
Integrated Resources Management in Asian Cities: The Urban NEXUS

South-East Asia

Municipal wastewater treatment plant in Korat

Innovative Wastewater Solutions

Report on the surveys of September 2016, January and June 2017

in Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima), Thailand

Prepared by

Dr Wolfgang Kirchhof; Mr Bernhard Wöffen; Mr Charel Baumann, Research Institute for

Water and Waste Management at RWTH Aachen University

Dr. Chart Chiemchaisri, Kasertsart University, Bangkok

with advisory notes by

Mr Hermann Messmer, awt Umwelttechnik Eisleben and

Mr Mihael Ketov, Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics, RWTH Aachen


PN 15.2201.0-001.00

GIZ Integrated Resources Management in Asian Cities:

The Urban NEXUS Programme

September 2017

Innovative Wastewater Solutions for Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima), Thailand

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Author with main contributions: Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Wöffen Research Institute for Water and Waste Management at RWTH Aachen University (FiW) Kackertstr. 15-17, D-52056 Aachen, Germany E-Mail: [email protected]

Supervising author: Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kirchhof (FiW) Tel.: +49-241-8026828 E-Mail: [email protected]

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Table of contents

Table of contents ............................................................................................................... 3

0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... 9

1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 13

1.1 Overall Background ......................................................................................... 13

1.2 Structure of the study ....................................................................................... 14

1.3 Methodology of the study ................................................................................. 14


KORAT ............................................................................................................ 17

2.1 Basic data on Korat .......................................................................................... 17

2.2 Observations and Results in September 2016 ................................................. 17

2.3 Calculation of the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant Korat ................. 22

2.3.1 Calculation of the aerobic sludge system’s capacity ......................................... 22

2.4 RECOMMENDATIONS based on the findings of the visit in Sept. 2016 ........... 23

2.4.1 Concept for the rehabilitation of the treatment plant ......................................... 23

2.4.2 Short-term measures ....................................................................................... 24

2.4.3 Intermediate term measures ............................................................................ 28

2.4.4 Long-term measures ........................................................................................ 29


3.1 General remarks .............................................................................................. 31

3.2 Findings in pumping stations P 1, P 2.1 and P2.2 ............................................ 31

3.3 Findings in wwtp 1 – 3 ..................................................................................... 36

3.3.1 Findings at wwtp 1 ........................................................................................... 38

3.3.2 Findings at wwtp 2 ........................................................................................... 40

3.3.3 Findings at wwtp 3 ........................................................................................... 42

3.4 RECOMMENDATIONS to improve the Wastewater Treatment Plant ............... 44

3.4.1 Preamble and clarifications .............................................................................. 44

3.4.2 Improvement of the measuring and analysis system of the wwtp ..................... 44

3.4.3 Improvement of safety and working conditions ................................................. 46

3.4.4 Improvement of the budget system .................................................................. 46

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3.4.5 Reversal of wastewater flow ............................................................................ 46

3.4.6 Recommended action plan to restart the main wastewater treatment plant

in Korat ............................................................................................................ 48

3.4.7 Active sludge management .............................................................................. 48

3.4.8 Options for a sustainable operation of the wastewater treatment plant

operation .......................................................................................................... 49

3.5 Annotation for the repair of the travelling bridges of the rectangular tanks of

wwtp 1 and wwtp 2 .......................................................................................... 50

3.6 Annotation to the change of flow direction and the new distributor to feed

wwtp 1 / 2 ........................................................................................................ 52

3.7 Annotation to the use of the pond area for the installation of a Photo voltaic

plant ................................................................................................................. 58

4 FINDINGS of the September 2016 survey on the NEW DEVELOPMENT ZONE 7

KORAT .......................................................................................................................... 60

4.1 Water management structures of Zone 7 60

4.2 Conceptual recommendations for the wastewater management in Zone 7 63

4.2.1 Short-term corrective measures of the combined sewer outfalls ...................... 63

4.2.2 Short-term protection measures of the natural river against run-off water ........ 64

4.3 Intermediate term measures for the wastewater management 65

4.3.1 Development of an integrated urban drainage plan (Master Plan) .................... 65

4.3.2 Recommendations for an integrated urban drainage plan for zone 7,

focusing on decentralized measures ................................................................ 67

5 ANNEXES ..................................................................................................................... 68

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Members of the survey team conducted the survey in September 2016 .......... 14

Figure 2: Members of the survey team that conducted the survey in June, 2017 ............ 14

Figure 3: Overview map of the main survey areas in Korat, 1 = wastewater treatment

plant, 2 = new development zone .................................................................... 15

Figure 4: Sewer network of Korat with location of the pumping stations to the

wastewater treatment plant consisting of nine ponds and three aerated

wastewater plants ............................................................................................ 18

Figure 5: Wastewater treatment plant of Korat with main pumping stations (P 1, P

21,P 2.2) , pond inlet structure (I 1 – 3) and aerated biological treatment

systems (wwtp 1 – 3) ....................................................................................... 19

Figure 6: Municipal wastewater treatment plant in Korat ................................................. 19

Figure 7: Plan of sewer sewerage system to the wwtp (left) and flow through scheme

in the wwtp ....................................................................................................... 20

Figure 8: Aeration basin and sedimentation basin of wwtp line 1 .................................... 21

Figure 9: Travelling bridge with four suction scrapers of the first wwtp line ..................... 21

Figure 10: Dimension of the wastewater treatment process, including aeration tank

and sedimentation basin .................................................................................. 22

Figure 11: Korat Wastewater Treatment Plant with reversed wastewater flow .................. 24

Figure 12: Photos of the last two pumping stations before the pond system ..................... 24

Figure 13: Photos of the geared guiding tracks from a functioning wwtp ........................... 25

Figure 14: Photo of a correctly dimensioned travelling bridge from a functioning wwtp ..... 26

Figure 15: Field equipment for Analysis of sludge volume and settleable solid content ..... 27

Figure 16: Overview photo of Korat wwtp with indicated area for a vacuum sewer

system ............................................................................................................. 28

Figure 17: Photo of a sludge humification system (Left), area of the korat wwtp area

needed for sludge humidification (right) ........................................................... 29

Figure 18: Overview of wastewater flow and main pipes and main pumping stations to

the ponds ......................................................................................................... 32

Figure 19: Korat wastewater pumping station 1 at road Soi Taosura 2 ............................. 32

Figure 20: Example of performance curve for new Corman-Rupp pump Type

T10C60SC-B (2017) ........................................................................................ 33

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Figure 21: Electrodes for flow-measurement at the pipes to the collecting shaft ............... 34

Figure 22: Korat wastewater pumping stations to feed the ponds (P 2.2 left photos,

P 2.1 right side photos) .................................................................................... 35

Figure 23: Corrosion at pipes and concrete in the collection shaft from P 2.1 and P 2.2

(photos from top) ............................................................................................. 36

Figure 24: Principle aeration basin, recycle sludge pumps, surplus sludge pumps ........... 37

Figure 25: Principle sedimentation basin with traveling bridges ........................................ 37

Figure 26: Wwtp 1: Aeration basin, bubble test, damaged rail of sedimentation basin,

automatic sensor, sampling equipment, broken stop switch ............................. 38

Figure 27: Wwtp 2: Aeration basin, recycle sludge pumps, surplus sludge pumps,

operstor with grease gun, sedimentation basin with traveling bridges .............. 40

Figure 28: 20 ml/l Biomass in the aeration basin after one day operation of wwtp 2 ......... 41

Figure 29: Wwtp3: Main inlet power switch, sedimentation basin with traveling bridges,

door of machinary house, broken rails, broken cable lift ffor of stirrer,

damaged rail .................................................................................................... 42

Figure 30: Wastewater Measurement electrode – types ................................................... 46

Figure 31: Korat Wastewater Treatment Plant with reversed wastewater flow .................. 47

Figure 32: Example of a new distributor to Korat Wastewater Treatment Plant ................. 47

Figure 33: Hand drawing of the guding and rollng side of a traveling bridge .................... 50

Figure 34: Chronological order of changing flow direction ................................................ 53

Figure 35: Formal outline of the distributor for feed of wwtp 1 + 2 .................................... 55

Figure 36: Section A-A of the distributor ........................................................................... 56

Figure 37: Section B-B of the distributor ........................................................................... 56

Figure 38: Aerial view of the development zone 7 in Korat ................................................ 60

Figure 39: Sketch of development zone 7 with existing sewer net work ............................ 60

Figure 40: Photos of various land uses, (agriculture) in the development zone 7 ............. 61

Figure 41: Photos of various river sections (weir, natural river bank, level measuring

device, information plate of RID8) in the development zone 7 .......................... 61

Figure 42: Wastewater facilities in Zone 7, left: decentralised treatment system, right:

Waterflow under combined sewer overflow pipe .............................................. 62

Figure 43: Sketch of the Development Zone 7, with indicated spots of the combined

sewer (drainage) overflows and the natural river (green belt) ........................... 62

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Figure 44: Photo of a retention basin with filter unit at the outlet point (www. ................................................................... 64

Figure 45: Schemes of run-off water treatment systems using sand filtrations and

constructed wet lands ...................................................................................... 64

Figure 46: Photos of installed run-off water treatment systems using sand filtrations

and constructed wet lands (Kirchhof, 2012) ..................................................... 65

Figure 47: Core elements and topics of an integrated urban drainage planning by

DWA ................................................................................................................ 66

Figure 48: Concept for developments in the Development Zone 7, with indicated

development topics .......................................................................................... 67

List of Tables

Table 1 Measured electric currency for aerators and recycle pumps (as a hint for

maintenance) ..................................................................................................... 41

Table 2 Hydraulic losses and needed length of the pipes from in the distributor ..............53

Table 3 Estimated masses and costs for changing the flow direction ..............................57

