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Starter 1 Unscramble Worksheet - Answer Key


Lesson 1. Where Do Wild Animals Live?

1. 이곳은 숲입니다! (This / a forest! / is)

This is a forest!

2. 숲엔 나무가 많이 있습니다. (many / trees / here. / There / are)

There are many trees here.

3. 강도 있습니다. (There / is / a river. / also)

There is also a river.

4. 누가 여기에 살까요? (Who / here? / lives )

Who lives here?

5. 사슴과 곰이 여기에 삽니다.(live / and bears / Deer / here.)

Deer and bears live here.

6. 숲은 비가 많이 내리고 햇빛을 많이 받습니다. (Forests / lots of / and sunlight. / get / rain)

Forests get lots of rain and sunlight.

7. 그래서 이곳에선 식물들이 잘 자랍니다. (So / well / grow / plants / here.)

So plants grow well here.

8. 모두를 위한 충분한 먹이가 있습니다.(is / for / food / enough / everyone. / There)

There is enough food for everyone.

9. 이곳은 사막입니다! (is / This / a desert!)

This is a desert!

10. 사막은 매우 덥습니다.(hot. / very / It’s)

It’s very hot.

11. 또 굉장히 건조합니다.(It’s / dry. / also / very)

It’s also very dry.

12. 누가 여기에 살까요? (lives / Who / here?)

Who lives here?

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13. 낙타와 도마뱀이 여기에 삽니다. (here. / live / Camels / and / lizards)

Camels and lizards live here.

14. 사막은 비가 많이 내리지 않지만, 햇빛을 많이 받습니다.

(sunlight. / much rain, / Deserts / but they / get / lots of / don’t / get)

Deserts don’t get much rain, but they get lots of sunlight.

15. 이곳엔 식물들이 많지 않습니다. (many plants / aren’t / There / here.)

There aren’t many plants here.

16. 하지만 괜찮습니다. (okay. / But / that’s)

But that’s okay.

17. 사막 동물들은 먹이와 물 없이도 오랜 시간 동안 살 수 있습니다.

(animals / Desert / food and water / without / can live / for a long time.)

Desert animals can live without food and water for a long time.

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Lesson 2. Swan Lake

1. ‘백조의 호수’는 유명한 발레입니다. (is / Swan Lake / a popular ballet.)

Swan Lake is a popular ballet.

2. 이것은 왕자와 백조의 사랑 이야기입니다.

(a prince and a white swan. / a love story / about / It is)

It is a love story about a prince and a white swan.

3. 표트르 일리치 차이콥스키가 이 발레를 위한 사랑스러운 음악을 썼습니다.

(wrote / the lovely music / Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky / for this ballet.)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote the lovely music for this ballet.

4. ‘백조의 호수’에서 발레리나는 진짜 백조처럼 춤을 춥니다.

(the ballerina / In Swan Lake, / dances / like a real swan.)

In Swan Lake, the ballerina dances like a real swan.

5. 그녀는 한쪽 팔을 위로 쭉 들어 올립니다. (one arm / She / raises / straight up.)

She raises one arm straight up.

6. 그 다음에 그녀는 손목을 구부립니다. (bends / her wrist. / Then she)

Then she bends her wrist.

7. 그녀의 팔은 백조의 목입니다. (Her arm / the swan’s neck. / is)

Her arm is the swan’s neck.

8. 그녀의 손은 백조의 머리입니다. (the swan’s head. / Her hand / is)

Her hand is the swan’s head.

9. 이제 그녀는 팔을 벌립니다. (she / spreads / her arms. / Now)

Now she spreads her arms.

10. 그것은 날개입니다! (wings! / They / are)

They are wings!

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11. 그녀는 그 팔을 음악에 맞추어 천천히 움직입니다. (them / She moves / to the music. / slowly)

She moves them slowly to the music.

12. 그녀는 호수로 날아갑니다. (to the lake. / flies / She)

She flies to the lake.

13. 백조는 특별한 튀튀를 입습니다. (a special tutu. / wears / The white swan)

The white swan wears a special tutu.

14. 이 튀튀는 짧고 둥급니다. (short / is / and round. / This tutu)

This tutu is short and round.

15. 이것은 깃털도 가지고 있습니다! (It also / feathers! / has)

It also has feathers!

