  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    In the name of ALLAH, The most Bene cent, The most merciful



    HIS H!LY "#!"H$T


    &"eace 'e u(on him)

    $N%L$SS L!*$ !+ MY


    WH!S$ "#AY$#S HA*$ $NABL$% M$

    T! !M"L$T$ MY "#!-$ T.


  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    All (raises 'elon/ to almi/ht0 Allah 1ho the su(reme

    authorit0 2no1s the ultimate relation un3erl0in/ all sortsof (henomenon /oin/ on in this uni4erse 1hose

    'lessin/ a((lause 5ourishe3 m0 thou/ht thri4e3 m0

    am'itions to ha4e the cherishe3 fruit of m0 mo3est

    e6orts m0 hum'lest than2s to the Hol0 "ro(het Ha7rat

    Muhamma3 &"BUH) 1ho is fore4er a torch of /ui3ance

    2no1le3/e for humanit0 as a 1hole.

    I am /rateful to m0 teachers 1ho (ro4i3e me the

    o((ortunit0 to 1or2 in "a2istan’s 'est an3 lar/est 'an2,

    HBL. I am also than2ful to Mr. I'rar Hussain, Mr. Lai8 Ali

    Mali2, Ms. 9o2a' An3lee', Mr. A'3ul:Ghafoor, Mr. M. Tari8

    an3 all other seniors 1ith 1hom I ha4e 1or2e3, 1ho

    al1a0s su((orte3 me an3 (ro4i3e3 me all o((ortunities

    to learn.

    I 1oul3 li2e to e;ten3 hurtful than2s to m0 a3orin/

    (arents an3 frien3s for their 3a0 an3 ni/ht (ra0ers

    sacri ces an3 encoura/ement, moral an3 nancialsu((ort throu/hout the course of stu30 an3 internshi(

    (erio3 as 1ell. +inall0, I am than2ful to m0 fello1 intern

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    Ba2hta1ar, she ma3e m0 sta0 in HBL more than


    Than2 0ou so much

    PrefaceIn Master of 'usiness A3ministration, Internshi( "ro/ram is an

    im(ortant (art to /i4e stu3ents an o((ortunit0 to ha4e e;(erience of

    (ractical el3. Unless an3 until the stu3ents e;(erience the no4elt0 of

    (ractical 1or2. Their 2no1le3/e of 1hat the0 stu30 in theoretical

    courses remains incom(lete. The most im(ortant (oint in an Internshi("ro/ram is that the stu3ent shoul3 s(en3 their time in a true manner

    an3 1ith the s(irit to learn (ractical orientation of theoretical stu30

    frame 1or2.

    This internshi( re(ort is on m0 si; 1ee2s (ractical trainin/ at HABIB

    BAN9 LIMIT$%, B?U Branch, Multan. In this internshi( re(ort I ha4e

    trie3 m0 le4el 'est to /i4e 3etail a'out the HBL "a2istan, 1or2in/ an3

    the functions of 3i6erent 3e(artments of the 'an2.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP



    Ban2s are the or/ani7ations that are loo2in/ for1ar3 to /i4e s0stems an3

    (rocesses re/ar3in/ to 3eli4erin/ ser4ices. HBL is the ol3est 'an2 in the

    histor0 of "a2istan. HBL has the lar/est HABIBIAN +AMILY net1or2 of more

    than @ 3omestic, @ ATM’s an3 more than C International 'ranches to

    ser4e the customers. This Technolo/ical era has (ut in5uence on the 1or2in/

    of the commercial 'an2in/. So, the customer are 3eman3in/ hi/her rates of

    return alon/ 1ith (rotection of their fun3s an3 the0 are al1a0s as2in/ fortime sa4in/ technolo/ical (roce3ures. The 2e0 to success of HBL in the

    'usiness is their focus on their core 4alues for e;am(le $D $LL$N $,

    INT$%#ITY, UST!M$# +! US,"#!G#$SSI*$N$SS AN% M$#IT! #A Y .These

    4alues are actin/ as (illars that are u(liftin/ the or/ani7ationEs (resti/e.

    I starte3 internshi( at HBL 3ue to their name in the 'an2in/ sector. After

    s(en3in/ some 3a0s in HBL, I ha4e learne3 ho1 to focus an3 attract 0our

    customer an3 insertin/ of lo0alt0, '0 (ro4i3in/ 'etter ser4ices a/ainst their

    com(etitors. Use of latest technolo/0 in the sha(e of MYSIS an3 ASHI$#

    T$#MINAL is another reason of customer attraction to the HBL. The (ro4ision

    of ATM an3 online 'an2in/ has chan/e3 the 1a0 to 3eal 1ith 'an2in/.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    HBL is rulin/ in the near a'out FF countries of the 1orl3 that re5ect their

    stron/ closeness 1ith international an3 /eo/ra(hicall0 scattere3 customers.

    %ue to o6erin/ of a 4ariet0 of (ro3ucts, cre3it 3e(artment has also much

    attraction for the customers. Bein/ an A/rarian $conom0, A/ri:loans has also

    much im(ortant in "a2istan an3 HBL has also 3one much in this el3.

    %urin/ m0 sta0 in HBL B?U Branch I ha4e 1or2e3 in almost all the

    3e(artments of HBL li2e Account o(enin/, #emittances %e(artment, re3it

    %e(artment, learin/ %e(artment, ash ounters, -u'ilee Insurance 3e(t.

    etc. %urin/ m0 1or2in/ in Account o(enin/ 3e(artment 'esi3es learnin/

    the account o(enin/ (roce3ure, I ha4e learne3 ho1 to act, ho1 to interact,

    ho1 to 3eal, ho1 to in4esti/ate an3 ho1 to ma2e customer satis e3re/ar3in/ the selection of a((ro(riate account to o(en. HBL A34anta/es

    account is (ro4i3in/ hi/hest rate of (ro t rate of @F. 9IB!# & ) J

    Ban2’s #ate of Interest &K. ) . Wor2in/ in the #emittance %e(artment 1as

    also a learnin/ (ros(ect for me, re/ar3in/ the transfer of fun3s from one

    (lace to another in the form of %%Es, "!Es. %ue to the /ro1in/ nee3s of

    a(ital #e8uirement, (eo(le nee3 more nance for their 'usiness an3 to

    im(ro4e their lifest0le. HBL hel( (eo(le to ma2e their 3reams true, '0

    (ro4i3in/ them Auto +inancin/, Business loans an3 ar:to ar nance


    Well> HBL is (ro4i3in/ e;cellent ser4ices to its customer, 'ut there is al1a0s

    room for im(ro4ement. %urin/ m0 1or2in/ at HBL I foun3 some 3e ciencies

    in their s0stem. S(eciall0, the0 shoul3 /i4e trainin/ to the em(lo0ees to treat

    customers (olitel0 in 4er0 circumstances, e4en in the hi/h stress. Sometimes

    ATM machine also not functions 1ell.

    Thou/h most of HBL 'ranches are online, 'ut the most of the sta6 has lac2 of

    com(uters s2ills. There shoul3 also (ro(er sittin/ arran/ement for

    customers. Thou/h these 3e ciencies are 4er0 minor 'ut (a0in/ attention to

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    these 3e ciencies are remo4in/ it 1ill increase more customer trust an3



    The 1or3 EBan2E is sai3 to ha4e 'een 3eri4e3 from the 1or3s Bancus or

    Ban8ue. This histor0 of 'an2in/ is trace3 to as earl0 as B. . The (riests

    in Greece use3 to 2ee( mone0 an3 4alua'les of the (eo(le in tem(les. These

    (riests thus acte3 as nancial a/ents. The ori/in of 'an2in/ is also trace3 to

    earl0 /ol3smiths. The0 use3 to 2ee( stron/ safes for storin/ the mone0 an3

    4alua'les of the (eo(le. The (ersons 1ho ha3 sur(lus mone0 foun3 it safe

    an3 con4enient of 3e(osit their 4alua'les 1ith them. The rst sta/e in the

    3e4elo(ment of mo3ern 'an2in/, thus, 1as the acce(tin/ of 3e(osits of cash

    from those (ersons 1ho ha3 sur(lus mone0 1ith them.