Table 4 Technical input and output data for the PV plant on the wwtp area in Korat ........59


Annex 1: Checklists of the pumping stations P1, P 2.1, P 2.2 and wwtp 1 - 3

Annex 2: General To Do – List

Annex 3: Special recommendations to traveling bridges from Mr. Messmer AWT

Annex 4: Calculation matrix to calculate basic data for a PV-plant

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List of Abbreviations

Abbreviation Explanation

AS Activated Sludge

BOD5 Biochemical Oxygen Demand within five days

COD Chemical Oxygen Demand

DWA German Water Association

EPB Environmental Protection Bureau

FOG Fat, oil and grease

MBAS Methylene blue active substances

MLSS Mixed liquor suspended solids

O&M Operation and Maintenance

oTS Organic dry matter

SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor

SS Suspended solids

ToR Terms of Reference

TDS Total Dissolved Solids

TKN Total Kjeldahl-Nitrogen is the sum of organic nitrogen and Ammonium

(NH4+) in an analysis sample

TP total phosphor

VS Vacuum station

WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant

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The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is conducting the

project “Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities – The Urban Nexus”, financed by

the Federal German Ministry of Cooperation and Economic Development (BMZ). The Urban

Nexus Project started in 2013 over a period of 3 years. The follow up phase started in 2016

to come to an end by December 2018. The Asian cities are provided with technical advice on

urban planning and development approaches that include the interrelations and synergies of

the sectors: water, energy and food security such as secure water supply and sanitation

systems, energy security and efficiency, land use, physical planning and food security.

Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima) Municipality is one of the partner cities requesting the GIZ

Nexus project to conduct surveys on Nakhon Ratchasima areas to figure out solutions for

decentralized options to improve the water and sanitation situation.

A team of the Research Institute for Water and Waste Management at the RWTH Aachen

University and of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Kasetsart University, Bangkok

conducted surveys in September / October 2016, in January 2017 and in June 2017. The

team inspected the main municipal wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) and visited various

loctions in the zone, called “zone 7” and in which households are not yet connected to the

main drain to the wwtp, and presented their findings on meetings at the Korat municipality on

30 January 2017 and on June 16 2017.

Wastewater treatment plant and short-term actions:

The advisory team stated that the existing wwtp is well designed according to international

design standards. The infrastructural concrete works are of adequate strength and quality.

Based on these findings, the team expressed their opinion that it is economically expedient

for Korat’s municipality to rehabilate the wwtp in order to reduce health risks caused by

untreated domestic waste water, released into the urban environment.

The team found out that during the inspection many aggregates of the wwtp, including

pumps, aerators, scrapers, blowers were mal-functioning or completely out of order. For the

rehabilitation of the existing plant, detailed technical recommendations were formulated

(Chap.2 and 3) and a detailed cost summary for the renewal and repair of the main

aggregates, including scrapers, stirrers, aerators was formulated. Advisory services were

delivered on how to modify the wastewater drain to the wwtp and the whole wastewater

treatment system. It is sufficient to start the repair of only two (2 out of 3) treatment lines of

the wwtp (One line exists fo one aeration and one sedimentation basin). If the wwtp will be

repaired and correctly operated, the capacity will be big enough to treat the daily amount of

about 70,000 m³ wastewater per day, equivalently of about the wastewater amount produced

by 280,000 inhabitants.

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The cost for the repair works are estimated as follows:

Wwtp line 1: 3,600,000 Baht (91,700 EUR)

Wwtp line 2: 3,300,000 Baht (84,100 EUR)

Good process control: The advisory team found out that the process control has severe

faults and formulated recommendations on how to upgrade the technical analysis and

monitoring systems (Chap.3). Beside the technical upgrade, it is advisable to improve

knowledge and capabilities for the supervising and operational staff by a “tailor-made”

training programme.

Budget for Operation and Maintenance (O&M): The team found out that the fund allocation

for the O&M is not sufficient, it is urgently necessary to install an annual budget for the O&M

works in order to avoid severe damages. In cases of emergencies, this budget the plant

operatorional staff will in time be enabled to start repair actions and to avoid interruptions of

the wwtp operation.

Wastewater treatment plant and middle-term actions:

The team has noted that the existing wwtp is designed and capable to treat more hazardous

substances as in the situation found during the survey The existing plant could be operated

more efficiently: It is recommended to look on a measure on how the increase the

wastewater load in the inlet drain. It is recommended to connect households directly to the

wastewater treatment plant, e.g by connecting houses using a vacuum sewer system.

Decentralized options for the development zone “7”:

For the services of the city development “zone 7” conceptual recommendations were

formulated, pointing out high potentials for the development of decentralized wastewater

systems in zone 7. The team found out that untreated wastewater from the main waste water

collector could be discharged into the river. It is recommended to collect this wastewater in

retension basins and treat it before the release into the river. Open and or agricultural areas

are available and could be used to install nature-near wastewater treatment plants, such as

vertically or horizontally flown-through root filter systems. After the treatment this water could

be used as irrigation water for the agricultural areas.Decentralized systems have to be

maintained and monitored by operational staff of the municipality. It is advisable to conduct a

study on how municipal waste water management and agricultural land management could

be combined regarding the different responsibilities of the municipality and agricultural


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Wastewater treatment plant and long-term actions:

The team confirmed that after the rehabilitation of two out of three lines the wwtp will met the

requirements and that there will be a significant part of the existing pond area, which will not

be used for the treatment process. Estimately of about 270 000 m² of the pond area that can

be used for other city development projects.

The team estimated the benefit of this idle area, if this area is used for the implementation

and operation of a photovoltaic plant for the generation of electrical energy (Chap.3).

Regarding the local physical and climatic conditions, the team assessed that it is technically

and economically feasible to install a PV plant of 38 MWp and to produce about 50 000

MWh/a of electrical power.

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1.1 Overall Background

The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) is conducting the project “Integrated

Resource Management in Asian Cities – The Urban Nexus”, starting from 2013 over a period

of 3 years. Selected Asian cities are provided with technical advice on urban planning and

development approaches that include the interrelations and synergies of the sectors: water,

energy and food security such as secure water supply and sanitation systems, energy

security and efficiency, land use, physical planning and food security.

Moreover, knowledge and experience sharing and cooperation between public, private and

civil-society stakeholders is essential. Strategically, the project focuses on two core

elements. On the one hand, nexus initiatives demonstrate in an exemplary way how to

integrate the nexus approach into urban planning and development processes. On the other

hand, the regional exchange and dissemination of successful practical approaches to

integrated resource management is undertaken through efficient networking.

Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat) Municipality in Thailand is one of the Nexus Partner cities

requesting the GIZ Nexus project to conduct a study on integrated wastewater management

and waste management in Korat. The key objective was to analyze the situation and to find

potentials for innovative improvements. Preliminary results and findings are summarized in

the report “Wastewater management and organic waste management in Korat/ Thailand”,

prepared by Fraunhofer IGB in March 2014 for the Regional NEXUS project.

In July 2016 on behalf of GIZ, a follow-up study was commissioned to develop innovative

semi and decentralized solutions for the wastewater treatment regarding water reuse options

and energy saving option for the municipal wastewater treatment plant Korat and for the New

Development zone in Korat. Main topics of this study were development of appropriate,

innovative, semi and decentralized solutions for the treatment of municipal wastewater

regarding options for the generation of alternative water resources, water reuse.

The consultancy comprised a preparatory work phase in Germany, a short-term mission of

an international and a national expert team from September 28 to September 30, 2016 to

Nakhon Ratchasima, and an assessment work phase afterwards. On January 30, 2017,

preliminary results of the study were presented at the municipality in Nakhon Ratchasima.

Another study mission thereafter took place from June 13 to June 16, 2017 and was focused

on the rehabilation of the waste water treatment plant and the assessment of potentials after

the implementation of the recommended rehabilitation measures.

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1.2 Structure of the study

The surveys were conducted by a team of the Research Institute for Water and Waste

Management at the RWTH Aachen University (FiW) and of the Faculty of Engineering of the

Kasetsart University in Bangkok as local partner (Figure 1 and 2).

Figure 1: Members of the survey team conducted the survey in September 2016

Dr. Rawit, J Messmer, Hermann Wöffen, Bernhard

Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

AWT Umwelttechnik Eisleben GmbH, Germany

FIW Aachen, Germany

Figure 2: Members of the survey team that conducted the survey in June, 2017

Both survey teams were accompanied and supported by Mr. Ralph Trosse and Mr Rashane

Sala-Ngarm, both GIZ Urban Nexus collaborators and partially also by Ms. Ruth Erlbeck,

Project Director of the Urban Nexus Project.

1.3 Methodology of the study

Two experts visits were conducted. Team 1 visited the city of Korat in September 2016,

joined meetings at the municipality office and the department of sanitation. Under the

guidance of the leading engineer of the dept. of sanitation various points of interest in the city

of Korat were visited and inspected, including the municipal wastewater treatment plant (see

Fig.3, 1.), the waste management plant, the new development zone, called “zone 7” (2.) at

the dept. of water supply. All requested data were made available, including design data,

operational data, and water supply data.

