Page 1: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

1. In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days.

2. Other GP request (If any GP got no work and this GP wage seekers want to work in other GP, then they can allot other GP workIds) 

Changes in WD & WA 2.1 Version

Page 2: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work Demand and Work Allocation ApplicationVersion 2.1

Page 3: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Language Selection is provided in the first screenSubmit

Page 4: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

On Launching the application, Flash screen will be displayed.

In this district, mandal, GP and version details are displayed .

Work Demand and Allocation

Dist: Ranga ReddyMandal: Yacharam

GP: YacharamVersion 2.1

Work Demand & Work Allocation

Page 5: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work Demand and Allocation

Dist: Ranga ReddyMandal: Yacharam

GP: YacharamVersion 2.0

Work Demand & Work Allocation

Save & Send

Options Save&Send Back

Please wait !Restoring the Data…

Page 6: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work Demand and Allocation

Dist: Ranga ReddyMandal: Yacharam

GP: YacharamVersion 2.0

Work Demand & Work Allocation

Save & Send

Options Save&Send Back

Please wait !Updating Groups Info…

Page 7: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work Demand and Allocation

Dist: Ranga ReddyMandal: Yacharam

GP: YacharamVersion 2.0

Work Demand & Work Allocation

Save & Send

Options Save&Send Back

Please wait !Updating Works Info…

Page 8: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Main Menu

Capture Work Demand

View Demand

Saved Demand

No Work Demand

Work Allocation

Saved Allotments

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

In Main menu user can see the 4 main modules1.Capture Work demand2.View Demand3. Saved Demand4. No Work Demand5. Work Allocation6. Saved Allotments

When user selects “Capture work demand” then apps will direct to next page.

Page 9: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Main Menu

SSS- Groups

Non SSS Members

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

In this page user has to select whether it is a SSS-Groups or individual members.

If user selects SSS-Groups then apps will direct to next page where user can see all the categorized group names.

Page 10: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Main Menu

SSS- General



Other Groups

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

Here user has to select according to group type.

If user selects SSS-General then apps will direct to next page where all the groups names related to SSS-General will be displayed.

Page 11: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Aadarsha-0022(18) Alivalu Manga-0037(21) Amedkar-0039(29) Bhaghat Singh-0012(23) Chaitanya- 0026(26) Darama- 0045(23) Jakson- 0033(23 Ramamiah- 0077(23) Ramabau- 0023(26)

List of Groups in Panchayat

Update all Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

In this page user can search for a group with group name or group Id. Once he select one group name for which user want to capture work demand then apps will direct to next page.

Enter Group Name/ID to search

Page 12: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Next Back

GP: Yacharam

Group Name: :Aadarsha-0022

Group Members::18

Work Demand Start Date:24/09/2012


Work Demand & Work Allocation

In this page user has to enter the demanded date. After entering the date user has to select the “Next” then apps will direct to next page where user has to select the work demanded members in that group.

Note: 1. Application will calculate 14 days from the given data as work demand period2. Demand from Date should not exceed 7 days from Application Date (inclusive of demanded date)(apps will not allow past date)3. Apps will not allow for past date.

Page 13: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

GP: Yacharam

GroupName:Aadarsha-0022(18)Group Members::18Work Demand Period :24/09 to 07/10Group Members

00153(70) 00167(101) 00212(144)

00214(152) 00322(165)


Options Mark Back

NextUpload Group

Work Demand & Work Allocation

In this page user can search for job card in the search box option. 1. User has to select check boxes for work demanded job cards from the list 2. User has to enter 6 digit “Demand Receipt number” in the text box3. If any member is missing in the group means user can go to “options” and select “Update Group” then apps will download the updated group members.3. When user select the “Next” button. Then apps will direct to next page where user can see the preview of work demand summery

Note: Job Card who used more than 150 days can not raise work. demand

Enter last 4 digits of Job Card number

Demand Receipt number

Used number of mandays

If job card used mandays cross 150 used mandays then job card will listed below and that job card will be in disable mode

Have to enter 6 digits of Receipt No.

