Page 1: Introducing our year 6 leavers

Introducing our Year 6 Leaversand their memories of St

Nicholas in their own words.

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Aliesha Hadlow

St Nicholas has been amazing! All the teachers have been amazing too, and have taught me well over the years. I am proud

of myself for getting good results in my SATs. I have made lots of friends but the

ones who stand out the most are Clay and Shikira and they have been my best friends since St Nicholas pre-School and I will miss

them and the school too.

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Amelia Shearman

I have had a brill time at St Nicholas. Through the 7 years I have made many friends of which I hope we will keep in

touch. The class I have grown up with are funny, great and supportive. If I could sum them up in one word, it would be SPECIAL! I have achieved many things such as the 5a I have always wanted in my Numeracy SAT and am so proud I was head girl of such a great school. I will never forget when I walked into St Nicholas for the first time 7 years ago and

thinking when I leave, I will be so sad because this school is ‘amazeballs!’ (as Miss Harper would say!) and I will also

never forget my best friend, Katie Deamer – she really stood out to me because she stood by my side and I can tell her


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Caleb Tranter

The thing I like about St Nicholas is my friends when we play football at

break and lunch, we all get along (most of the time!) The teachers at St Nicholas are happy all the time and they are so nice and helpful.

We (our class) have the best levels ever in our school and I’m really

proud of that!

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Carris Holland

Ever since I joined St Nicholas, I have become more confident in everything I have done. I have made great

friends and together we have had some amazing moments. Even though I only started in year 5, I feel like I

have been here for years and my greatest memory was when I first started and I would like to thank the teachers

and teaching assistants that helped me with my confidence and I am going to miss them all. I am also going

to miss my friends.

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Clay Bowen-Price

We all have met new friends at St Nicholas. It is a good school to be at. All the teachers are nice to us. They are

helpful in all ways.

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Elisia Owen

The seven years in primary school have been amazing. I have learnt a lot throughout the years with my friends

around me. I will dearly miss my favourite teacher, Miss Harper, and my best friends, Jess and Katie who started in

year 4. Without them I wouldn’t have had the friends I have now.

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Grace Lewis

When I first came to St Nicholas, I was very shy and I was nervous about meeting new people, but throughout my time here, I realised that St Nicholas is just like a family

and it upsets me that I have been here for 6 years and now I’m going to leave this school. It is important to move on but sometimes you grow to love and respect the things that you fear the most like I did when I first came here. I

just want to say a massive thank you to all of the staff and friends that made me welcome and helped me through

difficult times – especially Miss Harper and Mrs Twist and my fabulous friends Carris, Tillie and Kelly – they mean the

world to me.

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Harvey Chadderton

I have had an amazing time at St Nicholas and I have made amazing friends. I will always remember becoming head boy because it’s an amazing achievement and I am very

proud of myself. I will miss all my friends and this school! I am proud of all the things I have learnt and all the fun I

have had. I will remember the great times I’ve had and I will miss it all!

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Izzy Aaron

I really liked this school when I joined and made lots of friends and memories but as I’m in year 6 now, I will be

leaving to go to high school. My best memory is when we went to Paris – it was so fun. I now have the confidence to be more independent. I love all the people that work at St Nicholas but the 2 people that I will miss the most are Miss

Harper and Mrs Penswick.

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Jack Reid

I love St Nicholas – I love all the subjects, especially PE. Also, I like everyone in my class like Jordan, James, Harvey

and Thomas B ….and all the teachers, in particular Mr Robinson and Miss Harper. St Nicholas will help me in my

future for definite.

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James Smith

I have had a great time at St Nicholas. I have met a lot of friends along the way. I am proud of what I have learnt in Numeracy, Literacy and Science. I’m also proud of myself

for being picked for house captain and I had great teachers.

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Jessica Figg

I had a great time at St Nicholas even though I only started in year 4. My confidence has grown so much. I have learned

new things here and I joined a loving a caring class which feels like a family. The main thing I will miss from this school are all my friends and the amazing teachers that help us to

be what we are today. If I could sum up my class in one word, it would be SPECIAL. Even though some of us are going to new schools, I will never forget the happy, sad,

crazy and dramatic times we have had. I would like to say a big thank you to all the staff especially Miss Harper who I

will miss dearly.

