Page 1: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Individual Assistance Overview

Page 2: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Disaster Assistance for IndividualsIndividual Assistance provides money and services

to people in a disaster area where there has been a Presidential Disaster Declaration for Individual

Assistance for losses not covered by insurance to assist in the repair and/or replacement of property

that has been damaged or destroyed.The Individual and Household Program for

Individual Assistance is funded by FEMA and is designed to help with critical expenses that cannot

be covered in other ways.Maximum Grant Amount: $32,400 per household

Human Needs

• Disaster Impact to Community (approx. 100 homes destroyed)

• Mental Health Impact• Concentration of Damages• Trauma: Injuries, fatalities• Special Populations• Available Voluntary Agency

Assistance• Insurance

How does a community qualify for Individual


What if my county is not eligible for an

Individual Assistance

Declaration?Small Business Administration

If the damages are less extensive the Governor can ask for a Small Business

Administration Administrative Declaration. When the Governor’s request for assistance is received, a

survey of the damaged area(s) is conducted with State and local officials,

and the results are submitted to the Administrator for a decision. When the Administrator of SBA declares an area, both primary and adjacent counties are

eligible for the same assistance.

Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

Some voluntary agencies provide assistance to disaster

survivors in the form of financial assistance, clothing, food,

shelter, case management, and other services.

SBA BasicsDeclaration may be possible when:At least 25 homes (primary residences) and/or

businesses in a county have major damage with uninsured losses of 40% or more of their estimated fair replacement value (Secondary homes, condominium

units, cabins, camps, lake homes, etc., used for recreational purposes are not included in the count.); or

At least three (3) businesses have uninsured loss of 40% or more of their estimated fair replacement value

and, as a direct result of the damages, 25% of the work force in the community would be unemployed for at

least 90 days

Page 3: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Voluntary Organizations•Mass Feeding•Sheltering•Emergency Assistance

•Medical needs•Clean-up/muck-out

Insurance & Personal Resources•Homeowners•Sump Failure & Sewer Back-up rider


FEMA Programs•Temporary Housing

•Home Repair•Medical, Dental, Funeral

SBA Programs•Real Property Loans

•Personal Property Loans

FEMA Programs•Personal Property

•Moving & Storage

•Transportation•Group Flood Insurance

Voluntary Organizations•Long-term, disaster-related unmet needs

Sequence of Disaster Assistance

Page 4: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Preliminary Damage Assessment


Page 5: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Composition of Individual Assistance (I.A.) PDA Teams

I.A. Teams usually consist of Local, FEMA, State, and SBA personnel

LocalLocal FEMAFEMA StateState SBASBA

Page 6: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

To make an assessment of possible qualification for an individual assistance disaster declaration.

To make an assessment of possible qualification for an individual assistance disaster declaration.

ResponsibilitiesOf An


ResponsibilitiesOf An


Page 7: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Individual Assistance Data Collection

• Number of damaged dwellings

• Degree of damage

• Income level

• Insurance coverage

• Types of structures

• Ownership/occupancy status

• Utility outages• Availability of resources

Page 8: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where


• Damages Widespread?

• Concentrated?

• Overall Effect?

• Severity?

Page 9: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where


• Damages Beyond the Capability?

• Insurance Coverage?

• Economic Conditions?

• Financial Impacts?

Page 10: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where


• Demographics

• Deaths & Injuries

• Mental Health Impacts

• Assistance from other Sources

- Income Levels- Unemployment

- Special Populations

Page 11: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where


• Housing Resources

• Insurance Coverage

• Primary/Secondary Homes

• Occupancy Status

• Businesses Damaged

Page 12: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Local Role

• Brief PDA teams

• Provide personnel familiar with the damaged area (EMA staff, tax assessors or building officials)

• Have damaged areas identified

• Provide local maps

Page 13: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Local Role

• Provide information on ARC activity (shelters, injuries, etc.)

• Provide Rapid Assessments to State


Page 14: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

State Role

• Identify counties requiring a PDA

• Coordinate PDA planning/scheduling with FEMA and the local EMA offices

• Provide PDA team members

Page 15: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where


• Coordinate PDA planning/scheduling

with the State.

• Coordinate PDA planning/scheduling

with the State.

• Provide PDA team members• Provide PDA team members

• Compile results of the PDA for the Regional Analysis and Summary and Recommendation

• Compile results of the PDA for the Regional Analysis and Summary and Recommendation

• Conduct PDA Kickoff Meeting• Conduct PDA Kickoff Meeting

Page 16: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Governor’s Request


Presidential Decision

FEMA’s Disaster Review Process


FEMA Recommendation

Page 17: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Applicant Eligibility

General Eligibility CriteriaTo qualify, an applicant must have:

– Disaster related damages – Primary residence– US citizens, non-citizen nationals, qualified

aliens– The disaster-caused need cannot be met

through other forms of disaster assistance or insurance

– Insufficient or no insurance

Page 18: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Individuals & Households Program

Two programs within IHP• Housing Assistance (HA)• Other Needs Assistance (ONA)

Program Maximum: $32,400.00• This is the total amount available for both programs• Changes each year with the Consumer Price Index

FEMA assistance will NOT return an individual to their pre-disaster condition!

