Page 1: IrIA -l=, · If". __ , -~~~~~ -I --- ~~~~~"' '~ I ~~., ieirnr,~~~jz~.--L T-,,," j, iit00= 1-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~‘ ~ ~ ~ W~l ~

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1, "-,X' -~~,,, i,':~Z ?-;-"n z -t--;-.P :44-4/ .L14 of ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ Th&~~st ho~o~o~is~compo~~ed 4W~l 4 to~~peak- C"-1ss Tha-t,1 o ,R' W,,,~,,,,-'--;., ~ 4f~4~~4. fklo~~h I ,la e~a . -"----~ m n4 '-4 ~- -,Tf~~4icY~%n~~ ~ ~andztgo~~np~~jow~ A 1 I tn~ is i ~i tat-~---

Iat n -- 1&1Uerhr- , " ,-o { i-7!te1iritX~ ~ ~' ~~ ~~hedt"' ' I4 tsesabu'lls, nd4-sir1kerL. :P4 Y, piaye4~ a,,t'"!~ veiy ---o,-tan ,,- 1~ hv~''-~ -,iro vng'*6 - bebta"Id ~ instden lif. ' ,, - I .- ~ ti~Arlwb~g ,liuildiig- Mr Excuses can -"' I .4 f(Jf1e ~s enIe.,asf&tE.Aas ~d-e~. w tl ~ o 1 ~ th. 2RbrtKWos-Ie I f-eIwyafrt-fl n j~iad b fetoftewr Bryol .Y it~T . h h ~ ',z ot n hue l.Ov iltemkeu nutbta'vihi tr-Iu~~.~b 0 ~ i B. Be, 4 ~~,-,,vlt R Ian - 4)4, ' Bro, R.''Bsnl, ,D ,, wsec4, 'pr"~ etr-s ~ -- -- - - e Thi , ~ I, , iPI I"tedd bredas~o the' .men on.Ct.i,-i " , hy r ie lassadte.I edais~;,adticepcIA. irl a~id, E, O`idhvda~P.r ----tiii~r- " *. C 3, .; ,-!,''-,~,,,-4.,,,js ne p, ,n tiie . for, ~ '~, ia,~".i'se-ttienients - . nd -42.-5, A

'SIeve--- A , T Ini Jr " IW,"-. 1j;1 4' ,.- , D; 3.45,,E., Whl -- ,i- dsrbl ',t sreJ. .b abui.;~uswnazhsil l- Wedy , c* 6c.-.-sign .-u fr-one gri raote, --

- at tha end'ofthewint~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~term., siicial q-` ,,~~i ,~.~;"~,,.. '--,I,,4~- -44.* -- 4-4*444~~~~- - , , ' -; ~ ~ ~,4 4.... .4-,"~,~'.Willianis 4- 4 .4' 4'~~~~~~~" "t- -'', I"

- ~~~~~~~R~~~~~a~~~~~z~~~~~oR~~~~~~~ RQLL. ¶eTPUS4 fl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~or~~~~~~~ntI~~~~~~~~~qs~~~~~~t19ns in city ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hursday-1215, A;4 2.15, B; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ 5110~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~;,Ilafo,: %ter. ii- ;s1e- A .S-arirao " 4 3 5E.- - erdupnhstl b tshud e1'T-.MeXE.H aeW.N aIo pe'niaa ( ria-1;5, 3 .5 ;.3 .gvncaeu huht4 Teore

~~~"'~~~~z~~~"j,"", !- .~~~Wt k 4 - nt nd to folo t e-or u:w ipBlnkl$lc . ~.BowC -~ug ~zt~,hj"`tti o 1II._. " , , " ~~~~~~~~~~-'11, 1"~~~~~~~-""", "I' -1'-,-111-1"-1,'1I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I , 11 , ,~~~~~~~~~ ,,;!,~~~~~,~~tU m , , 4 .p~ k r heis ',r~l g n: ellw, wl -dd iot . g w i g e arButtr- ild, BZhel, .A'.lctrranZ b"Vu~tftisd,,- . ~ . . atr;J ~4

j 'irT7- ~ ~ ,I I, n dctinlan cvklv Asintetet.Thrae i ,I-~ i ChrtoG.E I-C4 .Coy1Dnl v ~ hRthn e rls-Hia eiie4, th-case ahntighe .tia :%,,meIrIA ee; A -l=,the '- - cl -id'hue fo1v-itL w~k'Tec~~ are lixiiite -to i -n school ~ ,4- C. . raeJr1~. . Dk2 F C Lstr4 T~r L~rbe,'illmntc, lwyei~ Hs raticl.wbkei1~' eneac: he ae chd-,wh wll-sgnup'iitFrs,--di J.41S oi. '" - eid~lyfrcide nyozi lda olwY-- oe 4 rupbcueevroeesGd~~l~ 11 I~G n X W~$- a-. j`,pt tves r,. l'n-pol aogte eeetad Pona.4.Q ,A 2,C ,D;Ios 'ilg oc,-eras

