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Design for Advertising

Nicola Kilgallon

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This poster for Irn-Bru has two references. The picture on the left is of a chick. This represents the ‘Just been laid’, as its just hatched from an egg and the hen laid it. The other reference, which the advert is actually meaning, is a sexual reference. This reference makes the advert funny and the more people who find it humorous are more likely to try and/or buy the product.

The colours used by Irn-Bru are orange and blue. This is the house style they use through-out all their products. The two colours together are eye catching and the blue stands out against the orange background.

The font used is clear, yet a bit all over the place. This shows that it is nothing too serious, and it is a joke. It shows the image of the Irn-Bru can at the bottom and the website, so people know at a first glance what the advert is for.

The target audience for this would be teenagers to people aged 40, I doubt young children would get the joke in it. It appeals to the audience as it has a joke that older people would understand and find amusing.


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This advert for the newly named ‘Sugar Free Irn-Bru’ keeps the colour scheme for Irn-Bru, but changes it around to distinguish it from normal Irn-Bru. The background is silver rather than the usual orange, and the highlighted bits are orange rather than silver.

It has the fact on that it has always been sugar free, so when it was named Diet Irn-Bru, it was sugar free so nothing has changed apart form the name. This is done in a lighter blue than the rest, it works because it lightens up the poster a The poster also says ‘The totally obvious new name for diet Irn-Bru’ helps get the message across that it isn’t a new drink, just a new name. It is done in capitals and a bold font, to make it a clearer message, so that people don’t stop buying it.

The words with arrows on, e.g. sky, road and pavement make the poster look a lot more casual. It makes it look unfinished, unlike a lot of other adverts that usually always look complete and posh, for example, Coke.

The target audience for this poster would be anyone who usually drinks this drink. People aged 14-45. It manages to reach the large target audience by keeping it simple, yet factual and effective.


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The Irn-Bru 32 advert has a man dressed as a cuckoo bird. As the drunk is an energy drink, it is to wake you up in the morning, as does a cuckoo bird. The mans costume is blue and orange, the same colour scheme that Irn-Bru use for their products. The man is pulling a facial expression, showing that he isn’t tired in the morning after having a bit of the drink.

The font in this poster is very bold and in capitals, it stands out even more with a darker outline. The orange and silver sticks to the colour scheme, as the silver is for the diet products. ‘Wakey wakey’ helps advertise the product as an energy drink, meaning that it will wake you up. ‘Need a lift, dozy?’ helps the audience realise again that it is an energy drink edition of Irn-Bru as it gives you a lift. It has a website link at the bottom of the advert, encouraging people to go on the website and see more.

I think the poster reaches the target audience of teens- 40 year olds as it gives off good jokes and is funny. It’s important that it reaches the target audience, so it can sell more. I like the idea they the advert is funny and jokey, as it seems more casual and like anyone can buy it.


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This advert for Irn-Bru is another humorous advert that reaches the target audience of teenagers to people aged 40 by making it funny. The couple have just moved in together, helping them reach the target audience of people who have moved in together, are in the process of doing so or are going to in time to come. The man is at an age within the target audience, helping the audience feel sorry for him and to be able to relate to it.

When the man walks in, he doesn’t like the idea of all of the pink things in house, however when he drinks the drink he is on the girls side and says that Spanish football was getting tedious. When he discovers that her mother has moved in, he has to have another drink before he can says ‘no problem, what’s mine is yours’ to the mother. This helps the slogan ‘Irn-Bru, gets you through,’ meaning that if you have Irn-Bru, you will get through any situation.

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The origional Irn-Bru can has an orange background with blue writing. The Sugar Free Irn-Bru has silver background with blue writing and the Irn-Bru 32 can has a blue background with silver writing. I like how they change the colour scheme around to make each can different, but it is still clear the can belongs to Irn-Bru.

The fonts they have used are very bold and in capitals, just like the other so they all look the same and are very readable. The 32 is in a different font with an effect of light coming off it, I think this is effective because it represents energy, as the drink is an energy drink.

The colour of the font of ‘Irn-Bru’ is silver, this works well against the electric blue background, the silver looks a bit like metal, and iron is a metal. It stands out a lot more than the orange. ‘Energy drink’ and ‘bigger can’ are in orange, as they are important but not as much as the actual ‘Irn-Bru.’ ‘New’ is in yellow, showing the importance.

The slogan ‘great tasting stimulation’ means that the energy drink is to stimulate and give people energy. Some people don’t like the taste of energy drinks as they have a different taste normal drinks. However Irn-Bru is trying to show that theirs tastes great so more people are willing to try it.

