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IranThe Flotilla

The Goldstone Report




SyriaEgypt"Peace” TalksAmerican Pressure

Worldwide Anti-Semitism


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Our Friends in Egypt

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“Democrats” in Egypt?

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I was just wondering...

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And let’s hear what the “moderate” PLO truly thinks of

the “2-state solution”

“pal ambassador to Leb” (2 min)

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Arafat & Abbas’ Mentor with Hitler

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• PLO Executive Committee member Zuhir Muhsein (in an interview published in the Dutch magazine Trouw in 1977):

– "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity…Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism."

• Why was the PLO created in 1964 if the “Occupied Territories” weren’t occupied until 1967?

• Why hasn’t the PLO ever changed it’s charter?• In 1974, Arafat & Abbas (the current “moderate”) wrote the

“Phased Plan” which documents how the PLO should take whatever land it can get from Israel through negotiations, and then use this land for the military assault to annihilate Israel.

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But Bibi wants to make concessions to the real enemy.

• The “Moderate” Abu Mazen:• Holocaust Denier, Munich Financier, Author

of PLO’s Phased Plan to destroy Israel.• We won’t stop until all occupied territories

are liberated and our capital is Jerusalem.• The “right of return” will never be given up.

And he’ll recognize Israel but not as a Jewish state.

• He’ll never disarm the terrorists. This is understood, as his group, Fatah, has committed more terror acts than Hamas since 2000.

• It’s ok to kill Jews, but for now, only outside the “green line”

• He and Arafat have never lived up to any of their obligations – they’ve never even changed their charter calling for Israel’s destruction.

• His guards even tried to assassinate Olmert in 2007 before the Annapolis conference.

• And Abbas’ “more moderate” PM Fayyad pays condolence call to terrorists who try to get killed trying to murder Jews.

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Now let’s see what the PA has created in their children

•“What could be better than going to Paradise?”

(3 min)“kids” then “shahada for kids”

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So how do “palestinians” behave when they grow up?

“lynch” (2 min)

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Two days ago, Sabri Saidam, adviser to Abbas and under-secretary of the Fatah Revolutionary

Council, told PA Arabs in a speech that “the weapons must be turned towards the main

enemy [Israel] and that internal differences of opinion must be set aside.”

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What did they do to the Fogel family yesterday?

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Udi and Ruth Fogel

11 year old Yoav Fogel

4 year old Elad Fogel

3 month old Hadas Fogel


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What the PA doesn’t show it’s children

• Joseph’s Tomb - 1900 & today in Shechem - the Arabs call it Nablus, [from Napulus] and they claim they’ve been there for thousands of years. They claim that they are Palestinian, even though the Romans named this, too.

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How did it get this bad?

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It all started right here – Where’s Our Flag?

In 1967, Israel became the “Occupier”Israel became “The Goliath” instead of “The David”

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And in 93 it became Israeli vs. Jew

And we went from Justice to Pragmatism

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What have we received for trying to “fit in”?

• The more land Israel gives away, the more Jews die.• Many more Jews have died from terror acts since 93 than in the prior 45

years of the state. • So “peace” is really “death”.

Shalhevet Pass Gal Eisenman

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The Muslim World has 1,200 times more land than Israel.

Why would dividing Israel bring world peace?

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How did the Israeli Government Respond?

- by evicting Jews

“gaza out” (4 min)

How did the Israeli Government Respond?- By Evicting Jews

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Why Did the Soldiers Evict Jews?

• Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu _____ ______• 47% of Jewish Israeli Junior High School boys

completed this sentence in 2005 (in Holon).• How many of these boys had set foot anywhere in

Jerusalem before they entered the army in 2005?• Only 28% • They don’t know who they are, and they don’t

know why the Land is Ours, so of course they’ll expel their fellow Jews from their homes.

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Then we started “Counting the Olmert”

----------------------------Ehud Olmert became Acting Israeli Prime Minister

and decided the best way to win the job permanently was to evict and brutalize Jews.

Let’s see what he did at Amona.“Amona” (9 min)

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So Running Out of Gaza lead to…

• The 2006 Lebanon War fiasco– We used only 30,000 soldiers to fight an army shooting

bullets as opposed to 50,000 to throw the Jews out of Gaza

• Operation Cast Lead and Goldstone fiasco– We stopped fighting during the day to feed the enemy and

then we get blamed for war crimes by a Jew who sentenced 27 South African blacks to death for as little as possessing an anti-Apartheid flyer

• The Flotilla fiasco– We sent our boys armed with paintballs to fight murderers

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But now “the world” is against us like never before!!

The Gaza Expulsion was supposed to put “the world” on OUR side

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Khaled Abu Toameh- JPost

• He understands Arab behavior, but he can’t figure out the behavior of the Israeli government –

• Why do they keep trying to make peace with people who obviously are lying about wanting to make peace.

(Israeli ambassador)

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Why Are We Losing?

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And What Does Bibi the “right winger” Do?

- He accepted “Palestinian” statehood and the two-state paradigm for peace

-He froze Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem;

- He has continued this freeze without declaring it - as construction is down 72% since the same period prior to the freeze.

- He has drastically curtailed IDF counterterror operations in Judea and Samaria

- He has enacted an undeclared abatement of law enforcement against illegal Arab construction in Jerusalem;

- He has enabled the deployment of the US-trained “Palestinian” army in Judea and Samaria.

-And now he wishes - in a unilateral move – to create an Arab state in J&S

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14 out of 27 Likud MKs came to a

Manhigut Yehudit wedding in January

Including the Knesset Speaker and 7 ministers

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“Speaking the Truth” (5 min)

Let’s see how a proud Jew

-Moshe Feiglin, President of Manhigut Yehudit -

speaks to President Obama

(last year, after Obama’s Cairo speech)

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We Want Israel to be “A Light Unto the Nations”

We threaten the total control of the Establishment

Our message is NOT one of “reciprocity”

It is one of Jewish Pride – and we are making great progress.

This is a true revolution.

-------------We need you. Won’t you

join us?

[email protected]

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We Want Israel to be “A Light Unto the Nations”And we threaten the total control of the Establishment

Our message is NOT one of “reciprocity”It is one of Jewish Pride – and we are making great progress

This is a true revolution.

• 1 Hour of Jewish Education in School per day: Education for ALL Israelis based on Jewish values and instilling Jewish identity.

• Installation of Democracy based on Jewish values: A constitution will be enacted to preserve Israel as a Jewish country – the first step being to introduce legislative districts.

• Remake the Justice System based on Jewish values: the Supreme Court will not elect its own members anymore, nor avoid Jewish concepts in favor of leftist ones (as it did on the Expulsion)

• Financial & Energy Independence: Stop taking aid from the USA. It’s only 2.5% of our GNP, it will make us money, end our unemployment crisis, and enable us to regain our real & perceived sovereignty. We’ll initiate a massive government-run plan to develop alternative energy sources.

