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    Inflation is when the prices of most goods and services continue to go upward. When this

    happens, North South University (NSU) students standard of living falls. That is because each

    taka buys less, so they have to spend more to get the same goods and services. It usually hurts

    their buying power. The topic of my research is how inflation is affecting NSU students. Now

    NSU students are facing the most expensive academic year to date, with an inflation rate

    monthly around 8.56 percent and average of monthly inflation rate is 10.76%. Consumer price

    index (CPI) of general index in June is 270.43, food index is 296.74, non food index 236.16.

    (Bangladesh Bureau of statistics, 2012, June, p. 1).

    The rising cost of transportation, food prices, stationary prices, and maintaining good

    health, personal savings, individual welfare, are terrible experience. Also, current inflation does

    not match with increased jobs. Students are experiencing a mental dissatisfaction overall. I have

    chosen this topic because I was passionate to know the impact of such experiences on NSU

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    students; whether it is difficult to survive or not for them; how their parents are responding by

    rising cost. I have found answers to such questions through my research work.

    There are several reasons why inflation affecting NSU students. Ten years ago, when

    inflation was still low, students were satisfied with their desired items. But now many students

    are seriously affected by price hike. Inflation is affecting to student's life about their living, their

    study, their transportation, their food, their savings, their part time job, their salary, their

    education loan and their spirit.

    First of all, students living become more difficult because of rapidly rising price. With

    small amount of support money from their parents, students hard to live well. The cost of living

    is rising and students quality of life is lower. In case of daily meal how students can buy meat or

    fish with high price? Because of that, they use vegetable or even instant noodle instead of daily

    food. Besides, rent-house electricity, water fee are all increase. To have a good flat in this time in

    Bashundhara R/A is rather difficult for some students. Therefore, they have to live in small, old,

    bad condition flats; sometimes they have a lot of uninvited guests like mosquito. Moreover,

    monthly student must pay for electricity, water with high prices, depending on the price

    stipulated by the landlord. Eating not enough nutrients, living in bad condition flats also caused

    students poor health. Learning requires pretty much work ofthe mind so if lack of nutrients,

    students hardly to focus on. The higher the inflation, the lower the living of standard.

    In addition to this, inflation also greatly affect to students studying. Because of rising of

    the cost of living, many families cannot support for their children well. The tuition fee, books,

    study tools are all increasing. How students can absolutely focus on study if they eat not enough

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    nutrition, lack of money to buy books, study tools. Doing part time job is the best solution for a

    lot of students. They can both learn and do part time job or do tuition. However, spending a lot of

    time to earn money that affects a lot to their health as well as their study. After hard study period,

    they continue to do part time job and come back their rent house in tired. And they may be

    failed in the final exam.

    Finally, inflation not only affect to students living and study, inflation also affect to their

    spirit. With a lot of students, to support for their study is not easy. Parents have to worry and

    work rather hard. Especially, in the context of high inflation with the rapidly rising of everything,

    they have more difficulty. A lot of students are broken heart to receive value money from hard

    hands of their parents. How can they do not love as well as worry about their parents. Some

    students even think that they are a burden for their parents. They do their best to study, others do

    part time job; however, the others cannot focus on study and they fail in the exam.

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    What is Inflation?

    The measure of price increases within a set of goods and services over a period of time is known

    as inflation. According to Butler, Inflation is the percentage of change in price of goods and

    services (para. 4).

    The Economics of Glossary defines inflation as:

    Inflation is an increase in the price of a basket of goods and services that is representative of the

    economy as a whole (what is inflation, para.1).

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    A similar definition of inflation can be found inEconomics by Parkin and Bade:

    Inflation is an upward movement in the average level of prices. Its opposite is deflation, a

    downward movement in the average level of prices. The boundary between inflation and

    deflation is price stability (para. 2).

    Amadeo (2012) reported that, Inflation is when the prices of most goods and services continue

    to creep upward. When this happens, your standard of living falls. That's because each dollar

    buys less, so you have to spend more to get the same goods and services (what is inflation,


    So inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and

    services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase. As inflation rises, every taka you own

    buys a smaller percentage of a good or service.

    The value of a taka does not stay constant when there is inflation. The value of a taka is observed

    in terms of purchasing power, which is the real, tangible goods that money can buy. When

    inflation goes up, there is a decline in the purchasing power of money. For example, if the

    inflation rate is 2% annually, then theoretically a 1 taka pack of chocolate will cost 1.02 taka in a

    year. After inflation, your taka can't buy the same goods it could beforehand.