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Figure 3: Overview map of the main survey areas in Korat, 1 = wastewater treatment plant, 2 = new development zone

The team assessed the findings and re-calculated various rehabilitation options using

international standards and guidelines, as follows:

DWA- A 118 Hydraulic calculation of the sewerage systems, 2006

DIN EN 1091; DIN A 116 Vacuum sewer systems

DWA-A131 Calculation of single step wastewater treatment plants, 2016

DWA-T4/20176 Calculation of wastewater treatment plants in warm and cold climate zones, 2016

Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse, 4th edition, Metcalf & Eddy, 2004

Factors of the selection and assessment of the recommended concepts and actions are

Use and re-use of existing infrastructure, as far as possible

Low energy consumption

Adapted to local man-power and capabilities

Adapted to the local requirements

Acceptance of the users

Results of the study were presented at the municipality in Nakhon Ratchasima on January

30, 2017. Subsequently, team (Fig.2) conducted a visit to Korat and observed critical plant

components of the wwtp, such as:

Suction scrapers, travelling bridges of the sedimentation tanks,

Sludge recycling pumps

The last two pumping stations of the sewer network

Roads and houses in the neighboring area of the wwtp and pond area

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More details on the construction of the plant components were made available. Based on

these information, the team discussed in more details on how to improve the performance of

the wastewater treatment system.

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2.1 Basic data on Korat

Nakhon Ratchasima (Thai: นครราชสีมา), commonly known as Korat (โคราช), is one of the four

major cities of Isan, the central-eastern region of Thailand. Korat is at the western edge

(elevation of about 200 m,) of the Korat Plateau, about 250 km north-east of Bangkok. It is

the governmental seat of the Nakhon Ratchasima Province and Nakhon Ratchasima District.

As of 2010, the municipal area had a population of 142,645. In 2013 Korat has 173,000

registered inhabitants. As many people lived as “unregistered” in the city, the total population

is estimated with 250,000 inhabitants.

The annual rainfall amount is about 1,500 mm. Most rainfall (rainy season) is seen from May

to October (see diagrams in Annex 5). Korat has a dry period from December to February.

On average, the warmest month is April, the coolest month is December. During rainy

season flooding due to heavy rain occurs frequently. During the dry season water becomes

scarce, limiting the agricultural production.

About 90 % of the population is connected to a combined sewer system, the outer districts,

including the “zone 7” are not yet connected, (end of 2016). Private houses are equipped

with septic tanks, overflows of which are connected by pipes to open sewer systems, which

are connected to the main wastewater discharge pipe system. As by the sewer system

already treated household wastewater and surface run-off water during the rainy season is

collected, the pollution load of the wastewater is lower than in industrialized countries, such

as Germany, where nearly only closed pipe systems are used for the sewage collection


2.2 Observations and Results in September 2016

An overview plan of the sewer system of Korat, provided by the municipality, is shown in

Figure 4. The information available is very scarce, as only the main pipes, overflows and

pumping stations are shown.

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Figure 4: Sewer network of Korat with location of the pumping stations to the wastewater treatment plant consisting of nine ponds and three aerated wastewater plants

The wastewater from the connected parts of the city are planned to go to the main

wastewater pumping station P 1. P 1 pumps the wastewater to P 2.1. P 2.2 pumps the

wastewater coming from the nearer area in a tower. P 2.1 pumps the wastewater coming

from P 1 in the same tower. From the tower the wastewater is let in a freeflow to three inlet

structures (I 1 – 3, Figure 5) at the side of the ponds across the aeration and sedimentation

buildings at the wastewater treatment plant.

In Figure 5 shows the complete wastewater plant consisting of three parallel units. Each unit

first has a pond system with 3 ponds in a line and one aerated sludge system. The aerated

sludge system consists of one aerated basin and two sedimentation basins with a reverse-

and surplus sludge pumping station.

The pond system has a total length in flow direction of the water of round 760 meter and a

width of total round 700 m (see red lines in Figure 5). The pond system is divided into 9

ponds that first clean the wastewater by sedimentation and the aeration due to the oxygen

that is captured from the surface of the ponds.

P 1

P 2.1

main wastewater pumping stations

P 2.2

wastewater treatment plant (wwtp 1 - 3)

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Figure 5: Wastewater treatment plant of Korat with main pumping stations (P 1, P 21,P 2.2) , pond inlet structure (I 1 – 3) and aerated biological treatment systems (wwtp 1 – 3)

The municipal wwtp Korat is based on a pond system (with an overall area of 120,000 m²,

built in 1990’s and an activated sludge plant, which in 2009 was integrated into the pond

area, designed for a flow of 75,000 m³/d. It is reported that during the rainy season the flow

is about 60,000 m³ and during the dry season of about 30,000 m³/day.

Figure 6: Municipal wastewater treatment plant in Korat

The technical wwtp, designed for a flow of 75,000 m³/d, was foreseen to treat the effluent of

the pond system. The collected waste water, coming from the city area is lifted by a pumping

station into the pond system and flows through the pond system in three parallel lines before

it is treated in the wwtp.

P 1

P 1, P2.1 and P.2.2: main wastewater pumping stations

P 2.2

wwtp 1

P 2.1

wwtp 2 wwtp 3

I 1 I 2

I 3

I 1, I2 and I3: inlet shafts

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Figure 7: Plan of sewer sewerage system to the wwtp (left) and flow through scheme in the wwtp

The Municipal wastewater treatment plant in Korat is underloaded.

As described in the preliminary studies, it is evident, that the organic load in the influent of

the activated sludge system is not sufficient to generate enough biomass for the system to

work properly. This is due to the degradation processes in the upstream treatment ponds and

especially due to the septic tanks in use on most housing and commercial plots in the

city.The water quality parameter measured in the influent and effluent of the wwtp system

indicates that the technical wwtp is critically underloaded. BOD, COD and TKN were

measured by the team in October:

Inlet BOD 23.5 – 25.9 mg/L

Inlet COD 46.9 – 54.3 mg/L

Inlet TKN 8.1 – 11.5 mg/L

Due to the COD/BOD ratio of 2,0 – 2.2 (54,3/25,9) it could be stated that the incoming

wastewater can be treated with the activated sludge process, but as the organic loaded,

expressed as low COD-load, is very low, the bacterial degradation rate of the activated

sludge process will be low. Due to this fact, the production of the activated sludge will remain

low. So there should be taken some pre-caution measures to avoid the loss of the activated

sludge in the basins, (if the process is running again).

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The plant has technical faults:

During the survey in 2016 the technical wwtp was not functioning and has obviously severe

technical faults. The inflow was not evenly distributed to the three treatment lines. The

travelling bridges for the sludge reflux were not working because of not appropriately

synchronised engines, therefore the sludge reflux pumps were also not running. The

wastewater in the aeration basins didn’t contain any sludge.

Figure 8: Aeration basin and sedimentation basin of wwtp line 1

The travelling bridges (Fig. 9) were not functioning. The bridge sag (durchhängen) in its

middle causing uneven strains of its wheels at the ends of bridge.

Figure 9: Travelling bridge with four suction scrapers of the first wwtp line

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2.3 Calculation of the capacity of the wastewater treatment plant Korat

The capacity of the existing wastewater treatment plant was calculated using international

design standards and, if necessary, by chosing asumptions based on the team’s experts’


2.3.1 Calculation of the aerobic sludge system’s capacity

Using the as-built drawings, surface areas, volumes, and depths of the aeration and

sedimentation tanks were calculated, as shown in Fig.10.

Figure 10: Dimension of the wastewater treatment process, including aeration tank and sedimentation basin

Sewage treatment capacity:

Assuming a sludge volume index SVI of 150 l/kg, a sludge thickening time = 2 h, a return

sludge pumping rate of 100 %, and a max. area loading of 460 l/(m²*h). the maximum

treatable sewage flow is 35,000 m³/d and the maximum attainable sludge mass in AS-tank is

about 14.5 t.

COD and Nitrogen treatment capacity:

Assuming an average wastewater temperature of 25°C, an solids retention time in the

aerobic zone of 2.0 d (days), an overall solids retention time of 4.3 d, an excess sludge flow

of 3 400 kg/day is calculated. Based on these data the maximum treatable COD load is =

6000 kg/d and the maximum treatable Nitrogen load is 700 kg/d (per one treatment line).

Biogas production capacity using an anaerobic sludge digester:

Assuming a solids concentration after the sludge thickening of 4 %, a designed solids

retention time of 30 days, a yield coefficient = 0,33 Nm³/kgorganic_SS, a ratio of organic

compounds in the excess sludge of 60 %, a digester with a volume of 2500 m³ is required,

producing a volume of 650 Nm³ Biogas/day (per one treatment line).

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If all components of the existing wastewater treatment plant will be repaired the total

treatment capacity will be about 100,000 m³/d wastewater and a total amount of biogas will

be almost 2.000 m³ biogas1 per day.

2.4 RECOMMENDATIONS based on the findings of the visit in Sept. 2016

2.4.1 Concept for the rehabilitation of the treatment plant

It is important to note that the underlying calculations are based on the full capacity of the

existing activated sludge plant (with three treatment lines (trains)). However, it can be

supposed that the actual inflow load is currently below the plant’s capacity. Therefore, a step

by step approach is highly recommended. With the data and experience from the first steps

the reactivation of the first AS plant and the improved analysis plan, the planning of long-term

measures should be adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, measures to increase the inflow

load should be implemented to increase the plants efficiency and reduce the environmental

impact of non-treated wastewater in the city. An optimal use of the wastewater treatment

plants capacity should also play an important role in the recommended integrated urban

drainage planning.

The concept for the rehabilitation of the treatment plant contains short-term, intermediate and

long-term measures, as follow:

Short-term measures

• Corrective measures to use of existing infrastructure

• Direct repair measures of one scraper and one aeration system

• Measures to modify the wastewater in-flow

• Accompanying measures to improve control of operation

Intermediate term measures

• Measures to increase the inlet waste load

Long-term measures

• Assessment of the results of the short-term and intermediate term measures

• Measures for sludge treatment after successful new start of operation

• Sludge humification

1 Biogas contains about 60 % of Methane (CH4), which is an important climate hazardous gas. About

1200 m³ Methane per day can be recycled.

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2.4.2 Short-term measures

The short-term measures should be realized as a complete bundle of measures and be

focused only on the rehabilitation of one wastewater treatment line, preferable of line 1, the

most western line.

