
Introduction ofNTT Science and Core TechnologyLaboratory Group

NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory GroupNTT carries out basic research and development activities at three laboratory groups in a wide range of fields, including some of the most advanced ICT research in the world.NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group holds a global perspective as a center for fundamental research into cutting-edge components, materials, and systems.

Science and Core TechnologyLaboratory Group

Cutting edgetechnologies


ICT Services

Service InnovationLaboratory Group

NTT Group companies/Customer

Information NetworkLaboratory Group




Senior Vice PresidentYoshiaki Sato

Intellectual Property Center NTT Innovation Institute, Inc. R&D Planning Department

Management of theintellectual properties

Formulation ofR&D strategy etc

R&D for realizing globalservices of the NTT group

NTT Science and Core TechnologyLaboratory Group


About usThe four Laboratories and one center of NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group are undertaking R&D in the three research areas. These areas are futuristic communications and networks, photonic technology and ubiquitous technology, and science, respectively.







Basic researchCore technology

NTT Science and Core TechnologyLaboratory Group

We are now on the verge of opening up the 'third value' era for networks. The first and second values of information and communication systems are 'connecting' and 'knowing'. The new third value is 'actuating'. We are about to enter an era of direct effects on society that do not involve inter-mediary decisions by humans. That will come about by going beyond connecting sensors and various other sources that supply information to the network to also connecting things that operate in the real world. At the Network Innovation Laboratories, we continue with innovation achieved by global collaboration and leadership to bring forth this new value through advanced communication and information technology.

NTT Network InnovationLaboratories


Technology for higher communicationcapacity to achieve previously impossibleservices for a better society


DirectorKawamura Ryuutarou

Research on network systems to supportfuture network architectures


Service customization Flexible networking Large capacity, high-speed

Large capacityphotonic transport

Super-high-speed /ultra-high capacity wireless technology capable of accommodating an extremely large number of terminals

Software switchRemote collaboration

Edge computingSmart City

NTT Network InnovationLaboratories 


Low-latency, high-speed distributed processing environment achieved with servers located on the network edge, near the user

Edge computing

Flexible network through software switching functions

Software switch“Lagopus”

“REMOCOP” service platform that enables the sharing of video and speech needed for a remote collaboration environment

Remote collaboration

Service implementation on a shared platform by combining Internet of Things (IoT) tech-nology and cloud computing

Smart City

Wireless access technology to accommodate explosively surging mobile and IoT/M2M traffic efficiently

Ultra-high-speed/ ultra-high capacity wireless technology capable of accommodating an extremely large number of terminals

100 G/ 400 G/ 1 T bps ultra-fast transmission technology using digital coherent optics

High capacityphotonic transport

NTT Network InnovationLaboratories 

The Device Innovation Center is pushing forward with R&D on devices and subsystems that hold the key to realizing new ICT functions and the Device Technology Laboratories are doing R&D on compelling new technology for new growth and major impact on industry and society. Both facilities will continue to contribute to a prosperous future with R&D that produces new value and services to create a c ommunication environment that is more enjoyable, safe, and secure.

NTT Device Innovation Center andNTT Device Technology Laboratories


Development of innovative devicesovercoming the limitation of presenttechnology and create new value


(Device Technology Labs)

DirectorAkira Okada

DirectorAkimasa Kaneko

(Device Innovation Center)


Each laboratory plays a specific rolein creating devices and value.

Device Technology Labs Device Innovation Center Society

Create anew device


Put out intothe world

NTT Device Innovation Center andNTT Device Technology Laboratories

Performancelimiting factors














Speed and multivalue

Advanced research to breach the barriers imposedby factors that limit network performance


Ultra low-noiseoptical amplification

Photonics-electronicsconvergence hardware Space division


S/N Power consumption

Ultra-low powerconsumption


Ultra-long transmissiondistance

NTT Device Innovation Center andNTT Device Technology Laboratories

Laser gas sensing


Wearablesensing device

Agriculture Factory Medical Life


Technology for user-friendly devices and subsystems

Core Technologies

NTT Device Innovation Center andNTT Device Technology Laboratories

「C3fit IN-pulse(impulse)」series(GOLDWIN INC.)hitoe transmitter01(NTT DOCOMO, INC.)