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Lesson 3. Food Wild Animals Eat

1. 동물들은 살기 위해 먹이가 필요합니다. (Animals / to live. / food / need)

Animals need food to live.

2. 서로 다른 야생 동물들은 어떤 먹이를 먹을까요? (do / eat? / What / different wild / animals)

What do different wild animals eat?

3. 어떤 동물들은 식물만 먹습니다. (Some / eat / only plants. / animals)

Some animals eat only plants.

4. 얼룩말은 풀과 잎을 먹습니다. (eat / Zebras / grass / and leaves.)

Zebras eat grass and leaves.

5. 그들은 튼튼한 치아로 풀을 씹습니다. (their strong teeth. / chew / They / with / the grass)

They chew the grass with their strong teeth.

6. 기린은 잎, 과일, 그리고 나뭇가지를 먹습니다. (eat leaves, / fruits, / Giraffes / and twigs.)

Giraffes eat leaves, fruits, and twigs.

7. 그들은 납작한 치아로 먹이를 씹습니다. (their flat teeth. / the food / They / with / chew)

They chew the food with their flat teeth.

8. 어떤 동물들은 다른 동물들을 먹습니다. (other animals. / Some / eat / animals)

Some animals eat other animals.

9. 사자는 얼룩말을 사냥합니다. (Lions / zebras. / hunt)

Lions hunt zebras.

10. 그들은 얼룩말을 물기 위해 날카로운 이를 사용합니다.

(They / them. / use / their sharp teeth / to bite)

They use their sharp teeth to bite them.

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11. 펭귄은 작은 물고기를 먹습니다. (Penguins / small / eat / fish.)

Penguins eat small fish.

12. 그들은 물고기를 잡기 위해 날카로운 부리를 사용합니다.

(use / to get / their sharp beaks / They / the fish.)

They use their sharp beaks to get the fish.

13. 어떤 동물들은 식물들과 다른 동물들을 모두 먹습니다.

(and other animals. / both / eat / plants / Some animals)

Some animals eat both plants and other animals.

14. 타조는 잎, 뱀, 그리고 도마뱀을 먹습니다. (snakes, / Ostriches / eat leaves, / and lizards.)

Ostriches eat leaves, snakes, and lizards.

15. 곰은 과실류와 물고기를 먹습니다! (Bears / fish! / eat / berries and)

Bears eat berries and fish!

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Lesson 4. Say Cheese!

1. 야생 동물들을 보는 걸 좋아하나요? (wild animals? / like looking at / Do / you)

Do you like looking at wild animals?

2. 탄자니아 세렝게티 국립 공원엔 야생 동물이 정말 많습니다!

(so many / in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park! / There are)

There are so many in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park!

3. 2010년에 미국의 한 팀이 공원 주위에 225개의 카메라를 설치했습니다.

(around the park. / a team / 225 cameras / In 2010, / set up / from the United States)

In 2010, a team from the United States set up 225 cameras around the park.

4. 카메라는 매일 야생 동물들의 사진을 찍습니다.

(wild animals / every day. / The cameras / take pictures of)

The cameras take pictures of wild animals every day.

5. 사진은 동물들이 어떻게 함께 살아가는지 보여줍니다.

(show / live together. / The pictures / how the animals)

The pictures show how the animals live together.

6. 카메라가 어떻게 사진을 찍을까요? (take / do the cameras / How / the pictures?)

How do the cameras take the pictures?

7. 그것들은 센서를 가지고 있습니다. (have / sensors. / They)

They have sensors.

8. 카메라는 동물이 지나가면 사진을 찍습니다.

(take pictures / The cameras / walks by. / when an animal)

The cameras take pictures when an animal walks by.

9. 팀원들은 매일 카메라를 확인합니다. (The team members / every day. / the cameras / check)

The team members check the cameras every day.

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10. 그들은 카메라 앞에 키가 큰 풀들도 잘라냅니다.

(the cameras. / They also / in front of / cut the tall grass)

They also cut the tall grass in front of the cameras.

11. 그렇게 해서 그들은 더 좋은 사진을 얻을 수 있습니다! (pictures! / can get / So they / better)

So they can get better pictures!

