Page 1: ISSN: 2037–7304–03 Nuova Atlantide · ISSN: 2037–7304–03 ISBN: 978–88–548–4587–9 Nuova Atlantide Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità Organo

ISSN: 2037–7304–03

ISBN: 978–88–548–4587–9

Nuova Atlantide Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità

Organo Ufficiale dell’Associazione World Complexity Science AcademyOrgano Ufficiale di

Rivista della collana editoriale Teoria dei Sistemi e Complessità

Dir. e Red.: Via Mameli 1, 45100 Rovigo mail: info@ cyberbrain.eu_ mail: demred1@

Anno XXVI°– n° 3– SET/DIC 2011Aut. Trib. Rovigo n° 7/86 del 26/09/1986


Direttore Responsabile: Demetrio PietroErrigoDirettore Editoriale: Maria Rita Astolfi

Consiglio di Redazione:

Chiara Trofino (CapoRedattore)

Serena Affuso Mariarosalba Angrisani

Simone D’Alessandro Emilia FeroneGiulio Marini

Giovanna Porcaro Sabatini Andrea Pitasi

Roberta TedeschiRoberta Vacca

marketing/pubblicità: Giulia Mancini

EditoreAracne editrice S.r.l.

Via Raffaele Garofalo 133 /a–b00173 Roma06 93781065

TipografiaERMES. Servizi Editoriali Integrati S.r.l.

00040 Ariccia (RM), via Quarto Negroni 15

La proprietà artistica è riservataE’ vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata.La responsabilità del contenuto dei singoli articoli è propria degli Autori.

Page 2: ISSN: 2037–7304–03 Nuova Atlantide · ISSN: 2037–7304–03 ISBN: 978–88–548–4587–9 Nuova Atlantide Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità Organo

“Nuova Atlantide” Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità,

Rivista della collana editoriale Teoria dei Sistemi e Complessità, Organo Ufficiale della World Complexity Science Academy (

e Organo Ufficiale del website, viene fondata nel settembre del 1986.

Fin da subito punta sulla qualità scientifica degli apporti, avvalendosi di una procedura di referaggio costituita da un pieno meccanismo di “blind peer reviewing”

per il quale sono attivati i membri del Comitato Scientifico e referees esterni esperti in sistemica e scienze interdisciplinari.

Le lingue ufficiali della Rivista sono l’Italiano e l’Inglese.


Espressione del voto in decimi per ogni criterio1.

Titolo del volume:


1) Originalità innovativo/riconfigurativa

2) Potenza e ricchezza teorica e concettuale

3) Coerenza ed eleganza teorica, metodologica, applicativa del volume nel suo complesso

4) Coerenza ed attendibilità metodologica

5) Potenzialità di generare spin–off teorici, applicativi e/o riconfigurativi

6) Chiarezza e univocità terminologico– concettuale

7) Appropriatezza, trasparenza e riproducibilità delle fonti bibliografiche

8) Ampiezza globale e cosmopolita della fonti bibliografiche e dei modelli concettuali di riferimento.

9) Capacità di sistematizzare saperi pluridisciplinari



L’SB della Rivista, e per essa il suo Direttore, valuterà nel seguente modo i punteggi complessivi assegnati dal referee anonimo:

Da 0 a 39: giudizio negativoDa 40 a 49: appena sufficiente per la pubblicazione anche se con riserva.Da 50 a 69:accettato per la pubblicazione.Da 70 a 90: pienamente accettato, se ne consiglia la pubblicazione con tempestività.

La decisione finale relativa alla pubblicabilità del testo spetta al Direttore Responsabile della Rivista.