H. Meyer, S~ Wh~iner~T F ~ F , ~Allei~, ~ - MT. W I s ,: ,l' .2, E - 4 - jo,-,'-,"in"ing1 a disciis'~,.,ibn *:op.. 1~~~~ N -hosJi. -E.~dn ~ . ~ itdf,.r- -Tusa-lA 2 ;2 B avs anuie ilmkMurphy, . I hesJi 86adset-h ~ AE" - -te-rud fte colo oe ,-Slae' J.* .,SISr, C L" Edwid~&- Jh Wexder -;lSta AJ. the er ei~tA~~ i h rda-i ;1, ;2C .5,eeigte is fnxtweo Thoas, -H B ThmasAW 5- 3S lli -y4ToybeeHaZ-ftheAE330.$. -- -, - 'dy' o b anou

- 'der iebbrr' . -~ ~,~,~,',," Y I CAS4l ,T R.11

IrX -,A F ohn U ? Corse - ii. .-- - ok for ..- bgin and,7 practice onTusdysat2.$ ndvasrswil b p~ied'wt3.~o~,J. W RCinbbr-Tn uhnl,$Advr hsmnyfiid ee. -. n Wdesa n Saturdays at4 -'',- course

Jr., C.-;rosV ~ tV. ~II ,e, Johr- w~rosby, Jr.t fIhockey- W. . - - -'" ' I Te a the monngsr-As r oteuie-t aegn. lhog-sm f-h d1aisa~~-GIlat1. " Y~finai66: -ca-ses-s.aftpreilud,

wel-, -"v,", -,--l , e ie t-m ro il b Kar-. Bodngca , ---- fol..rPu"-. olx~ as1 -bet s LF1 , Du euCrst.-h l mnwcitn to tak thi low: -kI

I -4-'-- 1 .4444 - 4 442-rigr, ~ -rokile P -- - - -rladische Dakebtiye-thr reeouhm ifi sho -, --.~ "' r KeepW --1:~~,,~ ~~'Heis7?.liook- M< ftteich. 11 l~ takeit. "--44

,.~A 09-,-" - - prluds1;y D'igridsch -4 Lag, ay.Lfeft auD. Mc1, iim , nb` H.?AB4 c"nkG.I'~4'anaBninsnTiuost-wllsig -4 -' I- adex~ Mr.Lillar-

Murphy, ljk-dho-sV OccupationsIISunday- .W.R~sel .,uoId-I ,viU ty tnshm-1s..~--re, i soprano,' -1I'---of hbttas, iln th& ouegu;aT.od ln, - uur cc .tln (WdniC. IU, N,,r Y 11-I Mrs., Cheever's' .Arnstron -t',"Shl;~iR~eWa* ahailJ. S 4 - . -2Hne ,E -dafi' eveing)-a- .N e4~i ae;Mr ie';'i eWrMr'Cafr

H. I akin -' '~ -:1i > Was ii''~ »LL ,; ls~ ~ ii~jj 4 in o i - .4Mis.; J:,-'. C, ak's- Daw- --I 44cours ouZhind': ,- the pam7Wakr. *, ak__:.- c" {x Cxaggat -~iatr. .~ ~e~ udok eidn 1i ~ ~ wl InAbot8Cev he,"Teo rin 'Z

I~j .-J- i .44'~ , '-~ ird~'2 orl.-Sym , Elin tuI I td- ' e usi C Euis, itiH be ?F-,'io~ wngt"ss- i in,' ma ig' -~~,4 , #,j ,- ,,,, I-W,,-' If "'! 'i ~~~~~~ ~~~~~- - 4 <'iWW- -4-. ~.-44~ -I Ititef gyi yF, nby -" " ~-' '-,1ltdrj~ on onep

tlrl~~~n4., '--' ~~~~~- -- t cr5; 44I44 , -

iltin ,ff, d" . f,4 r- II-Ly.~.,I4 - 1 I0,. , ,,Jaf,",~14,1 ' - -, -o~s-M s--Di- ~M-iton, "biA'. I';,v - -rr-, ,i t - ,W , s jagtu.' hitewr a~t 94~~~e ;4-Cas whi'tepswl e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

