  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung




    Submitted To: - Submitted By: -

    Professor. S. Suresh Ekta Chaturvedi (15609029)

    Sua!dha "i#ari (15609015)

    $aka!sha %adav (15609009)

    S. Shradha (1560901&)

    Sachi! 'oi!ic (15609022)

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    O*+S"+C ,$-E"+N/

    oistic arketi! co!cet ca! e defi!ed as a arketi! strate3 #hich co!siders the

    usi!ess as a #hoe a!d !ot as a! e!tit3 #ith various differe!t arts. $ccordi! to

    hoistic arketi! co!cet4 eve! if a usi!ess is ade of various dearte!ts4 the

    dearte!ts have to coe toether to roject a ositive u!itedusi!ess iaei!

    the i!ds of the custoer. oistic arketi! co!cet i!voves i!terco!!ected

    arketi! activities to e!sure that the custoer is ike3 to urchase their roduct

    rather tha! coetitio!.

    Eae of oistic arketi! co!cet 7 $! ora!i8atio! #i have differe!t

    dearte!ts ike saes a!d arketi!4 accou!ti! a!d fi!a!ce4 -' a!d roduct

    deveoe!t a!d fi!a3 - a!d oeratio!s. "hus4 if 3ou #a!t to iee!t a hoistic

    arketi! co!cet i! 3our ora!i8atio!4 3ou !eed to e!sure that -' a!droduct

    deveoe!t take the feedack fro arketi! a!d saes to au!ch the roduct #hich

    is ost ike3 to attract custoers. O! the other ha!d the3 !eed to #ork cose3 #ith

    accou!ti! a!d fi!a!ce to fi!d out the eact udet for the roject. Saes a!d

    arketi! !eed to cou!icate to the - the riht ki!d of eoe that the3 !eed4 a!d

    fi!a34 adi! a!d oeratio!s !eed to devise a a! to retai! these eoe.

    Sasu! is a! eae of oistic arketi! #here the roducts are deveoed

    keei! the custoer i! i!d4 "he sho#roos are ra!ded i! the roer a!!er4 the

    custoer service is oite a!d the service is fast. "hus Sasu! is a! ecee!t

    eae of oistic arketi!.
  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    +N"-O'C"+ON "O S$,SN/

    S$,SN/ is k!o#! oa3 for its eectro!ic roducts a!d it is o!e of thesuccessfu ra!ds i! the eectro!ic i!dustr3. +t is a! estaished coa!3 aost a

    arou!d the #ord.

    S$,SN/ E*EC"-ON+CS is a south korea! utii!atio!a eectro!ics a!d

    i!foratio! tech!oo3 coa!3 head:uartered i! S$,SN/ "O;N4 Seou. +t is

    the fashi susidiar3 of the S$,SN/ rou.;ith asse3 a!t a!d saes

    !et#ork i! 61 cou!tries across the #ord4 S$,SN/ has aroiate3 14604000


    +! 20094 the coa!3 took the ositio! of reve!ue i! the areas of *C' a!d *E'

    disa3s a!d eor3 chis is !uer o!e i! the #ord.

    +! the "< see!t4 S$,SN/=s arket ositio! is doi!a!t. >or the 5 3ears si!ce

    20064 the coa!3 has ee! i! the to sot i! ters of !uer of "

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    +!terated ,arketi! Cou!icatio! (+,C)

    +!terated ,arketi! Cou!icatio! (+,C) is the aicatio! ofco!siste!tra!dessai! across oth traditio!a a!d !o!?traditio!a arketi!

    cha!!esa!d usi! differe!t rootio!aA ethods to rei!force each other.

    "he first defi!itio! for i!terated arketi! cou!icatio! cae fro the $erica!

    $ssociatio! of $dvertisi! $e!cies(aso B$@s) i! 19&94 defi!i! +,C as a!

    aroach to achievi! the ojectives of a arketi!caai! throuh a #e?

    coordi!ated use of differe!t rootio!a ethods that are i!te!ded to rei!force each

    other. "he B$@s defi!itio! of +,C reco!i8es the strateic roes of various

    cou!icatio! discii!es (advertisi!4uic reatio!s4 saes rootio!s4 etc.) torovide carit34 co!siste!c34 a!d i!creased iact #he! coi!ed #ithi! a

    corehe!sive cou!icatio!s a!. Dasica34 it is the aicatio! of co!siste!t

    ra!d essai! across oth traditio!a a!d !o!?traditio!a arketi! cha!!es.