    The /ol3smiths use3 to issue recei(ts for the mone0 3e(osite3 1ith

    them. These recei(ts 'e/an to (ass from han3 to han3 in settlement of

    transactions 'ecause (eo(le ha3 con 3ence in the inte/rit0 an3 sol4enc0 of

    /ol3smiths. When it 1as foun3 that these recei(ts 1ere full0 acce(te3 in

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    (a0ment of 3e'ts then the recei(ts 1ere 3ra1n in such a 1a0 that it entitle3

    an0 hol3er to claim the s(eci e3 amount of mone0 from /ol3smiths. A

    3e(ositor 1ho is to ma2e the (a0ments ma0 no1 /et the mone0 in cash from

    /ol3smiths or (a0 o4er the recei(t to the cre3itor. These recei(ts 1ere the

    earlier 'an2 notes. The secon3 sta/e in the 3e4elo(ment of 'an2in/ thus

    1as the issue of 'an2 notes. The /ol3smiths soon 3isco4ere3 that all the

    (eo(le 1ho ha3 3e(osite3 mone0 1ith them 3o not come to 1ith3ra1 their

    fun3s in cash. The0 foun3 that onl0 a fe1 (ersons (resente3 the recei(ts for

    encashment 3urin/ a /i4en (erio3 of time. The0 also foun3 that most of the

    mone0 3e(osite3 1ith them 1as l0in/ i3le. At the same time the0 foun3 that

    the0 1ere 'ein/ constantl0 re8ueste3 for loan on /oo3 securit0. The0

    thou/ht it (ro ta'le to len3 at least some of the mone0 3e(osite3 1ith them

    to the nee30 (ersons. This (ro4e3 8uite a (ro ta'le 'usiness for theO

    /ol3smiths. The0 instea3 of char/in/ safe 2ee(in/ char/es from the

    3e(ositors 'e/an to /i4e them interest on the mone0 3e(osite3 1ith them.

    This 1as the thir3 sta/e in the 3e4elo(ment of 'an2in/.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP



    It 1as 4er0 3iPcult for "a2istan to 'uil3 u( its o1n Ban2in/ s0stem

    imme3iatel0 after in3e(en3ence 1ithout suPcient resources. +ollo1in/ the

    announcement of the (artition (lan in -une @KQF there 1as a hastemo4ement on the (arts of 'an2s to transfer their fun3s an3 accounts across

    the 'or3ers. The 'an2s ha4in/ their re/istere3 oPces in "a2istan 1ere

    transferre3 to In3ia. In an e6ort to 'rin/ a'out the colla(se of the ne1 state

    '0 the (ersecutin/ an international (olic0 of 1ith3ra1al, the In3ian 'an2

    oPces close3 8uic2l0. Those 'an2s, 1hich sta0e3, 1ere consi3erin/ the

    1in3in/ u( of their 'usiness. B0 R th -une @KQ the num'er of sche3ule

    'an2s in "a2istan 3ecline3 from mere scratch.

    To3a0 there are more than F 'ranches of commercial 'an2s alon/ 1ith an

    esta'lishe3 net1or2 of su((lementar0 nancial institutions. All this

    3e4elo(ment in the 'an2in/ sector is the result of untirin/ e6orts of four


    $%&tor' of !ank%ng %n Pak%&tan(

    The interestin/ (oint 1hich I o'ser4e3 3urin/ the s(an of m0 internshi( 1as

    the historical 'ac2/roun3 of Ban2in/ +inancial sector 1hich is the one in

    1hich /reat im(ro4ement an3 /ro1th is o'ser4e3 since the formation of

    "a2istan. +or stu30in/ the /ro1th of this sector 1e can 3i4i3e it into three

    sta/es, 1hich are as follo1s

    a) "re:Nationali7ation $ra

    ') Nationali7ation $ra

    c) "ost Nationali7ation $ra

    A) Pre Nat%onal%*at%on Per%od(

    There 1ere onl0 t1o Muslim 'an2s in In3o "a2 'efore (artition the0

    1ere .Ha'i' Ban2 Lt3. &est. in @KQ@ at Bom'a0) Australia Ban2 Lt3. &$ST. In

    @KQQ at Lahore). All other 'an2s, at that time, 1ere either o1ne3 '0 Hin3us

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    or +orei/ners.

    At the time of (artition there 1ere CR@ 'an2 'ranches in area 1hich

    came un3er "a2istani control. But 3ue to 'loo3she3 an3 4iolence at lar/e

    scale, mostl0 'ranches 1ere close3 an3 the 3is(arit0 can 'e assesse3 fromthe fact that on -ul0 @KQ there 1ere @K 'ranches 1ith 3e(osits of #s.

    crore & million) onl0. Also a factor la//in/ in "a2istani in3ustr0 1as a

    central 'an2 of its o1n, '0 that time #eser4e Ban2 of In3ia 1as actin/ as

    central 'an2 for 'oth countries an3 same currenc0 notes 1ere use3 in 'oth

    territories. But #eser4e Ban2 of In3ia 1as 'iase3 an3 Set 3o1n "a2istan on

    man0 occasions such as the issue of fun3s transfer etc.

    In this (erio3 3rastic ste(s 1ere ta2en in /o4ernment sector for the

    im(ro4ement of o4erall (osition. The (ri4ate sector also res(on3e3 to these

    chan/es an3 some 4er0 (ositi4e chan/es 1ere o'ser4e3. Some of the ste(s

    ta2en '0 the /o4ernment in this re/ar3 1ere as un3er

    @) Inau/uration of State Ban2 of "a2istan &SB") on @st -ul0, @KQ .

    ) Settin/ u( of National Ban2 of "a2istan in No4em'er, @KQK to control theE=uteE e;(ort in $ast "a2istan an3 to act as a/ent of SB".

    R) Lar/er (o1ers 1ere /i4en to SB" throu/h SB" Act &@K C) for controllin/(ur(oses.

    Q) Ban2in/ om(anies !r3inance @KC for (rotection an3 /ui3ance to 'an2s.

    ) $sta'lishment of s(eciali7e3 'an2s, such as A%B" &@K )

    a) HB+ &No4, @K )

    ') "@ I &!ct, @K F)

    c) I%B" &Au/. @KC@)

    3) N%+ &-an, @KFR).

    These 1ere the ste(s, 1hich 'uilt a stron/ 'an2in/ sector in "a2istan. This is also o'4ious from the facts that '0 @KFR there 1ere almost @ forei/n

    'an2s 1ere 1or2in/ in "a2istan an3 all o4er 3e(osit (osition 1as aroun3

    #s. R crore & R, million). A 'ir3 e0e 4ie1 of to( 'an2s 1as as /i4en


  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    !AN" POSITION IN +,-.


    0R& %n M%ll%on1HBL CCF C,@C

    NB" FK ,CC


    M B C @,CQ

    ABL @Q F


    !n -anuar0 @, @KFQ all "a2istani 'an2s 1ere nationali7e3 throu/h

    Nationali7ation Act @KFQ. Un3er this la1 all "a2istani 'an2s 'ecame a (u'lic

    (ro(ert0. All small 'an2s 1ere mer/e3 in 'i//er 'an2s to create ma=or

    "a2istani 'an2s. These 'an2s 1ere to control '0 "a2istan Ban2in/ ouncil.

    There are still contro4ersies a'out this act of /o4ernment as 1hether it

    contri'ute3 in success of failure of 'an2s. Ho1e4er the ma=or chan/es after

    nationali7ation 1ere as follo1s

    Wor2in/ of 'an2s 1as e;ten3e3 to un3er 3e4elo(e3 areas.

    Mar2et e;(ansion for cre3it an3 3e(osits.

    %ecrease in ser4ice le4el of 'an2 oPcers.

    %ecrease in (ro ta'ilit0 as 1ell.

    Ho1e4er the e6ect of e;(ansion 1as enormous an3 it can also 'e

    3e(icte3 1ith the hel( of ta'le 1hich sho1s the 3e(osit 'ranch (ositions

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    of 3i6erent nationali7e3 'an2s.

