
Last updated: 24 February 2020

Get Started – Open Data Entry ......................................................................................................... 3

Navigate to General Ledger .......................................................................................................... 3

Creating an IDN Journal ................................................................................................................... 4

Add a new IDN Journal ................................................................................................................. 4

Completing Account Codes ........................................................................................................... 5

Other Information .......................................................................................................................... 8

Additional Lines ............................................................................................................................. 9

Editing a Journal ........................................................................................................................... 9

Add Supporting Documentation .................................................................................................. 10

Submit for Approval .................................................................................................................... 11

Referring the IDN Journal to Department/Division being charged for Review ............................. 12

Large IDN Journal .......................................................................................................................... 12

Completing an Import Template .................................................................................................. 12

IDN Nominals ................................................................................................................................. 13

Nominal codes in 391 numbers range ........................................................................................ 13

Tips and Assistance ....................................................................................................................... 14

Speed up data entry with Rapid Entry Keys ................................................................................ 14

Check workflow status of your IDN journal.................................................................................. 14

Further Assistance ...................................................................................................................... 15

Internal Debit Note (IDN) Raising an IDN Journal

Last updated: 24 February 2020

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This guide covers how to raise an IDN Journal.

• An IDN journal is used to recharge costs and internal services between departments and divisions.

• There are a defined set of IDN nominal accounts available for use. Account numbers start with 391xx, and the nominal description starts with ‘Recharge’.

Get Started – Open Data Entry

Navigate to General Ledger

1. Click on at the bottom of your home screen. If this is not showing, type General Ledger in the Enterprise Search at the top of the screen And select General Ledger.

2. Click on Data Entry tile

A list of any journals you have previously created is displayed

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Creating an IDN Journal

Add a new IDN Journal 3. Click on Add and then IDN Journal

4. If General Journal is not showing, click on ‘…More’ And select IDN Journal from next screen.

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5. The journal number and date will auto populate. You can add a Description, 30 characters max

6. Click into the first line to start entering the journal required.

7. Ledger

Select PJ if the journal relates to a project, otherwise select GL.

Completing Account Codes 8. Account Number

You can enter the full account string if known.

Otherwise click on Advanced Search

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This displays the components for GL Complete each component Click on the arrow to the right of each Component and select the relevant code

Click on the arrow to the right of each component and select the relevant code for: 8.1 Entity Select entity – this is likely to be 10 - LSE

8.2 Activity Select type of activity

8.3 Cost Centre Type partial key word search into search box and select the relevant cost centre

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8.4 Nominal Account

Type the partial word ‘Recharge’ or account ‘391’ into the search box to bring up list of IDN nominals and select the relevant code

The same nominal should be used for both debit and credit transaction lines for the same recharge. Example below.

8.5 If the account code string is valid, it will turn from red to green:


If PJ ledger is selected the components displayed for completion will be different, as follows:

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Click on the arrow to the right of each component and select the relevant code for them, same as above with GL.

Other Information 9. The Description field will auto populate and cannot be changed as this relates to the

nominal account.

10. Amount

Enter the value. For each item there are now two transaction lines.

• One with debit amount shown as positive value, and

• Other credit amount as negative value

- Debit In old Aptos format this would have been: TakenFromBudget(DR)

- Credit In old Aptos IDN format this would have been: PayIntoBudget(CR)

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11. Narrative Add a meaningful narrative, using line 2 and line 3 if required.

12. Transaction Type - Default to IDN

Additional Lines 13. Add other lines as required as above.

14. Ensure the journal totals to zero, balanced note will show in the Document Details pane on the left side of the screen when it does.

Click on the top right of the screen.

Editing a Journal

15. Once saved you can amend a journal by clicking on the button and altering information as required.

16. To delete a line – check the box to the left of the line and click Delete.

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And press OK


Add Supporting Documentation

17. Click on the Attachments pane to the left of the screen.

18. You can drag and drop supporting documentation where indicated

e.g. Drag and drop email from Outlook inbox

19. Or select Add and browse using the relevant link.

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Add any additional notes and press OK

20. Click on to amend attachments

Submit for Approval

21. When everything is complete, journal is balanced and has supporting documents attached, click on Submit for Approval at the top left of screen

The journal will route to the Finance Division for review and posting.

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Referring the IDN Journal to Department/Division being charged for Review 22. You can refer the journal to someone in the department/division being charged, for review

by clicking on at the top left of the screen And selecting Refer to Someone else

23. Select the person by typing part of the name into the search function and selecting the correct name.

And Click OK The referred person can go into your journal and do the following:

• Edit details in journal

• Attach supporting document

• Add a note

• Refer it back to you, or

• Submit for approval/posting to Finance Division

Large IDN Journal For divisions such as Estates and DTS where the monthly IDN journals are very large with transaction line numbers in hundreds, an interim option would be to complete an Excel journal import template and submit to Finance Division for approval and posting

Completing an Import Template 1. Fill out the Column sections in the template

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1) Title - Enter as JOURNAL 2) DOCID - Enter as 1, 2, 3 etc to indicate journal number in this template. More than one journal can be included a template. 3) DDATE1 - Enter date 4) LINEID - Enter number for each transaction line 5) LNEDETAILTYPE - Enter as L 6) LLDGCODE - Enter as GL for General Ledger, or PJ for Project Ledger 7) LACCNBR - Enter the full account code string 8) LAMOUNT1 - Enter amount, debit or credit values 9) LNARR1 - Enter meaningful description for journal line 10) LNARR2 - Enter narrative 2 as required 11) LNARR3 - Enter narrative 3 as required 12) LUSERFLD1 - Enter IDN as transaction type

2. Email completed template to Finance Division, [email protected] for approval and posting.

IDN Nominals

Nominal codes in 391 numbers range Account Description

39100 Recharge - Catering Internal (Hospitality)

39101 Recharge - Staffing

39102 Recharge - Rent

39103 Recharge - Insurance

39104 Recharge - Overheads

39110 Recharge - Finance Services

39111 Recharge - Central Administration

39112 Recharge - Graphic Design Services

39113 Recharge - Film and Audio Services

39114 Recharge - Photography Services

39115 Recharge - Language Centre Services

39116 Recharge - Event Services

39117 Recharge - Reprographic Services

39118 Recharge - Library Services

39119 Recharge - Postal Services

39120 Recharge - Courier Services

39121 Recharge - Design, Photography and Video

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39122 Recharge - Library Short Course Fees

39123 Recharge - Stationery

39124 Recharge - Printing

39125 Recharge - Photocopying

39126 Recharge - Cleaning

39127 Recharge - Room Hire

39128 Recharge - Line Rental & Call Charges

39129 Recharge - Store supplies

39130 Recharge - IT Equipment

39131 Recharge - Proof Reading

39132 Recharge - Translation

39133 Recharge - Language Centre Course Fees

Tips and Assistance Speed up data entry with Rapid Entry Keys

Fast Keystrokes can be used in grids to copy fields, balance or reverse amounts followed by the

TAB key

Keystroke Result

Full stop (.) Copies the last value for this field, either text or numeric

Minus (-) Copies the last value for this filed (numeric only) and reverses the entry

Plus (+) Calculates the outstanding balance

Check the workflow status of your IDN journal

1. Go back into Data Entry tile 2. Search for IDN journal you have created on Search bar

3. Click on the journal and select on right side of screen

4. Click on the ‘wheel’ icon on left side of screen.

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5. Click on Workflow

6. This opens up the screen displaying where the journal is in the workflow process

Further Assistance If you require assistance or have a query use the Finance Division Enquiry Form selecting Financial Reporting & Compliance > Journals – normal

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