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  • 8/6/2019 intro 2 biz


  • 8/6/2019 intro 2 biz




    1.1 Name of Business

    All partners have decided to name our business as Golden Passion

    Enterprise. We choose the word golden because it shows that we are

    wealthy, prosperous and successful. Passion on the other hand is to

    symbolises that our business involves in selling the passion fruits

    (passiflora edulis) or commonly known as Markisa in Malaysia. Golden

    Passion is unique and easy to remember by people and the customers.

    The word passion emphasizes on the main activities that we carries

    therefore, it wont be mistakenly regarded as another business. Other

    competitors often used name that doesnt really reflects their business and

    this brings advantages to us. Other than that, Golden Passion is easy to

    pronounce by local and has it certain attraction which lies in its logo.

    1.2 Types of Business

    We set up a partnership business which consists of four partners. In our

    business, all partners will take part and involve directly in the operation of

    the business. There are a lot of advantages of partnership business. The

    advantages of partnership are increase in resources of capital, the

    presence of more than one owner means that more than one individual is

    providing funds for the business. It is also possible to pool the wealth and

    resources of all partners. In partnership, we are able to specialize in our

    expertise compared to the sole proprietor, so it can improve the quality of

    the products. Besides that, partnership i s not too heavy for the partners to

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    bear because the basis of partnership is distribution and sharing of

    business risks. All partners jointly share responsibility for the success or

    failure of the business. Any loss will be equally alleviated when there is

    more than one partner.

    1.3 Industrial Overview

    Passiflora Edulis or usually known as Markisa is a type of fruit that

    originated from South America. In Malaysia, the cultivation of passion fruits

    is still low compared to Indonesia that is much higher; however, there is a

    continuous increase in the cultivation of passion fruits in our country for

    this decade. In Malaysia, the most familiar passion fruit is the Yellow

    Passion Fruits. This is because Yellow Passion Fruits can be used to

    produce various products such as juice and others. As Malaysia is suitable

    for the cultivation of passion fruit, this allows the juice of passion fruit

    industry to be developed together with the cultivation of passion fruit.

    However, for this moment the passion juice is rarely found in big

    supermarket such as Tesco, Giant and others, as only one product of

    passion fruit juice is available at the market that is Plytoon Best. However

    this product can be found mostly at North of Malaysia. Therefore, it will be

    difficult for the people from other parts of Malaysia especially from South of

    Malaysia to obtain this product .

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    1.4 Location of the Business

    Our business operation centre is located at:

    34 A Taman Lembah Bujang Indah,

    08400 Bedong,

    Kedah Darul Aman.

    1.5 Date of Commencement

    All the committee had agreed to commence the business at 1 st January

    2011. We have chosen this date because, it will provide us more time to

    accumulate capital. Each of the partners will contrib ute RM 50 000.00. So,

    before the date of commencement each partner has enough time to

    accumulate the capital to open up this business in 2011. Apart from it, we

    choose 1 st January 2011 to commence our business because it will be

    easy in calculating the balance sheet for the end of year.

    Besides, the partners needs time to do more research on passion fruit

    thoroughly. This is because the passion fruit is still new in the Malaysian

    Business. This is to study the passion fruit whole potential from its roots to

    its leaves. The partners will visit the passion fruit plantation situated at

    Pendang. This will sure enhance our knowledge about the fruit potential

    and uses. There is also a compulsory training and courses that has to

    undergo by the partners in order for them to gain further information to set

    up the business.

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    1.6 Factors Influencing Business

    1.6.1 To improve people awareness about the products

    Many people are still not concern with the passion fruit. This is

    because the passion fruit does not originated at Malaysia itself.

    The passion fruit holds lots of potential in it including from the

    medical aspects. Therefore it is necessary to educate peo ple

    with knowledge and benefit s that can be obtained by the

    passion fruits.

    1.6.2 Growing needs in supplying the passion fruits juices

    The passion fruits are becoming the new marketable fruits in

    Malaysia. It has a flexible and high demand for this particular

    fruits but few suppliers. This opportunity showed that high

    opportunity into becoming the biggest supplier for this fruit.

    1.6.3 Governments support to small and newly established


    The government gives strong support to new companies

    especially to Bumiputera to the market in Malaysia. It can

    increase the awareness of society about their life circumstances

    level. This business receives strong support from government in

    term of loan and training courses from government agencies

    such as Kementerian Tenaga dan Sumber Manusia.

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    1.7. 4 To provide nutrition

    Fresh passion fruit has been provided with high in betacarotene, potassium, and dietary fibre. It is also good source of

    ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and an alternative treatment drinking

    for people that have high blood pressure. It has many nutrient

    thought to expel worms, kill bacteria and enhance the libido. It is

    then important to fulfil customer demand.