    !AN" POSITION IN +,,3

    !ank No) of !ranc4e&

    /e5o&%t& 0R&) InM%ll%on&1

    HBL @K C @ R,QR@

    NB" @QQ@ ,CFK

    UBL @C Q F,Q

    M B @ , @R

    ABL F RR,F F



    In @KK the /o4ernment 3eci3e3 to 3enationali7e all the nationali7e3institutes. Some 1as also su//este3 in 'an2in/ sector. +or this (ur(ose,

    amen3ments 1ere ma3e to Nationali7ation Act @KFQ an3 t1o nationali7e3

    'an2s 1ere (ri4ati7e3. Alon/ 1ith this a (ermission to o(en 'an2s in (ri4ate

    sector 1as also /rante3. The rules re/ar3in/ esta'lishment of ne1 'an2s an3

    for incomin/ forei/n 'an2s 1ere also rela;e3.

    The: (ri4ati7e3 'an2s are

    a) M B ta2en u( '0 a (ri4ate /rou( in A(ril, @KK@

    ') ABL ta2en u( '0 its o1n em(lo0ees in Se(tem'er, @KK@.

    c) UBL ta2en u( '0 UA$ (art0 in .

    3) %ecem'er K, R HBL 1as ta2en '0 A9+$%

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    After these chan/es a lar/e num'er of (ri4ate an3 forei/n 'an2s

    starte3 their o(erations in "a2istan an3 the (resent status can 'e seen from

    the follo1in/ /ure

    Structure of Financial Sector in Pakistan

    Scheduled Banks (47)

    - Commercial banks- Specialised banks

    NBFIs - Modarabas

    - Leasing companies- Mutual funds

    - Specialised financial (DF s)- n!estment banks

    - "ousing Finance Companies

    Specialised Banks Commercial Banks

    Foreign Banks (22)

    Domestic Banks (25)

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    A!OUT $A!I! !AN" LIMITE/

    HBL 1as the rst commercial 'an2 to 'e esta'lishe3 in "a2istan in @KQF.

    !4er the 0ears, HBL has /ro1n its 'ranch net1or2 an3 'ecome the lar/est

    (ri4ate sector 'an2 1ith o4er @, 'ranches across the countr0 an3 a

    customer 'ase e;cee3in/ 4e million relationshi(s. With a (resence in

    countries, su'si3iaries in Hon/ 9on/ an3 the U9, aPliates in Ne(al, Ni/eria,

    9en0a an3 90r/07tan an3 re(resentati4e oPces in Iran an3 hina, HBL is also

    the lar/est 3omestic multinational. The Ban2 is e;(an3in/ its (resence in(rinci(al international mar2ets inclu3in/ the U9, UA$, South an3 entral

    Asia, Africa an3 the +ar $ast. 9e0 areas of o(erations encom(ass (ro3uct

    o6erin/s an3 ser4ices in #etail Ban2in/. HBL has the lar/est or(orate

    Ban2in/ (ortfolio in "a2istan 1ith an acti4e In4estment Ban2in/ arm. SM$

    an3 A/riculture len3in/ (ro/ram an3 'an2in/ ser4ices are o6ere3 in ur'an

    an3 rural centers. In the U9 an3 G , HBL focuses on tra3e nance an3

    remittances for the South Asian %ias(ora in a33ition to 'asic 'an2in/facilities. HBL has al1a0s 'een a 'an2 an3 a 'ran3 for the masses, 1ith a

    histor0 that is ine;trica'l0 lin2e3 1ith the histor0 of "a2istan itself. As it

    continues to /ro1, 'oth locall0 an3 a'roa3, it stri4es to em'o30 its 'ran3

    (ersonalit0 honest, a((roacha'le, an3 inclusi4e. HBL is currentl0 rate3 AAJ

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    &Lon/ term) an3 A@J &Short term) . It is the rst "a2istani 'an2 to raise Tier II

    a(ital from e;ternal sources.

    #atin/ /i4en '0 - #:*IS


    Ha'i' Ban2 Limite3 1as esta'lishe3 '0 Mr. Ismail Ha'i' &Late) on

    Au/ust , @KQ at Bom'a0. It 1as the rst Muslim Ban2 of the su':

    continent. It 1as esta'lishe3 1ith a (ai3 u( ca(ital of #s. . million. At an

    earl0 sta/e, the num'er of its 'ranches 1as onl0 @ .

    HBL esta'lishe3 o(erations in "a2istan in @KQF an3 mo4e3 its hea3

    oPce to 9arachi. !ur rst international 'ranch 1as esta'lishe3 in olom'o,

    Sri Lan2a in @K @ an3 Ha'i' Ban2 "la7a 1as 'uilt in @KF to commemorate

    the 'an2’s th Anni4ersar0. With a 3omestic mar2et share of o4er Q , HBL

    1as nationali7e3 in @KFQ an3 it continue3 to 3ominate the commercial

    'an2in/ sector 1ith a ma=or mar2et share in in1ar3 forei/n remittances

    & ) an3 loans to small in3ustries, tra3ers an3 farmers. International

    o(erations 1ere e;(an3e3 to inclu3e the USA, Sin/a(ore, !man, Bel/ium,Se0chelles an3 Mal3i4es an3 the Netherlan3s.


    !n %ecem'er K, R "a2istanEs "ri4ati7ation ommission announce3

    that the Go4ernment of "a2istan ha3 formall0 /rante3 the A/a 9han +un3 for

    $conomic %e4elo(ment &A9+$%) ri/hts to @ of the sharehol3in/ in HBL,

    a/ainst an in4estment of "9# .Q K 'illion &US% R K million). !n +e'ruar0

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    C, Q, mana/ement control 1as han3e3 o4er to A9+$%. The Boar3 of

    %irectors 1as reconstitute3 to ha4e four A9+$% nominees, inclu3in/ the

    hairman an3 the "resi3ent $! an3 three Go4ernment of "a2istan




    $na'lin/ (eo(le to a34ance 1ith con 3ence an3 success.


    To ma2e our customers (ros(er, our sta6 e;cel an3 create 4alue for


    !ur 4alues are the fun3amental (rinci(les that 3e ne our culture an3 are

    'rou/ht to life in our attitu3e an3 'eha4iors. It is these 4alues that ma2e us

    uni8ue an3 unmista2a'le. !ur 4alues are 3e ne3 'elo1

    1. Excellence

    This is at the core of e4er0thin/ 1e 3o. The mar2ets in 1hich 1e o(erate are'ecomin/ increasin/l0 com(etiti4e, /i4in/ our customers an a'un3ance of

    choice. !nl0 throu/h 'ein/ the 4er0 'est V in terms of the ser4ice 1e o6er,

    our (ro3ucts an3 (remises : can 1e ho(e to 'e successful an3 /ro1.

    2. Integrity

    We are the lea3in/ 'an2 in "a2istan an3 our success 3e(en3s u(on trust. !urcustomers : an3 societ0 in /eneral V e;(ect us to (ossess an3 stea3fastl0a3here to hi/h moral (rinci(les an3 (rofessional stan3ar3s.

    3. Customer Focus

    We un3erstan3 full0 the nee3s of our customers an3 a3a(t our (ro3ucts an3

    ser4ices to meet these. We al1a0s stri4e to (ut the satisfaction of our

    customers rst.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    4. Meritocracy

    We 'elie4e in /i4in/ o((ortunities an3 a34anta/es to our em(lo0ees on the

    'asis of their a'ilit0. We 'elie4e in re1ar3in/ achie4ement an3 in (ro4i3in/

    rst:class career o((ortunities for all.

    5. Progressiveness

    We 'elie4e in the a34ancement of societ0 throu/h the a3o(tion of

    enli/htene3 1or2in/ (ractices, inno4ati4e ne1 (ro3ucts an3 (rocesses an3 a

    s(irit of enter(rise.