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Lesson 5. How Oranges Grow

1. 오렌지는 나무에서 나옵니다. (come from / trees. / Oranges)

Oranges come from trees.

2. 이 나무는 캘리포니아처럼 따뜻한 곳에서 자랍니다.

(in warm places / grow / These trees / like California.)

These trees grow in warm places like California.

3. 캘리포니아에 있는 농장에서 오렌지가 어떻게 자라는지 배워봅시다.

(how oranges grow / Let’s / in California. / on a farm / learn)

Let’s learn how oranges grow on a farm in California.

4. 봄에 오렌지 나무들은 하얀 꽃을 피웁니다. (orange trees / have / white flowers. / In spring,)

In spring, orange trees have white flowers.

5. 꽃이 꽃잎을 잃게 되면, 작은 오렌지가 만들어집니다.

(When the flowers / begin to form. / tiny oranges / lose their petals,)

When the flowers lose their petals, tiny oranges begin to form.

6. 오렌지는 여름과 가을 내내 자랍니다. (all summer and fall. / The oranges / grow)

The oranges grow all summer and fall.

7. 그것들은 많은 햇빛과 물이 필요합니다. (plenty of / They need / sun and water.)

They need plenty of sun and water.

8. 어떤 오렌지는 크게 자라는 데 5개월이 필요합니다.

(to grow big. / five months / need / Some oranges)

Some oranges need five months to grow big.

9. 다른 오렌지는 15개월까지 필요합니다. (need / up to fifteen months. / Other oranges)

Other oranges need up to fifteen months.

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10. 겨울에 농부들은 오렌지를 딸 준비가 되어 있습니다.

(ready to pick / the farmers are / the oranges. / In winter,)

In winter, the farmers are ready to pick the oranges.

11. 하지만 오렌지는 나무에서 더 달콤해 집니다. (on the tree. / sweeter / But oranges get)

But oranges get sweeter on the tree.

12. 그래서 농부들은 때때로 몇 개월을 기다리기도 합니다!

(wait / So sometimes / a few months! / the farmers)

So sometimes the farmers wait a few months!

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Lesson 6. Valencia and Navel Oranges

1. 오렌지는 전 세계적으로 인기가 있습니다. (Oranges are / all around the world. / popular)

Oranges are popular all around the world.

2. 하지만 오렌지가 전부 같지는 않습니다. (all the same. / But oranges / are not)

But oranges are not all the same.

3. 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 오렌지들 중 두 가지를 살펴 봅시다.

(the world’s favorite oranges. / two of / Let’s look at)

Let’s look at two of the world’s favorite oranges.

4. 발렌시아 오렌지는 스페인 발렌시아시의 지명에서 그 이름을 얻었습니다.

(Valencia, Spain. / got their name / from the city of / Valencia oranges)

Valencia oranges got their name from the city of Valencia, Spain.

5. 놀랍게도 그것들은 사실은 미국에서 왔습니다!

(actually / they are / Surprisingly, / from the United States!)

Surprisingly, they are actually from the United States!

6. 이 오렌지는 얇은 껍질과 씨들을 가지고 있습니다.

(and some seeds. / have thin skin / These oranges)

These oranges have thin skin and some seeds.

7. 그것들은 또한 즙이 굉장히 많습니다. (very juicy. / They are / also)

They are also very juicy. So people make juice with them!

8. 그래서 사람들은 그것들로 주스를 만듭니다! (make juice / So people / with them!)

So people make juice with them!

9. 네이블 오렌지는 재미있는 이름을 가지고 있습니다. (have / a funny name. / Navel oranges)

Navel oranges have a funny name.

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10. 이 과일의 밑바닥이 배꼽처럼 생겼습니다!

(looks like / a belly button! / The bottom of the fruit)

The bottom of the fruit looks like a belly button!

11. 이 오렌지는 껍질이 두껍고 씨가 없습니다. (and no seeds. / These oranges / have thick skin)

These oranges have thick skin and no seeds.

12. 그것들은 또한 매우 달콤합니다. (very sweet. / also / They are)

They are also very sweet.

13. 그래서 사람들은 그것들을 먹는 것을 좋아합니다! (love / eating them! / So people)

So people love eating them!

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Lesson 7. How Oranges Saved the Royal Navy

1. 1747년에 영국 해군은 긴 항해를 떠났습니다.