The audience for this drink would be people aged 16-30. It looks like more of a males drink because of the colours but it could be used for people who play sport or people who have to get up early and need an energy boost in the morning,

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Red Bull have a colour scheme of blue silver and red. With the font usually being in red, I think it stands out more against the blue and silver. The cans have little detail on, usually just ‘Red Bull Energy Drink’ on the front. I think this is effective because it says clearly what it is. The slogan ‘Red bull gives you wings’ is written over a blue and silver background. This is so if the writing was on its own and not along side a picture, people who have seen Red Bull before can recognise it and remember which drink it is. The slogan ‘gives you wings’ means that if you have a can of red bull you will have lots of energy and feel like you can do anything, like have wings that isn’t actually physically possible. The bull also represents that if you have some red bull, you will get energy like a bull.The image of the can has a wing coming off it, representing the slogan and that if you have a drink of Red Bull you will also have wings. I like that the advert is very simple yet the wing is detailed, adding detail into the poster. The target audience for this drink is students and people within the age range who are just older than students. Red Bull is used in bars and clubs too, no other energy drinks usually are.

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Monster energy use bright neon colours against a black background for their colour scheme. Different flavored cans have different coloured fonts. The font they they use looks like scratched and tares made by a monster claws. I think this is effective because it fits the purpose well and the name. The slogan ‘unleash the beast’ interprets that if you have some of their energy drink the energy it contains will unleash the inner beast in you, making you able to do anything with ease. This advert clearly shows that this drink is an energy drink. The only picture on it is the ‘M’ on the can at the front, made from the claws of a monster. It is effective because it has the three scratches yet still manages to look like an M. The bright colour represents the energy as it is bright and powerful. The target audience for this poster is male teenagers. They advert is more situated towards males and it is a design that teenagers will be interested in. I think this poster would be more effective with social networking sites somewhere.

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This advert for the ‘Hippo’ energy drink uses the slogan ’Keeps you going’ because its trying to show that when you’re tired and feel like you want to give up, having this drink will make you determined to keep going. The white font against the dull background makes it stand out and look energetic. The work ‘Going’ is in bold and capitals, making it stand out more and stick in the persons head that reads it. The background looks like a reserved place with not much in it showing if you do exercise here you only need this one drink and you will be fine for energy to get out and won’t need another drink for energy.The can is effective because the colours stand out with the red and gold and I like the idea of using gold because it makes it out to be ‘the best’ as gold is a valued thing. It clearly says it is an energy drink and the fact it is sat in ice makes it look like the best as it stands proud in it. The only thing I dislike about this poster is the lack of information. It could have links to social networking sites or a logo or anything in the corners to make it more recognizable. I think that the target audience for this advert is for people who like to go running as it gives off that idea most. People aged 20-30 may use this drink as the advert uses a nice sunset view rather than something more typically teenager.

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This energy drink advert is for Powerade. There is no label on the drink however I can still recognize this bottle as Powerade. The bottle has the juice bursting out of it, implying that that is the energy and the man in the bottom left of the picture is running with lots of energy. This advert shows very well that this drink gives you energy. I like the idea that the juice is bursting out of the bottle. The black and blue colours in the advert work very well. The black is just the background and the blue is the energy. Above the man there is a heart monitor record showing that the heart is beating fast as it has energy. The blue bursting out of the bottle also signifies the energy.The font is bold and simple and thhey only use three words. They used the word ‘Power’ relating it to the drink its self. This advert could have put the drinks name on it so new customers would be able to look at it and think they would buy it, yet it doesn’t say the name so only people who have already heard of the drink know the name and which one to buy. There is also no links or small information on the advert such as where to buy and social networking sites. With the bright neon colours and the design is blue all over the place I think this advert is best suited to male teenagers aged 16-24.

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This is an energy drink can of Boost, the can is based on the colours blue, white, silver and black. The can is very simple, with not much copy on the front at all. All it says is ‘Boost’ and ‘Energy.’ This is effective because it gets the point across straight away and makes it very clear with the white font on the black background that it is an energy drink. The size and font of the copy is kept bold and simple. The ‘Boost’ is the font that they use on the chocolate bar so it is recognizable and the font of the energy is in italics. I think it is good that the font is simple because it is easier to read and more memorable. The design on the can is simple yet effective. It has a design of the colour white bursting up from the black and dark blue, representing the energy inside the can. It think this can could have more of a design on it but the one it has is effective.

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