,,, 4 . - '4r.4--- tCe ~a t6 4 - : ., ue 'rs y-an ',- .-- ' - -1#'" I .chon

4 - w..4I - 4.I--,-4; 4,-.-' 4Hn s~ . 2l I I 'tIL~: 1 In-lf ,,li.~

4 `- "4 ' - -- ,I, - , ".44 4 *r -- -, ,,,. -, ~ -,- '

,,- . fV,-,- "I'll'orrow ev nn~~-,~~~,l ' RIM4X','~.4. --"4 t'44..~ ' -44 -- '-' ' 4

,,, ~~- I .~ ~ ~ -:A 44-44..-' , I II - - 1 -~ -: 4 .4- , ' 24" 44-'~- -

1~~~A --,-,, W ~~~~~~~ 4 i -~~~~~~',, ~~~- -I I'44 44 -4 - .V".I_4 1 '4-V~~,,~~~I,,-,~~~!,, w ~~~~ptI -dad 4..44f44t -:4. f

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Page 2: IrIA -l=, · If". __ , -~~~~~ -I --- ~~~~~"' '~ I ~~., ieirnr,~~~jz~.--L T-,,," j, iit00= 1-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~‘ ~ ~ ~ W~l ~

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~~~ PAGE TWO "! ,, !;-, , i $;4)

NM1 '1 ' ~,,~ ,-- * 1,~ a.~,~ ,b,~,,~,'~,~,,-,'-'~,~ I'"~--'' e", the ban if the fellows do, ,- - ,_ nofre h F Iiq iSu~ t4 ' "~'

Maigba Mik s. iinong."I.- , , `i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~vi~A"'~'-,IL P HAIOWZ., 6whol scoo wil os i. t' p ntretig r-' - -,~i~

,A;,- -, L ~ ,"'- . --. --- " ~`~' stay open. ' much." . - "''H T il r iiKCtftt r,'S, H.LAI.DZK,16 ~ ~ ~ 1 , II:,. ,---, --,~~-,,~,,,--""~~,~ ~~,!"4' ~ P' 15 .H , ~ , - To learn. A ine.ncan ,- -cI'-' CO~l-." ' ' " - r' , b-~ I___________________ GE- ~,,,~~,,'"'',~'~.~',t~--~l~',t',,,~iJD,, ,

,-~~~~~~~~C~z~aW , G.xULZ. ,6 ' iin esIJL-WLL '~ Y ,- ~ ~ '"' h Library hsrIve'eerltos fm-I~o ontye."W IEflYIA ?$ ,-" ~SWz~~~!, , ",zonu B RAWALL '13, , ,t~~ :. , ~ " ,. ;L " 1 ,

Ta- 1n,, r I ,aiv to ,~ "~ A'- 4'.,'-,_~!

noon~~ for-Satur account of to rent..- . .' I44Wuhatsa~,t,, bti ,hmudda o atttheriI on."atoth u '"o be abl to teach my coun- EDWARD , H Q M.,~Z-W hy''111 9"op" -~~~~~~~~~~~~-,Stiiit ti '~~~~~~~~`C'~~~`'-"'1 il N -'

commniction shuldbe a dors" pubishd bytheDar- trmensom of ales f~ous. 'Dove, N~H. - FJ WOI)dressed to he Busines MaagbaHnodmot Ouing te Clb. ." i~ . 1 Spr -." 1-114 - ' - -' Anoe repeent`ie,,P. Harroe, 00 BrtHl.Aover. _____________________WKiberl Sturt, 7BaY-et allTems sy~ a. SingIle~ !, ., C, s. ' ro an alumnus,, , of , , ,1 Philip' "'.' ~,j: I""' ; u frpace"ent

I-.S _ __'1____ ' ._!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-'' " .:W oth And - -, asEnee tteAdvrPs cdm hog h eUI- A,, Th ,ld AiT__&t#f~ ,~ TOPO, 17P~iiNalGN'seond clas mail matter.-versity Press, the Library has r- England ' ',-athsti esuen -_________________,-I Editor. * - ofocnsi mewlyurale '.,A. IPA F ATE IJanar 9191 bJ.P.n~r Iddins'ofthU S. Geolo-comfert&- 74 imme Co

