  • 7/30/2019 In Purpose and Blood


    In Purpose and Blood

    by Kate Hill

    Note: This story takes place fifty years afterDoing Thyme and ten yearsbeforeMoonlight on Water. It shows how Xenos Nineteen first meets his

    close friend and second-in-command, Judson, as well as his "brothers"

    Yashel and Zale. This story gives further insight about how Xenos became

    the dark character met by Moonlight Santos Gama in Moonlight on Water.

    Xenos Nineteen, age twenty-seven, strode through headquarters on the

    Laetez home world on his way to the office of the Superior in charge of

    ACT. He'd arrived that morning, transferred from the Earth base where

    he had served for the past year, to take command of a unit here. Allofficers aspired to a command position at ACT headquarters. Only the

    best and most highly respected members of the ACT Corps achieved such

    a post.

    Fifty years ago, the Laetez had expanded their genetic testing to include

    close work with their Earth allies. They convinced their citizens that both

    governments supported ACT--Alien Conversion Testing--because of the

    opportunity it offered to cure diseases, strengthen the biological structure

    of humans and Laetez, and allow the Res and Ers to live separate lives.

    Many believed their main goal was to create an unstoppable army that

    would keep humans and Laetez at the top of the intergalactic food chain.

    Private labs, secretly supported by the governments, engaged in testing

    with other species besides human and Laetez, often creating grotesque

    beings whom they tormented through experiments until they achieved

    their desired goals.

    The result of experiments with human, Laetez, and Tydisian DNA, Xenos

    had spent his formative years in a private lab. At that time the Laetez had

    been involved in battles with the physically superior Tydisians and soughtto create soldiers with the ability to fight them on their own aquatic

    territory. To accomplish this, private labs used DNA stolen from Tydisian

    prisoners. Most attempts to develop Tydisian hybrids resulted in

    physically or intellectually damaged beings, many of whom were

    destroyed. Finally they reached their goal in Xenos Nineteen. He possessed

    many desirable characteristics, at least by ACT standards-- superior
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    intelligence, physical strength greater than that of the Laetez, the Tydisian

    ability to submerge for hours, and the capacity to survive without a

    symbiotic connection.

    Earlier in his career, Xenos had served in an aquatic unit here at

    headquarters. Back then he didn't have the power to make importantchanges within the ACT Corps, but now he could work on improvements.

    Eventually he would be in the position to make major changes, since he

    didn't intend to remain a mere commander forever.

    On his way down the long, cool, spotlessly clean corridor, he ignored stares

    from passersby. It disgusted him that soldiers stationed here, at this

    esteemed facility, hadn't the discipline to keep from gawking at a curiosity

    like ignorant, untrained, purebred civilians.

    Not that he wasn't accustomed to attention. Though basically humanoid inappearance, he remained an obvious product of ACT. Most of the free

    ACT citizens here and on Earth looked either fully human or fully Laetez,

    a careful--and desired--natural camouflage. Standing just over six feet,

    Xenos' long, lean-muscled body was encased in bluish skin with both

    human-Laetez and Tydisian qualities. Multi-shaded blue splotches on his

    face and torso contained Tydisian glands that allowed him to breathe and

    drink. His red human blood gave him an overall bluish-purple appearance

    and if that didn't draw enough attention, his elongated facial features and

    sharp, white, predatory fangs made him stand out in the crowd.

    The guard posted outside Superior Kaylen's door directed him to enter

    and Xenos stepped inside.

    Kaylen, a tall, slim man of late middle years, sat behind his desk. His gaze

    darted toward Xenos, then returned to his computer monitor.

    Remaining at attention, Xenos studied Kaylen. Like most previous

    superiors, he was the product of ACT, but from a carefully regulated

    government lab. Unlike Xenos, he had been implanted into a human

    female and allowed a fairly normal upbringing. Most soldiers stationedhere had backgrounds similar to Kaylen's and while Xenos didn't exactly

    envy them, he was a bit curious what life might have been like if he'd

    developed in a similar environment.

    Finally Kaylen focused his attention on Xenos.

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    "At ease," Kaylen stated and motioned toward the chair across from him.