    The Journal of Integrated Marketing Communicationfro the ,edi Schoo of

    our!aisatNorth#ester! !iversit3refers to +,C as a strateic arketi! rocess

    secifica3 desi!ed to e!sure that a essai! a!d cou!icatio! strateies are

    u!ified across a cha!!es a!d are ce!tered arou!d the custoer. A2F+,C is used
  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    ractica3 to ao# o!e ediu@s #eak!ess to e offset 3 a!other ediu@s stre!th4

    #ith eee!ts s3!eri8ed to suort each other a!d create reater iact.AGF

    $ ore co!teorar3 defi!itio! states4 "rue +,C is the deveoe!t of arketi!

    strateies a!d creative caai!s that #eave toether utie arketi! discii!es

    (aid advertisi!4 uic reatio!s4 rootio!4 o#!ed assets4 a!d socia edia) that are

    seected a!d the! eecuted to suit the articuar oas of the ra!d. A6F+!stead of

    si3 usi! various edia to he te a ra!d@s overa stor34 #ith +,C the

    arketi! leverageseach cou!icatio! cha!!e@s i!tri!sic stre!ths to achieve a

    reater iact toether tha! each cha!!e coud achieve i!dividua3. +t re:uires the

    arketer to u!dersta!d each ediu@s iitatio!4 i!cudi! the audie!ce@s

    aiit3H#ii!!ess to asor essai! fro that ediu. "his u!dersta!di! is

    i!terated i!to a caai!@s strateic a! fro the ver3 ei!!i! of a!!i! ? so

    that the ra!d !o o!er si3 seaks #ith co!siste!c34 ut seaks #ith a!!edefficac3.A6F"his co!cet i!here!t3 rovides added e!efits that i!cudeI a

    si!uarHs3!chro!i8ed ra!d voice a!d eerie!ce4 cost efficie!cies e!erated throuh

    creativit3 a!d roductio!4 a!d oortu!ities for added vaue a!d o!us.

    MC weaves diverse aspects of business and marketing together. These include:

    1. Ora!i8atio!a cuture

    2. "he ora!i8atio!@s visio! a!d issio!

    G. $ttitudes a!d ehaviors of eo3ees art!ers

    B. Cou!icatio! #ithi! the coa!3

    our C!s of Marketing mi":


    2. Cost

    G. Co!ve!ie!ce

    B. Cou!icatio!
  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    our C!s in #Cs Compass Model $commodity% Cost% Channel% Communication%

    see Marketing mi"% Co-marketing&

    $dvertisi!4 Droadcasti!Hass advertisi!I roadcasts4 ri!t4 i!ter!et advertisi!4

    radio4 teevisio! coercias4 Outdoor advertisi!I ioards4 street fur!iture4

    stadius4 rest areas4 su#a3 advertisi!4 tais4 tra!sit4 O!i!e advertisi!I oie

    advertisi!4 eai ads4 a!!er ads4 search e!i!e resut aes4 os4 !e#setters4

    o!i!e cassified ads4 edia ads.

    'irect marketing:

    'irect ai4 teearketi!4 cataos4 shoi! cha!!es4 i!ter!et saes4 eais4 tet

    essai!4 #esites4 o!i!e disa3 ads4 fiers4 catao distriutio!4 rootio!a

    etters4 outdoor advertisi!4 teearketi!4 couo!s4 direct ai4 direct sei!4

    rassrootsHcou!it3 arketi!4 oie

    (nline)internet marketing:


    2.Search e!i!e otii8atio! (SEO)

    G. Search e!i!e arketi! (SE,)

    B. ,oie ,arketi!

    5. Eai arketi!

    6. Co!te!t arketi!

    J.Socia ,edia (>aceook4 "#itter4 *i!ked+!4 /ooe K4 >ours:uare4 Pi!terest4

    %ou"ue4 ;ikiedia4 +!stara)

    Sales * customer service:

    1.Saes aterias (se sheets4 rochures4 rese!tatio!s)

    2.+!staatio!4 custoer he4 retur!s reairs4 ii!

    G. Puic -eatio!s
  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    B. Secia eve!ts4 i!tervie#s4 co!fere!ce seeches4 i!dustr3 a#ards4 ress

    co!fere!ces4 testio!ias4 !e#s reeases4 uicit3 stu!ts4 cou!it3 i!vovee!t4

    charit3 i!vovee!t eve!ts


    1.Co!tests4 couo!s4 roduct saes (freeies)4 reius4 ri8es4 reates4 secia


    2. "rade sho#s

    G. Dooths4 roduct deo!stratio!s

    B. Cororatehia!thro3

    5. 'o!atio!s4 vou!teeri!4 charitae actio!s

    ;he! these diverse asects of usi!ess a!d arketi! are #eaved toether roer3

    a! effective caai! ca! e achieved. Effective caai!s are deo!strated o! the

    +!terated Dra!ds shocase #hich reco!i8es ra!ds that are i!!ovative4 strateic a!d

    successfu3 ro#i! their saes.A&FD3 effective3 everai! each cou!icatio!

    cha!!e reater iact ca! e achieved toether tha! achieved i!dividua3.

    Samsung,s MC strategy-

    /0/12 S3

    Sasu! reeased the /aa3 S5 #ith a! +,C caai! that used advertisi!4 e?

    arketi!4 uic reatio!s a!d saes rootio!. Sasu! rofied the ide!tified

    taret arket as oth e! a!d #oe!4 et#ee! the aes of 15?50. "his caai!

    #oud aea to eoe #ho use sart ho!es a!d e!jo3 keei! u to date #ith the

    atest tech!oo3.

    Prootio!a toos #ere used as foo#sI

    $dvertisi! 7 "< advertisee!ts to e!erate ra!d a#are!ess.

