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Inbound Marketing

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Jon DiPietro

“Engineer by education,computer geek by choice,marketer by necessity.”

Email:[email protected]


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While you were busy running your business…

…the Internet caused the marketing world to spin in the opposite direction.

It ripped control away from advertisers and put It back in the hands of the customers.

Some industries were affected more than others but the Internet will eventually impose its will on all of them.

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The Kakapo Parrot!

For thousands of years, its greatest threat was overpopulation.So it developed a defense mechanism – crazy, ineffective mating rituals.

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The Kakapo Parrot!

When if finally faced predators after man arrived,it did the same thing that always saved it in the past…

It stopped mating!!

Many businesses do the exact same thing when their environments change around them.

This pulls them into the “Business Death Spiral.”

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Anatomy Behavior Agriculture Printing Press

Mass Media







Some PerspectiveOur anatomical evolution ended 200,000 years ago and our behavioral evolution completed 50,000 years ago.

We evolved as social animals who communicated through stories and pictures.

Printed and mass media are 600 and 100 years old respectively. Both are completely unnatural!

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Marketing has now come full circle back to our evolutionary roots. It has unplugged The Matrix. All you need to do is swallow the red pill and leave

the outbound world behind.

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Power Shift

The Internet has shifted power away from the media gatekeepers and into the hands of the users.

What has made this possible?

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PowerShift:In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore predicted that the number of transistors you could fit on a chip would double every 18 months. This became known as “Moore’s Law” and has remained remarkably accurate for nearly 50 years.

The result is that storage and bandwidth are cheap enough to give away. This democratization of computing power allows websites like YouTube, Flickr, Facebook and Twitter to provide their services for free.


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PowerShiftMassive increases in computing power led to Web 2.0. As Clay Shirky says, “It’s as if when you bought a book they threw in the printing press for free.” We’re all producers now.

But it also means that social media users are also the owners. Twitter and Facebook don’t create the content or make the rules – we do.

Web 2.0

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PowerShiftThis new, perfect democracy uses a different currency than old media. Companies used to pay “x” dollars for “y” eyeballs.

The currency of digital marketing is trust, not dollars.


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New Rules

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New RulesWhy is trust the currency of digital marketing?

It has to do with behavioral norms, which are unwritten rules that govern acceptable behavior in different situations.

Businesses are used to dealing with economic norms, which are very different from social norms. Mixing norms can be very dangerous – a big reason why dates can be tricky.


Mixed Norms

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New RulesSo how does a company abide by social norms and acquire the digital marketing currency of trust?

The same way humans build trust with new relationships: We give gifts to prove we mean no harm.

Gift Economy

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Search EvolutionThis graph is from a Wired Magazine article titled The Web Is Dead, Long Live the Internet. It illustrates how the percentage of Internet traffic dedicated to serving up web pages has been declining since 2000.

This means that more and more activity is taking place in walled gardens where search engines can’t help you. It means mobile and social.

Search Evolution

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Now what?

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Outbound is broken!

Every traditional marketing and advertising medium is being marginalized.

They are either being replace or compromised by disruptive technologies.

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Inbound MarketingLuckily there is an alternative that works; inbound marketing.

Lower cost per lead

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Inbound Marketing

All the cool kids are doing it…

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Inbound Marketing

Now that you know why inbound marketing is necessary and how it works…

What is inbound marketing?

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Inbound MarketingComprised of five steps:

1) Create remarkable content2) Optimize it for search3) Promote it via social media4) Convert visitors to leads5) Analyze, rinse and repeat






Five Steps

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Step One:ContentRemarkable means content that people want to share with their friends and colleagues.

Readable means short words in short sentences in short paragraphs with compelling headings, bullets and white space. Make it easily scanned and easy on the eyes.

Sharable means including social media share and subscribe buttons that make it easy for readers to pass along.



Blogging = perfect content machine

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Step One:ContentProvide value first (and establish trust) instead of cranking up the volume and shouting louder.

Value vs. Volume

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Step Two:OptimizeSocial signals are highly correlated to high placement in search results. Backlinks are also critical.

Ignoring social media can hurt your search engine optimization!

Search Engine Optimization

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Step Two:OptimizeWith outbound marketing, you could always spend more to get more results. With social media, it’s about popularity.

Popularity vs. Payola

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Step Three:PromoteIn his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell theorizes that messages don’t go viral from person-to-person, but from group-to-group.

Set up your social media strategies to focus on interest groups and segments rather than individuals.

Social Media

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Step Three:PromoteSuccess in social media is about providing value, not self-promotion.

Nobody cares about your products or services: They only care about how you can solve their problem.

Selfless vs. Selfish



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Step Four:ConvertLanding pages will make or break your success at digital marketing. They are responsible for converting visitors to leads.

They must include a clear, compelling call to action with a low-friction conversion form.

Landing Pages

1) Call to action

2) Conversion form

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Step Four:ConvertClear messages lead to conversions.

Confusing messages lead to abandonments.

Clear vs. Confusing

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Step Five:AnalyzeWeb analytics close the loop:

How many conversions?Where did they come from?How much did they earn?How much did they cost?

If it can’t be measured,it can’t be managed.

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Step Five:Analyze“I know half my advertising is working, I just don’t know which half.”

Everything about digital marketing is measurable. So stop guessing and start measuring!

Data vs. Dice

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Inbound MarketingThe playing field has been leveled and marketing success I not longer a slave to advertising budgets.

Wits vs. Wallets

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