
Social Media in the Caribbean

Interview with Anna-Kay Thompson


• A student of the University of the West Indies, Anna-Kay Thompson, was interviewed about the social networking website, Facebook, and how she uses the site on a daily basis.



• What time do you usually log on to Facebook?

• What do you spend most of your time doing on Facebook?


• I don’t have a set time. I log in as soon as I get the time.

• I usually go on Facebook to view people’s pictures, to update my statues and also to upload pictures of my friends and family. I also go on to converse with friends and family.

• Is Facebook one of your primary means of communication?

• Yes it is especially when talking to people overseas. It is and easy to talk to friends and family especially these days when credit (cell phone minutes) is expensive.

• Would you still use Facebook if it became a paid service?

• Do you think your life would be significantly affected if you didn’t have Facebook?

• Yes I would still use Facebook if it became a paid service because it is the most popular way to get in contact with friends and family.

• Yes because it is the most popular means of communication.

• What is your favourite and least favourite thing about Facebook?

• My least favourite thing about Facebook is that people are too open on Facebook. They post personal information like their addresses and this can be dangerous especially in these times. My favourite thing about Facebook is that people are fun, open and we get to socialize as young people. It is young people’s primary means of communication.

• Are you an active member of any Facebook group?

• I would not say that I am active but I joined a group about reggae music. I am enjoying this group because it is teaching me about my culture.

A screenshot from Anna-Kay’s Profile

The reggae group that she mentioned is Reggae Music For Life.

• You post a lot of pictures of yourself on Facebook. Why do you do this?

• I post a lot of pictures on Facebook to see how many likes I will get and also to see what comments they will post about my pictures.

• You don’t share any articles or links on Facebook like many other users. Majority of your posts are pictures of yourself and status updates, why is that?

• I mostly post pictures of myself and update my status because it is fun and quick whilst sharing links is more time consuming.

Photos from Anna-Kay’s Profile

• Are you friends with your parents or older relatives on Facebook?

• How do you think older people differ in their use of Facebook from younger people?

• I am not friends with my parents or older relatives on Facebook because that would be awkward.

• Older people post more educational stuff while younger people post more fun things such as pictures of themselves going out.

• You used the terms, “swag” and “up,up,up” in some of your posts, what do these terms mean?

• You also posted a status about your closet being filled with clothes, why did you do this?

• They are words to say that I look good.

• I did it because I was idle.

A screenshot from Anna-kay’s profile

Here she is seen using the terms “swag” and “up, up, up” along with the “closet full a clothes” status.

• Do you usually go on Facebook when you’re idle?

• What do you usually do on Facebook to occupy your time?

• Yes.

• I upload pictures, update my status and look at other people’s pictures.

• Do you use any other form of social media?

• No, I don’t because Facebook is more popular and easier. Instagram is basically the same thing.

Facebook vs Instagram

In Anna-kay’s opinion, there is no point in having both an Instagram and Facebook account because they’re basically the same thing but Facebook is more popular.

• When did you start your Facebook account and why?

• Did it live up to the hype?

• I think it was earlier this year, in May. I heard everyone talking about it and they made it seem so cool so I decided to join it to see what it’s like.

• Yeah, it did.


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