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Source: The Conference Board Global Leadership Forecast 2014-2015

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Source: CPA.COM Insight into the CPA of the Future Study 2014

Only 8% of CPAs are Future Ready

Future Ready is the capacity to be aware, predictive, and

adaptive of emerging challenges, tech innovations, and trends and changes in business, population, and

social environment.

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Maryland Public Company Collaboration Top Four Issues

1.  Learning & Talent Development 2. Global Structure of Finance

Function 3. Managing Risk & Innovation 4.  Insight to Action*

* This started our journey to research the competencies needed for accounting and finance professionals to provide “insight to action” and shift from reactive to proactive.

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We started looking “inside” the CPA Profession and our work with the AICPA to define the CPA of the Future with the CPA Horizons 2025 Project…

We added research from Deloitte, Financial Executives International, APQC, CFO Magazine, the Conference Board, and the CGMA and found variations of these top competencies

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Competency Research

Then we combined our industry knowledge and research with Daniel Burrus thirty plus years of working with the Fortune 100 companies and discovered the top missing competency was Anticipation and a series of related competencies on the next slide.

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ANTICIPATION  Strategic  Thinking  External  Awareness  Vision  Con7nuous  Learning  Innova7on  Crea7vity  Problem  Solving  Priori7za7on  Business  Acumen  Decisiveness  Influencing/Persuading  Emo7onal  Intelligence  Consensus  Building  Collabora7on  Inspira7on  Risk  Management  

The competency of “anticipation” actually includes a number of competencies included in many of the top companies of today and the CPA Profession as well.

Across these models, you'll see a common theme of "strategic thinking," "innovation" and "leading change."

Many of these organizations build (and validate) fantastic competency models and know what they want people to do.

The beauty of the Anticipatory OrganizationTM model is that it offers a clear process that makes highly-abstract leadership competencies attainable and trainable. 

If an organization wants to make "strategic thinking" or "innovation" a core competency, we can provide clear, trainable activities that can be targeted to a wide range of learners (from individual contributors to senior leadership).

We provide the bridge between the competency model and the desired observable behaviors.

Anticipation – The Critical Competency

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ANTICIPATION  Strategic  Thinking  External  Awareness  Vision  Con7nuous  Learning  Innova7on  Crea7vity  Problem  Solving  Priori7za7on  Business  Acumen  Decisiveness  Influencing/Persuading  Emo7onal  Intelligence  Consensus  Building  Collabora7on  Inspira7on  Risk  Management  

An7cipatory  Organiza7on:  Finance  /  Accoun7ng  Edi7on  

CGMA Competency Framework

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The Anticipatory CPA / Finance / Accounting Professional

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From: Reactive To: Preactive & AnticipatoryFrom: Crisis Management To: Opportunity ManagerFrom: Problems To: Solutions

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Top Five Barriers1. Not enough time.2. Being reactive versus

proactive.3. Doing more with less.4. Information overload

(standards and regulations).

5. Managing change.

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