,;~A ra da o icuso haso soure s aoluecnann the .8 SCHOOL bf I ILLIPS "INbencurntlteyabu tere ngih omso-Hny'-Kin'-;nUUIWtRSSL g 3 Oe~~,I-I$1.0e, . more enjoyabbrou -u th tyr. R,`s $.o,opnn f h mvess dr ihp o hcete''hInitog.ssasus e a* a~es evdt

. ,cueoftecndc ftene wrk fBso f ton o Fon -on ~ ~ I JE.WHT1f,-tae Iofthe " det inPhilips cadey i 184. BSTO -__of`_t__-J`--_______and priviege give them, Tree"morevolumes f the Geman -- -

degree-' which was entirely un1 eces- l ebnerstng m ' ' -:'!9

wilstl heqetosoth ai-Sl cti~n wolm Trisce's ec-, P`oueltts,,,, HARM"IA-,OR . D. .,, Ass ,it.I'"-' ~

theatre, ascoritte 'o mn'ha (-1 -13) o se v to''~, stndy_~,. -'"""fte -I

~~, ,,.,Tes o te D' trbervileand) A 1,1366aa s', exmntions have'bewhc hymyhv nmn,a,Ipi fbu ys passe by ou il"'4tua. wdeUpIn

Th'flli~&riduii7b Inh " Inxtwel "Sz'it__________. .,', ,~. ,~ J": j -'' 'BarardBio t.. , ,: ~ IL P.SCWAVA'13 .IuII -L .CO. JOHN ST-E-ART

- ing as good & time withdiif cans- Qolonial-"TheI Girlhas th ,fsromoUai' - '1n______-. ________________ __ ,,,'' . "- Yr"",,jovER--,,whichIae bou .to mOCake) otes CorI--Peg-' My Hart" Prep

unofral.'ooy'anst hbr-TeMdihtGr" SatPL TRGEIISTOA U11R

". i n . I I'l"-..taming good orde i te1teare HERR.I.Cply qure_ "'" ' raIer'

'soc' "coff.' '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A 4 'f

-- I -I,,~-.A,-._-Nr,,- RJIi- ___ -_ _ - ___1___ _ _.1 ~ ~ ~ rcda'16atIt-dti~ns saaCollegettSxo-e~cvd-- I" _ ~ ~t, ... "rqFJ)r

II ~ ~ ..--N1wa& I 'IV ,t - .- -~ -,- ., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ 4-- has - several~,, ~ I -III", Groaac B. Rmw~u~ 'IS The Library IeceOvedRAPv. ,Itions of~~~~~ME myfllv ouniymDer~3i" mf' m is iI- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -,,, '_,# -' 01,I~~~~~Rssm -, 'w m~ "~ -4'1

( ~ da dring thananol earo,"neH oiuu'i 6tr nad Xae -. .I " ,, Hs

N - ' "s---:Notce t Adv' ixrsI"' N~'E06y NZ nachpuk'a

-,' Dartmouth~~~~~~~~' llege, has- '.e'&_"Urcb1rI. To h m chage of dve.t S e cialhte-*=, -of"" '-.~pnt ~~~~- e - -,,I I

"f 4,''N' # Z iN ' N .'. ' . -_ . ~ -q

~~I~-, ' -EDWARDN~H - "QUN ';.i.

.I I" : --,~,~ ,N -' '9 N-, ' ' ' :" , I4"''Z'4N'9 ~ ~ , . I 'f'f:444, N. , ' - -

-~~~ 44"'' ~~~~~~~ ,~~~ 'C,(NI~~~~~~~"-'N'I,. j4NN ~~~~~~~~~ ~ , , -, ̀ , "I:N- 4 ' *- " _' ~ Ir SN ,N!I N N ,~4 N \N f4i _' - 1 - -I -,

-I - ;4iHarol-d mouthNN Outn Club. I V ""If " -- ~ ~~ I I. ~_, P. Hariower. 30.I , :~~~~~~~~~ :- SI

Page 3: IrIA -l=, · If". __ , -~~~~~ -I --- ~~~~~"' '~ I ~~., ieirnr,~~~jz~.--L T-,,," j, iit00= 1-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~‘ ~ ~ ~ W~l ~

If". __ , -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - I - -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"' '~

I ~~. , ieirnr,~~~jz~.

