

English TestNombre:_____________________________________________________________

Look at the picture and circle the correct carctera) Circle the girl whos playing the piano (blue)b) Circle the teacher who has got a bear (red)c) Circle the man whos talking to mrs. Star. (green)d) Circle the chair where Suzy is sitting (brown)e) Circle the boy whos singing and has got glasses (black)Complete the sentencesa) I think Justin Bieber is ___________________________________________________b) I think music lessons are _________________________________________________c) I think basketball is _____________________________________________________d) I think phineas and ferb is ________________________________________________e) I think Lock and Key are __________________________________________________f) I think sailing is _________________________________________________________Write the measuresa) 99.01 ________________________________________________________________b) 113.24 _______________________________________________________________c) 470.18 _______________________________________________________________Look at the picture and answer

What does Stella want to be?She wants to be a ________________________________________________________________What does grandpa Star want to learn?He wants to ___________________________________________________________________What does the cat want to eat?It wants to eat ___________________________________________________________________What does Mr. Star want to do?He wants to ___________________________________________________________________What does Simon want to do?He wants to read __________________________________________________________________

What do you want to do?_______________________________________________________________________________What do you want to be?____________________________________________________________________________

Read and drawThe girl is singing loudly

The boy is eating quickly

My mom is cooking happily

The boy is skating carefully

The girl is swimming badly

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