Page 3: ISSN: 2037–7304–03 Nuova Atlantide · ISSN: 2037–7304–03 ISBN: 978–88–548–4587–9 Nuova Atlantide Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità Organo

3 nuova atlantide 2011/3

WCSA is a cultural association whose mission is purely scientific. It aims to conceive, plan, organize, evaluate and promote basic and applied scientific research, both on a theoretical and on a practical level. WCSA is engaged in spreading scientific research and knowledge in whatever way and form, especially in the field of interdisciplinary, systemic and complexity sciences. Thus, to make systemic science able to provide relevant scientific and intellectual contributions, e.g. from engineering to biology, from pedagogy to economics, from mathematics to sociology, from cybernetic to architecture, etc., as long as they operate through a systemic approach. WCSA is also focused on strategic problem solving concerning the fundamental evolutionary challenges that human society is currently facing in the energetic, ecologic and biotechnological domains by applying a creative and innovative pluralism at every research stage. WCSA mission involves a strong support to both Italian and foreign scholars’ education in every field related to the systemic approach, also promoting the exchange and cooperation among researchers. The Academy is focused on providing a deontological code concerning research and scientific or humanistic studies.

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Page 5: ISSN: 2037–7304–03 Nuova Atlantide · ISSN: 2037–7304–03 ISBN: 978–88–548–4587–9 Nuova Atlantide Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità Organo

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Alla ricerca dell‘“Ancora” (D.P. Errigo) 7

Facing the world’s continuous emerging interpenetrating systemic bifurcations(M.R. Astolfi) 11

WCSA– II° Conference Presentation(M.R. Astolfi) 15

WCSA– II° Conference (AA. VV.) 19

Articoli 43

La scienza come sistema sociale di comunicazione (F. Paolo) 45

Consulting of the XXI Century. Coping with Complex Business Systems (G. Dominici) 69

Tra sistema e dispositivo tra Luhmann e Foucault(Una conversazione tra S. Natoli e M. Infante) 77

Recensioni 89

The Hyperhuman world (a cura di MR. Angrisani) 91

Sentieri Sistemici (a cura di M. R. Astolfi) 99

Agenda 117

Modulistica 123

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Page 7: ISSN: 2037–7304–03 Nuova Atlantide · ISSN: 2037–7304–03 ISBN: 978–88–548–4587–9 Nuova Atlantide Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità Organo

7 nuova atlantide 2011/3

Alla ricerca dell’“Ancora”

C ari amici lettori, con questo terzo nu-mero si esaurisce il 26° anno (2° di col-laborazione con la WCSA) di vita della nostra Rivista, ed in attesa di iniziare il nostro 27° (3° con la WCSA) per l’an-

no 2012, ritengo sia opportuno sintetizzare alcune idee che mi si sono generate nel corso del tempo.1

Da un punto di vista sistemico, è relativamente facile dimostrare che il primato della varietà e del pluralismo può essere ricondotto ad un tipo di selezione multilivello nella quale si ottengono effetti benefici se, e solo se, esiste una libertà partecipativa che accentua i fenomeni di progresso singolo e di insieme. E che, per fare questo, occorre che un sistema complesso dissipativo, autopoietico ed autoregolante non sia ulteriormente regolato da una presenza ideologica, qualunque essa sia. Questo dal punto di vista teorico. In realtà, cioè in generale nella prassi effettiva e fattuale, in qualsiasi corpo sociale non esiste alcun impianto, o organismo, che sia totalmente anideologico in quanto anche una richiesta, seppur fondata anche solo epidermicamente, di assenza ideologica è frutto di un nuovo tipo di ideologia: quello della non necessità di qualità fondanti societarie qualunque esse siano2. Il trauma o singolo o sociale accompagna il dissolvimento di un’idea falsificata da un’altra, o quanto meno il deragliamento di un’idea verso lidi di opportunismo o altro, in cui non vi è più la coincidenza tra risposte dei o del gestore alla lettura dei bisogni e delle istanze dei gestiti.La lettura dei bisogni e la loro conseguente suddivisione in motivati (o reali) e fittizi (o illusori) è eseguita solitamente in chiave ideologica o in laboratori di simulazione o tutt’al più

1 Il testo che segue è tratto, con modifiche, da: D.P. Errigo, Sentieri Sistemici (dalla Filosofia alla Sistemica alla Tecnoscienza), Loffredo Editore, University Press, Napoli 2011.

