kegiatan belajar mengajar


56.25 21.88 56.25 6.25 0


Dari empat skill dalam

bahasa Iggris (Listening,

Speaking, Reading dan

Writing) reading (membaca)

merupakan yang paling susah

saya pahami.

15.62 6.25 40.62 21.88 15.62

5 Saya sangat mudah

menyelesaikan soal-soal atau

tugas yang diberikan guru

25 21.88 31.25 15.62 6.25

6 Setiap hari saya mempelajari

ulang pelajaran bahasa

inggris di rumah.

3.12 12.5 31.25 31.25 21.88


Cara guru saya mengajar

pada pelajaran membaca

dalam bahasa Inggris sangat

membantu saya memahami

topik atau tema yang


28.12 21.88 50 0 0

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8 Saya merasa kesulitan

memahami teks-teks yang

berbahasa Inggris.

46.88 31.25 12.5 6.25 3.12


Saya sangat mudah

memahami teks-teks

narrative yang diajarkan guru

di kelas.

6.25 6.25 3.12 46.88 31.25


Saya sangat mudah

menyelesaikan soal-soal yang

berkaitan dengan teks-teks


9.37 3.12 46.88 21.88 18.75


(SS) : Sangat Setuju

(S) : Setuju

(A) : Abstain

(TS) : Tidak Setuju

(STS): Sangat Tidak Setuju

Table 4.1

The Result Questionnaires in the Preliminary of Study

The description of the pre questionnaire as follow:

1. The feeling to read English text

The result of the questionnaire showed that 15.62% of

students like to read English text very much, 28.12% of students

like to read English text, 31.25% students felt fair to read the

English text, 12.5% students didn’t like to read English text. And,

12.5% students didn’t like to read English text very much. It can be

drawn the conclusion that most of the students of eighth grade

class like to read English text.

2. The feeling to solve their problem in understanding the lesson

The result of questionnaire showed that 18.75% of students

always ask to the teacher about their problem in understanding

English lesson. 12.5% of students like to share their problem in

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English lesson. 46.88% of the students felt fair to share their

problem in English lesson. 15.62 % of students did not like to share

their problem in English lesson. 6.25% of students didn’t like to

share their problem in understanding the English lesson very much.

As a conclusion, some students seldom to share their problem in

understanding the English lesson.

3. The Feeling to pay attention to teachers’ explanation

The result showed that 56.25% of students always give

their attention to the teachers’ explanation and 21.88% of the

students usually give their attention to the teachers’ explanation.

56.25% of them felt fair to give attention to the teachers’

explanation. 12.5% of them sometime give their attention to the

teachers’ explanation. It was indicated that the students gave their

attention to the teachers;’ explanation.

4. The feeling if Reading is the most difficult skill in English lesson

It showed that 15.62% of the students did not agree very

much that reading is the most difficult skill and 6.25% of students

also did not agree about that. 40.62% of them felt fair about that.

21.88% of them stated that reading is the most difficult English

skill. Other 15.62% of them agreed very much that reading is the

most difficult skill. It meant that many of students got difficulties

in comprehending the text, so they felt that reading was difficult


5. The feeling to complete the task or questions about reading.

It showed that 25% of the students could complete the

reading task. 21.88% of the students usually could complete the

reading task. 31.25% of them felt fair to complete the reading task.

15.62% of the students felt that they got difficult in completing the

reading task. And 6.25% of them agreed very much that they got

difficult in completing the reading task. So, some of the students

still got difficult in completing the reading task.

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6. The activity to study English lesson at home

It showed that 3.12% of the students agreed very much that

they learnt again what they learnt at class. 12.5% of them also

agreed about that. 31.25% of them felt fair. 31.25% of them did not

learn again what they learned at class. Then 21.88% of them did

not agree very much if they learnt again their lesson at home. It

meant most of the students did not study again what they got at


7. The way of the teacher to teach English.

The result showed that 28.12% of the students like the

teacher’s method very much. 21.88% of them also like the

teacher’s method. 50% of them felt fair. So, it indicated that most

of the students like the teacher’s method in teaching English.

8. The feeling of difficult in understanding English text

It showed that 9.37% of students disagreed very much if

they felt boring in the class. 12.5% of them also disagreed about

that. 53.12% of them felt fair. 25% of them felt boring in reading

English text. It means that some students need to be given another

teaching method to motivate them in reading a text.

9. The feeling to understand the narrative text easily.

The result showed 6.25 % of the students agreed very much

if they could understand the narrative text. 6.25% of them usually

could understand the narrative text. 3.12% of them felt fair.

Besides, 46.88% of them stated that they got difficulties in

understanding narrative text. 31.25 of students felt difficult in

understanding the narrative text very much. It could be concluded

many of students felt difficult in understanding the narrative text.

10. The feeling to complete the task or questions about narrative text


It showed that 9.37% of the students got easy in completing

the tasks about narrative text. 3.12% of students usually felt easy

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in completing the task about narrative text. 46.88% of students

sometime felt easy in completing the tasks about narrative text.

21.88 of students got difficulties in completing the tasks about

narrative text. 18.75% of students felt difficult in completing the

tasks about narrative text very much. It means many of students

still get the difficulties in completing the tasks about narrative text.

The conclusion in term of reading problem was the VIII grade

still got difficulty in reading skill and needed improvement to reach

the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal


3. The Result of Pre Test

The pretest was held before the Classroom Action Research

(CAR). It was conducted on Thursday, May 21st 2013. It started at 09.40

A.M. There were actually 20 questions in multiple-choice form in which

the students carried out the test during 25 minutes.

Based on the result of the pre test, the data showed that the mean

score of pretest was 61.56%. There were only six students who derived the

score above the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM) meanwhile the

other 26 students were below that criterion. The student’s lowest score was

35. From that analyzing, it could be seen that almost of the VIII – 6

students’ reading comprehension was still very low.

B. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. The First Cycle

1.1 Planning

In this step the writer and the teacher made a planning for the

action according to the problem that faced by the students in understanding

reading comprehension. First, the writer designed lesson plan for the first

cycle into two lesson plans. Second, the writer employed story mapping

technique as the technique of teaching of reading with the goal of

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facilitating the students to improve their reading comprehension. Third,

the writer and the teacher decided narrative text to be taught to the

students. In this case, the writer determined the selected material and

exercises into a lesson plan.

The writer also prepared the observation sheets to observe the

students’ and the teacher’s activities in teaching learning process. Beside

that the writer also prepared the post test 1 to collect the data; to know

whether there are some students’ improvement scores from pretest to


Next, the writer and the teacher determined the criteria of success.

The criteria of success were 75% of the students’ reading score achieved

the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) of

English (71) or above and 75% of students participated in reading class.

1.2 Acting

The action of the first cycle was held on May 24th

and 28th


The teacher did the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan had

been made. The writer acted as the teacher, and the English teacher acted

as an observer. The teacher taught narrative text by using story mapping.

First meeting

May, 24th


The material in the first meeting was the narrative text. The titles of

the texts were The Smartest Parrot, and The Crocodile and the Mouse

Deer. The teacher began the lesson by greeting the students, then ding

brainstorming to motivate the students in learning English. After that the

teacher explained the schematic structure and language features of

narrative text. In this meeting the teacher divided the students into group

work. After that, the teacher asked some of the students from the different

group to read the text loudly. After they read the story, the teacher asked

them to discuss in their group about the schematic structures of the text

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that they read and taking a note about the schematic structure into the story

mapping sheet. Then, the teacher gave the students some questions based

on the text such as main idea, supporting details, and schematic structures

from the story that they read. Besides, the teacher explained about the

concept of story mapping and gave the examples how to use it. At last, the

teacher asked the students to do exercises into a story mapping sheet by

taking note the key words and by using paraphrase with the second story.

This task was done by the students individually.

Second meeting

May, 28th


In the second meeting the writer took a story with the title was The

Beauty and the Beast. In this session the teacher started the lesson by

motivating students in learning English through a game. Then, the

teacher reviewed about the topic that have discussed in the previous

meeting. After that, the teacher asked students to read the text silently.

After that, some students read the text loudly. After that, the teacher

explained the schematic structures of narrative text and the language

feature considering the narrative text. Then, teacher gave the students

some questions based on the text such as main idea, supporting details,

and schematic structures from the story that they read. In the last

meeting, the teacher and the writer gave the post test 1 to know whether

the students improved their reading comprehension or not. It was done


1.3 Observing

In this step, the observer observed the students’ participation and

teaching learning process through field notes. These notes such as: the

teacher’s performance, class situation, the students’ response, and the test

that will use in the posttest 1. Besides, the writer also took a note about the

suggestion from the observer for the next meeting. After finishing the first

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cycle, the writer also collected the data for posttest 1. The result of

observation was the students were motivated in understanding the text. It

was seen from their attention to the teacher’s instruction and they tried to

identify the schematic structures of narrative text even tough some of the

students haven’t already known the concept of story mapping clearly.

Some of them could present their opinion to their members. They brought

the dictionary in order to find out the difficult words’ meaning by

themselves. Some of them wanted to share their ideas with their friends. It

also could be seen from the students’ result in doing experts’ task and

individual task. Their test results were good enough.

Although, the result of field notes showed that the teaching

learning has done well, the class still had some problems such as: The

class was too noisy and took a lot of time when the students made their

group, so she said that it was better to make procedures of grouping be

more simple. Besides, some of students still got the difficulties to find the

keywords in each paragraph. It might be caused so many new words that

they found in the text. Furthermore, there were found some students who

actively in answering the teacher’s questions correctly related to the

schematic structures within the story maps sheet. In the second action of

the first cycle, the students seemed easier to do the exercise and taking

notes note into story maps sheet.

The result of post test 1 showed there were 14 students who passed

the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) 71

(seventy One). To know the result of students’ reading score, the writer

needs to calculate the mean score. The mean score derived from the

following formula:






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This data showed that the mean score of the class derived 68.90.

Then, the writer calculated the class percentage whose passed the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) using

the following formula:






The data showed that there were 43.75% of the students who got

the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM). Meanwhile the other 18 students were below that

criterion. It implied that the first criterion has not fulfilled.

Besides, to know the students’ improvement from the preliminary

to the first cycle, the writer needs to calculate the mean score from the

preliminary and the first cycle by using the formula below:




P = %10056.61


P = %9.11

This data showed that there was a slight improvement of students’

mean score from the preliminary study to the first cycle. The mean score

of the previous score was 61.56 and the mean score of the students’

reading comprehension on the first cycle was 68.90 That means that there

was 7.34 points or 11.9% of mean score improvement.

1.4 Reflecting

In this step, the teacher and the writer discussed about the

conclusion of implementing the action. Then, they tried to modify the

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action in order students more understand in reading and in order 75% of

students in the class could pass the KKM because in the result of posttest 1

showed only 43.75% of students who passed the KKM. It means the

implementation of Story Mapping technique did not yet give satisfactory

result on the improvement of students’ reading comprehension.

Therefore, the writer and the teacher prepared some revision before

the implementation of the next cycle in order to achieve the success

criteria of this study. The revisions about the previous action such as; first,

the students still did not understand about the story mapping concept in

understanding narrative text. Thus, the teacher gave more attention to the

students by checking the students’ worksheet. It could be done by

monitoring and guiding the students when they taking notes sentences

from the text into story mapping sheet. Second, the students still got the

difficulties to make their own sentence or paraphrase about the story in the

text. In this case, the teacher explained the paraphrase firstly and gave the

examples of paraphrase. Third, the class was noisy even some students

made a group and cheated each other in doing the tasks. Thus, the teacher

made the rules during the teaching-learning process. It was done by giving

reward and punishment to the students during they worked in their group.

From the reflecting step above, the writer realized that he must be

improved again in implementing story mapping technique for the next

cycle to achieve the goal.

2. The Second Cycle

2.1 Planning

In this step the writer and the teacher made a planning to solve the

problem that was still found by the students in understanding the

schematic structures of narrative text and story mapping technique. The

lesson plan which was used still related to story mapping in learning

schematic structures of narrative text. The teacher and the writer modified

the lesson by giving explanation of the story mapping concept and the

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schematic structures clearly. In this case, the teacher did monitoring and

guiding the students when they taking note from the text to the story

mapping sheet. Besides, the teacher explained more about how to make


They also prepared the gift or reward to motivate the students

became more enthusiasts. In this step, the writer also prepared the task that

consisted of implied information question. The writer still also prepared

the observation and field note, camera, and the posttest 2 to collect the


2.2 Acting

The action of the cycle two was done on May 31st and June 7


2013. The action was done based on the lesson plan. In this cycle the

writer and the teacher collaborated in teaching and observing the students.