(In 1747, / went on / a long sea trip. / the Royal Navy)

In 1747, the Royal Navy went on a long sea trip.

2. 항해 도중, 많은 선원들이 아팠습니다. (During the trip, / got sick. / many of the sailors)

During the trip, many of the sailors got sick.

3. 그들은 모두 같은 문제를 겪었습니다. (problem. / They all / the same / had)

They all had the same problem.

4. 그들은 입에서 피를 흘렸습니다. (bleeding / They were / from the mouth.)

They were bleeding from the mouth.

5. 슬프게도 그들 중 다수가 죽었습니다. (died. / them / Sadly, / many of)

Sadly, many of them died.

6. 제임스 린드는 영국 해군의 의사였습니다. (in the Royal Navy. / was a doctor / James Lind)

James Lind was a doctor in the Royal Navy.

7. 어느 날, 그는 생각이 떠올랐습니다. (an idea. / One day, / he had)

One day, he had an idea.

8. 그는 열두 명의 아픈 사람들을 골라 여섯 쌍을 만들었습니다.

(six pairs. / He chose / and made / twelve sick people)

He chose twelve sick people and made six pairs.

9. 그 다음에 그는 각각의 쌍마다 다른 약을 주었습니다.

(different medicine. / Then he gave / each pair)

Then he gave each pair different medicine.

10. 예를 들어서, 한 쌍은 오렌지를 먹었습니다. (had oranges. / For example, / one pair)

For example, one pair had oranges.

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11. 다른 쌍은 식초를 마셨습니다. (Another pair / vinegar. / drank)

Another pair drank vinegar.

12. 며칠 후에, 두 선원이 훨씬 나아졌습니다.

(A few days later, / became / much better. / two sailors)

A few days later, two sailors became much better.

13. 왜일까요? 그들은 둘 다 오렌지를 먹었습니다! (They both / oranges! / ate / Why?)

Why? They both ate oranges!

14. 오렌지 속에 있는 비타민 C가 그들을 구했습니다.

(saved them. / The vitamin C / in the oranges)

The vitamin C in the oranges saved them.

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Lesson 8. Tangerine Peel Art

1. 오카다는 일본의 예술가입니다. (an artist / from Japan. / Okada is)

Okada is an artist from Japan.

2. 어느 날, 그는 귤을 깠습니다. (he peeled / a tangerine. / One day,)

One day, he peeled a tangerine.

3. 껍질이 전갈처럼 보였습니다. (a scorpion. / The peel / looked like)

The peel looked like a scorpion.

4. 그 이후로, 그는 귤 까기 예술을 하기 시작했습니다.

(he started / tangerine peel art. / After that, / to make)

After that, he started to make tangerine peel art

5. 현재 오카다는 170개가 넘는 디자인들을 만듭니다. (over 170 designs. / Now Okada / makes)

Now Okada makes over 170 designs.

6. 여러분도 만들 수 있습니다! (You / them too! / can make)

You can make them too!

7. 여러분은 귤, 펜, 그리고 칼이 필요합니다. (some tangerines, / You need / a pen, and a knife.)

You need some tangerines, a pen, and a knife.

8. 토끼를 만들어 봅시다. (make / a rabbit. / Let’s)

Let’s make a rabbit.

9. 먼저, 토끼의 얼굴을 귤 위쪽 면에 그리세요.

(of a tangerine. / First, / draw the rabbit’s face / on the upper side)

First, draw the rabbit’s face on the upper side of a tangerine.

10. 초록색 원이 토끼의 눈이 될 겁니다. (will be / The green circle / its eye.)

The green circle will be its eye.

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11. 다음에, 두 귀를 그리세요. (draw / two ears. / Next,)

Next, draw two ears.

12. 앞다리는 얼굴의 아래에 있습니다. (are / its face. / The front legs / under)

The front legs are under its face.

13. 뒷다리는 코 옆에 있습니다. (are / next to / The back legs / its nose.)

The back legs are next to its nose.

14. 귤을 까기 위해 칼을 사용하세요. (Use the knife / the tangerine. / to peel)

Use the knife to peel the tangerine.

15. 토끼가 정말 귀엽네요! (a cute / rabbit! / What)

What a cute rabbit!