• We’ll end the Oslo Accords:– We’ll honor our biblical covenant with G-d and annex & settle all the Land of Israel that we

liberated in 1967.– This plan also honors the philosophy of common sense – namely since the Arabs have attacked us

and lost these territories, they deserve to have a penalty. As such, they will never recover these territories.

• End the Arab Uprising:– Among Israeli Arabs and in the territories. – The Arabs will know democratically that Israel is now not their home. (schools, taxes, welfare

payments, language, building permits, etc.)– The “peace process” costs Israel $15 Billion every year. We’ll use the funds one time as incentives

for the Arabs to leave. We can afford to give each Arab family at least $100,000 to leave.• Return Moral Strength and Power of Deterrence to the IDF: The world must understand that we will

strike first when required, and we will enable the IDF to destroy our enemies if required. We will remove the words “proportionate response” from our vocabulary. (Khaled Abu Toameh agrees with us…)

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So running out of Gaza brought us…

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the Lebanon War Fiasco

-----------Defense Minister Peretz surveys the War through

closed binoculars

• Olmert only used 30,000 soldiers to fight an enemy which used guns and killed 162 Jews, whereas Ariel Sharon used 55,000 soldiers to expel unarmed Jews. We can see who they think is the real enemy.

• He didn’t use enough soldiers, and he didn’t use them quickly enough because he wanted to win the war without winning any land.

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And then it brought us Operation Cast Lead

– where Israel actually stopped fighting for 2 hours every day to deliver supplies to the enemy

- and its infamous Goldstone Report where we get blamed anyway

And then the flotilla disgrace..

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We send our boys to fight thugs - armed only with paint balls!

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Chaim Weizman had this to say:

• Weizman, before the British Royal Commission, 1937: • “The hopes of Europe’s 6 million Jews are centered on emigration.” But when asked if they

could be brought to Palestine, he answered, “No… the old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They are dust,,,in a cruel world; only a branch shall survive. They have to accept it; if they feel and suffer they will find the way – Be’acharith hayamim (when the Messiah comes, all the dead will be revived) …There is no place for the European Jews in Falasteen or in the Land of Israel/ Eretz Yisroel for that matter…


• At the same time, he and Ben Gurion were telling European Jews not to listen to Ze’ev Jabotinsky, as there was no problem in Europe. Jabotinsky was telling them that they must leave Europe immediately, as they are on the edge of the abyss.

• Nothing has changed in 73 years. In Israel, the “enlightened Jews” are still dominating the Jewish Jews, even though only approximately 15% of Israelis are properly “enlightened”.

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What Really Happened? Haaretz Editorial - July 8, 2005

• Haaretz said that they know this plan is

• Bad for security, • Bad for the economy, and• Bad for the “peace process”

• But they still favored it. WHY???

• “The real question is who sets the national agenda” - The Israelis or the Jews.

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So What Have Our Leaders

Actually Stood For?

• They wanted Israel to be a “nation like the other nations”. • They wanted Jews to become Israelis.• As Shimon Peres said in 1996, “The Israelis lost the

election”.• It’s the Settlers who the “Israelis” say are stopping them

from being accepted by the world. Therefore, the Settlers are the true enemy. To the Israelis, the Settlers are “the Jews”.

• The State, the Law, democracy, etc. are their gods.

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Bibi’s Resume of trying to have Israel “fit in”

• Pledged to end Oslo, but continued it, resulting in Jewish bloodshed (Shalhevet Pass)• Responded to Arafat murdering 16 Jews by giving him 30,000 rifles• Released Jew-murderers and those who went on to murder over 30 Jews (Iwad

Sawalha); Yet he gave up on freeing Jonathan Pollard• Voted in FAVOR of Sharon’s Expulsion, yet quit 1 week prior to its implementation

when it couldn’t be stopped.• He says that he is working to strengthen the “palestinian” economy and its security

and governmental institutions to “make” Abbas into a partner for peace, so he can continue Oslo, even though the Likud’s charter is opposed to Oslo, and even though his electorate opposes it.

• He has frozen all Jewish construction outside the green line – even Olmert didn’t do this!!

• And he is starting up the “peace talks” in the next few days, and multiple sources say he has made a “secret deal” with Obama to freeze Jewish construction in Jerusalem, too.

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Israel needs to be a Light Unto the

Nations – NOT a Nation Like the other nations

• In time to come the mount of the Lord’s Temple shall stand firm above the mountains, towering above the hills, and all the nations shall turn their attention to it.

• Many nations shall go there, saying: “Come, let us journey to the mount of the Lord, to the Temple of the G-d of Jacob, that He may teach us his ways, that we may walk in His paths.”

• For instruction shall be coming from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

• He will decide the disputes between nations, and arbitrate for the multitude of peoples.

• They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks.

• Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they experience war any more.

Isaiah 2:1-4

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“Speaking the Truth” (5 min)

Let’s see how a proud Jew

-Moshe Feiglin, President of Manhigut Yehudit -

speaks to President Obama

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About the Gush Katif refugees

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The Last Kadish – 2 parts

• [years] have passed since the evacuation and thousands of evacuees are still unattended in temporary dwellings in caravilla sites. They do not have permanent communities, the unemployment skyrockets, the communities are torn apart, the loss is immense and thousands of evacuees lack a solid ground to restore their lives

• But WHY do the LEFT WINGERS want to help these homeless Jews?• The neglecting of the evacuees from Gush Katif could prevent the

legitimacy of the government to undertake similar moves in the future.

Even Prominent Left Wingers think Israel is abusing

the refugees!

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How did the Israeli Government Respond?

- by evicting Jews

“gaza out” (4 min)

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Then Sharon used 55,000 Soldiers to evict 10,000 non-

resisting Jews

“gaza out” (4 min)

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5 Years Later – How are the Gush Katif refugees doing?

• Over 1400 families (85%) still in temporary housing• Construction of only 3 synagogues has begun• 18% are still unemployed, but twice this number are underemployed• Small businesses: Only 100 out of the 180 small businesses

that were located in Gush Katif were re-established after the expulsion, many only achieving partial productivity.

• Farmers: Only 28% of the farmers were able to begin farming again, either as a result of inappropriate infrastructures or because of inadequate monetary compensation.

• Social Challenges:– Many divorces and family crises– Many children have terrible traumas and are having serious

difficulties in school and out of school– Heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer rates have doubled

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The funds provided the refugees are

not nearly enough.Please make your checks out to:

“Friends of Gush Katif”-------------

And to make sure this doesn’t happen again, please get

involved with Manhigut

[email protected]

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So What Happened to Sharon?

• Raviv Drucker of Channel 10 TV and Ofer Shelach of Yediot Acharonot, who both personally supported Israel leaving Gaza, made the following claim in their June, 2005 book “Boomerang”:

• That Based on talks with persons very close to the Prime Minister,

– the Disengagement Plan was hatched up simply to avoid Sharon's indictment (and of his two sons) in the Greek Island Casino and the campaign finance scandals

[“Mishal” – start at 2:30]

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Let’s take a look at what Gush Katif was…

“Gush Katif” (to 6:19 then to 7:48))

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“Let my people stay!”

