Page 1: Introduction to Accident Investigation · Introduction to Accident Investigation SPOkANE, wASHINGTON EnviROnmEntal & Occupati Onal HEaltH sciEncEs • scHOO l O f public HEaltH •

presented in conjunction with the 2014 Washington State Governor’s Industrial Safety and Health Conference

P U R P O S E Accidents happen, but they do not happen by chance. Systematic evaluations and understanding of the root causes of accidents can prevent future incidents. This course will cover the basic accident investigation procedures and accident analysis techniques. Participants will receive a certificate of completion for OSHA #7505 from the Pacific Northwest OSHA Education Center.

L E A R N I N G O B J E C T I V E S • Identifybasicaccidentinvestigationconcepts• Describethecharacteristicsofaneffectiveaccidentinvestigationprogram• Describethesixstepsinanaccidentinvestigation• Outlinetherequirementsforaccidentreporting• Listtherolesandresponsibilitiesofplayersinanaccidentinvestigation• DescribetheFatalityAssessment&ControlEvaluationprogram

A G E N d A 7:45 am Introductions8:00 Purpose of accident investigations9:00 Roles and responsibilities 10:00 Break 10:15 Sixstepaccidentinvestigationprocedures 12:15pm Lunch(provided)1:00 TheSHARPFatalityAssessment&ControlEvaluationprogram2:00 Small group activity 2:45 Break 3:00 CriticalIncidentDebriefing4:00 Traffic accident investigation methods and case studies

Introduction to Accident Investigation SPOkANE, wASHINGTON

E n v i R O n m E n ta l & O c c u pat i O n a l H E a lt H s c i E n c E s • s c H O O l O f p u b l i c H E a lt H • u n i v E R s i t Y O f Wa s H i n G t O n

d A T E & T I M ESeptember 23, 2014

7:45 am–4:45 pm

R E G I S T R A T I O NRegister Online at

osha.washington.eduor by calling the

Pacific Northwest OSHA Education Center

at 206-685-3089 Standard Registration: $250

Government Rate: $250

L O C A T I O NDoubleTree by Hilton

Conference Room 322 N. Spokane Falls Ct.

Spokane, WA 99201

I N f O R M A T I O NPacific Northwest

OSHA Education Center 206-685-3089 or 800-326-7568

[email protected]

A C C R E d I T A T I O N Professional Development: 0.75 CEUs

Contact Hours: 7.5 hours

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