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Lesson 9. How Birds Fly in the Sky

1. 사람들이 비행기를 만들었을 때, 그들의 모델은 새였습니다.

(the airplane, / When people / their model was / birds. / made)

When people made the airplane, their model was birds.

2. 새는 비행을 잘 합니다. (good at / flying. / Birds are)

Birds are good at flying.

3. 그것들은 어떻게 비행을 할까요? (How do / it? / they do)

How do they do it?

4. 첫 번째로, 새는 두 개의 튼튼한 날개를 가지고 있습니다.

(First, / birds have / strong wings. / two)

First, birds have two strong wings.

5. 그것들은 날기 위해 날개를 힘차게 퍼덕거립니다. (They flap / to fly. / their wings / hard)

They flap their wings hard to fly.

6. 이것은 그들이 땅에서 이륙하도록 돕습니다. (them lift / off the ground. / This helps)

This helps them lift off the ground.

7. 두 번째로, 새는 특별한 뼈를 가지고 있습니다. (birds have / special bones. / Second,)

Second, birds have special bones.

8. 그것들의 뼈는 얇고 속이 비어 있습니다. (inside. / thin and empty / Their bones / are)

Their bones are thin and empty inside.

9. 그것은 새를 매우 가볍게 만듭니다. (very light. / That makes / birds)

That makes birds very light.

10. 세 번째로, 새는 이가 없습니다. (have teeth. / Third, / birds don’t)

Third, birds don’t have teeth.

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11.그것들은 부리를 가지고 있습니다. (They / beaks. / have)

They have beaks.

12. 부리는 이가 있는 입 보다 훨씬 가볍습니다.

(mouths with teeth. / than / Beaks are / much lighter)

Beaks are much lighter than mouths with teeth.

13. 그래서 새는 가볍습니다! (light! / So birds / are)

So birds are light!

14. 여러분은 새가 날기에 완벽한 몸을 가졌다고 생각하지 않나요?

(for flying? / Don’t you think / perfect bodies / that birds have)

Don’t you think that birds have perfect bodies for flying?

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Lesson 10. The Full Moon’s Special Names

1. 매달 여러분은 보름달을 볼 수 있습니다. (see / Every month, / you can / a full moon.)

Every month, you can see a full moon.

2. 북아메리카 원주민들은 각각의 보름달에 특별한 이름을 붙였습니다.

(gave / a special name. / Native Americans / each full moon)

Native Americans gave each full moon a special name.

3. 1월엔 매우 춥습니다. (cold. / In January, / it is)

In January, it is cold.

4. 음식을 찾는 것이 힘듭니다. (hard / Food is / to find.)

Food is hard to find.

5. 늑대는 배가 고파서 많이 울부짖습니다! (hungry! / they are / a lot / Wolves howl / because)

Wolves howl a lot because they are hungry!

6. 그래서 1월의 보름달은 늑대달이라 불립니다.

(the Wolf Moon. / So / is called / January’s full moon)

So January’s full moon is called the Wolf Moon.

7. 3월엔 눈이 녹습니다. (melts. / In March, / the snow)

In March, the snow melts.

8. 땅에서 벌레들이 나와 지나간 자국을 만듭니다.

(Worms / and make trails. / come up / from the ground)

Worms come up from the ground and make trails.

9. 3월의 보름달은 벌레달이라 불립니다. (is called / the Worm Moon. / March’s full moon)

March’s full moon is called the Worm Moon.

10. 북아메리카에서 사람들은 6월에 딸기를 땁니다.

(in June. / people pick / In North America, / strawberries)

In North America, people pick strawberries in June.

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11. 6월의 보름달은 딸기달이라 불립니다. (the Strawberry Moon. / is called / June’s full moon)

June’s full moon is called the Strawberry Moon.

12. 9월은 추수를 할 때입니다! (time for / In September, / the harvest! / it is)

In September, it is time for the harvest!

13. 9월의 보름달은 추수달이라 불립니다. (is called / the Harvest Moon / September’s full moon)

September’s full moon is called the Harvest Moon.

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Lesson 11. Why the Sky Is Far Away

1. 오래 전에 하늘은 땅에 가까웠습니다. (Long ago, / the ground. / the sky was / close to)

Long ago, the sky was close to the ground.