A Commemoration and Analysis of Gush Katif

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So running out of Gaza brought us…

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Israel and the Flotilla

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"If ships reach Gaza - victory, if terrorized by Zionists - victory.“

Ismail Haniyeh – leader of Hamas

“We Con the World” (5 min)

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• PLO Executive Committee member Zuhir Muhsein (in an interview published in the Dutch magazine Trouw in 1977):

– "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity…Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism."

• Why was the PLO created in 1964 if the “Occupied Territories” weren’t occupied until 1967?

• In 1974, Arafat & Abbas (the current “moderate”) wrote the “Phased Plan” which documents how the PLO should take whatever land it can get from Israel through negotiations, and then use this land for the military assault to annihilate Israel.

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A Few Words From Hamas

“Hamas” (4 min)

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What the PA doesn’t show it’s children

• Joseph’s Tomb - 1900 & today in Shechem - the Arabs call it Nablus, [from Napulus] and they claim they’ve been there for thousands of years. They claim that they are Palestinian, even though the Romans named this, too.

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And how do the “palestinians” behave when they grow up?

“lynch” (2 min)

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Almost all Soldiers Followed Orders in Expelling Jews from Gaza. Why?

• They didn’t know if they were helping or hurting their country.• They said they were defending “Democracy”• But they couldn’t define Democracy.• If ordered to shoot non-violent protesters, they said they must

“think about it for a minute”.• If ordered to, they said they’d take down the Western Wall.

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• Join our local chapter (Yocheved Seidman is our volunteer coordinator)– Come to our Annual Dinner every Shushan Purim – Distribute our weekly Shul Newsletter – talk to your

friends about us. Tell them that a “Jewish Leadership Alternative” exists! Set up more presentations.

– Contact your local media to promote our ideas• Tell your friends with Israeli citizenship to join the Likud

ASAP• Of course – we take donations too

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

What Can You Do?

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• Stop blaming obama, stop blaming Hillary stop blaming bush•  the problem is not obama, it's not hillary it's not i don't know, thomas jefferson, it's in the

israeli leadership•  shmuel video• israel belongs to the Jews (note where

in the Torah• Add:•  • Jews are from Judea•  • Arabs are from Arabia•  • Words matter, and that’s why the enemies call our land the West Bank, because if they

called it “Judea” then they couldn’t make us give it away.•  • why arabs call jerusalem "al quds"  •  • even though they say that the Temples never existed

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Now Bibi the “right winger”

• Pledged to end Oslo, but continued it, resulting in Jewish bloodshed (Shalhevet Pass)• Responded to Arafat murdering 16 Jews by giving him 30,000 rifles• Released Jew-murderers and those who went on to murder over 30 Jews (Iwad

Sawalha); Yet he gave up on freeing Jonathan Pollard• Voted in FAVOR of Sharon’s Expulsion, yet quit 1 week prior to its implementation

when it couldn’t be stopped.• He says that he’ll work to strengthen the “palestinian” economy and its security and

governmental institutions to “make” Abbas into a partner for peace, so he can continue Oslo, even though the Likud’s charter is opposed to Oslo, and even though his electorate opposes it.

• He has frozen all Jewish construction outside the green line – even Olmert didn’t do this!!

• And he is starting up the “peace talks” in the next few days, and multiple sources say he has made a “secret deal” with Obama to freeze Jewish construction in Jerusalem, too.

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So What Have Our Leaders

Actually Stood For?

• They wanted Israel to be a “nation like the other nations”. • They wanted Jews to become Israelis.• As Shimon Peres said in 1996, “The Israelis lost the

election”.• It’s the Settlers who the “Israelis” say are stopping them

from being accepted by the world. Therefore, the Settlers are the true enemy. To the Israelis, the Settlers are “the Jews”.

• The State, the Law, democracy, etc. are their gods.

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Does Israel need American “Help”?

• American aid ($2.7B/year) actually costs Israel money, and her sovereignty. It’s trade minister agrees.– Costs Israel 100,000 manufacturing jobs– 75% of the aid must be spent in the US (Israel upgrades the weapons

but the US companies own the technology)– Israel is now seen as the 51st state. This must end.

• Israel came up with $10B to evict the Jews from Gaza without any help from the US.

• America enforced arms embargo in 48; “forgot” its pledge to defend Israel in 67; insisted Israel absorb 39 scud hits without response in 91 and then withheld loan guarantees and forced Israel to Madrid, tells Israel to always respond “proportionately” to attacks; and has always supported the slicing of Israel, and has never pressured the Arabs.

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• 2 months ago National Union MK Michael Ben-Ari said the following about the Likud: Registration Yes, Loyalty No.

• There is nothing inherently wrong with registering for the Likud, Meretz or Labor. Put a faction and vote contractors together, and we can tilt the political map to the right. Those are the rules of the game in the primaries.

• Registration and voting in the primaries is one issue. Voting in the general elections is a different story. That is the method. Nobody expects the people who register to actually vote for the party. It is all a game and those are the rules of the game…

• Those people who voted in the Likud primaries and strengthened Feiglin and Boaz Haetzni relayed an important message…

• Those people who see the idea of registering for the Likud as a tactic are doing something smart…

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

Are we on the right path?

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• In the race for head of the party, Moshe has climbed from 3% (2003) to 12% (2006) to 24% (2007)

• In the 2008 Primary for the Knesset slate, Moshe finished 20th (should have been in the top 10) but was pushed to 36th.

• 13 of our top 15 recommended candidates won seats, whereas only 3 of Bibi’s top 15 won.

• We have 140 seats in the Likud Central Committee (the largest faction), and there is probably an election coming up this year – but Bibi is trying to delay this permanently.


Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

What Have We Done So Far?

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Now let’s hear a personal message From Moshe

“Moshe address” (10 min)

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Let’s See what the “palestinians” teach their


(1 min)“kids”

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Now let’s see what the PA has created in their children

•“What could be better than going to Paradise?”

(2 min)“shahada for kids”

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• End PLO Terror• Destroy Terrorist Organizations • Educate for peace, no incitement• Preserve Holy Sites• Recognize Israel, change Charter• Work out conflict with dialogue only


• They didn’t even ATTEMPT to fulfill any of them!

“Palestinian” Commitments

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• Why was the PLO created in 1964 if the “Occupied Territories” weren’t occupied until 1967?

• The original 1964 PLO Charter says that the “Palestinians” have NO CLAIM to the “West Bank” and Gaza, but after the 1967 War this was revised.

• In 1974, Arafat & Abbas wrote the “Phased Plan” which documents how the PLO should take whatever land it can get from Israel through negotiations, and then use this land for the military assault to annihilate Israel.

• PLO Charter (1964 & 68) & the 1974 “Phased Plan” call for the armed destruction of Israel by the “Palestinian People” and for Palestine to replace Israel.

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Shul Newsletter DistributionThe Shul Newsletter is a great

way to get our ideas spread throughout your community.