Page 14: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Revisiting the Shelf

Work Demand Summary

GroupName:Aadarsha-0022Group Members::18Work Demanded members::2Total Man Days requested :24Work Demand Period: 24/09 to 07/10

Demand Receipt No: 002320

Group Members1. 00153(70) 2. 00167(101)

Save & Send

Options Save&Send Back

Save & sendSave

In this page user can see the work demanded members with all details

If user satisfies then he has to select “Save&Send” button to upload the data. If there are no signals he can save the data by selecting the “save” option from the options

Page 15: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

If user selects “Save&Send” button then apps will alert with popup as “Please wait Uploading Data…”

Work Demand Summary

Save & Send

Options Save&Send Back

Please wait !Uploading Data…

Work Demand & Work Allocation

Group Members1. 00153(70)2. 00167(101)

Save & Send

GroupName:Aadarsha-0022Group Members::18Work Demanded members::2Total Man Days requested :36Work Demand Period: 24/09 to 07/10

Demand Receipt No: 002320

Page 16: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work Demand Summary

Options Save&Send BackData is Synchronized …Continue with work allotment…

Work Demand & Work Allocation

If data is uploaded successfully then apps will alert as “Data is Synchronized.. Continue with work allotment…”Group Members

1. 00153(70)2. 00167(101)

Save & Send

GroupName:Aadarsha-0022Group Members::18Work Demanded members::2Total Man Days requested :36Work Demand Period: 24/09 to 07/10

Demand Receipt No: 002320

Page 17: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Main Menu

Capture Work Demand

View Demand

Saved Demand

No Work Demand

Work Allocation

Saved Allotments

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

When user selects “View Demand” then apps will direct to next page where user can see all the work demand Groups names which are uploaded.

Page 18: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work Demand History



Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

In this page user can see work demanded groups names(Only uploaded groups).

On Selection of the group Demand Period of the group will be shown in the next page

number of job cards raised for work demand in this group

Page 19: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work Demand History

30-10-2012 to 12-11-2012


Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

Page 20: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Main Menu

Capture Work Demand

View Demand

Saved Demand

No Work Demand

Work Allocation

Saved Allotments

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

When user selects “Saved Demand” then apps will direct to next page where user can see all the Group Names which are not uploaded.

Page 21: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work Demand History



Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

From this page user can upload the saved data.

Page 22: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Main Menu

Capture Work Demand

View Demand

Saved Demand

No Work Demand

Work Allocation

Saved Allotments

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

When user selects “No Work Demand” then apps will upload “No Work Demand” to the server.

Note: In a GP, If no Group requested for demand, Then only FA should send “No Work For Demand”. Even one Groups requests for Demand means, then no need to send “No Work Demand”

Page 23: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Main Menu

Capture Work Demand

View Demand

Saved Demand

No Work Demand

Work Allocation

Saved Allotments

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

When user selects “Work Allocation” then apps will Direct to next page where user can allot works for Work Demanded Groups

Page 24: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

GP: yacharam

Group Wise Allotment

Work Wise Allotment

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

Work allotment can be done in 2 ways 1. Group wise allotment2. Work wise allotment

when user selects “Group Wise Allotment” apps will direct to next page where user has to select the group for work allotment.

Page 25: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

GP: yacharam



Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

These are the work demanded group names for which user can allot works by selecting the groups. When user selects one group then apps will direct to next page

Page 26: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days



Demand Period : 24-10-2012 to 12-11-2012

Next Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

When user selects “Add Work Code”, then apps will direct to next page where user has to select workId from the list

Add Work Code


Page 27: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Se0130360102(71) _Land in…

Work ID Search Form

Options Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

In this page user can search work Ids by entering last 5 digits of the work code. Else user can all see the list of work codes by selecting “All Work Ids” from the options. In both ways user can select the workIds. If user wants to get other GP workId then user has to select “Other GP request” from the options. Then application will direct to next page.

Note: 1. If user wants to see all workIds means, he can select “All WorkIds” from the options2.any workId is missing means user has to select “Update Works” from the “Options”

Enter Last 5 digits of work Id


Search Work ID

Other GP requestUpdate work sAll Work Ids

Page 28: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work ID Search Form

Options Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

1. User has to select the panchayat2. Enter last 5 digits of the workID3. Click “Submit” then apps will download the workId and then app will direct to next page for work allotment

Select Panchayat



Other GP requestUpdate work sAll Work Ids

Enter Last 5 digits of work Id


Page 29: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days


GroupName: Aadarsha-0022

Demand Period : 24-10-2012 to 12-11-2012

Work Code: 0130360102(71)

Next Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

No. of Days



In this page user has to enter the 1.From which date Groups wants to start the work2.Number of days group is will to work in that week

If user wants to allot one more workId means , then user has to click “Add Work Code” button. Again apps will direct to workId page from there user has to follow the same steps to allot other work to this group.

