
lUtM « t> « * - m - M - - ■ w

^ p S B• I A fo g lo n a ! Newi

^ ointui Clt, *1,4 _______________ Coai.ti' Nnr.»t«

^ fa ^ e d s Lose f a

BNortKefiTFronfl^ ^ ^ (M u U y ) Aug. 29 {/P)—The K orean reds drove back the rii

m t coast M onday, th e n loat soific of their {fair Sot they wero m aintaining s tro n g pressure on the Pol

^ ^ t c r f l l e d a t midnight M onday fro m .Pohangr. AP Corrcspo ^ B ^ h i v l n s loflt considerable ground, mileage undisclosed, ^ ------— -------------------------------- ---------------- edged bi

W i e e i K ey n o te r ^ ■ips Demo P la tfo rm

t broad*nf —Gubernatorial N om inee Len B. Jor- Kijye. lo n

Mcnnifll Republican pJatforra convention "W s ^ ' l h a ahort but blistering a ttack on the Idaho ,ive tnova ^ K ^ t l c platform. Bi^ K i^ a e n t s who assembled hi s ta te“convcntlon a t 7 ®“*®- p”'

dtfs nearly 400 delegates Nutong ^H rfiitUul. “have apparently s ta r te d a third party »fiihe, » , ,W > po in l pro- — — — - k S iS

.f th..r D river med; SiTSh * S p“' .-Arrest Bares. I r B r S i ' Teeth in Plan s S i

EtfecUveneaa ot the CIUm m Tra(- -n ,. redSloJur»neo tic Batety councU wc. demon- ao„ih m

i^ H .H iw— gtrltw! Sunday when a member rt- Iqji jt a f*I ^ V V i Mr. '■eated Donald a . McUalf. PoMl«Uo. mtaciiog 1

Acure brought him to the poUee sta- NtUon* troc^ ■ ta e c tt, ttpruenuUTM Uon cn n charge,of reckim drlv* north (ro:

on the GOP ing. Earlier. Metcnlt had dUregard- buk Co the^KuORlraiagMl In tT7> ^ (be councU membM’a warning, Boyle n.^K ttelK tloD oC Mllwa A(i«r being held In the county poverlullyj^ ^ b ^ ilD p . u the new jgu overnight, Metcalf w u (Ined mored Into

US and (3 coata In Justice court South KorItil Horsley had Monday fonowlng hla pica of guUty, hang,

Unn any other «o was charged with jpeedlng over The Nori(at Uia spot. n alx-foot rlae and drop «t a rail, on AmericiHvii not only croMlng one and one-half mllea long batUe

tho i ^ - 0"® ilcularly aJeffer. 'h lch anal

..It? Melcalf n ra t was alopped and the weat t ^ E S l l t R U m to ho” by_Uifl tniffie aafety coun-, nrer west

cU member, who lives near tho port 37 alrl^ ^ tj^H O T trn ro ra t eroding. H e faiied to heed tho /jwarning according to Police Chlcf The reda

*lth ua aad ^ GUlette. who signed the mcn“ V m1 complaint. dlsaater In

OiUette s ta ted Metcalf waa alose artlUtrr arW HUaial political a t the tim e but returned with a and in oaa

K^eUve p l ^ cwload of Irieoda to ahart th« e*r BnaU Nwt.Oi MdUlean party cttement o f ipeedlng orer tha B<2M Mt

^ ■ g ftB w ie in a : . cra«lag^(i}se and drop, u w u then ^ p lu ter^ ^ H tR ln Pdlcy: de«en> tha i R e oouacU member took Met. ~ ic*bi>i»'^ ^ B p 'w n eD ta l poven calf to Uie.poUoe atatlon where tha - —^ ^ R k t l Iho (ovemoient recUeaa driving tfliarga waa lodged/ r p

npudlatloa of in oooperation w ith local law ec*' X C l Hud autocracy; (orcement agecclea and the Twin

Ux Brannan plan, Faila chapter of the National n p i^ n n n < a« (ac la llin ) ; a Safety councU. 20 qualUled peraona I i l l *

(rtfwa: and (ull have been deputlied to check traf*problems of flo Uw yioloUona. Their first re- . T r

^ ^ n t u i | t m e a l . part brioga r warning (rom offlcera i n*>.1.1 ^ repeat the offenae. Under the

^ H w rruicma. .. plan. » second otfenao brings court ' Three JmlUle problems, action. Uie state :

^MllTJailDdlng that the Appearing M ondar In poUce eourt Anthony &uiabllshed an on charges of recklesa driving were and a man

^H«ixUuUi.«nd-acon~ Robert-E. -D c-P « rtce .-B uhl-and ment o t a:tt ilates of the John P. K rc ft, Twin PaUs. onr to thehis been msdo . . X>e Parle« . w u arreaUd Sunday plcadlng-ln

’-ir-i *>* pleaded gullty. was senteo1 7 . - Kreft w u^eated-«arl)l-U o& <U ^ aI(w-^>lMd

____ » J . • momtnj fo r opcratlnj a motorcycle with a deatSn a rtcklesa manner and vaa fined tloa of pan

II^HhirrQtAi> T fSS and «9 oourt coita when he Tlte boy• t . pleaded guilty. lowing hla

’ Both paid the flnea a t the poUca service aUt

■»of Polio ^ SS*,SifK K / .n “¥.2 Baseball Today

■ s * s - 0 5 r t s a r . S i i . * :*'*** **®®* • R H E Undale ia al^ K w ^ u a Miae fio». pjju*deipi»l*_ o il lOOOOJ— 8 9 0 Moore, flral

___ C h lc^O ____ 010 XOa M z - 1 » 0 with a rUleBlmawna. Candtol, Belntaelman UarUnda

Seololck; Leonard, Vander ter. and a Meer and Owen. characterNew Y ork___ 003 000 000- 2 a 0 Judge HugCincinnati — 100 000 lOl— 3 10 0 MarUndala

Sehool Eoalft a a d Calderona; BlackweU formatory.n« boni Not. and HoweU. Gary Wa

was a siu- Brooklyn___ _________ 000 000 0 -0 waived a h«Khool and a SU Lonia_________ __OOJ 001 0 -3 (Cwiu.t

“ wrdi CaihoUc Roe and Oampanella: fltaley and —

— K a c e 'OaU Al»- AMKRXCAN UUQUE (B p k

U ttobert Jatnea Chicago____ 100 330 OOO- 6 B 0 'Q^aUmal New Tork ~... ICO 110 010— 4 6 1 A noalni

Mrs. A. H. Scarborough and Haal: Banlord, dliUlct tro and hU pa- Oitrowakl. P«g« and Berra. afUmoon t

D etro it-____ 000 000 O J I - 3 6 1 who aeekaP h U adelsbU -no 003 OOx- 4 7 1 dUtrlct Uu<

Newhouaer, S tu a r t and Swift; Wet 4J1, T ^ E . 7 ® Shanti and Tipton. Prarloual;

OieniJod _________JM aoo 01-13 trlcl waa (ndW , i B Pin Boatoa •,____________OOI 303 04-lS aon'a peUtl<^ l e mortuaiT L e ^ , Benton, reUar. aiomek 0. Bwlm, M

*111 be cele- and Hegan;. McDermott, UcOonald, OUo, Ura, ^ ^ ■ ^ " r a e s d a y In St. UtUaflald, Nlxan a n d Raaar. . 0 . S. Wurat

«>ih the SL Louis a t W ublngton, night rui&ga cl J. P. O'HwIe gune. . . ; •nie eleoUoi

Fairgrounds Take on^ 2 5 ^ 5 ^ "“ ‘" A ] p p e S r a i r c i e a 8 ^ ^

; Heln? Tlia FUer falrpound li teeming r^ae -ped, »>“» acUvlty today aa exhlWt en* « * P- “ •

?,■ i s ' e s i s a ' . i f . v j s . w ' s ^ k 3 ;


* T h « * > lr WlU be ta full eaWa’ w d ” — ttU M fb lrtU» M l m

la! N ew sp a p er Serving .


iO L flM T eck the righ t w in g of thc allied ^cir gains to a South Korean the Pohang sector Monday

^orrcspondcnt^Tcxm.Ijambert the South Koreans

dged back no rthw ard lata londay in a n a ttem p t to lift B o ^ ^ P he euigging defense line. They w « K ' . lad Amerlean air, artillery

support. 'Lambert said the South' Koreaiia

ad readied (he southern edge of I broad valley lending towarda:igye. 10 miles northw est of Pohong, BABBABA FAtBCBlLD ut the reds a tlll held Klgye and ^ <faorbt«r ol

BatUe Area Wide ’ ^ “ ,5 ? iIirL d‘ rS L .* ln ‘ l«i -D>0 . pilots aald the whole asrth- S j m front-eart and west from the •aktona river to the eaat eou t—waa fP®*®™ »y the Oakley aaiong river to tiw eaat cou t-w aa photo.eBfr.TltThe most aerere tighting waa

Accord 'Ends Packard Ti.

llled port of Puaan. reported a 0 . 8. T» *1 O • rul«r and Uiree deatroyera Joined K n i l c S f t l Z md artllleiT In pounding the reda.

Bed Bprlsg Back ’ By United PresaThe reda won Pohang earUer thla Packard motors and Uielonth in a aurprlae attack. They United Auto Workera agreedat It a few daya U U r to counter- oo'a contract restoring peace 'ttacklng alUed troopa. TTie 'Doited automoiire Industry, and traiaUona troopa drove them nine mUea and conductors who h a d threeorth. from w h » c e they aprang * nationwide atrlke kep t the

tp the offen^ve. rolUn* under army control.0 " ‘ho darker »lde of the

5wer(ully aupported by armor, picture the Independent l q i l ^ e n t '’ w o r t « ^ union

outh Koreans trying to hold Po- ytjxo meoibera oul on strike

X North K ore™ . l - p l p ,c ™ , 'T Amerlcan-held sectors of the

S ' “n ' S ™ ' , c ; " • p .J £ w . S S ” m “ “ jn . i e . ‘ n S S , . S ^ o l h ' S ? ? ; ” S.* __ _ . _ j v t._ Mt In tho Industry. I t alao prt? . t™ .1 0 ! iS J i i i* ,o«ui 2 S i;L :‘ «“ t ! , ? n ™ ‘S S ^

THe reda tried to ahove reinforce-- .............. ..enta acroas boUj n v e n hut metaaater in each attem pt. American ‘J?'’® Sf*"UUtrv snd c lans cauffht Uib i*d* AUg. IS, WlU vote on tn a t«m Id in one plieo cut d o w balf 3 ^ *»wro*. .The company'prepaj naU NortS Korean fotee. r a g m e ^ u c tto n on Its-neaB.ZBa Monday ranged far norUi ^ ^Id plaaterad an-Iron a ad ateel plant ^ Parleys Seh^nled- ' ic*Biti»«4 *B P i n a. C«i<uti s) OoTomment offlelala expecti

• --------------------------- raUfoadi and two hlg-xmion:Brotherhood of RaUroad Trai

L C l i n s \ y i v c n and Uio Order of RaUway Oo . tora-to resume negoUaUoaa

Thi-ee Youthstalks would be Joint o r separ*

T „ T n -gTt / ^ _ , _ „ a . Tho army aelaed th e carri* i r l i , J ; * t / O l i r L 8 p,?i.KDT yesterday upon ord

^ ___. — -------------- President Truman, and the iThree Juveniles were aentenced to r ^ u r e d the government 10 state industrial achool a t St. there would be no Interruptl nthony Monday in dlatrict court jjrvice a t 8 ajn. today—tha Id a rnaa chorged wiUi emtanle- originally aet for the walkout, ent of an autamobUe was bound _____ •

E S s E H S C fie tu rn jjfJJJIS sentenced - to the reformatory ^ ^ 1

-To-Free-boJ MarketUrg'

rvlce aUtlon in which be la al- g ^ T LAKE CIT7. Aug. ' , r t . to . .h .T f l_ ^ e n ^lint from an a ttendant a t a Pear- today return to a free irsa Farrla service ataUon. He was h J charged th a t the Ziroled to Oorram Moore, Buhl, to states “ a a puahed o ff the^ c n a ( a r m . standard by achemlng planneraWhen a dispute a r ^ o w pay, -The maintenance of a 135cording to court offlelala, Mar- for gold la both t ^ u a t and uiidale ia alleged to bave threatened istlc.” Cain aald tn an addreacore, flrat wltix-a-knUe and then pared for delivery a t tb e 'mth a rUle. metal mining oonvenUon olUarllndaJa'a mother, father, all- Amerlcaa Mining congreaa.r. and a neighbor, appeared u Dnjoat to M enlaracter wltaesaea for him but ‘a t Is uojuat to the m en whIdge Hugh A. Baker ruled that to produce it aad are n o t peniarUndala be aen t to tbe atate ra> to expoae their product In tberQu.torr market for the beat price iaary Walter, 17. Stockton, Callf, a’S S lived a hearing on chargea of auto

.c » .u .w ^ P M .a . c ^ » . O “ . t “a o M t tr« » p o r t. ^ J 1 • eommunlcatlon and power p rt a c e C r e a j ^ m

S c h o o l B a l l o t i n gA nominating petition (or aehool mg the regulatory autborlly ta •trlcl trustee v a a tUed Moaday ful to dlnct thkt tba ratea be wmoon by Richard 8. Boberiaon, eompeasatoir.. . „ .no aeeka ejection aa trustee from __ Ne Soeh B j B c l t ^lUlct I h n . o l « U « A «3>0«1 au- " " f " S ' Slet <11 Twin dtude for the gold m iner. EeM l i S y n u S t o t h e a a m e d l a . SSkXdId waa Charlea Shirley. Jtobert- “{ " • “ ‘W “n'a p e U tlo n w a a a U n e ^ M m W .Bwlm. Mra. Al by regulated producers, o f reoo?

to, Ura, neock and Ura, » pHee tor hla product whichS. Wurater, meat hia eoat and itv« aPiUnga cloaa a t 6 pJn. Tueaday. p ^ , . *le eleoUoa will be held BapU 8,. r . u Wilcox, chief o t the no— — I --------------------- rouamekala branch of tiie eooi

e on Festive Op«aiHg1Veai-jB S'W.S’i

“ t i s i r - i s r o K rThuradsy u eaat end day at the I----------- — ----- — "lr, Friday, weat end day, and ' n f t |« | i n t f » gtirtJay. north alda day. . - l / e C U O e a . .Aa fair workers, paitlclpanU and Ouy U Klnnay, wrlt«*ln eaimpaUton are miUlng a n n ^ the data (or' probate Judg* oa

JS a T to faF iaw e- Utofliy. laat day to r eandidry<manager. JQ uka reports p ia t to a e ^ or deoUne. accmhlblt entrlea a ra oomlng le earUer to Ownty Clerk O b a r l^ Buid In greatar n u in b « t ^ t o w John B. Robartton aecapUdevioua (atr he ld In Twin Falla nooUaatioo t o D oaoenU e <UntJ. _ ' - t o . ' ' f«r QA p p h ^ a ta ly 3S0 ^ daliy wDte-laa i m tor l a s w o tttUa and large num ben ot iwtae, • '0 « ( la » ( aa £ « » 1. C i ta a U . ' ■ .. .

3, ID A H O , MONDAY, AUGUST 28. 195 0

EsE^stjE Scrap El

As MaCHICAGO, Aug. 28 ( ^ ^ " W e may have poa

Pacific island-dcfense lino— Including Form it ond war ia inevitable."

^Thnt waa tho w nm ing contained In the mes Gen. Dougina M acArthur fo r reading by Clyde j :ommander In chief, a t th e VFW ’s Slat nation; here today. But the m essage was not dellvc: Truman ordered the fam ed * *

general to withdraw i t . The » . general complied. [ Y | Q P A

BCHILD MjicArthur-s Jlatement gavo greot X f X C l V X *rb ter ot Mr. mlUtary Importance to Pormosa, Jaat _ ilrchlld, «aa atronghold of Chinese na- I I

1&21 Cassia Uonallat forces. I U r« In-jBdgUig'. - The-Unlted-Statea-haa-no-armed---------; „ rjf* but V. B. W A ^ G T O N5akley Vlgl- sevenUi fleet haa been patroUlng R«ord today the i eufrsTing) Uie Ponnosa strait to p revent an '1,.^ ih m lv ^ U f------------------- w m m u S * "" * “ u i W t .I n i l ^ MacArthur said the Prealdent’a f o r t ^ U '^ ^ V u< * 1 U » . order Jun . 37 to carry o u t thla

m . patrol “marked for the ta r eoat tho

seized Public Interest I bungUng whlc de? ir* .h t. Edllor-anola; Thla abstrac l of and which culmln;

.5 ^ Oeneral MacArthur-a cabled mea- "It li simply ao(“ «e for reading a t the V etcrana mUltary advice *«

Mid tnim men national poUcy of appeatli

S ‘n'!Li‘«t^S^ w S S ------------ep t the tram s pry^y njght u an advance for *

t K 1 K. «> '“ « deUvery. f \ r y r v f i

.2 , 5t magazine which waa printed P « -n siriae nc i i day night tor maU deUvery T ues- u J ra te r plants Inasmuch aa the gencral'a i C, statement would receive wlde-

. . opread clrculaUon In that cnaga-w?" .2™. ' “"e- ‘he AP-a New York ofllce W ASHINGTJjly, the larg- adrtsed edltora that decl- i ^. alao provided jjon oa pubUcatlon was tip to I voice vo te a J3Iincreases eaj:h them. Whlta Houae Secretary tO opera te the |

card employea, ^^bejTUlded by tbelr o™ Judg-

Tlmes-Newa belleres I t U 000,000 hoUse 1 th e tenns to- in ita puUie Interest to pu&Uab * y 'p repared to the general^ oplnloa eam m w a , iU n e v USI in h li meaaaga.

a ezw cted the ••Wa In one great monumentalatr«U aU-of Uia-hypoerUv-*i>d-ttM —

fa d i? S im ra h « •adIwav Oonduc- deluded So aiany people dla tao t frem v".■SoS°i;5. LeaseWashington to- ™ commander In chief o f theQ wheUier tha United Nattana fon»a ^ t l « In A dispute over iir eenonite Korea described a "natural de- and cropa ralaedte c S e r a a t !«■«« >“ P « U ic . continued lij dlitruponorderaof MacArthur aald, fUlag of an amwId the unions “WB « n domlnate-wltb-air-power pU Isi-b; Bob Irnment tha t *’“ 7 AalaUc port from VUdlvoatok o.W . Daniels,iterruption of Singapore." tyj j ^ jn ,t«U y -th e time jei, lUed suit agaliraJkout. >*> defenae line a n d aald „ »nd Mra. r,finni_____ • -hlstoricallyrFonooaa haa been uaed ing '"pc«sesalon'<- T CJ aa a springboart-for “roUltary a g . w u t h ^ t o f U

J k S c : S S - - . J S L S^ 1 1 MacArthur tald Foimoaa, U held ^ater Watts atb

- t r t w a - r , ? = E ; : s s ; ^ e ! : s s r s s sf J 1 submarine tender Ideally located." uearelLU r f f e C l sweral declared Uiat ^ u l d _____da ta .K i

Formosa fall. U “would constitute j . originalAug. 38 - an enemy MjlMt claSaS

T f « e ™ S ^ e t “U'a mlUtajy potenUal would la t tha United again be fully exploited aa theo ff tbe gold <c«u«^ „ f « . a. C— . a> ^ id « a D iSlaS iplanners.” * * * * to the supreme e

I ' M 51st VFW ^ r f a b.u™ T™ Opens m Chicago gif:??",,™;s r Wifli Special Rite

o.s?°wA‘ i S « ‘s ; ‘'J2SSK,i2 i -2 R S naUonal encampment, a m eet- n ^ i j pounda of r

• “ W produced its p»nneraaka fort)»«*• ^ advanee-a w ith- pounds of lye orlom appllea to Q «n..Q ouilaa . _____

. .. MaeArthur - ABSwm■ Aa the firrt aeaalon b e g an ' with In their aniwe:

a tnnnorlal aerrtee for the naUon’a pUlnla to the aui!d by govern. p o ^ n too

S r t a W l S - dUelalSer to a«

S T H s “ “ sr“ “S ."raw a do irmy »■ MacArthur'a ra- “ d lo i.......eutat ^ t tha aUtement n o t be rye. Both WatU <

[tatelO T sou- ^ to th e d aia g ate a ..L a « U aa ld . w m named dtdenI n w ^ dem But the croraUenOT were able te ‘Hie answer des

" M f i i» s * 5 2 . ^ s s r u » ' ^ T i s . ' S . . ? u r, o f reoovertng The maaaaga bad been distributed ttS .****® ” "® e t 'Which wIU by VFW otDeiala to newapapera and W>«« him a la ir magaHnaa approximately fo n r days MMN

before tbs withdrawal requeat waa ^ X>anlda' a t it the noofar* raoelred. tOMtani r>tn e eooDamle —..... ' ■■■' . ■ ■

SS.lS'pS S e v e r a l VaUey S c h o o l s

A t t e n d M c e I n c j ^ wed "much re . aeboob In Wrildnta <nd O aada ^ darcM .ta x «


not jg e n untU B ept n*ur

2 g : 5 M t ”5 2 k . ^ ^I ^ U d ^ Burlay soluola operated a ftffl B l ^

Khadule la adiUlUm to Jadoottrtna-

SSS.“SS3 a £ t e j ^ j * p g . f e

Ee lrrlgtt«d Idaho C o o n tlw ■

Policy Divisii Flares Into C lacArthur Si]ive peace” by hold ing WASHINGTON, Aug. 28 (fP) - • Fonnosa-^buf'lo se craclced down on Gen. Doiiglas M a

m ake a statement on Formosa wh tie mesBago cfkbled b y gardod ns an improper venture Into ClydeA. Lewis, V F W making,nntional encam pm ent Presidential Secretary Charles G. delivered. P resid en t Mr. Truman personally directed tl

k * * • * * * • th e

c A r t h u r ’s M e s s a g e I ! i P l a c e d o n R e c o r d l i■JQTON, Aug. 38 (ffv-«*publlcaaa put Into tha Ooagreaaloaal lay tbe text of Oen. Douglaa MacArthur's aUtement on Formoaa _ I T ily crlUclaod Preaidant T tum an for dltteling Uiat Uie general

M Leader Martin, Kaaaachuaetta. told Uie houae It wsa -un- ' that the Prealdent sought to 'suppreaa* tbe sutement after r sent It to theChlBa*o-encampmeDt ef va terau ofportlgn '

said Mr. Truman'a acUon was "another exhibit ot a bankrupt

be takes by the American people aa anoUier flagrant example redlble bungUng by tbe aulmlniatratlon over the p ^ (Its yeara, ^ ihlch delivered Manchuria and most of China to Uie communlsU culminated in Uie K orean conflict," he aald. JJ® ’

nply anoUier chapter In a long aerlea of blunders wheitby aound Ivlce wu suppreated a iu l political decisions, in keeping wlUi Uie " appeailog lhe Borlet union, were superimpoted for-poUUcal _____________________________________________________ uaUi

p r o p r i a t i o n s B U I

P a s s e d b y S e n a t o r s SF nm A T a ad llFB apetU ' j J S

UNGTON, Aug. 2 8 The M iiste pguod t^dsjr on a m « a $36,554,000,000 Blngle-packBge appropitKtios UU aOis te the government f o r th e y ^ r endiiig J a ne adc to the hbiiiie f o r co ncum hceM one iBMBdmenC S S 11 provides $14,680,000,000 l i i reguUr mllKltry foods; . v on, the senate wlU a c t U te r th is v sd c oB i 916,771,• louse approved biQ t o p ro r l te new il |n ii |p g y for t ^ ,

•ase, Crops ^« over a leaae agreemant propoaala for an eatlfflatad-IXO/m,. t b a 'raised on a ahara basis 000,000 m on In mlUtary hmda.

iq district court with tb e o th e r eongreaatonal.dereSopment tntean antwer and 'craa-com - (May Inchidad: ' beea

Bob Dale D anlola-and - Doctoi»‘ n>e-senate anaed-iw f- 'lela. jeea committee unanlmoualy ap. 61:

began wbea the D a n - proved legiaUUon auUiorlilns the oouLlilt agalnit Ft«d c. F a rm - drafting of doctors, through age SS, <ia. Leooa U. UmeU seek - and dentlaU, Uuougb aga 4S. Intosalon-of farming la n d the srmed forces. - = M

of UurUush. F a n n e r T txas-4an*te Demoeratlo Leader -IYJ|saae wim E i5 ^ 0 :-W a ttr gc o t t j ^ JtL._.a^ _ a fty_ a ^t>«nW rtiarciiM fr^-»48; Whlt«—g8aw caU Hitt P ieaMeutt U t i t o o k d to i S g n T»nmaa la oppoaad to an an tes J«-tp-t), :w .-PBnlt ln m d - •d part of his land to M"* MMO.000.000 tax blQ ralaaa tna part 01 ms lana to SMB. (Urtdual Inoome taiaa aad eapoia^ -l a in Kiil^ Ocrl tlon ta HBS. . ;

o s s r s s ^ ' s s «s ^ S - S ® S S

f ' r s i i s s ' o s a ____________ . g * '

t . f .HighSdiool rnSifflsafSS; BegistratiDiLffillL ■iSlS 'S.S»”3S: Start on Tuesday ^imlng poaaeialon of ry e RegtstnOlco to r claaaae a t T<*» by the Oanleli and atorwd ^ ^a htid

™ . „ o t . . . , . g j

Anaweti Olven aophomorts. B a A . Tburaday,. and f f f caniwer aad cfoss-com- new studenu, a a n . Friday.

the aulla fUed to ob ta in studenU will meet en these dates th «of tho iye„ the Daniels in the high achool audUotlun. ‘may j u ttha t WatU haa fUed b ta WlU adjourn to saparaU roona to oa tto any bitereal In t2u make out thalr ptDgram, wliUi t&eB a t e

tw uutuugh company la win be checked tv FUU. Mrs. Boae S Seeted la atoraga charEM u . North, daan of glili. aod Ken-lom It ahould daUnr tlia oeth KaU. daao «f boya.WatU aad the comparur Dotjng reglatraUoa atudeats' wlO

ugh be ki anUUed to hm « »tMiJehthajf g tr r .b e haa n o t »'*«>

• S d m t - l e e l t a k r u m S S ’lV miM uw at to Via* ^ purchaaad h> thsM aaa bookstore oa tha x*. J J,., ..v. s s

Shipping of Tools ^ ols Open; To Ruas Admitted ^

1 WNDOH, Au*. a ( IV ^ B rttw , L ; .e E s p e c t e d "

. id . n . - ^ S S ' S L S ' ^ g

^ f t n ’s 's 'i s s n ^ . r r i K “’J ig[ 400 iB tba gradti. r t p - ^ e firm win go ahead « l |h 'tb a a i S m t a c i M ^ R ^ a ^ ahlpmcntunkaePrliBeUl&Ut«Att« ^ tbS bS araM nd m a A leeaota. IUdialrman.JoaaphOteea<

f 'S e e d S j* ^ '^ '* * Wlnaten ohu r^io i ^> p fe 4; Faliiriew. o a ra y . minister and ( m leader o t t h a W - S& ..n iir ,8 y i tn c a . R0M - aervaUve .otvoaMoe. < to t i4 . ' ka* 7 i r ^ . : . SatQiday bt a n f ia addnw .ttiM’• '* ^ w S




sijGBE^OpenSilenced(ff) — P rea lden t T rnm aa h u _

las M acA rth u r for proposlog to ')sa w hich th e .W h ite House r»<:e Into th e fie ld of foreign policy

rles G. Ross disclosed todaytltat cted th a t M neA rthur withdraw

th e sta tem en t he b ad sent to th e Chicago encampment of V ete ran s of Foreign Wars. In th a t sta tem en t, MacArthur

I h a d declared the safety of the U nited S ta tes demands that

. . F o rm osa rfm aln. in-frifindly___,, hands.“ This wra*. a t the leaat, otf .tan.2 gen t from tbe adminlatraUoo^ d».

da re d policy Uist FenBoea^ Moi*^ BAiat be settled a t (he intanutiaoai

1; leveL“ .............. .....B f( ittta -F ^ ey -- _________^ 8oU r.T rum an..laaddlU ceto the Qt crackdown on MacArthur. mada

puhlid a ’ le tte r to Warren Anattn,' u th e Amerlean amhawartnr to tha ” un ited NaU0aa, ’repaaUog hii ^ moaan policy "to tha end (bat Users ..

be no misunderstanding eoncain.. Ing the poalUon .of Uts goTenauBl

" o f Use xmited Btatea" if T he whole tnddeast aeemel «er>

ta in to leave laaUng sears In a alU _ uatlen already marked by ahan dlf.

ferencea between aotas h iib nflltaty and dlplomatie officials orar foralta policy.

F a r th e r XMertoratiaa ■T h s e w e n Indications tbat tt sHa

would lead to turthar dsteifanttoa9 Pt

_ ritig iw r

ft n r ^ ^ r i s l s t m M r S S l S n S U Z u S S S a U t t a t f i i S f S k S - ■'

t. s s s y s ^ n M

ly eneanqaBaatattedayVfiSoD .' -‘'v >e S tit y estardv t W M M te ssol V. tbaVfW aHMssan«BMmlBtib» -.>!

s f temspt . HS eald^ -N fcuw .td 'v ,-..''

r- ' • — ffSssaS Waw — SL. j . ;

s A y s g s s & i g :

» M ^ " W a S t e d

id s<wgh|i' ly..Magie, Viflfly. .geUes'a a • '. '

a O o o d t n g ^ b e a n w p K i ^ i s o ^ ^ ta c M T o tU tM tP M n d t q ^ . .

' day iram F k a n , & D. <Ftw oa waa'ffba of tlsa BittaVir. >

10 *taiost wanted* ctiatnSli^ DM prass seiT lea.stap'statad., ' ; ' ~ v v*:

— - Ha.had.hasa.aongUalBeeH^iiii^' ~

L a tO s 'ta t a : for tis jtng a Isw a a ^ --^ ^ Btfloar,k . . . v 'l9 m ith ^ .U m a iy ir ** Z«at S « t a m b a r h a ^ '* W i a ^ .

ly t ^ t t f l s d “ as tha B t a a lB f i^** t a a c m battle «lth Oeeor.d’& o i ' . f- pojles. B « twice bieka -v n y t tm

t t t t f o o th Idsho te«n%-p(dMi- . O ailand B. flpanoeri a a i n c ^ t f '

; ijs s s s « i s ? .a 'i ^>« a « d as FtBson was the ntan ___:■h a n isn d llw O eodm g'Sum b'vons*-^-’ M SEi»M A w .3S,iM B.i^aa«*te« \ t* ut^eoma 7 aU m PlMan'isTS (to . '

J<Mph Antiacar ScftSBi,

3; y te aB tt-lso ^odsd ttia ,« irtf W«

SSe to ^ o a r . PaAsd B s s i to ^ - ' SfSS£Sg,'»®’t e ^

^ ' W s Si m W i H

ijP A G K T W O .; __________ —

'F inalTouches Being Pul o n F air Exhibits

(Prm r m 0»»> HI(hMp Uld bMt aiU» »re l\ \till tilrjroilniU. The Uwtwe* <n* IU • ^U t« »r« eomln* .in U<xa \ | , 1

. the itaU »na Include on# h * r ^ o t I t—

~ p ^ ^ .T g g - .g 'g! I A : : ; : : :flrtr " jg

" '" l i S i T t t r m U W ^ oom lM l»o» J2 J«M ffrom me BoIm «uit« fnlr tr a / /(c Aeath m our Jtfopto

which elowd e»uirt»y, Mtording to yalley.Pour-H tod TtK «hlWt» » re *** _ , • , n rSandpoint Woman

Succumbs in Buiilba Elven mor« room for dl«pl*y •* b u ji l . Aug. it-Kri. JuU» kUe th t JuTsnlli txhlblU h«ye DUly. B»ndpobt, dl«S »tmowd from the 4-H buUdln® to pj j ,„ pirenU, Mr. »ndM olier locetioo. Mri. Bam nol)«TU. Buhl, «t a:48 pjn.