    E?,arketi! 7 o!i!e a!!er advertisi! a!d a#are!ess o! >aceook a!d %ou"ue.

    Puicit3 7 feature of the ho!e duri! the Oscars4 efore the ho!e #as reeased. "he

    ho!e catures the #ord=s ost vira sefie take! 3 Ee! 'e/e!eres.
  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    Saes rootio! 7 offer of a o!us ack for eoe #ho urchase a !e# Sasu!

    ho!e a!d trade their od o!e i! to receive their od ho!e vaue #orth i! shoi!

    o!e3 for "he +co!ic.

    $ccordi! to the ;a Street our!a4 Sasu! stated the coa!3 sod 11 iio!

    /aa3 S5 ho!es si!ce its au!ch. "he effective!ess of the caai! has cear3

    #orked4 evide!t i! the saes rates.

    /0/12 S4

    +!terated ,arketi! Cou!icatio! Strate3 of Sasu! /aa3 S ++ . +! toda3=s

    ,oder! ,arketi! Ora!isatio!s4 ,arketers strive to rese!t a co!cise essae

    across differe!t edius a!d atfors. +!teratio! #as the ke3 to success4

    Co!ti!uit3 a!d !iforit34 sie strateies that cha!ed the ,arketi! Scie!ce

    forever. +!terated ,arketi! Cou!icatio! for Sasu! /aa3 S++ is ee!architected si!ce its au!ch. 'a3s efore its reease da!cers #ith oes #ritte!

    L*etters fro "he ;ordM a!d the Sasu! *oo araded across Darceo!a?Sai! to

    roote the !e# /aa3 ho!e. "hat aso created Du88 #ithi! the cit3 aout the

    au!ch. D3 usi! the ;ord ,oie Co!ve!tio! 20114 i! Darceo!a?Sai!4 to au!ch

    the ho!e4 the3 ear!ed ots of Puic -eatio!s fro the edia aout the /aa3 S++

    a!d favouri! the !e# tre!ds sho#ed o! the Co!ve!tio!. O! its reease "ro the icrosite4 users coud i!teract #ith a3ers i! the ae 3 se!di! t#eetsa!d i!staras to the scree! of the SB? to sho# their suort or to ake thi!s eve!

    ore difficut.

    $ video of the eve!t #e!t vira i! its first da3 o! 3outue ri!i! iio!s ore e3es

    o! the SB fro arou!d the #ord.

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    8esults :-

    B.1 iio! vie#s 4 1945&2 ikes a!d 1G641&0 shares o! 3outue.

    1514000 i!teractio!s o! the icrosite.

    Over 12 iio! adressio!s i! S#it8era!d.

    1 i! ever3 G s#iss eoe reached.

    >eatured o! the reddit fro!t ae.

    -a!ked 5 o! the oa vira video chat 201G.

    >eatured o! the uffi!to! ost4 /i8odo4 CNN ,o!e34 >ores4 >ortu!e4 Dusi!ees

    +!sider4 PS>4 $O*4 "< !e#s4 Creativit34 a!d a!3 others.

    0earning and Conclusions :-

    Creati! a u88 is iorta!t for a roduct=s success.

    Cou!icate !e# features 3 e!ai! custoer #ith the ra!d.

    +!!ovative a!d eecutio! of ideas hes create a ra!d recoect.

    *everai! a edia atfors is esse!tia to ake the caai! vira.

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    +!ter!a ,arketi!

    Sasu! vou!teer rora #as the >irst Eo3ee

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    orea?Chi!a >orest Project. $!d for hei! i!a!cia suort is aso iorta!t a!d hefu i! retai!i!

    eo3ee vou!teers. Sasu! usua3 coi!es vou!teeri! #ith ivi!. >or

    eae4 Sasu! Eectro!ic raises fu!d throuh the L*ove ,aratho!M eve!ts a!d

    se!ds soe fu!ds for Grd #ord educatio! rojects.

    +! additio! to i!ter!a otivatio! roras4 Sasu! have eter!a otivatio!

    roras for reco!itio! a!d a#ardI +t evauates E

    or eae4 S$,SN/ >ire ,ari!e +!sura!ce Co. i!cudes

    eo3ee vou!teeri! i! the evauatio! for the /reat ;ork Pace as a a!aee!t

    strate3. *ove "heroeter=4 the i!tra!et4 is used to sho# vou!teeri! do!atio!s

    3 eo3ees. Sasu! Eectro!ics ives the Ne# *eader $#ard to outsta!di!

    vou!teers throuh its :uarter3 evauatio!.

    ;he! there is a doestic eere!c34 aid tie?offs are ive! as a #a3 of reso!di!

    to the cou!it3 !eeds4 esecia34 i! the case of disaster reief. +!ter!atio!a34Sasu! suorts 3 se!di! edica service teas4 G119 eere!c3 service teas4

    rescue?dos fro Sasu! Search -escue 'o Ce!ter a!d rovide aid eaves for

    ever3 eere!c3 vou!teer. +t e!couraes vou!teers to use this aid?eave for servi!

    reote a!d heess cou!ities4 stricke! 3 disasters.