1- I send out the Shul Newsletter every Thursday. Do you receive it?

2- Print the Newsletter - Print out as many Newsletters as you think you’ll need and bring them to your shul.

3- Printing Tips4- Distribute them 2 ways5- Forward the Newsletter6- Email Rob to add your friends

directly onto Rob’s list

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Bibi, the “champion of democracy”?

- In 2006, Bibi gave the vote to the Likud’s membership to remove the party’s reputation for being corrupt. Now he does this:

- Changed the voting rules after they were approved (people must cast 14 instead of 10 votes, including 2 for the Olim slots)

- Reduced number of polling stations from over 200 to 91 (they were removed from areas where Moshe is strong), and reduced number of voting machines in areas where Moshe is strong (400 voters, 1 machine in Kiryat Arba)

- Moshe still came in 20th

- Bibi’s aide filed a bogus suit to move Moshe down to 36th, and it worked.- He tried bringing in a new party’s list and adding them in front of Moshe- And in mid-Dec Bibi said: "I finished off his entire faction after I changed the

voting system…If I hadn't fought against him, he would now be in the 12th slot on the list, with another two MKs.”

- From Dec 10 to the election, Likud went down from almost 40 seats to 27 seats, as Bibi ran away from the Likud’s own charter and from Feiglin. Why?

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How Do American Jews

Feel About Israel?

• In the US, over 80% of Jews think that the Arabs’ goal is to destroy Israel, yet over 60% of us support the creation of an Arab state in Israel;

• Whereas 80% of us over 65 years old feel that the destruction of Israel would be a tragedy, approx 60% of us under 35 years old feel that the destruction of Israel would NOT be a tragedy.

• What’s going on with us? Some of it is America, but…

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Chaim Weizman had this to say:

• Weizman, before the British Royal Commission, 1937 on the impending Holocaust: “The hopes of Europe’s 6 million Jews are centered on emigration.” But when asked if they could be brought to Palestine, he answered, “No… the old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They are dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world; only a branch shall survive. They have to accept it; if they feel and suffer they will find the way – Be’acharith hayamim (when the Messiah comes, all the dead will be revived) – in the fullness of time. There is no place for the European Jews in Falasteen or in the Land of Israel/ Eretz Yisroel for that matter…


• At the same time, he was telling European Jews not to listen to Ze’ev Jabotinsky, as there was no problem in Europe. Jabotinsky was telling them that they must leave Europe immediately, as they are on the edge of the abyss.

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And what of Ben-Gurion, et al?Everything was done to keep Labor in power-

predominantly by downplaying Judaism.

• The “Saison”: BG delivered 500 Jewish freedom fighters (and killed one) to the British in the early 1940s who hung 12 of them. These doomed souls were in organizations not under his control;

• The Altalena: In 1948, BG & Rabin MURDERED 16 defenseless Jews swimming to shore after initially giving approval for Menachem Begin’s ship to arrive;

• The Kastner Affair: The Moshe Sharett government fell in 1955 after it was concluded in Israeli court that the Jewish Agency (under BG & Sharett) refused to help the not yet doomed Jewish community of Hungary, and even colluded with the Nazis to some extent to save Jewish Agency officials at the expense of hundreds of thousands of “regular Jews”;

• The Yemenite children Affair: The early Israeli government under BG took thousands of Yemenite children from their parents and placed them with secular Ashkenazi families to de-Judaize them;

• The “Israelization” of the Sephardim: BG forced new Olim to look the right way (by cutting their peyes), and send their kids to the right schools (non-religious) in order to get a job. These immigrants stayed religious for 1900 years of exile, but the Israeli government stripped them of their Judaism in just a few short years in order to create Israelis who would vote for Ben-Gurion’s Labor party;

• The Ringworm Children: During the first years of the state, the government took 100,000 children, told their parents they were going on a nature hike, and radiated them with 20 times the dose of a normal x-ray to rid them of a disease which goes away on its own;

• The Temple Mount: 2 hours after its conquest by the IDF in 1967, Moshe Dayan ordered our flag to be removed, and he handed control of the site to the Muslim Waqf. [In essence, this said to the world that we RENOUNCE our claims to our holiest site, and therefore we ARE occupiers!! And the same was done to our biblical heartland.]

The Arlozoroff Murder : Blamed on Jabotinsky to keep control of The Jewish Agency in 1933;

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• Let’s take a look at “The Ringworm Children”

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• We are offering a positive Jewish message– A message of hope and building up our Land

and our people• We can’t have faith solely in the ineptitude of

our enemies, as the right has done for so many years, as the left will step into this vacuum with its ideology of destruction.

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

This is nothing less than a revolution

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We Want Israel to be “A Light Unto the Nations”

We threaten the hegemony of the establishment because we are JEWS FIRST before we are Israelis

• Our message is NOT one of “reciprocity”• It is one of Jewish Pride – and we are making great

progress in Israel! This is a true revolution.

• Jewish Identity• Jewish values• Jewish atmosphere• The sanctity of Eretz Yisrael• Reliance only on ourselves and Hashem• When we know who we are, we’ll make the right decisions

• Thank you for getting involved!

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Before we look at our platform,

let’s take a look at the

Israeli Recycling Service

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Why do the “palestinians” behave like this? Why?

“history of hitler and muslim waffen ss” (4 min)

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And What of our other Leaders?

• Begin – Gave away Sinai and actually created “The Palestinian People” – For what? Egypt is arming to the teeth in preparation for the next war.

• Shamir – Attended the precedent-setting Madrid Conference, offered autonomy in J&S, and took 39 scud hits without responding

• Rabin & Peres – lied to us that they’d never meet Arafat, signed Oslo, and then if he turned his guns on us, that that would be the end of Oslo. They changed the situation from one of Us vs Them, to one of Those on Both Sides who want Peace vs. Those on Both Sides who Don’t.

• Barak – Offered Arafat our Holy Jerusalem and ran out of Lebanon.• Sharon – Destroyed 25 Jewish communities and evicted 10,000 Jews from their

homes. And he destroyed democracy to do this.• Olmert – Lets the Arabs desecrate the Temple Mount & offers to give away ½ of

Jerusalem and all of Judea & Samaria.

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And Bibi the “right winger” ?

• Pledged to end Oslo, but continued it, resulting in Jewish bloodshed (Shalhevet Pass)

• Responded to Arafat murdering 16 Jews by giving him 30,000 rifles• Released Jew-murderers and those who went on to murder over 30

Jews (Iwad Sawalha); Yet he gave up on freeing Jonathan Pollard• Voted in FAVOR of Sharon’s Expulsion, yet quit 1 week prior to its

implementation when it couldn’t be stopped.• In 2006 said that a “Palestinian” state in J&S is “a fait accompli”.• In 2008 said that he’ll work to strengthen the “pal” economy and its

security and governmental institutions to “make” Abbas into a partner for peace, so he can continue Oslo, even though the Likud’s charter is opposed to Oslo, and even though his electorate opposes it.