    Inflation affecting following areas:

    Gas/Transportation Food Employment Housing
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    There are several variations on inflation:

    Deflation is when the general level of prices is falling. This is the opposite of inflation. Hyperinflation is unusually rapid inflation. In extreme cases, this can lead to the

    breakdown of a nation's monetary system. One of the most notable examples of

    hyperinflation occurred in Germany in 1923, when prices rose 2,500% in one month.

    Stagflation is the combination of high unemployment and economic stagnation withinflation. This happened in industrialized countries during the 1970s, when a bad

    economy was combined with OPEC raising oil prices.

    Causes of Inflation

    Economists wake up in the morning hoping for a chance to debate the causes of inflation.

    There is no one cause that's universally agreed upon, but the theories given below are

    generally accepted:

    Demand-Pull Inflation

    Refers to the idea that the economy actual demands more goods and services than available. This

    shortage of supply enables sellers to raise prices until equilibrium is put in place between supply

    and demand. This theory can be summarized as "too much money chasing too few goods". In

    other words, if demand is growing faster than supply, prices will increase. This usually occurs in

    growing economies.
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    Cost-Push InflationAlso known as "supply shock inflation", suggests that shortages or shocks

    to the available supply of a certain good or product will cause a ripple effect through the

    economy by raising prices through the supply chain from the producer to the consumer. You can

    readily see this in oil markets. When OPEC reduces oil supply, prices are artificially driven up

    and result in higher prices at the pump. When companies' costs go up, they need to increase

    prices to maintain theirprofit margins. Increased costs can include things such as wages, taxes,

    or increased costs of imports.

    Money supply- Plays a large role in inflationary pressure as well. Monetarist economists believe

    that if the Bangladesh Bank does not control the money supply adequately, it may actually grow

    at a rate faster than that of the potential output in the economy, or real GDP. The belief is that

    this will drive up prices and hence, inflation. Low interest rates correspond with high levels of

    money supply and allow for more investment in big business and new ideas which eventually

    leads to unsustainable levels of inflation as cheap money is available.

    Inflation can artificially be created through a circular increase in wage earners demands and then

    the subsequent increase in producer costs which will drive up the prices of their goods and

    services. This will then translate back into higher prices for the wage earners or consumers. As

    demands go higher from each side, inflation will continue to rise.
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    The Link between Inflation and Money:

    Moffat reported that, because inflation is a rise in the general level of prices, it is intrinsically

    linked to money, as captured by the often heard refrain "Inflation is too many dollars chasing too

    few goods" (para. 3).

    According to him, inflation is caused by a combination of four factors:

    1. The supply of money goes up.2. The supply of other goods goes down.3. Demand for money goes down.4. Demand for other goods goes up.

    Amadeo (2012) suggested that, Inflation has another bad side-effect...once people start to

    expect inflation, they will spend now rather than later. That's because they know things will only

    cost more lately. This consumer spending heats up the economy even more, leading to more and

    more inflation. This situation is known as spiraling inflation because it spirals out of control

    (para. 4).

    What is Consumer Price Index:

    An inflationary indicatorthat measures the change in the cost of a fixedbasket ofproducts and

    services, including housing, electricity, food, and transportation. The CPI is published monthly,

    also called cost-of-living index.
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    CPI is a measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods

    and services, such as transportation, food and medical care. The CPI is calculated by taking price

    changes for each item in the predetermined basket of goods and averaging them; the goods are

    weighted according to their importance. Changes in CPI are used to assess price changes

    associated with the cost of living.

    How does inflation affect students:

    Kershaw (2008) pointed out that, Students spend a higher share of their total budget on items

    which have risen in price fastest over recent years - goods such as food and drink, clothing,

    tobacco, personal care products, housing and travel, plus tuition fees (para. 3).

    According to Butler, Inflation mainly affects interest rates and wages. However, in recent years

    wages have not followed inflation rates as they previously did (para. 7).

    As students the main affects you will see are:

    Rise in prices: the cost of goods will go up and things such as your weekly shop willunfortunately be more expensive

    Rise in wages: if you are looking for part time work whilst studying then you may seeemployers offering higher wages.

    Unfortunately your maintenance loan does not follow inflation at its current rate but itmay rise next year. Your student debt for both tuition fees and maintenance follows

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    inflation as its base of interest which is unfortunate. Even though a student loan is not

    meant to have interest the inflation will affect it and when employers are not increasing

    wages at the rate of inflation it leaves graduates worse off.

    Effects of inflation:

    1. Hoarding (students will try to get rid of cash before it is devalued, by hoarding food andother commodities creating shortages of the hoarded objects).