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    Sasu! otivates its vou!teers throuh B !atio! #ide caai!s. "he3 are Dood

    'o!atio! -ea34 +!auuratio! 'a3 estiva4 S$,SN/ /oa estiva4 a!d *ove for Neihors caai!. "hrouh these B ouar

    caai!s4 aost a eo3ees articiate i! vou!teeri!.

    Si!ce 19954 Sasu! had fu tie vou!teer coordi!ators. $s coared to 19954 the

    vou!teeri! areas have ee! diversified 3 the 3ear of 200G. $ccordi!34 Sasu!

    has fu tie staff suort read3 to he the diversified roras4 such as rora

    deveoe!t4 i!tervie#s4 tea a!aee!t4 fu!d oeratio! etc. $so4 +t a#ards

    coordi!ators a!d their coa!ies for outsta!di! erfora!ce.

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    $s a resut of 1 coa!3 cari! 1 river ovee!t4 the aou!ts of cheica #aste

    has ee! reduced susta!tia34 a!d the :uait3 of "ae#ha -iver iroved

    si!ifica!t3. "his #as roceeded 3 Sasu! Cheicas.

    "he ai! :uestio! that reai!s is L;hat is the ore effective #a3s of otivatio!RM

    Sasu! eieves a!d have ear!ed over the 3ears4 "he a!s#er is4 Lu!dersta!di!

    #hat the3 !eed a!d suorti! #hat the3 #a!tTM. Sasu! vou!teer rora #oud

    !ever e a83 #ith oe.

    Corporate Citi9enship

    $t the heart of Sasu!=s hiosoh3 ies a stro! coite!t to Corporate

    Citi9enship4 the idea that coa!ies have a reso!siiit3 to create ositive cha!e

    a!d he eoe ive etter ives. "rue success oes ha!d?i!?ha!d #ith creati!

    roserit3 a!d oortu!ities for the cou!it3. "hat is #h3 Sasu! has dedicated

    itsef to ei! socia3 a!d e!viro!e!ta3 reso!sie i! ever3 cou!it3 i! #hich

    #e oerate4 a across the #ord.

    "oda34 Sasu! is carr3i! out rojects i! &5 cou!tries4 aki! sure that each roject

    fits the !eeds a!d circusta!ces of the resective cou!it3. +! 201G4 +t eo3ed

    five riar3 strateies arou!d the #ord to he irove educatio!4 i!crease

    eo3e!t4 a!d rovide reater access to etter edica services.

    Samsung,s ive Main Corporate Citi9enship +rogram Strategies

    Samsung Tech nstitutefocuses o! hei! 3ou! aduts ai! eo3e!t throuh

    trai!i! a!d educatio! i! the +" a!d service i!dustries. +! deveoed areas4 it focuses

    o! trai!i! 3ouths i! soft#are deveoe!t4 #hie i! deveoi! cou!tries it teach es

    the ho# to ece i! the fied of roduct services. +! 201G4 Sasu! iee!ted 2G

    roras across road reio!s $frica4 ,idde East4 Southeast $sia a!d Euroe a!d

    tha!ks to these roras4 it has ee! ae to eo3 etraordi!ar3 tae!t fro arou!d

    the oe. +! $frica4 it first au!ched a! e!i!eeri! acade3i! South $frica i!

    ,arch 2011. "he foo#i! 3ear4 Sasu! Eectro!ics estaished acadeies i!
  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    e!3a a!d Nieria. "he acadeies offer o!e?3ear courses teachi! ractica skis to

    he its raduates start their career as e!i!eers at +" coa!ies.

    Samsung Smart School uses adva!ced tech!oo3 to create etter ear!i!e!viro!e!ts a!d aid i! the deveoe!t of sarter a!d ore creative i!dividuas.

    ;ith over G&0 Sart Schoos arou!d the #ord4 Sasu! is #orki! to fi!d hih?

    eve soutio!s that eet secific oca educatio!a !eeds. Sasu! seeks to reduce

    the diita divide 3 rovidi! asic educatio!a aterias4 such as ooks a!d esso!

    a!s4 a!d eve! schoo uidi!s i! u!derrivieed areas. +! ore deveoed reio!s4

    it is ri!i! +" i!to the cassroos a!d utti! tech!oo3 7 Sasu! /aa3 Notes4

    e?oards4 a!d other sart devices 7 i!to the ha!ds of the stude!ts. 1&J Sart Schoos

    #ere au!ched i! Euroe ast 3ear. *iraries a!d asic educatio! i!stitutes #ere set u

    i! cou!tries ike Ecuador a!d Nicaraua4 #hie i! Dra8i a!d $re!ti!a4 Sart Schoo

    soutio!s4 taet PCs a!d eectro!ic oards #ere rovided to suort adva!ced trai!i!

    i! +".

    Samsung Care 'rive #as estaished to he rovide edica services to

    cou!ities that ack access to asic i!frastructure such as hositas. ,oie edica

    ce!ters a!d edica vou!teers offer deveoi! cou!ities i! areas of $frica a!d

    arts of $sia access to edica care. >or eae4 Samsung Mobile ealthCenterrovides oie edica services to he reduce heath issues such as

    ater!a a!d feta ortait3 rate.