— U««t - of-lb . - * ' « * ' sunder Jollt.*lnB tn lllntu of KV«-« . trucked UJW I''* »I months, trtlved tnd J, 0. wm bom la D.venport, 0 (011). rJdto director, U n i« “ r8

J e » im icb WUl CtJileford with her pm nU in 1833.night rodeo ?*''«“ “ “ * ! ? « ou t- ah« ttlended ichool there tnd « t» tfuture ' f ' I t y ncS^ membtr of the CuUetord B.pilst

e * p c ^ ehurch. Bhe w ti n.tTTled lo •njcmaeh . • Rodeo contcatanw Dally Dec. S. 193J. «id lived In Ct£-K r t i S i t ^ e ftlrfround*. Oeford unU! 19JJ *hen .he mored

Twin PtUi county m trchtnta will to Sandpolnt.(amoletfl tJielr exhlbiu tod ty and Cejldcs her husband and ptrenU 5Se«!av and m tn y conccMlon jhe la jurvlved br Uirte chUdren, tttnd* ire tirtady up tnd rea d y to Dorothy. Mary tnd Roger DtlJy, tU

' ouertl*. '------------------- Biindpoint; four brothers, Edgar ---------------- ----------------------Robcrti, Eatel ItobMla and Waller

Illness Fatal to ■ Si?T-ln r°U«'i*iina one tUier. Mrt.

Resident in Valley ^ ru n e rt l jervicM. unoer the dirws-BUHL. Aug. M-Mr». Bar»h M. uon of the Albejtwn funertl home,

K «le^98. <Utd t t U» home o t he r ,u i be held t t lhe Flr.t Baptlat dtu*hW,Mn.Eunle« Bh«P. H » i« r- church In CasUeford with the Jlev. mtn, t t 8;J01. m. Sunday foUowlog jj, pmppj, ptswr, nuliltd by th# ft long lUnew, ^ Bev, E. B. MedttrU, ptjior of lh®

Mri. Kerley *»t boro In T o t i n g Buh] B»pU« church, offlcltUng. tea Jtn . 17.1M5- she U lu r^ v e o ^ ^ n^j^e In the Duhl

■ ion foa. Charle* HUl. Buhl, four

Wrong Signal ls. SSnMSjr"" “ “ ; Cause of Mishap

runertl eenlct* will be he ld t t 3 b v r u Aug. 33-Bectuie t womtn• D. m. Wednwday t t the A lbe rtaw <jrtver ilgntlled lor t left tum aad Memorlftl chapel wllh the Jlcv. E . B. turned right, two Tthlclea were Mehetfli, pailor of th# BuM B a p tm duntged Sundty In Duhl. church. olflcIiUng. Burial wUl b« According to Police Officer Oeorge mtd« in the Buhl cemeUr?. Neljon. Mrt. Valuta Moore wat

---------------- -------- driving a pUkup truck nett the In-

■ Expense Account S “S „ " '.K K ?‘SDeadline Arrives ' ^ e ^ t^ T tn d wti following, d ?

matkfd the I tit d ty of pended on the iIpiU tnd lUrwd to4>i> ifcdaT oerlod following th e pri- ptss tho pickup oa right ilde.

when 111 «andld»t«i, lh e right front end ef lh# pickupr S o ? » ^ l « - l n . m u tt tu b - w tt d a n t , ^ t i wt. the left front

• r t “ '•** endotthBK dan- ..._ . . . . . ..

' *rw*S'0MctndidtieihftvoJni«d I Mncric Vallev... -. to fulfill thil requirement, M cord- i U a ^ C V UUCy■ jngtoOhirleaA.BuUu M u ^ y r e - F u n e r B lB

eorder. but ther# tre lUH th r w who • .__________________ _

*’ T t#"uw ''r«u lm tny tm o im t In TWIN r A l i ^ U n ^

tS eR ev^M iltld D. B u c te to n e ^ ’c« rrew giTO » MW" fjctUng. intermejit will be mad»

------ '— “ , laSuiuetMemerlil ptrk. The ftmll)

Quartet Arrested gS™ ".: Ssr.. ».T.' On Drunk Count

, fhiir jnen pletded.guilty M o n d ty -------l a ^ e e MUrt flI.belag.drunJt-.on. ..TWIN PAWA-Rouiry for Ton: the etreet* Ooe ptld t »0 fl*v«. one sineltlr, 7-yetr-old ion of Mr. »n< w u ^ S t t e l fa the elty JaU for Mra. J tm ti P. Keegan. Twin rtU t

, n S ^ w e r e re le tte d will be r*elt«d t t 8 p. m. Tuesday .to le tw «»# Wblt# mortuary thapel. Requlen

a Holm TBla r»U s. p tld maw will bo celebrtled at 10 t . rr h l i t o e ' A. Htynea. Twin Wedneidav at Bt. Edwtrdi Catholl PWli w u t«wimltt«d to JiOI when church, with the UL Rev. Monalgno unihlO ffDty Ul»Jlo». th d . A rthur.

— vTl^Sir'tHff'C lirencirA Jidei'M inr iHrot wlU be made In Twin PHI trtwleaU. were released upon thelr cemeWry. The ftmlly taka tha t n

- Air JBreakfastls .r» i o i 'D - , t « 1 BUHL — Funrtl lervlcei for U rSet Soon at ounl 8tr»h M. Keney WUl b« held tt

i f V i ^ n l t l t fo r vm. Wedaeidar i t th# Albertto Memorial chapel with th# Bev.-E. 3 Medetrti, ptiior of the Buhl B tp tl

? L ^ * J? S .^ ? i^ ™ a S u c a EmSSuS offl'litlng. Burial will I^ Mto ^ ‘*'® Buhlcem e^.w .“ J TK^ BOHl. - Funertl lervlccj for Mr^ Ih u t a Juu» Mte nobert* Dtlly wUl be he

t t a p « . TUMday t t the F ln t Bt) held « t ChiUU OcL a). church In CwUeford wllh U

■ ~ " 1 IU». W. B. Phlppi. pulor, tiiUKThe Hospita l

I . ' * Burltl wUl be mtde In th# Bu:VUltlng houn t t th* T w in PaU* cemetery.

county hoipiUl tre fnam 9 to 4 and -------7 to 8 p. m. PAIBFIZLD - fMneral ««rtlc

ADHirreD , for Charles Kinney wUl be heldUta. Bobert Long, M rs. Pet«r a pA -T uttd ty atthe Ftlrfleld Oor

OoertMD tad Ut*. Let S tae a , tU munlty MethodUt ehutxh wllh UTwin FtUi: Ann Retd. Jezorae; Rev. J. W. Ttylor.poJtor.offlclttlnMrt. Milford Heu. FUer; Mrs. Burltl wUl b« made t t Ooodlng.Wtyne Hogui. Muruugh. » n d M rt. -------d iir le t OUM. Htnsen. ■ JHVOM»-RiB»rtl m tu for Mi

V dISKIBSKD - U trc tre t TMppia wUl be celebraOtiarlM WtlUce, WUIUm Dy«. ed a t B u o . Wedaetdty t t Bt. Je

U n . A. B. Heme. Urt. U er lln Car- goig-( ctthoUe church by the R4roU and MD, Uta. Dontld B o t t ^ E. A. echerminion. The rMO. H n . DU. Rout# tn i ttry wlU b# recited t t the FrailPeter Ooertien tnd Mra. M eltin njortutrr t t > om. Tueidty. Burlss jK a s t.r^ siObandler. tU FUer: Uta. n « d Cats- mtck tnd Uta. ' Stm Stom baugh.both Buhl; Ut*. a C. Henatock aod ^ _

W eather Jl___^ w iBy Cnlted Preta

lUgle VtUey-Ftlr tnd c o a tln a td v t m lenlghl aad Tuetday. Low to- night U t t Qoodlng, U a t Buriey u d atwM M t t F tltfl* i4 . High - K M I B m

.Tte«U r near tS a t Goedlnc. U a t b /Bnrley aod gl a t Fairfield.

SUUso ^ ‘ Ku>r*M[lR. r<p.

& — — z : w ..VSSa? ------- to ■ I . CO-HIT

11 . . j _ M K BAILEY In

fi II .ff!SiiS°°.ffla.i: _ .......................... Ml.

^ G O P S p e y e r T>vin 1 Scorns Demo — kux"

, ’5 0 Platform . i r - S r -irrm Pen Om > . . .

during Uie p u t 20 yetn . under £e,t,i .,4 aiixle tderth lp pndomlnantly Republl- i.i« A»«.rj.« r.n.ii,etn." ' It} '' ] ■

"11 la o f prime Importance." he {iJJ J>oJ*Aiini'. >*•» continued, n h t t we keep lhe tu ie m i mmo DtHma

........- » . . , ! S S ‘S r ..« ? S .

need long-rtnge pltnnlng tnd wUe J S caii w ,spending to ilrekh our twd dolltn ninto be tter rotda tnd hrtdget. noBxr

- I —-BchooU-tnd-puWo-lnaUtutlow,like ro ad t and bridge*, t n Juit t« i}« nan *«niltlve to mcreaied cotU u tny

"* * “ prlvato bualneu. We ne««J oaly ex- '.S onr.nR l l h l ** “ ^ ! 'I? w2,=.“Kt'n.D U lU „ p e n ,e s of operating tny typ# of »;}«lUt Uae buslneat to t u w tut U htpptnlng , u* T.r><died t t here.

Mr. tn d Publlo Aid TUmblw ! J * S S BwrrJ:45pjn. .Tubllc tu liu n s# la the lanwi

iveaport, ftce rlalng coiia ta d tn erer-ln- ,io •wodirn nom. loved to crtaAlns coie load. 11111 PfoWem •«» ri7°o^t2k"EHi .in 1833. alone hna ctUMd DO erid 0 trouble ‘ ;?Jn d w aia In our nolBhborlng i t tu i , ' hm •connuni.r

l in e a r - a ll of Uie p tr ty . italwarW. " ___________ ___. mnr«d Including the nomlneia for Uie

November elecUon. r p •

Party leaders reported a gretKr _______________

- p 5ss. ', . • r s . r ’i . s : ^. “ 8»r ^,,nn n,jy tiad noled la yeara. A ion wat t>orI Waller ^he aeailon opened In the baU- Twin Fall* count•U*-JW»- TOm' or tng Haiti Owyheg wiui-er»- w l —Wr». K anniiler, Mre. wj„ Schwelbert, Ctnyon eounly FtUa. Saturday aIs. leglilator and eduettor, serving aA lo Mr. and Mre. EM dlrw!- temporary convention chairman, —tl home, Loulte Shtdduck, Oot. 0. A. Roblni’ event Stbedaled

Baptlat execuUve lecretarj, aeled u Sem- jh e LDS flratthe Rev. portry eecretary. hold the fall opciid by th# • ' ' • p. m. Tuesday t t

miuSj Final Honor Paid nroaiam. cUncUii

To L. H. Brown,I , Pioneer of Filet

t womtn the Rej-noldi funertl chapel, wiihtum aad the Rev. Mtrk C. Cronenberger of- *f«n tctlve « r Uclea were flclaUng.

The aololit wa» Jack WlUlimi, ae- ^*'“ ‘5 :r Oeorge companled by U n. Art Beam, both U™ nnn

S m Ul ““ “ • , . . »U1 J .m . M«hlU

O. J. Ohllda. Olyde Muigrtv*. B. A. w f. o------------ McOoy. J ty cobb ta d Etaer Haag, “ ra. W taU r^ SV J r , F lie r; Harry Noh, Rogerion. Vienna ^y ■ T im Crocker, Dectlur. n i , tnd Jim' P » « J® "

Shleldo and OtU Bttnueli, Duhl. O. Bmu^, a U. In torm eat wat made la th# Filer ploy#- She a tto

H Hbe Mn? area a n d t*-o vehlclcj rttclvid minor or5 th# H a- d tm age In olher eoUlsloni Sunday, famUiinftntlle Buddy Cox. 343 Fourth avenue former Ava O ar

e u t . told poUce hl» l« 0 tulomoblla of Twin FalU t tppar*nUy wat backed Into whUe ^ aUUr of Mrs.

for Tony p trked In the rear ot.hli place of r u r . - a n d builnea* at 218 Main avenue »u th . New Yerkert VU win FaUa. ca* waa unable to funilih t de- •» _ L. j Ci ruetday a t jc rip tlon of th# car or driver damag- ygjl- c u y [ Requiem ,cg h la automobile. . p '^ e r r c n ^ n . J? ,K c a r a drlvea by Earl Adtmion,

U urtaugh . and Oeorge Henderson, Qharlei Uhllg. i Uonalgnor k o U q ^ , co m ti In the IntenecUon . f* t^=SKfetnuFintrBiefSa=ilI«V iHU- r lOr' ^ t h t ^ “ " t h a t 7:80 pm. Bunday. Both 0 ™ “"

p a r u . . agreed W lak# care of thelr mal Foun- own damtgei.i which wer# unllsUd, I K.J1, When they reported the incident ta X J rv i

. . POllc®. for Mrs. Mra. Heary Coiner, ISIJ Eleventh BOIBE. Auheld a t 3. avenua eait. reported an automobile Idaho"—BarbaAlbertaon driven by J. H. Hom, BU Third ley—celebrateC

■ Rev.-E. B. ftTenue weil. backed Into her car u ‘■‘ J' “ nlvereiuhl Baptist j},e w aa driving In the l » block on downtown pat

»>« S l l ^ avenue north I t l “ o p mSunday. Bolh cars rtcelved only „? . n i _ /

. « for M r,. ' M lu N onoiirm be held ^ . , i ---------------------by the Bolae

ri ‘th®*tS; Cattleman Seekmg $20,000 for Loss

Ofllclatlng. BOISE. Aug. 28 0IJ9-A g30,0M a f t a i l B K Ith# Buhl dam age' lult brou(ht by John | C b I * I E '

Stringer, eastern Oregon calUemttu « iu » iiag aln it the Union ncUlc rtUroad. HMFU ^ hSd* continued todiy In federal dUtriet

rfleld Oom- s tr in g e r brought the sull agtlnit ■Maduudncntkh wllh th e lhe raUrotd for alleied ihrinktge •".’'.“ ‘V S iS Sofficiating, of cattle shipped from Oregon to pr«T«iiibKiiin(.rSoodlng. Idaho . Stringer cltlmed thel tb-

norm al Ioa by ahrlnkage resulted J g ^ S y j S , ^u for Mr*, in heavy flntncltl lou to him. Ke " ^^ru iw Sm tle celebrat- a lto claimed the caiili were keptt t St. J e r - on board th t train «1ihout food or ----------- , .

py th t B«T. w ater for an abnorrail time. The >- » —la. Tho ro- » » o U being heard hy Judge Ohaieth* F ra iler A. C U rk with a Jury. .

'eSrr!* BK A P TgaS-WaWB WAOT ADS.

( a a g H i i g i i i | Jll^NowPlay^B

b f2 I -

i n

Lvwo* T O L w C artoon I “ F a nI * f f i ^ PETB B u r r a * N*WS


in taU s Radio Schedules |I r x K V M V k t f i - X m - f m ,

V . S ™ ’ '_ .. . «_r.a li ( i iRleUrd UukMK mCUU t

'Tod Aiu«" 5‘Ji.A "r.«ii " i!k VM “r - t i ' mount

i i i H g ' g i>«■«* y *iw< »«—— cw'mnr

«»o< Clob i«ii- liie toUri* KtSf longail'r.r°™w' oiil r«lw u t «W. Lot. •«< L«*r» MaCA'. Kin. ll'tJO -( 0ID.7 iS '« N « n N .. .

iiS tiF lS L■ S r j i j ,, i ;;1; S S ' S -* T o w n l l l i ‘dJm. §KblIS» iiue i iH.w. »»< Bln »if ffna 61

■ ■ ------------ — .......... .. coniine

[win Falls News in Brief »3■ Club lo ^feel minimi

wat bom Bunday a t the Townicnd club No. 1 will meel in pjnse. lit county hoepltal to Mr, the probate courlroom at 8 pm.

w»“h TM,in Monday.____________________aaalnjlurday a daushier was bom ^tlr w l i 'd Mre. Earl Pence. Buhl. canning kitchen

------- will be open Tuesday. Wednesdaybedaled and Friday of th li week. It w ^ taDS first ward UIA wlU c ^ed Thursday becBUJc of T»ln -fall opening wclal a t 7-.J0 p .n , fair day. >esday t t the ward chapcl. -------- ., member! are Invited. A called to Active Duly A i» dinclng and refreahments cpj Don»iii p . Nellson, USMCR, being

a planned. pgiij. h t t Wen ordered to ac- wntdi ------- Uve duty with the mnrliie corps. He this

tealdeaUVUlt ,111 report at Pocnlcllo for h^ phy- e»i7 »and Mrs. R. A Jackson, tlcil examlnttlon cjid then w I pro- Fsiun.111. Bpenl Monday in Tulo teed to Camp Pendleton. CaUf. A vlUng friends. Captain Jack- - : -----erly w ai the nrroy recruiter Enlljlt In Air Force ctiiiajiFalls and now h n reUrcd Harold Jonathan Crowson, IB, ion urgedlve « n ’Ice. ot Mr. and Mre. Richard R. Crow- lo pra

_________________ ton, Tv.-m Falla, has enlUted in the wir »air force for four years. He has ptarir

s; K S ;'a s .K r.S '.;r 31 union Sunday at the Har- mg. _____ Cathol

n%n. S W o m ' ^ \ ‘* A T a *Cox n-year-old soncatello, Idaho Falb. Builcy . ,^ 5 ^ ^ Jd Mrs R D. Cox, 188' h?^hir»h?»d'u!e“ 'a»ernoaB WwhlnRton ntrect north, has arriv- e highlighted Uie aliernoaB begin hb r y n

_____ basic training, nccordlng to word f 1 ,-- ---- received here. Ho b a graduste of .

From Vienna T».ln palb high school. ^■a A nn Smuin. diughter of --------nlfred Smuln. hs.i returned Rtlurni From Confertnee enna where ahe spent tlie Keltli A. Harvey, e n n jla r^ for Ing P ir w ith her father. Frank tha touth central Idnho health unit. Uliint II, a U. B. government em- returned aunday Irom D caur where « aw Se attcndtJd a school tor he attended b two-week *^»ol »nd T u ^ nU of workere and will cn- conference on sanltoilon. The echool Dr. [Win Falls high school llils was conducted by the deptrtmem of the t

publlc heallh and was held t t Den- roll (_____ Ver unlverMly. The attending sanl- comm

tarlans look refresher courses and Thtw n . i . „ „ . . i

rs. Carol and X>V“Jbaiint. _ ' ' T T * „ umed W tl.elr homMn Wll- E n l j g t g m N a V y I're 'f Mr. ond Mrs. Gilbert Me- Dean Hamilton. 10, aon ot Mr. end '' d family. Urs. Jones, the u rs Wyalt L. Hamlllton, Wendell, *' “ • Ava Oarlock, wai a resident hai enlisted In the navy. Tv.ln Folls . PftlU and Ooodlng and Is navy tecruiiera announced Monday. of Mrs. McRlU. He was enlisted In the grade of ,

------- seaman recruit and algned for fourrkertV lali ' years. Hc has Becn ordertd to Ban *.U J . Caiunl tnd chUdrtn, Vitio. Calif., for recruit training. , |j]| 5tk City, and Mrs. Oeone

Vehicle Recovered in;Uhllg. Catunl WlU Join hb A Jeep pickup truclc, reported Twin Falb thla week snd stolen hy Mrs. W. E. Hubbatd. Han- ^

rir^rtia rn -B (p t,^o -ta-K f* s » ? ^ t- 7 ;g » - g - = r aIty recovered by city police In lhe 100 1

•______________• blo:k ot STCon.1 avenue lOuth t t ! I' ' ' ■ ' ~j s;33 p. m. Sunday.

The vehlclc b owned by Howard J C l U l lU r c U Hubbard (ind was taken from his

BE. Aug. 28 “ WV^MUi ranclT inree nnd one-foarth miles liji "—B arbart Norton of Bur- south of Hansen. Nilelebrated her 20th blrtti- -------------------------- pmnlversary today wllh a GUESTS IN MURTAUGH Lown parade through Dolie MURTAUOH, Aug. 38 - Mr. and H t prepared to leave tomor- Mrs. H. A. Sj-venon have hsd Mr. |N or th e Mlts America con- and Mrs. Vcrn E. Davb, daughter, t AtlanUc Ctty, N. J. Marilyn Day. San Francbco, Calif., p |rI Norton will be honored as guests.e BolM Lions club tonlglii 1'send-off" show, hm

NATIONALU E V i t M i N b r e w e r y ^, . » n . PILES desire* beer distributer fer l i C T A i lT L Y F>«u#

reply to Box 53.B Tltne,. JoKS!t£r^wi>«>llut(. ESn'iiut^ RepreaenUtlre wlU eosUct ;

rrpUet ih l. Week. /

'^ — — — B £

L a s t T i m e s T o n i g h t ©

S .i0 ;l8 .- \ COMtBilOBm - -

- A L S O -

— T ffiirbfrm n=*rW B SD A ¥-««-}«___- _________3“ Fam ily NiU” a t $1.00 a CarloaiJ • '

V Ik V

ME3-NEW3. TWIN FALL3. n )A H 0 ----------

Form osa lsle I Seen Todaj “Need” a ted

Tk i he face*'jt array of tKv M A r t l iu r tery novtl. mtlled milk, a a n *

<rr.> r«* <>»•> • - inp to Ogden ; . . BU tered pllo breach and neu tra llM our ,,00^. ijcinj replaced with aewPsciflc defense ayatem tnd uon . . . EKC John I*rrlbeou hi

Kinquc.1 « . i n . t S i o V iw ,U l» . , . T. 0 m ,:m f free nillons of th e Paelllo |fro«-the-sire«t conversattonJ ^ ln ' ., Mrt. George Berer scurrying art

Cllu “MbfoneepUonf* . in mieresU of t project . . . :

gS y L g l8.’g « J £ ££cni'llnr ' • ^ ‘V ...lU 'tB l- 1« -th fr w m nnni -hrltige—-Whlhl--- llT I' Chtnges Hit front Ure . . . P

H. iiw tha l u t war ahUt«d our chief Howard W. au ietle back : . frantler -to em brace Uie » vacation . . . Oourthoiwo a

m 5^L lU e-ocean-H hlch ..hy_be. .v rttO l5 ^ .^ fto “moat to p ro tec t us u Baker . . . rtst-wfttting g e n l i

* iThold It," takea tnd ptssed by woman pu ld we c an domlntle ing a btby ctrrltg« . . . My

A.iatic ^ b f r o m t chain of Itlande reading gtnt sctrcely t « ^ c exundl^ln w tre from the ^m i- brought to C i ^ ^ th s U t r i t n u . H e added: m = j = « t t t ^ « ^ g ^ ‘^ c

CoM Block W foH poilolflce wllh fistful of"Any nioJ'tory ttlac k lrc«n Asia ,(„ung document* . . . I

must U »o arophlbloun effort. No Qrtttaa.wegrtni lunroU compli amnhltilous force can be tucceuful Beverly OUtion addin* *p tim w conitol of th e aea U n » proaeeuUDg tttom #y i offlc. and the air over Uieeo lanea la lU overheard: ' n i b# glad avenue of advance. u,»yTe til In schooL”

“With, nsvtl and a ir aupremacy --------------------------

s S S S ^ V r C o t i r l T a n g le G row s O v e

one and csn be m aintained wllh » T

«•>would be an Invincible defense (r„m Pm. on.iaaalnst sijrealon. If wo hold this , 20,000 from Fanner on th e g)Tffio »e Biiy iit»e txaee ' loee-it-and- ii,srTira«iinvM mem or Ulwar b ir.eviuble." of the land for 1040 and 18

—----------- ------------------------breach of Uielr Uase. Thoy

Ciiurch Schedules Special Services s r r , ' , . » £ p . ”

P E : " ™ | S | l i SH iion of Our Lady first ap- plus labor chargM I n c h e d In

ctared Msy 13. 1S17. to shepherd Ing “^d harveiUiig the ^ e .;Hiirir.n tn FaUma Portugal. She The crou-complaint fUed turged the children to I ^ 'e o w f Iw.r‘’»‘oiild Mme^Sha^ m ado 17 tp - ptred for cropi by the Daniel

All peoj e of ^ i n FnlU . whether BKkwlUi and Langley rep cr K e y tre m embers of Uie th . Dinleb, F t ^ w «<1 catholic church, are InvlU.d to tt^ UeueU are represented by Etind the devoilonal perloda. accord- Sweeley._______________ _

i B . Rl. B.V. M « r . J. . m B T IN O

------------------------- BDHU Aug. 2»-The B uh l tI PTA to Sponsor

Clinic in HaileyHAHXY Aug. 28—T ho .conolud- iFrora U52 to 1M9 8383 ell

• Inj pre-school clinic «ponsored In shipped from YeUowstone m Dlilne counly by the Porent-Teach- park lo foreign counWet

• er assocHtlon will bo he ld a l 9 a.m, tion-and establbhing of herdi TucsdiyslUie H elley'grado Khool.1 Dr. Robert IL W right WlU conductf Uie ellric, assisted by Mrt, Car- W A N T E D .. roll Cosies, county nurse, and a T T * r 1 1• commlllee from the Hnlley PTA. J « a l a w t 1 Thorouih examination of pre- Q o Q u O l G l I V l

H orses - IHulca • Cow' t • boomers" will be given. *''*^‘5 ?

Previous clinics have been con- Blgbest m e e t r w a, dueled In Kelchum, Carey and Bel- CALL COIXICTI Icvue. « 8 8 -«

; ■ u ;» °T M a .K n v a w A » ^ A D S .

I ■ l a O U T F A n M ^

; .Iliiiskey«ithAgS

E N D S T O D A ^

a p o l l lUm I lc lK

"' Afliiiiia'slireist-selliDgjI

: m M m ^Ni[b - - ^S:rMli<iarb«iiwhisity.86fncf. I H V

% A>idni/1pDia.C»^FrMitifin,fy ■FLU8 On» H IT

GEO. O 'B R I E K in

J E R O M E I ■ j ^ c o D E -

Auto t h e a t r eLast Showing Tonight K U U ItU iNsmfbc iA IGNORANCE/' G||j||

S ? ' " ®m s E o f W i / r e / r B

.% H ie n d k

iwitwiiso<i.u« . ___flKIHBH| l . S wlFUl Umt ol nut V )ImM t>e« iftm f


LUND. lTnn 91................DON a.IhUARIC S ) ~ * 'V

DiFORE-WILSON i ^ u U f f W H H m u i i i i E i n i H

iwiMhCewp MiitMu piM I f l ■ •A Pifiwil Piclun I,

j k M T K iilK iK ifS

• CARTOON • K E W S • ' ^ E H E S S ^ S

Coming Tuesdau For thu Road show “A Woman’B SecrefL

day ®®feo8e Yi

~ Is'Tiihd,a red phon*. -h a ew « i - ‘"^ ” *.11*1, , ^ ^ Ibeou head- Uut ih,•wo men, in Whll* ^ 2 ? ■satton . . . Itou confSaS «...fing around Portent . . . Uan Ttittaa^??.?*nU o l bun ol 2 f ^-m to -w lih -w ith baled --«»-haa

« back after Harrlmsn. r a e d i ^joiwo aglow Prtudenl oTfSji?*' ge Hugh

om»n push- “nw punSwot*?!"’'. . Mystery to h e a r ^ o ' i ' ^ ?eelag colfce >‘ns, armj etiti M i rglTlng only Fortui P. shtn”ittln* cream openuax^ *ba ir beaded to- tromitful of offl- Collins Md

. . . Roger Ing *boul fteI complexion A*l«r Uijdin* tpaikJo 11«'l«a 6rr»tar?tfS■I office . . . so? to .ttd , 2 * .” ', „ . a . t e n t t ? ® , '

II to ,'gle- 3R^xs;s-V ^ e tf*t ot the itsttt-IVftr ‘•wo dUlrtWnewtpiper,r ., One nstlonil una ,Crops„> magsune »id u ^

t S S ^ i r l l r . .10 deny d tm - j toMrten tn-i i, , as tn antwcr W

e rye. _________fUed agalrut xi,e NlUoasl Oem

IS',,” ■?;; s“r ■“co ntract a ad r _________U aaked.

ley represent ■ a n d Mr*. ■ M ■ d by Everett ■ J ■ . 1 |

ETtNOS I B uh l Cham- ru u m e meet-


tone national l i wlet fo r exhlbl-of h e rdt.

Four Gmik D flffirfjte

f e SEPT, 1.1k-cipraid PABI-HTniCT EIGHT niUii



P ^ t ^ ^ T W I N H5 -BIG DA Starting

l o m w

g i t e g prWIN F>couifl

^ [ 3

rj^^dup Filer Mm Leads ( iio Korea H H I H B B. jpArthur

ttatMU forcM.

^ f r ’<r<w”> ' ,jbid a « » d ^

^ ^ u o kiRsdr .MV.I e n f t s n ,

** T m south RoreAiu. h-,l» S ? S u dbp*tched to , • ;r * ^ i^ T tre m&lnl? bat- .T!

■ ^ S rW d sUMl corp* ..

“k‘4 ° • ■^ n o f b u ftU or "sub- ' .. .^ of lour inrsmry dl- | | | | p | ^ M ^ n y | P ! ^[.’m btlUefront. Tbey »re .-.1, ^ Slh ind Ui cavelrr

Mwy combot ■ ? f i ; « < K r . i i j a i iM ^ ^ i « » r » - ^t i~-hjiJe thfl fifth regU c « l L««ti»rd, Uft. FUtf. U •hown ibore uS t m S ------- r ; : " : T “S lE S S riH e ViUe.a, on h li r e c tn l l i l l^ S i^ rftlment of tne i«t Ctrrylor lhe enw* !■ F rank Fetriex. Ch£ ^ tl5«<U ready In tho cbt»r>- 1° the poBp e t cltigjm ta inmedUt M M .ho> >be MMt n«T. Mi<r. Wllliun E. C e tu lu . biihoi

T * “ ^ ( / . ^ f WM *“*“ ■ «•“'>«“ • <8l*ff e n m T lo i);5 S b « l ^ e n »Ulor». * * * * *

Holy Year Pilgrin ming Call Event of LifetiV nt/>O i~l T r t ■* Ttavcl ibo^rd t luxurious oceao while the|( ^ l l / C U X V i Uner, the snyeiy or P*rU. the BwUs palla. IUl.