First meeting

May 31st 2013

In the first meeting, the writer introduced a topic about narrative

text with the title A Farmer and His Son. In this step the teacher started the

lesson by giving some questions about the members of family. Then the

teacher took eight members of family, they were grand pa, grand ma,

father, mother, sister, brother, aunt, and uncle. After that, the teacher asked

the students to mention one of those family members. The students who

mentioned the same name of family member would be in a group. After

doing brain storming and made groups work, the teacher told the students

about their role in group. The roles are the students need to discuss about

the schematic structures, the language features, and the key words from the

text that they read. Besides, the students need to answer the questions from

the teacher about the text that they read. In order to motivate students in

teaching learning process, the teacher told that the best group would get a

gift from the teacher. The best group was the group where they discussed

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the text seriously, helped each other to solve their problems in

understanding the text, and could answer the questions from the teacher

about the text that they read.

Then, the teacher reviewed the schematic structure and language

features of narrative text to the students. The teacher also explained about

paraphrase, it could help the students to write the sentences from the text

into story mapping sheet. The teacher also asked students to discuss it and

answered the written question. When every group finished answering the

written questions, teacher went to the students and asked them orally in

order to know how well they had discussed with their groups. If there was

student who still got difficulties, teacher asked his or her member to

explain about that.

The students went back to their desk group after they discussed in a

group. After that, the teacher gave another story with the title Why do

Hawks Hunt Chicks? and asked the students to complete the story

mapping sheet by identifying the schematic structures of narrative text

from the text. The teacher also gave students written questions about the

text and they answered it individually.

Second meeting

June 7th


In the second meeting, the title of the text was Sangkuriang. The

narrative of the text was not different with the first meeting at the second

cycle. The teacher started the teaching-learning process by giving brain

storming and reviewed what the students had learnt at the meeting before.

In this step the teacher did not explain again about schematic structure of

the narrative text. The teacher just gave a little bit about how to make

paraphrase. After that, the teacher asked the students to read the text

silently and then asked them to complete the story mapping sheet

according to the text that they read. During the students completed the

story mapping sheet, the teacher did monitoring to them.

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After finishing their task, the teacher gave question orally and

doing simple quiz as in the first meeting. In the last meeting the teacher

and writer gave second post-test in order to know the improvement of

students’ understanding in reading narrative text.

2.3 Observing

As in the first cycle, in this step the observer observed the students’

participation in the learning process in pre and post reading activities

through observation and field note. In the second cycle, generally the class

condition in learning process was better than before. The points of

observation were; the students were motivated in understanding the

material. Many students were familiar with the question of the object of

text and detail information and they knew how to answer the questions

based on the text they have read. Besides, another fact which showed the

students motivated during the lesson. It was showed where they tried to

compete with other groups to finish the task and became the best group.

Those facts showed that the students enjoyed the lesson in doing the

individual exercises and in a group. In the second cycle, the teacher

showed improvement in teaching technique. It could be seen from the fact

during the lesson that students could understand easily and could write the

key words because the guiding and detail explanation from the teacher.

In the last meeting of the second cycle, the teacher gave posttest 2.

The text and the question of the test were still same with the pre and post-

test one. The difference was just on the formation of the choices and the

structural numbers of the questions. After calculating the result of the post-

test 2, the writer found the result; there were 26 students who passed the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) 71

(Seventy One). The writer needs to calculate the data to know the mean of

students’ score in reading comprehension posttest 2. It was derived from

following formula:

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This data showed that the mean of students’ score in post test 2 was

77.5. It means that the students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion-

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) 71 (Seventy One). Then, The

calculation of class percentage about the students who passed the

Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM):






From this data, the writer found that 26 (Twenty Six) or 81.25 %

students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM). After that, the writer needs to calculate the data to know

the students’ improvement from the preliminary to the second cycle. In

this step the writer used following formula:

P = %1002



P = %10056.61


P = %9.25

The data showed that there was better improvement of students’

mean score from the students’ reading comprehension in the preliminary

study to the students’ reading comprehension in the second cycle. The

mean score for the preliminary study was 61.56 and the mean score of

reading posttest 2 in the second cycle was 77.50. It means that there was

15.9 points or 25.9% of mean score improvement. The students who

passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal

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(KKM) were 26 students or 81.25% if it is calculated into class percentage.

It indicated that the criterion of success has been achieved. The following

was the table of students’ reading comprehension score.

No Name Pre Test Post Test 1 Post Test 2

1 S1 50 60 80*

2 S2 45 55 75*

3 S3 45 60 75*

4 S4 70 75* 75*

5 S5 55 70 75*

6 S6 75* 80* 85*

7 S7 60 70 80*

8 S8 90* 100* 100*

9 S9 80* 85* 85*

10 S10 40 50 60

11 S11 45 50 65

12 S12 60 70 75*

13 S13 65 75* 80*

14 S14 35 50 65

15 S15 75* 80* 90*

16 S16 80* 90* 100*

17 S17 70 75* 80*

18 S18 45 55 75*

19 S19 70 75* 80*

20 S20 70 75* 75*

21 S21 90* 100* 100*

22 S22 55 65 75*

23 S23 70 80* 90*

24 S24 50 65 75*

25 S25 60 65 75*

26 S26 55 60 65

Page 61: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


27 S27 70 75* 80*

28 S28 40 45 50

29 S29 60 65 75*

30 S30 60 60 65

31 S31 70 75* 80*

32 S32 55 60 75*

Mean 61.56 68.90 77.50

*: The student who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal KKM (71)

Table 4.2

The Students’ Reading Score of Pretest, Posttest 1, Posttest 2

From the table above, it could be seen that there was improvement

of the students’ number who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion-

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). It also increased from preliminary

study and each cycle. In the preliminary study there were only 9 students

or 18.75% of the students who got the score above the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM); There were 14 students or

43.75% of the students who got the score above the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) in the first cycle; and in

the second cycle, The students who passed the Minimum Mastery

Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) were 26 students or

81.25%. It proved that the target of the criterion of success in which

minimum 75% of the students passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion-

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) could be achieved.

2.4 Reflecting

After getting the result of observation and field notes and posttest

2, the writer and the collaborator carried out the reflection. They felt

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satisfactory with the result of the action. The result of the posttest 2

showed that 81.25% of the students got the score above the Minimum

Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). So it has

achieved the first criterion of success that 75% of the students must get the

score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion- Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal (KKM). Also, the students’ participation in the second cycle

showed better than in the cycle 1. It could be seen from the notes and the

students result on experts’ and individual task. It meant that this criterion

of success has achieved too.

Because of the satisfied result, so the writer and the teacher

assumed that using story mapping technique in teaching reading of

narrative text could improve the students’ understanding.

C. The Discussion of the Data after Implementing Classroom Action

Research (CAR)

After implementing the classroom action research, the writer carried out

the interview to the English teacher who acted as the observer to know her

response about the implementation of the action. Then the writer gave the

questionnaire to the students to know their response about the implementation of

story mapping technique in teaching reading narrative text.

1. The Result of Post Questionnaire

The post-questionnaire was held to know about the students’

response after teaching learning of narrative text through story mapping

technique. The questionnaire used in this study was likert scales

questionnaire. The questionnaire was given to the students in the VIII-6

grade on Friday, June 7th

2013. This questionnaire has ten questions. The

table below showed the result of post questionnaire.

Page 63: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa



o Questions


(SS) (S) (A) (TS) (ST



Saya senang belajar bahasa

Inggris dengan menggunakan

tehnik story mapping. 15.6 53.1 28.1 3.1 0


Saya merasa lebih mudah

belajar bahasa Inggris dengan

tehnik Story Mapping. 21.9 40.6 37.5 0 0


Saya merasa tidak termotivasi

untuk belajar bahasa inggris

dengan menggunakan tehnik

Story Mapping.

6.3 46.9 43.7 3.1 0


Saya merasa lebih mudah

memahami bacaan bahasa

inggris dengan tehnik Story


12.5 50 31.3 6.3 0


Cara guru mengajar dengan

menggunakan Story Mapping

tidak menyenangkan. 31.3 50 12.5 0 0


Saya merasa pasif dan terus

mengandalkan teman saat

memahami narrative text

dengan menggunakan tehnik

Story Mapping.

31.3 31.3 34.5 3.1 0


Saya merasa lebih aktif dalam

belajar reading terutama

narrative text dengan

menggunakan tehnik Story


15.6 46.9 34.5 0 3.1


Saya merasa tidak nyaman

belajar memahami narrative

text dengan menggunakan

tehnik Story Mapping.

40.6 40.6 15.6 3.1 0


Belajar dengan tehnik Story

Mapping, meningkatkan

kemampuan saya dalam

memahami narrative text.

12.5 40.6 40.6 6.3 0


Belajar dengan tehnik Story

Mapping tidak membantu

saya untuk mengatasai

kesulitan-kesulitan dalam

memahami narrative text.

18.8 40.6 34.5 3.1 3.1


(SS) : Sangat Setuju

Page 64: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


(S) : Setuju

(A) : Abstain

(TS) : Tidak Setuju

(STS): Sangat Tidak Setuju

Table 4.3

The Result of Questionnaire after CAR

The description of the post questionnaire as follow:

1. The feeling toward teaching learning narrative text through Story

Mapping Technique.

The result of the first question showed that 15.6% 0f the

students like using Story Mapping very much, 53.1% of the

students like to learn English through Story Mapping, 28.1% of the

students felt fair about it and 3.1% of the students or just a student

who dislikes using Story Mapping to learn English. The result

indicated that most of students like to learn narrative text through

story mapping technique.

2. The students’ response in learning English using Story Mapping


The second question showed that 21.9% of students agreed

very much that they got easiness to learn English using Story

Mapping. 46.9 of them also agreed about that. 37.5% of the

students felt fair. It meant that most of students felt that they got

easiness in learning English using Story Mapping technique.

3. The Story Mapping technique gives motivation to the students in

learning English.

The result showed that 50% of the students felt more

motivated in learning English using Story mapping technique. Then

3.1% of students or just one student did not agree about that. It

meant that many of students feel more motivated using Story

Mapping as the technique to learn English.

Page 65: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


4. The easiness in comprehending the English text using Story

Mapping technique.

The result was 50% of the students stated that

comprehending English text through Story Mapping were easy.

31.3% of them felt fair and 6.3% of students disagreed about that.

It showed that many students agree that they felt easy to

comprehend English text by using Story Mapping technique.

5. Teacher’s style during teaching reading through Story Mapping


The result showed that 31.3% of the students agreed very

much that the teacher’s method during the action was interesting.

50% of students agreed it and just 12.5% of students felt fair. None

of students disagreed about that it indicated that the teacher had

done the action well.

6. The feeling of passive during teaching learning of reading text

using Story Mapping technique.

The result showed that 31.3% of the students did not agree

very much if they felt passive when learning using Story Mapping.

31.3% of students did not feel passive. There were 34.5% of

students felt fair about that. Just 3.1% of them felt that he was

passive using Story Mapping technique to learn. The result

indicated that most of students like to read through Story Mapping


7. Story Mapping Technique help the students to be more active

The result showed that 15.6% of the students agreed very

much that Story Mapping could help them more active. 46.9%

agreed about that. 34.5% of students felt fair about that and just

3.1% who disagreed very much. It meant that there still some

students who needed to be active in using Story Mapping


8. The feeling uncomfortable using Story Mapping technique

Page 66: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


The data showed that 40.6% of the students felt

comfortable very much, 40.6% of them also felt comfortable using

Story Mapping to learn reading text. 15.6% of them felt fair. Just

3.1% who felt uncomfortable using Story Mapping technique in

learning comprehending the text. It indicated that most of students

were comfortable using Story Mapping in learning English text.

9. The students’ assumption about the improvement of students’ skill

after using Story Mapping.

The result was 53.1% of the students assumed that learning

reading text using Story Mapping could improve their reading skill.