    2. Distortion of relative prices (usually the prices of goods go higher, especially the pricesof commodities).

    3. Existing creditors will be hurt (because the value of the money they will receive fromtheir borrowers later will be lower than the money they gave before).

    4. Fixed income recipients will be hurt (because while inflation increases, their incomedoesnt increase, and therefore their income will have less value over time).

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    5. Lowers national saving (when there is a high inflation, saving money would meanwatching your cash decrease in value day after day, so students tend to spend the cash on

    something else).

    6. Currency debasement (which lowers the value of a currency, and sometimes cause a newcurrency to be born)

    7. Rising prices of imports (if the currency is debased, then its purchasing power in theinternational market is lower).

    How to survive against inflation:

    Here are some trivial yet useful ways for students to beat inflation.

    Cut spendingIt may not seem ideal but you will have to cut spending on those thingsthat you would class as a treat

    Buy in bulkIf you know that you eat a lot of something everyday then why not buy inbulk before prices rise.

    Invest in commoditiesInvest in durable goods or commodities rather than in money. Invest in things that you're going to use anyway and will serve you for a long time. Commodities like gold rise in price all the time and as long as you have a better selling

    strategy. (but be careful as it is risky)

    Saving The saving rates may be lower than inflation but if you put money into asavings account then you will be losing less than if you do not. It has the least risk and a

    safe return.

    Look out for student discounts

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    Be wise when holding cash, whether in your home or in your savings account, if youreearning 5% interest on the money you have in your bank, and inflation rate is 10% then

    youre in reality losing 5% and not earning anything.

    Manage wisely your recurring monthly bills such as (mobile phone bills, cable TV), itwould help to reduce them or eliminate some of them.

    Same goes with ephemeral items (movies, restaurants, hotel rooms...) theyre not bad ifyou spend money on them in moderation.

    Ask yourself, do I really need these things I am spending my money on? Think how

    much and how often you will need something before buying it.

    Use the money saving tips such as: you need to reduce your consumption of things thatare rising rapidly in price (example, gas) without having to reduce your consumption of

    goods that are rising less rapidly or even falling in price (example, clothes).

    Buy only what you need, especially objects that have multi-tasks, and are considereddurable goods.

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    Research Questions

    I was always trying to know about the effect of inflation on NSU students. I have tried to

    find the reason behind how they are affected. Actually I tried to look on some specific questions

    or basic question about the impact of Inflation on NSU students. The questions are:

    1. What do you mean by inflation as an NSUers?2. Which factor is affecting you most?3. Do you feel that cost of living pay increases have helped rising prices?4. Are you concern by overall price hike?5. Which are you doing when inflation is affecting you?6. Are you mentally dissatisfied by current price hike?7.

    If you are a part time job holder or a private tutor, do you face any salary problems?

    8. How your family is treating with you with rising cost?9. What do you think who is responsible for the overall price hike?10.How do you adjust inflation in your daily life?

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    11.As a student of NSU, do you have any specific policies to survive against inflation?These questions above guided me to design my questionnaire.

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    Inflation is always creating an adverse outcome for students. From my research, I will

    able to find that students from different backgrounds are feeling difficulties to survive and most

    of them are mentally dissatisfied because their parents are creating pressure on them to not spend

    on unnecessary things. Since most students in NSU are from affluent families, I will also able to

    find that they are affected by certain factors such as price hike of food, transportation, living,

    entertainment etc. Also their salary of part time job and tuition do not fulfill their wants and are

    not inflation adjusted.

    It is expected that most students are mature enough to realize that it is seriously affecting

    their daily activities. I also believe that students will try to do everything to adjust their lifestyle

    efficiently and optimally.

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    For my primary research, I have conducted a survey of representative sampling of the

    North South University student. To that end I designed a questionnaire with different types of

    questions so as to obtain a range of useful data which helped me to answer my research

    questions. I made 11 questions for my survey. Every question consisted with minimum four

    options. I surveyed on twenty people. From them twelve were male and eight were female. They

    are from CSE, EEE, Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Marketing background respectively.

    All of them were between 21-23 years of old. First I tried to know if they know the meaning of

    inflation or not. Because my research was related to those people who know about inflation and

    seriously affected by it.

    For my secondary research, I mainly used archives stored on the internet. I also used the

    online newspapers to gather information about my research and analysis. However, the internet

    gave me most of the useful information for my secondary research.

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    Data Presentation and Analysis

    Question 1: what do you mean by inflation as an NSUers?

    This question was made to answer what NSUers mean by inflation. This question

    yielded some interesting results. The results showed that 65% of the NSU students have opted

    rising overall price level as a meaning of inflation. That means students are facing price hike in

    all areas like food, transportation, living cost, personal expenditure and entertainment. So

    NSUers are worried about this and price level has risen significantly. It matches my hypothesis.