    1.7.5 Introduce our Malaysian passion fruit juice to the world

    This business can increase economy by exporting the product

    outside the country. It also can introduce a variety of juices to

    the foreigners and the same time also for the country. Apart

    from that, it also can help to increase salaries and not only

    involved in a domestic trade market but also in the international

    trade market in order to expend the business.

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    Her facial expression which is happymeans that we are delighted to serve our customer.

    Tagline 100% fresh squeezed is the tagline of our company and it shows out greatestcommitment to our customer

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    1.9 Business Vision

    To become the famous Malaysian entrepreneur selling passion fruits juice

    in international level within 5 years .

    1.10 Business Mission

    To be the main producer of passion fruits by opening six new branches

    in peninsular Malaysia, to provide high quality of goods and services to

    our customer and offer a unique flavour of our juices.

    1.11 Objectives

    To increase business sales of passion fruits juice by 10% every


    To ensure 70% of resources of passion fruits juice will be

    reproduced by our own company.

    To achieve 40% of customers satisfaction through customer

    satisfaction survey like direct questionnaire.

    To ensure that the product is 40% safe to be consumed by the


    To introduce two new different flavours of passion fruit juice in 3


    To ensure 70% of our workers will be trained twice a year to

    improve their performances.

    To hire two new workers every 1 year.

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    The business plan is one of the management tools used to achieve

    the business objectives. The accuracy of a business will reflect the

    managements ability, experience and history in running the

    business. Therefore, every aspect of the business should be clearly

    written and explained to the various partie s. Among the aspect that

    should be stressed and focused are the marketing approach,

    research and development, human resource management,

    business risks, financial strength, and production technique. A

    business plan is also known as a venture plan, entrepre neurs plan,

    working paper, project paper or prospectus. It is written document

    between 25 and 40 pages, describing the overall plans of a

    business in detail. It serves as a guide for a proposed business

    project that one intends to undertake. Therefore, a business plan is

    the blueprint of the company which is presented in a standard

    business format that is logical and realistic. A business plan must

    communicate the companys ideas and goals clearly. It is written

    description of the entrepreneurs future bus iness that is, what

    entrepreneur plans to do and how he plans to do it. The business

    plan is very important to various parties. The individuals who need

    a business plan are entrepreneurs, shareholders, bankers,

    creditors, financial institution, investors, management/employees,

    client, customer, and suppliers.

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    2.1 Creates the Opportunity for Success

    A comprehensive business plan helps to identify and define theperformance level that is to be achieved in the business. The

    plan will also determine the changes that need to be made to

    ensure the companys success, for example, changes in the

    organizational structure, introduction of new technology, new

    manufacturing techniques, and new programme for subordinate

    to increase their commitment and productivit y.

    2.2 Sets the Business Mission

    A business plan can set a clear mission and vision for the

    business. It enables an entrepreneur to make the right decision

    and action in the future. The mission and vision of the business

    will act as a guide to enable the entrepreneur to know the

    direction of his firm.

    2.3 Determines the Companys Main Competitors

    A business plan will enable an entrepreneur to determine his

    main competitors in term of their strength, weaknesses, and the

    right strategy to face them. These aspects can be determined by

    conducting a competitor analysis to identify the competitors

    product line as well as their market segments.

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    2.4 Determines the Right Way of Managing the Business

    A business plan gives room or space and opportunity for anentrepreneur and his employees to develop an effective strategy

    to run the business. They can define who, when, and how to

    apply their knowledge, skills and ability in carrying out the


    2.5 Increases the Stakeholders Confidence

    Each stakeholder who has an interest in the business will be

    eager to know the companys strength, mainly in term of

    companys viability in finance and resources.

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    3.0 BUSINESS BACKGROUND3.1 Golden Passion Enterprise Background

    3.1.1 Name of BusinessGolden Passion Enterprise

    3.1.2 Address34 A Taman Lembah Bujang Indah,08400 Bedong,Kedah Darul Aman.

    3.1.3 Correspondence Address34 A Taman Lembah Bujang Indah,08400 Bedong,Kedah Darul Aman.

    3.1.4 Telephone Number 04-4888881 (Office)04-4888882 (Fax)

    3.1.5 Email [email protected]

    3.1.6 Form of BusinessPartnership

    3.1.7 Main ActivitySelling passion fruits juices

    3.1. Date1 st January 2011

    3.1.9 Date of Business Registration7 th January 2011

    3.1.10 Business Registration Number XZ 85376421

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    3.1.11 Equity Contribution

    Table 3.1.11 Distribution of Equity Contribution

    Name Amount(RM)


    `Adilah Zafirah Sharom 50000.00 25Mohd Al- Shayutti Khan Zainudin 50000.00 25

    Mohd Noor Fakhrullah Zahari 50000.00 25

    Mohd Mukmin Md Zalli 50000.00 25

    Total 200000.00 100

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    3.2.3 Date of commencement:

    The business has commenced on the 1st

    January 2011. The businesswill be dissolved on the death of any partners unless there is an

    agreement that stated otherwise.