If one measure is not implemented the other measures will not functioning or will have not

the results as designed. Reversal of wastewater flow

To raise the amount of degradable organic matter in the activated sludge basins, the

wastewater should be directly pumped into the AS plant without prior treatment in the pond

system, as seen in Fig.11.

Figure 11: Korat Wastewater Treatment Plant with reversed wastewater flow

Pumping station (1) Upstream of pond PS

Pumping station (2) at inlet of pond

Figure 12: Photos of the last two pumping stations before the pond system

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• Re-check of capacity of two pumping stations

• Installation of a new pumping line

Estimated cost expected: 2,250,000 Baht (60,000 EUR)

Detailed calculation on the basis of the DWA A 131 (2016) in combination with the DWA-

Topics T4/2016 (Design of wastewater treatment plant in warm and cold climate zones) show

that the AS plant is capable of treating up to 100,000 m³/d wastewater and roughly 18 t/d of

BOD load.

To reverse the wastewater flow, the pressure pipe, coming from the pumping station and

leading towards the inflow pumping station of the treatment plant, needs to be redirected

towards the AS plant. Repair of the travelling bridge of the sedimentation tank

The first step in reactivating the AS plant should be the reparation of the scraper bridge over

the clarifier basins of the AS system. To prevent the bridges from failing again because of not

properly synchronised engines, the installation of a geared guiding track, as shown in figure

13, or another stabilising method (guided rail) is recommended

Figure 13: Photos of the geared guiding tracks from a functioning wwtp

• Technical modification of scraper by the gear guiding tracks

• Function checks of installed sludge pumps for recycling and sludge withdrawals

• To re-start the aerobic process, activated sludge (feeding sludge) is recommended to

be introduced., e.g. by sludge suction car by UBA Bangkok

Estimation of cost expected: 7,500.000 Baht (200,000 EUR)

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170726-Report_on_Korat 26

Figure 14: Photo of a correctly dimensioned travelling bridge from a functioning wwtp

At the long term, the construction of a combined, aerated sand- and grease trap basin prior

to the AS system is recommendable in order to keep sand from sedimenting in the AS

basins. Furthermore, the collected sand can be used for example in road construction and

the retained grease can later be cofermented in the digestion tank, which will lead to a higher

biogas yield. However, the construction will be costly because of the AS systems’ locations in

the last treatment ponds, which makes a more complicated pipe layout necessary to install

an upstream basin. Improvement of wastewater analysis

The lack of reliable long term wastewater data from the treatment plant influent and effluent

hamper the planning of sensible modifications. To further improve the assumptions made for

the wastewater load calculations and enable the plant’s staff and planners to react in case of

changing influent, a regular sampling plan should be implemented. This is also necessary to

enable the active sludge management presented.

The key parameters BOD, TS, SS, pH and Ammonium, should be analysed at least on a

weekly basis at varying weekdays and times of the day. The samples should be composite

samples mixed out of at least five catch samples taken in a timeframe of two hours.

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Figure 15: Field equipment for Analysis of sludge volume and settleable solid content

• Sludge volume index

• Floatable sludge content

• Settlable solids

Estimated cost expected: 380,000 Baht (10,000 EUR)

For simple regular BOD measurements, chemical free measuring systems such as OxiTop©

are recommendable.

Further parameters such as the COD, total nitrogen or phosphorus should be measured

once a month in one of the weekly composite samples.

In addition, the TS, oTS, pH and Redox potential of the excess sludge should be analyzed on

a weekly basis.

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2.4.3 Intermediate term measures Measures to increase the inlet wastewater load

The connection of households which are located near to the wastewater treatment plant in

Korat is technically feasible and can be realized in the next four to five years. The connection

can be realized in a modular system which can be enlarged by a stepwise connection of the

housing areas.

Figure 16: Overview photo of Korat wwtp with indicated area for a vacuum sewer system

Existing pipe systems can be used by modifiying pipe connections and flow directions.

Existing free spaces of wwtp area can be used for new pumping stations for the sewer

system. In case of a vacuum sewer system the housings for the vacuum suction pumps can

be integrated into existing pump stations.

Pump station

Planned Vacuum station

Planned inlet


treatment plant 1

Pond after wwtp

Pond for sludge


Pump station (rec. To be

shut down)

Pressure line

Vacuum service area






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2.4.4 Long-term measures Sludge humification

As soon as the wastewater flow has been reversed and the AS plant is functional, the first

and second treatment ponds of the current system should be emptied. A part of the thereby

freed area should be converted into sludge humification beds (as shown in figure 17).

Figure 17: Photo of a sludge humification system (Left), area of the korat wwtp area needed for sludge humidification (right)

These flat beds will be filled continuously with the excess sludge. The planted reed plants

help dewatering and stabilizing the sludge over a period of 5-7 years. After that, the sludge

can be used as fertilizer in agriculture.

According to first estimations, an area of (only) 30,000 m2 is necessary for the humification

beds. Active sludge management

Even with the flow direction reversed, the low content of degradable organic load in the

wastewater influent will continue to be a challenge for the AS system. An active sludge

management by the treatment plant staff, similar to the methods used at the Dindaeng Water

Environment Control Plant in Bangkok, should be implemented. This means that in case of

very low-loaded inflow, excess sludge from a storage tank should be pumped into the AS

basins in order to provide enough organic matter to keep the bacterial processes going.

This storage tank should have a volume of 250 m3, which is roughly equal to the daily excess

sludge production (thickened).

Innovative Wastewater Solutions for Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima), Thailand

170726-Report_on_Korat 30 Excess sludge treatment using an anaerobic sludge digestion

The excess sludge from the AS plant is a potential energy source and contains valuable

nutrients. Anaerobic sludge digestion is used worldwide as an effective treatment technology

which lowers significantly the bacterial activity while producing biogas at the same time.

Calculations show that up to 10 tSS of sludge could be produced at the Korat wastewater

treatment plant which can provide up to 2,000 Nm3/d of biogas. The digested sludge should

subsequently be dried in a solar drying plant for the use as agricultural fertilizer.

To implement this treatment chain, the following buildings are necessary:

A gravity thickener with a volume of about 780 m3 (height = 2,5 m, diameter = 20 m),

one or several sludge digesters with a total volume of about 8000 m3,

a sludge dewatering plant (e.g. belt filter press, screw presses etc.) and

a sludge drying plant

As the construction of sludge digesters demands detailed planning and a big investment from

the city or national budget, the implementation of an anaerobic sludge digestion is time

consuming. To be able to implement these measures as soon as possible, a short-term

solution for the sludge treatment is described below.

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3.1 General remarks

Based on the recommendations of the Septemebr 2016 survey, presented on January 2017

to the Vice-mayor of the Korat municipality, the municipality has expressed their strong will to

improve the infrastructural works of the wwtp, including the misfunctioning scraper, sirrer and

aerator systems. The consultant send a second team to conduct a survey in June 2017 and

to formulate recommendations to support and guide the works intended by the Korat


Overall, the wastewater treatment plant and the pumping stations seemed to be in good

condition. However, some issues were raised by the staff and were also observed by the

project team. The results of the check are listed in the Annexes. The things that should be

undertaken to make the wastewater treatment plant running are described in Annex 2 and 3:

Annex 1: Checklists of the pumping stations P1, P 2.1, P 2.2 and wwtp 1 – 3.

Annex 2: General To Do–List

Annex 3: Special recommendations for traveling bridges from Mr. Messmer AWT.

3.2 Findings in pumping stations P 1, P 2.1 and P2.2

Pumping Station P 1

Pumping station P 1 has a coarse screen, a macerator for the screenings and five

submersible pumps in the flow direction to the pump sump (see Figure 19).

Data, such as

1. yearly flow (m³/a),

2. maximum flow capacity (m³/h),

3. pump characteristics/charts, manufacturer and pump type

to know more about the design of the pumping station was not available during the visit.

The functionality of screen, macerator and the five pumps (currency uptake) could not be


The pumping direction is to the 1.5 m x 1.5 m channel to pumping station P 2.2 at the

wastewater pond (see Figure 18).

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Figure 18: Overview of wastewater flow and main pipes and main pumping stations to the ponds

Pumping station P 1 operating building (left) excavating units

coarse screen and macerator

Pump sump with five submersible pumps

Non return valves and shut-off valves

Figure 19: Korat wastewater pumping station 1 at road Soi Taosura 2

P 1

main wastewater pumping stations

P 2.2 P 2.1

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Pumping Stations P 2.1 and 2.2

In the flow direction to the pump sump, pumping station P 2.1 has a screen and two old

(1989, Flygt) submersible pumps and two new dry mounted inline centrifugal pumps,

Corman-Rupp (see Figure 22) with a suction high of approx. 3 m.

Figure 20: Example of performance curve for new Corman-Rupp pump Type T10C60SC-B (2017)

Pumping station P 2.2 has four submersible pumps but no screen (see Figure 22).

Data, such as

1. yearly flow (m³/a),

2. maximum flow capacity (m³/h),

3. pump characteristics/charts, manufacturer and pump type for P 2.2

to know more of the design of the pumping station was not available during the visit.

This data are important data and should be present for maintenance, decision makings and

economic efficiency calculations.

The functions of screen and the four pumps of P 2.1 were tested. A reserve pump for the two

Flygt-pumps had just arrived from repair work (see Figure 22).

One pump in P 2.2 was working.

Excavating units are constructed as portal cranes and were in a good condition.

The pumps P 2.1 and P 2.2 pump the water to the approx. 3 m high collecting shaft (see

Figure 22 and Figure 23). From that collecting shaft the water flows by gravity to three

approx. 5 m x 2 m inlet shafts at front the wastewater ponds (see Figure 5 and Figure 22).

