Page 1: Interaction between Honeybee and Sunflower

Introduction of Interaction

There are many kinds of species interactions in communities, all of which affect

species diversity. Predation, parasitism, and herbivores are interactions in which one

species benefits at the expense of another. Competition involves a mutually negative

interaction among species. Mutualism involves an interaction in which both species derive


Plants and animals live on all parts of the earth. Each organism lives where

conditions are the most suitable for its own specific needs. Organism within an area interacts

with one another and also with their environment. Interactions among organisms strongly

influence the behaviour and ecology of organisms. The interactions are defined as whether

they are beneficial, harmful or neutral. Mutualistic relationships are interactions which invoke

both plant and animal are benefiting. Mutualism is very common in pollination. Antagonistic

interactions are usually harmful.

In fact, one of the challenging questions in community ecology is whether the web of

interactions in a community is controlled primarily by resources or by top predators. Human

activities are changing the abundance of resources in the environment, which in turn

changes the types and strengths of interactions among species in communities. Ultimately,

these changes could alter species interaction and patterns of species diversity.

Description of Honeybee

Honey bees are somewhat variable in color but are some shade of black, brown or

brown intermixed with yellow. They have dense hairs on the pronotum and sparser hair on

Example of community A second- growth birch forest

Scientific Name: Apismellifera Linnaeus

Order: Hymenoptera

Common Name: Honey bee


Page 2: Interaction between Honeybee and Sunflower

the abdomen. Microscopically, at least some of the body hairs of bees (Apoidea) are

branched (pumose). The abdomen often appears banded. Larvae are legless grubs, white in


Honey bees are the only bee in the genus Apis in Texas. Honey bees have several

varieties or races and have been bred for honey production, temperament and resistance to

disease. These varieties may be recognized to some extent by color and size. However,

cross breeding may take place in the wild, so queens from commercial breeders should

always be purchased to re-queen colonies. Africanized honey bees or “killer bees” cannot

easily be differentiated from commercial varieties and require measuring several bees from a

colony and comparing measurements. There are several other bees including bumblebees

and leaf cutting bees that also collect pollen and nectar. There is a species of stingless wasp

that occurs in South Texas that produces honey much like bees. When honey bees interact

with wild native bees, they are up to five times more efficient in pollinating sunflowers than

native bees are not present, according to a new study by a pair of researchers at the

University of California, Berkeley, and UC Davis.

Life Cycle:

Honey bees are social insects. There are three castes of bees: queens, which

produce eggs; drones or males, which mate with queen; and, workers, which are all non-

reproducing females. The queen lays eggs singly in hexagonal cells of the comb. Larvae

hatch from eggs in 3 to 4 days and are fed by worker bees and develop through several

stages (instars) in the cells. Cells are capped by worker bees when the larva pupates.

Queen and drones (that develop from unfertilized eggs) are larger than workers and require

enlarged cells to develop. Queens complete development in 15 12

Description of Sunflower

Sunflowers are a native plant of North America originally domesticated by Native

Americans. Sunflowers are still grown for human consumption, although their seed also are

Honey bee,Apismellifera Linnaeus

(Hymenoptera: Apidea),colony with queen.


Page 3: Interaction between Honeybee and Sunflower

crushed for oil and used in birdseed. The plant is also grown as an ornamental and is known

for its large yellow flowers displayed on tall stalks. Sunflowers are grown by gardeners and

farmers in many parts of the United States. Sunflowers are the flower that most honey bees

always visited. This is because sunflower have plentiful of pollen that can attractive honey

bees to get the pollen.

Interaction of Honey bees and Flower

Bees are actually very essential to the way the ecosystem works. Let me tell you why;


Bees are an excellent example of symbiosis known as mutualism. Mutualism is the

association between unlike organisms that is beneficial to both. Bees can't survive without

the flowers and the flowers' existence depends on the bees.

For the bees, the pollen and nectar from many flowers is an important source of fats,

proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The nectar is a source of energy. Bees gradually switched

from eating other insects to flowers as their source of food. With the passage of time, bees

have become completely dependent on flowers as a food source.

As bees travel from one blossom to another, pollen clings to their fuzzy bodies. It is

then transferred to the other flowers of the same species. This pollinates or fertilizes the

plant. Plants then can produce their own fruits and seeds.