--L T-,,," j, iit00= 1-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~• ~ ~ ~ W~l ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M" i

I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~¶6r uueI o2tJ mi~~ jg~~tUF~~~~~~~~~~~~- '~C ~ g j1 ~ ~ .hfil- .W ~ ' ''

~. ~". _PP~4- - :4 .' ";' .- -.

.D , ,- I- ,-., " ,11~~~~~~ rr~* "ilioel-f ISatJi:, . M. _ ag ,.RH HIIl~G I - '"~~4~- -,M " 4"R.W.-S-Iit , -_W. F.Jet,~',~~ j " C.Kuke, f, n-H but1f i

-- -f.~ -," ~ - '~ ~J -:I.,~ L,,- g- , E. S.MCUy .?-C

- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *I"IFrigrrIf~L- ! 'Mrdc, C H .eters, L. A. ' __b '

Read Gea P.- - -~- . -________ KNOT FXOI"' ODM- IUltes.P i ~ Ie1O ,It-'1*. Murhy, 0. Ihid,W , p Coro, .~ Ehi..o-J, ..rsb, r., Bol iDnJoziJienvyI ie "I 4 rkO":-and h ~''~ I'lbh , "Moses1 -. _ W1 emn whoowIresfwthr~~~n ih, R.W-Snith', 1are, JfI.,- A..f.~-E.Stfinr .Sevn,,J I", , L'J '~ b,* ~ Anog h an osil se o u ffc uidhg as i on7I- fIUMLKJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - . , ,, I",'--.I",-0 .

I,, 1'4~1 "~I ~ _,,~ ~,-- owl ma b p t n hgrie e~~~i~resGoes S~es ~atCI TVIlt--',wi- h 'o htad6i n6aWol - ctW P1hm .l0-asc r1 . edoKpC.iFHnre ,ue n-ft~zxst ieyses mnybywthn teMr~-D.WaI~.r~ A H. Wls,,F. -I.. P 4 j -mli~, . E t b t ICp yzenis .iltar iqohSle attis~sn n azejrW:.WtinI).K ~~h*~~~ rliggo, oiddYe

- .T...----. -*I ---- srhIc~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~a i, F.. "'tt. Aan~ t le NT`:'" R WL Y & .~. 4,4eade,~ Mcfalne .s.TcIe,- h o y Is bena1 kndt sm oe. '0. ~~~Aii~~~rson, 1~~~~'AZ~~i~~rdibald W. erRH. M~~~~~~~~, G. P:M~~~~~r- :tl -e~~~~~o~dinary~~~~ak~~iess of-. it~~~~~~. -. -~~~~ - -, -~~I~~~~~~~~~~~M ac~d oe .!Sw K.PareJ.Peso, tndn army ., CarrollI. :c. , -,~,~~AMciaipoB~Ieit' H~.Fncks' 191, Charma ofth

. ~ ~ -; ' - C14 te1 -Sho,I ,-w- "'s'Ina r, ; ~3,J!,- -i~~ o miteo TweyOe writes_, 4- .- "I, -V '-A1 -,1Z 'O5Wf$J, ~ , ' , jt"- ~W r~iLP iC s j'. * ', . -e, :W M. --- I

11, "I", ,`t . ~ol~.-.Eig ~.$~O AAioy~.rD x h dtiso aoble$ .- D-Fiyn~r;,~W~A.G~A- gue.- -urpan arin meia wilbe-

- Anr1`15tntnr-.

;, v,'~~ Pf~lt,, 'M---1 1 .iR.dd umbM- _J. Currn, youg m n o-th_---I-~H is .~H pin ~C, -conryi a 18 rudimnr miitary~ - HukeI, HZ ~ . B. DoyI P.. &.Fa-nsworthI J* ti 1~ ai__iin . , wron that ~~" 64 ~p e~Hntr, ~;- C.;-nra,-,-G F ~. radL.yuneH.I.Hal in a - ,~~~~~~~ IRS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jewet,C.Mjde ,LA a siI-rL HAitb,; ~ ~ ,. cuf~weet,standing 1~, -

'~~"'' - Logn, F I--s. I c1iirin,'. .C.RadJ H _ e . hldn- _ tha you,! - smeIWlumanq ~ all 'MceeJr,- .~Bc~eit Jr. -: P:sivei~,J.;~ sua~; J~' nd shul pass through Yale NE tt"E.CONM .- ~;~Inea~ T r;e.,L 'th-h ii - F:. lht1ih t" -,hil- -trIn,. o-rselves for, usefulness in_,,-- :~~~Pei~e,, W rrn, KQGUS itou fstafchOR c t- -t - -I - --. ,-,