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• How much of what he showed to us is exaggerated to further his agenda?

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• What is his goal? – Where does he expect to be in 5 years. – What is his relationship to Israel and does he plan

on living there?

• Why doesn’t he live in Israel if he feels that it is so important that he be politically involved in the country?

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• What do you see as the future for the State of Israel?

• Given the support for a two-state solution by President Obama and countries in the European Union, how can Israel manage not to accept this solution?

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• Do you envision Israel as a theocracy?

• Why does he feel that religion should be taught in the schools? – Not all Jews believe the same and everyone has a

right to educate his/her children or not according to individual beliefs.

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• How many other political parties agree with his agenda? – Do they have alliances with others? – If other parties don’t agree, why not?

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• I would like to know what he wants us to do about the political agenda in Israel. – I as an American do not have a right to tell the

Israeli government how to run itself!– I would not want Israelis telling our government

how to run itself and I resent it when it occurs.

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• What exactly is he looking for besides a donation for his cause?– Of course, a donation;– Tell your friends that we exist, and sign me up for speeches with them;– Sign me up for speeches at other organizations you belong to;– Tell your Israeli friends & family to join the Likud party (it’s only $15 dollars per year) so

they can vote for Moshe in internal Likud elections;– Distribute my weekly Shul Newsletter (both online and by hand);– I’m looking to give you hope that we have a brighter future, and I want you to get involved!

• Is there a way for us to keep up with his accomplishments in Israel.– Give me your email address and I’ll sign you up for our weekly updates.

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Restoring Jewish Values, Pride & Integrity to IsraelThe Difference Between Moshe Feiglin

and the others is that We Want Israel to be “A Light Unto the Nations”And we threaten the hegemony of the establishment

• 1 Hour of Jewish Education in School per day: Education for ALL Israelis based on Jewish values and instilling Jewish identity.

• Installation of Democracy based on Jewish values: A constitution will be enacted to preserve Israel as a Jewish country – the first step being to introduce legislative districts.

• Remake the Justice System based on Jewish values: the Supreme Court will not elect its own members anymore.

• Financial & Energy Independence: Stop taking aid from the USA. It’s only 2% of our GNP, it will make us money, end our unemployment crisis, and enable us to regain our real & perceived sovereignty. We’ll initiate a massive government-run plan to develop alternative energy sources.

• We’ll end the Oslo Accords:– We’ll honor our biblical covenant with G-d and annex & settle all the Land of Israel that we won in

1967.– This plan also honors the philosophy of common sense – namely since the Arabs have attacked us

and lost these territories, they deserve to have a penalty. As such, they will never recover these territories.

• End the Arab Uprising:– Among Israeli Arabs and in the territories. – The Arabs will know democratically that Israel is now not their home. (schools, taxes, welfare

payments, language, building permits, etc.)– The “peace process” costs Israel $15 Billion every year. We’ll use the funds one time as incentives

for the Arabs to leave. We can afford to give each Arab family approx $200,000 to leave.• Return Moral Strength and Power of Deterrence to the IDF: The world must understand that we will

strike first when required, and we will enable the IDF to destroy our enemies if required. We will remove the words “proportionate response” from our vocabulary. (Khaled Abu Toameh agrees with us…)

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• We are offering a positive Jewish message– A message of hope and building up our Land

and our people• We can’t have faith solely in the ineptitude of

our enemies, as the right has done for so many years, as the left will step into this vacuum with its ideology of destruction.

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

This is nothing less than a revolution

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Bibi, the “champion of democracy”?

- In 2006, Bibi gave the vote to the Likud’s membership to remove the party’s reputation for being corrupt. Now he does this:

- Changed the voting rules after they were approved (people must cast 14 instead of 10 votes, including 2 for the Olim slots)

- Reduced number of polling stations from over 200 to 91 (they were removed from areas where Moshe is strong), and reduced number of voting machines in areas where Moshe is strong (400 voters, 1 machine in Kiryat Arba)

- Moshe still came in 20th

- Bibi’s aide filed a bogus suit to move Moshe down to 36th, and it worked.- He tried bringing in a new party’s list and adding them in front of Moshe- And in mid-Dec Bibi said: "I finished off his entire faction after I changed the

voting system…If I hadn't fought against him, he would now be in the 12th slot on the list, with another two MKs.”

- From Dec 10 to the election, Likud went down from almost 40 seats to 27 seats, as Bibi ran away from the Likud’s own charter and from Feiglin. Why?

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The Solution:The Israelis need to be Jews; they

need to be a Light Unto the Nations.

• In time to come the mount of the Lord’s Temple shall stand firm above the mountains, towering above the hills, and all the nations shall turn their attention to it.

• Many nations shall go there, saying: “Come, let us journey to the mount of the Lord, to the Temple of the G-d of Jacob, that He may teach us his ways, that we may walk in His paths.”

• For instruction shall be coming from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

• He will decide the disputes between nations, and arbitrate for the multitude of peoples.

• They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks.

• Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they experience war any more.

Isaiah 2:1-4

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How does the Israeli Government Respond?

“gaza out” (4 min)

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Manhigut Yehudit’s Co-Founder & President:

Moshe Feiglin

• Moshe Feiglin is the President of Manhigut Yehudit and a candidate for Chairman of the Likud party, for Knesset.

• Manhigut Yehudit is the largest faction inside the Likud party, and it is in lockstep with the official Likud charter.

• He led the Zo Artzeinu non-violent civil disobedience struggle against the Oslo Accords.  Moshe graduated from Or Etzion yeshiva, served as a captain in an IDF combat unit, and is the author of the books Where There are No Men and War of Dreams. 

• In 2007 he came in 2nd place behind Bibi Netanyahu for the head of the Likud party, and he is the Likud’s heir apparent to run for Prime Minister.

• We anticipate he’ll be Israeli Prime Minister within 2-3 elections.

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Israel’s Commitments under Oslo

• Recognize the PLO, to be called the Palestinian Authority (PA).

• Transfer land: exact amount to be determined in interim deals

• Allow a PA police force of 10,000, without known terrorists

• Give the PA small weapons (rifles) to help them police and destroy terror

• Educate the Israeli public for peace


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Restoring Jewish Values, Pride & Integrity to Israel

• Is there any hope?• Is the country ready for a leader who is Jewish before he

is Israeli? 80% of the country identifies with this.• Moshe Feiglin came in 2nd to Netanyahu for the Head of

the Likud in 2007.• Now, Moshe Feiglin is polling in the 5th spot on the

Likud’s Knesset List for the next General Election.

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• 1 Hour of Jewish Education in School per day: Education for ALL Israelis based on Jewish values and instilling Jewish identity.

• Installation of Democracy based on Jewish values: A constitution will be enacted to preserve Israel as a Jewish country – the first step being to introduce legislative districts.

• Sunday: Will become a weekend day. It will be easier to be Jewish, but there will be no religious coercion in society.

• Remake the Justice System based on Jewish values: the Supreme Court will not elect its own members anymore.

• Media: We will end the monopoly of the media by the “Israelis”.