    7 M#M$#%S &F $&'%D &F D %#C &%S P%#S D# * C#&7 M#M$#%S &F $&'%D &F D %#C &%S P%#S D# * C#&

    + C# P%#S D# S

    CL#% C'L S 'FF & -CL#% C'L S 'FF,%'D# &FF C#%S

    S# &% + S# P%#S D# S

    Senior # ecuti!e +ice President (S#+P)

    "#'D &F F ' C# "#'D &F ""#'D of ,.#/ ',',.#/ '%M,.#/ %$,,.#/ CPCS,.#/ CP&D,.#/ &$,,%'D# &FF C#%S

    ,%'D# &FF C#%S

    'SS S ' + C# P%#S D# S

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    Mem9er& of !oard of /%rector&(

    G. ,%&0P #1#C0 +#

    I!BG #% ' & 'L ' D &+#%S#'S $' 2 , ,%&0P

    C"!D C&%P&%' # PL' , ' D &%,' 3' & 'L D#+#L&PM#

    C"CS C%#D P&L C4 ' D C&MP' 4 S#C%# '%4

    #BG %# ' L $' 2 , ,%&0P

    CIBGC&%P&%' # ' D S 0 & 'L $' 2 , ,%&0P

    $#% 'SS# S %#M#D 'L M' ',#M#

    $G$ '0D ' D ,# #%'L F&%M' &

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP



    PRO/UCTS(• HBL Auto +inance

    • HBL +le;i Loans for salarie3 (ersonnel

    • HBL House +inancin/ Loans

    • HBL $as0 Access

    • HBL +ast Transfer

    • Har0ali A/ricultural Loans

    • HBL $:Ban2

    SERVICES• #etail Ban2in/

    • ommercial Ban2in/

    • or(orate Ban2in/

    • International !(erations


    *arious 3e(artments are 1or2in/ in all the 'ranches of Ha'i' 'an2 to

    facilitate the customers.

    @. Account o(enin/ 3e(artment.. ash e;chan/e 3e(artment.

    R. re3it 3e(artment.Q. Loc2ers 3e(artment.

    . Bill clearin/ 3e(artment.C. +orei/n e;chan/e 3e(artment.F. I.T 3e(artment.

    . Mar2etin/ %e(t.

    +) Acco8nt O5en%ng /e5t)(

    Basic function of the accounts 3e(artment is to o(en ne1 account an3facilitate the customer for the account o(enin/ (ur(ose. There are certain

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    formalities 1hich are to 'e o'ser4e3 for o(enin/ of an account 1ith a Ban2. These formalities in 'rief are as un3er


    The customer is to ll Account !(enin/ +orm. It is a formal re8uest '0 acustomer to the 'an2 to allo1 him to ha4e an3 o(erate the account.

    /oc8ment& re:8%re for o5en%ng an acco8nt(

    o(0 of NI

    Ser4ice certi cate or stu3ent car3.

    Utilit0 'ill

    "ro4isional recei(t9Y &9no1 Your ustomer)


    When the Ban2er is satis e3 a'out the inte/rit0 of the customer, he a/rees

    to o(en the account. The Ban2er o'tains the s(ecimen si/natures of the

    customer on the si/nature 'oo2 or on car3.

    Po&t%ng t4e acco8nt on t4e &'&tem(

    After that oPcer has to (ost the ne1 account on com(uter s0stem for further

    (rocessin/. %urin/ the (rocess customer i3 an3 account num'er is

    /enerate3. Ne1 account remains acti4e for one 3a0 after that it is 'loc2e3 '0

    the hea3 oPce until NI of the customer is 4eri e3 from NA%#A.

    C4e:8e 9ook %&&8%ng(

    After the NI 4eri cation account o(enin/ oPcer has to issue a che8ue'oo2 to customer so that he can 'e a'le to ma2e 1ith3ra1al from his

    account. No1 a 3a0 in Ha'i' 'an2 che8ue 'oo2 issuin/ (rocess is centrali7e3

    that ta2e C 3a0s to com(lete.


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  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    The 'an2er ma0 close the account of the customer 3ue to follo1in/ reasons

    i. Notice '0 a ustomer

    ii. %eath of a ustomer

    iii. ustomer’s Insanit0i4. B0 or3er of court


    The 'an2er closes the account of the customer on the a((lication of the

    customer for closin/ his account.


    !n 3eath of his customer, the 'an2 must sto( (a0ment on he8ues 3ra1n

    on him '0 the 3ecease3 customer 'ecause the 3eath re4o2es his authorit0 to(a0 such che8ue. The heirs or the e;ecutors of the 3ecease3 customer are

    not authori7e3 to o(erate on the account it can act onl0 in accor3ance 1ith

    (ro4isions mentione3 in the letter of (ro'ate issue3 '0 a com(etent courts.


    If the customer 'ecomes insane or mental it terminates the 'an2er’s

    authorit0 to act as his customer’s a/ent. Since the 'an2er customer

    relationshi( comes to en3, in such as situation, it is usuall0 consi3ere3 that

    the 'an2er’s authorit0 to (a0 his customer’s he8ues is re4o2e3 '0 notice of

    insanit0. Ho1e4er, the 'an2ers treat their customers as it unless a fairl0

    inclusi4e e4i3ence of the customer’s insanit0 is a4aila'le to them.


    A court of la1 ma0 ser4e a 'an2er 1ith an or3er in /arnish (rocee3in/ in

    e;ecution of a 3ecree (rohi'itin/ him from honorin/ a customer’s he8ues.


    ash %e(artment is 4er0 sensiti4e an3 ris20 (art of the 'an2. *er0

    causations an3 com(etent (ersonnel are nee3e3 for the -o'. HBL has reall0

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    such a 3ili/ent sta6 1ith a((recia'le com(etencies an3 1ill to 3o 1or2. Main

    function of cash 3e(artment is to 3eal 1ith cash (a0ment an3 cash recei(ts.

    Ca&4 de5o&%t 5roced8re(

    The customer lls the (a0 sli(. The cashier recei4es the (a0 sli( an3 cash. He

    counts the cash an3 ma2es the 3etail of the notes at the 'ac2 of the (a0 sli(.

    Then he com(ares the 3etail 1ith amount 1ritten on sli( an3 si/ns the (a0

    Sli(. Then he cre3its the entries in the com(uter '0 serial No, account t0(e,

    Account num'er an3 amount. "uts the stam( of the Xcash #ecei4e3 on the

    (a0ment sli(. The rst (ortion is for 'an2 recor3 1hile other one is /i4en to

    the customer.

    Ca&4 5a'ment& 5roced8re(

    When a customer comes to 1ith3ra1 a certain amount from his account, he

    'rin/s a he8ue alon/ 1ith him. In this case the follo1in/ ste(s are ta2en.

    The cashier recei4es the che8ue an3 chec2s it 1hether it is (ost3ate3 or

    (re3ate3. he8ue can 'e cashe3 1ithin si; months. A (re3ate3 che8ue

    cannot 'e cashe3. He ta2es t1o si/natures at the 'ac2 of the che8ue from

    the 'earer. He /i4es the che8ue for (ostin/ at the com(uter. The com(uter

    chec2s out 1hether there is 'alance in the account or not. !ther instructions

    are also recei4e3 e./. 'loc2e3, fro7en, $tc. the (ostin/ is 3one in the

    com(uter an3 the che8ue is stam(e3 (oste3 1ith the serial num'er an3

    3ate. He /i4es the cash to 'earer an3 the res(ecte3 account is 3e'ite3.

    Onl%ne f8nd tran&fer(

    Another function of the cash 3e(artment is of online transfer of fun3s.

    ustomer has /i4en lle3 remittances form 1ith cash or 1ithout cash &from

    account transfer) to the cashier in cash 3e(artment 1ho 1ill then cre3its the

    'ene ciar0 account.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    !alanc%ng ca&4 at t4e end and tran&ferr%ng e>ce&& ca&4(

    At the 3a0 en3 cash 3e(artment is res(onsi'le for 'alancin/ the cash.

    "h0sical cash shoul3 'e 'alance3 1ith the amount in the com(uter. -innah

    ho12 'ranch’s limit for cash is Q million 1hich it can 2ee( 1ithin the'ranch o4er the ni/ht e;cess cash is transferre3 to NB".

