
OSS Watch

What is Open Development?

Ross GardlerOSS Watch Service Manager

[email protected]:// Tags: ossw_community2008

Unless otherwise indicated, all materials in this presentation are 2008 University of Oxford

and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 England & Wales licence.


What is Open Development?

What is Sustainability?

The Social system

The Environment

The Economy


Open development is...

A way for distributed team members to collaboratively develop a shared resource in a managed and sustainable way.

Perfected in open source projects.

Key Attributes

User engagement




What is sustainability?

The ongoing process of achieving development or redevelopment that does not undermine its physical or social systems of support.

The economy

The environment

The Social System

The Social System

Courtesy of Aristocrat

"The real value of open source software is that it allows communities to work together and solve problems"

- Irving Wladawsky-Berger,

Head of IBM's e-business on demand initiative

I think that innovation happens in encounters when you encounter other people and also when you step over some boundary and you combine ideas that haven't been combined before.

Marten Mickos, (Sold MySQL for $1B)

The $1b community

You need a good user base before you start getting contributions.

Marten Mickos, (Sold MySQL for $1B)

The Environment

Courtesy of amymyou

Join an Existing Community

Raise awareness of your own work

Attract users from connected communities

Learn from successful communities

Stay abreast of current thinking

Lose independence

Build a New Community

Limited visibility fewer users

Retain full independence

Do you really need it?

What will it bring you?

More recognition for initiators

Little opportunity to learn from others

Build a Sub-community

Best of both worlds

Benefit. from experience of some

Maintain some independence

Little fish in big pond?

Is these a suitable parent?

Four Essential Tools

Web site

Archived mailing list

Issue tracker

Version control

Essential Processes

Decision making

Conflict Resolution

Meritocracy of contribution

Benevolent dictator


Recognition & Reward

The Economy

Courtesy of thefuturistics -

Selfish Motivations?

Those who contribute to us are as selfish as anybody else. There's rarely any charitable aspect of this.

Marten Mickos, (Sold MySQL for $1B)

Facilitate Exchange

Give as much as yen can

Take as much as you can

Give everything

Expect nothing

Do it all in the open


Barter is a form of monetisation

User feedback (market research)

Evangelism (marketing)

Code (product development)

Most people don't/can't offer anything

These people will pay (in private)

Courtesty of Perrenque

Be Realistic, Be Sensible

Building an open development project takes time

they won't come flocking

You will talk to yourself in the early days

Start as you mean to go on

Lead by example, others will follow

Encourage everyone to help new users

OSS Watch Strategic Projects

Open Development (community led)

Sustainability planning (from bid stage)

Community development effort

Project communities

Inter-project communities

We are community members

Thank you for listening,

For more information...

[email protected]

Ross Gardler

Image: Some Rights Reserved

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