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Jordan Bradshaw

St Nicholas has been fantastic! I have learnt loads of things that I would have never known. I have had a great time

with my friends. It has been a whale of a time and I really don’t want to leave. I never knew how much St Nicholas

meant to me until now.

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Katie Deamer

Being at St Nicholas has really built up my resilience. I am now capable of sticking to things even when times get

tough. I have made many wonderful friends but Amelia Shearman is my best friend and she sticks with me no

matter what. She is amazing! I have achieved many things from certificates to great SATs results. I am really proud of


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Kelly Dutton

I have loved every minute at ST Nicholas School. I have gained more confidence in every subject I have done. I have

made great friends from reception to year 6, and every single one of them has stood by me in everything I have

gone through. I am glad I came to this school and joined a loving and caring class. The people I’m going to miss most of all are my friends and amazing teachers that have made

me who I am now.

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Miiko Cox

During my time at St Nicholas, I have been educated well, built up my confidence and learnt to be resilient. But what I

will truly miss about this school is the people there, especially my friends, one of which I have been friends with since reception. Tom Dunmore has been my best friend for as long as I can remember – he has stood out to me like a

star in space and I will miss him quite a lot.

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Regan Blackburn-Campbell

St Nicholas means a lot to me. It has become a major part of my past and it will be the foundation of my future. When I first came here, I was just a shy little girl that

nobody really spoke to but now I’m the girl that has lots of confidence in myself. My friends are a key part of my social

life and it is heartbreaking to leave them behind. I am proud of myself because I have won numerous

achievements but the one I am most proud of is my Christian Leadership award which has now been blessed by Father Graham. I will miss every single person (even if they

get on my nerves, not mentioning any names!) Goodbye, I wish everyone the best in life.

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Shikira Ireland

St Nicholas is a very good school and means a lot to me. There have been amazing school trips throughout my years in St Nicholas. I have made good progress in my reading this

year; I won a reading award. Throughout the years, teachers have taught me lots but when I went into year 6 Miss Harper taught me even more. I am going to miss my friends, I don’t want to leave them. I hope they do well in high school. I have really enjoyed topics throughout my 7 years at St Nicholas. Also I will miss my best teacher Miss

Harper. I am very happy about my SATs results and proud of myself.

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Tayla Childs

I love St Nicholas. The teachers and my friends have been very welcoming considering I started half way through year 6. The teachers have also helped me with my maths since

I’ve been struggling at it and I’m proud that my SATs results were great. When I leave this amazing school, I will think

about all the fun times I’ve had and will never forget them. I love the school and I don’t want to leave it!

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Thomas Braithwaite

St Nicholas has given me a great opportunity to make new friends and give me more confidence in myself to make even more friends in high school. This great school has given me a lot of good memories such as PGL, France,

Blackpool Zoo and so on. My favourite one of all is Paris where I spent time with my teachers and friends. Also my

teachers and friends in school have helped me improve my subjects and that is why I have loved my time at St


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Thomas Clarkson

I have enjoyed most of my time at St Nicholas but it is time to move on. I have good friends at my school and that’s

including bad times, good time and last but not least…funny times. When the SAts came in year 6, I did better than I

thought I would. So, yes, I have enjoyed it at this school a lot in my time here

from year 2 to year6.

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Tillie Scott

Being at St Nicholas has built up my confidence. I have made many friends, but one friend in particular has stood

out. She is always on my side whenever I need her. She helps with my problems and she is always there for me.

Grace Lewis is a true friend to me, even when she is having problems of her own she always has time for me. I would also like to say a big thank you to all the staff who have

helped me too, like Miss Harper and Mrs Penswick, and I will always remember the happy times at St Nicholas.

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Tom Dunmore

St Nicholas has been amazing! I am so proud of myself for what I have learnt in this school over the last 7 years. I have

also made a friend who has stayed by my side for these years – Miiko Cox. Also, I am now wiser, braver and more

confident than ever due to my experiences in my last year. I shall miss this school very dearly and never forget it.

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Ellie Burgoyne

Being at St Nicholas has made me proud due to all the effort I have put into my work and the progress I have

made. I am so glad I came to this school because I have met very kind friends who are always there for me. I think I have made great improvements in my work and thanks to all the

teachers that have taught me throughout my time at St Nicholas.