40.6% of them felt fair. 6.3% of them disagreed about that. So it

indicated that Story Mapping technique could improve students’

understanding in reading.

10. The students’ assumption that Story Mapping could solve their


The result showed that 18.8% of the students stated that

Story Mapping helped to solve students’ difficulties in

comprehending the text. 40.6% also agreed about that. Just 6.3% of

students or 2 students disagreed about that. It showed that many of

students assumed that could solve their problems in comprehending

the text using Story Mapping technique.

2. The Result of Post Interview

Unstructured interview was conducted on Friday, June 7th


after accomplishing cycle 2. It started at 1.30 P.M and finished at 2.15

P.M. In this case, the writer divided into three criteria of questions. First

criterion talked about the general condition in the class during

implementing the action. It was found that the students’ condition were

better than before. In this sense, they looked enthusiast and motivated in

understanding the story in the text. Besides, the students got easy in

understanding the text by using story mapping.

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Second criterion was about the solution in implementing Story

Mapping when implementing the action. It was observed that some

students got difficulties to write their own sentences. It was seen when the

students tried to take notes from the story into story mapping sheet. So,

the teacher made a group of them in order to make students could be

more cooperative and helped each other. Besides, the teacher also did

monitoring and guiding during the students was doing their task. In this

case, the teacher gave explanation and examples about paraphrase. The

last criterion is about the opinion of Story Mapping technique. It was said

that Story Mapping technique was a good strategy in teaching reading

text. It could be an effective way to help the students’ difficulties in

understanding the text. Beside it might be able to improve the students’

comprehension; it could be an alternative strategy and could motivate the

English teacher to use it.

From the explanation above, it could be concluded that the teacher

gave a positive response in the implementation of Story Mapping in

understanding narrative text. In addition, Story Mapping technique also

gave a good impact for improvement of the students’ understanding of

narrative text.

D. The Interpretation of the Data

In action research, it needs to look the various data sources to sustain the

result of the research. The data sources used in this study was triangulation. It

was used to know and to check whether the result of each instrument was in

line with the result of other instrument. So it could produce the validity of the

data and it could be clearly seen the accordance of the research findings.

1. Data of Observation

Based on the result of the field note and students’ result in doing

their group task and individual task it indicated that the students’

participation during the teaching and learning process of Story Mapping

Page 68: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


activities gradually increase from the first cycle into the second cycle.

They became more familiar with the types of the question and knew how

to answer them in the cycle 2. They could solve the previous problem.

They became more motivate when teacher gave quiz and reward.

The improvement of students’ participation meant that the

implementation of Story Mapping technique gave a good impact of their

participation during the teaching and learning process of reading narrative

text. It successfully improved the students’ motivation because the

activities of Story Mapping technique could make the students interest to

involve in doing the activities.

2. Data of Questionnaire

The data of the pre questionnaire revealed that reading was one of

the English skills that difficult to learn. The students had difficulty in term

of getting mind idea and detail information. Students also had difficulty in

comprehending the text and understanding the message from the text.

Those problems made the students did not interest to read the text.

However, after using Story Mapping technique in understanding narrative

text, the students gave positive responses to the action. Besides, Story

Mapping technique could make the condition in the classroom more active

and made the students easier in understanding the text. It is because they

can share their opinion about the text in group. They also could help each

other in solving their problem.

3. Data of Interview

The data from the pre interview with the English teacher indicated

that the students’ ability in reading was poor because the students had

some difficulty in understanding the text, and the students’ participation in

the class was not too active. Consequently, it needed to do the innovation

in teaching and learning of reading text. The writer tried to implement

Story Mapping technique in teaching reading text. After conducting the

Page 69: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


action, the English teacher gave positive responses toward the action. The

English teacher felt satisfied to the students’ improvement in

understanding the text and also students’ role in the classroom.

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A. Conclusion

In this chapter, the writer would like to conclude what have been

discussed in the previous chapters. Before implementing the action it had

been found out that eight grade class of SMP N 245 Jakarta got low scores;

it was 40 (forty) in reading comprehension, especially in understanding

narrative text. The students still got difficulties in identifying the main idea,

the schematic structures, and plot of the story of narrative text.

Consequently, the students did not understand the text that they have read.

Based on those facts, the writer tried to use the teaching techniques that

could help the students in understanding narrative text, it was Story

Mapping. Story mapping is a visual representation of a story which provide

an overview what story talk about through a graphic or semantic map

visualization which consist of characters, setting, problem, goal, events and

resolution.1 In this technique the students are given a graphic map which

consists of schematic structures of narrative text. This graphic map helped

the students in identifying the structure of the story and main idea from the

text. Finally, the students understood the story that they read.

Beside, to prove this assumption the writer conducted a Classroom

Action Research (CAR). According to McNiff, classroom action research is

a research that is held by the teacher and the result from his research could

be used as a tool to improve the teaching skill.2

Based on the data that the writer got from the research, the

implementation of Story Mapping technique in the teaching of reading has

successfully improved the second year students’ reading comprehension in

1 Pamela J. Farris, Carol J. Fuhler, Maria P. Walter, Teaching Reading: A Balanced

Approach for Today’s Classrooms, (New York: Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2004), p. 345 2 Wijaya Kusumah dan Dedi Dwitagama, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta:



Page 71: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


understanding narrative text. It was also supported by the result of the

questionnaire given to the students in the end of the second cycle. After

using Story Mapping technique in teaching narrative text, the students gave

positive responses toward that action. Story Mapping technique could

overcome their difficulty in analyzing the mind idea and supporting details.

They can share their opinion in understanding what the text is about in

group. It can be concluded that Story Mapping technique could make the

condition in the classroom more interesting and make students easier in

understanding the text.

Finally, the teacher’s response about the implementation of Story

Mapping technique would be an alternative strategy in teaching reading

especially narrative text. Therefore, Story Mapping technique could improve

the students’ reading understanding in narrative text.

B. Suggestion

There are some suggestions to offer to the English teachers and the

other researchers based on the research findings, they are:

1. It is recommended that the students follow Story Mapping technique as

one of their learning strategies to practice and improve their writing

ability in narrative texts which can be done in their extracurricular


2. It is also suggested that the English teachers implement the Story

Mapping technique as an alternative strategy in teaching narrative text.

3. To the future researcher teachers, particularly those who have the same

problem and are interested in conducting research, it is suggested that

this study could be a reference.

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Anderson, J. Charles, Assessing Reading, New York: Cambridge University Press,


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Daniel Zemelman and Hyde Samuels, Reading Comprehension, New York:

Oxford University Press, 1998.

Farris, Pamela J. and Carol J. Fuhler, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach

for Today’s Classroom, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.

Harmer, Jeremy, How to Teach English, Edinburgh: Addison Wesley Longman

Limited, 1998.

Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English language Teaching, New York:

Longman, 1983.

Heilman, W. Arthur, Principles and Practices of Teaching Reading, United States

of America: Charles E. Meerill Publishing Company, 1967

Hornby A. S., Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, New

York: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Hudson, Thom, Teaching Second Language Reading, New York: Oxford

University Press, 2007.

Husna, Nida, Step by Step to Reading Skill, Jakarta: Faculty of Tarbiya and

Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

Kusumah, Wijaya and Dedi Dwitagama, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,

Jakarta: PT Malta Printindo, 2009.

McDonough, Jo Christopher Shaw, Material and Method in ELT, Malden:

Blackwell Publishing, 2003

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Murcia, Marianne Celce, Teaching Reading as a Second of Foreign Language,

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Appendix 1a: Interview for the English Teacher in the Preliminary Study



1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas?

2. Berapa standar nilai KKM untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini bu, dan

apakah siswa dapat memenuhi standar terebut?

3. Dari empat skill didalam bahasa inggris, skill apa yang menurut siswa paling

sulit bu?

4. Activitas apa saja yang dilaksanakan didalam proses pengajaran reading?

5. Metode apa yang ibu gunakan didalam pengajaran reading?

6. Bagaimana pendapat ibu ketika ibu menggunakan metode tersebut?

7. Apa kendala yang ibu hadapi dalam pengajaran reading?

8. Bagaimana partisipasi siswa ketika pengajaran reading berlangsung?

9. Media apa saja yang pernah ibu gunakan dalam pengajaran reading?

10. Selanjutnya, jenis teks apa yang akan sarankan untuk digunakan dalam penelitian


Page 75: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Appendix 1b: The Result of Interview of the English Teacher in the Preliminary


Interviewer : Abdul Aziz Mansur

Interviewee : Dra, Rita Herawati

Day/date : Tuesday, May 21st 2013

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas?

Untuk tingkat perhatian saat KBM berlangsung, variatif ya sebenarnya.

Contohnya untuk kelas yang regular, mereka lebih memberikan perhatian disaat

KBM berlangsung dibandingkan kelas yang unggulan. Kelas unggulan lebih

cuek, rebut dan gaduh saat KBM. Mungkin ini dikarenakan kemampuan mereka

yang ungkin bisa dibilang diatas rata-rata kelas yang lain. Disamping itu

mungkin karena mereka kebanyakan sudah ikut les-les di luar.

2. Berapa standar nilai KKM untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah ini

bu, dan apakah siswa dapat memenuhi standar terebut?

Untuk kelas regular KKM nya 71, sedangkan untuk yang unggulan itu 76. Jelas

tidaklah mas, karena dikelas yang unggulan pun banyak yang tidak mencapai


3. Dari empat skill didalam bahasa inggris, skill apa yang menurut siswa

paling sulit bu?

Kebanyakan dari mereka mendapat kesulitan di reading mas. Ya itu disebabkan

karena vocabulary yang mereka punya itu minim sekali. Tentulah mereka

mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami suatu bacaan atau teks dalam bahasa


4. Activitas apa saja yang dilaksanakan didalam proses pengajaran reading?

Seringnya ya saya Tanya jawab dulu dengan siswa terkait dengan materi yang

akan saya ajarkan. Kemudian saya meminta mereka untuk membaca dan setelah

itu saya memberikan pertanyaan untuk memahai sejauh mana anak memahami

teks tersebut.

Page 76: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


5. Metode apa yang ibu gunakan didalam pengajaran reading?

Saya menggunakan Three Phase Techniques.

6. Bagaimana pendapat ibu ketika ibu menggunakan metode tersebut?

Ya, yang saya rasakan anak lebih mudah untuk memahami.

7. Apa kendala yang ibu hadapi didalam pengajaran reading?

terbentur dengan arti itu sudah pasti. Kemudian mereka kesulitan dalam

menjawab pertanyaan dan mereka cepat bosan ya saat menemui teks-teks dalam

bahasa inggris. Apalagi kalau teks nya panjang.

8. Bagaimana partisipasi siswa ketika pengajaran reading berlangsung?

Yang paling sering terjadi ya mereka males dan ngantuk.

9. Media apa saja yang pernah ibu gunakan dalam pengajaran reading?

Saya sering menggunakan buku yang kira-kira menarik untuk mereka atau

dengan mencari cerita-cerita lainnya selain dari yang ada di buku. Terkadan

menggunakan power point.

10. Selanjutnya, jenis teks apa yang akan sarankan untuk digunakan dalam

penelitian ini?

Menurut saya baiknya narrative ya. Karena kalau teks yang lain seperti

descriptive, mereka sudah bisa atau terlalu mudah untuk mereka, mungkin itu

karena saat mereka kelas 7 pun itu sering diajarkan. Disamping itu juga karena di

ujian yang paling banyak keluar itu jenis teks narrative mas.

Jakarta, May 21st 2013

Interviewer interviewee

Abdul Aziz Mansur Dra. Rita Herawati

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Appendix 2a: Interview for the English Teacher after Classroom Action




1. Bagaimana kondisi siswa ibu dalam pembelajaran reading (membaca) setelah

menggunakan Story Mapping?

2. Bagaimana kemampuan pemahaman membaca siswa ibu setelah menerapkan

Story Mapping?

3. Bagaimana partisipasi siswa ketika pembelajaran reading menggunakan Story


4. Kendala apa yang terlihat ketika belajar reading menggunakan Story


5. Menurut ibu, bagaimana cara mengatasi kendala itu?

6. Apa pendapat ibu, setelah melihat pembelajaran reading menggunakan Story


7. Apakah Ibu merasa lebih termotivasi dengan menggunakan Story Mapping

strategy dalam pembelajaran di kelas?