. ■ Alpa, Venelliui sturwaya. commu- of Pisa. Tf n in iT lQ K P T * 6 ' nlit rioU. and audlcnces with Pope lUshllsl[ a i n n i a K e i » p i^ C«1 uonard-* pu^rt- coiisc «M r A„i 28 (UJO-Ama- '"“«6 ‘o Vatican CUy thi* eum- city, the

5*“ ’. ninni- lence of hl3 Ufe. maw atSSsTti leedlM clQudi »« home In June juiy 20 ?

iJ, f o r ^ c x w r S ‘nd >>’'<5 ‘ Jfoi'P “bout 100 from aU i^ a r d V o n n ^s^ P '” ° " !," 8

* (S' MMicur* keen on sboard th e grlms was i J ^ u ^ k e r ^ n U « '> '« ' aizabelh from New Y ork the cathe. S f ^ i r m b s ^ M City on July 1, Unded »t Cherbourg. Leonard*

to have a ‘ * « ' «ayi Uler and were ing done .l ^ n " “ “ “ “ taking tour* In Paili by July 7. edged thrffw nn^r in rolnmak- I ^ n « d admlLi he -waan't over- aysKm an

topreMed" with P»m. but did have duced wot do n ^ c h “ *'"'■ ' ’'y “* cheers." '“unM#, the elty by boat-lraln from C her- cheered US'S SS; “'S' •"• ■'—. hv N«w *»“ E*prtM company tours. Most a proceu

i 521.1 ra i^ n k L - IroprcMlve of what there U to aee hours, thei"J wS^hviiirt ftr« vet ‘« ‘ure and art work, he saya. in is dlffi- 1 , ? ^ the i^Sa tl^ r P't^'le themselves L aier uSiScS«.isr •"•"' »• »»■>■“■ wllh L.o»* They were sutprUlngly tt-ell-dressod audience tr 19 Vonneffut m u iy “ »•* “ >“ « ^ evidence country h 6<ka ind clvW-mlnded "^Ich itU shl Rome. Ea K jm ^ o O h e U n lV M be « P « tcd of the French after th e wllh the Ifiinertoj planes lo fly 'SMeni'or'WorWTrar'ir; — - g^d papalinl diTjp large quanti- Th» 'dlfferWce Tietwetn French The Vilnnilertal "which m ay and Americaa dreu U tha t th e Pller. m u

Mall the aimosphero ao American lourirt uiuaUy wears a property ipMr confuse lh# more straw hat In the «uounerUme while “ a d tyBilifliler." the French fellow does not. accord- he a d ^ , b|iea<d the ainateura o t ing to Leonard. The French women « n ie d wlti raress o t Klenco— hardly ever wear hats or hose, b u t Jh«||6» science of control- appear wcll-dr*ited despite thla, he PoPtwtcr.* trick thst, m a n aoyt - ......................' _________ BnlTflDC't t l i o tolve alnce Iha PoUUcal u n r e s t la c o m m o n ®*'*

problem con- ej.prjjgat danier of communistS S f w l U b i n e S S : H O ^ v ^ l c f which the .American ^ gujB Jl^^contr^ s e ^ t h , ^ » r.te lng of seeding op- countryside were taken by the pU- *b07e th#UpmiU for seeding m ay P ‘™ Leonard reports oa lh e ^ the dok,' b< uld. beauties of French fields and v ine- s tfs he wtIBM to poM what wm y»rds. He soys the sugar beeta wer« ot the citj'Bicll phrase. "Free as healthy.and.the grain wm Ihlck. H ia uiu

Leonard was impressed by the coa- opera* Iq'— --------------- tumlng and »«t4 of the French th e - aocordlngrftr + « r t »*«• **» aald all serrtce companies preaslve wBlj i l U L l U l l auch as airlines have a person w ho stags Imii4AkIy. *P*»*4 English u do many ot tb e waU whlcIw D lc i I j B D 8 *hopi. making guldei unnecessarr. or totirth

f> ! • The shops w*r« fUlsd with good commodatH6T B e l i e v e s “ “5 ? ^ “IKUa. (iiPii 'ood ‘n mediocre b u t Tljo tou

p ^ hu? f o ? a luiToundlng coun- 'drTv’er J ^ e t tryslde. The'French way. of serving

‘ h is c a l v i e o ^ « '»«* ^ ■'“ ‘1'*'" *>• ““ ^ ^ -value o t 40 ^ sat to w<*>wd a woman to a k1 you will get tin t lhe tomatoes* Ite* . and on h lT re* «® * « » • « S S ^ i n *• d tn loofa noticed a *®"* “ >«* «*“** «> i tiU 4K .i a lly , lhe lettuce.-

k'.i.p™.™i,uh- “■«« >ttU} discovered th a t **• «“ h <>»?' provldln*

r t s r i ? t ? £ :.“£T.r%JTK:.“i S s“ S;.%'S„"rSc£ ss- “iW Nice, a m e n clty on the M edlt«r- J

rtnean in souu, prance. There Ujbt | i•» * » »t “ »» b««li and took a tid e | iWp »» Monl# Carlo lo watch th e HyU 1

■» lambUng. “n id r stay a t Nlc# laat«4 iM ' JZ? ~yt* on ‘lhe re tu n i ifan# d a n Ml m .

i S ^ t o t t lbs m t ot the to u r f f l ^£2S?! L!i!£S.-“£.°** “ I w#

? tag. i6~Thtn was l » Z K f S f | i r m = n n 5 l MS l ' « tbe pre-Khool F g H l a i L U 3 ! J S f l N? ? l ' ^ y and Immu- ^

RESINOVr^ I n■ * ^ t h m1'^ nurse, ' ImoOTjuTO Wro

* ’ »1BC0UNTu o a u a i m m M i u i ^ - ' b t o l p

ss:aa£“s:U t A b . » d d . . I t o M d

O U n B I B B D A N D F


-----'--------------- --- - .... -------

ids Group Into Vatican City

W - ■ . " ’• . '

i J i r V <■bore as ht carried a candle leading a group of pllplms Inlo SI. Pd 1 piigrimsie tbere. I«o5arcl>as B mcinber'or'IhVCIilcllO group of elriei, Chicago, and Ibe other eandio Is boron by Mr. Fodgorakl. ImmedlaUljr behind lhe cron are Cardinal Strltcb. New York Cllr, ns. bishop ef Chfcaga. The penons watching the procnslon are pllp

* * * * * * » *

rrimage to Rome Makes' fetime for Resident of Fil(rhlle the others proceeded to Ra- chestra, when they're dire lalla. luly, lo aee the leaning tower trnfllc." he expUlns.'f Pisa. They met again at Rome. Agriculture In southern Highlight of the Ilome visit, of docj not look to good tills yes:

oursc. was the vliU to the Vatican come of o dry season, he rei:ity, the purpose of Ihelr pilgrim- However. In northern Italy ge. The siroup attended a large the Twin Falla eounty style of laaa a t 81. Peter’a cathedral on 8o‘lon Is practiced the crops lc uly 20 with 20.000 other persons “ * 8«>d na do the FUer crop:rom all parts of the world. '“ *ds.“Each geographical group of pll- Prom Rome the tourists pra

rims was uihered to Its section of ed to Florence where they sav he cathedral by the Swiss guards," treasures such as Ulchelaiuio n a rd explains. "As this was be- paintings,ng done esch group was ackknowU TTie nex t stop was V< dged through the pubUc address "There-a a city for you," sayi Iystem and the group being Intro- There are no motor vel uced would break Into iponuneous or pavement. All the streetsheers." The E g y p tia n group olleyways a[e coaala. Honhcered the loudest, he adda. street car service Is carried m Afler aU groups were Introduced, large-motor barges whleh hsprocess which took aUnojt two cp«m c route Juat like a stm

:ours. the Pope was carried through th any conventional clly.he crowd and spoke his greeting went through MUar1 18 dlfferenl languages. the group aaw the famous cslh Later lhe Chicago pll,rim group

i th Leonard as a member had an building in the world, a eath

S S l't?y '* h ^? a^ u t fo^lleV tourlsU we.

l lh the Pope and received a medal “ H?, ,‘i" *nd papal blessing. .......................The Vatican, according to the ^

e adtU, because aU activity la con- ,v, ___ J ' i,u .u . I - j _i_ Tlie tour then went back Ihi

K s s / s u s r s a s , * ;

i g ' S w c S S - r s " s s - « — "

™ ...H “h i “ H " • P«o»,

j ^ « ,« m l h a ,u l U ,> ^ o = , i ™ M M . i S s S ' . .

X'p?3*S5’S"tJbB d ly which Uy Wow him. . , i ,h t ol tho BUtuo of LltartyH ia louiliU aUended plays and th e r epontaseouilr stood s t a

peraa In the lUUan capital and, uon *nd aaJuled," Leonard stoeerdlng to Leonard, the most Im- He proceeded from New YorkresslTB w u an outdoor opera on a to FUer. Now be plana to sUy 1tog# ImprovUed In the old elty fo r a while and remember hit'aU which was buUt In the third p U srlm asc-.^r fourth century. Tbe stage ae- «■ ? -----ammodated aj»0 scion and 33 t ■ :■' -----orsea,*' hs explains. f iThe tour also Included vlslU to 1 ' M l ? 1 4 /

lany of the 600 calhadralj In the f W i i WWIly. The group visited the Coliseum ; ' ,ad saw the eeat in which Caesar i a ^ | | m m m

s. ssu“- D I A JVTh*re U some wir damage eUU ..■ » m ■ w iislble In Rome, Lecnard reports. -'orerty and hunger s n obvious, >i . , : ’arUcularly In the clly Itselt, and l i o t H S & H S O iue touriaU saw ooe communist- ■ ^:d rio t in the clly. There Is a ’' . ,M j n ^ b u a » «1 . « . / o y y p r „

He aays traftlo pcUceoen Im- ' reued the tourist group with theirrace of morement. “Hiey look like v . :heyTo dlrecUng a symphony or- ; .y , iH .7©ft m o d h 's m ^

FARM : * 1 730 HL O A N S i; S < j^cw , ^

at, Lowtrt Inumt lUU. I —*Ko Appraisal Fee : ! > * ~ ” ' . 3 —

N# B nket^ Conuatasieti I "Uberal Pnpiyneat Plaa ,. r*

Prempt Barrie* - No Delay •• ' ,• All 7>pea of W8UBAN0S | ^

BUI Couberly ^I N Mala Av*. I . r b m UN

j / i ’Sholt OeupM* for sa ~ ' "• . fron t txl* to back of :

ITB A K f • s s s s r s ' i r i sr ^ l t a L r ^ ^ • SoilfM (to»lfn«d for tn

r o S u S ^ i ^ m S ^ S M - o o o ite U iu o M o u bisMgr to'feed. Oo m entr • i l* ' • em aU onal No-Draft,':em ta p tr bead to fM l pleoe eunred wlndshlek

« • F r tn l shock'abeortienf; bu»hlag*-oo jreasm*

^ r a £ ^ ^ ”M F i 5 i l ? j u S .

S S ! SoS^oo* t ta ^ S i* ? * "

X ' S a ' S S ^ “ “ *■ ;p a c k !*i u ) M OTOE 0.

ND F E ln ;i4o sqd a™, b.

...--— --------- r- ___________^m E S -N E W S ,

lity July’s U. S. Tetter im m Levy Income ' ■ j | | | | iS 'i^ Shows Gains

M n H n . WASHINOTON, Auj. 28 (U.n - I B l D I ^ D Taxes collected by the federal goT-

emment rose <I0.6S3J41.U In July, the ftrsi m onth of thla llacal year and the f irs t full month of coUec- Uons of th is fiscal year and the ftnlTfuU m onth of coUecUoQS of thsj^orcan-war.___ __________________ ..._

The bureau I n te r ^ revenue lygorted _ ^ a y _ ^ a i '3ul}| coUecilons

09SW In Ju ly . 1S49.P ay Income Dowb

iwspitc oi5~t>ul8e“ lR" pfodtjcUtj ^ r - . ' ' activity on the heels of the Kores£■ ' shooilns, corporate and individual~ income taxes dropped last month to ■ ■ ■ { ■ H

»1430,056,C6iJ)7 f ro m »1,488AM,- 111.33 in July, IM9. -Whirlwind act

Dut because the war's outbreak teel«rboan! a sd ended abruptly a il chances for ellm- through Satu Inatloa o r revision of World war U *«»«• comedy ac retail excise taxes, revenues tram that source roso In July by 11^17.- n » |« - | « H8.60 to 129,705,373.07 from |38J« ,- i T i a l l K S 224,17 a year earlier.

. . The rise In such revenues directly ¥ 7 '„ „ ,reflected Increased buying of luxury JC 3 C C1l?ms. such as Jewelry, furs and ___leather Boods. For the past three LAKE SUCCESl years consumers have refused to buy “irte more daya mueh of such goods, apparently•“ "" .« “ f. SAlcohol, Tobacco op ,

™ . , o v = n ,™ i lh JUI, .1 „ o l . j a „ J ’ £ '■■■-. . . sIts St. Peler’a Jlamps. aa well os Increased manu- anythlj^g except tgroup of pn. facturera*-excise taxes, and such back to tho counclodgorakl. also miscellaneous taxes as those on su- boycott becauseork Cllr, and gar. telephone usage, traiuportatlon slphabeUcal tu raI are pilgrims and theater admissions. the presidency.

The cap ita l stock tax—since rt- But Oiero waa rft pealed—t>rought in less than In July. wUI give up the

1910. ns did taxes on estates and of August afterQ C D gifts. word lainbasUng iC O --------------------------- ------------dent fias ever had

p jip , . Figures Do Lie, d S 'J ’V.SS , y « . i R eporter Learns S f ^ S r lirt direcung *" • i - n i i Um showing on,u ih .„ lu i , In W eight Check

tills year be- ATLANTA tU-IO-John Keasler, durtng the month,n, he reports. Atlanta Journal reporter, was given whli*v»r inn«rJ Italy where a handful of pennies by hU dly ,/ style of im- filte r a n d told to go Wtlgh himself.e crops looked The object was to gather malertal S i S ’t,..

- E V . r - ? K 5 S f L f T f i “sjy’rs; f f 'S c S h '? ; '" * ' -Michelangelo'S Keasler planked hb sU-toot. IM- ”

pound fram e on IS dlfferwit weigh- , twas Venice, ing m achine.. H# r*cfrt«l these

u," sayi Leon- reallngs: J )notor vehldea IBS. 183. 194. IM. lM,-<7. ItT, 1*1. e streets and « . 191. 1*7 and 3M pounds. ItrTv^ ..lla. Hott-ever, His conclusion:carried out by “The person who drops ■ penay ^m ie M a« t U whleh have a Into any. o f th* acal# slots may rtst • , ®“:e a s tm t ear assured th a t b is prtnled character A»«ncan pusuo a city. reaoing will sound like the esse ^ugh Milan and hlatory o f a eUaonlted salnL But th* nous csihedral weight* elven by some of th# ma. “ •S * 7 “ ■eatest marble chines aro enough to mak# Uadam* J9 I." a caUiedral drop her reducing ehsrt In horror or but la ur

else send the welghee totteiint otf w w al limes bi jrlsU went to on a whipped cream orgy to get wupcU dlscuasionj 'The Lucerne back enough pounds to reslst'Ught P* “M a fro te

jf year." sayi breeies In an effort to keep from 5*2^** **“ • * ‘ lost beautiful being wafU d away." W«. B yt oj adds Ihal Ute — -------- ------------- c o tc l l

Iwme'ls'isettS T G B I t l W O r l C S S V C S “ h »

Services $60,000 “ I fi S S 1 ‘

C 5"“t L o k « “ y unlflcauon *old^W ,eviki"!- ne way to Eu- q, u,e arm ed forces actually works, -hen the Bolshev ^ e y - pb !n t-to -a -« cen l exampi»

^ ^ n ^ L . i i When co-operaUoa between the navy m Russia. S o le

= " C | j s ; h ”W o « a ; i . s E i s r s sib j^ and Z9 ed i„ fron , closed Havy posU. Itm tbt pas- would havo eo*t.*l»Ut-l3»-eMl»-W ^ L S S r ^ -i r ^ . . ‘

. clean a a d ' repair the machinea: i- renartea. A lt a t New York However, the army wanted to train tepartoc. nti.of the Aaeri- wldlera In the dlsclpUnary barracka .Bsed with the a t Milwaukee tn u ^ u l «wiu as a if Liberty Uiat rehablUtaUon measure. J t aaked Uie . toed at aiten- navy If i t oould use Its excess ms- . . . J eonard sayi. chines to teach them to repair tJ New York City typewrtter*. " > to slay home The typewritera were repaired for imber hit 19S0 aa averaee cost of t5 which repres- _______ ented a n estim ated saving Cff tflojWO.

EW I’k - T O N ^

M O N D T ^nsational

ftff tnm ln i c j th - k Jost to- from

eab wight owr 4,‘M0-n>a,-^>ea»y *rty truck ?;; :arloocU fslasrrereM rTtoa. j).ledtortnekiB T loefirhM lvaly. Sern jbaa rla* !;; ,«d cnnlahaft . . .(.>’to-Draft,'PuH.VUon Cab «1U> 874 K- In. ob#.'/ '

ibserben s iu ilan l Uv« n ibber « p ^ shaekW: ' greaslDc m r required.

h I v A

ITOB C A R 8 -D 1 A M 0 N D -r T B U ( ^ I ,

ATfcB. Phon««l ; ; 5 j vlwirtT'Oiwn


terboard Artists to Appear al

tnd aetlao a a d atartUog nH -U r toatruBlts’ win be f e a ts M by I 1 a s d toabllB g arllsta, ta their nrblly perfotmaBC^ a t tb e T i ^ rh Saturday. Other rodeo hlgfiUthU >U1 be perfottnancca by BUey H[ ledy acU and a national shtep dog eihlblUon. The rodeo beKlna at

k’s Role as ‘Great Stone Ti ace’in U.N. Ends Thursday IICCESB. Aug. 38 U V rla without a prepared text. I t appeara .

days Jakob A. U al^ 's he hts worked out p b r a ^ ot every ^e face disappear* from spcech carefully beforehand.Ion screens aa the se- But by lUcklng to one theme h e BCell's president. .* ' manated to itop the oouocU (old thestay on as the Soviet bierel; b; refusing to carry ou t elghl

Soirie deIe«atoa and D Pre*tdenUil functions of making a ju ijth ink he wUl' Others’ «tiUu»i “ d by awiichlng w ith agUlty July,

tcept tha t h e had eome y tj i councU aftor a 7.month „3?ir if?rS

cause It waa Russia's coun1 tu rn m A „ ^ l U, hoM S S

™ „ . » . „ h i . i , i i h . sis'' ap the < ^ i r a t Uie end jjallk'a rtatemenU -obviously a b - *®~afte r the m ost severe surd." Sir Olsdwyn take* tho securl- ^

s ling any council presl- ty councU isvel from Malik nex t “ u*rer had to undergo. Wday under the alphabetical ro ta- U,o watched h im in action Uon lytltm. weatin th e security council Tslug lold Uallk h# was a ctia s 1«50:

' on T-V se ts through- «s U he were Oeneralissimo e talln U.itry rarely *aw aay eroo- running Uia poUtburo In Moscow. loafllg on his fa ir , fatUsh Austin accused him of Irregular Tl.delegates r a ie d him and conduct, Unproper and virulent cate:uon of council buainess speech, and vlolaUon of U. a law. yearm onth. Tbs great stone fsce sa t a t th e U.

Inner squisnlng be did head ot thi table, multiplied by tb o eat«:latca called bim "slave thou^da onto teievlslan screens lastIctator," "Ignorant' and over tha enmtrr, and the council tl.>ords **»»>" w u r*Hoeb- >tood stock itlll in tion t of it. ton-requenlly by th# way he ■ 61X u S a s rs rS f W a rM Is S e ta t Sffi

Well Over 100,000 •<£

R«a a t In the praaidential This U a rcugb esUmat«. N otb- j[.

' a amil# frotn him. Th# tng official has come trom North n ubUo saw only the great Korean iciiices.~Bnd United Ka>

^ Uon* losin are not up to back-slapper. Be is Th* eiUmste could be brokes take It Carm an officials like down Ihla wty: jost^ He * p c a l» ^ l l a h norUi Korean losses—PronUlne, gate

.1fj2 “ '®«: wounded by straJ-' tnae» briefly b rti* Into in* tad bdnblng front, 30W>: loss- to tr niasioru la ShgUsh. m amosi luerrlllas and In sea k - uo j

“ » 0;..eivUlahs killed: w jncilj

.uSJil“ S a ^ “b e f ‘S^ S ! S f t a '? l o T K v S g ” M!£a*'“ ' (“S i^o v lS rl5 o ™ ?2 ^ i S l t f a as 's e a ta t th e h e a d o f Uie (unofficial t»d esUmatod by s e v e ^ * toble. He poses briefly, »ou«es which cannot be named), • ildly. for the news pho- more Uian MO; BouUi K orean batUe

losses, more Uiaa 20,000; Bouth K or- 14. He's oae of tbe young ean clvlUtoi, Urge, but no postlhla :viki"—a yo u M te r c / l l esUmat*.jolahevlks took from t h e .......................— ■ ■ -------Cerenisky's ttilddle-roadeni .............. ........................—i —B e learned his lessons ^ B A \ f E I

tr . going up from s writ- U W E L

= 5 S S l i 'S 5 , ? X “ 3 ; . *« t lo n . and la ter hecmn- DellT«t4l or Lo^*d a t TOador fM R « ^ in J*py- IH IER CONST. CO. __s. Although he speaks ‘ _____________ |



P ^ S u r c sis Ldtfle D ro]Littli dg«p« of w ater, U ttl« gi Uikejtiie miglitr oeean, a n d tba |


Littl d to p i o t 7 G to v r ^ l i t t l e

U*V( l e o a b b u l k n t ^ W r ^

7'Oiwft. hbahw ibh inotiti

r a t T . F . F a ir

by n » Mar.Tel*. tn«>* 1 M m le Twto raOa emaly red**, Wedae». UXeyHliraetgtithw»*hlleh.aF«msn . tgtna at I each night._________

Traffic Over f U.S.Highway y 30 Increasesle BOISE, Aug, S8 M ^-'miflo overId the state highway departmentsI t eight permanent counter* during* July Increased 1>4 per oent orer 9 July, 1949.'•} The sU U highway *or-

vey said th* Urgest Iraffle tncreas*~ —n a per c«nt~wa* ihown on the" counter three mllM c u t of Twin° Fan* on V. S. highways. H ta r h^ port showed n e w eats dortai July.2 compared witb 149,811 darlsv Joly.

t . Itaffte ever other permanent r t counters lacluded: t - U, 6.10 one and tonr-tentba mllea

weat of Couer d' Alin»-.43fl,eN tn « 1850;307J»ay*ar*«o. in U.S. ao eight mile* e*«tc<Bolaa-

lOaMO th is year. 9JM last year, t r TJ. 6. 30 seven mUes KraUi of P»> i t caUUo—138.733 Ui July; lie,«U a

year ago.te U. & 01 seven. mUesDOttb of Fo­ie catellb—180M5 this year; 143485 IB la tt year.J l U. S. eSthrM mils* east of Lewis-

toi>-lOli.TM this year:« ,» » Is IMB.Slat# rout# 2S-t«o tnd a half

BiUes west of Jemne-79,338 thla Jnly; 7>,189 a yesr sgo.

OU. B. 10 elfht BU«s wert of Xlnc». ton-l07.«3t In 1»M: M M e year

^ Replacement for ^ Lost Ship Ordered* _,W AB HIKaTQW .A«..»HOr!»e__ ‘ Bavy haa. ordered «Doti»r beM tal

ahlp out of Ihe moUibell He«« t » . .. take the place ot the Benavtftoee. . lost In tbe ooUlsloo ott tbe soldca

,e, gate Prlday. • - ' ‘ ••f - lh e ablp to be put'.Into ojwratieB s> Isunedtately U the I t o ^ - » n r tied -

u "atMB boalb'teti %turer - sho*erredasaho^ttilgtil»,.. • ■ ;

S • T e m p l^ ' - - ' . I). • . D e U a i m i ^

le SOFT- -./-fc"; IC E C R E A M -# ^

Carry OitU ' M

>rops o f\(b tert t l « g n b a « l a a d .......

id tb e p k a a a a tU a d .


• fXQ& THB}Sa


r>M oftu. Il -Mto r 4tn. M**«> —<* tw »«»«x >utc» i, emerge

, „„JS33!SS:.»™'“ " ... i! — ' =jjj! ^ i l i ^

' ” s ^ S S k?'?!;y . r ^ . i s ' . i a ' g a C T u a f g ^ “ u . . ■. .■■- s ^ S o S o m ,

» W S ? . t e f f l 2 ? S '‘ K ” ,, IL '. 'S VS:Bl ifart^i luwt. •»» >«»«>«“ • g*»*-______ _ tje n t insofar a

MALIK’S TACTICS BACKFIREJa kob MallK. R u ss ia ’s rep resen ta tiv e on lho T unN S -P a i

. ...D n lU d NaUons s e c u r ity council, was tra ined J jIn "polUicBl sa b o to e e " a t th e U niversity of ^,,5 ,Moscow's diplom acy sc h o o l. kina among oil

Since Aug. 1 he h a s been try ing to show .juenily w eertith e world w h a t an a p t pup ll he w as hla pr«ent world ■ presidency of th e c o u n c il d u r in g A u p s t be ngm arked by tho m o st b o ld -fac ed obstructlo .. hi.ever practiced In a n y In te rn a t io n a l organlza- 'hown ji^^Eroa

M alik has d ropped a J l p re te n se of obscrv- Ing even the m oat e le m e n ta ry ru les o f coun- Another ftna^ cll procedure. H is p u rp o se la to see t h a t the t„ im g t in t £ council doea n o t fu n c tio n , r a th e r th a n to un«t. W '^ ^ guide lU deU bera tlona w isely—oa a p residen t should . ,, Ilona. lnMpf»r (

T h e first th o u g h t o f o th e r council repre- a .te ,. one i ««ntatlves. once M a lik ’s ta c tic s becam e clear w as to dflvlso so m e s tr a te g y th a t would “ orB harm u » b rea k his cyn ica l f il ib u s te r . I t was decided, how ever, to forego t h a t Idea a n d sim ply meet h im cn his ow n B Tound; In o th e r w ords, to p,ou t-fU lbuater h im . who moBi «ffet

T h a t choice m a d e sense . M alik a n d hla tic ii«w. iron bosses Jn th e K rem U n p ro b ab ly believed th e ^ “m a n m e r s to c o o T e r t th e secu rity coubcU In to th # Tolee of B a a» t» w ere p re tty clever, ^ v , ,nfl a s jre A ctually , they h a re b a ck f ired . Even fence- tormir chief > s i t te r s ll ie la d la a r e d isg u s ted i t th e n i ^ -

......le ss B o T le t-e f fo rt- to b lo c k th e wUl o f thafre e nations. ^

D elegates r e p re M n t ln g th e U nited States, tuthoriutive ■ s S S J . T m ^ c l N e r w v . E cuador, a n d o the r p [‘n a tio n s, have U k e n o f f th e k id glovas and ‘‘ O' w d dipic d e a lt w ith th e R u ss U n * Jn th e rough m anner th o y deserve. T hey h a r e repeated ly scored te llin g blows, e x p o s in g th e S o v lst technique ^of reversing th e t r u t h t o b lam e o th e r na tiona gw* conr«»» fo r h e r own sins. J e a n O hauvel, th e F rench wm# than t t de legate, sum m ed u p M a lik ’s m e th o d by say-

------in g th e Russl*a-!?tolU-nfl -tlila .tab le Is a chair, i , ju i4ua n d th e n rep e a ts I t a h u n d r e d tim es. u r . Trumao t^ 1 ^ a s th e a o c tir lty council’s - awful w nU .B u t.fe i AOBiMt li to b . n o t u m t u t > prop»B.nd« “Slugging m a tch , t h e n o n -c o m m u n W coun- j^ticu iar, thi tr ie s could w ell go f u r t h e r tow ard d ^ c re a ll- to powerful p lo g R u iiU ’s f r a u d u le n t c la im s to be in g a »enni«r invest

th» touncll lb«K o rth Koreanif. r b u a la n - io a d e a rm s consist- ographicai ored wholly of m a te r ia l b o u g h t fro m th e Soviet uung Oiey orefo rces when th e y w ith d r e w fro m t h a t areal a 1948. We a lre a d y h a v e h a d p ic tu re s of forf .ig n —R u ss la n -m id e . sh e U i d a te d 1650, s e lte d byth e V. a. a rm y f ro m N o rth K orean troops. JStuUonai prKow come re p o r ts t h a t m ore she lls , aome greater intereig renades a n d o th e r w e a p o s s o l rec en f Bovlet Uia money lom anufftc lure h a v e b e e n c ap tu red . T h la ma-te r i a l Is being lu n i e a o v e r to U. N. observer* TmtaiinIn K orea possibly f o r s h ip m e n t to L ake Sue- and economicceaa. before evenU■ N ot only sho u ld I t b e s e n t to U. N . head-quartera, b u t a c o u p le o f 1950 R uss ian gren- “ Vi<pena iw

------ rrtm might tn b« p l a e ^ o a th e se cu rtty coun- ji»n coalition.cU tab le sm ack In f r o n t o f M alik. So fa r , this A ugust p e rfo rm an c e a t L ake Success haa p a c t s— b e en a ba ttle o f w o rd # . M sllk is n e v e r a t a . of J ^ o i

J loss f « w ords to c o m b a t fcm ebod y else's

^ u t ' h e m ig h t f in d I t ex trem ely d ifficu lt to ^^''nQ'orRSM ta lk w ith one of h la ow n g ren a d es sU rlng have noi live h im in the face a n d c a llin g h im a l ia r everylecond of th e w ay . tiiiiy lo the

"COD H E L P AMERICA” p™w™ f tDespite th e g o v e rn m e n t’s c o n ten tio n tha t univermi mil'

H arry Bridges U a m e n a c e to ou r na tional ‘J ' " ' " " “ 'Sij security , the U . 8 . c i r c u i t c o u rt of ap p ea ls hasordered .h lm fre ed f r o m la lL \ 7 T 1 ? \1

• T h a t d e m o n s tra te s r a th e r conclusively how V i i l i V d ifficu lt It h a s be co m e In th i s c oun try to deal w ith big sh o t la b o r le a d e rs w ith com m unis-t ic backgrounds. power* he dc

T ho A u s tra l la n -b o rn CIO longsho re union uke n ionsle ad e r wna se n t to J a i l Aug, 5 w hen n federal ‘hrouBh hLjJudge revoked hU *25.000 baU pend ing appeal ' h 'n 'fro m a court c o nv lcU on on c harges o f per- compui-'or;Ju ry and consp iracy . tory. h*s bee

While th a t w as g o o d new a to mUllona ofA m ericans w ho w o u ld like to aee Bridges ““{'n'l’ e n er u n out o f th o c o u n try . I t w as n o t th e final Ind-w provic hap te r by a n y m e a n s . fighting com

H olding t h a t " th e r e Is n o show ing th a t ^ * ,7 " * “ ' B ridges has In th e p r e s e n t position com m it-te d any re c o g n lta b le c rim e, o r t h a t h e has muiury servh im self counseled o r adv o ca ted sabotage or tmpla of its sou g h t to fo m en t s t r ik e s o r th e establish- m e n t of p icket l in e s o n th e w a te rfro n t,” theU. S. circuit c o u rt s e t h im fre e , on the other

As a resu lt of h ig h e r c o u r t’s a c tio n , the for aigresMgovernm ent's sp e c ia l p ro secu to r announced di^loi}'* mil t h a t he was go in g t o resign .

I H e refused to a m p lif y h is rem a rk s , saying ,.orid iso n ly : sure from r

“ Ood help A m e ric a .” this countB u t w hat h e aa ld I n th o se th ree w ords was °? |

a lot, ond tb e p eop to know exac tly w h a t haw as thinking. v o t e b

THREE CIPHEHS MISSING S u V l vWa Just c an ’t g e t u se d to th e se bUllon dol- .p^u ,rom p

Ia r figures. . his «ndorsenI n our Sunday e d i to r ia l on th e na tional o ther Demo(

d e b t, we m ade th e fo llow ing com parison; •“ AU the fa rm s in th e U n ited S ta te s—5, ^ 0,4) vote

859,000 ot th e m , v a lu e d a t $62,000,000—rep- puues w u 1

J u s t the lltU e d e ta U o l th re e m ore ciphers'shou ld have be en a d d e d to th a t $82,000,001). 2 S l„em rniO therw ise th e c o m p a r iso n w as c o rrec t. Thou opt>

T he to ta l va lu e o l f a rm s In th e United meet, airaria u t e s . a p p ro x im a te ly 82 B IL U O N dollar*. „« tm am ounts to o n ly o n e -lo u r tlv .o r-o ttr 'i i i- £ u t lo n a l debt. • ^ U u p j w t o v i

C K E R ’S NATIONAL P b o Fi f H I R L I G I GJHINOTON-The ^lor, who orlgUto uaurp prealdent T n im « * drUUti decree

nIo director and commaruJer-ln-chUt in tho ,„ ,g » n i b* U

t WMlUuaWn. N ot »lJiC« Uncolo* day were a im a b In c I ex»uUve aud capltol hUl a t■ M l ^ ^ t u e h oddf Id * grav« tmarfener. ,1)., ^ K U ltaH V U T 'S '^ T he inild* reason for the lnUIa- keep . .■trtW ■ V-iiiTe effort to Umlt aad reitrlfft ,,v i»-women mi

c r i t i c s ^ l5wuJ~Acnewa Olfl LOUls- m ay " K io® E S f / -A. Johruon are careful to nou Ujal t>y thi B ^ S i t e U i e man ren»njlble fer them and ..u^elele look^ V ^ ^ H t h a l r poUcle* ts oona oU»r than ^^irh wlU cor"■'’H ^ ^ B H a r r y B. UTUmin; in lH ree 'a lieF ;" ‘ Althoujh oorgrea* weojplMa It . . . and ArUiui^ cannot make mlnute-by-mlnute d«- „ theae faahlc1 tn the conduct of ehange the «t:loni or In the rouUng of iho domeiUo economy, women's cloUie.

to reU ln overall direction ot*«n»r*l Wl cy m ^ ^ equipped 1Tl hands. I t would make Mr. Trumao Bierelj Its q j course,insofar as poMlble under our ayitem of lorem- ,},5y,er the cui

. . . Ions happen to t or gultar-ihupe

lNS-F(irUft1 explanation for this unprecedented conUnue to payIs capltol hill* experience wllh Frwiklln D. ^m e o ld rec tiivelt during World war II. Poitwar rtvelatlons. 1 —ini the memoirs of Churchill and Harn Hop- n . y. " b s v , ' ; : r , s s v ! . - s r ' . s s R i s e I sit world crWs Li attributed to Uila fact. In part ^

’^irstwhlle modest Harry Truman, psltemln* * 'If on his more diJtlngulshed predecessor, has I* O .I a Erowlni tendency to venture fat beyond I I f ^ T ; •ulonal.nutliorltaUon. Nor can congreu (oUowivUta and turns he makes, as In hl^ Chinese. b o ISE, Aug.n and Formosan shlfM.i jned valuationther answer Is the lesWatOTS almost uninlmous acco{ tha t Secretnrles Acheson and Johnson are at,uIaUon.With Mr. Truman proclaiming they will lUy on y ^ t . ejng na I am President," senate and house leadera Aaaoclated '0 circumscribe and even formulate their opera- th a t a t ih« insofar os that ean Se done by sUtutory man- the aU W s 44 AS one prominent solon puls It; ubulotlon ahe

1 tan a l least try to see thnt they cant do any „ a l and persoi harm lhan poasible " , cient rolls.