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At the two pipes coming from the pumping stations 2.1 and 2.2 there are flow-measure

instruments (technical malfunction, see Figure 21).

Electrodes at pipe from P 2.1

Electrodes at pipe from P 2.1

Figure 21: Electrodes for flow-measurement at the pipes to the collecting shaft

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collecting shaft .operating building P 2.2

P 2.1, P 2.2 and operating building

reserve unit (packed) and defect pump

P 2.1 float switches, orange for new pumps

P 2.2 from top of collecting shaft

2017 new installed 2 pumps at P 2.1

Pump sump and valves of four pumps in P 2.2

Pump sump for two old submerge pumps in P 2.1, the right two pumps are no more installed

Figure 22: Korat wastewater pumping stations to feed the ponds (P 2.2 left photos, P 2.1 right side photos)

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The concrete on top and in the collecting shaft and the pipes in this area are heavily

corroded (see Figure 23). It could be renovated with Polyethylene plates or coatings.

Corrosion at handrails and concrete

Corrosion at pipe and concrete

Figure 23: Corrosion at pipes and concrete in the collection shaft from P 2.1 and P 2.2 (photos from top)

3.3 Findings in wwtp 1 – 3

As described in the preliminary studies, it is evident, that the organic load in the influent of

the activated sludge system is not sufficient to generate enough biomass for the system to

work properly.

Water quality parameter measured by FIW/KU-team, measured in October 2016

Inlet BOD: 23.5 – 25.9 mg/l

Inlet COD: 46.9 – 54.3 mg/l

Inlet TKN: 8.1 – 11.5 mg/l.

This is due to the degradation processes in the upstream treatment ponds and especially

due to the septic tanks in use on most housing and commercial plots in the city, required by

the national regulation for septic tanks.

To solve the problem of the low inlet loads,

the flow direction could be changed (see chapter 3.4.5) (this measure will avid the

degradation in the ponds) and

there could be generated higher concentrated wastewater in the inflow by adding

higher wastewater, such as wastewater that is directly sucked by a vacuum system

from households (by-passing the septic tanks and not using a septic tank before

entering the wwtp.

The construction of the three plants (wwtp 1 – 3) is identical and shown in Figure 24

(aeration basin) and Figure 25 (sedimentation basin).

Each plant consists of one large aeration basin that is aerated by four aerators and 528

membrane diffusors at the ground of the basin. The inflow from the ponds flows by gravity

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(water-level difference between aeration basin and ponds) to the non-aerated zone of the

basin, just after the inflow of the recycled sludge.

The aerated zone should have an oxygen concentration of 1.5 mg/l; sludge in the aeration

basin should grow to 3-4 g/m³. 3 of the 4 installed stirrers have to operate continuously.

The traveling bridges and two of the three recycle-sludge pumps should work for 24 h/d

continuously. Surplus sludge should be pumped away, if the sludge concentration in the

aeration basin is higher than 4 mg/l. In a first phase, regarding the low measured load, it will

be sufficient to operate only two of the three plants.

Figure 24: Principle aeration basin, recycle sludge pumps, surplus sludge pumps

Figure 25: Principle sedimentation basin with traveling bridges

4 Stirrer/mixer 4 Aerators 3 Recycle sludge


Inflow from pond

48 x 11 = 528 Membranes Outlet to sedimentation


traveling bridge

Effluent, cleaned wastewater

From aeration basin

3 Recycle sludge pumps

2 Surplus sludge pumps

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3.3.1 Findings at wwtp 1

At wwtp 1 three of the rails at the sedimentation basin were severely damaged by the wheels

of the traveling bridge. A converter in the switch cabinet of the bridge 2 was out of order.

Converters for varying the speed of the bridges are not needed – with an electric bridge the

converter-problem was fixed and the bridge could run.

The hints to fix the other problems at traveling bridges are given from Mr. Messmer, AWT.

Bridge to aeration basin with not used room (laboratory?)

bubble test for aerators, 10 burst membranes in wwtp 1

damaged rails sedimentation basin, traveling bridges

ABB AX400, Temp. Redox,

technical malfunction

equipment for sampling 1,000 m (too far away from

the point of sampling at the wwtp)

1) Limit switch at the Traveling bridge,

2) not at non driven axis mounted rotation control

Figure 26: Wwtp 1: Aeration basin, bubble test, damaged rail of sedimentation basin, automatic sensor, sampling equipment, broken stop switch




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Aeration basin

The bubble test in the aeration basin showed approx. 10 damaged aeration membranes (see

Figure 26). These membranes have to be changed by an industrial diver. The basin cannot

be completely emptied, because the walls of the basin are not designed for more than 1 m

difference of water level in and out of the basin.

Control of wastewater temperature, oxygen (also recommended: Redox-potential, see

chapter 3.4.2) is needed for economic operation. For safety of the workers there should be a

life-belt at the railing of the aerated basin and the lights should operate correctly (approx. 10

lights of each wwtp are damaged).

The long distance to the laboratory leads to false analytics because the sample react

chemically in the hot climate. It is easier to analyze the samples just after taking them in the

rooms that are near each bridge of the aeration basin. The data will be more accurately.

Another technical option is the installation of automatic measurements of oxygen contents

and nitrate concentrations at two points inside of each aeration basin.

The switch cabinets must be cleaned. The evidence of breeding pigeons inside the service

room and of geckos inside of the cabinets should be not tolerated.

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3.3.2 Findings at wwtp 2

The result of check of wwtp 2 is better than the wwtp 1. The bubble test showed no damaged

membranes. All pumps worked well – a little grease and oil was needed for the gear-boxes of

the motors and the wheel bearings (see Figure 27).

Aeration basin

bubble test for aerators without defects

recycle sludge pumps

surplus sludge pumps

Manual grease gun for wheel bearings sedimentation basin 1 with traveling bridge

Figure 27: Wwtp 2: Aeration basin, recycle sludge pumps, surplus sludge pumps, operstor with grease gun, sedimentation basin with traveling bridges

After changing one motor for the traveling bridge from wwtp 1 to wwtp 2 both traveling

bridges of wwtp worked the full way (50 m) up and down the sedimentation basin under

supervision. The sludge of the sedimentation basins was pumped to the aeration basin and

in the short-time test seemed to work quite well (see Figure 28).

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20 mg/l sludge

Sludge in aeration basin wwtp 2 after one day operation

Figure 28: 20 ml/l Biomass in the aeration basin after one day operation of wwtp 2

The measurement of currency of the aerators show differences (aerator 1 has the highest

currency uptake of the 4 aerators / and pump 2 has a higher currency than pump 1 and 3.)

This observation gives the hint to save energy by re-switching the pumps as follows:using

Pump 1 and 3 or aerator 2 instead of aerator 1 can save up to 10 % of electric energy.

Table 1 Measured electric currency for aerators and recycle pumps (as a hint for maintenance)

Aerator 1 48 Amp Pump 1 36 Amp

Aerator 2 42 Amp Pump 2 42 Amp

Aerator 3 46 Amp Pump 3 35 Amp

Aerator 4 45 Amp

Safety and working conditions can be improved, for fixing of problems with the traveling

bridges see Annex 3.

The switch cabinets must be cleaned.

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3.3.3 Findings at wwtp 3

The condition of wwtp 3 was checked, although knowing that the plant was never in

operation, in order to find hints how to use parts of wwtp for the support of the foreseen

operations of wwtp1 and or wwtp 2.

The main switch of the electric power supply of wwtp 3 was out of order. The main cable to

this plant was disconnected. Operation of the stirrers, aerators, pumps and traveling bridges

could not be checked. The rails of the traveling bridges at wwtp 3 were in a good condition.

All the wheels of the traveling bridge and one grating were missing (used in wwtp 1 + 2).

Main switch, does not operate, no power supply to wwtp 3

Approx. 10 diffuser luminaires are broken or lost

in each wwtp

Door aerator building, key is missing

All 4 Rails wwtp3 are in good condition (not used),

one grating is missing

aeration basin excavating unit for stirrers

sedimentation basin 1+2with traveling bridges

without wheels

Figure 29: Wwtp 3: Main inlet power switch, sedimentation basin with traveling bridges, door of machinary house, broken rails, broken cable lift ffor of stirrer, damaged rail

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The four installed stirrers could not be lifted because the excavating unit was damaged.

The door of the aerator room must be repaired – a key for this room was missing.

The switch cabinets must be cleaned because the dirt on the plates can cause a short


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3.4 RECOMMENDATIONS to improve the Wastewater Treatment Plant

3.4.1 Preamble and clarifications

It is important to note that the underlying calculations are based on the full capacity of the

existing activated sludge plant. However, it can be supposed that the actual inflow load is

currently below the plant’s capacity. Therefore, a step by step approach is highly

recommended. With the data and experience from the first steps i.e. the reactivation of the

first two AS plants ( wwtp 1, wwtp 2) and the improved analysis plan, the planning of the

long-term measures should be adjusted accordingly. Furthermore, measures to increase the

inflow load should be implemented to increase the plant’s efficiency and reduce the

environmental impact of non-treated wastewater in the city. An optimal use of the wastewater

treatment plant’s capacity should also play an important role in the recommended integrated

urban drainage planning.

3.4.2 Improvement of the measuring and analysis system of the wwtp

The lack of reliable long term wastewater data from the treatment plant influent and effluent

hamper the planning of sensible modifications. To further improve the assumptions made for

the wastewater load calculations and enable the plant’s staff and planners to react in case of

changing influent, a regular sampling plan should be implemented. This is also necessary to

enable an active sludge management.

The key parameters BOD, TS, SS, pH and Ammonium and nitrate should be analyzed at

least on a weekly basis at varying weekdays and times of the day. The samples should be

composite samples mixed out of at least five catch samples taken in a timeframe of two


For simple regular BOD measurements, chemical free measuring systems such as OxiTop©

are recommendable.