2. 사람들은 식량을 기르지 않았습니다. (food. / People / didn’t grow)

People didn’t grow food.

3. 그들은 그저 하늘을 먹었습니다. (the sky. / They just / ate)

They just ate the sky.

4. 그들은 하늘을 큰 조각으로 떼어냈지만, 조금 밖에 먹지 않았습니다.

(a little. / but only ate / They cut out / big pieces of the sky)

They cut out big pieces of the sky but only ate a little.

5. 그들은 나머지를 버렸습니다. (They / the rest. / threw away)

They threw away the rest.

6. 하늘은 화가 나서 말했습니다. (and said, / The sky got angry)

The sky got angry and said,

7. “나를 낭비하지 마. 난 멀리 이동할거야.” (far away.” / waste me. / “Do not / move / I will)

“Do not waste me. I will move far away.”

8. 한 욕심 많은 여자는 말을 듣지 않았습니다. (didn’t / listen. / One greedy woman)

One greedy woman didn’t listen.

9. 그녀는 하늘을 많이 버렸습니다. (a lot away. / threw / She)

She threw a lot away.

10. 다음날, 사람들이 놀라서 물었습니다. “하늘이 어디에 있지?”

(the sky?” / The next day, / surprised and asked, / people were / “Where is)

The next day, people were surprised and asked, “Where is the sky?”

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11. 하늘이 대답했습니다. “난 멀리 이동했어. (“I moved / far away. / The sky answered,)

The sky answered, “I moved far away.

12. 이제 너희들은 열심히 일 해야 해. 씨앗을 심고 동물을 사냥해."

(hard. / Plant seeds / have to work / Now you / and hunt animals.”)

Now you have to work hard. Plant seeds and hunt animals.”

13. 이제 사람들은 더 이상 하늘을 만질 수 없습니다.

(the sky / Now people / anymore. / cannot touch)

Now people cannot touch the sky anymore.

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Lesson 12. Hospital in the Sky

1. 응급 상황입니다. (It’s / emergency. / an)

It’s an emergency.

2. 하지만 근처에 병원이 없습니다. (But there is / nearby. / no hospital)

But there is no hospital nearby.

3. 걱정하지 마세요! (worry! / Don’t)

Don’t worry!

4. 응급 의료 헬기가 도울 수 있습니다. (help. / can / An air ambulance)

An air ambulance can help.

5. 호주 여성인 아만다 데이비스는 이러한 도움이 필요했습니다.

(needed / One Australian woman, Amanda Davis, / such help.)

One Australian woman, Amanda Davis, needed such help.

6. 그녀는 쌍둥이를 낳았지만, 그들은 너무 일찍 태어났습니다.

(but they / were born / She had twins / too early.)

She had twins but they were born too early.

7. 그들은 건강하지 않았습니다. (not healthy. / were / They)

They were not healthy.

8. 그녀의 마을에 있는 병원은 너무 작았습니다. (in her town / was too small. / The hospital)

The hospital in her town was too small.

9. 그래서 의사들은 아기들을 돕지 못했습니다. (the babies. / couldn’t help / So doctors)

So doctors couldn’t help the babies.

10. 의사들은 특별한 헬리콥터를 불렀습니다. (a special helicopter. / The doctors / called)

The doctors called a special helicopter.

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11. 그것은 응급 의료 헬기였습니다. (It / an air ambulance. / was)

It was an air ambulance.

12. 그것은 큰 도시에 있는 병원으로 날아갔습니다. (in the big city. / flew / to a hospital / It)

It flew to a hospital in the big city.

13. 헬기에 탄 간호사가 아기들을 돌봤습니다. (the babies. / in the helicopter / took care of / A nurse)

A nurse in the helicopter took care of the babies.

14. 그들은 병원에 한 시간 만에 도착했습니다! (at the hospital / They / in an hour! / arrived)

They arrived at the hospital in an hour!

15. 이제 아기들은 건강합니다. (Now / healthy. / the babies are)

Now the babies are healthy.

16. 응급 의료 헬기가 그들을 구했습니다! (saved / The air ambulance / them!)

The air ambulance saved them!

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Lesson 13. Sunny-Side Up, Please!

1. 사람들은 계란을 요리하는 방법이 많기 때문에 계란을 좋아합니다!