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

Revitalize Our Jewish Identity

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• Energy Independence: We will initiate a government-run and funded plan to develop non-petroleum-based energy sources so as to provide ourselves and the world with clean, abundant energy which will provide us and not our enemies with funding.

• Financial Independence: We will stop taking aid from the USA. This will make us money, end our unemployment crisis, and enable us to regain our sovereignty.

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State


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• We’ll end the Oslo Accords:– We’ll honor our biblical covenant with G-d and annex and settle all the Land of Israel

that we’ve controlled since 1967.– This plan also honors the philosophy of common sense – namely since the Arabs have

attacked us and lost these territories, they deserve to have a penalty. As such, they will never recover these territories. We believe in the policy of “Peace for Peace”, not “Land for Peace”.

• End the Arab uprising: – Among Israeli Arabs and in the territories.– The Arabs will know democratically that Israel is now not their home. (schools, taxes,

welfare payments, language, building permits, etc.)– The “peace process” costs Israel $15 Billion every year. We’ll use the funds one time

as incentives for the Arabs to leave. We can afford to give each Arab family approx $200,000 to leave.

• Return Moral Strength and Power of Deterrence to the IDF: The world must understand that we will strike first when required, and we will enable the IDF to destroy our enemies if required.

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

Security and Our Land

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Israeli arab uprising

Land for peace




The Arab League

Arms from Sinai and Egypt into Gaza


THE Moderate Mahmoud Abbas


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There is no military solution.

Israel is occupying Arab land.

Land for peace.

Israel needs the money from the US.

Israel can’t go against “world opinion”.

The real problem is the Arabs, right?

The Israel leaders are, and always have been, heroes. Haven’t they?

Do American Jews have a say about what goes on in Israel?

What Messages are we pounded with daily?

Israel MUST make concessions.


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What do we want for Israel & What is our connection to


• A state like all the others, or a Light Unto the Nations?• By supporting the Israeli government unconditionally, are we

just praying to a new Golden Calf?• Can we do anything to fix it, or are we just

doomed for more Olmerts, Baraks & Bibis until we disappear?

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And Now?

• Olmert – wants to make concessions to the Arabs to stay in office.

• Livni – says she knows the Arabs won’t live up to their agreements, but supports further concessions anyway.

• Barak – says Israel won’t take the necessary action in Gaza as this could disrupt the peace process

• Netanyahu – the “opposition” leader who doesn’t oppose anything.

• Winograd – publicly stated that they didn’t blame Olmert too much so as to continue the important peace process.

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Sharon vs. Democracy

• 1- He ran on a re-election platform AGAINST Unilateral Disengagement (this is why he trounced the Labor candidate Mitzna), but within a few months, he changed 180 degrees and advocated Unilateral Disengagement. THIS DISENFRANCHISED 63% OF ISRAELI JEWS WHO VOTED LIKUD OR TO THE RIGHT OF LIKUD. (69 OF 112 JEWISH SEATS IN THE KNESSET.)

• 2- He called a Likud referendum to vote on his disengagement plan. He said that he‘d abide by the results. He lost and decided to forget about abiding by the results.

• 3- He changed the punctuation marks in his plan and called it a new disengagement plan, and in order to get a majority in favor of it in his cabinet he fired 2 cabinet members.

• 4- He threatened to and then fired 2 ministers who voted against Disengagement during the first vote in the Knesset.

• 5- He refused to call a National Referendum on the “Disengagement”, and he refused to call new elections.

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Rav Avraham Yitzhak Kook – 1st Chief Rabbi of 20th century

• "The Land of Israel is not something peripheral [to Judaism], it is not an external acquisition or national asset, it is not a means to collective solidarity [national unity], nor even to strengthen the nation's physical or spiritual existence. The Land of Israel is an independent unit [with it's own value], bound by the bond-of-life and a living attachment to the Jewish People, connected to them through a deep inner uniqueness, with the nation's existence."

• "Therefore, it is impossible to comprehend, understand or appreciate the essence of this inner unique sanctity and holiness of the Land of Israel, and to reveal and actualize the depth of love for her [by the Jewish People] through any form of human conceptualization, or rational human understanding, but only by the "Spirit of G-D" that is in the soul of the Jewish People and acts on the nation as a whole.“

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• Israeli leaders are corrupt• They offer no ideology• The Israeli leaders promote only withdrawal and

defeatism in the name of democracy. • They don’t offer Judaism. (That’s why the flag is down.)• And now:• Israelis have no hope

– 1800 in Rishon LeZion every Thursday night line up for food.– Rockets bombard Israel’s south every day without response.– They don’t believe Israeli will exist for long.– They’re getting German passports.– They don’t believe the Jewish narrative anymore.

Or is it something else?


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So What’s Really Going On In Israel?

And how did we get here? - Let’s take a look.

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How do Jews in Israel feel?

• They see corrupt, defeatist, politicians everywhere. They see that when they vote left they get left, and when they vote right, they still get the left.

• In Israel, the majority of non-observant Jews think that Israel won’t exist in 30 years, and they are preparing for this. The doom and gloom and hopelessness are everywhere

• Most non-observant Jews in Israel & worldwide accept the “Palestinian Narrative”;

• Why does everyone accept the Arabs point of view?

• Why doesn’t Israel state it’s case better and stand up for its rights? Why does Israel insist on bending over backwards to appease it’s enemies?

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Does Israel need

American Help?

• American aid ($2.6B/year) costs Israel money, and her sovereignty. It’s trade minister agrees.

• America enforced arms embargo in 48; “forgot” its pledge to defend Israel in 67; insisted Israel absorb 39 scud hits in 91 and then withheld loan guarantees and forced Israel to Madrid, tells Israel to always respond “proportionately” to attacks; and has always supported the slicing of Israel.

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Almost all Soldiers Followed Orders in Expelling Jews from Gaza. Why?

• They didn’t know if they were helping or hurting their country.• They said they were defending “Democracy”• But they couldn’t define Democracy.• If ordered to shoot non-violent protesters, they said they must

“think about it for a minute”.• If ordered to, they said they’d take down the Western Wall.

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What Really Happened? Haaretz Editorial - July 8, 2005

• Haaretz said that they know this plan is

• Bad for security, • Bad for the economy, and• Bad for the “peace process”

• But they still favored it. WHY???

• “The real question is who sets the national agenda” - The Israelis or the Jews.

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Ariel Sharon – Running for Re-Election in 2003

• “We Will Never Leave Gaza.”

• “Gaza is Israel’s 1st line of defense.”

• “Netzarim [the Jewish Settlement surrounded by Arabs in Gaza] is like Tel Aviv.”

• Unilateral Withdrawal only invites more terror.

• So What Changed?

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2 “Pro-Disengagement” Journalists Had this to Say (before the Expulsion):

• Raviv Drucker of Channel Ten TV and Ofer Shelach of Yediot Acharonot, who personally supported Disengagement, claim in their June, 2005 book “Boomerang”:

• That Based on talks with persons very close to the Prime Minister,

• the Disengagement Plan was hatched up simply to avoid Sharon's indictment in the Greek Island scandal.