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Harriet Hargreaves

During my time at St. Nicholas I have earned the ‘performing arts’ award. I love performing, especially

singing, and coming in 1st place in pop idol 2013. It was such a wonderful experience. For our end of year play we did ‘Wizard Of Oz’. I loved rehearsing and auditioning for the

part I wanted. I got the part of Dorothy and I enjoyed working with all my amazing friends. I will miss my time and

friends at St. Nicholas but my memories will stay in my heart always.

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Destiney Partington

I have loved being at St. Nicholas, In year 2 when I started I made lots of new friends also we always sang lots of songs

with Miss Sunley. In year 3 I remember fun games of tig with Mr. Robinson! It was awesome! In year 5 we went to a recycling place, it stunk but we had loads of fun with Miss

Darkins! In year 6 I was a break dancing monkey in The Wizard of OZ which was amazing! I’ve made amazing

friends (Erin, Paige and Casey) who always put a smile on my face.

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Chloe McBride

My favourite time in St. Nicholas was when I first came to school in year 3 because I was excited to make new friends. On the first day Harriet showed me around the school so I

would know where everything was from that moment I knew I would love being part of the St. Nicholas family. I

have enjoyed winning awards in every Sports Day, going to Paris and performing in Schools Alive. I will miss all my

friends but am looking forward to going to high School.

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Harry Lloyd

During my time at St. Nicholas school I’ve made 3 great friends: Curtis, Reece and Jason most of the time we are the best of friends though sometimes we fall out but it is always sorted by the next day! This year we went to Paris

and I enjoyed Disney Land going on the rollercoasters! I will miss my friends but I am looking forward to making new

friends at high school.

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Curtis Bell

During my time at St. Nicholas, I have made many friends. As I have watched countless people come and go, I’m lucky to still have my best friends. Reece, Jason and Harry have stuck by me through thick and thin, always putting a smile

on my face.

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Jason Langton

In my time at St. Nicholas, P.E was my favourite lesson. It’s so fun. You get to do tennis, football and gymnastics. I have

enjoyed learning with my friends and will never forget them.

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Reece Boswell

During my time in school, I have learnt new things like World War 2 and Titanic. As I really enjoy learning about history, these are topics that interested. I love sport and enjoyed playing cricket with Mr. Robinson. Sport’s Day is always one of my favourite days especially the egg and

spoon race!

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Shenia Ireland

In year 6 I will remember performing The Wizard of Oz. We had a great time rehearsing the Wizard of Oz and it was worth all the hard work! I enjoyed learning the dancing for the poppies, break dancing monkeys and being a munchkin! I will miss all the amazing friends I have made at this school.

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Jessica Greener

My favourite time at St. Nicholas is when we went to Paris. The best thing in Paris was Disney land because we went on all the fast rides and Miss Harper got her picture taken with

Olaf! I think I might cry but I know if I work hard I will have a

great future.

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Joshua Cooke

Now that I am leaving St. Nicholas I have a few things to say about a 7 year here. Some of my favourite things I have

done in year 6 are: The Paris trip, Schools Alive (which was my first ever performance on a stage!) and Wizard of Oz.

I have made some excellent friends who I will never forget. Curtis, Harry and Reece will always be in my life no matter


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Sophie Gowers

We have had a great time rehearsing for the Wizard Of Oz. It was really funny and on the night it all came together- with a few ups and downs. We all enjoyed learning lines

and I had loads of fun backstage with my best friend Kiara.

We also had an amazing time learning to dance with Mrs Seargeant. It was mind blowing, performing in front of so

many people.

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Kiara Smith

My experience at St. Nicholas has been a once in my life opportunity; I have loved working and learning with all my friends. When I first started in year 1, I didn’t know many people but I loved our teacher (Mrs Pollard) and by the

time I got to year 2 I knew everyone and had lots of new friends. In year 5 we had a brilliant time with the newest

teacher in the school (Miss Darkins). We went to PGL which was an amazing adventure. In year 6 we went to Disney Land Paris which was incredible! Year 6 has been a year I will never forget and I will always keep my friends in my

heart as long as I live.