I.- 11'- i ~ .Rbi~o;E L.ocU..--PYSCS- iliayIrie ee~huhte'-, - - -

. , "I T arn rJ ~ agtW B .- F. ew, B6A,''."W~KthnA . -:' - ---. ,,e.lowes- -,A.l I PtN;oN ~ -_;,P W~ W ~ it ~ -_ Mc~ra I., C- ratow. . -- .'Al--l -. - -,& seems,' --''"I R2M ot , R.',, "I -Wide - ~~"-_ afidIT.H - -~,) -',- .-,I~.. .. p,~`;?, ~~~ - ~ -. ', :,~-,' R1-~41o, les,, E. E. Sch ,,., :%" . u', 0 "Ii-s *, -y,,Sun~ 145. Hat ho~o~aa aud Tast .. E HA!~CAL DRAING Sh reiii Shepa S1I- ~ " o'A; G~~P iah i~'stc-i, 6 rd,11B.1 SnowN '- - ,t -

"V, ~~~~~, .t~er~ ,A-,, , 2, C4{,._ Spencer, -... Torrey,- ;- -;--. -<- LO E ------- -.- V, - TZ~Ktci, 7 ,-GtExHIOR Mzoca GloC.' wiH.' ra eam a . * * $.

'Ill 'call "__ -'-- IGERI-N B.1Y.Bre'ster, I)-. . Brown, J.P. oojns-MONDAZ I 11-~,, e,'R. HOSIERYI- ', IWEDNE & Z~~~~~~a~~ ~~'and E' - -- H,," : Fin C.-Fitch, - ',,, - -- "iert r'` - .- `, -; , ̀ ~ , - -. --

II -, , ~~~Co~~z, G E.-ook -A. 'P. ' viShy an D . i-o~ , W..., B. ,"'- --_ UNDERWEA - > - ---- -',_-..)TIW s ~ -, l~iH..Farr ,PB.I n- C M5,Y~ -: - n-,-diumH dhatefha ever --na~ usn o

II-4 M;' , .I . Pe*; H RACE, s J H.- ~ - brnIIrv ._ ~e~~r~~; ~~Haft4- --.k-'J`r . -. - - -- IhT. `. I'-DUTEE -

I - - ~ A. -. ~~ N.STRE,-tS ',~~~, - - - . .- 1Boyd, . -W1 . *, - H S 6-M AS' -" -~. - hseI .'W."-.CushiIgI.E.-A. Feb-1 1 , L -wes W.B~llaA.' fli' - -- -- `-- -- -- -~~~- ,L"oe G R u- is "F Ut E.4S." `'HtilB , , "` " -- S A

~,I ' _. V_ -ri J`-- i!chan e f It., -- ,..T,, -. SEA-SGR COM`AN-~ - -~ - - - --- 4 is- 1l#---. - ~

, . , -,-- .