Further parameters such as the COD, total nitrogen or phosphorus should be measured

once a month in one of the weekly composite samples.

In addition, the TS, oTS, pH and Redox potential of the excess sludge should be analyzed on

a weekly basis.

To analyze the process of wastewater treatment better and to save energy the wwtp 1-3 the

plants should have continuous measure equipment for the following parameters

1. Flow (m³/h, m³/a), installed at the outlet of the clarifier basins

2. Oxygen (mg/l, g/m³), installed at the end of the aerated zone of the aeration basins

3. Nitrate (mg/l, g/m³), installed at the end of the not aerated zone of the aeration basins

4. Phosphorus, installed at the outlet of the last treatment unit (now outlet clarifier basin,

later on when changed flow direction outlet of ponds)

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For Nitrate and Phosphorus (3. and 4.), it is a matter of cost efficiency to measure these

parameters twice a day for three plants in the laboratory or online with automatic data-


Information of distribution companies and types of measuring instruments

Examples of distribution companies and types of measure – equipment used for working in

wastewater treatment plants are given here:

Temperature, Nitrate-N (NO3-N), Phosphate (PO4-P) Flow,

Oxygen – with self-cleaning electrodes:

1. HACH LANGE GmbH, Willstätterstraße 11

40549 Düsseldorf, Germany

Phone: +49 / (0)211 / 5288-0 Fax: +49 / (0)211 / 5288-143

Mail: [email protected], Internet:

Flow, Temperature, Phosphate (PO4-P), Nitrate-N, Oxygen:

2. ABB, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd

CEO: Ulrich Spiesshofer

Address: Affolternstrasse 44, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland

Phone: +41 43 317 7111 Fax: +41 43 317 4420

The ABB Contact Directory ( helps you find local sales

and services contacts for ABB products in your country.

Temperature, Nitrate-N (NO3-N), Phosphate (PO4-P) Flow:

3. Xylem Analytics Germany Sales GmbH & Co. KG, WTW, Dr.-Karl-Slevogt-

Straße 1

82362 Weilheim, Germany

Phone: +49 881 183-0 Fax: +49 881 183-420

E-Mail: [email protected],


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The electrode – types are looking like shown in Figure 30. Controllers and interfaces for

control and regulate are offered for serving up to 20 sensors and have a data-store on


Figure 30: Wastewater Measurement electrode – types

3.4.3 Improvement of safety and working conditions

For the safety of the workers there should be a life belt mounted at the middle of the aeration

basin, for its not possible to swim in aerated water.

The lot of broken lights should be procured and mounted and improved cost-effectiveness of

LED lights should be checked.

Working conditions could be improved by pneumatic grease presses, pressure water

cleaners and industrial vacuum cleaner. The daily needed equipment (Oil, grease, working

tools, quick-tests measurement equipment like water sampler, beaker, Imhoff hoppers,

portable measurement for pH-, oxygen, …) should be in the rooms at the wwtps.

3.4.4 Improvement of the budget system

For a faster reaction to manage regular maintenance and repair of equipment of the

wwtp 1-3 and to conduct the monitoring and analysis the staff responsible for the operation

and maintenance of the wwtp should have their own budget. The allocation can be done on a

yearly basis.

3.4.5 Reversal of wastewater flow

To raise the amount of degradable organic matter in the activated sludge basins, the

wastewater should be directly pumped into the AS plant without prior treatment in the pond

system, as seen in Figure 31.

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Figure 31: Korat Wastewater Treatment Plant with reversed wastewater flow

Detailed calculation on the basis of the DWA A 131 (2016) in combination with the DWA-

Topics T4/2016 (Design of wastewater treatment plant in warm and cold climate zones) show

that the AS plant is capable of treating up to 100,000 m³/d wastewater and roughly 18 t/d of

BOD load.

To reverse the wastewater flow, the pressure pipe, coming from the pumping station P 1

(Figure 5) and leading towards the pumping station P 2.1 of the treatment plant, needs to be

redirected towards the AS plant. It has to be determined whether a new inflow pumping

station is necessary or not. If the pumps at station number P1 have enough power to pump

the wastewater directly into the new to build distributor to the AS basins, only a new flow

separation unit (distributor like shown in Figure 32) needs to be installed. (Fig.32 shows a

distributor system for a distribution starting from the middle of the wwtp system.)

Figure 32: Example of a new distributor to Korat Wastewater Treatment Plant

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170726-Report_on_Korat 48

3.4.6 Recommended action plan to restart the main wastewater treatment

plant in Korat

The first step in reactivating the wwtp 1 and wwtp 2 should be the repair of the travelling

bridges over the clarifier basins of the AS system. To prevent the bridges from failing again it

should be modified like shown in the recommendations of Mr. Messmer (see Annex 3).

The second step is to get all things done due to the ToDo-List in Annex 2. The effects of this

reparations and addition equipment should be checked by experts and

The third step would be a planning for

the new distribution building for a hydraulic distribution of Wastewater from P 1 and

P 2.2 to wwtp 1 - (2) 3

the connecting pipes from pumping stations and to the aeration basins of wwtp 1 - (2) 3

Effluent from P1 and P 2.2 first into new distributor, from there to wwtp 1- 3, from there

to the ponds and out of the ponds to the outlet pipes of wwtp 1 - (2) 3.

In the long term, the construction of a combined, aerated sand- and grease trap basin prior

to the AS system is recommendable in order to keep sand from sedimenting in the AS

basins. The collected sand can be used for example in road construction, for land-scaping

and the retained grease can later be cofermented in the digestion tank (or the surplus sludge

basin), which will lead to a higher biogas yield if treated in a digestion tank. However, the

construction will be costly because of the AS systems’ locations in the last treatment ponds,

which makes a more complicated pipe layout necessary to install an upstream basin.

3.4.7 Active sludge management

Even with the flow direction reversed, the low content of degradable organic load in the

wastewater influent will continue to be a challenge for the continuous operation of the AS


A sludge management system has to eb installed to guarantee enough active bacteria mass

(Activated sludge) even in cases of emergencies. An active sludge management by the

treatment plant staff, similar to the methods used at the Dindaeng Water Environment

Control Plant in Bangkok, should be implemented. This means that in case of very low-

loaded inflow, excess sludge from a storage tank should be pumped into the AS basins in

order to provide enough organic matter to keep the bacterial processes going.

This storage tank should have a volume of 250 m3, which is roughly equal to the daily excess

sludge production (thickened).

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3.4.8 Options for a sustainable operation of the wastewater treatment plant


After setting into operation of the waste water treatment process at the wastewater treatment

plant in Korat there should be taken some measures to guarantee a long-lasting operation.

Among these options are the improvement of the technical equipment, the knowledge of the

operational staff, the replacement of less effective instruments or machines, improvement of

the knowledge of new technical developments.

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170726-Report_on_Korat 50

3.5 Annotation for the repair of the travelling bridges of the rectangular tanks

of wwtp 1 and wwtp 2

(written by Mr. Messmer, awt Umwelttechnik Eisleben, Germany)

The travelling bridges need one guiding side with two wheels with flanges moving on one rail.

The guiding side will have contact to the top and to the sides of the rail head.

The other side moves without guiding flanges only on the top of the rail head from the

second rail.

Figure 33: Hand drawing of the guding and rollng side of a traveling bridge

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170726-Report_on_Korat 51

These are the non-guiding wheels.

The guiding wheel should have a 5 mm wider running surface than the width of the rail head


The guiding wheel must be align together. The non-guiding wheels must align together and

must be parallel to the alignment of the guiding wheels.

The guiding and non-guiding wheels must be fixed on the axles. There is no movement in

direction of the axles allowed. This can be done by spacer sleeves to the bearings which are

connected to the driving chassis.

The non-guiding wheels must be wide enough to handle the wide-tolerances of one rail to the

other rail.

The tolerance in the wide of one rail to the other rail is for tank wides below 15 m max

allowed to +- 5 mm.

The tolerance in height is allowed to +-2mm for a 2m section. For the complete railway are +-

5 mm allowed.

Rail joint must have a smooth top level without a noticeable height difference. Rail joints

must be connected by rail joiners or must be welded to fix the height from one side to the

other side while handling the wheel-loads.

The drive motor can be installed in the middle of the bridge connected with transmissions to

the driven wheels or every driven wheel can be directly connected with a drive motor.

One non-driven wheel from a travelling bridge must be equipped with a sensor and a sensor-

plate to control the turning of the non-driven wheel if the drive motor is in operation. If the

drive motor is operating and the sensor for monitoring the non-driven wheel shows 5sec no

turning, the drive motor must immediately stop to prevent the travelling bridge and the

wheels from damages and to prevent the bridge to come out of the railway.

On each end of the rails there are sensor-plates or cushions to switch one of the end-position

sensors. It’s not necessary that both switches stop the bridge. It is allowed that one side of

the bridge stops when the other side is up to …100 mm in front of the end position. This can

vary from travel to travel depending on tolerances in the rails and in different sludge and

wind-loads to the bridge.

Further details are given in more detailed hand drawings fo the rail and wheels system in the


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170726-Report_on_Korat 52

3.6 Annotation to the change of flow direction and the new distributor to feed

wwtp 1 / 2

(written by Bernhard Wöffen, FiW)

Remark: Assuming the repair of the wastewater treatment plant wwtp 1 and wwtp 2, the

advisory team has agreed on the fact that the wastewater should first be treated by the wwtp

and not by the pond system. The pond system will be foreseen as maturation of the treated

wastewater effluent of the wwtp. The chapter 3 “Annotation to the change of flow direction

and the new distributor to feed wwtp 1 / 2” contains calculations and technical hints, that

describe the necessary steps, followed by a cost estimation.

