Page 1: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but
Page 2: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

In a Nutshell…

Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy

The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge

Regulation is necessary,but insufficient…

… especially since consumers seem univolved

[But are they,really?]

One direction is for learn "data frugality"…

And another is to share the value of personal data…

with consumers


Page 3: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Personal data are the lifeblood of today's economy

Page 4: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Our operational concepts for data privacydate from another age

Structured data Scattered grains of information

Collected byvisible, identified sources

Ubiquitous sources(incl. things; others; ourselves…)

Produced in an organizedand conscious manner

Byproducts of almostall human activities

Stored in well-knownlocations

Distributed and replicated

Yesterday Today

Page 5: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

We should probably be worried stiff…

Page 6: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

… But we don't really seem to be

Page 7: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

It's called the "Privacy Paradox"

Google Trends:"Privacy"

… But a paradox in whose eyes?

Page 8: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

In fact, people seem to know what they're doing…

DifferentiationShared "decency"

Page 9: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

… It's just that they're motivated by several things


Reaching out, connecting,showing off, marketing myself

Control over myvisibility,presence,


Convenience, simplicity,savings, personalization…


* individuals,vendors,



Page 10: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Privacy as seclusion isn't that valuable…

Page 11: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

… But privacy as autonomy is

Page 12: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Because protection and projection are inseparable,we need a new set of tools


ProtectEducate information

system tools



Vendor Relationship ManagementePortfoliosPersonal datastoresHeteronyms…

RegulationPrivacy by designPETsAnonymous personalization

Identity federationObfuscationMemory leaks…

Digital identity know-how…Self-analytics


Page 13: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Let's explore "data frugality"

Page 14: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Let's think of how the Net could forget…

Page 15: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

… (Forgetting is what memory does all the time)…

Transience: the fading or loss of details over time

Absent-mindedness: distractedness built into the sensing technologies

Blocking: the random impossibility to answer specific queries

Misattribution: the specific misrecording of partof an event, but not the whole event

Suggestibility: the plausible rescripting certain events after a particular time

Bias: re-writing all events based on pattern recognition to create a record that is consistentand plausible but subtly different

"Outlines of a world coming into existence: Pervasive computing and the ethics of forgetting"Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin

"Rather than focus on the prescriptive needs for privacy protections, we envisage necessary processes of forgetting (…) that should be in-built into the system

ensuring a sufficient degree of imperfection, loss and error"






Page 16: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

… Turn uncertainty into a feature, not a bug?

Page 17: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Let's take heteronyms for serious

Page 18: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Let's share personal data and their benefits…with the consumers…

Page 19: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

… And create a market for personal useof personal data

Page 20: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Finally, let's turn digital identity into a skill

Page 21: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Download or read as

Page 22: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Expérimenter le partage de l'information personnelle

entre les organisationset leurs clients / usagers

Page 23: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Le projet MesInfos : la perspective

Partager avec les individus les données dont les organisations disposent sur eux, d'une manière "portable", réutilisable et sûre

Faire émerger des applications et des services pour aiderles individus à faire usage de ces données

Pour mieux se connaître, connaître et analyser leurs pratiques Pour mieux gérer leurs relations avec les entreprises et les administrations,

et recréer de la confiance Pour mieux consommer : être mieux informés, comparer, identifier les

meilleurs tarifs, acheter en groupe… Pour maîtriser l'échange et l'usage des données qui les concernent…

Enrichir la relation entre les individus et les entreprises sur une base d'égalité de moyens et de droits

Page 24: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Des courants convergents

Person-Centric Commerce

Page 25: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

De nouvelles fonctions :1- Personal Datastore

Page 26: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

De nouvelles fonctions2- Un nouvel écosystème à créer

Services et outils tournés vers les individus et contrôlés par eux Agrégateurs (de données, de services, d'applications) Visualisation de données Analyse de données Systèmes décisionnels Comparateurs et autres calculateurs Sélecteurs d'informations Agrégateurs de demandes (achats groupés) C2C …

Page 27: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Exemples d'applications

Mesurer, analyser, améliorer sa prise alimentaire, son empreinte carbone, sa mobilité