2 In realtà si assiste che nell’era della caduta delle ideologie, per lo meno una sia rimasta nelle società definite industrializzate e autodefinentisi civili in cui prevale la virtualità della finanza imperante, ed è l’ideologia del liberismo disinvoltamente totalizzante, oserei dire talebano. Con tutti gli annessi e connessi.

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8 nuova atlantide 2011/3

è per lo meno sottostante a modelli preconcetti o ipotesi di lavoro. Cioè: “filtri”. Ed anche la risposta, come contenuti, metodo, strumenti. Allora é evidente che se esiste uno sfasamento della risposta dell’intervento politico sui bisogni, rispetto a ciò che i bisogni reali richiedono, questo é tanto più accentuato e funzionale alla consistenza del numero dei filtri utilizzati. Il dialogo solitamente è un messaggio veicolato fra interlocutori se e soltanto se, la capacità ed il grado e il tipo di decodificazione dei contenuti sono uguali a quelli di codificazione. Come causa della distorsione di ritorno, si pongono i vari “filtri”, e non la mancanza delle interrelazioni Potere–Competenza–Onestà. Anzi queste vengono benevolmente concesse, e fondandosi sulla loro esistenza si è costretti a ritenere che ciò che implica la distorsione della o delle offerte (rispetto alle richieste) sia costituito da letture e risposte di settore (di parte), assolutamente non compromissorie e quindi, nella prassi, non generalizzabili. Sorge, allora, una serie di conclusioni di sintesi che sono poste come esistenti.Esempi:

— i filtri ideologici adottati sono inadeguati per tempo, luogo o consistenza o purezza intrinseca.

— l’operatore non conosce il filtro ideologico a sufficienza.— l’operatore è quanto di meglio viene espresso da un corpo

politico non del tutto consapevole che l’autorità è sì da se stesso delegata ai propri rappresentati, ma ne è sem-pre lui l’unico proprietario.

Vi è una preoccupazione crescente per l’insorgere in chi si autoemargina (singolo, gruppi o altro) di richieste di reazione sempre più motivate da egoismi singoli o all’ammasso, sempre meno socialmente reali e sempre più lontane dagli ambienti di risposta. Frequentemente la parte più difficile di un messaggio è capire se è realmente un messaggio di richiesta di rapporti oppure una serie di segni o di suoni o di atti o di comportamenti significativi di un esistere come singolo o come insieme di singoli demotivati dai rapporti di relazione; cioè capire se si tratta di segni disarticolati secondo configurazioni equiprobabili, oppure articolati secondo uno schema distinguibile a “breve informazione”. Con le descrizioni di situazioni socio–politiche è assai semplice districarsi nei labirinti delle possibilità di evoluzione dei concetti e dei comportamenti, ma si deve sempre tener presente che il comportamento “socio–politico” è di insieme, mentre quello “creativo” è dei vari singoli e quindi la

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DEmEtrio piEtro ErriGo ALLA RIceRcA DeLL’”AncORA”

9 nuova atlantide 2011/3

realtà oggettiva diventa assai complicata se ci si rivolge alla struttura creatrice singolare, creatività che, peraltro, solitamente caratterizza come sommatoria dei singoli, il valore di un’epoca storica.