Page 4: IrIA -l=, · If". __ , -~~~~~ -I --- ~~~~~"' '~ I ~~., ieirnr,~~~jz~.--L T-,,," j, iit00= 1-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~‘ ~ ~ ~ W~l ~

~~~v:PAGE FOUR I ~~~~~~~~AI , -

The clas in achaeoloy willee~tiozs~ .~Apba Delta" Ph-S-d-' ~i~'The class hi andolphBartlet, 113 f toll~rsit the earthwork- know ti Fort "adiM~* SI~r j

. - Grahamsoine time this~wintei, - A s HgIdPrIl. da -t~V

trip to -{Sa'enn and" the* PNabody Ciso Cr6nag'31o-1 ic ~t~al'ii.~e~ IUbW

C Musum a~iarvrd ~iI1 b ar-N. 15.; JgpzesGoud, 13,-of` Phila- pa Oe l~~ '~

-ranged after Nwer.delphia.~IPA;. ih oley4i,.A Yae-h ~~~yo p ~EBYTf/~ 4 I~C ~ ~ 1 ThiMr,,- William-; Taylor of Haver- fBoky,;~Y..DlaKpapilfi~t ha s1rt4tia a** 7AIu

IIhspresented the depaten Psln-!Edi~ird%.Lawrence' Da.- self-supportingset .h ok ' ~r"~ss Av 1wihsome ston visee~so'~ 4, 1j3, of1Philadelphia, Pa.; Wi[- for: his-, bo c'it ~shimself, P~Fi4W~I ~ .

along -the' Meriiina&'T'Wer nearit ~.oey nOhjrl Q raSome interesting chipped stone 1 f~.Yr iy oel ~ hog'nI&lai~O. " cuAu*,

ong the' Merrimack river of nearYork Ciy N.ewa the ~nn'setnn'dte forch D141n, itools have been received fronr-NewMxc htlsy 1,.errTepeetTa~b uto s C Jersey by --Mr.,, Moorehead< il ~ .o ~s.Anajom~bhdo APT OLCAFE l

Abibliographyd -f references to week__`__th_ I tint''the Indians of Maine has been'Conm- "'cafe' of which ol mun o ' 'late(tio Cae, 4gin ~pletcd by the Curatoti and will bePHLIAN bit $80 rte college year,sie W evelite-bt___________added to the report upon ecplora- 'f fte eesr furitu re- and luce. ' HTE

tions in the State of Maine and The following, P. A. '4 men are books may be secured as loans, and -

published at some future time, heln$h Y10es Jh lo Ti ight glscihe allowed-for each': , " : V~II~ AMr. Moorehead epects some Woolley of BrooklIn N. Y.- St! TO ANDOVER 2OYS;`- ~"'

tine during the winter tio visit sev- JhWadlJr", of Memphis;i tee tms.syas 50 e ,

eral f' 'te larer mueums nd Te.; Jaes Wiliam usted Jr.,Week4 _or~$18 -per year for, laundry, ' rt mxny~ §Ma R-e4 mom irosrs f aTIPm '~IIAUj Dei-A of -the lairiger museums and Ten.; James William Husteargeddaies.Jr., I usraley deeto the ackusf11$5dIue to NWth!~W1of

study collections on exhibition in of Peelks1cil, N."- Y.'; 'Azel Farns- n$1fgsbcrtis:ad.m those institutions. - worth~ Hatch of Northapton,- ~cideiitas-r lun a total of'-$288.I9afr~ca~

___________ ~Mass.;-Joseph Hi6con Ctolewani of A. student who 'pays hislway and 'Fo teub~mous,* ~'toyar Fa kL. eP. A. Men Make Yale Societies La Crosse,' Wis.; Frederick Daniel lives comifrtaly but cbeul ap~~e o"leae aU1 e oovrtiudtm, to, --

Grab of Yonikers, N.,Y.; Williani go through- Yale6 onlssta b 70 The folowingP. A. men made Pease Morrison of P,4ands,_ C ti itedit'or g n smi da B)'oucq .auo osQ b1aejtoin .,

bloting nd, vactio"' e -"ik ancedmpldI, Weatewell tuated at~'Thytow FRI_________________ ________________ _ dothipg ~ nd vaat ion' expthusedson 'where' ire: can' a ~ moIt

which vary ral.' ardS- 'twentty-ive boys andfiftseinasters., :F~WALTER AREC,

student would be'tuitin$5~s~e-' ,' ~~rent and'iarie. bf rom $125;- board "Unsal scboolp i $a

$20;, furnitue $75; laundry $5 -The books $3.O;~~~~subscriptions and iz~~~~* C. THE BLAKE ' OL an aarng Ik

cidentals-.,.$25; 'aiqusemenhts $5 WIK .OOA~ laautr

VA N D E R B IL T To~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t of Harv~ard has -- '~em

-H ote1 - ''-"tti

'-p - - ' stted is oinio as o whther.-.,~.,$700 is suflicient at Hiarvard inite -' -- - -' - .> ., ~~~~~~~~foll~wing:,SboIhld a y~iinjni b - "" ~ to~othr~d~hollegeL7Q Weh_ cipe~ iei

"' " - '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~a- year? -CianJesk' tee n~t7wr-- -r '