Accumuler des preuves de compétences, analyser ses compétences, les donner à voir (ePortfolio)

Analyser précisément son budget et tester des alternatives Analyser sa consommation énergétique, de télécoms, de médias, de

services financiers… et optimiser ses formules tarifaires Répondre en une fois à des besoins complexes ("agents") Comparer (anonymement) son profil avec ceux de personnes aux

caractéristiques ou besoins similaires, comprendre ses "scorings" Revenir sur l'historique de sa relation avec une entreprise Formuler ses besoins et lancer des "appels d'offres", seul ou à

plusieurs Partager ses données sanitaires avec d'autres patients, voire avec

des chercheurs (PatientsLikeMe)…

Page 28: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Bénéfices attendus

Page 29: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Ils le font déjà :Midata

Lancée par le Gouvernement britannique le 13 avril 2011

Le slogan : "Consumer Empowerment"

En même temps que des actions pour… … une meilleure information des

consommateurs … les achats groupés … l'évaluation des services publics par

les usagers… Un projet piloté par les entreprises

partenaires Banques, paiement, énergie, télécoms,

Google… … Mais l'annonce de mesures légales si

le projet n'avance pas

Page 30: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

Aux Etats-Unis :"Smart Disclosure"

Page 31: In a Nutshell… Personal Data are the lifeblood of today's economy The potential for abuse by firms and governments is huge Regulation is necessary, but

MesInfos : l'expérimentation 2012 (V1)


2011 : Séminaire de préfiguration

•Réunir les partenaires potentiels•Affiner collectivement le projet,

son agenda et son budget

2011 : Séminaire de préfiguration

•Réunir les partenaires potentiels•Affiner collectivement le projet,

son agenda et son budget

Construire un "univers" cohérentde données

issues d'entreprises partenaires et complémentaires(commerce, banque, relation client, télécoms…)

•Constitution d'un échantillon de clients-test•Recensement des données à restituer aux clients

•Documentation des données pour les rendre exploitablespar d'autres développeurs

Construire un "univers" cohérentde données

issues d'entreprises partenaires et complémentaires(commerce, banque, relation client, télécoms…)

•Constitution d'un échantillon de clients-test•Recensement des données à restituer aux clients

•Documentation des données pour les rendre exploitablespar d'autres développeurs

Imaginer, scénariser, prototyperdes usages créateurs de valeur

pour les consommateurs et les organisations

•2 x 3 ateliers créatifs : entreprises partenaires, designers, innovateurs, chercheurs, consommateurs…

pour faire émerger des scénarios d'applications et de services

•1 "Devcamp" : prototypage d'applications sur la base des scénarios et des jeux de données clients

Imaginer, scénariser, prototyperdes usages créateurs de valeur

pour les consommateurs et les organisations

•2 x 3 ateliers créatifs : entreprises partenaires, designers, innovateurs, chercheurs, consommateurs…

pour faire émerger des scénarios d'applications et de services

•1 "Devcamp" : prototypage d'applications sur la base des scénarios et des jeux de données clients

Approfondir les résultats

•Observation des pratiques et étude de la perception des consommateurs, par une équipe de chercheurs

•Analyse des contraintes pratiques, techniques, juridiques…•Exploration du potentiel d'innovation et des pistes d'action

à court terme

Approfondir les résultats

•Observation des pratiques et étude de la perception des consommateurs, par une équipe de chercheurs

•Analyse des contraintes pratiques, techniques, juridiques…•Exploration du potentiel d'innovation et des pistes d'action

à court terme

Partager, exploiter les résultats

•Publication et présentation publique du "Livre Blanc"•Action auprès des médias, des acteurs de l'innovation,

des pôles de compétitivité•Présentation à l'international

•Séminaires d'appropriation internes aux entreprises partenaires

Partager, exploiter les résultats

•Publication et présentation publique du "Livre Blanc"•Action auprès des médias, des acteurs de l'innovation,

des pôles de compétitivité•Présentation à l'international

•Séminaires d'appropriation internes aux entreprises partenaires

[2011] [2012 : T0 + 2 mois]

[T0 + 9 mois]

[T0+10 mois][T0+12 mois]

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