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ISO 45001 Update from BSI Webinar 28th April 2016 Presented by Sally Swingewood, Lead Programme Manager at BSI for OH&S management systems

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ISO 45001 timeline

2013 2014 2015 2016

July - October

committee draft ballot


Port of Spain, Trinidad

2nd committee draft developed

March-June 2nd committee draft ballot

June Dublin, Ireland

DIS drafted

September Geneva, Switzerland

DIS reviewed

May DIS ballot closes

October 2016 scheduled publication of final



London, UK working draft



Casablanca, Morocco committee draft developed

June Toronto, Canada

DIS comments reviewed, redrafting

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Current status

HS/1 Occupational Health and Safety Management 28th October 2014

• The ballot on the draft international standard closes on May 12th

• The UK committee is finalising comments to submit to the international committee

• We will be submitting around 100 comments, reduced from 300 received from the public

• These will then be considered in the international meeting in June

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Key UK issues


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HS/1 Occupational Health and Safety Management 28th October 2014

What are the key remaining issues for the UK?

1. Organizational competence 2. Terms & definitions – for example, ‘worker’ and ‘workplace’

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Your questions…


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Is there a known timeline for removal of OHSAS 18001?

• OHSAS 18001 will only be withdrawn if the OHSAS Project Group endorses ISO 45001 in its final draft

• The OHSAS Project Group is actively participating in the drafting of ISO 45001 with the intention of ensuring a natural progression from OHSAS 18001

• If approval is given, there will be a three year migration period for organizations certified to OHSAS 18001 to move to ISO 45001

• The three years will begin on the date of publication of the new standard


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Is the standard going to be released this year?

• The scheduled publication date is end of October 2016

• The draft international standard (DIS) ballot and commenting period ends on May 12th

• At least 66% of participating countries need to vote to approve (with or without adding comments), with less than 25% voting against, for the draft to move either to Final Draft International Standard stage, or directly to publication

• The number and type of comments received will determine how quickly the next stage is reached

• If the ballot approves the DIS, the standard may publish this year (this may be affected by the extent of revision needed after comments have been considered

• If the ballot disapproves the DIS, there will be a second DIS and it is unlikely to publish this year


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How easy will it be to integrate ISO 45001 with ISO 9001:2015 and/or ISO14001:2015?

• This should be easier than in previous years

• All three follow a common clause structure and have the same core requirements

• For organizations complying to one or both of the 2015 standards core requirements will already be met – or very close to met – for ISO 45001

• For organizations about to implement multiple management system standards it will be easier to build an integrated system from the outset

• Details matter: each standard has additional emphasis and additional requirements reflecting the topic, on top of the common requirements

• The core requirements ensure there is not a conflict between the three different standards


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ISO 45001 requires top management to demonstrate leadership and commitment, but does not require it to be competent. How is this being addressed?

• This is a key concern for the UK

• The UK is proposing additional requirements about organizational competence as well as more expansive guidance on this subject

• Experts will take this to the international meeting and argue this is critical to the UK’s endorsement

• The UK guidance standard, BS 45004, will cover this topic in depth


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How will ISO 45001 relate to the Health and Safety at Work Act?

• There is no conflict between legislation and the new standard

• All standards are voluntary

• A key requirement in ISO 45001 is compliance with all legal obligations

• ISO 45001 provides a framework to help organizations manage OH&S risks – that includes managing legal and other requirements

• The HSE is involved with the UK committee and attended the last international meeting as a UK expert

• BSI continues to work with the HSE to address any issues raised


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Why is there no definition of OH&S?

• Experts agreed that occupational health and safety is a commonly understood term which does not need a technical definition

• Extensive discussion took place over the exact term used – ie whether it should be occupational health and safety (OHS or OH&S) or occupational safety and health (OSH)

• OH&S was chosen in part to support the need for greater emphasis and controls around occupational health risks


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What specific application, if any, will be considered for the offshore oil and gas industry and other hazardous industries e.g. nuclear?

• There are no specific applications in this standard

• The standard is generic and written to assist all organizations, regardless of sector, size, geographical location or maturity

• Organizations are required to consider their specific context in relation to the OH&S management system: this an on-going and all-encompassing requirement which applies to each part of the standard

• BSI is open to proposals from different sectors with regard to more specific standards being developed


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