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Almost all Soldiers Followed Orders in Expelling Jews from Gaza. Why?

• They didn’t know if they were helping or hurting their country.• They said they were defending “Democracy”• But they couldn’t define Democracy.• If ordered to shoot non-violent protesters, they said they must

“think about it for a minute”.• If ordered to, they said they’d take down the Western Wall.

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What Really Happened? Haaretz Editorial - July 8, 2005

• Haaretz said that they know this plan is

• Bad for security, • Bad for the economy, and• Bad for the “peace process”

• But they still favored it. WHY???

• “The real question is who sets the national agenda” - The Israelis or the Jews.

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Khaled Abu

Toameh- JPost

• Generations of palestinian Arabs are “lost”• The IDF could disarm the palestinian Arabs completely in 1-2 days, as the

“palestinian police won’t fight” when confronted with Israeli resolve.• Israeli Arabs are now becoming more Arab and less Israeli – and are rioting

throughout Israel (even now) and are joining forces with terrorists.• He understands Arab behavior, but he can’t figure out the behavior of the

Israeli government – why do they keep trying to make peace with people who obviously are lying about wanting to make peace.


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What’s the

Bottom Line?

• Is it any wonder then, that if Israel refuses to assert its rights, irrationally tries to give away its land to those who haven’t honored any obligations, acts like it is an occupier, refuses to teach its people their own heritage, and treats their own people who wish to keep their heritage as the real enemy, that Jews worldwide would feel detached from Israel?

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So how did we get here?

-------When did it become Israelis vs. Jews?

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A Funny Thing Happened at theSoccer Game -

The people are waking up!

• At the Betar Jerusalem game a few months ago on Rabin day: – A moment of silence was called to honor Yitzhak Rabin– But instead of standing silently, the fans booed and hissed en masse.

• The soccer league responded by making Betar play 2 home games without any fans, and the politicians are calling for the fans of the team to be “re-educated”.

• This was the first instance of a non-religious group demonstrating that they realize that the emperor has no clothes.– The fans all wondered why Rabin was being honored for bringing death and

gloom to Israel.

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• We’re convincing Likud members DAILY that we’re the alternative.

• We’re making sure Likud won’t honor any agreements that change the status of Jerusalem.

• We’re convincing Israelis of the need for Leadership that runs to G-d and utilizes Jewish Values, instead of running away from them!

• We’ve climbed from 3% to 12% to 24%. • Moshe Feiglin and as many as 3 others will be in the

Knesset at the next election.

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

We’re Working Hard. Won’t You Join Us?

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Moshe Feiglin Campaign Theme Songby Ariel Zilber

 In my country in my land we long for normalcyEverything is collapsing, forget about security

Leaders of all types have ruled hereBut none of them has rid us of evil and fear

Feiglin has courage Feiglin has a Jewish heartWe know that Feiglin has a G-d

Because Feiglin has a path we have not yet trodJewish justice, economy, education and society

Feiglin has the plan to restore our integrityWe will defeat our enemies

They will all melt away

Because the Likud will have a Jewish heartWith Feiglin from the start

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• No more hungry kids in Israel• No more rockets on Sderot.• Free market economics with a Jewish heart,

Jewish pride and security.

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

When We Run Israel…

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Peace Now: Defenders of the Establishment

• They opposed a referendum on disengagement because it would be bad for democracy.

• They support refusal of soldiers to serve in Judea and Samaria, but they were against refusal to expel Jews.

• They claim Abbas is very different from Arafat, and that he’s a man of “peace”.• They accept money from European governments to fly planes over Jewish

communities in Judea and Samaria and map settlements.  Then they post these maps online.  Terrorists have used these maps to infiltrate the towns and kill Jews.  This is the definition of espionage and accomplice to murder.

• Their American Founder said:  Join us because you don't want the future to belong to the zealots, the fundamentalists, the territorial maximalists who would rather spill Jewish blood than see peace come to the Land of Israel. 

– This is odd, considering Peace Now was the group that filed the lawsuit to destroy Amona, and they've never condemned anything that the police did there. The man who came here two weeks ago, Noam Shelef, wrote a long article on Amona and he didn't condemn anything done to the settlers, but he claimed they used equal violence against the police.

• Since everyone can see that the “peace process” has only brought death to Israel, after 14 years aren’t those who support continuing this process the “extremists” and those who support ending this process the normal ones?

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(2 min)

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Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

• We are in the Likud because the Likud produces Prime Ministers, and we are after the leadership of Israel;

• The Likud is also the only party which is a true cross-section of Israeli society;

• We agree with the Official Likud Charter which calls for Annexation of the entire Land of Israel, and for the state being run with Jewish Values

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The Manhigut dream is becoming a reality.


Entered LikudNovember 2000

2,800 Total Seats

Manhigut Wins 132 Seats

Largest Single Bloc!

Central Committee ElectionsOctober 2002

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“A momentous event occurred in the Likud. Moshe Feiglin scored a dizzying success in the internal Likud elections.”

Haaretz – October 18, 2002

Reactions to 2002 Election Results

“Manhigut Yehudit has quietly infiltrated Israel’s major political party. Its goal is simple: to transplant the Zionist dream that consumes both Likud & Labor with a purely Jewish one.”

Jerusalem Post – October 25, 2002

“Feiglin used to be looked at as an outsider – but not anymore. His victory of 132 delegates in the Likud Central Committee now makes him a serious force inside the Likud party.”

Channel One TV – October, 2002

Television Channel One

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The Manhigut dream is becoming a reality.


Central Committee ElectionsOctober 2002

Entered LikudNovember 2000

Likud Chairman ElectionsNovember 2002

Ariel Sharon

Bibi Netanyahu

Moshe Feiglin


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The Manhigut dream is becoming a reality.


Central Committee ElectionsOctober 2002

Entered LikudNovember 2000

Likud Chairman ElectionsNovember 2002

Likud ChairmanElectionsDecember 2005


Bibi Netanyahu

Silvan Shalom

Moshe Feiglin

Yisrael Katz


Dropped Out

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz

Education Minister Linar Livnat

Ex-MinisterUzi Landau


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The Manhigut dream is becoming a reality.


Central Committee ElectionsOctober 2002

Entered LikudNovember 2000

Likud Chairman ElectionsNovember 2002

Likud ChairmanElectionsDecember 2005



August 2007 Elections:

Moshe Feiglin received 24% of the vote!

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How Many VotesSeparated Bibi &



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December 2006

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100,000Visited Hebron on Sukkot

250,000Made a Human Chain for Gush Katif

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The people are there…

Help us go get them!

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And the Gush Katif Refugees?

