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  • Deej. Sve.DeeF&. veb. : et.heer.efyeue./2002-9388

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  • Journal of Vishwa Ayurved Parishad/August 2017 ISSN 0976 - 8300 1


  • Journal of Vishwa Ayurved Parishad/August 2017 ISSN 0976 - 8300 2

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  • Journal of Vishwa Ayurved Parishad/August 2017 ISSN 0976 - 8300 3

    ABSTRACTAyurveda is the complete science of life.

    Ayurveda takes whole man physically as well asmentally into account while describing theprinciple of treatment. Wound healing has beenthe burning problem in a surgical practice.Concept of wound care and wound cicatrizationis very well explained in Ayurvedic text books.Sushruta, being the father of surgeon hasexplained in detail about wound healing. Healingis a natural and spontaneous phenomenon whichoccurs irrespective of (and sometimes despite)the surgeon. Although the basic events have beenobserved for many years, the factors whichinit iate and control the process remainincompletely understood. The pattern of woundhealing may be affected by cytokine, endocrineor pharmacological manipulation of the woundsenvironment.Key words- wound,healing, itching, Chronic.INTRODUCTION

    The destruction of body tissue/part of body,is called Vrana. Inspection often allowswounds to be described, helping to determinethe mechanism of trauma (blunt or sharp injury)and hence the risk of associated injuries by asharp or blunt instrument. If in doubt, avoid anydescriptive term and simply call it a wound. Thisavoids inaccuracy and courtroom embarrassment!Use the terms as described opposite.


    - Akhlesh Kumar Bhargava*e-mail : [email protected]

    According to sushruta samhita,three dosha(vata,pitta,cough) are responsible for thesymptoms of wounds.

    Vata leading to pain, swelling,Pitta leading to Burning sensation, infection

    (dooshana) of blood and ulcer woundKapha accumulation and vitiation of fluids,

    itching.Stages of healing

    In any type of open wound, three stages orphases are mandatory in healing process. Theyare as follows. Inflammatory phase Collagen phase or Proliferative phaseMaturation phase or regeneration phase/

    remodeling phaseImmediately following an injury, the healing

    process begins. A torn ligament or muscle isrepaired, wounds heal, and bones mend. Thehealing process first involves getting rid ofdamaged tissue, then rebuilding healthyconnective tissue in a step-by-step manner. Theredness, swelling, heat and pain of inflammationare a natural part of the healing process.Case report

    A young male patient of 40 years patientattended the OPD of shalya tantra at Ashtangayurveda college hospital indore with the

    *Assoc. Prof. & H.O.D., Shalya Tantra Deptt. Govt. Ashtang Ayurved College Indore (M.P.)

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Journal of Vishwa Ayurved Parishad/August 2017 ISSN 0976 - 8300 4

    complain of non healing wound in the knee jointon both medial and lateral surface and duringprobing both are connected with waterydischarges, pus discharge, swelling in the feet,unable to walk since seven weeks. Wound waspathological. Patient took some treatment fromnearby allopathic hospital but despite of all thewound was not healing and at last patient wassuggested for amputation by allopathic surgeon.

    As soon as patient visited OPD, he wascarefully examined and advised the part to bex-ray to rule out any chance of acuteOsteomyelitis is very prone to such condition.But the xray revealed no abnormality in thebone. The length of between two opening wasabout 10 cm. After performing requiredinvestigation we decided application of Jatayaditaila and Dasaang lepa for healing the wound.

    Clinical study of chronic wound patientAn young male patient 40 yr. came to the

    O.P.D. of shalya tantra deptt. Patient complainedc/o Chronic non healing wound in right

    knee joint- 7 weeksPus discharge, serum discharge- 5 weeksDifficulty in walk - 2 weeksPatient cannot easily work. Some antibiotics

    & painkiller have taken by the patient & regularbandage done by different materials. But hecannot get any relief in the wound. Now the pt.was examined by me. Consent was taken.

    O/E- A sinus about 10 cm. long in the rightknee joint having pus discharge & bleeding fromwound.

    I examined the wound, the wound was deep.

    1st day in morning, the wound was cleanedapamarga kshara, all the unhealthy tissue wasscrapped & wound become cleaned.

    2nd day- patient was examined in the morning,some bite of pseudoepithilium & pus is comingout from the wound. Now again the wound wascleaned by cotton, applied Dasaang lepa in themorning and bandaged and in the eveningbandage was done by jatayadi taila.

    The bandage of Dasaang lepa in the morningand and bandage of jatayadi taila in the eveningwas continued next 3-7 days.

    After seven days wound was better &healthy stage. There is no complain of pain,swelling,tenderness & pus discharge . Patientwas waking easily and having not any complain.