• • • voat made thi A9-A llhough Bernard M. Baruch holds no for ottentloo

s ‘ ; s , r ‘s , " ’s „ r . ' a £ ’ .eems to make him mor# popular and rMP*ct*d

the mlJlUry tone oonreHiaen prefer the poal- brings ^ v ^ o rnd a a a ^ v e Idea* of Qen. Douglas fcUeAiUjur. wlUi current asr Chief ot Naval Operations Loul* E. Denfelfl, » »®William Halsey, and house armed aerrlces eom- »ilo«i>°n ^1 chairman Carl Vinson, to Uiose formulaled by to counties maclaiT john*on..»nd Wa immedlate.adYlserr.. . _ " “ J

men, as well aa lesa eminent bul equallyriutlve army-navy-alr experts, have -disagreed. th e ir eour

. v ; , s 2 s s r = 1 ™

A r m y E* a t In almost every Instance the normally lag- /-»i* m •

" S a 'T I h ? " o m m ffi to U w l1 "w lfc h " m J? ^ s O f T r ill'beUeves’ ltM T to b# reflecting 'the mood of tha ^ ^ 0

? l*aU lato«rfot Inalance. have Inilstfd on jlvlng nounccd MMd>uman mor* draaUe economic oontrols than ha Nordholm. Twl1 But fearing th e way he might uae them, which force recruiter,other’ hangover from PDR's day. thay want to The enlistee'y the manner ol Ihtlr use.- They suspect. In w uson, 31, and;ular, th a t he might show the very favorlUam jg, *ons ot Mr.iwerful pollUcttI groupj tha t he criticised as a gon. Buhl, andor invesUgatlng FDR's favoritism toward Ubor go„ Mr. nnd

SSal'” ' certain blocs have tiled to loid thisaUon wllh provlalons protecUng thetr own t« - .rm oredihleal o r pollUcol Interest*, thus doing the very ,v ,„ .Oiey are irylng to keep Mr. Truman from doing.

• ’ * was enlisted w REIGN—I t Is in the foreign field, however, thnt Burney had ■eas aeeka to usurp or encroach upon pruldenUal previous irlty. T he «enat« Insists on t ^ right aa a w n- cjv^lry In the jonal prerogauve while m e house exhlt>lU« / ^ . ^ ^ e rer internal m Ih l. domain became It mwt p , ,„ o re d cavaDoney to r actual ImplemenUUon ot any world

w re« insists upon tlnanclal Ud to Spain against AU^ ta a n -A c h M o n opposition. I t farored military » Ft. Ord, CaJeconomic asslstwjce lo Korea and Formosa long • ---------e event* forced the administration lo adopt tha t | ) 1 o | f | py. It prodded th a Whllo House into demanding l > l r t l l l C J Marshall plan beneficiaries ahow more concernspend more money In Joining us In aa anU-Ru.- J V i e e l .coaUtion.-espe^Uy In Korea. - ------ -HAHiSyrAii

• * • elected and cs ,CTB—Lately, as a result of Ulevlslon observa- laUd by Youni . of Jakob Malik's back-alley behaviour st recent quet meeting a ed Nations session*, there 5s a growing demand on the Alpine cat ;ol hUl for ousting Russia from the U. N.. and d . P . D»nl lenounclng the Cairo. Teheran and Yslla pact* j,ia announce 3 lonser binding on us. Blnce the other ilgnat^es „ the tlck il f ■ not lived up to them, especially Moscow. It U , j , mvlted to that we should n o t permit them to hamper us. ■ -ggw3st amiulng ot all. in view of congressional hos- ,r lo the selective service system on the eve of ’ 1 war II. many key members would like to forceIdent Tniman to bacit Immediate lejlslsUon tor „ ‘, i w , ersBl military training. As with Unposlllon ot cer-


l E W S O P O T H E R S Jerom eBAD TIMING FOR UMT H o q / I

loiild congress Rive President Truman all the X l c d Uers he demands l l might aa weU close up shop and JEROME. A. n lonB vacntlon. HU latest preemptory request, jarom a. has 1■UUh hLi defense secrelory. Louis A, Johnson, Is of the Inlatlhe right lo pu l universal military training Into company, Bolct whenever he desires. i>, McCumbcrsmpiil-'ory mllltnry training, throughout all of hla- ih# insurance. hss been employed under Uie gulsfrflf a peace- HelM Is pi! preparation to r defense—a sort of prevenUve or investm ent ccrark ngalnst war. It Is supposed lo discourage a new oftlcfrs 1intlal enemy from atUcklng. alUiough it ntver haa. pony are K-to provide a partly trained reser\e ot men when executive vieting comes. thur S. Boy«ry nation on the European continent, all but tour troUer..atln America, and Japan.-China. Slam. MghanU- c h a d K.

Iran, Iraq.. Egypt and Liberia had compuUory com plon. bottary service before World war IL The elsiilo e*- ^ aecrelarylla of Its tuUUty «a» In France, which hid one ,pecUvely.Jie largeat and most alaboralely organlttd'eon- T . ------- 1-----pl ann les-p lua the Maglnot line. This wa« a L E G A L A Irnjive army whleh failed lo funcUon. Oermany. _________1 _lhe other hand, used UMT tc train Its young m*n another Bt aigreaalve warfare. The atory of Uie panter

lion's hllU Uirough France la history. blevsnthesplte the unconvlnclni record ot forced mUltory t i i b s t a t t lc. „ . d .U m n l 10 w u . .n . 0 ..1 U world Is to continue u an armed camp Uit pres- ! from military ond pollUeal leaders tor UMT s a m o e l f . ihis country eventually will prevail. Bul there may “ 'jSf-s to srave doubts on th e part ot congress and the people t h e adovj; now Is the Ume Xor It.—Portland Oreionlaji. y o u a r e 11

---------------------------------------- r s i t U E i ,V0TEB8 PUT THUMBS DOWN ON CVA

halever else th e recent primary election decided, pilimirr. lait :lould give the resident of this stale a hreattilng ?%‘vi*n li",!./*' 1 Jrom pro CVA propaganda. Olcn Taylor made .ummuiu: 1 endorsement o t CVA the basis ot his campaign. ti»t oni»> rou er DemocraUc candidates who strung along withon the Issue were also eliminated via Uie prl- " J J,

nai vote cast for senntarla! candidates ot Uie two t-j'ies wna In excess of 130,000. Ot this amount ap- “ ,u,“n«

k proponent, or an approximate 19 per cent. We lllon th a t any issue wiUj such a small pereenUg* mrorsement ahould be pushed. ou irk t c«>in t hose opposing CVA hope tha t Uie interior depart- ' St. Olrard Davlxlaon in particular, will interpret « , /,

heavy primary vole as one Indication ot th s 'Multloh of the people ot the au te to this proposal. SHiTli * JAC1 the to ta l given Qlen.Tayter aa an IndlcaUon ot the ' «'lui"n'2\i t Jip«t OVA geu t t o a UBhDaii*.-09C>dla| Under. , rukuab* l v .

•••■/ ■ ' - - - -


r iR H O P i n W A S H IN G T O N GP E T E R E

ir, Paria Designer Chrlstlsn WASHINaTON (NBA)-C«jY«n- to l« no originated the new loot, , , united NaUons general Uils' I d e c r i^ mat the newest pjushlng Meadow, New n^-«]V ' ' York. 1 9 .-IU o p « a .econd P*

"T' * thf^

>‘kee!>‘ln'W '' lIm ^ N u m b e r 'one omen mny f ^ W r .

■wiU-*e-iher*.-B*t-- ^ ^ ^ B msni: ■tmin .. £e-U

fun will sta rt jeetby t h e n j l ^ ^ M I I H mediately.

look." _ B .» P l r s t sklrmUb bloclwin come I, act to be over B(neir i l ie s . -am in-rrrm edlum .pp inw i'S it b f - a - ^ T T J ^ Tules5 ArUiur Godfrey. _ com- ^ 0* <>-ee fnahlon ears conUnue to “ Heretofore th a t ha* been eitei

the styles so business. 1111* Ume, Buaila yeana clolhea closeta will hare rh»Ueii«e the credenUals ot haie[Ulpped wIUi revolving doors. delegation. So Uiete “ ''I

11 doein-t rnatw e ^ ^n the _

ar-ihape . . . husbands Mil on IW reporu ume to pay for them wllb Uie suchId rectangular checks. ElecUon ot a "ejv pr«Wenl will K-rt______________ __ touch off another batUe. Brlg.-Oen. ,nni

T Carlos. Bomulo of th e Philippines 60 Ie Is noted his been .ne tfecuve general « s m . ^ bly presiding officer Ul Uie past thej

r Valuation ^ 'a general ^ f*'™

f State Land Bo"™iiomlnnt«d. Nomlnatli ns, are

» according to unoftlclsl ' - " ^ r p u l ^ m oVer" ‘ ‘^'e.v « , t executive manager ol Adoption o t the 63.Ucm ajenda tries

ite-a 44 counUes, Uie same up, or subaUlutlon of Russian pro- domIon s h o « a decrease In posals for previously accepted aUte- slnU\a personal properly assets- ments. ,jlls. , . . . cipamnde the aUlement In calling jui these preliminaries are ex- Aiti;tention lo Bept. 11 when take about a week. Then tnucommlAsloners fix the levies ^ or 10 days ot geu- A

VUl determine the ad valorem de^, Along about the third week, or

^iiavned'w ipayers to.ccofer eiuoaturally.tiy.lo.Dlaceon U ieso iTl le lr county commlssloneri to countries sympsUietlc lo her point r how their couniy will tite g{ view. Bul again, the Russian bloethe new formula and to urie have Uie votei. m■cessary ndjustmenl ot levies. . . . y j,

~f---------- ;----------- Appointment of a new secretary by ,

ny Enlistment ;;;f T rio Reported °%l

enlistment ot Uiree Msglc / i i 1 TT I Js:.": -l-H Club Holds »

“£,7*'”™“ ■' ■ Meeting in Carey• s i s . a „ . . d ™ CAHEV. a ™. ™

S m! i n i c“ “ 1 i ™ . , . » , J ' * m 5 m " ; S '. ; S “Mr. .n a m .. B .rt « . » V n » .

by giving reporu on their projecls. stuJiree men will be awlgneil to Arthur Barton, commandcr ot the sit)’rmored cavalry and enlUiea c „ c ' Legion post, was a guest and schi:ce year*. The Wilson brolheri to members on the support -Vnllsicd as recrulU and Durney given the club by the post.illsted as a private. Final plans tor exhlblllns livestock Wciley had one and one-h«lf i t the achievement day show were ,previous serrice in armored discussed. K |

y In the army. Orover Wllian Lavar Smith wUl bo new club •member of company O. 116th leader due to Robert Day^ reslg- |ed cavolry, Idaho naUjnal n a ^ n because 0 his schMl duties. 1

The next meetlnff of thr Rroiip Tthree m en have been ordered be held Sept. 27 n t Uie home of jecig r” ! c a ? l l for U-alnlng ^ _ Shirley and Jerr>'Reay.

line Demos to Grass Seed Meet S Ippf in Kptchum HbIq ftt HszBiton . xi S S i s ^ » L l ! .n n ! JEROME. Aug 28-The North thel ® y p ^ u f ; - : « f f i c m 7 ^ H ae^thiow ertnaarrttitrtct-'jpcii^-orrfa and campaign plans formu. producUon meel- Eby Young Dtaioemu at a ban- t^e H m er Olive ranch 100netting a t 7 pm. Wednesday at H atellon for farmers Insleresled fUfIpint cafe In Eitchum. raising the seed on a production brep . Daniels, aeUng president, basis. Cnnounced Uiat all candldiHs The meeting wna conducted by ws!! tlck il for Uie coming elKilon Donald Douglas, manager ot theivlted to ba pteie^nt. Deleiates Aberdeen grass nursery, and Kirry Ueach communlly In the couniy Owman. seed specialist at Aberdeen.rged to attend. IntrodueUons were mads by Gordon. seislon is being planned by Price, Hnzellon, work unit conser-■Is, Mrs. Bertie Lockard, acllni vaUonlst. 1

Attending- from the Jerome soil ---------5^-----i------ . eonaervnUon • office wero Harold•ome Broker to “ “ “ . mi q . a . j . m . . , f “

lead Boise Firm Man Is Jailed onDrunken. Driving S

1C Inland Empire In-'ur.nce LsdWn.. T«ln Falls, « «

r r 'p - ,£ S « ri;.» . p 'f ? i t ’ p-■» *”»'■> ‘J

aro Kay McMurray, Dolst, '" y P°'‘rc. ,itlve vice president; and Ar- ^

a Boyd, Ncw York, comp- J I f g

ad K Anderson and L L, aHOSHONC, Aug. 2S—The ronse5lon. both Boise, will eonUnue 'l « which blackened ISO acres lour l _lecrelary and treuurer, re- miles northwest of Minidoka KrSilayIvely was declared out Mondiy morning

iA L A D V E H f rs E s r E T O BCharles Mnsoiter. and Shoshone, un-

■’’" bv^p ubuwtio" dernoyB ean.fouR litlhebU ic.O f.!

t r u c k B E D S Ncombination Urain and Deet E A M vl HA«tD'DtFtswNTl quality UsteiUl

u AR£ iintr.uv SOTIMED Thai • nnd Workmanship. Seae‘.V«i" /iV.i PAUI. ROBERTS

*mV,’ bJ “ ‘.'"iblJ.'M *;; ^ “ *• Hospllnl on lllway Jo

S i s T A X I C A B’ E ^ c l w e S e p lfrof pl.lnlllt »jd "

F o r Intorn«ititin,

B, W HELENPmiTTWLD! DE LUXE CAB F S S . . . K . .... .-1fEU.0W

nil's , i t f i - 1 11.


e d s o n TinyCounlr : , B .. . . » .T M ^ o w

F 7^:7,^ Pimiiw IBW:*" — ' ' ftttd to-m*i"------I ^ n « wiv to get around thla road T hn fa whil Jl I b l S m ih tV f o r wmeone to the n. .,i Hghl," the ^ J H1 geSral wembly to m°»« guide aniwired.■ -roles be ehaaged la_m ak» the t ^ he .aaiwired.

cl oflice seven year*. T h l s ^ g h t „ u co«in extend Ue’s present with milk atools for hats wI. yeart. He would no dM ftt to common u cowa wlUioutS have Uie choice to refuao UjU, or gdoummenure accept ll. . u te r Investigation on mle .. . .1 , -„«.tinna oiit ot revealed that to » t-c r whlct, , These and ilmuar quM ki^^ inhablti

the ^ Uechtenslelr^-whlch do e x t

“ I..,. “a'CSSw“.4«n« before li the questions o t Palestine, | Zurich this morning, but all

''a inrmtr lullan colonics, Greece, have seen much more of the 10 r / Korea Spain, vloUUon ot lhan I have ot Uie Cnlted 61hJ man rl«hu In the Balkan sateUlto nome 43 years. A mnn cou

" Miintrlfs and International control here for a tong week-end anea r .T .3 tpltiy. .. II u •» •»«;“rHy on IB. pli

Economic and tlnanclal commit- ium out bocks on It,tee tio will deal principally with since I crossed the borderthe ouesUonof underdeveloped coun- principality ihls morning

la tries explored the capIUl, Vaduier soclaj committee th ree will-oon- *na-to cnd.-asTfell-aB aU thtn jidtr the draft convention on free- principal clUes-Schnnn. ’ 0- dom ol InformaUon. refugees and Triejenberg, Bl&ien, Bteg a t e- similar welfare problems. _ j,un_

Tnisteeshlp commllUe four 8 prm - jj ygy think It li tmposiclpsl business will be the South ^ |j,

X- African quesUon and reporta from ,hort time, and Uint I am UHen tnistee territories. _ n big whopper. Ut me rem!' . AtoilnUtrsUve c o ^ t t e e live ^ork ol

deslJ wiUi the U. N. budg^et, lensleln. has a populaUon c„ ugal commlllee six h « vnrlous ^ ortlnary wk millers of legs eould circle Vndia In tPresent hopes nre to wind up tne ^ p^tcard .

n- unimlihed b u ^ n ^ , m e ^ t„ ,u n , .round th ihe n,i,ht b « p r i n c i p a l i t y , non-stop. The nd lesslon next spring. which Is ruled by His Seren

S; Murtaugh People2 Travel, E n tertain ™ "™

MtmTAUOH, Aug. Uun 60 tqusre miles.Mil. J. Edwin True. aecompanicQ j,iry by Mr. snd Mrs. In la n d Anarews Ltschtensteln hajer. end wn, Boulder. Coio.. nave 1 dUKng, an lthey claim to res turned from a fUhlng irip near urentest beer drinkers In th lU Btanify and Easley. 1 don't know who Is going— Mr. md Mra, Newell pule them, being as a mllUo

Anjeles, Calif., were recent gueaU of Severe'a daughur. Mrs. PeteCraner. . nre not drinking beer they 1

visitors at J j found working oniy Mrs. Oeorse Moates have been M™. their pink wine called V niy Mostes- Canle d X x . Valduter. Uiey ■.n't M"lai?!l!”6kls..%rid Bualo Carpenter, 1----------------------lub Portland,ter Joyce Goodman ha* returned .11 home aller attending the summer•la seulon st BrlBham Young Unlver- f[he sit)’. Mli* Ocpodmaix will le ^ h r p -r | | | | . ^ y |gnd school at-Nyssa. Ore.. this wlnler,. 1 ft -U H b ort Mr. oim Mr . John Okelberry at-

tended the midgcl auto races a t Q f : ] ],ck Wcndover. UUh._________ _________ O l l U

Placings fo r T. F. Time.. gj|jp|| ?; Swimmers Listed a faulty r«dinior »ho"ip T»in Falls swimmers look Uiree be repaired NOW f o r of seconds and one th ird pllice in the pcncJablo BCTVicC 1

S."aWrd.y .??=1Snr“ “ “word received here.'T he tenlor dlvl- that old mdiator Wslon Included paddiers 17 years of ]|jjp nev/_ G u aran tee d

i n .‘ ^DJllLeVtloms placed «?ond in c o n n g . ___ ^

- N e ^ d i a t o it f Babe Craig took second In tne a ll makes o f e a ra 1

reS JS?hrp’ c e 5 l « l n T h \ f J S ‘ m^e'i tru ck s .

ion jjnior divblon CLYDE'SS H a ile T c lM a n s S For Two Parleys ' —

HAILEY, Aug. 30 — The Hailey “ d Toistmssiers club will elect officers

p ;,»?.';nd'i.";n sn. l U i K tSpeakers al the meeting Sept. 13 ■ mwmu g m

, i wUl be Les Outia, O scar Cltae. E. O.Foster, Elwln Shipp. Lawrence Hea- ^ .gle, C, E. AtklnRon and Art Jensen,

P E IPrice, Henry Tuckelt, Art Hall, ______________ __

I f f Outts, Berwyn Burke. Carol Living* B Q E B H H B B B H M slon. Cllne. Jesse Lackman and Ray g ^ S g a B W l M g i

ind McGo’.dtlck.clly ----------------------------------1dny "ilg IH A V S

Cattle R anchesAll lll«. cp.lllir. SOO to S.MQ l>.>4.

PliONC 313 or Write »EN ASPEY. Ueullor

our ........... _ ! ° ■* ' ‘ " --------1 b ^ | f f l u | | | | | H

Movlnir Phent I •S to ra g e I O&n of Uu blggett imp?

’o <--------------- '\ with full vlslblUiy cf <— J______ _ - 'f Iramt li mounltd » tl

pT iuun placed eo e u tt


\ B Z O N E S Compare T

hplmber 1,1950 '.,tio«,Cl»ckWllh T T P J ] ^



.untryofLiechl*S S i t t h nUll* country, ^ tI«I«

'■ • w w n b i s g i

ever, at in ^ Ml

'»> e S i t r * '

B ™ I Fn g n a p n “ l a s i f i n a mi

^ lheffliS2*')2fv'*H W<U»»r. 5®®'«U '»dlncte5i^ h*U w ere as h°me

WlUiout .uch

on m y partJf which there ®“ »factomiSInhnbltanis ot The prlaclpautt „do ex tra wcU “I a hit, ^ »

Her producing '"“'h eouxht alio k,1 by being al- Nearly everyum J J5l lor a head. taU le en ^

another In Real’s a n tohave been In *"® ”'o'*nuiia u ,

inn aljt hours, any»hen; a , seeing bua from ^ «upetb; Uu »bi

but already I P " ff« f?r wiai r ipcf^of the country " " J " UechlenRjii

nlled S tates in u a Wati inn could stay «« »»il Ina end and quail-

'r r ::::)mlng 1 hnve , lAILET, Aug, M-Ti*, Vadua, from leeUve strvlte csn to s i a aU the-othBT drnfi beanS-U tw u c n mnn. Trlesen, to Boise on Bepi. » f , , Bteg a n d Mni- Uon phjslul eiuuait-xi

call, received esiliouii,,I tmposalble to for eight m«a 'Ibe; M ea In such a amlnaUoDsoDAia.L[ nm UUlng y o u ------------------ -—- .no rem ln ^ you

r T h ‘."” S B U I L D I N G CAis Serene High- Have yeu ever h a Cu

n . C ount of clouds?Troppau nnd Masons, In Bcetan. to

might of the pendence CasUt loiw ly 10 mUea lens iaxaUon,st*te4iUfta )f slightly more gave us Ths OmttfKui ■i, Ica.AyouUibulUiiCuO1. nnd from aide IndustryllniltrUllBb ein haa I2.7J0 Cur forefiUierskubJb talm to be the and built CasUei; (ttru ra In th e world. sUck-W-lt-neai tuili, s going to dls- man bulll a CasUe.aii n million and a wlUiln steel vaUtudB jeer flow down mobiles. AnoUierBsak ear. W hen they out of Uist npiotte.(i r they a re like- motors nve us Died I ing OD a bOtUe An lUllaa Imalmttli called V alduter. out of money iM tn r , Uiey nay, bc- the largest Cbsls luti ■ ' — inUieworW-llKauJ

><Ule VaQey trU b her streets, TunUpl

H M W l fromaUwnpuBjiaia ‘f •*« ‘ Castles.

Progress toSmCBai

^ W ilor shou ld i

f n o r kan m ak etor w o rk "rfte CAaprilititt' inteed re -

l a T o K s I( eara and

I m h D

I M E D i y ^>EL IV ER Y

New-lmpron K ’ MADSB

Front El^ H l p l Bean CuH

- on 1>« l»<*¥

Ud2<"m^C o a p I 'U '> f f |S

3 AdJUiUbl* «p 0 MrfUf»nO“ -

itt t a p r o T e p " ^ ! ; ^ ? " I f W S k J

S S S M 53 ,r o A H 0 ^ ‘

— —

S u ^ r Held for G Pair M arried in N evada Services B K £

' DfBRSON. Aug. » - U r . u d Mn.EtBTf Or&ff. Ptul. hiTC tnnounctd H | B i l £ tb* mMTl*«e ol Uulr dftU8ht«r, Lii- j B B R n UUI, to OdeU Bird, Burlty., Tho B I b M L ' cmmonr i r u p«rform«d Aug. a m K B B p $ T . Bko. Ner. -

U n . tARoy Bird ind Don Bailey, - Buil«7. toeompuiled (he couplo to Sko »nd wlUiuKd the ceremony.. roIIovlDf the ndding. th e ; tpent % (ev dire In Bko. then went to a U lL t ie CIC7, arhere ther were

A deeonted wedding cake topped with a miniature bridal pair vas featured a t tbe eupper.

AiQ<m( the guesu were. Ur. and K n . Leltoy Bird. Ur, and Mra. NeU Ba*oc. Ur. and Un, Oharlu Blake,Ur, and U n . UncQln Haeke; and Helen Bird. Balt Lake City.

Btnl haa gone to Kyua, Or*.. waere he ia temporarUr employed by Uis Slmplot Produce company.They wUl make Uielr home IB Bur-

* * ^iin. Bird U a paduate c( B*7'' bum high school Bird aenred twoT r a d e d b y y « w w i « t h e ^ n w

f e i c e . Wed In N evada “AOf 38 - R u th M | |M |B | j | | | j | j M |M

stmttr. AW- 30. _______ I^ (O iide cxchineed , ■ By r

, ^ t&e K<v- w . I J0 I drudgery Ui>1 eburch. atrielat- .. reeling of n

^ , . , . achievement.0 1 rlsg Buch WDini ( M o t r ^ m n ^ b«rond the d a to ^ tool'd, to se<

^Biarrled an o r ^ ld O ^ ..OB itreticen on » _ „ ,. .•vmir »,K to,oX w t to e n t» 4tmid pM flnM k- ,y u th . brldegtooas It

TOUr experlejw ilRS in m a rr la ^ how things a, uri r u attended t>7 Interprets yoB l Kounuln Home. n n e o *nwn *ho wonder(B uHfU gown a n d " " f - BIRD *«« It tJg t oj rtd rowbuda. (8UH e n m ^ ) I t may bo a vtfB, Uaunuln Home. . * * • your hmbanc

^ ,« « n .p a n le d by O p B H H 0 U S 6 H e l d a h ^ l d r e mRtCHTIELD, Aug. S8 - Mrs. }P® them In

!." fn -?r . r M^fin KUubeth Kuni n u honored guejt home maktnjIftrttMlie, »U Moun- ^ the challenge“ «• ®‘ “' Poterson, Mr*. Kun* li " " ‘i’'*

f f l t ‘ th V c " « ^ {jS;t% “ UUh . b c ^ f u "^ “u W e d K o r ^ t^ 'ned“ln o"rd.KuCuey nnd Mrs. honortd gue*t with a e,j,.jt.

a S s - ‘£ii »~s™.,rsgAEL"; 4«fnil,UtiUUn. was i n ---------------------------------------------- H you go, rw tlo i and Carol tam ijon,j jchooli »nd U employed spirit of Irylr t b W t L t r ^ . „ bookkeeper at Anderson Ranch nbove waterJ (< liuittepUon th o dam. no picture InW astm ilng trip to BpecUl guests al Ih* wedding were trying to Rlftt ihlsn they will Mrs. Emcsl Baker, Nampa, and housework Uket St Mountain u j j . o. A. Dlley, Csldwell, grand- of Jobs,

mothen of the bride and bride- But If youl | me bride wore a groom respectlrely. Each wore a ery la slmpllitlte scceworlca. corsage of red rosebuds. order to ma!rXa Oreer was grad- Out-of-town guests Included tho fortable, InvC2o a Perry high brlde’i parenta and sljler. Sharon, yourself, yoi

insre she was oc- and Donna McKee, all King Hill: children, thetircu . She has been Mr, and Mrs. L. H, Wilson. Vale. <i neceasary iIbsuu Homo during Ore.; Mr. and Mn, Q ncil Bak^r, and worthwb

Nampa: Ur. and Mre. T. M .Barlleit The homeipo mended Moun- and family. Wilder: Ur. aad U n . Jo js lier lol•------------ ------------ Bruce Barllelt and family. Mr. and tnowa that:.. T. w. Farley and family and housekeeper.Vl I r l Q r T i n Mn. 0 . a. Dlley, all CaldweU; Mr. slave-but a c1. , and Mre. Hany Bonar. Boise; ‘t i t t e r n PhyUl* WU*on. Vale. Ore.; Mrs. PI'11 Robert Woolan. Uri. William Bal- HEYBDRNI S S i ' " iardrM rm or*ntiro rfB r-H ntl-M rr -picnie-fonnt

---------mrtJ-Mr*. *• Jj. 8 elmBr». aU-Olomi* d u b and IheljP*TTy. and Mr. and U n. Prank E. day evening i

^ H F rT T R O T \ Wll#on. and Mn. Myrl Heller and. .Mrs. LeiandJ f \ twin daughters. Jo Anni and Diane, rc tt . 81oux Ci] all Kammitt. gue:ts.

Care of Y our GlH ^ j / By ANGELO PATRI-

^ E m / . JSr ",.. Emotionally dUtuibedchlldren are look for hel|H C m I I / j l i niora numerous thin most people T he medical■ | ^ I L \ ( A , J I belttve. T hue children demonstrate thought to UH r -I ’V ^^=K .I behavior that bafdu their mothers, tra in the pbB P i ••<•• \ 7 V Por example, a child of almost 3 uoeds. To my

t ' \ / 7 n *•* becomes a bedtime experience, tl ' Y fii I worry. She begins calling {or a drink gist, psychltt

ii- I j l l I the moment her mcUier leaves her, medical degrcH I I Next she must go to the bathroom. In the fields.