Come Thoreau si può amare la libertà assoluta e incondizionata e con Walden, creare un’utopia al limite anche con la disobbedienza civile come un vero sprone ad amare la naturalità e ad odiare il Potere, ma non tanto come ritorno ad una poetica barbarie ed il rinnovamento della naturalezza indiana, quanto la sua implicita sollecitazione anarchica. L’andar per i boschi ricorda i sentieri interrotti di Heidegger, però alla ricerca di un programma estetico, sociale e politico. L’epicità del quotidiano, il mito alle porte di casa che abbatte il mercantilismo del consumismo e dell’effimero, etc. Non contrapposizione alla natura ma scoperta delle sue invenzioni, della sua creatività, del suo essere, esterno ed interno, meglio della coerenza esterna ed interna. La strategia difensiva dell’integralità umana come unico fondamento di una società sana. Un nuovo Umanesimo Integrale ripreso poi, in altro modo, da Maritain, dal personalismo di Mounier. Comunque una serie di concetti che paiono come riduttivi rispetto all’idea, molto più vasta, di “cosmosociologia”: l’idea dell’etica delle responsabilità, quella del bene pubblico e delle Istituzioni (e il loro equilibrio), l’idea delle regole fondanti a loro volta fondate sulla libertà individuale, sull’uguaglianza e sulla fratellanza oltre che sull’equità e la tolleranza, la forte e vincente idea sull’equipollenza tra doveri e diritti socialmente riconoscibili e riconosciuti, e il tutto contro l’edonismo politico pervasivo e antisociale. Nel contempo, e con Canetti, appare che l’istinto di massa provenga dalla necessità primordiale della sopravvivenza, ma tuttavia i cristalli di massa sono un aggregato cosciente di individui mentalmente liberi in grado di indurre la propria coerenza interiore ed esteriore a tutto un popolo da costruire anche attraverso una Demogogia, oltre che una Democrazia. Dobbiamo solo cercarli.

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Da ultimo, rammentando che dal prossimo numero saranno pubblicati testi esclusivamente in lingua inglese, corre l’obbligo di un’Errata Corrige relativa al N° 1–2011: nell’articolo–intervista di E. Martini: “L’opinione di Loet Leydesdorff e Henry Etzkowitz”, per un refuso nel titolo, ripetuto anche nell’indice, è stata commessa un’inesattezza con il nome del Prof. Leydesdorff. Ce ne scusiamo vivamente.

D. P. ErrigoBiocyberneticist and Science Philosopher

Co–Founder of “World Complexity Science Academy”

Budapest Club Italian Scientific CommitteeItalian Ex–Parliamentary

“Cultural Affairs”Commission

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Facing the world’scomtinuous emerginginterpenetrating systemic bifurcations

O ur review is constantly having a win-dow opened on the global society sys-temic building construction, on how it works and how it “flows”, and how quickly — in its all over spreading in

time and space evolutive moving — into organizational complex “represented representations”, as we were in a limbo shared by everybody, as we were a completely external more than a multi–dimensional or a plural–level, both interpreting and active, observer.And this even if well conscious of the interpenetrating relationship among the increased multi and intra–dependency of the observed and its observer, and vice–versa, in “the complexity, the variety and the observation’s multy–prospectivitism” on that “polymorphismed” abstraction that is the world beyond every ingenuous realism claim” (Pitasi, La vita astratta, 2011).If “the interpenetrating systems remain environments for each other” (Luhmann, Social Systems, 1995), we are questioning how the Social Science carries out the responsibility to keep this Society evolutionary development under scientific keen observation and control — and not to face and overthrow the corresponding drama of living it, but with the pressure to describe and select unambiguous localization differences and the arising complex specializations among autopoietic recognizable self–referenced and self–descriptive reproductions — and more, how it is able to search and act the fundamental tools in order to strategically manage emerging always new interpenetrating systemic scenarios.We are here just to refer the most advanced Social Sciences contributions while they are entering the

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ramifications of a theoric analysis with the urgent, but quite always impossible, aim of being able to explain and handle everything that happens, every change and every possible wide spreading advantage and emerging risk at every structure’s levels of selection.This leads to a radical analysis of the social system’s relationships with its multi and intra–levels waving boundaries, by those scientific and logic method of control, the most possibly free from contradictions, but anyway dealing with logical constants in fuzzy ambiguities sets, in which the concept of interpenetration indicate a potential complex full convergence of “reificated” differences and emergencies. And the convergence occurs in an initial intra–multi–level self–observation and in the particular and specific evolutionary, and revolutionary, specifically chosen instruments that a particular society system uses in function of the opportunity for self–representing itself under the imperative condition of a more and more rigorous analysis of how its own global social systems “self–forges”, acts and self–regulates in its changing and continuous re–structuring in an apparent time–and–space limited unity.Unit that is conditioned by continuous, but self–coherent, reformulations of its own systemic hierarchic interpenetrating self–boundaries.