    Solve for Tomorrow #as created i! 2010 to rovide oortu!ities for tae!ted

    i!dividuas fro across the oe #ho are assio!ate aout uidi! a etter

    cou!it3. Particia!ts suit roosas a!d rese!t their ideas for a roject.

    Seected #i!!ers the! receive fu!di! to carr3 out those rojects a!d ri! the to

    ife. "he Sove for "oorro#roject has ee! successfu i! rooti! socia

    e!trere!eurshi a!d rove! ho# tech!oo3 ca! irove our e!viro!e!t a!d our

    cou!ities. "he coetitio! for 201G i!voved hih schoo a!d u!iversit3 stude!ts

    fro a !uer of cou!tries4 i!cudi! Chi!a4 #ho deveoed soutio!s for e!er3

    efficie!c34 e!viro!e!ta rotectio! a!d heath. ,ore tha! 104000 stude!ts o! 24J0G

    teas have offered their ideas for toorro#.
  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    Samsung ;anum

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    7ducation in 4=>=

    Sasu! Eectro!ics co!ti!ued to e!ha!ce eo3ee coete!cies 3 utii8i! o!i!e

    a!d offi!e educatio! roras. Educatio! ecae revitai8ed #ith the ea!sio! of

    o!i!e a!d oie rora /oi! fo#ard4 #e #i heihte! effective!ess 3 offeri!

    ore o!i!e a!d oie course.

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    7"pert Training

    ;e have i!stituted a! eertise deveoe!t rocess to he eo3ees ecoe

    eadi! eerts i! their fieds. Previous34 the rocess #as co!ce!trated o! soft#are

    a!d arketi! erso!!e ut is !o# ei! aied to #orkers i! a jo fu!ctio!s.

    ;ork ski assesse!ts ao# eo3ees to ide!tif3 their o#! caaiities so that the3

    ca! dra# u erso!a deveoe!t a!s to irove o! their areas of #eak!ess.

    Eo3ees receive suort fro the dearte!t head a!d coa!3 to iee!t

    these a!s #hich i! tur! hes to fue erso!a ro#th a!d i!crease #ork satisfactio!.

    "he #ork ski assesse!ts are set to e co!ducted a!!ua3 i! the third #eek of

    ,arch4 after rootio!s are a!!ou!ced. "his eriod #as seected to ive - a!

    oortu!it3 to craft ore effective a!d efficie!t deveoe!t easures.

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    lobal 7ducation

    +! 20104 #e ea!ded the oa S,$ (Sasu! ,a!aer $cade3) a!d /EC

    (/oa Eecutive Course) roras to adva!ce the caaiities of #orkers eo3ed

    3 oa susidiaries. >or forei! #orkers a!d

    !e# recruits ased i! orea4 #e offered the oa orie!tatio! rora to i!troduce

    the to Sasu! Eectro!ics= usi!ess hiosoh34 vaues a!d strate3. +rovee!ts

    #ere ade to ore cose3 i!k the reio!a seciaist trai!i! rora to the

    deo3e!t of eo3ees to osts i! oa susidiaries. -eio!a seciaist trai!i!

    is desi!ed to foster oa eerts #ho #i ead Sasu! Eectro!ics= ro#th i!to a

    eadi! oa cororatio!. -ece!t34 #e have ee! deo3i! ore reio!a

    seciaists to the fast ro#i! cou!tries to stre!the! our oa oeratio!.

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    -E*$"+ONS+P ,$-E"+N/ O>


    'ue to the rise i! the !uer of coetitors as #e as the u3i! otio!s i! fro!t of

    co!suers4 reatio!shi arketi! has ee! o! the rise.

    -eatio!shi arketi! i!voves?

    ,aki! stro! a!d dee reatio!shi #ith the co!suers (#hether the3 e i!dividuas

    or ora!i8atio!s)4 such that the co!suer does !ot shift a ra!d a!d has a o! tera!d satisf3i! reatio!shi #ith the ra!d.

    -eatio!shi arketi! !eed !ot e used o!3 #ith 3our e!d custoers. %our

    stakehoders are e:ua3 iorta!t. "hat is #h3 o!e of the ke3 oas of arketi!

    activities toda3 is to uid stro! reatio!shis #ith custoers a!d stakehoders. "hus

    i! a4 the various e!tities i!voved i! reatio!shi arketi! are?

    1. Custoers

    2. Eo3ees

    G. Cha!!e art!ers ('istriutors4 suiers etc)

    B. >i!a!cia art!ers (Sharehoders4 i!vestors etc)

    S$,SN/ has uit a stro! reatio!shi #ith a these e!tities to e i! the fro!t.

    +ai!e havi! a hih defectio! rate4 or havi! a hih attritio! i! the ora!i8atio!.

    'efectio! rate is the rate of a custoer eavi! its ra!ds4 #hereas attritio! rate is the

    rate at #hich a! eo3ee eaves a coa!3 #hich has hired hi. %ou do !ot #a!t ahih defectio! or attritio! rate. $!d he!ce the use of reatio!shi arketi!.