8. Menurut pendapat ibu, bagaimana activitas yang dilaksanakan dalam proses

pembelajaran reading dengan menggunakan Story Mapping?

9. Setelah melekukan pembelajaran reading dengan menggunakan Story

Mapping, menurut ibu apakah strategi Story Mapping efektif diterapkan pada

pembelajaran reading?

10. Menurut ibu, apakah strategi pengajaran Story Mapping dapat meningkatkan

kemampuan siswa dalam memahami sebuah teks?

Page 78: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Appendix 2b: The Result of Interview for the English Teacher after Classroom

Action Research

Interviewer : Abdul Aziz Mansur

Interviewee : Dra, Rita Herawati

Day/date : Friday, June 7th


1. Bagaimana kondisi siswa ibu dalam pembelajaran reading (membaca) setelah

menggunakan Story Mapping?

Mereka terlihat enjoy ya selama KBM, dan lebih memberikan perhatian

selama KBM dibandingkan sebelumnya.

2. Bagaimana kemampuan pemahaman membaca siswa ibu setelah menerapkan

Story Mapping?

Awalnya sih mengalami kesulitan, tetapi setelah beradaptasi dengan tekhnik

ini Alhamdulillah lebih baik ya, itu bisa terlihat dari kemampuan mereka

menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan teks yang


3. Bagaimana partisipasi siswa ketika pembelajaran reading menggunakan Story


Untuk kemampuan membacanya tentu saja meningkat setelah menggunakan

strategi ini. Bisa dilihat dari hasil test yang sudah diberikan. Mereka dengan

mudah dapat menentukan gagasan utama, gagasan pendukung, informasi

spesifik, dan plot of the story.

4. Kendala apa yang terlihat ketika belajar reading menggunakan Story


Untuk kendala mungkin di awal-awal saja ya, karena saya juga baru

menggunakan tekhnik ini. Tapi setelah kita mengetahui dan bisa beradaptasi

dengan metode ini akhirnya malah menyenangkan. Kendalanya adalah

pengenalan story mappimng ke siswa. Ini menyita waktu yang cukup banyak,

terutama penggunaanya. Misalnya bagaimana cara menuliskan ide-ide dari

teks yang sudah mereka baca ke dalam story mapping sheet. Wah itu banyak

Page 79: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


sekali pertanyaan. Jadi saya otomatis mengajarkan terlebih dahuku

paraphrase, akhirnya mereka bisa juga walaupun masih banyak kekurangan

yah. Disamping itu juga saya harus sering mengulang penjelasan kembali

bagian-bagian dalam story mapping seperti apa itu, orientation,

complication, dan resolution. Itu mungkin karena mereka lupa atau belum

paham benar yah.

5. Menurut ibu, bagaimana cara mengatasi kendala itu?

6. Apa pendapat ibu, setelah melihat pembelajaran reading menggunakan Story


Menarik, menyenangkan, dan yang sangat terlihat jelas itu adalah belajarnya

lebih interaktif.

7. Apakah Ibu merasa lebih termotivasi dengan menggunakan Story Mapping

strategy dalam pembelajaran di kelas?

Ya, pastinya

8. Menurut pendapat ibu, bagaimana activitas yang dilaksanakan dalam proses

pembelajaran reading dengan menggunakan Story Mapping?

Ya seperti tadi menyenangkan dan komunikasi selama KBM itu terasa sekali.

Ya suasana kelas pun jadi ngga membosankan lah.

9. Setelah melekukan pembelajaran reading dengan menggunakan Story

Mapping, menurut ibu apakah strategi Story Mapping efektif diterapkan pada

pembelajaran reading?

Ya. Menurut saya efektif.

Page 80: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


10. Menurut ibu, apakah strategi pengajaran Story Mapping dapat meningkatkan

kemampuan siswa dalam memahami sebuah teks?

Saya optimis bisa, dengan catatan semua pihak didalamnya serius dan

mengerti betul konsep story mapping.

Jakarta, June 7th


Interviewer interviewee

Abdul Aziz Mansur Dra. Rita Herawati

Page 81: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Appendix 3a: Questionnaire for Students in the Preliminary Study



1. Beri tanda chek list (√) pada kolom yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan

pengalaman anda selama belajar bahasa Inggris dengan keterangan sebagai


SS : Sangat Setuju TS : Tidak Setuju

S : Setuju STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju

BS: Biasa Saja

2. Jawablah dengan jujur karena jawaban yang anda berikan ama sekali tidak

mempengaruhi nilai.

3. Atas bantuan dan perhatiannya saya ucapkan terimakasih.

No Pernyataan Sikap


1 Saya sangat senang belajar bahasa Inggris.

2 Saya suka membaca bacaan yang berbahasa


3 Pelajaran bahasa Inggris adalah pelajaran yang

mudah dimengerti.


Dari empat skill dalam bahasa Iggris (Listening,

Speaking, Reading dan Writing) reading

(membaca) merupakan yang paling susah.

5 Saya susah memahami bacaan yang berbahasa


6 Setiap hari saya mempelajari ulang pelajaran

bahasa inggris di rumah.


Cara guru saya mengajar pada pelajaran

membaca dalam bahasa Inggris sangat


8 Saya merasa cepat bosan ketika membaca buku

yang berbahasa Inggris.

Page 82: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa



Saya tidak pernah membaca bacaan yang buku,

novel dan komik yang berbahasa iggris kecuali

di sekolah.

10 Pelajaran membaca dalam bahasa inggris

adalah pelajara yang paling tidak saya suka.

Page 83: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Appendix 3b: The Result of Questionnaire before Classroom Action Research



No Questions Score Percentage

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1


Saya sering

membaca buku,

komik, koran,

novel, atau

majalah yang



5 9 10 4 4 15.62 28.12 31.25 12.5 12.5


Saya selalu

bertanya kepada

guru atau teman



kesulitan dalam


pelajaran bahasa


6 4 15 5 2 18.75 12.5 46.88 15.62 6.25


Saya selalu


penjelasan guru

selama kegiatan




18 7 5 2 0 56.25 21.88 56.25 6.25 0


Dari empat skill

dalam bahasa




Reading dan




merupakan yang

paling susah

saya pahami.

5 2 13 7 5 15.62 6.25 40.62 21.88 15.62

Page 84: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa



Saya sangat



soal-soal atau

tugas yang

diberikan guru

8 7 10 5 2 25 21.88 31.25 15.62 6.25


Setiap hari saya


ulang pelajaran

bahasa inggris

di rumah.

1 4 10 10 7 3.12 12.5 31.25 31.25 21.88


Cara guru saya

mengajar pada


membaca dalam

bahasa Inggris


membantu saya


topik atau tema

yang diajarkan.

9 7 16 0 0 28.12 21.88 50 0 0


Saya merasa


memahami teks-

teks yang



15 10 4 2 1 46.88 31.25 12.5 6.25 3.12


Saya sangat


memahami teks-

teks narrative

yang diajarkan

guru di kelas.

2 2 3 15 10 6.25 6.25 3.12 46.88 31.25


Saya sangat



soal-soal yang


dengan teks-

3 1 15 7 6 9.37 3.12 46.88 21.88 18.75

Page 85: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


teks narrative

Page 86: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Appendix 4a: Questionnaire for Students after Study



1. Beri tanda chek list (√) pada kolom yang telah disediakan sesuai dengan

pengalaman anda selama belajar bahasa Inggris dengan keterangan sebagai


SS : Sangat Setuju TS : Tidak Setuju

S : Setuju STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju

BS: Biasa Saja

2. Jawablah dengan jujur karena jawaban yang anda berikan ama sekali tidak

mempengaruhi nilai.

3. Atas bantuan dan perhatiannya saya ucapkan terimakasih.

No Pernyataan Sikap


1 Saya senang Belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan

tehnik Story Mapping.

2 Saya merasa lebih mudah belajar bahasa Inggris dengan

tehnik Story Mapping.

3 Saya merasa tidak termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa

inggris dengan menggunakan tehnik Story Mapping.


Saya merasa lebih mudah memahami bacaan bahasa

inggris dengan tehnik Story Mapping

5 Cara guru mengajar dengan menggunakan Story

Mapping tidak menyenangkan.


Saya merasa pasif dan terus mengandalkan teman saat

memahami narrative text dengan menggunakan tehnik

Story Mapping.


Saya merasa lebih aktif dalam belajar reading terutama

narrative text dengan menggunakan tehnik Story


8 Saya merasa tidak nyaman belajar memahami narrative

text dengan menggunakan tehnik Story Mapping.


Belajar dengan tehnik Story Mapping, meningkatkan

kemampuan saya dalam memahami narrative text.


Belajar dengan tehnik Story Mapping tidak membantu

saya untuk mengatasai kesulitan-kesulitan dalam

memahami narrative text.

Page 87: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Appendix 4b: The Result of Questionnaire after Classroom Action Research.



No Questions Score Percentage

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1


Saya senang belajar bahasa Inggris

dengan menggunakan tehnik story

mapping. 5 17 9 1 0 15.6 53.1 28.1 3.1 0


Saya merasa lebih mudah belajar

bahasa Inggris dengan tehnik Story

Mapping. 7 13 12 0 0 21.9 40.6 37.5 0 0


Saya merasa tidak termotivasi untuk

belajar bahasa inggris dengan

menggunakan tehnik Story Mapping. 2 15 14 1 0 6.3 46.9 43.7 3.1 0


Saya merasa lebih mudah memahami

bacaan bahasa inggris dengan tehnik

Story Mapping 4 16 10 2 0 12.5 50 31.3 6.3 0


Cara guru mengajar dengan

menggunakan Story Mapping tidak

menyenangkan. 10 16 4 0 0 31.3 50 12.5 0 0


Saya merasa pasif dan terus

mengandalkan teman saat memahami

narrative text dengan menggunakan

tehnik Story Mapping.

10 10 11 1 0 31.3 31.3 34.5 3.1 0


Saya merasa lebih aktif dalam belajar

reading terutama narrative text

dengan menggunakan tehnik Story


5 15 11 0 1 15.6 46.9 34.5 0 3.1


Saya merasa tidak nyaman belajar

memahami narrative text dengan

menggunakan tehnik Story Mapping. 13 13 5 1 0 40.6 40.6 15.6 3.1 0


Belajar dengan tehnik Story

Mapping, meningkatkan kemampuan

saya dalam memahami narrative text. 4 13 13 2 0 12.5 40.6 40.6 6.3 0


Belajar dengan tehnik Story Mapping

tidak membantu saya untuk

mengatasai kesulitan-kesulitan dalam

memahami narrative text.

6 13 11 1 1 18.8 40.6 34.5 3.1 3.1

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Appendix 5a: The Sample of Students’ Reading Narrative Text in Preliminary



Read the text below then answer the questions 1 to 10

One Thousand Temples

One upon a time, there was a prince named Bondowoso. He was famous for

his powerful weapon, called Bandung. Therefore, Bondowoso was called Bandung

Bondowoso. Bandung Bondowoso feels in love with a beautiful princess,

Lorojonggrang. He wanted to marry her but she was not interested in him.

Lorojonggrang was afraid to refuse his proposal because Bandung Bondowoso would

destroy her kingdom if she refused.

To make things difficult for Bandung Bondowoso to marry her,

Lorojonggrang gave some requirements. She asked him to build her one thousand

temples within one night. Bandung Bondowoso had to finish them before sunrise.

Without doubt of his success, he accepted the requirements.

With the help of genies and spirits, Bandung Bondowoso almost built one

thousand temples. It was amazing how fast Bandung Bondowoso and his allies built

temples. At four o‟clock in the morning, Bandung Bondowoso had only five more

temples to build. Lorojonggrang got panic because she knew he would complete the


Suddenly, Lorojonggrang had an idea. She called all the women in the

kingdom and asked them to pound rice. She also asked the men to burn a lot of wood

at the east side of the kingdom. Hearing the sound of the pounding and seeing a

bright sky, the genies and spirits were afraid. They ran away with only one more

temple to complete. They thought the morning had come.

Bandung Bondowoso was extremely angry when he found out what

Lorojonggrang had done to him. He cursed Lorojonggrang and turned into a statue.

