Download - Ingles Acty 1

  • 7/24/2019 Ingles Acty 1


    Learning activity 1 /Actividad de aprendizaje 1

    Evidence: Identities / Evidencia: Identidades

    Complete the texts with the corresponding information. / Complete el texto conla informacin correspondiente.


    Hello, my name is Daniel . I am from

    colombia. My nationality is Colombian

    . I am 2 years old. I ha!e a

    noteboo", a #ac" pac" and a $helf.

  • 7/24/2019 Ingles Acty 1




    Fuente de imgenes:$&'(

    )eacher* Hello, what is yo+r name

    $t+dent 1* My name is -e!in.

    )eacher* How old are yo+ -e!in

    $t+dent 1* I am years old.

    )eacher* orena, where are yo+ from

    $t+dent 2* I am from #ra0il, so my nationality is


    )eacher* here are yo+r mother from

    $t+dent 2* My mom is from er+. Her nationality

    is per+!ian.

    Hello, nice to

    meet yo+3

    )his is my friend Ingrid.$he is from Colombia,

    her nationality iscolombian. $he is 1years old. )here are

    not many b+ildings inher city3

    )hey are my friends 'icole and 4ohn. 'icole is

    from )he 5nited $tates, her nationality isamerican and 4ohn is from Canada. His

    nationality is canadian. e 6666666666666666in

    7ome now.

  • 7/24/2019 Ingles Acty 1


    $t+dent 1

    $t+dent 2

  • 7/24/2019 Ingles Acty 1


    8. In the classroom there one a #oard , there

    (re fo+r st+dents, there one a Des"

    and there are a big window

    hen yo+ finish yo+r wor", send the file to yo+r instr+ctor thro+gh the platformas follows*

    1. Clic" the title of this e!idence.2. Clic" Examinar mi equipoand loo" for the file in yo+r comp+ter. Ma"e s+re

    the file is attached.%. ea!e a comment for the instr+ctor 9optional:.8. Clic" Enviar.

    Una vez finalice la evidencia enve al instructor el archivo a travs de laplataforma, as:

    1. clic en el ttulo de esta evidencia.!. clic en el enlace Examinar mi equipo " #usque el archivo en sucomputador. $se%&rese de ad'untar el archivo.

    (. Escri#a al%&n comentario si lo considera pertinente.). clic en Enviar.

    Fuente de imgenes:$&'(

  • 7/24/2019 Ingles Acty 1


    Note:)his e!idence is an indi!id+al acti!ity. 7emember to chec" the learningg+ide in order to "now if yo+ ha!e done all the assigned acti!ities, "now how tode!elop them and deli!er them correctly.

    Nota:Esta evidencia es de car*cter individual. +ecuerde revisar la %ua deaprendiza'e con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las actividadespropuestas, sa#er cmo desarrollarlas " entre%arlas correctamente.

    Criterios de evaluacin

    ntercam#ia informacin personal con la estructura " el voca#ulario


    ntercam#ia informacin respecto a los pases " las nacionalidades en un

    contexto definido " con la estructura %ramatical requerida.

    escri#e la existencia de personas, animales o cosas en forma sin%ular "

    plural con la estructura " voca#ulario requeridos.

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