    "hese four e!tities toether ca! aso e k!o#! as the L,arketi! !et#orkM for

    reatio!shi arketi!. O!e of the sarter strateies for a coa!3 to e!erate rofits

    is sie 7 "ake ood care of 3our arketi! !et#ork a!d 3our rofits #i foo#.

    +ai!e a hih3 otivated eo3ee #orki! ao!side a hih3 otivated cha!!e

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    art!ers. "his uids co!fide!ce for the coa!3 fro the oi!t of vie# of the

    custoers #hich i! tur! ri!s saes a!d etter !uers. "his attracts the fi!a!cia

    cou!it3 a!d the3 i! tur! start i!vesti! i! the coa!3. "hus i! esse!ce4

    reatio!shi arketi! ca! actua3 take the ora!i8atio! to a #hoe !e# eve of

    e!erati! usi!ess a!d rofits.

    ;ith i!dividuai8atio! a!d custoi8atio! o! the rise4 reatio!shi arketi! too has

    evoved a!d has started aki! searate offers to a the four e!tities. No#ada3s 3ou

    #i fi!d secific reco!itio! a#ards ei! ive! to eo3ees4 o3at3 roras

    ive! to custoers4 rete!tio! re#ards a!d o!etar3 a#ards ive! to cha!!e art!ers

    a!d fi!a3 fi!a!cia re#ards (stocks4 divide!ds) ei! ive! to the fi!a!cia art!ers

    of the coa!3.

    D3 iee!ti! these easures a!d ei! focused o! reatio!shis4 S$,SN/ has

    aced uch ore iorta!ce o! custoer rete!tio!. $s #e k!o#4 the etter the

    reatio!shi4 the etter the reatio!s. $!d furtherore4 the cost of retai!i! a custoer

    is 20Q to that of ac:uiri! a !e# custoer. $so4 the retai!ed custoer #i e

    reso!sie for a hih aou!t of saes for the coa!3. "he coa!3 havi! a hiher

    !uer of retai!ed custoers is ore ike3 to have a hiher arket share as

    coared to the coetitio!.

    Overa4 reatio!shi ,arketi! has uit a tiht k!it for S$,SN/ ri!i! its

    ai! a3ers toether a!d there3 taki! it for#ard.

    "his i! tur! has resuted i! hih erfora!ce a!d hih re#ards. $s said 3 *eo!ardo

    'icario i! the ovie +!cetio! 7 $ ositive otivatio! a#a3s trus a !eative

    thouht. "his is #here the cru of reatio!shi arketi! ies. $ ositive otivatio!

    #hich ri!s eoe toether4 uids a stro! o!d a!d hes the coa!3 i!

    achievi! its taret.

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    PE->O-,$NCE ,$-E"+N/

    Perfora!ce ,arketi! is a corehe!sive ter that refers to o!i!e arketi! a!dadvertisi! roras i! #hich advertisers a!d arketi! coa!ies are aid #he! a

    secific actio! is coeted such as a sae4 ead or cick.

    Sasu! Eectro!ics $erica se!t virtua3 !othi! o! the +!ter!et ast 3ear. "his

    3ear4 it i!te!ds to sure ore tha! U5 iio! o! o!i!e arketi! cacuated to 3ied

    G50 iio! iressio!s a o!th across the ;e. "he o!i!e effort is art of a!

    overa UB00 iio! #ord#ide teevisio!4 radio4 ri!t a!d outdoor caai! tai!ed

    'iit$ Eerie!ce. Ever3o!e@s i!vited. +t ais to reositio! Sasu! as a serious

    a3er i! diita co!vere!ce a!d ossi3 u!seat riva So!3 Cor. fro doi!a!ce i!.S. co!suer eectro!ics.

    +t si3 ea!s that #e u!dersta!d the vaue of the deorahics of adotio! i! a

    !e# e!eratio! of the k!o#ede eco!o34 said Peter ;eedfad4 vice reside!t of

    strateic arketi! a!d !e# edia at Sasu! Eectro!ics $erica4 -idefied Park4


    'eveoed 3 advertisi! ae!c3 >oote4 Co!e Dedi!4 the Sasu! teevisio!

    caai! focuses o! ho# the arketer@s ortfoio of roducts eets cha!i! !eeds

    of co!suers. Siiar34 o!i!e4 ri!t a!d ioards ads4 created 3 Sasu!?o#!ed

    Chei Cou!icatio!s $erica4 #i deiver secific offers. O!i!e tactics i!cude

    so!sorshis4 a!!ers4 couo!s4 s#eestakes4 rea?tie audio a!d video4 i!terstitias

    a!d cha!!e?reated ;e offers.

    ;e #a!t to uid affi!it3 a!d direct oortu!ities4 ;eedfad said.