1. Based on the text, who is the main character of the story?

a. Allies

b. Lorojonggrang and Bandung Bondowoso

c. The women

d. Genies and Spirits

2. What would Bondowoso do if Lorojonggrang refused his proposal?

a. He would Build one thousand temples

b. He would Burn a lot of wood

c. He would complete the task

d. He would destroy her kingdom

3. What did Lorojonggrang do to fail Bandung Bondowoso?

a. Bandung Bondowoso feel in love with Lorojonggrang

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b. Bandung Bondowoso build the temples

c. Bandung Bondowoso accepted the requirements

d. She asked the woman to pound rice and the men to burn a lot of wood

4. From the text above, we know that…..

a. Bandung Bondowoso is a good person

b. Lorojonggrang is interested with Bandung Bondowoso

c. Lorojonggrang is Bandung Bondowoso‟s wife

d. Bandung Bondowoso failed to built one thousand temples

5. Based on the text above, which one of the following is stated as the complication?

a. Lorojonggrang asked the people in the kingdom to pound rice and burn the


b. Bandung Bondowoso built the temples

c. Bandung Bondowoso wanted to marry Lorojonggrang

d. Lorojonggrang gave Bandung Bondowoso a requirement

6. Who did help Bandung Bondowoso to build the temples?

a. Lorojonggrang

b. Genies and Spirits

c. The woman

d. The man

7. What time did Bandung Bondowoso almost finish the last five temples?

a. At six o‟clock

b. At five o‟clock

c. At four o‟clock

d. At three o‟clock

8. Which of the following is stated as the sequence of story above?

a. Lorojonggrang gave Bandung Bondowoso some requirements

b. Bandung Bondowoso fells in love with Lorojonggrang

c. Bandung Bondowoso built one thousand temples

d. Bandung Bondowoso was angry

9. From the text above, which one of the following is stated as resolution of the story?

a. Bandung Bondowoso cursed Lorojonggrang and turned into a statue

b. Lorojonggrang got angry

c. Bandung Bondowoso built the temples

d. Bandung Bondowoso married with Lorojonggrang

10. What is the minor character from the story above?

a. Genies and Spirits

b. The woman in the Kingdom

c. Bandung Bondowoso

d. Lorojonggrang

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Read the text below then answer the questions 11 to 14

The Mouse Deer and the Crocodile

The mouse deer was a very tricky animal but he had many enemies. One of

his enemies was a crocodile. The crocodile lived in a river near a forest.

One day, the mouse deer went to the river. It was a very hot day, and he was very

thirsty and dirty. He wanted something to drink from the river and then he bathed and

splashed about in the water.

Suddenly the crocodile saw the mouse deer. “Hmm… a nice meal.” He

thought. Then, he silently crawled behind the mouse deer and grabbed him. He

caught the mouse deer‟s legs.

The mouse deer was startled and terrified as well. Then, he had an idea. He

saw a twig floating near him. He picked it up and said, “You stupid fool! So you

think you‟ve got me. You‟re biting a twig-not my leg, you, stupid crocodile! Here‟s

my leg.”

And with that, he showed the crocodile the twig. The crocodile could not see

very well. He was a very stupid creature, too. He believed the cunning mouse deer.

He freed the mouse deer‟s leg and snapped upon the twig. The mouse deer ran out of

the water immediately.

“Ha…ha…ha…”, he laughed. “I tricked you!”

11. A crocodile was the mouse deer‟s....

a. Friend

b. Enemy

c. Close friend

d. Brother

12. Following are included into the orientation of the story, EXCEPT ….

a. The mouse deer was a very tricky animal

b. The crocodile freed the mouse deer‟s leg

c. The crocodile lived in a river near a forest

d. The mouse deer splashed about in the water

13. From the text above which one the following is stated as resolution?

a. The crocodile was a very stupid creature

b. The mouse deer laughed

c. The mouse lied to the crocodile that the twig is his leg

d. The crocodile couldn‟t see very well

14. The crocodile believed the cunning mouse deer because...

a. The mouse deer was his enemy

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b. The mouse deer was his friend

c. The crocodile was smart animal

d. The crocodile couldn‟t see very well and stupid creature


Read the text below then answer the questions 15 to 20


Along time ago there were two animals, Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of

shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in the sea.

Once Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly, baya saw a goat.

“Yummy, this is my lunch. You are greedy” said Sura. Then they fought for the goat.

After several hours, they were very tired.

Feeling tired of fighting, they lived in the different places. Sura lived in the

water and Baya lived in the land. The border was the beach, so they would never fight

again. One day, Sura went to the land and looked for some food in the river. He was

very hungry and there was not much food in the sea. Baya was very angry when he

knew that Sura broke the promise. They fought again.

They both hit each other. Sura bit Baya‟s tail. Baya did the same thing to

Sura. He bit very hard until Sura finally gave up and awent back to the sea. Baya was


15. Sura and Baya fought because.....

a. They lived together

b. They were animal

c. They want same food, it was a goat

d. They were wild animal

16. Where did Baya go after they made a border?

a. Water

b. Land

c. Sea

d. Mountain

17. What is the complication of the story according to the text above?

a. Baya was very angry because Sura broke the promise

b. Baya was happy

c. Sura was very hungry

d. They were very tired

18. What is the border between their teritory?

a. Beach

b. Sea

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c. Land

d. Water

19. The story tells you about….

a. Sura and Baya‟s patnership

b. The happy family of Sura and Baya

c. Aggrement of Sura and Baya

d. Sura and Baya‟s fighting

20. Based on the text above, the resolution of the story is...

a. Sura was very hungry

b. Baya was very angry

c. Baya saw a goat

d. Sura gave up and awent back to sea

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Appendix 5b : Students’ Reading Narrative Text Score in Preliminary Study



No Student‟s Name Score 1 Aghnaita A‟la Syani 50

2 Anazstasya Putri 45

3 Andhika Mulawarman 45

4 Anugrah Putri. D 70

5 Deanira Qinanty. A 55

6 Deby Abelia 75

7 Dzaki Alfarid 60

8 Fandy Wiratama. P 90

9 Farell Pramuja 80

10 Faris Ahmad Novezar 40

11 Faris Sayyidina Rechan. A 45

12 Fitri Andjani 60

13 Glady Indriyani 65

14 Ikhsan Loviandri 35

15 Irba Zahra Salsabila 75

16 Jovita Salsabila 80

17 Mahatma Bayu Oktifajri 70

18 Maulani Rachma. N 45

19 Mutia Isnaeni 70

20 Nurul Devi 70

21 Rafika Hasanah 90

22 Raihan Al Fajri 55

23 Rina Febriani 70

24 Sabda Yulisio Pratama 50

25 Satrio Tegar Pratama 60

26 Shifa Aurillya 55

27 Syawaliah 70

28 Vadya Amalia Shalsabil 40

29 Vieri Delvechio 60

30 Yara Nadya Almira 60

31 Yohana Sri Pujianti 70

32 Gusti. N Yama Adi. P 55

TOTAL 1970

MEAN 61.56

Minimum Score 35

Page 94: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Maximum Score 90

No Level Number of students Percentage

1. 71 ≥ 100 6 18.75

2. 71 ≤ 0 26 81.25

Total 32 100

Page 95: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Appendix 5a: The Sample of Students’ Reading Narrative Text in the Cycle 1



Read the text below then answer the questions 1 to 5

The story of Smart Monkey and Dull Crocodile

One day there was a monkey. He wanted to cross a river. There he asked the

crocodile to take him across the other side of the river. The crocodile agreed and told

the monkey to jump on its back. Then the crocodile swam down the river with the

monkey on his top.

Unluckily, the crocodile was very hungry, he stopped in the middle of the

river and said to the monkey, “my father got very serious injured inside his body. He

has to eat the heart of the monkey. So he will be healthy again.”

The monkey realized that he was in a dangerous situation and he had to think

hard. Then he had a good idea. He told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank.

“What for?” asked crocodile.

“Because I don‟t bring my heart,” said the monkey. “ I left it under a coconut

tress at the riverbank.”

The crocodile agreed and turned around. He swam back to the bank of the

river. As soon as they reached the riverbank, the monkey jumped off the crocodile‟s

back. Then he climbed up to the top of a tree.

“Where is your heart?” asked the crocodile.

“You are foolish.” Said the monkey to the crocodile. “Now I am free and I

have my heart with me.”

1. The monkey told the crocodile that he left his heart........

a. On the top of a tree

b. Under a coconut tree

c. On the crocodile‟s back

d. At the other side of the river

2. Based on the text above, which following stated as resolution?

a. Monkey wanted to cross a river

b. The crocodile swam down the river

c. Monkey told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank

d. The crocodile was very hungry

3. From the text above, which is following stated as sequence of events?

a. The monkey wanted to cross the river

b. The monkey told the crocodile to swim back the river

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c. The crocoldile swim back the river

d. The monkey climbed up to the tree

4. The monkey asked the crocodile to swim back to the river bank because the


a. Tought that he was in danger

b. Didn‟t bring his heart with him

c. Wanted to take his heart

d. Wanted to cross the river

5. From the text above, which following stated as orientation?

a. The monkey asked the crocodile to take him across the river

b. The crocodile agreed and turn around

c. The monkey told the crocodile to swim back to the riverbank

d. The crocodile was very hungry


Read the text below then answer the questions 6 to 10

Farmer and a Box

Once time, there was a poor farmer. He lived with his wife. One day, he dug

up his field and found a big box. He then kept in their house. One sunny morning, his

wife dropped an apple in the box. Suddenly the box begun filled with apples. No

matter how many apples were taken out, more apples took place in the box.

One day, the farmer dropped a gold coin into the box. At once, apples

disappeared and the box begun filled up with gold coins. Soon the farmer became


Having hear that his son got rich, the farmer‟s father visited the couple. His father

was not very strong. He couldn‟t go out to work anymore. So the farmer asked his old

father to help him take the gold coins out of the box.

His father worked hard, took the gold coins out of the box. When he told that

he was very tired and wanted to have a rest, the farmer shouted at him; “Why are you

so lazy? Why can‟t you work harder?. The old man said nothing and continued to

work. Suddenly the old man fell into the box, he died.

At once the gold coins disappeared and the box begun filled up with dead

man. The farmer had to pull out and burried. To do this, the farmer had to spend all

the money which he had collected before. When he had used up all his money, the

boxs broke. The farmer was just as poor as before.

6. What did the farmer find when he dug up his filed?

a. An apple

b. Gold

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c. The box

d. The coins

7. According to the text above, which following stated as complication?

a. The farmer shouted his father because he couldn‟t work harder

b. The boxs broke

c. The farmer became poor again

d. His father worked hard

8. What is the moral message from the text above?

a. Be a hard worker

b. Be a strong man

c. Do not be arrogant to other people but respect them

d. Be a rich man

9. From the text above, we know that the farmer was...

a. a richman

b. a strong man

c. a bad son

d. a good person

10. What is the resolution according to the text above?

a. The farmer became a richman

b. The farmer became a poor man as before

c. The farmer dug up his field

d. The farmer took the gold coins into the box


Read the text below then answer the questions 11 to 15

The cap seller and the monkey

Once, a cap seller was passing through a jungle. He was very tired and nedded

to rest. Then, he stopped and spread a cloth under a tree. He placed his bag full of

caps near him and lay down with his cap on his head. The cap seller had a sound

sleep for one hour.

When he got up, the first thing he did was to look into his bag. He was startled

when he found all his caps were not there. When he looked up the sky, he was very

surprised to see monkeys sitting on the branches of a tree, each of the monkeys is

wearing a cap of on its head. They had evidently done it to imitate him. He decided to

get his caps back by making a humble request to the monkeys.

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In return, the monkeys only made faces of him. When he begun to make

gesture, the monkeys also imitated him. At least he found a clever idea. “ Monkeys

are a great imitator.” He tought.

So he took off his own cap and threw it down non the ground. And as he had

expected, all trhe monkeys took off the caps and threw the caps down on the ground.