    25% of NSUers respond as it is a low purchasing power, it means same amount of money give

    them less good and 5% have chosen inflation as falling of living standards. That shows that,

    students of NSU are unable to purchase their necessary item because their purchasing powers

    have fallen. Only few people said that inflation is falling of living standard.



    5% 5%









    a. Rising overall

    price level

    b.Low purchasing


    c. Falling of living


    d.Any other


    Total Number of



    1. Meaning of Inflation

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    Question 2: Which factor is affecting you most?

    The analysis to the answers to this question showed that 45% of the students are affected

    by high living cost. That is because many students are living in the student mess in Bashundhara

    R/A. When students are feeling other financial strains, expensive housing just adds another level

    of stress to their lives.

    As all we know that this area is one of the aristocratic areas in Bangladesh. So rent of the

    flat is quite high. Another 30% students are seriously affected by high food cost. It may be due to

    demand-pull inflation. Also 25% of the students are affected by high transportation cost.

    These students are living outside Bashundhara and affected by high fuel price, bus fare,

    and auto rickshaw fare. No one respond with high stationary cost. That means prices of

    education items have not risen significantly.















    a. High

    transportation cost

    b. High food cost c. High stationary


    d. High living cost

    Total number of



    2. Factor affecting most

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    Question 3: Are you concern by overall price hike?

    The responses from this question shows that 75% students are seriously concerned by

    price hike most of the time. So price hike is a daily phenomenon and big problem for students of

    NSU. As all we know that NSUers belong to affluent family, but only 0% respond that they are

    affluent, which is quite interesting. However, 15% students respond that it is a natural process.

    That means these students are not aware of price hike. They dont care inflation in their daily

    life, and happy about the existing price which go against my hypothesis.














    a. Most of the


    b.But mostly


    price hike.

    c. I am pretty much

    affluent so I dont


    d.Actually it is a

    natural process

    Total Number of



    3.Concern by overall price hike

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    Question 4: What are you doing when inflation is affecting you?

    In response to this question, 50% students respond that they have not done anything yet.

    It indicates that they belong to the upper class family. It goes against my hypothesis and also

    totally contradictory to question 3, option c. Another 35% of the students respond that they are

    buying cheaper foods, which means food cost has risen significantly and students are out of their

    budget to purchase necessary foods. Only 15% students are driving less due to CNG or

    petroleum price skyrocketed. Many students are using local bus for cheaper transportation, so

    their living standard falls. However students are maintaining their regular pattern of purchasing

    costly books.












    a. I am buying

    cheaper foods.

    b. I am driving less or

    using cheaper


    c. I am buying

    cheaper books.

    d. I have not done

    anything yet

    Total number of



    4. Action after inflation

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    Question 5: Are you mentally dissatisfied by current price hike?

    The responses from this question strengthened my hypothesis of this research. Here 65%

    of the students respond that their expenditure is out of their budget. Another 15% respond that

    their parents are creating pressure on them. So these two options indicate that students are

    mentally dissatisfied by current price hike and strains on their budget means less for

    entertainment. In contrast, nobody is interested to borrow money.













    a. My expenditures

    are out of my budget

    b. My parents are

    creating pressure on

    me to spend less.

    c. Sometime I have

    to borrow money.

    d. I am familiar with


    Total number of



    5. Mental dissatisfaction due to current price


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    Question 6: If you are a part time job holder or tutor, do you face any salary problem?

    The responses from this question are mixed. Exactly 35% of the NSUers respond that it is

    not inflation adjusted. For maintaining living standards, these students think that their salary is

    not inflation adjusted. Another 35% of the NSUers respond that it does not fulfill their wants,

    because most of the NSU students expenditure pattern is high. In both cases it indicates that

    their salary is insufficient. 25% of the NSUers respond that their salary has no relation with

    inflation. Indicates that their salary is not affected by inflation. Many students while joining NSU

    could very well afford high standard of living, thats why their salary matters nothing for

    increasing rate of inflation.

    35% 35%












    a. It is not inflation


    b. It does not fulfill

    my wants.

    c. My salary is


    d. My salary has no

    relation with


    Total number of



    6.Salary problems

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    Question7: How your family is treating with you with rising cost?

