
Jessica  Turner  –  Politics  Oxford  University  


Explain  why  the  concept  of  rights  is  central  to  the  study  of  politics.  

Rights  “structure  the  form  of  governments,  the  content  of  laws,  and  the  shape  of  morality  as  it  is  currently  perceived”  (Stanford  Encyclopedia  of  Philosophy,  2016),  making  them  a  fundamental  element  of  the  study  of  politics.  Rights  can  be  enshrined  in  countries’  constitutions,  or  in  legislation  such  as  guaranteeing  benefits  or  access  to  educational  and  health  services.  However,  because  they  take  the  form  of  “you  have  the  right  to  X”  rather  than  “you  must  not  do  Y”,  they  less  clear  cut  than  laws  of  prohibition.  

By  definition,  rights  are  not  only  an  individual’s  authority  to  act,  but  are  universally  possessed  by  similar  individuals  (Tansey,  2004).  The  U.N.  Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights  (1948)  is  the  modern  development  of  earlier  theories  of  ‘natural  rights’,  and  represents  a  moral  claim  to  equal  political  treatment  for  all  of  humanity.  

Rights  can  be  categorised  by  common  attributes,  to  aid  our  understanding  of  what  the  rights  are  alluding  to:  

• Which  group  is  alleged  to  have  the  right:  children,  women,  workers,  peoples,  states,  and  even  animals.  

• The  actions,  states  or  objects  to  which  the  asserted  right  pertains:  the  right  to  freedom  of  expression  or  speech;  to  pass  judgment;  privacy;  against  self-­‐incrimination  (for  example,  Miranda  rights);  property  rights;  bodily  rights.  

• The  origins  of  the  right:  law;  ethics  or  morality;  customary  rights  derived  from  local  convention.  

• Whether  the  right  holder’s  action  can  affect  their  entitlement  to  such  rights:  the  right  to  life  is  inalienable  in  countries  where  capital  punishment  has  been  abolished,  but  the  right  to  liberty  can  be  withdrawn.  


The  perception  of  rights  within  public  consciousness  is  important  to  how  they  can  be  asserted,  and  this  can  change  as  a  result  of  political  lobbying,  current  affairs  (for  example,  news  stories  in  mainstream  media),  amongst  other  pressures.  The  aforementioned  rights  groups  are  not  mutually  exclusive,  and  an  individual’s  perceived  group  memberships  may  change.  As  many  rights  are  moral  or  cultural,  they  are  subject  to  change.  

Politics  plays  an  important  role  in  developing  and  recognising  the  above  rights;  which  behaviours  and  benefits  constitute  "rights"  is  subject  to  ongoing  discussion,  debate  and  legislation.  Governmental  regime  changes  can  lead  to  shifts  in  rights:  for  example,  the  concept  of  equality  is  often  bound  up  with  the  meaning  of  "rights"  (The  Human  Rights  Act  1998,  2016;  Roemer,  2005).  Social  conservatives  often  identify  equality  with  equality  of  opportunity,  such  as  allowing  all  university  students  access  to  student  loans  at  the  same  rate.  In  contrast,  social  democrats  and  liberals  may  strive  instead  for  equity,  or  equality  of  outcome:  in  this  case,  students  from  less-­‐wealthy  backgrounds  may  have  rights  to  bursaries  or  higher  loan  repayment  thresholds.  

The  exploration  of  rights  is  a  continuous  process,  just  as  politics  as  a  practice  and  discipline  is  constantly  in  flux.  Rights  are  inseparable  from  discussions  of  legislation,  the  judicial  system,  and  public  discussions  of  morality;  therefore,  they  are  a  central  concept  in  the  study  of  politics.  


Jessica  Turner  –  Politics  Oxford  University  


John  E.  Roemer  (December  14,  2005).  "Roemer  on  equality  of  opportunity".  New  Economist.  

Stanford  Encyclopedia  of  Philosophy.  (June  8,  2016)  Stanford  University.    

Tansey,  S.  and  Jackson,  N.,  (2014)    Politics:  the  Basics,  London,  Routledge.  

The  Human  Rights  Act  1998  (June  6,  2016)  Equality  and  Human  Rights­‐rights/human-­‐rights-­‐act    

Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights  (1948).  G.A.  res.  217A  (III),  U.N.  Doc  A/810  at  7.    