Wide horizons reformulations always guide the expectations in function of the group identity representations and transformations, in which the function’s primacy can occur openly and provocatively to render a service in most essential interdisciplinary sectors, under the pressing of the same complex strategic vision and complex broad self–understanding construction; the same consequent continuous reformulations that are supporting the evolving and revolutionary fundamental scenario roles changes.They indicate that they are regulated by the system’s changing and evolving knowledge structures intra–levels, and that, in an inter–penetrating and combinatory (in its connecting differentiated visions of the world) specific social analysis, they serve to compensate the continuous paradigmatic shifts, which they can offer and suffer.This happens in function of a relevant contribution to the descriptions and explanations, in an interdisciplinary

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mAriA ritA AstolFi fAcIng The wORLD’s cOmTInuOus emeRgIng

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approach, of the fundamental and recognizable crucial turning points which can suggest complex and always new strategic and interdisciplinary theoretical adaptable considerations.

Every “system’ descriptive representation” is placed in a multidimensional space and time (the configurations’ space), and provides an empowering multidimensional correlation among the fundamental global system’s structures and the connected global social behaviours, both at a macroscopic and a microscopic level, but with the aim to try to detect also the meso–scopic level of control of their communicating integrators.

The Social Science’s questions are in function of checking and shaping the most possible correct hypothesis, bridging gaps and focusing on what often binds the apparent coherence of the observed–observer’s positions, trying to assume a precise control of the differences’ implications, just to focus on the apparent “inner and outer” converging models and on their minimal and maximum energy to infect and affect the potential and powerful vision of the world, and choose among it’s continuous emerging interpenetrating potential “multi–bifurcations”.

M. R. AstolfiSystemic Psychopedagogist and Human Resources

ResearcherCo–Owner and Editorial Manager of

“Nuova Atlantide”, “Nature e Culture”, “New Life”President and Co–Founder of

“World Complexity Science Academy”Budapest Club Italian Research Committee

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15 nuova atlantide 2011/3

WCsA–world complexity science academysome complexity systemic sciences and the global energy agenda

II ConferencePalermo (Italy), 26th, 27th Sept 2011

The aim of the WCSA I I – C o n f e r e n c e was to focus on the epistemolo-gical theoretical,

methodological, technical and practical contributions of the systemic approach throughout each disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective rooted in the systemic ap-proach (sociology, management,

engineering, biology, economics, mathematics, etc.) to shape a scientific and policy agenda to face the ener-gy challenges of our times on a global scale.

The conference schedule included also panels with studies and research about any field of complexity scien-ce. Quite all panellists were members of WCSA.

With these enthusiastic contributions to the change in paradigm for security care, energy management and sustainable development in modern society, the Confe-rence’s aim was to arrive to a control of “the structural contradiction or contradictory demand in an economic system which presuppose a capacity to save as well to consume” (Luhmann,1985).

To answer this ambiguous contradiction and orien-ting in what happens to be its fuzzy evolution, in the association’s meeting in Palermo an important group of Scholars and Researchers offered methods of obser-ving, investigating, ordering and controlling with a sy-stemic approach multidimensional objectives merging different disciplines.

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mAriA ritA AstolFi

16 nuova atlantide 2011/3

These important and keen reflections adopted the complexity logic with a dialectic function to commu-nicate specific ideas, putting into question and parti-cipating, with systemic instruments for testing reality, giving versions to transform them into operative con-ditions, and reformulating Risk interpretations in terms of management efficiency.

They gave different operatively formed answers with the desire to avoid the hyper glocall weakening reces-sion and expanding imperative condition based on re-formulation of logical constants to guide wide horizon expectation.

During the works’ panels, the WCSA Emeritus Pre-sident Prof. D.P.Errigo1 had the pleasure and the ho-nour to give the second WCSA Systemic Research Me-dal Award to Prof. Klaus Krippendorff2.