    The analysis to the answer to this question shows that, 45% of the students respond that

    their parents have ordered them to not spend on unnecessary things. It indicates that unnecessary

    spending may lead to budget deficit. Other 20% students respond with doing tuition or part-time

    job. Only 5% students are not getting extra money from parents. In case of option b, c and d,

    parents are seriously influencing students to make adjustment to their own. In contrast, 30% of

    the students respond that their parents are giving them more money to adjusts, which indicate

    that their parents are not affected by current price hike. It goes against my hypothesis.
















    a. They are giving

    me more money to


    b. They are

    influencing me to do

    a job or tuition so

    that I can managemy own


    c. They have

    ordered me to not

    spend on

    unnecessary things.

    d. They have

    completely denied

    me to give extra


    Total number of



    7. Your family responses

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    Question 8: What do you think who is responsible for overall price hike?

    Here, 70% students respond that government is mainly responsible for overall price hike.

    Government could not restrict the syndicate in hiking the price. They are unable to control

    demand-pull and cost-push inflation. So everyday price is increasing at an increasing rate, but

    government is unable to regulate price. Another 25% students think that central bank is mainly

    responsible due to application of wrong monetary and fiscal policy. Also, if central bank does

    not control the money supply adequately, it may actually grow at a rate faster than that of the

    potential output in the economy, or real GDP. The belief is that this will drive up prices and

    hence, inflation. In contrast, 5% students think that it is the businessman or industry owners who

    unethically raise prices to maximize their profit even in the month of Ramadan. Nobody choose

    that it is a natural process, which matches my hypothesis.













    a. Governments, b. Central bank, c. Producers orindustry owners

    d. No one isresponsible

    Total number of



    8. Responsible for price hike

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    Question 9: How do you adjust inflation in your daily life?

    The analysis of this question answer is that, 55% students respond with spending less and

    saving more. Indicate that they are suffering problem in case of their budget. They have stopped

    spending more and saving for future benefit. So they are going to have to change their lifestyles

    and find new strategies for meeting their basic needs. Another 20% respond with doing job or

    tuition. That means to maintain their daily life, they need more money. So they are earning more

    money to adjust with inflation. Other 15% students respond that they are demanding more

    money from parents because they are not interested to do a job or do not want to spend less. It

    also indicates that their parents have enough money to adjust with inflation. In contrast, 10%

    students respond with other. But they failed to mention how they are adjusting.












    a. Spending less and

    saving more.

    b. Doing job or


    c. Demanding more

    money from parents.

    d.Any other

    Total number of



    9. Adjusting inflation in your daily life

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    Summary of Research Findings

    Through my research, I had hoped to conclude that the current price hike is seriously

    affecting NSU students. Over the course of my research I have found that the results show that

    my hypothesis was correct to a great extent.

    The primary research that I conducted suggested that though most of the NSU students

    are affluent but current price hike is affecting all type of students. It is because there is an

    opportunity cost of spending and holding money. I also found that the recommendations most

    people are very much concern about the price hike and would like to do job or tuition.

    Through my secondary research, I observed that inflation is different types and has

    different reasons. For instance, the government is responsible for demand-pull and cost-pull

    inflation by not regulating prices regularly and central is responsible for excessive money supply

    which leads to inflation. Also to survive against inflation, students can adjust inflation by

    adopting specific polices.

    Overall, the conclusion that can be drawn is the hypothesis of this research paper is

    agreed upon by the majority of the respondents whereas negligible group of students are not

    agreed my hypothesis may be because of their own perception. Consequently, I would have to

    conclude that the findings of this research paper agree with the hypothesis.

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    In conclusion, price hike is a daily phenomenon and it is seriously affecting NSU

    students. First of all, the current price of food, transportation, and living has skyrocketed.

    Secondly, the government is unable to regulate the prices of necessary goods. This would distort

    the relative price of goods and impede the spending pattern of students. Hence, all this should be

    taken into consideration on an urgent basis.

    Through this research, it has shown that the students are very much concern by the

    current price hike. Economist failed to realize how the economy affects so many university

    students. Anything that happens to the economy greatly affects students life. When items

    become more expensive we feel the pinch.

    Finally, the general consensus is that, if this price rising trend is continued to the future

    then NSU students will be mentally dissatisfied because their parents will not able to adjust with


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    List of References

    1. Amadeo, K. (2012, April). What is inflation. Retrieved from

    2. Kershaw, A. (2008, August). University students hit by inflation. The Independent.Retrieved



    3.Big inflation, small inflation affects university students. (2011, February). Retrieved from


    4. Amadeo, K. (2012,April).How does inflation impact my life. Retrieved from

    5. Moffat, M. (2012). What is inflation. Retrieved from

    6. Butler, J. (2012).How to beat against inflation. Retrieved from

    7. Inflation, Effects and How to Survive it. Retrieved from
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