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TechSuccess: Zubair Abubakar Co-

Founder of Chop Up

August 12, 2015 by Maryam Isa

Zubair Abubakar is an entrepreneur from a small town called Lafiagi in Kwari State. He is

co-founder of Pledge 51, a mobile solutions company, and ChopUP, a mobile gaming

division and is one of the most recognizable mobile app authors in the country.

He has changed the game of gaming (pun intended) around the nation with relatable games

based in Nigerian environments such as the popular Danfo and Sambisa Assault games.

Native Edge interviewed Mr. Abubakar to learn more about him, his inspirations, and find

out what next he’s got up his sleeves for the avid Nigerian gamer.

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Tell us, who is Zubair Abubakar?

I am an entrepreneur and co-founder of Pledged51 Ltd. My partner is Bayo Puddicombe, and

we offer mobile solutions. We have a mobile gaming division called ChopUP, giving the

world games with African narratives.

How many apps have you created?

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We have created several apps, including Nigerian Constitution App, Zimbabwe Constitution,

99.9Beat FM app among others. We have also created 6 games namely, Danfo, Table Soccer,

Sambisa Assault, Chicken Escape, Oya Run and Jagun: Clash of Kingdoms

What inspired you to start creating video games?

When we participated in Nokia’s Create for Millions App competition and we came 3rd in

West Africa, we realized that there is huge demand in games especially when its something

people can relate with.

What has the feedback been like?

It’s been great!

Nigerian parents are perceived to be the kind of people that are not too keen on

multimedia and video gaming. How did family and friends react to your passion?

Well, my family is quite liberal and they respect my decision. (smiles)

Are your apps free? How can interested persons get access to it?

Yes the apps are free, for the constitution app you can get it at: Whereas some of the games require some form of payment

and can be downloaded:

What challenges have you faced in developing apps/ games?

It has mostly been distribution, getting our games to people that want to play them.

Have you received any sort of recognition/ awards, please list them.

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Yes we have. We received the 2013 ISPON Startup of the Year Award, we are a two-time

Future Awards Nominee and also served as a TED Fellow.

What’s next for you guys?

For now we are building more amazing and engaging games, watch the space.

Where do you see your business in the next five years?

We see ourselves as the largest gaming company in Africa.

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