• We request from the State of Israel to stop immediately the neglecting of the evacuees from Gush Katif and North Samaria

• [Almost two years] have passed since the evacuation and thousands of evacuees are still unattended in temporary dwellings in caravilla sites. They do not have permanent communities, the unemployment skyrockets, the communities are torn apart, the loss is immense and thousands of evacuees lack a solid ground to restore their lives

• But WHY do the LEFT WINGERS want to help these homeless Jews?• The neglecting of the evacuees from Gush Katif could prevent the

legitimacy of the government to undertake similar moves in the future.

Even the Left Wing Israelis think Israel is abusing the refugees! They issued the following statement a few months ago:

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So why did Haaretz favor Expulsion?

• The disengagement of Israeli policy from its religious fuel is the real disengagement currently on the agenda . On the day after the disengagement, religious Zionism's status will be different.

• The real question is not how many mortar shells will fall…

• The real question is who sets the national agenda.

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The Israeli Police take their cues

from the Supreme Court

• Chaya Belogorodsky is a religious girl who was 14 in 2005 and spent 6 weeks in jail for standing on a sidewalk adjacent to where an anti-disengagement protest was occurring. The judge offered Chaya the choice to sit in jail or be “re-educated” on a secular kibbutz away from her family until after the Disengagement is completed. She refused the “generous offer” and stayed in prison until she was released.

• She is just one of many who sat in prison for “crimes” which were purely of an ideological nature.

• The Israeli government put those opposed to Sharon’s plan in prison with no charges for months. This is called “administrative detention”. The Attorney General stated that anti-Disengagement protesters are the gravest threat to the existence of the state and must be punished as such.

• Has anyone heard from the ADL about any of these violations of democratic principles or the violations of the human rights of those who are opposed to giving The Land of Israel to our enemies?

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What Kind of Zionism Does this Produce?

• Shai Ben Yaish, deputy Mayor of the besieged city of Sderot, moved back to Israel from abroad in 2000 to serve his country by being deputy Mayor & spending half his days in the Israeli army, had this to say a few months before Disengagement:

• “We will never leave Sderot. We’ll show the Arabs that this is our land and we’ll never leave.”

• He was then asked if he supported Disengagement.• Unbelievably, he then said he strongly supports Disengagement, because he doesn’t want

to give up half of the funds he gets to educate Sderot’s kids to defend the Jews of Gush Katif.

• Ben Yaish didn’t understand that as soon as the Disengagement is complete, the Jews of Tel Aviv won’t want to give up half of their funds to defend his city.

• Unfortunately, this is now true, as Sderot is now being shelled from Gaza with 20 rockets daily which are causing death and destruction, and the Israeli government is doing absolutely nothing to help

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Olmert Wanted to get Elected

• So, he decided to destroy a Jewish community

• Let’s take a look at the depths to which he sank at Amona -

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• The “moderate” Mahmoud Abbas put this map on his television station on October 11.

• Where’s Israel?

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And this is what the PA has created

•“What could be better than going to Paradise?” (2 min)

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But does the left think everything is just a joke?

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And What of the American

Jewish Organizations?

• In the 30s and 40s they cowered and did as told by Ben-Gurion & Weizmann and didn’t help our doomed brethren in Europe,

• Now they cower and do as told by the Israeli Prime Ministers of the moment. It is also “bad for donations” to oppose the Israeli government.

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Chaim Weizman had this to say:

• Weizman, before the British Royal Commission, 1937 on the impending Holocaust: “The hopes of Europe’s 6 million Jews are centered on emigration.” But when asked if they could be brought to Palestine, he answered, “No… the old ones will pass. They will bear their fate or they will not. They are dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world; only a branch shall survive. They have to accept it; if they feel and suffer they will find the way – Be’acharith hayamim (when the Messiah comes, all the dead will be revived) – in the fullness of time. There is no place for the European Jews in Falasteen or in the Land of Israel/ Eretz Yisroel for that matter…

• The European Jews shall die. They should accept it, and forget about emigrating.”

• At the same time, he was telling European Jews not to listen to Ze’ev Jabotinsky, as there was no problem in Europe. Jabotinsky was telling them that they must leave Europe immediately, as they are on the edge of the abyss.

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• A Jewish State: The State of Israel is the instrument for establishing the sovereignty of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. Massive government funding to bring ALL Jews home.

• Education towards Love of Israel, Torah and the Land: Education for ALL Israelis based on Jewish values, taught with love and not through coercion. One hour per day of Judaism will be taught in schools. Currently there is NO Jewish education in schools.

• Liberation of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount: We shall foster Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount and build a synagogue and study hall for the Sanhedrin on the Temple Mount where permitted by Jewish Law. Foreign powers will not be permitted to have any strongholds in Jerusalem.

• Cancellation of the Oslo Accords and Immediate Annexation of Judea & Samaria (the “West Bank”) and Gaza: Honoring the Biblical covenant between the Nation of Israel and the Creator of the world, we shall immediately annex all territory in our hands, settle EVERY part of the Land of Israel and terminate the Oslo Accords. This plan also honors the philosophy of common sense – namely since the Arabs have attacked us and lost these territories, they deserve to have a penalty. As such, they will never recover these territories. We believe in the policy of “Peace for Peace”, not “Land for Peace”, which has been proven not to work.

• Renewal of Democracy and the Justice System on the Basis of National Values: A constitution based on Jewish values shall be enacted; to preserve Israel as a Jewish country, to protect the civil rights of all its faithful residents, and to protect the political rights of its Jews.

• Jewish Labor for an Effective, Creative and Moral Economy: Jewish labor will be encouraged, with vocational training during the third year of army service and the removal of foreign workers. We will strive to build all our military necessities and not purchase them from the US and elsewhere.

• Energy & Financial Independence: We will initiate a massively government funded and directed plan to develop non-petroleum-based energy sources so as to provide ourselves and the world with clean, abundant energy which will provide us and not our enemies with funding.

• Returning Moral Strength and Power of Deterrence to Israel's Army: The Israeli Army must not be concerned with "world opinion," must strike first when required, and will be enabled to defeat and destroy Israel’s enemies.

Turning the State of the JewsInto the Jewish State

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What have Our Leaders Done Since Oslo?

• Rabin & Peres – lied to us that they’d never meet Arafat, signed Oslo, and then said if Arafat turned his guns on us, that that would be the end of Oslo. They changed the situation from one of Us vs Them, to one of Those on Both Sides who want Peace vs. Those on Both Sides who Don’t.

• Netanyahu – The supposed savior of the right, he pledged to end Oslo, but refused to end it even after Arafat’s troops murdered 16 soldiers, gave away Hebron; and voted for Sharon’s Expulsion.

• Barak – Offered Arafat our Holy Jerusalem and ran out of Lebanon.• Olmert – Lets the Arabs desecrate the Temple Mount & is trying his

hardest to give away our holiest parts of Jerusalem and all of Judea & Samaria and evict 100,000 more Jews from their homes.

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So why did Haaretz favor Expulsion?

• The disengagement of Israeli policy from its religious fuel is the real disengagement currently on the agenda . On the day after the disengagement, religious Zionism's status will be different.

• The real question is not how many mortar shells will fall…

• The real question is who sets the national agenda.

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