1 Demetrio P. Errigo ( After obtaining the “A Level” Certificate at the Italian “Classic” High School, and after musical studies, he graduated in Chemical Engineering and in Theoretic Philosophy. He is an expert in Robotics, Laser, Cybernetics, Plasma–Jet Propulsion, and in many other scientific and humanistic fields such as High Polymers, Neurophysiology, Biochemistry, Language Philosophy, and Science Philosophy. For some years, he lectured in seminars in some Italian University faculties. Now he is member of the Italian Ex–Parliamentary “Cultural Affairs” Commission and. member of the Club of Budapest scientific committee. He is Co–Founder and President of WCSA (World Complexity Science Academy, Lecturer and Journalist, he is co–owner and editor of the scientific publications “Nuova Atlantide”, the periodical newspaper on the theory systems and complexity; “Nature e Culture” on Culture, Science and Philosophy) and “New Life” on the systemic Global Vision. He is the author of several scientific and humanistic publications and papers, scientific communications and some patents. In his researches he uses the models theory and the systemic approach to chaos and complexity in socio–politics, robotics and neural–sciences fields.

2 Klaus Krippendorff was born in 1932 in Frankfurt am Main in Germany. In 1954, he graduated with an engineering degree from the State Engineering School Hanover. In 1961, he graduated as diplom–designer from the internationally famed avantgarde Ulm School of Design (Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm), Germany. And in 1967, he received his Ph.D. in communications from the pioneering Institut for Communication Research at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. Krippendorff started to work as an engineer and during the last year of his graduate study of design he was a Research Assistant at the Institute for Visual Perception at the Ulm School of Design. In 1961 he came to the United States with a two year Ford International Fellowship, first to Princeton University but completing his second graduate education at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign. In 1964, he joined the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is a professor of communication. He is or was a member of the editorial boards of some 20 academic journals, such as Communication and Information Science, Communication Research, Constructivist Foundations, Cybernetics & Human Knowing, International Journal of Cultural Studies and the Journal of Communication. He reviewed for many instutitutions and journals from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and Austrian, Israeli, and Swiss Science Foundations to The Sociological Quarterly, the Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal for Peace Research, the Management Communication Quarterly and the Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism. In 1971, he was awarded an honorary MA from the University of Pennsylvania. In the same year, he received an Award for „On Generating Data in Communication Research“ as the most outstanding contribution to The Journal of Communication, published in 1970. In

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wcsA–wORLD cOmpLexITy scIence AcADemy

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The first one was assigned to Prof. Ervin Laszlo3 du-ring the first International WCSA Congress in Bologna in 2010.

A special thank to all the WCSA Members, in parti-cular Prof. G. Dominici4 and his collaborators, who ma-de, under the keen supervision of our Scientific Direc-

1979, he became a Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences. He was elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1982, fellow of the International Communication Association (ICA) in 1985, and fellow of the Japanese Society for Science and Design Studies in 1998. In 2000, he became the Gregory Bateson professor for Cybernetics, Language, and Culture at the Annenberg School for Communication. In 2001 he was awarded the Norbert Wiener Medal in Cybernetics in gold by the American Society for Cybernetics for his contributions to cybernetics. Also in 2001, he received the ICA Fellows Book Award for his influential text Content Analysis, An Introduction to Its Methodology. In 2004, he received the Norbert Wiener/Hermann Schmidt Prize from the German Society for Cybernetics and German Society for Pedagogy and Information, at the University of Vienna.

3 Ervin Laszlo is the Author or Editor of sixty–nine books translated into as many as nineteen languages, and has over four hundred articles and research papers and six volumes of piano recordings to his credit. He serves as editor of the monthly World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution and of its associated General Evolution Studies book series. Laszlo is generally recognized as the founder of systems philosophy and general evolution theory, serving as founder–director of the General Evolution Research Group and as past president of the International Society for the Systems Sciences. He is the recipient of the highest degree in philosophy and human sciences from the Sorbonne, the University of Paris, as well as of the coveted Artist Diploma of the Franz Liszt Academy of Budapest. His numerous prizes and awards include four honorary doctorates. His appointments have included research grants at Yale and Princeton Universities, professorships for philosophy, systems sciences, and future sciences at the Universities of Houston, Portland State, and Indiana, as well as Northwestern University and the State University of New York. His career has also included guest professorships at various universities in Europe and the Far East. In addition, Laszlo worked as program director for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). In 1999 he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Canadian International Institute of Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics. Laszlo serves as president of the Club of Budapest and head of the General Evolution Research Group, which he founded. He is an advisor to the UNESCO Director General, ambassador of the International Delphic Council, member of both the International Academy of Science, World Academy of Arts and Science, and the International Academy of Philosophy. He is the former president of the International Society for Systems Sciences. (Enlighten Next Magazine)