    R. CRE/IT /EPARTMENT(@ Intro3uction


    R T0(es of cre3its


    The function of cre3it 3e(artment is to len3 mone0 in the form of clean

    a34ances, a/ainst (romissor0 notes, as 1ell as secure3 a34ances a/ainst

    tan/i'le an3 mar2eta'le securities. The 'an2ers (refer such securities that

    3o not run the ris2 of /eneral 3e(reciation 3ue to mar2et 5uctuations.

    ommon Securities for the 'an2er’s a34ances are as un3er


    I) #8arantee&When an a((lication for a34ance cannot o6er an0 tan/i'le securit0, the

    'an2er ma0 rel0 on (ersonal /uarantees to (rotect himself a/ainst loss on

    a34ances or o4er3raft to the a((licant.

    II) Mortgage

    A mort/a/e is the transfer of an interest in s(eci c immo4a'le (ro(ert0 for

    the (ur(ose of securit0 the (a0ment of mone0 a34ance3 or to 'e a34ance3

    '0 1a0 of loan, an3 e;istin/ or future 3e't, or the (erformance of an

    en/a/ement 1hich ma0 rise to a (ecuniar0 lia'ilit0. The transfer is calle3 a

    mort/a/or, the transferee a mort/a/e.

    III) Collateral(

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    Sometimes 'an2 issue cre3it a/ainst the (le3/e3 houses 1hich means that

    clients ma2e their houses as the securities for the loans the0 1ant to ta2e for

    an0 tas2.

    IV) $'5ot4ecat%onWhen (ro(ert0 in the sha(e of /oo3s is char/e3 as securit0 for a loan form

    the 'an2 the o1nershi( an3 (ossession is left 1ith the 'orro1er, the /oo3s

    are sai3 to 'e H0(othecate3 The essence of h0(othecation is that neither the

    (ro(ert0 in the /oo3s not the (ossession of them are (ossession is left 1ith

    the 'orro1er, the /oo3s are sai3 to 'e H0(othecate3 the essence of

    h0(othecation is that neither the (ro(ert0 in the /oo3s not the (ossession of

    them are (ossesse3 '0 the len3er, 'ut the securit0 is /rante3 '0 means of letter of h0(othecation, 1hich usuall0 (ro4i3es for a 'an2er’s char/e on the

    h0(othecation /oo3s.

    V) Pledge

    In a (le3/e the o1nershi( remains 1ith (le3/e, 'ut the (le3/e has the

    e;clusi4e (ossession of (ro(ert0 until the a34ance is re(ai3 in full. While in

    case of the 3efault the (le3/e has the (o1er of sale after /i4in/ 3ue notice.

    VI) Prom%&&or' Note

    Sometimes (romissor0 note is also acce(te3 as a securit0, A (romissor0

    note is an instruments in 1ritin/ containin/ an uncon3itional un3erta2in/

    si/ne3 '0 the ma2er, to (a0 on 3eman3 or at a ;e3 or 3etermina'le future

    time a certain sum of mone0 onl0, to or to the or3er of certain (ersons, or to

    the 'earer or the instrument. A (romissor0 note is incom(lete until has

    'een 3eli4ere3 to (a0ee or the 'earer. Moreo4er, the sum (romise3 in a

    (romissor0 note ma0 'e ma3e '0 t1o or more ma2ers 1ho ma0 'e lia'le

    there on =ointl0 an3 se4erall0.


    The a34ances 1hich are /i4en '0 Ha'i' Ban2 Limite3 are as un3er :

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    i. /EMAN/ INANCE &!r3inar0 Loan)

    %eman3 +inances are those a34ances 1hich are allo1e3 in lum( sum for a

    ;e3 (erio3 an3 are re(a0a'le lum( sum or /ra3uall0 in installments.

    TYPES O A/VANCESa. %eman3 +inance &"ac2in/ re3it)

    Scheme intro3uce3 '0 State Ban2 of "a2istan for e;(orter of car(et,sur/ical instruments, at 7ero (ercent rate of interest. While 'an2s(ro4i3es at concessional rate of interest.

    '. Loan or3inar0 &%eman3 +inance to Stu3ents)

    Zar7:e:Hasana Scheme Loans are allo1e3 to the stu3ents, teachers1ithout an0 interest or mar2 u( 1ith the recommen3ations of the M"A

    or MNA.c. %eman3 +inance &Sta6)

    Loans are o6ere3 to the sta6 of the follo1in/ four cate/ories.

    i. House Buil3in/ Loans a/ainst mort/a/e of (ro(ert0.

    ii. Loan for (urchasin/ 4ehicles.

    iii. Loan e8ui4alent to month’s salar0.

    %%) RUNNIN# INANCE 0O;erdraft1

    #unnin/ nance &ol3 name o4er3rafts) are a34ances, 1hich are /enerall0,

    /i4en to meet tem(orar0 re8uirements of the customers. A /oo3 customer

    use the 'an2s runnin/ nance limit as a mean of (rotectin/ his cre3it in the

    mar2et an3 as a line of securit0 3efense to meet his commitments.


    I. Unsecure3

    Un3er such t0(e of o4er3raft the 'an2 (a0 u(on the (ersonal securit0of the customer’s mentione3 on the customer’s account.

    II. Secure3

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  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP




    $4er0 'an2 acts in t1o 1a0 i.e.

    i. "a0in/ Ban2ii. ollectin/ Ban2

    Here in theor0 no le/al o'li/ation on a 'an2er to collect he8ues,

    3ra1n u( to other 'an2s for a customer. It is, ho1e4er, an im(ortant function

    of crosse3 he8ues. A lar/e (art of this 1or2 is carrie3 out throu/h the


    NI T= Nat%onal In&t%t8t%onal ac%l%tat%on Tec4nolog%e& 0P;t)1 L%m%ted(

    NI+T is a =oint 4enture 'et1een a consortium of si; ma=or 'an2s an3(ri4ate sector. It is res(onsi'le for the esta'lishment an3 mana/ement of

    automate3 clearin/house facilities in "a2istan. NI+T is (roacti4el0 in4ol4e3 in

    the mo3erni7ation of (a0ment s0stems in "a2istan.


    The follo1in/ are the main functions of clearin/ 3e(artment.

    Q To acce(t transfer 3eli4eries an3 clearin/ he8ues from the customer

    of the 'ranch an3 to arran/e for their collection.

    To arran/e the (a0ment of che8ue 3ra1n on the 'ranch an3 /i4en for

    collection to an0 other 'ranch of Ha'i' Ban2 of "a2istan or an0 other

    mem'ers, or su':mem'ers of the local clearin/ area..

    C To collect amounts of he8ues 3ra1n on mem'ers, su':mem'ers of

    the local clearin/ house, sent for collection '0 those Ha'i' Ban2

    Limite3, 'ranches 1hich are not re(resente3 a the local clearin/ area.


    Whene4er a customer 1ants to 3e(osit che8ue, etc. he lls a (a0 in

    sli( an3 han3s it o4er the counter alon/ 1ith the instruments he 1ants to

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    3e(osit 1ith 'an2. As far as (ossi'le, the customer 3esire that one of the

    sta6 mem'er ll in a sli( for him, he shoul3 'e o'li/e3 (rom(tl0.

    !ne (ortion of the (erforate3 (a0 in sli( is han3e3 o4er to the

    3e(ositor an3 the (ortion 'ecomes the re/ular (ortion of a cre3it 4oucherTYPES O C$E@UES COLLECTE/ !Y CLEARIN# /EPARTMENT

    a. Transfer he8ues

    Transfer he8ues are those che8ues, 1hich are collecte3 an3 (ai3 '0

    the same 'ranch of 'an2.

    '. Transfer %eli4er0 he8ues

    Transfer %eli4er he8ues are those che8ues, 1hich are collecte3 an3

    (ai3 '0 t1o 3i6erent 'ranches of a 'an2, situate3 in the same cit0.

    c. learin/ he8ues

    learin/ he8ues are those che8ues in 1hich the (a0ee &"erson 1ho

    3e(osit he8ues for collection) an3 the 3ra1er of a che8ue maintain the

    account 1ith 3i6erent 'an2s.