Many animals and insects that spread pollen have disappeared from the land as it

has been destroyed. The honey bee has taken over as the main pollinator of these flowers.

Scientists believe that over the years bees have helped create the wild variety of flowers that

exist today by spreading the pollen. The honey bee is the primary source of pollination for

approximately one-quarter of all crops.

The benefits for sunflower: Pollination

Insects and flowering plants both benefit from symbiosis.

Two basic needs of these organisms are met through symbiotic relationships:

nutrition and reproduction. Many species of bees, flies, butterflies and moths rely on the

honey bees interact with sunflower for pollen


Page 4: Interaction between Honeybee and Sunflower

nectar produced by flowers for food. The plants that produce these flowers cannot reproduce

without the transfer of pollen by the insects.

The survival of both the insects and the flowering plants is dependent on the success

of their symbiosis. The benefits of symbiosis are only realized when both species provide a

means to meet each other's needs. As the bee flies from flower to flower, the pollen grains

are transferred onto the stigma.

This helps the flowers make seeds, and fruit trees make fruit. The insects or

honeybees also help the flower. The insects do help, by picking up pollen. Pollen is the

yellow or orange powder that makes us sneeze in the spring. Bees travel from flower to

flower, collecting nectar (which is later converted to honey), and in the process they pick up

pollen grains.

The benefit for Honeybees: Honey

We can descript the relationship between a flower and a bee as Mutualism, which is itself a

type of Symbiosis.

The honeybee’s gets pollen from the flower therefore transferring pollen to another

flower which creates the flower to pollinate, as the bee is flying from flower to flower, its

collecting food to make honey for its food and in the process they pick up pollen grains. The

bees collect the pollen by rubbing against the anther. The pollen is collected on the hind

legs, in dense hairs referred to as a pollen basket. Honeybees gather pollen in special

pockets and bring it back to the hive, where it becomes honey. Honey is the food for the

colony. Since the colony's queen is constantly reproducing, a great deal of honey is needed

to feed new generations

Sunflowers are the flower that can attract honeybees most. This is because

sunflower is a good producer of nectar or pollen; bees will be attracted to it regardless of

colour. Besides that, bees cannot see ultraviolet wavelengths so colors in the blue and violet

spectrum are attractive. Honeybees like sunflower for make their food. It drinks the sweet

juice in the pollen of flower which it is called nectar. The nectar is very sweet and bees use

the nectar to make honey. Honey comes from Honeybees and flowers. Besides flower for


Page 5: Interaction between Honeybee and Sunflower

food and the colour and shape is that the smell. Flowers smell so good. Most flowers smell


How do bees make honey?

Honey bees collect pollen and nectar in the spring when most flower and plants are

bloom. They use their long, tube like tongues like straws (called proboscis) to suck the

nectar out of the flowers and they store it in their stomachs and carry it to the beehive. While

inside the bee’s stomach for about half an hour, the nectar mixes with the protein and

enzyme produced by the bees, converting the nectar into honey. The bee then drop honeys

into the beeswax comb, which are hexagonal cells made of wax produced by the bees, and

repeat the process until the combs are full.

To prepare for long-term storage, the bees fan their wings to evaporate and thicken

the honey (note: nectar is 80% water and honey is about 14-18% water). When this is done,

the bees cap the honeycomb with wax and move on to the next empty comb, starting all over

again. So, in a nutshell, the honey we eat is flower nectar that honey bees have collected,

regurgitated and dehydrated to enhance its nutritional properties.

How the interaction of both living thing benefit to mankind?


Food or drink flavour

Honey is an excellent sweetener: Sugar can be substituted with honey in many food

and drinks. Honey contains about 69% and fructose enabling it to be used as a sweetener.

There are abundant honeys out there. Honey is such a versatile ingredient in cooking and

has such a distinctive flavour that it brings a magical touch to almost all foods, example

cakes, pastries, homemade cookies, barbecue meats, desserts, puddings, salad dressing.

Different countries and cultures use honey differently in their food and cooking. In

western countries, people seem to use more honey as a spread in their bread and have

plenty of honey recipes for baking, whereas people in eastern countries seem to do less of


Page 6: Interaction between Honeybee and Sunflower

that and mostly prefer to go for just a refreshing chilled honey drink – honey mixed with icy

water. Generally, the younger generations do not seem to appreciate the benefits of honey

as much as the older folks.