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Casey Murray

I started St. Nicholas in year 4 and since then I have made some fantastic friends along the way. In year 5 I did Schools

Alive for the first time and the theme was ‘Through the years!’ IT was such an amazing show. In year 6 we

performed ‘Bugsy Malone’ learning some fantastic dance moves from Mrs Sargent. I had an amazing time teasing Mr.

Cowell in Paris and going on all the rides! An experience I will never forget. I’ve had a fantastic time at St. Nicholas.

Thank you everyone!

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Erin Gregson

When I started this school (in year 2) I was scared - no I was petrified! I saw a class staring at me and I hoped I would fit in. Year 3 was great. We played tig all the time and had lots of fun. In year 4 I learnt new things (not just work). In year 5 we had a great time, we went to PGL. In year 6 we went

to Paris and struggled with SATS. It’s now the end. I’m going to try to stick with my best friend, Destiney, and make some

new friends along the way.

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Chloe-Jay Waterworth

My favourite moment of year 6 is when my SATS results came. I was so proud of myself to have such amazing

results. Another one of my favourite memories is when we set off to Paris. We all had a fantastic time! I will miss all my friends that I will be leaving behind but I will hopefully be

able to see them again in the future.

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Francesca Guerin

There are so many memories from St. Nicholas school, but my favourites have to be the trips. PGL was an adventure with raft building, going on a zip wire, and many more adventures but

nothing can top the Paris trip. Disneyland, the Eiffel tower and the river Seine cruise were all so fun. Thank you to all the

wonderful teachers from Reception to year 6 for taking us on the trips and teaching us everything we know. But school

wouldn’t be the same without all of my friends. Seven years ago, I was about to start in Reception. I already knew Harriet from

nursery, but soon I made lots of new friends. As the years went by, from Reception to year 1, Year 1 to year 2, more and more friends joined the St. Nicholas family. And it will be so hard to

leave, but I will remember all of the fabulous memories and take them with me to St. Georges.

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Eleanor Sharpe

During my time at St. Nicholas I’ve earned a ‘king friendship’ award. I am Deputy Head Girl. Mr Mellor said ‘the girl I have awarded this to is a friend to everyone. She brings people together and sorts out fights. I have never

had to tell her off and she is a great team player. I appreciate her hard work at this school. Would Eleanor Sharpe like to come out and collect this trophy.’ At that

moment, my eyes started to fill with tears. I knew it was a moment I would never forget. I will miss my time at St.

Nicholas, but my memories and friends will always stay in my heart.

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Jack St. John Foti

My favourite time in 6SD was when we were competing in Sports Day. We were doing the 3 legged race, Adam had to pull me over the finish line as I fell over in the middle of the


Unsurprisingly we didn’t win but it was fun.

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Adam Rogers

There are so many amazing memories from St. Nicholas but the one memory I won’t forget is when I met Jacob for the

first time on the red climbing frame on the first day in reception. We have been best friends ever since and we will

stay best friends for the rest of our lives.

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Jacob Stone-Grice

From reception to year 6, I have enjoyed every moment. I remember my first day and I will remember my last.

My first ever memory was when I met Adam on the climbing frame and ever since that day, we have been best friends, even though we have had a few ups and downs.

I have enjoyed every day of Primary school- it has been brill.

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Mackenzie Holmes

Hello my name is Mackenzie. During my time at St. Nicholas I have had lots of fun meeting Jack, Adam, Jacob, Jason and


In year 5 I met Miss Darkins and in year 6 we learnt about Titanic, went to Paris and PGL.

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Katrina Robinson

My favourite time ever in St. Nicholas was when I first met Miss Darkins, knowing that I was going to have the best

two years with her ever.

My happiest memories in St. Nicholas are making lots of friends on trips to different places, performing in class

assemblies together, coming second and third in choir of the year and performing in the African Music Festival. We have had Miss Darkins for two years and the experiences I

have had I will remember for the rest of my life.

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Paige Dixon

In reception, I made lots of new friends and every day since has been lots of fun. In year 3, we all had lots and lots of

fun with Mr Robinson.

We had simply the best time! In year 5, we had a new teacher (Miss Darkins). we were the first to have her and

she has been the best teacher ever.

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