マルチコアファイバやマルチモードファイバを用いて,1 つのファイバ中に複数の伝送経路を作り出す技術

Identification of food production region by laser analysis of the stable isotope content of substances to contribute to a safe and secure society

Laser gas sensing

A device that creates an induced sense of direction through an illusion effect to enable the vision-impaired to navigate and play games


A small, energy-efficient system on a chip (SoC) that combines s i l icon photonics (integration of optical devices on silicon) and electronics

Photonics-electronicsconvergence hardware

Greatly extended optical transmission distance with an optical amplifier that uses periodically-poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguides

Ultra low-noiseoptical amplifier

NTT Device Innovation Center andNTT Device Technology Laboratories

Development of wearable sensing device that can be used to easily obtain long-term recordings of the user’ s biomedical signals in a variety of everyday scenarios

Wearable sensing device

We are moving from the era of communication by 'telephone' to a new era of communication with a diverse range of information devices. In this transition, we must rethink the nature of communication between people, between people and computers, and between computers. The Communication Science Laboratories are working to build a new technological platform for connecting 'information' and 'people' by approaching the problem from the two directions of information science and human science.


NTT Communication ScienceLaboratories


Achieve communication that'reaches the heart'

DirectorTakeshi Yamada

NTT Communication ScienceLaboratories

Create innovative technology by understandingthe nature of people and information


Achievecommunicationthat reachesthe heart

Enable use of the hugeamount of mediainformation

Create a super-intelligence

Achievethe ultimate natural


Analyze the natureof humankind

Acoustic signalprocessing



Media recognitionand search

Natural language processing/Machine translation


Human informationprocessing

Statistical machine learning/Data mining

Achieving human-machine communication that includes non-linguistic information by developing technology for fast and robust direct search of audio and video media

Media recognitionand search

Better understanding of the information processing mechanisms in the human senses and development of Deformation Lamps (Hengen-Tou ) , Bu ru -Nav i , and o the r innovat ive in format ion presentat ion technology

Humaninformation science

Development of technology for improving the quality of communication based on analysis of human behavior, intention, and emotions in discourse


Development of technology for pro-active control according to near-future prediction of the flow of people, things and information based on technology for multi-dimensional temporal-spatial aggregate data analysis

Machine learning/ Bigdata Analysis

Studies on noise and echo reduction technol-ogy and speech recognition technology to enable anyone to freely converse with com-putersEfficient lossless encoding/decoding algo-rithms for speech data compression

Speech and audiosignal processing

Development of technology for statistical machine translation and natural language processing to enable semantic understanding of human language by computers

Natural language processing/ Machine Translation


NTT Communication ScienceLaboratories

Here, we use a special jam.

The missions of BRL are the promotion of advances in science as well as to contribute NTT's business. To achieve these missions, we conduct basic research in the fields of Materials Science, Physical Science and Optical Science. The fundamental principle of our management is an "open door" policy. For example, we are collaborating with many universities and research institutes in Japan, US, Europe, and Asia as well as other NTT Lab-oratories. We also organize "Science Plaza" and international conferences on Quantum Physics and Nano-Science at Atsugi R&D Center to dissemi-nate our research output and to hear your opinions. In addition, we spon-sor the "BRL School" dedicated to young researchers around the world every other year. In this school, we invite distinguished researchers in the world as lecturers, so young researchers including researches in NTT are given the opportunities to learn from the foremost authorities in Quan-tum Physics and to share ideas with them. These activities enable us to fulfill an "open door" policy and our missions of the promotion of advanc-es in science as well as the contribution to the NTT's business. Your con-tinued support will be greatly appreciated.

NTT Basic ResearchLaboratories


New principles and concepts to bringabout revolutionary changes in society


DirectorTetsuomi Sogawa

NTT Basic ResearchLaboratories


withnew principles

andnew concepts

100 million times fast computation

1/10,000th the powerconsumption

Absolutely securetransmission path

Breaking down established thinking in conventional functional materials science,quantum electronic and optical physics based on theory and experiment


Low-dimensional nanomaterials Nanobiology

Ultrashort light pulses

Nanophotonics / Quantum-opticalintegrated circuitsNanoelectronics

Materials science



Nanostructual characterization

Network performance barriers broken

Theoretical physics



Establishment of basic technology for the manipulation of single electrons to reduce the power consumption of information processing and telecom equipment systems