V tl ■' l l This keeps up for » couple of hours. «ind mind caj•K,- r l r mother tries everything she mergca Into t.^ i : I /) can think of, everything the rela- cate fashion,'c I lives suggest, all the bookl say to er. The phyj!i '~ I do and the trouble Bcrslsta. body must alV.* I And worse. Thli child, onco sho for th a t he b

1 falls asleep, ll restleu, moans, rlenced andi '; 1 tojje*. fljiuiy wakwi aod vavei har The motheiI ' I hands, her a m t, In strange fashion, ftclan to trs■J. ' 1 During the day ahe b ll times ot un- endowed la n

I rest when her fiee tvitcbet, her find help. Po[I, ■ \ arms make wild leiturea. Bhe U n hoaplUl. a

I I lotlng her appeUU and her weight l l there are ph;I \ fuUing. The family phyticiaa sayt tklUed. theri1 \ ipoUed, geUUig away with K■xc«'fltKh^I I murder. W hat ti thli mother lo do? d ltcarer. ool;

' I 1 She can go no further without »Ulng ehUdr*f t . I 1 htlp, T h t ohUd ll emotionally dli* to Uielr cndu

1 tiirbed and «Uy aitudy of her con- Mental dlsI lo^ dltlon, an InTaaUgaUoB to learti the •tjd a n ia r Ui«,

% H~u etusei, wlU aan« ui. H ie family f troy Ita fitne, , . f i r , doctor il a buiT m u engaged In th e hap less j^ bstuiag d irnM ef Ui» body. Rarely trea ted pronIteu..,, do w« find one vho h u bean trained trained plyi:^ L W en is In the Unesw t of the mind. T et have auch he

If lm 5*^ *''W *"»ny an Ulneu of the body itemi‘‘'n 'ie rl from the mind and It Ss In the mind

one mutt leareh forth* Mat of dlf- W i , Va^l^Wlsratneelc- „cuHy. S i 'iw S '.JT .l

In »i«. « 1^1* PtflWim U I iiTlou* on* fora , , V ; u»o muthera «f mch thUdrm. They w .aS iteioTV

l i s HIGH SCH<LO-kanu"*!'' N ov ..A (H oai..L «w P V B eB U ..A IIB 9M Biru

---------------------^ ) I P I « M A - : * W A ^t i ^ 'Qle number U yta *n 11 w e n r . W rite (er frt*

J- «wi AMERICAN SCHOOLto * " T K .|« , 1«« B w ad w e . OakUo,

r - ...............—

Golden Wedding C e leb ra ted

ME. AHD UBS. J . W . LINZV . . . whow (Olden wedding annlT^rorr » a i celebrated Aug. 1« at i t n hou»e htld a t the home «f their daoghter. Mra. Carl flloder. (BU gravlof)

/ /e , the Women T im e , Money in ---------------- I Dinner Thoughi

By RUTH MIILETT By GAYNOB MADDOX-rrtat-miiny-wonien-loday-re--------------- NEA--at«ff W riter------

ll '’ homemsUng as pure T im e nnd money alsays get Ihei agery that docsn t pay off in any tdvea Into thoughta ol dinner, £ ^ of real worth or sense of even In h o t wealher, a good hon

made cake Is very templlnf. tii *y®* money notwithstanding,

jnd the dlihpan w d the Ironing However, these oranga cup cal ra. to see «hat tte background are Inexpensive and quick to mi I are working to buUd and main- and w onderful to eat.I really means lo Ihelr {smilles. . on ipk nr>nr> rsm r . k -

" " jS ’cSS“,ii— y S £ u f K l l S " U.-PO0IU b.U

f J f . th .f . wn‘U »'>1 blended. Co)n . t i r w if ‘>*n® “nd oriuige Juice. A

Iher^ m ?ilnd®^. wi,r? mak?; & t,9 making a creative Job, with all “"‘I »■

Uve'wo^k P“ ‘ P'P*'- «P> ‘"W » 'n tSrdTudgerv doesn’t seem to (i/Iw P""?,*"! V i ' ' 'u . — I., i»i. w... Makes IS or 14 medlum-slied c

« ^ \“nc \ h i t h « tS t e rn^S; S ^ ' m m^nuu.”ed In order to achieve i plwuied goj^'en brown. Top wllh <)ul •'• cocotjut omnge frosting,

Q ulck Coconul Froetlng

’to .. . coconut. I tnblespoon grated orui/ ” W l i s < u s s i . . ; s s i “ »T >M t™™ ™

I. rt,. f*ne!y chopped orange (madeiework U the most unrewarding a California orange a

sjr»;u.« X “5'S 'is„"s;,’'stha t have already been cook.

,h i^ rlr place u n d e r broiler as far from hi

S c '.h rxx /:s

'i'n,! ‘I’J S I « l ly grown vegeUWes suchb«Mis. tomatoes, com and beeU,

If,' If, ' ^ ' ~ 0 n th e jjroteln tide are'mnk aPICNIC HELD p r o c ^ d d a l^ foo^. eggs, chicke

fYBDRN. Aug. ag-The annuallB-fonnemb*Trof the Birthday- ----------- - ^ _ T . *

eVe1iiS?‘ii'riSnVSf'‘2lr*«d Mink Too HigH? s‘!-orc5’5 ? :J 'S .X B u y “ Budqet Fl

ta- By UOBOTHY ROE' ( Aa>0c U ted P ros Faihten Bditoi

. . | 1 I t 70U o n ' t afford mink, then y

■ Ghildrenla now coloM and new styles It

? A T R r give th e m an upper-brackei loiI U u ak ra t. the all-time favor

lr,- .nrt finrt low-priced, !ong-wearlng fur c i®.".'.- b« h » d in almost any color j

.flit. ..H • bleached Ivory throu,ght to these litUe.psUenti and b*lge, allvery griy and d«1 the phyilciint W meet their gTue g ray to the de?p brown mlIs. To my mind, colored by long gable tonesTlence the pracllclni ppcholo- • M oulton, lowest priced of the bupsychlilrljt alto, should have a ju ra . ia available In tofter a

leal degree first, then his degree „ o re p liab le flnlshei than befoie fields of menial Illness. Body uu l m ay be dyed beaver colormind camut be sepsraled. One one o f th e new vivid Umes such}c« into the olher In most Inlrl- Kelly green, scarlet or deep bl'fashion, etcb affecting lhe oth- White oiounton alAO li around IThe physician who Ireati the evening a n d winter tporls vt’ must also treat the mind and Squirre l, cither in naturlal githat he must be tchooled, expe- or dyed brown, falls in the bud]:ed and spiritually eodfiwed. clasa. a n d will l>e popuUr In a ouiIB mother vho can rtieh a phy- ber o f now topper stylea.n 10 trslned, experienced and L npln look* smart and «p«iwed U most fortunate, flhe will *!»« in t o m t of lla new ttetlmeihelp. Por those who can get to —for inst&nce, made up In a b«

lapltal. a medical ctattr where Chesterfield coat vllh blick ie are p h y s w ^ s o S'iSed and »*'“ " ‘ P"'ed. there is help. But how S ou th American ipotted catM vtKh helo If hov difficult to d ram a tto lubiutute te r Itopa;5 ^ T ! ^ ly ‘?he m o m " l h 1 n l o ^ th e budget le« Toull g ehUdren caa know, and know« l r enduring torrow. “ *»« Wm,ental dlslurbaneei of aay sort A rnerican l ^ t a l J ia anott ini*r Ui«,health of the body, de-I lla f ltsu s and nUn Uii Uvea of .mhacieu irtHi-n(. II ih*T ira nnt **“ ■ Ru»»l*n broadtail, and Ilyl

k . M emartiy. This imootti. f^ « « “ weu to all typealed pnyilcUM. Uomen should „ , t a , fro m tporU and dressy itolI such help, ^ 4 u effecUve in th* nev deep W

l i ^ | : S b l l l D p -8HOOL

t9MBirorelib*d..N*Cl«ttei V ^ wtRDBD-------------I (w frt* beeUrt M e Lhw . I f j i lHOOT., OakUod U. CaUf. j Q - i ^


____________ TIMES-NEWS/

•d C hurch Is Scene Engageme Of N u p tia l Vows >■ B yY ounqC ouple —

HANSEN, Aug. sa—Bnrbara June Tumcr, (Inughtcr or Mr. and Mrs.

' - Jew IM mer. Haruen. and John P, .Brathler. Hansen, ton of Mr. and Mn. W. W. Braahler, Fisk. Mo, .wen wed in a ceremony held Thurs- .d ty .a l the Aiuembly of Ood church. v n H a - ^ C B The Bev, L. D. Lock officiated. I K - / * ”

The bride wore a navy blue gab- ardlne suit with pink accessarif*, —

. Her pink nnd white gUdioU bou- v K 9 n' quet waa lied with eiUn ribbon. ,

aer ’ed aa w itneuca. H jH H B A ^ E 2 nThe brldo was graduated In lesa

from Hansen high achool. Braahler attended high echool In-Flak and Is now employed by the Weaver trucking company a t Buhl. They wlil make Ihelr home at H antea

A mi»c«llaneou9 ahower vaa given a t the home of Mra. J. Tumer.

' ^ e c e n t j n ^

nounce the«. 14 at an daughter. to

sr.! Twin Fall's. Da'i| ‘ jKrPjS

lDd ox / v \ o s ,


a" euo cakes ^ ' • ' ' ’ = »“ “ ‘®Ick iS SS S . : Ur. and Mra. Ernes“ “’*** . geles: Mr. and Mr*.

. daughter. Allc*. an(' Jr“ MRS. JOHN BRA8IIIER Weiser; Mr. and ic r £ baking engrajlng, and . « C a T

“JS: I------------------------------------------------1 MST7 Ann,

cJp“.m‘S1 C a le n d a r Tho...™t.«r,milk, U cup Ipowder,salt The Oood WUI club wlU meet at toaftend!•ttnlng with P' ™- W ednesday for a poUuck ^ «

SLToLff Dcughteii? , % £ C £ ,“ - *“ ' 1 ^ .ending with J f lC k S G lV eP TOT her mother, Mra._

Y o u r W ardrobe H r S : -m-slied TOP By ALICE HABT Va. aomea were ); ®**" Writer freihmcnts served.

I ^ Dressing for work each momJng Is, it- ♦1 Wllh (julck {g, njany ^om en. a mad scramble n * l_ J I

„ lor clothcfl. They, select, they reject. rinOCnie/ e Froetlng They find n button missing here, a - pinoch;ter cr mar- run^lhere. » ataln else, wgor, 1 cup They finally emerge In a not-qulie- “ „rated orsngc right costume, feeling as though pp«d orange they'd Just run an obalscle course. jv“ " .

This docs not necessarily Indl- • ,., ^rown sugar, cnte a lack of concern about ap- f!' , ^ 5,??ei. Blend in p«arancc. b u t rather in most casis.

(made by » lack of organitatlon. Busy women irange and find it d ifficult to remember the mallpiecti), details th a t keep s wardwobe in over cakes smooth working order unless they H n n H l W n i

»n cooked. „ t up some aort of syatem, n U n U I W U IA desk calendar, of the kind that MORTAUOH. A

t* used in offices, la a great help Ralph Denton was 1 inn cocOTim efdcienpy campaign. Al py Hour elub meet

night aa each garment b removed, noon was spen t wl ;*J;,f®“,'Yi° Its condlUon ahould be examined, handwork. T hc nexl . ^ . . . ^1. If QUicfe fl*-lW are.indicated be- held a t the homo

^o« the n e x l wearing, a notation Deahl...!fh . . ihould be made upon the calendar. * *

“ s “ Stu » s :: A ttend w^ *reen dress. „ FILER. Aug. 28—:

.i.h When a few free momenU preaent J. DeVlsser and fanen lun. themselves In the evenings or oa W. DeVlsser attend

w«ek.end3,--mandlng_aadjoUflhlng ol. M wJni...W onhj

no tUae lo t t in almle&i. wtplorvtoiy Twin PiUa.C , t u m b l i n g through your closet. * ¥

Another helpful trick U lo hang d a n CINQROE wrinkled d r e a m Iq need ot preeilng UURTAOOB, Autea Bdilor a t ene end of your cloeol. Keep Un. £■ L. Ooodmi nk then vou Irtihly-Ifoned wearable ones a t the group of friend* a t of a dMM other. W hen th a atoek grovt allm at a square dancing pa

all done up the UUr end . It U U ae to tP fn d ja v u caller. Rcoorc i t j ln that evening a t th e ironing board. Thli pi»»td.

racket l « t P™ vent your getUng caught * ,na ftvorile ?hort on a workday mornltig. DIBTIIDAT

V anrt dMD care. W hen the supply in your temoon la jJODor-' U ™ ^ k regular Ungetto-driwdVindlef, Jon- tnalvetMrj o tM r* .

tlder It a w arning that the time A social aft«m ooo i I » .h k ... haa come to attend to the itocklng kiwed by refreahmet‘ ^ »"'> ' ’" • 'e n y « " — — ----------------L J l. need-care departm ent. i l l l f l A l t fthan before, ^

W C lean U p Day Is f W I M I H e ld fo r Church . f l l C E

aturlal gray PAIRFTEIiD, Aug. 38-A group of ■ ■ ■ ■the budget 13 vomen m et Thursday a t the I n m lotag tb m

r l a a num- Palrfteld Community M e t h o d l t l S | ^ » « w p f r l ^ ea. church to clean the building.and eipen- Tho Ruth and Naomi society aad <4b£3uBt7u I trealmenU Ihe Women’a Society ot Ohrtitlan p In a boxy Service sponsored the lecond day h a u so '* Oeapoul

blifk vel- ot clean-up a t the church. Dewtow e»u • »«oiainape. The d in ing Ublea, Sunday (chool I WHI T p iM n i■lt«d cat U tables and chairs 'were cleaned-aad *• «•«•»» tor Itopard, tamlahed, wIndowa w in . vuhed M. TouTl b« and a general clean-up waa glrta fectlT* MV th* entire annex.


i p a t t o S i ^ l | | s 9a . - . - M

___- eaoapM aod «oektalU with Id « U ( ^ Cann*d Shrimp. ■ ^Rleb__ia baalthful mlnaral* | -------- - i g

I luepute i K ^CAMNB> SHMNi * B

HO H IA M .M O T A U ..; r ^9Siisiu ' viiiiHflMfl


sm e n t Told Home Cerem ony R Is Held in R upert H

....... For Young P a ir HnupZRT, Aug. M—The home of

Mr. Mn. W, C. O am er waa the scene Saturday ji! thc wedding

. of their ton. Dale, to M arjorie Swearlnern. daughter of Mra. Ruth

. Swearlnsm, Moweaqua, 111. The. double ring cetemony was per-

f . formed b; Bishop LeRoy O am er,, Burley, broUier'ot the bridegroom.

The rooms were decorated with . gladioli snd other fall flowers.

The bilds was atUred In a blue

or. wore a na\7 blue dreu accented . by a yellow tuberous begonia cor* aage.

Truman S^arlngea ..icrved aa

Folloving the ceremony. » recep- tloa for members of bolh famlUe* waa

After a short wedding tr ip th* | | H couple relumed to Rupert where

NE BOWMAN the brtdtgroom la employed by thelo to - s u f f enfnring) Western UeUIworka.^

* * * -If, If tf

e m e n t Told Betrothal T o ld QqiX. Aug. 38 — i l r and ? “

engngement o( their j o i'lie, to Tommy Roberta, . .

nnd Mrs. T . Rot>erl3. - nounC'

>n Is H eld Jerom

Aoss Fam ily im h tIn t-U m e-ln - l« -y ee rA ------nmlly of Mra. Elizabeth

imily picnic was held . , H | | | H | p ^ V F ^ ;h e home of Mr. and ,. 'y

guesta were Mra. Uoti: ' • '> •, Ernest Moa*. Lo* An S * ir * 3 -Id Mr*. C arl Mos* and >*.« f"lc*. and Mickey Mahl. ‘. j ' , - • , • • • ' ' A_end Mrs. J , D, Moss '•.>- .5 ■->•. -C*

ry. Buhl, nnd Mr. and ^ . ’ <• j . '; • Frl*ntl ic a l l and Bell*. Jim A , H , ' a t tt^y Anne Jenkins, Twin * t i i f < i i

yiJLKA WE8TENB0SV Ing hI four generaUocs rep- (BUff earravlag) treeiUhe plcnle. O ne ion and * * * * ■wa City, were untbls w w w w abiew

» . . Wedding Day Is X I h te r Feted Named by P a ir '”SJUU waa honored on Rupert, Aug. 28—Tho Rev. John 'day anniversary StUir- c . Weslendorf announce th e en-n a t a pa rty glvtn by gagement of ihelr daughter, WUma,. D ;

Mra- OUbert UcRUJ. to Veni* E, Johnson, ton of Mr. D lora with th e honored and Mrs. Ouj E. Johnson. T h e wed- ^:arol and Ava Joanne ding dale h u been tet for S e p t S3, k- , jiis from 'wmiamsburg, Miss Weslendorf. a 1949 Rupert w a vwere played and re- high school gnduale, attended Con-erved. eordla Teacher’* wUege a t R lre r samea* * * Foreil, ni, Johnson waa graduated njtnU

l ie M eeting S S S iW L lV 'lS .’S : =Pinochle club a i l Pri- « * ^ > w of th* Rupert N atlaaaJa t the hom e of Urt. SUord. b

itoo. Mra. Lynn Good- * * • I»;h; Mrs. M a lt Begian, C » _ M n n r t r o r i B llomaa Ellnesa won the j O n n O n O r e U *■*and U n . Jane Peler- em ersoh . Aug, 2»-M r«. Bteve Straveling prire. nsceU, usUUd by'Lola Oochoour, m meeting will be with Burley, honored har aco. Keith. ^n . with a surprise patty on h is birth - I* * *■ day aanlvenary. Among tbe guest« I

iw ork Done SSr«"”S S ; r . a '“io'S fe111 M u fiL Balfour and Qale aochnour. Bur- ILi-I w ; Jey; 0« n « - ° » 1« e tlm p«m B 3

lent wllh poinlng a i^ atUreoon v u ipent playing WiJihf ^ S'®'*- *hi(h M rs. U*- 1 3homo 01 M n, I t A. McCord, ■

IS • '■* ' eerved rtfreahmeaU._______ ■

d W edding HjllOJEMIlSa UIATOB ”SW HAPPY coopu : e

W orth ^ t p ^ a ^ d nf a T -t-w n aw ^^ ^ *

S m S P ^ E T T ^»B. Aug. 3S-U r. and ik u ik yoa w n A r ^ ,loodman entertained a OttoLEleep^lBOs 'od« a t th e ir hoau vlUi lOtb Avik &:tn ^ party. O n a l Satai —poUf Mina. J w Recorded muilo v a i U u

» « *UDAT PARTTA t» . 38 — Mrs. LesUe ofdUtU7 bnlk,dothSt:«atuio(m aitertalaed Monilty af- «< t u t y ^ o a '* ALtrBRAN dalljr.lODor-of th e birthday drink 9 vaterl U no t «M»-■tM ra.T«onard CUmer. .j>U<2y i tM e d a to 10 d m . n ^

enjoyed, fol. 1« : ___________ _MONBT BACKI


Laundry 2w At I ^

ArtU jw m ilf of our faa t, low^-bort flui r t Unnilry h*lj* Ujat ire w ithin ^rtrr hea

T A ' K ^ vork iperkUag deaa. lnm ed,iM 4y tor tni1 £ 3 - '" * ' tad Ug&t plectt re«ly fo r IrooBlac. . . al

■ for your Unea d ou tl


S S 1 | t r o y n a i■ - - i a K U N O » T * X N p : ^

'I ' - PBONE66:

V •

Reyeols P lans


* * * * '

Doris Angell to I Be Wed in FallI JEROME, Aug. IS -U r. and M n .' Soaford Angell, Jerome have an- 1 nouaced the engagement of the tr ' daughUr Dorla to Verl S. PSuhauty,1 aoa of Ur. and Mrs. O. J. P luhartr,I Jerome.

Ulsa Angell graduated trom I Jerome high school wlUi the claaa of J 1 IHB and la employed aa an operator I

wlUt the Mounlala aute* Telei^iane 'I and TOegrai^ company. Jerom *.______ I

nuharty attended cchMla In TUer ! and terved with Uie navy for thre*

yean. H* Is employed with the Eoopa ccnstrueUon company.

Plans a n btfag mad* fer ft ta il weddlag.

* * *Canning H ints

UURTAOOB, Aug. S< — T h »I Friendship dub metUag v u h«ld

a t tho homo of Urt. Edvard U sfk>' ham .-R oU cillvuaniveredhy .slr* ...........

Uig helpful hint* oa cenntng «ad treejdag of fnilU asd regetablae. - Ura. J. c . Newman presided ia «h« abienc* of th* prtildeal, U rt. Hn< bert syvertoa U n. Bdgar U oor^ ~ ~ taan, a member, va* reported to be ImprOTiag from ah Ulnata:

’ Tho next a**Ung 'VUI bt Iwld , vlU» Ur*. Hubert SyrerMO.

* * •

: Birthday N o tedWUma Aan Wright v u M e d «■

■ ber llUi blrUiday aanlrenazr B«t- ‘ ttrday evening by Ura. Bal» O reu .‘ Tha *Ttnlng v u tpeal playing f games by the 12 gueeU. Refzvah*J menu v e n t«n*d try th> hoateae.

Maoic V aU eyl BEST BEDRMM

! S m T E V A l U E !

I - 1

Ught er baik wiiagil• roD R»B*a • O M• Taalty a a i B*bA• N l g b t S ^ • CeD B fc ted

• s r tD ev i • S i t M i t a

^ _ _ S 1 7 9 . 9 5I m p o w N - w r t B M O N n

I r m tu o m rlIu r...o tbM te (teoM ,


...............— ru B M n v B s------------ - • — -l a Mate iM t fiM M IM

» N

r Serviceso LTTTLB MONKT!boet fluff-diy ttrrte* . . . ttp-top « 7 beaemUer^ budgett AH f>»»— : — ^ ly tor initaot us*l W tviog « p p ^* . . . »n h u tjf 'w r ttfo M e d ,m 4 r '•: ' . " V

A c ■■', -.Xi,


----------------- -----------



WJ'lfme saH O T R E D B I R D S

^ T w i n F a

S i g W s 01--n n -Ila- »lth -h ta - U t f l - r b U ^ m- __________ - , ~ ............... 7

,„.?Kr„th"i‘wisr,vere wtt« r tinn held by th e T w in F i

BSMM to tb a t i n - . v , , ^ ^ , ipflguo cham piona. A nd , Ua c h n o n f m S ^ W '- ono end ono hBlf gnmeB ah e

ol woriU came In S ' onrush lnf; C a rd in a ls .tb» tfcfii] inn ing gtM a w s ; J -n The seried w ill b e a “ do

c" event fo r b o th c lu lS S n p t r i Both team s m u s t w in th e iMcond. He w a » w a j : T ^ \ i « ries if they e x p e c t to g e t

keep the u p per h a n d in tw d uaupia presently t o ^ id lo o p r a c e . Ton hu feet Miylng Cards picked up a f u l l g a iihin«« within « « » < > * • .„ .„ on the Cowboys S u n d a y n ig

b u f '“ S » .V * . .1 S w hll. comInK f ro m b e h in dout from the first or eocond b»se beat Bolsc 8-7 a s t h e Cow bollnea. It wM a very close pUy. were being h u m il ia te d b y I t

Afttr the sam e MoupUi tald us he , ^ n , i /■: ; r . r - ‘. " i . - J . v s i o , >.™

Se^vri H /E S iL S u -__ tiid ha rtlonca.^-WhT cot forget U

tetmm»t« before he could awing a 1^1 Wkcn two atralght !rfl*t. *Jlhough he made a dettnalxied Twin r«iu.etfort to break Ja«e ami get hi* Ward to 8Urtband* oa the umplrB Xrom Poca- Howerer. the Cowboy* wUl lht Uiio. Uielr ic« curve ball artUt.

r t n T t S ^ r ruSi-TuSS?J F.U. took fun aim oa th

tte S ? « ^ n . Twin nUs pitchers U. run up'T Sw ?lf*1Sat ^ " u “r « l d w«U tfe v V ^ *°WM‘^klng‘fM «’« CO"^* ""’JSSJib?e ‘l iS ln ^ S ^ ld “ you teller f “'i: *=

A r t n n r t l . \ “?a:Uat I am an, «“ P ^ - (or three homeruns. but the Ruai

You can ByaspaUUto with Maupta jhrte out of the ptalUiough you cannot condone his M.tinin Homcn

not Mi^on* *«pe«!« Tcrti dl- irected at player* from tiwplrej. ^ mning: t

Brunler. without a doubt, wiU j,m t^ a report to President Halil- loaded u,# biweU and suggeat some wrt or Nenna iclpUne. We wou d like to see ttat talked. Drakos treport to see If It conUIna Uie MU ^ to score McNi•tory. ors.

■ ■■ Hie'unipire csn present his «Ue of T^ut imocifa Eric Onrd. CavUu story, tho player cannot. .Urter, from Uib mound and :

Kow the reaaon HaUlweU U oa the McCaffery came In to face tlie Fipot wa* hli. aeUon eartler' Uiis ,fu, Patterson Uien filed cut tomonth U giving Dick Raad. Poca- to icore Drakos and Clrlniclc ItalJo catcher, only a two-day suj- out lo center. With Lcachmtxnpenaloo end a Ught fine for report- hat, Maupin tried to steal off "Iidly tuasUng wlUi Umpire Junei McKelvey and Uie Cowboy caULorlng in BllUngi. caught Uie Idaho Falb catcher

It Uaupln drawa any more dU- second.dpUnary acUorr tnan Rand, then Sparka FlyPloceer league fana rlghUuUy will Uaupln. dhsatlstlccl wllh the ib« able to point their (Ingers at charged Umpire Bob BrunVerHaUlwell and charge he la favoring Immediately was ordered toUl* Cardinal In hla ruUnga. ahowtrs. MauplD and Bnmkcr

Ib lj charge h*j beea made every changed further words nnd Matleaaon. Many tUnea it te based on grabbed the umpire. Leachrsound reasoning. raced out to quiet Maupin imd

We hope HaUlweU ean avert ony ttraln him from atrlklng the 'mora trouble. Plre. BujmUi Manoger Marie fc

— cuccl enured the (ray and comf^ un^cceutul argument

FIONBBB LEACUB Twin F^lls broke the lea and- - -v-_.r , n u - ------- K-44-Htl lie flrat-hlt-off Ollson jbe f-----" '"• —iir i* ■JUter-S»ai—PUtenttncr^and—

Buili^i_______» *a ,n a n Palmer walked. McKelvey single--------S® 5ii .1 li * 1«*‘ ‘o lo**! U>« “ Cka. •Then..Bill U k ilZ Z rZ 4 « ' ;»J !i it Whitaker. batUng for McCal.

BciM — J » ■<! tl le hit Into a fielder's choice lhat 2liuiw r .u . ------ * il .» «*W I* ed PlacenUno. A doubleplay ei

S i. r.u.twart i>-»i «“ » p ». . . , , I Patienon. a Cowboy playeiCtt.i r.ll, < w is-ai »i J.U l . i . j9«, tlaated a grandslaoi hotn

b'i Iw'”(AhtI»i. 4.7) at Ofd.i io«.» O'* alxtli Uinlng to give the :M) " seUa 13-1 margin. McNamara,:t 'r t^ were on bas

* • < “ • -------- T».ja f jUj got three more IrAMKiUtUN LEACUS sixth OQ two homcrs. Joe ]

_ . . . w I. OB watted and Ray Poslpanka ca- t 0“l 32nd homcm

gitaD"—Z i : ~ 7} •» :»« 4 *,ed ,vcr tiie icfUleld wall loi------- tl ‘J 1m 1» 0' ''■ame.phu.d.iji.u ____ ‘5 11 -in »• BMkula's homer with Uie I

, , 'Y i % S? empiy ended the scoring for 1•«. u « h --------— ” ^ •• Palls in me top of Uie seventhMATtONAL L8ACUBw L ivi CO scoring In the bottom of

rbiUd.:»iii._____-t «• .«o seventh. The UUrd Cowboy plBrwikljn.............. O' JJ -}!l s oi the eevnlng, Prank IjiTS f f ------------ 5 ■; .S 1* walked and Frank Lucchesl s<Hn YMkHHZnr i« .SM ii« a homerun over Lhe lelUicldCbkwo------------61 »« .«>; « « Tier to run the final score to;ar; = is ?! in s

NATIONAL LKAGUB McNi*aV.U 4 0 S:N»lfeV!i‘' 4z : : r : r on «M 11 l|iw'p".nk.jb J

= !Ji iJS S li-'l II S *41 } ?Utira. K*sD*dr >b4 Wnlra>. CMu ExUU lb 1 : 11« McK«1<-<t < Z«•! W.hoMKr. HfUk knult. mkcwikl. CiIkop » I e 1 r.&M k 04 , }

ClMtja.U _,—■ W Ml l t l - I • a l^bnim* 1Josa. ImnwlT. asd W«mio), bUcriw 1C&J4<nB«i rex «Bd iloo.U. -------- . —litSiwib ■-! ?oS oil ose ew fc a '! I iVit^m*fo7»5‘c.(i.n’*l

S"/cia2o.-k*-s s a . ^ “rir.!

cfSSSnlL-Zmr « e ecfl MS— 1 4 I »Mk»W GIlM# i. UiK<h«l. Nally, ChMshMi »«BlBtek: maowaMOwta. PU^BUie *. fc-S

J , . S tS as iS .'S s ■— S f s n a J K S w

a r n Notre Dame, SM- a ^ S ? f Sign Grid Pact

wuhinawa____ «H OM • & * U « DALLAS, Aug. 38 MV-60 X1W14»«. pni-tt. aad 1-iun narsis •»* Jlrtliedlsl imlTer»lly and

r - S s u — 1ft SS t n « 5 ^ s s s . ^ : : L : r ^

. .l'

Palls Sets on Sweep T 3

l ten LeadL, |v ged an d red-hot i’ocaMilo'CardtnalF'Toar— 1 &ith th e ir eyes set on the first place posi- •. m J■win Falls Cowboys, defending PioneerAnd, th e Cowboys find thtmaeivcs onlynes a h e a d ^

cr Cards Defeat H I H In Pilots 8-7; ■ B S I

tJS Shepard Loses | h Htull s a m e Vy The AaueUM rrw M ^ P H I I Iday n ig h t Pocatello drew to wlttiln one and -hphlnH to one-hall Rame.1 of the Pioneer ‘behind to cowboya . , / ^ -------------------! Cowboys , „ t night by edging Boise 8-7 while2d by Ida- the cottboya were absorbing a 14-8

defeat. ^ j^ . ... Ogden and CUff nces lost a 7-0 • - .

lye strnlght ^ Thurston and G reat ■**1" Palis, nosi-holder of two no-hlt ,

“?y“ ' gtime.1 thla staJon-was battered |g g j

■t lust how PocaUUo wUl treat Tw in - t .W V ' T 1 * . will throw pai;j, or vice Ttna. The “Pokesrtlst, I^ r ry ^ave hsd a hard Ume wlUl M aho T ^ T 'rds tonight Faiu, lojing two out of the la st r \

big Ivan thjce games. But, Uien. PoeateUo X ^ V / T f -gnme win- } ,„ bten wTCjtUng wlUi ne»t to y, on Tues- iB5t place Boise, and has not had

an easy Ume of It, although U king C redit Bo3run“ p Its “ “i^ rc ^ r t? " w r t .t .d two d the red iscovery .

