Page 1: Interesting plant records 2015





Page 2: Interesting plant records 2015

Thanks to all recorders for the excellent

response again this year

Many interesting new plants have

been found in 2015, including refinds

of old records, special plants at new

sites, and plants new to Sussex. A

small selection follows but there will

be a full list in newsletter.

Page 3: Interesting plant records 2015

West Sussex


Page 4: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

Nassella tenuissimaArgentine Needle-grass

Aldwick, Bognor Regis

2nd post-2000 record for VC13

Parentucellia viscosaYellow Bartsia

Weaver’s Down

2nd post-2000 record for VC13

Page 5: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

Juncus subnodulosusBlunt-flowered Rush


2nd extant site

Bromopsis inermisHungarian Brome



Page 6: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

Crassula tillaea Mossy Stonecrop

West Wittering

Fourth Sussex site since 2000

Fallopia dumetorumCopse-bindweed

Near Chithurst

Unusual habitat

Page 7: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

Ranunculus penicillatus

subsp. pseudofluitansStream Water-crowfoot

West Ashling

New tetrad for a scarce species

Page 8: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

Hypopitys monotropa

subsp. hypophegeaYellow Bird's-nest


Known since 2003, but now

identified as a subspecies

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Interesting records

Descurainia sophiaFlixweed


3rd record since 2000

Anisantha madritensisCompact Brome

Pagham Harbour

First record since 1986

Page 10: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

X Dactyloglossum mixtumCoeloglossum viride x Dactylorhiza fuchsii

Fairmile Bottom

2nd post-2000 record

Potentilla norvegicaTernate-leaved Cinquefoil

Lavington Common

First record since SPA

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Interesting records

Najas marinaHolly-leaved Naiad

Arundel Wetland Centre

New to Sussex

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East Sussex


Page 13: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

Petasites sp.

(P. fragrans x japonicus?)Hybrid Butterbur

Borde Hill

Awaiting DNA confirmation

Page 14: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

Petasites hybridusButterbur

(Female plant)

Three Leg Cross

First VC14 record since 1969

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Interesting records

Rubus adenoleucus

Minepit Wood

First VC14 record since 1985

Apium leptophyllum


First Sussex record

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Interesting records

Calocedrus decurrensIncense Cedar

Haywards Heath

New to Sussex

Leucanthemella serotinaAutumn Oxeye

Beachy Head

New tetrad record of an

uncommon species

Page 17: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

Lonicera x purpusiiLonicera fragrantissima x standishii


2nd Sussex record

Pteris multifidaSpider fern


First Sussex record

Page 18: Interesting plant records 2015

Interesting records

Onoclea sensibilisSensitive Fern

Maskett's Wood, Chelwood Gate

Refind of 1996 record. 2nd extant

Sussex site

Dipsacus pilosusSmall Teasel

Forest Row

Only third site since 2000

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Interesting records

Veronica x lackschewitziiV. anagallis-aquatica x catenata

Allington Farm area


Luzula x borreriL. forsteri x pilosa


3rd site since 2000

Page 20: Interesting plant records 2015

Thanks again for all you have done.

Any questions?

If your record isn’t here don’t worry! We

can only show a small selection of the

many good finds this year but they are all


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