Jessica  Turner  –  Politics  Oxford  University  


Identify  the  main  elements  of  democratic  political  systems  and  suggest  ways  in  which  they  might  be  undermined.  You  may  refer  to  your  own  country  and/or  a  number  of  countries.    Democracy  is  a  system  of  governance  that  gives  all  qualified  citizens  an  equal  opportunity  of  involvement  in  the  creation  of  laws,  proposals,  and  general  development.  This  is  possible  through  direct  democracy,  where  the  people  themselves  determine  the  laws  and  policies  by  which  they  are  governed,  although  this  is  often  impractical  in  populous  states.  Instead,  most  countries  govern  through  representative  democracy:  this  may  be  constitutional,  parliamentary,  or  presidential,  but  the  main  feature  is  that  people  affect  political  life  through  the  representatives  they  have  chosen  through  elections  (Howards,  2003).      Democracy  is  the  most  popular  form  of  governance  in  the  world,  preferred  for  the  prestigious  freedom  that  citizens  enjoy  in  executing  their  choices.  It  can  be  defined  through  several  basic  features:  holding  free  and  fair  elections,  protecting  human  rights,  applying  the  law  to  all  citizens  equally,  and  affording  citizens  the  right  to  involve  themselves  in  civic  and  political  activities  as  well  as  citizens’  rights  such  as  freedom  of  speech  and  the  press.    In  a  representative  democratic  society,  people  elect  representatives  to  carry  out  their  needs,  trusting  that  they  will  carry  out  their  duties  efficiently,  responsibly,  and  honestly.  Democratic  systems  can  be  undermined  by  bureaucracy,  including  legislative  and  administrative  checks  on  power,  or  corruption  of  the  elected  representatives  from  known  or  undeclared  outside  interests.        A  liberal  democracy  is  a  form  of  representative  democracy  and  may  take  various  constitutional  forms:  it  may  be  a  constitutional  monarchy  (e.g.  Japan,  Australia,  and  UK)  or  a  constitutional  republic  (France,  India,  and  USA).  In  presidential  democracies,  the  government  is  headed  by  a  directly  elected  president,  who  is  also  the  ceremonial  head  of  state.  There  is  a  focus  on  global  institutions  such  as  the  United  Nations  and  the  attractiveness  of  creating  democratic  international  institutions  and  promoting  the  spread  of  liberal-­‐democracy.  The  constructivist  places  emphasis  on  the  importance  of  how  states  construct  their  identities  and  marks  an  inherent  shift  into  the  globalisation  of  politics  (Held,  1995).    

In  parliamentary  democracies,  the  government  is  headed  by  a  prime  minister  and  their  cabinet,  who  must  maintain  the  confidence  of  parliament,  while  a  president  or  king  acts  as  the  ceremonial  head  of  state.    Many  newer  democracies  such  as  Australia  have  chosen  an  intermediate  system:  the  cabinet  is  responsible  for  the  day-­‐to-­‐day  administration  of  government  through  its  ministries;  the  president  has  the  power  to  nominate  the  prime  minister,  embargo  legislation,  and  to  make  or  approve  certain  judicial  and  governmental  appointments.  By  partially  separating  these  powers,  combined  with  an  independent  judiciary,  this  system  aims  to  prevent  the  abuse  of  power.  

A  state’s  democracy  can  evolve  over  the  course  of  history.  Australia's  system  of  government  grew  over  time  from  single  governors  representing  the  British  Parliament  to  the  fully  elected  representative  democracy  that  functions  today.  Australia  has  been  a  leader  in  many  important  democratic  steps  such  as  granting  women  the  right  to  vote  and  introducing  the  secret  ballot.  The  Australian  political  system  has  one  undemocratic  feature  usually  overlooked:  the  division  of  the  country  into  many  electorates.  Decision  requires  a  majority  vote  in  a  majority  of  the  subdivisions,  i.e.  a  qualified  or  special  majority,  rather  than  a  simple  majority.  A  party  may  receive  a  majority  of  the  popular  vote  nation-­‐wide  and  still  not  get  a  majority  in  Parliament;  this  can  also  happen  in  the  UK  and  other  countries  (Department  of  the  Senate,  2004).  