    These clearin/ instruments are han3e3 o4er to NI+T after (ostin/

    necessar0 stam(s an3 chec2in/ them for an0 errors. Then further (rocess of

    clearin/ is carrie3 on the 'ehalf of NI+T.


    Deposit ccount!

    urrent AccountsMa2e unlimite3 transactions 1hile maintainin/ a lo1 minimum 'alance e4er0

    month. HBL is currentl0 o6erin/ three t0(es of accounts in current account

    cate/or0. Their 3etail an3 name is as un3er.

    @ HBL Business *alue Account

    urrent Account

    R Basic Ban2in/ Account &BBA)

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    HBL Business *alue AccountUni8ue transactional account for Businessmen

    U( to F to F. (ro t (er annum &K for some s(ecial accounts)

    "ro t calculate3 3ail0, (ai3 e4er0 8uarter

    Minimum 'alance of #s. ,

    HBL %e'it ar3 an3 Inter Branch Transaction S0stem &IBTS) facilities

    U( to @ Ban2ers he8ues free &at minimum 'alance of #s. , )

    +un3s transfer to an0 'an2 throu/h HBL "hone Ban2in/

    urrent AccountMinimum 'alance of #s. ,

    Unlimite3 transactions

    Non:(ro t 'earin/

    HBL %e'it ar3 an3 Inter Branch Transaction S0stem &IBTS) facilities

    +un3s transfer to an0 'an2 throu/h HBL "hone Ban2in/

    Basic Ban2in/ Account &BBA)an 'e o(ene3 1ith onl0 #s. @,

    No minimum 'alance re8uirement

    U( to 1ith3ra1al an3 3e(osit transactions free e4er0 month

    Unlimite3 1ith3ra1als throu/h HBL %e'it ar3

    Non:(ro t 'earin/

    Savings accountsA4ail the 5e;i'ilit0 of ma2in/ transactions 1hile earnin/ (ro t on

    3ail0 monthl0 'asis. HBL is currentl0 o6erin/ 4e t0(es of accounts in

    sa4in/s account cate/or0. Their 3etail an3 name is as un3er.

    @ HBL *alue Account

    "LS:Sa4in/s Account

    R #emittance Munafa "lus Sa4in/s Account

    Q %ail0 Munafa Account

    %ail0 "ro/ressi4e Account

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    HBL *alue AccountF.@K (ro t (er annum

    "ro t calculate3 monthl0, (ai3 e4er0 8uarter

    %e(osit ran/es from #s. @ , to #s. @, ,

    T1o 1ith3ra1als free e4er0 month

    "LS:Sa4in/s Account. C (ro t (er annum

    "ro t (ai3 'i:annuall0

    HBL %e'it ar3 an3 Inter Branch Transaction S0stem &IBTS) facilities

    +un3s transfer to an0 'an2 throu/h HBL "hone Ban2in/

    Minimum 'alance of #s. ,

    Unlimite3 transactions

    #emittance Munafa "lus Sa4in/s AccountS(ecial account for recei4in/ forei/n remittances

    .@ (ro t (er annum

    "ro t (ai3 e4er0 month

    Minimum 'alance of #s. ,

    %ail0 Munafa Account"ro t calculate3 3ail0, (ai3 e4er0 month

    U( to . Q (ro t (er annum

    HBL %e'it ar3 an3 Inter Branch Transaction S0stem &IBTS) facilities

    +un3s transfer to an0 'an2 throu/h HBL "hone Ban2in/

    Minimum 'alance of #s. ,

    %ail0 "ro/ressi4e AccountUni8ue transactional account for Institutions

    "ro t calculate3 3ail0, (ai3 e4er0 month

    U( to @@. F (ro t (er annum

    Inter Branch Transaction S0stem &IBTS) facilit0

    +un3s transfer to an0 'an2 throu/h HBL "hone Ban2in/

    Minimum 'alance of #s. ,

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    Terms AccountsIn4est 0our sa4in/s in HBL term 3e(osits for a ;e3 3uration an3 earn (ro t

    1hile 2ee(in/ 0our sa4in/s secure. HBL is currentl0 o6erin/ one t0(e of

    account in terms account cate/or0. Their 3etail an3 name is as un3er.

    @. HBL A34anta/e Account

    HBL A34anta/e AccountMulti(le o(tions for tenure an3 (ro t (a0out

    Loan facilit0 u( to K of in4estment

    Minimum in4estment of #s. ,

    With3ra1al at en3 of ;e3 term

    Foreign Currency AccountsHBL o6ers +orei/n urrenc0 Accounts in multi(le currencies as sa4in/s an3

    term accounts. Their 3etail is as un3er.

    + :SBSa4in/s Account o6ere3 in R currencies, US% &US 3ollar), $U# &$uros)

    an3 GB" &U9 (oun3)

    Tiere3 (ro3uct, 1ith rates 3e(en3in/ on choice of currenc0

    To earn (ro t, minimum 'alance in US%, $U# an3 GB" is @,

    Ten8rePro t at


    R M!NTHS F.

    CM!NTHS .

    @ Y$A#S @@.

    R Y$A#S @R.

    Y$A#S @Q.

    @ Y$A#S @F.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    Interest is (a0a'le on a 8uarterl0 'asis

    HY++% &Hi/h Yiel3 +orei/n urrenc0 +i;e3 %e(osit)A4aila'le in @ month, month, R month, C month an3 @ Month in US%, $U#

    an3 GB"

    Tiere3 (ro3uct, 1ith rates 3e(en3in/ on choice of currenc0 an3 term

    "ro t (ai3 on maturit0 onl0. No interim interest is (a0a'le.

    BNOTE( All the rate an3 terms an3 con3ition are re4ise3 '0 HBL after e4er0 si; months (erio3s. These rates are

    onl0 a((lica'le for (erio3 @. F. K to R@.@ . K. +urther 3etail of terms an3 con3itions a'out (ro t an3 rates is

    /i4en in anne; XB .

    $!L Car Loan(

    HBL ar Loan hel(s customers to /et their (referre3 car throu/h a sim(lean3 hassle:free (rocess, 'ac2e3 '0 su(erior ser4ice an3 su((ort. No1

    customer can 3ri4e a car he al1a0s 1ante3.

    +eatureshoice of use3, ne1 local im(orte3 an3 recon3itione3 im(orte3 car.

    #e(a0ment o(tions ran/in/ U( to F 0ears.

    U( to of nancin/ for the car of 0our choice.

    Insurance at all times for com(lete (eace of min3 an3 securit0.

    #oun3 the cloc2 su((ort a4aila'le throu/h HBL "hone Ban2in/ 0ou can

    (lace 0our re8uests an3 8ueries, trac2 the status of 0our

    re(a0ment loan account an3 a4ail other 4alue:a33e3 ser4ices throu/h

    HBL "hone Ban2in/.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    $li/i'ilit0 riteriaSALARIE/IN/IVI/UAL


    CITI2ENS$IP "a2istani "a2istaniA#E :C 0ears :C 0earsMINIMUM MONT$LYINCOME

    #s. , #s. ,

    Ho1 to a((l0 -ust 4isit an0 HBL 'ranch or Ha'i' Ban2 Auto +inance entre for 3etails

    an3 a((lication.

    Su'mit com(lete set of a((lication 1ithout an0 char/es to the 'ranchor the Auto enter.

    Si/n the necessar0 3ocuments on a((ro4al of the a((lication

    "a0ment is release3 1ithin Q hours of the su'mission of (ost:3ate3

    che8ues an3 initial (a0ment after a((ro4al of the re8uest.

