


At Bradford Jacobs we have years of expertise as a International Professio-nal Employer Organisation (PEO) service provider. We have the knowledge and experience you need to expand your business into foreign countries without the need for setting up a subsidiary or entity abroad.

With our International PEO solutions, you̓ll reduce costs, save time, and cut down the processes and paperwork you need to personally handle by letting us take care of setting your company up abroad.

By choosing our expert team and our perfected International PEO ser-vices, you̓re giving yourself freedom to spend your time, budget, and re-sources on more important things.

Let us take care of the red tape in your global expansion and enquire about how Bradford Jacobs can help your organisation today and into the future.


International PEO stands for Professional Employer Organisation, which is a service companies and organisations can use to help expand their ope-rations internationally. An International PEO provider helps create a legal presence for businesses in foreign countries without using a legal entity.

International PEO services also help companies with global talent acquisi-tion, HR, benefits, payroll, taxes and legal compliance needs. It acts as a “co-employer” for the client̓s company, responsible for HR and payroll. Client companies using a PEO can then focus on the day-to-day manage-ment of their fully compliant employee in the foreign market.

Setting up an International PEO has 3 main benefits:

It can help to manage the payroll and HR function in international territories compliantly which lowers costs.

Allows companies to access to employees all over the world. PEO grants global mobility so you can hire international employees com-pliantly with speed, without the need to set up a legal entity or branch office in another country – this can be time-consuming and extremely expensive.

Because of the speed and reduced costs of using an International PEO companies can test new markets with affordable ease



It̓s simple. Our international HR and legal team hire your employees, no matter where they may be, and we become their Employer of Record (EOR), taking on the responsibility of your global employment require-ments including employee contracts, onboarding, benefits packages, ma-naging payroll, tax, and even HR on your behalf.

The difference between going in alone and embracing the support Inter-national PEO can look unbelievable, but it̓s the truth. We̓ll break it down for you. You can also find our global guides to each international territory on our countries we serve page.





For each country you̓re looking to expand into, you̓ll need to:


Be conducting international business in hours

Find a local attorney Find a local accountant Open a national bank account Set up the in-country entity or branch office (which can take 3-12 months) Register your business with authorities Learn local compliance regulations Set up paying local tax Registering for corporate tax Arranging Visas Navigate full legalities and cultural practises of the new country Enlist the services of a payroll company to handle these new emplo-yees̓ pay. Which can̓t begin until your tax ID and bank account have been set up Risk losing international talent because they̓re having to wait for payroll and benefits packages to be confirmed If they decide to wait around, you then become their go-to-contact for all questions about the finer details of payroll, taxes, benefits – keeping in mind that they̓re on a completely different time-zone and you may not speak their language. Aer all the time, money, and resource spent expanding into thisnnew country, you may decide that it̓s not reaping the success that you̓d hoped, in which case you̓ll now be in the process withdrawal – another costly process that will drain your company for months more.


As you̓re probably already realising, there are many benefits to using the Global PEO services of an organisation like Bradford Jacobs, such as:

Save money

By using our existing legal entities or connections within countries you̓d like to expand into, you save the expense of having to set up your own legal entity. A PEO can also navigate around corporation tax.

SaSave time

Onboard employees in new territories in hours not months. Use our local knowledge and connections to find, hire, and manage your international employees at speed without you having to take on any of the footwork re-quired to do so.

100% compliance, 0% risk

It̓s our job to understand and follow the different employment laws and processes of each country. Leave the legal processes to us and spend your time and budget on business growth.



Streamlined withdrawal from a country

If you̓re not seeing the success you̓d hoped for in a new market, you̓ll be able to withdraw from that country with minor cost and time expanse in comparison to if you̓d set up your own legal entity. This means that you̓re able to test expansion into new countries with minimal risk, giving you power of true global mobility.

Downsizing your business?

We can keep your most important employees in a country without the need to pay all the fees to maintain a foreign entity.

True global mobility

ppartnering with Bradford Jacobs will give you access to expert knowledge in international expansion to 180+ countries.


Reduced risks, less financial commitment

International expansion is risky business, especially without the support of a PEO. Going it alone means shouldering the risks of failed expansion, with no savings in costs or time spent. That̓s what a PEO like us can bring to the table.

Happier emplHappier employees

As a result of our local connections and improved benefits packages for global employees, it̓s been proven that business with the support of a PEO see lower turnover rates than the average business. Better emplo-yees, adding value to your company for longer.

Get in touch today and enter a new market tomorrow.



Can my PEO hire new employees for me?

Yes. Using our international recruitment networks and connec-tions, we can find, shortlist, and hire the best talent in any coun-try. Plus, as your EOR, we̓ll take on all the responsibilities on managing their day-to-day processes, such as payroll, taxes, benefits, and more.


Why is International PEO more effective than hiring employees as contractors?

The short answer is increased risk and the chance of steep fines or penalties. In many countries, Employee Misclassification is a seri-ous legal offense. For example, even though they may be a cont-ractor, if you have enough work for them that they are only em-ployed by you, 5 days a week, they can no longer be classified as a contractor or consultant.

Do you handle the tax deductions from my international employees̓ payroll?

Yes. Becoming your EOR, as part of our PEO services, we̓ll handle all the finer details of payroll, from ensuring monthly payment to deducting taxes and pension payments as the local employment laws require.

How quickly can I get a PEO?

Within 24 hours. As soon as we know your company̓s goals for global expansion and the PEO services that will most benefit you, we can draw up and mutual contract and get to work.


What industries have you helped?

Our expert PEO services have supported all kinds of clients in va-rious industries around the world, from Legal to Soware. If you̓re looking for a Global PEO, we can help you.

In PEO, who is the employer?

For all global employees, we would become your Employer of Record (EOR), meaning that we take on the risks and responsibili-ties of your international employees.

However, these employees are still legally employed by your com-pany and come to you for day-to-day management – we just take care of all the local processes like payroll and benefits, so that you don̓t have to.

What happens if we terminate the contract?

Should you need to unexpectedly terminate the contract in the case of an emergency or the necessity to put employees on fur-lough, you pay a deposit.

If you have any questions regarding any aspects of your solution, please do not hesitate to contact our team:

Please remember that we can only provide confidential information by phone if you provide the following details:Name, D.O.B and Social Security Number.

[email protected] 27782880+31(0)20 808 4544

ʻ̒ ʻ̒With the development of a strong corporate culture, fuelled with the desire to effectuate excellence throughservice, we continue to deliver beyond expectations

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