4 Gandolfo Dominici, born in Palermo (Italy) on June 11th 1974. (email: [email protected]– web page: Is a Phd in Economia e Finanza nel Governo dell’Impresa– University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Curently is Assistant Professor of Business Management and Adjunct Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Palermo (Italy). Is Certified Accountant and Auditor and Technical Advisor at Civil Court of Palermo. In his professional career has worked for KPMG and BNP–Paribas– Corporate Finance. Has been visiting Research Fellow at the Faculty of Economics– University of Nagasaki (2002–2003). Has been teaching in several Master degree courses. Is author of several books, journal articles and proceedings pubblished both in Italy and abroad. Is Editor in Chief of International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling, IJEBM. Is member of the Editorial board of International Journal of Marketing Studies, IJMS, International Business Research, IBR, Business Management and Strategy, BMS, International Journal of Industrial Marketing– IJIM. I also member of the board of the PhD school in “Analisi economiche, innovazioni tecnologiche e politiche per lo sviluppo territoriale” of University of Palermo.

Page 18: ISSN: 2037–7304–03 Nuova Atlantide · ISSN: 2037–7304–03 ISBN: 978–88–548–4587–9 Nuova Atlantide Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità Organo

mAriA ritA AstolFi

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tor Prof. A. Pitasi5 named Life Honorary President on the occasion, the challenge of a very interesting Con-gress possible, and this not only for the high level of the multidisciplinary scholars’ investigating debate but also for its international implication,

We here put in evidence the conference schedule and the list of panels’ abstracts we received, informing the reader that the Acts of Congress are still in progress.

M. R. AstolfiSystemic Psychopedagogist and Human Resoures

ResearcherPresident and Co–Founder of “World Complexty

Science Academy”Budapest Club Italian Research Committee

Co–Owner and Editorial Manager of“Nuova Atlantide”, “Nature e Culture”, “New Life”

5 Andrea Pitasi (, is a very active and eclectic scholar, and professional essayist, high  concept  fiction writer, photographer. He is, both, a university professor and a free lance professional top management trainer and strategic consultant. He authored over 60 scientific works and over 200 articles for professional and mass magazines and newspapers. As  an international scholar he is the Life Honorary President and Scientific Director and Cofounder of the World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA) for which he authored the 2010  Declaration of Bologna as the new strong program for systemic science. As  a  strategic  professional he is the  author of the Wide Horizon Strategy which he evolved to help public, business and not for profit companies to increase their success. His strategies and business maps also generated entrepreneurial spin offs such as  the  training and consulting company  Wealth Evolution System ( His  key works are: Teoria sistemica e complessità morfogenetica del capitalismo (2010, as an essayist), Wide Horizon Strategy (as a free lance  professional)–, Get Lost in the American Moment (2006, as a photographer) and Meshing Plots (forthcoming, as a fiction writer). his  editorial agenda is  also rather prestigious as a matter of fact he is  the Editor in Chief  of three book series Scenarios and Strategies (McGrawHill) System Theory and Complexity (Aracne), High Concept Novel (Nubs) and is a Guest Editor of World  Futures  Journal of the General Evolution Group (Taylor and Francis).He is also a quite influential  opinionist often interviewed and quoted by the mass media  for example he appeared on several magazines and newspapers among which  Focus, Newton,  Il Giornale, Panorama, l’Espresso, Desk and Il  Denaro. He is Life Member of the International Communication Association and of the International Joseph Schumpeter  Society.