    %ocumentationSalar%ed Ind%;%d8al&

    om(lete A((lication +ormSalar0 erti cate Most recent Salar0 Sli(

    Ban2 Statement for (ast one 0ear

    T1o o(ies of NI

    $m(lo0ment erti cate 1ith 3ate of =oinin/

    T1o (ass(ort si7e (hoto/ra(hs

    o(0 of the last (ai3 utilit0 'ill &resi3ence)

    Self=Em5lo'ed !8&%ne&& 5er&on& Profe&&%onal&

    om(lete A((lication +orm

    T1o o(ies of NI

    T1o (ass(ort si7e (hoto/ra(hs

    Letter of (ro(rietorshi( #e/istere3 "artnershi( %ee3

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    erti e3 latest +orm A an3 +orm K, 1here a((lica'le, alon/ 1ith

    articles an3 Memoran3um of Association

    o(0 of last (ai3 utilit0 'ill &resi3ence)

    Ban2 Statement for the last @ 0ear

    $!L CAR TO CAR(

    HBL ar To ar is a re4olutionar0 car nancin/ o6er. It ma2es the car of

    customer choice a6or3a'le an3 (ractical 1ith a 98' 9ack g8arantee . HBL

    ar To ar o6ers matchless features an3 uni8ue o(tions at the en3 of the

    lease. No1 customer can 3ri4e a ne1 car at the en3 of e4er0 t1o 0ears.

    +eatureso Pa' onl' for w4at 'o8 8&e

    When customer lease a car un3er HBL ar To ar, he onl0 (a0 for that

    (art of the car’s 4alue that he use 3urin/ the lease term. The car’s

    resi3ual 4alue &forecaste3 for the en3 of the s(eci c lease term) is a/ree3

    1ith him at the start of the lease term. This amount is 3e3ucte3 from the

    car (rice thus lo1erin/ the nance amount. This nance amount is 'ase3onl0 on a (art of the car’s 4alue an3 not the full 4alue of the car.

    Therefore, HBL ar To ar o6ers 4er0 lo1 installments as com(are3 to an0

    con4entional nancin/.

    o U5grade of l%fe&t'le

    HBL /i4es customer the /uarantee that if he 1ishes to return the car to

    HBL at the en3 of the lease term, he 1ill not ha4e to (a0 o6 the car’s

    resi3ual 4alue. Instea3, HBL 1ill 3irectl0 settle this outstan3in/ lia'ilit0 for

    customer un3er the 'u0 'ac2 /uarantee. Hence, he can u(/ra3e to a ne1

    car as fre8uentl0 as t1o 0ears 1ithout an0 com(lication an3 hassle.

    o ADorda9%l%t'

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    With HBL ar To ar, customer onl0 has to (a0 the 3i6erence 'et1een the

    car (rice an3 the (re:a/ree3 resi3ual 4alue to the 'an2. As a result, the

    monthl0 installment ma0 e4en 'e Q to less than that of

    con4entional nancin/.

    o le>%9%l%t'

    HBL ar To ar o6ers customers se4eral choices at the en3 of the lease


    [ U5grade : Sim(l0 return the car to HBL an3 3ri4e a ne1 one home

    [ alk awa' = #eturn the car to HBL an3 en3 the lease

    [ !8' = 9ee( the same car. -ust ma2e a one:time settlement of the

    car’s resi3ual 4alue to HBL or (a0 the same in eas0 installments o4er a

    s(eci e3 e;ten3e3 (erio3 of time

    [ Sell = $n=o0 the /ain from sellin/ o6 the car at a hi/her (rice in the

    mar2et than 1hat 0ou (a0 HBL as the resi3ual 4alue

    El%g%9%l%t' Cr%ter%a



    CITI2ENS$IP "a2istani "a2istaniA#E :C 0ears :C 0earsMINIMUM MONT$LYINCOME

    #s. , #s. ,


    Salar%ed Ind%;%d8al&

    om(lete A((lication +orm

    Salar0 erti cate Most recent Salar0 Sli(

    Ban2 Statement for (ast one 0ear

    T1o o(ies of NI

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    $m(lo0ment erti cate 1ith 3ate of =oinin/

    T1o (ass(ort si7e (hoto/ra(hs

    o(0 of the last (ai3 utilit0 'ill &resi3ence)

    Self=Em5lo'ed !8&%ne&& 5er&on& Profe&&%onal&

    om(lete A((lication +orm

    T1o o(ies of NI

    T1o (ass(ort si7e (hoto/ra(hs

    Letter of (ro(rietorshi( #e/istere3 "artnershi( %ee3

    erti e3 latest +orm A an3 +orm K, 1here a((lica'le, alon/ 1ith

    articles an3 Memoran3um of Association

    o(0 of last (ai3 utilit0 'ill &resi3ence)

    Ban2 Statement for the last @ 0ear

    $!L CRE/IT CAR/(

    B0 the hel( of HBL cre3it car3 customer enters into the 1orl3 of con4enience an3

    5e;i'ilit0. Acce(te3 at o4er K million merchants 1orl31i3e, HBL re3it ar3 ma2es

    sho((in/ fun an3 (a0in/ sim(le. So that a customer can ma2e the most of his

    sho((in/ e;(erience.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    !ene t&

    !8' now7 5a' later

    Bu0 1hat customer 1ant, 1hen he 1ant an3 (a0 for it later. A cre3it car3

    statement 1ill 'e sent to him e4er0 month 1ith 3etails of all his (urchases.

    He 1ill ha4e @ cre3it free 3a0s to ma2e the (a0ment from the statement

    3ate. ustomer shoul3 (a0 at least R 3a0s in a34ance if he ma2es 0our

    (a0ment '0 che8ues to allo1 enou/h time for clearance.

    Pa' a& m8c4 a& c8&tomer want&

    A customer can (a0 the entire or as little as of the outstan3in/ 'alance in

    his statement. The un(ai3 amount 1ill 'e transferre3 to his ne;t month’s

    statement alon/ 1ith a((lica'le ser4ices char/es.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    Ca&4 ad;ance

    ustomer can /o to an0 s(eci e3 HBL 'ranch an3 1ith3ra1 cash at the

    counter. He can also /o to an0 @Lin2 ATM in "a2istan an3 more than

    @, , ATMs 1orl31i3e 3is(la0in/ the *isa "lus lo/o. With3ra1 cash u( tothe a4aila'le cash a34ance limit on his HBL re3it ar3 for a char/e

    a((lica'le from the 1ith3ra1al 3ate.

    !alance tran&fer fac%l%t'

    ar3 hol3er can (a0 o6 'alances he o1es to other 'an2s throu/h his HBL

    re3it ar3 at a lo1er ser4ice char/e.


    ar3 hol3er cannot lose cash if he 3oesn’t carr0 it> In the e4ent that his car3

    /ets stolen lost, he shoul3 call HBL "hone Ban2in/ to ha4e his car3 'loc2e3


    $!L /E!IT CAR/(

    HBL *isa %e'it ar3 allo1s a car3 hol3er to (a0 for his (urchases 3irectl0

    from his 'an2 account. He 3oesn’t ha4e to carr0 cash an3 his monthl0statement (ro4i3es him 1ith a com(lete recor3 of all his transactions so he

    can mana/e his e;(enses 1ith ease.

    eat8re&No Intere&t

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    HBL *isa %e'it ar3 is the (erfect 1a0 of (a0in/ for (urchases as it /i4es

    access to the e;act amount of mone0 a customer nee3e3, as an3 1hen he

    nee3s it. There is no interest or cre3it on (a0ments 'ecause he s(en3s from

    the mone0 a4aila'le in his (ersonal HBL Account.

    Ea&e F Sec8r%t'

    HBL *isa %e'it ar3 o6ers ease an3 con4enience 'ecause car3 hol3er

    3oesn’t ha4e to 4isit an ATM to 1ith3ra1 cash. "a0in/ 1ith the HBL %e'it

    car3 is safe 'ecause it eliminates the nee3 to carr0 cash. A sin/le s1i(e

    automaticall0 3e'its the e;act (urchase amount from his (ersonal HBL


    S5end%ng L%m%t&

    The 3ail0 s(en3in/ limit at sho(s an3 outlets on HBL *isa %e'it ar3 is #s.