    "he South orea! arketer has ouht edia o! 5J ajor ;e sites. "he ist

    i!cudes CNE"4 >ores.co4 >ortu!e.co4 Dusi!ess;eek.co4 CNN.co4

    CDS.Sorts*i!e.co4 Cara!d'river.co4 Ee.co4 roada!dtrack.co4 reiere.co4

    eoe.co4 deaerscoe.co4 a!d Sites of ouar radio

    statio!s are aso art of the edia a!. "he choice of sites #as !ot as straihtfor#ard

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    as it sees.

    $fter research a!d a!a3sis of the arket oortu!ities4 ;eedfad atched that

    i!foratio! #ith the various Sasu! divisio!s4 their roducts a!d their t3ica

    distriutio! cha!!es. "he! he et #ith the resective divisio! heads a!d saes a!d

    arketi! eecutives to u!dersta!d their ojectives for the 3ear. ;eedfad arried the

    ear!i! fro such co!versatio!s #ith the tareted sites@ iressio!s a!d u!i:ue

    traffic !uers to craft a strate3. $dvertisi! u!its o! these sites cover a variet3 of

    a!!er si8es #ith teates for 1& roras. So Sasu! had readied a!!ers for

    >ather@s 'a34 >ourth of u34 Christas a!d Ne# %ear@s4 to !ae a fe#. $ that !eeds

    to e do!e is i!sert the erti!e!t roduct.

    "he acee!ts ost3 are aove?the?fod4 2B hours a da34 G65 da3s a 3ear4;eedfad said. "his is 100 erce!t static4 staid4 !ood3 has arit3 #ith Sasu! 2B

    hours a da3 o! the hoe ae Aof the sites ru!!i! the adsF.

    Creative i! 12 to 1B eecutio!s #i tout roducts i! the co!vere!ce4 e!tertai!e!t

    a!d oie areas. >eatured roducts i!cude *C' ce ho!es4 ortae '

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    + ca! atch that to a!3o!e i! 3 dataase of ot?i! erissio!?ased e?ai

    addresses so that + ca! actua3 deiver tareted offers4 he said.

    !ti ast 3ear4 Sasu! had !o co!suer e?ai dataase to seak of. ;hie

    ;eedfad #oud !ot discose the curre!t si8e of the dataase4 he eects it to ro#

    eo!e!tia3 ecause of this caai!.

    ;e@re hoi! that #e@re uidi! soethi! here that #e ca! reeat 3ear after 3ear4

    he said

    +! 19954 #he! Sasu! e!tered +!dia4 it reai8ed that +!dia! co!suers #ere !ot

    faiiar #ith the coa!3. So4 i! order to estaish itsef i! the +!dia! co!suers

    i!d4 Sasu! au!ched cororate advertisee!ts hihihti! its tech!ooica3 suerior


    +! 199J4 Sasu! au!ched its first cororate advertisi! caai! ? Noe Pri8e

    Series. "his ad #as aired i! !i!e a!uaes across Euroe4 the ,idde East4 South

    $erica a!d C+S cou!tries. "he advertisee!t sho#ed a a! (rerese!ti! a Noe

    Pri8e *aureate) assi! fro o!e sce!e to a!other. $s the a! asses throuhdiffere!t

    sce!es4 Sasu! roducts tra!sfor i!to ore adva!ced odes. $ccordi!to

    coa!3 sources4 the idea #as to co!ve3 the essae that Sasu! uses Noe Pri8e

    *aureates@ ideas for aki! its roducts.

    Sasu! e!tered +!dia i! 'eceer 1995 as a 51IB9 joi!t ve!ture #ith -easo!ae

    Couter Soutio!s Pvt *td (-CSP*)4 o#!ed 3

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    +! 20024 Sasu! reorted saes of -s.1J0 iio! #ith 26Q ro#th over the

    revious 3ear. +ts co!suer eectro!ics usi!ess re# 3 29Q a!d co!triuted 60Q to

    the tota saes4 a!d its hoe aia!ces divisio! re# 3 21Q4 co!triuti! B0 Q of

    the tota saes.

    Samsung Marketing Strategy

    +riceW Sasu!=s rici! their roduct Sasu! aa3 S ++ for -,1B99.W

    Sasu!=s roducts are ood i! :uait3 a!d tech!oo3 so that the rice #i e


    +roductW Sasu!=s roduct4 such as Sasu! aa3 series4 teevisio!4 a!dcouter roduct.

    +romotionW "he3 #i ive soe stuff #he! 3ou u3 their roduct4 such casi! or

    free to i!stai! soe aicatio!.W "he3 aso offer free #ifi to their custoer.

    +laceW Sasu!=s coa!3 ot a!3 ra!ches ost3 ocated i! ever3#here.W

    Custoer ca! easi3 to et the i!foratio! aout their roduct a!d services.

    Samsung /dvertising Method

    Sasu! usi! direct a!d i!direct ethod.W 'irect ethod4 for eae4 Sasu!

    advertise their roduct throuh teevisio!4 i!ter!et4 a!d other ese.W +!direct ethod4

    for eae4 Sasu! et custoer tr3 their !e# roduct a!d et custoer k!o# that

    their !e# roduct is ood to use.


  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    /oa 'iita Socia

    ,edia Strate3 at Sasu!