J meanume, i , ^ „ ,ame« from Twin PalU in hind,was feeding their Aug. M-O series. Uke O m ar Ovcrcomin;ous mush ichayeam. they came out Uie aame . p jlocals beat door they went In. sUU four and one- ^

ip It up. half games behind Ui« Cowboys, y ea r—plus aUie range <,f course. Uiey could belabor a t friendly F

the Russels T*-ln Falls In this series and sUUof me pork, fade In Uie stretch mn. COmDinctl lo .ra Triumph for ThunUio. " ^ n t B^park 1I In the sec- rou- debacle In Uie Oreal Falla- loyal Bo.ttonscoring for ogden contest wu a minor trium ph currenUy theadded four fg^ Thurston. Rots lost hli control ball, the Red Boinning that the fourth and was Jerked for H nl up with Uie 1

Valentine. Thurston's control was furious pact. Tithe bases fme throughout the game, and h e last 13 games

1 Nenna and g^yg up only Blnglej In the second, cut n once teerakos then ^ixth, cIghUi and ninth. able eight ganiiire McNnm- g ijt Lake City, apparently bored Tlie Red So:

wllh loilng one run games, climbed game on the »ird. C<ra-boy out of a 4-a'hoIe and elsmmtd th ree day when Uieid and Bob „ j[y across In the seventh. Billings’ Cleveland leadice tlie RUS. Manager Larry Shepard, to u tlrs dlans 11-9, wlid cut to left g j3 gajue winning streak, relieved Athlctics wereIrlmcle filed Fj^nk White In the flfUi, and d e - Tigers even Ineachman at celved the loss. He was two games won the opcnccal off Tom jh y o f the league rccord for con- won the cecont•boy catcW r „cutlve vlctorlea betore lail n ight. Boao*' catcher at ------------------------ ^he Sox' trlu

,iih ih= cll. Bulldogs Set- ■ »2; E “£ 1' Sights on Wm °£.?S !i ”. r S s In First Game " f ^ s £ng the um- kIMBERLY, Aug. 2»-Wlth defln - pliched the N Moric fclar- ite hopes for an Improvtmtntof lu st game win In

md eompleU ,,^3^., „cord. Coath Paul McCloy’a Browns wen th.rgument for mmterly BuUdon are working h a rd phlladelphla'i

Uils week far their opening football their nationals runs cross- o ,e IBJO fe»»n al 8 p. m . game* over Dn>ur h lta and ^p^t Monday here wllh the F ile r chlcBRo Cubs,IcCaffery, wildcats. Louis Cardinal

lea a n d gol McCIoy's squad only von one Dodgers. 13-3.UljiOe-fifth, game-ln-seven-laai-ytar.-but th « --------------- r imf^ a n d -^ a tk Bundof*— p o se -a -g re ittr - th rw t The Cubs baey singled to Uils year; Kimberly lost seven le tte r- j , ,nnlng..T h e n . Jack men.through. graduation..but..13 game of Uielt d

McCalfery, lettermen are reluming for th is hailed by dark ce th a t scor- season's grid wars. were to play tleplay ended The Bulldogi will use the ■T" fo r- ^ew -Vork'#

maUon again UUj teajon and Me-, nail's Reds dl» y player In Cloy has a promising backfleld to o ian i^ „on tam hotoeniB work Uia .tricky-plays. - - - ------Don Muellcre{lve the Rus* Retumlng lettermen are UcCarty, The Reds, behl Samara, Dra- 100, end; Bjbee. 161, end; Blades, mg of Hovrte 9 on base. l u , UcUe: Randall. 170, Uckle; A l- game. 3-1.

more In Uis len. 150. center; 0. Nelson, I'JO; Boston's thlj >. Joe Nally guard; C. Peterson, 170, guard: a doubleheade: >anka calmly Oroves, ISA, Uckle; Btapp. 160, q u a r- and 4-1,homerun of ttrbnck; Jones, 1S3, fullback; B rack- --------

) Uien hom- enbury. IB:, Uckle and fullback; . . . a o : ^ o wall fo r Uie Bradford, 1», halfback; Ted T a te . AUSSieS

le 1», halfback, and Bob Tate, 178. .p . . ^Ul Uie bates halfback. U B V I S Lng for Idaho OUier prospects to help Uie B ull- • seventh dogs In their UtUe SI* conference PUREST H

ended Uielr play Include Floyd lU, center: M. {ffo—The Uni tom of the Cunningham. H5. guard; N, Nelson, the Davis cuj iwboy pllclier ISO, Uckle: McRoberU. US. h a lf - Australians, ui ink LaBrum. back; R. Cunningham. MO, quarter- as Is- the case cchesl socked back. Bnelson, I2i, quarterback: u back over 1 letUicld bar- MarUn. 145, end; Bowman. 130, ^ „ d today score to 14-8. end; Psrsoru. IV>. quarterbMk; o ,e lr quest foi •IS FALLS « Thompson, 115,'guard; L. Cunning- ean notional

* s i i S ‘' “"I' !^°' *“ • haa been in Ui 0 5 1 iullback. ond Lowe, m , halfback. x h a t year 1 nib 4 0 • a McCloy Is astisted Uils aeason by

} J J 5 Oeorge Kell, a graduaU of Id ah o tJiird Ulle In f

rx" in K.SS.?;ir.'uT.“Sf - ii; r x r i r a r j 'i h S? ,.r,p ? 2 S fot an mur-cltj uophy. S n

lo S R e s c h e d u l e in-

,V ^ , , S'"-n - ,r t .< ,n K i« b „ ir u

404 100 I«fr-I4 Sepu’ W-Klmberlj at O lenns MeOregor. 8-

^ Pocatel 190 Poi

SO—Kl“ b«rly at Elko, Nev.. poCATEU •u Lucchwi. a t t p. m. ju ry alreadyDr.kM (a cm. Oct.- fr-Bh08ll0DB it KlmbCTly a t proapMt froi

n-K toberly at Kansan a t 5Sderso” M* 4 la a : i-«Wb». 1:30 p. m. bon«.. abore 1

^ ' o“ crotchesr .,tn££!: floustoir€?ptures-

“Kids” Bali Crown “'•S./'SJ— •WMJAMSpOBT, Pa, Aug. 38 M>)‘ SiVIIJ —With pltcber BUly iUrtln burling

act ” S 'S 2 -s rS .'’S “-S& ■ ■ ■her* Saturday. defeaUng Bridge- B _ _

WV-Soulham port. Conn, 2-l. before a crowd of ■ *" •' and NoU« auire Uian 10,000, ■KO a a«1es et Tha U-year-eld righthander p r* - ■ SCRPRI

beglimliK la vtoualy had toased a nq hit. no n m ■ B P oatl 0 a th leue dir- gam* to defeat WesUrly. R. I ., 3-0.

U»u^Us«c«oilao)iltitrlaarav. ■ ■ ■ ■



j ^ O A R I N T OG T O W N T O N I G l

L a ^ y sO ff ;

- -■ 11

iM‘ eran

annulw ii


- 36th

w ^ - ' C h a m r— — loumi

• wlUie

- • .......... •-•■■-'........ ' 1 ny H

(NEA irtfephettf_________________________________________

vamped Bosox Use i ew Tricks in Drive 5?

By The AsaocUled Press>dit Boaton’s bounce back .in to fla g contention to the ^ ^ .covery of ft long lost “secret ■weapon’’—coming from be- uoph

crcoming enemy leads—som ething th a t was a nrt le Red Sox earlier this not b

Ci Eden Defeatsincd to rekindle the pen- r r • TP 1 1 ^ ^, p . t k In th= h .« r t. o f Twin tails toBo.tton rooters. ^ rn * « .l » » ''

•ently the hottest club In Base- | Q - r k t l l l ' P I i t l f , 3 amle Red Box have been catching ^ d l J l U l C X i U t -,th Uie league leaden at a Aug. 25-Eden defeated the to wl, pacc. Twelve ‘^e g,d„a j j . j here sixthonc^«emTnRl» wSrinounU Sunday to capture the champion-

I hSt elilP of tlie "A" division of the Boulh cst 8" ^ d “^ 5 plckel up i half Centn.l-Idaho-semt-prt> league. Ida -,on the le.gSe leaders jester- Twin Fall-, dclendlng lesju F" I*vhen they overcame a 7.0 champs, was limited lo five hlls D>and lead to defest the Tn- Larr>- Schwart* In lhe tlUo game. 'U-9, wlille the Philadelphia Eden won the rlghl to meet the

les were holding the Detroit Burley Aces. "B" division cham- I I ,even In two games-The A.s pions, this week for the league

he opener, 4.3, and Detroit crown. Tlie contest probably will be _tie second 8-1. . played under the llghu Thursdiy at 1 ^

Boioz Help Yanks *liic Burley municipal field.Sox' triumph helped the New 'schwnriz fanned elglit Twin Falls w T

Yankees gain undisputed pos- batters In going Uie route for the H 'I ot second place. winners.

defending champion. eked Extra-base hlu for Eden Included pr2-1 vlctoi7 Ul 10 uuiingi over j „ ^ wallers ond doubles jpecl hlcago Wh te to cut De-

hlngton and St. Louis spUt TmV; ' .b r h' vVibbleheader. After Joe Haynes i i i k h -n .i . s j oua.ixr.rif t o id the Nou to an e-0 first * ° ?

win in Uie opener. The J 1kk“"im" J « i -IS wen the second gomMl-lO, iwnii.itnr ib • i o i.H.t.nrrrf « « o Caadelphla'i PhUlles Increased w .lunSb s i i KKri.ipib 4 o o pernnational league lead U) five f ' « i-j * I !I over Brooklyn, defeating tho Krohn ib 4 : :iiXi»ii>p l o o CeRO Cubs, 6-1. while the St. LS<h..i.» s : i: • pern Cardinals were battering the _ , TsTj7-| t t»i ii 1 1

:rs. 13-3. E . i . ' i " . .—......_ :L ..!. 010 Hi . 10-11 8 t------riiM-phUrTt*-------------.*»U J*ii._________ —-«»e.ei5t£!iH-l n t t i

cGbs bottled-UTe-pwirto-iin i— ^ ? T i i “ V “ - 1^ ,— ^'u.-’pCSn.™ E.r™ Hailed as Top “s:

Pilot in Southleds, behind the four-hlt pitch- tn e peopie oi oixie ana oi DTMnyir ^f Hnuie Fox won tha second agree. Hun

3_l Fred (Dixie) Walker Is tlis best PcW s third place Brsves swept m his business. Draibleheoder from Pltuburgh, 7-3 Dixie Walker, the ■peepul's P(Ul, eherce" when he was a Brooklj-n Dra

------------------------ Dodger, Is Uie class AA Southernio d J a o P / i t n n l A ^ 'a ' ^ ' ‘■ tloii's monager of lhe year- PiI S S ie S L O m p l e l e m hU first year of managing. Ing;

• Q , The U ll, chummy southerner who HiV lS t u p b w e e p never lc«t a single bit of slur trom Ing:OMT u n t i l V V Ano t t drawled youall during the 19 »'

™ . in . . i » . b .. .h . “Z X «■•Bilans, unimpressed wlUi power /lu-i.i* v-i»ca

ick* o v T th i wert.e^“““ '

HifcSHS 2xen In UiU country since 1036 southern again. His Crac«rt have p . year. Fred Perry, England. M»V » »nd Dra Don Budge in Uie final for his ^ " e nre ciany fans throushout Uie bwi I Ulle In four years. south who don t think Dixie hu Uia Oct le AusUallsM could do it, too. best hired help in Uie league to woik H > have a better chance of win- Oct

the singles thaa Uiey had Southern sports editors a&d bau­lking Ui« cut which Uiey grab- ball writers picked DUle the man- j.

In three straight matches, ager of the year on 14 oul of 19 bai- >mi erday's final two singles w ert io ls . Ho was listed the No. 3 candi- »hl 'CllmacUc. FVank ^dgman won date on the only tiio balluti which Ark I Ted Bchroeder, B-J, «-J, 6-2, didn't, list him Jlrjt. ludTom Brown salngM something --------------------------- ■the home c»use by licking Ken _ _Iregor, 0*11, S-IO, 11-S, S-1, S-(. j

r&ii. Cooiera3CATELIO. Aug, 2» IJFt-An In - / V ! ? i’ already has Uken a promblng ipect from ths PocaUllo highxjl football squad. Coach Chace § / ■ / “ I / > — — I lerson stld Lynn F^ter bcoke a I ( . U IIl„ abore Uie ankle and will be J * V 1 -Li— c -'crotches for probably six weeks. H ' r 'aaUr-U-a^-lOft-poundar-and-hftd-------- \ A — .— A -l_____-1 expected to be one of Pocatello's \ I; string uckies. \ \ / l \ | Y | jne Indians open ihelr season ^ 4 * ^ ^( Monday by enteruinlng Twlo REI E*■ ^ '’nUB

18 mm. Bmmil fUm Oseti I \r e s E . E x crrm o i ■ * 0

a tm P R K Ifo rrru itU ie .. ■ \ _

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I q i i i ju m iu im a i tw im m miuam


T T T * 1 'I * f T

Gibbons for Fred St<M ax W ilk in so n . 16-year-old Buhl golfer, t u r n e d o n t h

eran RoHo G ibbons, Je ro m e, one-up in 36 h o le s_ to c a annual F r e d S to n e golf tou rnam en t. , , , .

Wilkinson, tak ing advantage of his long drives, w as c despite h is age. Ho waa tied * __* * *

46 Golfeip o tt f o r t h e v ic to ry on th e . ^

In MagicJ^ib'aTa'^^'gBUery watching to up- F o r ty -s lx g o lf e r s h a ^set Uie <3efendlng champion. jj,g a n n u a l T im e s -N

“ U ' , 7 ?„'“ S . i d S d beheld n t t h e T w in F »I atone open crown. and L abo r d a y . RoH o

In Uie president's flight, Ed --------------------------------------Purves defeated Addy MarUndale m m' Nation 8 Toitwo up in the flnnls of Uie second X

- ;';g!;^j;ie‘ » V T t g : ° “on"^u5on‘'cS. T rapshoo t— yoS^W r? d e l « t ^ “jM'fc'Wfdwin Draws to H ione UD to win the second n ightX r m Williams downed Vem John- VAHALIA. O.. Aug.- 38 tfo n T a n d 3 “ U ke second night little village pulled Uie c dconsolation honors. of lU ears Baturday as th e fl

Ai^ouKh the third flight win- of the 8Ut G rand Americiners bracket will no t be completed shoot echoed across tho M lunUl Monday evetUng Spin Pack- Jey.ard defeated Doug Borlase one up The big bartnge wound 'to win the third flight eonsolaUon record-breaking note as R ui

- troph)-. . . . - en of Bellevue, Wash., binob WUdman edged Bob Parish 3 ot 1,000 U rgets during ih e

t snd 1 in Uie fourUi night The con- set a new oyer-aU m w k ,solatlon brocket of this flight has fesslonals. Etchen broke .not been completed. record of W9 se t a year ag

In the fifth fllglit. Dode Crannw Urgets at J6 yards. 300 aidefeated A rt Dahl 4 and 3. MlUh caps and 100 a t doubles.King downed O. C. Kelly 3 and 2 jhe am ateur over-all tin the consolation bracket of the ,pH{ jjy Vic Relndera of WfllRht. Wls., and Ned Lilly of

Sixth n igh t honors went to Loula jjlch- with 677 of 1,000. Denton a. he nosed oul Bill Powers The women’s over-all Utli J and 1 for the title. Babe Hlskey ,rophy offered by Mr. a

. defeated Vinton Stanfield 4 and 3 cb'de King o f AUanta. O le to win the consolation title of the to le-year-old Joan P f llre sixth Hlght. North Miami, Fla.. wlUl 960

; .v o K fp i lS rS •‘"i—Idaho, is held annually M t^= Twin ^ tarvets a t 1# y a rd

f c t a r / ^ i r s ^ S r ^ a ’ d KValley ^PortsmjUi.

le , ' p doubles championship w it

;; D raw ings for zM _ , _ , The clMlng event, th e 1It f r l o M r k ^ l l P P n l Vandalla handicap, waa »

l U d U U J a Held of 650 by RusseU aIj , cor. Ill, WlUl 100 stra igh t

” Hunts Listed ”;S h“',wi.?. "T. iTbr.:;; M "S«'sSo:

accordlns to Information released by ^ A .fc Orand

! ? 'i“,r,r£T^r,S3’S «•“»i hun t « . . . b ..n m ™ . ^

i! r,” 'S New A’s Owne• jIS.? Take Over To('! -Heads-May-Fa. _A ltloa.:d lvIsIorr;p -750-perm Itr I p j t f m 3ELPHIA. AUg.

Drawing; SepfTe.TTunt; O cl.l4qT, Roy and EarIe”H*aCwho- -n is f l t Plne»_dlylslon-^'00 pemlU. imi of the PhUtdelPhla

Drawing: Sept. S.-HunE: O ctrnnT . Monday have u » S all oflHunters may apply for only one directors of lh e eJub to h a n

hunt In th e Minidoka forest. resignations.Big Lost nver—750 permits. Draw- The move la not so ani

Ing: Oct. 6. Hunt: Nov, 4-13. * 0 , jjo one expected Conee Soldier mountain, unit No- 1 only jf t^e club treasurer, to ?ir =i:TO!l~pcnnltS7-DraTrtngT-fieptT-!5r-T55-T,or-Bfnnte-MaeFa^

Hunt: Oct. 14-23. Eecntary nor the other 1!ii Pocatello, unll No. 1-300 permlU. being bought eu t t>y

Drawing; Oct. 3. Hunt: Nov. 16-16. be around.Il'S Pocatello, unll No. 3—100 permlU. conniB Mack's two older )-n Drawing: Oct, 3. Hunt; Nov, 16-19. ajjume control Monday a t rn Elk .AboutOOper.cent_of t o- - Payette rlver-SOO permits. Draw- tlon eUjck wlU c h a n g e ^

Ing: sep t. 1. Hunt: Oct. 1-31. Is reported lh e amount tovho Hawley creek-100 permlU, Draw- be approximately •1.8W.I ,ni ing: Sept. I. Hunt :Oct 5-10. and Earle have obtained19 Soldier inounuin, unit No. 1—8M through a loan from the Cc fl permlU. Drawing: Sept. 13. Hunt: General Life Insurance eo

Oct. 14-23. Hartford,.u. Soldier mountain, unit No. 3 - 7 5 ----------------- —

permlU. Drawing: 6e|iU 13. Hunt BPEED BECOBD SET ^ Oct, J7-3I. BONNEVILLE B ^ T

Dig Wood river - l » permlU, DUh, Aug. M njJD-The Drawing: Bept. 21. Hunt; Oct. Sa-31. Xydlas and Batchelor *f

PocaieUo, Unit No. 1-55 permits, day held Uie champion no Drawing: Oct. S. Hunt: Nor. >6-l», phy for the seeonij str*-

PocateUo. unit. No. J—20 permits, with a record-breakUw ■nd Drawlngr-Oct. 5. Hunt: Nov. 36-JO. 3103*63 mUes per hour Ibe Swan valley—IM permits. Drawing: 0 atrumUners.lh* OcL 4. Hunt; Nov. 26-JO. --------------------^)ik Klese hunt—#0 permits. Drawing:

Oct 4. R un t: Not. MOO. ^te-m- uisslaalppl tMales |» » football »'■ Uam will face three opponenU . ^ t S ldl- which were not met last year-^ ^ n S S i I XIch Arkansas SUU, Oeortla and Kto- j £ #

tuety.__________________________ S 3

pffeT I Ba l a l l ( t o i l y . t n u i M i «I l l» t nT o m C o l l ln i

i risvS^m V ACTS BIOBT.

^ H O D E R A n OBAS

mtuonu. roumiiu ^BlHf

I ' ■ ...:

g h t f o r ‘ M U S ’


,w n a c o o l n n d e t H e p „ „ „ , J

fers Qua%| ?lc Valley oJ" completed qualif,io. J ines-NewB Magic Valley wlf t o 3

RoHo Gibbons, Jerome, c u rw iitlS q,ualifyinj roujd p M

f A - r a fof Ifie i n « 3I O p with a hot 6? m B

) t _ l _- S S f o r th e X S M ' Halt'X.H.<tAI. ofU ieseaaninu^*

Susts.";.!competition. ■

broke hla 0 Klmberlt-iS^ B M 2" M aalOna ■300 a t handl- j e „ a , _ o 'g 'g M

>“ • DameU ea. Dr, l1!r-all tlUe « u Lawrence Vu Rbe bBa of Waukesha, 66, Rolls QUi!]ii ■ ■ ly of Stanton, 69 and-DobBiooiiH

•all U tle for the peteiSa^ia '' '“”1 Mr. and Mrs, Buhl -- DI4 T ta B

tnla. O a , went Dwane Uichutt

rtU l^M o(",0.S' M TkS* Jtgart, ^ k . , won Amende 75. M s ^ l

r j iS M *a t double* wlUi Klenxle i), M £ ^ 1

Haynes 9 tU ? s : i« «1 th e naUooal ton 69, Dr, d a B i f l lip w llh 91 of Bchlaienhud n . ^ 1hootoff after he Ivon UcUilu n, I Mslhers. Frank Emria II,., th e lOO-Urget 99, CharletlWhuliH

was won from 63, Bhena Vtskai usseU SlUie, 8e- 83 and A .O .m H lH ra lg h t from the DeadllDtteOt^i^l

haa been jEt It I 5wark. I ll, won wiUi lourrjrc l^ toHidluLp Thursday day monlnt. ■Id O scar Schej- ----------- f l

li; Red M lrand Araerlcan «-v *1 n . HI »9.600 in prUe U e S p i l e iT O B r w as worth In B R tJB S S Iiii* *f »3,000. Sian WsT laa

'wners SfeuS sSf J ’ Todayi in' 'prSTSB

m eterV l* jn«4 tWV - F a i l - - — -nn l4 lw 4JK *Jto^^ , , Then


n t U»I1|T«1 <111

i H HIB ™

H n lE T WAti;

P ktb* typ* «*• ^

n t f i B T U 6 ^ ^ ^ ^ 1OBASOBI A B D '

f S f l l l l

j*j?jF|l|jdLBvl ii P :--------^

: ■“«®.; B E E E ffii^ /V? i % i y . . ^* »'sA"““ E H B E p k l (ffiV ts ( - ^ a adrjikl.i-IJ . lbg m

tolutlen M aiturdiy’* P im li \ M ^ ,

I S%ss*ltei.„... tK,ZS““- aW

- °* ’‘ ^ !? !!.* -- A I'* I II IJ I I IT ^ W I i Oiiiint ^ - u N ^

| | ^ • • ‘ 1^1 ®_______ '* ' ^

'I _ i# ------- R a “ « .' 3 1 _ ^ H - ------------- - s i a a a

.cSia* l l ii g r 2: ; ; % i : ; J p i f side

--------- -------------------------- ' i f j r JI PoSmt"

« . « - n - --------------^ J T - - { ? : ! £ “ * , £ ) i

€ -------------------B ' T - - I ® a j r ®■■|** | I I I 1 I . I. I U. Dultb Btt»»

^ J f r B O U S E — M A J O R - H O O E I - E ----------; §

r S t f - S H e W W lT 6 6 e m \f l HOPEiHe SO U P 'SO riJ 2 r» ?® H A N 0 6 F R e 6 ‘ro F - » i C 0W .D EA TTW S1 v» ®


P ■ h^fsd ■C IT Y B A N J ;.. I ■ C

j t JOU kept businbflH c o n fld e n tia i. . . H ow c o m t PiMband o u r jo in t ftCMimt was o v e rd ra w n ? ” . l - _


e u ^

■ ____________ TIMES-NEWS,'

O U T O U R W A Y B y W I U I A K

^ THII \ S£ t s ^ Mi M l V QUICKER/,

) i i i ' I # 5 ^

\ l ' . . J 7 / 111 ^ 4 p x ' n

tllli'W ffW fr M W H O T H B IS a a r g ^ . 1 - J ^ J . I M l -


I ' l

i U ^ f e

n w ! (• WhLMy>T»*HICC.IB.T.*KW.U.». wtttw,

" T hank you for you r r u n n in g co m m en ta ry — w o enjoyed much m ore th a n wc d id th e m o v ie 1”


a A ,


i o '

* U - ...........—

#“S top com plainlngl A l i t t l e e x e rc is e w o n 't h u r t youi"


I -

e'wS, twin falls, IDAHO _____ .^ l A M S LT P * a*rA^7sit-M ^Bkii$ m p i io r n i g o A / o - i

Vimiiiiiiii N ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r c u f r i m j . ' O J j D c a P T T m .I T n f r r H O P M A -n ^ k # A f.'w c v

| | |

^ I i

enjoyed i t Y _____________________ — - n , - - -MOW COMB v e u e o r \ y/k c a n ' t iOOU«H Fi<( TU' BAUi J A TH’ «ATBKI

........................J>AW«, VA MOOCHIN^_.,X -<l. ■ x T O U » H /

m N E R ' B

lidp f t / ^ n f m m J

^ n t t c m e F o ^ j O S S S m m ^ ^O P ouce.

■ ^ icoecHVSKSBJ 't y o u T I c TO LB*XNA30(jr

p A mC*T!ON IN^ CAFifi n m mv^ _H vepiuwiTH

- i — \ r A M YST tuous

oM »ir S iB B y ^ !5 5 ti.H > iw iT o ~ f i n r i1§ U i l 'N S * e o v u fT M » .tv tM a s <*»« ---------- —I . ^ 5 ^ vxi.T O iW yxm I , ^ ■ f w d i L MW

• ®SXMUJ6NC8UITMT>« S ■ H H H f ■ H t i d n i u t ^ *B s S W ( Ua'aS^ .................. 'tfr 1 £; ■kldSa^n

( < i^ \^ n e u u a w » ,9 U T ■ B r / i m v ^ S i U j Y i \ ) S 7 ^ \ TILLA^UMCNCU & K f / I fV v\ Vy ‘v‘ts!^'^z'^<i I

^ ' . M l ' IWW*V') V / I S r> * 'V \ <^*^'}.

f e

'« * > ~lf'<OU « V t A WA(I 'Lvsn*a»tfii[\c\ \ swvosi o»ctfl kLJ voo > tvf I ww

I T ^ H n l/'Sii™c*s] |h ^ lS

KN>T e itA «M / V*----- ^ 1 | 3 ^ ^ ^ 7 a ! < C U * » lv A T W K t§nn-»y. t h - - f- \ 2 A m b a

j f n ~ 4 '

i -

S k ^ ' L I T . A ^ I

Tl If r

58",gaK ^,^ [aa«!ar><^^^ ^

| H K / j 6 / i J I I ^

r . i ’ v ^ A l w u sO M X. J VAVm ^ « W IK « 0



m - r \ ..... 7 “ ■

m < s f a : - .... ■ ______________ -

f Markets and FS to c k s L iv e s to c k

- M A H K E -ia A t A ^ L A N C K l

a:S: ilXi'- •'“ " { v li

H «..u hl«h.r. _______ I

UP-.,. - . . no. *J

tuL'”t«°"»'n“* P'*'!""*'!' ■‘in . ^K^’ t/n-lUSDA)lx>» ti.rf. Am.rtc.n Wtipl.n, « « .,„ „L I . K ^ - i

, ruK c.r..ur,-K..i A -•

rhi:^«, fl«'llo - ............. ......... '' buytf* rXlB^ ^fTn'iVtlinti^Vn" W.i“ / i ' Jl.'.‘“ '3:“o

l l il^ jii I s * ' I f r l i tcSo*tl Irpib' Hl~l 3<s «*N KBANCJHCO

i s ^ i : !i;! sS /is ji& S 'S ”;i i . „ i l l ? v l i i l i i l f E f : ;Con Oil Del "S'? |S^ IntioaM iUil I lo*i of .tr»n; In

| | | | J |||

i r s ^ l I jS L ^ '

i»ii ii'H[in' ''i;r iji!i:r» iili ^ni'l?”"«kk«e4 , eo<ri I1.M-J0.M. ^ ' ’ '* | i

iiSfrHir’'' S' T«L"ol?r>-!«. lid * Bh Tr«n» l-u» *5* ' ■• . ,, 00.-1 00l i» ) .M lV ,^9_U«h.Id.W M, IS 'm ilium r

..... _ . .._njVB5THB>^ ......... .jilltif l*«b« up

sifKs IfiiS ff 'iir S p S H Ha « " ! a — i! ‘i:s E ||K E > “:i™ s

Stock Averages : S S r ® | i § “ l c _ ,« - . r 1>. » . ~ 1...; r . - ^ [iyrriSfii^’.s

Jn?u.. n .ii. unu 8»«k*

__ -ButteiLand_Egg8 I

~ K 7 K ~ s 7 r c T ^ 'u ^ ^ ( v ^

u ? ‘“a k i . ‘iV. iSAN FRANCISCO >»•»>- Hli" ineJlum^cr.n^.lAiifbier .

CHICAGO. *»». M MV(U3DAt-U.. i” 7,S!5”

i f „ » S “LSjS

f. “ '" ** <M! •’>•‘1 »•»' •‘“I •’“ ■Jf-ciav. u .u ^ .j.n « u w ,«.

nipu two J«r» «,.»»i »hol«^» “ '“a* wil.rm • tndr: «hole« lo ipt>r« uiici..n»rd o w * »•> r n l J!t IKili™ « . ; • ;

«r'T.Miil »<f»" ;>.00-J5.Hl ••»»r*r U-d. J ettfU a t; dlnl<i 8»l eh««' t »■». ? t S ' « d ' f S o k r i

NEW YOll^. Aui. I* (jPi— :"c*iin»r»

S»r Vo^flU; 'jul’r 2«’«-«U; Oct. tOWB: j’4’5irrh~«*»rithtH iD c 1 not le.O ’ t^^ lo ''“ 'j'* I* ' ht*'"''Jfm'

TwinFi3 N ew D eal Aides „,.,^"r!;2‘_ ,,...

R evealed as Reds S « i S r : ^ E = ii a > " a a - = ; ! i «

i v th a t John Abt. NnthMi Wltl_ind | “Tu . i :Clurles K m ner were l^ m r eom- « f « _ . ---------------munists with Wm when tU were new - ■ ■ - «.b.m .deal employes In th e e»rly 30i. cuitm _________ ____ — ‘1|-S?

The 44-year-oW attorney, tonner S;>iu bot* -------------------».« «>■lawyer In federal aeenclet uid Uter iT » <uim ««<t«d>

___aen£ral_l»unsel fo r lh» CIO, denlfd pbatn i__S S w ^ r H Ja-'w iS -i-'tn e tn teT # ^ m — ~ ______- Se cbnTmunUt eeU whUe Preumtn *" L'l:?';.rJr«rA-.TTI«. v u in It. iKtl ' ^ r dnnai>4. No aBiroratlT Is

Prejsm M f*ve th e B«nM to the **•.'* **•houie un-Ainerlcftn »cU»lll« com- 1“ ^ “ ^ * ' * _________mllleo »ltbougb h a s*id It w u or* o.u, l« ibk -------------------------lentlvA to r blm to have to do n . iom <m1> H etectUledb*B*TeuphUownconi-

■ » ~ u t ^ i ~ . „ . . ,• FoittoM waa ecded lo Japui by ^o ta tom

CUnA to 1»6. >». ■«*«» H*4iu ■

. _ . China (F in E I l C G Planes

c k G rainCIIICACO. Au- ii un — wh*>t tA- munrn China ch

SDAl-Hr«i .Ojwm »iwi th . r» l of j^ i] drcsi propB!><h.r: lh* ” ..V *’“ which nutjU ga

” :» ih.- 'Aiherlcih-fiUlia- f.|. !• n,i,h. K... time* y«i

. VV‘'lT!l/ii[u/lS"Jlo broihi th , b r~ j ed target} In Ml' • ^ .VJ.V- Yhl^m/r/«"id U V w . tJ The pelplntf %>{-OT-jwo-w s:;;>^U r -ttrt*tiint»H«-oti)

S S ? = ; f K S ^ s r i ' di a ^ = :‘iT mV! '«™ r\9.'"«»uV/'< I*‘ri • « 10 "■>'•'o- « “ fVMUme responsi: M* cinn'm’ j"r»nc» r 'r ’ni P<~a<!« kl»S»r, SrplrfoUr provocotlve iniT■ hi.H |1«>:-IU7. . _____ ,__________ A ..U .J. ,»lr_ic

CASH CRAIN Tokyo »4ld Ame:I DO • medium CHICAOO. A»r >1 WV-C..h » ^ t No. nOt l>eiijoV 'ch'-i'i »“>■-' test* M»5i: »">• I c»i»»>« -u** - -o iw r re r j m T

“ c c r J X j n'b* No. I. y* ',i- hlUty lhat the C

^tiii'eios'J' nomirul- ccntlf charged lh>.drr l/mU '! ? .„ , {(’j | . ,,rt ios.*l ' miiislng two arm

"co,t>.inj BiM. ' ' '. along lhe frontle-------- In drumfire or<

r.ticAc;o''A«"2“ dlo broodc««t »n iiJb ii>i. oi.ta lllita Low cloM United Btalea, ba

* I '- i^ Moikow announJ?T i.i.* i. ji.r s.ja’J :•:> J-’" ''- •Wftshlnglon o(in;

M.. ..... m-'. ».5’S'i MacArthur'4 po" '‘h' V."J" • I 'l 151** IS!*; 1.SJH JApancM »or crirl«7 bul - ' t ' i ■•‘i ’’ Besides lhe p;i..r.'3T.cio. ji.r..........1.11'. '-‘5 't ‘ *’ l- J-*’ . Foreign Minister

‘'o.<iV ’ Peiping govtmm

'U Z j'JL i; 1 : -------- :>U -UoiUdJfnllPn?J: ' t? “ talUng the charg

ll ' :-.i’ . " '4 Mimchurlo,

S;ii‘" E' r=ilii S'® Sa i:!?;; Return § > i | p i l l i i S l T o F ri g S ; iti; iis i" Marfe

...........“ •"» nialn! to be donJ Ki.ouH ued assistance ;MV(OSI), “I 'J ii , n;jcnr.’"un- noted that expoi

"o’ itj » .unu . 10 lower. menHlHcly wUL; c^Ji/..le. ‘V ^ k " ”i'm lower 4ii f l - . t .n .! . program.i^her. ,,;i",;iiiiiAo'M' lower. tVoo'; r«i joc convention, conI m«diJin >D4 , , , 5. Thursday, called

i S ' l Potato and O n ion” ] J;“:“u'V».i‘cT Futnres, <„.. wticH tCoBrteij t W. McRobert* aod c'ude Bumncr l

C .p . .M t U BM,. P b . . . • » ! “ ™ „ ;I; ’hn '^/.tlirr----------------------- . Chief Con-Vilidllc.w-Jl.00 kr ., , , ,-,1 Eureka. Ulah. t1. »„i -Ulo c.J.^1 14 ■ ' wage incentives

.c»k hi.n ciiur- ?o ortaalng mine rf°’ ind"'!^ « « .oU P»“>* ■ maciAiiY ONIONS , , Renerol minagei

n.«o M|i. n.ii 1-1- *nd t>o*»- »• joUdaled MlnciIP, iruMKi- ' NOVRHOEn IDAHO BUBHET9 cd tliot prejeni

,.vi i.ijo lb. tUBXET FtiTunBs exporalory and^ jV- niriium N...-Wf t. b. Simon D. SU,0 1...4* mr,.!. »--'i f 'U of American Sn••^kir^riol tetii'kiih. 41.50 M"!* ><>"• Company, Ncwr» :i.M.Jl.ogi tenu »ioi.ii*oc.r..oi.l. of tlie outcome

wnV-e.fij ■ I the United 8tal

S ;';s PotataesrOnionsLmI ' I Terms-

- IS S S kT S ^ Three 'S i"S In T.

