
Understand, Adapt, Capitalise



How we help

 The online anonymous dialogue system which enables staff to candidly discuss ideas or concerns with management 

Get regular feedback from your clients (or staff) on how they find your service (organisation)

Make better hiring decisions by making references easier to collect and information from them more candid

Understand, Adapt, Capitalise

We help you to understand potential new hires, clients and staff better – enabling you to adapt and capitalise on that knowledge


How we help (contd)

 The confidential text system to get feedback from staff or clients 

Our easy to use online 360 Appraisal System

Trusted, insightful staff surveys 

Understand, Adapt, Capitalise

We help you to understand potential new hires, clients and staff better – enabling you to adapt and capitalise on that knowledge


‣ If staff have problems or are unhappy they don’t tend to tell you

‣ Leading to low engagement, poor performance and possibly poor governance

The Problem

The Solution

SpeakInConfidenceStaff Feedback

‣ SpeakInConfidence – the online anonymous communications platform for staff to discuss with management ideas, issues or concerns that may otherwise be missed

Understand, Adapt, Capitalise


SpeakInConfidenceStaff Feedback

‣ Enables better understanding of staff

‣ Give staff a voice and get information on what is/is not working

‣ Enhances commitment, performance and morale

‣ Give groups who may remain silent the means to communicate

‣ Enhances governanceUnderstand, Adapt, Capitalise


The Problem(s)

The Solution

PulseInConfidenceOngoing Client/Staff


‣ Less than 10% of dissatisfied customers complain

‣ An unhappy customer will tell an average of 10 people

‣ 91% of dissatisfied customers don’t complain because it’s too difficult

‣ Dissatisfied staff leads to low engagement

‣ Easy to implement Pulse surveys giving you continuous feedback from your staff or clients

Understand, Adapt, Capitalise


PulseInConfidenceOngoing Client/Staff

Feedback‣ Making feedback easy and immediate – text or tablet input

‣ All feeding into one online area for you to see results at any time


Understand, Adapt, Capitalise


ReferenceInConfidenceNew Hire Referencing

‣ Hiring is costly to do and even more costly to get wrong

‣ Time consuming – lots of calls often to no avail

‣ Done late in the day – to confirm rather than help decide

‣ Although past performance can be a most valuable indicator of future performance:

• Over 40% of people avoid being candid in references because of worry of being sued

• Less than 10% of people trust traditional references

• More than 50% people giving references have a situational bias (so “mark up”)

The Problem

Understand, Adapt, Capitalise


ReferenceInConfidenceNew Hire Referencing

The Solution‣ An online system which takes you a minute to add an applicant –

saving you valuable time

‣ Burden on applicant to add and chase 4 referees - you get a report back soon after

‣ Referees know their input is aggregated so you get more candid input at last

‣ Simple so you can use it earlier in the process to help you decide rather than just rubber stamp

Understand, Adapt, Capitalise


TextInConfidenceAnonymous Text


The Solution‣ TextInConfidence lets people easily and safely raise ideas,

suggestions or concerns anonymously (and you to respond)

The Problem‣ 91% of dissatisfied customers don’t complain because it’s too


‣ Staff find it hard to tell you their concerns or views

Understand, Adapt, Capitalise


The Problem

The Solution

360Now 360 Appraisals Made

Easy‣ In a busy world it is easy to defer appraising employees

and planning their career development …..


‣ Employees who have a personal development plan, and who have received a formal appraisal within the past year, have significantly higher engagement levels than those who have not - Institute for Employment Studies


‣ 360Now is an easy to use online 360 Appraisal System that provides businesses and individuals with feedback about employee strengths and weaknesses to facilitate career planning and development

Understand, Adapt, Capitalise


TwoWayVision Trusted Insightful Staff

Surveys‣ Improves management understanding of the organisation

‣ Gives staff the opportunity to express their views on the organisation

‣ Enhances employee engagement

‣ Highlights potential problems - early and easily

‣ Areas usually covered can include:

• Employee Engagement

• Mission, Values, Vision, Strategy, Business Plan

• Training, Development, Leadership

• Operational Review, Communications

• Governance Understand, Adapt, Capitalise


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