    Sasu! is just3 o!e of the arest a!d ost ouar ra!ds i! the Nethera!ds. Not

    o!3 as a ra!d i! itsef4 ut o! socia edia Sasu! is a io!eer as #e. Sasu!=s

    e!thusias for socia edia is cear3 visie Sasu! Nedera!d is rese!t o! the

    ost ouar socia edia cha!!es a!d k!o#s ho# to create coo co!te!t aout

    roduct. Dut #hoever=s ood #a!ts to et etter.

    *ast 3ear4 Sasu! ecae the to oie a!ufacturer i! the #ord4 taki! the sot

    hed 3 Nokia si!ce 199& a!d overtaki! coetitor4 $e=s4 share of the sartho!e

    arket. Dut Sasu! is!=t o!3 a oa oie ia!t. ;ith 20 iio! foo#ers o!

    "#itter a!d 15 iio! >aceook fa!s4 it=s aso a coa!3 that u!dersta!ds the vaue

    of socia curre!c3.

    "he eteoric rise of Sasu! ,oie is !o accide!t. +! a diita e!viro!e!t that

    i!cudes a! estiated three iio! oie users #ord#ide4 it has ecoe

    i!creasi!3 critica for coa!ies a!d ra!ds to e!ae #ith oie co!suers o!

    the devices of their choosi!. $ccordi! to oi"hi!ki!4 a resource for oa

    diita oie arketi! ae!cies4 i! ;h3 Sasu! is !uer o!e

    ha!dsetHsartho!e ve!dorI #h3 3our oie strate3 shoud euate Sasu!4

    LCoa!ies have to fit their oie strate3 to suit co!suer choice.M

    "his is a! area i! #hich Sasu! ,oie has eceed. +t offers oie ho!es a!d

    devices at a variet3 of rice ra!es a!d has!=t ieo!hoed its u3ers i!to usi! o!e

    oerati! s3ste over a!other. LCoa!ies that are rescritive i! their oie

    e!aee!t4 eitoi8ed 3 coa!ies that o!3 offer a! iPho!e or $!droid a4 are
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    ushi! a their other custoers (oth those that have a differe!t ha!dset a!d those

    #ho si3 do!=t #a!t a!other a cutteri! u their ce ho!e) i!to the #ecoi!

    ars of their coetitors4M oi"hi!ki! sa3s.

    Sasu! ao#s users to stick #ith the Sasu! ra!d #hie ei! ae to choose

    fro severa differe!t sartho!e oerati! s3stes4 i!cudi! $!droid4 ;i!do#s4

    a!d Dada. +t aso a!ufactures a! astou!di! 15G varieties of ha!dsets that it akes

    avaiae #ord#ide. +ts iest coetitors do!=t coe cose.

    Nokia offers 22 ha!dsets #ord#ide4 ut o!3 eiht varieties i! the S4 a!d its

    sartho!es are !o# o!3 avaiae o! the ;i!do#s atfor. $e4 the third arest

    ha!dset a!ufacturer4 has a ha!dfu of i!car!atio!s of its iPho!e i!e4 #hie V"E

    offers 22 ha!dsets #ith $!droid a!d ;i!do#s otio!s4 a!d */4 the fifth arest

    ha!dset rovider carries 614 riari3 $!droid4 oie ho!e varieties. Custoer

    choice has ive! Sasu! a! ede i! the oie arket4 i! #hich 1.9 iio! oie

    devices #ere sod ast 3ear ao!e4 accordi! to oi"hi!ki!.

    Sasu! ,oie=s road reach4 artia3 as a resut of offeri! co!suers ore

    choice4 has ee! arked3 heihte!ed 3 its successfu socia edia strate3 #hich

    has accoodated the !e# oie co!suer e!viro!e!t 3 eraci! the shift

    to#ards #hat

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


    Socia curre!c3 #hee Sasu!

    +! this #a34 Sasu! has ee! ae to dra# i! !e# socia3 e!aed co!suers a!d

    ai! coetitive adva!tae4 sa3s ,a Nise!4 i! "hese Socia Curre!c3 ;hees Sho#

    ;h3 Ever3o!e *oves Sasu!. Sasu! has ut a reat dea of co!sideratio! i!tosocia3 e!ai! its custoers a!d ra!d o3aists4 throuh its socia edia rese!ce

    a!d its #esite4 to !et#ork #ith others4 such as frie!ds a!d fai3 eers4 3

    fosteri! a! e!viro!e!t of advocac3 a!d the e!ui!e ceeratio! of its roducts a!d


    ,uch of Sasu! ,oie=s ore rece!t socia edia success has ee! due to its

    efforts to au!ch its atest i!es of /aa3 sart ho!es a!d taets. o#ever4 as

    Sasu!=s eae sho#s4 a oa diita a!d socia arketi! strate3 ust e

    active3 adated to a! i!creasi!3 oie #ord a!d e!ae custoers to tak #itha!d share #ith o!e a!other4 aif3 arketi! caai!s4 a!d uid cou!ities of

    ra!d advocates a!d socia edia i!fue!cers. $s

  • 7/24/2019 Introduction to Samsung


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