SrMiYr'?S.!” u.s!*.n*“ r^^u?;‘ s*20.? 2j ‘ UicIt and two t n>'*bliihir u.a. J. 1 w' !'<,i>ii.<j. U.S. lA - . » h ^ n„(j was .0. ; « ' V5'| V .s’ io ' wi.ceiJiri lory. He had plro''-m^iSm « wV.b^/us.u-.*>‘':J0.J..5. , Donald E.

Onion .uppllt.; Jrmmiid Uir « t rails, ftrrCJled :'* "••* ” •_______DlC«<I.?<_S'

5,5,:= BaiHReTOkeMo^:!rS“: _jiiltobIL&jms 333

M • HEW VORK, Aug. 28 (U P i-T ho -O. t^e vr.. «.so-3i:s5; 8. circuit court of appeals today r e - Kelchur.11 i».o»-:j.:4; vokBdlhaljiUot IDof Uic 11 A m e rl- gitfmnwd to s

.ICO. HU-j.hter Jn^jjy 35 dnj-s 111 uiiich to s u r - which time he „i .“ e™ jt'SoI render or to apply to a J\lsUce o f time to pica ai .lAUfbier .te.rr the U. S. lujircinc court to c a n - appoint counsr .rcund i.oiJ- thtlr bill pending an ap p ea l Dunn was app.n^iprin l.m*. to the hl|h IrltMinal........................ - ............. .............

„™;:s:U K»'“.‘nSoi oid-A<U-.DAi-Jlr.M- and the coiismullonalliy of U te

— Billi*I Jackpot n P S 'S

•K . V s MMWAV. n . j =S ( » ^ “ v r ; . i . , , S A Ml th , J.ckpot on « n• b,!ow n.M Ice dispensing machine. ‘

PoIIcc Sgi- Lattrcnce Comnn .dr in id luwrr: tald a plilntlvc voice over th e *11 «

S'£ SS .C”.',;r;th;s'!i' .r S . i : " . S ' 0 1 1. w i ™.. I ™ i . u r . « - S

:fs; B .h^.IWJ ■«,: scene lo find M)mc 20 plcces of9; c»i>i>«r» .nd Ico liUtrlng lhe front of tJie I to <hoic. »..!• , j5 jnt. Coal coinpony.-d r; lop 1.1k. The unldtnilfled customer h a d"’•."-’.'’.li J|?K= *«• ^ com pany ^S i K V . ;^ on ia .u i.u i orr u« cw . I----------------------------------------------- 1

■| I have signed

Jl Falls Marketsr LTV* POOT.TET the« maU«_ tts.sM iw ^ l o ^ **?!-.:’-------- ??! Uon."

f o rF r S T z ^ ^ ^ i us‘=-,i:ivr'.*l’d . .M a r AV ^ iV ci! ------------------- — p h o la <!.11» . ,BirrT*Bf*T

.«. U> f i . ( . . . Na 1 B.i«,i.< i i i Gooding_ _ , m T w i

. m A i.— ■■ a ; j ‘ ' 8 T A

iiX .'. , .-^r-^ra —


aa Claims I Imes Strike $5,000 In Primary S?“. 1 ManchuriaON. Aug. 3S (IW - OJro- ‘? - . ^ \ ? ‘sfnale"l2rm by D. Worth -------China charged, t ^ y in a ^ Democratic primary, ^

! i„ r " g a 'v f aJ. S'hlt .li-fiUhU-new lo-frotn-K^ ‘iS'Tayloi'i"eipe5«-ac-time* yesterday and altack- j j j j j cnlerlalnnienl. ___ _1} In Manchuria. ■ _ ,■ nttrlbuled largely lo the <•elplnif government seni a , ^ es of hU cowboy band, which —..,r ;

lli B illuatlon serious; and C S irf thot the Onlled s u r e r is ^

respon^ailly, for -ihts* S e ^ a d l l n e for submitting lhe ac; , . . £;lve anff atrocious ftcU." , [q meet tha deadllno _____5 . .»lr_iorce_spoke«non In , ^ _ j „ u i t 4n-a_tlnc.Jall.Kntencc_ ------- ;-,ald American plancTTwsI- ^ - | j „ me November ,Id not besn over M^nchurl^ W to t - -_____ !ren m Tofcyo aaw a p o ^ - account* Wetl today In- suo a

s K'-is r i - s tlCs«tu.^n"o”S wf;ichuMa as a pretext for Jf^^et J l J m SI: Edson H, Deal, Be- f.?Sg Ihelr army Inlo lh# Ko- lieutenant governor, »3«. wtd«r. The unlled 6lates r t- y, j „ s ,n , Pocaleilo,harged j^ e c o i ^ ^ ^ mrn DemocraUc second district congrru, -------two armies of mOOO men p g T>’deman, Pocatello,

le ffontler . ■ »sn,68; Reillyarntlre order lhe Pelplng ra- aalii. Republican Kovcr-adcast l»o allacM on v v |t^033J; Waller Anderaon,

announced a protest to » • - • ________________glon agnlnsl Orn. Douglas T » 1' Korean KedsHH'Si'i'S}!’ Forced BackMollk as president of tlie ^ ,tei^Gaining- -d.

ir»ia r.f> Onil .----------------« w-T o _____ Bi,-goiiHjin-Klih-3ffll-tanj-0lJ)0inb^ ____

tui-n ofUTS. a" "oSJ1 1 SouUi Korea.> tree Goltl * rSrrrtfu"™

•r T I Russian t)T>e Yak flghler planes on.arltet Urged «rSr.rp'?iZK;r

(From PMI 0. 1) fighKr crall discovered In manylo be done." He said contln- ^®7e“'»lgnlflcant waa theslstance musl de given aiiu „_,,p,^rniice of corvcltcs, tankers and,hal exports ot mining equip- ^'pip^icrs In North Korean ports.Ikcly wULbe hea\7. . , - Apparently they were jupplled to ^program for the four-day by another com- u .i

tlon, continuing t h r o u g h munlst nation for the red Koreanslay. called for discussion ot a j,ad none when Uie war tUtlcd oninge of sublectJ, Top Interest ju n e 25. ^peeled to centcr on a discus- The navy sold raiding Amerlean al^•c' atomic energy, set for Wed- carrier pilots sank n corvellc of 0 to ■

aflernoon Speakers will In- submarlnc-chaser lypfl ot vessel,sumncr T. Pike ot the U. S. nn oecan-solng lanker. two otherenerirv conimLsjIon tankers and a corvelle. Nine corvrl- vui,

, O, Hall, general foreman of te.. and six coastal «“P P ' y I u " .:omolldalcd Mining company. P°Yhins in dry- ” 'V‘‘i^enu'vcs"^7m eans o M n ' dSck w e L l 'a f lr c ' ' in '

' p“:^sldent and P c t i t i O I l I S F i l c d B

.In Estate Matter-from . properly., cam-lng oa A peUlloQ for lellers ot adm in-

■lory ond development work. J.strallon In lhe cstnic ol Han.? Rlnl _ £ n in D. SUauss, vlcc president Owens v,as Illed Monday In pro-erlcan Smelting and RellnlnB bale court by his widow, Lucy rran- ___

r i “ , s r ; s . - r s s ; 7llnue for some ttme. su te s Is not expected lo exceed »a,-

-------------— ;------ 303 in value. -----

r i n s — ( r i v 6 n ^ — pcT ^^-de-^ r^b tj^ r'It)?^^^ '’ b i t_ sections of T*ln Falls, esllmnted _ £ .

hi-ee Youths j ?M T T ' TT automobile were also listed In tho -5- jn 1 . r . V ^ O U l I petition, with the value fixed al «=*;;.

_ _ , . About IUM. _v>and twTchorges of burglary ^ l U o n ’' 5“fas sentenced lo the retonnB- y^jign tills Owcn.% Leslie, Ida.; EarlHe had pleaded guUly Aug. 21. owen.?, Aberdeen, and Eugene j .lald E. Jacobsen. 17, T »ln owctis, Orrln 0 *cn.i, Verlj-n Ov,-eus ;i<arrejied for aulo thetl Aug. 8. a„d Leonird Owens, T»m Falls; _2i£■d iniillv and was .lenienced Xomi_daugtima,_Yelmfi_rhnninlln. ____• stale reformatory. ’riaclnin Algrr, ond Haiel iluffaker, ttt: )tewMittd Swa.granUJ p a r- -Twin-BUUrimd L-QcrltannonrBDhl.-m by the Barnarfl aiilo com- A Ume for a hcarlnj on lhe peil« inTT to try out a car prior to male- tlon was aet tor 10 aJi. Btpt. 8 _H pOTlilUB July !» aim falliiif ■mtunirys TSeckwiui “arid Langley 5 um the vehicle. He was arrest- are rcpresenllng th t esuie. ^

Kelchum, Aug. 8, where he ______________________

ib,.o..hi KimberlrWoman- * ,SSSrHZ;?-,;’c^^teimedty:fieath Sext lerm of district court, KIMBEHLY, Aug. 2»-Mrs. Flora _£5wer waa arraigned Aug. 31, a t Virginia Maynard, 68, died at 3HS O'?I lime he asked for sialulory Monday a t Iho home of her Jjto plea and asked the court lo daughter, Mrs, J. Iloy Durk, Kim- r r^ nt counsel. Altorncy W. L. ijcrly. alter an extended lllnc.«.. was appointed. Mrs. Maynard was bom Feb. JB,

1 ~ I T T 1 Klaho in 19M from Clcvtland. 0 . .'r.d-Age Help s»™p««aMn.a>.u.b,h.r 5 Jill ApprovedISHINQTON. Aug. 28 UP)— Mrs, W. N. Blde^Yqrk, Pa., and iilent Truman loday signed a Mrs. Jake narrlssrTlcmlnston, Pa., 1brliiKing 10,000,000 additional four graiidclilldrcn and live great- _!i;ns under old-age Insurance, Brnntlchlldren. H IiK 11 "an ouutandlng achlevc- She wos a member ol the Kim- ^va

berly churcli. ma statement, the President de- Tlie body rests nt lht Reynolds _111: funeral hotiie, Twin Falls, pniaing “ tvspanded coverage and Increased funeral anansemcnls. J|lto In old-age Insurarice shouUl ----------—---------- 5E1

.S Infant s Rites Held «ice system. Graveside rile.? for Jimmy Hay tjT7I the same lime, we urgently Spencer. 7-day-old son of .Mr, anti .1a syjUm of Insurance against Mrs. Leniy Spencer, nier, were »'

jf wages through temporary or held at 10 a. m. Friday al T»ln Fallsanenl disability, cemetro'. B. R. Alldrltt, ot the r!nese and olher vllaJ Improve- Bethel Temple chureh. oKiciated. fx is In our social security laws are Mrs, Earl Hines wa.? lhe tololsl ' Ar t In addition lo th* act which Interment ua? made under ihe^e signed today, direction of the IteynoWi fimcral p,shall continue lo urge action home, ahla unfinished buslnesa and I ____________________________ _ cc

; r s ; “ ” 2 ' . “ ; w a n t . \ d r a t e s I “• mailers serious consldera- ^ <•'

t i x n -------------------- ta word wA

CASH ; = i ; iFOR DEAD £1 i ~ I ‘ !! I ““

USELESS Lit I n . i 3 c J

- P H O N E - e o tL E C T - ..... I p :toodiDg47 Bupert 5B ! n.».”»!!, * ITwin FiUli814 | SmAHOHIDE i .... .» TAtLOW CO. :' i

fIMES-NEWS, TWIN FAL13, TOAHOM i n e M e e t o g M k d - b a {j * ' ™ S S ! e

aiig. 25—A aiatco ro^>* i i , ■ ■■Idaho small Mine Open-

in d the prospecui" msocUUod Kffi .M am -1

The Howl Hiawatha. 'A twalness meellnt. including anelecU ^and other builaeai wUl W- low the d i n n e r . _____________

€ i a s s i l i e d “' S P iC I AL NOTICES



S P R C IA L N O TICE S ....................

” : r ' BKOWNnsiG.,■■ .J .

C L O S E D - M 3'iSrAVE: n: 'SEPT 6lh TO 13Us

NEW ERASHOE SHOP ______________________

______ -------—-------------------* RDSINESSOPPORTUNsgRvicE .uUo. oa U «U .7 l»:I------------------- <H str. ^ .lu r a.___


: n o K S N ’T SLOW DOWN

RESULTS i r m r

CLASSIFIED ADS< m s . UiL Ziwiri U O nlifJl CALL 38 oR cEBr .t« . «»-; TODAY! s a " S * .: i tn ? * ^ i5 i r " y

__________________________ I

i AVIATION1 i-UO ‘■ .M '* ^U r? l?^ l-AttTKEBJ rirlg. Servlee Pbo.._jflL__ urilihrf'** r*.™. now

----------- nrw produeu. &i»«ri»i»« twtSCHOOLS & TRAINING

a ^'t^^volce'nilrucIloD. 1 c.a ktetiX a llB-1! *10 ”

; S S i t r s r j ^ ' j j S K . T i i ' . ' . X S I E i ’<•® flAllt STVLISTS* .'r« In eonjlint dem.Bd. ----

i i S r T i s m o b i l g a s s t a t i

JHw” r'li»w! Don^roili—Eareu'TodM*r ----------------- BLA K E BROS. ________PEI^ONAL *^'“;,VnV.jf'»«w” rAre''n

CHIROPRACTORS - wr''. !*n BK-b.r. NKlVvE .Wl.h.<.,t>r. A!». Down. »■» roRK l^TloJ t..<b.r. or wor .. M.ln Nr.t.h. Pho.. Il.t.----------------|i«m 1. niT hom. "Uhn TRAVEL ♦ RESORT

“ t - u m i s H i i D A P y r i

fi oa Su£ :.H00« Jnrnl.h^ .p.rtniMl. Ju t i " . ‘* irw iV V ™ cb 'b ^°iu '"« m 5 ^ 5 ^ 7 i ; ; r k S r T ^ m r :J. Iloe._________________________ In powh. AdulU. t n •n.ltJ .»■dL ____ LOST AND-EOUND-----

LOST: Whll. pur., b.v.e.n .>1 .»■... «.U______________^ Durlr>7T^'allr^(l:a.^----- - JjODKn^.j-rc^

ey — S m r A W N s '^ V ^ T E i r ^ U N T O ^ IS H E D AWaNTKU ehUdr« K. .. . . t» ,» mf »«=.. ^KOOM U -m .nl -I

, «.0» rjALI-ON. Oo.nini'. reof .prw > LAnCB room., .Let

A O’DLLL W.t».fra.b«U~ Child c r . CLEAN, >»0“ r

" t . A S ^ L T w J . t”‘ w C'^ '^r?J^‘5 1..®‘l “ n."’d,rR .,“ c " l.O Ti orHen. .D.tlm.nL 5ult.hl. tot cc>

" Ct;ilTA.N8 W ».g-.;d7^t.b— 'j'»mon. Ph.......... ...... ......mun chirr.. 1°. Knot. IIII lUi .ttsc. UMfUKNISllCO 1-rooa ap.rtne»t. FhoD. SITU. ujuot n strK t oa furelion.

ay IIOUSKCI-EANINU. W.ll., W.oodwork, l'.rt Atu, Inqulr. .1 E tW

"■ H E U -’ V A S 'a - l '^ M r iJ E '"^‘tJttN IS H E P HUli

J.ROOM p.rtlr furaUh«l.U ds i i — Third .rctru. #ut.

UNFU RN ISH ED ^■Oner.lm._l<.o!.»-ll T1tc..N..v_ _ : 'flOOHS. elMD : • M («T

te Jril*

h t r ' , ™ ‘ ‘’•••"■T.k.r poll^*:d. KXTKA MONtV In ,o.r .p .„ ilmi—lliTI Cd. Awll.aea. »«>«.

Aracrk.'. mml Jimou. llni. .,f Clrlit- fOLOlKO c^lra

ri’ wrsi’ii J«",‘ :

! T T E u h v A N T E D -M A L E T K U C K a .S C A I ! w .K^A . y . . , i , .„ j U„ . . . ., F O R B E N T

: c S i w n l ; ' ; " , . . . . „ .„ .'.i . . „ „ t ’ ID A H O '- U -D R IV E , IN C

• WAnVkD; joura„m.n p.lnurt. «.w EAST FIVB PO IN W 81■ N “ .h iilt "• cJi."^it?^' Co"' PH O CT 13CS

t— ■ ......................... m ; "w a n tE D T u ttENT,-SERVICE « , ACHtS . r B i a r j w i r a

3 STATION ^ATTENDANT ' i ^ d g T C g a ^

! ,, . PEA-RLS^'wRnifl, - I "THE BTINKER- •

—I' -- 'I

H A L E —

P E R " ff in iio s s


'• _____________

>*10 OAn 5



I I Pb.p.R T U N IT IE S -----^ i z z r : :i r v nOMESPOBS

•Hiig H i S^ l d “lliit.«t » k«Ui »«.- Owrtlir. IIM«- l-PS ■tir.t. tl.v:sp.

?* f""^ ^ bS“' *^ i . j " 7 r V - r.; -

buiMicc In *»«1 OOOD TWO-BO .. Air ct.JIUoned. UDDEBN k_ .C M S ' i i ' S “ “ a « :.■-.■li-.... “S S itS g S'aS ""KS;

'■al ’s 'u i . s ; BYOWHp . . . . m MODEBN 1 El

' S : s . ‘; n A

^R O S.. I:rn*r.1 r.trolriB UODSX B3

) ROOMS .-IrllrSM. ]I1 Mllh J.E.WBmnZU

l ’t . ° ' H.«. I PRllSfiEDP601 2.4 Afi.u. Owtrr bM w. teero lxrT<. ah.k>.M

Ml/nt Ke.t. Twla ..d H,mJ» *ri .fl■’s ! i " p r ! S S

• i . - ’i — :

■ A B T M E K ISi*rl>.U uia. N» tiln • :« « «m I

K / . s r a ' ;

i E D " A P « r " MODEllS S = r a r = . ! BEDBOOH


„ - S ^ : p = =n g ~ g = = s ; e a n c e t y b

a a r s a tlO T F iO i s i

) H 0«S B S" 1 INSUBil*w " (« r rMt. iii m mu i»a ^

Uhad. iMM. im j L

m my a .S '****** *” «»»<**■*■

fc C A R S I---------- ^e n t JiBW:g c ^ i w . .

........................... ifit» ‘tTL’ ’S*'

“ i N aNTB aiBVio* modern*®I 1308 w ,u

o n n r w i ^= ' ' r s ? 3 5 ■ MifflcviS

i f


ts i . •t™ koa*. !«•■* bout. I r li'u !'

si,“?.!r£s.’; r r r s :S i s '* " * * ■ ■■ -^S rta ra -J i-u .^ . n « m pot^um.- - -B R T H r t IM w . »I»1«.

f t l l T T w . t M l U< > • • « > » ' U0H.17 V

S i***!!■. "T ‘“ “*“‘ *’“’• **•’ ruLSTtiN-■—■'. ' " ^ = = i g sI ■ I T ^ o r i

f ^ K S S S i S f O R S A L E E , r S ;^ 5 5 r s * s A T . . " . s y v s

i-rtirr.1. |» «»">JT" SALMON. IDAHO 6ii saLu' :J“ 'r“"‘ *?, °'y w tuei lUcKti.. D.itj' aiBoiiM c?.n? b™r

• ' I llont*. OuilDM i^iti.n- . .-

g S ] ™ A C R E ^ | J

m ACRES .mIm'S; ife?o« Ii s p'uifc -111. TMMD- 175 ACRES yl”« '

^ f i D - A M s — t s ' j - s E S i - . K v r i s r *— —;fBEYM EIl__^ |-------------

^ M O O L T E IE „ PR E A L E S T A T E “

jU liC B E A G E b j i ^ o n , IDAHO - i

J“ESJS;:’'3 _____ -______ IfS .’U ^ l J - t ' i ! . . : f A t iM lM P L E M E H T S '

KUIdLEt txtn hullrr, n ltu io a >r*d>r. »£&■•"■•■“'■" I t ADAMS t t S ”

... s i£lii‘ Kort rEAB.OLD--' r . a r‘iit o»»-nris FOR SALE W„ n.. r..-., F>..n, o..i .,., _ _- ES ~ l l 11110 ACRES place -»'«■SiUCfflTZUCT ORDW NOW

I W. Wn J«l O’* "o <l«'l»*'» t<" ““ roll- TUOflCALjSZf 6ocA comroTUbl« •r'bnrt&r t^ulppod, and 4nr- 1(00 tl*h.I f tv u b outtulMbr*. •*''• •'!'«'• I


,p » p e q u i p m e n t ■ i S S V 3— AND W E L D IN G S H O P feSJ.“ , "

.o p p o h t u n it y __________ ' " ' '• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I i‘£ .“ K S

I . u s e d t r a c t o r s


DHMNATIONAL m<rf.l -A“ wlU.


- II..— I »1»*. culUTilar. OIRLB' <ch<x• INTEaHAIIONAL RtcaUr __w tip IT iir''T '* fnr' IKT RNATIONA.L mod»l H wlUi rrfv. Kfni'j TBEAL ESTATE cuiuriuit h»moD pio». gout;OITCrCOA'ST ■“ -INTTWIATtOHAL-TD.f-lx.ilor-:----- —lfi,51J-MI)— . ---.- .._ -IKmMATlQHAL ido<I.1 MD dtrwl

nlUnu*.^ - - -CAM BoW-VAO-wlU>-«<lU<ttM.«m4. -ywOglNtt

ASSOCIATE rOBO. »1»«« nm. wllh .uUIt4U», COUll'lNATl Wimxr. BALEJMAN Be a t '.i . . I

" - .U S E Dr— -I iHARVEST THRESHERS.-~~ I - IHTWHATIONAL »-fo«J. coodtl t l _Aiidift«ii.MCE 4 A rR FQ IKTtaNATlONAL M«pU moi,i «i

iwi.t4 A CK bb INTeiWATtONAt. Moot. W .l SJ IIH p"pli»1*>1 bM!< Itcilni Jer IMTIWIATIOHAL 4.fooU nodil i i iJi'fVoNTiisinK

- M cV E Y 'S , IN C . ■‘liCE

I - O O T M O T T O - I ' f s^ --------- 11^“ *' .1 -TO BE o r BERVICE TO THE .^ • ' - PARHERS o r MAOJC VALLEY-

IWACRES 1 COMBINES: .Vn?c“ ‘« '5S?i \il l t ". « i«o <-iu. »0.„>

'« -« ~ io .= .N u .i^ : i i i f o i i .T m m mlc .. • “ LoTgLv"'^


® Hartin } i°x5“' iiSTyn

boUSLgT ;^ acres SIDERAKES cRhB ;i

.“ acres plows » /» “ *»-.w-H. DWoa__t i : " * '" »....: Vilt: b*aw o o n r o a bSS» 1?or*lNl“ oa .u sro. -a&£as«™ .

MASSEY.HARRI3 'EQUIP. . • ’mcM ■*«» mvJoi 8MOLYNEUX ‘------^ MACHINERY CO. ,-- ^wirw—-—

...... - ______-

----------------------------- --------------- -----------------;------------------- —h a y , g r a in a n d f e e d f u r n i t u r e , APPLIANC

M.A- 'fsfgjisi.-i t-is-Phnm im.-ilf. • - • C ^ir: moUli iir.astn. e i . l r '^

U r.*kn ..;E ^

T|.|cr.;L u .v ... _:_ U ... m y«iiUuAr»« watt...“ I---- ------------S T - J . - . ' ! : ■ ■ ■ * ' USEDlUUi) 9ADDI.Z Url* (MV* ta i cSU^ns^ .d i , . . r t .M „ .V . . _ • .A PPL IA N C E S

iulsTKIN trM«i"t«ra‘iM to 100 lU * ____________P.»- ».»> H..n, . . I U D«P».- J MONTHS OnARAWrSKIBGISTEKcS HoUul. ^11. rMdr (or „ „8. e. giiir, piMs. filTOBI. BikL fOR 100%S i ." .b V i ‘i X T . - r » “i . S c o m pl e™ BJTffiFAOTIO]

IT^p‘ UULL'‘A^i.ilCT O i m m BErBIOERATOB•ulM. • WHi.f«,*’Bhortl>»ro». Pb... ’ eiMJ>. Jcf.i Bttliai COLOSPDT HEr*ICtHATOH

S_H ml|r.°"'nl*Klral>.rlT^?.irir biiTl” .*! ITUART.W AntlER•initr * **i. L. -----I I...... .......• I*“ J Cio»n..r. !,MV%prl‘nrlri|‘ u^ 7 r^t’’ „

EVEN BlinuNn I t______ h“ »10«COS1ERY WARD REr, ^

rl»« J <111, JH loutli Fl«-» rolBU. U:0:.’AltD REFRlOCnATOR

C6..p « i .i.aiM.T- ELECTRIC RA N G ES

''7’Vlava"’”l!'3r'"' ----■ ■■— -------------- ------- ■ -A -t B-AI T.-KAWfir----------«■«<

■ f'rsco ciirF range ______1 itH IG H EST TllOR WASHER--------------- IU

PRICES P A ID W.M DOWN For DEAD a n d U S E L E S S ________



I D A H r n iD E TWINFALLS& TALLOW C O . ------------


Wiuhlnj Machmeifro m « .oo u p -

EAR-OLD llara;«h!rt routine htni At BSCOII WarchoUH

n« r . ™ II . . . . h . .1 : lIA ilK I ANI) MUSICPhoBt miR »r II08J. cool) uprUhl I>l*»o iMl ItbU mo4« UKEURED Ililtunr, 11 raoott. dH. I'hon. OillJll.___________

1 7 « r a d :.up,ii.^ SPE CIA L SEKVICES

lo^choM. t^m. POULTRY dtMllol Poollrj Bop»l7 P — _!!_!

FO K SALB OR T R A D E ir..;^.ion. r t . . . », buhBoori b »l H KC OltJatV~ ' tcV«i "oll “ AriKtlSSES ilM»il»l. E w tn

L?I| sTi; p!^! A U TO S FOR SA LEo[_»tJ»Lmrni tnJiill. ---------------------------------------^

“VVAKTKU 1 0 B U Y | rs« , r .■At TEi. U. W «.>1 .h ..i chVi'r. -i-i..-. HIGHEST DOLLAR

KEMIUM pilcn (or «nr tiu. for


iR L B ; .= h « in u a ... . i « l i - »« Get ouf Cish OMerINUOW laiiKi. (tc up; 4ii i i i n i p i... b o b r e e s e

m o t o r - c o .

A o re iZ M irn s rn rn to rw s s w r . — ,n a i <. m jusk^t.ntw^. I3»»»l PlwntiJIIW.________ .

" 7 \ : . " , T . - r .T, . ' t r u c k s a m p t b a i l e i.llh w.itf ln^.l. C.II .n . r «■ 800-R- liiciaiEVRoTETlU.Uia imk. Wa KAT M- t«la~. Wltdln.. «JU« co,ua Oil Co, t»0 H.llr«l ...n .c fh.1..

4 URll u rillt ol rour llos»r clua.r Ptm. II ot IIU.W. wliii .'«l6orllM-Hj^Tir* ••TTtc*. *C"'Cr 'H i| RED ?-too Irucl wlikOOD LATUE aad logl.. .JJ •tilotiitr» lki» M,OCJ nill» li .wdl.M wad: WlnchniM cUli .ad .0 U tr m.ofU . Vtt.t.n. Vl)l»|., IT, tfl.r,«, m« PopUr,___________ . lOU DODGE IH-lm tt«i.

S S S s S SKW rOKTAULE ‘’I'jt'h j

Si" ...IM . I.I.. PICK U P'STr*.l*d or iinirtil»>l. Clilaholm C«4ir rORD U Toa

I S l S s s i : »■« % “ *::gall, tt : Wilnut.lrftt,_________,,4, ^T RNATIOKAL H Ion 19. I’b ... H3-U. Aihtoa. IIU FOHO H Tos

U ^ I I U R E , A P P L IA N C E S .URNlTdkil lc, ..1. tU p. « « w w il,V „ | |^ . iJ«im aa. wmL____________________ jIU JNTERNATIOHAL IS Toi0VELV^p.hCjJ^.vinporl lor .p.rtjo. l 4p_Hd lilt. IJJiM Um.

f g f t i i L " ' " " ‘' C H ™ n I.KO..E#' ilHdM^Viibl.^ »«»"«• „,T CUBVIlOI.tT Boi..

i k ' . ’i ' J - i . ' I J S r f t J . " " ' “ McVEY'S INC.


— ■■ I • ilCICLZ SALES & SBBVtCi

ON^LL nm N ITUB B - y,^.rJ«ikV iit

6oJi» p tk iu w .u y w n8WAP A SILL ]» g y irriT f7

NBW INNSR6PR1NO iW »y!'*~ f -n a o K jv m t **’* • KEt SHOF BVERTON


I .'

____ V ------' ----- - . TIMES-NEWS,

P L IA N C E S T B U C K S A N D T R A IL ER S A U T O S F•d nfrtenstor*. l l l l ^ - * l'li;KUl-,~HJl mod«l A I'ort. OAsit ror~f iji^4*r ei

tiair; UMd .borl ** i.l^ r r.r I j .r ti Un* {wTwlth »ul W.alilntlon «i .ad OtUk■'w“8hiw5 J.

-~“?ou'ni= AmOS-roi<-8ALF = = r =5PRICES'are

______ IM PO RTA N T_______ - ,H * ro n D -M -*

i« » *.r. daj.Snt J ‘ B 0.tJl I tn

tAWrSK p l « » u u S fwiiui’^ ’t . j >l4t DffW ATlO

’’ Uim'.'V.Ij IMi TORD JH lotIFAOnON I.™ .0, , 0 . ca t,.. CHEVROLET

____,,4»ss !»*• CHEVROLET• 1*47 STUUERAKER C<mB..ndtr h»»l»r, 4-.JW

—— ' ’*•” I tit "T^E' “ “_ _ |4 J .O O ..lUi.OO Hl« rORDH loaItIO I.l.SXOl.N[«ilil.n (.daor'‘*^“’‘ 1 » » iri* " i t " '- ' " irn M CHURCnEr " h.M.?o?.r^‘ u r ‘l ‘”'iii*/'l!' M OTOF___’_ | JJ.tS m l 1‘OM’UC SDnr’sVi««k I cjlia. Phoao IJB

;J.°- I H.M m » WUDEBAKER'ch'lmMoa^Ji? •»ERO«£• «nijt conpf, radio. “'•'•'Jjjpj

W G E S STy/)S».«KfB'cJipri^ l-i^r 1------------------------

------- 1 U.eo igi» MERCUny“ -iMr'“ rtrii,’'rid^^ I..................S -P -E 'C



^ "Our ProailM li Too» S*llif<iUo.“

IS — ------- ie» STUDEDAKEI1U<II0, OllTV.l

hlnei I T PAYS— T O BUY S 'UP' .;h0US» l»*« FORD S

_ _ _ I SELECT ' I w u STWn RAKE


wills SSISrj':vice3 motor CO,JB.P.I7 Pl»=. N..1. D«I«| 1™ -----

I . . . S -E -E.'.i.'.""- TWIN■i,.i... 1,. “ 0 °

: HOME OF B* ItjB iiOYAL lallild MolorcnU l»JO ____UBk> BUinp..L EMOS BCHIFFLEF

.. e»W. 4-aoof irt.a. radio. hMln.