    3.2.4 Board of directors will be actively involved in the running of the

    business. Each partner will hold positions in the business as stated


    Table Name of Partners and their respective position

    3.2.5 The agreement implemented will continue until any changes is made

    and agreed by all the relevant partners.

    3.2.6 The business asset cannot be used for the partners own interest.

    3.2.7 The capital invested by the partners:

    Table Capital invested by partners

    Any contribution by the partners must firstly be consented by all the

    partners and all the contribution will become the partnership property.

    Name Position`Adilah Zafirah Sharom Managing Director `Adilah Zafirah Sharom Financial ExecutiveMohd Mukmin Md Zalli Marketing ExecutiveMohd Al- Shayutti Khan Zainudin Operational ExecutiveMohd Noor Fakhrullah Zahari Administration Executive

    Name Capital Invested(RM)

    `Adilah Zafirah Sharom 50000.00Mohd Mukmin Md Zalli 50000.00 Mohd Al- Shayutti Khan Zainudin 50000.00 Mohd Noor Fakhrullah Zahari 50000.00

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    3.2. The profit and loss is shared according to their share capital.

    3.2.9 This partnership agreement is valid for five years from the date of

    agreement. Below are the signatures of the partners stating that they

    have agreed to all of the term of this partnership agreement. Any terms

    that are not stated in this agreement will be referred to the Partnership

    Act 1965.

    MANAGING DIRECTOR & FINANCIAL EXECUTIVE..................................

    (`Adilah Zafirah Sharom)



    (Mohd Mukmin Md Zalli)



    (Mohd Al- Shayutti Khan Zainudin)



    (Mohd Noor Fakhrullah Zahari)

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    GO L E N P I ON E NT E RPRI E 25

    5 . ocat ion

    5 . P hys ica l ocat ion

    Pi cture 5 . P re mi se

    5 . . ocated in a m an e m bah u jang Indah, edong .

    ur office is s itua ted a t a s tra teg ic place where there is a lot of

    accommoda tion f or peop le who come to our bus iness prem ise . e

    choose to open our bus iness a t Merbok , spec ifica lly a t o 34 A aman

    embah Bu jang Indah , 08400 Bedong , Kedah aru l Aman because this

    area is a new launched bus iness cen tre and there have been prov ided a

    lot of accommoda tion and f ac ilities around our bus iness prem ise . hese

    are the f ac tors why we choose this place to open our bus iness . In

    add ition , they prov ide discoun t as to a ttrac t new cus tomer .

    5 . . . ar park

    ur office a lso are prov ided with a com f or tab le and spac ious car

    park where are loca ted in f ron t of the office . S o, peop le will no t

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    worry about their car and we are guarantee the car can be in a

    good condition. Communication system

    The communication system that is provided in that area can

    make the workers easier to interact and cooperate among each

    other. This is because our office is provided with enough facilities

    such as telephone, fax machines, and Internet. Availability of manpower

    Our business needs manpower to run our machine. Our

    operation days are six days per week. The worker can be

    obtained from who love in residential area that located near our

    business premise such as Taman Lembah Bujang and Maktab

    Rendah Sains Mara. Distance from customer

    We choose this place because it is located the resident place

    and business centre. We will send the products to the customers

    that want our delivery service. The customer can get the

    products through the service that been provided. In addition, it

    only takes 2-5 minutes to arrive at our business premise for

    customer who located their business premise around the area. It

    also has less traffic congestion.

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    27/27 Basic Amenities and Infrastructure Road Way

    There are systematic roadway systems at Merbok. This is

    because there are provided with systematic traffic light and this

    can obviously seen when the averages of accident case at this

    area are too low. In addition, our business premise is easy to

    recognize because there are signboards being placed along the

    Sungai Petani main road. Water and electricity

    We also choose this place because the location is situated not

    far from the Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) where we can

    effectively refer to them if we had any problems in electricity.

    Then our office will not facing with any water issues or problems

    because our location is situated in the town not in the rural area.

    Furthermore, the location of Jabatan Bekalan Air Kedah also is

    situated near our business premise, estimation about twenty

    minutes from the premises to that particular state government


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