Page 19: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Other Needs Assistance (ONA)

ONA is broken in to two parts:– SBA dependent– Non-SBA dependent

Non-SBA dependent includes:– Funeral expenses– Medical expenses– Dental expenses– Other expense (determined during “disaster set-up” with the

State)Smoke detector, humidifier, de-humidifier, generator (requires medical justification), chainsaw, carbon monoxide detector, weather radio

Page 20: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Individual Assistance Process

Home Inspections

Approval or Denial by SBA

Approval: loan application issued

Denial: case routed to Housing Needs Assistance, then to Other Needs Assistance

Case processing


Page 21: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Introduction to IA

Sequence of Delivery for “IA” Assistance:

Duplication of Benefits (DOB):– An applicant cannot receive assistance if assistance

for the same purposes is provided from another source.

– The agency that pays an applicant duplicated assistance is responsible for recouping the funds.

Delivery sequence dictates assistance order.

Page 22: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Introduction to IA

Housing Needs Assistance.Other Needs Assistance Disaster Unemployment Assistance.Crisis Counseling Programs.Disaster Legal Services.

Page 23: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Housing AssistanceTemporary Housing– Rental Assistance– Lodging Expenses– Direct Housing

Home Repair– Financial assistance to repair the home

Replacement– Financial assistance towards the replacement of a home,

up to the max grant

Permanent & semi-permanent construction• Very rare; almost only used outside the

continental US

Page 24: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where


IHP inspection is how FEMA determines grant amounts

There is often confusion around this issue

The public often confuses the Preliminary Damage Assessment with the IHP inspection

During this disaster, many organizations have been doing canvassing and needs assessments

Page 25: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Other Needs Assistance

Page 26: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Other Needs AssistanceSecond part of ONA is SBA dependent

Personal property

Transportation– Repair or replacement of automobile

Moving & storage expenses

Group flood insurance– FEMA will pay for the first three years

REMINDER: all this is within the max grant amount!

Page 27: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Other Needs Assistance

Personal Property: This will cover uninsured losses as follows: furniture for living room, dining room, bedroom (# in household), kitchen (refrigerator, stove, microwave-if there was not a stove pre-disaster-, washer, dryer, one television.

Page 28: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Other Needs Assistance

Funeral: Requires documentation that death was a result of the disaster. Award amount based on IA Max amount.

Page 29: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Other Needs AssistanceMedical: Requires documentation (from doctor or inspector verified) that the injury/illness/loss was result of disaster. Also, must provide medical bills for reimbursement. Medical will cover costs of glasses lost, hearing aids, etc.. With proper documentation.

Page 30: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Other Needs Assistance

Dental: Requires documentation that the injury/loss was disaster related. Will cover the cost of dentures with proper documentation.

Page 31: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Introduction to Other Needs Assistance

Transportation: Cover costs of vehicle if it was destroyed or damaged during the disaster. Vehicle must have been operable and properly registered with the state. In KS the vehicle must be titled, have at minimum liability insurance, and have a current license plate.

Page 32: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Other Needs Assistance Summary

Personal Property and Other Needs Assistance amounts are determined based upon inspections and receipts. Grant Amount is determined and distributed to the applicant. Applicant may receive more than one award payout, but may receive no more than max amount of $32,400.00.

Page 33: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Other Needs Assistance

• Other Needs Assistance: Used to pay for repairing/replacing personal property and/or transportation. In addition, assistance can be used to pay medical, dental and funeral expenses.

Page 34: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA)

Provides unemployment benefits and reemployment services through the Department of Labor.

Unemployed individuals must register with the state’s unemployment office.

Page 35: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Crisis Counseling Programs (CCP)

Provides supplemental funding to States for short-term counseling services to eligible victims of a Presidentially declared disaster.

Funding awarded from FEMA and administered through the State Mental Health Agency in cooperation with the Center for Mental Health Services.

Page 36: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Disaster Legal Services (DLS)

FEMA, through an agreement with the Young Lawyers Division of the American Bar Association, provides free legal help for disaster victims.Services are intended for low-income individuals.Legal advice is limited to cases that will not produce a fee.

Page 37: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Disaster Legal Services: Role of Volunteer Lawyer

Insurance Claims

Landlord/tenant counseling

Home Repair Contracts

Consumer Protection Matters

Replacement of wills/legal documents

Power of Attorney

Estate Administration


Lawyers may be asked to assist with:

Page 38: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Small Business Administration

Offers disaster loans to homeowners and renters for restoring or replacing disaster damaged property.

Page 39: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where

Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs)

Located in disaster-impacted areas.Staffed by:– Federal/State/Local govt.– Voluntary Agencies.

Offers advice and access to resources to assist with the disaster recovery process.

Page 40: Individual Assistance Overview. Disaster Assistance for Individuals Individual Assistance provides money and services to people in a disaster area where


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