(People like eggs / to cook them! / many ways / because there are)

People like eggs because there are many ways to cook them!

2. 첫 번째로, 물이 담긴 냄비에 달걀을 넣으세요. (put some eggs / in a pot of water. / First,)

First, put some eggs in a pot of water.

3. 그 다음에 그것들을 끓이세요. (them. / boil / Then)

Then boil them.

4. 10분 후에, 삶은 계란을 얼음 물에 식히세요.

(cool your boiled eggs / in ice water. / After ten minutes,)

After ten minutes, cool your boiled eggs in ice water.

5. 서니사이드 업을 하려면, 먼저 기름을 팬에 두르세요.

(into a pan first. / put some oil / For sunny-side up,)

For sunny-side up, put some oil into a pan first.

6. 그 다음에 그 팬에 계란을 깨뜨리세요. (Then / into it. / crack the eggs)

Then crack the eggs into it.

7. 계란을 부치되 그것들을 뒤집지는 마세요! (the eggs / but don’t / Fry / flip them!)

Fry the eggs but don’t flip them!

8. 가장자리가 갈색으로 변할 때까지 그저 기다리세요. (Just wait / to turn brown. / for the edges)

Just wait for the edges to turn brown.

9. 오버 이지는 서니사이드 업과 같습니다. (sunny-side up eggs. / like / Over-easy eggs are)

Over-easy eggs are like sunny-side up eggs.

10. 하지만 이제 여러분은 계란들을 뒤집어야 합니다! (flip them! / you should / But now)

But now you should flip them!

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11. 스크램블을 만들어 봅시다. (Let’s / scrambled eggs. / make some)

Let’s make some scrambled eggs.

12. 기름을 두른 뜨거운 팬에 계란을 깨뜨리세요. (into a hot, / Crack the eggs / oiled pan.)

Crack the eggs into a hot, oiled pan.

13. 그 다음에 계란들을 섞으세요. (Then / them. / mix)

Then mix them.

14. 계란이 부드럽고 맛있습니다. (and tasty. / are soft / The eggs)

The eggs are soft and tasty.

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Lesson 14. How Do Ducks Lay Eggs?

1. 암컷 오리는 암오리라 불립니다. (is called / a hen. / A female duck)

A female duck is called a hen.

2. 암오리의 아기들은 어디에 있을까요? (her / Where are / babies?)

Where are her babies?

3. 그들은 알 속에 있습니다! (in the eggs! / They / are)

They are in the eggs!

4. 엄마 오리는 한 번에 5개에서 12개의 알을 낳을 수 있습니다.

(can lay 5 to 12 eggs / at once. / A mother duck)

A mother duck can lay 5 to 12 eggs at once.

5. 엄마 오리는 둥지에서 알들을 지킵니다. (in a nest. / keeps her eggs / She)

She keeps her eggs in a nest.

6. 엄마 오리는 알들을 따뜻하게 유지하기 위해서 그것들 위에 앉습니다.

(them warm. / on them / to keep / She sits)

She sits on them to keep them warm.

7. 28일 후에, 알들이 흔들리기 시작합니다. (the eggs / start / shaking. / After 28 days,)

After 28 days, the eggs start shaking.

8. 아기 오리들이 부화하고 있습니다. (The ducklings / hatching. / are)

The ducklings are hatching.

9. 아기 오리는 각자 날카로운 난치(卵齒)를 가지고 있습니다.

(Each duckling / egg tooth. / has a sharp)

Each duckling has a sharp egg tooth.

10. 아기 오리는 이 치아를 알을 깨기 위해 사용합니다. (to break / this tooth / It uses / its egg.)

It uses this tooth to break its egg.

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11. 이제 아기 오리들은 자유입니다! (are free! / Now / the ducklings)

Now the ducklings are free!

12. 암오리는 재빠르게 아기 오리들을 물가로 데려갑니다.

(to water. / leads the ducklings / The hen quickly)

The hen quickly leads the ducklings to water.

13. 그것은 아기 오리들에게 먹이 찾는 법을 가르칩니다. (find food. / how to / She teaches them)

She teaches them how to find food.

14. 아기 오리들은 배울 게 많습니다! (to learn! / The ducklings / have lots of things)

The ducklings have lots of things to learn!