Using ultra-fast attosecond light pulses to clarify the movement of electrons within a toms and other mic ro-wor ld events (attosecond = 10-18 second)

Ultrashort light pulses

Technology for forming graphene and other nanomaterials using a low-energy electron microscope and a new microscope for probing the optical and electrical properties of nanostructures


Development of an advanced information chip that features high-density integration using photonic crystal technology for light manipulation

Nanophotonics / Quantum-optical integrated circuits

Collaboration with other companies in using conductive polymers and nanofibers to develop hitoe, an electrode material that is compatible with the human body, for use in wearable electrodes


NTT Basic ResearchLaboratories

With rising concern for health, the demand for continuous collection of data on the condition of our own bodies for use in, for example changing lifestyle habits or improving performance in sports, is ever increasing. That has led us to develop hitoe as a material for use in body interfaces as a key component for wearable biometric systems that effectively meet that monitoring need.

Bringing advanced researchcloser to us

hitoehuman intelligence to expand

18「C3fit IN-pulse(impulse)」series(GOLDWIN INC.)

hitoe transmitter01(NTT DOCOMO, INC.)

NTT Science and Core TechnologyLaboratory Group


Development of hitoe to a practical stageWe are establishing design technology for a human-body sensing interface for data acquisition based on conductive cloth made with conductive polymers. Our aim is to bring this technology to a practical level and develop services around it, thus contributing to the health management and safety of persons who work outdoors in midsummer, etc.

SocietyPractical implementationR&D


A flexibleconductive fiber

Basic Research Labshitoe Wearable sensing


Device Innovation CenterConductivepolymers



Nanofiber technology Compression controlmaterial design technology

Runtastic for DOCOMO

NTT Science and Core TechnologyLaboratory Group

Theoretical quantum information science and technology

Audio and speech signal processingfor capturing and recognition of human conversations

NTT Fellow and Senior Distinguished Researchers

Akira FujiwaraResearch on ultimate electronics based on the control of single or a few electrons in semiconductor nanostructures

Research on photonics-electronics convergence devices based on heter-ogeneously integrated lll-V compound semiconductor with silicon platform

Shinji MatsuoPersistent acquisition of bio-signals to investigate the pathophysiology of diseases using cutting-edge materials

Research on quantum emergent physics via electron interaction engineering in semiconductors

Hiroshi YamaguchiResearch on statistical machine trans-lation based on deep syntax analysis

Masaaki NagataElucidation of interactive information processing for motor control, sensa-tion, and perception

Hiroaki GomiQuest for novel optical phenomena and development of next -generation optical integration technology using photonic nanostructure

Research on the brain mechanisms underlying flexible listening and deep communication

Masaya NotomiResearch on ultra-high capacity optical transmission for future optical transport network

Yutaka Miyamoto

Takehiro Moriya

Shingo TsukadaShin’ya Nishida Koji Muraki

Semiconductor nanomechanical devices

Psychophysical research on the principles of information processing by the human brain, which can produce rich visual experiences

Makio Kashino


Speech/audio signal encoding

Kunio KashinoResearch on fast recognition and search technology for real-world media information

NTT Science and Core TechnologyLaboratory Group


20 (As of June 2017)


Naonori UedaResearch on innovative machine learning technology for big data analysis

William John MunroTomohiro NakataniResearch on mathematical model and data analysis for understanding real-world phenomena

Hiroshi SawadaUnified computing theory for quantum and classical computations

Seiichiro TaniInformation processing technologies based on quantum optics

Hiroki Takesue

Location of NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory GroupOur R&D spreads over four locations, with the Atsugi Research Center as the main facility and including Musashino, Yokosuka and Keihanna.


Science and Core TechnologyLaboratory Group

Information NetworkLaboratory Group

Service InnovationLaboratory Group

NTT Keihanna Building

Atsugi R&D Center

Intellectual Property Center

Musashino R&D Center

Yokosuka R&D Center

NTT Shinagawa Twins Bldg.

R&D Planning Department

Otemachi First Square East Tower

Tsukuba R&D Center

NTT Innovation Institute, Inc.R&D Center in North America (Palo Alto )

NTT Science and Core TechnologyLaboratory Group

September 2016

NTT Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group official website Technical Review

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