Quickly, he stood up and collected the caps, put them back into his bag and went


11. Where did the cap seller take a rest?

a. On the branches of a tree

b. Jungle

c. Tree house

d. Under the tree

12. Based on the text above which following stated as complication?

a. The cap seller slept for one hour

b. The cap seller was startled when he found all his caps lost

c. The monkey imitated a cap seller

d. The cap seller had a sound sleep

13. When the cap seller got up, he was surprised because...

a. The monkeys was sitting on the branch and wearing his caps

b. The monkeys took his caps

c. The monkeys had a sound sleep

d. The monkey collected the caps

14. What is the resolution acoording to the text above?

a. The cap seller took a rest

b. The monkeys imitated the cap seller

c. The cap seller made a humble request

d. The monkeys sat on the branch

15. From the text above, which is following stated as orientation?

a. Cap seller was passing through a jungle

b. The monkeys made faces of him

c. Monkeys are a great imitator

d. The cap seller slept under the tree

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Read the text below then answer the questions 16 to 20

Bawang Merah Bawang Putih

There were a girl nameed Bawang Putih, she lived with her step mother and

her step sister named Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih‟s life was sad. Her step mother

and her step sister tretaed Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the

household chores.

One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river.

Accidentally, her mother‟s clothes fell down to the river. Finally she met an old

woman. The old woman returned the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a small

pumpkin. At home, suddenly Bawang Putih and her step mother and step sister were

surprised. Inside the pumpkins they found jewelries. “Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to

the river then found the old woman and took big pumpkin. They were screaming.

There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin!

Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang

Putih forgave them.

16. What is the story about?

a. Malin Kundang

b. Bawang Putih & Bawang Merah

c. Sangkuriang

d. Tangkuban Perahu

17. Who is Bawang Merah?

a. Bawang Putih‟s mother

b. Bawang Putih‟s step sister

c. The old woman

d. The pumpkin‟s owner

18. Who gave the clothes back to Bawang Putih

a. The old woman

b. Bawang merah

c. Her Step mother

d. River

19. Why were Bawang Merah and mother screaming?

a. They found jewelries

b. Mother‟s clothes fell down to the river

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c. Both of them realized their mistakes

d. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin

20. Why did Bawang Merah and mother say apologize to Bawang Putih?

a. They found jewelries

b. Mother‟s clothes fell down to the river

c. Both of them realized their mistakes

d. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin

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Appendix 5b : Students’ Reading Narrative Text Score in Cycle 1



No Student‟s Name Score 1 Aghnaita A‟la Syani 60

2 Anazstasya Putri 55

3 Andhika Mulawarman 60

4 Anugrah Putri. D 75

5 Deanira Qinanty. A 70

6 Deby Abelia 80

7 Dzaki Alfarid 70

8 Fandy Wiratama. P 100

9 Farell Pramuja 85

10 Faris Ahmad Novezar 50

11 Faris Sayyidina Rechan. A 50

12 Fitri Andjani 70

13 Glady Indriyani 75

14 Ikhsan Loviandri 50

15 Irba Zahra Salsabila 80

16 Jovita Salsabila 90

17 Mahatma Bayu Oktifajri 75

18 Maulani Rachma. N 55

19 Mutia Isnaeni 75

20 Nurul Devi 75

21 Rafika Hasanah 100

22 Raihan Al Fajri 65

23 Rina Febriani 80

24 Sabda Yulisio Pratama 65

25 Satrio Tegar Pratama 65

26 Shifa Aurillya 60

27 Syawaliah 75

28 Vadya Amalia Shalsabil 45

29 Vieri Delvechio 65

30 Yara Nadya Almira 60

31 Yohana Sri Pujianti 75

32 Gusti. N Yama Adi. P 60

TOTAL 2205

MEAN 68.90

Minimum Score 45

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Maximum Score 100

No Level Number of students Percentage

1. 71 ≥ 100 14 43.75

2. 71 ≤ 0 18 56.25

Total 32 100

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Appendix 7a: The Sample of Students’ Reading Narrative Text in the Cycle 2



Read the text below then answer the questions 1 to 5

A Clever Man and His Donkey

A man with his donkey carrying two sacks of wheat was on his way to the

market. After a little while he was tired and they rested under a tree.

When he woke up fron his nap he could not see the donkey and started

searching for the donkey everywhere. On the way he met a boy, he asked the boy,

“have you seen my donkey?” The boy asked, “Is the donkey‟s left eye blind, his right

foot lame and is he carrying a load of wheat?” the man was happy and said, “Yes,

exactly! Where have you seen it?” the boy answered “I haven‟t seen it.” This made

the man very angry and he took the boy to the village chief for punishment.

The judge asked, “Dear boy, if you had not seen the donkey, how could you

describe it?” The boy answereed, “I saw the tracks of a donkey and the right and left

tracks were different from this. I understood that the donkey that passed there was

limping. And the grass on the right side of the road was eaten but the grass on the left

was not. From that I understood that his left eye was blind. There were wheats seeds

scattered on the ground and I understood that he must have been carrying a load of

wheat. The judge understood the boy‟s cleverness and told the man to forgive the


1. The text shows that the boy knew about the donkey based on …

a. the clues that he saw.

b. the words which people said.

c. the report made by passers by.

d. the people who told him.

2. According to text above which is following stated as orientation?

a. the judge understood the boy‟s cleverness

b. the man took the boy for punishment

c. a man with his donkey rested under a tree

d. the man was angry

3. What lesson can we learn from telling the story?

a. Punishment should be done as soon as possible.

b. Law enforcement must be done to everyone.

c. We should not jump into conclusion quickly.

d. We must not be little people especially children

4. “Is the donkey‟s left eye blind, his right foot lame and is he carrying a load of

wheat?” The underlined word means that the donkey‟s right foot was…

a. very strong.

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b. unable to walk.

c. very weak.

d. all right.


Read the text below then answer the questions 5 to 9

An ant went to the river for a drink. The water rushed so fast that he was

washed off from the bank into the river.

“I shall drown.”he cried. “Help! Help! Help!” but his voice was so tiny that it

couldn‟t be heard. A dove perched on a tree hanging over the water. She saw the ant

struggling and quickly bit off a leaf and let it fall into the water. The ant climbed

upon it and floated down the river, until the leaf was washed upon the bank of the


The ant called out in its tiny voice. “Thank you kind dove, you haved save my

life, „but of course the dove couldn‟t hear him.

Several day afterwards, the dove again perched on the tree, a hunter crept up

stealthily to the tree. His gun was pointed at the dove and ge was about to school,

when he was beaten on the leg by an ant.

He screamed in pain and dropped his gun. This frightened the dove and she

flew away. “Thank you, kind ant,” coed the dove. The and heard it and was happy

that he could help her.

5.Who would drown?

a. the dove

b. the hunter

c. the leaf

d. the ant

6. Who saved the dove‟s life?

a. The dove

b. The hunter

c. The leaf

d. The ant

7. What is the major character from the story above?

a. An ant and dove

b. The dove

c. The hunter

d. The leaf

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8. What can we learn from the story?

a. thanking each other for kindness is dangerous

b. helping each other is the best way in life

c. supporting each other in a crime is good

d. sharing each other makes a wealthy life

9. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. The ant struggling for its life

b. The dove saving the ant‟s life

c. The ant drawning in the river

d.The floating ant


Read the text below then answer the questions 10 to 15

Raden Putra was the king of Jenggala Kingdom. He had a beautiful queen and

a beautiful mistress. The mistress planned to make the queen leave the palace, so she

could be the new queen. The mistress told the King that the queen wanted to poison

him. The King was very angry. He sent the pregnant quenn to a jungle as a


After sevral months lived in the jungle, the queen gave birth to a healthy baby

boy. She named him Cindelaras. He grew up as a nice, healthy, and handsome young

man. One day, while Cindelaras helped her mother to collect some firewoods, an

angel dropped an egg. He took the egg and carefully took care of it. The egg hatched

into a chick and then it become a strong rooster. The rooster had a magical power and

skillful in fighting. Besides that, the rooster could also sing.

One day, the rooster sang, “My master is Cindelaras. He lives in the jungle.

His father is a King. His name is Raden Putra.”

Cindelaras heard that song and talked to his mother about it. His mother told

him the whole story. Cindelaras was very surprised. He decided to go to the palace to

meet the King, his father. He brought his rooster with him.

10.Cinderellas and his father lived in a…

a. Jail

b. Jungle

c. Palace

d. Village

11. From the text above, we know that…

a. the rooster can‟t sing a song

b. the king put the queen into the jail

c. the mistress was a kind and lovely woman

d. cindelaras‟ rooster was very good in fighting

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12. What is the sequence of event from the story above?

a. The King sent the pregnant queen to the jungle

b. Cindelaras heard a song

c. Cindelaras brought his rooster to the palace

d. Cindelaras was very surprised

13. Why did the mistress tell the King that the queen wanted to poison him?

a. The queen was pregnant

b. The mistress wanted to be a queen

c. The queen was ugly

d. The mistress loved the King

14. The writer wrote the text to…

a. entertain the reader

b. tell his/her experience

c. describe jungle in general

d. inform about Jenggala Kingdom


Read the text below then answer the questions 15 to 16

The Legend of Bukit Kelam

Long time ago in Sintang Regency West Kalimantan, there lived a man that

was very strong. The people called him Bujang Beji. With his strong body, he could

move and lift everything easily. All.

One day, he wanted to go to firmament so that he made a hill by lifting stones

and soil. Day by day, the stones and soil were piled up and nearly reached the sky.

Those materials had already formed a very big hill. “If I got the sky, I will meet the

Gods and disturb their kingdom, “he said to himself arrogantly. But, the Gods had

already known Bujang Beji‟s bad plan and they didn‟t want that happen. So, before

the hill reached the sky a few meters, the Gods destroyed it. When Bujang Beji

worked hard for his purpose. The sinew of their rattan bags were cut down and all

stones collapsed.

Finally, the hill dammed up the Kapuas River and now the people called it

Bukit Kelam.

15.From the text above, we know that Bujang Beji is…

a. a good person

b. handsome

c. arrogant

d. humble

16. According to the text above which following stated as complication?

a. Bujang Beji lived in West Kalimantan

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b. The Gods destroyed Bujang Beji‟s plan

c. Bujang Beji made a hill

d. Bujang Beji has a strong body

17. Where did Bujang Beji live?

a. West Sumatera

b. West Kalimantan

c. West Java

d. North Kalimantan

18. What did the material use by Bujang Beji to make a hill?

a. Rattans

b. Woods and stones

c. Metals

d. Stones and soil

19. What is the orientation based on the story above?

a. Bujang Beji wanted to go to firmanent

b. Hill damn up the Kapuas river

c. Bujang Beji could move and live everything easily

d. The Gods had already known Bujang Beji‟s bad plan

20. Based on the text above which following stated as resolution?

a. Bujang Beji made a hill

b. All stones collapsed and the hill damned up the Kapuas river

c. Bujang Beji could move and lift everything easily

d. The stones and soil were piled up

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Appendix 7b: Students’ Reading Narrative Text Score in Cycle 2



No Student‟s Name Score 1 Aghnaita A‟la Syani 80

2 Anazstasya Putri 75

3 Andhika Mulawarman 75

4 Anugrah Putri. D 75

5 Deanira Qinanty. A 75

6 Deby Abelia 85

7 Dzaki Alfarid 80

8 Fandy Wiratama. P 100

9 Farell Pramuja 85

10 Faris Ahmad Novezar 60

11 Faris Sayyidina Rechan. A 65

12 Fitri Andjani 75

13 Glady Indriyani 80

14 Ikhsan Loviandri 65

15 Irba Zahra Salsabila 90

16 Jovita Salsabila 100

17 Mahatma Bayu Oktifajri 80

18 Maulani Rachma. N 75

19 Mutia Isnaeni 80

20 Nurul Devi 75

21 Rafika Hasanah 100

22 Raihan Al Fajri 75

23 Rina Febriani 90

24 Sabda Yulisio Pratama 75

25 Satrio Tegar Pratama 75

26 Shifa Aurillya 65

27 Syawaliah 80

28 Vadya Amalia Shalsabil 50

29 Vieri Delvechio 75

30 Yara Nadya Almira 65

31 Yohana Sri Pujianti 80

32 Gusti. N Yama Adi. P 75

TOTAL 2480

MEAN 77.5

Minimum Score 50

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Maximum Score 100

No Level Number of students Percentage

1. 71 ≥ 100 26 81.25

2. 71 ≤ 0 6 18.75

Total 32 100

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Appendix 8: The Students’ Field Notes in Pre-Observation


Action : Pre-observation

Day/Date : May 21st 2013

Time : 09.40 – 11.00 WIB

Theme / Sub theme : The Schematic Structure of Narrative Text

Title : Surabaya

I. Good points

From the students‟ side

Some students paid attention to the teacher‟s explanation

Some students were interested with the story

From the teacher‟s side

The teacher gave the clear explanations to the students.