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Lesson 15. The Egg-and-Spoon Race

1. 재미있는 놀이를 하고 싶나요? (a fun game? / to play / Do you want)

Do you want to play a fun game?

2. 여러분은 단지 계란과 숟가락만 필요합니다! (You just / and a spoon! / need an egg)

You just need an egg and a spoon!

3. 미국 학생들은 운동회 날 경주에서 그것들(계란과 숟가락)을 자주 사용합니다.

(on sports days. / American students / often use them / in a race)

American students often use them in a race on sports days.

4. 규칙은 간단합니다. (are / simple. / The rules)

The rules are simple.

5. 숟가락을 한 손에 잡으세요. (a spoon / in one hand. / Hold)

Hold a spoon in one hand.

6. 계란을 숟가락 위에 놓고 균형을 잡으세요. (on the spoon. / the egg / Balance)

Balance the egg on the spoon.

7. 그 다음에 결승선까지 경주하세요! (race to the / Then / finish line!)

Then race to the finish line!

8. 때로 계란이 숟가락에서 떨어지기도 합니다. (the spoon. / Sometimes the egg / falls off)

Sometimes the egg falls off the spoon.

9. 여러분은 그것(계란)을 주워서 경주를 계속할 수 있습니다.

(and continue / You can pick it up / the race.)

You can pick it up and continue the race.

10. 여기 이길 수 있는 몇 가지 비결이 있습니다. (Here are / to win. / some tips)

Here are some tips to win.

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11. 처음엔, 천천히 걸으세요. (walk / At first, / slowly.)

At first, walk slowly.

12. 그 다음에 뛰기 시작하세요. (start / running. / Then)

Then start running.

13. 숟가락을 여러분의 몸에 가깝게 유지하세요. (your body. / Keep the spoon / close to)

Keep the spoon close to your body.

14. 결승선에 집중하고 똑바로 가세요. (and go straight. / Focus on / the finish line)

Focus on the finish line and go straight.

15. 여러분은 그곳(결승선)에 곧 닿을 것입니다! (no time! / there in / You will be)

You will be there in no time!

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Lesson 16. Why Are Eggs Oval-Shaped?

1. 이 알들을 자세히 보세요. (closely / at these eggs. / Look)

Look closely at these eggs.

2. 그것들이 둥근가요? (round? / they / Are)

Are they round?

3. 아니요, 그렇지 않습니다. (are not. / they / No,)

No, they are not.

4. 그것들은 타원형입니다! (oval! / They’re)

They’re oval!

5. 왜 그런지 알아봅시다. (why. / find out / Let’s)

Let’s find out why.

6. 대부분의 새들은 둥지에 알을 낳습니다. (their eggs / Most birds / lay / in nests.)

Most birds lay their eggs in nests.

7. 둥지들은 어디에나 있습니다. (everywhere. / These nests / are)

These nests are everywhere.

8. 그것들은 나무, 바위, 그리고 절벽에 있을 수 있습니다.

(and cliffs. / on trees, rocks, / can be / They)

They can be on trees, rocks, and cliffs.

9. 둥근 알은 둥지에서 쉽게 굴러 나올 수 있습니다.

(can / A round egg / roll out / of the nest easily.)

A round egg can roll out of the nest easily.

10. 하지만 타원형 알은 더 안전합니다. (the oval-shaped egg / But / is safer.)

But the oval-shaped egg is safer.

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11. 타원형 모양은 알이 구르거나 깨지는걸 막아줍니다.

(stops the egg from / The oval shape / rolling off and breaking.)

The oval shape stops the egg from rolling off and breaking.

12. 하지만 모든 알들이 다 타원형인 것은 아닙니다. (Not all eggs / though. / are oval,)

Not all eggs are oval, though.

13. 어떤 새들은 땅 위에 알을 낳습니다. (lay /on the ground. / Some birds / their eggs)

Some birds lay their eggs on the ground.

14. 그것들의 알들은 완전한 타원형은 아닙니다. (are / less oval-shaped. / Their eggs)

Their eggs are less oval-shaped.

15. 타조의 알을 봅시다. (Look at / an ostrich. / the eggs of)

Look at the eggs of an ostrich.

16. 그것들은 매우 크고 둥급니다! (very big and round! / are / They)

They are very big and round!

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