For health

Honey is an energy source: Honey is also used by many as a source of energy as it

provides about 64 calories per tablespoon. Sugars in honey can be easily converted into

glucose by even the most sensitive stomach and it can give you about 50 calories in one

tablespoon. Honey also facilities in maintaining blood sugar level, muscle recuperation and

glycogen restoration after a workout.

Honey is a source of vitamins and minerals: Honey contains more than 180 different

substances with complex interrelations which makes artificial production of honey

impossible. Honey is excellent source of vitamins because it is probably the only food that

never expired. Honey is high in vitamin C, in a variety of B vitamins and also A1, D, and E

vitamins. Among trace-elements-the most important elements identified in dark color

honeys-are iron, copper, phosphorus, sulphur, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium,

iodine, chlorine, zinc and high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.

Skin care

Concoct your own favourite beauty treats at home using honey pampering, anti-aging

skin care masks that give your skin the nourishing and relaxing effect. The beauty of

homemade face masks is the fresh raw ingredients are used and no additives and

preservatives are added. Honey is a great natural anti-aging skin care product. The natural

healing agent contains an enzyme called glucose oxidase, that when combined with water,

produces hydrogen peroxide, a mild antiseptic.

In addition to the glucose oxidase enzyme, honey also contains antioxidant and

flavonoids that may function as antibacterial agents. Honey is also a great natural

moisturizer for dry and parched skin without making it oily. Honey provides a calming effect

without irritating the skin, and helps replenish necessary skin moisture, especially during the

winter months. This is why the golden liquid is such a popular anti-aging skin care ingredient

in many commercial moisturizing products including cleansers, creams, shampoos, shower

gels, and conditioners. And because it’s so gentle, it is suitable for sensitive skin and baby

care products.


Page 7: Interaction between Honeybee and Sunflower


Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties: Honey has anti-bacterial and anti-

fungal properties and hence it can be used as a natural antiseptic. Honey has a distinct

bactericidal power which is mainly due to its hygroscopic property. Honey dropped into the

eyes was supposed to have cured inflammations and other ailments of the eyelids.

Honey is an antioxidants source: Honey contains nutraceuticals, which are effective in

removing free radicals from our body. As a result, our body immunity is improved. Honey

contains antioxidants, powerful compounds which fight free radicals and reverse ageing.

Honey can cure children night cough One of the better known health benefits of honey is

that it is able to help treat sore throats. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, honey not only

soothes throats but can also kill certain bacteria that cause the infection.

Honey can cure acne conditions A 2008 study conducted by University of Amsterdam

investigated the antibacterial capability of medical grade honey (Revamil). Honey is one of

the best natural acne fighting ingredients. This is because honey actually kills the bacterium

that causes acne. Honey also has anti-inflammatory properties. It treats the inflammation

associated with acne and calms the skin. Honey also soothes the skin and nourishes it

providing a healthy glow to the skin.

Honey can cure insomnia According to Michael Mclnnes of the Royal pharmaceutical

Society, eating a tablespoon or two of honey at bedtime can improve sleep quality without

causing weight gain.


Honey is useful for hair- dermatitis and dandruff treatment Honey is a natural conditioner

for hair. Traditional use of honey on hair has been widely known throughout the ages. A

2001 study conducted by the Dubai Specialised Medical Centre discovered that honey may

be used to treat scaling, itching and hair loss. It can add to conditioners, rinses and


Saloon that using Honey for hair treatment


Page 8: Interaction between Honeybee and Sunflower


Honey is a treatment for allergies it seem odd, because pollen often triggers

allergies, but pollen in the honey usually has the opposite effect. Recent studies show that

raw honey is an excellent treatment for 90% of all allergies.


Page 9: Interaction between Honeybee and Sunflower


Read more: Relationship between Plants & Animal |



Read more: Description of Honeybee |

- 5397248 _description-honey-


Read more: Description of Flower |



Symbiosis between flower and insect


The benefit of honey to mankind


bees/ Other reference




homemade-face-mask.html (Ode to Honey Bees: Homemade Face Mask)


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