The teacher gave the clear directions when he gave the assignments for

the students

II. Things to consider

From the students‟ side

Students need to master their vocabulary

Students need to know the schematic structure of narrative text

Students should have given chance to be active in the teaching learning


From the teacher‟s side

Teacher should manage the time as good as possible. In order to make it

be more efficient.

Teacher should ask the students to bring the dictionary.


Dra. Rita Herawati

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Appendix 9: The Students’ Field Notes in Field Notes in the First Action of First



Action : 1st / 1

st Cycle

Day/Date : May 24st 2013

Time : 09.40 – 11.00 WIB

Theme / Sub theme : The Schematic Structure of Narrative Text

Title : The Smartest Parrot, the Crocodile and the Mouse


III. Good points

From the students‟ side

Some students paid attention on the teacher‟s instructions.

Some students have tried to identify the schematic structure of narrative


From the teacher‟s side

The teacher gave clear explanations about the schematic structure of

narrative text to the students.

IV. Things to consider

From the students‟ side

Students need to enhance their vocabulary.

Students should be able to find the keywords in each paragraph.

Students should work and discuss together with their group.

From the teacher‟s side

Teacher should manage the time as good as possible. In order to make it

be more efficient.

Teacher should explain how to find the keywords to the students.

Teacher should make the procedure of grouping be more simple, so the

class would not waste too long time just for finding the group.


Dra. Rita Herawati

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Appendix 10: The Students’ Field Notes in Field Notes in the Second Action of

First Cycle


Action : 2nd

/ 1st Cycle

Day/Date : May 28th


Time : 09.40 – 11.00 WIB

Theme / Sub theme : The Schematic Structure of Narrative Text

Title : Beauty and the Beast

V. Good points

From the students‟ side

Some students could identify some schematic structures of narrative text.

Some could answer the questions about the story.

From the teacher‟s side

Teacher gave clear explanations about the schematic structures of

narrative text.

VI. Things to consider

From the students‟ side

Students need to be more confident to organize the schematic structure of

narrative text.

From the teacher‟s side

Teacher should give the clear explanation how to organize the idea of

orientation, complication, and resolution of the story into story mapping.


Dra. Rita Herawati

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Appendix 11: The Students’ Field Notes in Field Notes in the First Action of

Second Cycle


Action : 1st / 2

nd Cycle

Day/Date : May 31st 2013

Time : 09.40 – 11.00 WIB

Theme / Sub theme : The Schematic Structure of Narrative Text

Title : Why do Hawks Hunt Chicks?, A Farmer and his Son

VII. Good points

From the students‟ side

Most of students participated in the discussion

Most of Students were very motivated to work together and helped each

other in order to be the best group.

From the teacher‟s side

Teacher gave good motivation to the students.

Teacher guided and controlled the class very well.

VIII. Things to consider

From the students‟ side

Students were noise.

Students need more time to do presentation with their group.

From the teacher‟s side

Teacher should go around the class to handle the students‟ noise.


Dra. Rita Herawati

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Appendix 12: The Students’ Field Notes in Field Notes in the Second Action of

Second Cycle


Cycle/Meeting : 2nd

/ 2nd


Day/Date : June 7th


Time : 09.40 – 11.00 WIB

Theme / Sub theme : The Schematic Structure of Narrative Text

Title : Sangkuriang

IX. Good points

From the students‟ side

Most of students could answer the questions according to the text.

Some students could identify the keywords in each paragraph of the story.

From the teacher‟s side

Teacher could explain the schematic structure of narrative text clearly.

Teacher could motivate the students to organize the idea of orientation,

complication, and resolution of the story into story mapping sheet.

X. Things to consider

From the students‟ side

Work quickly and save the time

From the teacher‟s side

Motivate the students to be more active.


Dra.Rita Herawati

Page 115: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Appendix 13: Lesson Plan in the First Cycle





Sekolah : SMP N 245 Petukangan Utara, Jakarta Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII (Delapan)

Semester : Genap

Tema : What do you usually do in your free time?

Aspek/skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Jenis Teks : Narrative

Tahun Pelajaran : 2012/2013



Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan

narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.



Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi

yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.


Siswa dapat:

Mengidentifikasi gagasan utama dalam teks narrative

Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika (schematic structure) teks narrative

Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci (specific) dalam teks narrative

Berperan aktif selama kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung

Page 116: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa



Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

Mengidentifikasi gagasan utama dalam teks narrative

Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika (schematic structure) teks narrative

Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci (specific) dalam teks narrative

Berperan aktif selama kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung


Vocabulary items related to

Monologue short texts in the form of descriptive




In this part is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the

story are introduced.


In this part shows that the problems in the story developed

Sequence of Events

In this part shows that the characters react to the complication


In this part shows that the problems or conflicts are solved


This is the last part where the moral of the story is given





Time Words

Page 117: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Part A.

Please read the story below then write down the simple past

tense in this story!

The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderful

parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The

parrot could say every word, except one word.

The parrot would not say the name of the place

where it was born. The name of the place was


The man felt excited having the smartest

parrot but he could not understand why the

parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to

teach the bird to say Catano however the bird

kept not saying the word.

At the first, the man was very nice to the

bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid

bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can‟t

you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill

you” the man said angrily. Although he tried

hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then

the man got so angry and shouted to the bird

over and over; “Say Catano or I‟ll kill you”. The

bird kept not to say the word of Catano.

One day after he had been trying so any

ties to make the bird say Catano, the man really

got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked

the parrot and threw it into the chicken house.

There were four old chickens for next dinner

“You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay

with them” said the man angrily. Then he

continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the

chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I

will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left

the chicken house.


Telling who and



The triggers a

series of event

Sequence of


Where the

characters react

to the



In which the

problem from



is solved

Page 118: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


The next day, the man came back to the

chicken house. He opened the door and was

very surprised. He could not believe what he

saw at the chicken house. There were three

death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the

parrot was standing proudly and screaming at

the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I‟ll kill


Please answer these questions based on the story above!

1. What is the word that the parrot couldn‟t say?

2. Why did the man get angry to the parrot?

3. Where was the parrot born?

4. Where does the main complication take place?

5. What is the message or moral value that we can take from

the story above?

Part B.

Please read the story below then write down the schematic

structure from this story into the story mapping sheet by your

own words!

Why Do Hawks Hunts Chicks?

Once upon a time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk

flew down from the

sky and asked the hen, “Will you marry me?”

The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wished to marry

him. But she said, “I cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me

time, I may to fly as high as you. Then we can fly together.”

The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring.

“This is to show that you have promised to marry me, “said the hawk.

It so happened that the hen already promised to marry a

rooster. So, when the rooster saw the ring, he became very angry.

“Throw that ring away at once!” shouted the rooster. Then he was so

frightened at the rooster‟s anger that she threw away the ring


Coda, that gives

the moral to the


Page 119: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him the

truth. The hawk was so furious that he cursed the hen, “Why didn‟t

you tell me earlier? Now, you‟ll always be scratching the earth, and

I‟ll always be flying above to catch your children,” said the hawk.


Three-phase technique



Waktu Aspek / skill

( menit ) Yang di


I. Kegiatan awal :

Greeting (memberi salam dan

tegur sapa)

Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait

kondisi siswa

Brainstorming dengan memberi

pertanyaan yang berhubungan

dengan tema.

II. Kegiatan Inti :

Guru memberikan siswa contoh

text narrative.

Guru meminta siswa membaca

dalam hati.

Guru menjelaskan schematic

structure tentang text narrative

yang diberikan.

Guru meminta siswa menjawab

pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan


Guru meminta siswa menuliskan

langkah-langkah retorika atau

schematic structure yang sudah

tersusun ke dalam lembar story

mapping dengan menggunakan

kata-kata sendiri.

Guru membagi siswa dalam home

group (4 orang setiap kelompok).

Guru meminta siswa berdiskusi





Menyiapkan diri

siswa sebelum

masuk materi

Siswa dapat

mengenal teks


mengidentifikasi isi

teks, dan menjawab

pertanyaan tentng

teks narrative

Page 120: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


tentang hasil kerjanya tentang

certita yang sudah tertulis didalam

story mapping tersebut dengan

teman kelompoknya

III. Kegiatan akhir :

Guru meninjau kembali tentang

kegiatan yang telah dilakukan di

dalam kelas.

Guru menanyakan kepada siswa

tentang kesulitan-kesulitan yang

dihadapi siswa

Guru memberikan tugas kepada

siswa berkaitan dengan materi

yang telah diajarkan



Feed back dan



A. Sumber Belajar

Buku teks (Firmansyah Diyata,” Stepping More”, Penerbit CV.

Regina, 2005, Jakarta).

Buku LKS (Program Edukasi Efektif “ Bahasa Inggris”, Penerbit

Swadaya Murni, 2008, Jakarta)

Kurikulum KTSP Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII

Silabus SMP Kelas VIII

B. Media Belajar

Script teks yang terlampir.

Story Mapping Sheets


A. Teknik : Tes Tulis

B. Bentuk : Tertulis.

C. Instrumen : Terlampir


Nilai siswa = Skor prolehan X 100, Max. score: 100

Skor siswa

Page 121: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Mengetahui Jakarta, 24 Mei 2013

Observer Researcher

Dra. Rita Herawati Abdul Aziz Mansur

Page 122: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Appendix 14: Lesson Plan in the Second Cycle





Sekolah : SMP N 245 Petukangan Utara, Jakarta Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII (Delapan)

Semester : Genap

Tema : What did you do yesterday?

Aspek/skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Jenis Teks : Narrative

Tahun Pelajaran : 2012/2013



Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount dan

narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.



Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi

yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.


Siswa dapat:

Mengidentifikasi gagasan utama dalam teks narrative

Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika (schematic structure) teks narrative

Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci (specific) dalam teks narrative

Berperan aktif selama kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung

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Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat:

Mengidentifikasi gagasan utama dalam teks narrative

Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika (schematic structure) teks narrative

Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci (specific) dalam teks narrative

Berperan aktif selama kegiatan belajar mengajar berlangsung


Vocabulary items related to

Monologue short texts in the form of descriptive




In this part is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the

story are introduced.


In this part shows that the problems in the story developed

Sequence of Events

In this part shows that the characters react to the complication


In this part shows that the problems or conflicts are solved


This is the last part where the moral of the story is given





Time Words

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Part A.

Please read the story below then write down the simple past

tense in this story!

Two Travelers and a Big Tree

Once, two men traveled on a dusty and

rough road that had no trees on its sides. They

were walking to a distant village during day

light to attend a wedding feast.

The summer sun was so hot that they

were sweating a lot

They looked for a shady tree for shelter

from the sun. after some time, they saw a big

old tree with thick, green leaves and branches

spread far and wide thick, green leaves and

branches spread far and wide like a big

umbrella. They made the tree a shelter, put their

small bundles on the ground and stretched

themselves out in the cool shadow of the tree.

They felt relieved and rested for a while, talking

about the wedding feast.

After about an hour, one of the travelers

said to his friends, “look! What a useless ugly

old tree! So big and yet it bears no fruits at all”

On hearing this, the tree felt insulted.

Angrily, it yelled, “You, ungrateful man! You

are enjoying my cool shadow and using it for a

shelter, yet you call me useless and ugly! Can

there be a more wretched creature than you? So

now, get up and get away from here!”

Feeling scared that a tree could talk, the

two men ran away in horror.







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Please answer these questions based on the story above!

1. What is the tree look like according to the text above?

2. Why did the tree feel insulted?

3. Why did the men decide to take a rest in their trip?

4. Where did the complication take place based on the

story above?

5. What did the man feel and do after the tree got angry?

Part B.

Please read the story below then write down the schematic

structure from this story into the story mapping sheet by your

own words!


Once upon a time in west java, Indonesia lived a wise king

who had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Dayang Sumbi. She liked

weaving very much. Once she was weaving a cloth when one of her

tool fell to the ground. She was very tired at the time so she was too

lazy to take it. Then she just shouted out loud.