    "Have a seat."

    Xenos did as ordered, his gaze meeting the Superior's.

    "I hadn't intended to meet with you before you saw to your unit," Kaylencontinued, "but there's important news I want to give you personally."

    "Yes, Sir."

    "I've been told it's your understanding that you're the only free citizen of

    your particular origins--human, Laetez and Tydisian."

    "Yes, Sir." Xenos spoke with his usual calm, though a spark of interest

    ignited inside him. He hadn't expected such a personal conversation.

    "How would you feel if I told you there are two others who share your


    "I would be very surprised," Xenos admitted. "I've done careful research,

    both among the closed private labs and government sanctioned ones. The

    few Tydisian mixed breeds left are unable to function outside of controlled


    "I have been informed that after seeing the progress you made, other tests

    were conducted. Two more like you were created, eight and ten yearsapart respectively. Both in government sanctioned labs. The main reason

    you have been promoted is because of your flawless service record and

    exceptional leadership qualities, however the ACT Corps also has another


    Kaylen's flattery meant nothing to Xenos. He didn't need to be told what

    kind of record he had or what sort of man he was. Nor did he really give a

    damn about the reason he'd been promoted. All that mattered was he was

    here at ACT headquarters, with endless opportunities for advancement at

    his fingertips. And the information regarding other Tydisian mixed bloodsdefinitely sparked his interest. Others like him. That was something he'd

    never imagined and something he'd hoped to prevent. Since they already

    existed, however, he should learn all he could about them.

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    "ACT wants you to form a highly specialized three-man aquatic unit,"

    Kaylen continued. "We want you to pass on all your knowledge to these

    young men. Are you prepared to do that?"

    "Yes, Sir."

    "Good. Your brothers are due to arrive this afternoon. You'll meet here in

    my office."

    "Brothers, Sir?"

    Another slight yet insincere smile tugged at Kaylen's lips. "Technically

    that's what they are. Do you have any questions?"

    "What are their names and where can I access their files?"

    "They are called Yashel and Zale. Now that you've accepted the

    assignment, you'll be allowed access to their files on your personal

    computer. Anything else?"

    "No, Sir."

    "Dismissed," Kaylen said, turning back to his monitor.

    Xenos stood and left, his thoughts churning. He sighed deeply and shook

    his head. At the moment he needed to focus on his unit. There would betime to deal with his "brothers" later.

    Xenos made his way down to the fourth level training room. His unit

    included fifty human-Laetez warriors. He'd carefully studied profiles of

    each man. Unlike others he'd worked with in the past, he saw few possible

    problems. Another plus to headquarters. Problem children didn't cut it

    here and they most certainly wouldn't cut it under his leadership. All but

    two of his men required the use of medication to balance their chemistry, a

    side-effect that had yet to be remedied when interbreeding with the Laetez.

    The Laetez possessed naturally high levels of aggression that most otherspecies couldn't seem to deal with. Xenos was among the few who didn't

    require medication, though he'd spent years in intense behavioral

    modification therapy and still practiced certain meditation techniques to

    keep his aggression under control.

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    When he stepped into the training room, the unit master took almost

    immediate notice of him and called the unit to attention. Men quickly filed

    out of the tank and formed a line, cold water pooling at their feet. While

    they stood, many shivering after hours of diving practice, he once again

    considered the deficiencies of human and Laetez bodies and wished he'd

    been free to spend the morning submerged. These people could never truly

    appreciate the water and it was impossible to teach them. He'd tried

    throughout his career, yet even the ones who, in their strictly mammalian

    way, loved diving, didn't grasp the full marvel of aquatic life.

    He spoke to them briefly, walking down their silent lineup. Then he picked

    up a whispered comment. Detecting the word "freak," he stopped.

    "Who spoke?" he asked in a deadly soft voice.

    Everyone remained silent, though he sensed their discomfort. Insulting aunit commander to his face was unheard of.

    Xenos' exceptional sense of smell guided him toward a soldier whose scent

    had grown suspiciously stronger, as if in a state of agitation. He paused in

    front of the tall redhead whose green eyes held his, unfaltering. Xenos

    appreciated that, even if he hadn't liked what this insubordinate prick had

    said. From the computer files, he recognized this man as Doug Judson.