Jessica  Turner  –  Politics  Oxford  University  


Citizens  living  under  a  democracy  have  basic  rights  that  the  state  cannot  take  away,  guaranteed  under  international  law.  Rights  “structure  the  form  of  governments,  the  content  of  laws,  and  the  shape  of  morality  as  it  is  currently  perceived”  (Stanford  Encyclopedia  of  Philosophy,  2016);  democracy  provides  a  natural  environment  for  the  protection  and  effective  realisation  of  human  rights.    Democracy  attaches  greater  importance  to  plurality  of  opinion  than  quality,  and  since  every  person  does  not  possess  the  same  degree  of  political  talent  or  specialist  knowledge,  a  democratic  government  cannot  ensure  better  administration  of  public  affairs.  It  also  requires  compromise.  Groups  with  different  backgrounds,  interests,  and  opinions  must  be  willing  to  negotiate  and  co-­‐operate.      A  disadvantage  of  representative  democracy  is  a  paradoxical  feeling  of  disenfranchisement,  that  one’s  vote  does  not  matter,  which  can  lead  to  low  voting  turnout  when  it  is  not  compulsory.  Whether  the  decision  not  to  vote  is  caused  by  the  voting  system  (for  example  “safe  seats”  where  a  political  party  has  a  comfortable  majority),  contentment  with  the  status  quo,  or  indifference,  it  is  hard  to  ensure  that  all  opinions  are  represented.  This  disproportionately  affects  particular  segments  of  the  population:  in  the  UK:  voter  turnout  is  higher  among  older  people  than  younger  people.  There  are  also  many  instances  where  some  members  are  unable  to  vote;  many  Aboriginal  Australians  were  unable  to  vote  in  the  2016  federal  election  due  to  their  remote  living  arrangements  away  from  polling  stations  (McLennan  &  Bamford,  2016).    Democracy  is  seen  as  one  of  the  ultimate  ideals  that  modern  civilizations  strive  to  create,  or  preserve  and  has  come  a  long  way  since  Athenian  leader  Cleisthenes  introduced  a  system  of  political  reforms  that  he  called  demokratia,  or  “rule  by  the  people.”  (Raaflaub,  Ober,  Wallace,  Cartledge,  &  Farrar,  2007).  As  a  system  of  governance,  it  is  thought  to  allow  widespread  representation  and  inclusiveness  of  as  many  people  and  views,  feeding  into  the  functioning  of  a  fair  and  just  society.  Democratic  principles  run  in  line  with  the  ideals  of  universal  rights,  such  as  the  right  to  free  speech,  fair  trial  and  legal  due  process,  etc.  

Importantly,  democracy  serves  to  check  unaccountable  power  and  manipulation  by  the  few  at  the  expense  of  the  many,  because  fundamentally  it  is  governance  by  the  people,  for  the  people.  This  is  often  implemented  through  elected  representatives,  which  therefore  requires  free,  transparent,  and  fair  elections,  in  order  to  achieve  legitimacy.  Democratic  elections  also  usually  implement  a  secret  ballot  to  circumvent  people’s  votes  being  bought  or  intimidated.  

However,  even  in  established  democracies,  there  are  internal  and  external  pressures  threatening  the  foundations.  A  democratic  system’s  openness  also  allows  it  to  attract  those  with  vested  interests  to  use  the  democratic  process  as  a  means  to  attain  power  and  influence,  whether  or  not  they  hold  its  principles  high.  In  principle,  there  may  be  various  ways  to  address  this,  but  in  reality  once  power  is  attained  by  those  who  do  not  genuinely  support  democracy,  is  it  rarely  given  up;  although  there  are  many  constitution  ways  to  avoid  a  dictatorship.  True  leaders  understand  the  limitations  inherent  in  power  and  choose  to  view  their  role  as  one  of  influence  (Tansey  &  Jackson,  2014).  

Democracy  is  going  through  a  difficult  time.  Where  autocrats  have  been  driven  out  of  office,  their  opponents  have  mostly  failed  to  create  viable  democratic  regimes.    In  many  developing  countries,  the  problem  is  that  democracy  was  imported  from  the  West  rather  than  built  up  by  their  own  peoples,  and  so  they’ve  not  developed  a  taste  for  democracy.  Even  in  established  democracies,  flaws  

Jessica  Turner  –  Politics  Oxford  University  


in  the  system  have  become  worryingly  visible  and  disillusion  with  politics  is  rife,  such  as  politicians  being  incentivised  to  work  against  the  public  interest  due  to  party  agenda  (Haugaard,  2010).  