    @ , . &These /ures are su'=ect to the 'alance a4aila'le in account).

    ree Acco8nt Statement

    HBL car3hol3ers recei4e a free monthl0 account statement for their %e'it

    ar3 an3 ATM transactions to hel( them 2ee( trac2 of their s(en3in/.

    Internat%onal Recogn%t%on F Acce5ta9%l%t'

    HBL *isa %e'it ar3 is acce(te3 at o4er million *isa merchants 1orl31i3e,

    inclu3in/ o4er @ , merchants in "a2istan. As an ATM car3 it is acce(te3 at

    more than @, @:Lin2 M:Net ATMs in "a2istan an3 CQ, *isa ATMs

    1orl31i3e. No matter 1here car3 hol3er is, 1ith the HBL *isa %e'it ar3,

    HBL is al1a0s 1ith him.

    No L%a9%l%t'

    In case of a lost or stolen car3, car3 hol3ers are (rotecte3 a/ainst frau3ulent

    transactions ma3e on their car3 after the0 re(ort the inci3ent.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP



    With the risin/ cost of li4in/, it is 'ecomin/ increasin/l0 3iPcult to ma2e

    e;(ensi4e (urchases or meet une;(ecte3 e;(enses. HBL is hel(in/ customer

    nance them 1ith Ha'i' Ban2 (ersonal Loans &ol3 name 5e;i loan).

    ustomer ma0 a4ail a (ersonal loan of u( to T$N TIM$S of his net ta2e:home

    salar0 su'=ect to a ma;imum of #s.@, , : (ro4i3e3 he 1or2 for an

    or/ani7ation a((ro4e3 '0 HBL.

    +eatures+le;i'le tenure @ , Q, RC,Q or C months

    No (rocessin/ fee

    #e(a0ment throu/h eas0 an3 a6or3a'le monthl0 installments from


    re3it Life %isa'ilit0 Insurance

    #e(a0ment throu/h eas0 an3 a6or3a'le monthl0 installments

    You 3etermine the nee3, 1e hel( 0ou nance!(tion of a33 u( re(lacement for e;istin/ customer.

    Minimum salar0 #s. @

    No salar0 limit for e;istin/ customers.

    R or @ rate for e;istin/ users instea3 of

    $!L P$ONE !AN"IN#( No1 the 'an2 is =ust call a1a0. ustomer can no1 call HBL "hone Ban2in/

    an3 sa4e a tri( to the 'ranch. His 8uer0 1ill 'e resol4e3 in a sin/le tele(hone

    call from an01here an3 at an0 time.

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    T:"IN Generationustomer’s T"IN &Tele(hone "ersonal I3enti cation Num'er) is /enerate3 the

    rst time he calls an3 he can use it as 0our (ass1or3 for 4eri cation

    (ur(oses, self:ser4ice 'an2in/ throu/h I*# an3 a33itional ser4ices throu/h

    HBL’s "hone Ban2in/ !Pcers. ustomer can chan/e his T"IN an0time he


    HBL "hone Ban2in/ ser4ices for %e(osit Account customersustomers can use the Interacti4e *oice #es(onse &I*#) s0stem or tal2 to

    HBL "hone Ban2in/ !Pcers to

    Get his account 'alance

    Get information a'out the last :@ transactions carrie3 out on hisaccount

    #e8uest 'an2 statement, either throu/h fa; or email &as su((lie3 in his

    su'scri(tion form)

    Get 3etails of transactions from the last C months on each of the

    accounts liste3 on his su'scri(tion form

    han/e an3 or mo3if0 his contact 3etails

    Transfer fun3s 'et1een his o1n accounts &as liste3 in the su'scri(tionform) or from his account to a thir3 (art0 account &as liste3 in the Thir3

    "art0 Authori7ation +orm)

    Transfer fun3s from his o1n account to an account in another 'an2

    un3er the @:Lin2 net1or2 &Inter Ban2 +un3s Transfer)

    Generate his o1n choice of ATM "in 1ithout llin/ a re8uest at 0our


    In8uire a'out HBL’s (ro3uct o6erin/s

    Lo3/e a com(laint in case of an0 incon4enience

    In8uire a'out the 3ail0 accounts relate3 (ro t rates an3 currenc0

    e;chan/e rates

    #e8uest a num'er of (h0sical instruments an3 or 'ranch 'an2in/

    relate3 ser4ices that he mi/ht re8uire, inclu3in/

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    "a0 !r3er

    %eman3 %raft


    Balance erti catehe8ue Boo2

    HBL "hone Ban2in/ ser4ices for HBL ar To ar an3 ar Loan customersHBL ar To ar an3 HBL ar Loan customers can en=o0 the follo1in/ ser4ices

    throu/h HBL "hone Ban2in/

    Balance In8uir0Last :@ TransactionsStatement Generation &$mail an3 +a;)

    Account Maintenance Assistance in case of ar Theft %ama/e


    HBL an3 Ne1 -u'ilee Life Insurance om(an0 Limite3 &N-LI) intro3uce Amaan

    etirement "lan) an3 Ta'eer & hil3 $3ucation Marria/e). These (ro3ucts

    ha4e 'een 3esi/ne3 2ee(in/ HBL’s customer 'ase as the focus an3 1ill

    (ro4i3e life insurance alon/ 1ith an in4estment o(tion .

    Amaan etirement (lan)Amaan is a (ension (lan that (ro4i3es an o((ortunit0 for /ro1th throu/h

    in4estment in a 'alance3 (ortfolio 1ith (ost:retirement income 'ene ts. The

    (lan co4ers life insurance an3 /i4es attracti4e returns on in4estment to its

    customers .

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    Ta'eer & hil3 $3ucation an3 marria/e (lan) Ta'eer is a (lan that (ro4i3es (arents 1ith a means to accumulate a fun3 o4er a

    (erio3 of time 1hich can then 'e use3 to (a0 for a chil3’s e3ucation or marria/e.

    "lans are a4aila'le for 'oth un3er an3 o4er Q 0ears of a/e.

    Hifa7at (lan

    -u'ilee Life o6ers Hifa7at throu/h HBL. Hifa7at is a 5e;i'le life insurance (lan

    s(eciall0 3esi/ne3 to hel( 0ou ma2e re/ular, s0stematic sa4in/s, an3 (rotect

    0our famil0 future uncertainties throu/h insurance. Hifa7at lets 0ou /i4e 0our

    famil0 much nee3e3 comfort an3 hel(s 0ou to meet 0our lon/:term nancial


    Shan3ur "lan

  • 8/18/2019 INternship Reports on NBP


    At -u'ilee Life 1e 2no1 0ou 1or2 har3 for 0our mone0, thus e;(ect it to 1or2

    har3 for 0ou. -u'ilee Life o6ers Shan3ur "lan throu/h HBL, "a2istanEs rst

    e4er life insurance (ro3uct that stri4es to meet the nancial nee3s of hi/h

    net 1orth in3i4i3uals. Not onl0 3oes it o6er hi/her allocations to 0our

    contri'utions, 'ut 0our mone0 1ill /o e4en further 1ith a ta; re'ate. You also

    ha4e the o((ortunit0 to select a su((lementar0 hos(itali7ation 'ene t of u(

    to #s @ , (er 3a0. -u'ilee Life to/ether 1ith HBL o6ers 0ou a uni8ue

    (ro3uct 1ith a ran/e of lucrati4e 'ene ts.

    Ha11a "lan

    As a 1oman, 0ou are an im(ortant (art of famil0 or social structure. The

    sacri ces 0ou ma2e throu/hout 0our life raisin/ a famil0, carin/ for el3erl0

    (arents, su((ortin/ 0our hus'an3, 'arel0 /i4es 0ou time to s(are a thou/h

    for 0ourself. -u'ilee Life o6ers Ha11a "lan throu/h HBL, a remar2a'le an3

    3istincti4e (ro3uct =ust for 0ou. It is a sa4in/ an3 (rotection 'ase3 (lan

    s(eci call0 3esi/ne3 for 1omen. It re1ar3s an3 cares for 0ou in /oo3 an3

    'a3 times throu/h the 3i6erent sta/es of 0our life.

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