    The follow up was one months and anyrecurrence was not seen.

    Lab. Investigation :-Blood sugar was normal

    Before Treatment

  • Journal of Vishwa Ayurved Parishad/August 2017 ISSN 0976 - 8300 5

    During Treatment

    After treatment (healthy granulation)

    Ingredient of jatayadi taila :tkrhfuEc iVksykuka uDrekyL; iYyok% A

    flDFka le/kqda dq"Ba }s fu'ks AA

    eaft"Bk i|ds yks/kzeHk;k uhyeqRiye~ A

    rqRFkda lkfjok chtauDrekyL; nki;sr AA

    ,rkfu leHkkxkfu fi"Vok rSya foikp;s ukM+hoz.ksleqRiUus LQksVds dPNw jksxh"kq AA 'kk-la-e-[ka- 9

    1. Jati2. Nimba3. Patola4. Karanja5. Yastimadhu6. Kustha7. Harida8. Daruharidra9. Kathuka10. Manjistha11. Padmaka

  • Journal of Vishwa Ayurved Parishad/August 2017 ISSN 0976 - 8300 6

    12. Lothra13. Haritaki14. Kamala15. Sariva16. Sikhta17. Tuthaka18. Tila taila.Jatyadi taila selected for present study

    because Bhaisajya Ratnavali and SharangdharSamhita advocate it for nadi-vrana & itching(Kandu).1- Effect of Jatyadi Taila in pain -

    Ingredient of Jatyadi taila like Jati, Nimba,Patola, Karanja, Yastimadhu, Kustha, Padmak,Sariva all these drug shows vedanasthapanaproperty. (Bhavprakash Nighntu)- Alcholic extract of Nimba shows analgesic

    property (Fitoterapia).- Patola shows vedna-sthapana property.

    (Ancient science life, B.P.Ci. 60/45).- Yastimadhu help in healing (S.S.Ci. 8/18).- Daruharidra shows analgesic (Ind. Journal of

    Med. 1969).Above all drug shows an analgesic action

    which helps to relief from pain.2- Effect of Jatyadi Taila in Daha -- Katuki has Daha-nasak karma.(B.P.Ni 152

    Haritkyadi verga)- Sariva having pitta-nasan karma.(Dh.Ni.)- Kamal works as pitta-prasmana (

    33)3- Effect of Jatyadi Taila in Itching -

    Jati, Karanja, Yastimadhu, Padmaka showsKandughna -property kandughna karma of thedrug was helpful to relieve in the itchning.(B.P.Ni)

    - Haritaki having Kandughna effect.(B.P.21Haritkyadi verga)

    - Karanj,Nimb mentioned in KandughnaMahakasaya( 4/14)

    4- Effect of Jatyadi Taila in discharge -

    - Jatyadi taila contents shows stroto-vishodhana& sosana property because all of thecontents having Kasaya & Tikta rasa.

    - Nimba has Krimi-nasan effect(

    n'kkax ysi %&f'kjh"k Nky] eqySBh] rxj] ykypanu]byk;ph] tVkekalh] gYnh] nk:gYnh] dq"B] us=ckyk][kl dk pw.kZ] ?kr feykdj iz;ksx djsaA ;g foliZ]dq"B] 'kksFk] nkg] foLQksV] nq"Voz.kuk'kd gS A


    DISCUSSION-Traditionally we are using many oils for the

    wound healing but in practice we have seen thatJatayadi taila is having a effective role in thewound as well as Shodhana and Ropana. Abovewe have already discuss about the content ofJatayadi Taila in the complain of Pain, Daha,Itching and discharg. Actually discharge andunhealthy tissue and fibrous tissue of the woundstop the wound healing. Dasaang lepa is veryuseful to reduce the pain, inflammation andtenderness. Sirish is described in Vedanasthapana Mahakasaya. it's having Kasaya andtikta ras, decreases the discharge and secretionof the wound. It is Tridosh-samaka.It is usna andVatashamaka. Yastimadhu is in Kandughanagana, It is Guru, Snigdha and Madhura in rasa,so decreased the Daha in the wound. Substancehaving Madhura Rasa and Madhura Vipaka willgenerally be Sitavirya such as Madhuyasti.

  • Journal of Vishwa Ayurved Parishad/August 2017 ISSN 0976 - 8300 7

    CONCLUSION-Application of Jatayadi taila and Dasaang

    lepa both are very effective for healing for thechronic wound healing. It is seen that two drugsthough having similar Rasa, Vipaka and Viryadiffer in action. This difference in action is owingto the specific chemical composition of the drugand its action cant be explained by general rule

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