The infrastructural works contain various tasks: A new distributor, new influent pipes have to

be build, some openings for the new effluents and close the old effluents are necessary to

change the flow direction.

The temporal order of the changing of the flow direction is described as follows (see Figure

34: Chronological order of changing flow direction34).

1. Construction of the distributor on the existing pipeline from the pumping station P1 to

the pumping station P 2.01 with the feed lines to the aeration basin of wwtp 1 + 2.

2. Preparation of the new settling tank effluents: drain openings 0.9mx0.9 m in the

effluent channels opposite the current drain.

3. Production of the new pond flows through a shaft on the existing drainage line to the

secondary sedimentation tank and new upstream drainage pipes (UK 1 m under

current pond water level).

1. 1.a. Commissioning of the distributor by opening the pipeline and installing a slide

valve on the side of the pipeline to the PW 2.02 (PW 2.02 goes out of operation)

4. Construction of the pumping line from PW 2.01 to the new distributer (use of the

former pipeline PW1 to P 2.02 along the pond in the counter-flow direction)

4. 4.a Commissioning of the new (old) pump line to the new distributor bay (pressure

line connection PW, opening of the built-in shut-off at the distributor)

5. Closure of the "old" drains of the settling tank.

6. Close "old" effluents of the aeration basin.

7. Emptying the no longer required ponds and closing the existing pond passages.

8. Reserved areas for sludge treatment.

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Figure 34: Chronological order of changing flow direction

The technical information of the existing pipes (diameters, depth and materials) and the

capacity of the pumping stations are not sufficient to construct the new distributor exactly.

A formal outline of the distributor is given in Figure 35: Formal outline of the distributor

for feed of wwtp 1 + 2.Without the house for the vacuum system the building is 9.90 m x 4.00

m in length and width. Depending on the depth of the pipe from pumping station 1 to

pumping station 2.02 at the edge of the ponds the depth of the distributor should be 3.50 m

(see Figure 36 and

The hydraulic losses for the needed pipes are calculated in Table 2 Hydraulic losses

and needed length of the pipes from in the distributor

. These losses are calculated on a basis of 2,500 m³/h for the pipes to wwtp 1 / 2. The

estimation of the flow is based on 100,000 m³/d capacity of the plants (2 · 2,500 m³/h · 24 h/d

= 120,000 m³/d).

Table 2 Hydraulic losses and needed length of the pipes from in the distributor

The overflow height over the spillway of 4.50 m length is 0.30 m for 5,000 m³/h overflow and

0.19 m for the regular overflow of 2,500 m³/h.

from to di Länge L 0,02*L/Di v v2/2g hv

Distributor wwtp1 1,000 mm 145 m 2.90 0.88 m/s 0.040 m 0.116 m

wwtp2 1,000 mm 371 m 7.42 0.88 m/s 0.040 m 0.296 m

emergency overflow pond 1,200 mm 10 m 0.17 1.23 m/s 0.077 m 0.013 m

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170726-Report_on_Korat 54

For the emergency overflow to the 1,200 mm pipe there is an overflow high of 0.34 m


The most commonly used baffles are fixed baffles per DIN 19558 with a clearance between

baffle and crest of 2 times the overflow head (2 x 0.19 = about 0.4 m, see Figure 35:

Formal outline of the distributor for feed of wwtp 1 + 2).

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170726-Report_on_Korat 55

Figure 35: Formal outline of the distributor for feed of wwtp 1 + 2

Pipe from P1, estimated DN 1.200, estimated depht 2,50 m

House for the

Vacuum system




Layout of the distributor

DN 1000 Pipe to wwtp 2, 371 m

DN 1000 Pipe to wwtp 1, 145 m

emergency overflowDN 1200, to pond, 10 m

Estimated DN 1200 Pipe Valve for shut of to build connection to P 2.01

4,5 m




te v



















+ lo


s p


, …


0,3 m

0,3 m

4,5 m

3,0 m

0,3 m




0,3 m0,3 m 0,3 m1,3 m

4,0 m

1,4 m 0,4


m s







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Figure 36: Section A-A of the distributor

Figure 37: Section B-B of the distributor


180 m +NN

179 m +NN

178 m +NN

177 m +NN estimated level street

176,8 m +NN

Top overflow

176,00 m +NN DN 1000 Pipe to wwtp 2, 371 m

176 m +NN DN 1000 Pipe to wwtp 1, 145 m

emergency overflowDN 1200, to pond, 10 m Level aeration basin +

175 m +NN Pond level 175,00 m

cut off

top of the


174 m +NN

173 m +NN Estimated DN 1200 Pipe

House for the Vacuum system

Axis of knive gate valves

0,80 m scum baffle

175,50 m + NN

175,80 m + NN

cut off

top of the


Fill in concrete

around the pipe


180 m +NN

179 m +NN

178 m +NN

177 m +NN estimated level street



Vakuum max. 176,30 m + NN

176 m +NN system normal water level 175,80 m + NN

175 m +NN Valve for

commission distributor

174 m +NN

Estimated DN 1200 Pipe

173 m +NN

emergency overflowDN 1200, to pond, 10 m

0,80 m scum baffle

Top 176,00 +NNbottom 175,20 +NN

cut off the top of the pipe for

commission of the distributor

House for the vacuum system

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170726-Report_on_Korat 57

Depending on the mentioned major uncertainties (flow, height and diameter of the pipes) the

costs were calculated in Table 3.

Table 3 Estimated masses and costs for changing the flow direction

mass Description estimated TP € Bath for each Total price

19.8 m³ concrete for the distributor base plate 500 € 9,900 € 19,000 THB 376,200 THB

27.93 m³ concrete for the Distributor walls 900 € 25,137 € 34,200 THB 955,206 THB

7.575 m³ concrete for the distributor overflow walls 900 € 6,818 € 34,200 THB 259,065 THB

3 Slide Valves 1000 and 1200 mm 3,000 € 9,000 € 114,000 THB 342,000 THB

9.3 m scum baffle, stainless steel, 0.80 m high 600 € 5,580 € 22,800 THB 212,040 THB

31.62 m² grate, with installation 500 € 15,810 € 19,000 THB 600,780 THB

4.2 m emergency outlet DN 1200 1,200 € 5,040 € 45,600 THB 191,520 THB

Total distributor (without, house for vacuum station) 115,417 € 2,936,811 THB

145 pipe DN 1000 to wwtp 1 1,000 € 145,000 € 38,000 THB 5,510,000 THB

371 pipe DN 1000 to wwtp 2 1,000 € 371,000 € 38,000 THB 14,098,000 THB

3 outlet pipes L= 10 m DN 800 from pond with new shaft 10,000 € 30,000 € 380,000 THB 1,140,000 THB

2 Closing outlet sedimentation basin, new outlet to the pond 4,500 € 9,000 € 171,000 THB 342,000 THB

2 Closing influent to aeration basin 1,500 € 3,000 € 57,000 THB 114,000 THB

1 Changing pumping station 2.01, effluent to new distributor can not be estimated without more knowlege

Total 750,701 € 27,077,622 THB

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3.7 Annotation to the use of the pond area for the installation of a Photo

voltaic plant

(calculated by the Mr Mihael Ketov, Institute for Electrical Plants and Energy Management,

RWTH Aachen University (IAEW))

Remark: In case of a successful reactivation and renewal of the wastewater treatment and

sewage sludge management in Korat there will be decisive change of the existing land used

for the main waste water treatment plant in Korat. About half of the pond area will not be

used for the waste water treatment process. There will be big potential for new land use by

the municipality of Korat. Options already mentioned are the installation of a solar and wind

park for the generation of electricity.

Calculation of the possibilities of using PV and wind turbines on the land of 270,300

m² of the treatment plant area.

Use of wind turbines

Regarding the close distance to the military airport in Korat and the housing areas near to the

wastewater treatment plant, it is very unlikely that a permit for the installation of wind mills

will be issued. The height of suitable wind mills will be higher than150 m.There will be

shadow effects, noise emissions, and adverse effects on the air traffic.

Regarding the available wind velocities at that locations, the operation of wind mills will be

positively assessed, but due to the other local limitiations no further evaluations were done.

Calculation of the possibilities of using Photo voltaic plant


Available land area of 270,300 m² (not used pond area).

Only upfront investment without maintenance costs. Power grid extension costs not


Panels after investment period with no value.

Constant over time: full load hours, efficiency, solar radiation, feed-in tariff, exchange

rate and cost of capital.

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170726-Report_on_Korat 59

Table 4 Technical input and output data for the PV plant on the wwtp area in Korat

Parameter Value Unit source

Input data (Technical)

average full load


1350 h/a


usable net area 270 300 m²

efficiency 14 % Solar_cell_efficiency

average solar

radiation at standard


1 kW/m²

Output data (Technical)

total installed


37.84 MWp calculated

average feed-in 51 086.7 MWh/a calculated

Parameter Value Unit source

Input data (Financial)

feed-in tariff 4.12 THB/kWh Projects phase 2, source: http://www.thai-german- uploads/publication/

384bf513d3c90d94c 609e 739be270b3den.pdf

exchange rate =1/38.58 EUR/TBH

total module price 1 250 EUR/kWp

ocuments/publications/ studies/ aktuelle -fakten-

zur- photovoltaik-in-deutschland.pdf

cost of capital 8 %/a [C27]

investment period 20 a [C30]

present value factor

for annuity

9,82 =(((1+(C27/100))^C30)-


Output data (Financial)

total upfront


47 302 500 EUR calculated

feed-in tariff


5 455 604 EUR/a calculated

total present value of

feed-in tariff


53.563.925 EUR calculated

total present value

of payments

6 261 425

EUR calculated

amortization 15.4 a calculated

As the “total present value of payments” is positive, the potential of an installation and

operation of a PV plant is assessed as high.