If user wants to continue with one work means then he has to select next button

Start date24/09/2012

Number of remaining days for work allotment

From which date group is willing to start the workAdd Work Code

Number of days group is willing to work

Page 30: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

GP: Yacharam

GroupName: Aadarsha-0022

Demand Period : 24-10-2012 to 12-11-2012

Work Code: 0130360102(71)

Start Date : 19-11-2012

No. of Days : 3

Options Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation


In this page user can see the previewIf user satisfies hen he has to select the “Send” button to upload the data. If there is no signal then user can save the data by selecting “Save” from the “Options”

Page 31: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

GP: yacharam

Group Wise Allotment

Work Wise Allotment

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

when user selects “Work Wise Allotment” then apps will direct to next page where user has to select the workId for demanded groups

Page 32: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Se0130360102(71) _Land in…

Work ID Search Form

Options Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

In this page user can search work Ids by entering last 5 digits of the work code. Else user can all see the list of work codes by selecting “All Work Ids” from the options. In both ways user can select the workIds. If user wants to get other GP workId then user has to select “Other GP request” from the options. Then application will direct to next page.

Note: 1. If user wants to see all workIds means, he can select “All WorkIds” from the options2.any workId is missing means user has to select “Update Works” from the “Options”

Enter Last 5 digits of work Id

Search Work ID

Other GP requestUpdate work sAll Work Ids

Page 33: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work ID Search Form

Options Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

1. User has to select the panchayat2. Enter last 5 digits of the workID3. Click “Submit” then apps will download the workId and then app will direct to next page for work allotment

Select Panchayat



Other GP requestUpdate work sAll Work Ids

Enter Last 5 digits of work Id


Page 34: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Work Code ::0130360102(71)

Work ID Search Form

Options Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

To allot this work code to any group, then user has to click “Add Group” button, then apps will direct to next page where all the work Demanded groups list will be available.

Add Group

Update work sAll Work Ids

Page 35: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Aadarsha-0022(18) Alivalu Manga-0037(21) Amedkar-0039(29) Bhaghat Singh-0012(23) Chaitanya- 0026(26) Darama- 0045(23) Jakson- 0033(23 Ramamiah- 0077(23) Ramabau- 0023(26)

List of Groups in Panchayat

Update all Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

In this page user can search for a group and then he can select one group name for which user want allot work.

Once user selects one group name then application will direct to next page where user can allot work to this group

Enter Group Name/ID to search

Page 36: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days


GroupName: Aadarsha-0022

Demand Period : 24-10-2012 to 12-11-2012

Work Code: 0130360102(71)

Next Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

No. of Days



In this page user has to enter the

1.From which date Group wants to start the work2.Number of days group is will to work in that week

If user wants to allot this workId to one more group means , then user has to click “Add Group” button. Again apps will direct to workId page from the user has to select another group,.

If user wants to continue with one group means then he has to select next button

Start date24/09/2012

Number of remaining days for work allotment

From which date group is willing to start the workAdd Group

Number of days group is willing to work

Page 37: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

GP: Yacharam

GroupName: Aadarsha-0022

Demand Period : 24-10-2012 to 12-11-2012

Work Code: 0130360102(71)

Start Date : 19-11-2012

No. of Days : 3

Options Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation


In this page user can see the previewIf user satisfies then he can select the “Send” button to upload the data. If there is no signal then user can save the data by selecting “Save” from the “Options”

Page 38: In 2.1 version all wage seekers working days are extended to 150 days

Main Menu

Capture Work Demand

View Demand

Saved Demand

No Work Demand

Work Allocation

Saved Allotments

Select Back

Work Demand & Work Allocation

When user selects “Saved Allotments” then apps will direct to next page. Where user has to send the unsent data to the server.

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