SA L E “ *• ,------------------------

~ ~ 1 *’•“ T^ai? u d rT .d I.T T .4 ir’‘“ W E ’R E IL L A R in * FORD I-Joor (BUn ....... IIM

r»dl5. h««ur. O u r 1IMS IIUDSOS 8ap. .j__ ____IIM

1911 I*LY»tOUTJ^«-4i»r_____l«SJ ThO I

'oKer M A G IC

ig<l OUlCK w.l.a«( —______ ttMSE ALL CABS^ABI

H_____ ]■■.« /\t noiaiiM r - nu; m t r i i r v n n t rT

H ,.7;S£sR A IL E R StrKt. w -« o « r.d® o.'?"ri;rd7r’ »*• {lisp's?,

w m -.Ilk '.uvt U l.- - -ailAM8EOaTi«TOM.CAE5_l a m -a u ia t-» u p « .*Jff«'«a*diuS? « ‘0 PLVMOUTII Moor ------- 4150 '*^lll5r . m i 0LD8M0DIL! ^ amdj- l*l» r^Y»!OUT» --------IlOO

I«9 PON-TAC I-ioor ttdia __IIM•*■ p"*""-— ST '*■ —

jiis"i-LYMbUTii «-fooJ •- — - im • C O M M E'O Mdaa. t«JI., i« lir.

jis i ro w . --------» » r , ° y H «"»AL « Toa htat.^A pit crtMr. INTERNATIOAL fi Ton . Ills D.BOIO 4-ioo. ixlta --------1« 4-.p»*t. b«UiAL U Toa CHEVROLET J-door mUs —Ito copdlUoa ---------------------AL 3 Ton „s* DODQS «-<loot «td»a --------IIO J * ; " *


Op«.8Md«|.a4^_EMfT« im CHEVBOLTT

, U..0 C , U i m Block. Trvd. Uo. W. „4I C « f l ' ^ >*l lood Mi» C«r DtVL H> Sko.boso Sl. W.


Huh Dul.f S*lort Und C»r» , Block* Bogih1U« PboB* IM-J Op«a BnB4i^

----------- ------- A T IJS AND PKOFESSIONAL NO 2lE C T O R Y “igjg-g 1101'

*** ^ f e /w c la u j Iw^sEBvicg i l l

i m m » r x dU«iln«.^MLiriM.‘ r w l u . H. utT ."* ***-- i KO- »-» •< J


’OS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALEui 4*r 0. ««W W .l.i-'t.ti UKION Hour* <111 UXo *rn m>**”* «» foir e.r 01 tar Mlricbv I»p vrtn.lOUET. tUp«. IIH. » oa i.1. «»j.l w».

DeSoto P lym outhJ P T R A D E -IN S


)-r^ -* -i» i.- i.« M i« -i;4 ti---------------------r - = = ----- ------------------------------IIW UK rLTMOOTH BpmUI Mum *•lEDAKI IM lo« wl,»‘I*. **• lll l CnEVBOLCT t-dooT lodta.JINATIONAL I lorn. ........... ....... ....... »**

) m i o a __________«H S P E N C E/BOLET IH to .------UH MOTOR COMPANYJ R O L ^ H u ^ l^ r j d l j

;^0LCT H lo. piokop.,,,, U S E D C A R LO T i»n"* ----------------------- " " «0I « . u ATfc BouUi1 H loa pkko ---------HM 1 ■ . . . . — , ,, - .................. I n il

H U R C H M A N i-------------------- -------------------------- 1[O T O R S JN C . U S E D C A R S

i . r » E ’; r . r "‘ ^ ^ d trucksWITH RELIABLE --- DEALEIR BACKING „„

P E C l A ' t S T iififnf^ .~coK V E nT O tB '._iiiuCo«jp«- Badlo. h»l«T, at*«nn. V.I7 jH7

HM DODOB U. D- IW-TON----HIM„ t-p..4 u it . I .» tlr«, u4- lit*b dll unka. lUi wbML i«dlo.

E b»«l«T. t«eham»t«f. au*r»»-

^ m iroR D 4-TON pJCKur ._ iii i iLo« oillt.1.. U.Xtr. VtTT Iltlf, (lun ltuld« and out.D Ilil

A 1140 roRD CONVERTIBLE __ <I!UY. ..IHI W IL L T « ^Je E r^ - .-_ „ ^

' CMm!ui.V*'o»CTdl” t" '^ pWlop of • hoadrJS o.'m- ’ 1«H


lEBAKER CemaiaBdtr S*li. **”Ml b o r ------------- »•»■«» !•» DODOB 4«loor -------------,1(11' °*'“ *____ IS7IC0 >»» CHEV. ii-ion P. O. im

f!iVn’ S " " - - —

■ROLET Coopt ZZr»!O.M »>» BUiCK 4-<Joor ---------------IIUK S«i.a .l l i ttr,Ml H« DODCE C«p« --------------- tid

IHO DODCE H-lOB r . U. ------ t«ME-E D-I-C-K «AHY OTHERS

,'-?nE rn® BOBREESE> T 0 R CO. USED CAKS cE OF BTODEBAKEB Dod*. Pb. IHO PlrmmithtlFFLER JAM BOin 8 ^ „ f


O u r Prices B E .L IR E L A N D ’SU N IO N M O T O R S

T h o Low est OFFERSlAGIC VALLEy YOUA GRAND SELECTION .BS ABE CUASANTEEBi-izajda-AVAiLAnu:— -------------G u a r a n t e e d ----------------------_________ __________U S E D C A R S *»i!

ro d .lu i 4-4oor. bttUr, A T iT i ,HI

PRICED TO -O' «•---- . J-.- -.1 - L^.— ^ i l i L l l - i ______ ____AB .^ul^^la ibl.ldt t _____________ Iim Iltl PLYMOUTH a ^ ^ .wT tloill.MOBILE atdiDtl. brdra- l«d»l »llh leew erte. Uw e»lj *•“radio. bHIiT, W.«0 “ 'l ^

lOUTUWoor. radio.

IMMERCIALS - — — ------ ' T,saHATIONAL^ toa pithp. _____ _l^» -----:-------------- '1«» lll l MEBCOBT daS mpo. raila. ||ir1 tan. ulUt rack. 4.«lii.t bMUr. v<i7 d a u . l,„p !i; oS tT ^ t ^ S ” “ ra'2'.“ £ ! a s r . : i s . ' ”“- is;BOLR Hi tm. mtr* ------- MIMISORTH SIDE ---

Htl r o u stab csBM B«ir Unt. nUk 1I4«AUTO CO. <3«.

Jtro9at BoQih ot CIW Ctoltt ” ** S’ '° ™ ^ S j* a !S * lo o J S ^ * ’BnsiiaTi IB EitBlon !!!|

P IC K -U P S ‘

NO. 2 LOT ------ ml


i i i ^ S iS" i ' S . l t t j r z j i ! ! i .u 'T o u « m - M w . w -

‘“•!SSru*222ifc.“- ’'t»-ORTH SIDE * ............. B I L L m E L A N D '8 I ?

O T T O o r — D N IO N -M O T O B B ^ — 4 —

NO.S “J«a!5iv»-»ISSI?",1M « • ) " « j T O n > 4 T « 1 ^» y « in iiM | ,.

y . ;; - ■

■ ■P A G E H i m ' i - f

~ | AUTOS F O R S A l l g "

BARNABD’SIJ . . 1'............- -'~Z BARGAIN


L -_:i:z -:-f lP I8 rA m > m O r-. ■ - ____

' BARGAINS AMO L ______B g n r a gOT» - - __J_____

‘ NOW!llll CAOtLLAC d4aor M<Aa. O *«M

t»iTTtlil*«- rrka ----------- U™

'"'a;'ivsitisris-.f3saJ n il LWCOLK 4-doot —dto.

~ lll iro u ) V.I ta itM .a U .- n m. ^ '-‘1'*“*'* ----- - mas

•"‘■KS.'i'JSc.riiJiSiIltl CIIRYBLES Hm Te*k« «4m*

Mdta. radl*. but«r.«'«r4rl>o I ..I BltUlilt 25*” ® »«d*iu T«or W

111? nUDCBAKia «-dMr Mtea.I BtcUMut Laai C n ta l- iU M

IKl rONTliC «!ik «OTV«. wmiu I *“ *

IIU rOBD tsdor «“ ■I IIU DODCE «.do«i *«lAB______ HM

lill rLTuoum Moor KdAj__ tm

n il CUCVBOLKI Kntx IUl carvBOLET X-400T _ „ .^ t l W

' IIIT FLTUOUTB MUa _______lU t' Abore LUt' I*O nl7B iU, Ot Our Automobilcc

' - h . Ul M «* Tm B^r—

I BARNARD’S'B arga in*""’

USED CAB LOTConar tad An. E. •>< M 81. E.

‘ rBQKK lltt-V

' ^ V B O L E T“0. K.” fUSED CABS ;'%

-"Lat« Models”— llll '.T.'

jim CHEVBOUjT 4..^

7 -----<».l«, IMl a » ^ ............4»w ~ z ^m i PLmOUTB «-«oor "

laiUi urf .. .......— ,„...JHM

I:w a g f*T : i i * ^ ' '•drtta mod _ _ i» t l i ' ■“ I

; llll C&EVBOLET i.<Mir n i u . If(ir ~tits, bMlo, «i<r«atfr, «Q tUmt,s a ; * i s f . r i i ± L _ » i m ;:

-"Older Modela"—' Till 'caEVBO'uit ’ ’iwiit«V,~'tW' m t CHJVBOLSI aooix I «llll CflEVBOLET eaop* ______ liMlilt CaiVBOLC 4-OMr ••daa-tlHISH CaSVBOLR «MP« ____ ...J Um r roBD b mt Md*a -.i.n,—. i i n

HU rOID MMT M<Us _______UM

’ INI mitOUTH B.door Mfaa . ^ U

'HU rLTMOUTa M aw Md*B —tU t - ......, Htl rLmOUTH «.4aer mAu _ tmI IIM PITK9UTH tnlaor m4i j i__IW - .

IIU n n u o Moor M lu I t tu

Hll FONTIAO M mt M ta _ ^ U «1I4« »TTOPA«». «-4»w.n lm im . ... J|.

PICKUPS1I4« CHZVBOLXT »-tea ^«ka»-Ha HUCaSVBOLET H>«M pU lvU tU . 'HU CaiTBOLEI W-*0»HH eUVBOLSr 1 « « rtrtH -IM I .-' S-.IIII ro w ^ ^ n »kta» IUMMIT rORO 1.1M »kkvp I I WW ; ,

llll MDOB Ik-Iaa »Utani- t w ' .7

TRUCKS .. ;1141 rou i iM-iw IW -'VllUl rflID ---------------- IMBtin IKTUNATtONAt.- IMS n rm m -n owALT i u g g - r - , ^ ^

iHi QHo xvr*i» :,■............HW ' ,rV

T 0 0 A . 3 f i JI I»4i->0Mk 4MAftftaBMht

s|i ' CHEVBQUSP j m


vpattcni i® K ' __________________ _____________________

' '5 Vietertiiis of ^ Doubles G A R T ass up

.C o n f a b i n ’50 ~f*. » , BOTO o n x . \ r T %

nroiANAPOUfl. AUJ. a* (un-A»**r MO todM, r . ♦

tb e CTtU «*r met rof thttt . . .. - •M nl u d l « t reunion- Tbey »ef» “ /

IQS- Htb lurrlvora m U tW . . . r . i

^ ^ 1 «»n«pt'a£rw lui • ,'v - " ',t a esotber oum pm ent ot Uie ,.,O r u d A n w of Um Rejwbllc. 7^^ ■■ ■

-__OAR.b«CKme __________«ic*nipm«Bt here m d tod»y oiJy W ,. ~o l'th * pe»k oemberjbip of « 0 ^ 0 0 ..................rem iln. ■ -

Tb« flv# who *ir»pp*d **r U l« ,« lndl»n«poIU h » r t / t I»Ued much . . . .“ enUUy oT jhy.lcU y th« U.V ye«.

Ju n e . A. Hwd. Rochester, N. V, , ..........between puff. °"e of ]he _ . . . ; . . .

clffv* b* Bot on bl* 108th b1rthd«y >• <. .U rt montb be .UU f.Tored . , . ...*nc*mpment of the union soldier. • . .. ,. •„ r .w ltb rem nants of th» oonfedcrtto*nny they ewjee fuughu •

T o AtUod P>rIcT«Oom m uder-lD -CU ef Tne(^o»

PenUnd. 101, V.ncouver, Wun„ ■-nifT,. to e ttend • flre-d.y teaiUsn oftbree OAR effUlaU. . t Lo. AngeleiSept. 3-7. end RoMrt Bunelt, 103,pnncetoci. Ky„ U conildeHnj gi^gto Lot A oedcj or ScMton. whrrt tvoother OAR *ffllUted organlitUooi

u d d«mocr«cy win win toy cold or _

« F isherm an Dl .TV . 'To Rescue \

long time, they «ila.Betide* Herd, Penluid B.r- FRANCISCO. Au*. J8 U

r«U. tbs o tb e n « « Albert Wwlaon, j^juennnn. John A, N.poU10», D uluth. Mlmi.. »nd Jowph Clo- honiew»rtJ bound from te* wli Tese. KM. Pontlic. Mich., the only pound «dmon catch FiNe»ro le ft In the OAIl. when he cam e upon the u t t

Cb*rle« 1* Cheppell, Long Beach, the Oolden Oate wher* more OeUf.. died t t 103 Just two week, joo persons were «tru«glliig ina fte r be le ft IodJ.n*polU'A>cunp> chill «-sKrs.Ment w ithout reUUlng h b wUh w The hosplWl *hlp Benwolenw ba netlonal eoramander "If only the been .unk In e coUUlon withuU ” ?6 S ^ u t ^ o f my Ufe." freighter

A yew »B0, 17 OAK member, re- *hort ^me before 34mtlned. T h o number dropped to 10 bout, the til the eour.e of . y c r. In.ur»ncc M tutrles M id yem tgo they ex- , I m 'j-» pected two would be living In 19H, ^6-year-old fi.he)

related todny. "So I .Urted Joc

Bid Openings Set ; r U“?r'';sri‘n”« By Idaho’s AEC

----------Aun M - T h e - - n t a n c d - p u l l in g them onXOABO PAIiLo.. Aug. M — ino _ * , ^ j •„ mirtr and rurId th o opertUon. olflce, V. 8. .tom- J lo »- 1 Ume"lo energy eommlwlon. has .n - 8 . j,unounced t h t t bid. were to be opened - o „ ou t wllh him. wa.tod ty for ooncrete carl, tnd wheel. > “ Throw . Oot Linebtrrow ., end Aug. 31 for four dltMl •■when I see somebody I tengme-drlven tl r cocnpresMf*. ^Im t Unc and pull him in.

At the »»m# time, the AEG uked jjuow wouldn't let go when 1price quot*Uon* on the following m, so 1 twl*t his arm toBupplle. o a the d»t«* Indicated: him turn 1 picked up a

AU*. a # -^ o to r tntlyter, genera- of 12 tn d p u t them oil the LU'ta r te it se t, nrnehrograpb to check bach, then I P l^ed “P ^c ts i u g le tn d firing point of engine batch and put them on t».TTi lobe*; tuel -pumpi, parta, and guard boot.5 ! S i i ^ - i^dm »M bl8 and con. "Fot almost alx hour. I keep

mg around picking them up, :Aug. SO—Wire rope. _____ ___

General “Ike” tc 12 Bulgarians Get “3;

n . r t • Dwight D . Elsenhower will

M tlvltles. . J , . Bent < Elsenhower, supremoThe tgeoey u ld th# delendanU World war I

w , Unked during their Ulal wllh ” ” '" p ^ " e n t of Co^ uthe Anslo-American tert- ^*v«cationlng In ColortdiIrt*.- Ttxelr .enunce. ranged from fo?f«edom haeight year* lo Ufe. organUed by the National

— _ ^ o n p f l , 'n T ' miiteo for n Free Europe. In<FINISHES JOB Hoyt, editor tnd publlsOARSnr. Aug. 2»-A lO-man crew Denver Post Is regional

trom the sU te highway maintenance j^j. ^ ,5 crusade, nnd i. adepartm ent HnUhed up Kune 1,000 ceremonies t t Denvei

' tnlles ot a highway ptrklng program -u'flnorlum.» t Carey ThurwJay afternoon, Oake “ _________ -----------

- Bid Opening Seth e end of the Arco-Catejr stretch ^ .“ a,u, On Two Pro](« T i 1 BOISE. Aug. 38 yP>-BldS

w ;ir to r a a to ot Ih. a m U1> . « u t y ! - " I «™

, !S’;.‘”S.VK’'r » ; : s s ;2"s;.Ks.zrented mulUple arrow laujjchtr r tad In B ear ^ k e counly antb t t m ight have done for the strucllng e pl&nt mix bul

' redman whtt tha machlnerun turface a n d M ti ooet oq 14.Mdid I t te r for the white*. of the northMde highway I

T he cosliaptlon la having It* giiaj and Wetidell In Ooodinjf ln t u*« IQ t movie battle be- ty.tween Oecertl Custer’s lamou. — ■

UC'IIDTDIIDntflnlDU|lCariKBctor Too R i d 'Mdns Motorist Too PoorCar ow nen who are wwtlac nonejr and not getUnK proper f ta jn l la a n d u . to oreMich mixture* irUl be plet*ed to' U tn i Of » ' WlKOnslalnTentorwbob*<d*TeK oped « very clever unit that help*Mve gaaoline by ‘’Vaeu^nttlng.I t 1* automalla tod operttea on the (upercharga prtndple. Ztelly Inatalled In a few mlnutei. Tltaall c a n . tn u k i tnA t ^ t m . The Maonln.UDtlrTUMSgttridc m anufactunt*, tb# Vtcu-mtUo

r E£5EiSE3"i. ' . a V aeu-m ttis to tnjreoa who wUl utiieg. SriU oalr toe.

to l ta ll i t en h it ear tM help

, ‘ N==SerT*isiitt!, .................. .... ........................


bles P roduction Teachei

OOODINO.(or Ooodlng ha. Ijeen annoux:

.. high Khool prim. Junior high prlr^ 9 B S g B / ; 9 s ( n n 5 B M elecneniary prlo'

bon.; clerk of sci}tH-Heiir-»een

• • ’ ytanees.Btliia.^• • I wiih~ighptd; I

Bahki, locaUoni ley Banning. sp< *lcai education lory:. U n. Oen world hutoiy: V neu. coach: ll

' home economic.driver education Prank Falterv Meredith Sluoi

. llbnry; Dean 6steal educUOE Stroh, music;

. , , M O ^ ^ S i w C J l ^ Spanish. Amei. M rt Bernice V

France. Weber. .Junior high 1

Jon Batch, M: Ulene CarglU,


' ElemenUry Ugui, music .1 Prahm, Mra. Agneshoueen, 8 phreyn. Alice Ii

. , . Edholm. «conin Talto, ahown holding a double cantaloape whlth Kotnher, Mrs.

a ^ U i ^ b a . prodnced a donble cantaloupe ^ ^ c h T M rs ^ he «e«la aoalystd to determine If the phenomen.n chbonie. fourUi egvtar thing. l8Ulf ph«le-engT«Ttag) Butler, Mrs- A

----------- — ---------------- ------------------------------- Helen Parker, I

Q Dumps H is Salm on “™S1 ue Victims of CollisionAu* J8 m - my life I clon't work so hard. My U > n i r d t

NawU wa. a m . are sore today, like I got jdaBO PAI n se* wllh a ctisrley horses. of 1 »43,«T,«catch Friday Pray, fo r Strength to A J. Blrasstthe area off “All the tim e I keep aaylng In announce

T* more than lUvllan -Ood give m e s^ n g th to Waiiggllng In the pull these people aboard. One wa* ^ g

a prieat (Father J, J . Reardon) and g,■nevolence had hc understood tn d said: ^ n t /,lon with the bother with m o . . . get the others fl«» ^X c h only a . . . tn d don 't worry . . . Ood wUl tnd Son i ^ l 's 34-foot give you strongih."in the scene, .There wa* s. woman (Navy Nurse Schwno^er ar

’, l , r Helen Wallis) "who wns m cold she 093A0, Otherd boat tn d hs was purple . . . but ahe dont com- Common. DrU, hndv In the Dlaln a bit. N o t even s word. She ----------------old fi.henn.n sal In the bow tn d I give her my j— lUrted looking coa_L _ .nd prelty »on -The dead ^1 fuel It looks heavy, so I d o n t pics ariy up.Iround on the But U.e others, they ^ very |ralc- » all around, ful nnd thank me. They want to w g a them on th . look me up a n d pay m e.but.l »ay. . . . J T l

r and run .the keep your money. I Just wanl to

"nil son who '’'"Boy, If It was flah I was hauling A ^ i Jhim was sick. In 1 would be rich. My own fLih?Line I throw them all overboard. I got t .T ®

!body I throw to make room for th e ptople." iin i otui

Military Families..Practice Alaskan

i “oS :°£ Oty Evacuation ■ ■ir. I keep mov- ANOHORAOE. Alaska, Aug. 39 Ilf) W m M hem up. In all -M lllU ry raw llles tyok to the road ^ ^ 3 ----- and the a irpo rt ye,<terday In a prac- I V

, j tlce evacuation from Alaska, major i / * ^ j

[ 6 1 0 JJ reined almost like the real• r V o n v o r Uilng es m others tagited their chll- | | » M , J L /c l lV C r dren. lomled the ir aulomoljllea andJ ,,Ti - Oen, headed up th e hfaUnuska 'valleyKtT will mUe from Anchorage. -*y ownc address since Ht was tho first maneuver of ta oaibcB.jilwr daycere- u n d In tht* northern-terr t<^ .M ia-mchlng off the u ry authorlUes called ll lhe flrat ^ „ |

in ?eeent yearn in any part of North lfc,.too.[S i,—w n r- « M iw ii a r - ----------- — "•)ur major net- The purpoae of the day-long -30 Din s it^ u v e r was to prepare the fam-supreme alUed illea for any posilble sudden emerg-

Id war H tnd ency. ClviUnn families were not in- jlumblt unlver. eluded In th e operation- •1 Colorado, In ca« of a genuine cvacuatlo^ n . eedom has been a real emergency the plan would National Com- call for the families to Join con- B M K urope. Inc. Pal- »oya for n drive through Canada m S M nd publisher of on the Alaska highway route to regional chilr. Great Falls, Mont. H O M , nnd is arrang- Today'a practice evacufltlon wm R K S H a t Denver's city to be .U ged also a t Ja^banks, In .m'm mm

the inurlor. ond ot the Kodiak U* o>o all ______ land military base. faaodibc

Ig Set ■ ■ COMPIAINT WITIIDBAWN ' ,U FUiHS . X bW , auk . 28 -H aney HaskeUProiects w n t Sunday nlghl in on .■ r -• ‘ J complaint of as.-iault. signed by hla ^

/py-Blds will be jjrs. H elen Hnskell. but was m highway depirt- rdeaied Monday when lhe com-ro uutbem Ida* piaUit wt* withdrawn.

ifl'Kcoffd*iS™tg D aily Service I WJnmSSKSS i j M

LEEDOM PHOTOmix bulmlnouj

,tODl4.MJmlle. ^ B yr ..rilghway betwMn -■■ — r f” '* 'n aoodlng coun. . . • J

- — e e T A w iA V ^

i p ? ^ IV to SAXT u k e

Of BOISE ( 7 > ^

V B 4 '. . ' N . tuirUl4 '' --x '

You'll com e 4S(ttridof«t»u - ^c.nbani^tt^ub^ r t t t t d o n i t t m t n t i d — ^

l m ol driy tfig fo rtg y


^ M i M i V i - l i sl^ y H m M liM 'p ep o ti FerritM Hotel 2240 Cfodi

.............. J


ichers f o r -F a rm e rooding'FallEenii I J s te d

AOg.' SS ^Fenonn^ mdlng school* for IPSO-USIen announced aa (oilows:rinlendent, Leigh ingeraoU. ^ ^ M O B i l^ H W e g g p e p g P w .g *:hool principal. R a l l^ VUIera;high prmclpsl, Ida Frahm.

ilary principal. Bugen. - O ^ rink of school d lsu ic t. Men- tC r-fteretafy-to - prbMlpal*. —

'iM U M an^ rlfiillu rerB n ir^ nning. speech a n d gUU’ phy- . ylucatlon and Amerlctn his- Un. oenwe Beck, Bngl^b- hUtoiy: vmcfnt Carter, bud- coach: Mr.. Hope Clemon*. economic.; Elmer Eddmgton. education. chemUtry. health;

Paltervm. eclence;1th Sluon, .Enellsh. health. r. Dean Sisson. English, phy- educUon. coach; DoMad

music; K enneth Walker,American govenunent;

Bernice Walsh, mathem alici;( . commercial.lor high Khool teachers areBalch, Mrs. Mildred Bryan.s CarglU, Louis Di^fee, Mr^ ^ pro.peet #1 a «M- to 700-p.Ray, nay Saras. Olen WU- ^1* M-»crt wcond

II. f . . .d Ih. II.M . . a <■«'

F S S M 'S s ta te A E C O ffic e B; “™'i “dS, S s»: Names New Aide.. Alice Hartley Mrs. Olady* ,g p^^LLa, ^ug. 28 - L. E. Jm. «cond grades. H e l e n , . manager, Idaho opera-ner, Mrs. Lucy Oates. Mrs, « ^ s lo n manag „

I P*rkfr fifth CTiules; Edward and personnel. . . . , of„rrc'TS‘i f ‘.v r £ s " i " " jx' pK" -

' ___________ _ wnnel and organltailon and meth- in

intract Awarded personnel branch o f the or- ' ABO PAUS, Aug. 38—Award gaiiliatlon and personnel dlvlJloa»43,48T,« well-drllilng controot had been htaded by J ^ U . H»- gg J, Btrasser, Portland, Ore.. has pert, who hu been ordered to acUveannounced by L. E, Johnston, duly with the Idaho n a ^ n a l guarcL _

Iger, Idaho operaUons office. Hllpcrt w&i one of lhe f irs t to report .alomle energy commission. for duty when the Idaho office was (

tasser’s bid was the lowest of organized in July, 10«. coming here ereceived Aug, 23. A. A. Durand from the Kew York operations of- JjSon, Wall* Walla. Wash-, sub- ficc, Id a proposal of »40.413, and A. J. ------------------------- I»nover and Sons, Burley. »47,- i t b cMlmatcd that tbe Mlsiourl I0, Other blddera Included the river valley contains a Quarter ol Imon. DrUUng corn pany, Rupert. | P . a , fam lands.__________ ' L*

-CAMa iatwwn* »*«5o«Hm»-C*»«lj ew- d -Sooth^MJir; -I «lth m r thnw Iroeot ~..if • hJ> with io)0lnh/«i»»mitih»i it*rt-«ocl I tojortd « o rta tn Aod thefre •» agttti widi mj Uuou - «*1*. reporobooiew■H4I Cod aod mlWl- CAMHJ'

c u s b c M b o w D iild ^ ^ ^ f J« o o d > t t t i t B g - ------ ^ ----------------------W - -------- —I . . . a

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i l lo>o alldacM <eiito«ad ibc rUbilotme-CAMELrtU FUittw, «lo« i k J e t ^ BBoker

shktllltWOXRIK C rr ll WlllltHO»fl.wliar<lo( MUtlCAt COMIOV H

"I Changed CO «hc uble.' I m S tn tl lt l.bray: "/Ctmcli |UK (O irr (betn. a Cimtl KnoUt (lom Ifncer. Imelcome ONow I'm ■ C am el . *'•)' back. OntU lull mlianen. And Ci

. anoktfforkeepil" o« '0 * T'." flivor ii »osdeifull

TltlVlltOHlTAB Af.«f. - i vl JOIHID ihc mil- (aith lUl.MT. notunlli PUix* aarceii Iiom 01 .mokm »hod acior; Thete* n<t,re•'At a ilo*er, I enior »>ik • mile for . (or il.tox irriwriooOflid mihtnes. - aod miw, m.iu Um,l! • .l.oW OirCvult tu if c randl' ......... o/<o-r*», Kcrtiirr. asrct »iih my.jhtoj.

Mil, "Mr «rfc* «*n a Clmcl, for 20 r , - j , ,ne.dr w orkout. Hr Thii uch, Orntl ic«tcnnvintnlmcC«i

aildneu.", . C4mfi,u, iporama *’ , |

ner Anticipates H eav y YieM of

; i>.. i-. <•' ■■ °“British Announce Rebate

ie Atomic Ore II M ^ ^ e lm o n Hamptoti. Ne- LONDON, Aug. 28 ypy—The Bril- jjggro donated a p

i^h govcromeni hts announced dls- hlood a t a hospital Frlilcovery of the largest .Ingle deposit to have gone to tn—oerhapa a million of tons—of ter. "15SSunn«at«amttiB-Bria^h-l3les.- - •But“ tIiintcit-alght-H i

I “ lilci was Injured In a fight and•*“" The ministry of supply said the be given a tranafusion. 1

ore in northern Wale., Is ot "ex- hla own blood back.tremely low yield," Tl.e mlnistw | -------------------------

‘l» r hinted exploiutlon might not 00 ^,j. j ^ r q a

« r - department of ttlentlfle tn d j ^ ^ ”^ a n d m -k n ^o “ ^E,“

deposits being worked by the Rus- Homer Hean.___________,,on sln is in eait Germany. The sclcn- ^44 .4 .4 .+ 4 tf

s; S M s:.— ‘i S i -........ INSURANC

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m a srtcd - r o t t t a l laieklag -itw QOCTOT* OW«r .'Wu lrao tb . plei«n “ It's Ck»eto

(b. (or nel A - " ^ ««««•>boc»wtli

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M i l l i o n . P r o v e W H

C a m e l M i l d n e s s i n

* h e i r " T - Z o n e s " H S

( T f o r T K r o a t a n d T f o r 1

k ..-?.' ■ ^ ^ p H E R E iso n c ien jib lew ay to tM tB d g M « W .N

^ P“toine Carat* T hlt'. wby many a m o k c n have mide the lt o»

c .« e i MildncuTestj. ' ..." AnJ noted th roat sp c c ia lu ts confinned-Cum

■ ■ ■ ■ M coajt-to-coast test of hun d red s o f people w ho UWl | g | ^ H for 30 days. Their th ro atj w ere examined etch 'wP^ j j H nations. Thc doctors' {indiags:—N ot on* shg lt C‘

1 jT i^ ^ laiion due to smoking C am clil B ur m»ke your 0 Y ou'll dijcovcr w h y . . . '

^ MonlNtopleSniobQ P ii IhanAnyOllMrCI^'y-ihtoji!" - I - - , ' - -■.--. ..T.|-.

L.Tbom4, "MT OWH Tot* fA M ie iA l^ llW to ^ - ■ -ff■ Mr 0*n fv e me ihc >lRhi iI.ri cal comedr star. yM .S■, on ciMrce.," ,re made my owe JC-d.r •It. 084r.,ic . pi,chc, n,(. ,n ildr«,il«.;hw ufBaJ A

; Cw«U Wt ih. ipoU- H'»-Camel, t o ;■* *■


Monday :

3 oif Oniong''’^ ' *

ed en Uw auae rain, abest debt n l~! p u t 14 lear^ and h u far**dte by OUve May C o o k - . ^ ^ ^ >

ite I Boise’s UP A Passes at J

ed a i«nt of BOISE. Aug. a Ital Frld.7, I t Meffert, O, Dnloa £I to tn ill .i.- freight aed pwcnn

ye jte rd a jo fa a 5 2 i,:lght-HiPipton —He -wt . tn c to tq a Ight and had to lodge. El Korah ihn fusion. Be got Eastern Star u d U» ck. clllc OldUm^ dA. I~ I Brigham City, D hvj MjinoA ■ ■ n a w m .9—Ur. and Mrs. -I 0 . E, Hirlley, • - j ,of Mr. Uld Mrs. » | | |

&AUTO , i "TheBmA N C E t ThoMshtm SiP<m 1® i MORTUA» C V t AMBDUKCtti

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