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The UN review on "SD Obama", Ahok wants students to aspire to Be the President Monday, may 18, 2015 | 07: 50 PM EST

Jakarta, Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Full review the implementation of the national examination (UN) in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Menteng 01, Monday (18/5/2015) morning. He arrived at the school that was once a school U.s. President Barack Obama said that, at around around 6 pm. In his speech, Basuki asked 56 students who follow the UN to aspire to be President like Obama. "I know kids all zest would to carry out this test, let alone the school Obama, certainly the spirit," said Basuki. "I want kids not only graduated but also all had the dream of becoming President, don't (ideals) so the Governor, so the President alone," continued Basuki. Basuki said, to become President, must have a good track record. On that occasion, he also reminded the students to work on the entire exam questions honestly. "Living people to the front, baseball can only imaging, times have changed and children should be fed knowledge. So people have to keep memperrbaiki myself. Mr. pray, the children here have to be so important in Indonesia officials, "said Basuki. Vasuki, who accosted Ahok, regular direct also greet the students implement one by one UN. Students and teachers also take pictures with the number one in the capital city. After reviewing the implementation of the UN in SD 01 Menteng, Basuki directly review the UN in SD Theresia, Central Jakarta. There are, however, as many as 153.266 students will take the test until next May 20. The details, 140.704 students, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students 12.430 (MI), and 132 students incredible (SD LB). In contrast to UN high school who have implemented computerized based test (CBT), UN SD is still implemented in a paper-based test. Meanwhile, the subjects to be tested is the Indonesian Language on May 18, on 19 may, mathematics, natural science on May 20.

Climber who Fell in the Merapi Crater Atma Jaya University students

Yogyakarta-a climber from Yogyakarta reported falling slipped to the brink of the crater of Mount Merapi in Central Java, Boyolali side. SAR team has been deployed to immediately find and evacuate the climber but until tonight's unknown fate of climbers are mired in the abyss as deep as 200 metres. ERI Yunanto reportedly slipped fell into the crater of Merapi on Saturday (16/5/2015) afternoon. See Eri fell, five of her friend that performs the climb together immediately seek help. Volunteer Coordinator Barameru Merapi, Samsuri, said that after receiving the report of the fifth victim, friends of SAR Team disaster management Areas (BPBD) and Boyolali with experienced volunteers immediately climbed to the top of the volcano to save the victims. "There has been no report of the team departed for the Summit has not been reported so that the circumstances of the victim. If any are found, the process of evacuation may be quite difficult because the night conditions at the Summit so that the lack of information. What is the depth of the crater of volcano reached about 200 meters, "said Samsuri, Saturday, (16/5/2015) night. Description of the police is also very minimal. Kapolsek Selo, Boyolali, Yadiyo, AKP claimed to hear any climbers who experience naas at the peak of Merapi, but he said not knowing for sure the condition of the climbers because the rescue team sent to the Summit to date have not provided a report.

A Falling Climber Reported Merapi to Canyons Crater

Yogyakarta, Sunday (17/5/2015), Eri Yunanto (21), a mountaineer who fell into the crater of Mount Merapi has not been found. However, the search team has identified the survivor's position through the photographs that were recorded from the aircraft without crew or mini drone. Search and Resque team Commander of the special region of Yogyakarta (DIY SAR), Brotoseno, said the drones can already monitor the object at the base of the crater of Merapi that supposedly powerful Eri. "The Survivor has been known to its position. He is an upright under the peak, "he said, of the week (17/5). SAR team DIY use drones to make it easier to track the position of the survivor. Help with camera-equipped drones comes from the team of Gadjah Mada University (UGM). Even though his position is known, it has not been able to ensure conditions of Eri at this time. Brotoseno adds, the central team is currently making the stub and the savety line required the evacuation process if necessary. As reported, Eri fell into the crater wall of the Volcano when it was about to fall from a peak of Garuda. After a photo session on the Summit of Garuda, Eri slipped and fell in the lava dome slipped as deep as approximately 150 meters. "The survivor's condition has not been ascertained. This is because the rescuer can not reach the point coordinates of the survivor, "he added. SAR team fielded five own DIY squads for the evacuation of the survivor. Each consists of 10 personnel. The search Mission controller (SMC) Suwiknya said the search team, equipped with drones and AIDS respiration (breathing apparatus) to facilitate the evacuation. It relates to the terrain and conditions fall survivor in the crater of Merapi. "Our Drones use to map out where the alleged fall of climbers. From there, the line will be evaluated can be reached by rescuers. We fielded two drones, in this mission, "he said. Meanwhile, the breathing apparatus serves to reduce the risk of terhirupnya toxic gas in the crater of Merapi. He said, the time for effective searching is at 10.00 am to 13.00 pm. "We should also see the wind direction, so when the winds tend to be quiet, it's quite dangerous for rescuers, since high concentrations of toxic gases. If there's any wind blow, then the air will circulate, "said Suwiknya, who is also head of the Resort region II SPTN Selo Boyolali. (Saint Ari).

Start the week , the rupiah slumped in the Top 13,100

JAKARTA, - The rupiah to test its strength at the beginning of the week, Monday (05/18/2015). At the start of trading in the spot market, the rupiah dropped directly above the 13,100 level. As quoted from Bloomberg data, the currency weakened to 09.00 Garuda from Rp 13,126 per US dollar, compared to last week's closing at around 13 084.One sentiment that determines the position of the rupiah this week is the meeting of the Board of Governors of Bank Indonesia concerning the position of the BI Rate. External sentiment is still focused on developments in the United States (US).In the last week despite the release of US data on previously quite positive and makes the rate of the US dollar climbed, the condition can still be offset by the movement of the Yuan which is able to turn positive after responding to a decrease in the benchmark interest rate.Market players in the Chinese market more attention to the impact of the decision of the lower interest rates compared to the direct impact of its currency. Rupiah was also affected rise in line with the increase in the Yuan. However, expectations of further rate rupiah vanished after Yuan turned lower.The unstable release of US economic data provide yet speculation interest rate hikes the Fed accelerated so that helped add dollars to turn higher.The release of the trade balance surplus valued at 450 million US dollars and growing current account deficit narrow enough to give a positive sentiment for the rupiah. NH Korindo Securities Research estimates that currency Garuda Indonesia this week at Rp 13260-13135 per US dollar.One of the anticipated investors is a matter of numbers BI Rate decisions that will be decided in the RDG BI this week.

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