Vhr Fourith 'Struct Harvard.'-,A great znany~stftdentsEAST at 'Park ~ - - -do Iso. ThMeun~Voidable expensesH RC O fk1 LNE ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~xtiiia$150; uoard $150;'-aid, NECKIFS

NEW.Y0.PK -CITY room' $g4; makting atotaof $354. - lF TeN~BT- ' ~Allowiftj something fpr books, sta- Y ,

________________________ - '- ~~tiory ad--possibly laboratory RBSCAPS, MAC W9A WS. IE AE .KN~n

TI -' -' ' -' -. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~fees, it, ma-ouhybe said that -

An Ideal Hotel with anJdeaIS Siiin' the, unavoidal epnses ahunt - -teeartcesare sl-a WALTON B. MARSHALL, blanager to $400, 1year lThis-eaves $300,: -redsdnable- prices.-, - No-neat

which' is -a confortableg'iiiargiw to' gooto 'w d' pyhor6." q-Tre il~tclg'pay, or suc 'tenecessary ex- ~ d -efac

_____________________________________________________ourw fid~wdisplay. t- - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~penses as- clothilig, waslifng and~the te7tl oeii xe~ssy

desirable '- amount of. recreation.` T &"in9g'5aLBotmlI~t.`EDWAR'IE.'rsdn -C .W Secretay -- Not only should a yog ti~n be ' - -frttew6epc oILW.TEUFEJLstloPra. T.F.T0OMSY.Anett 9 V.P....H LTfOM4S.AWa.Tft&abeto o-trog Harvard. on -tto. :

EDWARD -HINES LUfMBER C0MP.AtY- '$700 a yeur, but-at the-same time-___~~- ' '- - 'hesh'ould beable to tAe-part inite us- i"&''

Main Yards and Offlow UNCOLN STREE, South 9f Bin sW Avenue, CHICAGO vrosphlnrpi;sodaad/athletic activities, which are io ur- ',.,16

portant a, part of tli`,college ife' Y~4~4e.rri~~~s~0As proof, of t~his 'it xiay be- stated'-, -- NO~,M~S '~MiR.1NETthat several -of -the- highest, rank -. F - F.cYS*~~l

scholars' and -several' udrrd- ate leaders arqpepndinj less -tha

President Hibbep of Princeton

asserts- tV.e- imittation is, iif '-

too great at Princeton , in~ Vqo- ' '

man -could go throug"h coleg 'mosml1f*I~l u

j~ea~iartes forAijyti ~an Ev t~i~inj~u~- ' cmfortablyban$7004 ayear. FromK& 1LIV I I ASHINGLES~~~AND LA~~h - - - -~our 'Treasurrr's. offlce, I have' ob- : - ZJI L7& Ja'~ar* -

Largest Stock in City Hec'a uns l isi IES taedteflwigifoatn -'T D U!' -

concenn tesuensfractual P P R4 x-l to3030100fet ad llsizs oitS Ili WHITE I college expenses Pai oteTes i ItJ

-' YLLOWPINE, NORWAY'adFR.urr-- - - -

- - -' - - ~~~~~~Aapunts pe- Yr. No StudentXs?" Office and Yard Long Distant Phoni:--,-,CANAr" 349 Ls hn$0 -'-_____

City Trade d PotPeiies Our SpecilyFbm10V$0 - '6 " '~~

- - ' ' - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~From, $20to $300.- ''. ->, -- '~; ',¶5

_____________________________________________________________________________ - - -C'- - ' ''''~~~~~-m-''~ ~-~'~--- .

There's' Safety and E&conomy~~ inDepeding Frm$0 o 6( 0 '-' '' " '

Fro~r~$Q~tO3$8Q 422'ArgeIIu*teUpon N~~w, ~~Exigi~~d's Ore~~4est Store for 4800 V9( ~ -~

Y OnivrhpigNe .' Eeer-Cy "I * '(pJ7~- - ~~ Y'i dI'-'.hk~rheyheueha.-'-~'"- i'- wiC -4

-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r Ihl64 ,

'C''~~ -' , ~~ C' 3~- ~ ~ FVUI ~PIDV'9"''E1 xpur h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-''C

- ~j~ .,Ths sor .hs-plogdfr-e~ tdns e enanpuieb~Mi~}M"'"'~- -5-

qw; pp~~oo . urnshiig Git Atiles W.Wrgh okoi~'2''5-. . ~ ~ 5

'Deal ~A~~ikjw Sho t'' J5II&Df~l. ~'~~atj~fleq~-M~izt bee n sa4,' "' -g

pp ~ ~ ~ ~ xtr 23'Mlo~ inrnpf"~ '~* .*1;~~~ ' 2 ' . 5 -' '""C 'I W"' igh5'N ' NTA E'

"' ~~"-" 'v your i~±dividual ~ ~W~wit~j. A.O.,9H rsli~ -s <;Cs<~s

a -ou§~~ .~A1~~b ~~ at" bnige. ~~~ --~~ ~ ~ - -

.~4,CCV~~C't -c AN. "a ~ ~ ng*,.

~~ "4O~~~~~ -~~~ "'eSeC' 00

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