The  recent  British  EU  referendum  shows  the  advantages  and  dangers  of  the  plebiscite  as  a  democratic  tool.  While  some  argue  that  referendums  are  the  ultimate  in  direct  democracy  (Smith,  2009),  others  say  that  the  electorate  already  gets  a  chance  to  vote  on  “big  issues”  in  a  general  election,  and  referendums  impede  effective  governance  (Eavis,  2016).  For  example,  in  California,  they  have  passed  so  many  referendums  that  the  state  is  seen  to  be  ungovernable  (,  2011).  

A  majority  of  elected  MPs  in  Parliament  wanted  Britain  to  remain  in  the  European  Union,  but  the  majority  of  the  electorate  did  not.  In  this  case,  the  democratic  decision  made  at  the  ballot  box  is  only  as  well-­‐educated  as  the  people  voting.  Additionally,  the  mainly  pro-­‐European  Government  and  Parliament  are  arguably  (if  not  legally)  bound  to  carry  out  a  process  that  they  actively  campaigned  against  .  

Giddens  (2002)  highlights  clearly  that  many  of  the  key  political  and  democratic  challenges  moving  into  the  globalised  world  cannot  be  managed  just  at  the  level  of  the  nation  state.  He  argues  that  we  need  to  either  to  find  ways  of  extending  democracy  to  the  transnational  and  international  space;  aided  by  organisations  such  as  the  United  Nations  and  European  Union  or  the  key  issues  affecting  our  future  will  be  determined  in  non-­‐democratic  ways.  Culture,  according  to  Giddens  (1991),  becomes  more  democratic  as  more  people  have  more  of  a  say  in  how  culture  will  inform  their  lives.  

Many  contemporary  critics  argue  that  Giddens’  view  of  contemporary  societies  as  too  optimistic.  Bauman  agrees  that  uncertainty  in  society  requires  most  individuals  to  constantly  engage  in  ‘identity  construction’,  but  he  points  out  that  the  wealthy  and  powerful  –  often  leaders  with  political  ties  or  influence  -­‐  are  the  ones  both  creating  and  benefiting  from  an  unstable,  rapidly  changing  world;  these  people  are  much  more  able  to  defend  themselves  against  the  negative  consequences  of  living  in  a  ‘runaway  world’  (Bauman,  2007).  

With  all  these  changes,  a  free  press  such  as  social  media  is  essential;  however,  it  can  sometimes  act  as  an  aggressive  and  counter-­‐productive  agent,  given  their  inclination  to  drive  the  agenda  instead  of  objectively  reporting  on  it  (as  the  press  is  meant  to  do,  although  sometimes  this  isn’t  the  case);  it  has  also  been  argued  that  it  can  undermine  democracy.  In  a  democracy,  social  media  not  only  enables  advocates  of  a  political  agenda  to  organise  like-­‐minded  voters  more  quickly  and  efficiently,  but  social  networks  also  allow  people  to  form  an  ongoing  bloc  actively  pursuing  that  agenda  (Radcliffe,  2011).  

Democracy  can  be  noisy;  autocracy  can  be  surreptitious.  Autocratic  governments  tend  to  do  their  work  behind  closed  doors  and  barred  windows;  democratic  officials  have  to  work  out  in  the  open;  often  when  they  work  in  secret,  it’s  usually  for  detrimental  pseudo-­‐autocratic  reasons  that  become  a  scandal  when  revealed.  Although  the  democratic  system  is  not  perfect,  it  needs  to  undergo  change  with  all  the  advancements  of  the  media  and  technology.  Media  and  political  landscapes  are  very  different  from  what  they  once  were  as  conditions  change  we  need  to  develop  from  the  democracy  of  the  past.    

Jessica  Turner  –  Politics  Oxford  University  



Bauman,  Zymunt  (2007)  Liquid  Times:  Living  in  an  Age  of  Uncertainty    

Department  of  the  Senate,  (2004)  The  Distinctive  Foundations  of  Australian  Democracy,  Papers  on  Parliament  ISSN  1031-­‐976X    

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