    Twenty-six years old. Born to an ACT host mother and educated in public

    school. He chose to enlist in the ACT Corps at age eighteen. He had an

    excellent record, though a couple of reprimands for insubordination.

    Apparently he hadn't learned from his mistakes. Not a good sign.

    "I spoke, Sir," Judson replied after a moment. "I didn't think you could

    hear me."

    Xenos' lip curled the slightest bit and he stepped so close to Judson their

    noses almost touched. "And why wouldn't I be able to hear you?"

    The man hesitated and the tension hung heavily on the air. Finally he

    replied, "Because you don't have ears, Sir."

    Exactly as Xenos expected. Sheer ignorance. The fool didn't have a clue

    that Tydisian ears were internal. "My ears are more sensitive than yours,

    Judson. However, since the others here share your auditory deficiency, I

    would like you to repeat what you said a moment ago."

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    The solider drew a deep breath and released it slowly, then asked,

    "Permission to speak freely, Sir?"

    "It seems you've already taken that liberty, Judson. I see no reason to stop

    you now."

    "I was merely suggesting that you might be happier remaining in special


    "How considerate of you. Please explain what gives you the authority to

    judge where in this ACT Corps I belong?"

    "None, Sir," he replied, though his eyes shot loathing in Xenos' direction.

    "You still haven't answered my question. What did you say?"

    "I said ACT has had enough difficulty gaining respect from the public

    without placing a freak in command for all to see."

    "Let me make this perfectly clear to you, Judson, and everyone else

    present. I do not accept insubordination. I expect my orders to be followed

    precisely. The ACT Corps is very specific in its rules for authority. When

    necessary I will exercise my authority to the utmost, within Corps

    parameters of course. Under my hand you will either learn quickly or die

    swiftly, is that understood?"

    "Yes, Sir," the men replied in unison. Unit commanders rarely used their

    kill authority. It was a rule instituted decades ago, when products of ACT

    still went crazy from poorly regulated meds. It hadn't been removed from

    the books, so technically, a unit commander still had the power of life and

    death over those beneath him. To Xenos, subordinates without discipline

    were enough of a liability to warrant execution.

    "Don't misunderstand me," Xenos continued. "I couldn't care less what

    you think of me. Your thoughts are your own, but I will not tolerate any

    word or action that disrupts this unit."

    "Yes, Sir," the soldiers replied.

    Xenos continued his inspection, then returned command to the unit


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    He changed out of his uniform and into black shorts. The best way to get to

    know his men was through firsthand observation. He noticed the sidelong

    glances as he approached the pool and controlled the smirk flirting with

    his lips. Curiosity was expected and another reason he wanted them to

    immediately accustom themselves to his appearance and abilities. Though

    he didn't doubt they'd seen images of him during their basic training, he

    realized the shock of meeting him in person affected most people

    regardless of whether they had seen images or not. If the funky complexion

    didn't get them, his webbed hands and feet most certainly did.

    Without hesitation, he dropped into the pool. The cold water shocked his

    system somewhat, but over the years he'd grown so accustomed to

    swimming in various conditions that he didn't so much as flinch. In his

    youth, cold water training had been his most difficult challenge. Tydisians

    became sluggish in cold water. In near freezing conditions, their heartbeats

    could drop to as little as one or two beats a minute--a characteristic he'd

    inherited. Overcoming his natural reaction to cold water had been

    difficult, but he'd succeeded.

    His Tydisian skin welcomed the water. Fortunately he'd built up a

    tolerance for the chemicals used to treat the ACT training pools. A private

    tank had been installed for his use, since ACT wanted to make certain he

    kept his high physical standards, as he could be summoned at any time for

    special aquatic assignments. He could have selected exemption from

    traditional ranks and simply remained on call for special duties, however

    that wouldn't get him the position he desired.

    Submerging completely, he felt the protective membranes shield his eyes.