Page 19: ISSN: 2037–7304–03 Nuova Atlantide · ISSN: 2037–7304–03 ISBN: 978–88–548–4587–9 Nuova Atlantide Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità Organo

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Prof. ANDREA PITASI, G. d'Annunzio University, Chieti-Pescara, Italy


Prof. GANDOLFO DOMINICI, Univerisity of Palermo, Italy


Federica Palumbo, University of Palermo, Italy

Roberta Tedeschi, Univeristy Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples, Italy


GANDOLFO DOMINICI - Univerisity of Palermo

ANDREA PITASI - University D'Annunzio - Pescara

SERGIO BARILE - University "La Sapienza" - Rome

ROSARIO FARACI – University of Catania

UGO PAGALLO - University of Turin


PIETRO TERNA - University of Turin


GIANFRANCO RIZZO - University of Palermo

FRANCESCO VESPASIANO – University of Sannio


GIUSEPPE ACOCELLA, CNEL Vice President, Rector S. Pius V University, Rome, Italy

GABRIEL ALTMANN, University of Bochum, Germany

MARCELO AMARAL, Triple Helix International Instituite, Madrid, Spain

SEBASTIANO BAGNARA, Sassari-Alghero University, Italy

GIOVANBATTISTA CAVAZZUTI, Modena and Reggio Emilia University, Italy

LUCIO D'ALESSANDRO, Rector, Univ. Suor Orsola Benincasa,, Italy

ALBERTO FEBBRAJO, University of Macerata, Italy

SHERRY FERGUSON, University of Ottawa, Canada

GIANCARLO GUARINO, Federico II University, Naples, Italy

ENRIQUE G. HERRSCHER, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

ERVIN LAZLO, Club of Budapest, Hungary ALBERT LASZLO BARABASI, Director of CCNR, Northeastern University, USA

LOET LEYDESDORFF, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

DARIO RODRIGUEZ MANSILLA , Catholic University of Santiago, Chile

FELIX ORTEGA, University of Salamanca, Spain

ALEXANDER RIEGLER, Free University of Brussels, Belgium

The aim of the conference is to focus on the epistemological theoretical, methodological, technical and practical contributions of the systemic approach throughout each disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective rooted in the systemic approach (sociology, management, engineering, biology, economics, mathematics, etc.) to shape a scientific and policy agenda to face the energy challenges of our times on a global scale. The conference schedule will include also panels with studies and research about any field of complexity science. All panelists must be members of WCSA.

Page 20: ISSN: 2037–7304–03 Nuova Atlantide · ISSN: 2037–7304–03 ISBN: 978–88–548–4587–9 Nuova Atlantide Rivista di Scienze della Natura, Umane e della Complessità Organo


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Fabio Mazzola, Dean of Faculty of Economics, University of Palermo

Demetrio Errigo, WCSA President

Andrea Pitasi, WCSA Scientific Director

Gandolfo Dominici, Conference Program Chair



PANEL CHAIR Andrea Pitasi, University D’Annunzio, Italy

PANELISTS Christopher Cooper, Vermont Law School, USA

Massimo Paoli, University of Perugia, Italy

Alexander Gusev, Nizhny Novgorod Branch, Russia

Massimiliano Ruzzeddu, UNISU, Rome, Italy

Luca Pazzi, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy

Luca Proietti, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

Mariarosalba Angrisani, University of Naples Federico II, Italy



PANEL CHAIR Francesco Vespasiano, University of Sannio, Italy

PANELISTS Fausto Fraisopi, Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany

Licata I., Giuliani A., Modonesi C., Crosignani C., ISEM, ISS, Univ. Parma,

IIT, Italy

Alfredo Augustoni, University D’Annunzio, Italy

Giorgio Carlo Cappello, University of Catania, Italy

Magno M., Attainese E., Duca G., Univ. Federico II, GnoSys, Italy

Pujal Llombart M., Mora Malo E., Maestres Useche C. B., UAB, Spain

Hana Zemanova, University of West Bohemia Pilsen, Czech Republic

5:40 p.m. – 7:00 pm WCSA MEMBERS MEETING

1 All panelists must be members of WCSA.

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