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170726-Report_on_Korat 60

4 FINDINGS of the September 2016 survey on the NEW DEVELOPMENT


4.1 Water management structures of Zone 7

The new development zone of Korat, north of the Mittraphap road, is an area, which is still

under construction. The land use is still diverse; agricultural uses dominate in the northern

parts, the southern part is occupied by houses and department stores along the main road.

In middle parts a mixed land uses with gated communities, single living houses, some

workshops and shops were observed.

Figure 38: Aerial view of the development zone 7 in Korat

A sewer net is not laid. In the southern part seven combined sewer outlets (CSO) are

installed, connected to the main sewer pipeline along the Mittraphap road to main

wastewater treatment plant Korat.

Figure 39: Sketch of development zone 7 with existing sewer net work

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170726-Report_on_Korat 61

The area is dewatered by a small river, flowing from the eastern to the western part. The

level is controlled by a weir (Fig.41) at the western border. The river is still meandering; the

river bank is widely natural covered by brushes and single trees (Fig.42). The river is

controlled by the regional irrigation department (RID8).

Figure 40: Photos of various land uses, (agriculture) in the development zone 7

Figure 41: Photos of various river sections (weir, natural river bank, level measuring device, information plate of RID8) in the development zone 7

Wastewater treatment facilities were not installed. In the south-western part of zone 7 a

small wastewater treatment plant consisting of two subsequently flown-through chambers

was observed, which was constructed underground. The general condition of the inlet sewer

pipes and pumping stations is unknown, however the visited facilities were not functioning

due to no maintenance work, as can be seen in Fig. 42.

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Given the suspected poor condition of at least parts of the sewer network, it cannot be

guaranteed that all of the wastewater from the connected parts of the city arrives at the

wastewater treatment plant.

Figure 42: Wastewater facilities in Zone 7, left: decentralised treatment system, right: Waterflow under combined sewer overflow pipe

The area of Zone 7 is still not fully developed. The already built housing areas are not

connected to the centralized wastewater drain system. Agricultural areas are partly watered

by the river and dewatered into an open drain system. The river water is polluted by the

effluents of seven combined sewer overflows (CSO) (Figure 43).

Figure 43: Sketch of the Development Zone 7, with indicated spots of the combined sewer (drainage) overflows and the natural river (green belt)

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170726-Report_on_Korat 63

CSO are simple infrastructural works inside of a combined sewer or drain system. During

periods of heavy rainfall, the additional volume in combined sewers system can exceed the

capacity of the drain system. During these occasions combined sewer systems are designed

to overflow and discharge the excess directly to the river without reaching the sewage

treatment plant. These overflows contain not only land drainage (run-off rainwater), but also

wastewater and debris. High levels of nutrients like Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorous

cause excessive algae and weed growth, which lowers wate quality, harms fish and other

aquatic life as a result of lower oxygen levels.

As the waste water management system is not well developed there are high potentials for

the introduction of “new” energy-saving technologies, such as decentralized and or semi-

decentralized systems.

4.2 Conceptual recommendations for the wastewater management in Zone 7

The conceptual recommendations for the wastewater management in Zone 7 contains short-

term, intermediate and long-term measures, as follow:

Short-term measures

• Corrective measures of the combined sewer outfalls strategy

• Protection of the natural river against pollution by surface run-off and storm water

Intermediate term measures

• Integrated urban drainage planning (Master Plan), It is recommended to conduct an

integrated urban drainage planning process..

Long-term measures

In this phase of consultancy, long-term measures will not be described. More details on the

city planning process should be made available. An integrated urban drainage plan (here

categorized as intermediate-term measure) should be conducted to priorize future actions

and to describe the interconnections of all water courses, drains, artificial reservoirs and

treatment facililties.

4.2.1 Short-term corrective measures of the combined sewer outfalls

The combined sewer system operation should be improved by measures, such as

• Developing a CSO Management strategy

• Implementing a monitoring program to identify and quantify CSO events

• Proactively eliminating wet weather flows from the Combined sewer district (zone 7)

through infrastructural upgrades

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170726-Report_on_Korat 64

• Installing retention basins with filtration units (sand filter) (Figure 44) at the CSO.

During an CSO event, the first flushes of the waste water can be collected in these

retension basins and subsequently pumped back into the main sewer system.

Figure 44: Photo of a retention basin with filter unit at the outlet point (www.

4.2.2 Short-term protection measures of the natural river against run-off water

Land drainage from the city continuously pollute the river during wet weather events. This

stormwater picks up pollutants as it flows across the land, whether it comes from streets,

open areas, or rooftops. These river pollutions should be reduced by measures, such as

• Disposing of household chemicals and used oil properly, and not pouring them down

the drain or in storm sewers on the street

• Fixing fluid leaks from vehicles, and

• Treatment of run-off water by installing filter systems, such as sand filter and weed

root systems, installed along the river banks (Figure 45, 46)

Figure 45: Schemes of run-off water treatment systems using sand filtrations and constructed wet lands

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Figure 46: Photos of installed run-off water treatment systems using sand filtrations and constructed wet lands (Kirchhof, 2012)

4.3 Intermediate term measures for the wastewater management

4.3.1 Development of an integrated urban drainage plan (Master Plan)

It is recommended to develop an general integrated urban drainage plan.

Many of the problems that the city wastewater authorities face are partly caused by the lack

of an overall planning for the city’s sewer network and water treatment facilities.

One main problem is currently that the wastewater pumped into the main wastewater

treatment plant is organically much lower loaded as designed. This fact is due to degradation

processes in the drainage system and dilution processes due to wrong pipe connections or

infiltration of surface or rain water to the sewer network. Apart from the main pipes, the exact

location and condition of many combined sewers are mostly unknown. Extensions of the

sewer network and new facilities are planned as reaction to local problems and taking little to

no account of the rest of the downstream network or future developments. This can lead to

various problems (overloaded sewers, not properly working pumping stations etc.) resulting

in regular overflow from the sewers into nearby waterbodies.

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Figure 47: Core elements and topics of an integrated urban drainage planning by DWA

In order to improve this situation, the elaboration of a master plan is highly recommendable.

The DWA working paper A100 gives an overview on how to realize such a master plan,

calling it an “integrated urban drainage plan”. It emphasizes the importance of an in-depth

data acquisition from the target area (Step 3) as well as a functional and economical

evaluation of the sewer network and treatment facility condition (Step 4) before elaborating a

set of measures for the whole system (Step 5 and 6) and prioritization of these measures

(Step 7).

Given the suspected poor condition of at least parts of the sewer network, it cannot be

guaranteed that all of the wastewater from the connected parts of the city arrives at the

wastewater treatment plant.

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4.3.2 Recommendations for an integrated urban drainage plan for zone 7,

focusing on decentralized measures

It is recommended to develop an integrated urban drainage plan for zone 7, focusing on

decentralized measures.

Figure 48: Concept for developments in the Development Zone 7, with indicated development topics

A draft of a drain and wastewater treatment plan for zone 7 is shown in Figure 48 indicating

following measures:

• River protection against pollution through run-off water

o Creating a green bank and river park

o Installing sand filter systems along the river course

• Sewage water collection and treatment

o Construction of retention basins at the combined sewer outfalls

o Connecting the commercial area directly to the main sewer system

o Connecting housing areas to a wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) located in

the zone 7, connected preferably by a vacuum sewer system,

o Installation of a system to utilize the biogas derived from the sludge generated

in the wastewater treatment process

Options, which should be considered:

• Treated wastewater should be treated to such level that the water can be used as

alternative source for the agricultural irrigation (such as vegetable production (urban


• Sewage sludge should be treated to such a level that the sludge can be used as

alternative natural fertilizer for the agricultural production.

• Surplus heat energy, which will be generated during the operation of combined heat

and power plant (CHPs), can be used as alternative heat energy resources for

agricultural productions, such as food drying.

• As zone 7 is less populated than the main city area and still used for agricultural

productions, the local conditions are positively assessed and an installion of wind

power plants should be regarded to generate alternative electricity sources.

Green bank

river park



area (irrigated)









Wastewater treatment



Water reuse Alternative

energy reuse











Sand filte





VSAnaerob reactor with

Biogas production



area (irrigated)

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170726-Report_on_Korat 68


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170726-Report_on_Korat 69

Annex 1 a

Checklists of the pumping stations P1, P 2.1, P 2.2 and wwtp 1 – 3

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170726-Report_on_Korat 70

Annex 1 b

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170726-Report_on_Korat 71

Annex 1 c

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170726-Report_on_Korat 72

Annex 1 d

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170726-Report_on_Korat 73

Annex 2 a

General To Do – List

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Annex 2 b

General To Do – List

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170726-Report_on_Korat 75

Annex 2 c

General To Do – List

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170726-Report_on_Korat 76

Annex 3 a Recommendations for the repair of the traveling bridges

from Mr. Messmer, awt Umwelttechnik Eisleben, Germany

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170726-Report_on_Korat 77

Annex 3 b Recommendations for the repair of the traveling bridges

from Mr. Messmer, awt Umwelttechnik Eisleben, Germany

Innovative Wastewater Solutions for Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima), Thailand

170726-Report_on_Korat 78

Annex 3 c Recommendations for the repair of the traveling bridges

from Mr. Messmer, awt Umwelttechnik Eisleben, Germany

Innovative Wastewater Solutions for Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima), Thailand

170726-Report_on_Korat 79

Annex 4: Calculation matrix to calculate basic data for a PV-plant

Innovative Wastewater Solutions for Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima), Thailand

170726-Report_on_Korat 80

Annex 5: Climate diagrams for the Korat area

Average minimum and maximum temperature over the year

Average monthly hours of sunshine over the year

Average monthly precipitation over the year (rainfall)

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