She shouted “Anybody there? Bring me my tool. I will give

you a special present. If you are female, I will consider you as my

sister. If you are male, I will marry you”

Suddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang, came. He brought

her the faliing tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. She regretted

her words but she couldn‟t deny it. So she had to marry Tumang and

leave her father. Then they lived in a small village. Several months

later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang. He was a handsome

and healthy boy. Sangkuriang liked hunting very much. He often went

to the forest using his arrow. When he went hunting Tumang always

with him. In the past there were many deer in Java so sangkuriang

often hunted for deer.

One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer‟s heart so she

asked Sangkuriang to hunt for a deer. Then Sangkuriang went to the

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forest with his arrow and his faithful dog Tumang. But after several

days in the wood Sangkuriang could not find any deer. They were all

disappeared. Sangkuriang was exhausted and desperate. He didn‟t

want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He didn‟t know

that Tumang was his father. At home he gave Tumang‟s heart to her

mother. But dayang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang‟s heart. She was

so angry that she could not control her emotion. She hit Sangkuriang

at his head. Sangkuriang was wounded. There was a scar in his head.

She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang left her mother in sadness.

Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He

wandered everywhere. One day he arrived at his own village but he

didn‟t realize it. There he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang

Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by God sho she stayed young

forever. Both of them did not know each other. So they fell in love and

then they decided to marry.

But then Dayang Sumbi recognized a scar on his

Sangkuriang‟s head. She knew that Sangkuriang was his son. It was

impossible for them to marry. She told Sangkuriang but Sangkuriang

did not believe her. He wished that they marry soon. So Dayang

Sumbi gave a very difficult condition. She wanted Sangkuriang to

build a lake and a boat in one night! She said she needed that for

honeymoon. Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and spirits

Sangkuriang tried to build them. By midnight he had finished the lake

by building a dam in Citarum river. Then he started building the boat.

It was almost dawn when he nearly finished it. Meanwhile Dayang

Sumbi kept watching on them. She was very worried when she knews

this. So she made lights in the east. Then the spirits thought that it was

already dawn. It was time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang

alone. Without their help Sangkuriang could not finish the boat.

Sangkuriang was very angry. He kicked the boat. Then the boat

turned out to be mount Tangkuban Perahu. It means boat upside down.

From a distant it looks like a boat upside down.


Three-phase technique


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Waktu Aspek / skill

( menit ) Yang di


II. Kegiatan awal :

Greeting (memberi salam dan

tegur sapa)

Tanya jawab berbagai hal terkait

kondisi siswa

Brainstorming dengan memberi

pertanyaan yang berhubungan

dengan tema.

II. Kegiatan Inti :

Guru memberikan siswa contoh

text narrative.

Guru meminta siswa membaca

dalam hati.

Guru menjelaskan schematic

structure tentang text narrative

yang diberikan.

Guru meminta siswa menjawab

pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan


Guru meminta siswa menuliskan

langkah-langkah retorika atau

schematic structure yang sudah

tersusun ke dalam lembar story

mapping dengan menggunakan

kata-kata sendiri.

Guru membagi siswa dalam home

group (4 orang setiap kelompok).

Guru meminta siswa berdiskusi

tentang hasil kerjanya tentang

certita yang sudah tertulis didalam

story mapping tersebut dengan

teman kelompoknya

III. Kegiatan akhir :

Guru meninjau kembali tentang

kegiatan yang telah dilakukan di

dalam kelas.







Menyiapkan diri

siswa sebelum

masuk materi

Siswa dapat

mengenal teks


mengidentifikasi isi

teks, dan menjawab

pertanyaan tentng

teks narrative

Feed back dan


Page 128: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF NARRATIVE … · Salah satu masalah yang sering dihadapi siswa dalam mata pelajaran bahasa


Guru menanyakan kepada siswa

tentang kesulitan-kesulitan yang

dihadapi siswa

Guru memberikan tugas kepada

siswa berkaitan dengan materi

yang telah diajarkan


C. Sumber Belajar

Buku teks (Firmansyah Diyata,” Stepping More”, Penerbit CV.

Regina, 2005, Jakarta).

Buku LKS (Program Edukasi Efektif “ Bahasa Inggris”, Penerbit

Swadaya Murni, 2008, Jakarta)

Kurikulum KTSP Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII

Silabus SMP Kelas VIII

D. Media Belajar

Script teks yang terlampir.

Story Mapping Sheets


D. Teknik : Tes Tulis

E. Bentuk : Tertulis.

F. Instrumen : Terlampir


Nilai siswa = Skor prolehan X 100, Max. score: 100

Skor siswa

Mengetahui Jakarta, 24 Mei 2013

Observer Researcher

Dra. Rita Herawati Abdul Aziz Mansur

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N = 32 MG = 16

UG = 8 LG = 8


No. Group

Options DIF

(%) DIS Status


A. The Test Items of Pretest


UG 0 *8 0 0

56.25 0.75 Used MG 1 *8 2 5

LG 1 *2 2 3


UG 1 1 0 *6

50 0.375 Revised MG 5 1 3 *7

LG 4 0 1 *3


UG 0 0 2 *6

46.87 0.5 Used MG 1 4 4 *7

LG 2 1 3 *2


UG 0 0 0 *8

68.75 0.5 Used MG 2 1 3 *10

LG 2 0 2 *4


UG *7 0 1 0

59.37 0.625 Used MG *10 2 4 0

LG *2 3 3 0


UG 0 *8 0 0

56.25 0.625 Used MG 5 *7 2 2

LG 1 *3 2 2

7 UG 0 1 *7 0

50 0.75 Used MG 2 4 *8 2

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LG 4 1 *1 2


UG 0 0 2 *6

40.62 0.75 Used MG 2 2 5 *7

LG 2 2 4 *0


UG *8 0 0 0

62.5 0.625 Used MG *9 2 1 4

LG *3 1 1 3


UG *5 1 1 1

37.5 0.375 Used MG *5 4 3 4

LG *2 2 2 2


UG 0 *8 0 0

59.37 0.875 Used MG 3 *10 0 3

LG 3 *1 1 3


UG 1 0 1 *6

46.87 0.625 Used MG 2 2 4 *8

LG 0 4 3 *1


UG 0 1 *7 0

50 0.75 Used MG 2 2 *8 2

LG 2 3 *1 2


UG 0 0 0 *8

59.37 0.75 Used MG 2 2 3 *9

LG 3 1 2 *2


UG 0 0 *8 0

65.62 0.625 Used MG 1 2 *10 3

LG 2 1 *3 2

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UG 0 *8 0 0

65.62 0.5 Used MG 2 *9 3 2

LG 1 *4 2 1


UG *6 2 0 0

46.87 0.75 Used MG *8 4 0 4

LG *1 4 1 2


UG *8 0 0 0

71.87 0.5 Used MG *11 2 2 1

LG *4 0 2 2


UG 0 0 *7 1

53.12 0.625 Used MG 2 3 *8 3

LG 4 0 *2 2


UG 0 1 0 *7

53.12 0.75 Used MG 2 3 2 *9

LG 0 4 4 *1

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B. The Test Items of Posttest of Cycle 1


UG 0 *8 0 0

55 0.625 Used MG 3 *9 2 2

LG 3 *3 2 0


UG 0 0 *7 1

50 0.75 Used MG 2 2 *8 4

LG 2 2 *1 3


UG 1 *6 0 1

40.62 0.75 Used MG 3 *7 3 3

LG 5 *0 2 1


UG *8 0 0 0

62.5 0.75 Used MG *10 3 1 2

LG *2 2 1 3


UG 0 0 *8 0

65.62 0.875 Used MG 1 1 *12 2

LG 2 2 *1 3


UG 0 0 *8 0

62.5 0.5 Used MG 4 4 *8 0

LG 2 2 *4 0


UG *7 1 0 0

53.12 0.75 Used MG *9 4 2 1

LG *1 3 3 1


UG 0 *7 0 1

46.87 0.875 Used MG 2 *8 3 3

LG 5 *0 1 2

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UG 0 0 *8 0

62.5 0.5 Used MG 0 4 *9 3

LG 0 3 *3 2


UG 0 *7 1 0

53.12 0.625 Used MG 0 *8 5 3

LG 0 *2 4 2


UG 0 0 0 *8

71.87 0.375 Revised MG 1 1 2 *10

LG 1 1 1 *5


UG 0 *7 0 1

53.12 0.625 Used MG 2 *8 2 4

LG 1 *2 1 3


UG *8 0 0 0

53.12 0.875 Used MG *8 4 3 1

LG *1 3 3 1


UG 0 0 *6 2

43.75 0.75 Used MG 1 4 *8 3

LG 3 3 *0 2


UG 0 1 0 *7

62.5 0.625 Used MG 1 2 2 *11

LG 2 3 1 *2


UG 0 *8 0 0

71.87 0.25 Used MG 3 *9 1 3

LG 0 *6 0 2

17 UG 0 *8 0 0

53.12 0.875 Used MG 3 *8 1 4

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LG 4 *1 0 3


UG *8 0 0 0

68.75 0.375 Used MG *9 2 3 2

LG *5 0 3 0


UG *7 1 0 0

50 0.75 Used MG *8 3 3 2

LG *1 3 4 0


UG 0 0 2 *6

43.75 0.75 Used MG 2 2 4 *8

LG 3 1 4 *0

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C. The Test Items of Posttest of Cycle 2


UG *6 2 0 0

43.75 0.75 Used MG *8 3 3 2

LG *0 4 2 2


UG 0 0 *7 1

53.12 0.5 Used MG 3 3 *7 3

LG 2 1 *3 2


UG 1 0 *6 1

43.75 0.75 Used MG 2 4 *8 2

LG 4 1 *0 3


UG 1 2 *5 0

34.37 0.625 Used MG 3 3 *6 4

LG 2 3 *0 3


UG 0 0 0 *8

56.25 0.75 Used MG 2 2 4 *8

LG 3 3 0 *2


UG 0 0 0 *8

71.87 0.25 Used MG 3 1 3 *9

LG 0 0 2 *6


UG *8 0 0 0

84.37 0.125 Used MG *12 4 2 1

LG *7 0 1 0


UG 0 *8 0 0

59.37 0.75 Used MG 2 *9 3 2

LG 1 *2 2 3

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UG *5 2 0 1

46.87 0.5 Used MG *9 4 2 1

LG *1 2 2 3


UG 0 *8 0 1

56.25 0.5 Used MG 2 *7 3 4

LG 3 *3 0 2


UG 1 0 0 *7

59.37 0.75 Used MG 3 1 0 *12

LG 3 2 3 *0


UG *5 2 0 1

43.75 0.625 Used MG *9 4 2 1

LG *0 3 1 4


UG 0 *8 0 0

59.37 0.75 Used MG 4 *9 1 2

LG 3 *2 3 0


UG *4 0 3 1

37.5 0.375 Used MG *7 3 2 2

LG *1 3 2 2


UG 0 0 *8 0

71.87 0.5 Used MG 1 3 *11 1

LG 2 4 *4 0


UG 1 *6 1 0

50 0.75 Used MG 1 *9 2 3

LG 1 *1 2 4

17 UG 0 *8 0 0

84.37 0.125 Used MG 2 *12 4 3

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LG 0 *7 0 1


UG 0 0 0 *8

65.62 0.5 Used MG 3 1 3 *9

LG 1 3 2 *4


UG 0 0 *8 0

59.37 0.5 Used MG 5 0 *8 3

LG 3 1 *3 1


UG 0 *7 0 1

50 0.75 Used MG 3 *8 2 3

LG 3 *1 1 3




0% - 30% 30% - 79% 80% - 100%

High Medium Low



0,4 – 0,6 Good USED USED USED

0,6 – 1,0 Very Good USED USED USED

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2. What would Bondowoso do if Lorojonggrang refused his proposal?

a. He would Build one thousand temples

b. He would Burn a lot of wood

c. He would complete the task

d. He would destroy her kingdom

2. Bobdowoso would…….if Lorojonggrang refused his proposal

a. build one thousand temples

b. burn a lot of wood

c. complete the task

d. destroy the Kingdom

Posttest 1

11. Where did the cap seller take a rest?

a. On the branches of a tree

b. Jungle

c. house

d. Under the tree

11. Where did the cap seller take a rest?

e. On the branches of a tree

f. Jungle

g. Under the tree house

h. Under the tree

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