    Another Tydisian quality. Now able to see clearly and comfortably, he

    swam up and down the length of the pool, studying the soldiers, noting

    their strengths and weaknesses. Even below the surface, concentrating on

    staying warm and alive, they couldn't keep from watching him. They'd get

    used to him soon enough.

    After nearly two hours, he surfaced. He had the ability to remain

    submerged for up to five hours. If he had more Tydisian glands, he would

    have been able to stay under indefinitely, however he didn't possess

    enough to keep his body fully oxygenated. Therefore he depended on his

    powerful Tydisian lungs to supply most of his oxygen. Unlike Earth based

    amphibians, Tydisians could not only breathe through their skin, but had

    incredibly strong lungs as well.

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    He dressed and made his way to the Superior's office. His heartbeat

    quickened with anticipation. After years of believing himself to be the only

    one of his kind, he'd be meeting two others like himself. Again he was

    admitted directly inside.

    The Superior sat behind his desk, yet it wasn't the leader who drew hisattention, but the two men seated in the chairs, their backs to him. A

    sinking feeling hit his gut when he saw one had short cropped, chestnut

    hair on his head. The other was shaved bald, yet his scalp was covered in

    normal human-Laetez flesh.

    "Ah, Unit Commander Xenos," Kaylen said with a slight smile. "Come in

    and meet your brothers."

    His stomach twisting at the sound of that word, Xenos walked slowly

    toward the two young men who now turned to face him.


    Was this some kind of joke?

    Both men looked human and, even worse, handsome. No visible Tydisian


    "This is Yashel." Kaylen gestured toward the chestnut-haired man. With

    large blue eyes, a well-shaped nose and chiseled jaw, he looked more like amodel than a warrior. The bald one was no less attractive, though in a

    different way. His eyes were such dark brown they appeared black and his

    nose was wide, though no less well formed than that of his companion. His

    broad-shouldered, muscular torso dwarfed Yashel, and he wasn't exactly a

    small man. "And Zale. Men, this is Xenos. He will be in charge of your

    training and head of your special aquatic unit."

    "It's an honor." Zale stood and Yashel followed. "I've studied your file

    many times."

    "Forgive me, but I haven't been given access to yours yet."

    "That has been remedied," Kaylen told him.

    "I've looked forward to working with you," Yashel stated. "It's good to see

    another set of webbing."

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    Xenos' brow furrowed. Yashel tugged off a black glove and held up his

    webbed hand. A quick glance at Zale showed he had normal fingers.

    "I'm sure you have more to discuss than your. . .uh. . .webbing," Kaylen

    said. "Any questions?"

    "No, Sir," all three replied simultaneously.

    "Dismissed," Kaylen stated.

    Xenos led the way out of the office and down the corridor. Yashel and Zale

    were given rooms near his on the fourth floor barracks. Their tank had

    been installed on the same floor, and that's where they went directly and

    literally dove into training. Xenos wanted to find out exactly how much

    like him his "brothers" truly were.

    * * * * *

    After spending two hours in the tank with Yashel and Zale, Xenos left

    them to return to unit business. Usually he had little difficulty focusing on

    the task at hand, but today his thoughts kept drifting toward Yashel and

    Zale. In a short time he'd discovered much about them. Both learned

    quickly and in spite of their human-Laetez appearance, possessed

    underlying Tydisian characteristics. They were excellent swimmers and

    able to remain underwater for extended periods of time, at least by

    human-Laetez standards. Neither had Tydisian skin, or else they couldhave matched his submergence capacity.

    Zale seemed to be ideal warrior stock--willing to follow orders to the letter.

    Yashel, on the other hand, had an obvious independent streak. As long as

    he learned to temper it, it might serve him well, especially if he sought his

    own command. In some ways Yashel reminded Xenos of himself. Though

    disciplined, he had a rebellious side--something he considered a strength

    rather than a weakness, providing he knew how and when to use it.

    Seated in his office that night, the glow of the computer shining in thedimness like moonlight glimmering through water, he sat back in his chair

    and smiled slightly. It should prove interesting, building the special

    aquatic unit with Yashel and Zale. With their shared origins and him

    acting as their guide and leader, their loyalties would be to each other.

    Allies in purpose and blood.

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